Mass Schedule First Annual Gator Gallop Run/Walk Homeless
Mass Schedule First Annual Gator Gallop Run/Walk Homeless
Daily: Saint Margaret Chapel Daily: Saint Margaret Chapel Monday - Friday: 6:30 am and 8:30 am Saturday: 8:30 am Open for private prayer daily 6:30 am - 5:00 pm Weekend: Saint Margaret Church Saturday: 4:00 pm and 5:30 pm Sunday: 7:30 am, 9:00 am, 10:30 am and 12:00 pm Saint Mary Magdalen Mission Sunday: 9:30 am and 11:00 am Reconciliation: Saint Margaret Church Saturday: 3:00 pm - 3:45 pm and immediately following the 5:30 pm Mass Mass Schedule 141 N. Hickory Ave. • Bel Air, MD 21014 Parish Offices 410-838-6969, 410-879-2670 Fax: 410-879-2518 Pastor Msgr. G. Michael Schleupner Pastor Emeritus Rev. Francis Callahan Associate Pastor Rev. John P. Cunningham Rev. James Boric Hospital Chaplain - In Residence Rev. Roque Lim Assistant Pastor Karen Saccenti Deacons John Chott, James DeCapite Patrick J. Goles, Victor Petrosino Martin Wolf Business Manager Mary Ellen Bates Music Ministry Thomas Keesecker Outreach Jane O’Hara Adult Faith Formation Marie Dekowski Preschool and Elementary Faith Formation Keri Geibler and Lisa Hack Faith Formation - Gr. 6-9 Ken Goedeke, Jr. Youth and Young Adult Minister Kristin Rupprecht Saint Margaret School Madeleine Hobik, Principal 410-879-1113 The Pastoral Council Mike Adams Dick Belmonte Lisa Campbell Ken Dawson Deborah Egerton Terrence Lijewski Debbie Marino Mike Parr Karissa Pavelka Ellen Pfau Lisa Sheehan Paul Walczyk 8 410-459-7237 410-838-6329 410-836-7561 410-836-8278 410-734-0211 410-879-5872 410-569-2442 410-459-4100 443-371-6618 410-245-3030 443-910-4939 443-540-7853 Mass Intentions May 30 - June 7, 2015 Saturday Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday June 6: 4:00 & 5:30 pm ~ Fr. John June 7: 7:30 & 9:00 am ~ Fr. James 10:30 am & 12:00 pm ~ Fr. Byrne Mission 9:30 and 11:00 am ~ Fr. Mike Saint Margaret Church Parish Office Hours: Monday - Thursday 9:00 am to 7:30 pm Friday - 9:00 am to 4:00 pm Saturday and Sunday by appointment only Readings for June 7 Bread for others Reading I: Exodus 24:3–8 Ratification of the covenant Reading II: Hebrews 9:11–15 The sacrifice of Jesus Gospel: Mark 14:12–16, 22–26 Passover preparation Key Passage: While they were eating, he took a loaf of bread, and after blessing it he broke it, gave it to them, and said, “Take; this is my body.” (Mark 14:22) Adult: In what ways have you practiced the words of Jesus and been bread for others? Child: What can you do to prepare to celebrate Holy Communion with your parish family? Visit for a commentary on the readings. Visit our website at Bulletin for the week of May 31, 2015 For 110 years, Saint Margaret Parish has brought people together to worship God. We are open, Eucharist-centered, affirming and child-friendly. If you are searching for a church home, we hope you will come again soon. There is always a warm welcome waiting for you. n Saint Mary Magdalen Mission First Annual Gator Gallop Run/Walk Congratulations to our first annual Gator Gallop 5K/Family 1-Mile Walk race winners! It was a beautiful day with great weather and we had a wonderful turnout for our race! We especially thank all of our sponsors, school and parish families and friends who made this event possible! Breaking News Donations Needed for Vacation Bible School We are in need of the following items. • 400 empty and clean two liter bottles • Old silver CDs without cases Donations may be dropped off when you come to Mass or in the parish office by June 22. Coffee and Conversation Thursday, June 4, 9:30 am in the Adult Education Center. Bel Air Town Run Sunday, June 7. Road closures starting around 7:00 am until 9:30 am around the Saint Margaret Campus on Hickory Avenue. Roads will re-open as soon as the participants pass. You may want to consider a different Mass time this weekend if you typically come to an early Mass on Sunday. Body and Blood of Christ n Welcome to Saint Margaret 4:00 pm Marie and Ed Otremba 5:30 pm Ernest and Mildred Buzas 7:30 am Ernest Borowski 9:00 am Parishioiners of Saint Margaret Parish 10:30 am Patrick Haggerty 12:00 pm Joney Arthur Tackett 9:30 am Edna Mazza 11:00 am Mary Lebling 6:30 am John Sparzak (sp. int.) 8:30 am Ann Angier 6:30 am Souls of the Family of Thomas D. Noeth, Sr. 8:30 am John J. Matera 6:30 am Jack Levee 8:30 am Edward Murray 8:30 am Mission Brian Thomas Sheridan (sp int.) 6:30 am Eucharistic Service 8:30 am Melinda Nichols 6:30 am Eugene Williams (sp. int.) 8:30 am Cathy Jean Talirico 8:30 am Mary Kelly Reinmann 4:00 pm Robert Corea 5:30 pm Nancy B. McGowan 7:30 am Paul and Josephine Guercio 9:00 am Roger Keesecker 