January - February 2014 - Word of Faith | Family Worship Cathedral


January - February 2014 - Word of Faith | Family Worship Cathedral
January - February 2014
January-February 2014
“You need to know how to navigate through crisis and maintain
your equilibrium when life spins
out of control.”
Epic Beginnings
Grand Opening
of the EpiCenter!
Our new venue facility spans
nearly 113,000 square feet!
An event destination like no
other, EpiCenter offers an exciting array of professional,
personal and social meeting
4 Ways to Turn
Up Your Home
for The New Year
By Sherry B. Ways
La Buena Vida
WOF’s 22nd Church Anniversary at the Georgia International Convention Center with
Rickey Smiley.
Word Of Faith Family Worship Cathedral - page 2
From the
Bishop’s Desk
It’s Not too Late
By Min. Carol Francis
Inside The Gates
Beautification Ministry
12 Your Gift looks good
on You!
A snapshot of those operating in
their God-given gifts!
W ord Of Faith Times
a publication of the
Word of Faith Family Worship Cathedral’s Media Ministry
Bishop Dale C. Bronner
Pastor Christopher L. Boyd
Mae Battle
Ruby Dillon
Jerry Griffin
Ruth Maddox
Beverly Norton
Jacquelyn Sims
Thelma Talley
Peggie Wimby
Gloria Buchanan
Sylvia Chambless
Betty Dunham
Alice Evans
Lafayette Hughes
Florence Jackson
Alice McCloudy
Ruth Morton
Juanita Clark-Reese Beverly Simmons
Maeomi Stembridge Reneé Sutton
Beverly Wicker
Stephanie Williams
Lillie Hinton
Linda Trotter
Bevis Liddelow
Gabriel Loggins
Jacquelyn Loggins
Mercedes Douglas
Stephen Hinton
Jill Watkins
Lloyd Caldway, Jr.
Edward Guy
Gilbert Hunter
Cathy B. Hope
Marian C. Barnes
Media Ministry email address: mbarnes@woffamily.org
WOF Times provides its readers with relevant and
current information pertinent to the Christian walk and
lifestyle. The WOF Times staff will make every effort to
provide material which is educational, entertaining,
encouraging and inspiring. All of this is done in an
effort to assist WOF Times readers in developing a
more intimate relationship with Jesus Christ.
Word Of Faith Times - page 3
ou need to know how to navigate through
crisis and maintain your equilibrium when
life spins out of control. It is not a matter of
IF you will ever have a crisis but WHEN. As you
know, the word “crisis” means turning point. Good
things can come out of a crisis. God uses crisis to
create a hunger. Hunger puts us on a search. The
search brings us to a revelation. The revelation leads
us to a higher realization. Depending on your attitude, you can become better or bitter. If we do not
change and correct certain things voluntarily, we’ll
be forced to deal with them involuntarily.
Word Of Faith Family Worship Cathedral - page 4
A crisis can have several components:
It can affect your family adversely.
It can be a diversion to hinder you from doing what
you are called to do.
It can marginalize your life.
It can seduce you into disfavor with God because of
your anger against Him for allowing something
negative to happen to you!
So when you experience a crisis, get control of yourself so you can get control of the situation.
What is your biblical worldview? What are your
core values ? What are your core purposes? Keep
the main thing, the main thing! Look within.
Frustration often causes a person to make poor
decisions. We often make poor food choices when
we are frustrated. We choose things that are loaded
with salt and sugar. Because we are upset during
frustrating moments, we seek comfort. Those who
were chemically addicted are highly prone to
having a relapse with drugs! Still others turn to
people who have the ability to “make them feel
good.”So it is not uncommon for a person to go
back to an unhealthy relationship, only seeking
comfort. You see, frustration causes mental and
emotional agony. So we naturally look for ways to
anesthetize our pain. We are simply trying to find a
way to escape what is ailing us! So stop and ask
yourself, “Where do I turn to escape the pain of
frustration in my life?” Whenever you are
frustrated, you’ll discover that you are tempted to
find a carnal resolve to your frustration. But there
is a wholesome alternative to escape your
frustration. You have to find it, though. Remember
I Corinthians 10:13, “There hath no temptation
[provocation/adversity] taken you but such as is
common to man: but God is faithful [objectively
trustworthy], who will not suffer you to be tempted
above that ye are able; but will with the temptation
also make a way to escape [go out or exit or end],
that ye may be able to bear [undergo hardship or
endure] it.”
