
Community Monthly News
The September Concert — Palm Desert’s 9/11 Remembrance
American Radio Theatre
Together we fill the skies with music every September 11
Shep Sanders
Patsy Garrett
The Annual 9/11 Remembrance
The Annual 9 / 11 Remembrance
@ 7:15pm
@ 7:15pm
Civic Center Park, Palm Desert
Civic Center Park, Palm Desert
presented by
Yve Evans
The Palm Desert Sister Cities Foundation
The third annual September Concert will take place at 7:15 p.m. on Saturday 9/11/10 at the
amphitheater at Palm Desert Civic Center Park. The free concert is an opportunity to come
together to celebrate universal humanity through music and honor the courage of those who
suffered and those who made the ultimate sacrifice.
Se Layne
John Rayner
Wayne Tibbetts
Mel Oshins
Presented by the Palm Desert Sister Cities Foundation, the approximately 75-minute patriotic
and tribute themed program will feature professional artists from stage and screen, local
musicians, and Public Safety personnel. The Palm Desert concert will be one of many concerts
occurring throughout the United States and around the world on 9/11. In 2009, close to 200
concerts were organized globally with the help of 10,000 volunteers and 15,000 performers.
Attendees are encouraged to bring water, chairs, blankets, picnics, and a candle.
Lynee & Kamau
JoAnn Reeves
Alden West
Scheduled to appear are John Rayner, JoAnn Reeves, Wayne Tibbetts, Shep Sanders, Alden
West, Rupert Smith, Patsy Garrett, Dana Larson, Organic Sol, John and Marjorie McGihon, Mel
Oshins, Yve Evans, Se Layne and Bagpiper Jim McCallum.
Civic Center Park is located at Fred Waring Drive and San Pablo Avenue. For more
information, please visit or call 760-333-4629.
Dana Larson
Rupert Smith
Gary Walker
September 14
September 28
October 9
October 12
October 13
November 9
November 13
December 7
December 11
December 14
Palm Desert Country Club Association
77-800 California Drive
Palm Desert, CA 92211
John & Marjorie McGihon
Board Meeting
NW Watch
Town Hall Meeting
Bingo & Dessert
Board Meeting
Meet the Candidates Night
Board Meeting
Thanksgiving Social
NW Town Hall Meeting
Breakfast with Santa
Board Meeting
Palm Desert Country Club Association
Palm Desert
Country Club Association
Craig Herkimer (760) 831-0231
Vice President
(760) 772-0670
Jim Olsen
Nerl Porras
(760) 360-6715
(760) 345-5158
Rey Villacete
(760) 360-3013
Bob Gonia
(760) 834-8317
Josanne Crisp
(760) 409-4790
Scott Brooks
(760) 360-6887
Terry Archer
Architectural Control
Nerl Porras
Community Improvement
Newspaper & Editor
Phyllis Harkins
Safety & Neighborhood Watch
Phyllis Harkins (Emergency Only) (760) 636-6388
(760) 345-2331
Nancy Adams
(760) 345-7413 fax
September 2010
6:30 am - AA
Jazzercise...9:15 a.m.
Weight Watchers...11:00 a.m., 1:00 p.m.
Jazzercise...6-7 p.m.
6:30 a.m. - AA
PDCCA Board Meets
Every Second Tuesday...6:00 p.m.
A.A. Primary Purpose...7:00 p.m.
Jazzercise...9:15 a.m.
Jazzercise...6-7 p.m.
6:30 a.m. - AA
Desert Harvest Four Square Gospel
Church 10:30 a.m. - 12:00 p.m. Weekly
NEWS DEADLINE: Sept. 10, 2010
(10th of each month; if 10th falls on a weekend,
deadline reverts to the FRIDAY before)
6:30 a.m. - AA
Jazzercise...9:15 a.m.
WOMEN’S Group A.A....7:00 p.m. Weekly
Jazzercise...6-7 p.m. •
6:30 am - AA
OPEN 9:00 a.m. CLOSE 9:00 p.m.
Attendants-12-9 Monday-Friday, 10-9 Sat/Sun
at PDCCA office. Limit 15 in party.
6:30 a.m. - AA
Jazzercise...9:15 a.m.
Jazzercise...6-7 p.m.
Members: Free with card
6:30 a.m. - AA
Jazzercise...9:15 a.m.
Narcotics Anonymous...7:30 p.m.
