Plainview Jewish Center 2012 Journal Dinner Dance
Plainview Jewish Center 2012 Journal Dinner Dance
PLAINVIEW JEWISH CENTER 5772/2012 JUNE/SIVAN/TAMMUZ Plainview Jewish Center 2012 Journal Dinner Dance honoring Evy & Jerry Rothman! June 10. 2012 SISTERHOOD MEETING JUNE 5TH- 8:15PM A LOOK BACK AT THE CATSKILLS SISTERHOOD NEWS BEGINS ON PAGE 20 ISSUE #66 ORBIT Page 2 MAZEL TOV Laurie and Joel Bates on the birth of their grandson, Grayson Max Platt, son of Erica and Ira Platt Ellen and Martin Kirschman on the engagement of their daughter, Beth to Craig Lisogorsky, son of Bonnie and Ira Lisogorsky. Miriam and Jack Newman on the birth of their great-grandson, Matthew Messer, son of Melissa and Evan Messer. Lora and David Zemsky on the engagement of their son, Evan to Amy Linsky, daughter of Jody and Bob Linsky. Joyce and Mel Rimer on the birth of their granddaughter, Jazlyn Sahara, daughter of Munirah and Steven Rimer Wendy and Dennis Fingold, on the birth of their grandson, Gavin Isaac, son of Troy and Samantha Fingold HAMAKOM YINACHEM Blanche Silbert on the passing of her brother, Nathan Weissman Rita Holtz on the passing of her husband, Arthur Holtz Former PJC member, Alexander F. Klein KEEP US INFORMED!! Got good news? Engagements, marriages, births? Send your information by mail, fax (516-938-2737) or email ( so that we may share your simchas with the congregation. PLEASE LET OUR CLERGY KNOW! Current laws prevent hospitals from releasing names of patients. Please call the Temple Office when you, a family member, or friend are in the hospital and would welcome a visit. Contact the Temple office at 516-938-8610 ext.0. Plainview Jewish Center - 516-938-8610 ORBIT (USPS 410440) is published monthly from September to June for $2.00 per annum by the Plainview Jewish Center (a religious corporation under the laws of the State of New York), 95 Floral Drive West, Plainview, New York 11803. WE 8-8610. POSTMASTER: Send address changes to ORBIT, Plainview Jewish Center, 95 Floral Drive West, Plainview, New York 11803 RABBI...........................................................................Steven Conn RABBI EMERITUS...................................................Julius Goldberg * CANTOR......................................................................Morris Wolk PRINCIPAL.................................................................Rachel Ginsburg PRESIDENT............................................................Shea Z. Lerner CHAIRMAN OF THE BOARD............................Allan Furman SISTERHOOD PRESIDENT.....................................Doreen Guzik MEN’S CLUB PRESIDENT.......................................Sandy Strenger FAMILYEDUCATION DIRECTOR......................................Judy Alper YOUTH DIRECTOR.........................................................Lois Lange ORBIT EDITORS.......................................................Margie Richter Shari Roth Elizabeth Kessler ORBIT ADVERTISING............................................... Joyce Eckstein * In Memorian DEADLINE - FOR- ISSUE DATE JUNE 1st WEEKDAY SERVICES Mon. thru Fri…………… 6:30AM Mon. thru Thurs…….…...8:00PM Sun. and Holidays………. 9:00AM Sun. and Holidays………. 8:00PM Friday Evening Services Check Calendar for Times WE’RE ON THE WEB: WWW.PLAINVIEWJEWISHCENTER.ORG ORBIT Page 3 JUNE CALENDAR Rabbi Steven Conn & Cantor Morris Wolk will officiate at services The Officers and Board of Trustees Extend a Hearty Mazal Tov to the Families of the Following Simchas Friday, June 1st Early Shabbat Service………………..…….6:00PM Saturday, June 2nd Shacharit Service…………………...............9:00AM Bat Mitzvah: Nicole Ruiz Daughter of Ilyse and David Ruiz Mincha/Ma’ariv………….……….…….8:00PM Sunday, June 3rd Services followed by T/T… ..………….....9:00AM Israel Day Parade…………………............11:00AM Monday, June 4th Religious School Committee Meeting…….8:15PM Torah Fund Chai Celebration........................8:15PM Tuesday, June 5th Sisterhood Meeting…………....……….…..8:15PM Wednesday, June 6th Bible Class……...………….…….…………8:30PM Thursday, June 7th Executive Committee Meeting…....….…....8:30PM Friday, June 8th Early Shabbat Service……….…..….……..6:00PM FFFNS Under the Stars Honoring High School Graduates….........7:00PM Saturday, June 9th Shacharit Service……..………….………...9:00AM Mincha/Ma’ariv.............…......……….…..….8:00PM Sunday, June 10th Services followed by T/T……..………….....9:00AM Siyum for Adult B’not Mitzvah….………....10:00AM Journal Dinner Dance…………………..….6:00PM Monday, June 11th Express Innovations Meeting…...…………7:00PM Wednesday, June 13th Lunch and Learn…………………….…….11:00AM Ritual Committee Meeting...………….……8:15PM Thursday, June 14th Board of Directors Meeting……….….8:30PM Friday, June 15th Early Shabbat Service………....……..6:00PM Saturday, June 16th Shacharit Service……….......….……..9:00AM Aufruf: Kyle Siegel, son of Melanie & George Coutsakis and Brad Siegel and Jessica Kliegman, daughter of Merri & Jeffrey Kliegman Mincha/Ma’ariv………….............…….8:00PM Sunday, June 17th Services followed by T/T…...…….......9:00AM Wednesday, June 20th Outgoing President’s Dinner…..….…7:00PM Friday, July 22nd Early Shabbat Service………...……..6:00PM Saturday, June 23rd Shacharit Service Celebrating Michael Wolk’s Ordination as Rabbi….......….…..9:00AM Mincha/Ma’ariv….…………........…….8:15PM Sunday, June 24th Services followed by T/T…………......9:00AM Wednesday, June 27th Bible Class………………….……..….8:30PM Friday, June 29th Early Shabbat Service………..……...6:00PM Installation of Officers………………...7:00PM Saturday, June 30th Shacharit Service………..…….……..9:00AM Mincha/Ma’ariv………………...….….8:15PM SUMMER CANDLE LIGHTING HOURS July 6 July 13 July 20 July 27 8:12pm 8:09pm 8:04pm 7:58pm August 3 August 10 August 17 August 24 August 31 7:51pm 7:42pm 7:33pm 7:22pm 7:11pm ORBIT Page 4 FROM THE RABBI by Rabbi Steven Conn Each week, I spend hours preparing my sermon for Shabbat morning services. As a part of the process, I have to decide what message I want the congregation to take away from the sermon. I also have to figure out how to convey that message in a way that the congregation can understand and relate to. Believe me; I work as hard at the second task as I do at the first. Nonetheless, I am often surprised by the way that different people connect to different aspects of my sermons. Some people connect to the personal stories I tell. Some people connect to the humor. There are even some people who connect to the commentators I quote each week. During Kiddish, I can sometimes speak to five different people about my sermon, and hear five very different takeaways. My experience with giving sermons each week has given me an even greater appreciation for God’s ability to communicate to our ancestors at Mount Sinai. God, too, begins with a message that God wants to convey to a large and very diverse audience. God is somehow able to convey this message, our tradition teaches us, in a way that each person can connect to on whatever spiritual level he or she may find herself. At Sinai, God manages a feat that we can only dream of—finding a way to connect to everyone at the same time in a way that informs and inspires, and is still true to the message’s original intent. No less than God, we as a congregation need to connect with everyone we are addressing. We need to reach the people in our community at whatever spiritual level they are on. We need to reach each person in a way that is both authentic and uplifting. Without God’s supernatural powers, this task becomes daunting. And yet, connecting is more important for us than any single program in our synagogue, any fund-raiser any service or event. Our synagogue rises and falls on how connected we feel to each other, to our tradition and to God. This past year brought many positive changes to Plainview Jewish Center. These changes took place in many areas of synagogue life, from ritual to administrative, from the