High Gear - Rocky Mountain Region Porsche Club


High Gear - Rocky Mountain Region Porsche Club
Swap meet and pig roast, June 29th at DART Auto
Vol. 65
Edition 8
Jun 2013
Record numbers descend on HPR
It’s Concours time!
Slow, Fast, Half-Fast DE at HPR
Steer on over to
RaceKraft & Design
for this month’s
RMR Social!
Thurs, June 6th
6:30 - 9:00pm
C H E R RY C R E E K N ORT H | North Creek
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Dan Fead 720.300.9500
Vol. 65
cover photo
Edition 8 • June 2013
presidential thoughts Rick Gonçalves, President
was a big craze in the
seventies that many
people thought guided
our lives. It was the
“science” that helped
explain the ups and
downs in a person’s life through the
sinusoidal variation of a person’s physical
well being cycle of 23 days, an emotional
cycle of 28 days, and an intellectual
cycle of 33 days. It was thought that
when all three cycles coincided on the
same date at a low, those were periods
when a person’s life just didn’t go so well.
Likewise, when the cycles coincided
on a high, things would go extremely
well. I remember people tracking their
biorhythms and becoming excited about
a date when the three cycles coincided
on a particular date. I even followed
mine for a while, but I never really noticed
anything out of the ordinary. But, if they
really work, and if they apply to machines,
then we RMR members should be in for
an incredible year!
“All right,” you ask, “how can a
machine have intellect and emotion?”
And, what kind of an introduction is this to
a car club article anyway?
“Well,” I say, “this just has to be some
kind of special year for man and machine,
as it is the 65th anniversary of Porsche
AG, 60 years of the very first Porsche club,
the 50th anniversary of the 911, 30 years
since the first CP Concours d’Elegance,
and even the 55th anniversary of our own
Rocky Mountain Region Porsche Club!
Now, with those kinds of coincidental
anniversaries, there has to be something
special about this year, doesn’t there?”
Speaking of coincidences, I just heard
that Nancy Warren, our Membership
Chair, is writing an article
describing the history of some of these
anniversaries in pretty good detail. So, if
you are reading this, be sure to read on!
Back to biorhythms, though. Take
advantage of this biorhythmic high year
and get out to feel its power! You provide
the “bio” and those magnificent cars will
give you the “rhythm.” June will be our
next slot for tapping the biorhythmic high
with the 30th anniversary of the Cerebral
Palsy of Colorado Concours d’Elegance.
Because it’s both the 65th of Porsche and
the 50th of the 911, Porsche is going to be
the featured car there! There should be
some Porsche models there that many of
you may never have seen before! And, if
you have one of those rare models, take
it out and display it for the rest of us! You
don’t even need to enter it for judging—
just enter it for display!
For less static displays of the
venerable 911, bring yours to HPR and
feel its power and stability. Our 55-yearold club has a DE each of the next four
months during which you can really
learn what the 911 is all about! Who
would have thought that a a single car
model could last 50 years and refine itself
enough not just to escape obsolescence,
but to remain on top the heap as one of
the world’s truly premier cars! If you are
a biorhythm believer, be sure to take your
car out to HPR in September, the actual
month in which the 911, then called the
901, was first introduced at the Frankfurt
Auto Show in 1963!
So, whether you believe in biorhythms
or not, get out and feel the power! Sixtyfive years of Porsche! Fifty-five years of
RMR! Fifty years of 911! All to be seen at
30 years of the Concours! Wow, what an
awesome car!
Dan Carlson’s Guards Red 1986 944 Turbo (951) leads a trio of
competitors at the Speed Fever IV DE at High Plains Raceway
on April 27th. Photo by Mike Pappas and John Spainhower.
inside this issue
presidential thoughts . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1
membership social . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2
positive offset. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3
upcoming events. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3
membership musings . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4
autocross school. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6
slow, fast, half-fast. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8
track attack/di training. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9
concours . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10
club race. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11
de-luxe at ppir. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14
hell on heels. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16
amr events. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21
in the spotlight . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22
in the zone. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23
classified ads. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24
porsche parade. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25
i get around. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26
what we do. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27
the rearview mirror. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28
High Gear (ISSN1061-1746) is the official magazine of the Rocky Mountain
Region Porsche Club of America (RMR/ PCA) and is published monthly.
The annual subscription rate is $14.00, included in RMR/PCA membership
dues. Non-RMR subscriptions are $25.00.
The opinions and views appearing in High Gear are those of the individual
writers and do not necessarily reflect the official opinions of the RMR/
PCA, PCA National, or this magazine as an official RMR/PCA publication.
Additionally, none of these organizations nor this publication assumes any
responsibility for the accuracy of material provided by individual writers
and contributors.
High Gear entire contents copyright © 2013 by Rocky Mountain Region
Porsche Club of America, Inc. All rights reserved. Articles and photos are
the copyright of their respective creators and are used with permission.
Office of publication: 547 Sawtooth Point, Lafayette, CO, 80026.
Periodicals postage paid at Lafayette, CO and additional mailing offices.
POSTMASTER: Please send address changes to PCA National Office, P.O.
Box 6400, Columbia, MD 21045.
June 2013
region coordinators
CAMA Representative
Walt Fricke
Luann Dodge
Charity/Good Works
Doug Bartlett
Chief Driving Instructor
Al Woodward
Control Chief
Keith Hall
Amy Legg-Rogers
Troy Nakatani
Erik Behrendsen
Tim Bevan
Todd Nelson
Tommy Dean
Tech Inspection
Joe Warren
Scott Rogers
Liz Shaw
Zone 9 Representative
technical resources
Questions about your Porsche? These members are
specialists with expert knowledge of specific Porsche
models. Contact them for information regarding the
maintenance and modification of your Porsche.
Jim Kellogg
John Haley
no email given
Rob Heath
Dale Tuety
Dan Semborski
Your Name Here
Volunteer to be the RMR 928 specialist!
Richard Winnick
Zach Schroeder
Doug Bartlett
Steve Schroeder
June 2013
6/6/13, 6:30pm, RaceKraft & Design - 2301 W. Cornell St., Englewood
This month’s RMR-PCA Membership
Social is back at RaceKraft & Design!
For those who didn’t make it last year,
George Frey has an amazing race shop.
You simply have to put this on your
calendar as a “must do,” right now!
Along with the cool Porsches and
other hot cars to look at, George has
hired the very cool southern-rock-style
cover band, Santa Fe, to play just for us
during the soirée!
Of course, food and adult beverages
are part of the festivities as well. Please
join your fellow Porsche friends on
June 6th at 6:30 p.m. for a memorable,
amazing evening exclusive to the everso-fortunate members of RMR-PCA!
When: June 6, 2013 - 6:30 - 8:30pm
Where: RaceKraft & Design,
2301 W. Cornell St.,
Englewood, CO. 80113
Be there or be square!
Erik Behrendsen,
RMR-PCA Program Chairman
Don’t forget about this wonderful, earlymorning monthly impromptu car show!
2770 Arapahoe Rd., Lafayette, CO 80026
June 1st and July 6th, 7:00am - 10:30am!
board of directors
Rick Gonçalves
All e-mail addresses are @rmrporscheclub.com.
Vice President
Jim Widrig
Vice President
John Mackin
Roger Buswell
Scott Henderson
Nancy Warren
Newsletter Editor
David Schmidt
Monthly board meetings are open to club members—
see Upcoming Events (opposite page) for schedule.
Past President
Rex Heck
positive offset
Yep, I got schooled.
Nothing will make
you feel more like a
clueless rookie than to
attend an RMR event
such as last month’s
autocross event on
May 4-5 (see page 19).
Granted, the very purpose and sole
intent of the AX school was to help
novices such as me push the envelope a
little and “get our learn-on” with the help
of several of our club’s Driving Instructors.
This was a great and valuable experience
and I encourage all our members to take
advantage of these DIs whenever the
opportunity presents itself, as it often
does here along the Front Range with
several AXs and DEs to choose from over
the next few months.
As my brain slowly grasped the
nuances of performance driving (within
the confines of a giant abandoned
parking lot), I started noticing things with
greater lucidity than ever before.
For those who may not be familiar,
when you atttend most events of this
type, you typically end up being a corner
worker whenever you are not driving in
the event itself. While this flag-waving,
radio-toting, cone-replacing job may
seem tedious and boring, I found myself
enthralled with watching other drivers
tackle whatever corner I found myself
stuck at and closely examining the car’s
dynamics as it whipped by.
