Service Excellence Culture - The Ritz


Service Excellence Culture - The Ritz
Service Excellence Culture
y exploring the award-winning business practices of The
Ritz-Carlton, you will discover how a service excellence
culture results in engaged employees and customers.
You will be guided through The Ritz-Carlton Gold Standards—
the foundation of our iconic, global brand. You will also visit our
key processes such as onboarding and empowerment that lead
to legendary service and sustainable success.
Program Highlights
By understanding the proven strategies of The
Ritz-Carlton, you will collect new insights that can be
applied to your organization.
You will be introduced to The Ritz-Carlton road map for:
Differentiating your company from the competition by
consistently offering service excellence
Developing a customer-centric culture at your
organization to drive brand loyalty
Establishing robust operational systems in order to
reduce mistakes and rework
Ensuring customer engagement to further your
brand’s recognition and reputation
Improving your employee engagement through
service values and empowerment to reduce turnover
The Ritz-Carlton Leadership Center
speakers have led training sessions,
spoken at conferences, and given
keynotes to audiences around the
world. Their presentations are practical
and memorable because they share
stories that exemplify how to apply
the principles of The Ritz-Carlton
to your organization.
Length of Presentation
Presentations can be six hours, three
hours or up to two consecutive hours
Who Should Attend?
Senior Leaders and Managers
Optional Debrief
A One-Hour Debrief may be added
on to select presentations for an
additional cost.
(301) 547-4806
Client Testimonials
Program Outline
This course contains four major sections:
1. The Ritz-Carlton Culture – Through this in-depth review,
you will learn about The Credo, Motto, The Three Steps of
Service, The Employee Promise and the 12 Service Values
of The Ritz-Carlton.
2. The Systems Behind the Smiles – You cannot extend
legendary service without having robust systems and
processes in place. You will hear about our selection
process and how we onboard talent at The Ritz-Carlton.
3. Employee and Customer Engagement – You will be
introduced to the three levels of employee engagement and
shown techniques that will enable you to personalize your
service and create emotional connections.
4. Empowerment – Your organization’s problem resolution
strategy is critical to your success. You will discover the
benefits of employee empowerment.
“One of the best sessions I
have ever attended. The
positive feedback I keep
getting from my colleagues
is just amazing!”
“I never could have
imagined how strong of
an impact that you could
have had over a two-hour
seminar. You did an
absolutely fantastic job of
engaging our audience.
They were buzzing for the
rest of the summit about you.”
“ Thank you for an
enlightening presentation
that we can practically
apply to our own business.”
(301) 547-4806