February 2016 Tikvah Topics
February 2016 Tikvah Topics
7 y d /A • Februa r ar 5776 V 18 • I s su e e um l o Tikvah Topics 6 201 • Sh’ va t Chicken Souper Bowl Cook-off celebrates 10 years of sending BT kids to Jewish sleep away camp. Read more about our annual chicken soup cook-off on page 2. Congregation Beth Tikvah • 6121 Olentangy River Road • Worthington, OH 43085 Phone: 614-885-6286 • Fax: 614-885-4052 • www.bethtikvahcolumbus.org 2 Services Schedule Feb. 5 7:15 p.m. Shabbat Evening Service featuring Shironim honoring Debbie Friedman Feb. 6 9 a.m. Torah Study Thank You Bima Flowers and Oneg Sponsors Thank you to our members who have provided Onegs and Bima flowers for our entire congregation to enjoy. Please call the Temple office if you wish to sponsor Bima flowers, Pre-Oneg or Oneg. Feb. 12 Please consider being an Oneg sponsor on Feb. 5, 12, 19 or 26, a PreOneg sponsor on Feb. 12 or a Bima Flowers Sponsor Feb. 5, 19 or 26. Bima flowers sponsor Martin & Dossy Gelender in memory of Dossy’s mother, Rose Balber Feb. 12 5:45 p.m. Pre-Oneg 6:15 p.m. Shabbat Alive Feb. 13 9 a.m. Torah Study Feb. 19 Prices 5:45 p.m. Tikvah Tots Program with Gan participation 6:15 p.m. Tikvah Tots Dinner 7:15 p.m. Shabbat Evening Service Adults $6 Children $4 *Free for kids 4 and younger* Feb. 20 9 a.m. Torah Study Feb. 26 Bring a can of soup and save $1 on admission. Cans are donated to Holy Family Soup Kitchen. 7:15 p.m. Shabbat Evening Service led by Ritual Committee Feb. 27 No Torah Study Inside this issue Calendar Contributions Mazel Tovs 15 6-7 8 Mishpacha Donors 9-11 Purim Shabbat Alive Sharing Shabbat Dinner Shishim Event Souper Bowl Thank you sponsors 7 & 16 7 12 11 1 -2 Chicken Souper Bowl Cook-off X Saturday, Feb. 6 at 5 p.m. 10th anniversary extravaganza All proceeds benefit Beth Tikvah’s Camp Scholarship Fund. Entertainment Back by popular demand Matt Ryan Mobile DJ Entertainment will provide our music and MC. Photos That Flash will be back with a whimsical photo booth. Congregation Beth Tikvah mission statement Congregation Beth Tikvah, serving the Greater Columbus area, is a warm, welcoming and inclusive synagogue dedicated to educational, religious and social activities that build community and further the cause of Judaism. Beth Tikvah seeks to promote the enduring and fundamental principles of Reform Judaism and to ensure the continuity of the Jewish people; to enable its adherents to develop a relationship to God through communal worship, study and assembly; and to apply the principles of Reform Judaism to the values and conduct of the individual, family and the society in which we live. 2 With Blessings A message from Rabbi Rick Kellner And the women dancing with their timbrels followed Miriam as she sang her song. Sing a song to the one whom we belonged to. Miriam and the women danced and danced the whole night long… It was at Kutz Camp, NFTY’s (North American Federation of Temple Youth) Teen leadership camp, that I first sang and danced to these words more than twenty years ago. At Friday night Shabbat song session, the song leader would begin to play this song, and we would stand in a circle, hands in the middle and dance together as if we were standing once again on the shores of the Red Sea, singing, dancing and celebrating our freedom. Whether it was dancing to “Not By Might” or sitting on the hill overlooking the valley filled with lush green trees and singing “Lechi Lach,” Jewish summer camp connected me to the richness of Debbie Friedman’s music. Jewish summer camp offers an incredible gift that lasts a lifetime. At camp, we learn what it means to live as a community, to support each other HOW TO DONATE to Rabbi Rick’s Half Marathon through ups and downs, to laugh and play, to sing, dance, swim, climb to the top of the tower and push ourselves to do something we might not do at home. The music of Jewish summer camp taught me so much about who I am and about significant Jewish lessons. “Im tirtzu ein zo aggadah, if you will it, it is no dream,” are the words of Theodor Herzl, the father of Zionism, put to melody by Debbie Friedman. “Ani v’atah n’shaneh et ha-olam, You and I will change the world,” is a melody by Israeli singer Arik Einstein about the importance of working together to bring about change. “Lo alecha hamlacha ligmor v’lo alecha ligmor, v’lo atah bein chorin l’hibatel mimena, You are not obligated to complete the work but neither are you free to desist from it,” is an ethical teaching from Pirke Avot put to melody by Cantor Jeff Klepper and Rabbi Dan Freelander to remind us that even if we cannot completely change the world, we have to do our part and then pass the baton to the next person. Jewish summer camp taught me incredible lessons, gave me incredible experiences and, through the gift of music, implanted within me an understanding of Jewish tradition. Through Jewish summer camp experiences, I was able to discover a Jewish identity that gave me a foundation for my life. This February, we will celebrate one of the most significant Jewish musicians of all time, Debbie Friedman. On Friday, Feb. 5, at 7:15 p.m. join us as we celebrate the music of Debbie Friedman featuring the Shironim. We will sing together our favorite Debbie melodies and discover the messages of the text she brought to life with her guitar. On Saturday, Feb. 6, the Brotherhood will host the 10th annual Chicken Souper Bowl Cook-off, with all proceeds benefitting our Jewish Summer Camp Scholarship fund. I hope you will join us for these wonderful celebrations! L’Shalom, The music of Jewish summer camp taught me so much about who I am and about significant Jewish lessons. “Im tirtzu ein zo aggadah, if you will it, it is no dream,” are the words of Theodore Herzl, the father of Zionism. Join Rabbi Rick by supporting Reform Judaism in Israel, that is creating an Israel that is democratic, pluralistic, and inclusive. Reform Judaism in Israel is growing quickly and with our help it can continue to take an ever-stronger role in Israeli society. 