4th Sunday - Most Holy Redeemer
4th Sunday - Most Holy Redeemer
MOST HOLY REDEEMER MONDAY, DECEMBER 21 8:00AM -BRUNO SOARES -r/o Robert & Beulah Remedios TUESDAY, DECEMBER 22 8:00AM -THOMAS MAGAJEWSKI -r/o Maggie Patscher WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 23 8:00AM -DENNIS HAHN, SR. -r/o Margaret Dowd THURSDAY, DECEMBER 24 – CHRISTMAS EVE 8:00AM -DENNIS HAHN, SR. -r/o Angela & John Haslach 5:00PM -ANASTASIO AQUINO, EDEN AQUINO, JESUSA CACELA & LUIS CACELA -r/o The Cacela Family 8:00PM -HELEN CARINA -r/o Dennis & Cindy Maher FRIDAY, DECEMBER 25 – CHRISTMAS DAY 8:00AM -TERESA, BIAGIO, FRANKLIN & SAL PELLIGRA AND STELLA & TONY CARAFOLA -r/o Roseann Chrzanowski 10:00AM -FRANK MOSCARELLO -r/o Rosalie Moscarello 11:30AM -ANDREW KEAVENEY -r/o Family SATURDAY, DECEMBER 26 9:00AM -IDA & FRANK DUNCAN -r/o Maureen Mulcahy 5:00PM -DOROTHY ZEBRUN -r/o Rick & Peggy Zebrun SUNDAY, DECEMBER 27 8:00AM -ANTHONY EMILIO -r/o Scott & Debbie Dyson 10:00AM -CARMELA SOUZA -r/o De & Joe Passaretti 11:30AM -BERNICE, ZYGMONT, HENRY & AUDREY CHRZANOWSKI -r/o Roseann Chrzanowski ---------RELIGIOUS EDUCATION NEWS Christmas Pageant Rehearsals IS scheduled for Monday, December 21st, 4:15 - 5:00 p.m., in the church. CHRISTMAS MUSIC will be sung by the choir before the 8:00 p.m. Christmas Eve Mass. PLEASE JOIN US. OLD BRIDGE, NJ HOLY NAME SOCIETY Mass – January 10, 2016 at 10:00 a.m. – Jacket required. Meeting – January 12, 2016 at 7:30 p.m. in Desmond Hall WEB PAGE For updated bulletin information, please go to www.mostholyredeemerchurch.org. ---------TABERNACLE LIGHT Tabernacle candle in the Church burns this week in loving memory of Phyllis Vinella r/o Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Liotti ---------PARISH SICK LIST Rev. Edward J. Struzik, Shannon, Hayley & Brett Lawrence, Helena Sabo, Jacqueline Braniff, Christina Pulido, Sophie Wojtaszek, Janice Sanborn, Marie Velleneuve, Beth Morris, Renee Burke, Joseph Peabody, Veronica Balmore, Billy Sherwood, Jr., Peter Skujins, Cindy Junquet, Kenneth Kramer, Timothy McGravey, Beatriz Castillo, Dolores Nee, Michael Guariglia, Marieann Poplaski, Lucy Littlefield, Jean Marie Brigandi, Elena Coumo, Gabino & Maria Rodriguez, Alice Gorres, Johnny Gibbs, Joan Weaver, Barbara Celia, Ida Morales, Maryann Hughes, Emilie Matlosz, Germaine Raimo, Luddy Demsia, William Armstrong, Fr. Gregory Moore, Dominick DeNardo, Joel Adamo, Sandra Steinberger, George Fleming, Theresa Nelson, Frank Roberts, Lucy Humphrey, David Brandt, Tony Medina, Barbara Bradshaw, Fred Morrone, Larry & Marie Fama, Lenny Gatti, Sumanta Chowdhuri, Nicole Elizabeth Montagna, Nico Oneto, Kathleen O’Brien, Bill Harmon, Debbie Archibold, JoAnne Calendrillo, Liz Frega, Mary Beth Schulmeister, Alex Berg and Wendy Oates, Marie Feola, Angelo de la Cruz, Janice Gotlieb, Audrey LaGuardia and Ernest Carradori. Many names remain on our sick list for a very long time. While we are happy to continue requesting prayers for anyone who is sick, please do not hesitate to inform the parish office if someone is recovering. ---------PRE-BAPTISM CLASS Please call the Parish Office to register. The next Pre-Baptism class will be held Wednesday, February 3, 2016 at 8:00 p.m. in the Chapel. 4TH SUNDAY OF ADVENT PAGE THREE VOTIVE LIGHTS – IN MEMORY OF Muriel, Leslie & Anna Roberts Connie, my sister Peggy Contrera Frank Moscarello Peter Colombo Michael Kelsall Milt Troland Wladyslaw Wojcicki M & E Dubicki Joseph Leo Charles Mitchell Howard Whitford Loretta Muscillo Mary & Richard DeFeo Pauline Laudadio John Riggio Fred Carbone ---------SPECIAL INTENTIONS Mark & Kelly Chrzanowski Teresa & Michael DeLuca Ryan, Julia & Lydia Guidance & strength Bless and keep our grandchildren & great grandchildren Spiritual & Physical Healing Our Friend, Brian Lisa Pabon Pray for Shari Watch over our Daughter Health for my husband Spiritual help & forgiveness Guidance & help for Jonathan Guidance & help for Carolyn & Michael Please protect & guide my children ---------PLEASE PRAY FOR THE FOLLOWING MILITARY PERSONNEL SERVING OVERSEAS Matthew P. Caporaso, Department of Defense Matthew B. Kaplan, U.S. Army Michael Lanzafama, U.S. Army Richard A. Lapp, U.S. Navy Douglas Leo, U.S. Army Mason Morgante, U.S. Marines