Peter Houdalis - Matawan-Aberdeen Regional School District
Peter Houdalis - Matawan-Aberdeen Regional School District
Matawan-Aberdeen Regional School District District Accomplishments 2015-2016 District Vision & Mission Updated Vision Statement Students will become lifelong learners, critical thinkers, and creative problem solvers who achieve success as valuable and contributing members of society. Updated Mission Statement We are committed to meeting or exceeding the NJ Student Learning Standards at all grade levels in all areas, and providing a safe and supportive environment where all students are inspired, empowered, and encouraged to maximize their unique potential. Strategic Planning Goal Areas ● Goal Area: Curriculum & Instruction ● Objective 1: Provide students with greater access to rigorous coursework with an emphasis on research and creative problem solving ● Objective 2: Develop and Implement Interventions for Struggling Students to Ensure Mastery of Foundational/Basic Skills to Reduce the Number of Students Needing Remediation Later in their Academic Career ● Objective 3: Provide Opportunities for Students to Explore Their Personal Passions ● Objective 4: Provide all Students with 21st Century College and Career Readiness Skills and Transition Opportunities ● Objective 5: Develop and Implement Meaningful and Targeted Professional Development Opportunities for PreK-12 Teachers ● Objective 6: Enhance District-Wide Technology Access and Technology Programs ● Goal Area: School Climate ● Objective 1: Maintain a safe, healthy and supportive environment ● Objective 2: Establish cohesive relationships between students, educators and the community ● Objective 3: Maintain an inclusive environment that celebrates differences and diversity ● Goal Area: Community Outreach/Parent Involvement ● Objective 1: Establishment of a Parent University ● Objective 2: Acknowledge student success in all areas ● Objective 3: Establish community partnerships and internships ● Objective 4: Establish a Communication Plan for the District ● Goal Area: Finance ● Objective 1: Diversify funding sources for special projects ● Objective 2: Balance financial needs with family resources (i.e., paperless) ● Goal Area Facilities ● Objective 1: Improve cleanliness / repair exterior and interior environments Curriculum & Instruction ● ● ● ● ● Developed K-5; 6-8; and 9-12 Grading Guidelines Developed K-12 ESL Grading Guidelines MS & HS science curriculum updates to align with Next Generation Science Standards Professional development training and support for K-12 science teachers focused on design-based pedagogy and the Next Generation Science Standards (NGSS) Planning and implementation of Elevate Education program at MAMS to support college and career readiness skills Curriculum & Instruction continued ● ● ● ● ● Developed K-5; 6-8; and 9-12 Grading Guidelines Developed K-12 ESL Grading Guidelines MS & HS science curriculum updates to align with Next Generation Science Standards Professional development training and support for K-12 science teachers focused on design-based pedagogy and the Next Generation Science Standards (NGSS) Planning and implementation of Elevate Education program at MAMS to support college and career readiness skills Curriculum & Instruction continued ● ● ● ● Professional Development for K-8 ELA teachers on best practices for teaching ELA using the components of balanced literacy. ELA Committee Work K-5 - Needs assessment of the K-5 ELA program; research on best practices; targeted professional development; recommendations for program targeting at-risk population, curricular revisions, professional development World Language Committee Work K-12 - Needs assessment; research on best practices; targeted professional development; recommendations for program targeting curriculum, instruction, and professional development Global Humanities Academy at the High School beginning 2016-2017 Curriculum & Instruction continued ● ● ● ● ● Developed the PAW (Preschool And Wrap) Program to complement the instructional preschool program Design and implementation of the K-5 ELA-SS blended curriculum Implementation of Fountas and Pinnell Phonics and Word Study Program for grades K-3 Implementation of Rubicon Atlas Curriculum Mapping Software to support the curriculum development and review process and alignment to the 2014 NJCCCS Integration of computer science ( programming in grades K-5. Training for K-5 teachers provided by as part of the October in-service day. Curriculum & Instruction continued ● ● ● ● ● ● Establishment of K-12 World Language Committee to examine World Language curricula, instructional practices and program delivery models Establishment of Language Arts Committee to examine ELA programming Establishment of K-12 G&T/Enrichment