Catholic Community of Saint Patrick


Catholic Community of Saint Patrick
Catholic Community of Saint Patrick
Saint Patrick Church • 3109 Sacramento Street • Placerville
Saint James Church • 2831 Harkness Street • Georgetown
First Sunday
of Lent
March 13, 2011
Mass Schedule
Saturday Vigil • 4:00 PM
Sunday • 8:00 AM and 10:00 AM
Monday - Friday • 8:30 AM
Children’s Liturgy of the Word
Sunday • 10:00 AM
Spanish Masses
Misas en Español : Cambio
6 marzo - 4 april (incluso)
Domingo • 12:00 NOON • Placerville
Evening Prayer
Sundays • 4:00 PM
Saturdays • 3:00-4:00 PM
St. James Church, Georgetown
Sundays before 10:00 AM Mass
Our Mission
As an assembly empowered by the glory
of the Resurrection, we are committed
to one another and to the tradition of
the Catholic Church in celebrating the
Seven Sacraments, the Sacred Liturgy,
proclaiming the Good News through
Education, sustaining the community of
Faith, and promoting Charity, Peace and
Justice for all people, now and forever.
Must be registered in parish.
Parents and godparents are required
to attend a pre-Baptism class.
English class:
First Friday of the month
at 7:00 PM
Clase en Español:
El tercer viernes de cada mes
a las 7:00 PM
Sacrament of Marriage
A couple wishing to be married
in St. Patrick Parish must contact
the parish six months prior
to the intended wedding date.
ike Adam and Eve (Genesis 2:7-9; 3:1-7), Jesus was
tempted, but did not sin (Matthew 4:1-11). Our sinfulness
(Psalm 51) is acquitted through the man Jesus Christ, in
whom we are justified (Romans 5:12-19 [12, 17-19]).
One of the memorable quotes from the Jimmy Carter
—Ronald Reagan presidential debates was when President
Reagan responded with “here we go again,” to some of
President Carter’s comments. It is a line that comes to mind
as we begin another season of Lent. “Here we go again.”
In certain situations that phrase can smack of the
dismissive but when applied to Lent it indicates a new
beginning, new possibilities, new hope and grace for
each of us.
Our season of Lent coincides with spring training for
the professional baseball players. These players return to
training camp every spring, so as to get into physical shape
for another year of baseball games. The better their physical
and mental preparation, the better their hopes of reaching
the playoffs or even the World Series. (Go Giants in 2011!)
Lent, with its traditional call to prayer, fasting, and
almsgiving is God’s invitation to us to “get in shape” mentally,
emotionally and spiritually. Our Liturgical World Series
is Holy Week. Let us do our best to prepare well.
Fr. John Cantwell
Durante el mes de marzo, y la primera semana de
abril, la hora de la misa en español será cambiado.
Catholic Community of Saint Patrick
Para estas cinco semanas,
la misa en español será
el domingo a las 12:00 de la tarde,
y no habrá misa el miércoles en la tarde.
Rev. John Cantwell, Pastor..................................................622.0373
Rev. Walter Tabios, Parochial Vicar.................................. 622.0373
Mr. Stan Rudger, Deacon.................................................... 622.0373
Primer Domingo
de Cuaresma
13 de marzo de 2011
Parish Staff
Business Manager, Bilingual, Martha Lovette................ 622.0373
Parish Secretary, Jeanne Rheault.......................................... 622.0373
Religious Education Director, Eileen Hollywood.................. 622.7692
R.C.I.A. Director, Larry Koncewicz................................ 916.996.8962
Choir Director, Cindy Flaherty................................................... 333.7767
Youth Ministry, David & Sandy Danz...................................... 622.6507
Fax, Parish Office................................................................................621.7770
Parish Organizations and Ministries Contacts
Parish Council President, Joan Delfino.............................. 622.0084
Altar Servers Coordinator, Pete Chavez............................ 626.3450
Asociación Guadalupana, Susana Mayfield..................... 676.0334
Baptismal Information & Preparation................................ 622.0373
Children’s Liturgy of the Word, Sue Mosbacher................... 622.2524
Catholic Golden Age, Chuck Clements................................ 621.1963
Evenings with the Engaged, Kim & John Fernandez... 676.5489
Holy Spirit Charismatic Prayer Group, Brian Smith… 626.8259
Italian Culture Club, Larry Williams ……............................... 344.8075
Knights of Columbus, Dick Pacileo, Grand Knight…...... 622.2022
Ladies Society, Sheila Tavano, President........................... 344.7369
Legion of Mary, Inge Cooper..................................................... 642.8145
Little Rock Scripture Study, Brian Smith………................ 306.5701
Liturgy of the Hours Coordinator, Gene Rheault ......... 626.4576
Mother Teresa Maternity Home............................................. 295.8006
St. James Society, Lisa Patterson, President.................... 333.2292
SPAM Clothes Closet, Basement of old Hall..................... 621.7773
The Upper Room Dining Hall, 1868 Broadway............... 621.7730
Worldwide Marriage Encounter, Don, Jeannette Boltz 647.9749
Parish Calendar
Parish Website.....................................................
