September/October 2011 - Beth Tikvah Synagogue, Toronto


September/October 2011 - Beth Tikvah Synagogue, Toronto
September/October 2011
Elul/Tishrei 5771/5772
2: Rabbi Grover’s Message
3: President’s Message
4-5: Sisterhood
6: Musica Beth Tikbah
7: Adult Education
9: Hesed
10: Beth Tikvah Men’s Club
11-13: Youth and Young Families
1. Did you conduct your business affairs
2. Did you set aside time to study Torah?
3. Were you concerned for future
4. Did you look forward to salvation?
5. Did you debate wisely? Were you able to
infer one thing from another?
Each one of these questions deserves special
examination, but this year one in particular
rings out - the contention that we must live
our lives concerned for future generations. If
there is one thing this year that we must all
do teshuva for, it may be for that failure.
What We Leave for
the Future
ne of the most famous rabbis in the
Talmud is the sage simply referred
to as Rava. This 4th-century
Babylonian scholar distinguished himself in
logic and methodology and in all but six
cases, the law is always decided according to
Among the insights attributed to him are
the five questions asked of each individual as
they stand in judgment at the gates of
Heaven. At that hour, he is asked:
Plagued by a challenging global economy,
governments across the world and at all levels have amassed massive debt loads. In so
doing, they have plagued future generations
with burdens so weighty, that they threaten
to completely undermine growth and productivity. Although most of us understand
this trap when it comes to our personal
finances, it is fair to say that as a society we
have failed to grasp the message.
Overburdening our children financially is
only one way we show disregard for future
generations. In the scheme of the Jewish tradition, it is certainly not even the primary
concern. Our sacred texts show repeated
anxiety over the human desire to live only
for self in a number of ways. We cannot just
be concerned with learning from our elders,
but teaching to our youth. We must do our
best to sustain the planet, conserve our
resources, and establish more peace in the
Concern for the future also mandates that
we ask ourselves how the next generation
might achieve more than we have. We each
measure achievement differently, but any
accurate measurement must consider character. What have we learned that can help foster a generation that is less egocentric, less
materialistic, more loving, more connected
and more giving? There is no doubt in my
mind that traditional Judaism fosters that
good character, and cultivates that loving
person. Partnered with our educators, our
parents and our elders, Beth Tikvah must
remain committed towards raising a greater
generation of Jews. There truly is no greater
gift to submit before the Heavenly Tribunal.
What we work towards in our lifetimes can
always be corrupted by attacks of false pretences and more selfish motives. What we
do for successive generations is truly chesed
shel emet - kindness in its most altruistic
I wish you, along with my wife Carmela and
daughter Renee, a year filled with the transcendent power of good deeds, love, and life!
Mazal Tov to everyone planning a Bar or Bat
Mitzvah in the year 2014. To help you with your
plans, we’d like you to make note of the following
• Only members who have handed in this form
will be eligible to reserve a date.
• The Bar or Bat Mitzvah will be held as close to
the thirteenth birthday as possible. In the case
of a Bar Mitzvah, it cannot occur before the
boy is 13 years and one day according to his
Hebrew birthday.
• The United Synagogue of Conservative
Judaism regulations require that all children celebrating a Bar or Bat Mitzvah must have a
minimum of 5 continuous years of Hebrew
education at a recognized school including
attendance during their Bar or Bat Mitzvah
year. The Rabbi must approve any exception.
• The Board of Governors of Beth Tikvah have
adopted a policy stating that the meal following a synagogue Bar or Bat Mitzvah service,
held at a public facility must be kosher and
under COR supervision.
To book your simha, please complete this form
and return it to the synagogue office by January
10, 2012. We will begin phoning families after
this day to book specific dates. No phone booking will be taken. If you need any additional
information, please call our Director of
Administration, Lillian Cornfield at
416-221-3433 ext. 307.
Bar and Bat Mitzvah Bookings
My child___________________________________ Date of English Birthday_______________________
Name of school of Jewish education ______________________
Number of years my child has been receiving Jewish Education__________________________
Type of facilities needed in the synagogue after religious services:
1. _ Social Hall (Main Floor)
_Assembly Hall (Lower Level)
2. _ Afternoon
_ Evening
3. _ Special Requests (Date Preference)
4. Approximate number of guests expected
Name of parent/parents (please print)__________________________________________________
Address______________________________________________________ PostalCode__________
Phone (day)____________________________ (evening)_________________________
Page 2
Hakol - Sept/Oct 2011
By Maurice Kulik
Kavod in our Midst
serve as your President in the last few
months of an appointment which ends
on November 24, 2011. I have been
grateful for this opportunity to serve. You
have entrusted me with an important mandate and I am honoured by your trust. My
hope is that in the two years as your
President I was able to achieve some of the
goals set for me for the benefit of Beth
Tikvah and the Jewish community.
Since November 2009, I wrote several articles for publication here. I wrote about volunteerism in our community, about building
a kehilah kedoshah for the future generations
and about our Senior Rabbi’s decision to
retire after 24 years of service. In this issue I
would like to discuss, what to my mind may
be the most important and timely topic. I
would like to share with you some insights
about kavod, honour; respect and honour as
it impacts all facets of our Jewish existence
With very little analysis, we can begin to
understand the important role respect for
one another plays in defining our Jewish values and tradition. This seminal concept in
interpersonal relationships is well developed
in our Torah, in our Talmud and in the vast
library of commentaries which have enriched
our heritage.
The quote at the start of this article is from
Pirkei Avot, the Mishnaiic tractate of Avot
4.1. It is a quote from the Tannaic sage
Simon ben Zoma, who asked, “Who should
be honoured?” and offers the answer, “the one
who treats other human-beings with kavod”.
He quotes a proof text from 1 Samuel 2.3.
“Those who honour Me, I will honour, and
those who scorn Me, I will scorn”.
Hakol - Sept/Oct 2011
Our fifth commandment instructs us
“Kabed et Avikha v’et Imekha”, honour
your fathers and mothers, so that you may
live a long life. We learn of the beautiful concept of “Kevod Ha’Briyot” the principle of
respect for all human beings; we learn about
the importance of “Kevod Hatzibur” the
concern for the honour and respect of the
congregation. The Talmud deals with great
gravity with “Kavod Ha’Rav”, honour and
respect for our teachers. Also, Rabbi Yossi
tells us in Pirkei Avot, 4.6, “The one who
honours the Torah will be honoured by others.’” And Rabbi Elazar ben Shamua said
(Pirkei Avot, 4.15): “Let the honour of your
student be as precious to you as your own,
and the honour of your colleague as the
respect due your rabbi, and the respect
toward your rabbi as your reverence for
In analyzing some of the halakhic decisions of our poskim (halakhic decisors) of the
post Talmud era, we note the sensitivity for
Kevod Ha’Briyot. That our religious practices
are so defined that our fellow human-beings
should not be embarrassed in public, should
they be unable to observe the letter of the
law; or at least as concerns the laws promulgated by rabbinic edict. This sensitivity for
Kevod Ha’briyot and Kevod Ha’Tzibur is
observed in the halakhic decisions formulated by the modern poskim of the Orthodox
and Conservative movements. The importance of protecting human dignity is evident
in their decision processes. We would expect
that such sensitivity should influence other
aspects of the interaction with our fellow
With this background, allow me to share a
concern. It is the concern that the message of
kavod in our Torah and in the teaching of
our sages no longer resonates with us as it did
even as few as 35 years ago. I worry that I
have been observing a slow decline in the sensitivity for respect and honour in our society.
I worry that we may, in our enthusiasm
to do good, have forgotten how to do so
with the appropriate levels of sensitivity and
respect; respect for one another, respect and
honour for our rabbis and spiritual leaders;
respect for our secular leaders and respect for
our essential religious values. It seems to me
that we are beginning to displace our Jewish
principles with shallow preoccupations of
winning any debate by popular mandate,
even at the sacrifice of sensitivity to the precepts of our tradition.
