Aug-01-2008 - Muslim Community Association


Aug-01-2008 - Muslim Community Association
August 1st, 2008
Rajab 29th, 1429
Business Contact: Muslim Community Association, c/o Newsletter, P.O. Box 180, Santa Clara, CA 95052 -
Starting Sat 08/02/08
5:20 am 5:20 am
1:30 pm 1:30 pm
5:45 pm 6:30 pm
9:50 pm 9:50 pm
12:15 & 1:20 pm
1:30 pm
Sunday. August 3rd, 12:00pm - 6:00pm
Baylands Park, Sunnyvale, CA
Mouth Watering BBQ by Chef Hassen! Salad, Fruits, Ice Cream,Games for
small and big kids, Astro Jumps, Face Painting, Soccer, Football,
Volleyball, Raffle Drawing, Prizes and moooore…
Tickets: Purchase EARLY and SAVE 50%
$5/person by August 1st | $10/person after August 1st
Ages 5 and under FREE
Tickets available at MCA Bookstore. Lunch served around 1:30pm.
Booths available for businesses & non-profit orgs.
At A Glance
For info contact
MCA Legal Clinic
MCA Youth Halaqa
Polishing Pennies
Better to Give
The Challenge Of
Jumaah Prayers
Starting August 1st,
the first Jumaah
prayer will start at
12:15 PM and the
TONIGHT: 7pm, Picnic Volunteers Meeting--All those who will be helping with
the Annual Picnic are requested to attend a volunteers' meeting in the MCA
Board Room tonight.
TONIGHT: 8:30pm, Br. Isa Shaw and Sr. Houda Myal will host community
members who would like to offer their condolences on the loss of their
daughter tonight in the MCA Game Room between maghrib and isha.
Giving More Than You Imagined
... How planning can increase your sadaqa jariyah and inheritance
Br. Ahmed Shaikh
Friday: Aug 8th, between Maghrib and Isha
Br. Ahmed Shaikh is a lawyer in Southern California specializing in
Inheritance and Charitable Planning. Banquet Hall For Brothers & Sisters
For more info email:
HR Volunteers Needed
The MCA executive committee is seeking a volunteer with Human Resources background to assist us in forming HR policies and procedures.
Please contact
Dr. Athiya Javid, OBGY will see Women on 2nd of August from 10:00 am to 12:00 pm,
2nd Jumaah prayer Inshaallah. Dr. Farda Quereshi, Pediatrician will see sick children on 2nd of August from
10:00 am to 12:00 pm, Inshaallah. Dr. Shazia Obaid, Family Physician will see patients on
will start at
th of August from 10:00 am to 12:00 pm, Inshaallah. Walk-ins are accepted. To make an
Masjid An-noor’s timings will
please call 408-727-7277 ext 411 or Email:
remain the same
Upon passing away, in Islamic countries, property may
automatically be distributed according to Islamic Law;
but in the US, a Muslim must do estate planning to
ensure that his or her assets are properly distributed
according to Islamic law. Without estate planning,
property will be distributed under existing State law in
conflict with Laws established by the Quran and
Sunnah. Learn to apply inheritance laws from the
Quran and Sunnah to determine proper distribution of
a Muslim estate. Islamic inheritance chart provided to
all attendees.
SPEAKERS: Rami Nsour, Arabic and Islamic fiqh
instructor at Thayba in Hayward, CA and attorney
Hasan Abdullah.
WHEN: Saturday, August 16, 2008. 1:40PM 3:40PM.
WHERE: MCA, 3003 Scott Blvd., Santa Clara.
Room TBA.
408-727-7277 x 470.
MCA Bookstore
Wed/Thurs 2-4pm & 5-9pm
Friday 11am-9pm
Sat/Sun 11-3pm & 5-9pm
Come see our new selection of
Islamic board games!
MAS Educational Institute and MCA presents...
The Sciences of the Qur’an
MCA and MAS Presents…
Imam Suhaib
Every Wednesday after Maghrib 8:30pm
Tafseer Surat Al- kahf
For more Info contact:
MCA Dawah Presents...
Shaikh Jamal
Every Monday after Maghrib 8:30pm
Tafseer Surat Al-Nabaa
For more info contact:
Security personnel needed by MCA for the
month of Ramadan and EID day
MCA is seeking qualified individuals, one
female and two males, to perform the daily
safety & security duties during the month of
Ramadan. Commitment is needed for the entire month of Ramadan, for 4 to 6 hours each
night including weekends. Pay rate: $25/hour.