Don’t break your shin
on a stool that is not in your way.
- Irish proverb
We welcome new families to our
Parish. Please register as soon
as possible and notify the parish
office of moves or address changes.
Please note if you would like the
convenience of Sunday envelopes
as the ordinary means of meeting
your obligations to your Parish.
omo Adán y Eva (Génesis 2:7 - 9; 3:1 - 7),
Jesús fue tentado, pero no pecó (Mateo 4:1 - 11).
Nuestra naturaleza pecador (Salmo 51) se absuelve
a través del hombre Jesús Cristo, en quien estamos
justificados (Romanos 5:12 - 19 [12, 17-19]).
Una de las citas memorables de los debates
presidenciales entre Jimmy Carter y Ronald Reagan
fue cuando el presidente Reagan respondió a
algunos de los comentarios de el presidente Carter
con “aquí vamos otra vez”. Es una línea que viene
a la mente cuando comenzamos otra estación de
Cuaresma. “Aquí vamos otra vez.” En ciertas
situaciones esa frase tiene un sentido despectivo
pero cuando está aplicado a Cuaresma, indica un
nuevo principio, nuevas posibilidades, una nueva
esperanza y una gracia para cada uno de nosotros.
Nuestra estación de Cuaresma coincide con el
entrenamiento de primavera de los jugadores
profesionales del béisbol. Estos jugadores vuelven
al campo de entrenamiento cada primavera para
desarrollar su forma física para la nueva temporada
de béisbol. Lo mejor que sea su preparación física
y mental, mejor sus esperanzas de alcanzar las
segundas fases o a la serie de mundo. (Vamos
Gigantes en 2011!)
Cuaresma, con su llamada tradicional a rezo,
ayuno y caridad, es una invitación de Dios a
nosotros “ponte en forma” mental, emocional y
espiritualmente. Nuestra serie de mundo litúrgica
es Semana Santa. Hagamos nuestro mejor esfuerzo
para prepararnos bien.
John Cantwell
Parish Registration and Change of Address
New to Saint Patrick’s Catholic Church Community?
Recently moved or changed phone number?
During this season of penitence,
the Church encourages us to focus
on the ascetical practices of prayer,
fasting and almsgiving. So I am
thinking of what I will and won’t do
to observe the Lenten disciplines.
There are so many worthy ways to
practice these forms of asceticism,
but I still haven’t discerned to
which of them I will make a strong
commitment, with the exception of
spiritual reading.
I have selected three books for my
Lenten reading program. The Lenten
Scripture readings from Sunday
and daily Masses are rich and useful
for meditative reflection. For this
purpose I will use Biblical Meditations
for Lent by Carroll Stuhlmueller,
C.P., whose scriptural scholarship
and personal prayer experience inform
each reflection. I appreciate his
scholarship as well as his personal
insight into the meanings of the sacred
readings. In short, they help me pray.
The next book I intend to read is
one that I read ten years ago, Tools
Matter for Practicing the Spiritual
Life by Mary Margaret Funk, O.S.B.
In this book, the author retrieves
the spiritual wisdom of the desert
elders especially that of St. John
Cassian. Sr. Meg, as she calls herself,
“treats more than two dozen ‘tools’
or practices of the spiritual life.
Many of these derive from the desert
mothers and fathers of the fourth
and fifth centuries, but just as
many come from later times: the
practices of the Jesus Prayer, the
Cloud of Unknowing, colloquy
(Gabrielle Bossis) and the Little
Way of St. Therese of Lisieux, for
For Holy Week, I want to read
Pope Benedict’s new book, which is
the second volume of his book Jesus
of Nazareth. The new volume is entitled
Holy Week: from the Entrance into
Jerusalem to the Resurrection. I
found the first part, published a few
years ago, very inspiring, especially
the chapter about “The Lord’s
Prayer.” So I am hopeful that this
new volume will be equally stirring.
