December 6, 2015 - St. Elizabeth Seton!


December 6, 2015 - St. Elizabeth Seton!
St. Elizabeth Seton Parish
2220 Lisson Rd  Naperville, IL 60565  630-416-3325 
Second Sunday of Advent  December 5-6, 2015
We are Disciples of Jesus,
with the Eucharist as our center,
living the Gospel
in joyful service
to God and neighbor.
Mass Schedule
Saturday: 5:00pm
Sunday: 8:30am, 10:00am & 11:30am
Monday-Friday: 8:15am
NEW PARISHIONERS: We welcome you!
Please register by obtaining a registration form
after Mass at the Welcome Table at Church or by
visiting the Parish Office.
Reconciliation is celebrated every Saturday from
4:00-4:30 P.M. For individual reconciliation by
appointment, contact Fr. Dick at the Parish Office.
John proclaims a baptism of
repentance for the forgiveness of
sins. All flesh shall see the salvation
of God.
(Luke 3:1-6).
celebrated twice per month on Sundays at 1:00
pm, or at the Sunday Liturgy by appointment.
Please call the Parish Office to make
arrangements to attend the Baptismal Meeting
held every 3rd Sunday of each month.
planning on being married at St. Elizabeth Seton
should contact the church six months in advance.
One year is preferred. Either the bride or groom,
or their parents, must be a registered parishioner
for at least three months prior to calling to set a
Please watch the bulletin for details on each of the events.
Tuesday, December 8 - Immaculate Conception
8:15am & 7:00pm - Mass
Saturday, December 12
7:30 am - Blood Drive
Sunday, December 13
9:00 am - Share Christmas
5:00 pm - Advent Reconciliation at St. Margaret Mary
1450 Green Trails, Naperville
Friday, December 18
7:30 pm - Simbang Gabi
Thursday, December 24 - Christmas Eve
3:00pm, 5:00pm, & 10:00pm - Mass
Friday, December 25 - Christmas
10:00 am - Mass
Thursday, December 31
5:00 pm - Vigil Mass
Friday, January 1 - Mary, Mother of God
10:00 am - Mass
Sunday, January 3
7:30-11:30 am - Feast Day Breakfast
Friday, January 22
7:00 pm - Mardi Gras Event
Share Christmas
The final push is here and the elves have
reported that it’s looking brighter, but today is
the deadline for returning the gifts you selected.
If they are not returned today we could still fall
short this year! If you’ve brought your gifts in
please accept everyone’s thanks. The elves
respectfully ask that you consider taking another
look at the remaining gift request cards. Most
are for things like winter coats or groceries. Not
many luxuries there! Share Christmas will make
the holiday season a happy one for many of
those in need. Our storage area is filling up with
brightly wrapped gifts of all sizes and shapes.
Stop by the lower level and marvel at the
generosity of our community of faith. It will
give you a sense of just how big the hearts of the
SES community are even with the continuing
uncertain times.
Mom & Dad: Please let your college student know
that while home for the upcoming Christmas or
semester breaks, if they've been a Lector, Greeter,
EOM or musician, we invite them to minister at
weekend Mass while home. There is especially a
need on Christmas Eve/Day and New Year’s Eve/
Day liturgies.
They simply need to contact the ministry chair or the
parish office (either one is preferred so we are aware
of your availability), or just check with the sign-in
minister in the Narthex before Mass to let them know
that you are available to assist a ministry, if
needed. For the choir, contact Mr. or Mrs. Stock
directly for music and schedules.
Remind them, that even though miles may separate
us at various times in our lives, they are always in
our thoughts and prayers. As part of our parish
family, we welcome them home and encourage them
to share their gifts and heart for service.
Want to Use the Welcome Desk?