Qualifications: Age 21 years and older. Familiar
with the security needs of the community and
ability to use good judgment in dealing with the
For more information or to
forward your resume,
please email
taught by Imam Suhaib Webb
at MCA
A 6 week intensive class
Every Tuesday and Thursdays 6:30pm to 8:30pm
Fee: $170 per person
First class meets: July 22nd to August 26th
Khutbah Committee Announcement
Send your feedbacks to
Speakers/Khateebs for Friday August 8th, 2008
MCA at 12:15pm: Br. Jamal Zarabozo
MCA at 1:30pm: Br. Irfan Saadat
Masjid Annoor at 1:20pm: Khalid Labib
MCA Youth Committee Contact: ; 408-727-7277 ext 444. Halaqa Leaders Contact: youthhalaqa@mcabayareaorg
That Too Will Be Over
By Zabrina AB
I missed you so much
I remembered you today
As I sat alone on your favourite chair
Thinking about my life
And where it has taken me
Your daughter has grown up
Your daughter has faced the world
You would cry if only you knew
The trials and challenges that passed me by
The turbulence and turmoil that has enveloped
me But I faced it all Alhamdulillaah
With the strength from Allaah
With the prayer you have made for me
Once upon a time
I can always feel your presence
Even in my darkest hour
I can always hear your whispers
Asking me to do the right thing
Even if that would be the most bitter of all
Even if I cannot swallow it all
This one will be over, sweetheart
It is just a phase
It will leave in a swift
So stay tight and stay strong
Focus and hang on
But when it disappears do remember
There is the next one coming
But that too, will be over
That too, will be over
Girl’s Basketball Mini-Camp
We have formed a recreational camp for…
Girls 8-18 years. Come learn the rules of the
game, work on the fundamentals of dribbling,
passing, and shooting, and play scrimmage
games with other sisters
Day: Tuesdays at 6.30 pm-7.45 pm
Saturdays at 9 am– 10.15 am
When: month of July
Where: Don Callejon Elementary School
4176 Lick Mill Blvd, Santa Clara
Cost: $25/person
Coaches: Sr. Michelle Lee and
Sr. Nicole Aeshelman
If you are interested in enrolling, contact Michelle
Lee at
or call 408.727.7277 x 415
MCA Youth Halaqas Registration
For Youth of both Genders
From 3rd Grade to High school
Friday August 15th and
Friday August 2nd
From 7 PM to 9 PM @ the MCA Game Room
Registration must be in person and
is based on first come first serve.
There is NO on-Line Registration.
Halaqas will start in October
following Eid Al-Fitr
For Kidzone info, or to submit a writing, email
Experiment: Polishing Pennies
What you need:
-lemon juice
-old, dull pennies
-paper cups
-paper towels
What you do:
1. Put a penny in a paper cup.
2. Pour some lemon juice into the cup. Make sure
the penny is completely covered.
3. After about 5 minutes, take the penny out of the
lemon juice, rub it off with a paper towel. What
does the penny look like now? It should be much
99 Names of Allah
What happened:
A new penny is partly made from bright, shiny copper. After a while, it loses its shine. Why? Because
the copper mixes with the oxygen in the air and
makes a coating called an oxide. When you put the
penny in lemon juice, the acid in the lemon chemically removes the oxide, and you’re left with a bright
copper penny.
Now’s your chance to experiment. Try out different
kinds of liquids and compare your results.
Zul jalaeli vel ekraem jalla jalaaluh
He who possesses both greatness and gracious magnanimity.
Related Verse From The Holy Quran:
Blessed be the name of thy Lord, FULL OF
MCA Women’s Committee contact:;
For sisters’ page info, email
To subscribe to the sisters’ email group, go to
Better to Give
A young man, a student in one of the universities, was one day taking
a walk with a Professor, who was commonly called the student’s
friend, from his kindness to those who waited on his instructions.
As they went along,they saw lying in the path a pair of old shoes,
which they supposed to belong to a poor man who was employed in a
field close by,and who had nearly finished his day’s work.
The student turned to the professor, saying: “Let us play the man a
trick: we will hide his shoes, and conceal ourselves behind those
bushes, and wait to see his perplexity when he cannot find them.”