10:30 am Elizabeth Prendergast 12:00 pm Dorothy “Dolly” A. Thim Edge 9:30 am William A. Benedetto 11:00 am Parishioiners of Saint Margaret Parish Presider Schedule Seeking a world transformed and unified in Christ Welcome Gavin Joseph Weibel Jackson Craig Weibel Olivia Tara Weibel Hadley Nicole Fletcher Haley Rose Pistel who were baptized last weekend into the Saint Margaret parish community. May they continue to receive God’s blessings and grace. Homeless Shelter Paper Goods Drive Next weekend, on June 6 and 7 the FCCAU Homeless Shelter van will be parked outside the main church collecting paper goods. Please consider bringing paper plates, napkins, plastic cutlery, toilet paper or paper towels to contribute to this paper drive. Your contributions will be greatly appreciated and are so necessary to address the needs of the homeless in Harford County. Many thanks in advance for your help. Welcome One Emergency Shelter is the only full-service emergency homeless shelter serving the homeless men and women of Harford County 365 nights a year. Welcome One cared for 135 homeless people last year, providing them with three meals a day, transportation, laundry and shower facilities, wholesome recreation, financial and life skills classes and intensive case management. People of all backgrounds come to our 31 bed shelter (25 beds for men, 6 for women), as do veterans, the very young and seniors, people battling addictions, and homeless men and women with chronic physical and mental health challenges. Thank you to the family of Traude Pessl Lyon who requested that friends and relatives make memorial contributions in Traude’s name to Saint Margaret Parish. We are most grateful. Faith | Worship | Witness Next week, our parish will take up the Collection for the Catholic Communication Campaign. This collection communicates the Gospel through Catholic social media activities and enriches our faith through podcasts, television, radio and print media. Half of all proceeds remain in our archdiocese and support local needs, so please be generous in this collection. From Father Mike Did you know? Dear Friends, Since 1964, a Presidium (a local chapter) of the Legion of Mary has been active here at Saint Margaret Parish. The Legion of Mary is a world-wide organization of Catholic women and men that has been in existence since 1921 and has done much good spiritual work. Any Catholic can be a member. Find Our Bulletin Wherever You Are Ironbirds Game Saturday, July 25 at 7:05 pm at Ripken Stadium. The Ironbirds will be playing the Williamsport Crosscutters, an affiliate of the Philadelphia Phillies. Tickets are $13.50 and include seating, Ironbirds baseball cap, program and score card. Please call the parish office, 410-838-6969 to order your tickets for this highly requested event. 2 Traveling? Travelers looking for Mass times – go to for information about churches and Mass times in areas you are visiting. Lost and Found Presently, the Our Lady of the Snows Presidium here at Saint Margaret has 12 members. Among the spiritual works of mercy that they do are the following: • • • Heading For Vacation Soon? Going fishing? A golf outing? Heading to the beach? Have a good time. Keep safe and healthy. We pray that your vacation will be pleasant and restful. Before you go, why not use your offertory envelopes for those weeks that you’ll be on vacation? Send them in before you go and you’ll know you are helping the parish meet our bills that must be paid each week. Contributing through Electronic Funds Transfer (EFT) is also an easy way to make sure you don’t miss contributing to the parish. EFT forms are available in the church and Callahan Center and on the parish website. There is an easy way to get it: 1. Visit our parish website 2. Under the Information Tab, select Bulletins and the date • • • The purpose of the Legion is for its members to deepen their spiritual life and their Catholic faith and to help others to do the same. This is done through a balance of prayer and service. The organization is called the Legion of Mary because the members place themselves in a special way under the patronage of Mary. With Mary’s help, they seek to grow in personal holiness and to spread devotion to her. Specifically, the duties of active members are: • attendance at a weekly meeting of the Presidium for prayer, planning and discussion • daily recitation of the Legion prayer • performance of assigned apostolic work each week, done in pairs (two members always go together) • • Our Lost and Found contains many “forgotten” items. Please check the Lost and Found in the church and Callahan Center for your