Life has no problems, only opportunities. Whenever
you are frustrated, S-T-O-P: Sit down –“…He makes
me to lie down in green pastures…” Stop and think
about what helps you to “sit down” or “calm down.”
What helps some is to: go for a walk, listen to your
favorite kind of music, pray, take a hot bath, journal
your feelings, talk to a friend, read a book, get a
massage, take deep breaths, go to an environment that
serves as your private sanctuary, speak to yourself in
psalms and spiritual songs, speak positive confessions
as a diversion from negative feelings/thoughts.
Ask yourself, “Will this matter to me 20 years from
now?” Frustration is temporary! The more you mature,
the more you are able to discern what is important and
what is trivial! Think about the fact that while you are
frustrated, you are still blessed in other areas! Think
about the frustration and ask, “How much of my
frustration is based on truth and how much is based on
my perceptions/feelings?” Then ask, “What/who is my
being frustrated helping or hurting?” Then ask, “How
can I be inspired to respond in a better way?” Ask, “Is
my feeling/acting this way really necessary? Finally
ask, “Is my frustration killing my opportunity to be
kind and show the character of Christ?
Observe - We learn primarily through observation.
What are you seeing modeled before you? Are you
observing the behavior of other frustrated, angry,
impatient people and imitating their reactions? Do not
put anything in front of you that you do not want in
your future. You become what you behold.
Hebrews 12:1b-2a “and let us run with patience the
race that is set before us, Looking unto Jesus the
author and finisher of our faith; who for the joy that
was set before him endured the cross…”
Develop a rapid response plan. Where will you go?
Who will you look to for help? Who will advise you?
What resources do you have at your disposal? You
don’t get what you want in life, you get what you
prepare for. Have a vision, a strategy, and a
contingency plan.
Failure to plan is a plan for failure! Planning helps
you to control changes—to adjust your sails, to work
with the wind rather than against it. Louis Pasteur said,
“In the field of observation, chance favors only the
prepared mind.”
Bring in skilled people. Develop partners outside
your home. Accept loss and learn from it. Always
look to God for direction. Pray, trust and obey!
Of Faith
Of Faith
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It’s Never Too Late!
For God to fulfill His promise-Whew!
By Min. Carol Francis
Though the vision tarries… Habakkuk 2:3
Definition of LATE: Occurring, coming, or being
after the usual or proper time. How do you respond
when the vision tarries? You may experience the
emotional drain of endless weeks, months, years of
waiting for the manifestation of a divine dream, if
you don’t continually fuel your passion. Like watching grains of sand slowly slipping away—you perceive your ‘time of appointment’ as receding and
past due. If God is faithful to perform His Word,
(Deut. 7:9) are you willing to take Him at His word?
Then trust Him and you must use your time to adjust
yourself to move in God’s timing.
His perfect timing. We become frustrated when we
assign man’s schedule to the supreme timeline that
God has already ordained. Newsflash: the Lord is
not checking an almanac to schedule the arrival of
your blessing!
Spiritual Time vs. Earthly Time
Qualitative, contextual
Judging the exact moment to act
Appointed time in the purpose of God
What’s Your Excuse?
It’s too late because:
I’m afraid to try now
I’m broke, older, a little slower
No one will hire me
I can’t keep up
I’ll look ridiculous starting now
I’ll be rejected
It’s been too long already
Why bother now, What’s the POINT?
Here’s the Point
Often we feel we can no longer bear the pain of
waiting. But what may feel like your 11th hour
probably isn’t. Remember that your time is in His
hand. (Psalm 31:15) He desires a love walk with
you. His plan is designed to mature us and draw us
into a more intimate relationship with Himself. His
timing is perfect. We must get in step with Him to
achieve His will, His way, in His perfect time for us.
