Québec Catalogue 2010-2011 - Bahá`í Community of Canada
Québec Catalogue 2010-2011 - Bahá`í Community of Canada
SDBQ BAHÁ’Í LITERATURE AND MATERIAL IN FRENCH Service de distribution bahá’í Québec Catalogue 20102011 The Service de distribution bahá’í–Québec is the exclusive distributor of French Bahá’í literature in Canada. It also distributes audiovisual material and various items such as cards, posters, calendars, etc. The SDB‐Q is funded by the Canadian National Bahá’í Fund, and all profits from the sales of these products are returned to that institution. To ORDER from the SDBQ, you can : write to sdbq@videotron.ca ; telephone ‐>418 692‐2402 (Lyne‐Andrée Mathieu, on Tuesdays ; on other days, you may leave a message) ; send a fax ‐>418 692‐5761 ; write to SDB‐Q / 75, rue d’Auteuil / Québec / QC / G1R 4C3 / CANADA. 1 (If you order by mail or by telephone, please ensure that you provide us with a telephone number or e‐ mail address for us to complete the transaction.) Payment : | For parcels to be posted, invoices must be paid in advance, by cheque, money order, cash or credit card. Information : V For all requests for information, please write to cblpf@sympatico.ca or call 418 6922402 (Lyne‐Andrée Mathieu, on Tuesdays, between 10h am & 3h pm ET1). ( N.B. : The SDB‐Q catalogue is updated once a year. The electronic merchandise list is updated every three months, and may be obtained by request from cblpf@sympatico.ca 1 That is the normal schedule. It may vary due to circumstances. Catalogue SDB‐Q 2010‐2011 1 ( Table of contents Holy Writings ..........................................................................................................................................page 3 Writings of Bahá’u’lláh ...................................................................................................................... pages 3‐4 Writings of The Báb ...................................................................................................................................page 4 Writings of ‘Abdu’l‐Bahá .................................................................................................................. pages 5‐6 Bahá’í Writings .......................................................................................................................................page 6 Writings of Shoghi Effendi .....................................................................................................................page 6 Texts from the Universal House of Justice ......................................................................................page 7 Prayers..................................................................................................................................................pages 78 Compilations and Thematic Works ............................................................................................page 9 Compilations prepared by the International Teaching Centre ..............................................page 9 Other thematic works.............................................................................................................................page 10 Introductory Works .........................................................................................................................page 11 Material for children and youth ................................................................................................page 13 The Bahá’í Faith, Life and Society..............................................................................................page 16 Various Items (posters, cards, audiovisual material) ..................................................page 18 Price List .................................................................................................................................................page 19 Information ...........................................................................................................................................page 23 Prices, taxes, shipping & handling ....................................................................................................page 23 Payment methods ...................................................................................................................................page 23 Order form .................................................................................................................................................page 24 Principal publishers : Maison d’éditions bahá’íes (MÉB ‐ Brussels) * Librairie bahá’íe (LB ‐ Paris) * Maison d’éditions Fada’il (MÉF ‐ Niamey) * Brilliant Books (BB ‐ Louvain) * Publication Bahá’íe Maurice (PBM ‐ Mauritius) * Publications Bahá’íCanada (PBC ‐ Thornhill) Bindings : Stapled [B] : all forms of soft binding ; Bound [R] : all forms of rigid binding. Red coloured are new ! Catalogue SDB‐Q 2010‐2011 2 Writings of Bahá’u’lláh Le KitábiAqdas (The KitábiAqdas, The Most Holy Book) The Most Holy Book, the charter of the world civilization of tomorrow, the most important of Bahá’u’lláh’s writings which contains the totality of his ordinances and his exhortations. MÉB, 2nd ed., 1999, 328 pages (with index), 14 X 22 cm, stapled z Les sept vallées & Les quatre vallées (The Seven Valleys and the Four Valleys) The Seven Valleys are “without doubt the greatest mystical composition of Bahá’u’lláh”; in it he describes the steps of progress of a soul in search of its being. The Four valleys “shows the roads by which the invisible can be seen” (Shoghi Effendi). Introduction . New revised translation. MÉB, 2004, 78 pages, 11 X 16,5 cm, bound or stapled z Le livre de la certitude (The KitabiÍqán, The Book of Certitude) Supporting the Jewish, Christian and Muslim writings and traditions, Bahá’u’lláh explains the nature of the mission of the prophets and the fundamental unity which ties them together. Les Paroles cachées (Hidden Words) Presses universitaires de France, Paris, 4th ed., 1973, 141 pages, 13,5 X 21,5 cm, stapled z In this collection of mystical poetry written in 1858, Bahá’u’lláh summarizes “with a rare conciseness the precepts held by all the great religions of the past”. PBC, 2004 * 2010 2nd edition, 78 pages, 10,5 X 14 cm, stapled Les tablettes de Bahá’u’lláh z (Tablets of Bahá’u’lláh) Through different epistles, Bahá’u’lláh states precepts and principles which are at the very heart of his Faith. An excellent complement to the KitábiAqdas. MÉB, 1994, 321 pages (with index), 14 X 22 cm, bound z Épître au fils du Loup (Epistle to the Son of the Wolf) Near 1890, Bahá’u’lláh sent a stern reprimand to Shaykh Mohammed Taqi, son of he who was responsible for the death of the “sultan” and the “beloved” of the martyrs, explaining to him all the good he could do for his country if he were to join him instead of fighting him. MÉB, 2000, 214 pages 11,5 X 17,5 cm, bound or stapled (with index), Lettre aux chrétiens (Letter to the Christians) In this text addressed primarily to Christians, Bahá’u’lláh clearly establishes the link between the revelation of Christ and his own, a new step in the “faith of God, eternal in the past, eternal in the future”. Commentary by Jeremy Fox making reference to the Bible to facilitate understanding of the Christian readers. LB, 2004, 100 pages, 15 X 23 cm, stapled Catalogue SDB‐Q 2010‐2011 3 L’appel du Seigneur des armées Florilège d’écrits de Bahá’u’lláh (The Summons of the Lord of Hosts) (Gleanings from the Writings of Bahá’u’lláh) More than a century ago, before the degradation of