This is part of my spiritual plan
for Lent. What will you be doing?
If you are looking for some good
spiritual reading material for Lent,
may I suggest that you browse the
bookshelves of our parish library?
Ruth Ann Pilney
St. James Society Meeting: All are welcome to attend the monthly
St. James Society Meeting which will be held directly after Mass today.
Bake Sale: Stop by and purchase some sweet treats to take home next
Sunday. Remember all proceeds go to the St. James Religious Education
Stations of the Cross and Soup: We have begun our Lenten tradition of
holding Stations of the Cross on Friday evenings beginning at 6:00 PM.
Please join us for these devotions and then, immediately afterwards, we
invite you to stay and join your fellow parishioners and friends in sharing
a meal of soup and bread. There is a signup sheet in the vestibule if you
would like to bring soup, bread or both. You need not bring something
to attend. Please call me, Michele at 333.1977 if you have questions.
Thank you, thank you…to the “breakfast crew.” Once again we
enjoyed a wonderful meal. And let’s not forget those who set up,
serve and clean up too – we couldn’t do it without all of you!
St. Patrick’s Day Dinner & Dance
Dine dance and enjoy the music of our favorite DJ
Special Guest
Saturday · March 12, 2011
Gurnell Hall
Happy Hour
5:00 PM
6:30 PM
7:30 PM -??
Tickets ($15 per person)
For information
call Pete Chavez 626.3450
Sponsored by
Knights of Columbus
Corned beef,
No host bar
Monday: Lv 19:1-2, 11-18;
Mt 25:31-46
Tuesday: Is 55:10-11; Mt 6:7-15
Wednesday: Jon 3:1-10; Lk 11:29-32
Thursday: Est C:12, 14-16, 23-25;
Mt 7:7-12
Friday Ez 18:21-28; Mt 5:20-26
Saturday: 2 Sm 7:4-5a, 12-14a,
16; Rom 4:13, 16-18,
22; Mt 1:16, 18-21, 24a
or Lk 2:41-51a
Sunday: Gn 12:1-4a; Ps 33; 2
Tm 1:8b-10; Mt 17:1-9
Lunes: Lv 19:1-2, 11-18;
Mt 25:31-46
Martes: Is 55:10-11; Mt 6:7-15
Miércoles: Jon 3:1-10; Lc 11:29-32
Jueves: Est C:12, 14-16, 23-25;
Mt 7:7-12
Viernes: Ez 18:21-28; Mt 5:20-26
Sábado: 2 Sm 7:4-5a, 12-14a,
16; Rom 4:13, 16-18,
22; Mt 1:16, 18-21, 24a
o Lc 2:41-51a
Domingo: Gn 12:1-4a; Sal 33 (32);
2 Tm 1:8b-10; Mt 17:1-9
Mary Barberis, Ruth O’Regan, Oscar Meyer,
Laura Renee’ Bayard, Alejandro Merjil,
Kathy Kerstiens, Elizabeth Bennett,
Patricia Wirth, Mike Warren, Arlene Wilkinson,
Nelson Passos, Kitty Hamilton, Stacie Schwab,
David Allan, Cecilia Hill, Fred Moore, Josh Ranch,
Phil Revolinsky, Anita Kennedy, Steve Ellis,
Leo Dowling, Nicole Padovan, Elena Berume,
Mary Spano, Josie van Hamm, Lisa Porter,
Adeline Vargas, Rosemary Raney, Chris Sears,
Mike Korzan,Tom & America Barbieri, Scott Desy,
Ed Gardella, Theresa Lutz, Stephanie Pope,
Silvestre Camillo, John Garcia, Jerry Bridges II,
Dana Conlin, Kathy Long, Pietra Duffy & family,
Bob Lutz, Bert O’Connell, Eugene Costa,
Ramona Bratton, Frank Burnette, Nellie Vasquez,
Therese Ritter, Joe Ponterio, John Hayden,
Dianne Fitzpatrick, Elena Valencia, Toste family,
David Zelinsky, Louise Puthoff, Steve Frank,
Londa & James Azevedo, Kathe Langford,
Derek McIntosh, Marcel Keeler, Gregg Descaro,
Taylor Steele, Guillermina Garcia, Mary Walker,
Farley Pierce, Sam Sanchez, Sr. Helen Hermreck,
Lanona Nolan, Jeff Morris, Carlos Delfina,
Mary Garrabrandt, Becky Clark, Shirley Miller,
Marian Descaro, Betty Dixon, Carole Blossman,
Denise Brown, Donna Zacher, Carolyn Ash,
Jacqueline Richard, Gabriel Meyers, Denise
Allred, John Ambrose, Greg Varenkamp.