“My young friend,” answered the professor, “we should never amuse
ourselves at the expense of the poor. But you are rich, and may give
yourself a much greater pleasure by means of this poor man. Put a
coin in each shoe, and then we will hide ourselves and watch how
this affects him.”
The student did so and they both placed themselves behind the
bushes close by. The poor man soon finished his work, and came
across the field to the path where he had left his coat and shoes.
While putting on his coat he slipped his foot into one of his shoes, but
feeling something hard, he stooped down to feel what it was, and
found the coin. Astonishment and wonder were seen upon his countenance. He gazed upon the coin, turned it around, and looked at it
again and again.
He then looked around him on all sides, but no person was to be
seen. He now put the money into his pocket, and proceeded to put on
the other shoe; but his surprise was doubled on finding the other
His feelings overcame him; he fell upon his knees, looked up to the
heavens and uttered aloud a fervent thanksgiving in which he spoke
of his wife who was sick and helpless, and his children without bread,
whom this timely bounty, from some unknown hand,would save from
The student stood there deeply affected, and his eyes filled with
tears. “Now,” said the professor, are you not much better pleased
than if you had played your intended trick?”
The youth replied, “You have taught me a lesson which I will never
forget. I feel now the truth of these words, which I never understood
before: “It’s more blessed to give than to receive.”
Abdullah bin Abbas (radi Allahu anhu) reported that the Prophet
(sallAllahu alaiyhi wassallam) said that encouraging good,
prohibiting evil, lifting the burden of the weak person and removing
an offensive thing from a path are all acceptable prayers to Allah.
[ibn Majah]
Ask your Fiqh Questions
FRIDAY, August 1
And every First Friday of the Month
Women’s Prayer Hall–
after the 2nd jumuah salat
Single Mom's
Support Group
Sunday, August 10
11:30 AM to 1:30 PM
MCA Fatimah Room.
This support group will be meeting every 2nd
and 4th Sunday of the month
For more info, email
Write for the sisters’ page!!!!
Email stories, recipes, poems to sister-
The Messenger of Allah (PBUH) said:
“Worry, anxiety, pain, fatigue, sickness, or even a thorn that pricks him—
when a believer is afflicted with any of
these, Allah grants him pardon for
some of his sins (through or because of
those afflictions)”
This reward is for the one who is patient, who seeks his reward with Allah, who
repents to Him, and who knows that all his
dealings are solely with Allah, the Most Gracious. (Taken from “Don’t Be Sad” by ‘Aaidh ibn Abdullah al-Qarni)
Sunday August 17, 2008 10am - 6pm
MCA (Muslim Community Association) Banquet Hall
2003 Scott Blvd, Santa Clara, CA 95054
Tickets: $15 per person (Students:
 Online:
 By Email:
 By Phone: (408) 313-8792
Brought to you by:
 Islamic Circle of North America (Bay
 Islamic Learning Foundation
 MSA West (Northern California)
This workshop is for students and adults alike. Insha-Allah, it will cover many aspects of Dawah in terms of: Learning
how to answer difficult questions about Islam. How to give Dawah to Christians, Atheists, Mormons, etc. Dawah Techniques from the Quran. Proving that the Quran is the Word of God. History of the Bible, Concept of Jesus (a.s) in Islam.
Interactive sessions, group activities, and much much more Insha-Allah! A great opportunity to improve your Dawah
skills in conveying the message of Islam to your friends, neighbors, classmates, coworkers, etc!!
C o in s fo r C h a n g e
M C A O r pha n Sponsor ship Pr og r a m
M e e t a r e c ipie nt
M y n a m e is H y r ij e . I a m f r o m K o so vo .
I a m 1 1 y e a r s o ld .
M y f a t h e r w a s k ille d w h e n I w a s o n e y e a r o ld .
I live w it h m y m o m , m y b r o t h e r a n d t w o
sist e r s in t h e villa g e . M y f a m ily is ve r y p o o r .
T h e h o u se m o st ly h a s n o e le c t r ic it y , a n d I
d o n ’t h a v e a p r o p e r b e d t o sle e p o n . M y
t u m m y h u r t s so m e t im e s a n d I t a k e m e d ic in e .
I lik e g o in g t o sc h o o l a n d m y f a v o r it e su b j e c t
is a r t . I lik e d r a w in g f lo w e r s.
