26th June 2016 - Newsletter - The Catholic Parish of St. John`s
26th June 2016 - Newsletter - The Catholic Parish of St. John`s
St John the Baptist Parish Newsletter Parish Office: Sacred Heart Church, Silver Link Rd, Tamworth, B77 2EA Parish Office: 01827 769403 Parish Centre Bookings: 01827 288226 Priests: Fr Michael – michael@stjohnrctamworth.org.uk Fr Mario - jagadishkurapati@gmail.com Centre Bookings: Rev Deacon Brian Cox and Mrs Nora Cox – brian.cox8@tiscali.co.uk Tel. 288226 Admin: Wendy Quinn – office@stjohnrctamworth.org.uk Gift Aid, HOT, database (Tues & Wed): Rob Breeden – robertjbreeden@googlemail.com www.stjohnrctamworth.org.uk St John’s Church is on St John St, Tamworth, B79 7EX Thirteenth Sunday of the year (C) – 26th June 2016 Psalm Response: O Lord, it is you who are my portion th Saturday 25 June Feria Thirteenth Sunday of the year Sunday 26th June Thirteenth Sunday of the year 10.30am (S.H.) 6.00pm (S.J.) 9.00 am (S.H.) 10.30 am (S.J.) 12.00 noon (S.H.) 10.00 am (S.H.) Bridget and Michael Hegarty John Gallagher – Irene & Vincent Petricca Martin & Peter Carney – Harry & Nellie Todd Joe Hackett – Ray Howard Rose Smyth – Garry Mills Communion service Monday 27th June Feria Tuesday 28th June St Irenaeus 10.00 am (S.H.) Patricia Kenny and family th Wed 29 June SS Peter and Paul 10.00 am (S.J.) Nora O’Shea Solemnity & Holy Day of Obligation 11.30am (S.J.) Funeral Mass for Peter Fidoe 7.00pm (S.H.) Dan Connell th Thursday 30 June Feria 10.00am (S.H.) Linda Sweeney Friday 1st July Feria 9.15am (S.G.) Vincent Charles Roberts 12.30pm (S.H.) Mass for the sick and housebound of the parish Saturday 2nd July Feria 10.30am (S.H.) Claire L’Amie Fourteenth Sunday of the year 6.00pm (S.J.) David Berriman – Val Jeffries Sunday 3rd June 9.00 am (S.H.) Margaret Eddy – Jimmy McDonald 10.30 am (S.J.) Sylvie Salmon & family – John Byrne Fourteenth Sunday of the year 12.00 noon (S.H.) Stephen Mason – Fr Dan Fitzgerald Confessions: Saturday 11 – 11.30 at Sacred Heart and 5.15 – 5.45 pm at St John’s Please pray for the sick: Mick Evans, Chad Williams, Finn Lynch, Teresa Woodcock, Gill Horsley, Margaret Thompson, Mary Pullen, Julie Orme, Nikolas Atkins, Sheila Brown, Stephen Morley, Jaden Walker, Frank Ryan, Gillian & John Solanky, John Barrass, Betty Meehan, Mary Miller, Winnie Claridge, Sarah Gillen, Conan Teyssou, Ann-Marie Purslow, Ann Bernes, Joan Trevis, Nell Mattison, Tony Soden, Stan Merryweather, David Herbert, Maxine Beech, Christopher Browne, Clifford Browne, Phil Crook, Pablo Claveria, Earle Laska, Adam Coxhead, Tom Clibbery, Christopher Wheeldon, Peter Barnes, Lee Morrow, Eileen D’Arcy, Maureen Jeffries, Sarah Spencer, Gladys Cuffe, Kingsley Simon Bayley, Beryl Smith, Sheila Mulligan, Bill Bonser, Doreen Dowling, Mary Williams, Bridie Spicer, Margaret Knowles, Joyce Anderson, Agnes Buckley, Sean McCauley, Michael Beggan, Tom Breeden. Reflection: ……I will follow you wherever you go In today’s Gospel Jesus is asking for consistency if we are to follow him. Jesus asks that we place real and sincere love at the top of our priorities. Sincere love will bring the greatest happiness possible – to live in love and for love, in the big and the ordinary ways of life. How often we can be really happy at the end of the day for what we done that helped others. Lord, teach me to love as you do, to remain true to others and to you. May your kingdom come in your people. Na każdej niedzielnej mszy dostępne są polskie tłumaczenia czytań i Ewangelii. Można je znaleźć w przedsionku kościoła. Miłej i owocnej lektury! Please pray for those whose anniversaries occur around this time: Charles Inskip, James Treanor, James and Catherine Larvin, Mrs. Sheldon, Margaret Wear, George Lees, John Cafferty, James Bradley, Daniel Murphy, Thomas Roulledge, Francis Gavin, Phyllis McGinty, Michael Morrisroe, Catherine Phillips, Charles Ward, George Wood, Annie Tooley, Elizabeth Dow, Christine Cope, Doris Gensberg, Ray Baines, Jim Flanangan, Margaret Cockeram, James Collins, Thelma Vind, Dorothy Rowbottom, John & Julie Kelly, Thomas Wood, Joseph Kesik, Elizabeth (Dolly) Croke, Denis O’Connor, Florence Vickery, George Geddes-Smith, Madeline Tanner, Theresa Evans, Etan Douglas, Sydney Naylor, Johanna Hedwig-Smith, Margaret (Peg) Baker, Josephine Harper, Veronica Stait, Gerald Byrne, Caroline Burke, Daniel Kelly, Paula Lyons. Please pray for the repose of the soul of Alan Arris, the funeral service will take place at 1.00pm on the 30th June at Sutton Coldfield Crematorium, Peter Fidoe, whose funeral will be at St John’s on Wednesday 29th June at 11.30 am, Dan Connell, who will be