May 2014 Kol Tikvah


May 2014 Kol Tikvah
May 2014 • Volume 28 • Issue 5
A Reform Congregation Embracing Our Jewish Tradition
May 2nd at 7:30 pm
Please join with friends and
family as 15 of our young adults
continue to affirm their
commitment to the Jewish people
Page 3
Senior Rabbinic Transition Update
Page 6
News & Happenings from Temple Beth Tikvah
It Isn’t About the Kids
One of the things that I encounter most is when folks of a certain age choose to disengage from a
synagogue community and say, “my kids are grown and I don’t need it anymore.”
On the other end of the spectrum are the comments of our long-time congregants who continue to
support and sustain our Jewish community, but believe helping out and volunteering are for “the new – the younger
How is it that the synagogue in America has been seen as so narrowly focused? Is it our emphasis on the Bar
Mitzvah? It is clear that the majority of American Jews connect to synagogues when it is time to enroll a child? The
overwhelming majority of America’s Jews are members of synagogues at some point of their lives, but only about a
third of us are synagogue members at any one time.
I think that there are many factors that have contributed to this idea. Regardless of what they are, it isn’t healthy –
not for our People and not for ourselves. The synagogue is the central address for Jewish life, other than one’s
home. If it is left to the young parents to lead, then an entire segment (and a growing population of older adults) of
our community will feel left out. The same is true if it is only run by our more senior members – the voices of our
younger members and families will not be present.
Yet, what I believe is even more important than a voice at the leadership table is the fact that we are all spiritual
beings. We all have been given a soul that needs to be nourished in order for us to stay healthy. You have often
heard me share how I believe that it is so easy to become distracted and focus on things that might not necessarily
be so essential. Focusing on our spiritual sides, looking towards the holy can keep us grounded, generous and
Sacred Aging is something all of us can encounter. Throughout our lives, we do have different needs – physical,
financial, emotional and spiritual. We are all getting older and we all face questions about meaning in our lives. We
can’t only think the Jewish community or synagogues are only about the kids in our schools (and you know how
devoted I am to our youth!). If that was the case, then we foster a pediatric Judaism. A sacred community involves
people of all ages who offer their gifts – learning in community, prayer, spiritual growth, volunteering to help one
another, volunteering to help those outside of our community. We all have gifts to give and they all matter.
Remember the purpose of a synagogue – to be a house of prayer / beit t’filah, a house of learning / beit midrash,
and a house of gathering / beit Knesset. According to Harry Moody in Five Stages of the Soul, spiritual journeys of
mature adults can be compelling because we have achieved some life experience and are able to understanding our
personal histories; we get a panoramic view – we see where we have been and have a clearer picture of what is in
store for us; we are able to discern a pattern to our past and perhaps identify a meaningful goal; we need to be
grounded when disability or illness strikes; and we are more prepared to engage in practical and existential
questions about life and death.
Yes, synagogue communities must be responsive and welcoming to our families with young children and teens. It
is critical. But we cannot – ever – cast away our seniors or our empty nesters. They, too have gifts to give, perhaps
different than our families with young children. They have wisdom to share. Their needs matter. And a true sacred
community is a community for all – not just the kids.
So the next time you hear that “it is the next generation’s turn” or “we don’t need a temple any more…” consider
these words. Make the case for a shared endeavor in covenant with a community, our people and with God. We
never cease being a Jew and a being engaged in a Jewish community is about much more than membership. It is
about covenant. It is about doing our part. It is about pursuing the holy.
Rabbi Fred Greene
News & Happenings from Temple Beth Tikvah
Notes from Cantor Kassel
Often, before composing my monthly bulletin article, I glance at my own calendar to see what is on the
horizon. May 2014 (1 Iyar – 2 Sivan) includes:
In the life of the synagogue: Confirmation (May 2); the last day of Religious School; three weekends of
B’nei Mitzvah; two weddings; one conversion; Shabbat Experience (May 9); Board Mtg., Ritual Committee Meeting,
(among others) and our ANNUAL Meeting (May 18)
In the Hebrew calendar:
Rosh Chodesh (new Hebrew month) Iyar (May 1) and Sivan (May 30); Yom Hazikaron (May 5) – Israel’s Day of Remembrance; Yom Ha’atzmaut (May 6) – Israel’s Independence Day; Lag Ba-Omer (May 18) – 33 Day of counting between Pesach and Shavuot; Yom Yerushalayim (May 28) – day to commemorate the reunification of Jerusalem under
Israeli control following the 6 Day War
In the ‘secular’ calendar: Mother’s Day (May 11) and Memorial Day (May 26)
We’ve heard of “the calm before the storm” but May seems to be, on some level, the storm before the calm... of summer.
My initial reaction to glancing at what the month of May holds in store is to panic. How will it all get done? What will
have to give here in order to take from there? What could I possibly do to feel like I’m doing more than just getting
through each day, each week?
Two things come to mind: pay more attention to my breathing and make the most of the weekly gift of Shabbat. The
latter is a reflection of the former. When we pay more attention to our breathing, our focus and intention benefit. When
we pause for Shabbat at the end of each week we have the space to appreciate that on which we’ve put our focus and
intention. NISHMAT CHAYIM…….. the breath of life. It deserves our attention.
