reading - Thienemann


reading - Thienemann
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Foreign Rights Catalogue · Spring 2015
l Modern cover for modern girls
l Stories about commitment and self-confidence
l Bang on for the target group
English sample translation available
Bianka Minte-König was born in Berlin and since 1980 has been a professor of Media, Literature
and Theatre at the University of Applied Sciences in
Braunschweig. She has been writing bestsellers for
children and young adults for many years.
Patricia Schröder, who was born in 1960, lives with
her husband and a handful of animals on the North
Sea coast. By profession she is actually a textile
designer, but instead of making patterns for blouses,
T-shirts or ties she much prefered to think up stories
for young girls, so a few years ago she quit her
first job and is now one of the most successful and
popular writers of books for children and teenagers
in Germany.
Hortense Ullrich studied Design in Wiesbaden and
worked in an Advertising and Public Relations
Agency in Frankfurt. As an editor-in-chief she worked in various magazines until she began writing
screenplays. The whole family lived in New York for
eight years, today they live in Bremen, where she is
writing screenplays and scripts for television comedies and children’s books.
Bianka Minte-König
What’s up, Girls?
Hortense Ullrich
In Any Case – Luna
Children’s Novel
Children’s Novel
Children’s Novel
224 pages
224 pages
192 pages
What a good thing that Lotte has two best friends
who are always around when she needs them – ­after
all, her life is really quite turbulent. Since her parents
decided to go their separate ways, Lotte has everything
double: two rooms of her own, two tooth brushes, two pet
animals. And she has Mummy days and Daddy days. For
the three GIRLS, the new school years gets off to an exciting start. And they have a new classmate living at school
as a boarder. The GIRLS can’t agree among themselves:
is Céline nuts or is she simply only fascinating and worth
admiring? But one thing is clear: she has a secret!
Patricia Schröder
Emely – Totally Networked
Eleven-year-old Emely and her best friend, Anna, just
love jazzing up their clothes, making old into new
and with the help of crochet hooks, scissors and co.
creating their own styles. They are therefore anything
but pleased when they are put in charge of the school’s
website. After all, Emely really has more important things
to think about: For example Jona, who she always practices
the latest skateboard tricks with and who she wants to
accompany to the wild camp, suddenly has other plans.
And then Emely witnesses a kitten being knocked down by
a car and starts a campaign to helping animals in need.
Luna has a slight helper syndrome. Whenever she sees
anyone in trouble or senses a problem, she is at hand to
help. But in the process she usually overshoots the goal
and is more likely to cause problems than solve them. But
this doesn’t stop her from trying again and again. Luna
lives in a terraced house with her little brother, Paul, and
their parents. Luna is never at a loss when it comes to solving problems, not only when it’s a matter of borrowing
a granny, but also when a nature reserve has to be saved,
pairing her maths teacher with the sports teacher or
taming a would-be rapper …
l A very special detective inspector:
Mr Kasimir, the guinea pig
l Quirky humour, suspense,
unusual setting
English sample translation available
Brigitte Endres
Brigitte Endres was born in Würzburg and studied history and German literature before taking up teaching as a
profession. She discovered her talent for making up stories when she started writing for her pupils, and it was
not long before she published her first book for children.
This was followed by several others for various publishing
houses and Bavarian Broadcasting companies. Today
Brigitte Endres works as a fulltime freelance author.
Valentine’s parents work as undertakers. The firm is located in the
family’s house, and as a result the girl is used to seeing coffins and even
corpses. Valentine is not even bothered about occasionally being picked up
from school in the hearse. The only thing is, she hardly has any friends,
probably partly because no one dares to visit her at home. That is why she
is so much attached to her guinea pig, Copper, and often confides in Olaf,
the guy who gets the bodies ready for the funeral. One day, when she goes
to see Olaf for a chat with Copper in the pocket of her hoodie jacket, a number of unfortunate accidents end up with the guinea pig being electrocuted
and having to be reanimated by Olaf. When Copper comes round again,
the confused animal introduces himself as detective chief inspector Kilian
Kasimir. The spirit of the dead man has taken hold of the guinea pig. Only
Valentine can hear what the guinea pig is saying. Without further ado, Kasimir makes her his assistant; after all, he has a murder to solve.
A quirky novel with a lot of humour.
The Day my Guinea Pig Turned
into a Detective Chief Inspector
Children’s Novel
144 pages
Little Tiger Spotty
is here!
l The best medicine for being afraid of going to the doctor’s
l A new favourite book character to take the world of picture books by storm
l Illustrated and narrated by Annet Rudolph, the illustrator
of Raven, the little Rascal, the famous Picture Book Character
English sample translation available
Annet Rudolph
Ouch, Little Tiger!