glasses, keys, clothing and other items. Unclaimed items will be donated to St. Vincent de Paul distribution center or the Cottage Thrisft Shop. Amenities for Young Children In an effort to accommodate parents with infants and young children, our parish provides the following services: • Baby changing stations are located in the handicap restrooms • Nursery service is provided during the 9:00 and 10:30 am Masses at the church and during the 9:30 and 11:00 am Masses at Saint Mary Magdalen. • The sound system extends into the cry room and lobby for parents when their little ones need a “time out!” taking Communion to persons confined to home taking Communion to patients in the hospital leading a prayer service or assisting with Mass at assisted living or nursing care facilities assisting at Birthright sponsoring the daily rosary for peace after the 8:30 am Mass coordinating the annual Miraculous Medal Novena in the fall of the year circulating the Pilgrim Virgin Statue to homes as requested (see picture) assisting at the prayer services at the Harford County Detention Center on Sundays Our parish Presidium would welcome additional members. If you are interested, please contact the President, Anita Lennon at 410-515-5945 or the parish office at 410-879-2670 ( I am grateful to the members of the Legion for their prayer and prayerful, spiritual work in our parish community. Their ministry brings the love of the Lord to many people. Father Mike Bulletin Due Date and Address Information is due by 10:00 am on Monday for the following Sunday. If Monday is a holiday, items should be submitted the previous Friday. Please include name and contact information and fax to 410-879-2518 or e-mail Visit our website at 7 Parish Notes . . . Outreach Notes Jane O’Hara Outreach Coordinator 410-838-6969/410-879-2670, ext. 143 Father, you have blessed me in so many ways. For life . . . I thank you. For my loving family . . . I thank you. For real true friends . . . I thank you. For daily bread . . . I thank you. For the opportunities you give . . . I thank you. For the wonders of your creation . . . I thank you. For the faith and hope that springs from you . . . I thank you. For your boundless love and forgiveness . . . I thank you. For sacrificing your own Son to save me. . . I thank you. And for every other blessing that I may be forgetting at this moment . . . I thank you. Community Notes Prince of Peace Church Annual Fiesta Friday, June 5, 5:00-9:00 pm Saturday, June 6, 12:00-9:00 pm Pit beef, fried dough, tacos, pulled pork, fried turkey, rice and beans, sausage, beer and soda. Moon bounce, bingo, money and prize wheels, cash raffle and flea market! 2600 Willoughby Beach Rd., Edgewood. Federal Employment Workshop Tuesday, June 23, 10:00 am - 2:00 pm at the ACS building, 2503 Highpoint Road. Go to: to register. 6 Prayer Shawls for the Sick Saturday, June 13, 4:00 pm Mass If you know of someone who is not well and would be comforted by one of these hand made shawls by our prayer shawl ministry, please come by the table in the back of church after Mass and choose one. Rachel’s Vineyard Retreat June 12-14. Rachel’s Vineyard reaches out to women and men emotionally, and spiritually, after involvement with abortion. Visit or call 410-625-8491 for information. Health Ministry What comes to mind when you hear the word, “water”? Cleansing? Hydration? Spiritual or physical life? Summer fun? As we kick off the summer season this weekend, let’s remember to Make a Healthy Splash. Contrary to popular belief, chlorine and other disinfectants do not kill germs instantly. Learn more about protecting yourself, your family and other swimmers from germs in the water at http:// remember to swim where there is a lifeguard (cruise ships included). According to the CDC, “Every day, 10 people die from drowning, and 2 of those 10 are children under the age of 15 years.” Contact the Health Ministry through Jane O’Hara. Volunteer Opportunities Are you looking for a new service opportunity beginning this summer? We are in need of help with the following ministries: Hospital Eucharistic Minister – as little as once a month or as often as once a week Home Eucharistic Minister – once a week on the day and time of your choice Bereavement Team – assist with funerals – on call one week a month If interested, please contact Jane O’Hara. Substance Abuse Ministry Are you or a loved one struggling with substance abuse issues? Please come to one of the weekly meetings on the Saint Margaret campus. Adult Education Center Mondays, 7:00 pm Families Anonymous Lower Meeting Room Fridays, 7:00 pm Alcoholics Anonymous Saturdays, 7:30 pm