received into St John’s on Sunday 3rd July at 1.30pm, with the funeral Mass the following day, Monday, 4th July at 10.00am, Erneslena Weston, funeral service will take place at Sutton Coldfield Crematorium on Thursday 7th July at 12.00 noon, Therese Eckert, funeral Mass will take place on Friday 15th July at 10.00am in St John’s and Ann Fisher, funeral details to be confirmed. May they rest in peace. Joe Martin – Vera and family would like to express their thanks for the compassion shown at the recent passing of Joe. Special thanks to everyone involved in the organisation of his beautiful funeral Mass. All donations will be passed to the Tamworth Boxing Club for the good work they do with the community. Summer Scheme: Forms due in this weekend. This will be on the first two weeks of the school holidays, beginning on Mon 25th July and finishing on Friday 5th August. We are planning some exciting new activities and trips. You may need to book a place early. It is for children who are currently in yr 2 to yr 9. There are just a few places left, if you have taken Booking Forms and haven’t yet returned them, please do so immediately or you could be disappointed. New Centre in St Johns: thank-you to all those who have worked over the weekend. Some great work was done. We have now broke through into the new kitchen upstairs and are getting ready to install a new staircase. We are also expecting the lift to be delivered any day now. The electrics are tricky since the cabling for the whole Church runs through the old sacristy. The building needs a new 3 phase supply installed and new fuse boards throughout. DMReid is doing a great job with this. Thank-you to all. Cleaners needed. Please ring Dorothy on 01827 51320. St John’s only stays open at weekends because of this essential work. Please do help if you are able. St Gabriel's Summer Fayre - you are all invited on Saturday 9th July 11am - 2pm. There will be plenty of fun and games including soak the victim, go-karts, bouncy castle, tombolas and more. Keep yourself topped up with Crepes, hot dogs and burgers or cakes. See a demo from a West Midlands Police dog handler, plus the gunge tank will be making its appearance again! St Elizabeth’s Summer Fayre TODAY, SUNDAY 26th JUNE 2-4pm: Come and join us for an afternoon of fun! Activities for all the family include target golf, a treasure hunt, bouncy castle, Topscore penalty shoot-out and much more or try your luck on the raffles and tombolas. Enjoy the BBQ, refreshments and cakes. Admission: Adults 50p, children free. Come and enjoy the fun at St Elizabeth’s RC Primary School, Claremont Road, Tamworth, B79 8EN. Journey In Faith If anyone is interested in coming on the journey next year, please contact clergy, Frances or Kathleen. Congratulations to all the Children Confirmed during the week – over 50 in total. Ceremonies on Monday and Friday were beautiful. Please pray for our children that they will always be receptive to the work of the Holy Spirit in their lives. We see a selection of them here. Drivers and Escorts needed – to take elderly people to Sainsburys and Asda once a week. The Carnegie centre that operated this service needs drivers for the mini bus to enable the service to resume. The escorts are needed to assist with carrying bags of shopping to the person's home when they return from shopping. The centre are also looking for drivers, with their own vehicle, to go on their list for taking people to Hospital appointments, mileage will be paid. If you feel you can help with either of the above please contact Sheila Scott on 01827 709661 on a Thursday from 9am to 3pm for more details. YOSH Thursdays 7pm-8:30pm. stephen@LiveAndLearnWell.co.uk For updates check parish website, or tel Stephen 251197 Bereavement Support Service which provides a place to come along for a cup of tea and a chat. We meet at Sacred Heart every Friday (10 am – 12.00 noon). If you know of anyone grieving, please take them a leaflet from the porch & invite them to come. Tamworth Foodbank - Your Foodbank donations continue to be very much appreciated, thank you. Our Sacred Heart Starfish ‘breakfast club’ runs at Sacred Heart every Sat from 10 till 12.00 noon. Irish Dancing Classes every Saturday for all ages. Katie kmartinacademy@aol.com. Just contact Pilates Classes – A set of exercise performed in standing, seated and lying positions. Pilates exercise can be beneficial for everyone whatever their fitness. Thursday 6.45pm – 7.45pm. £6 per session - pay as you go. A.A. meet in St John’s Church (temporarily) on Mon and Fri at 8.00 pm. Senior Citizens’ Socials: every Tues at 1.30 