the exercise of power, Bahá’u’lláh addressed historical letters to the world leaders, reminding them of their responsibilities and inviting them to renounce their personal interests, to think of nothing but those of the people in their care. Newly revised edition of extracts from the writings of Bahá’u’lláh. MÉB, 2006, 266 pages, 14 X 21 cm, bound or stapled z MÉB, 2004, 195 pages, 14 X 22 cm, bound or stapled z Le tabernacle de l’unité Joyaux des mystères divins Réponse de Bahá’u’lláh à Mánikchí Sáhib et autres écrits (Gems of Divine Mysteries) Revealed in Baghdád, these writings of Bahá’u’lláh are translated for the first time. They describe the steps of spiritual search (complementing the Seven Valleys) and introduce the notions which would be developed in the Book of Certitude. (The Tabernacle of Unity) Five tablets revealed by Bahá’u’lláh for the Zoroastrian community. They present some specifics of the Bahá’í doctrine. Amongst the themes discussed : human intelligence and its limits ; religious tolerance ; Creation. MÉB, 2005, 79 pages, 12 X 17,5 cm, bound or stapled MÉB, 2007, 80 pages, 12 X 17,5 cm, bound or stapled z z Writings of The Báb Sélections des Écrits du Báb (Selections from the Writings of the Báb) A detailed and representative selection of the complete writings of The Báb: letters that the Báb addressed to Bahá’u’lláh, extracts of letters addressed to the Sháh and other religious leaders, extracts from the Persian Bayán, as well as prayers and meditations. MÉB, 1984, 200 pages, 13,5 X 21,5 cm, bound or stapled z Catalogue SDB‐Q 2010‐2011 4 Writings of ‘Abdu’lBahá Le testament de ‘Abdu’lBahá Les causeries de ‘Abdu’lBahá à Paris (Will and Testament of ‘Abdu’lBahá) (Paris Talks) ‘Abdu’l‐Bahá had been designated by Bahá’u’lláh as the new Centre of the Covenant between God and man. To ensure the continuity of the leadership of the world community, he wrote his testament ‐ the charter of Bahá’í institutions ‐ which defines clearly the relation between the Guardianship and the Universal House of Justice, and stipulates the method for electing that supreme institution. In 1913, ‘Abdu’l‐Bahá spent more than three months in Paris. This book is a collection of fifty‐ five talks which he addressed to the Parisian population. The language is simple, direct and clear, and shows the constant preoccupation of ‘Abdu’l‐Bahá to touch their hearts. MÉB, 1987, 210 pages, 14 X 22 cm, bound or stapled MÉB, 1970, 55 pages, 11 X 15 cm, bound or stapled z z Les bases de l’unité du monde (Foundations of World Unity) In his talks given during his travels through the West, from 1911 to 1913, and in his letters sent to the Occidental believers of the same period, ‘Abdu’l‐ Bahá attempted to awaken the spirits to a new awareness of the destiny of humanity. MÉB, 1981, 155 pages, 14,5 X 22 cm, bound or stapled z Sélections des écrits de ‘Abdu’lBahá (Selections from the Writings of ‘Abdu’lBahá) This book regroups 237 extracts of ‘Abdu’l‐Bahá’s correspondence from the start of the XXth century until his death in 1921. Education of children, family life, marriage, the couple, health, the soul, and community life are some of the subjects presented in this selection. MÉB, 1983, 319 pages, 14 X 22 cm, bound z ‘Abdu’lBahá à Londres (‘Abdu’lBahá in London) Another work which relates the words of ‘Abdu’l‐ Bahá and summarizes what he spoke of in his talks during his time in London, in 1911. MÉB, 1998, 120 pages, 10,8 X 17,2 cm, stapled Lettre de ‘Abdu’lBahá au Professeur Auguste Forel ‘Abdu’l‐Bahá responds to Professor Forel (1848 ‐ 1961), a well‐known doctor, thinker, sociologist and philosopher in Europe. He notes the importance of work of the spirit, explains the link between the intelligence and the soul, demonstrates the relativity of knowledge according to our position in relation to the object we wish to know, and underlines the existence of an organizing principle. MÉB, 3rd éd., 1974, 30 pages, 11 X 16,5 cm, stapled z Le secret de la civilisation divine (The Secret of Divine Civilization) Although this work is addressed specifically to the Persian governments of the 19th century (1875), the message remains pertinent for modern man, whether he be of the East or the West. In it ‘Abdu’l‐Bahá presents a historical analysis of the problems of humanity and offers solutions recommended by Bahá’u’lláh for the establishment of human civilization on a universal scale. MÉB, 1973, 145 pages, 11 X 15,5 cm, bound z z Catalogue SDB‐Q 2010‐2011 5 Mémorial des fidèles Les tablettes du plan divin (Memorials of the Faithful) (Tablets of the Divine Plan) This work immortalizes the lives of 69 Bahá’ís who were the essence of loyalty […] ‘Abdu’l‐Bahá says almost nothing of himself in this work, but certain events of the lives of his companions are mixed with his own, offering glimpses of the essence of humanity and humility that he was about. MÉF, 2002, 221 pages, 14 X 21 cm, stapled In the process of being republished : 14 letters written between September, 1916 and March, 1917 by `Abdu'l‐Bahá, to the Bahá'í community of the United States and Canada. Of primary significance was the role of leadership given to its recipients in establishing their Cause throughout the planet by pioneering. Ø Ø […] – PBC, 2011 z Writings of Shoghi Effendi L’avènement de la justice divine Dieu passe près de nous (The Advent of Divine Justice) (God Passes By) A letter of December 25, 1938 from Shoghi to the believers of the United States and Canada, in which he insists on the establishment of a new world order. The themes raised are: relaxed morals, political corruptions, materialism and racial prejudices. On the occasion of the centennial of the Bahá’í Faith, Shoghi Effendi prepared a historical treaty which reviewed events which marked the world Bahá’í community, the setting‐up of the administrative institutions, and the crises the community had gone through. MÉB, 1973, 119 pages, 12 X 16 cm, stapled MÉB, 1976, 435 pages, 14 X 22 cm, bound or stapled z z Appel aux nations L’Ordre mondial de Bahá’u’lláh (Call to the Nations) (The World Order of Bahá’u’lláh) As soon as he became Guardian of the Cause (1921), Shoghi insisted on the primordial mission of the Bahá’í Faith: the establishment of divine civilization. Among the sub‐themes within, one can find: the present test to humanity, the elaboration of a model for future society, some principles for a universal federation as well as a projection of the destiny of humanity. A collection of the letters from the Guardian, which “give a clear idea of the relation which links the Bahá’í community to the process of social evolution called to develop during the course of the revelation of Bahá’u’lláh” and “endeavour to show the Bahá’í administrative order as being the centre and the model of the world civilization”. MÉB, 1993, 237 pages, 13,5 X 21,5 cm, stapled MÉB, 1979, 57 pages, 13 X 20 cm, stapled z z Les principes de l’administration bahá’íe “This book is destined for the use of assemblies, groups and individuals, as a procedure guide in the life and organic activity of the Bahá’í community.” Constituted mostly of texts from Shoghi, translated and collected by the National Spiritual Assembly of the Bahá’ís of France. Paris, 1968, 102 pages, 14 X 21 cm, stapled ***while stocks last*** Catalogue SDB‐Q 2010‐2011 6 From the Universal House of Justice You can obtain, in French, some of the special Statements of the Universal House of Justice. Écrire l’avenir (2000) Aux peuples du monde To the Peoples of the World Who Is Writing