Quantitative, numeric measurement
Temporal dimension through space and time
Allotment of how long things take
Understanding Time
Since Jesus went through everything you’re going
through and more, learn to think like Him. Think of
your sufferings as a weaning from that old sinful
habit of always expecting to get your own way. Then
you’ll be able to live out your days free to pursue
what God wants instead of being tyrannized by what
you want. (1 Peter 4:1-2)
Robert Liardon says it this way, “God is not subject
to the limitations imposed on us by linear time. But
God uses times as the central focal point from which
our lives operate. Our lives move forward with God,
but we are hindered in our movement without Him.
It depends on our understanding and cooperation
with the timing of God.”
To be continued in the next issue...
Understanding Time
God created all things to work in His order and in
Word Of Faith Family Worship Cathedral - page 6
he vision of the Church
Ministry is to
enhance and maintain the
interior beauty of Word
of Faith Cathedral,
decorate for holidays and
special events and to
organize a lost/found
department in order to present an
attractive and inspiring
environment. In addition to
providing year-round
maintenance, this ministry
oversees the planning and
implementation of special events such as
Christmas and Easter. They also
maintain the inventory, refurbishment and storage of the extensive
collective of decorations and
accessories. Shaundra Childs
was appointed by Bishop
Bronner as the first ministry
leader in 2003. She utilized her
expertise as an interior designer to
launch the ministry, develop the
groundwork and recruit other members. The Beautification Ministry
started with only ten members in the
early days and has grown to an
enrollment of over thirty
active volunteers. Presently,
Winifred Bond serves as the
ministry leader. If you are
interested in supporting the
church through creativity
and teamwork, and would
like to be a part of the
Beautification Ministry,
please contact Ms. Bond at
the church at 770.874.8400.
Word Of Faith Times - page 7
t last! Atlanta’s new epic
destination is here and
ready to serve you! Resplendent with aesthetic beauty
and captivating interior and exterior design, the EpiCenter provides EPIC opportunities as a safe
destination for food, fun, fitness
and other adventures.
Word Of Faith Family Worship Cathedral - page 8
An EPIC Place for Sports & Fitness:
At the Riverside EpiFitness Club, sports and fitness
enthusiasts enjoy the workout of their choice.
Options include an aerobic and dance studio,
cardio/weight room, NCAA regulated basketball
court, an overhead walk/run track and gymnasium,
steam room, sauna, and Jacuzzi. The club also
offers a rock climbing wall.
An EPIC Place
for Business &
The Dale
Carnegie Bronner
Auditorium and
Center is the
perfect setting for business and organizational
conferences, expos and retreats. Interactive
breakout rooms and video conferencing available.
recording studio, arcade and vending area are just
some of the amenities youth will find inviting. Enjoy
a day of fun or rent an area for a private event.
An EPIC Place for Environment:
Having received certification as a LEED Silver
Design Standard, the EpiCenter is fully committed to
being “green.” Built with recycled materials, energy
efficient fixtures, the EpiCenter was built with
environmentally conscious design and sustainability.
An EPIC Place for Events:
Our uniquely designed facility and service offerings
are designed to assist individuals, families,
organizations and businesses celebrate meaningful
An EPIC Place for Food & Entertainment:
With five food retail units, it’s a great option for
convenient dining and entertainment. Enjoy indoor
atrium or outdoor patio seating. National and local
dining brands, as well as, the organic juice bar.
Free WIFI throughout.
An EPIC Place for Youth: Riverside EpiCenter
welcomes the youth of our community. TV lounge,
Word Of Faith Times - page 9
is the ROCK! area can accommodate
1. Youth
2. This
workshops, seminars,
Features 2 levels:
The tallest rock
“Co-Motion”-This space
features a lounge area for
kids, a prime location to
host birthday parties and
other events for the young
at heart. There is an arcade gaming area with
tables for pool, air hockey,
foosball and ping pong.
Also, ample seating for
homework and other constructive activities. “Chill
Zone”- has meeting rooms
for information sessions
and lots of flexibility for
multi-purpose uses.
training sessions, weddings, movie nights,
plays, dance recitals, etc.