Religious School to the auxiliaries, from personnel to technology. But each of these changes was made with one overall goal in mind; to help bring all of us together, to reinforce our identity as a kehila kedosha, a sacred community. Perhaps the first change most of us saw this year was the new High Holiday Prayer Book, Mahzor Lev Shalem. Through its accessible translations and insightful commentary, our new Mahzor helped many of us find a renewed sense of connection to the High Holiday prayers. The new Mahzor also provided us the opportunity to come together as a community to bring about change through the personal contributions we made. These new High Holiday prayer books are not from synagogues long closed down, or people who lived a generation ago. Our new Mahzors are ours; an expression of our determination to keep Plainview Jewish Center vital and vibrant in the years to come. Also, last fall, we unveiled our refurbished Religious School classrooms and the new technology that would transform the learning that goes on inside them. Our second floor has never looked better. The renovations not only create a better atmosphere for learning, but they also reinforce the connection between what goes on in the school and what goes on downstairs. We care about both equally because we know that, if we do it right, strengthening one area of congregational life will strengthen the whole. The new technology that we put into our Religious School, the three Smartboards and the new computer lab, was also an exercise in creating connections. We first needed to create the physical connections between our new devices and the internet, which involved running lots of wires. In the process, we turned our school into a network; an appropriate metaphor for the kind of learning community we are trying to create. Then, we had to connect our teachers, some of whom had little or no experience ( continued on page 5 ) ORBIT Page 5 From The Rabbi ( continued from Page 4 ) with computers, to our new educational tools. With the help of our new Director of Technology, we managed to teach our teachers how to utilize our new Smartboards and lab. And, as our teachers became more adept at using these tools, our students experienced an entirely new level of connection to their learning. For many years, the focus of our school program has been on students ages 5-13. We have had little connection to those children who were younger or older than Religious School age. This year, we began several new efforts to reach these children. For our teenagers, we introduced “J-Flex”, a new experience of Jewish Learning and Living for eighth graders and above. Our fifteen J-Flex participants stayed connected to each other, to the synagogue and to Jewish education in an enjoyable and collaborative setting; one that gave equal weight to classroom learning, community service, Jewish life experiences and hands-on activities. At the same time, our revitalized Youth Committee helped strengthen the connection between our USY program and the rest of the congregation. For the first time in several years, our USY Program grew as our younger teenagers realized that their social lives and their Jewish lives could indeed overlap. Meanwhile, our congregation began offering families with very young children a new way to connect: PJ Library. PJ Library provides children 0-8 with a Jewish book each month, as a gift from our congregation. Thanks to generous grants made available to us from the Harold Grinspoon Foundation, the Steinhardt Foundation and the Susser Family Trust, we are able to participate in this program. While PJ Library is just getting off the ground, we hope that it can become a vehicle for us to connect Jewish families with high quality Jewish books, Jewish parents and children together through the experience of reading, and affiliated and unaffiliated families with our PJC family. There were many other wonderful new programs and initiatives this year: including the Express Innovations Committee’s three Shabbat-centered programs, the Volunteer Engagement Committee’s Committee Fair, and our Adult Bat Mitzvah class and monthly learning service. Each of these programs elicited a tremendous response, helped bring our community together and forged strong bonds among the participants. But when it comes to forging connections, the re-organization of our synagogue office has had as much impact as anything else we have done this year. We had the opportunity this year to re-think the roles of our office staff and to bring in people who were a good fit for these roles. On a practical level, this meant separating the financial operations of our office from the administrative and the clerical. Creating this separation allowed us to match the time commitment required for each position to the staff person with that responsibility. As a result, our office operations are more efficient than ever. Even more important, these changes have allowed our office staff to be more responsive than ever. Our office staff often serves as the first point of contact for both members and prospective members. The connections that our staff makes often play a big role in the bringing in, meeting the needs of and retaining members. The changes we have made have helped us to make and strengthen these connections at an entirely new level. Amidst all this talk of change, it is important to remember what has not changed at Plainview Jewish Center. We continue to have inspiring and well-attended services. Our Daily Minyan is thriving; though we can always use more help. We offer a strong program of Adult Education. Our Men’s Club and Sisterhood continue to offer top-notch programming and provide invaluable support to our Congregation. We have joyous holiday celebration and spirited social events. Most of all, we have a committed supportive congregational community that is warm, welcoming and inclusive of everyone who walks through the door. This strong foundation gives us the security to try new programs and new approaches; knowing that we do not have to fundamentally re-think who we are. All we have to do is build on the sense of connection and commitment that is already there. ORBIT Page 6 From The Rabbi ( continued from Page 5 ) As we bring this year to an end, I want to acknowledge all those people who work so hard to make our congregation a kehila kedosha, a sacred community. A special thanks to all the members of professional staff, who are amazing team players who bring tremendous talent and enthusiasm to everything we do. Thanks also to our lay leaders, our officers, board members, and committee chairs, for committing countless hours to Plainview Jewish Center. A special Mazal Tov to our outgoing President Shea Lerner for completing two years of outstanding service. I would also like to acknowledge the rest of Plainview Jewish Center staff—our teachers, youth leaders, custodians and support staff, for their invaluable contributions this year. And to all those who volunteered to help out this year, thank you for your efforts, big and small. Every single volunteer is crucial for our success, and we appreciate all that you do. Finally, tremendous thanks to all of our members. Your support and commitment to Plainview Jewish Center makes it possible for us to continue to promote Jewish values, Jewish living, Jewish education and a shared sense of community every day. You are our most valuable resource. We hope that, in the coming year, we will, with your help, be able to strengthen even further the sense of connection we feel to each other, to our synagogue, to Jewish tradition and to God; to make even more palpable the feeling that we all belong together to a kehila kedosha sacred community. May we always go together from strength to strength. Israel Day Parade - June 3rd Israel celebrated 64 years of Independence last month and yes, for all you Beatles fans out