Illustrations by Annet Rudolph
Picture Book
32 pages · 26 x 26 cm
Annet Rudolph was born in Dinslaken in 1964. She studied Graphic Design at the Technical University in Münster with the main
emphasis on children’s book illustrations. “I started drawing very
early. I left my first works on the back of our kitchen bench. My
first main occupations were drawing and reading. That didn’t
change much as I got older. I now work as a freelance illustrator
for various publishers.“ Annet Rudolph created the popular Picture
Book Character Raven, the little Rascal together with the author
Nele Moost, with whom she became internationally famous.
Tiger Spotty and his friends are playing doctor. Spotty,
of course, is the doctor and the others have each chosen an
ailment: the bear has the most terrible stomach ache, there are
funny spots on piggy’s nose, and the frog has a nasty cough.
Spotty examines all the patients and always has the proper
medicine for each one of them. But then a bunny with a kinky
ear arrives on the scene – an emergency for Doctor Spotty.
Wonderfully illustrated and narrated by Annet Rudolph, the
illustrator of the Raven, the little Rascal, this book picks up
one of the most important topics for children, helps them lose
their fear of going to the doctor’s and is an excellent antidote
to acute boredom during periods of illness.
l Humorous and warm-hearted children’s book series
l Everything children adore: magicians, princesses, knights, dragons and
lots of animals
l Affectionately illustrated by Annette Swoboda
l Illustrated in colour throughout
Story time:
stories children love
l Five charming stories to read to children, with loveable characters
Ben’s biggest adventure
has just begun: his schooldays
First title:
The little magician Wobblytooth wants
to be a big magician one day. But as long
as his first wobbly tooth still hasn’t fallen
out something usually goes wrong with his
magical tricks. All the same, he does all he
possibly can to help his best friend, Princess
Pustilla, find her father’s lost crown. But
he has help – from knight Tiny Turnip and
flying dragon Flutter, who however must
first get the better of his fear of flying. This
is one of the adventures the four friends
have together, and there are also others just
as exciting.
Ben’s head is growing every day, as his
rubber ruler tells him. And inside his head, all
the thoughts and numbers and letters are flying
every which way. The world of school is packed
with splendid and overwhelming impressions.
But first of all, however, Ben also has to settle
down in school. For one thing, there is the big
fat boy who has it in for him – for Ben is the
smallest in the class. Although Ben finds school
so splendid, there are days when he buries himself in his bed and is „ill“ so as not to have to go
to school that day. But luckily, Mr. Sowa, Ben’s
turtle, and Ina, his Indian lady is also around.
Ralf Leuther
The Little Magician Wobblytooth and the
Thunder Storm Dragon and Other Stories
Ralf Leuther (*1961) studied German language and
literature, sociology and philosophy in Cologne and has
worked as a journalist and screenplay author, among
others for Sesame Street and the German “Tatort“
crime series. Today, he lives in Berlin and writes books
and screenplays.
Oliver Scherz
School, Turtles and Other Adventures
Illustrations by Mathias Weber
Illustrations by Annette Swoboda
With four colour illsutrations throughout
With four colour illsutrations throughout
Children’s Novel
208 pages
Oliver Scherz (1974) is an actor and director. He writes
children’s books and his aim is for his stories to have an
impact on children and adults alike. For him, reading aloud
is something important for the whole family; and a good
children’s book does not have an age limit. Oliver Scherz
lives with his wife and two children in Berlin.
Children’s Novel
112 pages
l Cheerful and unconventional story with a witch
l Hot topic for girls: wanting a dog
l With a dog quiz, a dog ABC and a dog owner’s licence to be filled in and cut out
Little witch - big heart
Charming Story about
a friendship between a girl
and a dog
English sample translation available
Mia’s biggest wish is to have a little dog. And
she has already found 1000 super-convincing
arguments why she simply has to have a four-legged friend. She actually even manages to get her
parents on her side, and as a result she is given a
Golden Retriever puppy for her birthday. But the
puppy can’t be collected immediately, and so Mia
and her parents get all the information they can
because before Lino’s arrival there is a great deal
dog owners need to know and rules to follow.
This way, readers find out a lot about dogs, not
least with the help of Mia’s 8-point plan mingled
in the story.
As Pia is about to hide her chocolate,
she stumbles into the adventure of her
life. For there, suddenly sitting in front of
her is Polli, a small and unusually dressed
fairy who has arrived in a fridge. And Pia
thinks it is really quite practical to have such
a remarkable friend – after all, she can perform all sorts of magic for her. But Polli has
her own special way of doing that: she influences things and then everything seems to
happen of its own accord …
Anna Herzog
Pia & Polli
For performing magic you need chocolate
Andrea Schütze
Mia and Lino
An (almost) perfect doggy miracle
Illustrations by Lorna Egan
Illustrations by Joëlle Tourlonias
With black-and-white illustrations
Anna Herzog lives with her husband, four children and a changing throng of animals in an
old house in the Ruhr region. She is a doctor –
when she happens not to be writing. And when
she has time she dreams herself away onto a
sailing boat, best of all far out at sea.
Children’s Novel
144 pages
With black-and-white
As a child, Andrea Schütze tried out
just about every conceivable hobby.