Committee to examine district wide G&T/Enrichment programming, identification, and delivery methods Continued implementation of Everyday Math - Version 4 - CCSS Edition ○ Curriculum Bd. Approved 8/27/12; EM4 Program bd. Approved 6/22/15 Newly designed K-5 ELA curriculum with Social Studies fully integrated Completed District Strategic Planning with NJ School Boards Association ○ Finalized State of the Schools Committee Report ○ Finalized State of the Community Committee Report ○ Developed comprehensive action plans for each goal area identified Professional Development Highlights Expanded Parent Education workshop offerings • • • • • • • Google Edu - Rich Kiker Family Technology Nights - Mr. Irons - Technology Coach Everyday Math Family Fun Night - EDM Consultant STEM Night PARCC Information Session Using iPads to Support Learning Improving Communications within the IEP Process G&T / Enrichment training and professional development • • • • Purchase and implementation of Cogat as a new G&T screening tool Implementation of a tired G&T/Enrichment Program Model including the establishment of “Enrichment Cluster Groups” and “Enrichment for All” Revised multiple measures for G&T/Enrichment student identification Continued PD training for G&T Committee members Technology ● ● ● ● ● ● ESL classes district-wide has assigned chromebooks for each ESL student. Successfully planned and implemented the online ACCESS for ELLs 2.0 WIDA/DRC district-wide. Successfully planned and implemented PARCC testing with no significant issues within the district. Continued progress toward the 1:1 initiative. Complete transition from Outlook to Google Significantly enhanced the Google platform in all schools and district wide productivity Technology Professional Development Highlights & Initiatives Implementation of after-school Technology Workshops for MS and HS Teachers • • • • • • • Implementation of “Technology Tuesdays” before-school teacher - K-5 Google Docs Google Slides Google Spreadsheets and Forms Class Dojo Google Classroom Google Certification Training - Rich Kiker Districtwide Technology Coaching by K-12 Technology Coach • • • • • In-class coaching/modeling Individual/small group curriculum and resource support Professional Development Trainings STEM & STEAM Integration (Leads STEM Program at LR) Hour of Code / Computer Science Training STEM Highlights/Updates ● ● ● ● STEM Coaching & Curriculum Support - K -5 ○ Grades K-5 teachers continue to receive ongoing and embedded professional development and coaching support through a partnership with The College of New Jersey (TCNJ) - Center for Excellence in STEM Education STEM Coaching & Curriculum Support - 6 -12 ○ In-class coaching focuses on the integration of design-based pedagogy ○ Grade 6-12 teachers continue to receive professional development training focused on the alignment of curricula, instruction and programming with the Next Generation Science Standards (NGSS) STEM Coaching & Curriculum Support - 6 -12 ○ K-12 teacher participation in the MC3 NGSS summits focused on the development of NGSS aligned assessment tasks. The next phase of NGSS work will focus on the development of units of study aligned with the NGSS ○ STEAM Integration Training for K-12 Art Teachers ○ Exploring the implementation of a MakerSpace/STEM at the Middle school for 2016-2017 Computer Science Programming / Coding - K-12 ○ Integration of computer science (coding) in grades K-5 and professional development training provided to all K-5 teachers by ○ Continued Implementation of AP Computer Science A for MRHS students ○ Introduction of College Board’s new AP Computer Science Principles Course - available to MRHS students beginning in the 2016-2017 school year ○ Introduction of new Engineering Course at MRHS for the current 2015-16 SY ○ Molecular Cell Biology Course at MRHS began in 2014-15 - Dr. Paul Servidio received a $10,000 Ocean First Model Classroom Grant in March 2015 District Assessment Highlights • • • • • Development of a K-12 District Assessment Calendar Google Doc Implementation of Star Renaissance Enterprise Online Assessment System • ELA & Math Benchmarking 1-8 • Winter, Fall & Spring Testing Windows Math & ELA- K-5 • Math Unit Assessments - 1 X per month - Gr. 1-5 • Math Cumulative Assessments - 5 X per year - Gr. 1-5 • Math Benchmarks - 3 X per year - Gr. 1-5 • ELA Sign Posts Assessments - Unit Based- Gr. K-8 • DRA2 -/ Word Analysis - Gr. K-8 Math & ELA Curriculum Assessments - 6--12 • Math Unit Benchmarks - Math 6-8 + Alg. & Geo • DRA2 - ELA 6-8 • New ELA “Sign-Post” Assessments - ELA- 6-8 • Revised Quarterly Measurements ELA & Math -- Gr. 9-12 Access for Ells WIDA Model Testing - ELL Students (see assessment calendar) Data Analysis • • • • • • • • • Utilization of Performance Matters to