our latest newsletter - Surfers Paradise Catholic Parish


our latest newsletter - Surfers Paradise Catholic Parish
Surfers Paradise Catholic Parish
three churches
Sacred Heart
50 Fairway Drive,
Clear Island Waters
St Vincent’s
40 Hamilton Avenue,
Surfers Paradise
Stella Maris
268 Hedges Avenue,
(Under Construction)
Very Reverend
Fr Tim Harris
Parish Priest & Dean
of South Coast Deanery
The Baptism of the Lord - Year B
10th / 11th January 2015
Dear Parishioners and Visitors,
It’s been said that with the Feast of The Baptism of the Lord we
“fast forward” about a quarter of a century in Jesus’ life. This
weekend our Church season of Christmas comes to an end
because the baby has become a man.
Here we all are in January 2015, a new year. December 25th 2014
belonged to the previous year which means that we have moved
on from Bethlehem, just as Jesus had to move on. He grew up and now comes to the Jordan
River to begin his public ministry and is baptised.
Fr Nicholas Okafor
Associate Pastor
Most of us of course were baptised as babies. We don’t remember that moment when the
priest said “I baptise you in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit”. Yet
when we enter the church we are in fact reminded of our baptism when we bless ourselves
with holy water.
Fr Regimon Gervasis
Associate Pastor
We need reminding because the purpose of the Sacrament of Baptism is not to keep us glued
to the holy water font but to move us on in life, now filled with Christ and to be light to others.
Sue Thomas
Pastoral Associate
Jesus’ baptism after all, represented the willing identification of the sinless Son of God with a
sinful people he came to save. Jesus’ baptism showed a sinful world that sinful people can be
redeemed through him by the gift of grace.
Sr Mary Hansen PBVM
Pastoral Assistant
Sonya Slater
Parish Manager
Marylou Ayres
Parish Secretary
Angela Williams
Atrium Coordinator
St Vincent’s School
Clear Island Waters
Phone: 5572 1746
P. Kerry Rowlands
St Kevin’s School
Phone: 5539 4522
P. Sue Curtis
St Michael’s College
Phone: 5530 2722
P. Michael Laidler
So the gift of the grace of the Holy Spirit is now the gift that comes through baptism. Christ has
given us this gift through our immersion into him. This gift of the grace of the Holy Spirit now
calls us out of the darkness of sin into a life of faith. We now walk by faith knowing that the
power of the sacrament is within us.
Like every sacrament within the Catholic Church, the grace of the Holy Spirit is present. For
our part we need to constantly “celebrate” and draw upon that grace. In this way we will see
Baptism not as merely a memory but as a lifelong commitment that shapes our life now and
The point is we live most of our lives, like Jesus, not as babies but as mature adults, (albeit
Jesus lived a short adult life). Through baptism like Jesus we are given our mission. We don’t
have to hunt for purpose in our life. We are called to do what Jesus did.
So the “reclaiming” of our baptism must begin today and tomorrow. A good way to
“reclaim” our baptism in 2015 is to offer ourselves for some kind of service in the church.
Our parish has all kinds of opportunities for you to become involved in and we would
welcome you with open arms in that regard.
May our new year be a year of grace and blessing, and may we draw deeply upon the power
of the grace of the Holy Spirit that has come to us through the sacrament of our baptism so
that we can do the things we are called to do in Christ’s name.
God’s Abundant Blessings, Fr Tim Harris, Parish Priest
Readings: Isaiah 55:1-11; 1 John 5:1-9; Mark 1:7-11.
Feasts: Saturday 17th St Anthony, abbot.
Next week’s readings: 2nd Sunday in Ordinary Time Yr B: 1 Samuel 3:3-10, 19;
1 Corinthians 6:13-15, 17-20; John 1:35-42
Gospel reflection: “After me comes he who is mightier than I, the thong of whose sandals I am not worthy to
stoop down and untie.” – Mark 1:7 We are put on this earth to love God, love our neighbour and make disciples. How many times does our own pride and ego get in the way on fulfilling God’s plan for us? Humbling
ourselves before God and putting God first in all things should be our top priority.
(accessed 7/1/15 http://archstl.org/stewardship/page/bulletin-inserts)
Stella Maris Church will be dedicated late February. In preparation, we would like to get new rosters
organised. We won’t know exactly how things will flow/work until the building is fully complete the few days
prior to the dedication. What works on paper may not necessarily work in reality. So in the interests of good
planning, please indicate your interest regarding continuing on the Stella Maris rosters or maybe this is your
opportunity to take the plunge and come onto the roster. Contact pastoral.surfers@bne.catholic.net.au or
complete the forms available in the vestries of both Sacred Heart and St Vincent’s Churches, or at the Parish
Office. This is for all new and continuing liturgical ministers for Stella Maris Church. Please don’t assume we
know you will be continuing as there have been life changes for numerous people since May last year. We can
only work with the updated information we have.