the Future ? (Peace Statement ‐ 1986) FREE ! OUT OF PRINT Le siècle de lumière (2004) Bahá’u’lláh (1992) Century of Light Une seule et même foi (One Common Faith) AND Messages de la Maison universelle de justice Messages from the Universal House of Justice Volume I : 1963‐1973 Volume II : 1973‐1979 Volume III : 1979‐1986 z Prayers Prières bahá’íes Prières Prayers and texts chosen especially for offering to friends. PBC, 2001, 55 pages, 11 X 16 cm, stapled A new selection of prayers from Bahá’u’lláh, the Báb and ‘Abdu’l‐Bahá, combined in one collection. PBC, 2000, 186 pages, 10,5 X 16 cm, superior quality softcover, stitched and glued binding (blue cover) 6 6 Catalogue SDB‐Q 2010‐2011 7 Prières bahá’íes Prayer Cards A new translation from the Commission de traduction and a new edition of la Maison d’éditions bahá’íes. Includes the Tablet of Ahmad, the Long Healing Prayer, the Fire Tablet, the Tablet of the Holy Mariner, etc. MÉB, 2002, 256 pages, 10,5 X 15,5 cm, bound or stapled (burgundy cover) 6 Rafraîchis et réjouis mon esprit Prayers from Bahá’u’lláh and ‘Abdu’l‐Bahá Coloured illustrations ‐ “Thy Name is my healing…” PBC, 9,5 X 12,5 cm ‐ Short obligatory prayer ‐ Prayer for the deceased ‐ “O God, refresh and gladden…” ‐ “O compassionate God, bestow upon me a heart…” ‐ “O God, guide me, protect me…” PBC, 9,5 X 6,3 cm A simple and unexpensive way to offer 9 Bahá'í prayers in a leaflet. Includes a short excerpt from 'Abdu'l‐Bahá about prayer and space to write your contact information. PBC, 2009, 10,5 X 36 cm, glazed paper, illustrated in colour 6 Grande prière de guérison Long Healing Prayer presented in a booklet form with coloured cover. PBC, 14 X 22 cm, stapled 6 6 Glorifié soit ton nom This collection contains about fifty prayers, including the obligatory prayers, the Tablet of Ahmad, the Tablets of Visitation, a prayer for Spiritual Assemblies, prayers for the Fast, the martyrs and the Hands of the Cause. It also includes a whole range of Bahá'í prayers for general use organized by themes. Its convenient size makes it perfect for when you’re on the move. Slip it in your handbag, your pocket, etc. Its “stitch and glue” binding makes it extra durable. Economical, it makes an inexpensive gift. PBC, 2010, 72 pages, 9 X 14 cm, soft cover, coloured cover, stitched and glued binding ‐ Je t’ai créé noble on the theme of the soul, the purpose of life and detachment ‐ Le signe de la vraie noblesse on the theme of suffering ‐ Mon foyer, un havre de paix on the theme of family life Extracts from Bahá’í writings for everyone. Practical format, modest price. An ideal gift. PBC, 2005 / 2006 / 2007, 64 pages, 9 coloured cover, stapled Catalogue SDB‐Q 2010‐2011 X 12 cm, 8 Compilations & Thematic Works La Maison d’éditions bahá’íes publishes numerous compilations prepared by the Research Department of the Universal House of Justice: Administration correcte des fonds de la Foi .........................................................................................................................3,50$ Alliance (Covenant)..............................................................................................................................................................................5,00$ Assemblée spirituelle locale / Assemblée spirituelle nationale (Local Spiritual Assembly / National Spiritual Assembly) ..................................................................................................................6,75$ Caractère sacré et nature des élections bahá’íes (Bahá’í Elections) ..................................................................................4,50$ Conservation des ressources terrestres (Conservation of Earth’s Resources) ....................................................................5,00$ Convention nationale (National Convention) ...............................................................................................................................5,50$ Crise et victoire (Crisis and Victory) ................................................................................................................................................8,50$ Divorce (Compilation on) ....................................................................................................................................................................3,50$ Droits et responsabilités1 (Rights and Responsabilities) ........................................................................................................ 2,00$ Droit de Dieu (2010) (Right of God) ........................................................................................................................................... 10,50$ Écoles d’été et instituts d’enseignement (Summer Schools and Teaching Institutes) ........................................................1,00$ Éducation bahá’íe (Bahá’í Education)2 ...........................................................................................................................................6,00$ Érudition (Scholarship).......................................................................................................................................................................6,00$ Excellence en toutes choses (Excellence in All Things) .............................................................................................................4,50$ Femme (Women)..................................................................................................................................................................................6,00$ Fête des dix‐neuf jours (Feast) ......................................................................................................................................................5,50$ Fonds bahá’í et les contributions aux fonds (Lifeblood of the Cause) .................................................................................5,50$ Honnêteté, une vertu cardinale bahá’íe (Trustworthiness) ..................................................................................................5,50$ Huqúqu’lláh, le droit de Dieu3 (2003) Compilation abrégée/Nouvelles traductions/2003, 56 pages ........................................ 4,00$ Importance d’approfondir notre connaissance et notre compréhension de la Foi (Importance of Deepening our Knowledge and Understanding of the Faith) ...................................................................................6,00$ Importance de la prière, de la méditation et de l’attitude pieuse (Prayer, Meditation and the Devotional Attitude) ...............................................................................................................................4,50$ Importance de la prière prescrite et du jeûne (Importance of Obligatory Prayer and Fasting) .......................................5,50$ Importance des arts pour promouvoir la Foi (Importance of the Arts in Promoting the Faith) .......................................8,00$ Importance et nature de l’enseignement au grand public...............................................................................................3,50$ Mariage bahá’í et la vie familiale ............................................................................................................................................. 