Michael Passaretti, U.S. Army Robert Putko, U. S. Navy Mark G. Sieczkowski, U. S. Navy Thomas Welch, U.S. Army ----------- LECTORS NEEDED Have you ever considered becoming a Lector? We are in need of a few more readers at the 5:00 p.m. Saturday Mass and 8:00 a.m. Sunday Mass. Training will take place in mid-January. Please call the parish office or email Father Carina if you would like to be considered. ---------MOST HOLY REDEEMER PRAYER GROUP There will be no Prayer Group for the month of December. Next prayer group is scheduled for January 29, 2016. DECEMBER 20, 2015 STEWARDS OF OUR TREASURE Weekend of December 12/13, 2015: $6825 Weekend of December 13/14, 2014: $7522 Retirement Fund for Religious Collection: $4188 Immaculate Conception Collection: $1409 Additional Christmas Flower Collection: $844 ---------ST. VINCENT DE PAUL Our Most Holy Redeemer Conference exists primarily to help those in financial need. This is made possible by the generosity of our Parishioners each month; thank you. If you or someone you know needs help, please call 732-566-9334. Everything is completely confidential. Food Pantry Groceries collected every weekend at Mass. St. Lawrence Food Pantry opens on Saturdays and Mondays from 8:30 – 10:00 a.m. ---------FROM THE PASTOR’S DESK Many thanks to our Holy Name Society for sponsoring the annual Cookies with Santa program. Everyone had a good time. And I am especially grateful to our LIFT (Living In Faith Together) team for putting together the Stocking Stuffer table. That was a great idea and it helps reinforce the Catholic faith among our parish families. As we prepare to celebrate the birth of our Savior, let us pray to the Prince of Peace for our country and our world. May Christ help us be voices of reason and tolerance in a society marked by far too much prejudice and hysteria, especially towards our Islamic brothers and sisters, some of whom have been living amongst us peacefully for many years. And may the same Prince of Peace infiltrate the minds and hearts of those who espouse terrorism and radical ideologies, freeing them to embrace the path to peace and human solidarity. God bless us, our nation and all people of goodwill! Merry Christmas! Father Carina PAGE FOUR ALTAR LINENS We are in need of several individuals to help with the washing and ironing of the altar linens. Your responsibility would be for one month out of the year. Please contact the parish office and we will put you in touch with Joanne Glidden who oversees this ministry. ---------SPECIAL COLLECTION This weekend’s second collection will be for the St. Vincent de Paul Society. Please make checks payable to: St. Vincent de Paul Society. Your generosity helps the Society help others. ---------RETIREMENT FUND FOR RELIGIOUS Religious give thanks. “We cannot begin to repay all who contribute,” writes a Catholic sister. “So we pray to God, who is never outdone in generosity, to reward you.” Heartfelt thanks for your donation to last week’s collection for the Retirement Fund for Religious. May god bless you for your goodness! ---------COUNTERS NEEDED Are you available Monday mornings? We are in need of one more person to count the weekly collection. It will take about two hours of your time once a month. Call the parish office ASAP if you could help. ---------OPLATEK CHRISTMAS WAFERS Oplatek Christmas Wafers are a favorite tradition in Europe, particularly in Poland, Slovakia and Lithuania. We have a limited supply available in the parish office for $1.00 each. Come in and pick up your Oplatek Wafer for your Christmas meal. ---------PARISH OFFICE CLOSED The parish office will be closed Thursday, December 24th and Friday, December 25th. The parish office will reopen on Monday, December 28th at 8:30 a.m. www.mostholyredeemerchurch.org Fourth Week in Advent Blessed God, we await the coming of your Son our Savior. In this last week of our waiting, bring us to greater love of our family by learning to give to one another greater respect and honor, that our homes may be happy, joyful places into which your Son, Jesus Christ, may come. Amen. ADVENT LITURGY SACRAMENT OF PENANCE Tuesday, December 22nd 11:00 a.m. – 12 noon 7:00 p.m. – 9:00 p.m. CHRISTMAS SCHEDULE Thursday, December 24th – Christmas Eve 5:00 p.m. and 8:00 p.m. Friday, December 25th – Christmas Day 8:00 a.m., 10:00 a.m. and 11:30 a.m. NEW YEAR’S SCHEDULE Thursday, December 31st – Vigil Mass 5:00 p.m. Friday, January 1, 2016 – New Year’s Day 8:00 a.m. and 10:00 a.m. ---------BAPTISM We wish to welcome into the family of God and the parish community of Most Holy Redeemer the following child who was baptized here on the weekend of December 13th: FRANCESCO ANTONIANO REITANO Son of Santo and Barbra We pray that his parents will be examples of faith to inspire him to follow the Lord. We, as their family in faith, also accept the responsibility to help these parents in their duty to bring up the children in the practice of the Faith by our prayers and example. PAGE FIVE 2015 BISHOP’S ANNUAL APPEAL Grace, Mercy & Peace As Christmas nears, you are asked to make a special effort to remember the 2015 Bishop’s Annual Appeal. It is a gift that brings the Grace, Mercy & Peace of Christ to thousands of people throughout the Diocese of Metuchen. Please consider making a gift today. ---------YOU CAN SAVE YOUR MARRIAGE! Retrouvaille – A lifeline for troubled marriages Has your marriage become unloving or uncaring – your relationship grown cold, distant – thinking about a separation or divorce? Are you already separated/divorced but (both of you) wish to try again – then the Retrouvaille program may help you. RETROUVAILLE (Rediscovery) sponsored by the Family Life Office/Diocese of Metuchen consists of a weekend experience for couples (no group discussions) with six follow-up sessions. The next program begins the weekend of February 5 – 7, 2016. All inquiries are confidential. For further information please call the Family Life Office (days) 732-562-1990, ext. 1705, Rich & Annette Colasuonno at 732-236-0671 or Tom & Pat McTague at 732-583-4468 evenings. ---------BUS TRIP TO THE RALLY FOR LIFE IN TRENTON January 22, 2016 The Diocese of Metuchen’s Respect for Life Office will be running a bus trip to the Rally for Life in Trenton, NJ on Friday, January 22, 2016. The bus ride is free of charge, but since space is limited all passengers must reserve their seats. Passengers will board the bus at the Diocesan Center in Piscataway at 9:30 a.m. The Rally at the State House begins at 11:00 a.m. and ends at 1:00 p.m. The bus will bring everyone back to the Diocesan Center between 2:00 – 2:30 p.m. If you have any questions or would like to reserve a seat please email amarshall@diometuchen.org or call 732-562-1990, exts. 1543 or 1629. MHR1987@aol.com HEALING HEARTS SUPPORT GROUP Healing Hearts Support Group is a seminar/support group for adults that are affected by separation and/or divorce. The group is held every Thursday from 7:00 – 9:00 p.m., at St. Veronica’s ACTS office, Howell, NJ 07731. Our new six week session will start on Thursday, January 7, 2016. Our focus will be on the following topics: Grief Process; Acceptance; Stages of the divorce; New Beginnings; Achievement and balance; Closing Session ritual. Come and join us as we experience healing and develop a closer relationship with Jesus Christ as we focus on the teaching of the Catholic Church. Please feel free to contact Maria Rodrigues at 732-363-5698 or email stveronicakre4u@optonline.net for additional information or directions. PREREGISTRATION IS REQUIRED. SPACE IS LIMITED. ---------BEREAVEMENT GROUP “Blessed are those whom mourn for they shall be comforted” When a loved one dies, our world is forever changed. For the heartbroken, daily life is overwhelmed with sadness. The simplest of tasks becomes a monumental challenge as our minds and hearts are clouded with tears, loneliness, fear and possibly anger. If you are suffering over the death of someone you loved, perhaps the 7-week Bereavement Group at St. Thomas the Apostle in Old Bridge, may help you during this painful time. Their experienced, caring and trained facilitators will help guide you on your Journey Through Grief. Monday evenings for 7-weeks starting February 1 – March 14, 2016 7:30 p.m. St. Thomas the Apostle Church (Parish Center) Please call Deacon Patrick Hearty at 732-2514000, ext. 8218 for further information and to preregister.
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