Feast of Christ the King 22nd / 23rd November 2014


Feast of Christ the King 22nd / 23rd November 2014
Feast of Christ the King
22nd / 23rd November 2014
Parish Clergy
Fr Kevin Flanagan PP
Parish Office
Fran Kernaghan
Monday, Wednesday, Friday
9.00 am – 2.00 pm
Phone: 60251516
Fax: 60404016
Web: http://sacredheartnorthalbury.com/
Mass Times
“If we wish to adapt to people’s language and
to reach them with God’s word, we need to
share in their lives and pay loving attention to
them.” (Pope Francis)
SUNDAY: 8.30 am; 10.30 am
WEEKDAYS: 9.30 am Monday,
Wednesday, Friday (in the church)
First Tuesday of the month: 11.00 am
Mass at Mercy Place.
SATURDAY: 4.45 PM-5.45 PM
WEDDINGS—By appointment.
Preparation course: 6051 0222
BAPTISMS—By appointment.
Preparation Course: 0411 883 661
The picture of the Judgement in the Gospel for this
weekend is not meant to fill us with fear and
trembling. No, it is a challenge not about the future but
about today. The surest way to guarantee that I will be
numbered among the sheep is for me to become right
now a loving, caring, tolerant, accepting person.
Help me, Lord, to seek and find and respond to you
in every person and in every experience of this day.
Grant, Lord, that all my thoughts, intentions, actions
and responses may be directed solely to your love and
service this day.
We pray for those who have gone before us marked with the sign of
faith especially:
RECENTLY DECEASED: Tyson Clifford, Joe Hancock, Mary Curtis, John McBrien,
Sr Mary Esler, Marcellanus Ibe.
ANNIVERSARIES: Christine Glennon, Mary Bourke, Albert Gorkom, Jim McLaughlin, Margaret
Kane, Elsie Esler, George Godde, Peter Hickey, Cecil Woodhouse, Daisy Hobdell, Virgil Lindley,
Christine Benson, Addie Mathieson, Laurence Wenke, Br Trevor Kimble, Sarah Caton, Hugh
McKenzie-McHarg, Eileen Ryan, Gabe Farrah, Bob Tuziak, James Briscoe, Michelle Kennedy,
Irene Monk, Jean Painter, Beatrice Purvey, Lawrence Loughran, Mark Conlon, John Dale.
Gather our loved ones into your arms. Quiet our doubt and anger and send us your
healing grace. Through Christ our Lord.
Sat / Sun: 22nd / 23rd November
Lector 1
Lector 2
Brian Waters
Paula Waters
Roy Thompson
Virginia Mitsch
Rosalie Martin
Ray Murtagh
Richard Parkinson Jane Murtagh
Eucharistic Ministers
Colette Glennon
Frank Glennon
Pat Hopkins
Robert Brown
Carmel Butts
Marie Pennay
Catherine Cutler / Judy
Tim Van Kerk Oerle
Mary Buckley
Val Hayes
Judy Foley
Counters: Brian & Carmel Butts
Cleaning Group: Group 6
Sat /Sun: 29th / 30th November
8.30 am
Lector 1
Lector 2
Anthony Foley
Karen Purtle
Stephen O’Connor
Bede Hart
Nicola Hanzic
Sr Carina Morton
Gavin Dykes
Colleen Day
Eucharistic Ministers
Kaye Deanshaw
Jim Deanshaw
Noelene Cruise
Kansas Michael
Gemma Whitehead
Yvonne Rosewarne
John Van Lint
Judy Foley
Counters: Anna Loughry & Michael Byrnes
Tim Van Kerk Oerle
Margaret & Ed Brown
Val Hayes
Cleaning Group: Group 7
Advent in the Parish
A sheet is available this weekend outlining our
Advent/Christmas activities for the parish.
Next weekend is first weekend of Advent and
you are invited to bring in your Advent
Candles/Wreathes or a Christmas candle to be
Sacred Heart Parish 60th Anniversary
Any reports been written regarding various groups
that have been operational in the Parish over the
sixty years of existence or remembrances by
Parishioners or any photos regarding our Parish
can be left at the Presbytery or given to Sr Anne
Advent Reflection Sheets/Books
In the Reading Room at the back, in a Christmas
Box, are a variety of materials/books which
could be useful during the Season of Advent.