All handouts, signing and activities at the
Welcome Desk must be pre-approved by
John Ripoll -
This Week
Readings for the Week
Sunday, December 6
8:00 am CRHP - Men
10:00 am Children’s Liturgy of the Word
11:30 am RCIA
2:00 pm Simbang Gabi Rehearsal
4:15 pm Simbang Gabi Meeting
Monday, December 7
3:00 pm RE Classes
All Rms
4:30 pm 1st Grade Advent Large Group
6:30 pm CRHP - Women
6:30 pm EDGE
7:30 pm Knights of Columbus
Tuesday, December 8
Immaculate Conception - Holy Day of Obligation
8:15 am Mass
9:00 am Book Study
3:00 pm RE Classes
All Rms
7:00 pm Spirit & Truth
7:00 pm Worship Commission
7:00 pm Mass
Wednesday, December 9
8:45 am St. Peregrine/Dymphna Prayers
3:45 pm RE Classes
All Rms
4:00 pm Youth Choir
6:45 pm High School Choir
7:00 pm Parish Life Commission
7:30 pm Adult Choir
Thursday, December 10
8:45 am St. Monica Intercessory
9:00 am Bible Study
7:00 pm AA Meeting
7:00 pm RCIA
7:00 pm Youth Group
Friday, December 11
Saturday, December 12
6:30 am TMIY
7:30 am Blood Drive
Sunday, December 13
8:00 am CRHP - Men
9:00 am Share Christmas
10:00 am High School Choir Breakfast
10:00 am Children’s Liturgy of the Word
1:00 pm Baptisms
5:00 pm Advent Reconciliation at
St. Margaret Mary Parish
Immaculate Conception
(Holy Day of Obligation)
Tuesday, December 8
8:15am & 7:00pm Mass
Is 35:1-10; Ps 85:9-14; Lk 5:17-26
Gn 3:9-15, 20; Ps 98:1-4; Eph 1:3-6, 11-12;
Lk 1:26-38
Wednesday: Is 40:25-31; Ps 103:1-4, 8, 10; Mt 11:28-30
Is 41:13-20; Ps 145:1, 9-13ab; Mt 11:11-15
Is 48:17-19; Ps 1:1-4, 6; Mt 11:16-19
Zec 2:14-17 or Rv 11:19a; 12:1-6a, 10ab;
Jdt 13:18bcde, 19; Lk 1:26-38 or Lk 1:39-47,
or any readings from the Common of the
Blessed Virgin Mary, nos. 707-712
Zep 3:14-18a; Is 12:2-3, 4, 5-6;
Phil 4:4-7; Lk 3:10-18
Mass Intentions
Monday, December 7
8:15 am †Elaine Poremba req. Nancy Gobernatz
Tuesday, December 8 - Immaculate Conception
8:15 am †Walter & Jean Nirtaut
req. Vince & Mary Deen Nirtaut
7:00 pm †Chester Lasik req. SES Parish Family
Wednesday, December 9
8:15 am †Richard Saldana req. SES Parish Family
Thursday, December 10
8:15 am †Matthew Skowronski req. The Kendrik Family
Friday, December 11
8:15 am †Irene Juza req. SES Parish Family
Saturday, December 12
5:00 pm †Rosemary Perez req. Barb & Greg Ruiz
Sunday, December 13
8:30am For the Parish Family of St. Elizabeth Seton
10:00am †Helen Wych req. Lottie Lefko
11:30am †Aaron Retterer req. Family
Early Bulletin Deadlines
Bulletin Issue Date
December 27 & January 3
January 10
Due by 10:00am
Tuesday, December 15
Monday, December 28
Advent Reconciliation
Mary Lou Billerman, Mother of John Billerman
Chun King Chan, Mother of Andy Chan
Gerrit Cook, Husband of Betty Cook,
Father of Jill Ryan
Sunday, December 13 - 5:00 pm
St. Margaret Mary Parish
1450 Green Trails Rd
Christmas Mass Schedule
Christmas Eve - December 24
Rafal and Agata Kopacka
Flames of Faith
(Sanctuary Lamps and Adoration Chapel Candles)
Intentions for the week of December 6:
2:00 pm
3:00 pm
Church Doors Open
Mass (Church & Great Hall)
(Due to the large attendance at the 3:00 PM Mass,
please do not save seats before Mass begins.)
5:00 pm
9:30 pm
10:00 pm
Christmas Day - December 25
10:00 am
Special Family Intention
Congratulations to the following couple who were
married during the month of November:
November 7:
Diane Coughlin and Jordan McGarel
Holiday Office Hours
All Parish Offices will be closed on:
Thursday, December 24
Friday, December 25
Thursday, December 31
Friday, January 1
Mary, Mother of God
Thursday, December 31 - 5:00 pm Vigil Mass
Friday, January 1 - 10:00 am Mass
2015 Catholic Ministries
Annual Appeal Pledge Report
Total Paid Pledges
% to Goal
$ 99,345.00
$ 122,770.00
Please give to those who have given a lifetime
Support elderly religious. A parishioner writes, “A s a
Catholic school student from grades K–12, I was
formed to be the person I am by many religious
brothers and sisters, and I am forever grateful.”
Show your appreciation for the senior Catholic
sisters, brothers, and religious order priests who
made a positive difference in so many lives. Please
give generously to next week’s collection for the
Retirement Fund for Religious.
Stewardship is what I do after I say “I Believe”
Sunday Collection
$ 20,032.56
Average Weekly Collection
$ 21,206.15
Budgeted Weekly Collection
$ 22,215.69
Weekly Capital Development Fund
$ 765.00
Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults
Rite of Sending and
Call to Continuing Conversion
On Sunday, November 22, Scott Graham, Mason Wright and Walter Wright were affirmed, blessed and sent
forth from 11:30am Mass at St Elizabeth Seton to be recognized at St Raymond’s Cathedral in Joliet by
Auxiliary Bishop Joseph Siegel, in a ceremony that recognized and celebrated their desire to enter the Catholic
Church. They were all greeted by the Bishop during the ceremony and he met with them for photos afterwards.
Their Sponsors, Catherine Graham and Jim Campbell and the RCIA team were present and all were
encouraged to continue to support them, as they and about 150 Candidates from other parishes around the
Diocese were called to Full Communion in the Church.
