orbit - may, 2009 - Plainview Jewish Center
PLAINVIEW JEWISH CENTER 5769/2009 MAY/IYAR/SIVAN ISSUE #34 SAVE THE DATE THURSDAY, MAY 28TH TIKKUN LEIL SHAVUOT FEATURING RABBINIC STUDENT OUR OWN MICHAEL WOLK ! A LIGHT DAIRY DINNER WILL FOLLOW SPONSORED BY SISTERHOOD SISTERHOOD MEETING MAY 5TH AT 8:15PM ISRAELI FOLK DANCING SISTERHOOD NEWS BEGINS ON PAGE 12 Page 2 ORBIT MAZAL TOV Arlene & Richard Braverman, upon the engagement of their son, Marc, and Jamie Frieder, daughter of Karen & Jerry Frieder HAMAKOM YINACHEM Rochelle Battino, upon the passing of her mother, Lola Miles George Nadel, upon the passing of his sister, Elsie Ginsberg WE WISH TO THANK AND EXPRESS OUR DEEP APPRECIATION TO THE FOLLOWING FAMILIES FOR THEIR DONATION TO PJC: Robert & Syd Kardon – In Honor of Cantor Morris Wolk Gladys & Bernard Zeichner – Mishaberach Diane & Joseph Miller – Kiddush Contribution Eleanore & Larry Abrams – Kiddush Contribution Marilyn Hoch – Mishaberach Marty Hoffman – In Honor of Birthdays Florence & Marvin Lampert - Mishaberach WE WISH TO THANK AND EXPRESS OUR APPRECIATION TO THE FOLLOWING FAMILIES FOR THEIR GENEROUS CONTRIBUTION TO THE MORNING MINYAN: Randy & David Goldstein Helen & Norman Spector Eileen & Edward Fleischman Wendy & Dennis Fingold Myrna & Martin Kanner Linda & Allan Furman Sharon & Noah Kunoff Ida & Murray Kleiner Pearl & Martin Plawsky Sandy & Arthur Ezersky ORBIT (USPS 410440) is published monthly from September to June for $2.00 per annum by the Plainview Jewish Center (a religious corporation under the laws of the State of New York), 95 Floral Drive West, Plainview, New York 11803. WE 8-8610. POSTMASTER: Send address changes to ORBIT, Plainview Jewish Center, 95 Floral Drive West, Plainview, New York 11803 RABBI EMERITUS...................................................Julius Goldberg * CANTOR......................................................................Morris Wolk PRINCIPAL.................................................................Rachel Ginsburg PRESIDENT............................................................Barbara Greenberg CHAIRMAN OF THE BOARD.............................Shea Lerner SISTERHOOD PRESIDENT.....................................Lynn Lederkramer MEN’S CLUB PRESIDENT.......................................Michael Brooks FAMILYEDUCATION DIRECTOR......................................Judy Alper YOUTH DIRECTOR.........................................................Lois Lange ORBIT EDITORS.......................................................Margie Richter Shari Roth Elizabeth Kessler * In Memorian Marion Weisfelner DEADLINE 1st of each month -FOR- ISSUE DATE MAY 1st Sabrina Abishour Charlotte & Jack Weingarten Barbara & Norman Lewin Karin & Steven Factor David Miller WEEKDAY SERVICES Mon. thru Fri…………… 6:30AM Mon. thru Thurs…….…...8:00PM Sun. and Holidays………. 9:00AM Sun. and Holidays………. 8:00PM Friday Evening Services Check Calendar for Times WE’RE ON THE WEB: WWW.PLAINVIEWJEWISHCENTER.ORG ORBIT Page 3 MAY CALENDAR Cantor Morris Wolk will officiate at services The Officers and Board of Trustees Extend a Hearty Mazal Tov to the Families of the Following Bnai and Bnot Mitzvah Friday, May 1st Light Candles………………………………………….7:29 PM Kg. & Sunday School Sabbath……………………...7:00 PM Sabbath Eve Services………………………………...7:00 PM Oneg Shabbat in Kirschner Room Saturday, May 2nd Shachrith Services…………………………………....9:00 AM Torah Reader: Karin Factor Jr. Congregation…………………………………..…..9:45 AM Kiddush in Kirschner Room Mincha Maariv…………………………………….….7:30 PM Sunday, May 3rd Services followed by Men’s Club T/T Breakfast.....9:00 AM Monday, May 4th, & Monday, May 11th AARP Course…………………….…….6:45 PM to 10:00 PM Tuesday, May 5th Sisterhood Meeting……………………………….….8:15 PM Wednesday, May 6th Singles Group……………………………………….....8:00 PM Dancing Class…………………………………….…...8:30 PM Friday, May 8th Light Candles………………………………………….7:37 PM Family Friendly Services……………………………..7:00 PM Oneg Shabbat in Kirschner Room Saturday, May 9th Shachrith Services………….……………………..….9:00 AM Torah Reader: Karin Factor Aufruf: Jonathan Heimowitz, Son of Iris & Howard Heimowitz, and Judith Berger, Daughter of Gail & Israel Berger Jr. Congregation……………………………………...9:45 AM Kiddush in Kirschner Room Mincha Maariv……………………………………….7:45 PM Sunday, May 10th Services followed by Men’s Club T/T Breakfast...9:00 AM Tuesday, May 12th Men’s Club Meeting………………………………...8:15 PM Tuesday, May 12th – LAG B’OMER The 33rd day of the counting of the omer (the Sefirah period between Passover and Shavuot) is a joyous occasion known as the “scholar’s festival”. Wednesday, May 13th Singles Group………………………………….……..8:00 PM Friday, May 15th. Light Candles…………………………………….......7:50 PM Tot Shabbat………………………………………......7:00 PM Sabbath Eve Services…………………………….....7:00 PM Oneg Shabbat in Kirschner Room Saturday, May 16th Shachrith Services…………………………….