This exercise proved just how
important chassis set-up is for a smooth
David Schmidt, Editor
and effective run. I noticed many cars
flexing far too much during switches that
forced a heavy load of body roll. The AX
winner, a 2012 Cayman R, was so stable
in the corners and ratcheted down so
tight that it made most of the others look
like they were equipped with the same
suspension my mother’s 1977 Ford LTD
came with.
I also noticed many cars, mine
included, with improper tires or, at
a minimum, incorrect tire pressure.
This can have the ill-effect of weaker
sidewalls, when, in most cases, what you
really need are firmer sidewalls to allow
for increased stability around a tight
bend. And an autocross is chock-full of
tight bends.
I noticed where the drivers were
looking had a direct impact on how
the car took a corner and how it was
positioned correctly, or not, for the
next leg of the course. The lead-footed,
confident drivers seemed to always be
looking a few car lengths ahead of their
steely steeds while the inexperienced
ones appeared to be more concerned
with the cone that was next to their front
left wheel.
Overall, I came away from this
spectacular weekend much wiser. By no
means am I an expert now and, like most
of us, I still have sooo much more to learn
about the art of skillful driving.
I can only hope that the city where
I live approves my request to use the
parking lot across the street as a skidpad.
Hey, I’m just a student trying to learn.
get involved
Contribute to Your Newsletter!
High Gear needs your articles and
photos! Become a part of the awardwinning team by submitting your content
and ideas to the Newsletter Editor by
the 15th of the month:
Not a member yet? Join RMR/PCA by
visiting www.pca.org and clicking the
Join PCA link.
Advertise in High Gear
Please see page 27 for display advertising rates and other details.
RMR Online Discussion Groups
Would you like to discuss Porsches,
RMR or anything else of interest to other
Porschephiles? Check out the RMR
online discussion groups.
upcoming events
Mon 6/3
RMR Board Meeting
6:30pm at RG and Associates
Thu 6/6
Membership Social
RaceKraft & Design, Englewood
Sat 6/8
Ladies’ Day DE (Hell on Heels)
Colorado State Patrol Track
Golden, CO
Sat 6/8
Porsche Breakfast Club
8:00am breakfast at Village Inn
4100 E. Mexico, Denver
Sun 6/9
Concours d’Elegance
Arapahoe Community College
Littleton, CO
Sat 6/15
Sun 6/16
Slow, Fast, Half-Fast DE
High Plains Raceway
Deer Trail, CO
Sat 6/22
Overnight Drive/Tour
Steamboat Springs, CO
Sun 6/23
Sat 6/29
Porsche Parade
Traverse City, MI
Sat 6/29 Swap Meet and Pig Roast
DART Auto, Commerce City
Mon 7/1
RMR Board Meeting
6:30pm at RG and Associates
Thu 7/11 Membership Social
Sat 7/13
Porsche Breakfast Club
8:00am breakfast at Village Inn
4100 E. Mexico, Denver
Sat 7/20
Sun 7/21
Track Attack! DE
High Plains Raceway
Deer Trail, CO
Sat 7/26
(Sara)toga Party Tour
Saratoga, WY
Sun 7/27
Peak to Peak Drive/Tour
Brunch at the Stanley Hotel
Estes Park, CO
Get Your Newsletter on the Go!
To read High Gear in PDF format on
the Web, go to the RMR Web site at
rmr.pca.org and click the Newsletter
link. Back issues are also available on
the Web site.
For the most up-to-date event schedule,
check out the online calendar at
June 2013
membership musings
WOW! The Porsche
Club’s driving season
has started out with
a BANG in both RMR
and AMR. There have
been several DEs,
an autocross school
and autocross, a rally, and several tours.
And, of course, there have been monthly
membership socials.
There has been
something for everyone, so you have no
excuse for not getting involved and having
a good time!
June will see our annual Ladies’ Day DE.
“HELL ON HEELS” will be presented at the
Colorado State Patrol Track in Golden on
Saturday, June 8th. Ladies, come on out
and have some fun with the track all to
yourselves! You know that “girls just want to
have fun …”
The next day, Sunday, June 9th, is
the 30th Annual Exotic Sports Car Show
and Concours d’Elegance at Arapahoe
Community College. This annual event
benefits Cerebral Palsy of Colorado. This
year, Porsche will be the featured marque
since this is the 65th anniversary of Porsche
AG, the 60th anniversary of the very first
Porsche Club, the 55th anniversary of Rocky
Nancy Warren, Membership Chair
Mountain Region Porsche Club, and the 50th
anniversary of the introduction of the 911!
And now for a little bit of RMR and PCA
history: The Porsche Club of America was
established in September 1955. There were
twelve prospective members at the first
meeting, at Blackie’s Grille in Washington,
DC. Additionally, the Porsche factory was
petitioned for recognition of the proposed
club. A press release was sent to the factory
magazine, Christophorus, introducing the
Porsche Club of America to other Porsche
enthusiasts. The 189 Porsche drivers who
joined by the end of January 1956 were
designated as “charter members” of the
Porsche Club of America. Today, PCA serves
more than 62,000 families, with over 107,000
members in 140 local regions, making it the
largest single-marque car club in the world!
Porsche owners in Cheyenne and Denver
heard about the national organization and
decided to form a Porsche Club in Colorado
and Wyoming. Twenty-two Porsches made
the jaunt, mostly from Denver, to the first
organizational meeting, at Warren Air Force
Base in Wyoming in October 1957. Because
members and potential members were
scattered over a few thousand square miles,
meetings were planned at various points
in northern Colorado so that the distance
traveled would not always be too great
for anyone interested in attending. A PCA
charter was granted to the Rocky Mountain
Region in May 1958. Rocky Mountain
Region is celebrating their 55th Anniversary
this year!
The Rocky Mountain Region now includes
Colorado (north from Castle Pines and
the Western Slope), southern and central
Wyoming, and southwestern Nebraska.
RMR now has over 2,200 primary and affiliate
members. Both PCA and RMR have come a
long way in the last fifty-five years!
Please remember to renew your RMR/PCA
membership and to keep your information
up to date.
We have nifty name badges and colorful
car badges. Order forms can be found
on the RMR website. We have new
decals commemorating RMR/PCA’s 55th
Anniversary. And we also have new stickers
with the RMR logo in 9” size for your trailer
and 3” size for everywhere else! These are
available at all RMR events.
We hope to see you at an RMR Porsche
Club event this month. Just remember, “It’s
not just the cars … It’s the people!
Please welcome our newest members of RMR!
Nick Castiglione
Loveland, CO
2003 911 Turbo, Silver
Zed Ibrahim
Golden, CO
2006 911 C4, Black
Dick Miano
Denver, CO
1999 Boxster, Black
JB Wenger
Erie, CO
1980 911 SC, Black
Dave Denny
Longmont, CO
2008 Boxster S, Yellow
Ken Landis
Littleton, CO
1985 911, Red
Brad & Marie Miskimins
Cheyenne, WY
2010 Boxster S, Black
Don & Rhonda Dominick
Wheat Ridge, CO
1983 911, Red
Bob Lange
Castle Rock, CO
2009 C4S, Black
Danny Olson & Christina Gregory
Sedalia, CO
1985 944, Red
Ron Faleide & Ellin Rosenthal
Denver, CO
1983 944, Gold
Chris Latimer
Littleton, CO
2013 Cayenne, Gray
David Parker
Littleton, CO
2013 Cayenne
Larry Feather & Luke Feather
Grand Junction, CO
2003 911, Silver
Jon Leasia & Grant Leasia
Denver, CO
1997 911 C4S, Black
Jay & Emily Santangelo
Cherry Hills Village, CO
1991 911, Black
Mark Gladstone
Aspen, CO
1989 911, Silver
Ben Marsh & Nozomi Sasada
Westminster, CO
2003 996TT, Tan
Goose & Meredith Varney
Louisville, CO
2001 Carrera, Silver
June 2013
Fred & Carol Kiekhaefer
Castle Rock, CO
From: Milwaukee
2004 GT, Silver,
2007 GT3RS Black,
2011 Turbo S, Gray,
2012 Cayenne Turbo, White
Bill & Juliane Schneider
Castle Rock, CO
From: Alpine Mountain
1973 914
Douglas & Carol Wiebe
Centennial, CO
From: Diablo
2006 Cayman S, Gray
Get Involved! Meet
fellow Porschephiles.