At some stage she fell in love with
reading, which is one reason why
she so enjoys writing books. She is a
trained dressmaker, graduated from
university in psychology. She and
her family live in the very South of
Joëlle Tourlonias was born in 1985 in
Hanau and studied visual communication at the Bauhaus University in
Weimar, with the focus on illustration
and painting. She started working
freelance in 2009 and now draws,
paints and lives in Düsseldorf.
Children’s Novel
224 pages
l A new exciting animal adventure by Tatjana Geßler
l Over 60,000 copies of the series sold
The last
The Magical Garden Series:
l More than 35,000 copies of the series sold
magical unicorn
Bestselling vet series
by a famous TV author
The Animal Clinic Series:
rights sold to
Czech Republic,
France, Italy,
Japan and
Jette and Liv have to wait a few more
days before they can go back to the magical garden! In the meantime they help
out on the farm and look after the animals.
One day, when a little calf becomes seriously ill, the two girls are helpless. But at the
very moment when they lead the old mare
Nosewhite to it, the calf takes a turn for the
better. It turns out that Nosewhite is actually
a unicorn and not supposed to be living in
the human world. On North Wind estate it
at last finds a place for itself in the magical
Marie is worried. Herding dog Sammy is admitted
to the animal clinic with symptoms of poisoning.
Who did such a thing to Sammy and why? Shepherd
Harald is helpless without him. As it is, he can already hardly cope with his flock of sheep. Marie and
her friends decide to help Harald with his flock until Sammy is back on his feet. One night, they see a
suspicious-looking truck …
Antje Bones
Antje Bones (1970) studied philosophy and English literature and language and worked for a children’s TV channel
in Cologne. For several years she has been freelancing as
a writer and publisher’s reader, first in Hamburg and now
in Berlin, where her responsibilities include the Narrative
Picture Book for a well-known publishing house.
The Magical Garden
Jette and the Mysterious Unicorn
Tatjana Geßler
Our Animal Clinic
Doggy Boy in a Tight Spot
Illustrations by Stephanie Stickel
Illustrations by Kathrin Treuber
With black-and-white illustrations
With black-and-white illustrations
Children’s Novel
112 pages
Tatjana Geßler studied economics and engineering,
worked as an advertising copywriter and has been a
television journalist, film maker and anchorwoman since
1998. She has created her own series called “Tatjana’s Animal Stories“, in which she visits animals and tells fascinating stories about them.
Children’s Novel
144 pages
l Action-packed and amusing – boredom doesn’t have a chance!
the smart
of in
Irene Zimmermann
and the Trail of Green Paper Clips
The town of Dragolding is where the dragon riders
of the country are traditionally trained. All the male
inhabitants are given a dragon’s egg when they join the
dragon class; then they witness the animal hatching out
and go on to train it themselves. Like Simon and Veit, for
example, who can’t wait to have their dragons. But when
the eggs of the two boys have been given hatch, instead of
impressive fighting dragons, Veit finds himself landed with
a petulant lady dragon in pink, while Simon has a very
strange looking creature that turns out to be a lindworm.
And both are hardly teachable. What a good thing that the
boys get to know Madlen, a girl who gets on wonderfully
with the two newcomers, almost like a dragon whisperer.
SiSi – this stands for Simone and Sina,
the two inseparable friends. The two girls
are in grade five at Palace School, where
all sorts of strange things are going on:
exam papers are stolen out of the school
safe, the bike belonging to the cutest boy in
the school disappears and there is a telltale
trail of coloured paper clips leading down to
the spooky vaulted basement of the school
house. Is there a connection? All of a sudden, SiSi are bang in the middle of investigations.
Irene Zimmermann (*1955) studied German Literature
and Politics and became a teacher. She lives with her two
children in Southern Germany and has written several
bestsellers in this series.
l Tricky cases and a load of comical complications told
by bestselling author Irene Zimmermann
Julia Breitenöder
The Dragon Riders of Dragolding
Illustrations by Melanie Miklitza, Inkcraft
Illustrations by Annabelle von Sperber
With black-and-white illustrations
With black-and-white illustrations
Children’s Novel
Children’s Novel
160 pages
Julia Breitenöder was born in 1972 and lives in Frankfurt
am Main with her family. After studying special needs
education, au-pairing for a year in Cairo and flying round
the world as a flight attendant she has now arrived where
she always wanted to be – being writer and writing
144 pages
l A unique mixture between a funny animal story and the transfer of knowledge
l New crime series with gripping, action-packed cases
and a good pinch of humour
l With original colour photos of all the pictures mentioned in the story, e.g. by
Marc Chagall, Leonardo da Vinci, Picasso …
New crime series
in an unusual setting
A fine way of communication
of art knowledge
The curator is desperate: the animals have
disappeared from all the pictures, leaving
behind nothing but empty outlines in the
valuable paintings! Family dog Nasti simply has to intervene. Together with the shaggy
mongrel Zack she starts sniffling around. The
elegant greyhound and the hard-nosed stray –
an unusual team indeed. But together they have
the best sniffing noses in town and find out that
the animals have gone on strike because they
no longer want to hang around motionlessly
and be stared at. Will Nasti and Zack be able to
persuade them to go back to their pictures?