….....9:00 AM Torah Reader: Howard Kleinmann Bat Mitzvah: Jenna Ruiz, Daughter of Ilyse Ruiz Kiddush in Kirschner Room Mincha Maariv………………………………………….7:45 PM Bat Mitzvah: Jennifer Kimmel Daughter of Jill & Joseph Kimmel Sunday, May 17th Services followed by Men’s Club T/T Breakfast…....9:00 AM “It’s A Girl Thing” Program……………………...…......4:30 PM Tironim Youth Group (last)………………………....…..5:30 PM USY Youth Group…………………………………….....7:30 PM Monday, May 18th Graduation…………………………………………….....8:15 PM Wednesday, May 20th Last Day of School Singles Group………………………………………....…8:00 PM Dancing Class………………………………………...…8:30 PM Thursday, May 21st Congregation Meeting………………………………....8:15 PM Friday, May 22nd – YOM YERUSHALAYIM Marks the anniversary of the reunification of Jerusalem during the Six Day War on June 7, 1967 (28 Iyar 5727). Light Candles………………………………………......7:50 PM Sabbath Eve Services…………………………......…...7:00 PM Oneg Shabbat in Kirschner Room Saturday, May 23rd Shachrith Services………………………………….….9:00 AM Torah Reader: Karin Factor Bar Mitzvah: Daniel Shulman, Son of Gale & Stephen Shulman Kiddush in Kirschner Room Mincha Maariv………………………………………….7:45 PM Sunday, May 24th Services followed by Men’s Club T/T Breakfast…...9:00 AM Wednesday, May 27th Singles………………………………………………..….8:00 PM Dancing Class………………………………………..…8:30 PM Thursday, May 28th – EREV SHAVUOT Light Candles…………………………………………...7:55 PM Tikkun Leil Shavuot Services/Program………….......7:30 PM Followed by Light Dairy Dinner…………………...…8:15 PM Friday, May 29th – 1ST DAY SHAVUOT The Feast of Weeks is so called because it completes 7 weeks from the 2nd day of Passover on which the omer (a measure) of the new barley was brought to the Temple. This holiday celebrates the early wheat harvest in Israel. It commemorates the covenant at Sinai between God and Israel, and the giving of the Ten Commandments. 1st Day Services……………………………………......9:00 AM (continued on page 18 ) Page 4 ORBIT PRESIDENT’S MESSAGE by Barbara Greenberg Dear Fellow Congregants, PJC is at an exciting time and place in our history. We have participated in a completely democratic process that culminated in negotiations with one of the rabbinic candidates selected by our search committee. From the inception, the process was designed to be both open and inclusive. As you are probably aware, the final authority to hire a rabbi rests solely in the hands of the congregation, not the President, Executive Board, the Board of Trustees or the rabbi search committee. Your participation throughout this process is something we should all be proud of. A cross section of the congregation was selected to serve on the committee whose job was to narrow down the field of potential rabbinic candidates to those few rabbis who would best serve the needs of Plainview Jewish Center. By the time this article appears, the congregation should have had the opportunity to meet both Rabbi Gamer and Rabbi Conn during the weekends they visited PJC. A congregation meeting was scheduled on April 29th to select one of these candidates to enter into negotiations. I am confident that these negotiations will result in a contract that can be voted on at our May 21st congregation meeting. By the time we’ve completed this entire process I trust you will be pleased with the way this has been handled and delighted with the results. The process of selecting a new rabbi has energized PJC and strengthened our sense of community. Congregants are excited about this important step in securing PJC’s future, and this enthusiasm is spreading throughout our greater community. I believe we can look forward to increasing our membership next year with continued growth into the future. While acknowledging that no one human being can be all things to all people, we want to give our new rabbi every opportunity to succeed in his new position. A number of congregants have already volunteered to serve on the rabbi transition committee to help the new rabbi and his family acclimate themselves to Plainview. If you are interested in serving on this committee, please contact me. It is gratifying to know that so many of you have shown how much you care about PJC by taking an active part in the search process. Thank you to all who took the time out from your very busy and hectic lives to meet and greet both rabbinic candidates and their families and made them feel welcomed. I would like to express my deepest gratitude and appreciation to all the men and women on the rabbi search committee whose job is now completed: Michael Stromberg – Chair, Joel Elowsky, Doreen Guzik, Carol Hauser, Howard Heimowitz, Sharon Kunoff, Blayne Peltzman, Evy Rothman, Steve Rubenfeld, and Sandy Strenger. Their dedicated hard work resulted