Department of Music Programs 1984 - 1985
Department of Music Programs 1984 - 1985
Olivet Nazarene University Digital Commons @ Olivet Programs Music 1985 Department of Music Programs 1984 - 1985 Department of Music Olivet Nazarene University Follow this and additional works at: Part of the Fine Arts Commons, and the Music Performance Commons Recommended Citation Department of Music, "Department of Music Programs 1984 - 1985" (1985). Programs. Book 18. This Book is brought to you for free and open access by the Music at Digital Commons @ Olivet. It has been accepted for inclusion in Programs by an authorized administrator of Digital Commons @ Olivet. For more information, please contact Ofavot EDUCATION WITH A CHRISTIAN Departm ent of Music Programs 1984-1985 Olivet Hozarene College Kankakee, Illinois 60901 Telephone 815-939-5011 PURPOSE Oh^et EDUCATION WITH A CHRISTIAN PU R PO SE Orpheus Choir 1984-1985 D. G eorge D unbar, Conductor Rodney Loren, Accompanist “A Ministry in M usic” Olivet Nazarene College Dr. Leslie Parrott, President Program selected from: John Ness Beck................................................................. Song of Exaltation Hank B e e b e ............................................................. In These Things We Live Jean B erger................................................The Eyes of All Wait Upon Thee Rene Clausen............................................................................Hymn of Praise Thank the Lord Emma Lou Diemer........................................................... Praise Ye the Lord Tom Fettke....................................... The Majesty and Glory of Your Name Mark Hayse............................................... Praise Ye the Lord, the Almighty Ronald M. Huntington Joshua Fit the Battle of Jericho Peter C. Lutkin.....................................The Lord Bless You and Keep You J . H. Maunder............................................................................ Just As I Am Felix Mendelssohn.......................................................................................Holy Jeffrey Rickard........................................................................................... Gloria John W. W ork.........................................................This Little Light O’Mine Ovid Y ou n g................................................................. Arise, My Soul, Arise Holy Spirit, Be My Guide The Comforter Has Come Robert H. Young..........................................................................All For Love Ovid Young has created special arrangements o f hymns to em phasize the baccalaureate serm ons o f ONC President Leslie Parrott from 1976 to 1985. O rpheus Choir sang these arrangem ents at the conclusion o f the sermons, and have just m ad e a recording. This recording, available by early sum m er will cost $1 0 .0 0 , all o f which will g o fo r scholarships fo r Olivet Students. If you wish to order a recording, write a ch eck to Olivet N azarene C ollege an d mail it to the Music D epartm ent or the President’s Office. Orpheus Choir Itinerary 1 9 8 4 -1 9 8 5 President’s Dinner ONC Chapel ONC Crown Point, IN 150th Celebration Board of Trustees Dinner ONC Praise Gathering, Indianapolis, IN First Church of the Nazarene, Martinsville, IN (A.M.) First Church of the Nazarene, Anderson, IN (P.M.) 12 Homecoming ONC 14 First Church of the Nazarene, Kankakee, IL N ovem ber 2 0 ONC Chapel Jan u ary 1-7 Washington D C. Tour February 1 2 -1 4 Choral Workshop ONC 21 ONC Revival March 1-2 Recording Sessions, Alexandria, IN 3 Church of the Nazarene, Alexandria, IN (A.M.) Church of the Nazarene, Winchester, IN (P.M.) 29 Spring Concert ONC April 12 13 Trinity Wesleyan Church, Lansing, MI 14 Central Church of the Nazarene, Flint, MI (A.M.) First Church of the Nazarene, Mason, MI (P.M.) 28 College Church of the Nazarene, ONC May 12 Baccalaureate August 20 23 S eptem b er 2 5 O ctob er 2 3 -6 7 Orpheus Choir 1 9 8 4 -1 9 8 5 Soprano Alto Michelle Brian - Davison, MI Kay Buker - Bedford, IN Pam Degner - Oak Creek, WI Robin Foster - Bluefield, WV Laura Henderson - St. Louis, MO Janice Janes - Trilla, IL Bonnie Kingston - Greenfield, IN Kelli Lobb - Glendale. OH Lori Lynn - Portage, In Cynthia Oney - Louisville, KY Lee Ann Pence - Lansing, Ml Donna Pierce - Champaign, IL Amy Ransom - Coshocton, OH Lisa Robison - Indianapolis, IN Jo y Sharpe - Racine, Wl Jann Stice - Dearborn, MI Fay Young - St. Cloud, FL Karen Abbott - Owasso, MI Sharon Barr - Ridgeville, IN Dawn Bateman - Granger, IN Tammi Brooks - Bourbonnais, IL Cindy Crawford - Pekin, IL Elizabeth DiPietro - Mt. Prospect, IL Marty Erickson - Bourbonnais, IL Pam Gooden - Virden, IL Gretchen Guyer - Munster, IN Julie Hampton - Galesburg, IL Kyra Kirkpatrick - Huntington, IN Cyndi Larson - Birnamwood, WI Pam Learned • Washington, IL JoAnn Lichte - Tampa, FL Rebecca Milburn - Hoopeston, IL Kelly Shadrick - Escondido, CA Teresa LHmet - New Castle. IN Tenor B ass Mark Brown - Farmington Hills, MI Jay Daughtry - Loves Park, IL Kevin Kirkpatrick Huntington, IN Jon Lee - North Vernon, IN John Lynn - Portage, IN Chip Mattax - Racine, WI Kent Meyer - Kendallville, IN Robert North - Shawnee, KS Ray Parpart - Merrillville, IN Rick Parks - Pittsfield, IL Jim Pence - Holt, MI David Rees - Winchester, IN Jim Springer - Bourbonnais, IL Burt Webb - Montrose, MI Scott Apple - Oaklandon, IN Phil Atkins - Findlay, OH John Brewer - Muncie, IN Steve Carlson - Lockport, IL Jim Fitzgerald - Lexington, KY Mark Fryar - Woodridge, IL Brad Garvin - River Forest, IL Kent Glendening - Chillicothe, OH Randy Gooden - Virden, IL Rod Green - Anderson, IN Andy Hurles - Kokomo, IN Dennis John - Dixon, IL Brian Kennedy - Saginaw, MI Rodney Loren - Cory, IN Jeff Myers - Alliance, OH Mark Parker - Cincinnati, OH Monte Parsons - Sterling, IL Troy Pence - Lansing, MI Randy Stegemoller - Indianapolis, IN C on d u ctor - D. George Dunbar A ccom p an ist Rodney Loren - Cory, IN O rpheus Officers Rodney Loren - President Brad Garvin - First Vice-President Lori Lynn - Second Vice-President Julie Hampton - Secretary Randy Stegemoller Jim Fitzgerald - Chaplain Kay Buker - Robarian Jim Springer - Historian Pam Gooden - Librarian -Business Manager Larsen Fine Arts Center The Larsen Fine Arts Center was opened October 5, 1982 and dedicated February 17, 1983 at a cost of $3.5 million. It is named in honor of Mrs. Naomi Larsen, who taught in Olivet's Music Department 40 years until her retirement in 1975, and in memory of her late husband, Dr. Walter Burdick Larsen, who taught music at Olivet from 1930 to 1957 when his life was taken in a tragic automobile accident. The Larsens have given sterling leadership to the College, and left a dynamic Christian impact on the lives of hundreds of students through their musical, spiritual and personal influence. The Center houses the Division of Fine Arts which offers academic and activity pro grams in Music and Art. Music majors have choices of concentrations in Music Education, Musical Performance, Church Music, and a combination of Church Music and Christian Education. The Art major emphasizes painting, drawing, ceramics, graphics and photog raphy. Students may also earn minors in Music or Art. The Kresge Auditorium, seating 540, is an important feature of the Larsen Fine Arts Center. It is named in honor of Mr. and Mrs. Stanley S. Kresge. The Kresge Foundation of Troy, Michigan, made a gift of $200,000 to Olivet for this building, marking the third time the Foundation has contributed to building programs at Olivet. The Kresge Auditorium will be the site of dramatic productions, lectures and classes in addition to music recitals and concerts. The Department of Music occupies classrooms and offices on the middle and upper levels of the Center. The Department of Art has classrooms and studios on the lower level. The Music Department has 12 music studios/offices, 22 practice rooms, two ensemble rehearsal rooms, three classrooms, a reception/conference room, secretarial offices and workrooms. The Art Department has four classrooms, three studio/offices, a secretarial office, three photolabs and the Brandenburg Art Gallery. The Music Department has 11 full time and 5 part time faculty members. The Art Department has two full time faculty members. Performing groups of the Music Department include the Brass Consort, Concert Band, Stage Band, College Orchestra, Choral Union, Concert Singers, Orpheus Choir, Treble Clef Choir and Viking Male Chorus. Dr. Harlow Hopkins is Chairman of the Division of Fine Arts and the Department of Music. Dr. Harvey Collins is Chairman of the Department of Art. Inquiries about academic programs, scholarships, concerts, recitals, displays or other special events may be addressed to these men. Olivet Nazarene College is a four-year liberal arts college and is affiliated with the Church of the Nazarene. Its 1800 students come primarily from the four Midwestern states of Illinois, Indiana, Michigan and Wisconsin to take courses in 43 departments of study. The 160-acre campus is located 60 miles south of Chicago in the village of Bourbonnais, Illinois, on the northern edge of the city of Kankakee. O livet Nazarene College Department of Music presents F A C U L T Y R EC IT A L c f lt L e e . (E d u jc L x d jS ., t P ia n o S e p t e m b e r 13, 198k 7 : 3 0 p.m. Kresge A ud itorium Rondo in D Major. K. L85 .............................................M o z a r t The R o n d o in D m a j o r w a s c o m p o s e d in V i e n n a in J a n u a r y of 1786. It is a g r a c i o u s , u n c o m p l i c a t e d w o r k t h a t is r e a l l y in a s o n a t a a l l e g r o f o r m r a t h e r t h a n a r o n d o form. P erha ps the t i t l e r e f l e c t s ' t h e r e p e a t e d a p p e a r a n c e s of the o p e n i n g m e l o d y in a v a r i e t y of keys, r e g i s t e r s , and text u r e s . S o n a t a in E - f l a t majo r. Op. 8la " Das L e b e w o h l " ............... B e e t h o v e n Das Lebewohl: Adagio— Allegro Abwesenheit: A nd ante e s p r e s s i v e — Wiedersehen: Vivacissimamente In 1809, N a p o l e o n a t t a c k e d V i e n n a f o r c i n g t h e i m p e r i a l f a m i l y to flee. B e e t h o v e n and the A r c h d u k e w e r e g r e a t f r i e n d s . T h e A r c h d u k e had s t u d i e d p i a n o an d c o m p o s i t i o n w i t h B e e t h o v e n ; there was m u tual re spect and admiration. D u ri n g the two m o n t h F r e n c h o c c u p a t i o n , B e e t h o v e n c o m p o s e d the S o n a t a in E - f l a t M a j o r a s an e x p r e s s i o n of t h e s t r o n g e m o t i o n s a r o u s e d by t h e f o r c e d e x i l e of the A r c h d u k e . Beethoven h imse lf a s s ig ne d the p r o g r a m m a t i c s u b t i t l e s to e a c h m o v e m e n t : D a s L e b e w o h l -t h e F a r e w e l l ; A b w e s e n h e j t - A b s e n c e ; and D a s Wi e d e r s e h e n - t h e R e t u r n . Nocturne Nocturne in D - f l a t majo r . Op. 27, No. 2 ........................ Chopin in A-f l a t , Op. 33 .......................................... B a r b e r T h e t e r m " n o c t u r n e " w a s f i r s t used in the 1 9 t h c e n t u r y f o r s h o r t e x p r e s s i v e p i e c e s f o r piano. The t i t l e s u g g e s t s n i g h t . T h e s t y l e is u s u a l l y s u b d u e d and m e l a n c h o l y w i t h a l y r i c a l m e l o d y set a b o v e a r o l l i n g c h o r d a c c o m p a n i m e n t . A l t h o u g h the I r i s h m a n J o h n F i e l d is c r e d i t e d w i t h b e i n g the f i r s t to c o m p o s e n o c t u r n e s , it w a s F r e d e r i c C h o p i n w h o b r o u g h t t h e m to m u s i c a l prominence. It is i n t e r e s t i n g t o c o m p a r e C h o p i n ’s n o c t u r n e , c o m p o s e d e a r l y in the 1 9t h cent u r y , w i t h S a m u e l B a r b e r ' s n o c t u r n e , p u b l i s h e d in 1959. Barber's work retains some 19th c e n t u r y c h a r a c t e r i s t i c s but c l o t h e s t h e m in 20th c e n t u r y harmoni e s . (o v e r ) Carnaval, Op. 9 ................ 1. PrAambule 2. Pierrot Arlequin 3. V a l s e nobl e U. Eusebius 5. 6. Florestan Coquette 7. 8. RAplique Papillons 9. 10. A.S.C.H.-S.C.H.A. (Lettres dansantes) Chiarina 11. 12. 13. U. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. Chopin E st rella Reconnaissance P a n t a l o n et C o l o m b i n e Valse al lemande P a g a n i n i ( In t e r m e z z o ) Valse allemande A ve u Promenade Paus e M a r c h e des "Davidsbiindler" c o n t r e les P h i l i s t i n e s C a r n a v a l la a c o l l e c t i o n of s h o r t p i e c e s b a s e d on a c ore of f o u r notes : A, 3 ( G e r m a n f o r E - f l a t ) , C, and H (German f o r B natu r a l ) . S c h u m a n n , w h o lo v e d to p l a y on the s i g n i f i c a n c e of s p e c i a l w o r ds, d e r i v e d t h e s e n o t e s f r o m the n a m e Asch, h o m e town of a girlfriend. T h e y a l s o h a p p e n t o be the o n l y m u s i c a l l e t t e r s in hia o w n name. S c h u m a n n d e s c r i b e d C a r n a v a l as a " h u m o r i s t i c m a s k e d r o m a n c e . " T h e w o r k is ful l of m u s i c a l p o r t r a i t s . S c h u m a n n h i m s e l f is r e p r e s e n t e d by F l o r e s t a n a n d E y s e b u y s , p e n n a m e s he use d to r e p r e s e n t the e x t r o v e r t and i n t r o v e r t a s p e c t s of h i s p e r s o n a l i t j C h i a r i n a is C l a r a W i e ck, w h o m S c h u m a n n l a t e r m a r rie d. Estrella is the g i r l f r i e n d f r o m Asch; she s o u n d s m o s t d o m i n e e r i n g . T w o o t h e r m u s i c i a n s a r e r e p r e s e n t e d in C h o p i n a n d P a g a n i n i . C l o w n s f r o m t h e o l d I t a l i a n C o m m e d i a d e l 1 - A r t e a p p e a r in P i e r r o t , the r e f l e c t i v e , in A r l e q u i n , the r a m b u n c t i o u s , and in P a n t a l o n and C o l o m b i n e , w h o a l w a y s s e e m to be q u a r r e l i n g . T h e a d v e n t u r e c o n c l u d e s w i t h t h e d r a m a t i c M o r r h of the B a n d of D a v i d a gainst the Phi 1 i st ines, a t r i b u t e to an i m a g i n a r y s o c i e t y of c o m p o s e r s f o r m e d t o d o b a t t l e a g a i n s t c u l t u r a l P h i l i s t i n e s , t h o s e w h o f a v o r t h e s u p e r f i c i a l a n d trite. OLIVET NAZARENE COLLEGE Department of M u si c presents STUDENT R E C I T A L Lasciatemi morire Cyndi ............... C l a u d i o Larson, Robin Vergin tutto amor Dawn sole dal Norma in E piano ................. F r a n c e s c o Noble, Romey, piano piano H o b . X V I / 3 4 ......... J o s e p h Presto Adagio Vivace molto ■i Kresge Carla Auditorium September 11:30 a.m. 21, 1984 Scarlatti mezzo-soprano Montgomery, minor, Durante mezzo-soprano G a n g e ........ A l e s s a n d r o Dawn Sonata Foster, Bateman, Joe Gia'il Monteverde mezzo-soprano Surface, piano Haydn OLIVET NAZARENE Department of COLLEGE Music present s A N I T A S H A R O N [lie Les a fui ( L es olseaux dans Contes d' B A R R , mezzo-soprano Hoffman) la c h a r m i l l e ( L e s C o n t e s d' H o f f m a n A n ita Beck, s o p rano Cindy S t a n d e h e n Op. 106, Wie M e l o d i e n zieht De r F r u h l i n g Op. 6, c h ’a d o r i Entziehe Spring, Offenbach Jacques Offenbach piano No. 2 ................... ^ ........... Sh a r o n Barr, m e i x o - s c p r a n o Surface, eilends, mein Anita Herze Beck Cindy oder and Brahms Brahms Johannes Brahms Marco Welt Sharon Spring, Theresa Johannes Johannes piano ................................... dlch Jacques No. 1 ................................. e s m l r Op. 105, N o . 1 ............ Carla Pria B E C K , soprano Antonio ......... Barr, J.S. Cestl Bach duet harpsichord Woodruff, cello / F r a u e n 1 iebe und Leben ................................................. S e i t ich ih n g e s e h e n Ich k a n n ’s n l c h t fa s s e n , nlcht Du R i n g an m e i n e m F i nger Nun hast du mlr den e r s t e n Bergerettes (Pastoral C h a n t o n s les a m o u r J u e n e FiI let te B e r g e r e legere Venez, agreable Schmerz "The The Bad Lion; Cindy Spring, The Frog The Microbe soprano piano .................... harmonized by J.B. Weckerlln Jean prlntemps Sharon Child's T he getan Beck, Barr, Carla From Schumann glauben Anita Diddles) de Robert Book of mezzo-soprano Surface, Beasts" piano .............................. Donald Martino Tiger Anita Beck, Cindy Spring, soprano piano (over) Songs From Moravia, Op. 32 .... • ................................ arranged Don't Fly O n Quick Think 1 Will Sheryl Antonin Bi t n e r / R u t h m a r ic Dvorak Stay Swallow Before Brooklet The That by We're Parted and Tears Consolation Anita Beck and Lisa Pam Mary Sharon Boss, Degner, Barwegan, Barr, duet flute violin violir 1 II Jewell Grothaus, vicla Teresa Woodruff, cello T h is r e c i t a l i s b e in g p r e s e n t e d i n p a r t i a l f u l f i 1 Im ent o f th e r e q u i rcm ent s f o r t h e B a c h e l o r o f S c ie n c e D e g re e w i t h c o n c e n t r a t l on i n M u s ic E d u c a t i on a n d B a c h e l o r o f S c ie n c e D e g re e w i t h c o n c e n t r a t i on i n C h u rc h M u s ic , K r e s g e A u d it o r iu m S e p t e n b e r l b , 198b 7 :3 0 p .m . OLIVET NAZARENE COLLEGE D e p a r t m e n t of M u s i c SENIOR C A R L A Sonata in E minor RECITAL S U R F A C E , Hob. p ia n o X V I / 3 4 ................... J. Haydn Presto Adagio Vivace molto Impromptus, Allegro 3. Theme Concerto No. Andante Variations Vol. Dances in 2 Schubert moderato and Mikrokosmos, Six 1 4 2 .............................F. Op. 1. VI B. Bulgarian in G minor, Bartok Rhythms Op. 2 2 . . . . C. Saint-Saens sostenuto Cindy Spring, piano T h i s r e c i t a l i s b e in g p r e s e n t e d in p a r t i a l f u l f i l l ment o f th e requ irem en ts f o r th e B a c h e lo r o f A r t s Degree in P ia n o Perform ance. Kresge October 7:30 Auditorium 16, p.m. 1984 OLIVET NAZARENE COLLEGE Department of M u s i c presents CHORAL Joe Tim With Sonata in F Major Allegro 100 piano Soloists ............................. F. M e n d e l s s o h n Vivace Lolita Motet Director Smith, Featured Gerald Psalm UNI ON Noble, Phelps, violin Anderson, piano .............................................. for (Sung double in H. Schiitz choir German) Choral Union Nocturne in D - f l a t , Op. 27, no. ............. F. Chopin Nocturne in A - f l a t , Op. 33 ..................... S. Barber T. Morley Alice Sing we April My and is chant in m y Bonnie lass it Edwards, smileth Choral Jeux ................... ...................... T. Morley T. Morley Union ............... ............................... ....... I. J* Ibert Anime 11. Tendre Cantate Domino Motet for (Sung Estlund, flute Edwards, piano ................................. five in Becky Alice voices Latin) Choral October 7:30 piano ............................. M i s t r e s s face she 2 18, 1984 P.M. Kresge Auditorium Union J.P. S w e e l i n c k Psalm English Shout and Joyfully Serve Come For Him ye are Enter And Sing For ye the Lord, the Lord ye that made us ye the gates in to God loving truth Glory to As the we quiet give His is thanks praise name kindness endureth the grazing. with Thanksgiving, Him. and bless it, everlasting. evermore. Father and the Son beginning now and evermore and to the shall Holy Spiriir. be. Amen! sing ye Joyfully sing to sing the praise ye ye to Domino Translation ye to the Lord Lord, Him, the Lord, people, sing ye bless Declare Great pastures gracious, 0 We singing, God, ourselves, Him to Cantate 0 our not English All with is His presence praise Lord Ilis 0 gladness. Him. Ilis 0 lands. with Lord all, flock, His and Amen, all before His in God and His the to joy into Thank joyful, with know lie h a t h We be sing 100 Translation is to to all His Declare to So the that the Jehovah Lord. and men, make both His now name and holy. forever, Salvation; all them people who will are know heathen God of God's wondrous creation. gi ry OLIVET NAZARENE COLLEGE Department of Music presents STUDENT RECITAL Come Saturday Morning ...................................................... Feelings Moon River Johnny Instrumental Denise Sell Paula Jayne Pickering Janet Moutray for V i o l i n & Viola Mercer & Debbie Devidal Sebben Debbie Marsh Eiraor, Karlin Class Garrett Pamela Ruthmarie Duet Activities Fred Morris Albert H e n r y M a n e in: piano in G W.A. Mozart G.F. Hande* Allegro Pam Degner, Carrie violin Childers, viola Standchen Cyndi Larson, mezzo-soprano Cindy Spring, piano Vado ben Sonata s p e s s o ................................................................... Ric Par k s , b a r i t o n e Rod Loren, piano In Bb major, 500..... ............................................. L. Diana Now Is When To My Her Lovely Sonata The the M o n t h of in F m a j o r , La Maying Calma Hob. Scarlatti T. ....................................... J o h n A. B r e w e r , b a r i t o n e D awn Montgomery, piano L o r d ’s P r a y e r Ridente 0. piano C o r i n n a S i n g s ............................................ Kelly Shadrick, mezzo-soprano C i n d y Spring, piano Lute Celia Miller, S. R o s a X V I : 2 3 ........................... Diana Williams, piano .......................................................... Ro d Loren, baritone Ci ndy Spring, piano Morley T. C a m p i o n G. Monro J. Haydn Michael Head ......................................... W.A K a y Buker, soprano Dawn Montgomery, piano Se nel ben sempre .................................................... Bruce Yates, tenor Joe Noble, piano Kresgt* Auditorium O c t o b e r 19. 1 1 :30 A.M. 1986 A. Stradello Treble Clef Choir Voices in Praise 1984 Fall Tour Linda L. Dunbar Conductor Diana Miller Cynthia Payne Accompanists O livet Nazarene College Kankakee, Illinois Dr. Leslie Parrott, President Treble Clef Program Handbell Prelude The Master's Musicians Director, Sharon Barr Congregational Hymn Festival A lleluia................................................................. Allen Pote Sing Praises............................................................ L. Stanley Glarum Day by D a y ..................................................................... Martin How Treble Clef Choir PRAYER..................................................................................... Pastor Sing Unto the Lord.......................................................... Julie Knowles Soloists: Cheryl Dilts or Angela McCord Empty H an d s................................................................... Tom Fettke Violinist: Lisa Chambers I Am Thine O Lord................................................... Crosby-Arr. J. Linn Master's Musicians RAGGEDY ANN & ANDY OFFERTORY Soloist (s) - Lisa Foster, piano Marla Grasmeyer, saxophone ONC PROMOTION Gotta Have Religion.......................................................... Noble Cain Steal A w a y ................................................... Spiritual, Arr. Mickelson Standin' on the Walls of Z io n ....................... Spiritual - Maurice Gardner Treble Clef with joyce Dean, soloist I Have Decided To Follow Jesus..................................... Arr. Mickelson How Excellent Is Thy N am e Eugene Butler BENEDICTION The conductor of the group is Linda Dunbar, who holds a Bachelor's Degree from ONC. She has taught part-time and is presently teaching full-time in class and private voice at ONC since returning to ONC with her husband in 1970. The Treble Clef Choir has inspired the hearts of people with its singing about the Christian faith. Besides singing in several of the United States, the Choir has made three trips to Europe and the British Isles to sing in the European Nazarene churches. The 42 young women represent the full range of academic majors and interests at the College. A ten-member Handbell Choir w ill also present selections. Personnel Soprano Alto I I Joycelyn Dean - Homewood, IL Cheryl Dilts - Plymouth, Ml Vickie Kidd - Richmond, IN Connie Lafquist - Springfield, IL Angie Mayfield - Ellettsville, IN Andrea Ray - Troy, Ml Cheryl Shira - Newark, DE Nadene Smith - St. Anne, IL Lisa Chambers - Terre Haute, IN Janet Davis - Bloomington, IL Martha Davis - Round Lake, IL Leanne Empie - Ravenna, Ml Lisa Foster - Peoria, IL Marla Grasmeyer - Muskegon, Ml Jenny Moore - Fort Wayne, IN Pam Sebben - Rock Island, IL Dawn Singell - Edmore, Ml Jeanette Westenberger Davenport, IA Lisa Zechinato - Dimondale, Ml II Lisa Bogue - Tipton, IN Melody DeArmond - Decatur, IN Penny Falkenburg - Belleville, IL Cheryl Lawton - Chesaning, Ml Kathleen Leeney - Munster, IN Marsha Lohry - Buchanan, Ml Carolyn Matson - Bensenville, IL Susan Meek - Spencer, IN Debra Meyer - Kankakee, IL Diana Miller - Lynnville, IN Angela McCord - Fenton, II Dawn Schoenwetter-Waterloo, W I Susan Sebben - Rock Island, IL Jean Watkins - Portland, IN II Kandra Dilts - Plymouth, Ml Pam Fulton - South Lyon, Ml Tina Miser - Morton, IL Anna Moore - Holland, Ml Diane Nelson - Rockford, IL Cynthia Payne - Muncie, IN Amy Rutherford - Holly, Ml Robin Starling - Newark, IL Melinda Wedmore - Muncie, IN Officers President - Tina Miser Vice-President - Angela Mayfield Secretary - Janet Davis Treasurer - Robin Starling Chaplain - Jeanette Westenberger Itinerary October 14 - Bradley Church of the Nazarene Homecoming Sunday, Bradley, IL October 26 - Lowell Church of the Nazarene Lowell, IN November 10-7 p.m. - Rantoul Church of the Nazarene Rantoul, IL November 11 - 11 a.m. - Bloomington First Church of the Nazarene Bloomington, IL 6 p.m. - Rock Island First Church of the Nazarene Rock Island, IL December 4 - ONC Chapel Larsen Fine Arts Center The Larsen Fine Arts Center was opened October 5, 1982 and dedicated February 17, 1983 at a cost of $3.5 million. It is named in honor of Mrs. Naomi Larsen, who taught in Olivet's Music Department 40 years until her retirement in 1975, and in memory of her late husband, Dr. Walter Burdick Larsen, who taught music at Olivet from 1930 to 1957 when his life was taken in a tragic automobile accident. The Larsens have given sterling leadership to the College, and left a dynamic Christian impact on the lives of hundreds of students through their musical, spiritual and personal influence. The Center houses the Division of Fine Arts which offers academic and activity pro grams in Music and Art. Music majors have choices of concentrations in Music Education, Musical Performance, Church Music, and a combination of Church Music and Christian Education. The Art major emphasizes painting, drawing, ceramics,graphics and photog raphy. Students may also earn minors in Music or Art. The Kresge Auditorium, seating 540, is an important feature of the Larsen Fine Arts Center. It is named in honor of Mr. and Mrs. Stanley S. Kresge. The Kresge Foundation of Troy, Michigan, made a gift of $200,000 to Olivet for this building, marking the third time the Foundation has contributed to building programs at Olivet. The Kresge Auditorium will be the site of dramatic productions, lectures and classes in addition to music recitals and concerts. The Department of Music occupies classrooms and offices on the middle and upper levels of the Center. The Department of Art has classrooms and studios on the lower level. The Music Department has 12 music studios/offices, 22 practice rooms, two ensemble rehearsal rooms, three classrooms, a reception/conference room, secretarial offices and workrooms. The Art Department has four classrooms, three studio/offices, a secretarial office, three photolabs and the Brandenburg Art Gallery. The Music Department has 11 full time and 5 part time faculty members. The Art Department has two full time faculty members. Performing groups of the Music Department include the Brass Consort, Concert Band, Stage Band, College Orchestra, Choral Union, Concert Singers, Orpheus Choir, Treble Clef Choir and Viking Male Chorus. Dr. Harlow Hopkins is Chairman of the Division of Fine Arts and the Department of Music. Dr. Harvey Collins is Chairman of the Department of Art. Inquiries about academic programs, scholarships, concerts, recitals, displays or other special events may be addressed to these men. Olivet Nazarene College is a four-year liberal arts college and is affiliated with the Church of the Nazarene. Its 1800 students come primarily from the four Midwestern states of Illinois, Indiana, Michigan and Wisconsin to take courses in 43 departments of study. The 160-acre campus is located 60 miles south of Chicago in the village of Bourbonnais, Illinois, on the northern edge of the city of Kankakee. *O ltvct'jfazarcH £ ‘O rchestra co/fituctccZ 'iy £ p lita JP /u lp s PERFORMING : ^Sack,, O rchestra/ Suite Jfp 1 S cT iu ie rtj Sj/uiphoni/^Aip.3 /n ‘D Jda/ar (Cep/anJ, dffpalacta*' S p r / n y Saturday, Octeher 20, 19&H at-* l ''3 0 j p . ff t,. ^ ^ .rtS ife ^ u S ifo riu u v , -/jtrse tt SJiH P jSfrts C a ttcrtBt>ur7>onna/s, '&Z/'ru>is Program Orchestral Suite No. 1 in C ., Ouverture Courante Gavotte J. S. Bach (1685-1750) Forlane Bouree Passepied Johann Sebastian Bach came from a family that from the 16th to the early 19th centuries produced musicians of every kind in number beyond parallel — from fiddlers and town musicians to organists, Kanters, court musicians, and Kapell meisters. Johann Sebastian was the greatest among them. The four orchestral suites are festive compositions which were generally performed at ceremonial occasions during Bach's time. The work is in seven movements. The overture is in typical French Ouverture form, having similar opening and closing A dagio sections that are characterized by p om poso dotted figures. The middle section, approximately twice as fast as the Adagio, is a fourvoice fughetta. The fughetta is interspersed with short episodes, usually played by the oboes and bassoon. T he French Courante is an elegant courtly dance, in contrast to the quick, folkoriented Italian Corrente. The G avotte was a French dance of the 17th century, coming into vogue when Lully introduced it into his ballets and operas. An energetic dance of courtship, the Forlane had its origins in northern Italy in the 16th century. This is the only instance in which Bach used this dance form. The Bouree, originally a folk-dance in quick duple meter with a single upbeat, became a courtly dance in France in the 17th century. The suite ends with a Passepied, a spirited dance in a quick 3/8 that was very popular during the reigns of Louis XIV and Louis XV. It is said to have come from Brittany. Symphony No. 3 in D Adagio Maestoso Allegro con brio Allegretto Franz Schubert (1797-1828) Menuetto (vivace) Presto (vivace) The 3rd Symphony — the most popular of his six early sym phonies— was com posed when Schubert was 19 years old. It is a classically-conceived work, and as such, does not show the introspectiveness and maturity of Schubert's later, more forward-looking works. However, Schubert's penchant for spinning off beautiful melodies is clearly evident here, and the music never lacks for charm. INTERMISSION A ppalachian S p rin g ............................................ Aaron Copland (b. 1900) Suite for thirteen instruments Appalachian Spring was composed for thirteen instruments in 1944 as a ballet for Martha Graham — who chose the title from a poem by Hart Crane — on a commission from the Elizabeth Sprague Coolidge Foundation. It was first performed by Miss Graham and her company at the Library of Congress, Washington, D .C ., in 1944. The work was later re-scored for full orchestra by the composer. The work is a folk-like pastoral, built around declam ations— brief statements and counterstatem ents— with angular as well as gracefully arched melodies. Alternately proclaiming and withdrawing, the music dramatizes the conflict between the vernacular and the personal — between the great public and the isolated individual. The balance between public declamation and elegiac meditation is reflected in the "them e" of the ballet (and in much of Copland's music): T o be left quiet and strong and separate— yet to be defined in a community and to contribute to a tradition. Concerning Copland's compositional tools, the rhythmic structure of his orchestral works relies for long stretches on traditional patterns of dance and march, with steady tempos enlivened by odd accents and phrases. He displays a fondness for wide, empty intervals — tenths, bare fifths and sixths. A ppalachian Spring is kept moving by melodic expectation, as well as the ever-changing details of sound which are planned to express the emotional development of the whole work. The work builds up to the Shaker tune (which is stated unmodified) and enroute moves readily from a playful, dancing, jubilant mood, to reflectiveness, to tenuous ness, with the melodic material derived motivically from the Shaker tune. After the Shaker variations, the final form of the melody which opened the work appears, not as a mere coda after the glorified variations, but as a fulfillment to which all the variations and the intervening hesitant prayer have led. Copland points out that the work was primarily created for M artha Graham, his stated goal being that of reflecting the unique quality of a human being, an American landscape, and a way of feeling. He also provides this program note: The action of the ballet concerns "a pioneer celebration in spring around a newly-built farmhouse in the Pennsylvania hills in the early part of the last century. The bride-to-be and the young farmer-husband enact the emotions, joyful and apprehensive, their new domestic partnership invites. An older neighbor suggests now and then the rocky confidence of experience. A revivalist and his followers remind the new householders of the strange and terrible aspects of human fate. At the end the couple are left quiet and strong in their new house." Personnel Flute H arpsichord and Piano ‘ Cindy Fouser Pam Whetsell Sara Reed Violin I O boe ‘ Darrel Hoffman Robert Folsom C larinet ‘ Bonnie Agner Graham Bryan Bassoon ‘ JoAnn Lichte Susan Johnson H orn ‘ Lori McRoberts Steve Bell T rum pet ‘ John Brewer Roland Kirkwood Tim pani Brenda Hanson “ Pam Degner Laurie Koehn Michelle Zanky Patty Lane Julie Tomisek Violin II Jennifer Wilkins Mary Barwegen Marion Etzel George Shutak Viola ‘ Carrie M. Childers Carolyn Borner Janis Koehn Jewell Grothaus Cello ‘ Dave Forsner Susan Sieben Teresa Woodruff Greta Kettleson D ouble Bass Fred Kuester ‘ Denotes section principal “ Denotes Concertmistress Ofc> EDUCATION WITH A CHRISTIAN PU R PO SE Viking Male Chorus "Fo r Thee We Sing" 1984 Fall Tour JOE M. NOBLE CONDUCTOR O livet Nazarene College Kankakee, Illinois Dr. Leslie Parrott, President W o rsh ip Service I Alma Mater.......................................................................Byron Carmony Invocation.............................................................................. ThePastor Rise Up, O Men of God.................................................. Kenneth Jennings The New 23rd...............................................................Ralph Carmichael Ev'ry Time I Feel the Spirit................................................ arr. R. Carmichael Charles Taylor, Baritone Selections from Viking Members II A Mighty Fortress Is Our God............................................. Luther/Mueller I Want To Be There.........................................................Peterson/Anthony The Lord's Prayer...............................................................Albert Malotte Bruce Yates, Tenor Prayers of His People I Will Arise and Go to Jesus....................................... arr. Dick Anthony Season of the Long Rains......................................... Ralph Carmichael My Prayer................................................................... Larry Mayfield O Father in Heaven........................................................... Larry Mayfield III Offering................................................................................. ThePastor Selections from Viking members Amazing Grace In Tenderness He Sought M e............................................. Gordon/Anthony Kevin Willis, tenor Testimonies of Praise Rise Up, O Church of God.......................................................Otis Skillings The Church's One Foundation How Firm a Foundation Glorious Things of Thee Are Spoken O Breath of Life Randy Bateman, Narrator Benediction............................................................................. The Pastor The 24-voice Viking Male Chorus is carefully selected by audition from the students of O livet Nazarene College, and represents the full range of academic majors and interests. They combine the traditionally popular sound of men's voices with the highest standards of musicianship, creating a listening experience which is truly unique. The Vikings are in regular demand for concerts, church services, service clubs, conventions, and television appearances. They participated in the Inaugural Activities during the Inauguration of President Jimmy Carter. The 1977-78 concert season included appearances in Nassau in the Bahamas and at Walt Disney World, Florida. The conductor of the group is Joe M. Noble, who holds a bachelor's degree from Luther College, Decorah, Iowa, and holds a master's degree from the University of Iowa. He has completed all work and prelims for a doctoral degree from the University of Iowa. Mr. Noble conducts Choral Union and teaches voice and music education courses at Olivet. Personnel TENOR I Kevin Bodine, Chicago Heights, IL Senior, Elementary Education Nicky Henderson, Omaha, IL ............................ Junior, Christian Education Mark Smith, Chelsea, M l...................................... Sophomore, Engineering Kevin Willis, Nachusa, IL ....................................... Junior, Music Education TENOR II Randy Bateman, Granger, IL ................. Junior, Sociology and Communication Chris Bentfield, Pontiac, M l......................... Junior, Business Administration Tony Beville, Sullivan, IN Junior, Romance Languages Harry Brown, Otsego, M l......................... Freshman, Religion and Psychology Bruce Yates, Shelbyville, IL ....................................Sophomore, Psychology BARITONE Larry Brincefield, Selma, IN .................................. Senior, Biblical Literature Brett Frankhauser, Lemont, IL ...................................Sophomore, Journalsim James High, Havanna, IL ............................................ Sophomore, Religion David Rant?, Otsego, M l..............................Sophomore, Computer Science Charles Taylor II, Fort Wayne, IN ..............................Junior, Music Education Greg Taylor, Bloomington, IL ............................... Sophomore, Architecture Michael Taylor, Bloomington, IL .......................................... Junior, Religion William Yergler, Matteson, IL Junior, Accounting & Computer Science BASS Ted Dorsey, Watseka, IL ......................................... Freshman, Engineering Ben Forsythe, Marshall, IL ....................................... Freshman, Accounting Mark Howard, Bradley, IL ............................................ Sophomore, Physics Joseph Ireland, Rockford, IL ........................................................ Religion Warren Johnson, Dassel, IL ..............................Sophomore, Music Education David White, Danville, IL .................................................... Senior, History IN STRU M EN TA LISTS O FFIC E R S Warren Johnson, piano David Rantz, piano Greg Taylor, piano Randy Bateman, trumpet Kevin Bodine, trumpet Nicky Henderson, trumpet Mark Chapman, electric bass guitar Randy Bateman, President Warren Johnson, Vice-President David Rantz, Secretary David White, Treasurer Michael Taylor, Chaplain Tony Beville, Variety Show Chairman Larry Brincefield, Historian Chris Bentfield, Robarian/Librarian Itinerary Fall, 1984 O ctober 21 P.M . November 11 P.M. Westbrook Church of the Nazarene Kankakee, Illinois Mattoon Church of the Nazarene Mattoon, Illinois November 10 November 30 and Decem ber 2 P.M . P.M. Clinton Church of the Nazarene Clinton, Illinois November 11 A.M . Faries Parkway Church of the Nazarene Decatur, Illinois College Church of the Nazarene Bourbonnais, Illinois Messiah, by George F. Handel Larsen Fine Arts Center The Larsen Fine Arts Center was opened October 5, 1982 and dedicated February 17, 1983 at a cost of $3.5 million. It is named in honor of Mrs. Naomi Larsen, who taught in Olivet's Music Department 40 years until her retirement in 1975, and in memory of her late husband, Dr. Walter Burdick Larsen, who taught music at Olivet from 1930 to 1957 when his life was taken in a tragic automobile accident. The Larsens have given sterling leadership to the College, and left a dynamic Christian impact on the lives of hundreds of students through their musical, spiritual and personal influence. The Center houses the Division of Fine Arts which offers academic and activity pro grams in Music and Art. Music majors have choices of concentrations in Music Education, Musical Performance, Church Music, and a combination of Church Music and Christian Education. The Art major emphasizes painting, drawing, ceramics, graphics and photog raphy. Students may also earn minors in Music or Art. The Kresge Auditorium, seating 540, is an important feature of the Larsen Fine Arts Center. It is named in honor of Mr. and Mrs. Stanley S. Kresge. The Kresge Foundation of Troy, Michigan, made a gift of $200,000 to Olivet for this building, marking the third time the Foundation has contributed to building programs at Olivet. The Kresge Auditorium will be the site of dramatic productions, lectures and classes in addition to music recitals and concerts. The Department of Music occupies classrooms and offices on the middle and upper levels of the Center. The Department of Art has classrooms and studios on the lower level. The Music Department has 12 music studios/offices, 22 practice rooms, two ensemble rehearsal rooms, three classrooms, a reception/conference room, secretarial offices and workrooms. The Art Department has four classrooms, three studio/offices, a secretarial office, three photolabs and the Brandenburg Art Gallery. The Music Department has 11 full time and 5 part time faculty members. The Art Department has two full time faculty members. Performing groups of the Music Department include the Brass Consort, Concert Band, Stage Band, College Orchestra, Choral Union, Concert Singers, Orpheus Choir, Treble Clef Choir and Viking Male Chorus. Dr. Harlow Hopkins is Chairman of the Division of Fine Arts and the Department of Music. Dr. Harvey Collins is Chairman of the Department of Art. Inquiries about academic programs, scholarships, concerts, recitals, displays or other special events may be addressed to these men. Olivet Nazarene College is a four-year liberal arts college and is affiliated with the Church of the Nazarene. Its 1800 students come primarily from the four Midwestern states of Illinois, Indiana, Michigan and Wisconsin to take courses in 43 departments of study. The 160-acre campus is located 60 miles south of Chicago in the village of Bourbonnais, Illinois, on the northern edge of the city of Kankakee. OLIVET NAZARENE COLLEGE Department of Music presents STUDENT RECITAL T he W a t e r Mill Die Taubenpost Che faro senza R. V a u g h a n W i l l i a m s .......................................... F. S c h u b e r t C.W. Vor. G l u c k E u r i d i c e .......................... J o A n n Lichte, m e z z o - s o p r a n o B r i g h t is t h e r i n g o f w o r d s ............... R. V a u g h n W i l l i a m s Beau Soir C. D e b u s s y " I n f e l i c e ! e t u o c r e d e v i " f r o m E r n a n i ................. G. V e r d i B r a d l e y G a r v i n , Ba s s S t S n d c h e n .................................................. J. Erahm.s F r o m T h e M e s s i a h ...................................... G.F . 1 Behold1 A virg in shall conceive 0 T h o u t h a t t e l l e s t g o o d t i d i n g s to Z i o n L a s c i a t e m i m o r i r e .................................. C. M o n t e v e r d e N o w S l e e p s t h e C r i m s o n P e t a l .................... Roger Quiiter Cyndi Larson, mezz o-s op ra nc T h e C l o t h s of H e a v e n .............................. T h o m a s D u n h i l i L e s B e r c e a u x ............................................... G. F a u r e D e h v i e n i , no t a r d a r .................................. W.A . M o z a r t Bonnie Kingston, so prano 0 M i s t r e s s M i n e ..................................... 1 a t t e m p t f r o m l o v e ' s s i c k n e s s to f l y Lasciatemi morire Patrick Skelly, baritone Roger Quiiter H. P u r c e l l C. M o n t e v e r d e M e i n H e r r M a r q u i s " D i e F l e d e r m a u s " ............ J . S t r a u s s A S i m p l e S o n g ......................................... L. B e r n s t e i n R i d e n t e la c a l m a ....................................... W.A . M o z a r t K a y Bu ke r , s o p r a n o My L o v e l y C e l i a ....................................... G e o r g e M o n r o D i e b e i d e n G r e n a d i e r e ............................ R o b e r t S c h u m a n n F r o m T h e M e s s i a h ....................................... G . F . H a n d e l T h u s S a i t h t h e Lor d But w h o m a y a b i d e t h e d a y J o h n A. B r e w e r , b a r i t o n e T h i s r e c i t a l is b e i n g p r e s e n t e d b y s t u d e n t s p a r t i c i p a t i n g in t h e N a t i o n a l A s s o c i a t i o n o f T e a c h e r s o f S i n g i n g contest. Sheryl White-Ford, ac co mp ani st Cindy Spring, a cc om pa nis t N o v e m b e r 1, 1 9 8A 7 : 3 0 p.m. Kresge Auditorium OLIVET NAZARENE Department COLLEGE of Music presents STUDENT Sonata in C major, L. RECITAL .............. 104 Carla Henry, D. Minstrels Brenda 1 Know Where I'm Hanson, Going Robin Fantasia and Fantasia Rondo ...... Dawn E Lynn, Minor, op. the 7 Movement Petal Lee, Grieg Roger Quilter Robert Cundick tenor piano Sabelfeldt, Cynthia the et Shady clarinet Payne, Woods piano ................ G.F. Handel Georges Enesco Connie Lofquist. soprano Dawn Montgomery, piano Presto .................... Presto Cindy Jennifer Kresge E. piano 4 Sharon 2, G.F. Handel 2 Movement November Weber piano Turnabouts Cantabile von ..................... Pence, Jon Amid C.M. tenor Wiikens, Crimson Jim Here Christy piano Montgomery, Jennifer Sleeps A. clarinet Agner, John Now op.34 ...................................... Ye in piano Zinkann, Bonnie Sonata arr. V a n Movement Todd Comfort Debussy soprano Payne, from C. piano .......... Foster, Cynthia Scarlatti piano 1984 Auditorium Fouser, flute Wiikens, piano OLIVET NAZARENE COLLEGE Department of Music S T U D E N T Komm, R E C I T A L h e i l i g e r G e i s t , H e r r e G o t t B W V 6 5 1 . ...J.S. R o d n e y L ore n , o r g a n The L a k e o f W a l l e n s t a d t ......................... F. Diana Williams, piano Bach Liszt F a n t a s i a ft R o n d o ...................................... We b e r Rondo Todd Zinkann, clarinet Dawn Montgomery, piano Selve a m l c h e Antonio C h a r l e s Taylor, b a r i t o n e C y n t h i a Payne, p i a n o Caldara S o n a t a III, ” A c h G o t t , w e m s o l i i c h ' s k l a g e n " .................... H i n d e m i t h S e c o n d S o n a t a , A l l e g r o m a e s t o s o v i v a c e ... . M e n d e l s s o h n G r e g Taylor, o r g a n "Beau So i r" .......................................... D e b u s s y Pam Degner, vio li n arr. J. H e i f i t z Cind y Spring, piano T w o s k e t c h e s f r o m Op. 22 ........... No. 10, R i d i c o l o s a m e n t e No. 11, C o n v i v a c i t a J e f f Webb, p i a n o Suite I Sarabande Gigue ......................... ......... J.S. Bonnie Papillons Tu e s Sergei Prokcfieff A g ner, Bach clarinet ...................................... R. C i n d y Spring, pi a no Schumann P e t r a ............................................. Jlilet Rod Loren, organ N o v e m b e r 16, 1984 1 1 : 3 0 a.m. C oll ege C h u r c h of the Nazarene Ohfct EDUCATION WITH A CH RISTIAN PU R PO SE Concert Band "Instruments o f Praise" 1984 Fall Tour Paul A . G erm ano, Conductor Olivet Nazarene College K ankakee, Illinois D r. Leslie P arrott, President Program In v ocatio n .......................................................................................... The Pastor Hymn Fantasy for B a n d .........................................................James D. Ployhar Colonel Bogey M a rc h ...........................................................................K. Alford C anzona Peter Mennin Words About Olivet Intrada: Adoration and P ra ise Claude T . Smith My Jesus, Oh, What Anguish..................................... J.SBach/Alfred Reed Words About Christ Offering God of Our Fathers Claude T. Smith Chorale and Shaker D a n c e John Zdechlik Benediction........................................................................................ The Pastor The C oncert Band is Olivet's oldest m usical organization, now in its 68th season. M em bers are selected from the student b o d y through audition at the beginning o f the sch o o l year. Mr. Paul A. Germano graduated from Millikin University in 1977 with a Bache lor's Degree in Music Education, and is employed by the Herscher School District where he teaches Instrumental Music in Grades 5-8 at Limestone School. Mr. Germano has conducted the Stage Band at Olivet for the past 3 years and is cur rently conducting the Concert Band in the absence of Dr. Harlow Hopkins, who is on sabbatical leave this semester. Officers President - Jill Ferree Vice-President - Bonnie Agner Secretary - Sheila McDonald Treasurer - Brenda Ousley Chaplain - Howard Newcomb Historian - Dave Rees Librarian - Becky Allen Publicity - Jo Ann Lichte Kelly Bryant Personnel Flute Becky Allen - Lisle, IL Jill Ferree - Pontiac, MI Nanci Aylor - Shawnee Mission, KS Brenda Ousley - Columbia City, IN Cynthia Crawford - Pekin, IL Cindy Fouser - Kewanee, IL Danis Yocum - Leaf River, IL Michelle King - Dayton, OH Beth Riley - Rockford, IL O boe Darrel Hoffman - Flint, MI C larinet Bonnie Agner - Nashville, GA Kevin Webster - Benton, IL Eileen Corbus - Ottawa, IL Robin Snyder - Wyoming, MI Kelly Bryant - Marshalltown, IA Todd Zinkann - Kankakee, IL Sharon Sabelfeldt - Centralia, IL Kathy Matson - Milwaukee, WI Dawn Singell - Edmore, MI Bass C larinet Kim Unger - Greenville, IL Tammy Whetsell - Havana, IL A lto Saxophone Beth Meyers - Union Grove, WI Trum pet John Brewer - Muncie, IN Lori Stanley - Bourbonnais, IL Sheila McDonald - Elkhart Lake, WI Dave Allen - Somerset, KY Ellen Fewell - Rockford, IL H orn Mike Turnbull - Hale, MI Lori McRoberts - Danville, IN Phill Davisson - Liberty, IN Anna Moore - Owosso, MI T rom b on e Bert Ackerman - Oak Lawn, IL Dan Cox - Ridgeville, IN Regina Rowe - Kendailville, IN T uba Cindy Payne - Muncie, IN Percussion Howard Newcomb - Arlington, OH Scott Peace - Hillsville, PA Dave Rees - Winchester, IN Brenda Hanson - Amegard, ND B assoon JoAnn Lichte - Tampa, FL Susan Johnson - Elgin, IL Schedule Fall 1984 S atu rd ay , O cto b er 13 Homecoming Performance S unday, N ovem ber 4 6 P .M . College Church of the Nazarene Bourbonnais, IL S atu rd ay , N ovem ber 17 7 P .M . St. John's Church of the Nazarene St. John's, MI Sun d ay, N ovem ber 18 11 A .M . Lansing South Church of the Nazarene Lansing, MI 6 P .M . Three Rivers Church of the Nazarene Three Rivers, MI Larsen Fine Arts Center The Larsen Fine Arts Center was opened October 5, 1982 and dedicated February 17, 1983 at a cost of $3.5 million. It is named in honor of Mrs. Naomi Larsen, who taught in Olivet's Music Department 40 years until her retirement in 1975, and in memory of her late husband, Dr. Walter Burdick Larsen, who taught music at Olivet from 1930 to 1957 when his life was taken in a tragic automobile accident. The Larsens have given sterling leadership to the College, and left a dynamic Christian impact on the lives of hundreds of students through their musical, spiritual and personal influence. The Center houses the Division of Fine Arts which offers academic and activity pro grams in Music and Art. Music majors have choices of concentrations in Music Education, Musical Performance, Church Music, and a combination of Church Music and Christian Education. The Art major emphasizes painting, drawing, ceramics,graphics and photog raphy. Students may also earn minors in Music or Art. The Kresge Auditorium, seating 540, is an important feature of the Larsen Fine Arts Center. It is named in honor of Mr. and Mrs. Stanley S. Kresge. The Kresge Foundation of Troy, Michigan, made a gift of $200,000 to Olivet for this building, marking the third time the Foundation has contributed to building programs at Olivet. The Kresge Auditorium will be the site of dramatic productions, lectures and classes in addition to music recitals and concerts. The Department of Music occupies classrooms and offices on the middle and upper levels of the Center. The Department of Art has classrooms and studios on the lower level. The Music Department has 12 music studios/offices, 22 practice rooms, two ensemble rehearsal rooms, three classrooms, a reception/conference room, secretarial offices and workrooms. The Art Department has four classrooms, three studio/offices, a secretarial office, three photolabs and the Brandenburg Art Gallery. The Music Department has 11 full time and 5 part time faculty members. The Art Department has two full time faculty members. Performing groups of the Music Department include the Brass Consort, Concert Band, Stage Band, College Orchestra, Choral Union, Concert Singers, Orpheus Choir, Treble Clef Choir and Viking Male Chorus. Dr. Harlow Hopkins is Chairman of the Division of Fine Arts and the Department of Music. Dr. Harvey Collins is Chairman of the Department of Art. Inquiries about academic programs, scholarships, concerts, recitals, displays or other special events may be addressed to these men. Olivet Nazarene College is a four-year liberal arts college and is affiliated with the Church of the Nazarene. Its 1800 students come primarily from the four Midwestern states of Illinois, Indiana, Michigan and Wisconsin to take courses in 43 departments of study. The 160-acre campus is located 60 miles south of Chicago in the village of Bourbonnais, Illinois, on the northern edge of the city of Kankakee. Olivet Nazarene College Department of Music Presents George F. Handel's Joe M . Noble, Conductor College Church of the N azarene John Bow ling, P astor Friday, Novem ber 30, 1984 at 7:3 0 p.m . Sunday, December 2, 1984 at 6 :0 0 p.m . Harlow Hopkins, Chairman, Division of Fine Arts Leslie Parrott, President Friday, November 30, 1984 Inv ocation .................................................................... Dr. Willis Snowbarger Soloists AMY RANSOM CYNDI LARSON JOHN LYNN . . . JOHN BREWER . Soprano . . . Alto . Tenor . . . Bass Sunday, December 2, 1984 Invocation Dr. Leslie Parrott Soloists KELLI MILLAGE A R M E N TR O U T ................................................. Soprano JOANN L IC H T E .......................................................................................... Alto JOHN L Y N N .............................................................................................. Tenor SC O TT A P P L E ............................................................................................ Bass H arpsichord Rodney Loren O rg an Mary Jane Holstein Master's Musicians D irecto r....................................................... Sharon Barr Olivet Orchestra D ire c to r Lolita Phelps Choral Union D irector Joe Noble Student A ssistant.......................................................................Randy Bateman Janet Davis Martha Davis Angela McCord Leanne Empie M aster's M usicians Cheryl Lawton Annamarie Moore Dawn Singell Jeannette Westenberger Program Prelude, Master's Musicians Invocation PART I Overture R ecitative (Tenor) Comfort ye my people A ir (Tenor) Ev'ry valley shall be exalted Chorus And the glory of the Lord Isaiah 40:1-3 Isaiah 40:4 Isaiah 40:5 R ecitative (Bass) Thus saith the Lord Haggai 2:6, 7 - Malachi 3:1 A ir (Bass) But who may abide the day of His coming7 Malachi 3:2 R ecitative (Alto) Behold! A virgin shall conceive A ir (Alto and Chorus) O Thou that tellest good tidings Isaiah 7:14 Matthew 1:23 Isaiah 40:9 R ecitative (Bass) For behold! Darkness shall cover the earth Isaiah 60:2,3 A ir (Bass) The people that walked in darkness Isaiah 9:2 C horus For unto us a child is born Isaiah 9:6 Pastoral Symphony Offering Recitatives (Soprano) There were shepherds Luke 2:8 And lo! the Angel of the Lord Luke 2:9 And the Angel said unto them Luke 2:10-11 And suddenly there was with Angel Luke 2:13 C horus Glory to God Luke 2:14 A ir (Soprano) Rejoice greatly, O daughter of Zion Zechariah 9:9 ,1 0 Recitative (Alto) Then shall the eyes of the blind be opened Isaiah 34:5,6 Air (Alto) He shall feed His flock Isaiah 40:11 Air (Soprano) Come unto Him Matthew 11:28,29 P A R T II Air (Alto) He was despised Isaiah 53:3 C horus Surely He hath borne our griefs Isaiah 53:4,5 R ecitative (Tenor) Thy rebuke hath broken His heart Psalm 69:20 Air (Tenor) Behold, and see Lamentations 1:12 Chorus Lift up your heads, O ye gates Chorus Hallelujah Psalm 24:7-10 Revelation 19:6; 11:15; 19:16 P A R T II Air (Soprano) I know that my redeemer liveth Chorus Worthy is the Lamb that was slain Chorus Amen Job 19:25,26 I Corinthians 25:20 Revelation 5:12,13 Choral Union Members Soprano Alto Bass Kelli Armentrout Connie Brunner Kay Buker Kim Collins Jocelyn Dean Vernetta Drake Ruth Marie Eimer Leanne Empie Penny Falkenberry Cindy Fouser Robin Foster Bonnie Kingston Kathy Leerey Kelli Lobb Connie Loftquist G race Massey Angela Mayfield Brenda Mecklenburg Veronica Morrau Laurie Myers Beth Parnell Lee Ann Pence Amy Ransom Carol Rittenhouse Lisa Robison Cindy Spaulding Connie Stanley Jann Stice Jeanie W atkins Dorothy Weber Beth Wells Bonnie Agner Sharon Barr Dawn Bateman Lisa Bogue Jean Brunner Judy Caldwell Cindy Crawford Kim Dannenberg Patty Davidson Ellen Gipple Carla Henry Eulene Hilgendorf Karen Lamb Cyndi Larson JoAnn Lichte Betty Linton Barbara Lohrbach Tammy Lowele Diana Miller Dawn Montgomery Janet M outray Coletta Nichols Cindy Payne Betty Reynolds Judy Rich Norma Romey Regina Rowe Sharon Sabelfeldt Kelly Shadrick Laura Siemsen Erin Smith Jenny Wilkens Teresa Willson Scott Apple Mark Arni Tony Beville Tom Bridgeman Larry Brincefield Harry Brown Dan Cox Ted Dorsey Charles Eason, Jr. Ben Forsythe Brett Frankhauser M ark Fryar Brad Garvin Michael Gregerson John Gwin James High M ark Howard Grieg Hutchen Joe Ireland Warren Johnson Stephen Leigh Leo Lewis, Jr. M ark Parker David Rantz Ray Rapier Charles T aylor II Greg Taylor Michael Taylor Glenn Tucker David Walters Jeff Webb Nat Wells David White William Yergler Tenor Randy Bateman Chris Bentfield Kevin Bodine John Brewer Nicky Henderson Darrel Hoffman Robert Justice Kevin Kirkpatrick Dean Lorhbach John Lynn David Rees Mark Smith James Springer Burton Webb Jerry Wilkens Kevin Willis Bruce Yates Orchestra *Pam D e g n e r.........................................Violin I Lolita P h elp s Violin I Bethe H ag en s Violin I George S h u ta k Violin I M ary B arw egan Violin I Jennifer W ilk e n s Violin II Marcus Van A m eringen Violin II Laurie K o e h n Violin II Anita T u rn e r Violin II Janet R ic e Violin II Andrea C a m p e Violin II Carrie C h ild e rs.................................... Viola Janis K o e h n ........................................... Viola *Concertmaster Carolyn B o m e r ......................................... Viola Jewell G ro u thau s.......................................Viola David F o rsn e r......................................... Cello Teresa W o o d ru ff....................................... Cello Susan S ie b e n ........................................... Cello Fred K u ester..................................................Bass Larry B an n ister......................................... Bass Robert F o lso m ........................................... Oboe Julie H in d sley ......................................... Oboe Susan Jo h n s o n .................................. Bassoon Eric P en ro d ...........................................Trumpet Brian K enn ed y.................................... Trumpet Brenda H a n se n .................................. Tympani O LIVET NAZARENE COLLEGE PRESENTS O l i v e t Nazarene C o lle g e Sta g e P a u l A, G e r m a n o - C o n d u c t o r M ike Venn - G u e s t S o l o i s t Kresge A ud itorium Larsen F in e A rts Center T u e s d a y , D e c e m b e r A t h , 198A 7 : 3 0 p. m. Band PROGRAM J ust Wa y the Lea p F rog Sp r in g You Ar e . . . . . . b o . . . . . . . . -Mi k e Ge o r g i a ' R ound J Mi d n i g h t Burner in g le Co u n c i l . P emberton . . . . . . . . . Ar r r . Ma n t o o t h r Gr o v e . Ne s t i c o Venn- ............................... Ar r . Mc Do u g a l l ............................................ S a m m y Be l l s . Ga r l a n d Venn- B r o w n . . . . . . . . . . . . . Ar -Mi k e Ha y r C a n R e a l l y Ha n g Y ou U p Mo s t . , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Ar the Sw e e t Ar R o c k .......................... Ar r Ne s t i c o . Ar m e n t r o u t Gr o o v e . . . . . . . . . . F r a n k Ma n t o o t h S tage Al t o Tr u m p e t s S ax Gr a h a m Bryan Bran so n Sh a r i Ro b e r t s Fluharty Te n o r B and P e r s o n e l J Brewer ohn Da v e Al l e n Kirt He n d r i c k Er ic P enrod S ax Tr o m b o n e s To d d Z in kan n Don O e s c h Be r t Da n Ba r i S ax Ac k e r m a n Co x Cin d y Pa u l R ick Payne B isc h o ff Parks Ba s s P iano Gr eig Hu t c h e n s J ohn Pa u l a Dr u m s Da v e Re e s S traw Mi t c h e l l f)l. IV KT NA7.AUENE C O L L E G E D e p a r t m e n t of M u s i c presents .STUDENT R E D IT At. Bonjour, S u z o n ............................................ D e l i b e s Angela Mayfield, soprano Robin Foster, piano S u i t e .................................................. Paul Past ora 1e Scherzoso Kevin Webster, clarinet R o d Loren. p i a n o Creston Zueig nurig.................................................... Str a u s s D o r m a Pierce , m e z z o - s o p r a n o Scott, Apple, p i a n o An d i e haute ...........................................F. B r u c e Yates, b a r i t o n e J o e No bl e , p i a n o A Lute C ar ole Mary E. Schubert Caldwell Ang ela McCord, s op r an o Ciridy Payne, p i a n o R e b e c c a Allen, flute Trauermusik " M u s i c o f M o u r n i n g " ............... Paul I l.angsnm I I Rulig bewogt C a r r i e C h i l d e r s , vi o l a C a r l a H e nry , p i a n o Then Shall H a v e G r e a t P e a c e ........................ K a y Buke r, s o p r a n o Dawn Montgomery, piano Fantasia and Rondo Farvule Divertimento A Llegro Adagi o Rondo Kurt Kaiser R o n d o .......................................... Todd Jesu Hindemith Zinkann, clarinet ........................................... A l f r e d R o d n e y Loren, b a r i t o n e C i n d y Spr i n g , pi a n o No. Weber Burt 1 W.A. M o .foAnn Lic h t e , b a s s o o n B o n n i e Agne r, c l a r i n e t C i n d y E ouser , flute S o u t h e r n Rose: G y p s y Sweetheart.......................................... F re d W e b e r One , Two, Three, O o m - p a h - p a h ........... arr. J a m e s D. P l o g h a r Brass Instruments Class K r e s g e Audi tori urn D e c e m b e r 7, 1 o8/« F re < ys Orpheus Choir in Washington, D.C. January 1 9 8 5 v Itinerary January January January January 2 3 5 6 Faith Memorial Church, Lancaster, OH First Church of the Nazarene, York, PA The Base Chapel, USAECFB, Ft. Belvoir, VA The Washington Cathedral (morning) First Church of the Nazarene, Washington, D.C. (afternoon) Olivet Nazarene College Dr. Leslie Parrott, President O rpheus Choir Jan u ary 1 9 8 5 Soprano Alto Michelle Brian - Davison, MI Kay Buker - Bedford, IN Pamela Degner - Oak Creek, WI Janice Janes - Trilla, IL Bonnie Kingston - Greenfield, IN Lori Lynn - Portage, IN Donna Pierce - Champaign, IL Lisa Robison, Indianapolis, IN Joy Sharpe - Racine, WI Jann Stice - Dearborn, MI Karen Abbott - Owasso, MI Dawn Bateman - Granger, IN Tammi Brooks - Bourbonnais, IL Cindy Crawford - Pekin, IL Marty Erickson - Bourbonnais, IL Julie Hampton - Galesburg, IL Kyra Kirkpatrick - Huntington, IN Cyndi Larson - Birnamwood, WI Pam Learned - Washington, IL JoAnn Lichte - Tampa, FL Rebecca Milburn - Hoopeston, IL Kelly Shadrick - Escondido, CA B ass Scott Apple - Oaklandon, IN Phil Atkins - Findlay, OH John Brewer - Muncie, IN Jim Fitzgerald ■ Lexington, KY Mark Fryar - Woodridge, IL Brad Garvin - River Forest, IL Rod Green - Anderson, IN Dennis John - Dixon, IL Brian Kennedy - Saginaw, MI Jeffrey Myers - Alliance, OH Mark Parker - Cincinnati, OH Monte Parsons - Sterling, IL Troy Pence - Lansing, MI Randy Stegemoller - Indianapolis. IN C o n d u cto r - D. George Dunbar T en o r Mark Brown - Farmington Hills, MI Jay Daughtry - Loves Park, IL Kevin Kendall - Winchester, OH Jonathan Lee - North Vernon, IN John Lynn - Portage, IN Chip Mattax - Racine, WI Kent Meyer - Kendallville, IN Rick Parks - Pittsfield, IL Jam es Springer - Bourbonnais, IL Burton Webb - Montrose, MI A cco m p a n ist Rodney Loren - Cory, IN Orpheus Officers Rodney Loren - President Brad Garvin - First Vice-President Lori Lynn - Second Vice-President Julie Hampton - Secretary Randy Stegemoller Jim Fitzgerald - Chaplain Kay Buker - Robarian Jim Springer - Historian Pam Gooden - Librarian - Business Manager P ro g ram selected from : John Ness B e c k ...........................................................................Song of Exaltation Hank B e e b e ...................................................................... In These Things We Live Jean B erg er.........................................................The Eyes of All Wait Upon Thee Rene C lau sen................................................................................... Hymn of Praise Thank The Lord Emma Lou D iem er Praise Ye The Lord Tom Fettke................................................ The Majesty and Glory of Your Name Mark H ay se Praise Ye The Lord, The Almighty Ronald M. Huntington..................................... Joshua Fit the Battle of Jericho Peter C. Lutkin......................................... The Lord Bless You And Keep You J . H . M aunder....................................................................................... Just As 1 Am Felix M endelssohn............................................................................................ Holy Jeffrey R ickard ................................................................................................ Gloria John W. W o rk .................................................................. This Little Light O’ Mine Ovid Y o u n g .......................................................................... Arise, My Soul, Arise Holy Spirit, Be My Guide The Comforter Has Come Robert H. Y o u n g .................................................................................All For Love Olivet Nazarene College Department of Music presents cParer\t Weekend (oi\cert Viking Male Chorus Treble Clef Choir Orpheus Choir Concert Singers Concert Band 7 :3 0 p.m. Saturday, February 9, 1985 Kresge Auditorium Larsen Fine Arts Center P ro g ra m Rise Up O Men of God....................................... Jennings I Want To Be There................................................................... John W. Peterson arr. Dick Anthony The New 23rd.............................................................................Ralph Carmichael Ain A That Good News.............................................................................Dawson Viking Male Chorus Joe Noble, Conductor Greg Taylor, Piano Festival Alleluia..................................................................................... Allen Pote Sing Unto the Lord..........................................................................Julie Knowles How Excellent Is Thy N am e......................................................... Eugene Butler Standin’ on the Walls of Zion........................................................... M. Gardner Treble Clef Choir Linda Dunbar, Conductor Diana Miller, Piano Cindy Payne, Piano Hymn of Praise................................................................................. Rene Clausen Joshua.................................................................................. •Ronald Huntington Holy Spirit, Be My Guide......................................................... arr. Ovid Young The Majesty and Glory of Your Name............................................ Tom Fettke Orpheus Choir George Dunbar, Conductor Rod Loren, Piano The Reluctant Dragon.........................................................................John Rutter Concert Singers George Dunbar, Conductor Cindy Spring, Piano Our Director................................................ .......................................F. E. Bigelow Fanfare and Variations on Amazing Grace............................arr. Larry Norred Canticle: All Creatures of Our God and King...................... Claude T. Smith Concert Band Harlow Hopkins, Conductor Olivet Nazarene College Department of Music presents CHORAL WORKSHOP H A P E L C O N C E R Dr. Milburn Price, Conductor February 14, 1985 Chalfant Hall 9:30 AM CHORAL Ain' The A That Last Good Words WORKSHOP CHAPEL PROGRAM News of D a v i d ... MEN Scott Lift He Thine is the piano Apple, Eyes. Shepherd, Tender arr. Serve the Lord with by Walter G l a d n e s s ................ G e o r g e arr. by Jerry Barrie F. Handel Wesley Harris LADIES Diana Festival Te Miller, Cindy Payne, D e u m .............................. M u s i c Text Hodie, The Emmanuel, Old piano Price Tune...arr. MIXED Rod We welcome Price of Dr. Milburn rehearsing received with his Mississippi, University, Southern by Ralph of Seminary in Price to choirs his master's his doctorate South Church Loren, our He has Carolina, Music Louisville, at by V. Williams Roy Douglas VOICES bachelor's California. Greenville, School and Bock G l o r i a ! .......................... M i l b u r n rescored been Fred Leech Psalm Bryan by Jeffery Hundredth by piano Chapel the degree degree from taught and today. past two from from the at the Kentucky. has Dr. University Baylor University Furman currently Southern He days. Baptist is of University, Dean of the Theological FESTIVAL TE DEUM Music by Fred Bock Text by Bryan Jeffery Leech U p o n cue from Director, stand and sing:: Full, broad, and majestic uniton §§= All we do our whole life through is use the gifts Y o u have nobreath ,Ji giv - en for prais - ing You, for prais ■ ing You! (P ra y e rfu lly / w A - Sing " A m , n “ ttpratcdly, not in tempo. creating a loft blur of round. C h o ir w ill ting lour Ament. Stop tinging u po n cue from Director. w w men, A w -W - men. A ~w ~w • men. A - ar W men, A V • m e n .... Congregalion: Choir "1 —2 — P O .. men ) A ... • n m en. © Copyright 1984 hy Gentry Publications. All rights reserved. Reprinted with the permission of the publisher. N ote: T h e publisher grants free perm ission for printing this congregatio n co p y in your c h u rc h bulletin w hen used in conjunction with the singing o f this anthem . Please be sure the copyrig ht notice and perm ission notice are on e v e ry copy. TRUMPETS John Brewer D avid A llen T h e r e s a Ulmet TROMBONES Albert Ackerman Dan Cox Regina Rowe T I M P A N I & CHIMES D avid Rees The Old Hundredth Psalm Tune Choir and Congregation dwall,3lnf U tba Lord with «b«ar - ful ild u• inah#i W> for hi« thcep ha art his folk, ha doth as falaa; Ilia doth as fasd, Aar* taka. In verses 3 and 4 the people are silent ri t , - r.-lK.r,3=.,.n4 H. . if r M 1 ... I______ ak..i. ••rth l]oJ Tit* I dura, whoa kaavaa tad froaa OLIVET NAZARENE COLLEGE Department OLIVET SYMPHONY ORCHESTRA Lolita Tannhauser 94 "Surprise" 1. Adagio Plink, Phelps, conductor Richard - March S y m p h o n y No. 2. 3. 4. of Music Joseph in G m a j o r Cantabile-vivace Wagner Haydn a ss ai Andate M e n u e t t o a n d Tr i o A l l e g r o di m o l t o Plank, Rondalla Plunk! Aragonesa D a n c e No. Leroy ( J O T A ) .............. E n r i q u e 6 F e b r u a r y 15, 1985 7: 3 0 p.m. Kresge Auditorium L a r s e n Fine Arts Ce n t e r Anderson Granados Ohflet EDUCATION WITH A CH RISTIAN PU R PO SE Concert Band "Instruments o f Praise" 1985 Spring Tour Harlow Hopkins, Conductor Olivet Nazarene College K ankakee, Illinois D r. Leslie Parrott, President Program INVOCATION ................................................................................ The Pastor C anzona Peter Mennin Fantasies on a Theme by H aydn...................................Norman Dello Joio Our D irector................................................................................. F. E. Bigelow Arr. by R. E. Hildreth Manhattan B each John Philip Sousa W ORDS ABOUT OLIVET Fanfare and Fariation on Amazing G ra c e ............... Arr. Larry Norred Canticle: All Creatures of Our God and King..................... Claude Smith When the Roll Is Called Up Y onder................................... James M. Black Arr. Phil Norris W ORDS ABOUT CHRIST Hymn Fantasy for Band................................................ Sir Arthur Sullivan Arr. James D. Ployhar It's the G ospel Arr. Bob Lowden Just a Closer Walk With Thee Put Your Hand in the Hand He's Got the Whole World in His Hands OFFERING Intrada: Adoration and Praise........................................... Claude T . Smith BENEDICTION The Pastor The Concert Band is Olivet's oldest musical organization and is now in its 68th season. Members are selected from the student body through audition at the beginning of the school year. Dr. Harlow Hopkins, Chairman of the Division of Fine Arts and Department of Music, has conducted the Concert Band since 1957. He is a 1953 graduate of Olivet, received a Master's Degree in Music Education in 1956 from the Amer ican Conservatory of Music in Chicago, and was granted a Doctor of Music degree in 1974 from Indiana University, Bloomington. He began his teaching career at Olivet in 1954. President — Jill Ferree Vice President — Bonnie Agner Secretary — Sheila McDonald Treasurer — Brenda Ousley Officers Chaplain Historian Librarian Publicity — Howard Newcomb — David Rees — Becky Allen — JoAnn Lichte Kelly Bryant Personnel Flute Becky Allen - Lisle, IL Jill Ferree - Pontiac, MI Nanci Aylor - Shawnee Mission, KS Brenda Ousley - Columbia City, IN Cynthia Crawford - Pekin, IL Cindy Fauser - Kewanee, IL Danis Yocum - Leaf River, IL Michelle King - Dayton, OH Beth Riley - Rockford, IL Trumpet John Brewer - Muncie, IN Lori Standley - Bourbonnais, IL David Allen - Somerset, KY Larry Mace - Kokomo, IN Horn Michael Turnbull - Hale, MI Lori McRoberts - Danville, IN Phil Davisson - Liberty, IN Oboe Darrel Hoffman - Flint, MI Clarinet Eileen Corbus - Ottawa, IL Clarinet Bonnie Agner - Nashville, GA Kevin Webster - Benton, IL Todd Zinkann - Kankakee, IL Robin Snyder - Wyoming, MI Kelly Bryant - Marshalltown, IA Sharon Sabelfeldt - Centralia, IL Kathy Matson - Milwaukee, WI Dawn Singell - Edmore, MI Bassoon Jo Ann Lichte - Tampa, FL Susan Johnson - Elgin, IL Alto Saxophone Beth Meyers - Union Grove, WI Jeff Webb - Kankakee, IL Trombone Bert Ackerman - Oak Lawn, IL Dan Cox - Ridgeville, IN Regina Rowe - Kendallville, IN Tuba Cindy Payne - Muncie, IN Percussion Howard Newcomb - Arlington OH Scott Peace - Hillsville, PA David Rees - Winchester, IN Brenda Hanson - Amegard, ND Sue Polaskey - South Holland, IL Schedule Spring, 1985 Saturday, February 16 7:30 PM Church of the Nazarene Logansport, Indiana Sunday, February 17 10:15 AM First Church of the Nazarene Kokomo, Indiana 6:00 PM First Church of the Nazarene Lafayette, Indiana Friday, March 22 Concert for the Christian Instrumental Directors Association, Campus Friday, April 26 7:30 PM Spring Concert, Campus Mark Hindsley, Guest Conductor Director of Bands Emeritus University of Illinois Sunday, May 12 Baccalaureate Service, Campus Monday, May 13 Commencement, Campus Larsen Fine Arts Center The Larsen Fine Arts Center was opened October 5, 1982 and dedicated February 17, 1983 at a cost of $3.5 million. It is named in honor of Mrs. Naomi Larsen, who taught in Olivet's Music Department 40 years until her retirement in 1975, and in memory of her late husband, Dr. Walter Burdick Larsen, who taught music at Olivet from 1930 to 1957 when his life was taken in a tragic automobile accident. The Larsens have given sterling leadership to the College, and left a dynamic Christian impact on the lives of hundreds of students through their musical, spiritual and personal influence. The Center houses the Division of Fine Arts which offers academic and activity pro grams in Music and Art. Music majors have choices of concentrations in Music Education, Musical Performance, Church Music, and a combination of Church Music and Christian Education. The Art major emphasizes painting, drawing, ceramics, graphics and photog raphy. Students may also earn minors in Music or Art. The Kresge Auditorium, seating 540, is an important feature of the Larsen Fine Arts Center. It is named in honor of Mr. and Mrs. Stanley S. Kresge. The Kresge Foundation of Troy, Michigan, made a gift of $200,000 to Olivet for this building, marking the third time the Foundation has contributed to building programs at Olivet. The Kresge Auditorium will be the site of dramatic productions, lectures and classes in addition to music recitals and concerts. The Department of Music occupies classrooms and offices on the middle and upper levels of the Center. The Department of Art has classrooms and studios on the lower level. The Music Department has 12 music studios/offices, 22 practice rooms, two ensemble rehearsal rooms, three classrooms, a reception/conference room, secretarial offices and workrooms. The Art Department has four classrooms, three studio/offices, a secretarial office, three photolabs and the Brandenburg Art Gallery. The Music Department has 11 full time and 5 part time faculty members. The Art Department has two full time faculty members. Performing groups of the Music Department include the Brass Consort, Concert Band, Stage Band, College Orchestra, Choral Union, Concert Singers, Orpheus Choir, Treble Clef Choir and Viking Male Chorus. Dr. Harlow Hopkins is Chairman of the Division of Fine Arts and the Department of Music. Dr. Harvey Collins is Chairman of the Department of Art. Inquiries about academic programs, scholarships, concerts, recitals, displays or other special events may be addressed to these men. Olivet Nazarene College is a four-year liberal arts college and is affiliated with the Church of the Nazarene. Its 1800 students come primarily from the four Midwestern states of Illinois, Indiana, Michigan and Wisconsin to take courses in 43 departments of study. The 160-acre campus is located 60 miles south of Chicago in the village of Bourbonnais, Illinois, on the northern edge of the city of Kankakee. OLIVET NAZARENE COLLEGE Department of Music presents STUDENT RECITAL Mon coeur s'ouvre a ta voix ............. Camille Saint-Saens from "Samson et Dalila" Sharon Barr, mezzo-soprano Cindy Spring, piano I Saw a Child.................................. Marjorie Jones Rodney Loren, baritone Cindy Spring, piano Roumanian Dance Op. 8a, No. 1 ..........................Bartok Diana Williams, piano Suite for Trumpet I Adagio-Andante II Adagio-Allegro III Allegro Vivo William Presser Andrea Campe, trumpet Long Time A g o .................... 1 I Bought Me a C a t John A. Brewer, baritone Dawn Montgomery, piano Aaron Copland Aaron Copland Sonata in C Minor, Op. 65, No. 2 ............. F. Mendelssohn Grave Adagio Allegro maestoso vivace Fuga, allegro moderato Greg Taylor, organ Fragments.................................... Robert Muczynski I Waltz IV Reverie II Solitude V Exit III Holiday Woodwind Trio Cindy Fouser, flute Bonnie Agner B clarinet JoAnn Lichte, bassoon Sonatina, Op. 157, No. 4 .............................Spindler Allegro Presto Randy Calhoun, piano Non piu andrai.................................... W.A. Mozart from "Le Nozze di Figaro" Stephen Carlson, baritone Rodney Loren, piano C o l l e g e C h u r c h of the Nazarene Febr u a r y 22, 1985 11:30 A.M. OLIVET NAZARENE Department COLLEGE of Music presents COMMENCEMENT CONCERT AUDITIONS Vocal Porgi, amor, from Oh! had I r i s t o r o ...................... W . A . qualche Marriage of Jubal's lyre from Amy Dawn Una furtiva Oh! ne lagrima t'eveille from pas from Pres et A. Boatmen's The Dodger Time Simple I de Seville E. pace, La a A. mio Brewer, tu del Mimi Palermo from from from La Le 7:30 26, 1085 Auditorium p.m. Boheme Kingston, Spring, Nozze 1^ V e s p r i Pi Soprano Piano Figaro W.A. S i c i l i a n i ............... G . Carlson, Rodney February Verdi Destino Steve Kresge Piano D i o ........................................ G . Foiza andrai Baritone Montgomery, Cindy 0, Copland Cat Bonnie piu Piano Ago Me chiamano Non Ford, Aaron Dawn Mi Bizet Mezzo-Soprano Dance John from S e g u i d i l l a ............ G . Lichte, Gifts Bought Pace, Godard Piano Songs The Long B. Tenor Montgomery, Sheryl American Lynn, D a l i la remparts JoAnn Old d 1a m o r e . . . G . D o n i z e t t i Jocelyn c o m m e n c e ............................... S a i n t - S a e n s Samson des Piano L'Elisir from Handel Soprano Montgomery, Dawn qui J o s h u a .............. G . F . Ransom, John Printeraps Mozart Figaro Loren, Baritone Piano Mozart Verdi Chanson The du Toreador People from That from Walked C a r m e n ....................... G . in Taylor, Cindy a fui, from Mein Les Herr la Marquis piu etvo andrai from Die Fledermaus credevi from from Nozze Printemps qui Mon s'ouvre Le commence Samson et a is Enough du from Barr, Figaro G. W.A. Bass Piano Piano E l i j a h .........................F. Toredador from Mendelssohn C a r m e n ...................... G. B i z e t Apple, Baritone Lee, Piano 2 3 ................................................. P a u l la vampa Arm Ye Provenza from Brave if mar Verdi Mozart Mezzo-Soprano Spring, Creston 11^ T r o v a t o r e ..................... G . V e r d i Pierce, Scott Arm, Piano Dalila Donna Di di Ford, Jonathon Stride Strauss v o i x ......................... S a i n t - S a e n s Scott Psalm J. E r n a n i ........... Garvin, Cindy It Offenbach ...............................S a i n t - S a e n s ta Sharon Chanson Piano Montgomery, Brad coeur Baritone B u k e r , Soprano Sheryl from Bizet Handel d 1H o f f m a n Dawn Infelice! Payne, t o u r t e r e l l e ! ....................... J. Contes Kay Non G.F. Messiah Charles Elle Darkness from from Phil Mezzo-Soprano Apple, Judas La M a c c o b e u s .......... G . F . H a n d e l T r a v i a t a ........... . . . . . G . Atkins, Sheryl Piano Ford, Baritone Piano Verdi OLIVET NAZARENE Department of COLLEGE Music presents COMMENCEMENT CONCERT AUDITIONS Instrumental Concerto in M i n o r ............................... F r a n c i s G Rodney Concerto in Prelude: D Allegro James Ill No. 2 in Allegro C Kaye Cello Accompanist M i n o r ......................... .R a c h m a n i n o f f scherzando Cindy for Maestoso Woodruff, Stevens, Kelly Concerto Spring, Bryant, Clarinet and Piano Accompanist P i a n o ................ Rondo Bonnie Diana Concerto II in D Agner, Miller, Clarinet Accompanist M a j o r ................................. Larghetto Kevin Bonnie Danse Kirkpatrick, Agner, Piano Accompanist M a c a b r e .......................................... Pam Dawn Concerto in D Degner, Violin Montgomery, Accompanist M a j o r ................................. Vivace Diana Bonnie February 26, Poulenc Organ M i n o r ................................. Lento; Teresa Concerto Loren, 1985 Tuesday 6:00 - College 6:30 - Kresge Miller, Agner, Church Auditorium Piano Accompanist OLIVET NAZARENE COLLEGE D e p a r t m e n t of M u s i c presents COMMENCEMENT FINAL Concerto in G Minor Francis Poulenc S o n g s .................................... A a r o n Copland Rodney Old American The Time Simple Bought Ago Me A Cat Dawn Printemps from qui Samson des A. et de Seville E. S e g u i d i l l a ............. G . Lichte, Bizet Mezzo-Soprano F o r d , Accompanist M a c a b r e .............................................. S a i n t - S a e n s Pam Dawn a from Mein Baritone Accompanist Dalila remparts Sheryl Elle Brewer, Montgomery, c o m m e n c e ..................................S a i n t - S a e n s JoAnn Danse Organ Gifts John Pres Loren, Dodger Long I CONCERT AUDITIONS fui, Les Herr la D e g n e r , Violin Montgomery, Accompanist t o u r t e r e l l e ! ......................... J . Contes Marquis Offenbach d'Hoffman from Kay Dawn Die Fledermaus B u k e r , Soprano Montgomery, M a r c h 5, 1 9 8 5 7:00 p.m. College Church 7:30 p.m. Kre s g e A u d i t o r i u m Accompanist J. Strauss Concerto No. III 2 in Allegro C M i n o r ............................ R a c h m a n i n o f f scherzando Cindy Kelly Infelice! Non piu etvo andrai credevi from from Nozze Le Brad Sheryl Pace, pace, from Mi mio Mirai del D di Fiagro Garvin, G. W.A. Verdi Mozart Bass Accompanist Destino from La Boheme Kingston, Cindy in Ernani Ford, Bonnie Concerto Piano Accompanist D i o .......................................... G . V e r d i L^a F o i z a chiamano Spring, Bryant, Spring, Soprano Piano M a j o r ........................................... J. H a y d n Vivace Diana Bonnie Siride Psalm la vampa Miller, Agner, Piano Accompanist f r o m _I1_ T r o v a t o r e ....................... G . V e r d i 2 3 ....... '........................................... P a u l Donna Pierce, Scott Apple, Mezzo-Soprano Accompanist Creston Treble Clef Choir Voices in Praise 1985 Spring Tour Linda L. Dunbar Conductor Diana Miller Cynthia Payne Accom panists O livet Nazarene College Kankakee, Illinois Dr. Leslie Parrott, President Treble Clef Program Handbell Prelude The Master's Musicians Diana Miller, Director Congregational Hymn This Is the D ay............................................................... Bob Burroughs Festival Alleluia......................................................................Allen Pote Day by D ay........................................................................ Martin How Treble Clef Choir PRAYER.................................................................................... Pastor Serve the Lord With Gladness.....................................................Handel Arr. Harris Come Unto M e ................................................................. Blankenship Arr. J. Martin How Excellent Is Thy Name............................................. Eugene Butler Empty Hands....................................................................... Tom Fettke Clarinet Soloist: Dawn Singell Sing Unto the Lord........................................................... Julie Knowles Soloist: Cheryl Dilts or Angla McCord RAGGEDY ANN and ANDY ONC PROMOTION OFFERTORY Soloist(s): Lisa Foster, Piano or The Master's Musicians Spring Bursts Today Sam Owens Treble Clef Choir and The Master's Musicians Ladies Trio Sing Praises Stanley Glarum I Am Thine O Lord......................................................................Crosby Arr. J. Linn Standin' on the Walls of Zion Maurice Gardner BENEDICTION The conductor of the group is Linda Dunbar, who holds a Bachelor's Degree from O N C . She has taught part-time and is presently teaching full-time in class and private voice at O N C since returning to O N C with her husband in 1970. The Treble Clef Choir has inspired the hearts of people with its singing about the Christian faith. Besides singing in several of the United States, the Choir has made three trips to Europe and the British Isles to sing in the European Nazarene churches. The 45 young women represent the full range of academic majors and interests at the College. A ten-member Handbell Choir w ill also present selections. Personnel Alto Soprano I I Joycelyn Dean - Homewood, IL Lori DeLong - Bristol, IN Cheryl Dilts - Plymouth, Ml Lanette Henley - Decatur, IL Vickie Kidd - Richmond, IN Deanna Lake - East Rockaway, NY Connie Lofquist - Springfield, IL Angela Mayfield - Ellittsville, IN Andrea Ray - Rochester, Ml Lisa Reedy - Bourbonnais, IL Cheryl Shira - Newark, DE Jennifer Singer - Gaithersburg, MD Melissa Smith - Holland, IN Debbi Stimson - Lake Orion, Ml Gailynn Culp - Bloomingdale, IL Janet Davis - Bloomington, IL Martha Davis - Round Lake, IL Leanne Empie - Ravenna, Ml Lisa Foster - Peoria, IL Jenny Moore - Fort Wayne, IN Dana Preusch - Middletown, OH Dawn Singell - Edmore, Ml Beth Traver - Lansing, Ml Jeanette Westenberger Davenport, IA Lisa Zechinato - Dimondale, Ml II II Melody DeArmond - Decatur, IN Penny Falkenbury - Belleville, IL Carol Johnson - Oak Forest, IL Cheryl Lawton - Chesaning, Ml Marsha Lohry - Buchanan, Ml Carolyn Matson - Bensenville, IL Susan Meek - Spencer, IN Debra Meyer - Kankakee, IL Diana Miller - Lynnville, IN Angela McCord - Fenton, IL Dawn Montgomery - Marion, OH Dawn Schoenwetter-Waterlook W I Susan Sebben - Rock Island, IL Kandra Dilts - Plymouth, Ml Pam Fulton - South Lyon, Ml Tina Miser - Columbia, SC Janet Moutray - Mt. Carmel, IL Diane Nelson - Rockford, IL Cynthia Payne - Muncie, IN Denise Replogle - Yorkstown, IN Robin Starling - Newark, IL O F F IC E R S President - Tina Miser Vice-President - Angela Mayfield Secretary - Janet Davis Treasurer - Robin Starling Chaplain - Jeanette Westenberger ITIN ER A R Y - Auburn Road Church of the Nazarene - Rockford, IL M a r c h 3 a . m . - Parkside Church of the Nazarene - Rockford, IL M a r c h 3 p . m . - Mundelein Church of the Nazarene - Mundelein, IL M arch 2 Larsen Fine Arts Center The Larsen Fine Arts Center was opened October 5, 1982 and dedicated February 17, 1983 at a cost of $3.5 million. It is named in honor of Mrs. Naomi Larsen, who taught in Olivet's Music Department 40 years until her retirement in 1975, and in memory of her late husband, Dr. Walter Burdick Larsen, who taught music at Olivet from 1930 to 1957 when his life was taken in a tragic automobile accident. The Larsens have given sterling leadership to the College, and left a dynamic Christian impact on the lives of hundreds of students through their musical, spiritual and personal influence. The Center houses the Division of Fine Arts which offers academic and activity pro grams in Music and Art. Music majors have choices of concentrations in Music Education, Musical Performance, Church Music, and a combination of Church Music and Christian Education. The Art major emphasizes painting, drawing, ceramics, graphics and photog raphy. Students may also earn minors in Music or Art. The Kresge Auditorium, seating 540, is an important feature of the Larsen Fine Arts Center. It is named in honor of Mr. and Mrs. Stanley S. Kresge. The Kresge Foundation of Troy, Michigan, made a gift of $200,000 to Olivet for this building, marking the third time the Foundation has contributed to building programs at Olivet. The Kresge Auditorium will be the site of dramatic productions, lectures and classes in addition to music recitals and concerts. The Department of Music occupies classrooms and offices on the middle and upper levels of the Center. The Department of Art has classrooms and studios on the lower level. The Music Department has 12 music studios/offices, 22 practice rooms, two ensemble rehearsal rooms, three classrooms, a reception/conference room, secretarial offices and workrooms. The Art Department has four classrooms, three studio/offices, a secretarial office, three photolabs and the Brandenburg Art Gallery. The Music Department has 11 full time and 5 part time faculty members. The Art Department has two full time faculty members. Performing groups of the Music Department include the Brass Consort, Concert Band, Stage Band, College Orchestra, Choral Union, Concert Singers, Orpheus Choir, Treble Clef Choir and Viking Male Chorus. Dr. Harlow Hopkins is Chairman of the Division of Fine Arts and the Department of Music. Dr. Harvey Collins is Chairman of the Department of Art. Inquiries about academic programs, scholarships, concerts, recitals, displays or other special events may be addressed to these men. Olivet Nazarene College is a four-year liberal arts college and is affiliated with the Church of the Nazarene. Its 1800 students come primarily from the four Midwestern states of Illinois, Indiana, Michigan and Wisconsin to take courses in 43 departments of study. The 160-acre campus is located 60 miles south of Chicago in the village of Bourbonnais, Illinois, on the northern edge of the city of Kankakee. Ofcfet EDUCATION WITH A CHRISTIAN PU R PO SE Viking Male Chorus "For Thee We Sing" 1985 Spring Break Tour JOE M. NOBLE CONDUCTOR O livet Nazarene College Kankakee, Illinois D r. Leslie Parrott, President Worship Service Alma Mater Byron Carmony Invocation..................................................................... Choir Member Rise Up O Men of G od............................................... Kenneth Jennings W elcom e........................................................................... The Pastor Music for the service will be chosen from the following selections. Hymns A Mighty Fortress Is Our God..........................................Luther/Mueller Rise Up O Church.............................................................Otis Skillings The Church's One Foundation Flow Firm a Foundation Glorious Things of Thee Are Spoken O Breath of Life Gospel Songs I Want To Be There...................................................Peterson/Anthony Amazing G race............................................. An Early American Hymn Tenderness He Sought M e ..........................................Gordon/Anthony Kevin Willis, Tenor All My Life.................................................................Ralph Carmichael Spirituals Ev'ry Time I Feel the Spirit............................................. Arr. Carmichael Ain'a That Good N ew s.......................................................... Spiritual Anthems The New 23rd........................................................... Ralph Carmichael The Last Words of David.......................................... Randall Thompson O Father in Heaven........................................................ Larry Mayfield Selections from Viking Male Chorus Members Testimonies of Praise Offering Benediction......................................................................... The Pastor Savior Like a Sheperd Lead Us...................................Bradbury/Anthony Itinerary Spring 1985 March 8 PM Marion, Illinois March 15 PM Birmingham, Alabama (1st) March 9 PM Omaha, Illinois March 16 PM Sullivan, Illinois March 10 A M Evansville, Indiana (Grace) March 17 AM Terre Haute, Indiana (1st) March 10 PM Evansville, Indiana (1st) March 17 PM Casey, Illinois March 11-14 Orlando, Florida (Central) Personnel TENOR I Kevin Bodine, Chicago Heights, IL ................Sr., Elementary Education Nick Henderson, Omaha, I L ............................Jr., Christian Education Brent Mitchell, Milton, W I ................................. Jr., Computer Science Mark Smith, Chelsea, M l........................................ Soph., Engineering Kevin Willis, Nachusa, IL ..............Jr. Church Music/Christian Education TENOR II Randy Bateman, Granger, IL............ Jr., Sociology and Communication Chris Bentfield, Pontiac, IL .......................... Jr., Business Administration Tony Beville, Sullivan, I N Jr., Romance Languages Harry Brown, Otsego, M l Fr., Religion and Psychology Bruce Yates, Shelbyville, IL...................................... Soph., Psychology BARITONE Brett Frankhauser, Lemont, IL Soph., Journalism Michael Click, Springfield, I L Fr., Food Service Management Doug Stutzman, Iowa City, IA ..................... Fr., Business Management Charles Taylor II, Fort Wayne, IN .......................... Jr., Music Education Creg Taylor, Bloomington, IL................................. Soph., Architecture Mike Taylor, Bloomington, IL............................................. Jr., Religion Glenn Tucker, Valparaiso, I N. ... Fr., Church Music/Christian Education BASS Ted Dorsey, Watseka, IL ............................................. Fr., Engineering Rob Hale, Aledo, IL........................................... Fr., Business-Marketing Mark Howard, Bradley, IL ............................................Soph., Religion Rob Rodewald, Rochester, IN ..........................Soph., English Education David White, Danville, IL ................................................... Sr., History IN ST R U M EN T A LIST S O FFIC E R S Creig Hutchins, Piano Greg Taylor, Piano Randy Bateman, Trumpet Kevin Bodine, Trumpet Nick Henderson, Trumpet Kevin Willis, Electric Bass Randy Bateman, President Mark Howard, Vice President Creg Taylor, Secretary David White, Treasurer Mike Taylor, Chaplain Tony Beville, Variety Show Chairman Chris Bentfield, Robarian/Librarian Brett Frankhauser, Historian Larsen Fine Arts Center The Larsen Fine Arts Center was opened October 5, 1982 and dedicated February 17, 1983 at a cost of $3.5 million. It is named in honor of Mrs. Naomi Larsen, who taught in Olivet's Music Department 40 years until her retirement in 1975, and in memory of her late husband, Dr. Walter Burdick Larsen, who taught music at Olivet from 1930 to 1957 when his life was taken in a tragic automobile accident. The Larsens have given sterling leadership to the College, and left a dynamic Christian impact on the lives of hundreds of students through their musical, spiritual and personal influence. The Center houses the Division of Fine Arts which offers academic and activity pro grams in Music and Art. Music majors have choices of concentrations in Music Education, Musical Performance, Church Music, and a combination of Church Music and Christian Education. The Art major emphasizes painting, drawing, ceramics,graphics and photog raphy. Students may also earn minors in Music or Art. The Kresge Auditorium, seating 540, is an important feature of the Larsen Fine Arts Center. It is named in honor of Mr. and Mrs. Stanley S. Kresge. The Kresge Foundation of Troy, Michigan, made a gift of $200,000 to Olivet for this building, marking the third time the Foundation has contributed to building programs at Olivet. The Kresge Auditorium will be the site of dramatic productions, lectures and classes in addition to music recitals and concerts. The Department of Music occupies classrooms and offices on the middle and upper levels of the Center. The Department of Art has classrooms and studios on the lower level. The Music Department has 12 music studios/offices, 22 practice rooms, two ensemble rehearsal rooms, three classrooms, a reception/conference room, secretarial offices and workrooms. The Art Department has four classrooms, three studio/offices, a secretarial office, three photolabs and the Brandenburg Art Gallery. The Music Department has 11 full time and 5 part time faculty members. The Art Department has two full time faculty members. Performing groups of the Music Department include the Brass Consort, Concert Band, Stage Band, College Orchestra, Choral Union, Concert Singers, Orpheus Choir, Treble Clef Choir and Viking Male Chorus. Dr. Harlow Hopkins is Chairman of the Division of Fine Arts and the Department of Music. Dr. Harvey Collins is Chairman of the Department of Art. Inquiries about academic programs, scholarships, concerts, recitals, displays or other special events may be addressed to these men. Olivet Nazarene College is a four-year liberal arts college and is affiliated with the Church of the Nazarene. Its 1800 students come primarily from the four Midwestern states of Illinois, Indiana, Michigan and Wisconsin to take courses in 43 departments of study. The 160-acre campus is located 60 miles south of Chicago in the village of Bourbonnais, Illinois, on the northern edge of the city of Kankakee. OLIVET NAZARENE Department of COLLEGE Music presents S P R I N G , C I N D Y Papillons, O p. piano 2 ................................ .R. Liebeslieder Walzer, O p. Schumann 5 2 ............... .......J . B r a h m s (Lovesong Waltzes) 1. Rede, M a d c h e n ( A n s w e r , m a i d e n ) 2. A m G e s t e i n e r a u s c h t di e F l u t ( D e e p in t h u n d e r r o a r s the tide) 6. E i n K l e i n e r , h u b s c h e r V o g e l ( T h e r e w a s 9. 10. 11. 13. 14. 18. a tiny, p r e t t y b i r d ) Am D o n a u s t r a n d e (On Danub e ' s border) 0 w i e s a n f t d i e Q u e l l e (Oh, h o w c a l m the river flows) Nein, es ist n i c h t a u s z u k o m m e n (No, I w i l l not l i s t e n to t h e m) V o g e l e i n d u r c h r a u s c h t d i e Lu f t ( E v e r y b i r d that s o a r s the sky) Sien, w i e ist di e W e l l e K l a r (See h o w b r i g h t the f o u n t a i n g l e a m s ) Es b e b e t d a s G e s t r a u c h e ( E a c h te n d e r leaf is t r e m b l i n g ) Assisted by S arah Reed, piano Concert Singers C o n c e r t o No. 2 in C m i n o r - O p . 1 8 ......... R a c h m a n i n o f f Moderato Adagio Sostenuto Allegro Scherzando Kelly Bryant, piano C i n d y C r a w f o r d , fl ute M a r c h 23, 1985 7:30 p.m. Kresge Auditorium L a r s e n Fine A r t s C e n t e r CONCERT SINGERS S O P R AN O ALTO Kay Buker K e l l i Lobb L ee A n n P e n c e Donna Pierce Dawn Bateman Julie Hampton Cyndi Larson TENOR BASS Ja y D a u g h t r y John Lynn Phil Atkins Dennis John Brad G a r v i n Rob N o r t h Jim Springer Dr. D.' G e o r g e D u n b a r , Rodney Loren Director T h i s r e c i t a l is b e i n g p r e s e n t e d f u l f i l l m e n t o f the r e q u i r e m e n t s Bachelor of Science Degree with in P i a n o Performance. in p a r t i a l for the concentration OLIVET NAZARENE COLLEGE Depart me nt of Music presents STUDENT S o l v e i g 18 S o n g ................................. E . Janice Stice, Diana Concertino, Miller, C.M. in A m i n o r , Allegro Sweet Op. Ring Op. an meinem 164 und Schubert piano Pillsington tenor piano Schumann Leben, Nr.4 Degner, Paul Antonio Litten, Joe 1985 1 1:30 a.m. Kresge Auditorium alto A g n e r , piano crudele.... 29, F. F i n g e r ............... R. Pam March piano Schaper, Bonnie Sebben Lee, Springer, Frauenliebe 42, Quilter tenor Montgomery, Julie from piano N y m p h s ............. F r a n c i s Jim Du Weber vivace Dawn Rest Lee, Daughtry, Jonathan III von clarinet P e t a l ............................ R o g e r Jay Sonata piano Sabelfeldt, Jonathan Grieg soprano 26 Op. Sharon Crimson RECITAL Noble, baritone piano Caldara OLIVET NAZARENE Department COLLEGE of Music presents Senior D I A N A Recital W I L L I A M S , Assisted piano by Donna Pierce, mezzo-soprano Bonnie Agner, clarinet Sonata in F major, Op . X V l / 2 3 . . ^ .................... H a y d n Moderato Adagio Presto Diana Williams, Stride Psalm la vampa piano f r o m II T r o v a t o r e ..................V e r d i 23 Paul Donna Au Lac de W a l l e n s t a d t ................................ L i s z t V a l s e O u b l i e e No. 1 ................. Diana Williams, Concerto Creston Pierce, mezzo-soprano S cott A p p l e , p i a n o for C l a r i n e t Liszt p ia no , an d P i a n o ............. W.A. Mozart R ondo Bonnie Agner, clarinet Diana Miller, piano Two Roumanian Dances, Op . 8a .B e l a Bartok Allegro vivace Poco Allegro Diana Williams, p ia no Th i s r e c i t a l is b e i n g p r e s e n t e d in p a r t i a l f u l f i l l m e n t o f the r e q u i r e m e n t s for the B a c h e l o r of A r t s D e g r e e w i t h c o n c e n t r a t i o n in M u s i c E d u c a t i o n . M a r c h 26, 1985 7: 3 0 p.m. Kresge Auditorium Ohfet EDUCATION WITH A CH RISTIAN PU R PO SE Concert Singers Spring 1985 D . G eorge D u nb ar, Conductor C in d y Spring, Accompanist Olivet Nazarene College Kankakee, Illinois D r. Leslie P arro tt, President T h e P ro g ra m Go Out With Joy...................................................................................Hank Beebe Invocation - The Pastor How Can I Keep From Singing? Donald Hustad Rejoice, Ye Pure In H eart....................................................................Mark Hayse Prayers From The A rk .......................................................................... Ivor Davies The Prayer of the Cat The Prayer of the Mouse Footsteps Of Jesus......................................................................arr. James Buffaloe Come We That Love The Lord arr. Claude Bass It Was His Love........................................................................................Buryi Red Kay Buker and Donna Pierce For The Beauty Of The Earth.............................................................John Rutter The Eyes Of A ll..................................................................................... Jean Berger Now Sing We Joyfully Unto G o d ................................................ Gordon Young Offering - The Pastor Offertory - A Quiet Place Ralph Carmichael Pam Degner, Violin Pastorale...................................................................... Richard Purvis Rodney Loren, Organ Who Shall Ascend?.............................................................................. Hank Beebe Just As I Am .......................................................................................J.H . Maunder Abide In Me..................................................William J. Gaither/Chris Christian Moses - (A Ken Medema Story-Song) Ken Medema Benediction - The Pastor Thou Hast A Work For Me To D o............................................. Walker Robson (Choral Benediction) C o n c e r t Singers Soprano Kay Buker, Junior.................. . . Voice Performance........... Pam Degner, Junior............... . Music Education............. . . Oak Creek, WI Librarian . . . Glendale, OH Kelli Lobb, Junior............. Speech Communications Lee Ann Pence, Junior........... . . Elementary Education. . . .........Lansing, MI Al t o Dawn Bateman, Sophomore. .........Music Education.. . . .........Granger, IN Julie Hampton, Junior........... . Elementary Education. . . . . . . Galesburg, IL Cyndi Larson, Sophomore. . . . . Voice Performance. . . . . Birnamwood, WI Donna Pierce, Senior............. . . . Christian Ed/............... Church Music............. President Cindy Spring, Senior............. . Piano Performance........... . . Port Huron, MI Accompanist Tenor Jay Daughtry, Junior............. . Religion/Philosophy......... . . . Loves, Park, IL John Lynn, Freshman........... . Business Administration. ........... Portage, IN Rob North, Sophomore. . . . . . . . Shawnee, KS Jim Springer, Senior............... . . Bourbonnais, IL Bas s Phil Atkins, Junior.................. ...........English...................... Brad Garvin, Sophomore. . . . . . Vocal Performance. . . . . . River Forest, IL Chaplain Dennis John, Junior............. . Business Administration . ............. Dixon, IL Rodney Loren, Senior......................Church Music/ ............. Cory, IN Business Manager Music Education C o n c e r t Singers Spring Itin e ra ry M arch 31 Lake A venue C h u rch o f th e N azarene, Fort W ayne, IN (A .M ) W awasee C om m u n ity C h u rch o f th e N azarene, Syracuse, IN (P.M .) A pril 21 C h u rch o f the N azarene, C o ry , IN (A .M .) First C h u rch o f th e N azarene, C h am paign , IL (P.M .) During the year, C oncert Singers has perform ed on cam pus an d in K a n k a k ee area churches. T h e en sem ble is a v a ila b le fo r chu rch, school, an d service club program s. C on tact the M usic D epartm ent. Larsen Fine Arts Center The Larsen Fine Arts Center was opened October 5, 1982 and dedicated February 17, 1983 at a cost of $3.5 million. It is named in honor of Mrs. Naomi Larsen, who taught in Olivet's Music Department 40 years until her retirement in 1975, and in memory of her late husband, Dr. Walter Burdick Larsen, who taught music at Olivet from 1930 to 1957 when his life was taken in a tragic automobile accident. The Larsens have given sterling leadership to the College, and left a dynamic Christian impact on the lives of hundreds of students through their musical, spiritual and personal influence. The Center houses the Division of Fine Arts which offers academic and activity pro grams in Music and Art. Music majors have choices of concentrations in Music Education, Musical Performance, Church Music, and a combination of Church Music and Christian Education. The Art major emphasizes painting, drawing, ceramics, graphics and photog raphy. Students may also earn minors in Music or Art. The Kresge Auditorium, seating 540, is an important feature of the Larsen Fine Arts Center. It is named in honor of Mr. and Mrs. Stanley S. Kresge. The Kresge Foundation of Troy, Michigan, made a gift of $200,000 to Olivet for this building, marking the third time the Foundation has contributed to building programs at Olivet. The Kresge Auditorium will be the site of dramatic productions, lectures and classes in addition to music recitals and concerts. The Department of Music occupies classrooms and offices on the middle and upper levels of the Center. The Department of Art has classrooms and studios on the lower level. The Music Department has 12 music studios/offices, 22 practice rooms, two ensemble rehearsal rooms, three classrooms, a reception/conference room, secretarial offices and workrooms. The Art Department has four classrooms, three studio/offices, a secretarial office, three photolabs and the Brandenburg Art Gallery. The Music Department has 11 full time and 5 part time faculty members. The Art Department has two full time faculty members. Performing groups of the Music Department include the Brass Consort, Concert Band, Stage Band, College Orchestra, Choral Union, Concert Singers, Orpheus Choir, Treble Clef Choir and Viking Male Chorus. Dr. Flarlow Hopkins is Chairman of the Division of Fine Arts and the Department of Music. Dr. Harvey Collins is Chairman of the Department of Art. Inquiries about academic programs, scholarships, concerts, recitals, displays or other special events may be addressed to these men. Olivet Nazarene College is a four-year liberal arts college and is affiliated with the Church of the Nazarene. Its 1800 students come primarily from the four Midwestern states of Illinois, Indiana, Michigan and Wisconsin to take courses in 43 departments of study. The 160-acre campus is located 60 miles south of Chicago in the village of Bourbonnais, Illinois, on the northern edge of the city of Kankakee. OLIVET NAZARENE COLLEGE ARTIST/LECTURE SERIES presents THE BRYAN AND KEYS DUO Keith Bryan, flute Karen Keys, piano Introduction and Allegro G. Donizetti Serenade, Opus 4 1 ............................. L. van Beethoven Entrata Menuetto Allegro molto Andante con variazioni Scherzando Adagio-Allegro vivace Duo for Flute and Piano................ Flowing Poetic, somewhat mournful Lively, with bounce Aaron Copland (INTERMISSION) Three Preludes, Book I C. Debussy 1. "Les sons et les parfums tournent dans l'air du soir" Baudelaire (Evening sounds and scents swirling in the air) 2. La serenade interrompue (The interrupted serenade) 3. Ce qu'a vu le vent d'Ouest (What the West Wind saw) L'Isle Joyeuse (The Island of Joy) C. Debussy **Karen Keys** Sonata for Flute and Piano..................... Francis Poulenc Allegro malinconico Cantilena Presto giocoso April 9, 1985 7:30 p.m. Kresge Auditorium Larsen Fine Arts Center TIUi pdogAam i i p a n lia lty iuppoa.ted by a gfiant 6'iom the. l t l i n o i i AaXa Co u n c il, a S t a le agency. NOTES ON THE PROGRAM Provided by the p e r f o r m e r s Donizetti: Introduction and Allegro T h i s p i e c e r e t a i n s th e c h a r a c t e r i s t i c s of a v o c a l - instrumental relationship. T h e a t t r a c t i v e q u a l i t y of t h e w o r k s t e m s f r o m th e s i n g i n g q u a l i t i e s of the s e v e n t e e n t h a n d e i g h t e e n t h c e n t u r i e s , k n o w n c o l l e c t i v e l y as bet canto , as m u c h as it d o e s f r o m the t a l e n t s of the c o m p o s e r , w h o w a s p r o b a b l y o n l y m i l d l y i n t e r e s t e d in w r i t i n g fo r f l u t e a n d p i a n o . A l t h o u g h this w o r k , c o m p o s e d in 1819, w a s d e d i c a t e d to " S i g n o r a M a r i a n n a P e z z o l i - G r a t t a r o l i , " i ts b r e v i t y m a y i n d i c a t e that it g a v e the y o u n g c o m p o s e r a n o p p o r t u n i t y to p r a c t i c e i n s t r u m e n t a l w r i t i n g f o r u s e i n the l a r g e r c o n t e x t of h i s b e s t - k n o w n g e n r e , t he op e r a . Beethoven: S e r e n a d e , Op. 4 1 T h e f i r s t e d i t i o n o f t h i s w o r k is d a t e d 1803, b u t t h e m u s i c i t s e l f is m o r e y o u t h f u l t h a n the d a t e i n d i cates. It b e g a n l i f e a s t h e S e r e n a d e f or flute, v i o l i n , a n d v i o l a , Op. 25, c o m p o s e d a r o u n d 1 795, j u s t a f e w y e a r s a f t e r the p r o m i s i n g y o u n g c o m p o s e r c a m e to V i e n n a to s t u d y w i t h H a y d n , t h e h e a d y e n c o u r a g e m e n t of C o u nt W a l d S t e i n still fresh in his memory. T h e b r i g h t l i t t l e E n t r a t a is b e g u n b y the s o l o f lute, s k i p p i n g d o w n th e D - m a j o r t r i a d in s t a c c a t o , t w o - n o t e p h r a s e s , s e t t i n g th e p a c e a n d m o o d fo r the m o v e m e n t . E v e n the G - m a j o r m i d d l e s e c t i o n is o n l y s l i g h t l y m e l l o w e d b y an o c c a s i o n a l l e g a t o phrase. B o t h this m o v e m e n t an d t h e f l o w i n g M e n u e t t o ( w i t h t wo trios) a r e p u r e p r o d u c t s of the e i g h t e e n t h century. Perhaps, however, there are h i n t s o f the B e e t h o v e n to c o m e i n the f u r i o u s A l l e g r o m o l t o ' s s m a l l t o r r e n t i a l c o d a a n d in the c o n t e m p l a t i v e b e a u t y o f the e n s u i n g A n d a n t e . Th e t h r e e v a r i a t i o n s o n th a t l o v e l y th eme , o n t h e o t h e r h a n d , s e e m too f a c i l e to h i n t a t the c o m p o s e r ' s l a t e r p r o f o u n d m a s t e r y of the f o r m. M a k i n g t he f i f t h m o v e m e n t a g a l l o p i n g S ch e r z o , r a t h e r t h a n a s e c o n d m i n u e t is, o f c o u r s e , a n o t h e r d e p a r t u r e f r o m the t y p i c a l e i g h t e e n t h - c e n t u r y s e r e n a d e or divertimento. T h e f i n a l e is a r o l l i c k i n g Rondo, i n t r o d u c e d by a p a s t o r a l A d a g i o . W h i l e Op. 41 is in the B e e t h o v e n catalogue, th e ac tual a r r a n g e m e n t is p r o b a b l y the w o r k o f o n e F. X. Klein, henz, who, l i k e B e e t h o v e n * s t u d i e d w i t h A l b r e c h t s b e r g e r . B e e t h o v e n h i m s e l f a t t e s t e d to t h i s f a c t — a n d to the fact that h e r e v i e w e d and r e v i s e d Kleinhenz's work— in a characteristically b l u nt l e t t e r i n S e p t e m b e r the L e i p i z g p u b l i s h e r s H o f f m e i s t e r § K u h n e l : 1803 to The a r r a n g e m e n t s w e r e n o t m a d e b y m e , b u t I have gone through them a n d m a d e d r a s t i c c o r r e c t i o n s in so m e p a s s a g e s . So do not dare to s t at e in w r i t i n g t h a t I h a v e a r r a n g e d them. If y o u do, y o u w i l l b e t e l l ing a lie, s e e i n g that, m o r e o v e r , I c o u l d n e v er h a v e f o u nd the ti me, o r e v e n h a d the p a t i e n c e to do tha t k i n d o f w o r k — A r e y o u satisfied? but T he e x t e n t the r e s u l t of B e e t h o v e n ' s r e v i s i o n s is n o t k n o w n , is s k i l l f u l a n d e m i n e n t l y p i a n i s t i c . The cha ng es in the f lu te p a r t ar e , o f c o u r s e , r e l a t i v e l y few. A t a n y rate, the t i t l e p a g e o f t h e f i r s t e d i t i o n sh ows that H o f f m e i s t e r ^ K u h n e l f o l l o w e d the composer's a dmonition scrupulously. Copland: Duo C o p l a n d ' s Duo, d e d i c a t e d to t h e m e m o r y o f t h e f amous flu ti st W i l l i a m K i n c a i d , w a s c o m p l e t e d in 1971. A s o l i l o q u y for the f lu te is h e a r d a t t h e b e g i n n i n g and e nd of the f i r st m o v e m e n t ; i n t h e m i d d l e t h e r e is an i n t e r p l a y of c h a n g i n g t e m p o s a n d r u n n i n g p a s s a g e s b e t w e e n the f l u t e and the p i a n o . The second movement b u i l d s to a cli ma x, l e a d i n g u p to o n e o f C o p l a n d ' s most poignant moments, w h i c h he g i v e s to the p i a n o alone A s if to i n d i c a t e the d i f f i c u l t y o f e n d i n g t h i s m o o d , tw o short c h o r d s s u d d e n l y a n n o u n c e t h e t h i r d m o v e m e n t , w h i c h is f i l l e d w i t h a l i v e l y e n e r g y a n d e n d s w i t h a f e e l i n g of jo y and triumph. Debussy: Three Preludes, Book I The Th ree Preludes w e r e w r it te n in 1910 by one of the most potent influe nc es on the co ur s e of m us ic in the tw e n t i e t h century, C l a u d e - A c h i l l e Debussy (1862-1918). One a s pe ct of his style is sum me d up in the term "im pre ss io ni sm ." This w o r d was first a p p l i e d to a school of Fren ch painting which f l o u r i s h e d from about 1880 to the end of the century; its chief r e p r e s e n t a i o n is Claude Mo net (1840— 1926). In r e l a t i o n to music, the wo r d is thus de fi ne d in We bs te r's Dictionary: "A style of c o m p o s i t i o n d e s i g n e d to create d e s c r i p t i v e impressions by ev ok i n g moods through rich and varied h a r m on ie s and timbres." I m p r e s s i o n i s m is thus a kind of progra m mus ic. It differs from mo st Romantic p r o g r a m m u s i c in that, first, it does not seek to expres s feeling or tell a story, but to e vo ke a mood, an "a tmo sph ere ," with the he l p of suggestive title s and o ccasional re m i n i s c e n c e s of n at ura l sounds, c h a r a c t e r i s t i c bits of melody , da nce rhythms, and the like; second, i m p r e s s i o n i s m relies on a l l u s i o n and u n d e r s t a t e m e n t instead of the more fo rt h r i g h t or strenuous m e t h o d s of the Romantics; and third, it em pl oy s melodies, ha rmo nie s, colors, rhythms, and formal pr in ci p l e s which, in one w ay and another, c o n t r i b u t e to mak ing a m us i c a l language r a d i c a l l y different from that of the German Ro m a n t i c tradition. The first prelude (Evening sounds and scents swi rli ng in the air) is a quo tation from the French poet Baud ela ire . The second (The in te rru pte d serenade) por trays a g u i t ar is t serena din g his love. The third (What the West Wind saw) was ins pired by D e b u s s y ' s visit to E n g l a n d w h e r e he was f a s c i n a t e d with the West wi nds which blew a c ro ss the English c o u n t r y s i d e with great f r e q ue nc y and energy. Debussy: L'Isle Joyeuse The Island of Joy was wr it te n by Debussy in 1904 sh or tl y after his elopement to Emma Bardac. Poulenc: Sonata for Flute an d Piano Com mis si on ed by El iz a be th Spray Coolidge, Sonata for Flute and Piano was compl ete d in 1957 and the first per formance presented in Coo lid ge A u d i t o r i u m by Poulenc and Jean-Paul Rampal in 1958. Poulenc was one of the sponsors for Bryan and Keys in 1961 when they made their Paris debut. They had the privi leg e of d i s c u s s i n g the Sonata with the composer at that time. OLIVET NAZARENE COLLEGE Department of M u s i c presents STUDENT RECITAL Prelude Sonata in C M i n o r , B W V 5 4 8 ................ J. Greg Taylor, organ for C l a r i n e t Sehr Paul Hindemith langsam Massig Peace an d P i a n o Bach bewegt Kevin Webster, clarinet Cindy Spring, piano Prayer of St. F r a n c i s ........ V a n J o h n L y nn , t e n or S c o tt Apple, A.C h r i s t y piano S o n a t e I I I ...............................Pa u l H i n d e m i t h I. "Ac h G o t t , w e m soli i c h 1s k l a g e n " II. " W a c h auf, m e i n H o r t " III. "So wiinsch ich ihr " Greg Taylor, Sonata for C l a r i n e t organ & Piano Francis Poulenc Romanza Allegro c o n f uoco B o n n i e Ag ner , c l a r i n e t S c ot t A p p l e , p i a n o W i d m u n g .................................. R o b e r t Mark Fryar, baritone J o h n L y nn , p i a n o 11:30 a.m. Ap ril 12, College 1985 Church of the N a z a r e n e Franz I V Treble Clef Choir Voices in Praise 1985 Spring Tour Linda L. Dunbar Conductor Diana Miller Cynthia Payne Accom panists O livet Nazarene College Kankakee, Illinois Dr. Leslie Parrott, President Treble Clef Program Handbell Prelude The Master's Musicians Diana Miller, Director Congregational Hymn This Is the D ay Bob Burroughs Festival Alleluia.......................... Allen Pote Day by D ay........................................................................ Martin How Treble Clef Choir PRAYER.......................................................................................Pastor Serve the Lord With Gladness.................................................... Handel Arr. Harris Come Unto M e................................................................. Blankenship Arr. J. Martin How Excellent Is Thy Name Empty Hands Eugene Butler Tom Fettke Clarinet Soloist: Dawn Singell Sing Unto the Lord........................................................... Julie Knowles Soloist: Cheryl Dilts or Angla McCord RAGGEDY ANN and ANDY ONC PROMOTION OFFERTORY Piano Duet: Dawn Montgomery and Cindy Payne Spring Bursts Today Sam Owens Treble Clef Choir and The Master's Musicians Ladies Trio Sing Praises Stanley Glarum I Am Thine O Lord......................................................................Crosby Soloist: Angela Mayfield Arr. J. Lin n Standin' on the Walls of Zion...................................... Maurice Gardner BENEDICTION The conductor of the group is Linda Dunbar, who holds a Bachelor's Degree from O N C . She has taught part-time and is presently teaching full-time in class and private voice at O N C since returning to O N C with her husband in 1970. The Treble Clef Choir has inspired the hearts of people with its singing about the Christian faith. Besides singing in several of the United States, the Choir has made three trips to Europe and the British Isles to sing in the European Nazarene churches. The 45 young women represent the full range of academic majors and interests at the College. A ten-member Handbell Choir w ill also present selections. Personnel Alto Soprano I I Lori DeLong - Bristol, IN Cheryl Dilts - Plymouth, Ml Lanette Henley - Decatur, IL Vickie Kidd - Richmond, IN Deanna Lake - East Rockaway, NY Marsha Lohry - Buchanan, Ml Angela Mayfield - Ellettsville, IN Andrea Ray - Rochester, Ml Lisa Reedy - Bourbonnais, IL Cheryl Shira - Newark, DE Jennifer Singer - Gaithersburg, MD Melissa Smith - Holland, IN Debbi Stimson - Lake Orion, Ml Gailynn Culp - Bloomingdale, IL Janet Davis - Bloomington, IL Martha Davis - Round Lake, IL Leanne Empie - Ravenna, Ml Lisa Foster - Peoria, IL Jenny Moore - Fort Wayne, IN Dana Preusch - Middletown, OH Dawn Singell - Edmore, Ml Beth Traver - Lansing, Ml Jeanette Westenberger Davenport, IA Lisa Zechinato - Dimondale, Ml II II Melody DeArmond - Decatur, IN Penny Falkenbury - Belleville, IL Carol Johnson - Oak Forest, IL Cheryl Lawton - Chesaning, Ml Carolyn Matson - Bensenville, IL Susan Meek - Spencer, IN Debra Meyer - Kankakee, IL Diana Miller - Lynnville, IN Angela McCord - Fenton, IL Dawn Montgomery - Marion, OH Dawn Schoenwetter-Waterloo, W I Susan Sebben - Rock Island, IL Kandra Dilts - Plymouth, Ml Pam Fulton - South Lyon, Ml Tina Miser - Columbia, SC Janet Moutray - Mt. Carmel, IL Diane Nelson - Rockford, IL Cynthia Payne - Muncie, IN Denise Replogle -Yorktown, IN Robin Starling - Newark, IL OFFICERS President - Tina Miser Vice-President - Angela Mayfield Secretary - Janet Davis Treasurer - Robin Starling Chaplain - Jeanette Westenberger April April April April ITINERARY 12 - Fairview Heights Church of the Nazarene - Fairview Heights, IL 13 - Evansville First Church of the Nazarene - Evansville, IN 14 a.m. -Oakland City Church of the Nazarene - Oakland City, IN 14 p.m. - Chrisman Church of the Nazarene - Chrisman, IL Larsen Fine Arts Center The Larsen Fine Arts Center was opened October 5, 1982 and dedicated February 17, 1983 at a cost of $3,5 million. It is named in honor of Mrs. Naomi Larsen, who taught in Olivet’s Music Department 40 years until her retirement in 1975, and in memory of her late husband, Dr. Walter Burdick Larsen, who taught music at Olivet from 1930 to 1957 when his life was taken in a tragic automobile accident. The Larsens have given sterling leadership to the College, and left a dynamic Christian impact on the lives of hundreds of students through their musical, spiritual and personal influence. The Center houses the Division of Fine Arts which offers academic and activity pro grams in Music and Art. Music majors have choices of concentrations in Music Education, Musical Performance, Church Music, and a combination of Church Music and Christian Education. The Art major emphasizes painting, drawing, ceramics, graphics and photog raphy. Students may also earn minors in Music or Art. The Kresge Auditorium, seating 540, is an important feature of the Larsen Fine Arts Center. It is named in honor of Mr. and Mrs. Stanley S. Kresge. The Kresge Foundation of Troy, Michigan, made a gift of $200,000 to Olivet for this building, marking the third time the Foundation has contributed to building programs at Olivet. The Kresge Auditorium will be the site of dramatic productions, lectures and classes in addition to music recitals and concerts. The Department of Music occupies classrooms and offices on the middle and upper levels of the Center. The Department of Art has classrooms and studios on the lower level. The Music Department has 12 music studios/offices, 22 practice rooms, two ensemble rehearsal rooms, three classrooms, a reception/conference room, secretarial offices and workrooms. The Art Department has four classrooms, three studio/offices, a secretarial office, three photolabs and the Brandenburg Art Gallery. The Music Department has 11 full time and 5 part time faculty members. The Art Department has two full time faculty members. Performing groups of the Music Department include the Brass Consort, Concert Band, Stage Band, College Orchestra, Choral Union, Concert Singers, Orpheus Choir, Treble Clef Choir and Viking Male Chorus. Dr. Harlow Hopkins is Chairman of the Division of Fine Arts and the Department of Music. Dr. Harvey Collins is Chairman of the Department of Art. Inquiries about academic programs, scholarships, concerts, recitals, displays or other special events may be addressed to these men. Olivet Nazarene College is a four-year liberal arts college and is affiliated with the Church of the Nazarene. Its 1800 students come primarily from the four Midwestern states of Illinois, Indiana, Michigan and Wisconsin to take courses in 43 departments of study. The 160-acre campus is located 60 miles south of Chicago in the village of Bourbonnais, Illinois, on the northern edge of the city of Kankakee. OLIVET NAZARENE COLLEGE Department of Music presents FACULTY RECITAL Sonata for Clarinet and Piano in G minor Op. 120, No. 1 1. Allegro appassioneto 2. Andante un poco Adagio 3. Allegretto grazioso 4. Vivace Harlow Hopkins, clarinet Gerald Anderson, piano Johannes Brahms Brahms is the giant among composers of chamber music in the nineteenth century, the true successor of Beethoven in this field as in that of the symphony. Not only is the quantity of his production impressive— 24 works in all— but it includes at least a half-dozen masterpieces of the first rank. A special category of Brahms' chamber music consists of sonatas for a single instrument with piano. Two such sonatas are those for clarinet and piano, both of which were composed in 1894, three years before his death. They bring to a close the long series of chamber works. The sonata you will hear tonight contains four movements. The first maintains a prevailing melancholoy throughout its wealth of the song-like subjects so typical of Brahms. The second, in A flat major, is an intimate piece capitalizing on the ability of the clarinet to play dreamy arabesques and to produce an almost inaudible velvety pianissimo. The third movement, in the same key as the second, has the design and style of a scherzo. Sir Donald Francis Tovey, the most searching of Brahms' critics, has appropriately remarked that it is "the most deliciously Viennese of all Brahms' works." The final movement, in F major, is a happy affair which makes much of the three repeated F's with which it opens. Passacaglia in G minor...................... George F. Handel Arr. Halvorsen Lolita Phelps, violin Susan Ross, cello violincello The Passacaglia was originally a slow Spanish dance in 3/4 meter, popular about 1600; later, an important variation form. The word in Spanish means literally a "Street Song". Performed at a deliberate pace, the passacaglia required many repetitions of the melody, usually in eight-measure phrases. Musicians, probably tired of playing the same notes over and over, began to weave decorations and embellishment over the melody, much as jazz musicians improvise today. Eventually the musical form of the passacaglia became that of variations over a ground-bass melody. Many composers of the 17th and 18th centuries Handel, Buxtehude, Couperin, Pachelbel, Bach - wrote beautiful passacaglias for organ and harpsichord. This one by Handel is written in 4/4 meter and was orginially meant for harpsichord. It has been arranged by Halvorsen for stringed instruments. INTERMISSION Eight Pieces for Clarinet in B & A, Viola and Piano, Op. 8 3 ........................... Max Bruch 1. Andante 2. Allegro con moto 3. Andante con moto 4. Allegro agitato 5. Andante(Rumanische Melodie) 6. Andante con moto(Nachtgesang) 7. Allegro vivace, ma non troppo 8. Moderato Alice Edwards, piano Harlow Hopkins, clarinet Lolita Phelps, viola The reputation of Max Bruch (1838-1920) rests almost entirely on the first of his three violin concertos, the Scottish Fantasy (also for violin and orchestra) and Kol Nidrei, for cello and orchestra. He was most prolific in the choral realm, and more than a few commentators have assured us that it is there that his true greatness lies, but his choral works are never performed. Bruch's chamber music is less abundant but is similarly neglected. He wrote little of it, and what there is came only at the beginning and end of his long, creative career. Following a piano trio (Op. 5) and two string quartets (Opp. 9 and 10) written in his early twenties, Bruch waited some fifty years to make his only other contribution to the chamber music repertory, a cycle of eight pieces in contrasting moods— the work to be performed this afternoon. It was dedicated to the Princess Sophie zu Wied and published as Op. 83 in 1910 with an alternative version for violin, cello and piano. These are no mere trifles, but expressive and eloquent manifestation of a Romanticism that crested with Schuimann and Brahms: thespirit was obviously not only still alive but remarkable fresh in Bruch. This cycle is aglow with sunset colors and rich in the melodic inventiveness, solid craftsmanship and warmth of heart characteristic of all of Bruch's finest works. 7:30 p.m. April 16, 1985 Kresge Auditorium OLIVET NAZARENE COLLEGE D e p a r t m e n t of M u s i c presents A Faculty Lecture-Recital on HISPANIC Alice S o n a t a No. 90 KEYBOARD MUSIC Edwards and Students in F # m a j o r ............A n t o n i o S o l e r (1729-1783) Miss Edwards A s t u r i a n a ............................ E n r i q u e G r a n a d o s ( f r o m T w e l v e S p a n i s h D a n c e s , O p . 5) ( 1 8 6 7 - 1 9 1 6 ) Lisa Foster M o n t a n e s a ............................ (from Pieces Espagnoles) Miss Edwards M a n u e l De F a l l a (1876-1946) B r a n q u i n h a ........................ H e c t o r V i l l a - L o b o s (from Prole Do Bebe) (1887) Diana Miller Allegro m a r c a t o (from Sonata para Kresge A u d i torium A p r i l 18, 1985 1 0 : 30 a.m. Piano) Alberto Ginastera (1916) OLIVET NAZARENE COLLEGE Department of Music presents HALE/WILDER SCHOLARSHIP AUDITIONS Toreador Song, from Carmen...........................G. Bizet Still Wie Die Nacht................................. Carl Bohm It is Enough, from Elijah.................... F. Mendelssohn Amarilli, mia bella ............................... G. Caccini Scott Apple, baritone Jonathon Lee, piano Deh , vieni..........................................W.A. Mozart Mein Herr, Marquis...................... Tout est si beau!............................. S. Rachmaninoff Oh! had I Jubal's lyre.............................G.F. Handel Lillian Kay Buker. soprano Dawn Montgomery, piano Du Bist Die R u h ........................................Schubert Comfort ye, from Messiah...........................G.F. Handel Dalla Sua Pace, from Don Giovanni..................... Mozart Oh! Ne t'eveille pas.................................... Godard John Lynn, tenor Dawn Montgomery, piano 0 Thou That Tellest Good Tidings to Zion, from Messiah.................................... G.F. Handel Beau Soir C. Debussy Che faro' senza Euidice, from Orfeo........... C.W. von Gluck Von e w i g e r Liebe Op. 43 , No. 1 ...................... J. B r a h m s Cyndi Larson, mezzo-soprano Cindy Spring, piano In diesen heil'gen Hallen, from Die Zauberflote..W.A. Mozart Blow, Blow thou Winter Wind Roger Quiiter Elegie.......................................... Jules Massenet Non piu andrai, from Le Nozze di Figaro.......... W.A. Mozart Brad Garvin, bass Cindy Spring,piano 7:30 p.m. April 23, 1985 Kresge Auditorium J-Stra Olivet Nazarene College Department of Music presents Concert Band Harlow Hopkins Conductor Mark H. Hindsley Guest Conductor K resge A u d ito riu m A p ril 26, 1985 7 :3 0 P .M . Program Symphonic Celebration & D an ce Robert E. Foster T h is is an excitin g w ork w hich w as cop y rig hted in 1 9 8 4 . It begins w ith an in trod u ctory , fan farish -lik e section follow ed b y an ad ag io -leg ato C h orale sectio n . T h is leads very q u ick ly into the D an ce w hich is cast in m eter w hich alternates betw een 4/4 and 2/4. E ventu ally the C h o rale returns to conclu d e the w ork . Suite Francaise........................................................ Darius Milhaud 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. N orm and ie B retagne lie de France A lsace-L orrain e P rov en ce T h e "S u ite F ran caise" w as o rig in ally w ritten fo r b an d . For a long tim e M ilhaud had the idea of w riting a co m p osition fo r school m usicians in w hich "m u sic o f their tim e " w as used, keeping the ch a ra cteristic idiom of the com p oser. T h e five p arts o f this Su ite are nam ed after French P rov in ces, the very ones in w hich A m erican and allied arm ies fought together w ith the French un der ground fo r the lib eratio n o f Fran ce. M ilh aud used fo lk tunes of those P rov in ces, w anting A m erican s to h ear the p opular m elodies of those parts o f France w here their fath ers, b ro th ers, uncles and grand fath ers fought to d efeat the G erm an invaders. Fantasies on a Theme by Haydn..................Norman Dello Joio "F an tasies" w as com m issioned by the M ich ig an S ch o o l Band and O rch estra A sso cia tio n and published in 1 9 6 8 . It is based on a them e fro m a com p ositio n fo r p ian o by Joseph H ayd n. T h e three m ovem ents are a co n stan tly varied exam in ation of H ayd n's b asic idea. T h e b u b bling hu m or of the first and third fan tasies flan k a second w hich is intensely ly ric. "In the final sense, the w o rk is m y hom age to a com p oser w ho will alw ay s rem ain c o n te m p o ra ry ." — N .D .J. Intermission Personnel Flute Becky Allen - Lisle, IL Jill Ferree - Pontiac, MI Nanci Aylor-Shawnee Mission, KS Brenda Ousley-Columbia City, IN Cynthia Crawford - Pekin, IL Cindy Fouser - Kewanee, IL Danis Yocum - Leaf River, IL Michelle King - Dayton, OH Beth Riley - Rockford, IL Alto Saxophone Beth Meyers - Union Grove, WI Jeff Webb - Kankakee, IL Trumpet John Brewer - Muncie, IN Lori Standley - Bourbonnais, IL Sheila McDonald-Elkhart Lake, WI David Allen - Somerset, KY Larry Mace - Kokomo, IN Horn Michael Turnbull - Hale, MI Lori McRoberts - Danville, IN Phil Davisson - Liberty, IN C la rin et Eileen Corbus - Ottawa, IL B^ C la rin et Bonnie Agner - Nashville, GA Kevin Webster - Benton, IL Todd Zinkann - Kankakee, IL Robin Snyder - Wyoming, MI Kelly Bryant - Marshalltown, IA Sharon Sabelfeldt - Centralia, IL Kathy Matson - Milwaukee, WI Dawn Singell - Edmore, MI Bassoon Trombone Albert Ackerman-OakLawn, IL Dan Cox - Ridgeville, IN Regina Rowe - Kendallville, IN Tuba Cindy Payne - Muncie, IN Percussion Howard Newcomb-Arlington, OH Scott Peace - Hillsville, PA David Rees - Winchester, IN Brenda Hanson - Arnegard, ND Sue Polaskey - South Holland, IL JoAnn Lichte - Tampa, FL Susan Johnson - Elgin, IL O ffic e rs President - Jill Ferree Vice President - Bonnie Agner Secretary - Sheila McDonald Treasurer - Brenda Ousley Chaplain - Howard Newcomb Historian - David Rees Transportation Manager Albert Ackerman Librarians - Becky Allen Cindy Fouser Publicity - JoAnn Lichte Kelly Bryant Elsa's Procession to the Cathedral ..................... Richard Wagner from Lohengrin Transcribed, Lucien Cailliet Elsa's P rocession to the C ath ed ral, w ith its m edieval co lo r and p agean try , prefaces her b etro th al to L o h en grin, m ystic K night o f the H oly G rail, com e to deliver the people o f B rab an t (A ntw erp ) from the H ungarian invad ers. In the op eratic p resen tation , a large double chorus adds its song o f solem n praise to that o f the orch estra. It is in this m usic, m ystic yet pow erfu l, that we find W ag n er strik ing out w ith those new and intense m usical thoughts w hich w ere to cu lm inate in T rista n , the R ing, and P arsifal. In his tran scrip tion fo r b an d , Lucien C ailliet has suc ceeded in building in to the instrum ental fram ew ork o f the m odern band a true and d elicate represen tation o f all th at W ag n er so elo qu en tly describes w ith orch estra and choru s. The Black Horse T ro o p ..................................... John Philip Sousa Edited, Frederick Fennell T h is m arch w as com pleted D ecem b er 3 0 , 1 9 2 4 at S o u sa ’s Sand s P o in t, Long Island, estate. It w as played fo r the first tim e a b o u t ten m onths later on O c to b e r 17, 1925, at a co n cert of the Sou sa Band in the P u b lic A u d i toriu m , C leveland , O h io . A m erica's leading Sou sa sch olar, Paul E. Bierley, w rites in his b o o k : Jo h n P h ilip S o u sa , A D e s c r ip tiv e C a t a lo g o f H is W o r k s , that the M arch K ing en jo y ed a long relationsh ip to the men and horses of C levelan d 's O h io N ation al G u ard C a v a lry , know n as T ro o p A . Sou sa w as, him self, a devoted horsem an . O n ce again he drew upon som e special rhythm ic resource w hen the m arch w as fo r horses and riders; once again his special com preh en sion o f the thrilling sp ectacle o f regim ental m ovem ent produced a com pelling m usical experien ce fo r b oth the p lay er and the listener, com m and ing ou r p articu lar aw areness of his use o f the trum pets and drum s at vario u s d ynam ic levels. D uring the h alf-cen tu ry of his career as the m ost successful ban d m aster w ho ever lived, there w as b oth reason and necessity fo r his creating these w onderful m arches — and am ong them all T h e B la c k H o r s e T r o o p is a p ositive stan d ou t. — Frederick Fennell T o cca ta G irolam o Frescobaldi T o c c a ta w as w ritten o rig in ally fo r pipe org an . T h e co m poser w as organist and ch o irm a ster a t S t. P eter's in R om e fro m 1608 until his death in 1643, though he did leave R o m e fo r a period o f tim e to b eco m e the co u rt org anist at Florence. A s a com p oser Frescobald i o ccu pies a v ery p rom in ent p lace in m usic h isto ry . O n e can im agine the m ajesty o f the pipe org an in the opening m easures o f the w o rk . A n im itatio n section ensues w hich u ltim ately leads to a rath er rh ap so d ic sectio n in w hich so lo clarien ts and so lo flutes are p ro m in en t. A short "a lleg ro g u isto " sectio n con clu d es the w o rk . Lustspiel Overture, Op. 7 3 ................................................... Keler-Bela K eler-B ela (real nam e A lb ert vo n K eler) w as a H u n garian vio lin ist, co n d u cto r, and com p oser of light m usic w h o w as b o rn in 1820 and died in 1882. He w as a law student, then becam e a farm er, and finally to o k up m usic in 1845, studying in V ien n a. He played violin at the T h eater-an d er-W ien , w here he developed his spe c ia lity — the com p ositio n of d ance m u sic. He cond u cted several o rch estra s and a band in V ien n a bu t w as forced to w ithd raw fro m such duties in 1873 due to ill h ealth . He w rote a great nu m ber o f d ances and oth er light p ieces, som e of w hich attained en orm ou s p o p u larity , p articu larly the o v ertu re to be played tonight. Second Suite in F for Military Band........................Gustav Holst Opus 28, No. 2 1. A llergo 2 . Song W ith ou t W ords 3 . Son g of the B lack sm ith 4. Fantasia on the "D argason" G u stav H olst w as b o rn in C h elten h am , E ngland, in 1874, and died in London in 1934. T h e "S e co n d S u ite " w as com posed in 1911. A t the R o y a l C ollege of M u sic in L ond on he studied co m p o sitio n w ith S ta n fo rd . H e also to o k up the tro m b on e and acqu ired such p ro ficien cy th at he w as ab le to earn his living as tro m b on ist w ith an op era co m p an y and in vario u s sy m p h o n y o rch estra s. In 1919 he to o k a post a t the R o y a l C ollege o f M u sic teach ing co m p o sitio n . In 1923 he u n d erto ok a jo u rn ey to the United States w here he lectured and perform ed his w orks at H arvard U niversity and at the U niversity o f M ichigan. His last y ears w ere d evoted entirely to co m p o sitio n . Guest Conductor. . . A graduate of Indiana University "with high distinction" in 192S, Mark Hindsley served as band director and music instructor at Indiana until 1929. From 1929 to 1934 he was Director of Instrumental Music in the schools of Cleveland Heights, O hio, conducting the high school bands and orchestras, with first divisions in concert and marching at national band contests. From 1934 to 1948 he was Assistant Director of Bands at the University of Illinois, director of the Marching Mini and conductor of the First Regimental Band, with wind instrument teaching in the School of Music; this period was inter rupted by military service from 1942 to 1946, as staff music officer of the Army Air Forces Training Command, and for the last six months band and orchestra conductor and teacher of conducting at the Biarritz American Uni versity in France, attaining the rank of lieutenant colonel and earning the Army Commendation Medal. Succeeding Albert Austin Harding as Director of Bands at Illinois in 1948, he was active in that position and as Professor of Music until his retirement in 1970. A past president of both the College Band Directors National Association (1947) and the American Bandmasters Association (1957-58), Hindsley has appeared throughout the nation and in other countries as guest conductor, clinician and adjudicator, and on the summer staffs of many other colleges and universities. His recordings of the University of Illinois Concert Band and his transcriptions of historical masterpieces are highly acclaimed at home and abroad. He is the author of eight books and some 45 magazine articles on instrumental music. He was awarded the honorary degree D octor of Music by his alma mater, Indiana University. Among his many other honors are election to the International Institute of Arts and Letters; a Citation of Merit from the University of Illinois Foundation; the Meritorious Service Award of the Illinois Music Educators Association; the Outstanding Bandmaster Award of Phi Beta Mu; the Edwin Franko Goldman Award of the American School Band Directors Association; the Distinguished Service to Music Award of Kappa Kappa Psi; election to the Academy of Wind and Percussion Arts, with the "O scar" of the National Band Association; the Illinois - Phi Beta Mu Bandmasters Hall of Fame; and the National Hall of Fame of Dis tinguished Band Conductors. After a forty-five year formal career and several years of "retirem ent," Dr. Hindsley continues to serve as guest conductor, adjudicator, clinician, writer, arranger and publisher of many of his concert band transcriptions in manuscript and his latest books, HINDSLEY ON BANDS (The Gospel According to M ark), and M Y BANDS AND I (A Love Story). Permanent Conductor. . . Harlow Hopkins began teaching at his alma mater in 1954. He is currently Professor of Music and teaches woodwind instruments and conducting as well as serving as director of the Concert Band since 1957. He holds degrees from Olivet Nazarene College, the American Conservatory of Music, Chi cago, Illinois, and Indiana University, Bloomington. The D.M us. in W ood winds, Literature and Performance, was awarded by the latter institution in 1974. The first half of the program will be conducted by Mr. Hopkins. Sponsor and Friends . . . Mr. and Mrs. Curtis K. Brady have provided the funds to bring Mr. Hindsley to campus this evening. Both are alumni of the College as are two of their four children. M r. Brady served Olivet for nineteen years — as Chair man of the Division of Fine Arts and Department of Music, as Dean of Men, as Dean of Students, and as Chairman of the Division of Continuing Educa tion. The Department of Music wishes to express sincere thanks for their thoughtfulness, generosity, and continuing friendship. OLIVET NAZARENE COLLEGE Department of Music presents JUNIOR RECITAL L I L L I A N K A Y B U K E R , soprano Dawn Montgomery, piano Porgi , amor, qualche ristoro............... W.A. Mozart from Le Nozze de Figaro Deh veini, non tardar .......................W.A. Mozart from Le Nozze de Figaro The Jewel S o n g................................. C. Gounod (Rect. and aria) from Faust Oh! had I J u b a l ’s lyre, from Joshua....... G.F. Handel With verdure clad the fields appear........... J. Haydn from The Creation Alleluja, from Exsultate, jubilate........ W.A. Mozart Gretchen am Spinnrade.......................F. Schubert Der Nussbaum.................................R. Schumann Ce que je suis sans t o i ....................... C. Gounod Tout est si beau!...... S. Rachmaninoff INTERMISSION Let the Lord Be Magnified.............. KurtKaiser They Shall Have Great Peace................. Kurt Kaiser Sing and Bless the Lord..................... Kurt Kaiser New Born..............................Norman Dello Joio The Singer.................................. Michael Head I Hate Music!......................... Leonard Bernstein My Name Is Barbara Jupiter Has Seven Moons I Hate Music - But I like to Sing The Riddle I'm a Person Too! 2:30 p.m. April 28, 1985 Kresge Auditorium PROGRAM NOTES Porg l , amor, qualche ristoro In Le Nozze di Figaro, the countess sings in sorrow for the lost affection of her husband: Pour, 0 love, sweet consolation on my lonely, my broken heart. Give me back his lost affection, or, I beg you, let me die. Bring me comfort in my suffering; hear my brokenhearted sigh. Give me back my love, my husband, or, I beg you, let me die. Deh vieni, non tardar Susanna, in pretense of singing to the Count, reaffirms her love for Figaro Beloved, don't delay, the night is falling. Hasten wher love’s delight is sweetly calling. Until the stars grow pale, and night is waning, while the world is still and calm is reigning. The stream rustles on, the breeze is blowing, and the timid heart with hope is glowing. The flowers all with shining dew are gleaming, while the world is long asleep and dreaming. Come, my beloved, the starry sky's above you. Come, my beloved, with all my heart, I love you. The Jewel Song Marguerite, a servant to the King, has discovered a bo» of jewels and is imagining herself to be the King's daughter. If I dare, only dare for a moment to try this lovely pair of earringsl Ah I And here inside this little basket is a mirror 1 Who could resist it any longer? Ah, the joy pact compare, these bright jewels to wearl Is it I, Marguerite? Now reply 1 Tell me, truly 1 No, this is not I! Some enchantment is over me. Some King's daughter I spy! Here are more ready to adore mel I can hardly wait to try on this bracelet here and that necklace there. Ah! It is lake a hand laid on my arm to oppress me! Oh! the joy past compare, these bright jewels to wear. Gretchen am Spinnrade My peace is gone, my heart is sore. No rest can be mir“ forever more. Where he is not, dark fears appal. And every thought i_ turned to gall. My mind distraught, my aching head can bear no more. The thoughts I dread. I watch for him all along the street, and him alone I go to meet. The way he walks when he passes by, and the way he talks; the light in his eye. The sound of his voice like a soft caress. His hand in mine, and oh! His kiss! The heart within me is all his own. I long to be with him alone. When his arm enfolds me and I am his. To have and to hold him and die on a kiss. Per Nussbaum The third in the Myrtenlieder cycle, written in 1840 as a bridal gift to Clara; A flowering chestnut green and fair lifted leafy branches, and scented the lustrous air. His myriad blossoms interlace; kindly the wind caresses and laps them in soft embrace. They gather and whisper soft and low, drooping, daintily binding their heads for a kiss or so. Of a maiden it is they whisper, that dreaming by night and day, fancies and knows not what. T h e y w h i s p e r e d ; t h e y t o s s t h e m y s t e r y t o a n d froWhisper of happiness soon to be . The maiden listened - perchance they knew - smiled and sank in slumber, dreaming the tale was true. Ce que je suis sans toi This piece is a typical example of Gounod's easy, suave melodic line which exists in most of his compositions: As droops the ivy, rudely torn from yonder oak where-to 'twas clinging. Lowly now, frail and forlorn, with every zephyr still swinging. So droops my soul in loss of thee. Oh my love go no more from me! Like some poor bird whom daylight calls to soar with song to heaven's dawns. Even as he flies, wounded he falls; mourning, alas 1his broken bonds. Born on a dark and angry tide, with wind and wave in fierce commotion. Some lonely bark no hand to guide aimlessly drifts upon the ocean. Tout est si beau! Thi s c o m p o s i t i o n , b e l o n g i n g t o a s e t of t w e l v e songs, r e p r e s e n t s t h e c o m p l e x i t y of i n t e r t w i n i n g G o d ' s c r e a t i o n o f n a t u r e w i t h mans How fair this spot, I gaze to where the golden brook runs by. The fields are all inlaid with flowers; white clouds sail on high. No step draws near; such silence .reigns, alone with God 1 seem. With him and with dream. the m any pines; and Thee my only I Hate Musicl Leonard Bernstein's talents are formidable, to say the least. As a composer, pianist and conductor he has moved ii the diverse worlds of Broadway and the Concert halls, and has left his distinct mark on both. I Hate Music! is a cycle of five childrens songs for soprano. It is written from the perspective of a 10 year old child as she views the everchanging world about her. I' is best understood to imagine the singer as that 10 year old girl. OLIVET NAZARENE Department COLLEGE of M u s i c presents NIELSON/YOUNG SCHOLARSHIP PIANO AUDITIONS B a l l a d e in G m i n o r , Op. 1 1 8 .............. B r a h m s S o n a t a in B * M a j o r , No. 5 2 ...........S c a r l a t t i C o n c e r t o in D M a j o r ......................... H a y d n B r a n q u i n h a (The P o r c e l a i n D o l l ) . . . V i l l a - L o b o s f r o m T he B a b y ' s F a m i l y Miss Diana Miller French Air Sonata Suite II for P i a n o ................... B a c h in A m i n o r ........................ S c h u b e r t I III S u i te for P i a n o ............... N o r m a n Dello Joio III IV Miss Nocturne French Dawn Montgomery in E m i n o r . Suite VI Op. 72, no. 1 Chopin for P i a n o ................... B a c h Courante Gavotte S o n a t e P a t h e t i q u e , Op. 1 3 ............. B e e t h o v e n F r o m Six P r e l u d e s , Op. IV & V I ...... M u c z y n s k i Miss Carla Henry 7:30 p.m. Ap ril 30, 1985 Kresge Auditorium O L I V ET NA ZA RE NE C OL LE GE Depart men t of Music p resents SE N I O R RECITAL A N D R E A C A M P E , trum p e t Jennifer Wilkens, piano A s s i s t e d by DAWN MONTGOMERY, piano C o n c e r t o .....................................Haydn I II III Miss Campe S uite for P i a n o ..............Nor m a n III IV Miss M o n t g o m e r y Sonata for Trum p e t & P i a n o ........Kent Kennan I II III Miss Campe 7:30 p.m. May 2, 1985 Kresge A u d i t o r i u m Dello Joio OLIVET NAZARENE Department COLLEGE of Music presents STUDENT Sonatina for Clarinet RECITIAL and Piano...Malcolm Arnold Andantino Todd Zinkann, Bonnie Prayer of Foster, Cindy lo Payne, Jonathan Bourees Zinkann, Jeff Majo Amor y Lee, piano tenor Webb, Bach saxohone piano T i m i d o ........................ E n r i q u e Granados o d i b ............................ E n r i q u e Granados Angel McCord, Carla Sonata Torelli tenor ..................... . . . . . . . . . J . S . Todd El piano G. Pence, Banks soprano Sai Jim Two piano F r a n c i s ......................H a r r y St. Robin Tu clarinet Agner, IV in D Henry, soprano piano M a j o r ....................... G . F . Handel A1 l e g r o Tim Hofflander, Carla I Have Twelve Henry, violin piano O x e n .......................... J o h n Jennifer Dawn 11:30 a.m. May 3, 1985 Kresge A u d i t o r i u m Singer, Montgomery, soprano piano Ireland Sonata for Clarinet and Andante un poco Allegro appassionato Bonnie Dawn The Lord's Agner, Stanley, Foster, Brahms piano S y m p h o n y ................... J. String Degner, Carla Henry, Instruments viola cello Scott Apple, Head soprano W a l t z .................................... J. from Pam piano P r a y e r ...................... . . . . M i c h a e l Robin Theme Brahms clarinet Montgomery, Connie Emperor P i a n o ............... J. adagio Brahms Class Angela Charles string Strauss Mayfield, Taylor, bass cello violin Olivet Nazarene College Department of Music Tlic Seventv-Second Annual rommcncemcnt Concert w Student Soloists and the College O rchestra Lolita Phelps Conductor E ig h t o’clock M ay 1 1 , 1 9 8 5 C ollege C h u rch of th e N azaren e B ou rb on n ais, Illinois c;e 5 £ < £ ? > Olivet Nazarene College Department of Music Program Printemps qui C om m ence................................ Camille Saint-Saens (Samson et Dalila) Segiudilla.......................................................................... Georges Bizet (Carmen) JoAnn Lichte, mezzo-soprano Concerto in G minor Francis Poulenc Rodney Loren, organ Presen tation of th e W alter B . Larsen Award for M usical E xcellen ce for 1 9 8 5 -1 9 8 6 JoA n n L ich te, R ecipient Si mi Chiamino (La Boheme) Pace, pace, mio D io (La Forza del Destino) Bonnie Kingston, soprano Giacomo Puccini Giuseppe Verdi Ella a fui, la Tourterelle.......................................Jacques Offenbach (Tales of Hoffman) Mein Herr, Marquis....................................................Johann Strauss (Die Fledermaus) Kay Buker, soprano Piano Concerto No. 2 in C m inor................. Serge Rachmaninoff Allegro Scherzando Cindy Spring, piano Scholarship Recipients 1 9 8 5 -1 9 8 6 Mayme Carmichael Music Scholarship..............................Jeff Webb Robert Hale/Dean Wilder Voice Scholarship Cyndi Larson Russel G. Hopkins Instrumental Scholarship Bonnie Agner Brad Kelley Arranging Scholarship.................................... Jeff Webb Wanda Kranich Keyboard Scholarship Dawn Montgomery Naomi Larsen Music Scholarship................................ JoAnn Lichte Mardell Lemenager Keyboard Scholarship Jeff Webb Stephen Nielson/Ovid Young Piano Scholarship. . . Carla Henry Elmer Williams String Scholarship Pan Degner Baccalaureate Degrees 1 9 8 4 -1 9 8 5 Sharon Barr Church Music/Christian Education (Voice) Anita Beck Music Education (Voice) Elisa Ellis Music Education (Flute) Rodney Loren Church Music/Music Education (Organ) Donna Pierce Church Music/Christian Education (Voice) Cindy Spring Music Performance (Piano) Kim Unger Church Music/Christian Education (Voice) Diana Williams Music Education (Piano) LutherCollqjeNmrtic CONCERT PROGRAM Come, come, I will give myself to Thee, Thou art the right way, the truth and the life. Therefore I place myself in Thy hands and bid farewell to this world. My life is moving to its close, and now is come the time of the spirit. My soul shall hover by its creator, since Je su s is now and forever the true way to life. PART ONE Psalm 100 (Echo) H e in r ic h S c h u tz ( 1 5 8 5 - 1 6 7 2 ) (double chorus fo r m ixed voices) (sung in German) Make a joyful noise to the Lord, all the lands I Serve the Lord with gladness! Come into his presence with singing! Sung in hon o r o f the te rce n te na ry o f B ach PART TWO Know that the Lord is God! It is he that made us, and we are his; we are his people, and the sheep of his pasture. Our Father A le x a n d e r G r e t c h a n in o f f ( 1 8 6 4 - 1 9 5 6 ) Enter his gates with thanksgiving, and his courts with praise! Give thanks to him, bless his name! For the Lord is good; his steadfast love endures forever, and his faithfulness to all generations. — Psalm 100 Sung in honor o f the q ua d ricen te n n ia l o f Schutz Adoramus Te Q u irin o G a s p a rin i ( 1 7 4 9 - 1 7 7 0 ) (sung in Latin) Holy, holy, holy, Lord of Sabbath, Heaven and earth are full of Thy glory. Thine are kingdoms, thrones, dominions, might and majesty. Thy name be hallowed in heaven. Thou givest strength to the weak; Thou rememb'rest the poor and the distressed. And upon them that fear Thy name Showers of blessings unnumbered shall fall; Peace shall follow them; B y still waters their path shall be. Sing then of mercy, of judgment, of kingdoms, Of thrones, dominions and power forevermore. Holy, holy, holy, O Lord, in splendor bright; Fill our hearts with everlasting light. W e adore you, Christ, and we bless you. Because through your Holy Cross you redeemed the world. Christus Factus Est (Christ Was Made Obedient) Kyrie Christ w as made obedient for us, e v’n unto death on the c ross! Wherefore hath the Lord exalted Him, and giv’n to Him a great name. That is higher than all great names. K n u t N y stc d t (from “ A Thanksgiving M a s s ") (sung in Latin) Lord have mercy, Christ have mercy, Lord have mercy. Come, Jesus, Come (Komm, Jesu, Komm) J o h a n n S e b a s tia n B a c h ( 1 6 9 5 - 1 7 5 0 ) (m otet for m ixed voices) (sung in G erman) Come, Jesus, come, my flesh is weary; my strength fails ever more and more. I long for Thy peace; this thorny path becomes too steep! A n to n B r u c k n e r ( 1 8 2 4 - 1 8 9 6 ) (sung in Latin) Gloria L ars E d lu n d ( 1 9 2 2 - ) (sung in Latin) (solo voice and choir) Gloria in excelsis Deo G lory be to G od on h ig h ! Et in terra pax A nd on earth peace, hominibus bonae voluntatis to m en o f g ood will. Laudamus te W o n ra is e fh oo benedicimus te, we bless thee, adoramus te, we ado re thee, glorificamuste, we g lo rify thee magnam gloriam tuam. fo r Ih v g re a t n ln rv Domine Deus, Rex coelistis, 0 L ord God, heavenly King. Deus Pater omnipotens. God the Fa th e r Alm ighty. Domine Fili unigenite, 0 Lord, the only begotten son. Je su Christe. Jesus Christ. Domine Deus, Agnus Dei, 0 Lord God, Lam b o f God, Filius Patris, Son o f the Father, Qui tollis peccata mundi, that ta ke st aw ay the sin o f the world, suscipe deprecationem nostram. hear o u r prayer. Qui tollis peccata mundi, th a t ta ke st a w a y the sin o f the world, suscipe deprecationem nostram. h e a r o u r prayer. Qui sedes ad dexteram Patris, Thou th a t s ltte s t a t the rig h t hand o f the Father misere nobis. have m e rcy upon us. Quoniam tu solus Sanctus, Thou only a rt holy, tu solus Dominus, Thou only a rt the Lord, tu solus Altissimus, Thou only a rt m o st high, Je s u Christe. Je sus C h ris t Amen The dance confronts the Christ story in a series of abstract images . . . humankind struggling to find a connection with the Creator/Father . . . the Father's lament and response in the gift of the Christ . . . the walk on Earth with humankind . . . the eventual human denial, crucifixion, and resurrection. Humankind is represented by the figure on the lower platform and the Creater/Father by the "form less” dancers on the upper platforms. Later in the piece Christ emerges, represented by the "defined” figures on the upper plat forms. IN TER M ISSIO N PA RT TH REE Faire Is the Heaven W illia m H a rris ( 1 8 8 3 - 1 9 7 3 ) For centuries composers have set the text of the Gloria from the M ass to music. One of the most unique settings is that of the contemporary Swedish composer, Lars Edlund. By employing quarter tones as well as the conven tional whole and half steps, Mr. Edlund has seemingly embraced more than the traditional W estern world, but the Far East and India as well. It is as if to say, “ Everyone is to glorify God.” A tenor soloist makes the opening statement, a ringing affirmation of the text supported by the choir as sung by the angels at the birth of Christ. Large intervallic skips with melismas which are highly chromatic plus the use of the quarter tone seemingly embrace the entire world. The choir assumes the dominant role on the words, " W e praise you, we bless you, we worship you," sung in both a stark contemporary manner and one reflective of a chant, but with the quarter tone interjected in this century-old mode of worship. Continuing in the stark manner, the choir reaches the words, “ Je s u Christi.” The tradition of rhythmic elongation of these words to allow the priest and congregation to genuflect is also observed by Edlund, but in the manner of great warmth as opposed to the general starkness of the composition. It is as if to say, “ Christ is truly the only Source of warmth and beauty in an other wise cold and objective world." A narrator introduces the words, "Lam b of God who takest away the sins of the world,” with the choir intoning in the background. It is the Priest who is to introduce these solemn Communion words. A most vivid compositional techni que sets forth the words, "re ce ive our prayer.” By employing a tone cluster utilizing every note in the scale, the statement that Christ took upon Him e v e ry sin of mankind is graphically made. How starkly the words, “ who sitteth at the Right Hand of the Father," are por trayed by the tenors as they scramble chromatically over each other to ultimately reach a unison high g, the very opening note on which the tenor soloist began, Christ again had returned to the Father after having left Heaven to be born of Mary. The G loria concludes with the words, "Thou alone art holy, thou only art the Lord, Thou only art most high.” Two separate keys are present in the choral parts, signifying our lack of wholeness on this earth. How wonderful the con trast is in the setting of the following words, “ Je s u Christi," not only in one key, but with such a splendid major tonality. The final A m e n is not fully resolved. This earthly sojourn is a constant praise of God from incomplete people. (m o te t fo r d ouble choir) Fair is the heav'n Where happy soules have place. In full enjoyment of felicitie; W hence they doe still behold the glorious face of the Divine, Eternall Majestie; Yet tarre more faire be those bright Cherubins W hich all with golden wings are over dight. And those eternall burning Seraphins, Which from their faces dart out fiery light; Yet fairer than they both and much more bright, Be th' Angels and Archangels, W hich attend on G od’s owne person without rest or end. These then in faire each other farre excelling As to the highest they approach more neare. Yet is that highest farre beyond all telling. Fairer than all the rest which their appear. Though all their beauties joynd together were; How then can mortall tongue hope toexpresse The image of such endlesse perfectnesse? Psalm 121 H ein z W e r n e r Z im m e r m a n n ( 1 9 7 3 ) I lift up my eyes to the hills. From whence does my help com e? My help comes from the Lord who made heaven and earth. He will not let your foot be moved. He who keeps you will not slumber. Behold, He who keeps Israel will neither slumber nor sleep. The Lord is your keeper. The Lord is your shade on your right hand. The sun shall not smite you by day, nor the moon by night. The Lord will keep you from all evil. He will keep your life and soul. The Lord will keep ypur gping put and your coming in from this time forth and forever more. Amen. 0 Lord, won’t you hide me on that day? And then the Lord said, "Sinner man, You should a-been pray-in1 all on that d ay." Prayer to the C hildjesus Thy Little Ones, Dear Lord J o h n S ea g a rd Dearest Jesus, Holy Child, make a bed in my heart. Star in heaven, shining o'er thee, guiding kings to thee. Now they bow to thee. J . S c h u lz (A rr. Je n n in g s ) Angels singing gloria in excelsis Deo. Angels guard thee, Mary hold thee, Love immortal ever with thee, Gloria. Amen. Now, Shout! G e ra ld K e m n e r God has gone up with a shout. Sing praises to God, sing praises! 