RMR has plenty of opportunities to be more
involved with your Porsche club. Volunteers are
needed for corner workers, tech inspections,
event coordinators, registration and more!
June 2013
New Cayman breaks cover in Colorado
Story & Photos by David Schmidt
Prestige Imports hosted an unveiling
party for the new Porsche 981 Cayman on
April 25th. It was an elegant affair with
gift bags for the first 100 attendees, live
music, dramatic lighting, Porsche videos,
hors d’oeuvres, German beer and even a
signature cocktail.
The star attraction sat hidden under a
sheet of black silk, although its muscular
new sheetmetal of exaggerated haunches
and sexy curves was clearly discernable
to all. The throng of anxious onlookers
finally got their moment as several staffers
from Prestige thanked those who came and
regaled the crowd with the story behind the
new Cayman. After nearly 15 minutes on
the microphone, Sean Farshchi (Pre-owned
Internet Salesman and Cayman aficionado)
slid back the cover to a hearty round of
applause and revealed the car they had all
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June 2013
come to see in person.
It was a 2014 Cayman S, painted Basalt
Black, with a Luxor beige interior and 20”
Carrera Classic wheels. It was instantly
swarmed by those wanting a closer look
and an opportunity to sit inside. Shortly
thereafter, two more 2014 Caymans, one
white and one gray, appeared outside for
better viewing in the parking lot while the
sun slowly sank behind the mountains.
According to Dean Blackwelder,
Prestige’s Porsche Sales Manager, “It’s a
really interesting car and it’s been highly
anticipated. It’s a true purist’s sports car
and an adult go-kart. It’s so much fun and
truly exciting to drive.”
Improvements in the 981 continue on
the inside as well. “The interior is inspired
from the Panamera and has so much more
functionality and advanced technology
in it such as the 7-speed PDK, PASM and
a multi-function TFT touchscreen with a
cornucopia of things that you can do with it.
The price for all Porsches inched up, but you
get a ton more technology. And if you add
ceramic brakes and a few other options,
your cost can easily eclipse an entry-level
Carrera. If price is no object, you can also
opt for the ultra high-end Burmeister stereo
system which can currently be found only in
Porsches and the Bugatti Veyron.”
“The 911 will always outshine the rest of
Porsche’s line-up,” he continued. “But this
car may just be a bit of a pivot for Porsche
and its impact on model sales overall.”
The new Cayman is attracting plenty
of attention and already drawing in owners
of other German brands. “I’ve had a lot of
BMWs and Mercedes-Benzes being traded
in because it really suits the need for those
looking for a premium performance car,”
Dean said.
“What’s your first impression of the new Cayman?”
“The Cayman and Boxster, with their midengine layout, have always been superb
handling cars. Many people, including
myself, believe that a Cayman would be the
top performing model in the Porsche lineup,
if given the more powerful 911 engine. The
extra power, direct fuel injection, improved
oiling and longer wheelbase of the new
model will certainly provide a performance
leap. I really like the new side scoops and
the back end just looks more masculine
and aggressive.”
Doug Bartlett,
2007 Cayman S Owner
“The body style, the lines, the contours are
absolutely perfect. The color combination
of this metallic black and the tan interior is
just lovely.”
Angela Stanley,
Audi S5 Owner
“I love it. I’m almost ready to trade in my classic
for it! It’s got comfortable seats, great lines on it
and I love the body. It’s very nice all around.”
Barbara Enfield,
1967 911 Owner
“It’s gorgeous. I just think it would be waaay
fun to drive–the engine, the balance, the whole
package. It’s got great lines and a great interior.”
Brian Bakke,
996 911 Owner
“An awesome successor to the previous model.
I like the way the back curves down and the tail
lights are integrated into the body more than
before. I’m a huge fan of the mid-engines, and it’s
beautiful, but I’m quite happy with my 911.”
Jerry Toepfer,
911 Carrera 4S Owner
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June 2013
!!SLOW-FAST-HALF-FAST!! DE event this month!
The time is nearing! Jim Thorburn and Dave Buehmann,
Co-Chairs, are working hard to make !!SLOW – FAST –
HALF FAST!! the event of the year.
The Driver Education event runs June 15-16 at HPR,
www.highplainsraceway.com. Our driving instructors
will be there to help you get in the second category if you
are not already there. Well, at least we can help get you
out of the third!
Dave has engineered this event to perfection, and
Jim is using his legal skills to make sure the event is
not “half fast.” There will be lots of track time, timed laps
on Sunday and, of course, Beer:30! There will be special
awards, too.
This one’s gonna sell out! Pre-tech is TBA and will be
performed by the usual suspects. Cost is shown below:
$260 two-day one driver/ $235 for co-driver (same car)
$180 one day, one driver/$160 co-driver (same car)
For questions contact
Jim: jdt@thorburnlaw.com, (303) 646-3482
Dave: dave@bman.org,(303) 246-0276.
We haven’t had a swap meet since the last time Dave Banazek held one at Dart Auto.
But this one is going to be a doozie! Not only is Dave going to sponsor
and host the swap meet, but he’s throwing a pig roast party, too! I
know everyone has a pile of Porsche parts in their garages that
they’re dying to unload, I mean, sell or trade. And who doesn’t like
to go to a pig roast party? The best part is it’s all FREE to PCA
members! If you would like to bring items for the swap meet,
simply e-mail Dave (dart@dartauto.com) and tell him so. For
everyone who wants to just meander around looking for parts or
just wants to come for the party–just show up!
Where: Dart Auto, 4801 Monaco St., Denver CO 80022
(Make sure you map it out as Monaco is not a through-street)
When: Saturday, June 29, 2013, 2:00pm until 6:00pm
Erik Behrendsen, RMR-PCA Program Chairman
8 High
June 2013
Sunday, June 9th at Arapahoe
Community College from 9am to 3pm
The 30th anniversary event will celebrate
Porsche as the featured marque. It will be
the 65th anniversary of Porsche AG, the
60th anniversary of the very first Porsche
owners club, and the 50th anniversary of the
introduction of the Porsche 911 at the Frankfurt
Auto Show.
The 30th anniversary of this prestigious
event celebrates Stimson Kennedy and Tom
Scott, members of the Rocky Mountain Region
Porsche Club, who founded the event.
Start your engines.
The Colorado Concours - Exotic Sports Car
Show & Concours d’Elegance is large-scale,
highly visible, and well attended. Local and
regional car clubs showcase nearly 500 rare
sports and classic cars, vintage trucks, and
even select motorcycles: everything from early
collectibles to the latest exotics. Many venture
out once a year, for this show only, to help kids
with Cerebral Palsy.
Awards presentation begins at 2:00 p.m. for
cars in various categories. Vote for your favorite
to receive the Audience Favorite Award!
Get ready, the crowds are coming.
30th Anniversary
of the Concours d’ Elegance
50th Anniversary
of the Introduction of the 911
60th Anniversary
of the first Porsche Club
65th Anniversary
of Porsche AG
Nearly 500 car owners, regional car
clubs, businesses, and sponsors draw more
than 10,000 attendees to this family-oriented
fundraising event. The 30th anniversary will
be the grandest show of them all with special
celebratory events planned!
When they arrive, the kids win.
Proceeds from this spectacular event go
to CP of Colorado’s Creative Options for Early
Education Centers.
These four centers provide early care,
intervention, prevention, support, and education
services to expectant mothers and nearly
700 infants, toddlers, and pre-school children
and their families each year. Children receive
developmental screening and assessment
services, individualized mental health services,
and other services tailored to their diagnosed
disability. Another 750 children are on waiting
You do not want to miss this one!
Please visit www.cpco.org/concours/
registration.htm. For questions, please email
Jerry Medina, jmedina356@comcast.net.
Stop by one of the booths to purchase an
official event poster by renowned automotive
artist Michael Mate. These beautiful posters
commemorate the historic 30th Annual
Colorado Concours and feature the #8
Porsche 934 Martini Racing Classic Rally car.
All posters measure 18x24 inches and will
be available at the car show. Posters are $10
each. A limited edition of only five collectible
30th Commemorative giclee prints are also
available for purchase at $300 each.