Friday, May 2 at 7:30 pm
Mazel Tov to the confirmands and their families
Adam Aaronson, son of Julie and Andy Aaronson
Jacob Korshak, son of Karen and Jack Korshak
Bryan Berger, son of Patty and Gordon Berger
Jeremy Lutz, son of Nancy and Dennis Lutz
Harry Diamond, son of Karolyn Diamond-Jones and Greg Jones
Emma Peters, daughter of Kimberly and Bradley Peters
William Diamond, son of Karolyn Diamond-Jones and Greg Jones
Jacob Peterson, son of Sheyla and Gary Peterson
Adam Estroff, son of Susan and Neal Estroff
Emily Restler, daughter of Dahlia and John Restler
Benjamin Goldenthal, son of Lori Shapiro and Cary Goldenthal
Madeline Schwartz, daughter of Maria and Bart Schwartz
Elyssa Goldman, daughter of Roberta and Marshall Goldman
Samantha Staviss, daughter of Susan and Richard Staviss
Allie Goodman, daughter of Alissa and Cliff Kendel
News & Happenings from Temple Beth Tikvah
Top 10 Reasons Why You Should Attend The Annual Congregational Meeting
For a few weeks, I have tried to come up with a catchy
article that might convince you to attend our 2014 Annual
TBT Congregational Meeting that will be held on May 18th
at 9:30 am. There are some congregants that really don’t
need convincing as they “religiously” come every year.
Many others, perhaps you, have never come and probably
think it might be a waste of a Sunday morning. I am here
to convince you otherwise. So in the theme of David
Letterman or, for those older readers, Johnny Carson, I will
give you my top 10 reasons to make your plans to attend.
10) You may see friends you haven’t seen since Rosh
Hashana & Yom Kippur.
9) Someone else will be responsible for your kids for a
couple of hours as we have free babysitting for kids ages
18 months to 5 years old and a movie for elementary school
8) You could win a nifty tech prize if you participate in the
7) You will be treated to the beautiful voices of our adult
and junior choirs.
9) You will hear about the financial condition of our
synagogue as well as the annual report on our endowment
8) You will hear about the capital projects we have on the
7) You will hear annual remarks from
Rabbi Greene and myself.
6) You will hear about several proposed
changes to our constitution and vote on
5) You will hear about our next year’s budget and vote on
4) You will be fed a continental breakfast including
homemade treats by some wonderful cooks.
3) You will hear an update on the progress of our Rabbinic
2) You will share a few hours together with our community
and your friends.
1) You WILL be part of the process. TBT and I need you
there to ensure that we have a quorum and our business can
be properly completed.
Please sign up at so we can order the
proper amount of food and have adequate staff for your
kids. I am certain you will find it rewarding to participate
in our annual meeting. I continue to be humbled to serve
our great community and look forward to seeing you at the
annual meeting.
Ron Swichkow
Early Childhood Education Center
Another wonderful school year is coming to a close. It seems just like yesterday that we were welcoming back old students and comforting new
ones. Now, all of the children walk down the hallways with their heads held high and smiles beaming from their cute faces. The children of the
ECEC spent their school year immersed in Jewish learning, making friends and having fun.
I would like to thank the ECEC teachers: Sheri Baker, Lisa Garris, Deborah Greene, Alicia Hirsch, Lisa Laudicina, Rhonda Povlot, Maria
Schwartz, Martyne Seidband, Linda Siegel, Ellisa Vitulli, Rachel Wilson and Robyn Shippel for their hard work and dedication. These ladies are
the backbone of the school, and we are so lucky to have them all as part of our family. Thank you all for another successful school year!
I would also like to thank Jill Mattos and the Board of Education, as well as Ron Swichkow and the Board of Trustees for their hard work and
support. These leaders are invaluable to our school and their time and dedication are greatly appreciated.
I would like to thank Rabbi Greene and Cantor Kassel for their support, participation and guidance that they provide us all throughout the year.
We are so lucky to have you!
Finally, I would like to thank the ECEC’s Parents Group and all of our ECEC families for their dedication, loyalty and support of our school.
Your thoughtfulness and kindness helped provide the Zaban Shelter with meals, JF&CS with food, adopt a NFCC family for the holidays, show
appreciation to our teachers and assisted the teachers in providing quality class programs. The ECEC is so lucky to have such warm and wonderful parents and families, and we thank you for sharing your most precious treasure with us.
We are still accepting registration for both summer camp and the 2014-2015 school year!
If you or someone you know would like to come see all of the great things going in our school, please do not hesitate to contact me at
678-350-0076 or
Jenifer Friedman,
Early Childhood Director
News and Happenings from Temple Beth Tikvah
Educator’s Message
What a wonderful and rewarding year we have had. Looking back we have done many exciting and wonderful things in our school.
Listed below are a few highlights of our learning and activities.
We attended Tefilah on Sunday mornings and learned the prayers and lots of songs with the Rabbi and the Cantor. We learned
about our customs and traditions and attended graded Shabbats. We made a travelling Shabbat journal that rotated through our
homes and made personal Shabbat boxes. Some of our kids had a wonderful sleepover at the Synagogue and then had a fun filled
day at the JCC.
We created lots of artwork, made puppets and Hamsa sun catchers. We worked with other classes to create lots of craft projects.
We created props and costumes for all the assemblies.
History is very important to us, it is a big part of who we are today. Discussions were held on where Jews are living today and how
they got there. We learned about Jewish heroes and found out that many people we see on TV and in movies are Jewish.
While in class we were called by our Hebrew names. Very often we broke into small groups to learn and read stories. We acted
out plays using our Sedra Scenes books, read bible stories and learned how they relate to our lives today. Several types of memory
games were made using Hebrew and English words. Lots of trees were made that had pictures of our families. Our 6 th graders had
mock weddings, learned about divorces, Brit Mila, Bnei Mitzvahs and more as part of their studies about the life cycle.
