2nd Sunday - Most Holy Redeemer
2nd Sunday - Most Holy Redeemer
MOST HOLY REDEEMER OLD BRIDGE, NJ HOLY NAME SOCIETY Meeting – December 8th at 7:30 p.m. in Desmond Hall Mass – December 13th at 8:00 a.m. – MONDAY, DECEMBER 7 8:00AM -STELLA BAUMANN -r/o Kelly & Mark Chrzanowski TUESDAY, DECEMBER 8 8:00AM -DENNIS RYAN -r/o Bill & Porter Keller 7:30PM -LORETTA KACZANOWSKI -r/o The Carina Family WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 9 8:00AM -MARY LINSKY -r/o Bill & Porter Kelly FRIDAY, DECEMBER 11 8:00AM -MARY LINSKY -r/o Mr. & Mrs. Frank Marcelonis SATURDAY, DECEMBER 12 9:00AM -MARY LINSKY -r/o Gil & Pat Thomas 5:00PM -ADAM GOMULKA -r/o Phyllis Gomulka SUNDAY, DECEMBER 13 8:00AM -TED MARCIN -r/o Betty & Dale Green 10:00AM -FRANK TANICO -r/o Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Assante 11:30AM -ANASTACIO AQUINO, EDEN AQUINO, JESUSA CACELA & LUIS CACELA -r/o The Cacela Family ---------VOTIVE LIGHTS – IN MEMORY OF Muriel, Leslie & Anna Roberts Connie, my sister Peggy Contrera Frank Moscarello Charles Mitchell Howard Whitford Albert “Jack” DeLillo Virginia DeLillo Wladyslaw Wojcicki Michael Carbone Josephine & Phil Coppola ---------SPECIAL INTENTIONS Mark & Kelly Chrzanowski Teresa & Michael DeLuca Ryan, Julia & Lydia, Guidance & strength Bless and keep our grandchildren & great grandchildren Spiritual & Physical Healing Pray for Shari Watch over our daughter My Prayer for Shari Michael Valinotti My mother’s wellbeing Spiritual help & forgiveness Health for my husband Help and guidance for Carolyn & Michael Help and guidance for Jonathan Please keep my children safe & guide them Jacket required. WEB PAGE For updated bulletin information, please go to www.mostholyredeemerchurch.org. ---------TABERNACLE LIGHT Tabernacle candle in the Church burns this week in loving memory of Keith Dyson r/o Debbie & Scott Dyson ---------PARISH SICK LIST Rev. Edward J. Struzik, Shannon, Hayley & Brett Lawrence, Helena Sabo, Cheryl Black, Jacqueline Braniff, Christina Pulido, Sophie Wojtaszek, Janice Sanborn, Marie Velleneuve, Beth Morris, Renee Burke, Joseph Peabody, Veronica Balmore, Billy Sherwood, Jr., Peter Skujins, Cindy Junquet, Kenneth Kramer, Timothy McGravey, Beatriz Castillo, Dolores Nee, Michael Guariglia, Marieann Poplaski, Lucy Littlefield, Jean Marie Brigandi, Elena Coumo, Gabino & Maria Rodriguez, Angelo Richichi, Alice Gorres, Johnny Gibbs, Joan Weaver, Barbara Celia, Ida Morales, Maryann Hughes, Emilie Matlosz, Germaine Raimo, Luddy Demsia, William Armstrong, Fr. Gregory Moore, Dominick DeNardo, Joseph Scifo, Joel Adamo, Sandra Steinberger, George Fleming, Theresa Nelson, Frank Roberts, Lucy Humphrey, David Brandt, Tony Medina, Barbara Bradshaw, Fred Morrone, Larry & Marie Fama, Lenny Gatti, Sumanta Chowdhuri, Nicole Elizabeth Montagna, Nico Oneto, Kathleen O’Brien, Bill Harmon, Debbie Archibold, JoAnne Calendrillo, Liz Frega, Mary Beth Schulmeister, Alex Berg and Wendy Oates, Marie Feola and Angelo de la Cruz. Many names remain on our sick list for a very long time. While we are happy to continue requesting prayers for anyone who is sick, please do not hesitate to inform the parish office if someone is recovering. ---------PRE-BAPTISM CLASS Please call the Parish Office to register. The next Pre-Baptism class will be held Wednesday, February 3, 2016 at 8:00 p.m. in the Chapel. 2ND SUNDAY OF ADVENT PAGE THREE PLEASE PRAY FOR THE FOLLOWING MILITARY PERSONNEL SERVING OVERSEAS Matthew P. Caporaso, Department of Defense Matthew B. Kaplan, U.S. Army Michael Lanzafama, U.S. Army Richard A. Lapp, U.S. Navy Douglas Leo, U.S. Army Mason Morgante, U.S. Marines Michael Passaretti, U.S. Army Robert Putko, U. S. Navy Mark G. Sieczkowski, U. S. Navy Thomas Welch, U.S. Army ----------GIVING TREE This year we will be collecting for Parker House, CPC, Ozanan Shelter, St. Vincent de Paul, Madison Center and Manna House. Please take the tags after Mass and return the wrapped present, with the tag attached, the weekend December 19/20. Thank you for your generosity. ---------LECTOR’S NEEDED Have you ever considered becoming a Lector. We are in need of a few more readers at the 5:00 p.m. Saturday Mass and 8:00 a.m. Sunday Mass. Training will take place in mid-January. Please call the parish office or email Father Carina if you would like to be considered. ---------CHRISTMAS FLOWER COLLECTION This weekend’s second collection will be for the Christmas Flowers. Please print loved ones’ names