1) Go to http://www.ccarnet.org/donate-now/tel-aviv-marathon-sponsorship/ or use the QR code to the left 2) Scroll to the bottom of the page 3) Fill in your name, email and check the pledging for a specific Rabbi box 4) Type “Rick Kellner” and the amount you want to pledge in the box that appears 5) Click “Submit” at the bottom of the page 6) Fill in your payment information and click “Submit Payment” at the bottom of the page. 3 A letter from the President Chicken Soup, building for the future, and what does Israel have to do with it? I can almost smell the soup cooking, as I think of the Brotherhood working hard to organize the 10th Anniversary Extravaganza Chicken Souper Bowl Cook-off. This event on Saturday, Feb. 6, brings out fun competition from our members and serious professional competition from local restaurants. Your support of this event funds Brotherhood’s efforts to finance camp scholarships. This event really helps our camp age kids and their families. The Jewish sleepaway camp experience enhances their Jewish education, therefore helps to build our future. This is one generation of congregants helping another generation. On Thursday, Jan. 7, the Worthington Board of Zoning Appeals approved all of our requests related to the L’dor Vador building project. As a result of this approval, the architects have been working diligently to complete the final drawings. Some of the major kitchen equipment has been ordered and will be installed this month. Next year’s Chicken Soup will taste even better, prepared in our new kitchen. Work has started on clearing the pathway for the fence that will be on our northern property line. The younger siblings of the kids we are helping to send to camp, will be served well in the new JCC-North Early Childhood Education Center. L’dor Vador, from Generation to Generation. I occasionally glance at a postcard dated 1973 sent by my uncle from Israel. The year before, he wrote from Kiev, visiting the city where my mother was born. My parents often discussed how difficult they had it growing up, especially my mother, immigrating through Ellis Island in 1922. We regularly filled tzdakah boxes to help the JNF develop Israel. One hundred and two years after my parents were born, my family was fortunate enough to spend two weeks touring Israel. I recognized those JNF logos at some of the sites we visited, which gave new meaning to the congratulatory Tree Certificates we received as children. Your generosity in the past has created and maintained our congregation. No matter how small a donation or pledge, we are all working toward helping the next generation. Thank you for all your continued support, and by the way, I mailed a postcard from Jerusalem to my uncle, who is 92 now. Sincerely, Ernie Mandell President of the Board No matter how small a donation or pledge, we are all working toward helping the next generation. Thank you for all your continued support. Nominating Committee- Contact Andy Shafran at abshafran@gmail.com Nominations Committee gearing up for 2016-17 The 2016 Nominating committee is already getting started. If you think you know someone who would be a great addition to our Board of Trustees, please let the committee chair, Andy Shafran, know. Offices up for election: • • • • • President (1-year term) 1st Vice President (1-year term) 2nd Vice President (1-year term) Secretary (1-year term) Treasurer (1-year term) • Adult Education Chair (2-year term) • Building Chair (2-year term) • Finance / Endowment Chair (2-year term) • Ritual Chair (2-year term) • Social Action (2-year term) • At-Large (2-year term) 4 A note about education With the first real flakes of snow flying through the air, and frigid temperatures hitting us, I wanted to remind everyone about our Department of Education inclement weather closure policy. In the event of inclement weather, a decision to close school and cancel youth activities at Congregation Beth Tikvah will be communicated to families no later than one hour prior to the beginning of the session. We will utilize the “Remind” Emergency Text Alert System for communication regarding closing. We will also post on the Congregation Beth Tikvah Facebook page, Director of Education’s Facebook page, alert local news stations, send an email to families via Constant Contact, and call those that request phone calls instead of texts (see below to opt in). If there is no communication from the Department of Education, families can assume services will be available if they choose to bring their children for Religious School or Hebrew school, whichever is applicable. Our texting service, “Remind”, will send you a text message once you opt in. You must follow the directions below to opt-in to be a part of the system. If you subscribed last year, you do not need to resubscribe. If you would prefer to be called in addition to receiving texts and emails in the event of a school closure or youth activity cancellation, please contact Education Assistant Rachel Shaw a rshaw@bethtikvahcolumbus.org. We also need your help in the following ways to make sure communication is as smooth as possible: • If your email