Recorder-March-2016 - East Brunswick Jewish Center


Recorder-March-2016 - East Brunswick Jewish Center
Adar I — Adar II 5776, March 2016, Vol 58
Join us as we celebrate Purim
and read the Megillah,
Wednesday, March 23 at 7:30 PM &
Thursday morning, March 24 at 6:15 AM
511 Ryders Lane, East Brunswick, NJ 08816
Tel: 732-257-7070 Fax: 732-257-9630
Shabbat Services
Friday, March 4 – 5:35 pm
Saturday, March 5 - 9:30 am & 5:35 pm
Friday, March 11– 5:40 pm
Saturday, March 12– 9:30 am & 5:40 pm
Friday, March 18– 6:50 pm
Saturday, March 19– 9:30 am & 6:50 pm
Friday, March 25 - 6:55 pm
Saturday, March 26 – 9:30 am & 6:55 pm
President’s Report
Once again we are joining with
Young Israel of East Brunswick and
Temple B’nai Shalom for the TriSynagogue Purim carnival on
March 20, 2016. We look forward
to seeing young children, parents
and grandparents enjoying the various attractions. Yasher Koach to
Dori Saypol and Stacy Feldman for their organizational efforts. Please reach out to them as volunteers are needed at the event.
sale go to provide much needed supplies for the
soldiers of the IDF. Gail, David and I were able to
meet some of the soldiers while we were in Israel
last year (thanks to Jack Silverman). They were
extremely appreciative of the support of the
EBJC. Yasher Koach to the Mitzvah Corp.
Also, please join us for the reading of the Megillat
Esther on the night of March 23 and the morning
of March 24.
Neil Kosher
The Purim Carnival also means Mitzvah Corp wine
tasting and the sale of Passover wine to support
Yasher LaChayal. All the net profits from the wine
February 2016 Calendar
Board of Director 3/16
Board of Ed 3/9
Egalitarian Morning Minyan 3/5
Egalitarian Minchah Minyan 3/26
Genesis Science 3/7, 14, 21, 28
Hebrew Class 3/3, 10, 17, 24, 31
Israeli Dance 3/7, 14, 21, 28
Lunch and Learn 3/2, 9, 16, 23, 30
Mah Jongg 3/7, 14, 21, 28
Talmud Class 3/2, 9, 16, 23, 30
Rabbi Joshua S Finkelstein
The Book of Esther?
Another important aspect of Esther is that the heroine is an intermarried and apparently somewhat
assimilated Jew. Some will choose to see Esther’s
actions as coerced, but the Megillah is remarkably
vague as to her and Mordechai’s motives. Did they
have a choice, or did they choose? That is up to
the reader to decide, but to borrow from the Megillah, salvation of the Jews does come from a different place. Instead of coming from a prophet, Jewish king, or religious leader, it comes in the form of
Esther, an intermarried Persian queen.
Every year as Purim approaches, I shake my head as I think
of little girls planning to dress
up as Queen Esther. Not that
I have anything against Esther,
but the incongruity of our tradition that extols a woman who is famous for winning
some dubious type of beauty contest and intermarries with a Persian king, and hides her Jewish Identity is mystifying. That this figure becomes a hero in
Jewish tradition and a scroll named after her is
There are many lessons that the book of Esther
part of our Bible is miraculous. There must be a
teaches us. Perhaps the most important is the unihidden message to the Megillah of Esther.
ty of the Jewish people. We were all going to be
destroyed, but the source of God’s salvation was
not necessarily the most pious, or religious. We
Indeed our rabbis debated greatly over the inclusion of Esther in our Bible. In the Talmud a lengthy can never know from where our salvation will come
and who will be the source of that salvation. As a
debate rages over the sacred nature of Megillat
Esther and its inclusion in the canon. As we know, people, we learn from Megillat Esther that our future depended on an inclusive view of Judaism.
ultimately its place was secured in the Bible, but
their debate and subsequent discussions elucidate The entire Jewish people were saved from a most
unexpected source; it is a lesson that we are remany aspects of Esther.
minded of every year and never is out of date.
One fascinating aspect is that in our Bible the
scrolls of Esther and Song of Songs are the only
books in which the Name of God does not appear.
While the Song of Songs is read as an allegory with
God an intrinsic part, Esther is read differently.
Certain commentaries will read references to “the
king” or “the place” as allusion to God. This gives
rise to a general belief that God is hidden within in
Megillat Esther. Indeed the whole hidden nature of
Purim is underscored by the tradition of wearing
costumes and masks. Everyone is hidden on Purim, even God. Yet, in the end, God’s salvation
comes and the Jewish People are saved.
Join us as we celebrate Purim and read the Megillah, Wednesday, March 23 at 7:30 PM and Thursday morning, March 24 at 6:15 AM.
