Sparks 1-15-16 - Oak Hills Local School District
Sparks 1-15-16 - Oak Hills Local School District
SPRINGMYER SPARKS Amy Brennan, Principal 4179 Ebenezer Rd. Cinti., OH 45248 ~ 574-1205 “LIKE” us on facebook! 1-18-16 TO REPORT A STUDENT ABSENT BEFORE 9AM PLEASE CALL THE ABSENCE LINE @ 347-2970 SAFE SCHOOL HOTLINE – 574-9444 TEAM SPRINGMYER! RESPONSIBLE ~ RESPECTFUL ~ SAFE TUESDAY, JAN. 19 is “Day 2” JAN. 18 NO SCHOOL-MARTIN LUTHER KING DAY JAN. 19 DODGEBALL 3:15-3:45 1/19/16 – 1/22/16 MORNING SAFETY PATROL Tegan K. Kylie W. AFTER SCHOOLSAFETY PATROL Seth S. Sophia L. JAN. 20 WALKING CLUB 7:45 AM JAN 20 GROUP PHOTO DAY JAN. 20 DODGEBALL 3:15-3:45 JAN. 20 EKIDS 3:15-3:45 JAN 21 ENCORE 3:15-4:15 JAN 25 KARATE CLUB 3:15-4:00 SPRINGMYER PODCAST SITE - Enjoy! WSSN Crew and The 5th Grade SPRINGMYER SPIRIT DAYS Every Friday, students are encouraged to show their school spirit by wearing red & black! Remember to collect your Box Tops for Education, Campbell Soup labels, Tyson labels for PTA and your Pop Tabs for Ronald McDonald House Last Day to turn in Karate forms is Tuesday, January 19. Be a part of something awesome… KARATE CLUB! Theme for this Session will be: Karate is the most fun your kids will ever have . . . Learning! Estella is a 7 year old student who has gained focus, confidence, coordination, and improved social skills through her training. Her parents are so impressed with her improvement that her mom trains with us too! THE 4 SECRETS OF KARATE! At Martial Arts America, Karate is much more than just kicking and punching. We teach kids how to become the best they can be. Our Karate Kids learn the skills to do well in school, be more cooperative at home and practice respect and self discipline everywhere they go! As a Karate Club member, your child will learn the 4 Secrets of Karate which are Respect, Concentration, Self Discipline and Perseverance. They will also become a “Secret Agent of Good” and will perform secret missions at home! They will have the opportunity to earn an Official Karate White Belt, a Certificate of Accomplishment, break a karate safety board and learn some really cool Karate moves! Open to all students K-5th Grade. Sessions will be Mondays & Fridays on the following dates; January 25th & 29th, and February 1st & 5th Session time is from 3:15-4:00 pm in the gym. … Isn’t it time that your Pick up is promptly at 4:00. child tried Karate? Parents Must come inside the gym so I have eyes on you in order for your child to be released. (we will If you’ve done the Karate Club before, have a student at the side door to let parents in) The cost is only $20 per child. 100% of the money you can do it again! goes to your school! (a fundraiser that is better than wrapping paper or candy!) pay by cash orAScheck. ChecksOF areTHE to DATES be made CUT HERE AND RETURN LOWER PORTION TO SCHOOL ASAP! Please SAVE TOP PORTION A REMINDER payable to Covedale School. _____________________________ MARTIAL ARTS AMERICA 5106 Crookshank Rd. Cincinnati, OH 45238 513-364-7300 Childs Name________________________________ Age ____ Grade ____ Teacher __________________ Childs Name________________________________ Age ____ Grade ____ Teacher __________________ Childs Name________________________________ Age ____ Grade ____ Teacher __________________ Name of parent/guardian: ____________________________________________________________________ Phone ______________________________ Email ______________________________________________ Any medical conditions _______________________________________________________________________ Being Picked up by: ________________________Phone (if different from one listed above:_________________ Number of Children participating in Karate Club: _____ X $20 each = ______ (Cash or checks accepted. Please make checks payable to Springmyer Elementary) The child(ren) listed above has my permission to participate in the Karate Club. I understand that Springmyer Elementary, Martial Arts America and the Instructors will not be held responsible for any accidents or injuries that may occur. (parent/guardian need only complete one registrations form for multiple students) Signed _______________________________________________________ Date __________________ Looking for the latest details on testing from the Ohio Department of Education? They have started a new Test Talk for Parents newsletter series with updates from the state. You can sign up for updates to be emailed to you by visiting the site. The District is now hiring substitute teachers! More details are available in this flyer. Mark Your Calendar! Teal Shoot Out for the Ovarian Cancer Alliance Jan. 23 Girls Basketball Game - Oak Hills vs. Fairfield (@ Oak Hills) The 4th Annual Ovarian Cancer Awareness Event - the Teal Shoot Out, is on Saturday, January 23rd. Come join the fun as the Lady Highlanders host the Fairfield Indians! Halftime events include basket raffles, split the pot, baked goods, the Teal Shop and a Pantene "Beautiful Lengths" event. Girls have been recruited to donate eight or more inches of hair that will be used by Pantene to create wigs, free of charge, for women suffering from cancer. If you, or anyone you know, is interested in donating hair we are happy to include you! Please email for more information. Anyone wishing to purchase a t-shirt before the Teal Shoot Out can do so here: Ovarian Cancer Alliance of Greater Cincinnati. Each t-shirt purchased receives a ticket to the Women's XU game against Providence on Friday, February 5th at the Cintas Center. T-shirts and tickets will also be available during the day of the event. Ovarian Cancer is known as the silent killer.