address has changed, please update your contact information as soon as it changes with Rachel Levin, our Communications Manager at rlevin@bethtikvahcolumbus.org • • If your cell phone number has changed since opting in to “Remind” last year, please make sure to re-subscribe using the instructions below. Morissa Freiberg Director of Education If the weather seems questionable on a Sunday morning, but the news With snow stations are not showing flying any closings, please check through the online closing postings from news stations. the air, We have learned that many and frigid local news channels do not scroll cancellations temperatures on their broadcasts on the hitting us, weekend. I am looking forward to a more pleasant winter this year, however, we know that Ohio weather is quite unpredictable! Please be in touch with any questions, comments, or concerns. L’Shalom, I wanted to remind everyone about our Department of Education inclement weather closure policy. Instructions for “Remind101” Emergency Text System Sign-Up Please make sure you subscribe to the list for each grade that your children are enrolled in. In addition to Religious School and Hebrew School cancellations, these lists will also be used for cancellation communication for Youth Group events, and are set up to reflect the structure of our youth groups at Beth Tikvah. • If you are a teacher, madrich(a), or kesher aide: text the code @btteachers to (240) 428-6335 • If your child is in Parent Tot: text the code @btpt to (240) 428-6335 • If your child is in Gan, 1st or 2nd grade: text the code @btg12 to (240) 428-6335 • If your child is in 3rd, 4th, or 5th grade: text the code @bt345 to (240) 428-6335 • If your child is in 6th grade: text the code @bt6th to (240) 428-6335 • If your child is in 7th or 8th grade: text the code @bt7th8th to (240) 428-6335 • If your child is in 9th, 10th, 11th, or 12th grade: text the code @bt9101112 to (240) 428-6335 5 Board Motions: At the December meeting the board made the following motion: The Board of Trustees approves proceeding with the proposed L’dor Vador project, and recommends that the congregation approve the following motion at the December 15 special meeting. Congregation Beth Tikvah approves the proposed L’dor Vador renovation and expansion project, at an estimated overall budget of $1.67MM. The Congregation authorizes the President of the Congregation to execute appropriate contracts for this project, but no construction contract nor any contract encumbering Beth Tikvah’s property shall be executed prior to having a signed agreement with the JCC. The required construction loan shall be fully repaid within eight years from the conclusion of construction. Thank you to our contributors: BUILDING FUND • Liz & Andy Shafran in memory of Joe Spitzner, husband of Marion Cohn-Spitzner, to be used for gardening projects JEWISH CAMP FUND • Siddy Rosenberg in honor of the 15th anniversary of Daniel & Ilissa Eiferman L’DOR VADOR FUND • Nada & Bob Mazurek in memory of Nada’s father, Joel Suna MUSIC FUND • In memory of Joe Spitzner, husband of Marion Cohn-Spitzner • Debbie & Doug King • Marsha & Rabbi Gary Huber with Gan Participation Friday, Feb. 19 Program at 5:45 p.m. Dinner at 6:15 p.m. Our Gan students will share songs about Shabbat during this program for our younger congregants. Tikvah Tots is full of music and opportunities to get up and groove. Cost for dinner is $8 per adult, $5 per child and free for kids 3 and younger. Please RSVP by Wednesday, Feb. 17. RSVP at http://tinyurl.com/gn8o5ct . 5th Grade Family Education Day Sunday, Feb. 7, at 9:30 a.m. Meet at Beth Tikvah for a morning lesson and then caravan over to the Worthington Resource Pantry. Please RSVP to Education Director Morissa Freiberg at mfreiberg@bethtikvahcolumbus.org by Wednesday, Feb. 3. Please bring one perishable food item per family. Gan-2nd Family Tikkun Olam Project Sunday, Feb. 28, at noon Join together to build community and heal the world. Parents, students and siblings please join Morissa and Social Action Chair, Alex Joseph, for this fun, rewarding way to give back. After Religious School we will be doing a Tikkun Olam project. A pizza lunch will be served. Stay tuned to the Thursday Buzz for more information and how to RSVP. There is no Religious School or Teen Program on Sunday, Feb. 14. Enjoy Presidents Day Weekend! Religious School resumes Sunday, Feb. 21. There will be Hebrew School on Wednesday, Feb. 17. 6 Friday, Feb. 12 Contributions Con’t. The Shabbat Alive Band will enhance our prayer experience. RABBI’S DISCRETIONARY FUND (Gary A. Huber) • David Goldberger & Abbie Harding in appreciation of Rabbi Huber Pre-Oneg at 5:45 p.m. Service at 6:15 p.m. RABBI’S DISCRETIONARY FUND (Richard M.C. Kellner) • Tamar & David Chute with appreciation • Linda & Les Kellner in memory of Les’ mother, Lillian Kellner • Shelley & Scott Meyers in gratitude for sister Judi Cohen’s recovery from a liver transplant RELIGIOUS SCHOOL FUND • Judi & Al Bindman in memory of Judi’s father, William Gross • Debbie & Doug King in memory of Peg Gutcher, mother of Brad Gutcher SENIOR PROGRAMMING FUND • Toba and Bob Feldman in memory of their grandmother, Mary Kling Feldman • Rochelle & Stu Zweben in memory of their parents SOCIAL ACTION FUND • Sharon & Seymour Halpern in memory of Seymour’s father, Philip Halpern SPECIAL EVENTS & BIMA FLOWERS FUND • Rosalyn, Garry and Marissa Reece in memory of their beloved mother and grandmother, Rose Cooper Rubin For more information about the different Beth Tikvah funds please visit our website