The axiom about two Jews in a debate
ending up with three opinions is also apt for
the Conservative movement today. The effective discussion and analysis of a wide variety
of concepts is probably the main reason for
our movement’s vitality and pluralism.
However, there is a danger which threatens
this strength, and that is the failure to respect
those with whom we disagree. We can
become preoccupied with the belief that ours
is the only truth and the only correct option
with terrible consequence for the open
debate on the important issues of our Jewish
essence. My concern increases as I read the
insensitive pronouncements from the far
right of the Orthodox branch of the Jewish
nation directed against other segments of our
religious personality. We can only hope for
the intervention of wiser leadership imbued
with the principles of kavod.
The fixation with winning the debate even
on weak bases or to cater to a lowest common denominator has led to the failure to
uphold the precious tenets and the essence of
our Jewish existence as the “light unto the
In many of our organizations, our once
exalted regard and respect for our spiritual
leaders has been downgraded to mere tolerance for just another member of the staff.
Many years of Torah study and pulpit experience can translate today to being old-fashioned and behind the times.
I am concerned that our leadership development methods and the formal education
system, be it in the universities or rabbinical
schools or the informal leadership training
courses, have failed to elevate and emphasize
the concept of honour and respect for our
colleagues; for our spiritual leaders and for
our fellow members. We must work to influence our future leaders and teachers to raise
the awareness of, and dedication to, respect
and honour for one another, to levels so necessary for our existence as a kehilah
kedoshah, a holy community and the hope
for our Jewish future.
All may not agree with my observations. If
in my comments I’ve raised the awareness of
a problem area for a few, then I may have
performed a good deed at this time of repentance and introspection before our Yamim
Renée and I wish you blessings of a sweet
New Year of good health, happiness, and
Shanah Tovah U’metukah.
Page 3
Arlene Anthony,
Over the past year
we identified our
goals and vision for
the future, and I've
already written about
that in my last Hakol
column. We believe
that our "Sisterhood" name does not reflect
the dynamic and talented women of our
congregation. We are looking at doing some
re-branding beginning with a new name.
Any thoughts? Let me know!
Part of our vision is assessing your needs and
making you aware of what we do and what
we can offer. A few months ago I included a
few questions:
1. I would love to come to a Sisterhood
programme if they had one on
• Monday evening classes, Empowering
Women: Being (and Becoming) a Bat
• Wednesday morning classes where we will
study Breisheet with Rashi commentary
• Team Tikvah, participating in this year's
Oct. 2 CIBC Walk/Run for the Cure
• Evening of Women's Networking
• Newly renovated Women's Washroom!
I hope you join us at some of our programmes. I'm sure you will find them stimulating and rewarding. And if there is nothing
that appeals to you, let us know what would!
Wishing all of you a healthy, happy and
peaceful year,
Arlene Anthony
Please do contact me with responses to my
fill-in-the-blank questions.
Empowering the Jewish
Woman: Being (and
Becoming) a Bat Mitzvah
Open to all women members of Beth
Monday evenings, 8:00 - 9:30 pm.
beginning September 12, 2011 with
Rabbi Markose.
End date: TBA
The women who participate will bring up
and discuss various issues that are pertinent
to the Jewish woman of the 21st century this may include topics such as public participation in Jewish ritual, women's prayers,
dynamics within the Jewish family, the
Jewish woman and the calendar.
Also included will be sessions on reading
Torah and Haftarah. Since this is open to
everyone, there will be an opportunity to
study at your own level whether you are
starting to learn the Hebrew alphabet or
2. I don't know why Sisterhood doesn't start
3. ______________is such an important
issue for women. Sisterhood should have a
fundraiser or programme about it.
4. I'm too busy to come to commit to anything, but if there was one session where I
could (learn about /learn to/participate
_ I would consider going.
I included my contact information - but no
one replied. So I'm trying again! I know
that the preliminary survey results show that
there are some of you who feel that
Sisterhood isn't meeting your needs. If you
have some ideas for programming we would
love to hear from you. AND if you would
like to become involved please contact me I would be really happy to have a chat about
ways you might become involved in something that would be meaningful to you. We
have so many exciting learning opportunities
beginning this September, and a range of
events being planned for the coming year.
But we are always ready to do more!
I have included additional information in
this Hakol about our
• Sisterhood Scholar in Residence Weekend, Sept. 9-10
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Hakol - Sept/Oct 2011
enhancing your Torah chanting skills.
This class will culminate with the women
who desire, celebrating having become B’not
Mitzvah. Dates will be discussed to meet the
needs of those who would like to participate
in a group event or would prefer to schedule
their own dates. Participating in the class does
not mean there is a commitment to having a
Bat Mitzvah ceremony.
Rabbi Grover and Irv Kirshenblat will
join Rabbi Markose in teaching some of the
sessions. Depending on your level, there
may be additional sessions scheduled for
learning to read the Hebrew alphabet and if
you choose, to learn a Haftarah portion.
Cost: There may be a slight fee for this
class to cover materials that might need to
be printed and for security.
An evening of networking for
the women of Beth Tikvah
Whether you are a real estate agent, makeup
artist, tutor, insurance broker, interior designer, dog walker - why not take advantage of a
chance to meet other members of the Beth
Tikvah community who might be able to use
your services or pass on referrals to you?
There are hundreds of groups such as BNI
and Women in the Home Office which have
developed to give people an opportunity to
meet and discuss their businesses.
Networking events can be highly productive.
Date and format are flexible. There are
many different ways this can be organized the planning committee for this event should
be made up of women who would like to
participate in the event itself. Please contact if you would like
to take part in the planning committee.
Cost for Beth Tikvah members who are
not members of Sisterhood: $25
Cost for those who are not members of
Beth Tikvah: $36
Men are very welcome!
Have you wondered where the
$25 for Sisterhood dues goes?
Check out the newly renovated women's washroom!
Over the past few years Sisterhood has purchased new ergonomic chairs for the office
administrative staff and lighter-weight 6 foot
long tables for the custodial staff.
We have funded the building of the accessible Disabled Washroom on the main level.
This year we voted to fund additional
cabinetry for the Judaica Shop and a renovation of the main Women's Washroom. The
work has begun and will be completed by
the end of August!
Entertainment Book 2011-12 is here.
Many opportunities for savings on a variety
of entertainments, including movies, golf,
bowling, concerts, and more. Proceeds from
the sale of books supports Beth Tikvah
Sisterhood projects and activities.
Entertainment Books can be purchased in
the Shul Office, Gift Shop, or call Reah 905881-2007 or Shelah 905-886-2266 to
place your order. Cost $30 each.
Calling Beth Tikvah Artists
Sisterhood is considering an afternoon
featuring the
Art of Beth Tikvah Members
Artisans, sculptors, painters
Works would be for display and sale
For further information please call Rona
Armel – 416-512-8448
Wednesday Morning Study
with Rabbi Markose
Chumash and Rashi
This course is designed to provide an in-depth
study of the book of Breisheet (Genesis) with
the ongoing help of the 12th century French
commentator Rabbi Shlomo Yitzhaki (Rashi).
We will explore what is peculiar about certain
passages and ask: What is the message of a
particular verse? Word? Phrase? How can
the text speak to modern Jews with questions
that are not those which were pondered a millennium ago?
Men and women at all levels of Jewish
education are invited to participate. No previous knowledge of Hebrew is required.
Wednesday mornings 9:30-11:00
September 14, 21, October 26, November
2, 9, 16, 23, 30, December 7, 14
Winter and spring dates will be
announced in the fall.
Hakol - Sept/Oct 2011
Page 5
Delivered by Beth Tikvah’s Rabbi Emeritus and Senior Scholar Avraham Feder
“The Four Pillars of Israel”
Cantor Tibor Kovari and the Beth Tikvah Choir accompanied by the Festival String Quartet,
conducted by Klara Bagley.