Date Claimer: World Marriage Day Mass. St Benedict’s Church, Mudgeeraba 11am Sunday 8th February
2015. RSVP Sue and Bren Milsom:- 55224880 email milsoms@outlook.com
Archbishop Mark Coleridge is encouraging as many people as possible to take the opportunity during Lent
to prepare for Easter by reflecting on God’s loving mercy. The Lenten Program Rich in Mercy has gospel reflections written by Archbishop Mark. Please leave your name and contact number with the number of books
you require by Monday 19th January and we will be able to pass on to you the ‘early bird’ discount of $6.50 per
book. Orders after 19th January will need to pay full price and postage and handling. Parish Office 5572 5433 or
email pastoral.surfers@bne.catholic.net.au. Lenten groups will commence meeting week beginning
16th February.
Peace and grace. Sue Thomas, Pastoral Associate.
Full Spiritual Exercises of St. Ignatius of Loyola over 30 weeks in Daily Life
Discover God's unique love and desire for you through a journey of scripturally based prayer and individual
direction. Applications are now being received for commencement in March 2015.
www.faberspirituality.org.au or ph. 3368-2450. Parish contact: Helen Goldsmith ph 0412 894 356.
PATHWAYS OF ST PAUL: Join parishioners from Holy Innocents’ on a 20 day Pilgrimage to Greece
and Turkey, departing Monday 20th April 2015. Walk in the footsteps of St. Paul, visit the places where
he lived, worked and was imprisoned. Also visit island of Patmos, where St John wrote the book of
Revelation, Basilica of St John built over the tomb of "The Divine" Apostle and the "House of Mary"
where it is said Mary spent the later years of her life. For Itinerary Brochure and Booking Form please
contact Fr. Peter Krigovsky, admin@holyic.org.au, 02 9747-4291, or download from
Come along to Faith on Tap Brisbane on January 12th and meet Pontifical Swiss Guard Corporal
Dominic, in service guarding the Holy Father Pope Francis for nearly 10 years. He will be accompanied by his
new wife, Gold Coast girl, Joanne, also employed in the Vatican more than 5 years. They are in Australia for
their honeymoon and we are blessed to have them speak about life inside the Vatican and answer any
questions you may have. WHEN: 7:30pm Monday the 12th of January 2015 WHERE: The Pineapple Hotel, 706
Main Street, Kangaroo Point QLD 4169, (plenty of parking in Baines St or 10min walk from Woolloongabba bus station). EAT: Come
along from 6:30pm onwards for a meal in The Park Bar (optional) www.pineapplehotel.com.au/dining/park-bar/. TALK: Join us at
7:30pm in the function room upstairs for the presentation. QnA and social time follows. Venue closes at 10:00pm. ENTRY BY
DONATION: min. $2.00 (to help us cover costs) INFO: Lizzie: 0430 198 971 / David: 0431 956 753 / Marisa 0438 271 974. Email:
faithontap@yahoo.com.au RSVP: www.facebook.com/events/829853527061489/
PLEASE NOTE: FoT is for young adults aged 18 to 35 years* (*Priests & religious of all ages are welcome) (*17yo school-leavers / uni
-students also welcome)
Venire is a group for young people, in high
school and over to enjoy a night of fun and
laughter, make friends, and be able to grow
in their faith through talks, activities, discussion and prayer. Venire is on every Thursday night and
will start up again in 2015 on 22nd of January. We hope
to see you in the New Year! Like us on Facebook to keep
up with our events at: https://www.facebook.com/
Venireyouth or for further info call the Parish Office on
5572 5433.
Marymount College Burleigh Waters
Applications are invited for the position of:
Campus Minister
A commitment to Catholic faith tradition and prayer life is
essential. Tertiary qualifications are desirable. Insight and
understanding of youth, ministry and schooling; high order
interpersonal, communication and organisational skills;
capacity to work within a team, to serve and to lead are
needed. The mission of the College and the Burleigh Heads
Catholic Parish are central to the purpose of the role.
Catechesis of the Good Shepherd is a process of
Christian faith formation for children aged 3 to
6 years, where the children can form an authentic relationship with
God that will last a life time.
The Catechesis is grounded in scriptural, liturgical and prayerful
study framed by Maria Montessori’s principles and philosophy of
education. This process allows the children to hear the Gospel
through the use of sensorial materials. The children are free to
work with these materials that represent essential moments of the
Christian message. Our Parish Atrium is in recess over Christmas
and the New Year.
We will resume Term 1, 2015 in the week of 2nd February.