Holidays are so special in our school. We celebrate and learn about holidays in different and unique ways. We do this by doing arts
and crafts, eating different foods and engaging in lots of activities. On Rosh Hashanah we ate apples and honey; for Chanukah we
had latkes, applesauce and gelt; we wear costumes for Purim and eat hamentashen and we did activity stations for Passover.
As part of our Holocaust studies we learned about anti Semitism, we used the computer lab to do research and worked with our
Madrichim. We went to the Bremen for a field trip and heard from some amazing people there. We watched a play by the Georgia
Ensemble Theatre “And Then They Came For Me; The Anne Frank Story”. We painted rocks with children’s names that perished
in the Holocaust for Yom Hashoah.
Mitzvah is a big part of our daily life in TBT. We learned about mitzvah and
learned about treating others with respect. We discussed the difference between
right and wrong and saw presentations on bullying. The kids brought in tzedakah weekly and were part of deciding where the money was sent. We are
constantly teaching the students to do good deeds.
Israel is a big part of our study. We traveled to Israel with pretend passports and
learned about the country. We created a TBT Knesset – the students had personal histories, religious beliefs and opportunities to convince the other students to
vote for their causes. Our kids took part in a Memorial Day ceremony for the
Israeli soldiers that was very powerful. On the last Sunday of the year we had a big celebration for Yom Ha’atzmaut (Israel
Independence Day). We ended the day with Maccabiah games and lunch.
I’d like to send a special thank you to Rabbi Greene and Cantor Kassel for their involvement in our school. A good school can not
run without the amazing help provided by our dedicated volunteers. I’d like to thank our Board of Education, led by Jill Mattos for
their endless support throughout the year. Thanks to our Bagel Volunteers, it’s not easy to get up early on a Sunday morning; we
are so grateful for their support and dedication. I would like to thank the Men’s Club for providing water to our thirsty kids. Last
but not least, I want to thank my assistant, Perri Kunofsky for her dedication and hard work. She puts her heart into the small
details so that our school can run so beautifully.
What an amazing year we have had. I can’t believe the school year is over. It is so
exciting to see all the registration packets coming in. I can’t wait until we can
implement our new programs and ideas next school year.
Have a relaxing and safe summer.
The Religious School is in need of a full size
refrigerator. If you are purchasing a new one
for your home and would like to donate the
old one to our school, please contact the
school at 770.642.4168 or send an email to
Senior Rabbinic Transition Update
Why Rabbinic Search Focus Groups?
The purpose is to get feedback from the congregation on
what characteristics and skills we would like to see in our
next Senior Rabbi, and to understand how the congregation views key opportunities and challenges, in order to
provide the best picture of our community for potential
Search Committee: (1) they represent all demographic areas of synagogue life and (2) they will be able to work well
together as a team.
I would like to take this opportunity to encourage each of
you to attend one or more of the scheduled focus groups.
Your participation in a Focus Group insures your voice
will be heard. You can sign up for one of the focus group
meetings by going to
rabbinic-search-committee-focus-groups. You can also
reach out to either of the committee chairs, any of the
committee members, as well as myself.
The goal is to give everyone who wants to participate a
voice in shaping the job description and search criteria for
our new Senior Rabbi.
Please go to the Beth Tikvah website or call the office to
sign up for participation in one of the remaining Focus
Group opportunities.
Please keep abreast of the progress of the committee by
regularly checking the Rabbinic Transition Update blog
on the Beth Tikvah website. I want to thank all of you for
your support and words of encouragement over the last
few months.
Ron Swichkow, President
Monday, May 5: 7:30-9:30pm
Tuesday, May 6: 7:30-9:30pm
Sheryl Blechner and Steve Gerson
Co-Chairs, Rabbinic Search Committee
Committee Members
Sheryl Blechner & Steve Gerson, Co-Chairs
Rabbinic Search Committee Members Announced
On behalf of the Board of Trustees, I am very pleased to
announce the members of our Rabbinic Search Committee.
With over 45 names submitted for consideration, it was
quite a daunting task to pare those requests down to our
18 maximum committee members. I am confident that this
group fulfills two important requirements of a Rabbinic
Michael Braun
Neal Estroff
Katie Jaffe
Karen Kremer
Kathy Levin
Lindsay Levin
Lois Malkin
Mark Mosbacher
John Restler
Debra Schwartz
Hedva Wiener
Rachel Wilson
Susan Wynne
Harvey Rosenzweig Andy Zalkin
Seth Zimmer
Youth Group
HOTTY (9-12th Grade)
What did we do this past month?
On April 20th we had our HOTTY Color War at
Roswell Area Park. What a fun afternoon! Our four
teams competed in a series of challenges like
Capture the Flag, Teamwide 3-legged races, Trivia,
and a giant competitive Bunny Bunny game! After
that, we elected the 2014-2015 HOTTY youth group
board. We are SO PROUD of everyone who ran for
a position: Zach Baker, Aaron Schwartz, Elyssa
Goldman, Joey Chanin, Allie Goodman, Robby
Scott, Drew Baker, Ben Goldenthal, Yael Greene,
Emily Restler, Maddie Schwartz, Jacob Shippel, and
Lindsey Gordon. We’re lucky to have so many
awesome HOTTYites who want to be leaders in our
youth group!
Also in April we had a record breaking (it seems to
be that way for all of our events this year!) number of
HOTTYites attend NFTY-SAR Spring Kallah at
Camp Coleman. All 38 of us headed up for a fun
weekend together!