there, we really do still love her as much at 64 as we did in 1948! Plainview Jewish Center was a big supporter of the Parade in its early years and continues to do so. I have always thought that everyone loves a parade, but today with so many distractions, it is not so clear. I’d like to invite you to introduce your kids to something new. Plainview will have a bus to the city, some of our members will march, and I believe, if you participate, either marching or watching, you will be glad you did. Contact the office or Diane Miller for details. Many USY and Kadema groups march with their synagogues and others march with United Synagogue under the USY banner. Other youth groups such as those at Y, Bnai Brith, Young Judea, etc.. Your teens will meet people they have met at other activities and it will be a bonding experience, both with their peers and with Israel. Join the crowd. It will be a wonderful day. If you come on your own, the LIRR works well, you can really make a day of it. There are always concerts and things to do in Central Park after the parade. Have a wonderful summer, and keep thinking of Israel. If you visit, perhaps you will share your experiences with those who weren’t that fortunate this summer. Sharon Kunoff ORBIT Page 7 The Cantor’s Note: Serving God and Serving our Country Sharing news about our sons, Michael and Ethan, has always been my most pleasurable subject for an Orbit article. Now adult young men, they are about to embark on two very different and distant paths, but from the days of their births to the present, the Plainview Jewish Center community has been an anchor in their lives. Their brit ceremonies were conducted on our bimah, as were their B’nai Mitzvah thirteen years later. There are still many of you who remember celebrating with us at all of these simachot. Through the years, Michael has served as my Hazzan Sheni for the High Holy Days, as Megillah reader on Purim, and a Torah reader on numerous occasions, and Ethan, too, still reads Torah for us. Gerri and I are very proud of their accomplishments and thankful for the warm and affectionate relationship that they have with our congregational family. On May 17th, Michael graduated from the Rabbinical School of the Jewish Theological Seminary, where he received his rabbinic ordination and a Masters’ Degree. At his ordination ceremony, I was honored and deeply moved to serve as his mentor, to be able to place a new tallit over this shoulders and pronounce words of blessings. It is the type of joy that I could wish for every parent, and that only a parent can understand. Before entering rabbinic school, Michael graduated from the Joint Program of the Jewish Theological Seminary and Columbia University, and served for a year as ritual director of Congregation Agudath Achim in Columbus, Ohio. While in the Seminary, he was rabbinic intern at the East Meadow Jewish Center, summer rabbi at Temple Israel of Putnam Valley, and for the past two years, assistant rabbi of Temple Sinai in Middletown, NY. Now he will become the new spiritual leader of Congregation Knesset Israel of Louisville, KY. This is the town where the Kentucky Derby is run, where bourbon is distilled, and Louisville Slugger bats are manufactured. As a New Yorker transplanted to the South, Michael may quickly have to acquire a taste for horseracing and bourbon, and I certainly hope, that, rabbinically speaking, he will hit a grand slam. Ethan, our younger son, is a graduate of Boston University who has been working locally. He trained as an Emergency Medical Technician, was certified, and volunteers with the Plainview Fire Department. At the end of July, he will enter the United States Air Force, where he was selected to serve in the Intelligence field. Gerri and I are very proud of his commitment to our national defense. He brings to this mission many abilities and talents – physical and intellectual prowess, strength of character, dedication and great purpose. He may also be one of the very few airmen besides the chaplains who can read Torah. A few weeks ago, after Ethan received his deployment date, I retrieved a copy of the Orbit article I had written following his Bar Mitzvah. The theme of his party had been “Superheroes”, and all the decorations depicted different popular superhero characters. I wrote at the time that true superheroes are not the fictional invincible TV and movie characters, but real people with human strengths and frailties who nevertheless possess the will to go beyond themselves to perform extraordinary and heroic deeds. Now, to us, his parents, Ethan is proving himself to be a real superhero. May God keep him safe. On Saturday morning, June 23rd, we will be celebrating Michael’s ordination at Shabbat services followed by a catered Kiddush in his honor sponsored by the Center. Please join us at this happy event, a simcha for us and for the entire Plainview Jewish Center family. After that, Gerri and I will have the difficult role of finally adjusting to being true empty nesters. Cantor Morris Wolk, D. Mus. ORBIT Page 8 PRESIDENT’S MESSAGE by Shea Z. Lerner “And in the end, the love you take, is equal to the love you make” -Lennon/McCartney It is hard to believe that my two year term as president is now concluding. For the past two years, and the six previous ones before that, I have given both my heart and soul to the Plainview Jewish Center, in the hopes of making it a more vibrant and appealing House of worship, study and assembly. I truly feel we are on the right path for success; we must avoid the temptation to settle for the status quo. Complacency is not a strategic plan of action; success, can only come about by the willingness to evaluate, re-evaluate, and commit to implementing new and challenging ideas without violating our core beliefs and values. PJC in its near 60 years has evolved into a “family – friendly” environment, where all members count towards its mission. Gone are the days of Tammany Hall style politics, replaced by those whose visions of a synagogue mirror that of an extended family. We have all expended personal capital to shape our future in a fight that literally saved the soul of our synagogue. One cannot fear change. Clearly the fundamental changes and investments made and experienced over the past few years have impacted the shul for the better. Instead of a rapid decline, we are now experiencing a renaissance not common in the Conservative movement. Though challenges still abound, I am more optimistic then ever in our ability to weather the storm of uncertainty and economic distress that surrounds us. I have had to make some serious and hard decisions these past few years. None of them were taken lightly; always with the best interest of the congregation first and foremost. Nonetheless, I stand by all that has transpired and hope you all agree that we are now a better place for it. No president serves in a vacuum. I have been very fortunate to have the guidance and dedication of some very wonderful people. Though not in any particular order, I am eternally grateful to the following: Rabbi Conn – I will forever feel that the journey of change began with your tenure. Your leadership, teaching and counsel have been and will be the highlight of my administration. You have imparted upon me the ideal to take a step back in the decision making process and to always seek the higher ground. Much of my decision making process has benefited from your advice these past two years. It is an honor to be your friend. Cantor Wolk – I have known you for all of your 38 years in our service. My teacher, my shaliach tzibor, my friend. If there is anyone who is the bedrock of our foundation, it is you. If not for your leadership and guidance, I have no idea where we would have found ourselves. Keep hitting the high note! The Executive Board - Alan Furman, Michael Portnoy, Bruce Elowsky, Alan