You Won!
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Mazel Tov to th
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incentive. A pr
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will be deducted
hip dues for
your members
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Please bring yo
the office for ve
and our apprec
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survey. Over 80
Extended Office
Sunday, September 11
From 8:30 – 11:30 a.m.
Tuesday Sept 13th until 7:30 p.m.
Tuesday, September 20 until 7:30 p.m.
Sunday, September 25
From 8:30 – 11:30 a.m.
Page 6
Hakol - Sept/Oct 2011
Adult Education
Hakol - Sept/Oct 2011
Page 7
Nominations Committee Report
I am pleased to present the 2011-2012
Executive and Board Nominations as selected by the Nominations Committee. I
would like to thank the Committee
Members: Alisa Feldbloom, Stuart Foxman,
Ruth Frankel, Harvey Friedman, Ron
Morris, Irv Sherman and Geri Stewart for
taking on the difficult task of selecting the
nominees. Syd Seltzer stepped down as a
member of the Committee prior to his
nomination for the Executive Committee.
The position of First Vice-President/Board
Chair remains unfilled. The Committee was
unable to find a nominee. Additional Board
members can also be nominated. Members
interested in serving on the Board should
The Annual Meeting and Election Meeting of
Beth Tikvah Synagogue will be held on Thursday,
November 24, 2011 at 7:30 p.m.
In accordance with Article VI, 1 (c) of the Beth Tikvah Synagogue
Constitution and By-Laws, the Nominations Committee shall prepare a list of
members proposed to be elected as members of the Executive Committee and
members of the Board of Governors for the ensuing year (the "Nominees") and
shall mail said list to all the members of the Congregation at least 37 days prior
to the Election Meeting. The Nominees listed shall be deemed to have accepted
their nominations unless they expressly decline in writing at least 22 days prior
to the Election Meeting. Any Nominee on such list who subsequently wishes
to run for higher office shall notify the Chairman of the Nominations
Committee at least 15 days prior to the Election Meeting, failing which he/she
shall be bound by the acceptance of his/her position on the list.
In accordance with Article VI, 2 (a,b), nominations by membership may
also be made as follows:
(a) In writing and addressed to the chair of the Nominations Committee
signed by any 5 members in good standing and accepted in writing by
the nominee. Such nomination must be received by the chair of the
Nominations Committee at least 22 days prior to the Elections Meeting.
(b) In the event that there have been nominations by membership pursuant
to Article VI (2), the Nominations Committee shall mail a final list of all
Nominees to all members of the Congregation no later than 14 days prior
to the Election Meeting.
Proposed Slate of Nominees for the
Executive Committee and Board of Governors of
Beth Tikvah Synagogue for 2011-2012
Executive Committee
Position (By nomination)
1st Vice President
2nd Vice President
3rd Vice President
Executive Member at Large
Executive Member at Large
Executive Member at Large
By constitution:
Immediate Past President
Sisterhood President
Brotherhood President
Board of Governors
Rona Armel
Marilyn Cohen
Sarah Cooper
Shae Eckler
Renee Exton
Robert Feldgaier
Issie Fishman
Stuart Foxman
Ruth Frankel
Alisa Feldbloom
Hershel Guttman
Page 8
Robert Weill
Stan Appel
Darryl Fisch
Allan Friedland
Josh Mendelsohn
Talya Postan-Feldberg
Arlene Anthony
Syd Seltzer
Maurice Kulik
Jerry Kalpin
Hart Kaminker
Ron Laxer
Barry Lipkus
John Molot
Michael Rakhsha
Howard Rose
Ettie Seltzer
Danielle Shoychet
Marshall Spegel
Gerald Ziedenberg
contact me prior to November 2, 2011
which is the last day upon which a nomination can be submitted. Members cannot be
nominated at the Annual General Meeting
on November 24, 2011.
Jeffrey Jackson
Chair, Nominations Committee
and Immediate Past President
Eligibility for Nomination
(a) No person may be nominated for a position as officer or as member of
the Board of Governors unless he or she is a member in good standing of
the Congregation;
(b) No person may assume the office of President or 1st Vice President of the
Congregation unless he or she has been a
member of the Board of Governors for at least two years;
(c) No person may assume the office of 2nd Vice President, 3rd Vice
President, Secretary, Treasurer or Executive member of the Congregation
unless he or she has been a member of the Board of Governors for at least
one year.
(d) No person shall be entitled to nomination for more than one office at the
same time;
(e) No full time paid employee of the Congregation shall be permitted to
hold any office. A full time paid employee of the Congregation may be
nominated and may stand for election for any office provided that at or
prior to the Nomination Meeting, such employee shall file in writing his
or her undertaking that if he or she is elected, then he or she shall forthwith resign as an employee of the Congregation.
(f) No person who has held the position of President, First, Second or Third
Vice President during the four consecutive preceding years shall be
entitled to re-election for the same office.
Election and Annual Meeting
Thursday, November 24, 2011 at 7:30 p.m.
Approval of Minutes of Election Meeting
Hart Kaminker,
and Annual Meeting held on November 25, 2010 Secretary
President’s Report
Maurice Kulik
Treasurer’s Report
Josh Mendelsohn,
Financial Statements for the year
ending December 31, 2010
Josh Mendelsohn,
Appointment of Auditors for the year ended
December 31, 2011
Josh Mendelsohn,
Nominations Committee Report and Election of
Jeffrey Jackson,
Officers and Board of Governors (enclosed)
Incoming President’s Remarks
Other Business
Good and welfare
The final agenda will posted on the Beth Tikvah website,, on or before
October 24, 2011
*We would be pleased to e-mail copies of the financial statements upon request. Please e-mail your
request to Lillian Cornfield at If you do not have e-mail, copies will be
available from the synagogue office.
Hakol - Sept/Oct 2011
What Does Hesed
1. Holds the Ruth Goldberg
Kosher Food Drive twice
annually, providing Kosher
Food for the needy Kosher
2. Creates a Friday afternoon Shabbat service
at Carefree Lodge.
3. Provides Shabbat and Holiday greeters for
services at Beth Tikvah.
4. Monitors a ‘Gently Used Clothing’ box
(shul parking lot).
5. Distributes pamphlets for guidance and
6. Arranges rides to shul.
7. Sends cards to those who are ill (and have
notified the office).
8. Provides a voice to be called and who listens. We receive many calls & requests on
a variety of topics.
9. Has an emergency fund for those in need.
10. Continues to make suggestions to
increase congregational comfort.
11. Works towards greater accessibility for
those with impairment.
12. Hesed is taking a role in the greening of
Beth Tikvah.
13. Hesed has representation on the Board
of Governors.
14. Hesed sponsors or arranges special gifts,
recognition, or acknowledgments of shul
15. Prescription eye-glasses are collected in
Beth Tikvah, thousands of pairs since
inception, which are properly labeled
before being distributed overseas.
We invite you to help us in making Beth
Tikvah a welcoming and caring place.
Please call Edith Cantor 416-250 -5415 or
Ruth Frankel 905-709-1420. For the date
of our next meeting please contact the office
at 416- 221-3433.
YOU are most welcome to join us!!
“Listen to the Music of Helen
Medwedeff Greenberg”
The donors who contributed with such generosity to our Spring Ruth Goldberg Kosher
Food Drive made it possible for many youngsters to go to bed with full tummies and gave
their parents the pleasure of knowing that
there would be food on the table for a little
while longer. On their behalf, many, many
thanks to you and to all the phoners, drivers
and sorters who helped with the Drive.
Unfortunately, there is no moratorium for
hunger. Difficult as it is to believe, 10% of
Jewish families in Toronto are impoverished
and unable to provide their families with
needed sustenance on a daily basis. And that
is why we will be holding the second of our
twice yearly Kosher Food Drives this
November 20th.