Rabbi Joshua S. Finkelstein
Ellen Botwin
Executive Director
sheets of matzo and a bb gun with rubber pellets. We
Every year for the past 24 years, I yelled “Pull”, as one cousin threw the matzo into the air,
go on a “cousins” trip. This sort of the other cousins attempted to break it with our incredievolved from a short weekend trip ble dead-on aim. Most of us missed the mark and no
with four cousins to what is now a matzo was harmed.
week-long vacation in the Hamp- Our next competition was discus throwing. Using the
tons with 8 East Coast cousins.
correct form, we took our stale piece of pita bread (left
All female…and amazingly every
out overnight to harden, with our initial so we would
year we come out unscathed!! In know who won the distance) and tossed it as far as we
between, we spent quite a few
years at the Fallsview in the Catskills where we became the weekend entertainment. Lit- Another competition was the very unofficial three legged
sack race. We stole pillowcases from the hotel rooms
tle did we know that while we were entertaining ourselves putting on a scavenger hunt, performing for each and used them. In pairs, we each put one foot into the
pillowcase. We allowed our aunt Rose to participate as
other and having the “Friedberg Family Olympics”, we
she insisted she wasn’t pregnant and could prove it.
were also entertaining many of the other guests.
None of us wanted to see the proof so we just believed
Our west coast cousins joined us at the Fallsview, so
her. She was in a wheel chair and we felt that was an
there would be anywhere from a dozen to 16 of us. One unfair advantage. So, we did the only thing we could
year, we decided to have our own version of the Olymdo…we blindfolded her. I’d love to tell you who won, but
pics. Don’t ask me how we had the chutzpa to do this,
we were laughing so hard I’m not even sure we ever finbut we apparently were in our own little world and found ished this race. I have no idea what the spectators were
ourselves to be delightfully entertaining.
Using hula hoops to form the Olympic Symbol, we took
So, again…why am I telling you about my crazy family?
over the lobby floor. My Cousin Michelle, came down the Well, we know how to make our own fun. We’re a familong stairway dressed in a sheet wrapped around her,
ly…and so is EBJC…a family.
laurel on her head, carrying the Olympic torch (aka - a tiki
We make our own fun! We have Magic, Music and Maytorch). After all, we had to have opening ceremonies!
Then my cousin Susan and I were the official interpreters hem. We have Gala’s. We have speakers and dinners
and lectures and lunch and learn and carnivals and picfor the opening events. Susan spoke Chinese (she
nics! That’s what families do! Sometimes we get along
doesn’t speak Chinese) and I spoke Russian (I don’t
speak Russian), making up our own interpretation of the and sometimes we don’t, and it’s just like any family.
language. Needless to say a group formed around us
This is what I’m asking…if we do something right, let us
thinking that we were part of the Fallsview entertainment know. If we do something wrong, let us know. If you
troupe. For all I know they may have thought we were
want to be a part of the team that makes a difference,
really speaking Chinese and Russian!
volunteer for something. Small, big, whatever! If you
want change, you have to do it from within. We’re a
After opening ceremonies, we went back to one of our
rooms (cramming 16 of us into one Fallsview room) and changing community and we want you to be a part of it. I
drug tested all of the contestants (ourselves). Needless am honored to be a part of the EBJC family and as I get
to say, we were all eligible to compete except for my 80 to know more of you, I am honored to be in your life.
year old aunt Rose who was found to be pregnant and
So… anyone up for the EBJC Olympics??? I still have the
hula hoops!
The next day after a hearty breakfast (the never ending
amount of food served at the Fallsview was perfect for
us Olympians), we went down to the lawn to start the
competition. Unbeknownst to us, people overheard us
talking and we had a crowd of people sitting in lawn
chairs all ready to see us compete! Not wanting to disappoint, we started the games. First up… Clay Pigeon
Throwing! As none of us had Clay pigeons, we used
Be well,
EBJC Sisterhood’s EBHS Senior Award
Application Form
Each year, the EBJC Sisterhood presents an award to an outstanding graduating East Brunswick High School
senior who is a member of the East Brunswick Jewish Center. Criteria for selection is the demonstration of
academic achievement and extra-curricular activities including school related activities, clubs and organizations in and out of school, service to the school and community and/or employment. Sisterhood in no way
participates in the actual selection of the recipient. As with many EBHS awards,
Elizabeth Dunn, the Vice Principal for the Senior Class handles the selection process. The winner will be announced and the award presented at the High School Awards Night.
To be considered for the award, the student must do the following:
1) Complete an EBHS Senior Awards Questionnaire form enumerating academic achievement and activities.
This is distributed to all seniors and must be returned to the EBHS Main Office.