in bringing both Rabbi Gamer and his wife Wendy on March 27th-29th and Rabbi Conn, his wife Illyse and son Yoni on April 17th-19th to PJC. Kudos on a job well done. It is amazing all the planning that is involved in making these weekends so successful. I would like to thank Nanette and Sandy Strenger for opening their home to host both rabbinic candidates for the weekend, and Rhonnie Diener for her hard work in preparing the extended kiddushes during their visits. I would also like to thank all of you who facilitated in making the rabbis visits go so smoothly by coordinating all the many details in such a seamless way. ORBIT The Cantor’s Note Page 5 LESSONS OF LEVITICUS The third book of the Torah, from which we have currently been reading, is known, in Hebrew, as Vayikra. The word, the very first of the first chapter, means, “and He called” referring to God’s call to Moses, who is to communicate God’s laws, precepts and rituals to the Israelites, thereby initiating the chain of Jewish tradition. Vayikra is also known by its Latin name, Leviticus, which is derived from the Greek word for Book of the Levites. This aspect is reflected in the Hebrew reference to Leviticus as Torat Kohanim, the Priestly Manual. It is, indeed, filled with laws governing the ancient system of sacrificial offerings and the service of the Kohanim, all of whom were members of the tribe of Levi. Nearly half of the 613 mitzvot derived from the Torah come from this one book, and the fact that so much of the Talmud is based on it is indicative of its importance. There is more to Vayikra, though, than the technical details of arcane and seemingly outmoded rituals. It has, in fact, some of the most inspiring passages in the Torah, known as the Holiness Code. You shall be holy, for I the Lord, your God, am holy. You shall not insult the deaf, nor put a stumbling block before the blind. You shall not render an unjust decision. Judge your neighbor fairly. Do not stand idly by the blood of your neighbor. You shall not hate your brother in your heart. Love your neighbor as yourself. I am the Lord. (Leviticus 19:2, 14-18) With such exalted precepts, why do we still dwell on rules and regulations, many of which relate to a system of worship which ended 2000 years ago? I would like to suggest two reasons, among the many that may be given. Religious ideas and ideals have to be nourished by regular practice and the discipline which comes from ritual. We may believe, in the abstract, that God is the Master of the Universe, and that we are in God’s keeping, but by observing Shabbat, it makes this belief a reality in our lives. No amount of preaching can do as much as sitting with our families and observing the seder together in the traditional way, by reading the Haggadah, singing the songs, and partaking of the wine, matzoh, green vegetable, bitter herb, charoset and salt water, all of which help us relive the arduous journey from slavery and oppression to freedom. The observance of Shabbat and Passover, as but two examples, do more to connect us spiritually and emotionally to God and to each other than any learned discourse or sermon. It has been the rituals of our holy times and seasons which have preserved the Jewish People through centuries of diaspora, far removed from our ancient homeland and holy places. The laws of the sacrificial system, though no longer practiced, remind us, too, that without a spirit of sacrifice and devotion, little of importance can be achieved. The fifth of Iyar is Yom Ha’atzmaut, Israel Independence Day. There would be no State of Israel were it not for the sacrifices of blood, sweat, and tears made by generations of pioneers who returned to their ancestral land, reclaimed and transformed it, and laid the foundation for a modern Jewish nation. ( continued on Page 6 ) Page 6 ORBIT Save the Date! Plainview Jewish Center’s Annual BBQ! Sunday, June 14th - 12noon to 3pm Plainview Park, Washington Avenue Bring your balls, Frisbees, jump ropes and appetite… Burgers, Hot Dogs, and lots, lots more!! The Cantor’s Note ( continued from Page 5 ) The day before Independence Day, in Israel, is called Yom Hazikaron, and it is set aside to mourn those who sacrificed their lives defending the state. Sadly, even after sixty years, Israel is still called upon to make sacrifices for a peace with its neighbors that seems to be ever more allusive. Yom Hashoah, Holocaust Remembrance Day, is a bitter reminder that our people sacrificed six million of our number before the international community was prepared to recognize the right of Jews to their own state among the nations. On Memorial Day, Americans will remember those who sacrificed their lives defending the rights and liberties which we hold dear, our birthright and the symbol of American