Kappa Alpha Psi Blazers $150 - kapsi
Kappa Alpha Psi Blazers $150 - kapsi
V o l u m e A p r i l 4 , I s s u e 8 2 0 1 3 the cirKular Montgomery Alumni Chapter Kappa Alpha Psi Fraternity, Inc. OFFICERS DONALD L. DOTSON Polemarch WALTER L. BUSH, JR. What: 8th regularly scheduled meeting of the Montgomery Alumni Chapter, 2012-13 Where: 1949 Walnut St. off Carter Hill Road, across from the Burger King When: Sunday, April 7, 2013 — 6:30 PM Vice Polemarch RALPH J. BRYSON Keeper of Records JULIUS L. TAYLOR Asst. Keeper of Records JOHN J. IVERY, SR. Keeper of Exchequer ELMARKO P. MAGEE Asst. Keeper of Exchequer CARLTON A. ROBINSON Strategus LINZY HILL Lt. Strategus W. BRANDON FOLKS Historian W. BRANDON FOLKS Director of Guide Right CALVIN J. COOPER Director of Reclamation W. TROY MASSEY Parliamentarian BOARD MEMBERS ARTHUR D. BAYLOR HENRY W. DAVIS, III WILLIE C. HALL MICHAEL A. HANSHAW DANIEL HARRIS, JR., ESQ. PERNELL L. JENKINS THEODORE M. MORGAN, SR. Kappa Alpha Psi Blazers $150 ...present at Fraternity Meeting Page 2 Dear Brothers: EDITORIAL Our meeting this month will come right after the 63rd Southern Province Council in Birmingham. You have time to register, get there, and enjoy the festivities of the weekend. No doubt we will hear more plans for the 75th reunion of the Beta Zeta Chapter, a celebration that will occur during this year’s Thanksgiving weekend. Planning began several years ago. Whose committee are you on? As you know our Capital Fundraising Building Campaign runs from April 1—Sept. 1. This undertaking will give us a giant leap into the future. It only lasts five months this time but promises great things ahead. Don’t let your team down. The Spring Cleanup went well. Polemarch Dotson said that it was just what he wanted. Focus this time was inside the houses; next will be the grounds outside the houses. We want it to be a pleasure to drive down Walnut Street. By now you should have received the Spring 2013 Journal. Whenever it comes, prepare to stop whatever you are doing — it is just that good. Quarterback Colin Kaepernick merits being on the cover. This Xi Phi initiate (Univ/Reno, Nevada) represents our fraternity well. Note this quote from his interview: “The cool part about the frat...is the brothers stick with you through thick and thin.” Well said. Do you know what “Kaepernicking” means? It is a new verb in the English language...Did you catch the brothers at Zeta Chapter telling the coach not to worry? Just follow the “Yo”. So far, so good —Sweet 16. Back to the Journal — This edition is replete with examples of Kappa Men achieving to the highest levels. Notice as well the various Kappa League programs — really gratifying. Oh yes, the chapter has an entry in the “Kappa of the Year” competition. Of course it is a reflection of what all of you have done. Let us hope that matters go well. Don’t forget — after the Province Meeting come home and our meeting starts at 6:30pm. If you see a delinquent member, let him know what he is missing. Yours In The Bond, Ralph J. Bryson, Keeper of Records cirKular Page 3 Guide Right Foundation Receives... Congratulations are in order to the Kappa Alpha Psi, Guide Right Foundation of Montgomery INC. for being recognized as an eligible nonprofit organization to participate in the 2013 Heart of Alabama (HOA) Combined Federal Campaign (CFC). The HOA CFC serves 30 Alabama counties and has 68 local participating organizations. Our Kappa Alpha Psi, Guide Right Foundation of Montgomery INC. now is a part of this distinguished organization and will be eligible to receive donated monies to support the education and youth development of our young men within our Guide Right Foundation. The CFC campaign kickoff for the Montgomery, Ala. area is scheduled tentatively for 19 Sept 2013. The CFC campaign kickoff will provide our Guide Right Foundation staff the opportunity to interact with the Federal community as well as potential donors to our Foundation. Once again, congratulations to Kappa Alpha Psi, Guide Right Foundation of Montgomery INC. for a job well done. cirKular Page 4 Guide Right Banquet Who: Kappa Kids, Kappa Knights, Kappa League Where: Juliette Hampton Morgan Memorial Library (downtown), 245 High Street, Montgomery, AL 36104 When: Sunday April 21, 2013 Time: 1:30 p.m. Guest Speaker: Tuskegee City Council Member Frank ‘Chris’ Lee, Jr., former Montgomery Kappa League Member and 2008 Initiate of Beta Chi (Hampton University) cirKular Page 5 Ralph David Abernathy Scholarship Breakfast Two of the most successful civil rights leaders in American history were described Saturday as a “dynamic duo” by a man who idolized them — the son of one and the “nephew” of the other. Ralph David Abernathy III contended that his father was more than just a footnote in civil rights history books because he shared time and space with the Rev. Martin Luther King Jr. “King wouldn’t make a move without (my father's) advice because they were inseparable, a team,” Abernathy III said during a riveting speech at the second annual Ralph Abernathy Civil Rights Celebration Brunch. Held at the RSA Activity Center and sponsored by the Montgomery Alumni Chapter of Kappa Alpha Psi Fraternity Inc., the event attracted hundreds of local officials and residents who hung on every word uttered by the featured speaker. “Abernathy told us what we were going to do and how we were to do it, while King told us why we were going to do something,” said the speaker. He said his father sometimes is referred to as one of King’s “lieutenants” when, in fact, he was much more than that — a loyal “partner” who did as much as King did during their days directing the Southern Christian Leadership Conference. March 9, 2013 Alvin Benn Montgomery Advertiser Page 6 Sidney Lanier High School Principal Michael Gibbs, left announces Clayton Harris, Jr. (Beta Zeta initiate) as the new head football coach on Tuesday, April 2, 2013. cirKular Page 7 cirKular Page 8 cirKular Page 9 Montgomery Alumni Officers Polemarch Donald L. Dotson Vice Polemarch Walter L. Bush, Jr. Keeper of Exchequer John J. Ivery, Sr. Asst. Keeper of Exchequer Elmarko P. Magee Historian Director of Guide Right W. Brandon Folks Keeper of Records Ralph J. Bryson Strategus Carlton A. Robinson Director of Reclamation Calvin J. Cooper Asst. Keeper of Records Julius L. Taylor Lt. Strategus Linzy Hill Parliamentarian W. Troy Massey Montgomery Alumni Board Members Arthur D. Baylor Henry W. Davis, III Daniel Harris Willie C. Hall Pernell L. Jenkins cirKular Michael A. Hanshaw Theodore M. Morgan, Sr. Page 10 cirKular Page 11 KAPPA ALPHA PSI FRATERNITY, INC. Southern Province “Training for Leadership Since 1911” 100 YEARS AND BUILDING: The Journey Continues Grand Chapter Meeting — August 6-11, 2013 CONTACT US Ralph J. Bryson, Editor rbryson@alasu.edu Brandon Folks, Asst. Editor willeb123@yahoo.com Email newsletter submissions to mackapsi@yahoo.com. Meeting Address: 1949 Walnut St., Montgomery, AL 36106 Mailing Address: P.O. Box 323, Montgomery, AL 36101 cirKular
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