May 18th for a day of rides, games, and a scavenger
hunt through the park!
Join the HOTTY Facebook Page
TTY/) to stay up-to-date on what's happening
and to RSVP for HOTTY events!
up next:
JYG (6-8th Grade)
What did we do this past month?
For our last JYG event of the year, we went to
Malibu Grand Prix for an afternoon of go-karting,
mini-golfing, arcade
games, and bumper
boats. It wasn’t the
warmest day, but that
didn’t stop us from
playing outside.
up next:
It’s not too late to attend a Jewish summer camp in
Atlanta this summer! There are several great options
for your kids. Need help figuring out which one is the
best for your kid? Ask Adam and Bobbee! We’re
happy to help you find the right program for your
child for this summer. Here is a list of Rabbi
Greene’s favorite summer camps: http://
Join the JYG Facebook Page (https:// to stay
up-to-date on what's happening and to RSVP
and help arrange carpools for events!
Want more info about HOTTY or JYG?
Contact Adam or Bobbee at: or (404) 228–2494.
Save the date for our last HOTTY event of the year.
Come kick off the summer with us at Six Flags on
B’nai Mitzvah
Lacie Devin Greenspan will be called to the Torah as a Bat Mitzvah on May 10, 2014. Lacie is the daughter of
Mark and Karen Greenspan. She is the granddaughter of Arlene Greenspan and Marjorie Browner-Marks. Lacie is a
seventh grader at Crabapple Middle School in Roswell. She has been involved in TBT since her days at the Early
Child Education Center. This is where she has made some long lasting friendships in her Jewish community. She
attends religious school and proudly spends her summers at URJ Camp Coleman. Lacie swims for Swim Atlanta
Roswell and is a member of the Jr. Beta Club and JYG. She loves staying active and enjoying sports, especially watching the
Florida Gators!
Rebecca Torino will be called to the Torah as a Bat Mitzvah on May 10, 2014. Rebecca is the daughter of Ann
Dee and Michael Torino and the sister to Jakob. She is the granddaughter of Geri and Harry Zwerling of Roswell, GA
and Mary Claire and Mike Torino of Madison, Georgia. Rebecca is an honor roll student in the seventh grade at
Crabapple Middle School. Rebecca enjoys attending Camp Blue Star, playing volleyball, watching movies, writing
her blog and hanging out with her friends. One of Rebecca’s mitzvah projects was collecting toiletries for the women
and children at the Drake House. Rebecca is looking forward to sharing this special day with family and friends.
Eric Bruckman will be called to the Torah as a Bar Mitzvah on May 17, 2014. Eric is the son of Adrienne and
Adam Bruckman, the brother of Ryan Bruckman, and the grandson of Sandy and Ron Cohen of Dallas, TX and Steve
Bruckman of Long Island, NY. He is in the 7th grade at Mabry Middle School where he is an Honor Roll student,
plays the alto saxophone in the Symphonic Band. and plays on the Junior Trojan Lacrosse team. Eric also
enjoys playing basketball, wake boarding, snow skiing, and playing video games.
Tobi Goodkin will be called to the Torah as a Bat Mitzvah on May 17, 2014. Tobi is the daughter of Stacie and
Aaron Goodkin and the older sister to Garrett Goodkin. Tobi is in the 7 th grade and attends Elkins Pointe Middle
School where she made Superior Honor Roll for having all straight A’s. Tobi has played piano since she was five
years old and also enjoys playing violin as well with the orchestra at EPMS. Tobi likes to read and loves to paint and
takes very good care of her many pets. We are excited to be sharing this special day with family and friends.
Nathan Janes will be called to the Torah as a Bar Mitzvah on May 31, 2014. Nathan is the son of Beth & Dave
Janes and brother of Jacob Janes. He is the grandson of congregants Ira & Phyllis Madans and of Mary Janes. Nathan
attends Mabry Middle School where is an honor student participating in the Band and Chorus. Nathan is also an active
member in the Boy Scouts and loves playing on his iPad.
Ilana Skylar Sacks will be called to the Torah as a Bat Mitzvah on May 31, 2014. Ilana is the daughter of
Suzanne Sacks and Todd Sacks and older sister to Josh. She is the granddaughter of Arlene Lieberfarb, Richard
Lieberfarb, Ellen and Stephen Sacks and Linda Sacks, all from New York. Ilana is a 7th grade Principal’s Honor Roll
student at Dodgen Middle School. She is a member of the Junior Beta Club, plays the clarinet in the school band,
plays basketball and is on the Walton Jr. Select Lacrosse team. Ilana enjoys skim boarding, spending time at the
beach, hanging with friends and family and loving her summers at Camp Barney. Ilana is excited about becoming a
Bat Mitzvah and is looking forward to sharing this special day with her family and friends.
SHAVUOT - Celebrate the Giving and Receiving of the Torah
Tuesday, June 3rd at TBT
6:30 PM – Ice Cream Sundae Shavuot Celebration
7:00 PM – Family Friendly Service in the Alterman Outdoor Chapel
8:00-ish Tikkun Leyl Shavuot – A Shavuot Study Session :
Throughout history, Jews have stayed up late at night studying Torah and sacred texts to commemorate the
Giving of the Torah by God on Mt. Sinai on Shavuot. We are doing the same (but not so late). Let’s look at
different sources relating to how God “revealed” the Torah to our people…and then add your own
News & Happenings from Temple Beth Tikvah
Volunteer Opportunities Abound
House Committee, we need additional help to manage the ever growing list of projects that the committee is simultaneously trying
to manage and complete. If you have skills in building construction, facility management or maintenance and would like to be part
of our very active House committee, please email Ron Swichkow ( or Ted Nathan
Additionally, TBT is in the process of installing our newly donated state of the art phone and voice mail system. In order to make
the best use of this great new tool, system setup and configuration are critical. If you are a tech savvy person and perhaps have had
some experience in setting up or managing phone systems, our TBT office staff could really use your help. Please contact Becky
Sullivan in our office.