Ralf Leuther
Manuela von Perfall
When the Dachshund Disappeared
from the Painting
A Case for the River Pirates
Hunting the Alligator
Ralf Leuther
A Case for the River Pirates
The Mystery of the Haunted Villa
Illustrations by Iris Wolfermann
Illustrations by Iris Wolfermann
With black-and-white illustrations
With black-and-white illustrations
Children’s Novel
Children’s Novel
160 pages
160 pages
Illustrations by Bettina Lawrenz
With four-colour pictures of the paintings
Manuela von Perfall lives with dogs, chickens, fish, a parrot
and a whole lot of art in a former horse stable on the
Ammersee lake in Bavaria. Every year she organises a big
dog festival in the nearby castle grounds.
Children’s Novel
240 pages
Ralf Leuther (*1961) studied German language and
literature, sociology and philosophy in Cologne and has
worked as a journalist and screenplay author, among others
for Sesame Street and the German “Tatort“ crime series.
Today he lives in Berlin and writes books and screenplays.
Manuel (11), Fiona (10) and Aaron (6) are the
”River Pirates“! Together they solve even the
trickiest cases Cologne has to offer. The detectives have their Head Quarters on Penny Lane, the
houseboat Manuel lives on. They are supported by
Inspector Brummer, who is absoluteley convinced
that the children are useless as detectives, but then
over and over is taught otherwise.
l Television soap, boarding school and chaotic emotions
l An exciting and fast-paced travel adventure
l A fascinating view of behind the scenes of a soap
Elfie whirring round
the world!
A Soap Star rarely
comes alone
Never would Elfie have dreamed that she
would spend the evening of her eleventh
birthday on a sailing boat off the coast of
Mauritius. After all, she has never travelled
anywhere in her life before. And to make matters worse, she finds herself lumbered with that
bore Jonas. How could it all happen? Does it have
anything to do with that strange travel agency
Elfie and Jonas stumbled into by mistake? And
how on earth are they going to get home again?
But then Elfie and Jonas get to know surf girl
Lissa, who is sad because she doesn’t know her
own father. This is a clear-cut case for Elfie.
When Pauline finds out that she’s going to
have to go to boarding school, she is anything
but enthusiastic. But Amorberg Castle is not just
a common or garden boarding school, for this is
where the blockbuster TV soap „Flaming Hearts“
is being made, and the television people are creating nothing but havoc in the school. Then a casting
call for a minor part is announced and the tension grows. Who will get the coveted role? Getting
it would be the ideal opportunity to get closer to
Rafael Sorrentino, the incredibly cute leading man.
Pauline is bowled over when she, of all people, is
Sylvie Liebsch
The Fantastic Travel Agency
Jenny Schuckardt
A Soap Star Rarely Comes Alone
Illustrations by Timo Grubing
With black-and-white illustrations
Sylvie Liebsch is 45 years old and lives with her daughter
Toni (4) and her partner in Cologne. For 25 years she has
been freelancing, mainly for the company WDR broadcasting, as a presenter, reporter, film maker, author and
concept developer – for radio and television. She has
worked a lot for and with children as the presenter of
the TV show “Lilipuz“ (WDR 5) and for the German TV
channel ZDF. “The Fantastic Travel Agency“ is her debut
on the children’s book market.
Children’s Novel
Children’s Novel
208 pages
l Elfie explores foreign countries and makes some amazing discoveries
192 pages
Jenny Schuckardt is a journalist and author and has worked for various print and online media and also television
in Germany and abroad. She has published several travel
guides and books for children and teenagers. Lisa Capelli
is the nom de plume she uses for the best-selling „Star
Dancer“ series.
l Story told poetically and with a fairy-tale quality about it
l Top topic for girls: best friend
l A powerful main character who will give confidence to girls reading the book
Us t w o a g a i n st
the re st of the w orld
lMore than 50,000 copies of Planet Girl books by Anja Wagner sold
A courageous girl
with an important mission
The Best Friends Forever Series:
”The main thing is that we have each other
and are the very best friends in the whole wide
world!“ And what a good thing, too, for this time it is
not Motzi who is in a crisis but her BFF! Sofie, of all
people, brilliant Sofie who has a patent remedy for
almost every problem faced by her fellow human
beings. How­ever did that embarrassing heart with
Sofie’s name in it get on the door to the girls’ loo?
Could there really be a secret admirer behind it? Motzi
obviously grabs this once-in-a-lifetime opportunity
to help her best friend out ofthe mess she is in. But no
crisis is big enough to prevent it from getting even
bigger as a result of Motzi’s well-meaning help.