Greenberg, Margie Richter, Charles Wasserman, Rhonnie Diener, Doreen Guzik, Sanford Strenger and Barbara Greenberg. THANK YOU! I could not achieve what we have, without you. I only hope the myriad of daily phone calls will continue. It was always the highlight of a busy day. Most importantly, I value the friendships we have developed and will continue to grow. To my fellow Trustees, your decision making and leadership has enabled us to dream and accomplish that which we once thought impossible. Yasher Koach! ( continued on page 9 ) ORBIT Page 9 President’s Message ( continued from Page 8 ) Michael Stromberg – Who first nominated me for the Executive Board and served as a wonderful advisor. Yasher Koach! Men’s Club and Sisterhood – our auxiliaries without whom we would cease to exist. Yasher Koach! Committee Chairs – Cliff Broder, Arnie Cooper Z’L, Joel Fass, Gail Kriss, Alice Kleinmann, Fred Skolnik, Steven Glasser, Rhonda Diener, Hannah Dworkin, Elizabeth Kessler, Evy Rothman, Beryl Kwitkin, Charles Wasseman, Aliza Greenberg, Debbie Tavel, Jen Ostreiger, Eileen Fleishman, Robin Kaufman, Eleanor Abrams,Dr. Emanuel Rubin Z’L, Olga Portnoy, Doreen Guzik, Stuart Haimes, Joel Hauptman, Craig Herman, Kym Newborn, Sharon Kunoff, Nanette Strenger, Sandy Strenger, Jackie Kolsky, Ellen Hayman, Diane Miller, Margie Richter, Shari Roth, Robert Cohen, Steven Rubenfeld, Mark Cristol, Steve Granite, Steve Guzik, Larry Speiller. Without you, we would cease to function. Yasher Koach! Religious School – Education Director, Rachel Ginsburg and her dedicated teachers, whose hearts and souls are in educating our children. Yasher Koach! Family Education – Judy Alper, a teacher’s teacher and a wonderful and innovative person, Yasher Koach! Technology Director – Beth Glaser. Bringing 5000 years of Jewish history into the 21st Century. Yasher Koach! Youth Group – Lois Lange. Re-invigorating our Youth Programs. Yasher Koach! Our Office Staff – Dorit Mass, Laura Campione, Lucille Giniger, Birdie Fox. You have completed our team. Yasher Koach! Maintenance Staff – Freddie Franco, Johnny Romero and Bob Schaarshmidt. You guys are the true backbone of our enterprise. Yasher Koach! Robert Ian Caterers - Robert and Steven Steinberg. We no longer fear our kitchen! Bon Apetit . Yasher Koach! If I have forgotten anyone, please forgive me and do not feel slighted. There are so many of you and I am becoming quite nostalgic as I type. Having been the first President who was actually born into this congregation 42 years ago, I followed the example my parents set for me. I am honored to be part of the first father/son presidential legacy and hope that my son Noah will one day assume the leadership reigns at PJC and make it a perfect trifecta. It’s never easy living up to one’s parents expectations; however, I am forever grateful that my parents were there to give me advice and criticism along the way. We should all live to 120 and beyond. To my beautiful bride Pamela and son Noah. You have shared me these past 8 years with a never ending myriad of meetings, events, committees and services. Though I did this for our Jewish future, I could not have done it without you! I love you both more than I can express. I have the utmost confidence in the future of the Plainview Jewish Center. Allow me this opportunity to wish Allan Furman the best of luck as he assumes the Presidency and pledge my full and total support. I have gotten to know him well and can honestly say we are in good hands. ( continued on Page 10 ) ORBIT Page 10 President’s Message ( continued from Page 9 ) Most of all, thank you to each and every one of you, without whom, we would cease to exist. It has been my privilege and honor to serve you these past two years. Through good times and sad, I hope I have been able to serve you in a manner which was of assistance. Though traditional for Yom Kippur, allow me this opportunity to ask for your forgiveness if ever I have offended or slighted anyone. Believe me when I say, it was unintentional. My penchant for famous quotes can be seen in all my articles. Though I will always remain in service to the shul, I would like to sign off with a quote from the Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. that is apropos: “Free at last, Free at last, Thank G-d Almighty I’m free at last!” With Love and admiration! Shea Family Education Corner by Judy Alper June is always a month of very good things: weddings, graduations, awards and the celebration of accomplishments. Chapters of our lives reach a certain amount of closure and new chapters are ripe to begin. June is also the month that Family Education activities come to an end for the year and it is time to thank people for all the hard work that they put into making different activities look easy. I can guarantee that if a workshop/event/Family Service looks easy, you know there was a lot of behind the scenes effort to make it that way. A huge thank you to the backbone of the Family Education Committee: Rhonnie Diener, Gail Kriss, Diane Miller, Barbara Rosenberg and Joel Stern. They show up at all Family Friendly Friday Night Services, Family Education Committee meetings and are my right and left hands at school workshops and events. They are not afraid to take on any task if they know it will make a difference for the community and they don’t expect a thank you. (But I’m grateful for their input and I will say THANK YOU!!!) Thank you to Shea Lerner and his Executive Board, Men’s Club and Sisterhood for all your support and encouragement on our many programs. It amazes me each year how so many families graciously open their Sukkahs for us during the Sukkah Hop. My job in arranging the Sukkah Hop is easy, the families who host it….I can’t even imagine how much work goes into all that pasta, salads, soups, cheese platters, crackers, and desserts. Thank you to all the families that continue to show how wonderful Plainview Jewish Center is! It’s nice to have new activities to look forward to and this coming year we will be having our “coming out” party for PJ Library! While you can already sign up and look for us online at http://, we will be having an event in the fall to announce this great program to the community. Thank you to the PJ Library committee (Joyce Eckstein, Naomi Feldman, Barbara Rosenberg and Vanessa Sheinwald) for their work in getting our synagogue accepted into the program and for their excitement and efforts in planning upcoming events. Last but not least, thank you to Rabbi Conn, Cantor Wolk, and Rachel Ginsburg. It’s great to be part of a great team. The Family Education Committee is the sum of all its parts. Thank you to all who have helped and to all who have participated!!! Join us for our June Family Friendly Friday Night Service, “Under the Stars” on Friday, June 8, 2010 at 7:00 PM. We’re looking forward to celebrating the graduation of all our High School students and want to have a chance to wish them well on all future endeavors. It’s always a special Family Friendly when it is “Under the Stars”. See you there. If you have any questions or would like to help sponsor the FFFNS, please email Judy Alper at Wishing everyone a great summer, we’ll see you back in September! ORBIT Page 11 The Officers and Trustees of Plainview Jewish Center request the pleasure of your presence at the 58 th Annual Journal Dinner Dance Honoring Evy & Jerry Rothman Sunday Evening The Tenth of June Two Thousand and Twelve At Six O’Clock Couvert $100 per person RSVP to the Temple Office 516-938-8610 by June 4, 2012 Business Attire Shea Z. Lerner President Bruce Elowsky Dinner Chairman ORBIT Page 12 Volunteer Engagement Express Innovations Committee On behalf of the Express Innovations Committee, we want to say THANK YOU to the entire PJC Family. Our programming for 2011-2012 was wildly successful thanks to you! Our year began with a beautiful Havdalah Service and Party