our lady of lourdes pray for us our lady of lourdes parish, nollamara
our lady of lourdes pray for us our lady of lourdes parish, nollamara
OUR LADY OF LOURDES PARISH, NOLLAMARA We the parishioners of Our Lady of Lourdes, Nollamara, aim to b a vital caring community sharing Gospel values by worshipping together and reaching out in service to the wider community. Address: 269 Flinders Street, Nollamara WA 6061 E-mail: ololn@westnet.com.au Website: www.lourdesnollamara.com Ph: (08) 9345 5541 Fax: (08) 9345 5581 Office Hours: Wednesday and Friday 9:00 am - 1:00 pm Parish Priest: Fr Stan Bendkowski SDS E-mail: ololnpp@westnet.com.au Parish Secretary: Teresa Harris E-mail: ololn@westnet.com.au School Principal: Daniel Wood Ph: (08) 9349 1233 FOURTH SUNDAY OF ADVENT / B 21ST DECEMBER 2014 CELEBRATIONS DURING THE WEEK: Weekday Masses: Weekend Masses: Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday at 9.00am Saturday Vigil - 6:00 pm Sunday 9:00am Mass Intentions: Sat 6:00 pm: Mrs Evelyn Geiles Sun 9:00 am Maria Hammarella R.I.P. R.I.P. RECONCILIATION: 5.30pm Saturdays or by appointment ROSARY is recited at 8.30am before our weekday Masses – all welcome HOLY HOUR AND PRAYERS FOR VOCATIONS: 1st Friday of the month after 9:00am Mass CHURCH ROSTER: 24TH/25TH DECEMBER 2014 Readers: Counters: Cleaners: WEDNESDAY 7-00 PM Bernard Poupard Derral Shreeve WED 11-00PM Maria Giorgio THURS 9-00 AM Anne Sims Jenny Anderson Flowers: Rose Redvance Children’s Liturgy held during the Sunday Mass at 9.00am. Now in recess for holidays. Craft Meetings held on Wednesday mornings 10.00am-12.00. Now in recess for holidays. After School Religious Education Classes:( for children who do not attend a Catholic School ) held on Fridays at 3.35pm for approx one hour during school term. The program includes preparation for the Sacrament of Reconciliation, Eucharist, and Confirmation. Now in recess. Rites of Christian Initiation of Adults: Any adults who would like to be prepared for baptism or become Catholics please contact Fr Stan. Gospel Reflection: Held on Thursday mornings 10.00am-11.30am in parish centre. Luke 1 v 38: “I am the Lord’s servant, said Mary. May it happen to me as you have said, and the angel left her”. OUR LADY OF LOURDES PRAY FOR US Christmas Celebrations: Christmas Eve Mass (Vigil) and Nativity Play Christmas Eve Carols Christmas Eve Mass Christmas Day Mass St Stephen’s Day Mass End of Year Mass New Year’s Day Mass Wed Wed Wed Thu Fri Wed Thu 24th Dec 24th Dec 24th Dec 25th Dec 26th Dec 31st Dec 1st Jan 7.00pm 10.15pm 11.00pm 9.00am 9.00am 11.15pm 9.00am We invite all parishioners to come and celebrate the Christmas Masses with us. Fr Stan would like to wish all our parishioners who are travelling this Christmas a safe journey. Please take time and arrive safely at your destination. New Rosters: For those of you on email you should have already received your new roster. For all others, please pick up your copy from the desk in the church foyer. Fr Stan and Teresa would like to thank all our volunteers for their time and contribution to the parish. Your help is very much appreciated. E-Record: There are some printed copies available in church foyer. The full version can be viewed on internet at www.therecord.com.au or you may wish to subscribe to receive it. Christmas Raffle tickets for hampers will be on sale. Catholic Church Insurance has kindly given one of the hampers for free to the parish for our raffle. The tickets will be $2.00 each or 3 for $5.00. The draw will take place this Sunday 21st Dec. Salvatorian Pilgrimage No 4: 27th June -20th July 2015 a 24 day pilgrimage to Europe commencing in Rome and visiting many places. The cost is $8,100 and is fully inclusive. It will be led by Fr Leonard Macionczyk SDS and Anne Cullendar. For full brochure and further information please contact Anne on 95718606,mobile 0419969907 or email anne.cullender@g mail.com there is also a flyer on church notice board. Flame Ministries International 25th annual Flame Congress: You are invited to this congress at John XXIII College Lecture Hall, Claremont Ave, Mt Claremont Fri-Sun 23rd- 25th Jan 2015.For further information see flyers and poster in church foyer. Christmas in the Park is a Free family friendly community event run by Impact Catholic Ministry on Sunday 21st Dec at RA Cook Reserve, Coode St, Bedford. 4.30pm Kids Entertainment, and at 6.30pm Christmas Service. Further information see flyer in church foyer. The Record on sale only $2.00. This is the fourth commemorative edition and covers the period of 1995-2014. It covers Mother Teresa’s death, Bishop Healy’s retirement, Pope John Paul’s contribution to our Catholic Church and the Changing of the Guard in W.A’ to Archbishop Timothy Costelloe. This is a worthwhile edition and a great read. Calendars for sale: Balcatta Parish in conjuction with the Salvatorian Fathers have issued a 2015 calendar for the Year of Consecrated Life. The photos in this calendar are quite spectacular and have been taken by our own Fr Stan. Cost is $8.00 each. Australian Catholics Christmas edition is available now in the church foyer. This is a free magazine so please take one per family after the weekend Masses on your way out.