www.bethtikvahcolumbus.org and select Dedicated Funds on the “Giving” dropdown menu. 7 l Fund of the month: Youth Activities Fund Israel Over Breakfast Wednesday, Feb. 17, at 8:30 a.m. Rabbi Kellner will host his discussion group about issues which impact the State of Israel on the third Wednesday of every month at Panera on High Street in Clintonville. Call the office or email jnotow@bethtikvahcolumbus.org to be put on the mailing list. Welcome New Members • Rachel & Amy Wheeler In loving memory • Beth Altman Rakowski, sister of Cara Cloyd Mazel Tovs • Mazel Tov to Lisa Huber Ganderson, daughter of Rabbi Gary & Marsha Huber who was selected to the 2016 Forbes “30 under 30.” • Mazel Tov to Darla & Lee Abraham on the birth of their granddaughter, Charlie Belle Abraham, on Nov. 20. Charlie’s parents are Brian & Whitney Abraham. • Mazel Tov to Peg Levine & Dana Warner whose first grandchild was born May 20, 2015. Her name is Ellen Elizabeth Warner-Levine. Her parents are Jesse Warner-Levine & Hallie Nickelson. • Mazel Tov to Adam Beck on becoming an Eagle Scout. Rabbi Huber gave the invocation. Adam’s parents are Jonathan Beck & Lisa Kalson. • Mazel Tov to Molly & Michael St. Pierre on the birth of their daughter Joni Sarai on Friday, Dec. 25. • Mazel Tov to Bruce & Marilyn Hallowell on the birth of their granddaughter Arianna Hallowell. Arianna’s parents are Yuliya & Matthew Hallowell. Sunday Night Study Group The Sunday Evening Study Group is excited to extend an open invitation to the entire congregation to join them to read their next book. They have selected a highly recommended and timely book by the very distinguished Dennis Ross entitled “Doomed to Succeed - the USIsrael Relationship from Truman to Obama.” Dennis Ross is a distinguished professor in the practice of diplomacy at Georgetown University’s school of Foreign Services. He has served in many capacities in the George H.W. Bush, Bill Clinton and Barack Obama administrations. He is a noted “inside player close observer of US-Israel relations.” He is highly respected across the political spectrum. We welcome all congregants interested in studying this book in depth and contributing to our very lively discussions. We will begin on Sunday, Jan. 31, at 7 p.m. and meet every other Sunday until summer. Our format is informal. We have a volunteer leader and generally read a chapter or two for each session. Refreshments are served, all are welcome. B.R.E.A.D. – Contact Manny Luttinger at luttinger@battelle.org B.R.E.A.D.: Justice, Justice Shall You Pursue! We have left the shtetl behind generations ago and live in a country that offers Jews equal opportunity and responsibility. The intersection between civic responsibility and Jewish Mitzvot lies in the prophetic call to see justice done within our local community where we live, work and pray. Beth Tikvah does not have the clout to influence public policy by itself, but in cooperation with nearly 50 other like-minded congregations of the B.R.E.A.D. Organization in Franklin County, our voices are being heard: 1. Last year’s initiative on Access to Mental Health Treatment has been very successful. Several additional mobile ACT Teams have been put in place by the ADAMH Board. A firm promise to organize an accredited Clubhouse in 8 Columbus is in place, and we will track its implementation. 2. This year’s new initiative, creating Jobs and Economic Opportunity, is in full swing. Contact with local officials and stake holders are proceeding rapidly. There is still room for new committee members to join. What Beth Tikvah needs most urgently is help from our membership in organizing for the Nehemiah Action meeting on the evening of May 9. Please call Manny Luttinger to help or respond with a vigorous HINENI when called by one of our BREAD Team members: Sharon Chelnick, Bonnie Frank, Abby Goldbaum, Jane Mitchell, Maria Rosenthal, David Sapper and Laura Zakin. Social Action – Contact Alex Joseph at siliro3@mac.com Books & Tutoring – Contact Barbara Taxier at taxierb@gmail.com Book distribution huge success BOOKS, BOOKS and more BOOKS were distributed at Como Elementary and Hamilton STEM this past December. Between the two Columbus public schools, nearly 900 students were the delighted recipients of our Book Distribution. Each child was given the opportunity to select a book, pencil, eraser and bookmark. There were candy canes for all as well. Thank you to all congregants who donated books to these appreciative children. Our project thrives on and depends on your generosity. Books come from so many and mostly anonymously, but two deserve special recognition. Evie Freeman has always and continues to contribute the countless new books she receives from the publishing companies. In addition Susan & Alan Litsky engaged their neighborhood association, Park Place Village, to make our book distribution their December charitable project. This thoughtful and caring group collected well over 200 books! The majority of these books were brand new with titles appealing to our elementary school population. Our volunteers are amazing! They all arrive smiling and ready to do whatever it takes to make sure each child receives the book most appropriate for his or her reading level and interests. Unpacking box after box and setting up table after table they become familiar with the books. When the children arrive these incredibly capable volunteers ask just the right questions to help each child find just the right book. Thank you to our volunteers including Judi Bindman, Gail Feinberg, Evie Freeman, Dorothy Garrett, Judy Hollander, Susan