June 2013
RMR/PCA Club Race & Advanced Solo DE, August 17 & 18
Welcome to another great Rocky Mountain
Region PCA National Club Race and Solo
Driver Ed event at High Plains Raceway.
RMR and the Club Race and Solo DE event
team is proud to host the most exciting
PCA club racing in the west. “High Plains
Thunder” Club Race and Solo DE is held at
our own club track, HPR in Byers, CO.
Since the beginning of club racing,
RMR’s race committees have dedicated
themselves to welcoming racers and solo
DE drivers from all over the country to
our once-a-year racing event. You will be
witnessing racing strategies learned by
club racers over many years of practice
and race experience.
Over the past several years we have
provided a great venue for advanced solo
DE drivers to join in this adrenalin-pumped
weekend. “Black & Blue DE,” as our event
chair Brian Leary has named it, will only be
for the more experienced solo DE drivers.
We ask that you register early because
we have had to limit the solo DE entrant
Take the time now to read all about
the Club Race and Solo DE weekend.
Open our new RMR Club Race & Solo DE
website www.rmrclubrace.com. You can
June 2013
read all about the race weekend: tentative
schedule, registration, entry fees, gas,
lodging, tires, track video, Friday lapping
day and much, much more.
We have included the Saturday night
dinner in the Club Race and Solo DE entry
fee for the driver’s convenience. Our own
master brewer, Sarah Henderson, will be
brewing her famous beer and root beer for
the event once again. If you are visiting
the track for the day and wish to attend the
dinner and join in the camaraderie, please
e-mail Norma Nada soon at sloporsche@
aol.com for advance $15 dinner tickets.
We wish to thank all of our regional
and national sponsors for their continued
support of this year’s club race. Our
sponsors are a valuable part of the success
of our event, so take the time to read about
them and support these hard-working
businesses who donate their time and
resources so that we can all enjoy the
“High Plains Thunder” event.
It is the on-going vision of our event team
to continue to enhance your experience at
our August event whether you are a driver,
RMR volunteer, or spectator. If you have
any questions feel free to contact any of the
folks on the list to the right.
Club Racing & Advanced Solo DE Co-Chairs
Brian Leary – 303-619-1864,
Vicki Earnshaw – 720-244-1532,
Club Race Registrar
Norma Nada – 720-234-7601
Registration opens Monday, July 1st
Advanced Solo DE Information
Cecil Morris, CDI – 303-918-9104,
Doug Bartlett, CDI – 970-214-7279,
Advanced Solo DE Registrar
Nancy Warren – 303-604-1289 ,
Registration opens Monday, June 17th
Registration closes Monday, Aug. 12th
at 4:00 PM
See you at the race!
We want to thank all of this year’s sponsors. Without their help, we would not
be able to put on this event. Please support our 2013 National and Regional Club
Race and Solo DE Sponsors.
by Bruce Bell
June 2013
Would your company like to advertise in our club magazine?
With a select readership of over 2,200 and a prime
demographic to target, running a monthly ad in
HighGear is cost-effective and inexpensive!
See page 27 for details about advertising
rates and sizes. Partner with RMR-PCA!
Contact: NLeditor@comcast.net • 303.662.1162
June 2013
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June 2013
June 2013
Recap by Joe Warren
Photos by Mike Pappas and John Spainhower
On April 27 and 28, Colorado delivered beautiful
weather for two great days at the track! The Speed
Fever IV chairs and their many volunteers delivered
a great, well-run event with another excellent event
T-shirt design as well!
Thanks to our participants for coming out in
record-breaking numbers and “playing nicely”
together; there were over 150 participants!
And thanks to the volunteers who made it
happen: to the Equipment Team for dragging all the
“stuff” out of and then back into the container, to
Registration and Technical Inspection for being well
prepared and getting all those participants ready for
the drivers’ meeting on time, to our Control, Safety
and Chief Driving Instructor volunteers for keeping
everything on track and on time for the entire event,
to Grid for keeping things organized and orderly
getting onto the track, to all of our Instructors for
being excellent at exceeding the needs of our novice
and experienced drivers, and to the staff at High
Plains Raceway for providing an excellent, well-run
Special thanks to Dean Johnson, Rob Heath and
Angela Hill for the brats at Beer:30!
The generosity of the participants and volunteers
enabled the event to collect just over $1000 for
the event charity, the Winter Park Ski Patrol. The
Rocky Mountain Region Charity Committee is also
donating an additional $500. All funds will be used
by the WPSP to train new members in emergency
response techniques. The funds are donated in
memory of Gary Dodge, an RMR member and track
aficionado, who died unexpectedly in January of
this year; we missed you, Gary!
June 2013
It’s time ladies – it’s almost here – get movin’ and get registered!
Saturday, June 8 at the Colorado State Patrol Track in Golden, CO
“Oh, girls just want to have fun …”
This Driver Education event is open to all
women and all makes of cars (convertibles
must have rollover protection, and SUVs must
be Porsches). Bring your friends!
The purpose of the event is to introduce
women to the idea of driving on a track while
receiving one-on-one instruction from our
fantastic RMR driving instructors. Our well
seasoned drivers provide inspiration to firsttime drivers or those with less experience,
and show them that performance driving can
be great fun!
The cost of the event is $85 per person,
which includes lunch and a tank top! Register
online at pcarockymtn.motorsportreg.com.
Gate opens: 7:00am
Registration opens: 7:30am
Tech Inspection opens: 7:30am
Mandatory Drivers’ Meeting: 8:30am
Noon-time rides are available for a
donation that will go to the CSP’s Youth
Academy held each summer.
Beer:30 at the end of the day at Rock Rest
Lodge, 16005 Old Golden Road.
Cars must pass a tech inspection, which
should (please) be done prior to the event.
Pre-tech will be held on Wednesday, May
29th at any of these fine establishments:
Carquip, 6-7:00pm 7191 Arapahoe Rd. Suite B, Boulder,
Tom Conway, 303-443-1343
Poudre Sports Car, 5:30 -7:00pm
5806 S. College Ave. Fort Collins
Zach Schroeder, 970-229-0990
Eurosport Ltd., 5:50 -6:30 pm
1855 W. Union Ave, Englewood
Greg Johnson, 303-789-2545
There will be tech inspection at the track
on Saturday morning. If you need to have your
car teched, then please be early because you
cannot register until your car has passed tech
Please wear a long-sleeved shirt, long
pants (both of natural fibers), and closed-toe
shoes. You will need a helmet, and it should
be a Snell-approved S2005 or M2005 or newer.
The club does have a few “loaner” helmets.
There are no concessions at the CHP
track. Please bring snacks and a chair or
two. You are welcome to bring your husband,
significant other, friend, or neighbor. We can
always use volunteers, so please have them
wear or bring a long-sleeved shirt, long pants
and closed-toe shoes!
Thank you to our sponsors: Woodward
Wealth Management (our title sponsor),
Hanksville Hot Rods, The Candlelight Tavern,
ReMax Red Door Group, and Carquip/
Simple Automotive Solutions. THANK YOU,
Questions? Contact event chairs Luann
Dodge at racingprincess@earthlink.net or
Nancy Warren at nanru@hotmail.com.
See you at the track!
Directions from Denver: Take I-70 West
to Exit 263, Denver West Blvd. Exit and turn
left over I-70 to the second traffic light. Turn
right onto West Colfax and drive .6 miles to the
traffic light at Indiana. Turn right and follow
Indiana, merging into S. Golden Rd. Proceed
1.2 miles to Quaker St. (there is a 7-11 at the
corner of Quaker and S. Golden Rd.) Turn
right at the light at Quaker St. and proceed
through the gate where the pavement ends.
Go up the hill to the track. Pass the first gate
on the right with the big blue sign. Enter at the
second gate on the right.
Directions from Boulder: Take CO 93
south from Boulder. CO 93 becomes US-6/
W.6th. Ave. Turn left onto 19th. St. Turn right
onto Jackson St. Enter the next roundabout.
Pass Golden High School on the right and stay
straight to go onto S. Golden Rd. Pass through
4 roundabouts. Turn left at the light at Quaker
St. (there is a 7-11 at the corner of Quaker
and S. Golden Rd.) Proceed through the gate
where the pavement ends. Follow the above
directions up the hill to the track.
For a GPS use this address: 2054 Quaker
St., Golden, CO. Go to the second gate on the
right and head onto the track.