Coming so soon after the Yom Kippur
Harvest Food Bank Drive, to which our congregants always contribute so generously, it
may seem like an imposition to hold yet
another Drive. We do try to arrange our semi
annual appeals so that we’re not always canvassing the same congregants, but occasionally our routes overlap. Should you choose not
to make a food donation this time, please
consider doing so next Spring. Or, if you’d
like, perhaps you’d have the time to phone, or
drive or sort. All of these are genuine acts of
Again, Todah Rabbah to all who helped,
and who contributed. May the New Year
bring health, joy and fulfillment to all. And
for our impoverished brethren, may there be
a much needed respite from hunger.
Shana Tovah.
This year, the Hesed committee of Beth
Tikvah Synagogue chose to honour the late
Helen Medwedeff Greenberg, for her many
contributions to our shul. Ruth Raizel
Frankel was commissioned to create a piece
of art reflecting Helen’s generous spirit, her
incomparable leadership and sensitivity, her
commitment to everything she undertakes,
her deep love of Judaism, and her unique
musical accomplishments.
When you view the painting, you will
“Listen to the Music of Helen Medwedeff
Greenberg,” and hear her many- layered, and
often complex music based on traditional
Jewish liturgical sources, Yiddish poetry, new
songs of love and loss, struggle and hope.
Elements in the painting such as the turbulence, occasional dark clouds, perpetual illumination, and beauty of the soul in bursts of
colour, beneath an ever- unfolding, protective
and welcoming heavenly canopy, trumpeted
by the shofar, are derived from the stories and
philosophy of Helen’s deeds and music.
Mazel Tov to Dana
Krupat, daughter of
Ken and Tsipora Krupat,
of Israel
International recording star Shakira visited Israel to open
the Tomorrow Conference, an educational conference
hosted by Israeli President Shimon Peres. The conference
opened with the presentation to Shakira of a necklace
designed by Israeli silversmith and artist Ben-Zion David
as a gift from the State of Israel. The necklace was
presented by Dana Krupat, a native of Toronto, former
Beth Tikvah member now living in Ra’anana, Israel.
Hakol - Sept/Oct 2011
Page 9
Beth Tikvah
Men’s Club
What Can
We Offer
I am often asked.
“Why do we need a
Men’s Club?” or
“Men’s Club should
By Moe Horenfeldt get involved with
fundraising or support our Bingo, or something meaningful.”
Most of the time, those making these
statements have never attended any Men’s
Club activities, such as our Breakfast or
Dinner Meetings, with speakers on Men’s
Issues, or participated in the World Wide
Wrap, or helped us package Yom Hashoah
V’Hagvorah candle kits, or attended a Lake
Ontario Regional Retreat, or the Biennial
FJMC Convention, or have ever visited our
webpage at, to find out who
we are and what we stand for and what we
have done, and can do.
I joined what was then the Beth Tikvah
Brotherhood almost 40 years ago. At that
time we were not members of the Federation
of Jewish Men’s Clubs, nor were we aware of
FJMC activities. We were a bunch of Jewish
guys who wanted to hang out together and
have fun.
Did you know that we were the first Shul
group to organize a highly successful New
Year’s Eve party in our “New” building, and
that we were picketed by our Rabbi and at
least 50 members for celebrating a “Pagan”
holiday, and that after a wonderful Hora
Dance to the Stan Hiltz band, we discovered
that the floor was oscillating in a wave that
swept from one end of the hall to the other,
and back again, so that many of us were literally bouncing off our feet? That “flaw” was
corrected, but many of us were very careful
when we danced in the Social Hall for some
time after that.
We also ran a successful and profitable
Mega Draw with dinner and entertainment
for many years, until it no longer “drew” the
kind of money to make the effort worthwhile.
Our members were younger, and more
ambitious then, it seems, because we did
these things without knowing anything
about our Federation, FJMC, and even what
other clubs were doing in the GTA.
When we joined FJMC we learned about
the Beth Tzedec Yom Hashoa V’Hagvorah
Page 10
program which helped finance Judy FeldCarr’s mission to save the Syrian Jews, and
we learned about Hebrew Literacy programs,
Men’ Health Issues, and about our need to
support Ramah and our Youth.
We have now come full circle. We still
have guys getting together to have fun
Jewishly, but the younger members value
their time with kids and family so much,
they are reluctant to have “Men Only” programs. We are attempting to address that
issue by encouraging more family programs,
either Erev Shabbat, with the families at the
Shul, or Saturday night, with our spouses,
and the kids home with the baby-sitters.
Our delegates Harvey Mandel and Jim
Heifetz, to the recent FJMC Biennial convention, held in Costa Mesa, California, have
returned with all the “Ruach” that this convention instills in attendees.
Congratulations to our Past President, Jim
Heifetz, who was installed as the President of
the Lake Ontario Region. Yasher Koah!
We have some wonderfully talented musicians amongst our guys, and for those of us
who attended the convention in Philadelphia
and heard the musical group “SAFAM” for
the first, or even the umpteenth time, we
know music plays a big part in Men’s Club
activities. We would love to highlight the talent we have for a Saturday night “Fraylech”.
Would that be something you would come
out for? Please write, phone, or catch me at
Shabbat services, and “Let’s Talk About It”.
We welcome your ideas and suggestions.
Call me at 947-282-0277 or e-mail, Let’s make our Men’s
Club a “Light unto the Nations” for Men’s
Club relevance, by having meaningful programs for our membership.
May we all be blessed with a Happy,
Healthy and Prosperous New Year.
Moe Horenfeldt
Hakol - Sept/Oct 2011
Youth and Young Families
By Sigal Tuch
Youth & Young Families Director
(416)221-3433 x302
As the month of September rolls around it is
a natural signal to switch gears. The summer is winding down, school is about to
start, Y&YF programming at Beth Tikvah is
gearing up and fall is just around the corner.
This year, the beginning of September also
ushers in the month of Elul. This is a very
special month; the month prior to the High
Holidays and a time for introspection. The
Hebrew letters -Aleph, Lamed, Vav, Lamed which spell ‘Elul’ are also an acronym for the
words, “Ani L’Dodi V’Dodi Li”- I am to my
beloved and my beloved is to me - words
that are often associated with a Jewish wedding. The month of Elul is a time of intensi-
Foundation for
Masorti Judaism
would like to extend a hearty
mazel tov to
Marilyn Cohen
fied spirituality. As we begin our preparations for Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur,
it is a time to audit the year that is closing,
try to mend our ways and pray for the year
that is to come. In my view, the fact that the
month of Elul shares the same letters as this
special verse, often reserved for the celebration of love and a new union, is no simple
coincidence. No period of personal growth
could be complete without a close examination of the self but perhaps taking stock of
the importance of relationships and the richness that they bring to our lives is equally
important as we prepare to usher in the
High Holidays. In my role here at Beth
Tikvah I have been truly blessed with many
incredible relationships. I have also been
privileged to watch the Y&YF cohort grow
and forge their own meaningful friendships.
It has been wonderful to see families come
together to learn and enjoy programs here at
Beth Tikvah and to also spend time together
in their own homes. Beth Tikvah has always
been a home away from home for me and
my family. I feel truly honored to have been
given the opportunity to make it part of
your extended family too. May the year that
lies ahead be filled with blessings for us all
and may we continue to grow our Beth
Tikvah family and come together to learn
and celebrate together. From my family to
yours - wishing you all Shanah Tova
High Holidays 2011: We are looking forward to welcoming everyone back to experience the High Holidays with our Youth and
Young Family department. This year, while
some of our programs are staying the same,
a lot is changing. Over the years, it has been
Beth Tikvah Kol Nidre Food Drive
Friday, October 7, 2011
The need is great!