„Come home. The silver bird will carry
you.“ Elin finds these words one day in her
little attic room. The Secret Empress from
the realm Behind the Dawn had this message sent to her. Elin discovers that she is the
daughter of the land – the daughter presumed lost and destined to save this magic place from Atieno. His night-shadow birds are
threatening the inhabitants of the realm and
thus the imagination of the entire world. Elin
courageously sets out to liberate the realm
Behind the Dawn from the obscure ruler.
Anja Wagner
and the Sword of Dreams
Anja Wagner was born in 1971 and grew up in the
Münsterland region of Northern Germany. She trained as
social education worker and today lives with her family in
Bremen where she now devotes herself to her real passion –
inventing stories.
Bianka Minte-König
Best Friends Forever
You & Me – Against the Rest of the World!
Illustrations by Petra Kolitsch
Young Adult Novel
With black-and-white illustrations
240 pages
Children’s Novel
224 pages
Bianka Minte-König was born in Berlin and since 1980 has
been a professor of Media, Literature and Theatre at the
University of Applied Sciences in Braunschweig. She has
been writing bestsellers for children and young adults for
many years.
l Volume 3 of the gripping thriller series by award-winning author
Alice Gabathuler
l The novel is a gripping account of the hurdles met on the path to
adulthood and at the same time sensitively tells the story of a first love
l High-calibre mixture of strong and excellently thought-out
characters and international venues
Suspense at its best
because you
are different
l Martin Gülich is stylistically bang on as far as the emotional world
of young adults in concerned
The Lost Souls Series so far:
Raix wants to live! His last hope is the doctor who has
previously destroyed his life. Together with Nathan, he
checks in at a secluded luxury clinic hidden away in the
Swiss mountains – two people risking everything because
they have nothing more to lose. Without telling their Lost
Souls Ltd. friends. But Kata and Ayden take up the trail.
While in a secret wing of the clinic some people are playing God, Kata and Ayden get lost in their emotions. In the
process they lose their grip of the mission at the end of
which freedom is waiting. Or death.
Things could hardly have turned out worse for
Sebastian: while all his friends have travelled to trendy
places for their summer holidays, he has had to go with
his mother to a health resort. The Baltic Sea island has
little more to offer than building sandcastles and breathing the good sea air. But between the dreary seaside
tourists and health resort guests one person sticks out:
Kim. The self-willed girl is not like any of the others he
knows. And that is precisely what Seb likes about Kim.
Martin Gülich
Apologising Is Not My Thing
Alice Gabathuler
Lost Souls Ltd.
White Sky
Young Adult Novel
192 pages
Young Adult Novel
288 pages
Martin Gülich was born in 1963 and lives and freelances as an
author in Stuttgart. His first young-adult novel was „Preseason“ (1999), and since then he has published a volume of short
stories and five more novels, his latest being „What Doesn’t
Belong to Us“ (2012, Nagel & Kimche, Zürich). His books have
been translated into nine languages and won several awards.
Alice Gabathuler (*1961) lives in Switzerland. Amongst
other things, she has worked as a teacher, radio presenter and advertising copywriter. She now runs a private
English school.
l Amusing girl book about ”revenge is sweet“
l A profound story about a pen-pal relationship that changes everything
l Already 1 million copies of young-adult novels sold by
bestselling author Sabine Both
l Promising debut of a young author being very close to the target group
Line has now made up her mind – tomorrow is
the day she is going to disappear! Out of her old life,
away from her choleric father! She writes one last letter
and hides it down by the river. She would never have
thought that the letter would ever be found. But the finder writes back to her, moved by her words. For Anton,
too, supposedly the sunny boy of the school, is at odds
with his life. They start writing to each other and each
of them is given courage by the letters of the other. They
realise that they must face up to life and that running
away is not the answer. One day, they decide to meet –
and have a surprise …
It can’t be true!? Ella and Hanno were THE dream
couple at their school. And now he has broken up with
her, just like that? When Ella discovers that Hanno has
already found a new girlfriend, she can think of only one
explanation: his latest must have bewitched him! Ella uses
all manner of tricks to win Hanno back but nothing seems
to work. Not even her friends can stop her. It takes her a
while to realise that she has bogged herself down and her
Prince Charming has already been at her side the whole
time …
Karolin Kolbe
17 Letters or The Day I Wanted
to Disappear
Sabine Both
Young Adult Novel
192 pages
Young Adult Novel
192 pages
Karolin Kolbe was born in Kassel in 1993 and has been
making up stories ever since she could make recordings
and hold a pencil. She started writing at elementary school
and hasn’t stopped since. After passing her Abitur, she
spent a year doing voluntary environmental work in Berlin,
where she is now at university.
Sabine Both (*1970) lives in Cologne. As a social worker,
she has collected a mass of material for novels for young
readers. She also writes amusing series and sitcoms for
l Bestselling author with over 8 million copies of her books sold
l Vividly told from two points of view and in different centuries
l Author highly committed to horses in need
l Gripping fantasy adventure with just the right dose of love
Gripping horse story
set in Africa
The Kaya Series so far:
London 1851: Black shadows are chasing Christopher through the gloomy alleyways. But he
simply has to get the amulet to Thurgood’s bookshop!