Ple a se he lp us to c ontinue t o he lp H yr ije a nd the othe r e ig ht c hildr e n c ur r e ntly sponsor e d
thr oug h the M C A C oins for C ha ng e O r pha n Sponsor ship Pr og r am by inc r ea sing your
supp or t a nd m a king r eg ula r dona tions t hr oug h the r e c e ntly r e nova te d house st yle d
c olle c ting sta tion (loc a te d a t e ntr a nc e no. 5 ).
M ake a w o r ld o f ch an g e in a c h ild ’s life . M ake a d o n at io n t o d ay.
N e x t w e e k – m e e t a nothe r r e c ipie nt of the pr og r a m
C oins4 C ha ng e @ m c a ba ya r e a .or g
Employment Opportunity at Granada Islamic
School 2008-09 School year
The following part-time positions are available:
Pre-K English teacher (7:30 am to 12:30 pm)
Extended Care Provider (3:30 pm to 6:30 pm).
The following full-time positions are available:
Lower grade Homeroom teacher
English Language Teacher’s Aide / Tutor
Available - Part-time paid position as
The MCA is seeking an energetic,
motivated leader to organize events and
services for the MCA youth. This is a
part-time paid position. Please reply to for further
Minimum qualifications for teachers:
Bachelor’s Degree
US teaching experience
Legal work status
Teaching certificate preferred.
To apply, email resume to Mrs. Nihad Mourad at or
fax to: 408-980-1120.
Food Bazaar
For Burma and China Disasters Relief
MCA Legal Clinic
Free 20-minute consultation sessions with qualified attorneys. Available the 1st and 3rd Saturday
of the Month, from 10am to 12noon.
Hosted by the Muslim Community Association of
the San Francisco Bay Area (MCA) and the Pro
Bono Project's "Lawyers in the Library" Program.
Address: 3003 Scott Blvd, Santa Clara CA
To schedule an appointment, email: or call:
(408) 727-7277 x470
Sunday, August 10
Caring Friends
11:00 AM - 2:00 PM
Are you in need of a friend, would like someone to visit
you or just talk on the phone? Are you injured, sick or
disabled and would like someone to transport you for
medical appointments, or for shopping? Would you
like someone to prepare a light meal or do
light housekeeping?
If so, then please call Caring Friends at 408-727-7277
ext. 460 or email
This is a FREE service provided by
MCA in collaboration
with Stanford Hospital's Partners in Caring program.
Caring Friends program needs your help as a volunteer. Please signup today.
3003 Scott Blvd•Santa Clara CA
Call: Yasmin Vanya 408-879-4700
Muslim Community Association
San Francisco Bay Area
Five Daily Prayers In Saratoga / Cupertino West Valley Muslim Association
12370 Saratoga Sunnyvale Road Saratoga, CA 95070
Are you having a hard time searching for a
suitable match for your son or daughter?
Trust us you are not alone! We are a small group of
concerned mothers and sisters committed in providing
free matrimonial connections from the San Francisco
Bay area to any where in US, for families like you. For
faster and less complicated process, our service is
geared towards US citizens, Immigrants and legal documents holders only! For sisters who wish to deliver their
application forms and meet us in person (due to special
circumstances) appointments can be scheduled. Registration form is available upon request, through the
above email address.
On the Sisters monthly meeting, Saturday the 2nd of
August between 10:30 am –1:00 pm, there is going to
be a promotional talk about Our Matrimonial Service at
MCA Santa Clara, CA.
All interested sisters/mothers are invited to come and get
acquainted with the procedures of assistance and the
criteria of registration.
Welcome Ramadhan" and "Taluqbil Quran"
special program in Urdu on August 5th,2008
at MCA women prayer hall from 11:00 am to
1:00 pm presented by ICNA Sister's wing
bayarea.For further information email us
Al-Arqam School has open paid positions for
teachers in Arabic, Quran and Islamic Studies.