Fundraising committee, please don’t stop reading. The committee is looking for additional members to support this very important
work. If you are someone who likes to put on and manage events, we could surely use your help. Much of the committee’s work is
about communicating and promoting initiatives such as our annual campaign as well as putting on fund raising events. If you would
like to offer your help to this critical committee, please call or email Ron Swichkow (
Budget & Finance Committee, we are in need of additional committed members to be able to spread the critical work of managing
and forecasting our financial resources. If you are a financial professional and are willing to share your talents with the TBT
community, we would love to hear from you. If interested, please email Harlan Graiser (
These are just a few of the ways that you can help. Most of our committees can use new members with fresh ideas and energy and
we are always in need of Shabbat greeters. Please get involved and help support the work that strengthens the Beth Tikvah
Get Connected: Join a TBT Chavurah!
TBT Seniors Luncheon
Chavurot are forming NOW! Consider joining one.
Monday, May 12 at 12 PM
We have new groups for young families, single parents,
empty nesters and young professionals, and there are
many more possibilities for groups that might interest you!
“Jews and Judaism
for the 21st century "
What's a Chavurah? A Chavurah is a circle of friends. It's a
group of people with similar interests or who are in similar life
stages gathering together regularly to celebrate Jewish holidays,
share simchas, attend events, visit interesting places or
participate in any activities that interest them. Being part of a
Chavurah can enhance your experience at TBT by helping you
develop a strong sense of community and deeper connections
within the congregation.
Presented by
Rabbi Fred Greene
Who can be part of a Chavurah? Any member of TBT!
Just fill out the application and we'll help find like-minded
families or people to form a group. Drop by the TBT office to
pick one up, or visit to download
the form.
RSVP to Natine at
What does a Chavurah do? You choose the activities you'll
participate in and how often and where you meet. You might
participate in holiday celebrations, adult-only social events, day
trips, and charity projects. We can help you design a calendar of
programs based on your group's interests.
Questions? Please contact Dalia Faupel at
Submissions for the
June/July Kol Tikvah are due by
May 5. Please email to
News and Happenings from Temple Beth Tikvah
JF&CS - Mother’s Day
The spring mailing of care packages to Temple Beth
Tikvah’s 40 college students has just taken place. We
want to let them know they’re being thought of by the
community, even though they may be far away from
home. Included in the packages were pens, pencils,
highlighters, various candy, popcorn, Starbucks coffee
packets, G2 water packets, groggers, Star of David
superballs and last but certainly not least delicious
A big thank you to Gail Neder, Laura (Tasha) Neder,
Michelle Higgins and Rachel Bennett for their help in
assembling the packages. We could not have accomplished this task without your help! Also, we could not
pull this off without the assistance of the TBT office staff,
Lisa Singer, Becky Sullivan and Michelle Leder. We’d
also like to thank Rabbi Greene for his thoughtful words
of wisdom to our students in honor of the Purim season.
We know you are all busy and we so appreciate your
time and energy.
It is very important to keep our students connected to
the Jewish community while they’re away from home. If
you agree and are able and/or willing to find a sponsor
to donate towards the next mailing, please let us
know. Our contact information is below:
Ginger Glazer (
Lynda Bennett (
Breast Cancer
Survivor Group
for the Jewish Community
Come join our support group! The monthly support group
meetings are for all interested people who have had
cancer, who are going through treatment or surgeries, and /
or who have been recently diagnosed, as well as for those
who might have questions pertinent to breast cancer.
As mothers, we take care of our children and guide
them through the many hurdles they face. We navigate
their care from infancy through early adulthood in a
well-designed system of school, extra-curricular
activities and routine doctor visits.
Along the cycle of raising our children, we begin to
appreciate how our mothers may be slowing down or
experiencing some concerning behaviors and/or
medical conditions. We want to be there for them as
they were there for us. There is, however, a huge void
in a structured path for our mothers, unlike the wellknown ascension in raising children. The starting path
for getting the right help and understanding services
really depends on each situation. Your best friend’s
mom is in a totally different place than your mom. Her
mother loves going to the senior center and on
outings, while your mom seems reluctant and like she
wants to isolate herself.
Sometimes we find ourselves needing to know the
services available and what they entail. When a crisis
hits, we need to know how to handle it yesterday.
What would our mothers suggest? Be proactive. Find
out what you need to know before you need to know it.
Use your common sense. Use your relationships, and
reach out to those who have the knowledge so you
can be their guide as they were your’ s.
Aviv Older Adult Services – Tools for Aging provides
comprehensive and proactive counseling services and
case management for older adults and their families.
For more information, visit
The next meeting will be held on
Thursday, May 15 at 7:00 p.m.
This survivor support group is sponsored by The Kehillat
Chesed/Caring Committee of Temple Beth Tikvah, 9955
Coleman Rd, Roswell, 30075, who is also the host
Happy Mother’s Day!