democracy. These sacrifices must never be forgotten, just as the cause for which they were made can never be taken for granted. As Jews and Americans, the idea of ritual and the ideal of sacrifice can still bring structure and purpose into our lives. Cantor Morris Wolk, D.M. ff ORBIT Page 7 ISRAEL AFFAIRS CORRECTION to the April Orbit: in the paragraph referring to the Israeli elections, President Netanyahu is mentioned. The sentence should have read: President Peres concluded that Livni, of the Kadima party would still not be able to form a government, so he tapped Netanyahu of Likud as Prime Minister. (It seems Peres was correct, since a government is now in place. We can only wait and see what happens next.) Israel Affairs by Sharon Kunoff I had hoped that for the May Orbit, the month of Yom Ha atzmaut, Israel Independence Day, I would be able to bring you some words from Aliza Sternstein who has been spending the past several months in Israel as a transition year from high school to college. However, since my note to her was misdirected in cyberspace, I have a small Jewish World story instead. When I hadn’t had a reply from Aliza to a note I sent early in March, I wrote again. This time, I received a reply from an Allan Sternstein informed me that he didn’t know any Aliza Sternstein but that he had a daughter who had written an article about a unique and interesting experience she had in Israel a couple of years ago. He forwarded the article to me. I found the coincidence worth writing about, and since my goal is to bring you many facets of Israeli life and different ways of touring the country I decided to excerpt it here, since the complete article is too long for this venue. “A Hike Like Unlike Any Other by Amy Eisenstein In mid-October I participated in a walk to raise money for Alzheimer’s disease. The ‘Don’t Forget Us Sea-to-Sea Hike’ in Israel had as participants some 50 people of all ages, nationalities and backgrounds who set out to hike 55 miles through the mountains from the Mediterranean Sea to the Sea of Galilee. Their ages ranged from 11 to 75 with more than 50% of the participants over 50. The story of how this came to be is also unique. Two years ago, Rachel, a woman from Highland Park, Illinois, was diagnosed with early-onset Alzheimer’s disease. Some friends of hers, residents of Israel, came up with the idea for the hike and had the resources to begin the planning for it. Rachel and her husband decided to participate in it. I was asked to join them as Rachel’s caregiver for the trip. Both Rachel and her husband are over 65. I had never met them before but I have a relative who is a friend of theirs. I had some misgivings, and I had to leave my husband and family at home, but I accepted the offer. When we arrived, we spent a few days in Northern Israel with a small group of the participants, relaxing and getting to know each other. Throughout the hike, Rachel had a positive attitude, was fully aware of the reason for the hike and maintained her determination to complete it. The hike led us through semibarren areas over rocks and ruins, along trails marked off by the Society for the Preservation of Nature. We walked through forests, along cliffs and up and down steep mountainsides. We worked as a team, holding hands at times to help one another out. We had medics walking with us, and vans trailing us. Participants rotated in and out of the vans in order for everyone to accomplish the goal of reaching the Sea of Galilee. On the first day of the hike we climbed to the top of Monford fortress, a large obstacle for someone with Alzheimer’s disease. Rachel had prepared herself by walking 10 miles a day but that was on city streets. This was a challenge. While the path was wide, Rachel wasn’t able to figure out the easiest places to walk. She wanted to go straight ahead, not go around rocks and ditches. When the terrain became rockier, she couldn’t remember how to ‘climb’ over rocks and wasn’t able to decipher between her right and left feet. Several of us got together and managed to show her exactly ( continued on Page 11 ) Page 8 ORBIT SCHOOL NEWS By Rachel Ginsburg, Principal This school year is almost over and it seems that it went much too fast. Right after Pesach on Monday, April 20th, our Daled & Hey students participated in the Holocaust Memorial Service and our Gimel classes heard the life history of Evelyn Pike-Rubin, mother of Doreen Guzik, an active member of our Sisterhood. Mrs. Pike-Rubin lived in Germany during the Holocaust and escaped with her family to Shanghai and lived there during the war. On Sunday, May 3rd, we will celebrate Israeli Independence Day by preparing and eating different Israeli foods and listening to Israeli music. We shall also view the exhibit that Kitah Bet students have