which had over 200 attendees. We then followed up with an Interactive Shabbat Morning Service and a wonderful family lunch which included a scavenger hunt for the children. Our Family Friendly Friday Night Shabbat Dinner followed by a live music Service took place on May 18th and was attended by more than 100 parents, children and grandparents. What memories these three “engaging Jewish experiences” have created for our PJC family. A special THANK YOU goes to Rabbi Conn and Cantor Wolk, whose guidance, participation and leadership was integral to our success. We also appreciate all of the support given to us by the PJC Executive Board and Board of Trustees. We would be remiss if we did not thank each member of our team personally – they devote their precious time and their enthusiasm has made each meeting fun, exciting and productive. THANK YOU to our PJC Staff: Rabbi Conn, Rachel Ginsburg, and Judy Alper and Lay People: Evy Rothman, Jennifer Spatz, Aliza Greenburg, Nanette Strenger and Diane Miller. A special thanks also goes to Ellen Rank, our insightful consultant from The Jewish Education Project, who has been a wonderful sounding board during this entire year. Express Innovations is designed to propel congregations forward in their practice of engaging children and their families in meaningful Jewish learning. We experiment with a high impact, non-classroom-only model of Jewish learning. As part of this grant, PJC is able to jumpstart programs quickly and see the immediate impact on our children and families. Express Innovations is a grant initiative offered by The Jewish Education Project in partnership with the Experiment in Congregational Education, made possible by funding from UJA-Federation of New York. WE NEED YOU! We are looking for enthusiastic people to join this fantastic and innovative committee for the 2012-2013 year. Please contact Debbie Tavel should you want to join in what promises to be a creative and inspiring year…Email: Thanks again – Beryl Kwitkin and Debbie Tavel Co-Chairs, Express Innovations Committee ORBIT Page 13 JOIN US FOR THE PJC OUTGOING PRESIDENT’S DINNER HONORING SHEA LERNER! WEDNESDAY, JUNE 20TH - 7PM $54 PER PERSON PLEASE RSVP BY JUNE 13TH PLEASE RETURN THIS PORTION WITH YOUR CHECK ATTN: SHEA’S DINNER NAME: ___________________________________________ # ATTENDING: _____________________________________ PLEASE SEAT ME WITH:____________________________ _________________________________________________ ORBIT Page 14 Plain vie wJ ewish Center Plainvie view Je Invites you to our ANNUAL PICNIC & BBQ Sunday, July 1st 12:00-3:00PM Plainview Park, Washington Ave. Bring your appetite…. Burgers, Hot Dogs, and lots, lots more!!! RSVP by JUNE 20th to the Temple office 938-8610 ext 103 or email ORBIT Page 15 LUNCH AND LEARN - WEDNESDAY, JUNE 13TH Special Program with Guest Speaker Sanford Wainer and Chinese-Themed Lunch Join us from 11:00 AM to 12:45 PM for stimulating study, good food and even better company at our monthly Lunch and Learn with Rabbi Conn. This month, we will welcome guest speaker Sanford Wainer, who will share with us “1,000 Years of Viable Jewish Life in China - From Marco Polo to the Present” Mr. Wainer was born, raised and educated in China. His presentations cover personal experience of living throughout China, including living in Shanghai under Japanese Occupation during WWII. Mr. Wainer is the father of our own Evy Rothman. Suggested donation is $5 per person. Lunch and Learn is usually held on the second Wednesday of each month. Open to all PJC members and the community at large. If anyone has borrowed any daily or shabbat siddurs, please return them to the Shul. Thank you, The Ritual Committee PRESCHOOL (AKA TOT) SHABBAT Will Return in the Fall. Have a great summer! ORBIT Page 16 CONGRATULATIONS! OUR B’NAI / B’NOT MITZVAH NICOLE RUIZ June 2, 2012 Niclole is the daughter of Ilyse and David Ruiz and has a brother, Brennen and a sister, Jenna. She is a seventh grader at Mattlin Middle School. Nicole enjoys dance, playing volleyball and being with her friends. Her favorite holiday is Chanukah when she gets together with her family to celebrate. REMEMBER TO PURCHASE CANDY BAGS FOR YOUR BAR/BAT MITZVAH THROUGH OUR YOUTH GROUP CONTACT THE TEMPLE OFFICE: 938-8610 FROM THE EDITOR I would like to thank my co-editors, Shari Roth and Elizabeth Kessler, for all their support, work and their positive attitudes. You are both a pleasure to work with. I would also like to thank Marion Weisfelner for amassing and reviewing the Sisterhood articles and Joyce Eckstein for providing the artwork for our cover and helping with our advertising. Thank you to Olga Portnoy for posting Orbit on the PJC website. Dorit Mass never failed to supply accurate information every month about all the temple activities. Thank you so much. Lastly, thank you to all the contributors. People don’t realize how hard it is to write a new, interesting article every month. See you in September, Margie Richter ORBIT Page 17 SCHOOL NEWS By Rachel Ginsburg, Principal Another year has passed for the Hebrew School. It was a year of many changes for the School. We embraced many technological changes and we really made a great deal of progress. Teachers received private instruction to work on the Smart Boards and computers. At this time, I am pleased to say that the majority of our teachers know how to use the Smart Board. We are training the teachers to create lesson plans on the computers and to do Power Point presentations. There is still a lot to learn but we are moving quickly. We wish all the teachers a peaceful and happy summer and hope that they will practice during the summer break. Below are two pictures of our graduates. One is the Kitah Hey (7th grade) class and the second is our J-Flex (High School) class. We wish Mazel Tov to all the graduates and to their families. Best wishes for the future. Sincerely, Rachel Ginsburg JUNE 4 (Monday) 8 (Friday) 12 (Tuesday) 15 (Friday) Last School Committee Meeting – 8:15PM Library Family Friendly Service – 7:00P – 8:00PM Teachers’ Evaluation - 4:00PM - 6:00PM Preschool Shabbat – 6:00PM - 6:30PM ORBIT Page 18 WE WISH TO THANK AND EXPRESS OUR APPRECIATION TO THE FOLLOWING FAMILIES FOR THEIR GENEROUS CONTRIBUTION TO THE YAHRZEIT & YIZKOR FUND: Nancy Behar Larry Lachter Janine & Sheldon Jackman Melvin Schoenfeld Rosalie Miller Wendy & Barry Shapiro Phyllis Kriss Marvin Jacobs Barbara & Samuel Slavsky Arlene & Richard Friedman Eugene Brickman Helen Fuchs Laura & Eric Schultz Rita Gulack Eleanore & Lawrence Abrams Janice & Howard Gellman Janet & Emery Deutsch Estelle & Fred Leif Rhoda & Jerome Wiener Marlene & Larry Kreditor Marvin Kleinman Ellen & Norman Kaufman Bette Goldberg Lenore & Bob Weinstein Linda & Arthur Klein Ellen & Russell Janus Phyllis Sarrel Wendy & Dennis Fingold Doreen Kanfer Harriet Cohen Helene & Albert Karo Zita & Marvin Rosen Marilyn Hoch Elaine & Gary Lederman Gloria Klein Caryn & David Nazarieh Gloria & Ralph Elbaum Helen Klein Beatrice Block Diana & Leonard Lerner Estelle & Alan Hodes Todd A. Marks Geraldine & Cantor Morris Wolk Elyse & Allan Fields Naomi Fixman Debra & Harold Rinder Karen & Mark Garbus Natalia & Arkady Nevidomsky Susan & Marc Meyer Norma & Daniel Levenstein Susan & Ervi Farkas Minna Rothman Eileen Fonfa Janet & Seymour Pepper Doris & Jack Fogel Marilyn & Landon Zuckerman EXPERIENCED CERTIFIED MATH TUTOR ELEMENTARY / MIDDLE SCHOOL / NINTH GRADE REMEDIAL AND NYS TEST PREP EXCELLENT RESULTS IN YOUR OWN HOME INDIVIDUAL PERSONALIZED ATTENTION PATIENT / REASONABLE RATES MASTERS DEGREE - NYU MR. WOLF 516-935-9740 FREE MONEY Please help our Religious School earn free money Save Box Tops from General Mills brand items Either mail or deposit them in the Main or Education Office Ziploc – Kleenex – Hefty – Cheerios – Scott Paper Gogurt – Kix – Betty Crocker and many more !! ORBIT Page 19 ShopRite Food