Please keep them and our Catechumen, Michael Jacobs (who is seeking Baptism and will go to the Cathedral
in February), in your prayers, as they continue their journey towards reception of the sacraments, through
study and spiritual formation.
Once again we are giving our parishioners the opportunity to remember their deceased family members by
donating flowers in their memory. The many beautiful poinsettia plants that will adorn our church can be
given in memory of loved ones. A list of those remembered will be included in the bulletin at a later date.
A flower envelope was included in your envelope packets - they are also available in the Narthex. You can
also fill out the form below and place it in the collection basket or return it to the Parish Office.
---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------PLEASE PRINT ALL INFORMATION
In Loving Memory of:
Donated by:
Amount Donated:
$ ____________
Questions of the Week
Perpetual Adoration
of Our Lord in the
Blessed Sacrament
First Reading: Baruch 5:1-9
Second Reading: Philippians 1:4-6, 8-11
Gospel Reading: Luke 3:1-6
1. There is a contrast between the mourning and misery
of Israel and the glorious experience of return from
exile. What are some of the hurts and sore spots in
your own life that need healing and transformation?
2. St. Paul rejoices in his discipleship with the
Philippians. Who are the disciples you enjoy working
with in ministry, and how do these fellow disciples
energize and challenge you?
3. John the Baptist stands in a long line of prophets,
people who speak the word of God with directness and
power. Who are some contemporary prophets who
have stretched your faith? How can you be a prophetic
disciple this coming week?
Come let us adore!!
midnight, 1 am, 2 am 3 am or 5 pm
1 am or 5 am
5 am or 6 pm
3 am, 1 pm
3 am, noon, 9 pm, 10 pm or 11 pm
midnight, 2 am, 3 am, 11 am, 10 pm
To become a committed adorer or sub at ANY hour,
call Alice-416-3119 or Barb-369-0853 or email (note new email address)
Evangelization And Stewardship Today
Lord we thank you for calling us together
to be your Church, to further
your Kingdom here on earth.
You give us all we have and all we need.
Unite us to you and to one another.
Give us the courage to share
the Good News with those who are close to us
and the generosity to share your love
with those who are far away.
Give success to our efforts to share our
time, talent, and treasure. Since you have
blessed us in so many ways, help us return
these gifts with grateful and generous hearts.
Help us to be the light of the world
to all those we meet. Amen.
As we enter into the Year of
Mercy with prayerful
anticipation, expect great
Our adoration
chapel is literally such a power
house of answered prayer as
we lift up the needs of the
world, our community and our
families around the
clock. Jesus is so pleased to
great each of us as we come to
spend time with Him! Share
the good news and the peace
you've come to know with
your family and friends. Invite
them to come and see.
The image of Jesus of Divine
Mercy is such a wonderful gift
to each of us especially in this
Year of Mercy beginning
December 8.
"What does mercy mean to you?” Come and spend
some time with Jesus and perhaps get clarity from
Him who IS mercy.
Please prayerfully consider signing up for a regular
hour of adoration during the Year of Mercy (or try it
for Advent). You can choose any hour of the week
that works in your schedule but we have a particular
need for the wee hours of the night. If you have
questions or would like to sign up, please call Alice
416-3119 or Barb 369-0853.
Can You Spare a Little Time
This Christmas?
Tuesday, December 22
from 9:30am - 12pm or 1:00 - 4:30pm
Where: Church
To help set up for Christmas Liturgies
We need people to arrange flowers, etc.
We need people to decorate trees
We need people to carry and hang
We need people to help clean up
Pre-Baptism Meeting
The next Pre-Baptism meeting will be held on:
Sunday, December 20
11:15 A.M. in the Lower Level
If you are new to the parish or first time parents, this
meeting is mandatory before your child may be
baptized. The family of the child should be registered
and reside in St. Elizabeth Seton Parish boundaries.
If you are a relative of a registered parishioner, you
will be required to provide St. Elizabeth Seton with a
letter of delegation from your home parish granting
us permission to perform the baptism. Please call
the Parish Office at 416-3325 to register for the
Come for as long as you can.
We can use your help!
Lunch provided from 12:00 – 1:00pm
Contact us:
Cathie Garoufalis - (630) 416-2579
Michelle Ling -
Kay Stark - (630) 961-8247
Coming Soon!
This program is a pathway to authentic marital
happiness. Couples will learn how to virtually
divorce-proof their marriages, experience the
superabundant love and mercy of God, and realize a
foretaste of Paradise in their marriages and
families. This FREE program is offered to engaged
and married couples in the Naperville/Bolingbrook/
Woodridge area. Watch the Bulletin for more
Please contact Wayne Klein at or (630) 202.4400
with any questions.