Prestige Imports, 6-7:00pm
9201 W. Colfax Ave, Lakewood
Justin Adis, 888-902-7870
June 2013
Photo by Dave Liddle
June 2013
June 2013
Autocross School
and May-Nia AX
Novices and experts alike tear up the asphalt at season’s first autocross
Story by David Schmidt, Photos by Mike Pappas
Perfect spring weather set the stage for
RMR’s first autocross of the 2013 season.
Front Range Airport once again served as
the site for this year’s event, and 57 students
showed up on Saturday, May 4, to test their
mettle, learn their cars, and gain some
insight from 14 volunteer instructors.
Event chair, and coordinator extraordinaire, Chris Sulley and his team once
again put together a fine program that was
well executed and perfectly designed.
Saturday was set aside specifically to
help us more inexperienced drivers become
comfortable with the handling limits of our
cars by breaking into groups and focusing
on small elements that one might encounter
in an actual autocross.
A slalom of cones, both tight and loose,
served as a proving ground on how to
smoothly pirouette a 3,000-pound vehicle
with finesse. A triangular road-course layout
challenged us to quickly realign our cars and
use the vehicle’s weight-bias and inertia to
your advantage. And, finally, the euphoric
skidpad set-up around a pre-determined
radius of cones allowed us to break the
rear tires loose and attempt to steer the car
around the circle using power management
while the steering wheel remained locked
into place. The excited screams of the drivers
could barely be heard above the screams of
the rear tires.
By the end of day one, we all got to
experience, albeit briefly, an autocross that
Sulley’s team quickly put together and apply
some of the skills we had just spent all day
Day two was an actual autocross, with
about half of the participants from the first
day coming out to be tested and timed under
real autocross conditions.
A total of 48 drivers tackled the
challenging course-of-cones with aplomb
(see results on next page). No incidents
occurred and the only injured victims were
an occasional orange pylon or two that
seemed to dive under some cars of their
own volition or get thrown out of place with
ferocious velocity.
Smiles were commonplace by the end
of the day and several participants chose to
take part in the Beer:30 after-party. Kudos to
all those that made this event possible and
also to those who took part and had a blast.
Salil Shukla’s Cayman R proved unbeatable
at Sunday’s AX, posting the best time of the
day. The taut suspension, tenacious
grip, and smooth power
combined for a victory by
.015 seconds over Tad
Kaminski’s Boxster
June 2013
May-Nia Autocross Results
June 2013
June 22: PBC Steamboat Springs Tour
Another year has passed in Colorado, the seasons have returned to
that place where cool mornings and warm sun-drenched days set
afire thoughts of touring the scenic highways through ranchlands and
mountain passes in your Porsche.
Your day begins with a parking lot gathering of friends, sports cars,
and freshly brewed coffee. The tantalizing morning sun warms your
face as you visualize the experience that lies ahead. As excitement
fills the air, a quick meeting focuses your thoughts, and sets your mind
pointedly on the rules of the road.
In a moment, the cars roar to life as you take to the highways
and byways in a grand parade, nose to tail, like a pack of mechanical
wolves. You embark on beautiful paths full of sweeping curves, wide
open valleys and mountain vistas. You run with the top off, or drive with
the windows down, rushed by a symphony of boxer engines and the
smell of spring flowers. You anticipate each overtaking opportunity,
pay respect to cyclists, and drive with precision. The convoy ebbs
and flows in a unified and splendid dance.
A well-timed break allows a stretch, clean restrooms, and more
coffee. Like a migratory creature, you take to the road again with
equal thoughts of great food and conversation. You arrive at Fiesta
Jalisco in Steamboat Springs, one of the best Mexican restaurants in
the state, settle into the charming dining room, and take a bite of your
first tortilla chip. Muy bueno!
Register now for the fourth annual Steamboat Springs drive at
Motorsportreg.com. Cost is $30 per person and includes lunch plus a
non-alcoholic beverage.
July 20-21: Track Attack at High Plains
RMR-PCA members Jim Widrig and David Chase invite you to
participate in the “Track Attack” Driver Education at High Plains
Raceway on July 22-21, 2013. The event is being sponsored by
RaceKraft and Design.
To help make this summer event more pleasant, a comfortable
air conditioned Drivers’ Lounge will be available at the track pavilion.
Each participant will also receive an event commemorative beer
stein. Beer:30 will have the array to fill your stein and please all beer
connoisseurs’ desires for beverages and will also provide some tasty
summer tapas.
Look for a special silent auction at the Saturday evening Beer:30
and take noon-time rides to benefit our event charity, Alex’s Lemonade
Stand Foundation, benefitting children with cancer.
Online registration opens May 18 at www.pcarockymtn.
Cars must pass a tech inspection, which should (please) be done
prior to the event. Pre-tech will be held on Wednesday, July 10th at
these locations:
Carquip/Simple Automotive Solutions
6:00-7:00 p.m., Tom Conway: 303-443-1343
7191 Arapahoe Rd. Suite B, Boulder
Poudre Sports Car
5:30-7:00 p.m., Zach Schroeder: 970-229-0990 5806 S. College Ave., Fort Collins
Prestige Imports
6:00-7:00 p.m., Justin Adis: 888-902-7870
9201 W. Colfax Ave, Lakewood
Eurosport LTD
5:30-7:00 p.m., Greg Johnson: 303-789-2545
1855 West Union Avenue, Unit C, Englewood
Leave your driving inhibitions on the freeway and join the spirit
of Steve McQueen at the race track. Register now!
Questions? Contact event chairs Jim Widrig at trout4fun@aol.
com or Nancy Warren at David Chase at david@chasegrp.com.
Lastly, a BIG thank you to our sponsor, RaceKraft and Design,
located at 2301 West Cornell Street, Englewood, Colorado 80113.
July 26-28: (Sara)toga Party Tour
Join Chris and Kathleen Lennon, for another legendary AMR Tour!
We will be heading to Wyoming this year, to the historic Saratoga
Resort and Spa. The tour will begin on Friday, July 26th, with a beautiful
drive through Wyoming’s Snowy Range, with our arrival into Saratoga
in plenty of time to enjoy the natural hot springs at the resort and even
explore the town. We will then enjoy dinner together that evening.
Saturday during the day, you’re free to explore all Saratoga has to
offer on your own, including options like golf, spa time, floating down
the placid Platte River, exploring the area on standard or tandem bikes,
horseback riding, four-wheeling, fishing, hiking, and birding. When you
register, you will be asked for your preference, and we’ll arrange group
rates for the most popular activities. We will then gather that evening
for an outdoor cookout at the resort. Sunday will see us hopping back
in our cars for a gorgeous drive back into Colorado together on some
more perfect Porsche roads.
We have negotiated great group rates with the Saratoga Resort
and Spa, with standard rooms at $151/night, deluxe rooms at $181/
night, and suites at $220/night. If those rooms fill up, we also have
rooms at the historic Wolf Hotel, fairly nearby, at $70-$110/night
(plus tax). All meals are included on Friday, breakfast and dinner
are included on Saturday, and breakfast and lunch are included on
Sunday. Driving tours Friday and Sunday and use of the hot springs
are included as well, plus much more!
The cost is $225 per person and June 26 is the deadline for
registration, so sign up today at www.motorsportreg.com. For
questions, contact cjlennon@comcast.net.
June 2013
1954 Carrera Panamericana 550 Spyder tribute race car
I’ve been an RMR-PCA member for ten years.
I have been a Porsche owner, off and on,
since 1975 (1970 911T, green with black & tan
interior; famous Porsche owners’ last words:
I wish I still had that car!). The 1999 SPB
race car I currently drive was purchased as
an everyday driver 6-7 years ago after I had
wanted a Boxster since their release in 1997. I
knew that I’d own a Boxster, I just didn’t know
when. At the time I had a very clean, nice, low
mileage 1988 Carrera Targa which I used for
all the Porsche activities—autocross, rallies,
DEs and enjoyable nice-weather cruises
through the mountains.
The Porsche gods must look out for us true
believers, because on the way to purchase a
used Subaru for an everyday driver, I drove
past a shiny Arctic Silver (my favorite) Boxster
just three blocks down the street from my
house. I couldn’t resist stopping to “check it
out,” because it had a “For Sale” sign in the
window! A test drive and a little haggling
and I was headed home with a new (to me)
Boxster. My very supportive wife gave me the
“really?” look when I pulled into the street out
front. Lucky for me, she just shook her head
and laughed!