In the nick of time he manages to hide the jewel there
and flee. London 2014: Christine finds the amulet in a
second-hand bookshop, secretly hides it but leaves a
message. Christopher receives it in 1851. He writes to her
that she should keep the amulet in a safe place because
some sinister characters are looking for it. Christine and
Christopher keep in touch via secret messages and fall in
love. It is not until much later that they realise that they
are separated in time by more than a century.
Kaya is about to embark on another adventure. Her boyfriend, Chris, is off on a trip to the wilds of Africa! And
Kaya wants to go with him, for he will be working as a
volunteer on a game reserve in South Africa – looking after orphaned animals, and helping out teaching children!
That‘s right up her street, especially as the neighbouring
camp is offering horseback safaris. But how is she to
break the news to her parents? And what if she suddenly
finds herself facing a wild animal? Kaya gets her way …
and a magical summer with horses in Africa begins.
Susanne Glanzner · Björn Springorum
The Amulet of Eternity
Gaby Hauptmann
Free as the Wind
Kaya‘s Horse Adventure in Africa
Young Adult Novel
288 pages
Young Adult Novel
176 pages
Susanne Glanzner was born in 1977 and is a fashion designer and the owner of the children’s fashion label punKiz.
She lives and works in Stuttgart, and it was here that she
studied fashion design and worked as a designer for Tom
Tailor Leatherwear, Maze and for a publisher of children’s
Björn Springorum was born in the Hermann Hesse town
Calw in 1982. After finishing school and studying English
language and literature and ancient history in Stuttgart he
started off working as a copy editor for a music magazine before starting to freelance as an author and cultural affairs journalist in Stuttgart. His first novel, „Autumn
Bringer“ was published by Baumhaus/Bastei Lübbe in 2013
and was immediately shortlisted for the Seraph Literature
Gaby Hauptmann is a journalist, director, producer and presenter for television. In 1995 she published her first bestseller, ”Wanted: Impotent Man for Life“, and since then she
has written over 30 books, which also include many children’s books and which have been published in 35 countries
so far. In Germany alone, 8 million copies of her books have
been sold; six titles have been made into films and many are
available as audio books.
Who is still awake?
l Extremely cute character
l Another brilliant piece of work by illustrator
Kerstin Schoene (A Heap of Friends)
Rights sold
to Denmark,
Spain and the
After training to be an actress, Sabine Bohlmann acted in
various films and series on television. She also works as a
dubbing artist and has lent her voice to characters like Lisa
Simpson and actors such as Vanessa Paradies. Since 2004
she has been writing guides, children’s CDs and children’s
Kerstin Schoene studied communication design, focussing
on illustration with Wolf Erlbruch. Since graduation she has
been freelancing as an illustrator and graphic designer for
various publishing houses and writing and illustrating children’s books of her own.
All the dormice are getting ready to spend the whole
long winter hibernating. Only the little dormouse baby
isn’t one little bit tired. But a dormouse who can’t sleep
isn’t a proper dormouse! One after the other, all the animals visit the little dormouse in his hole to help him go to
sleep as best as they can. The fox counts sheep with him;
the nightingale sings him a lullaby; the owl tells him a bed­
time story; the bat hangs upside down with him from the
ceiling; and the big bear even lends him his cuddly toy.
All the animals end up going to sleep, but the little dormouse is still wide awake. And then the little dormouse
has an idea. „If all the others are asleep, no one will notice
that I’m not a proper dormouse!“ The little dormouse is
now so relieved and cuddles up with the other animals to
think about all the lovely things he can do while the others
are sleeping. And then he starts feeling a little tired … and
even more tired … and finally falls asleep.
Sabine Bohlmann
The Story of the Little Dormouse
Who Couldn’t Fall Asleep
Illustrations by Kerstin Schoene
Picture Book
32 pages · 29,0 x 23,2 cm
Animals from
all 7 continents!
l A new volume in the bestselling look-and-find nature series
l 7 double pages show animals from all the continents
l With brilliantly naturalistic illustrations
The Animal Board Book Series:
Word-picture-bar for more
Animals from All Over the World
Where have the koala bears and the little kangaroos hidden?
What is a slow loris? And do penguins really live on ice? Children want
to know everything about their favourite animals. Large and detailed
look-and-find pictures show lots of fascinating animals from all parts
of the world: from the woods in Europe to the African savannah, from
North America to the tropical rain forest, from Asia via Australia to
the Antarctic. The individual animals are also named separately in a
picture-word list – search, marvel, discover!
Illustrations by Christine Henkel
Board Book
16 pages · 24,5 x 32 cm
The new look-and-find book about nature shows the different animal
habitats: 1. Animals in Europe, 2. in the savannah (Africa), 3. in North
America, 4. in the tropical rain forest (South America), 5. in Australia,
6. in Asia, 7. in the Antarctic (at the South Pole). The individual animals
are also named separately in a picture-word list. The whole world of
animals – in fascinating and detailed look-and-find large pictures.
l A fast-paced pirate story with lots of amusing animal characters
l 850,000 copies of the Urmel books sold worldwide
l A cheeky and ingenious story thought up and illustrated
by Dirk Hennig
Urmel’s birthday surprise
A large-format and opulently
illustrated picture book
l New adventures with the beloved Urmel
The Urmel Picture Books:
Hooray! It’s Urmel’s birthday today!