Office Hours: M, T, W, T
8:00 a.m. - 12 noon, 1:00 -3:30 P.M.
Friday: 8:00 - 12 noon
CALL 760.345.2331
Villas on the Green
Nestled on the Palm Desert Country Club fairways
Studio, 1 BR & 1BR w/Den
Spacious Open Floor Plans
Clubhouse & Heated Pool
Pets on Approval
Fitness Facility & Big Screen
Assigned Covered Parking
Fax: 760-200-9280
77-120 California Dr.
Palm Desert, CA 92211
(760) 340-9293
Licensed • Bonded • Insured
Palm Desert Country Club Association
September 2010
Where did this summer go? It seems as though it was just Memorial Day, and here we are looking at
Labor Day, and the children are already back in school. Tempus Fugit. And we are looking forward to
seeing all of our snowbird friends flocking back to the community, to enjoy our valley’s always delightful
fall weather.
PDCCA is ramping up for a busy fall and winter of events, from a new Neighborhood Watch town hall
meeting, to a Meet the Candidates night, to Bingo and Dessert, to our always popular Thanksgiving Social--------whew, and that’s only
through November. Be sure to check our Calendar of Events on page 1, and also look for our 50th Anniversary calendar of events inside
this edition.
As we begin to gather information for our 50th Anniversary “Big Event” presentation, I am ever amazed at the history of this community. Did
you know that Alice Marble, our famous resident here in the 70’s until her passing in 1990, was a WWII spy? Did you know that she was a
mentor for Billie Jean King? Be sure to visit our Alice Marble Hall later in September, we will have an exhibition of her memorabilia on display
And speaking of famous residents, did you know the history of Tom Breneman and his famous L.A. radio show? I did not until Bob Gonia, our
50th Anniversary coordinator, began his research. Look for Bob’s interview with Tom’s daughter-in-law, Betty Breneman, in this edition.
Getting back to the present, we’ve been told by the City of Palm Desert Public Works Department that bids for the de-construction of the
house at Kansas and Hovley will be opened in mid-August. Based
on City Council meetings, the bid approval may occur in late August
or September. Due to our deadlines, we will not have information
regarding the construction of the corner’s new landscaping until our
October edition. Look for more info in this column then.
Neighborhood Watch
Town Hall Meeting
Tuesday, September 28, 2010
6:30pm @ Alice Marble Hall,
77-800 California Drive, Palm Desert.
Meet Mike Hardin, owner of The Lock Shop, Palm Desert.
Mike will provide valuable tips on how to protect your home.
Meet La Quinta councilwoman Terry Henderson, who will
provide info on Proposition 22, and its potential impact on
cities’ redevelopment and general funds.
Beverages and light desserts will be served.
We have been told that Wilshire State Bank will be placing a representative at the golf course clubhouse to field calls about broken
sprinklers and fallen tree limbs. Check in with the PDCCA office if
you have concerns about the course; by the time you receive this
edition, we should know more information, and be able to provide you
with a golf course contact.
Thanks for supporting our advertisers. See you next month.
Phyllis Harkins
All Palm Desert residents are invited to the Grand
Opening of the new Palm Desert Sheriff Station,
73700 Gerald Ford Drive, Palm Desert.
The ceremony will begin at 10:30 am,
Tuesday, October 12, 2010.
Look for more information in the October newsletter.
Palm Desert Country Club Association
This n’ That by Lu Clubb
According to today’s paper, the triple digit heat here in the valley
has brought many visitors from the coastal areas where it has
been quite chilly and damp. Quite a reversal, isn’t it? But one’s
gloom is another’s sunshine.
A friend of mine recently found that her billfold had been lost,
strayed or stolen. Of course the first thing she did was cancel
all of her credit cards which can be a nuisance. The billfold has
since been returned, sans all of her ID and credit cards but oddly
enough only $20 of her money had been taken. A strange occurrence but it can happen to any one of us. I was lucky when
some time ago I left my billfold at the checkout counter at Walgreen’s. The person in line behind me saw it there and brought
it to the attention of the checker, who promptly put it in their safe
until I called to see if it had been found. Guess we must always
be on the alert no matter our age. My friend is only 50!
September 2010
of Palm Desert
Twin Set $99 • Full Set $139
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Bobbie Mitchell is as happy as a teenager about her marriage to
Charles Ferguson. Again, age hasn’t much to do with it. Happiness can be found anywhere at any time.Congratulations! We
hope they have many good years together.