Certificates are always available at the Temple office Remember, by supporting the Food Certificate Program, you support PJC! ** Food Certificates may be purchased by credit card in the temple office ** ORBIT Page 20 SISTERHOOD NEWS PRESIDENT’S MESSAGE - Doreen B. Guzik As I write my final article, I reflect on the past 2 years as President of Sisterhood. Sisterhood would not exist if we didn’t have the dedication of our many board members. One person cannot do this on their own. I took on the Presidency because I felt it was important to be involved at PJC and effect change. I also felt it was a great way to teach my children tzedakah and volunteerism. Any job I undertake I give it my all which I did with my Sisterhood duties. We have brought many wonderful events to PJC this past year and we are always striving to come up with new and exciting events to get all members involved. Sisterhood is an important arm of the Temple, but without members and committed individuals we cannot move forward. I ask those of you who are not Sisterhood members to join this wonderful group and bring your friends. Lets strive in the upcoming year to support Sisterhood by donating your time. There is always something that might interest you. We are continually looking for new people with new ideas. I would like to wish our incoming President Blayne Peltzman good luck. She is very capable and I know she will be able to handle any task put before her. Lets work together on doubling the size of our Sisterhood membership to reach even higher goals then last year. I would like to thank all the women on my executive board, Blayne Peltzman, Cindy Getzoff, Dvorah Lumerman, Debbie Zaglin, Elyse Schrage, Marilyn Cohen, Bunny Finkelstein, Sheryl Fischer, Judy Forman and Elyse Schrage for all they do. Whether it’s running a program, gathering raffles or setting up and organizing Shalach Manot, these women are always ready to give of themselves. I wish we had a few more like them. To the women who have served as board members this past year I would also like to thank you for your continued support. If we can all work together Sisterhood will continue to strengthen and thrive at PJC. Lastly, I would like to thank my family Erica, Ryan, Jordan and especially my husband Steven, for always supporting my commitment to the Sisterhood and the Temple. Shalom! SISTERHOOD JUDAICA SHOP The Sisterhood Judaica Shop has gifts for all your holiday needs. We have a large selection of seder plates, menorahs, mezuzahs, jewelry and head coverings for both men and women. Our great holiday serving pieces, including platters and utensils, are wonderful for celebrating and entertaining with family and friends. WHEN YOU THINK GIFTS, THINK SISTERHOOD JUDAICA! ORBIT Page 21 EXECUTIVE VICE PRESIDENT Blayne Pelzman Sisterhood, once again, had a fantastic year. From our creative programming to our Shalach Manot success to our red carpet style Fashion Show, PJC women can be found everywhere and doing everything! As this year comes to an end, I want to thank our President and my mentor and friend, Doreen Guzik. I met Doreen while serving on the Rabbi Search Committee several years ago. We quickly became friends and she got me involved in Sisterhood. Having an infant and a 1 year old, Doreen encouraged me to get out of the house in the evenings. She would pick me up (I loved being chauffeured in a clean cool car with air conditioned seats!) and take me to meetings and programs. She even had babysitters right in her own home for me when needed. Thank you to Jordan and Erica! After a year she had me on the board and then after 2 years on the executive board and now currently serving as her executive Vice President. The past two years has not been easy but Doreen never let up. Under her leadership, Sisterhood continues to thrive. I hope to make her proud as I carry on in her footsteps! A special thank you also to the entire executive board. These are incredible women who put their heart, soul and time into everything they do. You each have special talents. I am proud to serve with you. Bunny Finkelstein….My Executive Tutor Sheryl Fisher …..The Budget Queen Elyse Schrage….The Party Planner Marilyn Cohen…My Social Butterfly and Woman of Achievement Winner Judy Forman….The Receipt Princess Debbie Zaglin….Our Cruise Director D’vorah Lumerman....You pulled it off Girl! Cindy Getzoff…The Great Educator Huge thanks also to the entire board and chairs…Michele Haimes, Rose Weiner (Torah Fund), Zita Jospa, Lily Elman, Doris Cooper, Sharon Kunoff, Barbara Alhadeff, Sandy Ezersky, Joyce Rimer, Nanette Strenger and Rhonnie Diener. Thank you especially to Marion Weisfelner, who so graciously corrects my grammar and to Margie Richter who always so graciously extends my article due dates! Thanks and appreciation also to Rhoda Meshover and Dawn Grabois for sending out our Book Of Life letters and to Ellen Hayman and Michele Haimes for the beautiful calligraphy. In addition, a special thank you to Gerri Wolk and Illyse Conn for the compelling D’var Torahs. I want to also thank Shea Lerner, the outgoing PJC President for his unwavering support of Sisterhood and to Sandy Strenger, the Men’s Club President. Sisterhood had some rough times this year with the passing of some of our member’s loved ones. Beyond programs, meetings, and baskets, Sisterhood is a family. We will continue to be there for our members beyond the shivas and the unveilings. Once a Sisterhood member, always a Sister! I am so lucky to be a part of an organization with women of intelligence, compassion and dedication. The women of PJC Sisterhood have a fervent love for Judaism and our shul. To be a part of this is truly something special. I am beyond excited and honored to be able to serve as President next year. I hope to make you all proud and carry on in the traditions of the Women’s League for Conservative Judaism. In Sisterhood, Blayne Peltzman Sisterhood Special Project - M’yad L’yad by Sharon Kunoff Sisterhood is constantly looking for clothing, staples and cash for our family. Your donations have enabled us to send a small package for of gift cards and goodies for Purim and a larger package for Pesach. Remember, we always have room to store items for the next time. You can contact me at or leave a note in the Sisterhood box at PJC. Thank you for your help and Hag Sameah!! ORBIT Page 22 TORAH FUND - Rose Weiner, Torah Fund Coordinator Please continue to support Torah Fund and mark your calendars to attend our Chai Celebration on Monday, June 4th at 8:15PM. Our speaker, Carol Cott Gross, will discuss, Classic Fairy Tales and Yiddish Folktales; The Feminist Focus. The evening should be informative and entertaining. If you have already made a $36 donation, you just have to pay the $3.00 couvert. Otherwise, you can make an $18 donation (plus the $3.00 couvert) and you will receive four Torah Fund cards It has been a pleasure serving a the Torah Fund Coordinator this past year. I want to thank Joyce Rimer for all her help and expertise. As always, she hosted a lovely Double Chai Kickoff in the fall. I thank her for her hospitality and her delicious desserts. Thanks also to my chairpersons, Barbara Alhadeff and Judi Dorosin, for all their help and support. Margie Richter has been a great asset by encouraging Sisterhood and congregation members to purchase Torah Fund cards through Orbit articles and illustrations. The Torah Fund supports our future rabbis, cantors, teachers and Jewish community leaders at the Jewish Theological Seminary. The money raised through our Torah Fund contributions is an important part of fostering and maintaining the continuity of the Jewish conservative movement. You can help in this effort by making donations to Sisterhood’s Torah Fund or simply purchasing Torah Fund greeting cards. Occasions such as Mazel Tov, Get Well, Rejoicing with You, New Baby, and of course Condolences