Adopt a Youth for Christmas
Christmas is a time of celebration and sharing. Special
meals are planned and prepared. Gifts are bought and
wrapped in shiny paper. Families reunite to celebrate the
birth of our Lord and to spend time with loved ones they
may not have seen in awhile. However, at the Illinois
Youth Centers in Warrenville and St. Charles, Christmas
is a little different. These troubled youths will not have
the benefit of home-cooked meals and family
celebrations. There will be no family reunion, no
Christmas tree, no gaily-wrapped presents. Budget cuts
and lack of funding have made it nearly impossible for
the Centers to offer anything in the way of extras this
season, but you can make a difference in the kind of
Christmas these youths will have.
The Illinois Youth Center in St. Charles is a maximum
security facility for young men between the ages of 13 to
21 years old and the Illinois Youth Center in Warrenville
is a maximum security facility for young girls between
the ages of 13 to 18 years old. The Chaplains at both
facilities have been very appreciative of our generous
response for the past 23 years and have again requested
that we help to spread the love and joy of Christ this
Christmas with these kids. As you can see the need
Pinochle night is Monday, Dec. 14th at 7PM. Come
join this group for fun, great snacks, lively
conversation and cards. Call Joan at 630-355-0750
to reserve your spot at the table.
Blood Drive
Let your holiday giving shine through by donating
blood on Saturday December 12 in the Great Hall.
Time slots are available from 8 AM to Noon. Sign
up for an appointment today at the Shop SES table at website, or by calling Greg at
357.3703. Walk-ins also accepted. All donors will
receive a full breakfast and a long-sleeved “Get in
the Game” t-shirt!
Again this year the Warrenville Chaplain is requesting
toilet articles such as: soaps, Body Wash, Toothpaste,
Shampoos, Deodorants, Body lotion, etc. As in the past
they are also asking for new adult size pajamas and robes
for the girls. They can be of any color or style; however
they should not have any cartoon characters on them. The
sizes most needed are large, extra large and a few
2Xlarge. A few mediums would also be appreciated.
As in the past, the St. Charles Chaplain for the boys’
facility is requesting the donation of: durable, new gray
sweat-suits (shirts no-hoods and pants), Body Wash,
Toothpaste, Knit (skull) caps Navy only, white socks and
underwear (Briefs) and t-shirts (Round neck only), sizes
ranging from large to extra large, deodorant (roll-on), knit
gloves (Navy), coats, body lotion, cookies and
individually wrapped candy that they can make a
Christmas dream come true for their boys.
With your kindness, both facilities will be able to attain
their dream of giving each youth a gift to open this
Christmas. In both instances the gifts should not be
wrapped and may be dropped off anytime in the specially
marked box in the lower level up through December 8th.
We, once again, appeal to you to really make a difference
this Christmas in the lives of some of God's neediest and
most forgotten children. Please call Deacon Bart at 9831465 if you have any questions.
Today St. Paul prays for the Lord to increase our
love for one another so that it may abound and he
reminds us that we should live our lives to please
God. Does your life and marriage reflect this? Sign
up today to attend one of the upcoming Worldwide
Marriage Encounter Weekends on December 11-13,
2015 or February 12-14, 2016 or April 8-10, 2016,
all at Elk Grove Village, IL. Early registration is
highly recommended. For reservations/information,
call Jim & Kris at 630-577-0778 or contact us
through . If you would
like to talk to someone about Worldwide Marriage
Encounter Weekends, call parishioners John & Betty
Schuch. (630-983-5999) Information is also on our
new parish website under the About Us tab; click on
the Christian Formation Commission and scroll
down to Marriage Encounter.
“Laudato si”, mi’ Signore” – “Praise be to you, my
Lord.” These are the words that open Pope Francis’
encyclical on ecology and care for God’s creation.
Pope Francis addresses Laudato Si’ to “every person
on the planet,” for we all share a common home –
the earth. The pope gives us a moral and spiritual
challenge to renew our relationships with God, one
another and the created world, because we are in an
ecological crisis. God entrusted the world to us as a
gift and we need to protect it and all people, who are
part of creation. We are all connected.
People in poverty have contributed the least to
climate change, yet they are disproportionately
impacted by it. As a result of excessive use of
natural resources by wealthy nations, those who are
poor experience pollution, lack of access to clean
water, hunger and more.
In small ways, we at St. Elizabeth Seton, have helped
the poor through our Transitional Housing program,
St. Vincent de Paul, and even the underwear that was
donated to Catholic Charities on Undy Sunday.
Purchasing crafts at the Fair Trade Sale netted $877,
which was sent to Catholic Relief Services to give to
marginalized artisans around the world. On behalf of
the Environment Ministry, we would like to thank
you for your participation and generosity.
The Pope also calls us to change our lifestyle and
consumption. We can make important changes. At
St. Elizabeth Seton, the Environment Ministry was
instrumental in bringing recycling to our church. All
of us need to take advantage of this by recycling
paper, cardboard, etc. We are also asked to reuse
instead of buying new. Our Environment Ministry
recently had a used book sale which netted $838, to
be used for the Youth Mission. Soon there will be a
Gaylord in the lower level for Christmas lights that
will be recycled.
There is so much more we can do, but we need your
help. Please consider joining our Environment
Ministry, which will meet December 14th in the
Bride’s room at SES at 7 P.M. Call Jeanne and Art
at 630-985-0363 for more information.