support data management and analysis Data is exported from Realtime (SIS) to Performance Matters Star Analysis PARCC Analysis Quarterly Measurement Analysis Grade Level / Content Area Data Analysis Faculty Meeting agendas Department Meeting agendas In-Service Day Agendas Special Education Highlights & Initiatives ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● Collaboration with Monmouth University ○ Approved grant 2016-17: Implementation of Evidence Based Practices in our Autism classrooms Memorandum of Agreement with YMCA ○ Provide mental health counseling and supports to Middle School and High School Parent Education Programs ○ iRead & Read180 Information Sessions ○ Using iPads to Support Learning ○ Improving Communication within the IEP Process ○ Communicating with Children on School Safety Collaboration with Parents of Special People (POSP) to strengthen District programs and services Expansion of District’s Therapy Dog Program Utilization of iRead, Read180 and System44 to support special education students across special education settings ○ Data review and program evaluation to determine effectiveness and next steps to close gaps Expansion of utilization of ReThink Program Extensive research on instructional programs and supports for our Cognitively Impaired and Autism programs After-School Literacy Program across grade levels Special Services Department Meetings focusing on: ○ Developing legally compliant IEPs ○ Data collection to measure student progress and growth ○ Evaluation of current program and needs to better support our students ○ Improving communication and collaboration with the community at large Special Education Highlights & Initiatives ● ● ● ● ● ● ● Expansion of Inclusion PK-12 Extended School Year Learning Opportunities ■ Social Skills training ■ Structured Learning Experiences Expansion of Community Based Instruction & Structured Learning Experiences Expansion of Peer Mentoring Program Targeted Special Education Professional development: ○ Co-Teaching Training (Provided by Teacher2Teacher) ○ Making the Workshop Model Work in Special Ed Classrooms - Dr. Meredith Alvaro ○ Transportation Training- Working with Students with Special Needs ○ Understanding Social Emotional Learning ○ Handle with Care - Restraint Training ○ ReThink Training ○ iRead (K-3) and Read180 / System44 Training for identified teachers Building Staff capacity ○ Assistive Communication Devices ○ Behavioral Supports ○ CST and related services Expansion of array of community supports for students with diverse needs ○ Psychiatrists, Behaviorists, Related Service providers, and community agencies District Special Programs/Student Supports • • • • • • • • Implementation of lunchtime Tutorial (MRHS) After-school academic/HW assistance (Gr. 4-12) Expanded implementation of supplemental Title 1 Programming to include MAMS, Cliffwood and Lloyd Road Continued implementation of the M.O.S.T. Program as additional student support Implementation of a Title 1 summer program for at-risk students Implementation of a tiered Gifted & Talented / Enrichment Program - K-5 • Enrichment Cluster Groups - Grades 2-5 • Self-Contained G&T Homerooms - Grades 3-5 • Tier 3- Enrichment for All - Grades K-5 Implementation of iRead and Read180 to support Title 1 students at Cliffwood, Lloyd Road and MAMS Expanded Basic Skills Instruction (BSI) to include Grades 1-8 District Special Programs ● ● Intervention and Referral Services (I&RS) Committees at each school ○ Refined processes and protocols using Realtime I&RS module ○ Training for building administrators - provided by Realtime Extended School Year Opportunities ○ ESL Extended Year – Grades 1- 6 ○ Literacy (Language Arts) – Grades 1 -5 ○ G&T Summer STEM Academy – Grade 2 ○ Implementation of an Algebra 1 Readiness Program for Summer 2016 ○ Implementation of an ELA Honors Readiness Program for Summer 2016 Personnel ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● Kean University will provide two, free, graduate-level courses “Teaching the Holocaust” & “Teaching Prejudice Reduction” for staff and faculty for 2016-2017 Comprehensive Equity Plan updated and submitted to NJDOE 2016-2019 Attended 5 career fairs to successfully recruit diverse, high-performing candidates Trained over 100 staff members in Handle with Care’s crisis intervention strategies Staffed over 150 positions in teaching, clerical, support and administration Beginning to create web-based, electronic, paperless personnel files Strengthened Source4Teachers agreement to increase daily fill rates Continuing to build a culturally diverse staff and faculty No Place for Hate: Achieved at 5 schools; 4 out of 5 schools awarded Gold Stars Reduction of confirmed HIB cases; Only 1 confirmed case at MRHS Chaired State of the Community and School