Women for Sobriety Sundays, 6:00 pm Narcotics Anonymous Sundays, 8:00 pm Alcoholics Anonymous Visit our website at Dear friends of Saint Margaret Church, Thank you on behalf of the board and staff of the Harford Community Action Agency for your kind donation to our agency. Your annual support is very appreciated! Money raised here in the community is critical for meeting the needs of our less fortunate neighbors. Without your help it would be impossible for our agency to continue to make a difference in the lives of so many needy Harford County families. HCAA provided safety net services and self-sufficiency programs to more than 7,000 households last year. On behalf of the board and staff of Harford Community Action Agency, please accept our appreciation of your generous donations! Sincerely, Pamela C. Overbay Community Resource Manager 3 Liturgy Corner The Church When praying the Creed, expressing our belief in the Church demonstrates our understanding that its origin is the Holy Trinity. God, the eternal Father, created humanity to share in God’s divine life, and gradually called people throughout the history of Israel to be God’s own family. Jesus Christ, the Son of God, inaugurated the church by preaching the good news and ushering in the reign of God. The Holy Spirit came upon the apostles and disciples with an empowering wind and transforming fire, forming them into God’s visible church sent out to all the nations. There are no Christians in the New Testament other than the members of this community called the church, hence our belief in the church. And though it has never been a faultless instrument of Christ’s presence in the world, it is Christ’s chosen instrument to witness to the gospel throughout the world. Adult Faith Notes Marie Dekowski Adult Faith Formation 410-879-2670, ext. 126 Eucharistic Adoration Every Tuesday in the chapel there is an opportunity to pray in the presence of our Lord in a unique way. The Blessed Sacrament is exposed on the altar from 9:00 am until 6:00 pm when Benediction is held. A small group of parishioners dovote a scheduled hour of their choice in quiet to insure that our Lord is kept company throughout the day. If you would like to join this special group or if you have any questions, please contact Gene Goeller at 410-838-0445. Praying quietly in our Lord’s presence is an awesome experience. Marriage Moments Lord, I do not ask for a faith that will move mountains. I pray, Lord, for enough faith to move me. “They worshiped, but they doubted.” (Mt. 28:17) No matter how much spouses love one another, there are bound to be times that we doubt. We are human and crave reassurance that we are loved. Offer that reassurance today. Kristin Rupprecht Youth and Young Adult Minister 410-879-2670, ext 166 High School & College Youth Ministry ~ FiRE House High School Hangout Nights Tuesdays, 7:00 - 9:30 pm Games, movies, Nerf battles, kickball something for everyone! Come hang out and meet some new friends. Open to all high school students! College and Young Adult Ministry Every Wednesday, 7:00 - 9:00 pm A variety of social, service and spiritual activities including geocaching, game nights, scavenger hunts, trivia nights, movies, faith sharing, service projects, etc. We either meet at FiRE House (329 Wright Street) or somewhere off campus. College Ministry Every Wednesday, 7:00 - 9:00 pm Home from college for the summer? Reconnect with your parish and hang out with friends! Different every week. Contact Kristin. Enjoy Some FroYo and Help Youth Ministry! Mark your calendar for our Yogurt Mountain fundraiser on Wednesday, June 10, 5:30 - 9:00 pm. We are trying to raise money to send a group of youth to the National Catholic Youth Conference in November. Hope to see you there! Music Notes Tom Keesecker Music Minister 410-879-2670, ext. 136 Children’s Choirs – Do you know that there are Children’s Choirs at Saint Margaret? There is a Cherub Choir for kindergarteners through 2nd grade, and a Children’s Choir for 3rd through 8th grade. This last year the Cherub Choir consisted of mostly kindergarteners. I had some very rewarding times. A few weeks ago a child asked if we could sing the “old” songs – the songs we had started learning in September. It was very gratifying (almost heavenly!) to have them sing in a circle around me while I played my guitar. Sometimes their performances at Mass are not indicative of their energy at rehearsals. Think how it must feel to be 5 or 6 years old singing in front of a very large congregation! It must be somewhat frightening. The more children there are in a group the more comfortable they are in front of an audience. My goal though for these little ones is not focused on performance. I am fostering their innate musicality in a setting that enhances their budding understanding of the liturgy and the liturgical year through song and musical games. Next week I’ll share some thoughts on the older children’s choir. 