10,00$ Opposition, prémices du printemps divin (Opposition) .......................................................................................................4,50$ Paix (Peace) ...........................................................................................................................................................................................4,50$ Personnalités (Prominent People) ...................................................................................................................................................5,00$ Pouvoir de l’assistance divine – Importance et nature de l’enseignement au grand public – Manuel d’enseignement (Power of Divine Assistance – Teaching the Masses – Guidelines for Teaching) ............................. 10,00$ Préservation des mariages bahá’ís (Preserving Marriages) ....................................................................................................5,50$ Proclamer la Foi par les médias..................................................................................................................................................4,50$ Questions liées au fonctionnement des communautés.....................................................................................................4,50$ Réunions bahá’íes – Présence des membres aux réunions des assemblées – Consultation bahá’íe ...............................8,75$ Susciter les adhésions par groupes ...........................................................................................................................................8,00$ Vie chaste et sainte (Chaste and Holy Life) ....................................................................................................................................4,50$ Vie familiale 2009 (Family Life – new edition) ..............................................................................................................................9,50$ Vivre la vie (Living the Life) ...............................................................................................................................................................5,50$ & 2: Published in Canada. : The history of the Institution of Huqúqu’lláh can only be found in this edition. : Reduced price. 1 3 Catalogue SDB‐Q 2010‐2011 9 Le don de la vie éternelle Bahá’í Writings and Prayers on life after death A new collection for giving… PBC, 2008, 64 pages, 15 X 15 cm, coloured photos, glazed paper, stapled L’esprit qui deviendra la vie du monde Être pionnier dans une communauté mondiale (Quickeners of Mankind) French translation of a collection of very inspiring quotations on service and pioneering. PBC, 1999, 187 pages, 14 X 21,5 cm, stapled Être un jeune bahá’í dans un monde en mutation A compilation of the Writings to inspire youth in the period of their lives when counsel and support from the Bahá’í writings often bring courage, comfort and tranquillity to their spirit. PBC, 2001, 155 pages, 14 X 21,5 cm, stapled Paroles de lumière A collection of quotations from Bahá’u’lláh and the Báb for every morning and evening of the year. PBC, 2004, 752 pages, 10,5 X 15,5 cm, superior quality softcover, stitched and glued binding History Dans la gloire du Père H.M. Balyuzi Translation of Bahá’u’lláh, King of Glory La révélation de Bahá’u’lláh A. Taherzadeh Translation of The Revelation of Bahá’u’lláh Le Báb H.M. Balyuzi ‘Abdu’lBahá H.M. Balyuzi Volumes I, II, III & IV MÉB, 2005, 566 pages, 24 X 17 cm, bound or stapled MÉB, 2005/2008, soft cover Catalogue SDB‐Q 2010‐2011 MÉB, 2007 * 2008, 14,8 X 21 cm, soft cover 10 Introductory Works on the Bahá’í Faith Bahá’u’lláh This intimate portrait of Bahá’u’lláh himself, published for the centennial anniversary of his passing, presents the entirety of his life and his teachings. It permits the reader to approach the ideas, concepts and principles essential in the Faith. Bahá’u’lláh’s quotations bring enrichment to this work. PBC, 1999, 60 pages, 14 X 21,5 cm, stapled Bahá’u’lláh et l’ère nouvelle Bahá’u’lláh and the New Era This work presents the lives of the three central figures of the Bahá’í Faith, and offers a range of information on what it means to be a Bahá’í, prayer, health and healing, unity of religion, true civilization, peace, ordinances and divine teachings, religion and science, the prophecies, the past and the future, etc. The pre‐eminent introductory book. J. E. Esslemont, MÉB, 1990, 6th ed., 303 pages, 13,5 X 21,5 cm, stapled La foi bahá’íe, l’émergence d’une religion mondiale The Bahá’í Faith: The Emerging Global Religion An excellent introduction to the Bahá’í Faith offering a clear analysis of the religious and ethical values upon which it is founded. Cited by the Britannica Encyclopedia as Book of the Year in the field of religion. William S. Hatcher and J. Douglas Martin, MÉB, 1997, 315 pages, 13,5 X 21,5 cm, stapled La renaissance de la civilisation The Renewal of Civilization 3rd edition revised and updated in 1999 The author affirms that a new spiritual impulsion has shaken the foundation of our civilization, provoking a spiritual renaissance and the emergence of a world civilization. This introductory book to the Bahá’í Faith provides a brief glimpse into its origins and a simple explanation of its principal teachings and objectives. David Hofman, PBC, 1999, 147 pages, 11 X 17,8 cm, stapled Catalogue SDB‐Q 2010‐2011 11 Les jardiniers de Dieu Who are the Bahá’ís? “What do they believe, how do they live, what do they do? Without favouritism nor prejudice, two (non‐Bahá’í) journalists lead a rigorous inquest.” (jacket) C. Gouvion and P. Jouvion, Berg International and Tacor International, Paris, 1989, 217 pages, 15,5 X 24 cm, stapled La foi bahá’íe, un humanisme contre les fanatismes An off‐print of the article by William S. Hatcher which was published in le Monde diplomatique, July 1999. William S. Hatcher, PBC, 1999, 9 pages, 14 X 21 cm, stapled 6 Le nouveau jardin The New Garden Although dedicated to the people of India, this book is for everyone. It covers, in straightforward language, the essential of the principles of administration, laws and the Bahá’í covenant. Houshmand Fathea’zam, MÉB, 5th ed. (revised), 1989, 99 pages, 14,7 X 21 cm, stapled 6 La terre n’est qu’un seul pays « Le tour du monde en stop […] un lourd bagage d’aventures incroyables et surtout de rencontres. Hommes de tous pays, saisis dans la vérité de leur vie quotidienne. » André Brugiroux understood, while tracing his route around the world, that he was headed towards a spiritual revelation ‐ the Bahá’í Faith. André Brugiroux, Éditions Laffont, Paris, 2nd ed., 1990, 374 pages, 15,5 X 24 cm, stapled 6 Catalogue SDB‐Q 2010‐2011 12 Material for children and youth Publications Bahá'íCanada ********************************************************************* Fais de moi une étoile brillante For very young children, prayers of ‘Abdu’l‐Bahá joyously illustrated by Soraya Tohidi. PBC, 2006, illustrated in colour, plastic‐coated heavy cardstock cover, glazed paper, 24 pages, 15 x 15 cm, stapled ********************************************************************* À l’ombre de ton Nom Thirty‐four tablets (of ‘Abdu’l‐Bahá) and prayers (of Bahá’u’lláh and ‘Abdu’l‐Bahá) especially for children and youth. PBC, 2006, some coloured illustrations, coloured cover, glazed paper, 40 pages, 12,5 x 18 cm, stapled ********************************************************************* 1. La cage de Clémentine Clementine and the Cage A children’s book by Wendy Heller, illustrated by Katia Breton, which tells of the aspirations of young Clémentine, a sweet little bird convinced that her wings should serve for more than just jumping from one side to the other of her cage! PBC, 2000, 16 