2) Complete this application form, have it signed by the EBJC Synagogue Office verifying that the student is a
member of the East Brunswick Jewish Center and return this form to the EBHS Main Office by March 31,
Student’s Name _________________________________________
Parents’ Names ___________________________________
Address _______________________________________
Telephone # ______________________________
I would like to be considered for the EBJC Sisterhood’s EBHS Senior Award.
I previously submitted an EBHS Senior Awards Questionnaire.
This is to certify that I am a member of the East Brunswick Jewish Center.
This has been verified by the EBJC Synagogue Office Staff.
_______________________________________________, Position ___________________
Print Synagogue Office Staff Member Name
________________________________________________, Date ___________________
EBJC Synagogue Office Staff Member Signature (Required)
This application must be completed and returned to the EBHS Main Office no later than March 31, 2016
Our annual Passover Candy sale to benefit our
Hebrew and nursery school is underway! 40% of
the purchased price is
donated to our synagogue.
It is very easy to order
Our school code is 701909.
We have begun displaying our next exhibit in the EBJC
GALLERY with the theme "EBJC Artists."
We again have an exhibit of our own EBJC Members' artwork of any type, for
example: PHOTO, PAINTING, COLLAGE, MULTIMEDIA, etc. -- anything that
can hang.
If you have work that can be part of this exhibit -- please call us at 732-821-1340 or send a digital image (JPEG if possible) to (if it's not now in digital format, you can
photograph it and send the image file).
To Our EBJC Family:
We would like to thank everyone for the outpouring of support that was given to us after the recent loss of my mom, Edith Binn. We would also like to thank the Mitzvah
Corps for providing minyan. The cards and donations given in memory of my mother
were greatly appreciated.
Jodi and Steven Harkavy
Thank you!
A Giant Thank You for those fellow members who assisted in making this
past Saturday evening a tremendous success.
Judi Salant gets a great TY for assisting me and in many areas taking charge making
sure we had enough food, drink (a shout out to husband Michael for donating all of the
liquor) and the wonderful close up magician.
Dori and Josh Saypol for the over the top room and stage decorations. Dori's company
'Total Party" was at its best on Saturday night, both in the reception area and in the
Our Mitzvah Corp, for donating the wine we all enjoyed - some more than others. Let's
try to support those in our congregation who support us.
Splash Bartending, (Avi Oren/Ethan Folz) DJ -Tyler, LSD for outrageous catering, and
our own Jose and crew for their assistance.
Jack Goldberg
Vice President, Planning
Preschool Press from Lynda Perel
Spring has sprung. Our chicks hatched and flew the coop (really flew
the shul). The superstars had a ball taking care of them and they were
very sad to see them go. Below are some pics of our fuzzy little
This year Our Tri-Synogue Purimfest will be held
Sunday, March 20th from
Please stop by Room #14 for our
(for 2, 3 & 4 year olds).
By to say hi and join us for some Purim fun!!!!!!
My name is Josh Platzman. I am a seventh grader at Hammarskjold Middle School. My Bar Mitzvah is on
March 12, 2016. Not too long ago, I read an article for school about the amount of plastic and waste we dispose into
our oceans. This made me upset. I was also confused about why anyone would think it’s ok to pollute Earth’s oceans.
Just a few weeks back, a local news channel reported that by 2050, there will be more plastic in our oceans than fish.
Just how much plastic and waste is in the ocean? In the Pacific Ocean, there is an area, larger than the state of Texas,
filled with plastic - The Pacific Garbage Patch. However, because this plastic degrades into small bits, we can’t ever
take a net and scoop it all out. The year 2050 is only 34 years away. I couldn’t imagine a planet where all of the
oceans on Earth consist of more waste than fish and other sea creatures.
This issue is very important to me so I pledge to always recycle all plastic that I use. By recycling all paper,
glass, and plastic, reusing plastic and paper bags when grocery shopping, filling tap water in reusable bottles instead of
buying bottled water, and using metal silverware instead of plastic are just some of the things I can do to help keep our
oceans clean. Please visit to learn more about keeping our oceans clean. Take their Plastic
Pledge today, donate to their organization or volunteer in the next beach sweep. This past October, my family and I
attended a Beach Sweep on Phillips Beach. I felt proud and helpful to be able to help keep our oceans clean.
Hi, my name is Sarah Zins. I am in 7th grade and attend Linwood Middle
School. My Bat Mitzvah is March 26th. My Torah portion is Sh'meni and is very
meaningful. Sh'meni means the eighth day. On that day Moses ordained his
brother Aaron and his sons as priests which today we know as Rabbis. I have a
few things going on for my Mitzvah Project and will continue with them well after
my Bat Mitzvah. It is always great to be able to help the less fortunate. This past
Holiday time in December I donated brand new toys and games and some slightly
used toys and games to Women Aware in New Brunswick. It is a home for battered women and children. They set up a shop for moms that don't have much to
shop for their children and try to give them a nice Holiday.