Epic Bowling:
The auditorium was reWe are really proud
of our 6 lane bowling alley cently used to film an
with Brunswick equipment. episode of the “Mary,
Mary” television show.
We even have “bumper
bowling” for the less exThe Ballroom:
perienced bowler. Great for
Seating capacity
families, company outings
350 with tables and
and small groups.
500 with row seating arrangement. Room subdiWelcome to the
vides: One large room or
Dale Carnegie
two small rooms. Three
Bronner Auditorium
that seats nearly 600.The projection screens with
remote feed from the
climbing wall in Atlanta!
Word Of Faith Family Worship Cathedral - page 10
Internet Café
6. The
is one of five food
and beverages areas designated in the facility.
With free WIFI throughout, it’s a great working
space for students, business persons or anyone
who wants to use their
laptop while enjoying a
latte and pastry.
ver 300 volunteers offered their
unwavering support for the opening
of the Riverside EpiCenter. Under
the direction of Pastor Christopher Boyd,
many worked months prior to at various
tasks such as: writing printed publicity,
working out logistics, preparing graphic
design, facilitating public relations, enrolling
members for the Fitness Club and registering
participants for the guided tours.
When the event days arrived, the volunteers
showed up in full force; directing the crowd,
answering questions and performing other
duties at hand. On December 14, 2013 there
was a soft opening for the WOF community.
The Grand Opening for the public was held
on January 4, 2014, an icy cold day. None
the less, thousands of visitors came out to
witness the Bishop’s vision. Tours were
conducted every 15 minutes from 9:00 A.M.
to 4:00 P.M. In a word, it was EPIC!
EpiCenter Marketing &
Communication Team
Darlene Adams
Jane Bronner
Shajan Clay
Carol Francis
Louis Martin
Susan Mosley
Tracey Mosley
Leonard Peters-Smith
Alicia Scarborough
Donna Shaw
Jerry Warren
Emmanuel Williams
Love in Motion!
Word Of Faith Times - page 11
The Gift
The Gift
(lyrics from the song by Donald Lawrence)
Proverbs 18:16 (KJV)
“A man’s gift makes room for
him, and brings him before
great men.”
“I’ve been a member of WOF since it
began. I’m the mother of three children
and two adorable grandchildren. In the
dance ministry, we’ve been told that it is a
blessing to watch us dance. I am so
humbled that God chooses to use me in this
manner. Truly, it is a blessing to be able to
dance! I thank God for the gift because
when I dance unto the Lord, I enter a place
that is indescribable. I pray that the
congregation can see my love for God
through dance and they are moved to love
Him even more!”
Word Of Faith Family Worship Cathedral - page 12
“God has graced you and you wear it well
The gift God gave to you, give it back to Him
When He sees it operating, it’s a compliment to Him
The gift God gave to you, give it back to Him
For the gift, it will make room, position,
for great men to see you.
The gift it looks good on you
It looks good on you
The gift it looks good on you
And you wear it well.”
“I am a servant of the Lord who is willing to obey
God in whatever endeavor He requests of me. It is
my desire to let my light (Jesus) shine that others
will see my good works and glorify (highly esteem)
my Father in Heaven.” Sharon is a sign language
interpreter for the deaf and hearing impaired.
I believe that only what we do for Christ will last.”
“My name is Lorenzo King. I’ve been a WOF
member since 2000. I have an inexhaustible
passion to work with those who have been
impacted by the criminal justice system. My Godgiven gifts connect with those men and women
through analogies and metaphors. As Christians,
we are not called to be “shop mechanics” who
hang around the church to work on people. We are
called to be “mobile mechanics” who go out and
provide roadside assistance to those who have
become “broken down” in life.”
“It’s an honor to have served as Bishop Bronner’s
personal security/armor bearer since 2000. I strive
to serve him with excellence and commitment. He
makes such huge sacrifices to fulfill God’s purpose for his life, and in turn, I try to do whatever I
can, big or small, to assist him or lighten his burdens. The lessons and wisdom he has poured into
my life will impact my family for generations.”