But what’s the matter here? Why hasn’t
anyone come to say Happy Birthday and
give him a present? Wutz, Wawa, Ping
Penguin and the professor – no one there!
Urmel is sadly sitting on the beach. Then a
bottle is washed up by the sea. It contains
a mysterious treasure map! Urmel immediately forgets how sad he is and sets out to
look for the treasure. When he gets to the
place marked on the map he really does dig
up a mystifying chest.
rights sold
to Russia
The pirates are out! The fat really is in the fire in the pirates’ den. Capt’n Knurr and his gang have pinched the
treasure chart off the three pirate rats! And now the nasty
fellows are sailing towards the treasure island. The rats are
obviously not going to put up with such a thing and immediately set off in pursuit. But then the other animals in the
village also smell their chance of making a big haul and put
out to sea. In no time at all a speedy race over the ocean
waves unfolds, in the course of which the chart changes
hands several times. The treasure-hungry animals are put
off neither by storms nor by sea monsters in their attempt to
reach their goal, not suspecting that they are still in for the
biggest surprise of all …
Max Kruse
Urmel Searches the Treasure
Dirk Hennig
Who Will Find the Pirate Treasure?
Illustrations by Günther Jakobs
Max Kruse (*1921) completed his
school education in Weimar. He has
been working as a free-lance writer
since 1958. His books have been
translated into several languages.
Max Kruse is a member of the P.E.N.
club and has been awarded the
Distinguished Service Cross of the
Federal Republic of Germany.
Günther Jakobs (*1978) studied
Graphic Design and Philosophy in
Münster. He has been working as
a freelance illustrator for various
publishing houses since 2003.
Illustrations by Dirk Hennig
Picture Book
Picture Book
32 pages · 22,7 x 29,4 cm
32 pages · 22,7 x 34,5 cm
Dirk Hennig who was born in 1972 in Dortmund, studied
Graphic Design in Münster and worked several years in
advertising. Since 2005 he works as a freelance illustrator
and has already illustrated numerous picture books and
books for children. He still lives in Münster.
wir zien anders als sonst. »Sara,
stehen. Seine Augen strahle
Abraham bleibt vor ihr
ist vom Teig, macht ihm
ihre Hand. Dass sie klebrig
wo ist ein
hen fort von hier!« Er nimmt
Bogen in die Luft: »Irgend
aus. Mit der anderen Hand
besLand wie
besseres Land, Sara! Ein
Blumen und Früchte. ›Ein
sich um. Überall sieht sie
nickt. »Gut,
Hagar, Saras Magd, schaut
gar nicht geben.‹ Sara aber
denkt sie. ›Das kann es
seres Land als dieses?‹,
sie beginnt zu packen.
Abraham«, sagt sie und
Aus Genesis 11 und 12
Ein unsich tbares Band
Sie sitzen
Abraham eines Abends.
Wanderung, Sara?«, fragt
s Land.
»Was denkst du über unsere
. Um sie herum ist fremde
und Tieren. Ein Feuer brennt
Die Füße
mitten zwischen Zelten
schon lange unterwegs.
und weniger bunt. Sie sind
Es ist trockener als daheim
es ist gut.«
Wandern vertreibt die
nur auf den
»Es ist gut«, sagt Sara. »Das
Stück. »Aber wie bist du
ihm ein großes, warmes
. GenauSie bricht das Brot und gibt
el?« Abraham kaut langsam
ganz aus heiterem Himm
Und dann erzählt er
Gedanken gekommen, so
heiterem Himmel, Sara?«
so langsam beginn
Sara eine geheimnisvoll
endlich einSara, und ich auch. Als du
Nacht? Du warst so traurig,
hinunter zum
Weißt du noch, Sara: jene
hinausgegangen, weit hinaus,
ich aufgestanden. Ich bin
rief mich:
geschlafen warst, da bin
voller Sterne. Und eine Stimme
einmal war der Himmel
Fluss, zu den Schafen. Auf
»Abraham, Abraham!«
sie. Sara
geträumt, Abraha
aus der Ferne zu. ›Du hast
m erzählt
Hagar, Saras Magd, hört
z und stumm. Und Abraha
ist der Himmel schwar
aber nickt. Nicht immer
sprach: »Geh von hier fort,
gesagt. Und diese Stimme
»Hier bin ich«, habe ich
Mägde, nimm Lot, deinen
Frau, deine Knechte und
Abraham. Nimm deine
weit fort in ein Land, das
zieh mit den Herden. Zieht
Neffen, wenn er will – und
großen Volk machen. Ich
siehe, ich will dich
ich euch zeigen will. Und
ein Segen sein.«
dich segnen und du sollst
m?‹, denkt sie. ›Du
leise. ›Ein
Hagar, Saras Magd, kichert
s Kind!‹ Sara aber nickt.