clearly and legibly so they may appear correctly in the bulletin. ---------COUNTERS NEEDED Are you available Monday mornings? If so, please consider helping to count the weekly collection. It will take about two hours of your time once a month. We are in need of three more counters. Call the parish office ASAP if you could help. DECEMBER 6, 2015 STEWARDS OF OUR TREASURE Weekend of November 28/29, 2015: $7611 Weekend of November 29/30, 2014: $6610 ---------- ST. VINCENT DE PAUL Our Most Holy Redeemer Conference exists primarily to help those in financial need. This is made possible by the generosity of our Parishioners each month; thank you. If you or someone you know needs help, please call 732-566-9334. Everything is completely confidential. Food Pantry Groceries collected every weekend at Mass. St. Lawrence Food Pantry opens on Saturdays and Mondays from 8:30 – 10:00 a.m. ---------PRAYER GARDEN PAVERS Leave a lasting legacy this Christmas with your name or custom inscription on a personalized brick or recognize family or friends with a lasting message that will be seen for generations to come. Commemorative paving stones will be installed in the renovated Crucifix Prayer Garden opposite the entrance to the Church. You can review the plan on the poster boards in the vestibules of the Church as well as pick up an order form. 4 x 8 paver is $125.00 8 x 8 paver is $200.00 There is an additional cost of $25 if clip art is added. Your contribution is tax deductible to the extent allowed by law. For more information, please call Tom Caporaso at 908-461-2247. ---------- ALTAR LINENS We are in need of several individuals to help with the washing and ironing of the altar linens. Your responsibility would be for one month out of the year. Please contact the parish office and we will put you in touch with Joanne Glidden who oversees this ministry. PAGE FOUR BOY SCOUTS Scout Troop 129 will be offering their hand-decorated wreaths for sale as a fundraiser this weekend after all Masses. Wreaths are available decorated in several different color schemes to match your décor. Wreaths will be $17, Kissing Balls, $20 and Grave Blankets are $40. The members of our troop are thankful for the blessing of your ongoing support. Tell your friends! ---------OPLATEK CHRISTMAS WAFERS Oplatek Christmas Wafers are a favorite tradition in Europe, particularly in Poland, Slovakia and Lithuania. We have a limited supply available in the parish office for $1.00 each. Come in and pick up your Oplatek Wafer for your Christmas meal. ---------THE IMMACULATE CONCEPTION OF THE BLESSED VIRGIN MARY Masses for the Feast of the Immaculate Conception will be celebrated, Tuesday, December 8th at 8:00 a.m. and 7:30 p.m. This is a Holy Day of obligation. The parish office will be closed and will reopen on Wednesday, December 9th at 8:30 a.m. ---------- RELIGIOUS EDUCATION NEWS Wednesday, December 9th, 1st Communion Parents Meeting, 7:30 p.m., Desmond Hall Wednesday, December 16th, Christmas Pageant Rehearsal, 5:45 – 6:15 p.m., Church Monday, December 21st, Christmas Pageant Rehearsal, 4:15 – 5:00 p.m., Church ---------- COOKIES WITH SANTA The Holy Name will be having “Cookies with Santa” the weekend of December 12th after the 5:00 p.m. and December 13th after all 10:00 and 11:30 a.m. Masses in Desmond Hall. Have your picture taken with Santa. Donations of cookies will be greatly appreciated. www.mostholyredeemerchurch.org Second Week of Advent Gracious Father, pour your love into our hearts so that we may love more fully all those whom you love. Help us to be understanding of the needs of others, as you were understanding of the needs of all people and sent your Son, Jesus Christ, to redeem us. This we ask in the Name of Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen. ADVENT LITURGY SACRAMENT OF PENANCE Tuesday, December 22nd 11:00 a.m. – 12 noon 7:00 p.m. – 9:00 p.m. CHRISTMAS SCHEDULE Thursday, December 24th – Christmas Eve 5:00 p.m. and 8:00 p.m. Friday, December 25th – Christmas Day 8:00 a.m., 10:00 a.m. and 11:30 a.m. NEW YEAR’S SCHEDULE Thursday, December 31st – Vigil Mass 5:00 p.m. Friday, January 1, 2016 – New Year’s Day 8:00 a.m. and 10:00 a.m. ---------RETIREMENT FUND FOR RELIGIOUS Support elderly religious. A parishioner writes, “As a Catholic school student from grades K-12, I was formed to be the person I am by many religious brothers and sisters, and I am forever grateful.” Show your appreciation for the senior Catholic