Litsky, Nada Mazurek, Iris Norris, Janet Sturgeon, Diane Tarry, Mike Taxier, Judy Weisberg, Laura Zakin and last but not least Ann Nibert. Ann always keeps me organized and on track throughout the process, which is no small task. She also accompanies me the day before each book distribution when we deliver the books to the schools. PLEASE help keep this project a continuing success. Don’t forget, Book collecting is ongoing year round! Anyone can contribute any time. Anyone can join in helping at the next distributions in May. Save the date and volunteer for Mitzvah Day Sunday, April 17 Mitzvah day is three months away. We need projects that help out our community. If you are passionate about an activity and would like to see it come to life on Mitzvah Day please contact Alex Joseph at siliro3@mac.com. 9 Thank you Michpacha Appeal contributors: • C. Lee & Darla Abraham • Ruth Abrams in memory of Herbert C. Abrams • Chase & Andrea Adkins • Al Pyzik & Iris Ailin-Pyzik • Daniel and Lynne Allen • David Applebaum • John & Roberta Bender • Vitaly & Valia Bergelson • Al & Judi Bindman • David Binkovitz in honor of John Stefano • Adam & Katherine Black • Bruce Blatzer • Eleanor Block • Allen & Catherine Bloomberg in memory of Joseph, Goldie, Sanford and Leroy Bloomberg • Saul & Linda Blumenthal • Scott & Natalya Borack • Andrew Smith & Lavea Brachman • Merom & Judith Brachman • Steven & Beverly Bromet • John & Vicki Buford in memory of Mark Braun • Jim & Ilene Burkart • Allan & Katherine Burkman in memory of our parents • Marilee Bush • Bill & Jenny Byers • Bruce Chapman and Lois Winnick-Chapman • Chris Wojno & Sharon Chelnick in honor of Rabbi Kellner for all you do • Mimi Chenfeld • Shelly & Jacqueline Chizever in honor of the Chizever Family • Tom & Jodi Collins in honor of all those who have provided kindness and support to our family • Stuart and Marilyn Cooper • Ryan Oyster & Hilary Damaser • Edwin & Adele Dauerman in memory of Ed Witt • Adam & Heather Davidoff • Elliot & Margie Davidoff • Stephen Dorman & Anna Lin • Bob & Debbie Ecker • Barry and Ellen Edelman Mishpacha Contributions • Danny & Ilissa Eiferman • Anita Epstein • Ron & Bobbi Erd • Paul Feder in memory of Adolph & Bertha Feder • Jeff & Tracy Feinberg • Martin & Gail Feinberg • Russ S. Feinberg in memory of Larry Shirley Feinberg • Donald & Myong Feinstein in memory of Harold & Violet Feinstein • Bette Feist • Robert Feist in memory of Ruth Feist • Rich & Patti Fertel • Karen Fleischmann • Mike & Carole Fliegel • Micky & Chari Fogel • Sylvan & Bonnie Frank • Harvey & Evie Freeman • Chad & Charlotte Friedman • Mark & Jennifer Gams in honor of Rabbi Rick Kellner • Marty & Dossy Gelender • Stan & Rhoda Gelles • Bill & Rhoda Gilbert • Harvey and Audrey Glick • Don & Abby Goldbaum • Eugene Goldberg in honor of Ida Goldberg • Janet Golder • Earl Goldhammer • Martin Golubitsky & Barbara Keyfitz • Scott & Terri Gordon • Robert Greenbaum • Evelyn Greenspan • Brian & Deanna Grossberg • Jeff & Jane Guest in memory of their friend, Jerry Markowitz • Seymour & Sharon Halpern • Alvin Harris • Susan and Tim Hedges • Steven & Karen Heiser • Gail Herman in memory of my mother, Grace G. Herman • Jon & Judy Hollander • Barbara and Tip House • Rabbi Gary & Marsha Huber in memory of Sydney & Marian Huber • Barry and Shelly Igdaloff • Michael & Alex Joseph • Herb and Bonnie Kahn • Marty & Joan Kalb • Myron Kaliski • Jonathan Beck & Lisa Kalson • Stan & Madeline Karn • Marcia Katz Slotnick • Gary & Teresa Katz • Fred and Christie Kaufman RESLER Scholar-in-Residence WEEKEND Scientifically Grounded Judaism March 18-20, 2016 Friday, March 18, at 7:15 p.m.: How Do We Talk About Science and Religion? For centuries, religion provided answers for our ancestors to all of life’s questions. But as modern Jews, we usually look to science to tell us where we came from, who we are, or even how we should act. So how should we look at, think about and talk about the relationship between science and religion in today’s world? Saturday, March 19, at 10:30 a.m.: There Are Places I Remember - How Memory Works, and How It Doesn’t Rabbi Geoff Mitelman is the Founding Director of Sinai and Synapses, an organization that bridges the scientific and religious worlds. As Jews, we constantly recall the past and seek to bring it into the present, which we certainly experience as we celebrate holidays. So what do current scientific findings say about the way memory works? Why do we remember some things and not others? Is memory an accurate record of the past — and how does that question shape who we are? *Light Brunch to follow, please RSVP, stay tuned for link* Saturday, March 19, at 4:30 p.m.: Are We Using Technology, or is It Using Us? How is technology changing the way we interact with others and our world? What are the limits and opportunities that technology creates for our relationships? How do we understand Shabbat in our 24/7 ever-connected world? *Program will begin with a light afternoon snack and conclude with havdalah* Sunday, March 20, 10:30 a.m.: Go With The “Flow” — Using Science and Judaism to Find (and Create) More Happiness and Joy What’s the difference between “happiness” and “joy”? Why are we so bad at predicting (and doing) what will make us happy? And how can Judaism and Jewish tradition give us more fulfillment in our lives? 