I volunteered at Elijah's Promise. Also in the works is a gathering to
make over 60 bagged lunches for Elijah's Promise as well. My Mom has been and
continues to be involved with helping out Elijah's Promise which feed the homeless and those in need. My other interests besides socializing with friends is
soccer. I play for The Jersey Knights U14 as well for my middle school team. My
favorite subjects in school are math and science.
My name is Maya Leventhal. My Bat Mitzvah is on March 12, 2016. For my Bat Mitzvah project I
volunteered at the Chabad House preschool in East Brunswick. I went almost every day this summer after camp and helped care for the preschoolers. This experience was very fulfilling because I
love little children and it was so much fun to be with them and watch them grow. Just a few weeks
ago, I had the opportunity to bring in my violin and play music for them. They were learning about
musical instruments and the Parsha Beshalach where Miriam, Moshe’s older sister got together
with all the women and sang songs praising Hashem and used Tambourines. The children loved to
listen to my violin and sing along just like Miriam and the women of Israel did after crossing the Sea
of Reeds. I was very grateful for this experience to share my love for music with the preschoolers
when they were learning about music and instruments.
from Julie Schwarzwald
and services conducted by Kitah Vav.
Please watch your email and Facebook for dates for disDIRECTOR’S DRASH
At its recent meeting, the Board of Edu- cussion sessions about transforming our school!
cation voted to change the days and
times that Hebrew School meets, beginOur youth groups are still growing! EBJC hosted Kadima's
ning next year. After surveying current
regional Saturday Night Live on January 30. With 64 Kadischool parents, it was clear that there
maniks attending from across Hagalil Region, 16 of them
was significant support for this change. Kindergarten
were ours - 100% of our chapter membership! We could
through 7th grades will all have school on Sunday mornnot have done this without the help of wonderful parents
ings from 9:00 am to 12:00 pm. 3rd through 7th grades
who chaperoned. Todah rabah to Scott Alter, Jordan and
will also attend on Wednesdays from 4:15 to 6:15 pm.
Stacy Feldman, Rhonda Gold, and Joe Omansky!
This allows us to increase slightly the education time
while condensing the days.
USY: Teens Take the Bimah, Saturday morning, March 5
We have the opportunity to consider anew what we want
the school to look like. Neither the current name "Hebrew
School" nor the more recently used "Religious School"
accurately capture the goals we have for EBJC and for our
students. It is time to ask ourselves what we want our
graduates - our children - to know, to feel, and to be able
to do as they become adult Jews. We will be convening
several discussion sessions to gather input and work on
creating a transformational vision, curriculum, and approach to learning that will meet the needs of all learners.
I am excited about the possibilities inherent in this
change. With the entire school in attendance on Sundays,
we can encourage older students to work with younger
students. We can more easily provide small-group, leveled learning in Hebrew and Tefillah. There is time to add
music and art to the schedule to enhance different ways
of approaching Judaism. Our successful elective program
for 6th and 7th graders can be expanded. These are just a
few of my ideas; I look forward to hearing what YOU
Kitot Vav and Zayin/6th and 7th graders had the chance
to try on tefillin as they wrapped during their weekly tefillah with Rabbi Finkelstein on February 11. Todah rabah to
Ken Gerson and Matt Kaufman who assisted.
Yishar kochachem to students in Kitah Gimel/3rd Grade
who received their siddurim and led Shabbat services on
Friday, February 19. Students and families decorated covers for their siddurim and celebrated together with
Shabbat dinner.
Yishar kochachem to Kitah Vav/6th grade whose rescheduled Havdalah service took place on February 27. After
being snowed out, the families enjoyed seudah shlishit
Regional Junior/Senior Prom, March 5
Lower East Side Tenement Museum & NYC Food Tour,
March 13
Regional Afternoon Program, March 27
KADIMA: Regional Rollerama, March 6
Movie Night, March 15
Regional 8th Grade Shabbaton, March 18-20
CHAVERIM: Purim Party, March 8
Star Basketball
The spring session of Star Basketball for 1st through 7th
graders will resume in March. Watch Facebook and email
for details and registration forms!
Israeli Dance Troupe
Morah Sara Alter will lead a new EBJC Dance Troupe,
open to all 7th through 12 graders. Dance will meet on
Sunday evenings from 6:30 to 9:00 pm. Please let Julie
know you are interested in joining!
For more information about any of these programs, contact Julie Schwarzwald, Education and Youth Director,, 732-257-7070.
College Connection
The Purim mailing will go out soon. If you know of a college student who is not on our mailing list, please send
the information NOW!