Climate Action Team Finance ● ● ● ● ● Completed development of the 2016-17 budget with unanimous support from the board utilizing cap adjustments to help preserve our program. Successful recruitment effort by the district administration to hire an experienced and well respected Business Administrator to start July 1. Through the efforts of our insurance broker, we locked in on a reduction of 1.5% in dental premiums for next year and 2017-18. We have improved our collections on food service accounts and a plan has been implemented to work with a collections agency with a 200% guaranteed return to further improve the issue. Favorable audit report for the year ending 6/30/15 with only one recommendation. Operations ● ● ● Successful planning and passage of both questions on the referendum to address HVAC issues in all buildings. Started the automation of our community group building use system at the high school with the balance of the school district being implemented this summer. With the help of automation, revenue has increased since last year by 42%. District security has been enhanced with the installation of vestibules at all schools and the purchase of a visitor management system. Community Relations ● ● ● ● ● Preschool PTO established the 5K Race which will be held on Aberdeen Day annually. The community and outside groups participated in the race. Preschool landscaping projects are ongoing involving community donations of labor and products. The Community worked together with the Preschool, PTO and Where Angels Play Foundation to help build Owens Playground. Parents were informed about the upcoming Wrap-Around Program for Preschool. Parent workshops for Title 1 Schools and ESL Parents. School Specific Highlights & Initiatives Cambridge Park Preschool ● ● ● ● ● ● ● Establishment of PTO & Committee Projects Cambridge Park Preschool 5K Race Fundraiser Annual on Aberdeen Day Pennies for Playground Fundraiser and others which helped to raise funds Owens Playground Build/Dedication, “Where Angels Play Foundation” Reading Buddies read to students Aberdeen Police read to students Therapy Dogs working with students School Specific Highlights & Initiatives Cambridge Park Preschool continued ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● Fun Day and Dedication of Playground Preschool transitioning to Inclusion Each classroom has a Pro-Board with two computers HS wood shop teacher A. Anzone and class built picnic tables for playground Friendship Dance and Family Nights Landscaping projects are ongoing at the school PA system donated by one of the parents at school (inside/outside) Pro-Boards in each classroom along with two computers Specific School Highlights & Initiatives Cliffwood Elementary School ● ● ● ● ● ● Large increase in student participation for Peer Buddies program. Piloted “Bucket Filling” positive behavior program in certain classes. K and 2nd grade students planted pumpkins, lettuce, peas, and onions in our Friendship Garden and enjoyed eating the “fruits of their labor” during their nutrition unit. Author Alan Katz visited and inspired Cliffwood students to read, write, and sing during this great assembly. Successful turnout by staff, parents, community at school’s Literacy Night. Recognized as a No Place For Hate school for 2015-2016 by the Anti-Defamation League. Specific School Highlights & Initiatives Cliffwood Elementary School continued ● ● ● ● ● ● Readers’ Theater project in Grade 2 classes. Students performed “The Great Kapok Tree” for Kindergarteners and families to view. Pen Pal writing project in Ms. Cacapardo’s Grade 1 class. Expanded Title 1 offerings for improving literacy skills, including during and before school programs. Implemented Rethink program in Autism classes. New Enrichment projects centered on student interests and service learning. BD and POR students participated in first Wax Museum project. Students dressed as historical figures and presented to peers and family. School Specific Highlights & Initiatives Ravine Drive School ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● STEAM Club implemented for 2nd and 3rd grade students Peer Buddies Program continued to grow Art Show included hands on STEAM projects Students participated in Barnes and Noble Celebration of Literacy Continued implementation of before school ESL tutorial Implementation of iRead for additional basic skills support Expanded enrichment opportunities including interest based clubs and service learning Student participation in after school Engineering and Environmental Club Implemented STAR testing in Grades 1, 2, and 3 Named a No Place For Hate Gold Star School from the Anti-Defamation League Specific School Highlights & Initiatives Strathmore Elementary School ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● Scholastic