prepared for us. We will hold our Kitah Hey graduation ceremony on Monday, May 18th at 8:15 pm in the Main Sanctuary. We have 16 students graduating. What a great achievemen. We have never had such a high percentage before. We wish yashar koach to all the graduates and their families. We still have our end of year assemblies during the third week in May, and the last school committee meeting will take place on June 1 at 6:30 pm for our end of the year dinner. SCHOOL CALENDAR May 1 (Fri) Sunday School & Kindergarten Class Service – 7:00 - 8:00 PM 3 (Sun) Israel Program During School Time 8 (Fri) Family Friendly & Mechina Class Service – 7:00 – 8:00 PM 11 (Mon) Religious School Committee Meeting - 8:15 PM in Library 15 (Fri) Yeladim & Tot Shabbat Service – 7:00 - 8:00 PM 17 (Sun) 6-8th Grade Girls Clubs - 6th Grade (4:30-6:15 PM), 7-8th (4:45-7:30 PM) 18 (Mon) Graduation - Kitah Hey – 8:15 PM 20-21 (Wed-Thu) Last days of school 31 (Sun) Israeli Day Parade FREE MONEY Please help our Religious School earn free money Save Box Tops from General Mills brand items Either mail or deposit them in the Main or Education Office Ziploc – Kleenex – Hefty – Cheerios – Scott Paper Gogurt – Kix – Betty Crocker and many more !! ORBIT Page 9 CONGRATULATIONS! OUR B’NAI / B’NOT MITZVAH JENNIFER KIMMEL May 16, 2009 Jennifer is the daughter of Jill and Joseph Kimmel and has a brother, Justin. She is a seventh grader at POB Middle School. Jennifer enjoys softball, shopping, Met games and being with her friends. Her favorite holiday is Chanukah when she lights candles and shares presents with her family. JENNA RUIZ May 16, 2009 Jenna is the daughter of Ilyse and David Ruiz and has a sister, Nicole and a brother, Brennen. She is a seventh grader at Mattlin Middle School. Jenna enjoys basketball, volleyball, tennis and softball. Her favorite holiday is Rosh Hashanah which she celebrates with her family and friends. DANIEL SHULMAN MaY 23, 2009 Daniel is the son of Gale and Stephen Shulman and has a brother, Corey. He is a seventh grader at POB Middle School. Daniel enjoys basketball, running, music and tennis. His favorite holiday is Chanukah. Daniel raises money to feed hungry families in Israel “Yad Eliezar”. IMPORTANT DON’T FORGET TO ATTEND THE PJC CONGREGATION MEETING THURSDAY, MAY 21ST AT 8:15PM PJC WINE SALE We would like, once again, to express our appreciation to the congregation for supporting us by purchasing wine for Passover. In particular, we would again like to thank Ronnie Pickus for coordinating the order and Rhonnie Diener, Adam Ackerman, Allan Furman, and Alan and Terri Heller for helping us to sort the wine. We hope next year’s tasting and sale to be even more successful than this year’s sale. Page 10 ORBIT Congratulations Hey Class Graduates!! Graduation - May 18, 2009 Top Row: (L-R) Principal Rachel Ginsberg, Jennifer Kimmel, Amanda Wittels, Ashley Stromberg, Grant Kolsky, Scott Doscher, Jordan Rinder, Marc Goldstein, Bradley Wolff, Family Education Director and Teacher, Judy Alper. Bottom Row: (L-R) Marissa Hauser, Jenna Ruiz, Alex Mandel, Jonathan Greenberg, Daniel Shulman, Matthew Dershowitz, Corey Dender. Missing from Photo: Amanda Gross and Adam Doniger. REMEMBER TO PURCHASE CANDY BAGS FOR YOUR BAR/BAT MITZVAH THROUGH OUR YOUTH GROUP CONTACT THE TEMPLE OFFICE - 938-8610 ORBIT Page 11 ISRAEL AFFAIRS ( continued from page 7 ) hooow and where to place her feet in order to make it up the mountain. And, with some help, she was able to do so and arrived with a smile. After resting a bit at the top of the fortress I saw that the sun was setting. So that Rachel would not be tired for the next two days, we got into the van and rode the rest of the way to the bed and breakfast where we spent the night. A couple of hours later, I don’t believe Rachel remembered the struggles, and was looking forward to the next day of hiking. Rachel was in excellent physical condition and had strong social skills. Her positive attitude combined with her social skills made the walk enjoyable for her and others walking with her. The hike continued smoothly on days two and three, although day three did have some rough spots. However, as the sun was setting on day three, the hikers began arriving at the Sea of Galilee. We all made it to the celebratory dinner in one piece. A real bond was created among the participants and we raised over $65,00 for Alzheimer’s disease! At the banquet I had the opportunity to thank Rachel for her inspiration that helped me get through the hike. Her winning smile, and her determination helped me arrive proud of my accomplishment. What an amazing group of people and an amazing experience it was!” PJC YOUTH CORNER May 4th: Rakevet Trip for Kadima: More info to follow. USY: 7:30-9PM May 11th: No Youth Programs May 16th - 