For more information about any of these programs, contact Julie Schwarzwald, Education and Youth Director,, 732-257-7070.
Bernice Manheim on the loss of her mother, Helen Kreiman
The Family of Gloria Ostrin on her passing
Marilyn Scharfstein on the loss of her husband, Alan Scharfstein
George Karp on the loss of his mother, Bella Karp
Henry Lurman on the loss of his brother, Joshua Lurman
Yvette Schlussel Yama on the loss of her brother, Michael Schlussel
Jack Levitt on the loss of his father, Phil Levitt
Lori and Arnold Wallis and Bernice and Steven Bellows in honor of the birth of their grandson, Joshua Lee Bellows
Marla and Marty Genee on the birth of a granddaughter, Drew Hyla Genee
Susan and George Karp on the birth of a granddaughter, Ruby Rose Karp
Jeffrey and Brooke Rudolph and their son Jordan.
As the world around us is changing we need to re-evaluate our synagogue’s security needs. We are
seeking committed volunteers to provide exterior monitoring of the property on Shabbat and holidays. Community SecurityService, a locally based Jewish organization will provide training and initial
organizational support. (This is the same program many of you see in place at Young Israel.) If you
would like to learn more/volunteer, please contact David Blivaiss at
If you have a Fob for entrance into the locked doors and it is
not working, please return it to the office.
Come join us for Toddler FUN Fridays
Classes for 12-24 months - for child and care-giver
Crafts, Celebrate Shabbat, Singing,
Dancing and Snacks
WHEN: March 4, 1 1 , 1 8, 25
Fridays from 9: 45 am—11:15 am
PLACE: East Brunswick Jewish Center
511 Ryders Lane East Brunswick NJ
$1 0 per class
For more information contact Lynda Perel at
Join the East Brunswick
Tri-Synagogue Alliance and
Yasher LaChayal as we march in
the parade in NYC
on Sunday, June 5.
(We will return in plenty of time for the
Greetings! When winter finally arrived in New Jersey, it didn’t get in the
way of any of our Men’s Club activities. On January 31, we hosted a
lunch with Leonard Marshall, who
played on two NY Giant Superbowl Championship
teams. This event was in memory of Jordan Barth;
it was sponsored by his family and their friend Steven Stankovits, and organized by his son Brian.
Everyone at the event enjoyed the interesting and
animated discussion and we plan to do a similar
program next year.
On Superbowl Sunday, we got a good turnout
for the World Wide Wrap, a program to encourage the mitzvah of Tefillin. The morning minyan
was followed by a breakfast at which Howard
Gases talked about the important work of the
Friends of the IDF. Our thanks to Howard, and
to Ken Gerson who organized the program.
As you may have noticed, one of the major projects
undertaken by the Men’s Club this year has been to
purchase new tables and chairs for the Kroll Ballroom. Our tables and chairs badly needed to be
replaced. Men’s Club underwrote the effort which
was led by Mark Scharff and Dov Pollak, with input
from Ellen Botwin and Jose Mendez. Our feedback
has been highly positive so far – let us know what
you think! A number of people (and Sisterhood!)
have made generous contributions to pay for the
tables and chairs – please see David Julis if you
are interested in helping out.
They say laughter is the best medicine. Our next
event will be a breakfast at 9AM on March 13, and
it will good for what ails you. Larry Wolfert, an
award winning instructor at the Osher Lifelong
Learning Institute at Rutgers University (OLLI-RU),
will be discussing Jewish comedians and themes
with a Jewish twist. The primary focus will be on a
sampling of some of their greatest routines. Prepare to enjoy!
Looking further into the future, we will hosting
Men’s Club Shabbat on April 16, and our annual
Yom Hashoa Yellow Candles program on May 4,
right after Passover. (Speaking of Passover – don’t
forget to buy wine at the Mitzvah Corps Purim wine
sale. You will be preparing for Passover, and you
will be supporting our troops in Israel, a double
Thanks again for all of your support for Men’s Club.
As always, if you are interested in any of our programs, if you would like to participate, or if you
have ideas on how we can do things better, please
contact me.
Howard Jacobs
Dear Friends,
we have, the more we can do.
We are very grateful to all who have come out and sup- Buy gift cards for ShopRite, Acme, and Lox, Stock, and
ported Sisterhood’s programs over the past months and Deli. It costs you no more than what you would pay on
hope that you will be inspired to continue.
your own, and Sisterhood gets a percentage. Contact
Sheila Behrman at 732-238-1476.