For further information or questions, please contact
Valerie Rapowitz at or call
News and Happenings from Temple Beth Tikvah
May 2014 TBT Happenings
Clergy Legislative
10am Shabbat
Confirmation &
Shabbat Service
9:30am Religious
School (last
Sunday) and
Yom HaAtzmaut
7pm Families
9:30am Tai Chi
7:15pm Melton
- Dramas
Search Focus
7pm Ruach Relay
for Life Meeting
5pm Religious
School (last
Bar Mitzvah of
12pm ECEC
Mom’s Tea and
10am Shabbat
6:30pm Shabbat
Service w/
9:30am Tai Chi
Board Meeting
and Installations
7pm Families
7:15pm Melton
- Dramas
9am Bagels,
Learning & Torah
6pm Oneg
7:30pm Rabbinic
Search Focus
12pm Seniors
Mother’s Day
Yom Hazikaron
9am Bagels,
Learning & Torah
Bat Mitzvah of
Lacie Greenspan
Bat Mitzvah of
Rebecca Torino
10am ECEC
Pre-K Celebration
11:30am ECEC
9am Bagels,
Learning & Torah
7pm Women's
Study Group
8pm Shabbat
Service w/ Choir
10am Shabbat
7pm Breast
Cancer Survivor
Bar Mitzvah of
Eric Bruckman
Bat Mitzvah of
Tobi Goodkin
5pm URJ Hineinu
9:30am Annual
7pm Families
1pm HOTTY - Six
Flags Scavenger
7:30pm Ritual
7:15pm Melton
- Dramas
9:30am Tai Chi
7:30pm Board of
Trustees Meeting
Memorial Day
9:30am Tai Chi
7pm Families
7:30m Officers
7:30pm Rabbinic
6:30pm Shabbat
Yom Yerushalayim
6pm Oneg
9am Bagels,
Learning & Torah
10am Shabbat
8pm Shabbat
9am Bagels,
Learning & Torah
10am Shabbat
Bar Mitzvah of
Nathan Janes
Bat Mitzvah of
Ilana Sacks
Congregational Meeting - Be a Part of the Process
News and Happenings from Temple Beth Tikvah
Yoga with a Jewish Twist
Will resume in August
Watch for evite information or the
August Kol Tikvah.
If you are interested in summer yoga classes with Pamela,
contact her directly at
Temple Beth Tikvah
Gift Shop
Friday, May 9 at 6:30 PM
For children age 2
through 2nd grade...
...and their Parents!!
Parents can attend services in the
sanctuary while their children are in:
BABYSITTING (children ages 2 - 4)
(children ages Pre-K thru 2nd grade)
Starting May 1st -
50% off
in the shop!!
Graduation Information Wanted!
Do you have a child graduating from
High School or College?
If so, we want to know about it! Please email your child’s name, school
graduating from and where they will be attending next fall (if moving onto college). We will
publish this news in the June/July Kol Tikvah.
Please submit by May 6th.
News and Happenings from Temple Beth Tikvah
Annual Campaign
Spencer and Debra Shilling in memory of Molly Brown
Lawrence and Anne Skal in honor of Rick Winer
Jonathan and Rebecca Bennett in honor of the TBT
Board of Trustees
Prayerbook Fund
Michael and Nannette Wien in memory of
Morton Schneider
Sherwin and Judee Levinson in memory of
Maryetta Aronow
Rabbi Greene’s Discretionary Fund
Mark and Debbie Weiss in memory of Mannie Berlin
Lois Clymin in honor of the birth of June Wallach's new
Cantor Kassel’s Discretionary Fund
Dick Grosswald and Norma Rosen Grosswald in honor of
Saul & Shirley Plotkin in memory of Ida Plotkin
Rabbi Greene
Peter & Helene Levinson in memory of Carole Friedman
Nancy Broudy in memory of Dorothy Rothman
Rosalind Taranto in memory of Molly Berman
Tom and Patti Seibold in memory of Maxine Gelb Kurtz
Steven and Abbe Tobin in appreciation of Cantor Kassel for Bernard and Susan Greenberg in honor of the wedding of
the naming of granddaughter, Hannah Madalyn West
Jenna Greenberg and Brad Dannenbaum
George and Helen Diamond in appreciation of
Bernard and Susan Greenberg in honor of Rabbi Greene
Cantor Kassel for the naming of great-granddaughter,
Bernard and Susan Greenberg in honor of Dale Bearman
Hannah Madalyn West
Mark and Debbie Weiss in memory of Rose Weiss
Rosalind Taranto in memory of Warren Pomerance
Michael and Ann Dee Torino in appreciation of
Jane Greenberger in memory of Margaret Zolla
Rabbi Greene's help in preparing Rebecca for her
Michael and Ann Dee Torino in appreciation of
Bat Mitzvah
Cantor Kassel's help in preparing Rebecca for her
Bernard and Rita Tuvlin
Bat Mitzvah
Building Fund
Hadley and Lisa Lowy in memory of Jodie Cooper
Caring/Kehillat Chesed Fund
Ruth Zeidman in honor of the birth of Linda and Steve
Steinberg's grandson, Jacob Ryan Katz
Arthur Gittelman in memory of Doris Kaplan Gittelman
Ruth Zeidman in memory of Florence Auerbach
Education Fund
Bernard and Bernice Bickwit in memory of Nathan Resnick
General Fund
David and Ellen Herold in memory of Kenny Kent
Shirley Crawford
Lawrence and Anne Skal in memory of Isabelle Edelman
Melvyn and Vivian Lapes in memory of Bea and Harry
Gilbert and Ellen Ludwig in memory of Elsie Stern
Barbara Litt in memory of Charles Litt
Linda Bergman in honor of Peter Jedel's birthday
Neil and Ruth Hilsen in memory of Philip Hilsen
Steve and Julia Lewengrub in memory of
Florence Auerbach
Rabbi Tam’s Discretionary Fund
Steve and RoseAnn Gerson in memory of Moses Reiber
Shalach Manot Fund
Ruth Zeidman with thanks to all TBT friends for their
Purim greetings
Tikkun Olam Fund
Jean Ellis in memory of Florence Auerbach
Youth Group Fund
Jonathan & Lynda Bennett in memory of Shirley Lovett
Honor a person or event with a
leaf on our tree of life. You can
purchase a leaf as an
Michael Zalkin Memorial Library Fund
Addie Myers in honor of the birth June Wallach's
grandson, Colin Howard
Aaron and Sheila Stieglitz in memory of Mollie Krigsner
individual or as a group.!