4 Youth Ministry Visit our website at Trip to Hersheypark! Middle school students and up! Wednesday, July 1, 8:00 am - 8:00 pm. Cost is $52/person, includes bus and park ticket. To sign up, return a completed permission form and payment to the parish office. Education Notes . . . Faith Formation 410-879-2670/410-838-6969 Preschool and Elementary Keri Geibler, Lisa Hack, Middle School and Grade 9 Ken Goedeke, Faith Formation Classes have ended. We will see you in September! Summer Ignite for 9th Grade Registration deadline for Ignite is July 1. Ignite is a five-day summer faith formation program for incoming 9th graders offered August 3 - 7 as an alternate choice for 9th grade faith formation, which is required for Confirmation in 10th grade. Online Faith Formation Registration Faith Formation registration 2015-2016 is now available online on the parish website, Children’s Liturgy of the Word Come along on any Sunday at the 9:00 am or 10:30 am Masses at Saint Margaret, or 9:30 am or 11:00 am Masses at Saint Mary Magdalen. Children’s Liturgy of the Word is a chance for children from 3 – 12 years old, to learn about the gospel story on their level. The session includes a welcome, readings, singing and discussion based on the gospel. The timing and scope of the session is governed only by the length of the homily usually 7-9 minutes. Vacation Bible Camp ~ June 22-26. Our theme is “Son Spark Labs” where your child will explore God’s love through music, crafts, experiments and much more! Registration has begun and space is limited. Teachers and volunteers are needed. VBC Volunteer Meeting This Sunday, May 31 at 4:00 pm! If you are interested in volunteering for Vacation Bible Camp please attend the meetings. The meetings will be about an hour. We will go over important information about volunteer placement, daily themes and activities. Food will be served at both meetings. Contact Keri. We hope to see you there! Next Meeting: • Wednesday, June 10 at 7:00 pm in the Adult Education Center. Scripture reading of the month: Luke 1:38 “I am the servant of the Lord. Let it be done to me according to your word.” Saint Margaret School Elementary Campus 410-879-1113 Middle School Campus 410-877-9660 Important Dates for June June 1 Gr. 8 Graduation Practice, 10:00 am Gr. 8 Graduation Mass, 7:00 pm Reception to follow in ES Gym June 2 8:30 am MS Mass June 3 8:30 am ES Mass; Gr. 1 Field Trip to Herr’s Potato Chip Factory; Gr. 6 Field Trip to Washington, D.C. June 4 Gr 5 Class Mass, 1:30 pm June 5 Gr. 1 Mother Wilya Play Saint Margaret School Cheerleaders Win National Title The competitive cheerleading team, made up of 19 girls between grades 6 and 8, won the U.S. Finals National Championship in Providence, RI, topping four middle schools and two high schools from across the North East. This is the first year that Principal: Madeleine Hobik ~ mhobik@smsch. Principals: Anna Shanahan ~ Phil Federowicz ~ Admissions: Cecelia Pleiss ~ the Gators have traveled to this prestigious national competition. Saint Margaret’s journey to Nationals began in January, when the group won a fully paid bid to the U.S. Finals at their first competition, a CheerStarz event held at Harford Community College. Receiving a fully paid bid is an honor given to only one team per session, and allows a team to travel to one of five competition locations to compete for the title of National Champions. Parents, athletes, and coaches anticipated that the trip would be a fun experience, but they never expected to come home with the overall win. The Gators will being prepping for the new season starting in June, and the girls, along with returning coach Leach Semanie, have their sights set on another fantastic season. Visit our website at Graduation Prayer for Saint Margaret School 8th Grade On this day of new beginnings, Lord, we place the Saint Margaret School graduates of 2015 in your hands. We know that you love them, and will always be close to them and continue to inspire them to do great things. Bless them, their parents and families. May this day of celebration remain always in our hearts and serve to remind us all of Your loving divine providence. On Monday, June 1, 70 8th graders from Saint Margaret School will be graduating. Please keep them in your prayers. 5
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