At the time that this article is being written, we are looking forward to Movie Night, a relaxing evening with good Support the Torah Fund. You can still purchase a Torah
friends, great food, and a wonderful film. The Green
Fund pin for $180, payable to Torah Fund. Contact Jody
Prince, based on true events, presents a unique perBramson at 732-390-5166.
spective on the ongoing conflict in Israel and its effect
Purchase cards and certificates. JNF Trees, Tributes,
on all who live in the area. Hopefully, many of you will
and Tree of Life leaves are available to commemorate
have joined us for this interesting and inspiring event.
life cycle events. Please contact Hillary Cresci at 732We hope to see everyone at the Egalitarian Sisterhood 257-6134 or Diana Horowitz at 732-390-9058 for JNF
Shabbat on April 2nd in the Main Sanctuary. Join us and Trees, Bernice Bellows for General Tributes at 732experience a presentation in Bibliodrama, presented by 254-4103, and Beth Belzer at 732-238-7925 for Bar/
Elizabeth Yaari, which includes audience participation! Bat Mitzvah Tributes and Tree of Life leaves.
Sisterhood members will lead the service and particiBuy gifts for your friends and family in our Judaica Galpate in reading the Torah. Donations of Chai toward an
lery! The shop has a beautiful collection of gifts and
enhanced Kiddush are greatly appreciated. Please
home furnishings. Please call Lory Pelofsky at 732-254
send your checks, written to EBJC Sisterhood, to the
-6851. Also call Lory for Mazel Tosses and Bimah Basoffice in an envelope labeled “Sisterhood”. Thank you
in advance for your support!
And, to help others in our greater community, please
Thank you to all who ordered Mishloach Manot baskets
support Women Aware with donations of toiletry and
from Sisterhood for Purim. Your support of this imother personal items. Contact Sylvia Halpern at 732portant fundraiser is vital to our ability to continue serv432-9233 for details.
ing the EBJC community and to present interesting programs. If you can help us by delivering baskets in your Cindi and I thank you for your support during our threemonths as co-presidents. Myra Feldman and Hillary
neighborhood, please contact any board member and
Cresci will be presiding during the fourth quarter. On
we will prepare a route for you.
behalf of the board, we wish everyone a Happy Purim!
As always, the Sisterhood board welcomes your suggestions and help. If there is a program that you would like Nancy Scharff and Cindi Jacobs, Presidium coPresidents of Sisterhood for Third Quarter
to see us offer, please let us know, and help plan it.
Sisterhood is here to help EBJC and its members, but
we need everyone to participate. “Sisterhood—it’s what
you put into it!”
Every woman should be a Sisterhood member! If you
have yet to join, please send your $39 dues, payable to
EBJC Sisterhood, and get involved! The more members
Print Hebrew Name______________________________________________________
Print Name in English ____________________________________________________
English Date of Death ___________________ Hebrew Date of Death ______________
I would like East Brunswick Jewish Center to supply and permanently maintain an illuminated bronze name plate in memory of my
(relationship) ____________________
I understand that on the Yahrzeit and on appropriate occasions in accordance with Jewish custom, the light will be kindled at the
name plate.
Each name plate is $250.00 to be paid at time of order and before engraving of the plaque.
Your Name ____________________________________________________________
Address _______________________________________________________________
Date Ordered (for office) _____________________________
Allan Bachenheimer
Sylvia and Ed Cohen
Madeline and Joel Frances
Ilana and Howard Gases
Leo Krieger
Alexandra and Henry Lurman
Fran and Joel Shafer
Maury and Steven Wohl
Thelma Zalewitz
Susan and Phil Ben-Zvi in memory of Marla Genee’s
father, Israel Goldman
Susan and Phil Ben-Zvi in memory of Rosalynda
Susan and Phil Ben-Zvi in memory of Jules Frankel
Susan and Phil Ben-Zvi in memory of Rabbi Herman
Susan and Phil Ben-Zvi in memory of Joe Green
Bobbi and David Blumenthal in memory of Gerri
Lewis’ mother, Carol Thau
Bobbi and David Blumenthal in memory of Rabbi
Herman Cohen
Bobbi and David Blumenthal in memory of Bernice
Manheim’s mother, Helen Kreiman
Joan and Bob Bramson in memory of Joe Green
Myra and Fred Feldman in memory of Cindi Jacob’s
sister Marilyn Jackson
Rhea Feldman in memory of Amy Cohen’s father,
Martin Landis
Rhea Feldman in memory of Gerri Lewis’ mother,
Carol Thau
Margie and Alan Ferrer in memory of Cindi Jacob’s
sister Marilyn Jackson
Gloria Hendler, Suzy, Rich and Spencer Lederer in
memory of Gerri Lewis’ mom, Carol Thau