0 sing to the Lord a new song. Let the sea roar, let the floods clap their hands; Let the hills sing for joy together. The Lord is terrible, A great King over all the earth. Tremble, earth. At the presence of the Lord, Which turned the rock into a standing water, The tlint into a fountain of waters. Bless the Lord, my soul. Be thankful, bless his Name. Bless the Lord, his angels, Bless the Lord, his ministers, Bless the Lord, his dominion, Bless the Lord, 0 my soul, Bless his holy Name. Who forgives, who heals, loving and tender, merciful and kind. His mercy is everlasting, Bless his holy Name. Thou art clothed with honor and rrtajesty, W ho coverest thyself with light as with a garment, W ho makest the clouds thy chariot, Who makest the winds thy messengers. Thou makest springs gush forth in the valleys Thou hast made the moon to mark the seasons; The sun knows its time for setting Thou makest darkness, and it is night. Clap your hands, all people. Let the floods clap their hands. Make a joyful noise, Shout! — from Psalms 47, 98, 100,103,104, and 114 Thy little ones, dear Lord are we And come Thy lowly bed to see; Enlighten every soul and mind, That we the way to Thee may find. Sinner Man S p iritu a l (A rr. R o b e r ts ) (c h o ir w ith soprano, tenor a nd percu ssio n solos) Run to the sea. Sea, won't you hide me all on that day? The Lord said: "Sin ner man, the sea will be a-boilin’ all on that day." Until at last we too proclaim With all Thy saints Thy glorious name: In paradise our songs renew, And praise Thee as the angels do. 0 draw us wholly to Thee, Lord, Do Thou to us Thy grace accord, True faith and love to us impart That we may hold Thee in our heart. O Lord God Pau l T s c h e s n o k o f f ( 1 8 7 7 - 1 9 2 1 ) O Lord God, hearThou my pray'r. Help Thou me, and give ear to my prayer. Daily do I worship Thy great name andThypow'r. Thou alone canst help me. O send me Thy peace and Love. O protect me, my God. Let me never stray, O my Savior. Leave me not, 0 God of my salvation. I will sing to the Lord as long as I live. And praise Thy great name while I have my being. Hear my pray'r, help Thou me and give ear to my pray’r. Glory to God. OPTIONAL SELECTION W hen I Survey the W ondrous Cross A rr. G ilb e r t M a rtin PART FO U R O sinner man, where you gonna run to all on that day? Run to the rock! Rock, won't you hide me all on that day? The Lord said, "Sinner man, the rock'll bea-meltin' all on that day." Satan, Satan, won't you hide me now? Satan said: "Ste p right in !" All on that day! — Psalm 104: 33 THE NORDIC CHOIR 1985 CONCERT TOUR The Luther College Nordic Choir, now in its thirty-ninth season, tours an nually throughout the United States. Four concert tours of Europe, two tours ot the Caribbean, and two tours of Mexico have been included in its itinerary as well. Appearances have been made at the Lincoln Center, New York; Kennedy Center, Washington, D.C.; Orchestra Hall, Chicago; Or chestra Hall, Minneapolis; and the Crystal Cathedral, Los Angeles. An estimated 18 million people in South America, Mexico, United States, South Korea, Australia, and Europe saw the Nordic Choir on television last year alone. The Nordic Choir has appeared at the National Convention of the American Choral Directors Association in Kansas City, at five North Cen tral Division Conventions of the ACDA, and in March of this year they will appear in the closing session of the National Convention of the ACDA along with the Mormon Tabernacle Choir. This appearance will be in the Mormon Tabernacle in Salt Lake City, Utah. The choir performed a feature role in the National Public Television film, The J o y o f Bach. On the occasion of the Second International Choral Festival held at Lincoln Center, New York City, the Nordic Choir w as one of three choirs chosen to represent the United States. In 1976 the choir represented the state of Iowa in the Bicentennial Center of the Performing Arts in Washington, D.C. Weston Noble, Director of Music Activities at Luther College, is an interna tionally known conductor and clinician. He has served as guest director for music festivals in forty-three states (including Washington, D.C., Alaska and Hawaii), Canada and Europe. It is believed that he is the only director asked to conduct all-state groups in all three of the media — band, choir and orchestra. He annually makes twenty-five to thirty appearances from coast to coast as a festival director, clinician or adjudicator. In 1983, he was a guest conductor for the Mormon Tabernacle Choir. A charter member of the American Choral Directors Association and an elected member of the American Bandmasters Association, Mr. Noble is listed in "T he World W ho's W ho of M usicians." He has adjudicated at the International Festival of Three Cities (Vienna, Budapest and Prague), serv ed as the Band Consultant and Guest Director for the Association for In ternational Cultural Exchange, Vienna. In the summer of 1985 he will par ticipate in A C elebration o f the Baroque in C en tra l Europe: N orthe rn Italy. A ustria and Yugoslavia with members of the Belgrade Symphony Or chestra and a choir of 150 from the United States. THE COLLEGE Luther College, founded in 1861, is a college of the American Lutheran church with a student body of 2100. The campus is located in Decorah, Iowa, on the bluffs of the scenic Upper Iowa River. Most of the buildings and facilities have been constructed in the last two decades. The Preus Library opened in 1969 and is considered to be a model of aesthetic and functional library design. An addition to the College Union opened in May, 1973. Opening in 1977, the Center for Faith and Life in cludes a 1600-seat auditorium, and a 200-seat recital hall. The Jenson Hall of Music, the music teaching facility completed in August of 1982, in cludes rehearsal rooms, teaching studios, classrooms, and practice facilities. Luther's liberal arts curriculum offers 38 majors toward the bachelor of arts degree. Many programs for specific professional training, such as in ternships and professional semesters, are available in the strong program of general education. The 4-1-4 calendar provides additional opportunities to explore special interests in depth both on and off campus. During the January Term, opportunities include independent study, research, special seminars and selected lectures, off-campus programs, on-the-job ex periences, and foreign study-travel programs. The academic program at Luther is a total experience, intricately combin ing courses and personal relationships, classroom instruction and selflearning. Jenson H all o f M u sic N O R D IC C H O IR PERSO NN EL W eston H. Noble, conductor Curtis Reiso, tour manager SOPRANO I TENOR I Tracie Bjugan, '86, Jasper, M N Laura Dotseth, '86, C edar Falls, IA Jill Evans, '87, M arion, IA Anne Karsten, ’85, C olumbus, OH Rebecca Morton, ’87, Bralnerd, M N Khara Peterson, ’86, N orthlield, M N Thea Phelps, ’85, Tipton, IA Janet Sandquist, '85, G ranite Falls, M N Mark G. Anderson, '86, P o rt Washington, WI Ross Aseron, '85, H offm a n Estates, IL Rodney Caldwell, '85, Edina, M N Mark Hamman, '87, K ingsley, IA Michael Hathaway, '86, Nevada, IA Charles Peterson, '86, Sheldon, IA Robert Sinclair, '86, W est Branch, IA TENOR II SOPRANO II Juanita Gilbert, '87, Hanska, M N Holly Greedy, '87, D ecorah, IA Kristi Hanson, '87, Belvidere, IL Dawn Jacobsen, '86, M arshellield, WI Mary Lynch, '87, D ecorah, IA Dana McConnell, '87, M adison, WI Gayle Shay, '86, Ankeny, IA Jod y Stein, '85, LaCrosse, WI Mary Vaaler, '87, Woodbury. M N ALTO I Hope Broman, '85, M aquoketa, IA Roberta Drewes, '85, D ecorah, IA Kris Horeis, '87, Delano, M N Anne Hustad, '85, Seattle, WA N ancy Otteson, '87, O w atonna, M N Lynne Rothrock, '85, C edar Rapids, IA Kim Torrey, '85, S cituate, MA Lisa Vanbinsbergen, ’85, M ontevideo, M N Kris Wolander, '87, Burnsville, M N Dean Beckman, '85, Mt. Pleasant, IA Carlyle Dalen, '85, Lake M ills, IA Charles Ellingson, '87, Beloit, WI Dale Kruse, '86, M echanicsville, IA Philip Kuhlman, '85, Edina, M N Jonathan Larson, '85, D uluth, MN Scott Meyer, '85, St. A nsgar, IA Jeffrey Mundt, '87, C edar Falls, IA William Vollman, '85, Akeley, M N BASS I Darren Anderson, '87, LeM ars, IA Scott Cheffer, '86, E lm hurst, IL Erik Dovre, '85, M oorhead, M N Kent Lee, '87, Cresco, IA Timothy Mitchell, '87, C harles City, IA Timothy Peter, '86, Elm ore, M N Bruce Peterson, '85, W anamingo, M N Todd Saboe, '86, Fort Dodge, IA Timothy Watson, '86, Ft. M adison, WI BASS II ALTO II Diane Bierbaum, '85, N ew Ulm, M N Jennifer Ellens, '85, Dundas, M N Lisa Fredenburgh, ’86, Elm hurst, IL Ann Harrington, '87, D eW itt, IA Laura Imsland, '87, M arshalltow n, IA Laurel Kallio, '87. M arshfield, WI Elaine Kennedy, '86, W aterloo, IA Anne Knutson, '86, D ecorah, IA Sharon Sasse, '86, St. Louis, MO John Baumgartner, '86, St. Peter, MN Brett Darrington, '85, Palm dale, CA Paul Ellens, '85, Dundas, M N Daniel Hampton, '87, Waverly, IA Jo n Harkness, '85, Wausau, WI Timothy Kunau, '86, Preston, IA Scott E. Nelson, '85, C resco, IA Paul Pena, '86, A pple Valley, M N John Toomey, '86, D ubuque, IA Derrick Torkelson, '85, Elgin, IA DANCE ENSEM BLE Vicki Blake, a rtis tic d ire c to r Mary Vaaler Craig Nelson Mary Stadem Eric Johnson THE LUTHER COLLEGE MUSIC FACULTY Amy Anderson, M.M., North Texas State University. Double reeds, theory. Mary Beckman, M.M., Cleveland Institute of Music. Harp. Bartlett Butler, Ph.D., University of Illinois. Musicology, Collegium Musicum. Kathleen Cook, M.M., University of Wisconsin. Flute. Dennis Darling, Ed.D., University of Illinois. Music Education, Cathedral Choir. Gary Davis, D.M.A., University of Iowa. Clarinet, saxophone, Jazz Lab Band. Dan H. Dykema, M.A., University of Iowa, D.M.A. candidate, University of Oklahoma. Piano. Ronald Fox, D.M.A., Indiana University. Brass. Beverly Fuller, M.M., University of Southern California. Voice, Music Education. Steven Fuller, D.M.A., University of Southern California. Voice, Collegiate Chorale, Norsemen. David Greedy, M.M., Eastman School of Music. Voice, Opera Workshop. Conrad Hoffsommer, Western Iowa Technical Community College. Piano Tuning and Technology. Helen Isenberger, M.S., Juilliard School of Music. Voice, Valley Singers. David Judisch, D.M.A., University of Iowa. Voice. William Kuhlman, M.M., Syracuse University. Organ. Peter Lingen, B.F.A., University of Minnesota. Guitar. Brenda Lualdi, M.M., Southern Illinois University. D.M.A. candidate, Cleveland Institute of Music. Richard Mattson, M.M., Michigan State University. Low strings, theory. Douglas Meyer, D.M.A., University of Cincinnati. Conducting, Symphony Orchestra. Maurice Monhardt, Ph.D., University of Iowa. Department Head, theory, composition, music literature. Ruth Monhardt, B.A., St. Olaf College. Ear training. Weston Noble, M.M., University of Michigan. Choral methods, Nordic Choir. Frederick Nyline, M.A., University of Minnesota. Low brass, Concert Band, Varsity Band. Richard Patterson, M.A., Northwestern University. Percussion. John Strauss, D.M.A., University of Texas. Piano. Virginia Strauss, D.M.A., University of Texas. Strings, theory. Marjorie Wharton, M.A.,Tulane University. Piano. Luther College provides equal opportunity for all qualified persons in the educational opportunities and activities which it operates. The College does not discriminate on the basis of race, creed, handicap, color, national origin, age or sex. LU TH ER CO LLEG E . D E C O R A H , IO W A -52101 Christian Instrumental Directors Association Midwest Regional Conference Olivet Nazarene College K ankakee, Illinois M arch 22, 23, 1985 Ohflet E D U C A T I O N WI T H A C H R I S T I A N P U R P O S E March 22, 1985 Welcome to Midwest Regional the campus of Olivet Christian Nazarene Instrumental College and to Directors the 1985 Association Conference. Your arrival that all has been details arrival. Feel anticipated have free been to for several foreseen ask and about months. cared for anything We hope prior which to has your been overlooked. CIDA is growing! life of the will assist leave Olivet is Organization. CIDA campus to with make an renewed happy it to is impact play our on interest a part in hope that this the on-going Conference your life and in your profession that you will and in CIDA. We also hope that your short stay on campus will be most enjoyable. Harlow Midwest Hopkins, Regional Host Conference Olivet nazarene College Kankakee, Illinois 60901 Telephone 815-939-5011 CONFERENCE FRIDA I i 11:30 MARCH 22 SESSION ONE Greetings, Noon 1:30 2: 3 0 3:00 -- 140 Introductions, SESSION TWO What to Look John Wilson Visit -- Music SESSION — Music BANQUET — Special concert Bill S A T U R D A Y, SESSION 1 1: 0 0 FOUR 1:30 Lounge Diversi-Five, a Brass Quintet Ohio Auditorium Harlow Hopkins, Conductor 142 Reading Displays FIVE — Clinic — Coffee in Lounge 142 — Trumpet Quartet, Cuyahoga Falls, Ohio LUNCH SESSION SIX -- 142 Presentation of Instrumental Method" Mike 3:00 with Strombeck Pearce Brass Band, — Concert-Clinic 12: 15 Norris, 23 Music SESSION Phil George Trombone Instrumental Visit in — and Center Falls, Concert MARCH Coffee Bill by Kresge Pearce, Olivet — Ludwig — — Co.) Displays Cuyahoga CONCERT Arranging 140 Clinic 5:30 from Good Publishing Displays THREE Brass in (Hope Visit 10:30 Overview 140 for 4:00 9:00 CIDA LUNCH Low 7:30 SCHEDULE new — "Christian Beginners Jim (Singspiration) Loucks and DiCuirci CONCERT CIDA the — High William Kresge School Himes, Auditorium Honor Band, Euphonium Robert Soloist 4 Evenden, Conductor GUEST BILL PEARCE is and technique his listeners. Bill is a trombonist and awesome He International Company, a performing Ministries is Wheaton/Glen has dramatic Illinois interpretation Version) in ROBERT cassette EVENDEN degrees from received the of Fellowship and spent conducting and French Vienna Professor Emeritus Visiting where Marching WILLIAM he and HIMES in He head addition to maintain Euphonium to a of very is — Cuyahoga B.M. at from University. and trumpet, is School. Ron State has with in of has a with the Horn, holds Music and the a has Medicine. a Music the Bill and as an (New International and graduate Prior received Europe Robert at the as with with many and currently University and a the Reynolds is the II to Rotary enrolled conducting Band a program Evenden Department the officer Staff in and assists of the as the Band, of with Salvation a remarkably Salvation conducting schedule an Army, duties and continues arranger in has Humbard from from West and student played M.M. amd as a with College. 5 with a (Ohio). in Kent Indiana at the Kent Wallace Army SCOTT SCHAUS, the Degree Lab Band, Northeast Dimensions in and and KEGG, was on JONES, French Conservatory Akron tuba, Marion from Band STEVE University TOM Grace IOSIK, Green Middle staff. Orchestra. from RON He State Brass, Masters recording Baldwin at instrumental from music and Point Chemistry an Philharmonic. played Orchestra. medical He has is Academy Dimensions Degree Miller the an instrumental degree played and with degree Glenn Biology a Rex trumpet, Christian Wayne of He music B.M. BECHTEL, Valley Bachelors the Cleveland in currently an Fort University. the degree the played charge trombone, and in Bands College the holds member road in unprecedented Arbor. H. Symphonic conducts DON Grace He College, a strips extension Green. of active instructor was the Nightsounds soloist. DIVERSI-FIVE Kent an studied administrative music a Yamaha for Bands. BRASS has the host an Evenden Professor the also He his Ann study in has Director and Mr. of Elizabeth organization. in annual Chicago. undergraduate Degree, major Basketbell is of film Bible Michigan, year directs Chicago and the located west recorded entire his of including Assistant Illinois fine a Horn Conservatory. artists Army both Master's well-known miles cantatas the University his 25 excite Tennessee. for the " N i g h t s o u n d s ." prayerfully of is tone and form. completion the have clinician corporation area musical soon at Nashville, Pearce program, marvelous inspire times in trombone The to several held not-for-profit numerous will and fail Michigan. radio Ellyn, narrated individual soloed artist a never Workshop Rapids, nationally-syndicated extraordinaire. range has Trombone Grand PERFORMERS holds College Ohio Brass of Symphony, a B.S. and is College of at M a r i o n FRIDAY Bill EVENING Pearce, Gerald Olivet * * * * * * * * Soloist Pianist Concert Hopkins, * PROGRAM Trombone Anderson, Harlow * CONCERT Band Conductor * * * * * * * Invocation Fanfare and Canticle: All Hymn Fantasy BILL PEARCE. Hyfrodol Variation on Creatures for Amazing of Our G r a c e .............. A r r . God and King. . . Larry . Claude B a n d ................................. A r r . James Norred T. D. Ployhar Selected ................................................. Concert Band and Bill Pearce, Arr. George Smith Solos Strombeck Soloist Intermission Intrada: It's Adoration the a Closer it Y o u r le's Go Got PEARCE Down Praise .......................... Claude G o s p e l ................................................ A r r . ist BILL and Hand the Walk in Moses. . the Whole . . . . . . With Lowden Hand World in His Hands ..................................... Band and Bill Pearce, Selected George ........................................................... How Thou Strombeck Jared A r t ............................................. S t u a r t Arr. 6 Solos Soloist Alleluias Great Bob Smith Thee .................................. A r r . Concert T. Spears K. Ralph Hine Harmann CONCERT BAND FLUTE Becky Jill Allen - Lisle, Ferree - Pontiac, Aylor - Nanci Brenda - Fauser Danis Yocum Michelle - - - Mission, Kewanee, - City, Pekin, Leaf King Riley MI Columbia Crawford Cindy Beth Shawnee Ousley Cynthia IL SAXOPHONE Beth Meyers - Jeff Webb Kankakee, IL - IN IL OH John Brewer Lori Standley David Allen Larry Mace FRENCH - Flint, Lori MI WI - - Bourbonnais, Somerset, IL KY K o k o m o , IN Turnbull - Hale, MI - Danville, Davisson - Liberty, IN IN CLARINET Eileen Corbuss - Ottawa, TROMBONE IL Albert Bb Muncie, McRoberts Phill Eb Grove, HORN Michael Hoffman Union IL OBOE Darrel - TRUMPET IN IL Dayton, Rockford, ALTO KS IL River, PERSONNEL Dan CLARINET Bonnie Kevin Todd Agner - Webster Zinkann Nashville, - Benton, K a n k a k e e , IL Snyder - Wyoming, Bryant - Marshalltown, Dawn Sabelfeldt - MI - Milwaukee, Singell - Edmore, Lichte Johnson Howard MI Tampa, - Elgin, IL IN Rowe - K e n d a l l v i l l e , IN Payne - Muncie, Peace David Rees Sue FL IL 7 Newcomb Scott Brenda - Lawn, IN PERCUSSION IL WI BASSOON Susan Oak IA Centralia, Matson JoAnn - Ridgeville, TUBA Cindy Robin Sharon - IL - Kelly Kathy Regina GA Ackerman Cox - Arlington, Winchester, Hanson Polaskey - Hillsville, - OH PA IN A r n e g a r d , ND South Holland, IL MIDWEST REGIONAL HONOR BAND Robert William Evenden, Himes, Conductor Euphonium Soloist P R O G R A M • k - k ' k ' k ' k ' k ' k ' k * ' k ' k - k - k ' k * - k - k - k - k ' k Works selected to for Sweet Pentland Euphonium Death Hills entral CL LaMaire, Christian Life William CC ovenant Andy CV WS est E. SCHOOLS High School, II, AND Reed J.W. Howe DIRECTORS School, Waupun, Wisconsin Rockford, Illinois Director High School, Christian Bechtel, High Achterberg, Christian Walker, Shore Alan High Lutheran aukegan Dave Curnow Alfred Major Christian Bird Valley Robert WC Curnow James Director Christian uyahoga /alley . . . . Grand Rapids, Michigan K a m p e r , Director Donald VL E. Band March Wisconsin Paul & Grundman James ............................ PARTICIPATING CW following: J o y .............................. A r r . Rhapsody Come the S u i t e ................................C l a r e Hebrides Ode from Cuyahoga Falls, School, St. Charles, Illinois Director School, Zion, Illinois Director Christian Jacobus, Academy, Director Academy, Director 8 Muskegon, Michigan Ohio MIDWEST REGIONAL HONOR BAND TRUMPET PICCOLO Janet Pierson - CV Keith Eric Brian FLUTE Linda Kemink Janet Pierson Michelle Debbie Jean Koehlert Schaus - - Sharon Diane - - Siener Waterson - - Kyle WC Alsum Homan Kristen VL OBOE Cheryl Leah Bartel - - CL CW - - - CC - CV CW CW Soodsma - CW CL Jenni Stohs - Pendergast FRENCH Vikki VL - Ondersma Denise CW - Huizenga Sarah CL Bret Salveson Sprick Jeff CV VL Heeringa Meribeth CV CW Shumway Zell - CL HORN Johnson Kamps Derrick VL Karen - CL CC Christie Kuiper Jenny Lisa - Gibbs - - CV CC WC Kirchoff - VL CLARINET Kristie Rollston Christine Ellen Wiersma Deneen - - TROMBONE WS Dave CV Dan CW Haacker - VL Salveson - WC Velthouse - CC Peter Dawn Stein Bartel Smith Eric Smith Tammy Amy Devries Karen Hauck - CW - CC BASS CLARINET Mark Faga Shelly Nancy - Van - CONTRABASS Nicole - CC - CV - CL - Kok White Paul Vink Vince CV Sue SAXOPHONE Buffi Hofman Carla Christof TENOR SAXOPHONE Rachel Buteyn BARITONE Brad - - Mark CL CW SAXOPHONE Homan - - - CV CV CC Crescenzo CW 9 - Hoekstra Saari Jason CW - CW Vidler Jodi Rachelle ALTO - PERCUSSION CLARINET Hayes Cross TUBA CC CLARINET Dyke WC CW Keith Dan - Lapham Stuart - Baren CONTRAALTO CL CV EUPHONIUM VL Hofman Van Mike - - Vogt - WS - Whitmore CL - WC (Aux) (Snare) VL - CV (Mallets) RESTAURANTS TO CHICAGO E X IT 3 1 5 FO R B E S T R O U T E TO I I O L IV E T TO LA GRANGE , k JO LIET D e n n e y 1s Holi da y Inn fonderosa ■Bradley's Garden TENNIS COURTS Mother McGee's MAINTENANCE SHOPS ' MILLER BUSINESS HALL \ Main Street (Bourbonnais) s CHALFANT AUDITORIUM i WILLIAMS HALL 7/ C ouncil WISNER HALL FOR NURSING ^ iu iu y * * RAYEH CHAPEL^ ADMINISTRATION LES PARROH PHYSICAL EDUCATION CENTER (FUTURE) Table H a r d e e 's P iz za Hut ' c h apm an ija u Chicago Dough •LLINo / MEN S RESIDENCE HALL (FUTURE) NESBITT HALL V LARSEN FINE ARTS CENTER\ . Taco Bell ^ B row n 's Chicken GIBSON M U Subway STRICKLER1 ifLANETARIUI| O/ / J ‘V"/ LUDWIG A CENTER , k ' <> 102 West * M cD onald's C v .v '- Valdos ta >*\V COLLEGE CHURCH \ Y .OF THE NAZARENE O LIV ET N AZAREN E C O LLEG E Kankakee Little Corporal \ § O U * *O M N A /$■! Sully' s B R A D LEY H-1,*rr~J A r b y 's B urger King KANKAKEE rv M AIN EN TRAN CE OLIVET N A Z A R E N E CO LLEGE 1 KA NKAKEE, ILLIN O IS 6 0 9 0 l \ ______________________________________________ D f L e s lie P a rro tt, P r e s id e n i \ v \ ^ ______________________________ ,— i > grand SslSEQ ™»"cro J im S Y esteryear O livet N a z arene College D e p a r t m e n t of M usic F acu l t y 1984-1985 H a r l o w Hopkins, P r ofessor of Music: Chairman, D i v i s i o n of Fine Arts a n d Depa r t m e n t of Music B.S. Mus.Ed. - Olivet N a z a r e n e Coll e g e M.S. Mus.Ed. - A m e r i c a n C o n s e r v a t o r y of Music - stud e n t of J erome Stowell M u s . D. - Indiana U n i v e r s i t y - student of Earl Bates, Robert M c G innis Gradua'te w o r k - U n i v e r s i t y of Illinois Teaches w o o d w i n d instruments, inst r u m e n t a l c onducting, and c onducts the Olivet Conc e r t Band H. G e r a l d A n derson, A s s i s t a n t Pro f e s s o r of M usic B.S. - Bethany N a z a r e n e Coll e g e B.Mus. - Texas Tech U n i v e r s i t y M.Mus. - Texas Tech U n i v e r s i t y D.M.A. - A m e r i c a n C o n s e r v a t o r y of Music T eaches class and priv a t e piano D. George Dunbar, Pr o f e s s o r of Music B.S. Ch.Mus. and Chr.Ed. - Ol i v e t N a z a r e n e College M.Mus. - U n i v e r s i t y of Illinois D.M.A. - U n i v e r s i t y of S o u t h e r n C a l i f o r n i a - student of Dr. Charles, C. Hirt and Ha l s e y Stevens Teaches choral conducting, voice, church m u s i c courses, and directs Orpheus Choir and C o n c e r t Singers Linda Dunbar, A d j u n c t Instructor B.S. Mus. Ed. Ol i v e t N a z a r e n e College Teaches class a n d priv a t e voice, directs Tr e b l e Clef Choir A li ce Edwards, A s s o c i a t e Pro f e s s o r of Music B.Mus. - U n i v e r s i t y of O k l a h o m a M.Mus. - U n i v e r i s t y of M i c h i g a n A d d i t i o n a l g r a d u a t e wor k taken be y o n d the M a s t e r ' s at the U n i v e r s i t y of M i c h i g a n T eaches class and private piano R u t h m a r i e Eimer, A s s i s t a n t Professor of M usic B .S.Mus.Ed. - Ol i v e t N a z a r e n e College M .Mus.Ed. - U n i v e r s i t y of Illinois A d v a n c e d C e r t i f i c a t e in M u s i c E d u c a t i o n - U n i v e r s i t y of Illinois A d d i t i o n a l graduate, w o r k - W e s t m i n s t e r Choir School, Princeton, New Jersey Teaches e l e m e n t a r y m u s i c m e t hods, voice, an d supervises student t e a c h i n g Mary Jane Holstein, V i s i t i n g Instructor B.S.Mus.Ed. - Olivet N a z a r e n e College M.M. Organ P e r f . - U n i v e r s i t y of Kansas A d d i t i o n a l g r a d u a t e w o r k beyond M a s t e r ' s Northwestern University T eaches organ and m u s i c theory at Timothy Nelson, A s s i s t a n t Professor of Music B.A. - Taylor U n i v e r s i t y M.Mus. - U n i v e r s i t y of Illinois; also w o r k beyond the M a s t e r 's G r a d u a t e w ork beyond the M a s t e r ' s taken at N o r t h w e s t e r n University A s s o c i a t e C e r t i f i c a t e - A m e r i c a n G u i l d of Org a n i s t s Teaches organ an d piano, m u s i c theory, and i n s t r u m e n t a t i o n C u r r e n t l y on a c a d e m i c leave Joe Noble, A s s i s t a n t P r o fessor of M usic B.A. - Luther College M.A. - U n i v e r s i t y of Iowa . Has c o m p l e t e d all r e q u i r e m e n t s except d i s s e r t a t i o n for Ph.D. - U n i v e r s i t y of Iowa T eaches voice, sec o n d a r y school m u s i c m e t hods, supervises student teaching, and conducts V i k i n g M a l e Chorus and Choral Union Lolita Phelps, V i s i t i n g Instructor B.A. V i o l i n P e r f o r m a n c e - Geor g i a State U n i v e r s i t y M.M. V i o l i n P e r f o r m a n c e - R o o s e v e l t U n i v e r s i t y Teaches string instruments, Intro to M u s i c Literature, m u s i c history and literature, i n s t r u m e n t a t i o n Marcus Va n Ameri n g e n , A s s i s t a n t P r o fessor of Music B.A. - U n i v e r s i t y of Auckland, New Zealand M.Rel.Ed. - N a z a r e n e T h e o l o g i c a l S e m inary M.M. - U n i v e r s i t y of M i s souri at Kansas City G r a d u a t e Work - U n i v e r s i t y of Illinois Teaches string i n s t r u m e n t s , m u s i c hist o r y and literature, Intr o d u c t i o n to M u s i c L i t e r a t u r e C u r r e n t l y on a c a d e m i c leave - 2 - P a r t - t i m e Faculty Steven Betz B.M.Ed. - V a n d e r Coo k Coll e g e Of Music M. M.Ed. - V a n d e r Cook Coll e g e of Music Teaches p e r c u s s i o n Becky E s t l h n d B.S.Mus.Ed. - Illinois W e s l e y a n M.S. - U n i v e r s i t y of Illinois T eaches priv a t e flute R obert Folsom B.S. Mus.Ed. - R o o sevelt M.Mus.Ed. - N o r t h w e s t e r n Teaches oboe University University Illinois U n i v e r s i t y Paul Germano B.S. - M i l l i k a n U n i v e r s i t y D i r e c t e d Conc e r t Band Fall teaches t r o m b o n e semester, directs Stage Band, Irving Kranich, A s s i s t a n t P r ofessor of M usic B.S. Mus.Ed. - Olivet N a z a r e n e Coll e g e M.Mus. - A m e r i c a n C o n s e r v a t o r y of M usic - student of B. Fred Wise a n d Grace Grund A d v a n c e d C e r t i f i c a t e in M u s i c E d u c a t i o n - U n i v e r s i t y of Illinois Director of A c a d e m i c C o u n s e l i n g and Retention; teaches elementary conducting Robert Snow B.S. Mus.Ed. - East e r n Illinois Teaches Brass I nstruments class -3 - University