10 Ritual – Contact Cindy Barker at cbarker3.cb@gmail.com Services, classes and more The Ritual Committee has been very busy since the completion of High Holy Days 2015. We completed a comprehensive review of High Holy Days with input from the Ritual Committee, Board of Trustees and congregation. Our recommendations of how Beth Tikvah can do an even better job of welcoming new members and making the High Holy Days enjoyable and accessible for all members will be discussed with Executive Director Debbie Vinocur and the Building Committee. We have also organized important educational sessions: Shiva Minyan and D’var Torah training. D’var Torah training (“Learn to Talk Torah”) took place on Jan. 31 at Beth Tikvah. Many thanks to all of the participants. Thank you to Jon Bloom for being our leader for Shabbat Evening Service led by Ritual Committee on Jan. 15. And an early thank you to Barb Mindel who will be our service leader at our Feb. 26 Shabbat Evening Service led by the Ritual Committee. Early thanks as well to Dawn Heyman for her D’var Torah at our Feb. 26 service. The Ritual Committee will also lead a Shabbat Morning Service on Saturday, May 14, so please mark your calendars. As we’ve mentioned in previous articles, the Ritual Committee is also involved in the Music Task Force (previously referred to as the Music Committee). The current Task Force project is to evaluate Shabbat Music, and that effort is already underway. The evaluation will continue through March 2016. Results will be reviewed and presented to the Board in the Spring. We look forward to reporting the results at that time. Shabbat Evening Service featuring the Shironim honoring Debbie Friedman Friday, Feb. 5, at 7:15 p.m. h af a special service celebrating the life, music and teachings of Debbie Friedman F i 11 Mishpacha Contributions • Hal Keller & Laurie Kaps-Keller • Rabbi Rick & Debra Kellner • Doug & Debbie King • Mark Klebanoff & Sarah Keim • Jim & Wendy Klein • Mitch & Jackie Kon • Melodee Siegel Kornacker • Michael and Judy Krasnoff • Eric Kraut & Patricia Cirino-Kraut in memory of Theodore Kraut • Christopher & Jaclyn Laine • Alan & Risa Lazaroff • Cynthia Lazarus • Howard & Stacy Levin • Eric & Marlowe Lichtenfeld • Jay & Joan Loewenstein • Mark & Maryam Lustberg • Manny & Rose Luttinger • Jeff & Jane Lyon • Mike & Heidi Mandelkorn in memory of Carole Mandelkorn • Ernie & Cheryl Mandell • Joel & Connie Mayerson • Robert & Nada Mazurek in memory of Joel & Eleanor Suna • Diane & Lee McCorkle in honor of our grandchildren • Ann and James McElligott • Gary & Janet Meckler • Jerry & Joyce Mendell in honor of our six grandchildren • Alan Miller & Leslie Meyer- Miller • Barb Mindel • Rico and Blanche Mittelman • Bill & Carol Mohr • Chris Farrar & Rhonda Moskowitz • Scott & Kim Movshin • Larry & Edith Needleman • Robert Newman & Linda Leviton • Iris and Blair Norris • Hari & Joanne Notowidigdo • John & Stacie O’Connell • Abramo & Joan Ottolenghi • David & Suzanne Parr • Ken & Eleanor Pearlman • Jim & Sherry Peck • Martha Phillips in memory of Lesley Phillips • Matthew & Danielle Pietrowicz • Louis & Susan Pomerantz in memory of Paddington • Wilson & Marsha Pond • Stacie Presser & Marla Dolchin • Sid & Patti Price • William & Erin Rabinowitz and family in honor of Carole & Bernie Rabinowitz, Bill’s parents • Josh & Jodi Reinicke Mishpacha Contributions • Erik Monson & Carly RobbinsMonson • Larry & Debbie Romanoff in memory of Janet Beth Romanoff • Reid & Ellen Romer • Mark & Joann Rosenberg • Steven & Maria Rosenthal in honor of grandsons Linus and David Rosenthal • Bradley & Tara Rozen • Gregory & Anne Russell • Philip & Betsy Samuels • Lewis & Jennifer Sanderow • Bruce & Ellen Sass • Kenneth & Debra Saul • Nick & Sheri Scaglione • Michael A. Schecter & Michael Spaulding in memory of Edmond & Dolly Schecter • Nancy and David Schick • Nancy Schwartz in memory of Bert Graller “Honey” • Mark & Marie Segal • Morry & Elaine Selekman in memory of our parents • Andy & Liz Shafran • Francine Shapiro in memory of Edwin Shapiro • Ron & Ruth Siegle • Don & Helene Simon in memory of JoAnn & Arthur Simon and Janet & Marvin Zinner • Jan & Andrea Smith • Albert Soloway in memory of Barbara Soloway • Steve & Julie Stahl • John & Sally Stefano • Rochelle & Jules Steinberg in honor of their four granddaughters: Mia Steinberg , Josie Steinberg, Caleigh Shapiro and Rebecca Shapiro • Thomas Johnston & Anita Steinbergh in memory of David R. Steinbergh • Edward & Dora Sterling • Randy & Wendi Stern • Warren & Susan Strauss • Michael & Merry Troper • Jack Metzger & Debbie Vinocur • Wes & Beth Walter • Jeff & Cheryl Wasserstrom • Brad & Halli Webb • Bruce and Julie Weinberg • Herb & Judy Weisberg • Steve and Judy Weisbrode • Steven & Arlene West • Jacques & Laura Zakin • Sherry Zox & Arnold Deutchman • Stu & Rochelle Zweben Shishim - Contact Joyce Sabgir at jsabgir@gmail.com or Ann McElligott at annmcelligott@yahoo.com Shishim: Love & Art Thursday, Feb. 11, from 10:30 a.m. to 2 p.m. Morning Session (11 a.m.) An Artist’s Journey: An Artist Shares her Creative Inspiration Presentation and artwork by Linda Leviton Linda Leviton is a nationally-acclaimed artist and Beth Tikvah member. She will share her insights into her inspiration and show examples of her beautiful work. Afternoon Session (1 p.m.) The Joys - and “Oys” - of Love Songs Musical entertainment by Bill Cohen Bill Cohen, award-winning journalist and musician, will entertain us with a special Valentine’s Day program. Bill will play the guitar and piano. Shishim is a group of senior members of Congregation Beth Tikvah and friends who gather monthly. A catered lunch is available for $10. In order to receive a lunch, contact Joyce Sabgir at jsabgir@ gmail.com by Monday, Feb. 8, to reserve one. Endowments 102 - Contact Iris