pages, illustrated in colour, glazed paper, 28 X 22 cm, stapled 2. Casse‐tête (Puzzle) – La cage de Clémentine The children’s book La cage de Clémentine can be accompanied by a puzzle of the illustration on page 2 of the book. PBC, 100 pieces, 30 X 40 cm (PUZZLE) ********************************************************************* Le cheval du clair de lune The Horse of the Moonlight The story of three horses whose respective destinies were to meet with those of Bahá’u’lláh, The Báb and Mullá Husayn. A fabulous introduction to the history of the Bahá’í Faith. PBC, 2000, 36 pages, illustrated in colour, glazed paper, 27,5 X 18 cm, stapled ********************************************************************* Le monde‐lumière The Light World “The only goal of this book is to shed light on the next world of existence, to erase the horrible and dark fear of death, especially in the spirit of our children” the author. H. Niderost, PBC, 1999, 39 pages, illustrated in colour, glazed paper, 16,5 X 23,5 cm, stapled Catalogue SDB‐Q 2010‐2011 13 Publications Bahá’íCanada Envol vers l’excellence Béni est le lieu Blessed is the Spot For young children, a prayer of Bahá’u’lláh, with illustrations which facilitate its understanding and memorization. PBC, 1988, 34 18 X 22 cm, stapled pages, two‐tone illustrations, A workbook for preteens to study and acquire the basic notions of the Bahá’í Faith: teaching, history, laws, etc. PBC, 2004, 116 pages, 22 X 27,5 cm, spiral bound @ @ Guide de l’enseignant et des parents et Résumé de la vie de Bahá’u’lláh Je lis les Écrits saints soir et matin (Teachers and Parents Guide & Summary of the Life of Bahá’u’lláh) small workbook/collection of writings of The Báb and Bahá’u’lláh. Children can add writings of their own choosing. For parents and teachers of children’s classes, a guide which accompanies the exercise workbook “Bahá’u’lláh” (see below). (I read the Holy Writings, evening and morning) A PBC, 1998, 84 pages, 14,5 X 19 cm, spiral bound PBC, 2000, 35 pages, 22 X 27,5 cm, spiral bound @ @ Cahier «Bahá’u’lláh» La promesse An exercise workbook on the life of (The Promise) Bahá’u’lláh, divided into 12 lessons offering the child numerous crafts and drawings to colour. To be used with the Teachers and Parents Guide (see above). PBC, 1995, 29 pages, 27,5 X 22 cm, spiral bound For 9 to 11‐year‐old children, a workbook on peace. Full of games, puzzles, and things to do and understand. To be used with Aux peuples du monde (Peace statement ‐ free). PBC, 1987, 51 pages, 28 X 21,5 cm, stapled OTHER PUBLISHERS_______________________________________________________ Bahá’í de A à Z Simple notions of the Bahá’í Faith, especially for young children, with illustrations to colour. Tove Deleuran, MÉB, 1983, 32 pages, 22 X 19 cm, stapled Ce que ressent FBL, un jeune Fonds bahá’í (What LBF, a young Bahá’í fund, feels) An educational colouring book which helps children to better understand, while having fun, the importance of the local fund. Original and humorous, ideal for children’s classes. Heidi Lakshman, 1998, 42 pages, 21 X 28 cm, stapled Les cartes des vertus (Virtues Cards) 52 coloured cards on which there is a quotation, the description of the virtue, how to apply the virtue to one’s life, and check one’s progress. Virtues Project, 9,85 cm X 13 cm Une fête des dix‐neuf jours A lady and her daughter compare the Feast to weaving because the Feast was given to us in order to help us weave a true world community. LB, 2008, 16 pages, 15 cm x 21 cm, illustrated in colour, glazed paper Catalogue SDB‐Q 2010‐2011 14 Brilliant Books Le Créateur L’aventure de Kyoko The Creator Kyoko’s Adventure Le Créateur, Les étoiles brillantes, Connaître Dieu ‐ three short stories to help young children learn to know and love God. Illustrated by Sergey Valdivieso‐ Sinyakov. BB, 1999, 48 pages, illustrated in colour, glazed paper, 12 X 17,5 cm, stapled Kyoko is 12 years old. She learns that she will be leaving her friends and Japan, her homeland, because her parents are going to work at the Bahá’í World Centre in Israel. BB, 2001, 46 pages, 14,5 X 20,5 cm, stapled De l’autre côté de l’arc‐en‐ciel Marianne et la montagne de Dieu Beyond the Rainbow “What is life after death? Where is it? Who, how, when, and why?” A story to help parents and children to explore the big question: Mariana and the Mountain of God Marianne is searching to understand how she could contribute to “the building of the Mountain of God” even if her piggybank is empty. BB, 1998, 23 pages, illustrated in colour, glazed paper, 21 X 14,5 cm, stapled What happens when I die? W BB, 1996, 16 pages, illustrated in colour, glazed paper, 25 X 17 cm, stapled Une surprise pour Ayyám‐i‐Há The Ayyám‐i‐Há Surprise The Intercalary Days are fast approaching, and Lisa is secretly preparing a very special gift for her family. BB, 1996, 16 pages, illustrated in colour, glazed paper, 14,5 X 21 cm, stapled Des lectures, des Écrits de Bahá’u’lláh, pour grandir Readings to Grow By Some Writings of Bahá’u’lláh magnificently illustrated by Anja Shanmugampillai. BB, 2000, 48 pages, illustrated in colour, glazed paper, 12 X 17,5 cm, stapled La veste de Sally Sally’s Coat Oops! The hood of Sally’s coat is completely ripped… Now, how to steer clear of mom’s anger? BB, 2000, 36 pages, illustrated in colour, glazed paper, 20,8 X 14,7 cm, stapled W Catalogue SDB‐Q 2010‐2011 15 The Bahá’í Faith, life and society a L’abus des drogues Un point de vue bahá’í sur la toxicomanie et l’alcoolisme Substance Abuse, A Bahá’í Perspective A picture of one of the most devastating phenomena of our time: drug abuse, and his horrible effects on the human spirit. The author doesn’t stop at identifying the probable causes of this calamity, but suggests the methods of early prevention, thanks especially to an educative program and a reflection on the meaning of life. A.M. Ghadirian, PBC, 2001, 52 pages, 13,8 X 21,5 cm, stapled a La maladie d’Alzheimer Une éclipse avant le coucher du soleil Alzheimer’ Disease : An Eclipse Before Sunset The growing number of older people in our society and the rapid advancement in knowledge and technology in the medical field is leading to the diagnosis of a growing number of cases of Alzheimer’s disease. This publication offers reflections and suggestions based on clinical observations and inspired by the teachings of the Bahá’í Faith. A.M. Ghadirian, PBC, 2004, 36 pages, 13,8 X 21,5 cm, stapled a Le défi du développement durable The concepts of sustainable development and prosperity are at the foundation of longevity and success in business: in fact, the ultimate goal in business is to create prosperity within the framework of sustainable development. How can we get there? Arthur Dahl, European Bahá’í Business Forum, 2002, 20 pages, stapled a Une preuve scientifique de l’existence de Dieu A Scientific Proof of the Existence of God « Nous avons montré, à partir d’un phénomène observable (l’apparition de l’être humain), que l’existence d’une cause non observable est la plus raisonnable de toutes les possibilités logiques connues. » The author W. S. Hatcher, Association d’études bahá’íes Europe francophone, 2001, 26 pages, 14,8 X 20,8 cm, stapled a Recherche d’un projet d’éducation morale The first part of this booklet succinctly analyses certain changes that societies the world over are going through and which constitute the context in which the new codes of morality and the systems of moral education will be elaborated. L. McLaughlin, H. Hanson and P. Lample, Fondation Bahman