Word Of Faith Times - page 13
By Sherry B. Ways
he most
aspect of preparing
your home for the
New Year is getting
rid of clutter. Clutter
tends to add a choking feeling and can
make your home feel
chaotic. Clutter does not only mean clearing out the
mess that you can see, but also pay attention to hidden
areas like drawers, boxes and closets. Start the process
of de-cluttering by creating two separate labeled bins.
One for the stuff that you do not need (donations) and
the other for garbage.
nce your living
space is sorted and
de-cluttered, it is time to
add some coziness and
make the home feel welllived in. The easiest way
to do this is by adding
accessories in your living
room, dining room and
bedrooms. Accessories
add depth and texture to
the space, thus adding warmth. Choose from fur, felt or
wool pillows, intricately woven rugs and cable knit
throws.Faux animal skin with or without fur can also help
in making a room feel cozy. Pick warm colors like shades
of oranges, reds and yellows for your accessories. Decorate in layers and add a few statement pieces to create a
focal point in the room.
Word Of Faith Family Worship Cathedral - page 14
f you have been
thinking about
printing photos from
family holidays and
landmark events
over the past year,
then now is the time
to put thoughts into
action. Usher in the New Year by reminiscing the
happy moments and memories from the past. You
can create a gallery wall with photographs, souvenirs and mementos. Make your gallery wall
meaningful and personal with photos that everyone
in the family can relate to.
he great thing
about winter is that
it forces you to stay
indoors and indulge in
activities like reading
books, crafting with the
kids and spending time
with the family. Take
some time to think about
adding a cozy reading
corner in your home.
Work with your family
on identifying the perfect corner and place an arm chair there. Keep a
rug under the chair and stack some interesting
books on the floor or in a small book case. This
corner will soon become a favorite in the family.
Instead of an armchair, you could also place a few
floor cushions on a rug for the kids.
Bronner Family joined by guest vocalist, Anthony Evans (center) & emcee
Willie Moore Jr. (center-right)
OF’s annual celebration was one
enchanted evening for the 1200 plus
guests who gathered at the Georgia International
Convention Center in December 2013 to celebrate,
yet another exciting year of WOF ministry.
Comedian, radio and TV personality, Rickey
Smiley served as headliner and treated guests to
his “down-home” style comedic talent. Psalmist
and Praise/Worship leader, Anthony Evans
ministered in song.
The theme for the night of exquisite food,
beautifully styled tablescapes, comedy and song
was “La Buena Vida” (the Good Life). As 2014
has been deemed by Bishop Bronner as the “Year
of Fulfillment,” a good life is precisely what’s
Word Of Faith Times - page 15
Rev. James Bronner,
Bernard Bronner,
Bishop Dale C. Bronner,
Mrs. Robbie Bronner,
Pastor Nathaniel Bronner, Jr.
and Pastor C. Elijah Bronner.
Bronner Family Receives Trumpet Award
The 22nd Annual Trumpet Awards was held on Saturday, January
25, 2014 at the Cobb Energy Center. Among other leading family
entrepreneurs, the Bronner family received the Trumpet Award
founded by Xernona Clayton to recognize outstanding African
Americans who have succeeded against great odds and inspired
success in others. Bronner Bros. was founded in 1947 by Nathaniel
Bronner, Sr. The Trumpet Awards will air on TV One on Sunday,
April 20th at 8:00 P.M. EST.
Russell Wilson Wins Super Bowl XLVII
Russell Wilson of the Seattle Seahawks is only the second black
starting NFL quarterback to win the coveted Super Bowl. Doug
Williams was the first when the Washington Redskins dominated
the Denver Broncos in Super Bowl XXII. Last year, Wilson called
into the Yolanda Adams Morning Show and discussed his faith in
God. He expressed to the radio audience that he is greatly inspired
by her song, “I’m Gonna Be Ready.” He stated “This is the song I
listen to everyday, every morning, before game and I sing it right
before I go through the tunnel and I sing it on the field.” Some of
those lyrics include these lines, “Sight beyond what I see, you
know what’s best for me. Prepare my mind and prepare my heart.
For whatever comes, I’m gonna be ready.”

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