Ailin-Pyzik at ibap@crystalsys.com IRA donation advantages permanent For several years, Congress has passed a provision allowing direct contributions up to $100,000 per year per IRA holder, from IRAs,(from those aged over 70 1/2) to charitable organizations, but with a very short lifetime attached - generally passing it in December and having it expire at the end of the month. In December of 2015, this option was made permanent, and now allows those over 70 1/2 to plan ahead to take advantage of this provision. The advantages of this option are that you do not have to report the amount transferred as income, and therefore are not taxed on the amount, and that it does qualify as part of the minimum required distribution for the year. (Note that you also cannot deduct it as a charitable contribution since it was not taxed as income.) The contribution is then treated as a ‘qualified charitable distribution’ (QCD) in IRS jargon. There are a few restrictions on what the amount is directed toward, but for Beth Tikvah’s purposes, this provision can be used to fund membership commitments, building fund contributions, as well as endowments. This page https://goo.gl/ZZSIBk refers to the provision enacted for a prior tax year, but the requirements and restrictions are much the same. Consult your IRA administrator and/or tax advisor for the best means of invoking this provision. The funds must be transferred directly from your IRA to Beth Tikvah. Erratum: In the December Tikvah Topics there was a list of college endowments, but the numbers were reported as thousands of dollars. This notation was missing, so Harvard’s endowment is not 32 million dollars, but 32 billion, Ohio State’s is not 3 million, but 3 billion, and so on. This author regrets the error. 12 Congregation Beth Tikvah Congregation Beth Tikvah 2016 Jewish Overnight Camp Fund Application Child’s Family must be members of Beth Tikvah in order to apply. Applications are due Monday, March 14. Please submit to the temple office in a sealed envelope with Executive Director written on it or email to dvinocur@bethtikvahcolumbus.org. Camper’s Name: Birth Date: Name(s) of Parent(s): Name of Jewish Overnight Camp: Number of weeks to attend: Child first-time Jewish Overnight Camper? Yes No Total Cost of Camp (Tuition, Travel, etc.): $ Is there anything else you would like the Executive Director to be aware of when she processes your request? Please use the lines below. Have you applied for funds from any other organizations? Yes No If so, please list. Organization: Amount Requested: Organization: Amount Requested: Organization: Amount Requested: Please have your camper complete this question. Why do you want to go to camp? How do you think it will help you grow as a Jew and a person? Please use the space below to write a few sentences: Other Camp Scholarship Resources: One Happy Camper - $1,000 for first-time campers, www.onehappycamper.org. The Jewish Federation of Columbus - Need-based scholarships, contact Alyssa Russell at 614-559-3234 or arussell@tcjf.org and is due April 1. Your camp - Most camps offer scholarships 13 Elders of the Tribe - Contact Dora Sterling at dsterling0150@wowway.com • Written by Laura Zakin Sisterhood – Contact Ilissa Eiferman at ilissae@gmail.com Bunco and Wingo soon Mimi Chenfeld Save TWO dates. BUNCO! Thursday, Feb. 4, at 6:30 p.m.! Beat the winter doldrums and join us for some fun, food and friendship. The RSVP is available in the Sisterhood Facebook group. And last, but not least, WINGO is back! Please mark your calendars for Thursday, April 14, and look for LOTS more information coming soon! Mimi Chenfeld, vivacious, continuously in motion, has been a member of Beth Tikvah for over 40 years. Born in the Bronx, she lived in Manhattan as a young adult then came to Columbus in 1970 with her husband, Howard (now deceased). He was in the shoe business here for many years. “I’m too young to be old,” she tells her interviewer as our conversation covers family and her years of volunteer and professional work in the arts. Her three children are scattered: Cara, managing an art glass business in Chicago, Cliff, a prominent media mogul in New York, and Danny, a skydiver and skydiving instructor in California. All are married. Mimi has seven grandchildren. Despite her home in the Bexley area, Mimi (and her children growing up) have “schlepped” to Beth Tikvah because it’s “hamish and I’ve liked the rabbis and the congregants.” “I have a mishmash resume,” she says. “I am an educator and dance instructor for the JCC. I teach folk dance and creative movement. I am involved with the Columbus Artists in the School program.” Mimi endeavors to integrate the arts - movement, music, storytelling and writing into our lives. At Otterbein and Columbus State, Mimi teaches a course called “Playing with the Arts” that trains teachers to become more creative in their classrooms. Since 1970, she has led folk dancing classes at Ohio State’s Hillel every Tuesday night. “It’s the oldest center for dance in Columbus,” she says with pride. At the temple, she teaches folk dancing to the Sunday school classes. Somehow, Mimi manages to find time to do poetry readings in Columbus, often with other poet friends. Comparing herself to Piglet in “Winnie the Pooh,” Mimi says, “You can’t get into yourself. I am always upbeat; consider the alternatives.” “I am a big letter writer” she tells me, “not only complaints but prose too as when I wrote Governor Kasich commending him for expanding Medicaid in Ohio. My gray hair is turning brown from worrying about