The Boxster pulled daily duties and spent
its nights parked in the driveway while the
“88 Carrera rested in the garage. For about
two years I used both cars for PCA events,
gradually using the Boxster more and more.
I got to the point where I was not using the
Carrera much. On the track I was faster in the
Boxster. I would attribute this to the Boxster’s
more forgiving manners to a so-so driver,
given its mid-engine layout balance.
In the summer of 2010 I began the slide
down the slippery slope and added some
adjustable shocks and some DOT track tires.
I was hooked. That winter I decided to take
the plunge and make the car into a club racer
as the spec Boxster class had been out for a
year or two and was becoming more popular.
I gutted the car, ordered a small boatload of
parts, and had Hank, at Hanksville Hot Rods,
build a cage, and I built the car and hit the
track for the first time at the June DE, 2010.
Part of the race car building process is to
decide on a paint scheme and livery design.
Next to Arctic Silver, one of my favorite colors
on a Porsche is signal orange. And since the
June 2013
orange was a very popular color on the 914,
the Boxster’s sometimes unloved cousin, I
decided to offer an acknowledgement to the
Boxster’s evolutionary connective heritage
of the 914. Hence at the time signal orange
mirrors and wheels.
After two years of racing, the car was
starting to show its age; the amount of road
rash damage is pretty amazing, especially at
the back half of the field! Every racer after
the last race of the season decides and
plans what they want to improve, enhance,
and repair from the past season’s wear
and tear. I needed the front bumper cover
repainted along with the roof, which was
still in the temporary rattle-can silver paint
job. I have seen and appreciated numerous
race cars, and one of my favorites is from
the Cayman Interseries. I liked the idea
of famous historic race cars from the past
being acknowledged in the present by using
the historic liveries. Nothing like seeing
the memory and acknowledgement of past
Porsche race car greats flying down the
track in modern technology! I started doing
a little research, looking for something new
and historic-referenced that might look
good on my Boxster. After looking at lots
of current race cars and historic Porsche
race cars, I realized that one of my favorite
Dean Johnson
historic racers, and arguably one of the bestrecognized, the 1954 Porsche 550-004 Spyder
in its 1954 Carrera Panamericana livery, was
not, as far as I could tell, being used on a
current active Porsche race car. It caught
me a little surprised and excited at the same
time. Surprised in that someone else hadn’t
done this yet. And excited in that it seemed
such a natural choice for a Boxster race car
and that Porsche itself has made extensive
acknowledgment of the 550 as the genetic
forefather of the Boxster and Porsche
racecars ... a perfect logical choice for an
SPB race car, in my mind! Now the questions
were whether it would visually work and
how to find a skilled automotive graphics
person to do the vinyl decals. A group of
my knowledgeable RMR-PCA friends was
solicited for their opinions on my idea for
re-liverying the race car, and the consensus
was “sounds like a cool idea.” And now for
the how: I was referred to Patrick Duffey,
who owns and operates MoonShine Signs,
and explained to him my idea and showed
him lots of pictures, from which he worked
up some electronic mockups and proceeded
to develop the decal package.
The transformation was completed in
January this year in time for a debut at the 48
Hours of Sebring Club Race this year.
in the zone
Hi, all!
including a writeup and pictures
from two Driver
Education events
in Zone 9. In midApril, AMR held
Driver Ed at Pikes Peak International
Raceway in Fountain, Colorado (about
15 miles south of Colorado Springs). I
got to the track on Friday in plenty of
time to attend the novice meeting. Even
though I’ve driven on tracks several
times in the past, I’d never driven on
this track; plus, I wanted to listen to the
presentation. After the meeting, we
were all invited to drive a few “parade”
laps around the track, and it was nice
to get a feel for the track at a moderate
The next day, things got started early
and everyone picked up their packets
and got their cars ready for the track.
There were 81 drivers, and they were
placed in different run groups based on
track experience. I was in the purple
group, and most, if not all, of us were
not going to drive on the track on
Sunday. I had volunteered to fill out the
Observer’s Report for both days, and
since I’d be driving back to Santa Fe on
Sunday, I decided that I didn’t want to
wear myself out too much before the
long drive back. Fellow Roadrunners
Bill and Betty Guyre were there, and it
was nice to visit with them throughout
the weekend.
I was very fortunate to be paired up
with Ronn Langford, and his instruction
Liz Shaw, PCA Zone 9 Representative
was superb. I
starting out, a
little intimated
by the banked
oval and infield,
but Ronn was
me plenty of
feedback throughout the sessions.
One car had a mishap with a busted
oil line, and since the clean-up took a
while, we ended up cutting out one
session. Dinner on Saturday night was
fun, with a catered meal served upstairs
in a big meeting area.
On Sunday, there were about 60
drivers, and everyone was busy all day.
It got very windy, but it was sunny so it
wasn’t too cold. There always seemed
to be an empty spot for corner workers
and I ended up working most of the
sessions throughout the day. I didn’t
mind, as I got to see the cars on the
track, plus I was always paired with
someone new so I got to know the other
All in all, a very fun weekend—
catching up with old friends, making
new friends, experiencing a new track,
Porsche cupcakes—what could be
Two weekends later, I was back in
Colorado, but this time I flew out there. I
hadn’t planned to drive at RMR’s Speed
Fever IV DE at High Plains Raceway,
and the airfare with Frontier was pretty
cheap, so I got there the easy way. I
stayed at my brother’s house in Littleton,
and then early on Saturday morning, we
set out for HPR. I’d been to the track
before, but hadn’t driven on it, and after
a weekend of seeing everyone have
such a good time, the next time I’m at
HPR, I’m driving!
There were 125 drivers on Saturday,
and talk about Track Candy—wow!
Fun to see everyone there and to see
all of the very cool cars. The morning
was a bit nippy, but once things got
going and everyone had a session or
two completed, I don’t think anyone
felt the cool weather. RMR was also
conducting instructor training, and I sat
in on one of the instruction sessions.
As with the AMR DE, this one was
well organized and things proceeded
very smoothly. Dinner was served after
the Saturday sessions were done, and
there were even some door prizes
handed out.
Sunday was a little breezier but
sunnier, and there were about 93
drivers in attendance. Another good
day of driving for everyone. I stayed in
Denver one more night, then flew back
to Albuquerque on Monday.
Looking at the Zone 9 calendar
for May, you can see that all of the
Regions are busy—and in the case of
Roadrunner Region, very busy! For the
July Zone 9 Report, I’ll be able to tell
you all about Fiesta New Mexico, and
maybe I’ll be able to squeeze in a report
on the June 8th RMR Ladies’ Day DE
in Golden, CO, and the RMR Cerebral
Palsy Concours d’Elegance on June
Happy driving!
June 2013
classified ads
Classified ads are free to RMR/PCA members
for items personally owned by the member. No
commercial ads. Ads for non-members are $10
for each month (send payment to RMR Treasurer
- Roger Buswell, 1200 Greenwood Lane, Castle
Rock, CO 80104). Ads must be 75 words or less.
Deadline for classified ad submission is the 15th
of the previous month. Member ads will run for
two issues. Ads will also appear with an optional
photo on the rmr.pca.org Web site. E-mail your ad
to newsletter@rmrporscheclub.com.
10” and 12” x 18”, banana camber boxes, 935
rear mono ball spring plates, solid suspension
bushings/engine mounts, European Racing
center exhaust, transponder. Fast & well
balanced, ready to race, needs nothing.
$52,000, Hank 719-661-8911, PhyllisG911@
earthlink.net . [May] 1989 944 Turbo - Cinnamon Exterior / Cream
Interior. New tires, extra set rear tires, bra,
storage cover, 90,000 miles, well maintained.
$17,900. Call Hal. 970-824-5013. [May]
1983 944 Nice street-legal track car - Racetech
seats, 5-point harnesses, shift indicator. Runs
well, but engine has small oil leak. $5,000. Call
Ernie, 303-499-4048. [Jun]
porsche cars
1969 991T - Second owner, original engine,
2013 991 Carrera 4S - Agate Gray, black good driver. Older restoration begun, but
interior, dark tint, clear mask. 600 miles; not completed. Mag wheels (not Fuchs) and
purchased new a week ago from local dealer. original chrome wheels. Mechanically very
Magnificent! But I need a different model. sound. Interior partially done, all instruments
Has PDK and 14-way sport seats. Includes work. Long wheelbase with Webber carbs.