A formation course for adults working with children between the
ages of 3 and 6 - Level 1 Part 1 – in Catechesis of the Good
Shepherd, will be held at Sr Mary de Ricci Atrium, Paddington,
Brisbane, on 14th, 15th and 16th January, 2015.
Level 2 (6 to 9 years) formation course will be held at Graceville
Atrium, on 21st, 22nd and 23rd January, 2015. To enrol your child, or
for further information regarding adult formation, please contact
Angela Williams at atrium.surfers@bne.catholic.net.au or you can
phone the Parish Office on 5572 5433—Monday to Friday.
PRAYING THE ROSARY: The statue of our Lady will be at
Marymount College is a coeducational College of 1240 the home of Maria Savio, for week commencing Monday
students owned by the Parish and administered by Brisbane 12th January 2015. Please phone Maxine or Pat Sela on
Catholic Education. This is a full time continuing position
5539 9539 and offer your home to have Our Lady
commencing February 2015. Applications must be made
in your home for a week. All you have to do is to
online at www.marymount.qld.edu.au under employment.
say the Rosary to Our Lady. It is not necessary to
Applications Close: Friday 23 January 2015
invite people to your home. If you are unable to
collect the statue due to transport problems we
can deliver the statue to you.
Thank you for your support, Pat and Maxine Sela
Senator Cory Bernadi at a
recent Cherish Life event
quoted Thomas Jefferson’s wise admonition, ‘The care of
human life and happiness, and not their destruction, is
the first and only object of good government’. Senator
Closed for Holidays!
Bernadi also stated ‘Euthanasia muddies the efforts of
Reopens Monday 19th January 2015
suicide prevention messages’ and ‘turns the very people We wish you all a happy and holy Christmas and an
awesome year in 2015.
who are tasked with keeping us alive into those who can
take life away. Doctors go from being healers to killers.’
Cherish Life – Gold Coast Branch – please contact Jade
(h) 07 5573 7454 or (m) 0423 372 338
Wishing you a blessed and prosperous
2015. With the new year comes a great
deal of organisation as we approach the
A lively group, offering intelligent
completion of the New Church. We are being told that while
conversation and friendship with a
their schedule is tight, our opening date is achievable. The
shared love of books.
opening date will be announced very shortly. 2015 is a year
We meet in the Parish Hospitality
of “Gratitude” for our Parish. Fr Tim spoke of this Gratitude
Centre at Sacred Heart Church, 50
at mass on Sunday at St Vincent’s Church. It is with sincere
Fairway Drive, Clear Island Waters on
the 3rd Tuesday of the month from Noon to gratitude that we close the Buy a Brick Campaign and Let’s
2.00pm. Our first meeting for 2015 will be on Finish the Job Campaign on Monday 19th January. The
Tuesday 20th January. Please feel welcome to come generosity of all involved has been overwhelming. Your
and tell us about your summer reading favourite.
prayers are needed now as the completion approaches.
More information from Jean on 5577 1456.
Thank you . Sonya Slater Parish Manager
FEB 2015
Saturday evening 6pm AND Sunday 7am, 9am & 6pm
Saturday evening 6pm AND Sunday 7am, 9am & 6pm
Saturday evening 6pm AND Sunday 8am & 10am
Saturday evening 6pm AND Sunday 8am & 10am
Filipino: 1st Sunday 1.00pm Sacred Heart
Fr Terence Nueva 5510 2222
Hispanic: 1st & 3rd Sundays 5—7pm St Vincent’s
Fr Ignacio Gutierrez 0481 118 521
Email: paterignacio@yahoo.com
Maronite Rite: Saturday 7.15pm Sacred Heart
Phone: 3394 4994 St Maroun’s Church, Brisbane.
Polish: Sunday 11.30am Sacred Heart
Fr Bernard Bednarz 5504 6297
Art & Craft: Wednesday 9am PHC (In Recess)
Book Club: 3rd Tues 12noon. Parish Hospitality Centre
Bridge: Monday 12.30pm. Parish Hospitality Centre
CWL: Meeting 12.30pm 1st Tue. Hospitality Centre
Friendship Day 3rd Thurs 10am-2pm (In Recess)
Parish Choir Practice: 9am 3rd / 4th Saturday,
Sacred Heart Church, Clear Island Waters.