everything- education, poverty, terrorism and the environment.” Worry she may but the interview concluded with a big smile as she hurried on to her next appointment. Does she ever sleep? WRJ – Contact Lisa Kalson at lisakalson@wowway.com WRJ presents ‘Women, T’filah & Inspiration’ “Women, T’filah & Inspiration,” a special Shabbat for women from Reform synagogues throughout Central Ohio, will be held Saturday, Feb. 20, at Temple Israel in Columbus. A carpool will meet at Beth Tikvah. Contact Lisa Kalson for information about the carpool. After a morning service featuring women clergy, the event will continue with a luncheon speaker. In the afternoon, workshops on various topics, such as creating a Jewish home or tracing Jewish roots, will be offered. The day will end with a wine reception and art projects. For more information, contact Women of Temple Israel co-president Debbie Cohen at debcohen01@gmail.com. 14 February / Sh’vat / Adar Sunday Monday Tuesday 1 Noon Women’s Torah Study Wednesday 2 3 4:30 p.m. Hebrew School 5:30 p.m. Introduction to Judaism 6:30 p.m. Adult B’nai Mitzvah Class 7 p.m. Shabbat Alive Band Rehearsal 7 p.m. Shironim Rehearsal Thursday Friday 4 8:30 a.m. Executive Committee Meeting 10 a.m. Adult Hebrew 5 7:15 p.m. Shabbat Evening Service featuring Shironim honoring Debbie Friedman 12:30 p.m. Mitzvah Mats Saturday 6 9 a.m. Torah Study 5 p.m. Chicken Souper Bowl X Cook-off 6:30 p.m. Sisterhood Bunco 7:30 p.m. History Committee Meeting 9:30 a.m. Religious School 7 9:30 a.m. Parent Tot 6:30 p.m. Adult B’nai Mitzvah Class 8 9 Noon Sisterhood Book Club 9:30 a.m. 5th Grade Family Ed 10 12 4:30 p.m. Hebrew School 10 a.m. Adult Hebrew 5:45 p.m. Pre-Oneg 5:30 p.m. Introduction to Judaism 10:30 a.m. Shishim Event 6:15 p.m. Shabbat Alive 7 p.m. Shabbat Alive Band Rehearsal Noon PJ Library @COSI 11 13 9 a.m. Torah Study 7:30 p.m. Board of Trustees Meeting 12:30 p.m. Teen Program 14 No Religious School or Teen Program 7 p.m. Sunday Night Study 15 7 p.m. Shironim Rehearsal 16 17 10 a.m. Shishim Planning Committee 8:30 a.m. Israel Over Breakfast 4:30 p.m. Hebrew School 7:30 p.m. Jewish Spirituality Group 21 9 a.m. Sunday Morning Book Group @Panera 22 6:30 p.m. Adult B’nai Mitzvah Class 9:30 a.m. Religious School 28 12:30 p.m. Teen Program 12:30 p.m. Mitzvah Craft Group Noon Downtowners 12:30 p.m. Mitzvah Mats 7 p.m. Sisterhood Board Meeting 25 10 a.m. Adult Hebrew 12:30 p.m. Mitzvah Mats 19 5:45 p.m. Tikvah Tots Program w/Gan participation 20 9 a.m. Torah Study 6:15 p.m. Tikvah Tots Dinner 7:15 p.m. Shabbat Evening Services 26 7:15 p.m. Shabbat Evening Service led by Ritual Committee 27 No Torah Study 7 p.m. Shabbat Alive Band Rehearsal 7 p.m. Brotherhood Meeting Noon Gan-2nd Family Tikkun Olam project 24 4:30 p.m. Hebrew School 12:30 p.m. Teen Program 9:30 a.m. Religious School 23 18 10 a.m. Adult Hebrew 29 All dates and times are subject to change. Please look at the calendar on www.bethtikvahcolumbus.org for up-to-date information. 6:30 p.m. Adult B’nai Mitzvah Class 7 p.m. Shironim Rehearsal 7 p.m. Sunday Night Study 15 Rabbi Rick Kellner rabbirick@bethtikvahcolumbus.org After-hours call: (614) 407-4354 Rabbi Emeritus Gary Huber rabbihuber@bethtikvahcolumbus.org Executive Director Debbie Vinocur dvinocur@bethtikvahcolumbus.org Director of Education Morissa Freiberg mfreiberg@bethtikvahcolumbus.org Tikvah Topics Non-Profit Org. U.S. Postage PAID Dublin, Ohio Permit #212 is published eleven times a year as the monthly bulletin of: Congregation Beth Tikvah Congregation Beth Tikvah 6121 Olentangy River Road Worthington, OH 43085 Director of Musical Programming Julie Sapper jasapper@yahoo.com Congregation Beth Tikvah 2015-16 Board of Trustees Ernie Mandell, President erniemandell@gmail.com; 614-451-6768 Judy Weisberg, 1st Vice President judy.weisberg.7@gmail.com; 614-431-9545 Tara Rozen, 2nd Vice President trozen@msn.com; 614-792-1151 Wendi Stern, Secretary wendistern12@gmail.com; 614-777-4205 Lewis Sanderow, Treasurer lewis@run2promotions.com; 740-548-0749 Andy Shafran, Past President abshafran@gmail.com; 614-430-3164 ADULT EDUCATION – Sharon Chelnick chelnick.home@gmail.com; 614-246-9190 BROTHERHOOD – Adam Winter awinter@pobox.com; 614-273-0153 BUILDING – Joshua Reinicke jreinicke@ameritech.net; 614-263-7724 FINANCE/ENDOWMENT – Iris Ailin-Pyzik ibap@crystalsys.com; 740-587-2967 FUNDRAISING – Shelley Engler Shelleyfe@columbus.rr.com; 614-791-9045 MEMBERSHIP – Wendy Klein wendyklein5@gmail.com; 614-431-9954 NEW MEMBER CONNECTIONS — Jen Withee jenwithee@att.net; 614-846-9327 RELIGIOUS SCHOOL – Hilary Damaser Mupp et Megil lah Save the date damaserh@earthlink.net; 614-889-1654 RITUAL – Cindy Barker cbarker3.cb@gmail.com; 614-296-1597 SISTERHOOD – Ilissa Eiferman ilissae@gmail.com; 614-553-7193 SOCIAL ACTION — Alex Nielson-Joseph siliro3@mac.com; 614-553-7658 YOUTH ACTIVITIES – Jenny Byers jgoody498@aol.com; 614-323-6602 TRUSTEE AT-LARGE – Michael Schecter michaelschecter@hotmail.com; 614-841-9493 TRUSTEE AT-LARGE – Stu Zweben zweben.1@osu.edu; 614-764-9845 Muppet Megillah Sunday, March 13, at 9:30 a.m. followed by the Purim Carnival Support Staff Yvonne Applegate - Finance Assistant yapplegate@bethtikvahcolumbus.org Rachel Levin– Communications Manager rlevin@bethtikvahcolumbus.org Joanne Notowidigdo—Receptionist jnotow@bethtikvahcolumbus.org Rachel Shaw— Education Assistant rshaw@bethtikvahcolumbus.org Cantorial Soloists John Stefano & Debbie Costa For more information about the Purim Carnival and how to pre-purchase tickets and Hamantashen, turn to page 7.
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