Heavenly Father, thank you for the
precious gift of life. Help us to cherish
and protect this gift, even in the midst of
fear, pain, and suffering. Give us love for
all people, especially the most vulnerable, and help
us bear witness to the truth that every life is worth
living. Grant us the humility to accept help when we
are in need, and teach us to be merciful to all.
Through our words and actions, may others
encounter the outstretched hands of your mercy. We
ask this through Christ, our Lord. Amen.
- USCCB 2015-16 Respect Life Program Prayer
Card: “Every Life is Worth Living”
For information, call Gift of Hope Organ &
Tissue Donor Network at 630-758-2601.
Joliet Respect Life Ministry
The Diocese of Joliet Respect Life Ministry offers
advocacy, education, and outreach in pro-life areas;
in particular, in the areas of chastity, abortion and
euthanasia. Most of the parishes have a pro-life
coordinator, and through them, many in our diocese
are involved in educational programs, in caring for
those facing pregnancy in difficult life situations and
other challenges, and in working for appropriate
laws to protect the lives of the unborn, the elderly,
and other lives at risk.
The Respect Life Office endorses the following
pregnancy resource centers located in the Diocese of
Joliet: Birthright (Joliet), Woman's Choice Services
(Joliet and Lombard), and Waterleaf Women's
Center (Aurora). We support a prayerful, respectful,
and lawful witness at local abortion clinics. The
Diocese sponsors Rachel's Vineyard Retreats for
post-abortive women and men two times per year.
Call 1-866-99-4-GIVE for more information. Project
Rachel is a ministry of post-abortive healing and
reconciliation of the U.S. Conference of Catholic
Bishops. Please see for
more information.
Need You Right Now
Our Parish Mental Health Ministry
16% - 20% of high school students have High
Test Anxiety
Another 18% have Moderate-High Test Anxiety
Both of those levels are characterized by
“freezing” on tests
Too much anxiety, leads to stress and we do not
perform as close to our potential as we could. If
anxiety is to the point of interrupting sleep, dragging
your energy level down, making you self injure, or
leading you to drugs or alcohol, it is time to raise
your hand to get help managing the anxiety.
And there is a lot of wonderful people who want
to help!
Tips for avoiding anxiety:
1. Start studying now! Waiting until the test is
upon you creates anxiety.
2. Teachers like you! Speak frequently with your
teacher about what will be on the test.
3. Have all of your notes, books, and study guides
in front of you for one subject only while
4. People are less likely to become anxious when
doing something that is familiar. Study all the
material multiple times.
5. Ask yourself “What is the hardest part of this
subject?” Conquer that and you will become
more at ease with the rest.
6. Get enough sleep; and leave your cell phone in
the kitchen overnight, not the bedroom.
7. Exercise creates focus, energizes our brains, and
helps release frustrations.
8. Commit to study time on the weekend, and plan
some fun too!
9. Ummm….no texting during study time, and
leave YouTube, Hulu and Netflix for later.
10. Pray the Rosary. Pray the Rosary. Pray the
Rosary. It brings peace and confidence.
If you are struggling to find happiness in each day
you can find more resources and help at, e-mail us at,
or call Gerard Erickson 630-669-5653
Shop the St. Vincent de Paul Thrift Shops
Christmas is almost here and what a better place to do
your shopping than the St. Vincent de Paul Thrift Shop!!
We are a great source of bargains. You can find many
treasures including clothing, housewares, furniture,
books, toys, DVDs, CDs, collectables, giftware,
electronics, small appliances and more!
You never
know what you might find!
Not only are the St. Vincent de Paul Thrift Shops a great
place to shop but they also serve the needy in the
community. Last year our stores were able to give away
approximately $238,000 in free clothing, housewares,
and furniture to needy families. “Proceeds” from the
sales at our stores go into a general assistance fund
which helps needy families with rent, mortgage or utility
By shopping at the St. Vincent de Paul Thrift Shops, not
only will you be able to purchase items at low prices for
your family, but you are also helping the needy in the
community. Stop by and see us soon!!
Visit one of our seven fabulous locations:
90 W. Lake Street, Addison, IL 630-628-9008
1014 N. Farnsworth, Aurora, IL 630-820-5370
105 N. Kennedy, Bradley, IL 815-932-2203
307 N. Chicago Street, Joliet, IL 815-722-1140
1820 W. Jefferson Street, Joliet, IL 815-729-4585
1427 N. Division Street, Morris, IL 815-942-9288
213 Main Street, West Chicago, IL 630-562-4801
Thank you for helping us help others!
St. Vincent de Paul needs your old car!
All types of vehicles welcome - running or not!
Vehicles in good running condition will be given
away to needy families in the community to help
Vehicles not running or in need of major repair are
towed, at no charge to you, and sold at auction of
Donations are tax deductible and tax documentation
gladly provided.
We have a long waiting list for folks needing vehicles to
help them get to and from work. Please help us help
others! THANK YOU!!