Porsche car cover. Paid $121,000. $112,000. Many parts, books, original owner’s manual
and original tool kit. Minor rust in a couple
David, 303-819-4118. [Jun]
places, body still sound. Good street car or
restoration project. I have owned car since
2004 911 40th Anniversary Model (#898) - 79K 1971. $21,000. Frank - 720-482-6951. [Jun]
Miles. IMS done at 73K at Poudre Sports Car.
Sachs Clutch, LWFW, IPD Plenum (at 60K).
Front rotors/pads/sensors, rear pads, motor
mounts and hood shocks (at 78K). Includes 4 Boxster S/Carrera S 19” wheels (lobster
Bose 6-Disc, Nav, Turbo Seats, LSD, X51, claws) - from an ‘05, 235/35 X 19 and 265/35
rack and even cover. Clean Car Fax. Last 2 X 19 Michelin Pilot Sport tires. Wheels are
Blackstone reports available. So. Cal car. All excellent and include full colored center caps,
keys, manuals, and original window sticker tires around 2500 miles. It’s OK to make fun of
(MSRP +$97K). Asking $39950. Fort Collins, me, I’m going back to my stock springs and
760-670-5177 or brianw@studiowilke.com. 18” wheels and tires. Great buy at $1,500 for
the set. Please contact Rick Glesner, 303-798-
2004 Porsche Boxster S, 550 Anniversary
Special Edition - In great shape, excellent
running condition with only 25k miles. One
owner, clean title and full vehicle history. Well
priced at $23,000. GT Silver metallic/Coca full
leather w/ silver trim. Very rare Ltd edition
#1643 out of 1953 worldwide. Over 50 unique
features of limited edition built and sold by
Porsche. 303-725-7400 or jamstra@aol.com.
1974 Porsche RSR Race Car replicar - 3.4L fresh engine, twin plug, Crankfire, carbon
fiber/Kevlar engine shroud & dashtop, Pauter
rods, 46-mm Webers, 915 gearbox, Quaife, big
red brakes, Bilstein coil-overs, 2 sets of wheels
June 2013
8890/rick.glesner@earthlink.net [May]
OEM 968 Cup Design 7.5x17 and 9x17 wheels
- with 225 and 255 Falken FK451 tires, less
than 500 miles. Should fit the 944. Wheels
refinished by Oklahoma Foreign and have a
few minor marks. They’ve been in storage for
4 years as they are too nice to be on my track
car. OF wants $400 for one front wheel, but get
the whole set, with tires, for $1150.00; email
rseiferth01@msn.com or call Rick at 720-4729032. [May]
1965 E-Type Series 1 4.2 Convertible Carmen Red/Black/Black, 265/280 hp/ft-lb,
rare fiberglass hardtop. Matching numbers.
2011 first place CP Concours. 1990 95-point
restoration to original specs/color by
renowned XKs Unlimited. Owned since 2008
by RMRPCA member (’67 911) and driven
8.5K while fully sorting. All service (annual oil
changes, bi-annual brake fluid/coolant) and
many upgrades performed by local restorer
T’s Sunrise. Drive it to appreciate value.
$105,000. Contact: Bob Ottewill (303) 478-5842;
bottewill@comcast.net . [Jun]
Brey-Krause BK 3010 Roll Bar Extension
- for 99-04 Boxster, includes BK 9050 roll bar
extension pad kit. Used for one DE. Cost new
on internet $871, your price $425. Brey-Krause
R 2020 fire extinguisher bracket - for 996
and 99-04 Boxster. Lists for $130, selling for
$50. Contact Ken Hodge 303-910-3459 or ken.
hodge64@gmail.com [May]
Boxster S front and rear sway bars with
bushings - Improve handling, easy to install.
Fit all 986 97-04 Boxsters. $59. Call Wayne @
970-481-1845 or e-mail bevemail@comcast.
net. [May]
993 black front and rear brake calipers - Came
off of my 96 993 at 28,000 miles. Oklahoma
Foreign lists one front caliper at $275 but get
all 4 for $550. 968 front brake calipers (non
sport package/turbo) for $200 for both. Email
rseiferth01@msn.com or call Rick at 720-4729032. [May]
From 997.2 Carrera 4S - Champion Motorsport
Tubi-Style stainless steel exhaust (+15-20
hp gain) $1200 (does not include clamps or
exhaust tips), used 7000 miles. Price is plus
shipping, if required. 303-680-7532 or sanrich@
aol.com. [May]
H&R sport springs for 996 C4S and C4 - Part
number is 29466. $175. M030 springs and
struts from my 2003 C4S. Part number for front
996 343 043 and rear 996 333 051 26bjo. Asking
$175. Also, B&M Short shifter for 996, and I
think it would fit 986 as well. Already put into
a stock assembly so you don’t have to destroy
yours, ready to install. $150. cenktoroslu@
gmail.com or 303-243-4154. [May]
Billy Boat B&B exhaust system for C2 or C4 $400. includes exhaust headers and test pipe;
it is all stainless steel and in good condition.
Edward 720-870- 7514 or etourtelot@aol.com
June 2013
i get around
What Porsche
would Gatsby
You thought I meant
Jesus? No, no, that’s too easy. JC would
be wearing his “True Religion” jeans and
his “Members Only” jacket, and he’d
saunter into a perfectly maintained 550
RSK, silver, with a red Pegasus decal on
the side.
Jay Gatsby is much more complicated.
To start, the book The Great Gatsby,
which many consider the one true Great
American Novel, takes place in 1922.
And, in the book, Jay drives a Rolls Royce
big enough to carry great gobs of partiers
to West Egg from Manhattan, every
But, in the latest remake of the movie,
he drives one of Fred and Augie’s
greatest creations, a Duesenberg Model
J. Which is fine ... except for the fact that
the Model J is from 1929. Such is poetic
license on the big screen, I guess.
So let’s stretch our own willing
suspension of disbelief to the present
In the book we learn Gatsby made his
money bootlegging. Today he’d ... import
illegal agricultural substances? I’d prefer
running a Ponzi scheme or a hedge fund.
But I could be swayed.
And that would lead to mega-wealth
in today’s dollars ... from a residential
standpoint, no Mc-manse on the North
Shore of Long Island as in the book
and movies. Heaven forbid. Would
someone with virtually unlimited means
put up with the Long Island Expressway,
euphemistically called “the longest
parking lot in the world”? Hardly.
In today’s world, Gatsby would sleep
in an apartment on Fifth Avenue, or
maybe 15 Central Park West. And he’d
spend weekends on Further Lane in
Southampton. And his Sikorsky would
take him 20 minutes to get to East
Hampton Airport. He’d be quarreling
June 2013
Dick Badler
with the town elders about a heliport on
his property.
Of course he’d have a Panamera Turbo
in the garage in Manhattan. But it would
get very little use. Maybe jaunts up the
Taconic Parkway to visit Ralph, that
Ralph, in Bedford. Or out to Teterboro to
board the Gulfstream.
In the Hamptons, it would be a different
story. You’d need something funky,
something slightly shabby, something
you don’t mind getting sand in, to slink
to the beach. Like a Carrera Cab, red,
which Jay would have held onto since
his business school days, for sentimental
reasons. It would have been a gift from
his parents.
But evenings in the Hamptons would
be a different story. That’s when it’s time
for a dramatic entrance, which can only
call for a Carrera GT. Black.
But he’d have a 918 on order. Also
Would he drive it? Would he drive
either? Well, I have it on good authority
that Oracle gazillionaire Larry Ellison
bought a McLaren F1 in the ‘90s, and was
actually fitted for his seat at the factory ...
and never came back to pick up the car.
As Hemingway said, “The rich are
different from you and me.” To which
Scott Fitzgerald allegedly said, “Yes, they
have more money.”
Which would lead the Gulfstream to
holiday flights to the ski house on Red
Mountain in Aspen. Where a Cayenne
Turbo would be waiting to whisk Gatsby
and his entourage to a waiting table at
the Caribou Club, in all types of weather.
Or holiday visits to Anguilla or St.
Barts. Where they’d be picked up by
more Cayenne Turbos, with blacked out
windows, of course.