Non perishable food
North York Harvest Food Bank
on her retirement after
13 years of service.
We hope you will join us as we
honour Marilyn at Beth Tikvah
Shabbat morning, Rosh Hodesh
October 29, 2011
Marion Mayman
President, MERCAZ-Canada
Ron Hoffman Gorman
President, Canadian Foundation
For Masorti Judaism
Rabbi Jennifer
Executive Director
Hakol - Sept/Oct 2011
Page 11
challenging to accommodate all our families
in the small chapel for our High Holiday
Family Services. We’ve tried many different
strategies to deal with this space limitation,
but all seemed to fall short in one way or
another. After reviewing our past successes,
we’re presenting a new model this year that
will give us the space and the facility that we
need. We’ve got new staff, a new location, a
new mahzor and all the warmth & fun that
you’ve come to enjoy over the years.
High Holiday Family Services: Young
Families (kids, parents and grandparents) are
invited to attend an energetic, participatory
and abbreviated High Holiday experience as
we pray and play together in an interactive
& family friendly environment. Featuring
tefillah, games, stories and much more! Led
by Sigal Tuch and Avee Helfand, this year’s
Family Service is at the Grand Luxe Event
Boutique. Located at 3125 Bayview
Avenue, the Grand Luxe is an event facility
right across the street from Beth Tikvah with
the capacity to seat everyone we need.
Advance registration and tickets are required
to attend all Family Services. Parking Passes
can be purchased for $15.00 by Young
Families who are attending services at the
Grand Luxe. Parking passes are available on
a first come first serve basis. Young Families
can access parking for all three services with
one pass. To reserve, contact the synagogue
office or return your completed registration
form. For questions or further information,
please contact Sigal: or x.302.
High Holiday Family Services at the
Grand Luxe
Rosh Hashanah Day 1: September 29th
9:30 AM - 12:00 PM
Family Tashlikh Service: September 29th
12:05 PM - 12:20 PM
Rosh Hashanah Day 2: September 30th
9:30 AM - 12:00 PM
Yom Kippur: October 8th
9:30 AM - 11:45 AM
Yom Kippur Family Yizkor Service
11:45 AM - 12:00 PM
(with Concurrent Kids Program)
High Holiday Youth Services: will be
available for kids JK through Grade 8 on
both days of Rosh Hashanah, Kol Nidre and
Yom Kippur. All Youth Services will include
tefillah, holiday-based games & activities,
nut free refreshments and prizes. All children will observe the mitzvah of hearing the
shofar in their individual classrooms.
Parents with very small children are encourPage 12
aged to arrange babysitting at home on Kol
Nidre. For more information about High
Holiday Youth Services please visit Beth
Tikvah’s website or contact Sigal.
High Holiday Youth Services &
Babysitting at Beth Tikvah Service
Rosh Hashanah Day 1: September 29th
9:30 AM - 1 PM
Rosh Hashanah Day 2: September 30th
9:30 AM - 1 PM
Kol Nidre: October 7th
6:30 PM - 9:00 PM
Yom Kippur: October 8th
9:30 AM - 1 PM
Room Assignments
Babysitting (JK and SK)
Room 6
Grade 1 & 2
Room 5
Grade 3 & 4
Room 4
Grade 5 & 6
Room 3
Grade 7 & 8
Room 2
(all youth services are located one level down
from the main sanctuary &are accessible from
the RHA stairwell)
YF Email List: If you would like to receive
all the YF flyers electronically, please contact
Sigal to be added to the YF database.
Save the Date: The November YF
Shabbat Service will
take place on
November 5th. Café
Tikvah will be held on
November 19th.
The BT Blazers – “The Halutzim”:
We are very excited to introduce a brand
new youth group at Beth Tikvah for kids in
Grades 1-4. Featuring exciting monthly programs led by our Youth Coordinator,
Danielle Shoychet, with tons of fun for
everyone. If you would like to be added to
the Halutzim database and receive information about all of these great programs, please
contact Sigal.
Kadima (Grades 5-8) & BTY(Grades
9-12): Stay tuned for awesome programming coming your way right after the High
Holidays. If you’re not on our email lists
and you wanna be, contact Sigal.
L’Shannah Tovah Tikatevu V’Teihatemu.
Wishing you all a Happy & Healthy New
New Baby Feeding and
Changing Area
Based on a suggestion from some of our
young mothers, a new baby feeding and
changing area has been installed in the
downstairs ladies washroom off the lower
foyer. The new area offers mothers a quiet
and convenient place for them and their
infants. Recent users of the area have
offered rave reviews. An elevator is available
at the back of the social hall for easy access.
Tikvah’s Shabbat
Morning Youth
Services: are available
every Shabbat and holiday morning beginning
on September 17th
from 10:30 am to
noon. Babysitting (JK
and SK) with our fabulous youth leaders
Rachel Czosniak and
Shana Manett will meet
in the Youth Room.
Beginyan (Grade 1 -3)
and Allstars (Grade 4 7) will meet with
Danielle Shoychet and
Sigal in the Chapel and
then break off into
groups following
Hakol - Sept/Oct 2011
Hakol - Sept/Oct 2011
Page 13
Anne and Michael McCleave on their son Robert’s
completing his carpentry apprenticeship and was
certified a Red Seal Carpenter, as well as their son
Rory, who received his Master’s Degree in
Aerospace Engineering from Carleton University
in Ottawa.
Congratulations and yasher koach to Abe Birnbaum
and Lou VanDelman who were honoured on June
14th by the Province of Ontario for their many
years of volunteer service at the Jerome D.
Diamond Centre of Jewish Family and Child
Service of Greater Toronto.
Reva Stern & Howard Tward on the bar mitzvah of
their grandson, Jacob Schulman, son of Tirzah
Murray Kroach on the bat mitzvah of his granddaughter, Jamie Kroach, daughter of Heidi & David
Louis and Florence Krupat on the bar mitzvah of
their grandson, Oren, son of Ken and Tsipi Krupat
in Israel.
Rob and Haydene Lee on the bar mitzvah of their
son, Benjamin.
Michael and Paula Krupat on the bat mitzvah of their
daughter, Sarah.
Michael and Whitney Gnat on the bat mitzvah of
their daughter, Kendall.
Mark and Orly Berish on the bar mitzvah of their
son, Matthew.
Howard Gerson and Darlene Hubley on the bat
mitzvah of their daughter, Elyse.
Michael and Alisa Feldbloom on the bat mitzvah of
their daughter, Hannah.
Stephen and Floree Thistle on the bar mitzvah of
their son, Noah.
Robert and Audrey Borg on the bar mitzvah of their
son, Joseph.
Jeff and Linda Mandlsohn on the birth of their granddaughters, Carys and Jules. Proud parents are
Andrew and Nicole Mandlsohn.
Irv and Linda Kirshenblat on the birth of their grandson, Dylan Joel, son of Adina and Todd Spetter.
Proud grandparents are Erwin and Gayle Spetter.
Harvey and Carol Hacker on the birth of their
granddaughter, Maya Yasmin, daughter of Lauren
Hacker and Evan Morrison. Proud grandmother
is Carol Blackwood.
Adult Education Programs
Harvey & Miriam Freedman
Bernie & Miriam Gasee
Bert & Carol Luftman
Larry & Pauline Maker
Sheldon & Doreen Manly
Paul Borenstein Memorial Fund
Gayle Borenstein
Gayle & Brian deBloeme & Family
Page 14
Sophie Gelgor on the birth of her great grandson,
Gabriel William Smolkin.
Larry and Mary Fruitman on the birth of their granddaughter, Charlee Isabella, daughter of Julie and
Brent Usprech. Proud grandparents are Phil and
Bonnie Usprech. A sister for Cooper.