For consideration please forward your resume to
Al-Arqam school is accepting enrollment for the
2008/2009 school year in Grades 1-6. Spaces
will be allocated by availability and on a first come
first served basis. Please visit for more details
(as simple as) -> (click) multimedia -> click on the event you want to see Event
Current Events | Categories | Search |
Basis of leadership and our individual
responsibilities Sh. Zaid Shakir
Friday, June 27, 2008, Views: 49, Rating: In this
Juma Khutba, Sh. Zaid Shakir talks about the inaugural speach of Abu Bakr (r.a.) and what we can
derive from it and how it applies to our everyday
MCNA program for this month is scheduled on 17th of
july, with the theme LOVE FOR ISLAM AND
MANKIND along with tafseer of Surah Fatiha,
nasheeds /activities. Kids from age (4--12) are all welcome in the mothers room from 4:30--6:00 PM. For
further information email at
Saturday AUGUST 9th
Six Flags Discovery Kingdom, Vallejo, CA
seven 8 six, five eighty, & Imran Khan great
shows - bazaar - halal food - rides
Parking Passes are available for only $7
(Regular Price: $15) MUD attended by 12,000 people -DON'T MISS OUT!!!
Tickets are sold locally at: Pasha's Market, Al-Huda
Bookstore, & MCA after Jumah prayers
For more information about this event or to buy tickets
online, please go to our website
Need Financial Assistance?
Zakah (charity) and/or assistance for needy
families Applications available at MCA with the
facility manager, or Applications available at MCA
with the facility manager, or online at the MCA
Website. For info contact the Zakah committee
at: or
call 408-727-7277 x 406
This event is sponsored by: Amana Mutual Funds Trust,
Dr. Rafia Syed, Human Development Fund, CAIR, Muslim
Support Network, SBIA, Top Deck Deli, Marriot Courtyard
Vallejo, Kinza+ Academy, llume Magazine,, Thrifty Medical Supply, TriCity Travel
vendor info phone Murad (510) 299-6210
ticket info phone Rehana (951) 452-9369
general info phone Irfan (408) 509-7965
Disclaimer: MCA does not endorse and is not responsible for products and services in the ads section of the MCA newsletter. MCA holds the right to reject or
accept ads submitted. No ads dealing with a business deemed to be in conflict with Islamic principles will be accepted.
To find out about our rates and how to advertise, please visit us at
Syed Dental Care
Quality Dental Care for Children and Adults
Dr. Rafia Syed, DDS
Now Offering Dental Implants, Invisalign &
Zoom2 Teeth Whitening
or call 408-985-7933
MCA Bookstore & Islamic Clothing
Visit our unique selection of ittars from
Saudi Arabia. Ideal for special occasions:
graduation, engagement, and wedding ceremonies. Pre-packed in eye-catching gift box
- under $50.00
I.T Training and Placement
Auto Haus El Camino Complete Auto Repair
and Services All work guaranteed. 3100 El
Camino Real Unit C&D Santa Clara, Ca
95051 408-244-3634 MCA costumers 20% off
Beautiful Halal Restaurant
w/Banquet $399K 5000Sqf Best location-Longe
Cellular Phone Deals Offer Ends 7/31/08!
term lease SUSAN (925)330-8141
4 for $100-Family Unlimited Extra Discount
of $10 on new Cell Phone from Com Plus,
Bhuiyan & Associates,CPA We provide Tax(e3235 Stevens Creek Blvd. 95117
file), Auditing & Bookkeeping services to Indi(408)241-2378
viduals and Small Businesses including nonprofit organizations. 408-674 8932.
Law Office of Kalpana V. Peddibhotla
Immigration Attorney (408) 249-3373 4800
Hiring Cooks / Chefs for an
Indian/Pakistani and Middle Eastern
restaurant. Muhammad @ 408-507-8942
for interview.
Questivity Inc. offers excellent training in the
INDUS AUTO Complete Auto Repair Foreign
following I.T areas. S AP - All modules, softand Domestic Oil Change/Tune P30/60/90K
ware quality assurance, oracle database,
Mileage Services & Other Services
SQL server, Java, .Net, Unix, Linux, Cisco
1062 El Camino Real Unit A Sunnyvale,CA
certifications. Great Placement Opportu94087 408-615-1167
nities” Contact: Atif Sarfraz Ofiice:
408.615.1781 Mobile: 408.666.5026
kiddyland day care
(pre school) Santa Clara , licensed ages
HOT RIDERS AUTO Buy-Sell-Trade The Finest
0- 8 years. Degree in child. Islamic call
Cars 37053 Cherry Street Suite # 202A
Newark, CA 94560 (510) 714-1666
SAT Workshops for High School Students
One on one, or group of five. Build 2400Attitude. Call Tariq (Stanford Graduate) at
650-444-0792 / |
AMFASOFT CORPORATION Collecting Unemployment benefits through EDD? Call us
today to find out about FREE training
through WIA, EDD. Offers Training in Oracle
Financials Rel12/Manufacturing 11i, Oracle
10g, SAP, SQA & other Courses.