Paula Frume
by Kathy Matranga-Cooper
+ Franz & Josephine Kolloch
by Ces Wolary
+ Elizabeth Kessler
by Jim Kessler
+ Estelle Mahoney
by Jacci Hagen
+ Lauri Easley
by Wayne Dye
L Resi Daberkow
by Ron & Inge Cooper
+ Wally & Johanna Hasbrouck
by Liesel Hasbrouck
+ Lee Wolary
by Ces Wolary
+ Yvonne M. Clements
by Chuck Clements
L Lina Napolitano
by Inge Cooper
March 26, 2011
The Annual Acies Ceremony
of the Legion of Mary,
to be followed by Holy Mass,
will be held at St. Mel’s Church,
at 4745 Pennsylvania Avenue, in
Fair Oaks, CA,
on March 26, 2011.
Refreshments will be served.
All active and auxiliary members
are invited.
Avery James
on completion of the
Parvuli dei
It’s not too late to participate!
25% comes back to our parish.
Thank you to those who have already
1. Replace sound system in
pledged to the 2011 ACA. If you have
Gurnell Hall, $1,000
not yet made a donation, envelopes
2. Reseal upper parking lot,
are available in the vestibule, or
contact the parish office.
estimate forthcoming
3. Repair cement patch at church
Your gift truly makes a difference
entrance, $500
in the lives of others.
emblem and award
The purpose of the Parvuli Dei (Children of God)
emblem is to help young boys explore a wide
range of activities in order to discover the presence
of God in their daily lives as members of their
families and parishes, and also to develop a good,
positive self-image through the contributions
they can make to the group or community.
Saturday, 3/19
4:00 PM Mass
Fr. John Cantwell
Maria Mindt
Scheduling: Ces Wolary
Frank Mindt,
Shirley Mraz
Altar Servers: TBA
Eucharistic Ministers:
Jenny indiveri,
Mary Taylor,
Mike Indiveri,
Dolores Marinko,
Lynn LeMere,
Bill Flynn,
Ces Wolary,
Jeanne Rheault
Domingo, 3/20
12:00 PM Misa
en Español,
Fr. John Cantwell
Deacono Manuel Ocon
Mirna Taylor
Ministros Eucarísticas:
Bertha Samaniego,
Antonia Soto
Ramiro Torres,
Omar Torres,
Axel Rangel,
David Rangel
Sunday, 3/20
8:00 AM Mass
Sunday, 3/20
10:00 AM Mass
Sunday, 3/20
10:00 AM Mass
Fr. John Cantwell
Sacristan: Pete Chavez
Sheila Tavano,
Traute Grether
Altar Servers:
Koby Maitland,
Benjamin Hicks,
Matthew Howe,
Christian Souza
Eucharistic Ministers:
Greg Desi, Patty Wren,
Paul Schrader,
Michael Leonard,
Don Morley,
Doris Morley,
Art Gregorio,
Kathy Pike
Fr. John Cantwell
Rosemary Authier
Carolyne White,
Maureen Way
Altar Servers:
Paul Voss,
Chris Vasquez
Eucharistic Ministers:
Gary Schneider,
Vaughn Peterson,
Mike Slusher,
Marty Soth,
Jackie Schmidt
Fr. Tamayo
Fitzhugh, Peterson
Altar Servers:
Eucharistic Ministers:
Marcia, Joe, Betty
Faith Formation
CHARITY is God being there for you.
“Take care not to perform righteous
deeds in order that people may see
them, otherwise, you will have no
recompense from your heavenly
Father.” Matthew 6:
One of the great comforts to us is
the understanding that Jesus has
told us that our heavenly Father has
given all believers to him and through
him we are with God himself. There
are many stories such as the tale of
the footsteps in the sand which remind
us that we are never alone but being
carried in the hands of the Lord.