Samandari, Genève, 1996, 39 pages, 15 X 21 cm, stapled a Comment repenser l’éducation à l’aube du 3e millénaire ? “A crucial discussion at the end of this century in which the past references and models are put into question and in which we are called to find new models and approaches” [translation] Association d’études bahá’íes Europe francophone, 2000, 76 pages, 16,3 X 23,3 cm, stapled a Le leadership éthique This article emphasizes the rise in ethics in organizations and looks closely at the concept of ethical leadership. It emphasizes the different currents of ethics which direct leadership. Lyse Langlois, European Bahá’í Business Forum, 2005, 24 pages, stapled Catalogue SDB‐Q 2010‐2011 16 a Justice ou miséricorde ? “Forgiveness is a notion central to Bahá’í theology, a notion which is contrary to that of punishment” A theology of pardon according to the Bahá’í Faith… U. Schaefer, Association d’études bahá’íes Europe francophone, 2001, 18 pages, 14,8 X 20,8 cm, stapled a La grandeur qui pourrait être la leur A book that regroups different talks presented by Bahá’í women during the United Nations’ 4th World Conference on the theme “Women: equality, development and peace”; as well as reflections on the place of women in modern society and the importance of the education of girls. MÉB, 1997, 101 pages, 14 X 21,5 cm, stapled a Guerre ou paix “Based on a profound trust in man and his capacity to transform himself, […] this work is equally for spouses as it is for those preparing for marriage. One can find clear answers and effective solutions to questions such as: the choice of partner, the causes of division, the education of children, etc” (Translation/back cover) E. Blumenthal, Tacor International, Paris, 1989, 141 pages, 14,8 X 22 cm, stapled a Comprendre et être compris a Unité dans la diversité “This book illustrates, by extracts from many Holy Books, twenty‐nine aspects essential to life. For the first time, everyone can discover directly that the precepts of the great religions are in such harmony that we can believe that there exists but one: that of humanity.!” O.P Ghai, Tacor International, Paris, 1988, 141 pages, 14 X 22 cm, stapled a Leaflets from the Bahá’í International Community “A simple and pragmatic book, which brings us to an original approach to social life. It presents, through living anecdotes, advice for creating warm human relations.” (Translation/back cover) E. Blumenthal, Tacor International, Paris, 1989, 154 pages, 14,8 X 22 cm, stapled a La famille dans une communauté mondiale (1993) The Family in a World Community a Réglementation internationale a 100 ans au service de l’unité dans la diversité This booklet completes the tools of a classic presentation on the Faith by proposing an original and focused approach of the pragmatic Bahá’í answers to the grand questions of our time, rather than on the history and spiritual teaching of the Bahá’í Faith. de l’environnement (1991) International Legislation for Environment and Development a More leaflets LB, 2003, 14 pages, 11 X 23 cm, stapled a L’art, expression de vie Art, an Expression of Life a L’environnement, base de notre avenir The Environment, the Foundation for our Future a Catalogue SDB‐Q 2010‐2011 17 Various Items (posters, cards, audiovisual material) Posters Poster “The Golden Rule” Format 21,5 X 28 cm Coloured illustrations 1 2‐ Produced by Éditions Enbiro (Switzerland) “Béni est le lieu…” The Golden Rule of all the great religions, including the Bahá’í Faith A prayer of Bahá'u'lláh For “future mothers” A prayer of 'Abdu'l‐Bahá for expecting women Format 60 X 84 cm Sous un même soleil Greeting Cards In 3 or 4 packs or individual With or without envelopes With or without excerpts from the Writings You may choose from many models. Demain les enfants de la terre Geneviève et ses amis 14 songs for interpreted by artists 14 joyful, toe‐tapping and inspirational songs: great for all children, perfect for neighbourhood classes Newly remixed in January 2005 2008, CD, Publications Bahá’íCanada 2005, CD, Publications Bahá’íCanada Relié à tout (Related to All) Mon coffret à outils Dedicated to Jim Loft and Melba Whetung Loft 29 songs interpreted by Lucie Dubé + A 40 page book with all the texts and illustrations Durée : 79 minutes, 2004, CD, Publications Bahá’íCanada children various 2007, CD, Bleuciel Recording Studio x There are other CDs & DVDs for sale at SDBQ. Find out more! Catalogue SDB‐Q 2010‐2011 18 Item Code Description Price Item Code Description In alphabetical order without article at the beginning of the title F6H183Q À l’ombre de ton Nom (for children and youth) In alphabetical order without article at the beginning of the title 8,00 $ F3H205M ‘Abdu’l‐Bahá (H.M. Balyuzi) 36,00 $ F1C290M ‘Abdu’l‐Bahá à Londres (in London) 15,50 $ F4H243Q Abus des drogues (Substance Abuse) F7H315Z Actes du juste (laminated) 20,00 $ F1B312Q Actes du juste (to frame or laminate) 1,25 $ Administration correcte des fonds de la Foi F2G042M 3,50 $ F2G041M Alliance (compilation) (Covenant) 5,00 $ F4H362M Alliance (L. Hénuzet) 5,50 $ (compilation) F4H035N Ange du Carmel * 17,00 $ F4H244N Années vertes * 14,50 $ Cage de Clémentine (puzzle) F7H189M Calendrier perpétuel 5,00 $ 0,50 $ F2G046M Caractère sacré et nature des élections bahá’íes (compilation) 4,50 $ F7H190Z Cards [Greeting] (with envelope) marriage, death, etc. 2,50 $ F7H246Q Cards [Greeting] for every occasion with Writings (4 pack) 6,50 $ F7H167Q Cards [Greeting] for every occasion with Writings (unit) 1,75 $ F7H248Z Cards [Greeting] with coloured pictures of Bahá’í holy places in Israel (unit) 3,25 $ F1B192Q Carte de prière / « Mon Dieu, guide‐moi […] » 0,30 $ F1B193Q Carte de prière / « Ô Dieu compatissant, donne‐moi un cœur […] » 0,30 $ 4,75 $ F1B349Q Price F2E028M Appel aux nations (Call to the Nations) 8,00 $ F1B131M Appel du Seigneur des armées [B] 20,00 $ F1B130M Appel du Seigneur des armées [R] 30,00 $ F1B203Q Carte de prière / « Ô Dieu, rafraîchis et réjouis mon esprit… » 0,30 $ 1,25 $ F1B202Q Carte de prière / pour les défunts 0,30 $ 17,00 $ F1B201Q Carte de prière / Prière obligatoire 0,30 $ (Summons from the Lord of Hosts) (Summons from the Lord of Hosts) F5H087O Art, expression de vie (leaflet) F8H224Q Artistes pour l’Arc (CD) F2G288M Assemblée sprituelle nationale / Assemblée spirituelle locale (compilation) 6,75 $ F2G225Q Assemblées bahá’íes : constitution corporation et règlements 3,00 $ en F8H305Q Aube mystique (CD) F7H148V F8H207Q Au Fonds de l’histoire (CD) All profits to Fund 5,00 $ F2EO29M Avènement de la justice divine 2,50 $ F6H350D Aventure de Kyoko (children’s book) 10,50 $ F3H199M Báb, Le (H.M. Balyuzi) 25,00 $ F6H158M Bahá’í de A à Z (cahier pour enfants) F3H098P Bahá'ís, Les (magazine) 6,25 $ 3,00 $ F6H159Q Bahá’u’lláh – cahier de l’élève 5,75 $ F4H083Q Bahá’u’lláh – centenaire 1992 2,65 $ 5,75 $ F3H085M Bahá’u’lláh et l’ère nouvelle (and the New Era) 9,00 $ Bahá’u’lláh, le Messager de Dieu pour F5H286Q l’humanité (leaflet) 0,10 $ 10,00 $ F1C012M Bases de l’unité du monde [R] 15,75 $ (Foundations of World Unity) F6H161Q Béni est le lieu (children’s book) F4H226M 2,00 $ Bref aperçu historique de la vie de Bahá’u’lláh 11,25 $ F1C014M Causeries de ‘Abdu’l‐Bahá à Paris [R] 16,50 $ (Paris Talks) F4H093P Cent ans au service de l’unité dans la diversité (brochure) F6H233Q Cheval du clair de lune (children’s book) 9,50 $ 32,00 $ F8H141Q Coffret à outils (CD) 25,00 $ (Dawn‐Breakers) ***special price while current stocks last F3H277P Comment je suis devenu bahá’í 12,50 $ F4H324B Comment repenser l’éducation à l’aube du troisième millénaire ? 