Youth Choir: Youth & Young Adult Ministry—(In Recess)
Playgroup: Wednesdays 9.30am Casey Hall, Fairway Drive,
Clear Island Waters (School Term only)
Iovanah Archer 0420 595 404
Yoga: Tuesday 10.45am $10/Session. Hospitality Centre
Final 16th December—Re-start Tues 27 Jan 2015
Zumba Gold: Friday 9.15am Casey Hall. Beginners/
Intermediate Level. Susana Pozzi 0421 607 397
Baptisms: Please contact the Parish Office 5572 5433
Benediction: 1st Friday 7.30am St Vincent’s Church, Surfers Paradise
Children’s Liturgy of the Word: Sunday 9am Mass Sacred Heart
(During School Term Only)
Christian Meditation: Tuesday 10am (Youth Room) Shirley Daly (In Recess)
Tuesday 6pm (Youth Room) Sue Thomas
CFC Australia: 1st Sunday—Phone Butch & Mini 0424 583 168/9
Monday & Friday 6am St Vincent’s Church, Surfers Paradise
Tuesday 9.30am Sacred Heart Church, Clear Island Waters
Thursday 9.45am St Vincent’s Church, Surfers Paradise
Friday 7pm Sacred Heart Church, (1st Friday 7pm to 12am)
Marriages: Please contact Parish Office 5572 5433 (6months notice required)
Rosary: Sunday 7.30am St Vincent’s Church
Monday & Friday 6.30am St Vincent’s Church
Tuesday & Friday 8.25am Sacred Heart Church, before Mass
Wednesday 9.30am Sacred Heart Church, after Mass
Sacred Heart Prayer Group: 1st Tuesday 9.30am Youth Room CIW
Scripture Discussion: Tuesday 11am (Youth Room) CIW Shirley Daly
Spiritual Direction: Bernadette Kavanagh-Stewart 5520 7242
St Joseph’s Prayer Group: 1st Wednesday 9.30am Sacred Heart Church
Youth Led Mass: 4th Sunday 6pm Sacred Heart (In Recess)
RECENTLY DECEASED: Clare Arthur, Peter Dean, Frances Heaney, Brian Hallett, Richard Watkins, Elizabeth Lloyd.
ANNIVERSARIES: Anna Snelleksz, Patricia Van Grinsven, Edmund O’Brien, Brian Miller, David Tully, Ivan Grbcic, Luciano
Freda, Sergio Di Pietro, Carmen Callus.
THOSE WHO ARE SICK: Fiona Mecca (nee Marchmont), Patrick Bolton, Raphael Verkest, John Ashby, Theo Farr, Betty-Anne
Hillesheim, Dylan Kinnimont, Frank Foslen, Tracey Burgess, Alfia Harrop, Moira Roberts, Elaine Pitchell, Emile Van Deurse, Ron
Mooney, Alan Wilson, Peter Townsend, Zenaida Osborne, Diane Sullivan, Donna Cassin, Samir Moussa, Percy Jordan (Melb.) Yvette
Litchfield, John Rohr, Earl Brierty, Maureen Fitzgerald, Annette Anning, Sam Newton, Margaret Miller, Jeff Doyle, Marnie Lee Rose,
Joe Sheehy, Angela Ferguson, Denise Tracey, Michelle Pritchard, Rosaria Zammitt, Giovaninna Vitale Freda, Monica Bailey, Mary
Mullahy, Ron Perry, Patrick Cannard, Paul Kiely, Rose Crane, Mary Carniel, Baby Charlie Francis, Fr Ray Wells (Hobart), Leiha
Carlson, Pat Lazaro, Kaylene Swan (Launceston), Lesley Cruse, Peter Verhaze, Margaret Webber, Ricardo Pereira, Warren Potter,
Sheryl Abrahams, Susan Richmond, Ronnie Bourke, Norm Mullins, Eleanor B Nascimento, Shirley Heath, Mary Coy, Mary Fraser,
Natty Massina, Danny Osmund, Marlise England, Stephen Zannett, Jacqui Caughey, Baby Eva Cassidy Abad, G. Nicholas, Bruno
Andreetta, Julieta Alvero, Margie Savage, Joanne Burge, Shirley Day, Leo Domingo, Bernie Wall, Sr. Christine Hesel, Rosalia Roque,
Mary McCarthy, Michael Kearney, Josephine Maybury, Monica Clifford, Clare Martin, Reg Spillane, Gerrard Theron, Mary Kerr,
William Sheehan, Kate Needham, Margaret Guillesser, Barbara & Mike Farrell, Justin King, Anna Wheeler, Emma Winks, Una
Parkinson, Nathan Clarke, Pat Burton, Gus Reeves.
Become a Part of the PARISH PLANNED GIVING PROGRAM to help your parish grow.
We thank most sincerely all parishioners who contribute to the Planned Giving Program. Your ongoing commitment and contribution
assists the responsible budgeting for the operating expenses of the Parish (wages, rates, electricity, building maintenance, etc) as well
as pastoral planning for Parish growth (faith education, sacramental preparation, resources, etc). To obtain Planned Giving envelopes,
please complete this form and place on the Collection Plate, or contact the Parish Office on 5572 5433. Planned Giving Contributions
are not Tax Deductable.
SURNAME:_____________________CHRISTIAN NAME:_____________________PHONE: _____________ (Please Print Clearly)