18th: 8th grade experience - Regional Convention Contact Lois for more information on each program. May 18th: Tironim Last Event: 5:30-7PM. May 21st: USY Dinner & Elections: 7-8:30PM For information or any questions, please contact Lois Dori Lange, MSW, Youth Director @ lois_lange@yahoo.com or 516 426-628 ** TIRONIM: GRADES 4 - 5 KADIMA: GRADES 6 - 8 USY: GRADES 9 - 12 Page 12 ORBIT SISTERHOOD NEWS PRESIDENT’S MESSAGE - Lynn Lederkramer As Sisterhood women, we are vital bricks in building and laying foundations of Judaism for our families. In addition to making Torah part of ourselves, we must treasure it and pass it on to others, through our teaching, our acts and our deeds. It is during this season, when we commemorate the receiving of the Ten Commandments at Sinai, internalizing these commandments, enabling us to live by them, making the Torah part of ourselves so that we can pass them on from generation to generation that I would like to introduce you to a special interest group that Sisterhood will be forming, its name is Z’havah – GOLD. The mission of Z’havah is to promote and develop future leaders, to attract and involve younger women, to bring them together and enable them to create activities directed to their interests. What is Z’hava? Z’havah – the young women’s initiative of Women’s League – is a special interest group under the umbrella of Sisterhood. It engages younger women at similar stages and ages of life. Why Z’havah? Z’havah ensures a strong force of women in the Sisterhood who are dedicated to Jewish values and traditions. It is the younger women in our synagogue - who with their enthusiasm, excitement and energy will carry on this task. Who is a Z’havah woman? A Z’havah woman is any woman in her 20’s to 40’s who wants to connect with peers as Conservative Jews … single, married, young, professional or not, with or without children ... attends services twice a year, once a week, or everyday … has links to her synagogue through family or by choice … finds fulfillment by sharing with others. What does a Z’havah woman do? A Z’havah woman celebrates her Jewish identity and is taking the first step in joining the continuum of her Sisterhood and synagogue. If you sound like a Z’havah woman, make the choice to join – contact us by email pjcsisterhood@aol.com. Join Sisterhood’s Facebook page PJC Sisterhood FOOD CERTICATES Please remember that Food Certificates are always available at the Temple office. By supporting Sisterhood, you support PJC! Page 13 ORBIT . PROGRAM Elyse Schrage & Marion Weisfelner - Programming Co-Vice Presidents Please join us for a great evening of Israeli Folk Dancing on Tuesday evening, May 5th. Ellie Tepper will demonstrate and teach us some great new and familiar Israeli folk dances. Ellie teaches Israeli folk dancing at the Suffolk JCC in Commack and at Stony Brook University. She attends weekly sessions, camps and weekends to enjoy and enhance her knowledge of new and older dances. The dances of Israel reflect the history of the country. What a great way to share in the celebration of Israel’s Independence Day during this month of May. So put on some comfortable shoes and join us for a fun filled evening! EDUCATION Doreen Guzik - Education Vice President Shavuot is celebrated on the 6th day of Sivan which this year corresponds to May 29th. Falling exactly 7 weeks and 1 day after the second day of Passover, it is considered the concluding holiday of Passover by the Talmud. We start counting the Omer for 49 days and the 50th day is Shavuot-Chag Hashavuot: The Festival of Weeks. It is an agricultural festival marking the completion of the grain season. It also marks the beginning of the fruit growing season. Shavuot celebrates the season when the Torah was given to the Jewish people. Although most Jews know that Moses received the Ten Commandments on Mount Sinai on Shavuot, many don’t realize that the Talmud established this time for celebrating the Torah. It is customary during this holiday to eat dairy and honey products because they are sweet and nourishing like the Torah. Hag Sameach! FUND RAISING Rose Weiner - Fund Raising Vice President The Sisterhood year will soon be drawing to a close. Our fund raising events have been very successful. I want to thank everyone for attending these events. Another way to support Sisterhood is by purchasing gift certificates for Shop-Rite and Pathmark. We will keep you informed about any fund raising events over the summer. MAY WE SERVE YOU Prayer Book Fund Diane Miller 935-7732 Judaica Shop Michele Haimes 822-0704 Torah Fund Cindy Getzoff 938-0812 Joyce Rimer 433-4826 Judy Forman 822-9536 Book of Life Rhoda Meshover 938-8818 Judy Forman 822-9536 Cookbook Barbara Alhadeff 935-3510 Food Certificates Rose Wiener 935-0454 JNF Certificates Elyse