are all available for $4.00 each. The cards can be purchased at any Sisterhood meeting or event, or they can be mailed to the recipient for you by contacting: Rose - 935-0454, Joyce - 433-4826, Barbara - 631-923-0000 or Judi - 433-4099 I thank everyone for purchasing Torah Fund cards. A big thank you to all our benefactors. Have a very happy and healthy summer. EDUCATION Cindy Getzoff - Education Vice President As my term as VP of education comes to a close, I would like to thank all the wonderful women on the Executive Board, the extended Board and the general membership for coming out and supporting our programs. We are very fortunate to have such a dedicated group of women in our Sisterhood. Thank you to Doris Cooper, Zita Jospa and Nannette Strenger who ran our successful Sisterhood/Men’s Club Shabbat. Thank you to Bunny Finkelstein, Marilyn Cohen, Sheryl Fischer and Marion Weisfelner who spearheaded our biggest project of the year, Shalach Manot. Thanks also to their entire committee. This year marked our first Women’s Seder which was very well attended and enjoyed by everyone who attended. Thank you to Rhonnie Diener, Michele Haimes and Marilyn Cohen for all their help on this program. Lastly, a very special thank you to Michele Haimes and her crew of volunteers for running our Judaica Shop - setting up at holiday times and making herself available to service the needs of our congregation. It has been a pleasure serving on the board. ORBIT Page 23 PROGRAM Debbie Zaglin - Program Vice President; Lily Elman - Program Chair Please join us on Tuesday evening, June 5th at 8:15 for the last meeting of the year. Our fabulous program is “A Catskills Tummler Looks Back 50 Years and Beyond.” Larry Strickler, educator, entertainer and the consummate “Borscht belt tummler” takes you on a century long journey through “the Mountains” with an emphasis on his, “50 years as a tummler: From Schloime Ehrenreich’s to Kutcher’s Country Club.” You will once again travel up Route 17, stop at the Red Apple Rest, play Simon Sez and thrill again to stories of the shows, the sports, the games, and the food! Whether you grew up going to the Catskills every summer, or have never been, this program promises to be very entertaining. Your favorite Catskills nosh and desserts will be served. I would also like to thank the following women for all their help and support, with the wonderful programs we’ve had this year: Doreen Guzik, Blayne Peltzman, Bunny Finkelstein, Sheryl Fischer, Marilyn Cohen, Marion Weisfelner, Judy Forman, Margie Richter, Michele Haimes, Dvorah Lumerman, Rhonnie Diener, Elyse Schrage, Rose Weiner, Doris Cooper, Zita Jospa, Joyce Rimer, Cindy Getzoff and all the members of Sisterhood who came and enjoyed our programs. And, a special thank you to my wonderful program chairperson, Lilly Elman. I couldn’t have done it without you! Have a wonderful summer! FUND RAISING Dvorah Lumerman - Fund Raising Vice President Our Fashion Show in May was a huge success. I’d like to thank my committee who pulled through and did a great job helping me put on a successful Fashion Show at the PJC. Once again we showed ourselves that Sisterhood can do great things when we stick together and believe in each other. Great Thank you to: Rhonnie Diener, Lily Elman, Louise Pollack, Debbie Zaglin, Elyse Schrage and Shari Kubrick Wonderful thank you to my Beautiful Models! : Olivia Breger, Shari Kubrick, Michele Turk, Elise Epstein, Rhonnie Diener, Melissa Hafkin, Nannette Strenger and Blayne Peltzman Special Thank you to: Doreen Guzik our Sisterhood President and Blayne Peltzman our VP who helped me with many details. I hope you all had fun this year at all the PJC Sisterhood Fundraising events. They included a big favorite, BINGO, the Mah Jongg Tournament and, of course, the Fashion Show! Special thanks to Shari Kubrick for all her help throughout the year on all our events! Thanks again to Doreen Guzik, our fearless leader, for helping me this year with these events. I hope to see you next year at our Fun Fundraisers! MEMBERSHIP Elyse Schrage - Membership Vice President I would just like to take this opportunity to thank my committee, Doris Cooper and Zita Jospa, for all their help in planning our fabulous Paid-up-Membership Brunch this year. I couldn’t have done it without them. I would also like to thank Sheryl Fischer for her help in keeping the paid Membership records in good order. Also, a big thank you to Ricki Bialstock and her son for working on the actual Membership list. You were very helpful. Last, but not least, thanks to all of YOU who support PJC Sisterhood by paying your membership dues and supporting our various educational and fundraising events. Page 24 ORBIT BUY JNF TREES FROM SISTERHOOD THEY CAN BE IN MEMORY OF A LOVED ONE OR IN HONOR OF A LOVED ONE OR JUST BECAUSE YOU WANT TO PLANT A TREE IN ISRAEL JNF TREES ARE $18.00 EACH PLEASE CONTACT ELYSE SCHRAGE @ 822-7062 HOLOCAUST SURVIVOR COOKBOOK Our Sisterhood has added a new item to our list of fund raising which has already proven to be a great success for our temple. It is called the “Holocaust Survivor Cookbook”. It is a beautifully published book containing 129 amazing and miraculous stories of courage & survival and includes over 250 delicious recipes which were favorites of these great people and their families. You will enjoy their recipes, but their stories will never be forgotten. They are selling for $36.00 and the profits on every book will be donated strictly to the Plainview Jewish Center. They will be displayed at every Sisterhood meeting. Or, you can call Marilyn Cohen at 822-4553 to order. This is a great book to have for your home or for a gift for your family and friends. This book makes a meaningful gift. And, as a bonus, you will also be supporting our temple. MAY WE SERVE YOU Prayer Book Fund Diane Miller 935-7732 Judaica Shop Michele Haimes 822-0704 Torah Fund Rose Weiner 935-0454 Joyce Rimer 433-4826 Judi Dorosin Book of Life Rhoda Meshover 938-8818 Cookbook Barbara Alhadeff 631-923-0000 JNF Certificates Elyse Schrage 822-7062 Mitzvah Committee: Call Temple Office: 938-8610 (Shiva Set-up & Shiva Chairs Available) ORBIT Page 25 REFUAH SHELAYMAH Our Plainview Jewish Center Family wishes a refuah shelaymah to: Stuart Raskin Hank Marcus Martin Bertisch Zelda King Sheldon Chassen Ivan Mack Stephen Finkelstein Barbara Greenberg To our PJC members, if you would like to have a family member included in this section, please notify the temple office at: 516 938-8610 x101 ORBIT Page 26 WE WISH TO THANK AND EXPRESS OUR DEEP APPRECIATION TO THE FOLLOWING FAMILIES FOR THEIR DONATION TO PJC: In memory of Spencer Reis Jane & Walter Cohan Diana & Leonard Lerner Lori & Lee Ditkowsky Phyllis Sarrel Helga Lob Nurses of POB school district Ruth & Michael Tuller Marcia Sterenbuch Stella Marcus Holocaust Memorial Fund Toby & Moish Lehon Eleanore & Lawrence Abrams Judith & Yair Rahmani Gladys & Arthur Freilich Rhoda Meshover – Library Fund - in honor of the birth of Allison Mim Plawsky Rhoda Meshover – in honor of the birth of Tziporah Nayman Erna Strenger – in honor of Sandy Strenger’s birthday Elly & Stan Gold – in memory of Arnie Cooper Toby & Jonathan Siegman – Religious School – in honor of Beryl Kwitkin’s 70th birthday Nancy & Joseph Stockner – in memory of Arnie Cooper Ellen & Robert Hayman – Rabbi’s Discretionary Fund – in memory of Arnie Cooper Ellen & Robert Hayman – Rabbi’s Discretionary Fund – in memory of Spencer Reis Michele & Stuart Haimes – J-Flex Program – in memory of Spencer Reis Miriam & Jack Newman – in honor of the birth of Matthew Messer Sharon & Marvin Passkoff – Rabbi’s Discretionary Fund Sandra Ezersky Susan & Ervi Farkas The Bertsch Family Jean Bernstein Lorraine & Alan Dershowitz M’yad L’yad (Helping Hands) Please join Sisterhood, other members of PJC and many others on Long Island as an anonymous sponsor of a