sisters, brothers, and religious order priests who made a positive difference in so many lives. Please give generously to next week’s collection for the Retirement Fund for Religious. ---------STEWARDSHIP The mere daily act of focusing on our blessings makes us more mindful, more present to God’s mystery and gifts, and more aware of the needs of others around us. PAGE FIVE 2015 BISHOP’S ANNUAL APPEAL Grace, Mercy & Peace This weekend our parishioners will have the opportunity to contribute to the 2015 Bishop’s Annual Appeal during our In-Pew campaign. The appeal supports more than 25 ministries serving over 500,000 Catholics in the four counties of the Diocese of Metuchen. If you have yet to make a gift, please prayerfully consider making a pledge by completing the information on the envelopes provided. If you have already contributed, thank you. ---------CALLING ALL GIRL SCOUTS The Annual Girl Scout Gathering Saturday, December 12th 9:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. St. John Neumann Pastoral Center 146 Metlars Lane, Piscataway, NJ The theme will be Celebrating the World Meeting of Families. Girl Scouts of all ages will have the opportunity to earn a Catholic Girl Scout Religious award. Junior, Cadette and Senior/Ambassador Scouts, that participate will complete several activities for their respective medals. We will provide guidance and help you to achieve your goals. Medals will be presented at the annual scouting Mass held at the Cathedral of St. Francis of Assisi, Metuchen. Adult volunteers are needed. For details or a registration form, call Mary Jane Boyle, 732-529-7928. ---------NJ CATHOLIC ADVANCE DIRECTIVES FOR HEALTH CARE FORM The New Jersey Catholic Conference (NJCC) Advance Directives for Health Care forms are available by contacting the Respect Life Office at 732-562-1990, ext. 1629 or 1543. An English or Spanish copy can also be downloaded from the NJCC website: http://www.njcathconf.com/content/respect_life_livi ng_will.php. In addition, A Catholic Guide to End-of-Life Decisions is a resource made available by the National Catholic Bioethics Center. This document provides a clear explanation of the Church’s teaching on end-oflife care, including advance directives and physician assisted suicide. Individual copies of this guide can be ordered and downloaded online at www.ncbcenter.org by clicking on “publications.” MHR1987@aol.com Do you notice how specific Luke is about when John the Baptist received the word of God? Luke's list of political and religious leaders makes clear that John ministered at a specific time and place, just as Jesus was born during a specific historical time. God seeks us out in various times and situations. Baruch offers consolation and hope to a people in exile. Paul writes to a generous Philippian community, which joins him in living the Good News of Jesus Christ. Our readings make clear that God constantly seeks to be with us and will come again to bring mercy and justice, knowledge and light, and offer saving love to all flesh. The timeless One becomes human in time, making us witnesses in every time, every now of our life. Life could be described as a series of consecutive nows. Any now could be our last. I recently learned about a friend who had a massive heart attack while taking his nightly walk. He died a few days ago at age 55. So I ask myself, how can God's love increase more and more in me today? What do I really value? How can my faith in Jesus Christ make a concrete difference today to all those people who are in my life now? Do I prepare the way of the Lord by means of a willingness to face hurt in ways that offer mercy, injustice in ways that seek God's economy, and darkness and sin in ways that shine with the light of God's consolation, hope, and peace? Pick one of these questions. Allow the Holy Spirit to do great things for you so that we can be filled with joy today. Consider/Discuss: Where do injustice, darkness, or evil seem stronger in the world than God’s justice, light, and love? What is one thing that I can do today to offer hope and transformation like Baruch, Paul and John? ---------- God of all times and ages, you make mountains low, straighten crooked paths and smooth ways that are rough. Help me to receive your Word today and live in ways that prepare the way for your Son, Jesus Christ, today, this Advent, and every day of life that you give me.
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