15,00 $ Compilation sur l’éducation bahá’íe (édition 2004) (Bahá’í Education) F2G051M Compilation sur le divorce (compilation) F2G047M Conservation des ressources terrestres (compilation) Constitution de la Maison universelle de justice F2G080M Convention nationale (compilation) F3H100P Covenant F6H220D Créateur (children’s book) 10,00 $ 1,85 $ F3H089M Chronique de Nabíl [R] F2F037M F1C013M Bases de l’unité du monde [B] 16,00 $ F1C015M Causeries de ‘Abdu’l‐Bahá à Paris [B] F2G059Q Bahá’u’lláh ‐ guide de l’enseignant et des F6H160Q parents (Foundations of World Unity) Cartes des vertus (Virtues Cards) (Paris Talks) 15,00 $ (Advent of Divine Justice) Items F1B201Q, F1B202Q, F1B203Q, F1B192Q & F1B193Q / Any combination = 10 for 2,50 $ F2G049M Crise et victoire (compilation) 6,00 $ 3,50 $ 5,00 $ 6,50 $ 5,50 $ 16,50 $ 10,50 $ 8,50 $ F4H200R Brises de confirmation 7,00 $ F3H169M Dans la gloire du Père [B] 35,00 $ F6H231Q Cage de Clémentine (children’s book) 8,50 $ F3H170M Dans la gloire du Père [R] 50,00 $ (Breezes of Confirmation) (Bahá’u’lláh, King of Glory) (Bahá’u’lláh, King of Glory) Catalogue SDB‐Q 2010‐2011 19 Item Code Description Price Item Code Description In alphabetical order without article at the beginning of the title In alphabetical order without article at the beginning of the title F4H182E Défi du développement durable 9,50 $ F6H163D De l’autre côté de l’arc‐en‐ciel (children’s book) 9,50 $ F8H211Q Demain les enfants de la terre (CD) F3H208P Destin de Mason Remey et de ceux qui l’ont suivi 18,00 $ 6,75 $ F2E030M Dieu passe près de nous [B] 23,00 $ F2E031M Dieu passe près de nous [R] 32,00 $ (God Passes By) (God Passes By) F1D206Q Don de la vie éternelle / 4 for 30 $ F2G257M Droit de Dieu (2010) (Right of God) F2F250Q F8H073P F8H280P Droits et responsabilités 8,50 $ 10,50 $ F3H150M Grandeur qui pourrait être la leur 7,50 $ F3H195O Histoires de Bahá’u’lláh (children’s book) 3,00 $ F4H339Q Hommage à Amatu’l‐Bahá Rúhíyyih Khánum (V. Nakhjavání) (A Tribute to…) 12,00 $ F2G052M Honnêteté – une vertu cardinale bahá’íe (compilation) (Trustworthiness) 5,50 $ F2G048M Huqúqu’lláh, le Droit de Dieu (compilation 2003) 4,00 $ F2G060P Immortelle réalité de l’âme 7,25 $ Importance help maintain the Terraces) Enchante la voix de ton cœur (I et II) (CD) F5H010O Environnement, base de notre avenir 23,00 $ 21,00 $ 1,00 $ F6H151Q Envol vers l’excellence 11,00 $ F1B340M Épître au fils du Loup [B] 15,00 $ F1B172M Épître au fils du Loup [R] 25,00 $ (Epistle to the Son of the Wolf) (Epistle to the Son of the Wolf) d’approfondir notre F2G064M connaissance et notre compréhension de la F2G065M Importance de la prière, de la méditation et de l’attitude pieuse (compilation) F2G238M Importance de la prière prescrite et du jeûne F2G287M Importance des arts pour promouvoir la Foi F2G061M (compilation) (compilation) Importance et nature de l’enseignement au grand public (compilation) F4H341M Institution des Conseillers F2G082M Érudition (compilation) 6,00 $ F4H227M Introduction à l’étude du KitábiAqdas Esprit qui deviendra la vie du monde ‐ Être F2G219Q pionnier dans une communauté mondiale 6,75 $ F3H117P Jardiniers de Dieu Être un jeune bahá’í dans un monde en mutation 7,50 $ F6H253Q Je lis les Écrits saints soir et matin (children’s workbook) F2G241Q F2G062M Excellence en toutes choses (compilation) 4,50 $ F8H275P Fais chanter ton cœur (CD) F6H180Q Fais de moi une étoile brillante (prayers for children) 7,00 $ Famille dans une communauté mondiale F5H090C (leaflet) 0,15 $ F3G055M Femme (compilation) (Women) 6,00 $ F6H210P 24,00 $ Fête des 19 jours (children’s book) 8,00 $ 6,00 $ Foi (compilation) 2,00 $ Échelle pour vos âmes (CD) (all profits go to Price F1D152Q Je t’ai créé noble / 10 for 20 $ 4,50 $ 5,50 $ 8,00 $ 3,50 $ 6,50 $ 13,00 $ 16,00 $ 4,75 $ 2,25 $ F1B177M Joyaux des mystères divins [B] 10,00 $ F1B178M Joyaux des mystères divins [R] 20,00 $ (Gems of Divine Mysteries) (Gems of Divine Mysteries) F4H335G Justice ou miséricorde ? (U. Schaefer) F1B012M Kitáb‐i‐Aqdas F4H181E Leadership éthique F1C212M Leçons de Saint‐Jean‐d’Acre (Some Answered Questions) 6,75 $ 15,00 $ 9,50 $ 25,00 $ 5,50 $ F6H237D 10,50 $ F1B004M Florilège d’écrits de Bahá’u’lláh [B] Lectures, des Écrits de Bahá’u’lláh, pour grandir (children’s book) 20,00 $ F3H119P Lettre aux chrétiens (Letter to the Christians) 13,00 $ F1B008M Florilège d’écrits de Bahá’u’lláh [R] 30,00 $ F1C019M Lettre de ‘Abdu’l‐Bahá au professeur Auguste Forel F2G063M Fête des 19 jours (compilation) (Gleanings from the Writings of Bahá’u’lláh) (Gleanings from the Writings of Bahá’u’lláh) F4H103O Foi bahá’íe (coloured brochure) F4H216M 9,50 $ Foi bahá’íe, l’émergence d’une religion mondiale (Bahá’í Faith: the Emerging Global Religion) Foi bahá’íe, un humanisme contre les F4H221Q fanatismes (brochure) F2G050M Fonds bahá’í et les contributions aux Fonds (compilation) F1B005M Livre de la certitude (Book of Certitude) 24,00 $ 0,45 $ 5,50 $ Glorifié soit ton nom (pocket‐size prayer book) / 5 for 20 $ 4,50 $ F1B311Q Grande prière de guérison 1,75 $ 12,00 $ F3H337P Lorsqu’on ressent le monde (poems) 12,00 $ F3H278P Maître persan à Thonon‐les‐Bains 21,00 $ F4H136Q Maladie d’Alzheimer, une éclipse avant le coucher du soleil F2G056M Mariage bahá’í et vie familiale (compilation) F1D256Q 3,00 $ Catalogue SDB‐Q 2010‐2011 4,00 $ 10,00 $ 20 Item Code Description Price Item Code Description In alphabetical order without article at the beginning of the title In alphabetical order without article at the beginning of the title F6H252D Marianne et la montagne de Dieu (children’s book) 10,50 $ F3H217P May Bolles‐Maxwell 14,00 $ F8H222Z Médiathèque interreligieuse Price 12,50 $ F7H188Q Poster “Blessed is the (21,5 cm X 28 cm) in French Spot…” F7H191Q Poster “Blessed is (laminated) in French Spot…” the 3,50 $ 13,50 $ F7C375Q Poster “Future Mother” (21,5 cm X 28 cm) 17,25 $ F1C027Q Poster “Future Mother” (laminated) 13,50 $ Messages de la Maison universelle de justice F4H136M I (1963‐1973) 22,50 $ F7H346I Poster Règle d’or (Golden Rule) (60 cm X 84 cm) 15,00 $ Messages de la Maison universelle de justice II (1973‐1979) F4H254P Pour un développement vraiment durable 21,00 $ 22,50 $ F4H144M Messages de la Maison universelle de justice III (1979‐1986) 22,50 $ F4H099P Métamorphose (short plays for children and youth) 20,00 $ F1C057N F4H141M (le contenu de bahai‐biblio.org sur un CD) Mémorial des fidèles * F8H223U Midi d’été (cassette) Mon foyer, F1D196Q 10 for 20 $ un de paix / F6H171Q Monde‐lumière (children’s book) F3H279P Mystère de Dieu – anecdotes sur la vie de ‘Abdu’l‐Bahá – photocopies F3H122M Nouveau Jardin F8H025Q Présentation de la foi bahá’íe (CD) F4H344Q (Bahá’í Education for Children from Hand of the Cause, 13,00 $ 26,00 $ Ombre (M.Audet) (CD) / 12,85 $ ALL PROFITS GO TO THE FUND Opposition, prémices du printemps divin (compilation) F2E036M Ordre mondial de Bahá’u’lláh F2G068M Paix (compilation) (Peace) F1B007Q 4,50 $ Paroles cachées [B] / 5 for 15 $ Paroles de lumière, une sélection d’écrits de F1D043Q Bahá’u’lláh et du Báb pour lecture et méditation quotidiennes (Daily Readings) 15,00 $ F3H125M Perle inestimable [B] (Priceless Pearl) 20,00 $ F3H126M Perle inestimable [R] (Priceless Pearl) 40,00 $ F2G069M Personnalités (compilation) 5,00 $ P7H334U Photo of ‘Abdu’l‐Bahá – 1,5x2 (colour) 1,75 $ P7H333U Photo of ‘Abdu’l‐Bahá – 4x5 (colour) P7H282P Photo of ‘Abdu’l‐Bahá – 6cm X 9cm (black & white) P7H332U Photo of ‘Abdu’l‐Bahá – 8x10 (colour) P7H283P