LI family in need . All you need do is send a package as few as four(4) times per year through your local UPS store. M’yad L’yad will pay the shipping cost. For more information, call: Marilyn or Marty Leibowitz at 822-6965. ORBIT Page 27 Welcome a new arrival! Send one of these beautiful Torah Fund cards today! THE BIBLE CLASS KING DAVID: THE MYTH AND THE MAN Looking for an hour of action, drama and excitement on Wednesday night? Take in a classic series that has been delivering the thrills for more than 2000 years. Join Rabbi Conn, for all the action on selected Wednesday evenings at 8:15 PM. Rabbi Conn will continue to guide our class through one of the Bible’s most dramatic stories in the Bible: David ascent to the kingship, his breathtaking successes and stunning failures. Join us for a lively and stimulating discussion of this riveting story. The class meets in the Kirschner Room, usually twice a month on the first and third Wednesday. See the schedule of classes below. Refreshments will be served. Free and open to all. Bring your own Bible or use the study sheets provided in class. No Hebrew necessary. Next Sessions June 6th II Samuel 4 The End of Ish-Boshet June 27th Il Samuel 5 David’s Great Triumphs: Jerusalem and the Philistines Text Study with Rabbi Conn Most Shabbat Afternoons between Mincha (Afternoon) and Ma’ariv (evening) services. Begin the new week with a few minutes of study. This fall, we will focus on a question from the weekly Torah portion and the answer given by Rashi, the most famous of all commentators. Our discussions are always brief, and usually insightful. So join us for prayer, study and camaraderie as we explore the Torah together. ORBIT Page 28 MEN’S CLUB by Stephen Taub Hard to believe the 2011-2012 Men’s Club season is winding down. But as usual, it will end with a bang…actually a meal. Don’t forget to come down on Tuesday June 12 for the end-of-year barbecue, when we also will be giving out awards to all of those who contributed to the club’s great success this year. The open bar opens at 7:30. We will also announce the Men’s Club Man of the Year. Of course there is no charge for paid up members. Have a great summer. And don’t forget to look for the announcement for the Men’s Club kick-off barbecue around the week after Labor Day. We will set the date sometime over the summer. WE WISH TO THANK AND EXPRESS OUR DEEP APPRECIATION TO THE FOLLOWING FAMILIES FOR THEIR GENEROUS CONTRIBUTION TO THE MORNING MINYAN: Claire Pottish Marcia & Milton Weller Myrna & Martin Kanner Michael Rosenberg Willy Hoenig Institute for Adult Jewish Studies by Sharon Kunoff The Institute of Jewish Studies will be starting its 50th season this coming October. The Institute got its start when four congregations, including PJC got together to establish a world class program of Jewish Studies for its members. We have been going strong ever since. Right now we are in the planning stages for next year. A broad outline of our year follows: Program 2012-2013 — Academic Year 5773: Mark the following Monday Evenings in your Calendar: First Lecture - October 15, 2012 Classes and Lectures - October 22 thru December 10, 2012 Surprise Event - December 17, 2012 Winter Series - January 7 thru Jan 28, 2013 We are in the process of choosing our speakers. Plainview has always been a big part of this process, but our involvement has been wavering. All planning meetings will be on Monday evenings at Midway, usually one per month through June and then one or two more before the sessions start in October. The future meetings dates will be announced. For questions, please contact me at: It would be nice to see some of you. It is a good committee which does good work. ORBIT Page 29 HELP SUPPORT THE PLAINVIEW JEWISH CENTER PJC is a proud participant in the 2011 – 2012 COMMUNITY GIVE BACK PROGRAM! April 12, 2012 – June 17, 2012 Mention PROMO CODE: “PJC”* to receive your exclusive Special Member Pricing $55.00 per ticket - a $5.00 savings per ticket! Additionally, for each 42nd STREET ticket sold using PROMO CODE “PJC”, the John W. Engeman Theater at Northport will donate $10.00 to THE PLAINVIEW JEWISH CENTER ALL MEMBERS ARE ENCOURAGED TO “TAKE A PART” IN THIS “DRAMATIC” FUNDRAISING OPPORTUNITY! For further program information and to purchase tickets call 631-261-2900 or visit Where Broadway Meets Main Street. *Promotion code is not valid for Friday or Saturday Evening Performances. ORBIT Page 30 Hatzilu Means Rescue Hatzilu is reaching out to our community for help. This worthy organization has been assisting impoverished and needy Jews throughout Nassau County for many years. Volunteer social workers help elderly Jews obtain the government benefits to which they are entitled and food is provided to the hungry. Hatzilu maintains the largest kosher food warehouse in Nassau County and volunteers deliver food to people who need it desperately. The warehouse is in dire need of canned goods and nonperishable foods. Donations of these products would help restock the shelves that are almost bare. Hatzilu appreciates all money donations as well. A food collection box will be placed by the main entrance of the synagogue. Thanks for helping those in need. For further information about Hatzilu, please go to: or call 931-2884. Arlyne Skolnik HATZILU IN ORDER TO HELP OUR JEWISH POOR AND ELDERLY, PLEASE MAKE A DONATION TO HATZILU. MEN’S CLUB WILL SEND A CERTIFICATE TO HONOR THE NAME OF MEMORY OF WHO YOU CHOOSE. THIS IS AN IDEAL WAY TO EXPRESS A “SIMCHA” OR “SYMPATHY” AND TO HELP OUR FELLOW JEWS. PLEASE EMAIL STEVE GLASSER AT: STEVETG@AOL.COM OR CALL HIM AT: 516 938-3069 TO ORDER A CERTIFICATE ORBIT Page 31 ATTENTION ALL CONGREGANTS: OUR WEEKDAY EVENING MINYANS ARE IN NEED OF A FEW GOOD PEOPLE! WEEKDAY MINYAN IS AT 8PM AND LASTS 15 MINUTES. ANY DAY YOU CAN COME DOWN WILL BE GREATLY APPRECIATED. THANK YOU PJC BUY A BRICK PROGRAM Please help us in raising money to upgrade, beautify and maintain our building and grounds. Our Walkway of Memories will provide a permanent way to honor or memorialize a family member or friend, a business or special occasion. For further information or additional order forms, please call: Larry Speiller at (516) 938-8610. ORBIT Page 32 PSSST! IT’S OKAY TO TALK ABOUT OTHER PEOPLE . Respecting others’ privacy is an important Jewish value. Lashon HaRa—gossip—is uniformly condemned by our tradition. But there is at least one exception. When someone is ill or in need of care and support, it is a mitzvah to tell people who can help. In our community, the Rabbi and Cantor provide pastoral support to individuals and families who are suffering illness and those who need emotional support. The Rabbi also serves as the liaison to our newly formed Bikur Cholim Committee; which provides additional visits and support to those who request it. Please let the Rabbi and Cantor know when someone in our congregation is ill; or when a family is dealing with a crisis. Only when they know can they reach out to individuals and families in need. Only when they know can they mobilize our Bikur Cholim committee to provide additional support. Don’t worry that they might already have the information. Don’t worry that you are “bothering” these busy people. The information you provide will be vital to helping our congregation to serve the needs of those who need us the most. Rabbi Conn and Cantor Wolk can be reached at PJC at (516) 938-8610. Rabbi Conn can be reached by cell at (516) 524-7447 or by email at PLAINVIEW JEWISH CENTER CEMETERY GROUND Location: Wellwood Cemetery at Pinelawn, New York Cost: Single Graves available at $550 each grave. Family Graves $500 each (minimum of 4 graves). Terms: 25% down with interest free monthly payments for a period of up to two (2) years. Eligibility: Available to PJC Members ONLY. For information call: JOEL FASS 938-7351
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