Preview - The Catholic Parish of St. John`s RCC, Tamworth


Preview - The Catholic Parish of St. John`s RCC, Tamworth
St John the Baptist Parish Newsletter
Parish Office: Sacred Heart Church, Silver Link Rd,
Tamworth, B77 2EA
Parish Office: 01827 769403
Parish Centre Bookings: 01827 288226
Priests: Fr Michael –
Fr Noel –
Centre Bookings: Rev Deacon Brian Cox and Mrs Nora Cox – Tel. 288226
Admin: Wendy Quinn –
Gift Aid, HOT, database (Tues & Wed): Rob Breeden –
St John’s Church in on St John St, Tamworth, B79 7EX
Fifth Sunday of the Year (B) – 8th February 2015
Psalm Response: Praise the Lord who heals the broken-hearted
Saturday 7 February
Fifth Sunday of the year
Sunday 8th February
10.30am (S.J.)
Eileen O’Sullivan
6.00pm (S.J.)
Dolores Kennedy - Gordon Nicoll
9.00 am (S.H.)
Mary McKenna – Pat Savage
Mary Barron – Hughie McKenny
Fifth Sunday of the year 10.30 am (S.J.)
12.00 noon (S.H.) Kathleen and George Elliott
Monday 9th February
Feria 10.00 am (S.J.)
Sean Bolger
Tuesday 10th February
St Scholastica 11.00 am (S.J.)
Gerard Kearns
7.00pm (S.H.)
Communion Service
Wednesday 11th February
Feria 10.00 am (S.J.)
Kathleen O’Dwyer
Thursday 12th February
Feria 10.00am (S.J.)
Michael Bolger
Friday 13 February
Feria 9.15am (S.E.)
St Elizabeth’s School Mass – Thanksgiving
12.30pm (S.J.)
Memorial Service for Janet Tolker RIP
7.00pm (S.H.)
Communion Service
Saturday 14th February
St Cyril 10.30am (S.J.)
Nancy Lynch
Sixth Sunday of the year 6.00pm (S.J.)
Hughie McKenny – Kathleen Kearns
Sunday 15th February
9.00 am (S.H.)
Rose Ellen & James McKenna
Sixth Sunday of the year 10.30 am (S.J.)
Maura McGee – Sarah White
12.00 noon (S.H.) Ray Russell – Ian Potter
Confessions at St John’s: Sat 11.00 till 11.30 am and 5.15 – 5.45 pm.
Please pray for the sick: Mick Evans, Chad Williams, Steve Brindley, Finn
Lynch, Teresa Woodcock, Gill Horsley, Margaret Thompson, Phil Crook, Keith
Waterhouse, Mary Pullen, Kit Liversidge, Patrick O’Hara, Maggie Gordan, Noreen
Doherty, Christine Lavery, Michelle Mason, Julie Orme, Nikolas Atkins, Sheila
Brown, Stephen Morley, Jaden Walker, Frank Ryan, Elsie Newbold, Gillian & John
Solanky, Edna Mundin, John Barrass, June Beggan, Michael Fox, Betty Meehan,
Mary Miller, Sarah Gillen, Conan Teyssou, Winnie Claridge, Ann-Marie Purslow,
Eileen and Vincent Murphy, Fr Mike Serrage, Janine & Philip Nolan, Margaret
Fenn, Ann Bernes, Teresa Weir, Morag Deighton.
Reflection - Who do you take your troubles to? Do you allow Jesus to be
the Lord and Healer in your life, family, and community? Approach him with
expectant faith. God's healing power restores us not only to health but to
active service and care of others. There is no trouble he does not want to help
us with and there is no bondage he can't set us free from. Do you take your
troubles to him with expectant faith that he will help you? "Lord Jesus Christ,
you have all power to heal and to deliver. There is neither trouble nor bondage
you cannot overcome. Set me free to serve you joyfully and to love and serve
others generously. May nothing hinder me from giving myself wholly to you
and to your service."
Na każdej niedzielnej mszy dostępne są polskie tłumaczenia czytań i Ewangelii. Można je znaleźć w prz
edsionku kościoła. Miłej i owocnej lektury!
Please pray for those whose anniversaries occur around this time: John Whyles, Gladys Ballard,
Lucy Beck, Margaret Flynn, Agnes Miles, Maria Brittain, Mary Tousy, Ernest Titterton, Mary Dowling,
Christina West, Magdalene English, Hugh Creaney, Bill McCafferty, Reginald Tateman, Owen Cuffe,
Joseph Smith, Sarah Plant, Olive Petricca, Ada Beech, Gemma Eaves, Helena Smith, Hetty Constable,
Mary Longdon, Irene May, Kathleen Payne, Philip Summers, Dennis Ward, Charles Murray, Douglas Stait,
Fr Pat Duffy msc, Kathleen Reed, Margaret White, John O’Rourke, Stanislaw Jarosz, Frederick Bissell,
Diane Armstrong, John Alexander, Margaret Simpson
Please pray for the Repose of the soul of Anne Marie Johnston, the funeral Mass
will take place at Sacred Heart on Friday 20th February at 12.30pm and for Thomas
Leyden who passed away in Birmingham and John Kinsella’s mother in Ireland.