Pearl and Robert Horn in memory of Ronnie Zeelens
Gloria and Barry Jaslow in memory of Cindi Jacob’s
sister, Marilyn Jackson
Gloria and Barry Jaslow in memory of Jodi Harkavy’s
mom, Edith Binn
Margot and David Julis in memory of Cindi Jacobs’
sister, Marilyn Jackson
Margot and David Julis in memory of Rabbi Herman
Carol and Ed Kantner in memory of Joe Green
Sherryl and Mickey Kaufman in memory of
Rosalynda Black
Sherryl and Mickey Kaufman in memory of Jerry
Weinfeld’s grandmother, Marie Herman
Zeena Kelberg in memory of Joe Green
Gail and Neil Kosher in memory of Rabbi Herman
Liz and Manus Midlarsky in memory of Rabbi Chaim
Lory and Arnie Pelofsky in memory of Cindi Jacob’s
sister Marilyn Jackson
Anita and Herman Price in memory of Ronnie
Zeelens mother
Cindy and Rick Rollman in honor of Ross Teicher’s
acceptance to NYU Dental School
Cindy and Rick Rollman in memory of Amy Ostrin’s
mother, Gloria Ostrin
Gail and Stanley Rubin in memory of Gerri Lewis’
mother, Carol Thau
Amy and Will Schafer in memory of Gerri Lewis’
mother, Carol Thau
Amy and Will Schafer in memory of Rabbi Herman
Amy and Will Schafer in memory of George Karp’s
mother, Bella Karp
Fran and Joel Shafer in memory of Jodi Harkavy’s
mother, Edith Binn
Fran and Joel Shafer in memory of Bernice
Manheim’s mom, Helen Kreiman
Fran and Joel Shafer in memory of Joe Green
Fran and Joel Shafer in memory of Rabbi Herman
Fran and Joel Shafer in memory of his father,
Isadore Shafer
Ruth Schweitzer in memory of Bernice Manheim’s
mom, Helen Kreiman
Cheryl and Warren Sweberg in honor of the birth of
Iris and Jon Wininger’s granddaughter, Abigail Beth
Thelma Zalewitz and family in memory of Rabbi
Herman Cohen
Thelma Zalewitz and family in memory of Norma Katz 
Gail and Gary Appelbaum in memory of their Holocaust child, Cary Krell
Sheila and Joe Behrman in memory of his father,
Hiram J. Behrman
Susan and Phil Ben-Zvi in memory of his mother,
Anna Ben-Zvi
Susan and Phil Ben-Zvi in memory of her father,
Max Grossberg
Ron Berger in memory of his father-in-law, Siegfried
Joan and Bob Bramson in memory of his father,
Jack Bramson
Hillary and Carl Cresci in memory of his father,
Aaron Cresci
Madeline and Joel Frances in memory of her mother,
Bessie Adam
Marla and Marty Genee in memory of her brother,
Ian Bruce Goldman
Marla and Marty Genee in memory of her mother,
Rose Goldman
Sally Godfrey in memory of her mother-in-law, Sarah
Sally Godfrey in memory of her mother, Leah Unger
Rhonda Berliner-Gold and Jonathan Gold in memory
of her mother, Arlene Berliner
Elyse and Jeff Herman in memory of his father,
Harry Herman
Pearl and Robert Horn in memory of his mother,
Bessie Horenstein
Margot and David Julis in memory of his brother,
Stuart Julis
Carol and Ed Kantner in memory of his father,
Henrik Kantner
Carol and Ed Kantner in memory of her mother,
Rose Alfond
Carol and Ed Kantner in memory of her sister,
Harriet Mack
Sherry Keller
Raoul Koss in memory of his father-in-law,
Solomon Roxenberg
Doris Leska in memory of her husband, Howard
Vickie and Marty Nathanson in memory of her father,
Ernest Deutsch
Meri and Marc Pearl in memory of his father, Samuel
Ginger and David Ploshnick in memory of her father,
Harry Braunstein
Jean Rossner in memory of her husband, Norman
Jane Sculler in memory of her mother, Betty Chakrin
Phyllis Schneider in memory of her sister-in-law, Judy
Janet and Barry Seidman
Risa Shabo in memory of her father, David Tiplitsky
Fran and Joel Shafer in memory of his grandmother,
Anna Mitnick
Roberta and Paul Solomon in memory of his father,
Nathan Solomon
Linda Korman-Spiegel and Phil Spiegel in memory of
their Holocaust child, Bronislaw Honig
Irwin Steinlight
Adele Urowsky in memory of her husband, Herman
Renee and Paul Weissman in memory of his aunt,
Yoninah Fractor
Rochelle and Sorin Weissman in memory of her
father, Samuel Friedman
Renee and Alvin Wittlin in memory of his parents,
Sylvia and Samuel Wittlin
Joseph Wofchuck in memory of his mother, Pauline
Yvette Schlussel and Asher Yama in memory of his
father, Mordechai Yama
Yvette Schlussel and Asher Yama in memory of her
mother, Esther Schlussel
The Social Action Committee is once again taking on a project to support EBJC. Once a
month we will be supplementing our regular Sisterhood Shabbat Kiddush. This initiative
will be funded by individual donors. If you would like to participate in funding the monthly
supplemented Sisterhood kiddush, please make a check to EBJC for $75.00 and write
social action on the envelope. We are looking for a once a year donation. Any questions,
please email Hollie Cerame,
Social action looking ahead:
March- Purim we will be collecting for Women Aware. Items include costume jewelry, nail
products, makeup, toiletries and cell phones.