Ph: 408-919-0018
Matrimonial Looking for a good Muslim
Man for matrimony, who love and fear Allah
(swt). Must practice his religion, has good
work ethics, loves good cooking, and who is
"family based" in thinking. Apply if you are
between ages: 40 & 50. Contact: Dr Zakiyyah Hyatt
Br. Kamal Shaarawy now does phone Family
and Marital counseling. Go to MCA website and
schedule an appointment.
Rahima Foundation: Please Help Us To Help
The Needy. 2302 Calle Del Mundo, Santa Clara,
CA 95054; 408-845-0050;;
Halal Restaurant for Sale in San Jose
Great location at the busy intersection in
San Jose,Contact: 408-391-0521
FOR RENT: FULLY FURNISHED bedroom,bath,kitchenette&living room with
fireplace with separate entrance AND
HUGE BACKYARD.Rent $1400 monthly
includes gas and electric and parking.
Call zabida 4085058985
Souriana's full service family Salon
Haircut, facials, threading, wedding and
party makeup with MAC
Free haircut w/ highlights. Walk-ins
welcome. Call for apt. 408-741-9999
Mobile Hairstylist Paul Mitchell and Vidal
Sassoon Trained. Get quality hair done in
privacy!! Call - 650-245-0663
Mina Travels offer best rates on international travel,Hajj/Umrah packages and vacation packages around the world. Mina Trav- Roommate needed Nice 2 bed rooms app
by Scott Blvd and Warburton
els (CST#2091615) USA: 1 650 204
9088 Toll Free : 1 866 845 2527
utilities included 408 260 8136
Great America Pkwy, Suite 310 Santa Clara, CA
Matrimonial Religious, Computer Professional,
good looking, in early thirties looking for a
modern and educated girl. 408-391-0521,
Micro Tax, Audit & Accounting Services, LLP
Certified Public Accountants - Tax Preparation
(e-filing), Audit, Accounting & Payroll services Contact: Br. M. Amin Haroon, CPA, FCCA (UK) Phone:
(408) 986 9829 Email:
Arabic/Quran tutor
flexible hours, girls any age boys up to 10 yrs
old please contact Sabah @ 408 260 8136
Pacific Painting Services
Int/Ext.Residential/Commercial Quality Work at
Low Rate. Work Performed by Owner.Free
Estimate Tel;(408)792-0416 Lic#739592
Matrimonial Seeking match for daughter moderately religious, working professional. Looking for
Muslim male 32-38 years.
Educated/Professional person preferred. Send
FOR RENT: bedroom,bath,kthcnette&living room
unit with sep entrance infamilyhome.
Rent$1400includes gas&electric.
home.Rent$1200/includes. Call zabida
Medical Ear Piercing Available
For App. Call: 408.730.2200,
500 E. Remington Dr., #15, Sunnyvale
Mohammad Alazzah RE/MAX Luxor Realty
Residential, Commercial, Fixer upper, & 1st time
home buyer prog.
MCA Rock Cod Fishing
Trip on a Chartered Boat
"Spots are almost filled.
Register today!"
Yahya Radwan,
Pediatric Dentist
1298 Kifer Rd, Suite 506
Sunnyvale, CA 94086
Ahoy! Let’s go rock cod fishing! End
your summer with one last vacation by
coming aboard a chartered 50 foot
sport fishing vessel operating from
Pillar Point Harbor In Half Moon Bay.
It is guaranteed to be a fun, relaxing,
and memorable trip for the whole
Date: Sunday, August 10th, 2008 Time: 6:15 am to 2pm
(Groups can be coordinated to leave after fajr salat
from MCA.)
Pillar Point Harbor, Half Moon Bay
$60/person (limited financial aid available)
$12/person (license is not required for those
16 years and younger *
Rod Rental: $10/person **
Tackle: $10/person **
Ticket Price:
CA License:
* Required for all above 16 years who will hold a rod and fish, except for
those who already possess a CA fishing license.
** Optional item. You can bring your own rod and tackle.
Register at TODAY! Seats are
very limited! All family members aged 7 years and older
are welcome to join this seafaring adventure.
Please discard this newsletter in a respectful manner as it includes the name of our Lord and our beloved.