iRead for Special Education, ESL and Basic Skills Implementation of Power Solving Social/Emotional learning for self contained special education classes. Expanded Peer Buddy/Therapy Dog Program Continued implementation of before school ESL tutorial Implementation of Special Education before school tutorial program Expanded enrichment opportunities including interest based clubs and service learning STAR testing Named a No Place For Hate Gold Star School from the Anti-Defamation League Specific School Highlights & Initiatives Lloyd Road Elementary School ● ● ● ● ● ● ● Added Tier 2 enrichment program for ELA Added lunch/recess Tier 3 enrichment activities ○ Game based Math & Reading clubs ○ Math Olympiad Named a No Place For Hate Gold Star School from the Anti-Defamation League Moved to a select Grade 5 chorus Grade 5 chorus performed at Barnes and Noble STEM club was added to our after school activities Continued emphasis on school-wide character education through our Student of the Month program & reorganized Olweus classroom lessons Specific School Highlights & Initiatives Matawan Aberdeen Middle School • • • • • ● CAR Blended Learning Pilot (Winter 2016) • Comprehensive, Coherent Model of School Improvement “Elevate Education” (Winter & Fall 2016) • Calibrating how we teach study skills Summer “Sneak Peek” (Summer 2016) • Accelerated Math 6, Accelerated Math 7, and Algebra Naviance- College & Career Readiness (Fall 2016) • Developing a “feeder program” for MRHS Academies “MAMS Capstone Project” (Fall 2017) • Student-directed, Interdisciplinary Learning Named a No Place For Hate Gold Star School from the Anti-Defamation League Specific School Highlights & Initiatives Matawan Regional High School Named One of America’s Most Challenging High Schools by the Washington Post • • • • Implementation of Husky Twilight Program • Alternative after-school program instituted beginning with the current 2015-16 school year Implementation of Freshman Academy • Small learning communities - -a school-within-a-school • Organized around interdisciplinary teams of English, math, science, and social studies. • Incoming freshman are connected to a select team of academy staff • Teachers work in a collaborative environment and are committed to the learning of the students they share. • Exploring the implementation of the AP Capstone Program for 2017-2018 • Exploring Associate's Degree Program for HS students in collaboration with Brookdale University Expansion of Career Academies to include: • Business • Performing Arts • STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Math-- formerly the BioMedical Academy) • Global Humanities 1 & 2 • Visual & Performing Arts • Civic Leadership Academy (Civic Leadership I & II) -Focus on Community Service Projects, fundraising, etc. (Civic Leadership Curriculum Approved 8/24/15) Elimination of formal mid-term exams at the HS level - replaced with targeted quarterly measurements Specific School Highlights & Initiatives Matawan Regional High School continued ● ● ● ● ● ● College Fair- Over 50 colleges attended the first annual Career Fair Business Academy/FBLA Club- Career Fair- Students marketed and coordinated the logistical task for the career fair. Along with creating marketing materials, students were responsible for developing a survey to determine the career choices of 1,050 students and matched them to private sector presenters. Christopher Bettios placed in the top 2% of all New Jersey students in the National Stock Market Game. The Investment Club placed third in Steven’s Institute’s Training Day Competition Business Academy- Chamber of Commerce Business Expo- Students assisted the Matawan Aberdeen Chamber of Commerce in the setup of the Business Expo. A comprehensive K-12 Guidance Plan has been created to bridge transitions between schools Specific School Highlights & Initiatives Matawan Regional High School continued Parent information sessions were held covering the topics of: ● ● ● ● ● ● ● Freshman Orientation Financial Aid NCAA Eligibility Junior Parent Nights- Representatives from Brookdale Community College and Monmouth Freshman Academy The Academies Scholarship Night Increased Husky Ambassador program-Three sets of 35 Seventh Grade Students attended. Specific School Highlights & Initiatives Matawan Regional High School continued ● ● ● ● Six students advanced to finals of New Jersey Neurophysiology Brain Bee competition at Rutgers- Robert Wood Johnson Medical School: Catherine Brown (1st place), Eric Kim (2nd place), Abdullah Ramadan (3rd place), Meet Patel (4th place), Maxwell Ochman (6th place), Katrina Schmidt (8th place) Our Science League team finished 9th in state in New Jersey Science League Competition- highest rank ever achieved by Matawan. Francesca Imbriacco