Also don’t forget to bring your pasta groggers. We will be collecting them as you leave.
April- We will be collecting Passover food. Please try to donate it by April 15. When you
are cleaning for Passover please also donate food for the pantry that is unexpired.
We are planning for our hugely successful PurimFest 2016. This year we
are having a tricky tray auction (some people call it a basket auction) and
are looking for donations of NEW items, gift cards, kosher wine, whatever
you can donate for us to make basket combinations.
Chanukah just passed. Did you get a gift for which you have absolutely no
use? Is your basement filled with brand new, in the box items that you
don't know what to do with? Well, here we are! Regifting works like a
charm for tricky tray/basket auctions. We will combine it with other like
items and make a wonderful basket!
After all, how many scented candles can you really use?
Bring your items into the office as soon as you can!
East Brunswick Jewish Center
511 Ryders Lane, E Brunswick, NJ 08816
Tel: 732-257-7070 Fax: 732-257-9630
Joshua S. Finkelstein, Rabbi 732-257-7070
 Neil Kosher, President 732-257-7070
Ellen Botwin, Executive Director 732-257-7070
 Raymond Sasson, Financial Admin. 732-257-7070
Jay Lopatin, Treasurer 732-257-7070
 Nancy Scharff and Cindi Jacobs, Sisterhood
 Howard Jacobs, Men’s Club President
 Scott Alter, Youth Commission 732-257-7070
 Matt Kaufman, Ritual Chair 732-257-7070
 Julie Schwarzwald, Education & Youth Director 732257-7070
 Lynda Perel, Nursery School Director 732-2577070
Gale Dillman, Administration
 Vicki & Marty Nathanson, Rick Rollman,
Joannie Weinfeld, Madeline Frances
 Jay Lopatin & Trudi Teicher, Editors
Dr. David M. Rauch, DDS
Dr. Philip S. Engel, DMD
Dr. Richard K. Stern, DDS
Dr. Constantine Simos, DMD
Dr. Michael E. Stern, DMD
172 Summerhill Rd.
St. 3 Brook Rd.
E. Brunswick, NJ
(732) 238-3700.
109 Livingston Ave.
N. Brunswick, NJ
(732) 247-8083
1275 Bound Brook
Middlesex, NJ
(732) 271-0330
“….They have reached their Home in peace” (Exodus
East Brunswick Jewish Center has sections in two
cemeteries - Beth Abraham in East Brunswick and
Floral Park in South Brunswick. Both serve the needs
of our synagogue and community by providing a serene and peaceful final resting place. Established in
accordance with the spirit and letter of Jewish tradition, all graves are of equal size, exemplifying the ideals of dignity and equality before G-d and mankind.
It is important to look to the future and plan ahead.
It is a supreme kindness to spare loved ones the added burden of this decision when the events demand
hurried action under the strain of a deeply emotional
time. By making your selection prior to need, you will
have the opportunity to make a selection alone or
with your family.
If you need additional information or are interested in
purchasing a plot, please contact the office at (732)
257-7070 or David Julis
Beautiful basket of food items, matched to your
Simcha with a letter and placement on the
bimah, $150. Contact Sheila Behrman at 732238-1476.
Mazel Tosses - Delicious wrapped Sunkist Fruit
Gems to be gently tossed at a Bar/Bat Mitzvah. $36/50 tosses. Contact Lory Pelofsky
at 732-254-6851.
Buy Scrip for Shop Rite, Acme & Lox, Stock &
Deli, Sisterhood keeps 4-5%. It costs you nothing. Contact Sheila Behrman at 732-2381476.
JNF Tree Certificates - $15.00. Contact Diana Horowitz at 732-390-9058.
Pediatric and Adolescent
of Central New Jersey, L.L.C
Proudly Caring
for Our Community’s Children
Dr. Robert Salston
Dr. Jeffrey Herman
Dr. Laura Silverstein
Dr. George Brennan
Dr, Henry Shih
100 Perrine Road, Old Bridge, New Jersey 08857
Tel: (732) 316-0900
Fax (732) 316-0499
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