~ Women are not aware of the symptoms as they are subtle and masked, looking like other health issues.~ By the time ovarian cancer is actually diagnosed, it is often stage 3 or 4. ~There is a desperate need to raise awareness of the symptoms of Ovarian Cancer and find a method for early detection! Over 22,000 US women are diagnosed with ovarian cancer every year with over 14,000 deaths each year. ~ The 5-year survival rate of 36% has not improved in the last 40 years.~ Funding for Ovarian Cancer research needs to be dramatically increased to improve treatments and to find a cure.~ Know the Symptoms: BEAT Ovarian Cancer Bloating Eating Difficulty or Feeling Full quickly Abdominal or Pelvic Pain Trouble with Bladder (urgency or frequency) Bridgetown Middle School will hold the annual Washington D.C. fundraising Yard Sale on Saturday, January 23, 2016. Date: 1-23-16 Times: 8:00 AM -12:00 PM. Doors will not open until 8! Location: 3900 Race Road, Cincinnati: Main Gymnasium AND Multi-purpose Room Thank you for supporting our student trip to our Nation's Capital! Sign-ups for Little Highlanders Baseball & Softball is set for Saturday, January 9, 2016 and Saturday, February 6, 2016 from 10:00 AM to 1:00 PM in The Commons at Oak Hills High School. The cost is $150 and will be all inclusive for baseball U8-U14 and softball U10-U14. The cost for T-Ball (U4-6), Pony Ball (U6-7) and U8 softball will be $50. Thank you, Bruce Knabe Ed Badinghaus OHYA SPRING SPORTS REGISTRATIONS All OHYA Spring Sports start registration on December 4. Registration closings vary so make sure you register early. Spring Sports include: Baseball, Softball, Lacrosse, Track, Tennis and Boys Volleyball. Additional information and the registration links can be found at Lollipop Basketball Registration Oak Hills Youth Athletics Lollipop Basketball Registration is now open online until 2/15/16. Open to Boys and Girls in grades 1st and 2nd. All information about league options and registration can be found at , Youth Sports, Basketball. THE "HIT KING" PETE ROSE TO HEADLINE THE 2016 OAK HILLS SPORTS STAG The 2016 Oak Hills Athletic Boosters Sports Stag featuring Pete Rose January 18th, 2016 at The Woodlands Event starts at 7:30pm Special VIP event starts at 6:30pm and includes Open Bar, Hors d'oeuvres, Meet & Greet with Pete, and an autographed photo! Tickets are $75, VIP $125 and can be purchased online at We will have ticket ordering information online soon! Questions about the stag? Please contact Sherry Gregor at (513) 300-0332. CLICK ON THE LINK BELOW TO PURCHASE YOUR TICKETS SEE MORE @ OAKHILLSSPORTS.COM Please support our Oak Hills Athletic Boosters!! Hope to see you there!! Want to know more about the PTA and see what’s happening? Springmyer PTA webpage - PTA Handbook - Springmyer PTA Handbook March Springmyer Hi-Lites - PTA Board Meeting Minutes - Go to PTA webpage, dwell on PTA, dwell on Board Minutes, select desired month PTA Membership form -PTA Membership 2015 PTA Budget - a copy of the budget is available upon request to any PTA member via email at PLEASE MARK THE CALENDAR FOR THE FOLLOWING PTA UNIT MEETINGS. 10% of the paid membership must be present to allow for a quorum to vote on any business presented to the Unit. If you wish to discuss topic at the meetings please submit a written request to be included on the agenda 2/9 6:30 p.m. Unit Meeting 4/12 7:00 p.m. Unit Meeting (election for any open office) Clip Clip Clip...PTA collects boxtops, labels for education found on campbell's soup and many other products, and A+ labels on many frozen Tyson products. Please visit the websites for tips on how to collect and lists of participating, and All clipped items can be sent to school in an envelope or baggie. The fifth grade will be selling Val Grams for Valentine’s Day from now until February 8. Send a Val Gram to your classmates, teachers or even a secret friend. Parents can also send Val Grams to your sons or daughters. Each Val Gram consists of a Smarties lollipop with special message. They cost $1.00 each or a sheet of six for $5. Fill out the form sent home with your student and return to your child’s homeroom teacher or the office with payment. Your Val Gram will be delivered on Thursday, February 11. Additional forms are available in the office. PTA presents Springmyer staff member of the week: Mrs. Phillips First Grade Teacher at SPG & OHLSD for 16 years. Do you have children? Grace age 3 What is your favorite snack? Salty Snacks What is your favorite restaurant? Carrabba’s What college(s) did you attend? Northern Kentucky University What is your favorite animal? Giraffe When is your birthday? January 11th What is your favorite color? Aqua