News and Happenings from Temple Beth Tikvah
Campaign TBT: EveryONE Matters Update
With one month left in our annual campaign we have made great progress towards our goals. At
the beginning of our 2013-2014 campaign we established a financial and a participation goal.
Participation Goal
Our goal is 100% participation. When we established this goal at the beginning of the campaign we
knew it was going to be very difficult to reach. Our aim was to increase the participation rate among
our 500 Temple Beth Tikvah families. So far this year about 1 in every 3 families has contributed to
the campaign. There is still time left to participate and there is no minimum pledge amount. A
donation of as little as $18 from each family that has not participated would have a significant impact on Temple Beth Tikvah. Please consider joining your fellow congregants and participating in
this year’s campaign. You can make your pledge by: - Calling the TBT office (770-642-0434), or
- Visiting and selecting "Annual Campaign - EveryONE Matters" on our donation page (
Financial Goal
Our financial goal for this year’s campaign is to raise $100,000. I am pleased to announce that with
the help of our generous donors, including a few large contributions, we have exceeded that goal.
Exceeding our financial goal will not only help balance our budget and support the exciting programming offered at TBT, it will enable us to accelerate improvements to our facility.
Thank You
The fundraising committee would like to thank the families that have participated in this year’s
campaign (as of 4/22/2014):
Barry and Shari Alhadeff
Steven and Teri Astren
Steven and Sheila Barid
Dale and Wendy Bearman
Bruce Beck
Paul and Anne Beckman
Jonathan and Rebecca Bennett
Jonathan and Barbara Berger
Harris and Suellen Bergman
Andy Berke
Arnold and Ellen Bernstein
Michael and Jeannine Bernstein
Peter Birnbaum
Arthur Blank
Todd and Jennifer Boehm
Ruben and Margot Braiter
Michael and Heather Braun
Nancy Broudy
Adam and Adrienne Bruckman
Jamie Burak
Terry Apt and Gene Carasick
Paul and Cherie Cervasio
David and Roberta Coad
Jerome and Margie Cohen
Michael and Wanda Cohen
Michael and Lisa R. Cohen
Terri Cohen
Rodney and Terri Cohen
Steven and Arlene Cohn
Michael and Marlene Cohn
Seymour and Renee Davis
Gordon and Hollis Decker
Dan and Laura DeRiemer
Audrey Eisen
Daniel Ellison
Alan Epstein
Elliot and Donna Feller
Risa Fibus
Steven and Amy Fine
Andy and Marci Fried
Matthew and Vanteria Geller
Steve and RoseAnn Gerson
Ed and Cindy Getty
Arthur Gittelman and Marcia Pearl
Cary and Lori Shapiro Goldenthal
Marshall and Roberta Goldman
Robert and Cindy Goldstein
Harlan and Ivie Graiser
Rabbi Fred and Deborah Greene
Burton and Sara Grossman
Michael and Anna Gutkin
Andrew and Karen Gutman
Scott and Sharon Guttman
Scott and Nancy Harris
Larry and Stacey Heit
Sam and Alice Herndon
David and Ellen Herold
Alex and Debi Hinerfeld
Michael and Kim Hirsch
David and Beth Janes
Peter and Sharon Jedel
Daniel and Stephanie Joseph
Barry and Dore Kaiser
Morris and Anna Kagan
Doug and Donna Kallman
Cantor Nancy Kassel
Jeffrey and Beth Kess
Sharon Khoury
Peter Klokow and Ellen Frank
Brad and Jill Kaplan
Stanley and Bobbie Kopkin
Glen and Veronica Krapf
Steven and Helen Kraus
Ned and Lisa Kreiss
Warren and Stephanie Lampert
Fred and Patricia Landsberg
Melvyn and Vivian Lapes
Kenneth Lawler and Ginger Glazer
Hal and Jill Leitman
Amir Levin and Tanya Blasbalg
Ron and Jennifer Levine
Judy Levine
Sherwin and Judee Levinson
Jeffrey and Ellen Levitz
Emily Lewit
Thomas and Marilyn Liebschutz
Gary and Michal Loventhal
Hadley and Lisa Lowy
Gilbert and Ellen Ludwig
Ira and Phyllis Madans
Joel and Aviva Margolies
Jonathan and Joan Marks
Gary and Peggy Mendelson
Evan and Sharon Mermelstein
Thomas and Marsha McMurrain
Mark and Jennifer Mosbacher
Robert Moss
Mathew and Leigh Nathan
Hilda Ortiz
Larry and Jackie Pepper
Marc and Julie Perlson
Jason and Melanie Pickett
Saul and Shirley Plotkin
Herbert and Bunny Renkin
Betty Rickles
Robert and Ellen Rickles
Barry and Robin Riegelhaupt
Russell and Gailen Rosenberg
Harvey and Natine Rosenzweig
Irving and Doris Rosing
Tod and Leslie Rubin
Mark and Gail Rudel
Morray and Susan Scheinfeld
Douglas and Lisa Schiffer