Steve and Fern Weingarten on the birth of their
granddaughter, Jayme Belle, daughter of Lauren
and Matt Bloom. Proud grandparents are Ruthie
and Joe Bloom and great grandmother, Grace
David and Sharon Miller on the birth of their daughter Lexi Laya. Proud grantparents are Hana and
Daniel Baratz and Fela Miller and the late Leon
Miller. Great grandmother is Ethel Traub of Israel.
A sister for Ryan and Evan.
Irv and Anita Zelcer on the birth of their sixth
grandchild, Nava Aviv, daughter of Sara Zelcer and
Michael Noble. Proud grandparents are Larry and
Rhona Noble and great grandmother, Shifra
Mike and Susan Bernstein on the birth of their
granddaughter, Kyla Jade, daughter of Elliot and
Laura Bernstein. Proud grandparents are Larry
and Amy Miller. Great grandparents are Gabriella
Vadas and Estelle and Harold Miller.
Aaron and Felice Rosenthal on the birth of their son,
Brody Ryan. Proud grandparents are Ellen
Rosenthal, John Rosenthal and Diane and Sheldon
Zener. Great grandmothers are Esther Rosenthal
and Ruth Zener.
Bob & Dodi Weill on the birth of their grandson,
Ethan Matthew, son of Alanna and Danny Weill.
Proud grandparents are Michael and Stella
Jeff and Marina Heifetz on the birth of their son,
Samuel Elliot. Proud grandparents are Jim Heifetz,
Klara Bagley-Heifetz and Inna and Alexander
Jack and Glynis Jerusalim on the birth of their granddaughter, Kylie Rose, daughter of Craig Jerusalim
and Rebecca Slan-Jerusalim. Proud grandparents
are Michael and Miriam Slan.
Bryan and Rhona Birenbaum on the birth of their
granddaughter Miriam Blima, born in Jerusalem,
daughter of Aaron and Yaffa Birenbaum. Proud
great grandparents are Abe and Sheila Birenbaum.
Alan and Lin Judelman on the birth of their grandson,
Samuel Jacob, son of Leah Daniels and Andrew
Judelman. A brother for Mia.
Hilda and Ernie Goodman on the birth of their great
grandson, Jake Renzler, son of Sari and Daniel
Renzler. Proud grandparents are Mark and Ann
Lloyd and Esther Pollock on the birth of their grandson, Asher James, son of Mara and John Behan.
Proud grandparents are Carol Milford, John and
Beth Behan.
Joel and Linda Miller on the birth of their grandson,
Julian Miller Katz, son of Ryann Miller and Neil
Katz. Proud great grandmothers are Ida
Kestenberg and Sylvia Miller.
Joel and Linda Miller on the birth of a grandson Jack
Oscar Miller, son of Eden and Andrew Miller.
Proud grandparents are Lenore Riegel and Kurt
Riegel. Great grandmothers, Ida Kestenberg, Sylvia
Miller and Jane Riegel.
Brotherhood Fund “Yellow Candles”
Dorothy Abrams
Ketty & Norm Amato
Miriam Beckerman
Abe Birenbaum
Sarah Brickman
Ilse Braude
Sy & Fran Caine
Lee Cantor
Robert & Marilyn Cohen
Bernard Cooper
Irene Csillag
Albert & Ruth Edelstein
Aileen Frydrych
Robert Gabay
Linda Garshon
Nathan Goldberg
Harvey Haber
Sam & Esther Helfenbaum
Marilyn Herman
Jeff & Gayle Jackson & Family
Selma Karp
Bea Kirshenbaum
Kay Klerer
Harvey & Beryl Kofman
Ron & Edda Laxer
Halina Levitt
Harry & Sylvia Lieberman
Edward and Reah Feldman on the engagement of
their daughter, Nadine, to Michael, son of Steven
and Marsha Pearlstein.
David and Rhonda Newman on the engagement of
their daughter Wendy, to Jonathan, son of Paul and
Nellie Jacobs. Proud grandparents are Moishe
Diamond and the late Gertrude Diamond; Pearl
Newman and the late Mel Newman; Eva Waxman
and the late Sam Waxman; and the late Morris and
Ethel Jacobs.
Brian and Evelyn Renard on the engagement of their
daughter, Ashley, to Scott Newman son of Joel and
Bobbi Newman.
Shawn and Marsha Klerer on the engagement of
their son, Marc, to Ali, daughter of Allan and Leslie
Kroach. Proud grandmother is Kay Klerer.
Joseph Deckelbaum on the engagement of his daughter, Dinah Zippora, to Cory Andrew, son of
Michael and Patricia Kagan.
Gayle Borenstein and the late Paul Borenstein on the
engagement of their daughter Jessica, to Daniel
Carman, son of Jinni and Joel Carman.
Aaron and Toby Brotman on the marriage of their
daughter Judy, to Alberto, son of Esther and the
late Morris Sasson.
Eric and Brenda Bornstein on the forthcoming marriage of their daughter, Natalie, to Lorne Rapkin,
son of Myron and Sandra Rapkin.
John and Arlene Anthony on the marriage of their
daughter, Lisa to Steve McDonald.
Rhoda and Barry Kirshin on the marriage of their
daughter, Lynn, to Andrew Urbas.
Michael and Susan Bernstein on the marriage of their
daughter, Rachel, to Paul, son of Joel and Sherrie
Jim Heifetz and Klara Bagley on their marriage.
Amy Goldman and Brian Anidgar on their marriage.
Michael and Marla Zeidenberg on the marriage of
their daughter, Jordanna Dawn to Joey Nativ, son
of Tomy and Haya Nativ.
Hakol - Sept/Oct 2011
Sheldon & Doreen Manly
Herbert Miller
Meier & Honey Miller
Rosalie Nepom
Sheila Ocopnick
Sid & Gloria Pinkus
Lloyd & Esther Pollock
Esta Pomotov
Annette Rapoport
Norman & Alice Roth
Fred & Beverly Schaeffer
Henry Shub
Esther Soifer
Ken & Geri Stewart
Helen Stollar
Harry Strauss
Marilyn Tkatch
Manny Tward
Mark Waldman
Betty Yan
Barbara Young
Irving & Anita Zelcer
Cantor’s Fund
Joe & Glory Goldman
Jane Goodman
Cantor Tibor & Isabela Kovari
Jeff & Renee Levine
Miriam Meiri
Sheila Ocopnick
Howard Price
Cohen Family Hidur Mitzvah Fund
Bob & Marilyn Cohen
Philip Daniels Memorial Fund
Helen Daniels
Feldgaier/Shapiro Endowment Fund
Harold & Rona Shapiro
Herb Freedman Memorial Fund
Sarah Brickman
Garden Fund
Henry & Freda Alkin
Murray & Rona Armel
Miriam Beckerman
Sam & Odette Brownstone
Lillian & Joel Cornfield
Pauline Goldberg
Marilyn Herman
Jack & Glynis Jerusalim
Jill Joffe
Bea Kirshenbaum
Charlotte Koven
Joe & Barb Leinwand
Stephen & Elisha Margles & Family
Miriam Meiri
Sheila Ocopnick
David & Marcia Phillips
Sid & Gloria Pinkus
Lloyd & Esther Pollock & Family
Lou & Judy Shulman
Allan & Arlene Sylver
Hesed Fund
Abe & Sheila Birenbaum
Allan Brender & Freda Gottesman Brender
Sy & Fran Caine
Hakol - Sept/Oct 2011
Carole, Brian, Isaac, Sarit & Oren Cantor and