The other day a flock of Canadian geese was seen by the waterfall between holes 9 and 18. Does this mean there will be an
early winter up north? Will those messy birds be around longer
this year??? Ugh!! But then the snow birds might return sooner
and that would be nice.
That cruisin’ gal, Gena Smith, has been off again on yet another
cruise. Whither she went, I know not. Dolores McClure, who
has kept in touch with a friend since Kinder-garten days is off
on a cruise to Alaska with her. What fun they’ll have. Hope the
weather is clear and fine for them - lots of beautiful sights to see
along the way.
Here at home Helen Slayton is doing well in her new surroundings; Betty Boal has been having quite a problem with her leg
and Marilyn McLaughlin has had scheduled eye surgery postponed because of a summer cold. Hope all of you are doing
My two weeks in the Pacific Northwest visiting my son and his
family was very restful and cooling. The daytime temps were in
the 70’s to 80’s, evenings a bit cooler. Since my return a friend
from there has written they’re having “usual October weather,
cold and rainy”. Guess luck was with me.
Stay well, cheer up! Miracles DO happen. Perhaps one will
happen to our “beautiful” golf course.
- COMPUTER REPAIR (PDCC Association Member for 11 years)
PCs & Macs / Laptops & Desktops
25 Years Experience - Special Season Rates
$20 Diagnosis / $45 Tune-Up
Matt (760) 636-3153
AJ (760) 636-8967
Mon - Sat 9AM - 7PM * Sunday 11AM - 5PM
Palm Desert Country Club Association
The Longest Resident
2nd Generation Neighbor
by Bob Gonia, 50th Anniversary Coordinator
September 2010
and swimming pool, recalling the original spa—a one-seat spa where
residents would have to stand in line to take their turn. A snack shop
once sat on California Dr. and was popular after a day of fun in the
I recently had the pleasure of speaking with Betty Breneman about what it’s been like living in our community
since the late 1960’s. Before I talk about Betty, I need
to take you back one generation to the late Billie Von Elm, a former
PDCCA resident.
Betty’s favorite memory is when she and Tom II were new residents.
Her son, Tom III, would ride his dune buggy in the sand dunes all day
long, which is now where the Desert Resorter is located. Betty also
spoke about Bob Hope using the Palm Desert Golf Course for his
pre—tournament events.
Billie Von Elm was first married to the famous Tom Breneman, of the
famous ‘Tom Breneman’s Breakfast in Hollywood’ radio show. Billie
and Tom had a son, Tom II. Billie and Tom II both loved to play golf.
Tom Breneman Sr. passed away unexpectedly at the height of his
career at the age 48. Billie later married the famous golfer George
Von Elm. George was the only golfer to ever beat Bobby Jones and
he later designed golf courses. Tom II married Betty and together,
they had a son, Tom III.
Betty recalls that the most direct route to Indio, Avenue 44, which is
now Fred Waring. The dirt road was very dangerous because it was
extremely rocky, bumpy and treacherous. Without street lights, one
had to return home before dark.
It just happened that in about 1967, Billie visited the Palm Desert
Country Club for a weekend of golf and immediately fell in love with
the community. Billie first rented an apartment on Michigan Dr., when
the apartments were new. During a round of golf between mother and
son, Betty took a walk and visited an open house that was for sale.
Billie immediately fell in love with the house and became a PDCCA
homeowner and joined the ‘Ladies Niners’ golf group.
Falling in love with the desert more and more whenever they visited
Billie, Tom II and Betty soon purchased a home of their own within our
community. A few years later, Tom II asked Smitty, the mailman, to be
on the lookout for a newer house. That house remains Betty’s home
Betty was first attracted to PDCCA because ‘it was an oasis by itself.’
Our community has always been warm and inviting, offering a small
town feeling. Betty was a regular at the association’s fitness center
Betty is most impressed by all the growth built around PDCCA, mentioning that PDCCA was here first and all the other development grew
around our community. Betty misses her late neighbors Ray and Jan
Smith the most, speaking of them fondly and mentioning that Ray was
a former PDCCA president.
Billie, Betty’s mother in-law, visited our community one weekend, fell in
love and became an active member of our community. From Billie’s
love for the community, Tom II and Betty fell in love with the desert too,
and even to this day, Betty finds our neighborhood warm and inviting,
which is why she continues to be an active part of our community. Betty
still tries to attend all of the social events and is appreciative of all the
work and effort that goes into each event. Betty speaks very fondly of
our community as she reflects back on all her memories of the past 43
years. As Tom III is nearly ready to retire from the Marines, will he be
bringing his family to the desert too? If so, he would become the first
3rd generation family in our community that we know of, continuing the
legacy that his grandmother began 43 years ago.