pm at Sacred Heart. Homestart Parents and Tots – Meet on a Wed 9.15am – 11.30am at Sacred Heart. £1 per family which includes tea, toast, biscuits, juice. Come along for a chat and play! Multiple Sclerosis Society & Tai Chi – Meet on a Tues at 11.30am in the Modwen room. Tai Chi class is open to all. The M.S. Society meets after class at 12.30pm. Giving to Charities – These are some of the charities that take clothes and toiletries, you can deliver them yourselves. St Chad’s Sanctuary – Tel: 0121 233 3127, wedsite www.stchadssanctuary.com Brush Strokes Tel: 0121 565 2234 email: teresa@brushstrokessandwell.org.uk Sifa Fireside Tel: 0121 766 1700 Email: office@sifafireside.co.uk The 24/7 prayer room is an ongoing prayer vigil taking place from 3rd - 10th July at Holy Trinity, Wilnecote - so it is just over one week away! The room will have a theme of the Lord's Prayer and as well as the usual praise, repentance and petition areas will have seven prayer stations to reflect on the Lord's Prayer, an area for prayer about world hunger and an area for prayer for the persecuted/secret church. The sign-up sheet is now available at:www.24-7prayer.com/emailredirect/0533a888904bd4867929dffd884d60b8/ Caritas Archdiocese of Birmingham: as part of its mission to support this work and to share good practice, Caritas has invited four different groups from around the Archdiocese that are all volunteer led to share their experience with others. the morning of Sat 2nd Sheldon, B26 2HU. We want to make this as accessible as possible and have designed an event on July 2016 to take place in St Thomas More, 130 Horse Shoes Lane, The four groups will be placed at four tables and those who come will have the opportunity to move around each of the tables to listen to and talk to those who run the groups. The groups are: The Solihull Welcome – where volunteers offer hospitality and support to destitute asylum seekers and refugees. A new Bereavement support group – working ecumenically, and with local funeral undertakers and a local hospice, this group based in a church centre offer support to those recently bereaved Tuesday Club in a the parish of St Anthony’s Kingshurst – started by local parishioners and running for some time this group of volunteers provide a much needed service that supports isolated older people. St Mary’s Dementia Group, Harborne – a group of local volunteers helping dementia suffers and carers. Our Parish Finances are in a much better position than they were. In the last few days, thank God, we have actually come out of debt! It is all right to have some debt so long as we have the capacity to pay it back. Some think debt can somehow be a good thing but that’s a dangerous attitude and can result in an outlook that leads us to live and operate irresponsibly as a parish. Spending our money on things that help establish God’s Kingdom is important, but again - only when we can afford it, otherwise we jeopardise the future of the whole parish. We establish God’s Kingdom by i/. Drawing people into the prayer life of the Church (Sacraments and prayer). ii/. Proclaiming the Good News (evangelising and socialising) and iii/. Helping the poor and weak. This should shape how we spend our time and money. Money Matters Envelopes 149.05 Standing Order 750.00 Loose 389.38 Total: £1288.43 Building Fund 286.39 Thank-you. Gift Aid: Please increase your giving by 25%; sign a Gift Aid form. Call Rob on 769403 or robertjbreeden@googlemail.com We need the people and the facilities to do this. You are the people and thank God, many of you are deeply involved in this, with more people committing themselves all the time. The time we spend each year serving God and his people must run into hundreds of thousands of hours. We do thank God for your commitment. At the same time, we are spending money developing our facilities (Church and meeting spaces). This will mean going into debt again later this year, but it will be responsible borrowing and wise spending, alongside fundraising efforts and careful budgeting. So, well done to our volunteers and supporters who are making all the difference. Well done to all our fundraisers and donors. The parish has a great history of being enterprising in its charity work and outreach, in the involvement of many parishioners and in generous fundraising. But it’s not just our history, it should also be the hallmark of a bright future. Maybe we could look to the year 2020 as a time when we can review what we have done and where we are going. If you can help develop that future as a parish in any way, please let us know. Registered Charity 234216