The Bulletin


The Bulletin
The Bulletin
Quarriers Staff Newsletter • 19 July 2016
Homeless World Cup 2016
Shaping Care
involvment strategy
Caroline Gray, who is
supported by Quarriers
Homelife Service (Ayr), has
been actively involved in the
working group that produced
the Care Inspectorate’s
new involvement strategy,
Working Together,
Improving Together.
The Homeless World Cup has
kicked off in Glasgow, and
Scotland’s women’s team have
got off to a great start, beating
Norway 11-1 in their first
match on Sunday 10 July.
Jodie, who is supported
by Quarriers, is the team’s
assistant coach. We wish
Jodie and the whole team
good luck for the rest of
the tournament!
Keep an eye on our social
media channels and The
Bulletin for more updates.
We want to hear
from you!
Caroline also attended the
Care Inspectorate’s first
involvement conference,
People Like Us at the
Hallmark Hotel in Glasgow,
where the strategy was
launched. Caroline says she
thoroughly enjoyed her time
being involved with the
working group.
Send your news for The Bulletin and QOL to
The Bulletin
Christopher’s dream journey
with other passengers on the
coach and passed the time
talking to them.
Christopher enjoying the sights of Amsterdam
and (above left) getting his passport.
Christopher Graham, who
is supported by Quarriers
Renfrewshire Supported Living
Initiative in Walkinshaw Street,
has achieved a lifelong ambition
of going to Amsterdam.
In January this year, Project
Manager Lesley Finnigan and
Team Leader Caron Wylie
arranged for Christopher to
have a MAP carried out to show
how him far he has come and
identify all the positive changes
he has made in his life.
During this planning session,
Christopher spoke of always
wanting to go to Amsterdam.
Lesley, Caron and Christopher
started putting a plan into place
in order for Christopher to
achieve this.
The staff at Walkinshaw Street
supported Christopher to apply
for his very first passport and
attend an interview in Glasgow.
When the new passport arrived
at Christopher’s home, he began
to realise that his dream was
becoming a reality.
On Tuesday 5 July, Christopher
and Caron began the journey
to Amsterdam. It was a long trip
on the coach to catch the ferry,
but Christopher made friends
Both Christopher and Caron
thoroughly enjoyed the buffet
on offer on the ferry and
Christopher was quite amused
that his cabin didn’t have a
window. He told staff “it was
like sleeping in a big cupboard”!
Christopher really enjoyed being
on the ferry and the crossing
was pleasant.
Christopher had a brilliant time
and visited many famous places
during his time In Amsterdam.
He particularly enjoyed going
on a mini cruise and visiting
a cheese making shop.
When he returned home, he
couldn’t wait to share his holiday
experience with the staff and his
family. Christopher had lots of
photographs taken and is looking
forward to making a special
album of his dream holiday.
The Bulletin
Congratulations, Alice!
Epilepsy Fieldwork
in Aberdeenshire
Alice and Rob
on the big day
Congratulations to Chief
Executive Alice and her new
husband Rob who got married
on Saturday 2 July!
The Sealife Centre
Alice will be using her married
name, Alice Harper. Please
ensure that this is reflected in
any necessary documents.
by Lynn Paton
Anmarie, who is supported
by Quarriers Epilepsy
Fieldwork Service, talked
about her experiences of
living with epilepsy and the
support she receives from
Quarriers in an article in
the Press and Journal this
weekend. She said “When
I was too afraid to go out,
the fieldworkers helped me
to develop my confidence.”
Read the full article here.
Sportsman’s Dinner
Friday 16 September 2016
The Chartroom, Kip Marina,
At the Sea Life Centre
Lynn Paton, who is supported
by Quarriers, writes about
her recent trip to the Sea
Life Centre with Quarriers
Glasgow Group Activities.
On Monday, I went with
Groups to the Sealife Centre.
I enjoyed myself. I saw
sharks, stingrays and
touched a starfish.
I went in Susan and