Call us at 630-293-9755
for info or to donate your car!!
(When you call please have the car title with you)
Christian Formation Commission
Adult Faith Formation Events Open To The Public Emphasizing Personal Growth
Tau Center, Wheaton Franciscans, 26W171 Roosevelt Rd., Wheaton, 60187
Register at or 630-909-6805 (Optional Liturgy at 8:30am in Our Lady of Angels Chapel)
“Advent Reflections: Icons of My Soul” – Two remaining sessions in the mornings, repeated in the evening, on the
following Tuesdays: Dec 8, Dec 15; 10am-12pm OR 7-9pm, $15/session
“Hold Your Head Up With Joy & Hope” – Saturday, Dec 12, 9:30am-3:30pm, $45, lunch is on your own
“From Mary’s Heart to Yours” – St. Philip the Apostle, 1223 W. Holtz Ave., Addison, 60101
Monday, Dec 7, 7pm Mass then presentation; Explore the life of this young Jewish girl whose fiat forever changed the
course of salvation history. Presented by Mayslake Ministries; register at or 630-852-9000
“Advent at the Abbey” – St, Procopius Abbey, 5601 College Rd., Lisle, 60532
Saturday, Dec 12, 9am-3pm; This Advent day of reflection will include Lectio Divina, Reconciliation, Mass, lunch and a
talk. For reservations, call Fr. Becket Franks at 630-829-9253 or email Space limited to 60
participants; free will offering
Catholic Man Night: “Christ, Divine Savior” – Holy Family Parish, 600 Brook Forest Ave., Shorewood, 60404
Friday, Dec 11, 6:30pm; Open to all men; includes adoration, confession, man-feast and fellowship, raffle and
discussion. Fishers of Men Toy Drive for kids – bring a wrapped gift for a child.
Opening of the Holy Year and the Holy Door Cathedral of St. Raymond Nonnatus, Joliet
Saturday, December 12, 2015, 5pm Mass
Holy Year of Mercy: December 8, 2015 - November 20, 2016
"Dear brothers and sisters, I have often thought of how the Church may render more clear her mission to be a witness to
mercy; and we have to make this journey. It is a journey which begins with spiritual conversion. Therefore, I have
decided to announce an Extraordinary Jubilee which has at its centre the mercy of God. It will be a Holy Year of Mercy.
We want to live in the light of the word of the Lord: 'Be merciful, even as your Father is merciful' (cf. Lk 6:36). And this
especially applies to confessors! So much mercy!
This Holy Year will commence on the next Solemnity of the Immaculate Conception and will conclude on Sunday, 20
November 2016, the Solemnity of Our Lord Jesus Christ, King of the Universe and living face of the Father's mercy. I
entrust the organization of this Jubilee to the Pontifical Council for Promoting the New Evangelization, in order that it
may come to life as a new step on the Church’s journey in her mission to bring the Gospel of mercy to each person.
I am confident that the whole Church, which is in such need of mercy for we are sinners, will be able to find in this
Jubilee the joy of rediscovering and rendering fruitful God’s mercy, with which we are all called to give comfort to every
man and every woman of our time. Do not forget that God forgives all, and God forgives always. Let us never tire of
asking forgiveness. Let us henceforth entrust this Year to the Mother of Mercy, that she turn her gaze upon us and watch
over our journey: our penitential journey, our year-long journey with an open heart, to receive the indulgence of God, to
receive the mercy of God."
~ Pope Francis
This is FREE money for our parish.
What you pay is what you get.
Cards are excellent gift ideas for Share Christmas and Christmas giving.
December 6 – Pre-orders are due TODAY for Dec 12-13 pickup
December 12-13 – Pre-order pickup and walk-up sale
December 13 – Pre-orders are due for pickup on Dec 19-20
December 19 -20 – Pre-order pickup and walk-up sale
There will be NO SHOP-SES on JAN 2-3 2016
Listed below are the most popular retailers but you can add any retailer from the list of over 500 retailers!! The entire list is available at click on SHOP-SES under the “About Us” tab. You can add any of these retailers to your order.
Pre-orders can be dropped off in the collection basket, turned into the parish office or ordered anytime (24/7) from
your home by emailing your order to The Knights of Columbus will have orders ready for you
to pick up before or after Masses in the lower level. If you are unable to pick up your order on that weekend, you can pick it up at the parish office the
following week during normal office hours.
Issuer Name
*Bed Bath & Beyond $25
*BP Gas Card $50
*BP Gas Card $100
*Buona Beef $10
*Chili’s $25
*Chipotle Grill $10
*CVS Pharmacy $25
*Dairy Queen $10
*Darden Card $25
*Dunkin Donuts $10
*Dunkin Donuts $25
*Exxon $50
*Fannie May $20
*Garden Fresh $20
*Home Depot $25
Home Run Inn $25
*Jewel Foods $25
*Jewel Foods $100
JoAnn Fabric $25
*Kohl’s $25
*Kohl's $100
*Lou MalnaƟ's Pizza $25
*Lowes $25
*Mariano’s Market $25
*Meijer $25
*Meijer $100
*Menards $25
Issuer Name
*Mobil $50
*Olive Garden $25
Once Upon A Child $25
*Panera $10
*Panera $25
*Petsmart $25
*Red Lobster $25
*Shell $25
*Shell $100
*Speedway $25
Staples $25
*Starbucks $10
*Starbucks $25
Sweet Tomatoes $25
*Target $25
*Target $100
*Walgreens $25
*Walmart / Sam's Club $25
*Walmart / Sam's Club $50
*Walmart/Sam's Club $100
SelecƟons from the Internet:
Items with an * are usually available as walk-up sales.