finished 15th out of 404 competitors, Paulo Makalino finished 28th out of 404 competitors. Both received individual awards. First high school in the world with our Biomedical Printer- Nicholas Page, Adam Elliott, and Charles Lambert provided the leadership to acquire the first Biomedical Printer in a High School STEM academy Kasey McFadden was the recipient of the Dwight D Eisenhower Award given to an outstanding High School Junior who is deemed to exhibit outstanding attributes of character, service, and leadership (Awarded at West Point) Specific School Highlights & Initiatives Matawan Regional High School continued ● ● ● ● Civic leadership team honored by State DOE for developing young students into leaders within their school and community Robotics team (Huskybots) earned top 20 teams in the NJ FTC robotics league Students honored in State Teen Arts Festival for outstanding 2D pieces in Monmouth County VFW Voice of Democracy Contest Winners: 1st Prize: David Fleissner (Second Prize Monmouth County) 2nd Prize: Victoria Zuppa 3rd Prize: Anna Guarino Specific School Highlights & Initiatives Matawan Regional High School continued ● ● ● ● ● ● David Casazza accepted into Region II Symphonic Band, All-State Symphonic Band Peter Houdalis accepted into Region II Symphonic Band Karl Kim accepted into All-Shore Jazz Ensembles, Region II Jazz Ensembles, ALlState Jazz Ensembles Chamber music concert featuring all original compositions based on art-work and poetry of other students from the High School Jalen Garraway accepted into All State Mixed, NJ All State Chorus Kayla DeBeVoise All State Women’s NJ All State Chorus Specific School Highlights & Initiatives Matawan Regional High School continued Basie Nominations ● ● ● ● ● ● ● Best Actor in a Drama Quinn Surdez Best Chorus for Footloose Best supporting Actress in a musical Melissa Callichio Best Ensemble performer in a Musical Matt Harrison Best Actor in a Musical Quinn Surdez Best Choreographer for Footloose Julie McKurth Best Orchestra student/Adult Lindsey Lorifice Specific School Highlights & Initiatives Matawan Regional High School continued ● ● ● Madison Bauer and Julia Grivas were honored at the State Teen Arts Festival for their outstanding 2-D pieces. Nj State Teen Arts Festival nominations: ● Large musical Theatre: Footloose (Linda Walling, Andre Baldasserini, Sam Pickens, & Julie McKurth) ● Large Vocal/Choir: Huskapella (Andre Baldasserini) ● Poetry: Elizabeth Mietz (Maria McDede) ● Visual Art 2-D: Julia Grivas & Madison Bauer (Tara Aprilante & Emily Hueston) Empty Bowls Fundraiser Dinner raised $2600 for the FoodBank of Monmouth and Ocean County. Athletics Matawan Regional High School ● ● ● ● ● ● Boys Winter Track & Field - State Sectional Champs - Central Jersey, Group II / Tom Kalieta - Meet of Champs - 1st Place Finisher; 200 Meter/David Alston - 1st team All Shore; High Jump Softball - Shore Conference, B North - Public Division Champs/Lauren Conroy - 1st Team All Shore Girls Spring Track & Field - Shore Conference, B-North Public Division Champs/State Sectional Champs - North II, Group II Boys Spring Track & Field - Shore Conference, B-North Division Champs/State Sectional Champs - North II, Group II/Tom Kalieta - Meet of Champs - 1st Place Finisher; 200 Meter & 400 Meter/Tom Kalieta - 1st team All Shore; Sprints Cheerleading - Rebel Cheerleading Classic - 1st Place Winter Guard - Mid-Atlantic Network Championships, Regional A Division - Gold Medal Matawan Aberdeen Middle School ● Baseball / Boys Spring Track & Field / Girls Spring Track & Field - Shore Conference of Middle Schools Div Champs Student Athletes Continuing on In College Shawn Ramcheran - Sacred Heart University (Div I, Full Scholarship / Football) Aliem Shaw - Sacred Heart University (Div I, Full Scholarship / Football) Alex Pierce - Moravian College (Football) Miranda Scalzo - Delaware University (Dance) Jordan Grillo - Brookdale Community College (Soccer) Bronson Dhume - Brookdale Community College (Soccer) Colin Thompson - Brookdale Community College (Soccer) Christine Kenny - Fairleigh Dickinson University (Tennis) Niya Calloway - Stockton University (Field Hockey) Jennelle Long - Stockton University (Field Hockey) Matthew Carmichael - Montclair State University (Cross Country) Tracey Brereton - NJIT (Basketball) Megim Gjyriqi - Ocean Community College (Basketball) Randolph Myers - Ocean Community College (Basketball) Richard Joa - Philadelphia University (Div II Scholarship / Baseball) Christopher Vetter - Kean University (Baseball) Hadassah Curry - Alderson Broaddus University (Div II Scholarship / Softball) Samantha Buchman - Brookdale Community College (Softball) Darielle Cross - Rowan University (Track & Field) Thomas Williams - Middlesex Community College (Track & Field) Thank You!