Palm Desert Country Club Association - CLASSIFIED
Got a Honey - Do List?
Call Nick PDCC Resident
Well educated, very experienced,
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Beginners to Very Advanced
Ms. Zook 760-360-6782
Air Conditioning & Electric Contractor
Lic # 286936 Rodney Cavanaugh
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Call Hugo @ (760) 464-8707
Top Quality Work
Phone: (760) 345-7842
Income Tax Preparation
Accounting and Bookkeeping
Kris Stefferud, CPA
Phone 760-345-1441
Electrical, carpentry, plumbing.
Painting, hauling and more
Call “Nelson” (760) 831-3841
Pool and Spa Service
Commercial & Residential
(760) 408-5294
September 2010
I will drive you to appointments, etc.
Cat sitting. (760) 345-5079
Inside & Out. Also Mirrors & Screens
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Grace Romano 760-772-5989
Fine Homes, Detail, Gardening
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CALL Gregory Sustaita
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Karen (760) 777-4658
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Palm Desert Country Club Association
September 2010
Palm Desert Country Club Association
Scratch Notes From The Other Side
-Fred Stock
Here we go again! Every year about this time when the weather
is sticky, and the sidewalk too hot to walk on, we find ourselves
closeted in the air conditioning. We are usually in front of the TV or
the computer, and being of the writer’s block mentality anyway, it all
comes to a head… kind of a writer’s block-head, I guess.
Anyway, without anything monumentally meaningful to impart hereabouts, I reach for the pocket notebooks which continually record
ideas and thoughts running through my head as I roll through life’s
meandering days, a lot like a steel ball bearing in a pinball game I
suppose. This set came up reference computers. So here goes another list of disconnected opinions and observations, likely without
discernable direction, as usual at this point in our calendar. If you
can find a pearl, snatch it up. They appear only rarely with me!
First: “Computers do exactly what we tell them to do, and nothing
else.” That’s the first line in a computer familiarization text in our
library. (For any young folks who may not be familiar with the term
“library”, that’s a room or building full of “books” with “printed” text in
them, not a product of an ink jet printer or a screen on a Droid. You
can Google any of those terms for more information.) Now, back
to the issue at hand; if my computer does only what I tell it to do,
why do my wife and I frequently yowl and spew expletives with the
phrase, “This thing won’t let me do this!” followed closely by “This
thing won’t let me do ANYTHING now!” Thank goodness for Divine
Then there’s that little time bar. Always a hoot! Punch the button to
start to download an update to your browser program, for instance.
The little bar jumps up with the green thermometer next to it. The
label says “time remaining 2 hours and 28 minutes.” Then as you
are completing your gulp, it changes to 1 hour and 12 minutes, then
three hours and nine! It’s interesting to watch it as it computes the
data transfer time, now 36 seconds, then 4 hours and 3 minutes…
Just go make a cup of java (coffee, not the computer language) and
when you return it will have finished, regardless of the thermometer
bar. Boy, I needed that messenger! Yikes!
September 2010
Next strange observation; the computer (think about that word)
used to be a math tool. My first computer was a metal red-andblue box with four rows of holes to implant a finger or a pencil to
pull down a spring loaded lever. This turned the little tin wheels
at the bottom, which dutifully added the correct number to the total. To multiply, you just pulled the slider the number of times you
wanted to calculate… easy if it were three, more time consuming if
it were 5648… but do-able. My father did a thesis on one of these!
Oh, he had his slide rule too. (I still have two of them!) Today, the
computer is any math function you can imagine instantaneously,
and a print shop, fax machine, portrait studio, business office, adult
book store, research tool, advertising medium, sports book, photo
album, church, university, and a social venue rivaling the bars and
pubs of days gone by. It can entertain you and travel to places out
of reach and it also can thoroughly destroy your credit and banking
world. It is quick, and loving and dangerous. Do you think Steve
Jobs had this in mind when he invented the home computer (well,
kind of) or Al Gore when he invented the internet (huh-runph!) ?
Great GoodbJooba!