Schrage 822-7062 Mitzvah Committee: Call Temple Office: 938-8610 (Shiva Set-up & Shiva Chairs Available) Page 14 ORBIT TORAH FUND SAVE THE DATE!! Torah Fund Chai Celebration at PJC Wednesday, June 3rd at 8:15 PM At our annual Torah Fund Chai Celebration, we will have a very interesting speaker - a student of the Jewish Theological Seminary. Coffee and cake will be served. If you have already made a minimum pledge of Chai ($18.00) please come to this wonderful evening. Or, you can pay the $18.00 that evening. As always, cards are available in exchange for your pledge to Torah Fund. The students at the Jewish Theological Seminary are highly motivated and truly inspiring. As one Seminary student said, “My challenge is to combine all the academic knowledge that I am gaining and use it to effect change in the world.” These students are our future rabbis, cantors, teachers, and community leaders. You can help support them by continuing to make donations to Sisterhood’s Torah Fund and also by purchasing Torah Fund cards. There are cards for any occasion- Mazal Tov, Get Well, Rejoicing with You, Congratulations on the Birth of a New Baby and of course condolence cards. Torah Fund cards ($4 each) may be purchased at any Sisterhood meeting or by contacting: Cindy Getzoff 938-0812, Joyce Rimer 433-4826 or Judy Forman 822-9536 Thank you, Cindy Getzoff Sisterhood Special Project: M’Yad L’Yad by Sharon Kunoff Please keep your donations of food and money coming! Any help you provide is appreciated- especially in these hard economic times. Stacy and the girls thank you! If you have any questions or want to drop things off please contact: Rhonnie: pamba66@aol.com or Sharon: skunoff@optonline.net or call Sharon at 694-1896. JUDAICA SHOP The Sisterhood Judaica Shop at the Plainview Jewish Center has many items for all your gift needs. We have a large selection of mezuzahs, jewelry and headcoverings for both men and women. We have serving pieces including platters and utensils for all your entertaining needs. WHEN YOU THINK GIFTS, THINK SISTERHOOD JUDAICA! ORBIT Page 15 MEMBERSHIP Rhonnie Diener - Membership Vice President This year is soon going to come to a close with only two Sisterhood meetings left. (Remember the meetings are the first Tuesday of each month unless notified of a change.) It is never too late or early to join Sisterhood. So if you haven’t sent in your dues for this year, there is still time. Do it now! Sisterhood has a lot to offer you but we need your help and support. Without you we cannot support our PJC Family, the Religious School, Family Education, our Youth, etc. I want to THANK all our members who are there to help us each year and all the individuals who come to enjoy and participate in all our programs. Every member is so important to us. We are already busy planning for next year and would welcome your ideas and input. Hope to see you at our May meeting! TODAH RABBAH! THANK YOU! The Shalach Manot Committee would like to thank the following people for their help with shopping, transporting merchandise and packing our beautiful Shalach Manot Baskets: Eleanor Abrams Corey Bradley Marilyn Cohen Rhonnie Diener Judy Dorosin Sheryl Fischer Judy Forman Barbara Greenberg Amanda Gross Doreen Guzik Jordan Guzik Michele Haimes Scott Haimes Andrea Hayman Ellen Hayman Sheila Hofstatter Carol Hauser Marissa Hauser Zita Jospa Arielle Kardon Cyd Kardon Sharon Kunoff Elaine Lampert Lynn Lederkramer D’vorah Lumerman Diane Miller Margie Richter Seth Richter Elyse Schrage Howie Schrage Debbie Siegel Alex Smolowitz Ashley Stromberg Richie Weiner Rose Weiner Marion Weisfelner Amanda Wittels Bradley Wolff Deb Zaglin On behalf of the entire committee, Bunny Finkelstein, Chairperson ORBIT Page 16 MEN’S CLUB by Stephen Taub It’s hard to believe the Men’s Club season is winding down. But, at least the warm weather awaits us. It is still not too late to participate in one of our activities. The big event in May takes place on the 12th. Nassau County Comptroller, Howard Weitzman will address PJC in a Joint Program with Sisterhood and the other arms of the Temple. There is no cost to attend. This is a special event and any homeowner or dweller in Nassau County will not want to miss this unique opportunity to ask questions of the county’s Money Man, especially during these tough economic times. Don’t forget to circle June 9th on your calendar. That is Men’s Club’s paid up Member Appreciation Dinner. If you want to prepay your dues for next year and get it out of the way, we would be glad to accept it that evening. We also want to thank everyone who participated in our events in April. If you weren’t there, I am referring to our Jewish sports memorabilia auction on April 5 and our bus trip to Atlantic City at the end of the month. We hope