Some of these are free but those which need to
be purchased have the price on the back of the
If you wish to purchase these place the money
in the envelope provided and place in the
collection bag at Mass.
The Lectio Divina Books are also available . If
you would like the large size or small write your
name on the sheet provided and these will be
ready during the week. Small is $2 large $4.
Change of Venue
Please note that the Breath of Life prayer meeting
to be held today from 5.00—6.00pm, will be in
the church instead of the hall. All parishioners and
friends are welcome to come and learn ways of
praying with Scripture.
Vinnies Christmas Market Day Sale
Great range of linen-n-lace, giftware, material &
much more at Sacred Heart Church Hall, North
Albury from Friday 21 November to Monday 24
November from 10am—4pm.
Youth Expo 2014
A retreat for young people 13-25yrs, next weekend at St. Patrick’s Parish Albury (Nov 28-30).
Registrations are online (www.youthexpo.tk).
Please apply in writing to
CD’s For Sale—”50 Tips For Effective Parenting”
By Fr Stephen of St Patrick’s Church, Albury.
1 x $10; 2 x $15; 3 x $20; 4 x $25; Enquiries to
St Pat’s Presbytery 6041 2588 or 0478 190 950.
Feastday of the Week
Free The Children
As of 30 Sept 2014, there are almost 800 children
in detention on Australian mainland & Christmas
Island. 186 children are detained on Nauru. They
will never be resettled in Australia, even if found
to be refugees. Australia is the only Refugee Convention signatory to have a policy of mandatory,
indefinite detention for asylum seekers.
Where: Hovell Tree Reserve, Wodonga Place,
Albury, Tuesday 2 December
Wednesday 3 December 8am—3.30pm. Please
see details on noticeboard. For more info or to
offer help phone John Goonan 0428 970 445.
Catholic/Christian Radio Program
This week ‘The Journey’ starts with a gospel reflection from Matt 25; Fr Dave Callaghan reflects
on ‘Becoming like little Children’ and Jude interviews some young people who have been on a
year of mission with the NET Team of Australia.
Tune into 98.5 THE LIGHT Albury/Wodonga Sun
23 Nov at 11am, 5pm & 9pm or listen via podcast
anytime at www.radio.dow.org.au
On sale at the rear of the Church:
Columban Art Calendars - $8
Christmas Cards (pack of 10) - $6
Monday—24th November -St Andrew Dung Lac, priest, martyr
Andrew Dung-Lac was one of 117 people martyred in Vietnam between 1820 and 1862.
Members of this group, which included a nine-year-old boy, were beatified on four different
occasions between 1900 and 1951. All were canonized by St John Paul II.
Feast of Christ the King– Year A
Readings: Ezekiel 34: 11-12,15-17, ; 1 Cor 15: 20-26,28; Matt 25: 31-46
Responsorial Psalm
The Lord is my shepherd; there is nothing I shall want
Reflection on the Readings:
We profess our faith when we care for those in need
“The criterion by which we will be judged when we come into the presence of God is
practical, simple and clear. It is not so much what we do for the God ‘we cannot see’ that
matters, in the end, but what we do for one another – expressing the fact that we are true
children of the same Father (cf.1 Jn 4:20). And among God’s children it is the poor and
needy who should have our special care – our ‘preferential option.’ The things that will
establish our worth in the sight of God, and our readiness to share in God’s friendship, are
simple things, possible to all, learned and simple, rich and poor. What overturns our
expectations and is immensely reassuring is the fact that those who have proved
themselves worthy of hearing the Lord’s invitation – ‘Come, you whom my Father has
blessed, take for your heritage the kingdom prepared for you since the foundation of the
world’ – may well be taken unawares. Responding to the grace of God, working in them ‘in
a hidden way’ (Gaudium et spes, n.22), they have shown themselves true children of the
Father – helping for the sake of those in need, without any thought of a reward. Matthew’s
tableau finds a place among the elect for all who fight unselfishly humanity’s ancient
enemies: ‘ignorance, poverty, disease, injustice, bigotry, death of body or soul (B.
Vawter).’The greatest inspiration of all, however, is found in the Lord’s affirmation, ‘You
did it to me. ’ Sharing our humanity and experience in a struggling world, the ‘Son of Man’
has made himself one in a privileged way with
those in greatest need. (From a sermon by Fr John
All music used in worship at Sacred Heart,
North Albury, is used with permission.
All rights reserved. Australian Agent: Word of
Life Licence No 613