SHOP-SES under the “About Us” tab.
Elementary Ministry
1st Grade Parent-Child
Advent Large Group:
Waiting for Jesus
On Monday, December 7, our First Graders along with a parent will be
coming together for an Advent experience. There will be craft, prayer,
games and insight into what Advent is all about. This event takes the
place of First Grade Religious Education this week.
VBS 2016
We need coordinator, teachers and help for
VBS 2016. We are looking to have VBS in
June or July 2016. If you are willing to help
lead a room, coordinate, or assist in any
way, please let me know. More information
will be coming.
1st Grade Nativity Posters
Our 1st Grade classes have been working
The First Christmas posters. They will
hung on the inside stair railing as you
downstairs of the church. They will be
during the Christmas season.
Nativity posters are due the week of
December 13th.
Jr. High and High School Ministry
8th Grade EDGE Monday, Dec 7, 6:30 -8:30pm
NEXT 7th Grade EDGE will be at:
Monday, Dec 14, 5:45-7:30pm
Meet at FMSC
555 Exchange Court
Aurora, IL 60504
All Parish Reconciliation
Sunday, December 13, 5:00pm
AT: St Margaret Mary
News from All Saints Catholic Academy Your Parish School
The Christ in Christmas
Just a short time ago, the biggest trending topic in the social media universe and beyond was the Starbucks’
holiday red cup controversy. How could this plain little vessel for overpriced, albeit delicious, caffeinated
beverages create such a contentious and vocal reaction. Was Starbucks really aiming to destroy Christmas with
their politically correct cup design?
A couple of weeks ago at Sunday mass, a well-crafted homily helped to illuminate and put this question in the
proper perspective. Starbucks’ very smart and creative marketing staff knew full well what was going to
happen as a result of this new cup campaign. The media buzz that Starbucks realized through the power of
social and other media, PR that they did not even have to pay for, paid dividends in terms of the visibility of
their brand.
We, as Catholic Christians, have to realize that it is not up to Starbucks or any other business to put the Christ
in Christmas. We shouldn’t be upset with stores that do not wish their customers a ‘Merry Christmas’. It
shouldn’t bother us when the flurry of shopping – Black Friday, Cyber Monday, retail stores that never seem to
close, and the next Big Sale - are the order of the day. Most businesses have a primary purpose to make money,
and to be responsible to their shareholders to this end. Even many of us are guilty of getting caught up in the
commercial and busyness part of the Christmas/holiday season that we often arrive at December 25th
completely exhausted, ready to chuck the tree to the curb by the morning of December 26.
So, it is up to each one of us to put and keep the Christ in Christmas. As we prepare our hearts during the
weeks of Advent for the Lord’s coming into the world as the incarnate God of love, we become the vessels of
transformation and change, not some silly little red coffee cup. We keep the Christ in Christmas as we
celebrate the birth of our newborn King, and realize that it is not just one day. We keep the Christ in Christmas
as we continue our joy filled observance through the Epiphany and the Baptism of our Lord, and then on to the
Feast of the Presentation of the Lord which occurs a full 40 days after December 25.
To keep the Christ in Christmas, we need to continually look inward; and then let our love flow outwards to
others. When we are authentic and faithful in the practice of our faith, the result is what will change the world.
Through our words and through our actions, we will make Christ present in the world; and this is what will
keep the Christ in Christmas and beyond. Not the business policy of some company.
At All Saints Catholic Academy, our students are very blessed to be able to be authentic in their faith in every
part of their school day. Please know that our parish communities that support us are always in our prayers.
We humbly ask that you keep our school community – our students, families and staff – in your prayers as well
during this beautiful Advent season. Let us all become the vessels of love, and put the Christ in Christmas!