May all who are experiencing loss find consolation and peace in love of Jesus Christ.
We remember with great fondness Fr Pat Duffy whose Anniversary is this week
200 Years: On August 15th this year, it will be exactly 200 years since the opening
Mass of the first Catholic Church in Tamworth (post Reformation). This Church was
in Hopwas just behind the Fox pub. This is something that it would be good to
mark/celebrate. Is anyone interested in being part of a small planning group? If so,
please contact Alex on 01827 64300.
SpREd Group: Our parish group for young people with special
educational needs and learning difficulties. We aim to learn about our
faith in fun filled sessions and special spREd masses. New members very
welcome. (Contact Sue 251197 for more info). Meeting dates on the
following Tuesdays, 6.30PM at Sacred Heart: 10th February, 3rd & 24th
March. Please see the flyers in Church if you know someone who might
be interested. Has anyone a connection at Two Rivers school?
Soup: Lent begins in just over a week! Again we would like to offer a
Fast Day lunch each Friday. We are asking for volunteers to make soup to share after Mass on each
Friday throughout Lent in support of CAFOD. Please contact the parish office or speak to Fr Michael.
Early Morning Masses throughout Lent begins on Tuesday 24th February at St John’s and Thursday’s
at Sacred Heart both at 7am. Attending these Masses is a great opportunity for quiet prayer before the
rush of the day begins.
Cultural Evening: some of the loveliest events in recent years have centred on
having a cultural evening. People have asked about organising one so we are
calling a meeting for Tues 24th Feb at 7.00 pm at Sacred Heart. It is open to
anyone interested in making sure that their culture is celebrated in food, music,
costume etc At our last event we had representation from India, the Philippines,
Germany, Ireland, Ghana, Italy, Scotland, Wales, England, Mexico, Poland and
other nations. It was a great evening thanks to the number of people
involved. Please involve yourself in this one too.
Fancy a Treat? Come and join us for Afternoon
Tea at Sacred Heart Centre on Sunday 8th March,
2.30pm – 5pm with musical entertainment. £10 adults £7 children. For
more information or to purchase tickets please contact the parish office.
Tickets are also available at the back of the Church – a top Tea for a great
price. All proceeds to parish funds.
Can you help? Have you got any china cups, saucers, tea pot and cake
stands we can borrow for our afternoon teas? Please contact the parish
office if you can help.
2015 Pilgrimage to the Holy Land –from Monday 31st August to Tuesday
8th September. A serene and prayerful tour of Jerusalem, Bethlehem and
Nazareth together with the opportunity for relaxing by the Sea of Galielee
and the Dead Sea. Price will be £1250. For more details phone or email
Geoff Dorrett – 0121 355 3064
Thanks to all who organised and supported the Knitwear Sale - £83 made for flowers. Great.
Date for St Gabriel’s year 6 pupils – Year 6 Leavers Prom will be
held in Sacred Heart on the 18th July 2015 6pm – 9pm. Just to
confirm that the prom is to be held at the Sacred Heart on 18th July
2015 at 6pm until 9pm.
We will have a VIP red carpet
entrance, Disco with DJ, Surf Machine, Bungee Run, Racing
Simulators, Signature Wall (in which the name of the winner will be
drawn from a hat), Group Photographs, and Buffet Meal/Drinks. For
Collins 07870748405
The Parish AGM this year will be at Sacred Heart on Sunday April 19th
at 1.00. We will provide some soup and a sandwich. As usual, we will
be producing an annual report for 2014 including accounts. This should
be ready by the end of February with an opportunity to write questions
in advance of the meeting.
Developing St John’s Church and Meeting Facilities: The Steering
Group met during the week and agreed on a proposal to put to the
parish for consultation. Our plan is that this will take place at all
masses next weekend. There will be a chance to see drawings and
enter the areas of the Church that would be developed first. The
proposal is that work takes place in two phases. The first would be the
creation of meeting rooms and the moving of the sacristy. The second
phase is the refurbishment of the Church and side chapel. If you do not
find it easy to read architect’s drawings, there will be members of the
steering group to hand to talk people through them. There will also be
an opportunity for parishioners to record their comments for the
steering group and parish council to discuss.
Homestart wish to thank everyone for the continued support that they are receiving from the parish.
Many continue to fill boxes at the back of the church with toiletries and other goods which are passed on
The support workers have said that when the residents are moving on to other
accommodation that they like to give them 2 sets of bedding, some curtains and towels. So ladies and
gentlemen when you carry out that spring clean of your airing cupboard please think of Homestart. The
bedding etc can be handed in any time to St John Street.