und ihr habt kein einzige
und Sara, ihr seid alt
erzählt weiter:
der Flammen. Abraham
Augen glänzen im Licht
sich um mein Handgelenk
gefragt. Da fühlte
dritten Mal:
»Segen, Herr?«, habe ich
die Stimme sprach zum
Freundschaftsband. Und
Band legte, ein unsichtbares
du sie zählen?«
m, sieh die Sterne: Kannst
inder wirst du
»Sieh zum Himmel, Abraha
ich. »So viele, Abraham«,
»Das kann ich nicht«, sagte
m. Glaub mir. Ich gehe mit.«
Ururenkel … Brich auf, Abraha
haben: Enkel, Urenkel und
?« Sara aber
holt sie. »Wem? Warum
still. »Glaub mir«, wieder
ihn nicht«, sagt Abraha
Hagar, Saras Magd, ist
m?«, fragt sie
spüren, das
nickt. »Wer war das, Abraha
Auf einmal kann sie es
Abrahams Handgelenk.
Saras Finger tasten über
Der Grosse
des Segens«, sagt sie. »
denkt Hagar.
›Das werden wir sehen‹,
Genesis 12, 1–9 und 15,
Outstanding Bible – vividly
narrated and beautifully illustrated
Wie Abraham zum Wandern kam und Sara zu einem Kind
Komm mit in das Land von Abraham und Sara …
Es ist ein schönes, grünes Land. Die Sonne scheint. Warm ist es. Niemand muss
frieren. Sara und Abraham sind nicht mehr die Jüngsten. Die Wärme tut ihnen gut.
Zwei große Flüsse geben dem Land Wasser. Am Wasser sind Gärten, da wachsen
wunderbare, süße Früchte. Und Blumen, prächtig bunt.
Sara backt Brot und Kuchen. Sara kümmert sich um Haus und Hof. Abraham ist
meistens draußen bei den Herden. Ziegen hat er und Schafe, das ist der Reichtum
der Familie. Nur eines fehlt Sara und Abraham. Sie haben kein Kind.
l A complete new concept for religious instruction
»Auf geht’s!«
»Wer soll denn all die Schafe und die Ziegen einmal erben?«, fragt Sara eines Abends.
Abraham und Sara sitzen im Hof, ein Feuer brennt. Sie essen frisches Brot und trinken
Traubensaft. »Ach, warum, warum haben wir kein Kind?« Abraham weiß, dass Sara sehr
traurig ist. »Sara«, sagt er, »ich habe dich – was will ich mehr?« Er drückt ihre Hand. Sara
lächelt unter Tränen.
Später, als Abraham schon schläft, sitzt Sara immer noch draußen und starrt in den
Himmel. Schwarz ist der und stumm. ›Und morgen wieder aufstehen‹, denkt sie müde.
›Wieder Wasser holen und wieder backen und melken. Und wieder waschen und flicken
und aufräumen von früh bis spät … Wie heute, wie gestern, wie alle Tage …‹ Aber da
irrt sie sich sehr.
Am Morgen ist alles anders. Abraham ist anders. »Wir packen!«, ruft Abraham quer
über den Hof. Er ruft es seinen Knechten und Mägden zu. Und Lot, seinem Neffen. Der
ist schon erwachsen. »Wir brechen auf!« Sara zieht die Hände aus dem Teig, den sie
gerade knetet. »Aufbrechen, Abraham?«, fragt sie. »Was soll das heißen?«
Martina Steinkühler
The New Narrative Bible
Illustrations by Barbara Nascimbeni
Martina Steinkühler is a professor for religious education at the Evangelische Hochschule university in Berlin.
Before that, she worked as a teacher, lecturer, and did so
PR work for the Church publishing editor. In addition, she
freelances as an author and also gives lectures and seminars on religious education and talking about the Bible.
The Italian illustrator Barbara Nascimbeni has studied
graphics design in Milan and Darmstadt. Today she works
for established publishers in Great Britain, France, Germany and South Korea and her books have been published
in many countries. She lives in Hamburg and Toulouse.
What does the Bible have to do with the life of today?
When reading the Bible, the question sometimes arises what these
stories have to do with our lives in this day and age. This is precisely the starting point for author Dr. Martina Steinkühler with her
convincing concept for religious instruction: taking the main idea
behind them she has retold the stories very freely and vividly, in
the process making the biblical characters into people of flesh and
blood. This very innovative way and the excellent narrative style
help children discover that there are stories in the Bible that can
provide answers to the big questions of life, such as the beginning of
the world and the strengths and weakness of human beings. Martina
Steinkühler tells of a God that gives us comfort and His blessing.
With frequently repeated key words, the author conveys a picture
of God that is nuanced and positive.
248 pages · 21 x 21 cm
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