Alan, Karen & Dylan and Eve, Arie, Ethan, Aiden
& Zoe
Ted & Deanna Cohen
Lillian Cornfield
Shae Eckler
Robert Feldgaier
Ruth Frankel
Brian & Norma Gelade
Molly Hellen
Steven & Sherry Lieberman
Gerald Pearson
Cyril & Miriam Sapiro & Family
Joe & Rosalind Schwartz
Jack & Rosalyn Steiner
Hesed “Our Brother’s Keeper” Fund
Joanne Bargman & Earl Silverman
Leo & Mona Brown
Debroah Gottesman, Yoav Kaplun & Family
Shelly & Louise Maerov
Howard Price
David & Sasha Schaeffer
Gerald & Toby Zarnett
Israel Fund
Miriam Beckerman
Benjamin Karp Memorial Fund
Selma Karp
Louise, Oded, Tamar, Naomi & Ilana Klinghofer
Media Action Fund
Sol & AnnaMae Belmont
Ken & Marilyn Crafton
Helen Stollar
Musical Heritage Fund
Frank & Shelly Altman
Murray & Rona Armel
David & Cookie Baum
Hannah Bellack
Mona Brown
Sy & Fran Caine
Beth Tikvah Choir
Allan & Freda Brender
Leo & Mona Brown
Bob & Marilyn Cohen
Shae Eckler
David & Sandi Edwards
Merv & Debby Gollom
Marvin & Helen Goldberg
Howie & Marsha Halpern
Marilyn Herman
Dara Kideckel & Family
Cantor Tibi and Isabela Kovari
Howard & Lois Michaels
Fagel Mitgang
Mel & Brenda Perlmutter
Mort & Joanna Prager
Marjorie Rasky
Howard & Carolyn Rose
Fred & Marsha Rosen
Herb & Riva Rosenfeld
Albert & Shelah Saltzman
David & Sasha Schaeffer
Steve & Barbara Scheinert
Joe & Rosalind Schwartz
Avram & Rosalie Selick
Louise Singer
Atida Soifer
Irv & Shirley Suchall
Larry & Frieda Torkin
Zeev & Nurit Tuch
Howard & Renee Tward
Al & Shirley Weinstein & Family
Judy Wineberg
Sara Wunch
Michael & Cynthia Wyman
Gerald & Toby Zarnett
Prayer Book Fund
Doris & Clarence Rosenhek
Rabbi Grover Discretionary Fund
Murray & Rona Armel
Bishop Allen Academy
Hannah Bellack
Susan Berger
Fran & Sy Caine
Shae Eckler & Family
Bertha Gold
Joe & Glory Goldman
Charles Greenberg
Rabbi Jarrod Grover
Mr. & Mrs. Howard Kamen & Family
Harvey & Beryl Kofman
Levine Family
Lorne & Terry Lipkus
Sheila Ocopnick
Melissa & Wayne Potashner & Family
Howard Price
Clara Rose
Menasche Schechter
Judy Wineberg
Renewal & Hope Campaign
Miriam Beckerman
Ritual Director’s Fund
Frank & Shelly Altman
Bernice Blackstien
Bob & Marilyn Cohen
Michael & Alisa Feldbloom
Bertha Gold
Mitchell Goldenberg
Marilyn Herman
Jeff & Gayle Jackson & Family
Sheila Ocopnick
Nancy Phillips
Esther Pollock
Howard Price
Ori & Renee Raubvogel
Norman & Ronda Roth
Paula Silver
Mark Waldman
William Saltzman Building Fund
Joyce Balsky
Terry Brandwein
Gary Crangle & Family
Larry & Diane Crangle
Shae Eckler
Leon Emer & Family
Ruth Friedlander
Ernie & Hilda Goodman & Family
Lou & Joan Litovitz
Stan & Honey Saltzman
Harriet Sternberg & Family
Dorothy Wagner
Page 15
Siddur Hadash Fund
Claude & Esther Abrams
Stanley & Beverley Appel
Sarah Brickman
Helen Daniels
Bella & Bonnie Fitzerman
Ernie Goodman
Eva Klein
Alf & Gayle Kwinter & Family
Renee & Jeff Levine
Clara Rose
Robert & Jolan Schneider
Naomi Rose & Stanley Sinai
Eric Vengroff
Mike & Cindy Wyman
Reuben Zacks
Toby & Gerald Zarnett
Phillip & Allan Simon Memorial Fund
Donna Schechter
Ruth Simon
Sisterhood Educational Programs
John & Arlene Anthony
Murray & Rona Armel
Allan & Freda Brender
Sy & Fran Caine
Miriam Freedman
Ossy and Barbara Goldenberg
Sam & Beverley Holtzman
Jack & Glynis Jerusalim
Harvey & Eloise Karp
Steven & Sherry Lieberman
Anne McCleave & Miriam Freedman
Marvin & Helene Obar
Howard & Carolyn Rose
Albert & Shelah Saltzman
David & Sasha Schaeffer
Max, Helen & Brian Sieber
Ruth Simon
Ken & Geri Stewart
Gerald & Toby Zarnett
Social Action Fund
Chavurah 2, B.T.
Tikvat Hayim
Anisoara & Uri Kozai
Norman & Alice Roth
Lorne Tick & Roberta Steinberg
Lionel Weinstein Memorial Fund
Ron & Celie Goldstein
Harvey & Goldie Kestenberg
Patti Weinstein
Yahrzeit Fund
Leah Abrahamson
Claude Abrams
David Adam
Sol Armel
Pearl Babins
Sid & Frances Barish
Ted Batcher
Lillian Benson
Michael Canton
Aaron Caplan
Ralf Cohen
Bruce & Ruth Cooper
Trudy Fox
Robert Friedlander
Eileen Frydrych
Page 16
Robert Gabay
Norma & Brian Gelade
Sophie Gelgor
Harry Goldstone
Jane Goodman
Joanne Greenspoon
Marilyn Herman
Ana Holland
Norma Kamin
Hannah Katz
Sylvia Kestenberg
Bea Kirshenbaum
Beryl Kofman
Leon Korona
Esther Krauss
Edith Lessem
Jerry Levine
Halina Levitt
Max Lissos
Bluma Luborsky
Ron & Sherry Mandel
David Martin
Gertrude Michael
Herbert Miller
Julie Movsowitz
Rosalie Nepom
Lorne Pollock
Robert Preszler
Ralph Rabinowicz
Allan & Gail Sandler
Elliot Shub
Mireille Siegel
Ellen Smith
Gerda Sommer
Nathan Tepper
Sam & Evie Zeifman
Youth and Young Families Fund
Lillian & Joel Cornfield
Helen Daniels
Steve & Merle Goldman
Sam & Beverley Holtzman
Nira Lerman
Howard Price
David & Sasha Schaeffer
Allan & Arlene Sylver
Weissberger Family
Betty Yan
Youth Prayer Book Fund
Irene Kasner Bottner
Harvey Silver
wife, Helen Greenberg.
Jeff and Linda Mandlsohn on the passing of their
dear son, Aaron Mandlsohn.
Anita and Meyer Balter on the passing of their
dear mother and mother-in-law, Eva
Parvis and Floriss Lavian on the passing of their
dear mother and mother-in-law, Akhtar
Hannah Bellack on the passing of her dear brother, Norman Levine.
Norma Kamin on the passing of her dear grandson, Michael Hart.
Reva and Mark Waldman on the passing of their
dear brother and brother-in-law, Rabbi Sherman
Family of the late Wanda Lerek.
Family of the late Fela Shapiro.
Howard and Harriet Lerner and Heather and
Gary Feldman of the passing of their dear
mother and mother-in-law, Sylvia Lerner.
Renee and Jeff Levine on the passing of their dear
father and father-in-law, Albert Avraham Bell.
Arlene and Arthur Resnick on the passing of their
dear mother and mother-in-law, Ruth Spencer.
Betty Rumberg and Susan and Alan Roadburg on
the passing of their dear daughter, and sister
and sister-in-law, Hester Rumberg.
Alan and Luanna Stein on the passing of their
mother and mother-in-law, Rose Stein.
Jack and Elizabeth Zwicker on the passing of their
dear mother and mother-in-law, Ida Zwicker.