Jeffrey and Jeanne Schultz
Gary and Debra Schwartz
Rhonda Schweber
Bart and Kara Segal
Ira and Brenda Share
Stacy and Alicia Sher
Spencer and Debra Shilling
Allan and Pessie Shippel
Walter and Esther Shultz
Carol Shutzberg
Randall and Amy Siegal
David and Elisa Siegel
Sandy and Nancy Simon
Lawrence and Anne Skal
Avi and Erica Stein
Lila Stein
Terry and Michelle Stein
Brian and Jennifer Steinberg
Howard and Cynthia Steinberg
Steven and Linda Steinberg
Fred and Vicki Steine
Shelby Steinhauer
Aaron and Sheila Stieglitz
Barry and Denise Straus
Lionel Stutz
Ronald and Leslie Swichkow
Donald and Marilyn Tam
Rosalind Taranto
Steven and Abbe Tobin
David and Christine Toltzis
Bruce Turiansky and Mariann
Mamberg Turiansky
Mark and Sally Vosk
Bruce and Bonnie Walkes
Scott and Marci Weiss
Douglas Wexler and Jane
Mark and Debbie Weiss
Mark Williams and Michelle
Easton Williams
Todd and Rachel Wilson
Max and Carol Wolf
Scott and Susan Wynne
Andrew and Ilana Zalkin
Marilyn Zimmer
In Memorium
Thank You to our Amazing
Office Volunteers!
Temple Beth Tikvah
acknowledges with sorrow the passing of:
Aubrey David Steinbaum
Father of Jodi Kaplan
Drew Miller
Marilyn Miller
Kathleen Schoenblum
Eric Schoenblum
June Wallach
Florence Auerbach
Mother of Ivie Graiser
Addie Myers
Richard Staviss
Leslie Swichkow
Ellen Frank
Mazel Tov to:
June Wallach on the birth of grandson, Colin Howard
Wallach, to Katja and Scott Wallach, on March 18 in
May God console you among all the
mourners of Zion and Jerusalem.
Linda and Steve Steinberg on the birth of grandson,
Jacob Ryan Katz, to Andrea and Jason Katz.
Memorial Plaques
Adrienne and Chris West, on the birth of daughter,
Hannah Madalyn West. Proud grandparents are Abbe
and Steven Tobin and great-grandparents are Helen
and George Diamond.
Memorial plaques are a beautiful way to honor
the memory of a loved one. Your loved one’s
plaque will be lit up on the anniversary
of their passing and at Yizkor services.
The price of a plaque is $300. If you have any
questions or would like to order a plaque,
please contact Lisa in the synagogue office at
770-642-0434 or send an email to
Your synagogue community wants to
be a Caring Community/Kehillat
If you have recently experienced a
loss, are facing a crisis or are celebrating a simcha,
please let our office know as soon as possible.
Planning a simcha or group gathering?
Our clergy and friends strive to be a source of
support as best as they can. If you know of one of
our fellow congregants who has experienced a
loss or can use a hand, please contact the office at
The Tam-Blank Social Hall is the Place to Be.
For more information on renting our Social Hall,
contact the synagogue office at 770-642-0434.
News and Happenings from Temple Beth Tikvah
Synagogue Information
Synagogue Office
Fax Number
School Office (Perri)
Preschool (Jenifer)
Assistant to Clergy
Financial Secretary
Admin. Assistant
Office Manager
- 770-642-0434
- 770-642-0647
- 770-642-4168
- 678-350-0076
- Michelle Leder
- Jenny Korsen
- Lisa Singer
- Becky Sullivan
Get Involved! TBT Committees and Chairpersons
Adult Education
Cindy Getty
Budget & Finance
Harlan Graiser
Marcia Haber
Dalia Faupel
College Outreach
Lynda Bennett
Ginger Glazer
Tom and Marsha McMurrain
Family Promise
Andy Fried
Jeff Schultz
Ruben Braiter
Gift Shop
Pam Alterman
Carrie Bickwit
Rhonda Schweber
Ted Nathan
Human Resources
Seth Zimmer
Interior Standards & Marketing
Susan Estroff
Gene Carasick
Kehillat Chesed (Caring)
Leslie Swichkow
Ilana Zalkin
Membership Recruitment &
Mark Rudel
Lindsay Levin
Katie Jaffe
Men’s Club
Peter Hartog
Mark Greenspan
Nominating Committee
Sheryl Blechner
Esther Shultz
Rosh Chodesh Women’s Group
Pam Chanin
Jay Sausmer
Natine Rosenzweig
Traci Hartog
Danielle Rubenstein
Social Action
Rodney Eberhardt
Darin Cohen
Website Development
Scott Povlot
Youth Group
Debra Schwartz
Michal Loventhal
News and Happenings from Temple Beth Tikvah
News and Happenings from Temple Beth Tikvah
Fred Greene
Donald A. Tam
Rabbi Emeritus
Nancy Kassel
Hassia Levin
Education Director
Jenifer Friedman
ECEC Director
Ron Swichkow
Todd Boehm
Vice President
Marsha Mathis
Vice President
Denise Straus
Vice President
Andy Gutman
Michael Braun
Jill Mattos
Board of Education