Jillian’s car.
I had a good day.
with Jim Delahunt, Alan
Rough and Andy Goram
Book your place today
Call us on 01505
The Bulletin
Suzie’s trip to Millport
Suzie enjoyed her trip to Millport
Suzie Faulks, who is supported
by Quarriers Glen Luce Service,
recently enjoyed her first trip to
Millport. Suzie was supported by
Team Leader Tracey Robertson,
and they enjoyed the boat trip.
When they arrived, the wet
weather meant that Suzie had
a picnic in the car, but the
weather cleared up in the
afternoon so Suzie could
explore Millport.
They walked to Crocodile
Rock, and Suzie enjoyed a hot
chocolate and a scone with
cream and jam in a local café.
On the way home, Suzie fell
asleep in the car, tired after
her fun day out.
Sue’s tomatoes
Homelife Girvan’s
coffee morning
On Saturday 2 July, Quarriers
Homelife Service (Girvan)
held a coffee morning and
raffle, and raised a fantastic
£170.80 for the service. Well
done to everyone involved.
Sue with Support Worker Gail Anderson
In The Bulletin on 21 June,
we featured photos from Sue
McAskill’s garden. Sue, who
is supported by Quarrier
Supported Living Service
in Johnstone, has already
grown some lovely
strawberries in her garden,
and has now harvested
a crop of tomatoes, which
she has been enjoying in
her lunches.
Homelife’s coffee morning
The Bulletin
Activities at Finnart Street
Alex’s friends and staff cheer him on.
Right: Alex meets the Provost, the Waterfront Group goes
to the cinema, and Alex and Margaret enjoy the circus.
People supported by our Finnart
Street Service in Greenock have
had a busy few weeks!
Well done to Alex who added
another swimming medal to his
collection at the Port Glasgow
Otter’s Gala at the Waterfront
Centre earlier this month. Alex
was cheered on by friends and
staff, and was presented with his
medal by the provost.
Alex and Margaret recently
enjoyed a trip to Gourock,
where they tucked into
a Chinese buffet and visited
the circus at Battery Park.
Alex loved the clowns and
Margaret’s favourite part was
the Wheels of Doom.
For their July get-together, the
Waterfront Group went to the
cinema to see Ice Age: Collision
Course. For more information
about the Waterfront Group,
please contact ross.gardner@
Japan Fair raises £945
Connect with Quarriers
Japan Fair
Well done to the committee
and volunteers who organised
the Japan Fair Glasgow on
Sunday 5 June. The event,
which took place in the
STUC building on Woodlands
Road in Glasgow, featured
Japanese music, food and
martial arts demonstrations,
and raised an amazing
£945.30 for Quarriers!
A huge thank you to
everyone involved.
Take a break and
support your service
Organise a 10 Minute Teabreak in your service and invite the people you support,
families and friends for what will be a great fun event.
A 10 Minute Teabreak is one of the quickest and easiest ways to raise money for
your service and has proved very popular with local companies and groups.
Why not approach your local churches, schools, community groups and businesses
who could hold a 10 Minute Teabreak on behalf of your service?
If you or your friends would like to host a 10 Minute Teabreak, please get in touch
with us and we’ll send out a FREE information pack.
Call us today on
01505 616054 or email
Quarriers is a registered Scottish Charity No SC001960.
Sportsman’s Dinner
Friday 16 September 2016, 7pm
The Chartroom, Kip Marina, Inverkip
We are delighted to have scored a fantastic line-up to entertain you
at our very first sportsman’s dinner. Jim Delahunt will “kick off”
proceedings before being joined on the pitch by Alan Rough and
Andy Goram…
The night is sure to deliver the perfect hat trick.
Tickets are priced £40. Book your tickets now!
Call us on 01505
Quarriers is a registered Scottish Charity No. SC001960

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The Bulletin Sportsman’s Dinner Friday 16 September 2016, 7pm The Chartroom, Kip Marina, Inverkip

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