Harry and Emy Zarek; David & Hayley Zarek; Vera
Zarek, on the passing of their dear father and
father-in-law, Litman Zarek.
Ian Snitman on the passing of his dear father,
Larry Snitman.
Barbara Hendelman on the passing of her husband, Meyer Hendelman.
Morris Kreidstein on the passing of his dear wife,
Betty Kreidstein.
Ron and Linda Morris on the passing of their dear
brother and brother-in-law, Alvin Morris.
Family of the late Gladys Rudin.
Sorena and Seymour Swartz and Beryl and
Harvey Kofman on the passing of their dear
brother, brother-in-law and nephew, Lawrence
Kokotow in Atlanta, Georgia.
Norman and Violette Cohen on the passing of
their dear brother and brother-in-law, Lewis
Helen Mogul on the passing of her dear husband,
Norton Mogul.
Lisa and Stuart Foxman on the passing of their
dear father and father-in-law, Ralph Kleinberg.
Fern and Bill Dolman on the passing of their dear
brother and brother-in-law, Mel Lazer.
David Walters on the passing of his dear wife,
Roger and Bernice Chaplin on the passing of their
dear father and father-in-law, Alfred Douglas
Marvin Blackstien and Esther Litz on the passing
of their dear sister and sister-in-law,
Sandi Kert-Steciuk.
Beth and Barry Stern on the passing of their dear
father and father-in-law, Isadore (Izzie) Eisen.
Charles Greenberg on the passing of his dear
October 3, 2011
Hakol produced by
Beth Tikvah Synagogue
3080 Bayview Avenue
Willowdale, ON M2N 5L3
Canada Post Publication
Agreement Number 1531069
Hakol - Sept/Oct 2011
2 Services: 7:15 a.m./
6:00 p.m.
Services: 7:15 a.m./
7:30 p.m.
Services: 9:00 a.m./
7:30 p.m.
Services: 9:00 a.m./
7:30 p.m.
Labour Day
Services: 7:15 a.m./
7:30 p.m.
Services: 9:00 a.m./
7:30 p.m.
Sisterhood Study
8:00 p.m.
Services: 9:00 a.m./
7:15 p.m.
Service for Rabbi Feder
dedication 9:00 a.m.
Dedication of Chapel
10:00 a.m.
19 Services: 7:15 a.m./
7:30 p.m.
Sisterhood Study
8:00 p.m.
String Quartet rehearsal
7:00 p.m.
House Com. 6:00 p.m.
Sisterhood Study
8:00 p.m.
7:34 p.m.
Torah Study
9 Services: 7:15 a.m./
Services: 7:15 a.m./
7:30 p.m.
Fundraising meeting
8:00 p.m.
Services: 7:15 a.m./
7:30 p.m.
Services: 7:15 a.m./
7:30 p.m.
Services: 7:15 a.m./
7:30 p.m.
Hesed Meeting
11:00 a.m
Executive Meeting
7:30 p.m.
Services: 7:15 a.m./
7:30 p.m.
Services:7:15 a.m./
7:30 p.m.
Sisterhood Education
9:30 a.m.
Youth Staff H.H. Training
6:30 p.m.
Services: 7:15 a.m./
7:30 p.m.
Services: 7:15 a.m./
7:30 p.m.
Services: 7:15 a.m./
7:30 p.m.
High Holiday Sing-along 8:00 p.m.
Sisterhood Education
9:30 a.m.
Board Meeting
7:30 p.m.
23 Services:7:15 a.m./ 24
Services: 9:00 a.m./
6:00 p.m.
6:45 p.m.
Torah Study
Selihot: Lecture
10:00 p.m.
Service 11:30 p.m.
6:56 p.m.
30 Services: 8:00 a.m./
Services: 7:15 a.m./
6:30 p.m.
Services: 8:00 a.m./
6:30 p.m.
Family Tashlich service
12:05 p.m.
Tashlich service 5:30 p.m.
Rosh Hashanah Day 1
Services: 7:15 a.m./
7:30 p.m.
Services: 9:00 a.m./
7:05 p.m.
Services: 9:00 a.m./
7:25 p.m.
Services: 7:15 a.m./
7:30 p.m.
Erev Rosh Hashanah
6:00 p.m.
Sisterhood Dinner Visiting Scholar –
Dr. Aliza Lavie
7:21 p.m.
Services: 9:00 a.m./
7:10 p.m.
Sisterhood – Visiting
Scholar – Dr. Aliza
16 Services: 7:15 a.m./ 17
6:00 p.m.
Services: 9:00 a.m./
7:00 p.m.
7:08 p.m.
6:00 p.m.
Rosh Hashanah
Day 2
6:43 p.m.
Services: 9:00 a.m./
6:30 p.m.
Torah Study
Services: 7:15 a.m./
7:30 p.m.
Services: 7:15 a.m./
7:30 p.m.
Sisterhood Study
8:00 p.m.
Sisterhood Board
Meeting 6:00 p.m.
Services: 7:15 a.m./
7:30 p.m.
Services: 7:15 a.m./
7:30 p.m.
Services: 7:15 a.m./
7:30 p.m.
Services: 7:15 a.m./
6:30 p.m.
Services: 9:00 a.m./
6:40 p.m.
Services: 9:00 a.m./
7:30 p.m.
Thanksgiving Day
Y & Y F – Decorate
the Sukkah 12:30 p.m.
Executive Meeting
7:30 p.m.
Erev Sukkot
Dinner in Sukkah
Services: 7:00 a.m./
6:15 p.m.
Hoshanah Rabah
Services: 8:45 a.m./
6:15 p.m.
Shemini Atzeret
Yizkor Service
Shemini Atzeret Dessert
Program 7:30 p.m.
Services: 7:15 a.m./
7:30 p.m.
Sisterhood Education
9:30 a.m.
Services: 7:00 a.m./
7:30 p.m.
Services: 9:00 a.m./6:50 p.m.
Fast of Gedaliah
CIBC Run for the Cure
9:00 a.m.
Kever Avot Pardes Shalom –
10:30 & 11:00 a.m.
Kever Avot Bathurst Lawn
10:30 a.m.
Services: 7:00 a.m./
7:30 p.m.
Services: 7:00 a.m./
7:30 p.m.
Services: 9:00 a.m./
6:20 p.m.
Sisterhood Study
8:00 p.m.
Board Meeting
7:30 p.m.
Services: 9:00 a.m./
6:15 p.m.
Services: 7:15 a.m./
7:30 p.m.
Lunch & Learn
12:00 p.m.
Sisterhood Board
Meeting 6:00 p.m.
Services: 9:00 a.m./6:05 p.m.
Toronto Council of Hazzanim
– Concert 7:30 p.m.
Services: 7:15 a.m./7:30 p.m.
Adult Education 8:00 p.m.
Sisterhood Study 8:00 p.m.
Services: 7:15 a.m./7:30 p.m.
Adult Education 8:00 p.m.
Sisterhood Study 8:00 p.m.
Services: 9:00 a.m./
6:30 p.m.
1st Day Sukkot
Floor Hockey 9:00 p.m.
7 Services: 7:15
a.m./6:00 p.m.
Kol Nidre Food
Services: 8:30 a.m./
4:30 p.m./4:45 p.m.
Shofar Blowing:
7:30 p.m.
Yom Kippur
6:30 p.m.
Services: 9:00 a.m./
6:00 p.m.
2nd Day Sukkot
Young Family Service
10:30 a.m.
6:20 p.m.
21 Services: 8:45 a.m./
6:00 p.m.
Simhat Torah
Young Families 10:30 a.m.
Services: 9:00 a.m./
5:55 p.m.
6:08 p.m.
Services: 7:00 a.m./
6:00 p.m.
5:58 p.m.
Services: 9:00 a.m./
6:05 p.m.
Services: 9:00 a.m./
5:45 p.m.
Hakol - Sept/Oct 2011