I guess this composition qualifies me for a membership in Hypocrites Anonymous. Here I sit poking fun at my computer – doing
it on my computer – surrounded by three screens, two printers,
two telephones with interconnects, and more drives and USB-port
accessories than I can describe! Glad I have lived long enough to
see these days. Can’t imagine what seventy more years will bring
this society. My grandchildren have an amazing adventure ahead of
them! Bless their souls! They’ll need it… digitally I’d imagine. -fhs
Palm Desert Country Club Association
If you wish to donate items to charity, the following list is some
of the charitable organizations that will pick up items at your
Martha’s Village & Kitchen: 760.347.4741
The Salvation Army: 800.443.4224
United Cancer Research Society: 800.443.4224
Angel View Crippled Children: 760.322.2440
Desert Aids Project: 760.328.1330
Historical Society of Palm Desert: 760.346.6588
September 2010
50th Anniversary
50th Anniversary
Calendar of Events
October 9, 2010
November 13, 2010
December 11, 2010
February 26, 2011
Calendar of Events
Dessert & Bing
Winter Social
Breakfast with
50th Anniversar
October 9, 2010 Dessert & Bingo 7pm
13, 2010
30th Halloween Haunted hous
11, 2010with Santa’
with Santa11,8:30-10:00am
on December
February 26, 2011
50th Anniversary
NOTE: The October 30th Halloween Haunted
More information will be available in next month’s newsletter
has been canceled and replaced with
board in the pool facility.
‘Breakfast with Santa’ on December 11, 2010,
Alice Marble Hall.
More information will be available in next month’s
newsletter, or check the 50th Anniversary
bulletin board in the pool facility.
TEL: 760.772.2151
Serving PDCC Residents Over 16 Years!
P.O. BOX 1155 • PALM DESERT, CA 92261
Palm Desert Country Club Association
In general, the Chilean coastline had unbelievably beautiful
scenery with moderate to very cold temperatures. The people
were friendly and seafood was plentiful and delicious.
In Arica, we were greeted by a 20 piece band in the outdoor
market along with a dozen costumed dancers. Upon returning
to the ship, men and women were selling native wine and olive
products on the dock. Although small, this was a delightful
place to visit. Surprisingly, Architect Alexandre Gustav Eiffel of
the famous Paris landmark, built from iron two buildings for this
city in his Paris workshop and then shipped them across the
Atlantic. South America boasts several of his creations.
Dancers performed on the dock as we tied up in Coquimbo. In
the city park, a cowboy sang to no audience. Except for the
many banks that appeared to be upscale, this did not appear
to be a thriving fishing village. Being the summer season there
were many vacationers enjoying the shoreline.
Valpariso enjoys a huge natural busy harbor. I took a shuttle
bus into the city where a supersized supermarket sold cars,
Home Depot type merchandise, clothing, groceries and spirits.
I bought one bottle each of wine, vodka, and beer for $15 US
and received 78 Chilean pesos in change. As we sailed along
the Chilean fiords the seas were extremely rough - waves
pounded the portholes and passengers were cautioned to
be alert for sudden jolts. Gale winds and high seas were the
roughest I had experienced.
As we approached Robin Crusoe Island (Daniel Defoe never
saw this island, his stories were based on explorers’ journals
that told of their South Seas adventures) we were told to be
prepared for the 16 steps up with no railing when we reached
the island. I got into the tender, which was bouncing around in
the water, with fear and trepidation. We were anchored some
distance off shore. I was so happy I did get the courage to
climb the stairs with the help of several sailors because the
September 2010
island of 600 population suffered severe damage and loss of life
as the result of the tsunami following the 8.9 earthquake a week
later in Peru. What I observed was a remote island, very poor in
appearance, with lobster traps surrounding it. On the return trip
to the Amsterdam, Tender #9, the one I was riding in, lost power
and when we got to the ship it just kept bobbing around like a
cork bumping against the side of the ship while sailors attempted
to catch it with ropes to pull us in. Now this WAS a breath-taking
Puerto Montt showed the influence of its German immigrants in
their architecture and successful farming techniques making this
area the breadbasket of Chile. Beef, milk, cheese, vegetables
and beautiful flowers are produced here. I saw poppies, brilliantly colored, that had 7-8 inch diameter blooms. Their economy
was severely impacted when the fishing industry was shut down
for 2-3 years recently due to the poisoning of the fish. A 9.0
earthquake leveled houses in 1961. Since then wooden houses
are built up the hillsides to avoid destruction by tsunamis. It rains
280 days a year, but we enjoyed one of the rare sunny days.