The other side of the story is that
we, with our right of self determination can choose how we will live
our lives. We are warned that we
will be pressured by our passions,
by the world or by the devil. So we
need to be humble in all our life.
Sometimes it is hard to be altruistic
in our lives, yet this is what Jesus
tells us we must do when we give
alms, make prayers and fast. By
extension, he suggests that we live
our lives in the
knowledge that
God is there to
help us, reward
us and judge
our very heart
felt thoughts.
Continuing the descriptions of the
updates in the language of the Mass
to begin in Advent, we turn now to
the Glory to God (the Gloria), which
will be changed significantly. There
are more words and many lines are
rearranged. Since this is a hymn,
composers will have to create new
musical settings to the Glory to God
for us to learn. The extensive changes
to the Glory to God will require several
installments of this series to complete
its description.
Starting at the beginning, we
presently say: “Glory to God in the
highest, and peace to his people on
earth.” The new test reads: “Glory
to God in the highest, and on earth
peace to people of good will.” More
in the coming weeks.
Profession of Faith: In today’s gospel Jesus is in the desert for forty
days. The devil tempts Jesus. Jesus tells Satan, “Worship the Lord
and serve only one God.” What tempts us to avoid answering the
question, What does God want of me? Who are our false Gods?
{Jesus is truly human and truly divine. (CCC#408; 566)}
Life in Christ: Life is full of choices. Some of the decisions are important, others are tiny. Think about some choices you have made. Do
you have an regrets?
Prayer: We are in the season of Lent; choose a special time to pray
and prepare. “…and lead us not into temptation…”
Catechism Challenge: This member of a wealthy Spanish family, professor
of law and judge at the court of the Inquisition was unexpectedly appointed
archbishop of Lima, and he was not even a priest! (Answer next week)
Answer to last week’s challenge: During the fourth century, the Church was facing a wonderful
challenge. There were so many people to be baptized that individual instruction was impossible. St.
Cyril of Jerusalem became well known for the clear, understandable catechesis he prepared for the
baptismal candidates. We celebrate his feast on March 18.
The Ladies Society was so very proud to host the Women’s World Day of
Prayer here at St. Patrick’s on Friday, March 4. We thank all who came
to pray with us for the women of Chile. Prayers were offered, not only here
at St. Patrick’s, but throughout the whole world. All the international
time changes made this truly a world day of prayer. The theme for this
year was “How Many Loaves Have You?” That was all we had to say to
our ladies. We had such a wonderful response, as always. Bread of all
flavors was happily baked and donated for this wonderful day. Thank
you, grazie, gracias, merci to all who blessed us with your expert bread
making. To all our members who spent Thursday and Friday “behind the
scenes,” thank you so very much. Women from many denominations
attended and marveled at the breads we had to share.
I personally want to thank Joan Delfino for organizing and planning
this very special day. She has been involved with this international
prayer day for many years. Sometimes the organizers fail to get the recognition that they truly deserve. She also helped Eileen Hollywood organize the second annual First Communion Retreat which was held on
Sunday, March 6. Seventy-five First Communion candidates and their
parents were treated to a simulated “Last Supper” after the ten o’clock
Mass. Joan has been teaching Religious Education here at St. Patrick’s
for over fifty years. She has helped hundreds of children receive their
First Communion. She was one of the original Ladies Society members
and has, through the years, helped make it the success that it is. Besides all this, she is President of our Parish Council. How blessed we are
to have her here at St. Patrick’s!!
We would be remiss if we did not thank Father Cantwell for his participation in our World Day of Prayer. Even though he was ill with laryngitis he read the Gospel of St Mark, the miracle of the loaves and
fishes. His very poignant homily was well received by all who attended.
Jo raibh mait azut, Father.
Please remember, this Sunday the Ladies Society will sponsor the
Sunday Social in Gurnell Hall. Our next meeting will be Thursday,
March 17, at 10:00 AM in Gurnell Hall. Please try to attend and see what
we have planned for the upcoming spring months.
Sheila Tavano, president
First Reconciliation, February
God Always Forgives!
12, 2011
¡Dios Siempre Perdona!
The children of
St. Patrick
Faith Formation
celebrate the
light of Christ
after their first
Help us, God,
to be sorry
for our sins.
Give us strength
to turn to you.