Pastoral Staff
Rev. Richard Smith, Pastor - 416-3325 x6344
Rev. Lee Bacchi
Deacon Bart Federici - 416-3325 x6408 -
Deacon Scott Pace - 416-3325 x6407 -
Deacon Tom Ross - 416-3325 x6406 -
Deacon Gary Swauger (Retired)
Peggy Idstein, Director of Religious Education (Elementary) 416-1992 x6352 -
Kathy McGowan, Business Manager - 416-3325 x6341
Jason Novak, Youth Minister - 416-1992 x6353
Sheila Stevenson, Director of Religious Education (Jr. High & High
School) - 416-1992 x6351 -
Allen & Patti Stock, Music Directors - 701-4036
Support Staff
Felicia Donofrio, Parish Secretary - 416-3325 x6342
Donna Majeski, Bulletin Editor/Facilities Coordinator 416-3325 x6343 -
Mary Mellens, R.E. Secretary - 416-1992 x6355
Carol Surowiec, R.E. Secretary - 416-1992
Jim Stueber, Facilities Assistant - 420-2526
Elementary School (Preschool through 8th Grade)
All Saints Catholic Academy
1155 Aurora Ave., Naperville, IL 60540
961-6125 -
Dr. Sandy Renehan, Principal
Pastoral Council/Commissions
Pastoral Council - Mike Clark - 857-3850 -
Administration Commission - Patrick Roemer - 305-4160
Christian Formation Commission - Amy Drake - 718-1630
Christian Service Commission - Mary Galvan - 369-5946
Parish Life Commission - Debbie Nolan-Kosmach
Worship Commission - Rob Holm - 312-656-0772
Mental Health Resources:
St. Vincent de Paul is here to help.
Call confidentially 630-416-3325 x6409
SICK AND HOMEBOUND: Contact the Par ish Office
if you would like Communion, or if we can help you in
any way.
PRAYER REQUESTS: When a family member is
sick, having surgery, etc., you may call the Parish Office to
put them on the petitions for the weekend. We will keep
them on for 2 weeks. If you wish for them to remain on
the petitions you must call every 2 weeks.
HOSPITAL VISITS: When you ar e in the hospital and
want someone from St. Elizabeth Seton to visit you, please
let us know by calling the Parish Office. Due to privacy
policies, we will not be notified by the hospital if you have
been admitted - it is the responsibility of the patient or
family to notify the parish.
LOW GLUTEN HOSTS: Those in need of r eceiving
low-gluten hosts at Communion are invited to meet the
Deacon of the Mass at the credence table located behind
the right side of the reredos (wooden structure behind the
altar) toward the end of the distribution of Communion.
REPORTING SEXUAL ABUSE: Anyone with r eason
to believe that a child has been abused or is being abused
should report their suspicions to civil authorities. Contact:
Illinois Department of Children and Family Services: 1800-25ABUSE (1-800-252-2873) or local police. The
Diocese of Joliet Victim Assistance Coordinator is
available to help victims/survivors of child sexual abuse by
a cleric, employee or volunteer of the Catholic
Church. The Victim Assistance Coordinator will report to
Bishop Conlon and coordinate efforts of pastoral support
and outreach to assist in the healing process. The Victim
Assistance Coordinator can also assist in making a report
to civil authorities. Contact the Diocese of Joliet Victim
Assistance Coordinator at 1-815-263-6467.
8:15 A.M.
8:15 A.M.
Wednesday: 8:15 A.M.
8:15 A.M. - All Saints Catholic Academy
(ASCA Mass during the School year only)
8:15 A.M.
8:15 A.M.
5:00 P.M.
8:30 A.M.-10:00 A.M.-11:30 A.M.
Parish Office:
8:00 A.M. to 4:00 P.M.
Religious Education:
9:00 A.M. to 5:00 P.M.
8:00 A.M. to 4:00 P.M.
Ministry Schedule for December 12-13, 2015
5:00 P.M.
8:30 A.M.
10:00 A.M.
11:30 A.M.
Altar Servers:
Jack Smith
Jay Kashyap
Dan McMahon
Jacqueline McMahon
Andrew Donovan
Ashley Baka
Thomas Payton
Joshua Ravichandran
Lector 1/Lector 2:
Susan Simcock
Linda Kashyap
Mary Galvan
Jared Lepi
Thomas Cusack
Matt Mikulcik
Amy Labrador
Kathleen O’Hagan
James Smith
Ben Smith
Sammi Smith
Nahrin O’Rourke
Jerry Kurowski
Paul Desch
Heidi Moss
Georgi Macke
Gregory Zelasko
Jacqueline Brant
Claire Mikulcik
Russ Kalins
Sandra Kalins
Alice Kulak
Norma Hnilo
Vail Payton
Gayl Smith
Michael Amberg
Rosalie Manuel
Adelisa Patel
Extraordinary Ministers:
Kathleen Christoff
Ellen Kwit
Monica LaScala
Thomas Gobernatz
Pam Garbarino
Marilyn Kurowski
Linda Schaaf
Michael Cadden
Kenneth Gerlach
Dianne Gerlach
Harold Bodinet
Jon Harmon
Mary Harmon
Dick Kurtzweil
James Lohse
Teresa Lohse
Doug Donovan
Jim Baka
Marybeth Filipowski
Tom Filipowski
Betty Torson
Terry Torson
Alice Wych
Jacob Wych
Patty Bajek
Rebecca Bajek
Aida Abril
Dolores Billote
Tess Amberg
Nancy Mysliwiec
Cheri Feightner
Barbara Brock
Sign In Minister:
Monica LaScala
Harold Bodinet
Marybeth Filipowski
Rebecca Bajek