P7H281P Photo of ‘Abdu’l‐Bahá – 9cm X 13cm (black & white) Photo of ‘Abdu’l‐Bahá – mini (black & white) P7H318U Plus grand Nom (to frame) mariages bahá’ís 6,75 $ F1B316Q Prière de guérison (card) 0,44 $ F1D242Q Prières (Lotus) / 5 for 15 $ 3,25 $ Prières bahá’íes – Maison d’éditions bahá’íes F1D001M [B] (Prayer Book – Standard) 9,75 $ Prières bahá’íes – Bahá’íCanada (Prayer Book) Publications 6,00 $ F2E034M Principes de l’administration bahá’íe 10,00 $ F1B009M Proclamation de Bahá’u’lláh 10,00 $ F3H266P Projet d’éducation morale F4H134M Prophète‐martyr d’une foi mondiale F2G078M Questions liées au fonctionnement des communautés (compilation) F5H164Q Rafraîchis et réjouis mon esprit (leaflet‐ prayers) / 10 for 6 $, tax included F3H167M Réfutation de la revendication de Mason Remey F8H209Z Relié à tout / Related to All (CD) F3H142Q Renaissance de la civilisation (D. Hofman) 5 for 12,50 $ / 10 for 22,50 $ (Renewal of Civilization) 4,50 $ 10,25 $ 1,00 $ 4,50 $ 0,71 $ 5,25 $ 15,00 $ 2,75 $ Réunions bahá’íes – Présences des membres F2G240M aux réunions des assemblées – Consultation 8,75 $ bahá’íe (compilations) 4,00 $ 1,25 $ 5,50 $ Preuve scientifique de l’existence de Dieu (W. Hatcher) 3,25 $ (Hidden Words) des (compilation) F2G077M Proclamer la Foi par les médias (compilation) 4,50 $ 16,50 $ (World Order of Bahá’u’lláh) Préservation 7,50 $ F4H336G F1D026Q Monsieur ‘Alí‐Akbar Furútan) – photocopies F2G067M F2G071M 2,25 $ 7,75 $ 10,00 $ – Manuel d’enseignement (compilations) 6,00 $ Offrir une éducation bahá’íe aux enfants F8H033A Pouvoir de l’assistance divine – Importance F2G239M et nature de l’enseignement au grand public 11,00 $ havre 3,50 $ F4H352Q Réunions de prières (Devotional Meetings ‐ material for workshop) – photocopies 1,30 $ F3H168M Révélation de Bahá’u’lláh / Tome I 33,00 $ F3H185M Révélation de Bahá’u’lláh / Tome II 33,00 $ F3H186M Révélation de Bahá’u’lláh / Tome III 33,00 $ 0,50 $ F3H187M Révélation de Bahá’u’lláh / Tome IV 36,00 $ 7,00 $ F4H128R Ruhi vol. 1 3,00 $ F4H137R Ruhi vol. 2 4,00 $ 10,00 $ 2,00 $ Catalogue SDB‐Q 2010‐2011 21 Item Code Description CLEARANCE Price In alphabetical order without article at the beginning of the title Description Item Code Regular Price Reduced Price 8,69 $ 3,00 $ F8H331Q CD CIJQ TransformAction F4H139R Ruhi vol. 3 5,00 $ F4H144R Ruhi vol. 4 5,00 $ F4H145R Ruhi vol. 6 5,00 $ F3H092T Comprendre et être compris (E. Blumenthal) 25,00 $ 5,00 $ F4H150R Ruhi vol. 7 5,00 $ F9H267Q Créer une culture de croissance (VHS) 10,00 $ 2,00 $ F5H329Q Santé et guérison (leaflet) (Health and Healing) 0,10 $ F3H247T Guerre ou paix (E. Blumenthal) 25,00 $ 5,00 $ F1C020M Secret de la civilisation divine [R] 9,00 $ F9H124U Prendre de l’élan (VHS) 10,00 $ 2,00 $ (Secret of Divine Civilization) F6H225Q Ce que ressent FBL, un jeune fonds bahá’í local (colouring book) 4,00 $ 2,00 $ F1C016M Sélections des écrits de ‘Abdu’l‐Bahá [R] 20,00 $ F8H018Q Présentation de la foi bahá’íe (cassette) F1A002M Sélections des Écrits du Báb [B] 15,00 $ F9H234U Prisonnier de ‘Akká (VHS) F1A003M Sélections des Écrits du Báb [R] 34,00 $ F6H174Q Promesse vol. II (workbook for children) 3,50 $ 2,00 $ F1B101M Sept vallées et Quatre vallées [B] 11,00 $ F9H235U 25,00 $ 5,00 $ F1B104M Sept vallées et Quatre vallées [R] Rencontre de l’humanité avec Bahá’u’lláh (VHS) 17,00 $ (Selections from the Writings of ‘Abdu’l‐Bahá) (Selections from the Writings of The Báb) (Selections from the Writings of The Báb) (Seven Valleys & Four Valleys) (Seven Valleys & Four Valleys) F2G175M Seule et même foi (One Common Faith) 9,00 $ F2G106M Siècle de lumière (Century of Light) Songs of the Ancient Beauty (CD) 2,25 $ 6,00 $ (Remember My Days) H8G029W Soyons heureux ! O Be Joyful ! (music and songs) 30,00 $ F6H176D Surprise pour Ayyám‐i‐Há (children’s book) 9,50 $ les adhésions par groupes (compilation) 8,00 $ F1B197M Tabernacle de l’unité [B] 17,00 $ F1B198M Tabernacle de l’unité [R] 30,00 $ F1B011M Tablettes de Bahá’u’lláh [R] (Tablets of Bahá’u’lláh) 20,00 $ F3H146M Terre n’est qu’un seul pays (A. Brugiroux) 35,50 $ (Tabernacle of Unity) (Tabernacle of Unity) F1C024M Testament de ‘Abdu’l‐Bahá [B] (Will and 1,00 $ F1C023M Testament de ‘Abdu’l‐Bahá [R] (Will and 9,00 $ Testament of ‘Abdu’l‐Bahá) Testament of ‘Abdu’l‐Bahá) F4H147C Tournant pour les nations F3H149P Unité dans la diversité (O. P. Ghai) 2,00 $ 34,00 $ F4H156Q Vers une humanité prospère 2,00 $ F6H342D Veste de Sally (children’s book) 9,00 $ F2G074M Vie chaste et sainte (compilation) 4,50 $ F3H259P Vie de Thomas Breakwell F7H330Q T‐shirts CIJQ TransformAction 4,35 $ 1,00 $ 12,17 $ 5,00 $ Price List of Service de distribution bahá’í – Québec August 2010 to April 2011 Prices in Canadian dollars subject to change without notice In alphabetical order without article in the title The most recent additions appear in red. Reduced for clearance 14,50 $ F2G162M Vie familiale 2009 (compilation) 9,50 $ F2G076M Vivre la vie (compilation) 5,50 $ F3H229P 30,00 $ 5,00 $ Timbre commémoratif de l’ouverture des Terrasses (commemorative stamp) 18,00 $ F3H363N Souviens‐toi de mes jours * Susciter 30,00 $ 5,00 $ 21,00 $ F8H204Q Sous un même soleil (CD) F2G079M F7H326Z 16,50 $ F1D184Q Signe de la vraie noblesse / 10 for 20 $ G8G338L F9H236U Secret de ce siècle (VHS) 8,00 $ 1,00 $ Voies de la liberté (Portals to Freedom) 22,00 $ Catalogue SDB‐Q 2010‐2011 22 Informations ♦ Our prices All the prices indicated on the list are in Canadian dollars. ♦ Packing, Shipping & Handling If your order must be sent by mail, packaging, shipping and handling fees (EPM) will be added to your invoice. Fees depend on weight and volume of the parcel, and the addressee’s address. Î To know the applicable fees for your order, please communicate with LyneAndrée Mathieu : sdbq@videotron.ca ; 418 692‐2402 (on Tuesdays only, between 10h am and 3h pm ; on other days, voice mail). 2 ♦ Taxes In Canada, taxes are applied according to the purchaser’s province of residence. Overseas orders are exempt of all taxes. For our Québec clients, taxes are applied as follows: 1. The GST is applied to all items. 2. The PST is applied to all items whose price is indicated in italics in the Price List (pages 19 to 22). 3. The GST and the PST are applied to EPM fees. ♦ Methods of payment We accept payment in cash, by cheque or money order and by c r e d i t c a r d . Î Please make cheque or money order out to SDBQ and send to: SDB‐Q 75, rue d’Auteuil Québec QC G1R 4C3 Canada Ready to order ? Write us: sdbq@videotron.ca (The most effective and economical way!) Phone us: 418 692 2402 (If there is no answer, please leave us a message, and we will respond by email or call you back.) Fax us: 418 692 5761 (Please use the form on page 24 and provide all the information Thank you ! required.) 2 That is the normal schedule. It may vary due to circumstances. Catalogue SDB‐Q 2010‐2011 23 75, rue d’Auteuil Québec QC G1R 4C3 Canada Fax: 418 692 5761 Order Form Quantity Code Title / Description Price each TOTAL Total merchandise ................................................................................................................................................................. The SDB‐Q will calculate the Shipping and Handling fees, and taxes .......................................................... Name: .......................................................................................................................................................................................... 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