Cycle Soli – raising funds for The Kenelm Youth
Trust in support of Soli – the New Centre for Youth
Ministry 3rd-5th July 2015. Join Fr Michael White on
encountering the stunning countryside of the Manifold
and Churnet Valleys, then travelling through the
breath-taking peak district. For further information or
a starter pack please contact: Debbie on 01538
703224 e-mail:
London Marathon Sponsorship – Chris Leach, Angela Brownsword’s son-in-law is doing the Marathon
in aid of Hospice UK in memory of Cedric. You can sponsor him at:
Or by texting: CHUK85 £(your amount) to 70070. Angela will also have a sponsorship form after Masses
next weekend. Thank you for supporting a worthy cause.
Community Safety Day - Ankerside Shopping Centre (opposite Boots) - Tuesday 10th February
10am – 2pm Go along for any advice you may need. Police and Fire service, Street Wardens,
Neighbourhood Watch, Housing, Counselling, Alcohol, Drug, Domestic Violence Advice, Eastern European
Support, Healthwatch and more.
Retreat Day for anyone engaged or interested in social action.
This should be a great spiritual day taking place at Oscott
College on Saturday March 21st from 10.30 till 4.30.
amazing venue and just 10 miles up the road (lifts could be
arranged). See poster in Church. Cost is just £10 and you can
book by going to, then log on
to caritas for booking form. It is being led by David McLoughlin
who has spoken in our Church.
If you need a lift, please contact the parish office.
A Call to Action – a time for dialogue: Talk given by Gavin D’Costa (a renowned and highly regarded
speaker) - “Living out a Catholic Identity in a Multi-faith Society”. It will be on Sunday 22nd February
2015 starting with Tea/coffee at 1.00pm - talk starts at 2pm. Venue: Birmingham University Catholic
Chaplaincy Newman House, Harrison’s Road, Edgbaston, Birmingham, B15 3QR
Living Simply and Supporting Fair Trade. The Big brew is an initiative by Traidcraft which aims to
raise awareness of the benefits of buying fair trade products, and how this helps smallholder farmers
throughout Africa and Asia. We will hold a 'Big Brew' at both churches on Sun the 1st March and Sun 8th
March, after ALL 3 masses. Please stop and enjoy a drink and a cake/ buy some to take home.
St Editha’s Book and Fairtrade Shop Fairtrade Fortnight 2015 – 23rd February – 8th March.
The focus of this year’s event will be celebrating the impact of fairtrade. Buying fairtrade is the best way
to support the people who produce our food and the best choice for the environment, as fairtrade
producers are required to protect the environment through good practice and sustainable methods.
Increased sales would mean more benefits for the farmers.
During FTF St Editha’s shop will be promoting all things fairtrade and will also be giving away free cups
of tea and coffee so that you can try before you buy!
Beaver Leader volunteer required to cover maternity leave from March 2015. Help and support will
be given with programme. Make a difference in young people’s lives. For more information visit If you are interested please contact Mog on 01827 51595.
Starfish: Our Starfish ‘breakfast club’ takes place at Sacred Heart from 10am
till 12.00 am. Thanks to all our volunteers – more are welcome.
Multiple Sclerosis (M S) Society and Tai Chi – Meet on a Tuesday at
11.30am in the Modwen room. The Tai Chi class is open to anyone. The MS
Society meets for their meeting after the class at 12.30pm
Evolution Yoga with Megan Coming to the Sacred
Heart every Monday 7:30-8:30 week commencing 12th
January 2015. Classes are £4 per session. All ages and all
abilities welcome. For all queries contact me on 07813587094 or find me on
Facebook under "evolution yoga" I look forward to meeting you on the mat of selfdiscovery!
Irish Dancing Classes now run from the parish centre every Saturday.
It is open to people of all ages. If you are interested then contact Katie
Money Matters
Martin on or tel. 07932 359413
The Bridge Club are also keen to recruit new members – come and
Standing Order
play the King of card games on Monday evenings at 7.00 pm.
2nd Collection
Pilates Classes – A set of exercise performed in standing, seated and
lying positions. Pilates exercise can be beneficial for everyone whatever
their fitness. Thursday 7pm – 8pm. £5 per session - pay as you go.
Senior Citizens at Sacred Heart – Meet every Tuesday for social
gatherings at 1.30am.
Gift Aid: If you would like to
increase your giving by 25%
through signing a Gift Aid
form contact Rob on 769403
A.A. meeting at St
John’s upper room
on Mondays at 8.00
Assistant Safeguarding Co-ordinator Post – The
Archdiocese of Birmingham seeks to employ a person
with a good knowledge of the Church, a social work
background and competence with computers to join
its Safeguarding Team. The post will initially be parttime.
Further details are available by emailing:
Registered Charity 234216