As we sailed through the Chilean fiords, we came to understand
why Darwin slept in a hammock on his ship, The Beatle. He
suffered from seasickness and we all knew why. Darwin Pass is
one mile wide with very rough seas. On port side we could see a
20,000 foot high volcanic mountain in a glacier lake. These were
now long underwear days with scarves and caps recommended
for warmth in spite of it being the summer season here.
Point of interest - Chilean President (and mother of three), Michelle Bacheler-Jeria (elected 2007) is South America’s second
elected female leader.
Chilean Fyords next
Palm Desert Country Club Association
September 2010
School began again on August 30, 2010. Please be attentive to the children and the school buses back in our community.
Pool Hours: September 1st through September 19th
September 20th through September 30th
9 am to 9 pm, Attendants M/F 12-9, Sat/Sun 10-9
9 am to 8 pm, Attendants M/F 12-8, Sat/Sun 10-8
News from The Joslyn Center
Personal Items: (flip-flops, towels, bathing suits, toys, etc.), left in the pool area will be kept for one (1) week, and then donated to a local charity.
Board Meetings resume this month, on the second Tuesday, 6:30 pm, Board room, located inside the PDCCA office. All PDCCA homeowners
are invited to attend the open Board Meetings.
Reminder to all PDCCA homeowners that if you have any remodel plans, any new additions, new walls, fences, etc., you must complete the
Architectural Review Form, available in your 2009 annual packet or from the PDCCA office; submit your plans (3 sets required) for review and
approval before submitting your plans to the City of Palm Desert Building Department.
What sport besides football did famed fullback Jim Brown compete and excel in while
he attended Syracuse University
in thethe
1950’s?half of our library became
a six-station computer lab. Computer classes
The first person to provide the correct answer will receive a $25.00 gift certificate for Ralphs.
Submit youron
in writingWednesday
to Nancy Adamsand
at theFriday
PDCCA office
now offered
on California Drive, or you can email the answer to Don’t forget to provide your address and local phone number. We will announce the
at ofsix
winner in the next newspaper edition. Limit of three gift certificates per household per with
year. All participants
be residents
the PDCC
sessions for $125. Beginning classes 9:0011:00AM,
Our winner of the August Trivia question is Barbara Doucette of New York Ave.
Barbara correctly
answered that
Tandy for Driving
Daisy and Kathy Bates for Misery were the only consecutive Best Actress Oscar winners to appear together in their very next movie after
3:00PM. A class that will help you navigate E
receiving their awards. Their joint project was Fried Green Tomatoes. Congratulations, Barbara!
Bay will begin November 17 if there is enough
interest (Sign up at or call the Front Desk).
News from The Joslyn Center
Classes resuming in September include Theater
Dance and Tap by popular dance instructors
Sunny Gilliland and Lorna Thompson
respectively, Monday Mah Jongg classes with
Claire Fine, beginning Water Color class with
artist Pat Cole and Bridge Lessons with Lee
Ammerman. Join us!
Our newest group here at Joslyn is WOW
During the summer half of our library became
(Widows and Widowers). Orientation with
a six-station computer lab. Computer classes
now offered on Monday, Wednesday and Friday
group leader Ed Rechtschaffer will be Friday,
with instructor Brian Rouley at six two-hour
Sept. 10 at 9:00 AM and meetings will be weekly.
sessions for $125.
Beginning classes 9:00For more information about any of our
11:00AM, Intermediate and Advanced 1:003:00PM. A class that will help you navigate E
programs, please call 760-340-3220 or visit us at
Bay will begin November 17 if there is enough
73-750 Catalina Way in Palm Desert.
interest (Sign up at or call the Front Desk).
Classes resuming in September include Theater
Dance and Tap by popular dance instructors
Sunny Gilliland and Lorna Thompson
Palm Desert Country Club Association
September 2010
“Jan Harnik represents the future of
Palm Desert. Her common-sense approach
to problem solving, her fiscal conservatism,
and her commitment to making city
government accountable make her uniquely
qualified and I’m honored to endorse her.”
~ Senator Bill Emmerson, July 15, 2O1O
New Vision that will Work for You!
“ I will work each and every day
to protect our quality of life and
safeguard the future for all Palm
Desert residents. I ask for your vote.”
To learn more about Jan Harnik
and to see her growing list of
supporters visit
Paid for by the Committee to Elect JAN HARNIK
to Palm Desert City Council 2O1O, ID #1322O67.