you remembered to light your Yahrzeit candles on Yom Hashoah, always courtesy of the Men’s Club. The candles are one of the many events that Men’s Club sponsors at PJC every year. WE WISH TO THANK AND EXPRESS OUR APPRECIATION TO THE FOLLOWING FAMILIES FOR THEIR GENEROUS CONTRIBUTION TO THE YAHRZEIT FUND: Marilyn & Landon Zuckerman Lenore & Andrew Newman Gladys & Sheldon Resnik David & Caryn Nazarieh Rhoda Meshover Eileen & Gilbert Fonfa Rochelle & Harvey Lefkowitz Mitchell Waldman Sylvia & Joel Waltzer Debra & Steven Goldmeier Sylvia Landau Halina & Monick Cymerman Mildred & David Green Sally Antman-Gleicher Gloria & Bernard Sanford Frances Levy Marcia & Milton Weller Beverly & Albert Solomon Barbara & Martin Novick Sharon & Marvin Passkoff Mona & Walter Grinspan Alice & Edward Langholz Martin Sands Harriette & Jeffrey Gold Helene & Al Karo Eileen & Bert Moskowitz Mira & Paul Klein Matilde & Cliff Broder Charlotte Froehlich Bette Goldberg Selma & Ira Perlman Esther & Simon Adler Gary Littman Carol Okun Doris & Hy Schoenfeld Shirley & Melvin Kahn Mr. & Mrs. Irwin Reich Arlene Fisher Lillian Smith Alvera & Albert Pincus Norma & Daniel Levenstein Milton Kovner Estelle & Fred Leif Nancy & Herbert Seldin Rhoda & Jerome Wiener Ellen & Steven Haas Carol & Edwin Lerner Barbara & Sam Slavsky Leatrice Burwasser Stewart Altschuler Fern Ruhalter Thank you to Our FFFNS Oneg Sponsors ORBIT Page 17 MEMORIAL PLAQUE DEDICATION The annual memorial plaque dedication will be held on the 2nd day of Shavuot, SATURDAY, MAY 30TH. The yahrzeit plaques which, heretofore, have not been dedicated, will be formally presented to the synagogue of the Plainview Jewish Center. The ceremony will be held BEFORE the yizkor service. DONATED BY Meryl & Lewis Bader IN MEMORY OF Sam Richman Lila Richman Samuel Bader Rose K. Bader Rhonda Diener Harvey Diener Friedman Family Sugar Family Fishman Family Dzigas Family Gordon Family Abraham Passkoff Debra & Donald Jacobowitz Harold Leibowitz Nancy Leibowitz Sheryl Kane Clifford Kane Marilyn Gottlieb Micki Kane Ruth & Marvin Kantorowitz Ida B. Oppenheimer Linda & Mark Klayman Estelle Klayman Ronnie Kowal Steven Teich Manuel Teich Lila Teich Charles Mendelson Marilyn Mendelson Susan Shebairo Mounira Shebairo Renee & Steven Singer Leo Mermelstein Janet & Robert Winterstein Alice Winterstein ORBIT Page 18 PJC BUY A BRICK PROGRAM Please help us in raising money to upgrade, beautify and maintain our building and grounds. Our Walkway of Memories will provide a permanent way to honor or memorialize a family member or friend, a business or special occasion. For further information or additional order forms, please call: Larry Speiller at (516) 938-810. May Calendar ( continued from Page 3 ) Light Candles…………………………………………7:56 PM Services………………………………………………..8:00 PM Oneg Shabbat in Kirschner Room Saturday, May 30th – 2nd DAY SHAVUOT Services including Yizkor………………………….9:00 AM Dedication of Memorial Plaques BEFORE Yizkor Kiddush in Kirschner Room Mincha Maariv………………………………………..8:00 PM Sunday, May 31st Services followed by Men’s Club T/T Breakfast…9:00 PM Annual Picnic & BBQ at Plainview Park Tuesday, June 2nd Sisterhood Meeting…………………………………..8:15 PM Wednesday, June 3rd Singles Group…………………………………………8:00 PM ATTENTION ALL CONGREGANTS: THE POST OFFICE REQUIRES YOUR MOST RECEN T ADDRESS. FAILURE TO COMPLY WILL RESULT IN FINES FOR PJC. PLEASE CALL THE OFFICE @ 938-8610 TO REPORT ANY ADDRESS CHANGES. THANK YOU ! ORBIT Page 19 LOCAL DROP-OFF AVAILABLE - CALL US! FANCY FACES For all of life’s special occasions. . . QUEEN ANNE FLOWERS Flower & Balloon Decor Plainview Centre 349 S Oyster Bay Rd., Plainview, NY 11803 Tel: 516-822-1100 ZZZTXHHQDQQHÁRZHUVFRP Unique Floral & Balloon Decor Specializing in..... Bar/Bat Mitzvahs Weddings Birthdays Religious Celebrations Showers Fruit & Gourmet Baskets QUEEN ANNE FLOWERS 0DNHVHYHU\RFFDVLRQVSHFWDFXODUZLWKEDOORRQVÁRZHUV Lisa M. Griggs Certified Make-up Artist Weddings, Proms, Bar/Bat Mitzvas Make-up Parties 646-387-3668 LMG217@HOTMAIL.COM $10 OFF YOUR TRIAL WHEN YOU MENTION THIS AD! H&T Services 516-244-5156 rs of “Printe n” leti this Bul Printing Services for Business and all Organizations!! Call for a Quote!!! PLAINVIEW JEWISH CENTER CEMETERY GROUND Location: Wellwood Cemetery at Pinelawn, New York Cost: Single Graves available at $550 each grave. Family Graves $500 each (minimum of 4 graves). Terms: 25% down with interest free monthly payments for a period of up to two (2) years. Eligibilty: Available to Plainview Jewish Center Members ONLY. For information call: JOEL FASS 938-7351 Periodical Mailing Privilege Plainview Jewish Center Authorized at Hicksville, N.Y. 95 Floral Drive West Plainview, NY 11803 516-938-8610 RETURN SERVICE REQUESTED
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