What about Palm Beach, you say?
Now, sport, that’s for retirees. Retirees
who stay put.
Jay’s crowd would also make it to La La
Land. For business. Yeah, for the export/
import business. Or to find investors in
the latest fund. You could spot them at
the Four Seasons ... they’d be the only
ones lounging beside the pool in January.
But the party would be at the house on
Carbon Beach in Malibu. From which Jay
would willingly show you the very spot
on the Pacific Coast Highway where that
fellow “Dietrich” split his Enzo in two.
And in Europe?
Ah, it’s tough. Jay would wax poetic
about the era of the Concorde. When
time really was of the essence, and you
could grasp it as the speed meter on the
bulkhead crept toward Mach 2.
And he’d go on about the sight on
arrival back at Kennedy, where everyone
would deplane and make a beeline for
the helicopter parking area.
At the other end, it’s, what, an hour by
private charter from De Gaulle to Nice
Airport and a short drive on the A8 to St.
Tropez. Or to Monaco. Or Cannes. For
the race. For the film festival. For both.
Jay’s house would be set amid the
homes of the Russian Oligarchs on Cap
Ferrat. And the Sunseeker would be
docked below.
In the garage we’d find ... old, old
money that would be appreciating while
standing still—a Porsche 904, with
number plates, an ex-rally 911 SC, one
of the Rothman’s cars, and a real 2.7
Carrera, bought new by Jay’s father ... or
so the story goes, old sport.
Then it’s back to Paris, to the suite at
Le Crillon. Or the George V. And, after a
night of revelry at Le Bar, he’d start up the
loaner 911 Turbo as dawn broke (when
you own this many Porsches, you just
call ahead and one materializes—ask
Jerry Seinfeld). And he and his pleasure
dome for the evening would venture out
and try to recreate the route of that nineminute fit of cinematic debauchery, Le
Ah yes. It’s so, well, current ... a nice
life if you can get away with it, old sport.
But, remember. In the novel and all the
cinematic adaptations, he doesn’t get
away with it. And that’s what we call
poetic justice, forevermore.
what we do
Whether your tastes are social, technical, or competitive, RMR has something for you! You can have fun in
your Porsche by particip ating in driver education and time trials at area tracks, autocrosses, rallies, tours, tech
sessions, car shows and more. Each year RMR organizes a variety of opportunities to enjoy and learn about
your Porsche.
Assistant Editor
Accounts Payable
David Schmidt
Bill Terry
Roger Buswell
display advertising
The print version of the award-winning
High Gear reaches nearly 2,200 members
in more than 1,200 households!
Please contact the Newsletter Editor
David Schmidt to explore the promotional
possibilities for your business or event
in the magazine named “the best overall
newsletter in the PCA” in 2011:
NLeditor@comcast.net • 303.662.1162
advertising rates (monthly)
annual contracts receive a 10% discount
Size (W x H)
(8½” x 11”)
(8½” x 11”)
(8½” x 11”)
(8½” x 11”)
(8” x 4⅞”)
(8” x 4⅞”)
(3⅞” x 4⅞”
or 8” x 2½”)
(2½” x 5½”)
(4” x 2½”)
back cover
front cover
back cover
interior page
back cover
interior page
interior page
interior page
interior page
A tour is a non-competitive driving event in which
participants follow a given route to a destination
(which may or may not be known in advance). A tour
may vary in length from a day trip to a long weekend
with an overnight stay or two. Tours usually follow
scenic routes (which are plentiful in Colorado) and/
or visit interesting or obscure destinations. Tours are
sometimes combined with rallies to add variety and a
dose of competition to the event.
RMR hosts at least one tour each year; AMR
typically offers several. A number of tours are usually
offered at Porsche Parade as well.
A rally is a competitive event in which contestants
attempt to follow a course specified by a set of
instructions. Rallies are typically run on public,
paved roads, and speed limits are always observed.
The two major types of rallies are the Time-SpeedDistance (TSD) rally and the Gimmick rally. In a TSD
rally, participants attempt to follow the instructions
precisely, maintaining the correct speed, as points
are deducted for arriving at checkpoints (the locations
of which are not known in advance) early or late. A
Gimmick rally is typically a bit less rigid and usually
involves solving puzzles of some type.
Between RMR and AMR, a handful of rallies—at
least one of each type—are offered. Porsche Parade
also hosts a TSD rally, and sometimes a Gimmick rally,
each year.
Autocross (AX)
An autocross is a competition in which drivers
navigate their cars through a course defined by orange
cones, usually in a large parking lot. Top speeds are
generally moderate, topping out around 40-65 MPH
(no higher than second gear for many cars). Competing
cars are spaced at long intervals—typically only one
or two cars are on the course at any time. Autocross
is a safe way to experience high-performance driving
while learning to drive your car at its limit.
Together, RMR and AMR host several autocross
Membership Social
High Gear is printed in Englewood, CO by
Driving Events
Driver Education (DE)
A driver education event provides a safe, controlled
environment for high-performance driving instruction.
DE offers drivers of all skill levels the opportunity to
hone their driving skills, with the help of an experienced
instructor, in a controlled, closed-course environment.
In keeping with PCA philosophy, the primary emphasis
at all times is on safety. A word of warning, though:
the DE experience may be habit-forming!
As DE events are not racing, nor preparation for
racing, lap times are not recorded. However, some
DE events are followed immediately by a time trial
event, which gives drivers a chance to quantify their
performance. Lap times may then be used to measure
personal improvement, for bragging rights, etc.
RMR hosts six DE’s each year at High Plains
Raceway, with AMR hosting several more at the La
Junta, Pueblo and (possibly in the future) Pike’s Peak
International Raceway tracks.
Club Race
A club race is a wheel-to-wheel racing event. A race
weekend consists of a number of practice sessions and
“heats” (race sessions), often involving both “sprint”
and “endurance” races. As a Club Racing license
(issued by PCA National) is required for competition,
club racers are serious and experienced drivers. The
cars they bring with them to the track can be quite
impressive! As a point of interest, the PCA Club Racing
program was inaugurated with the RMR-hosted “First
Ever Anywhere” club race at Second Creek in 1992.
Because of the logistics involved in an event of this
magnitude, a club race requires a legion of volunteers.
However, a club race is also one of most exciting
events to participate in, so be sure to sign up!
RMR hosts one club race each year at High Plains
Raceway which, combined with a Driver Education
event, adds up to one thrilling weekend!
Non-Driving Events
Membership socials provide an opportunity to
reconnect with old friends and meet new members.
Historically, a membership meeting begins with a
social hour with a cash bar, followed by the evening’s
program. The content of the program varies, sometimes
featuring a “slide show” from a recent event, or a guest
speaker such as accomplished Speed World Challenge
racer Randy Pobst.
RMR’s membership socials, unless otherwise
stated, are held the first Thursday of the month.
Different venues and topics will keep the meetings
fresh and inviting. Watch High Gear and the RMR
Web site for details. And if you have any ideas for a
program, talk to the Program Committee Chair or a
Board member!
Tech Session
events each year, including Eiskhana (essentially an
autocross on the ice!) in the winter and an AX school
in the spring. Additionally, autocross is a major event
at Porsche Parade.
A tech session is just what it sounds like—a session
in which a technical topic is discussed. Not just for
gearheads, a tech session may demonstrate practical,
“do-it-yourself” procedures such as brake bleeding.
Tech sessions are usually presented by experienced
Porsche technicians, many of whom are sponsors of
RMR events and High Gear.
RMR hosts a few tech sessions each year, typically
in the “off months” when few driving events take
place. In addition, numerous tech sessions are offered
at Porsche Parade.
Concours d’Elegance
A concours is essentially a car show, in which
contestants endeavor to present their cars in as close
to “perfect” condition as possible. A number of judged
categories usually exist, typically differentiating
between types of cars (e.g. 356, Boxster) and level
of preparation (“daily driver” or “full preparation”
or somewhere in between). Cars sometimes may be
entered as “display only,” for owners who wish to
participate but not compete.
RMR participates in a handful of local concours
events each year, including the annual Exotic Sports
Car Show and Concours d’Elegance, benefiting United
Cerebral Palsy Colorado. The annual Porsche Parade
also hosts a major concours each year.
June 2013
rorrim weivraer eht
Inaugural RMR Event Set at Second Creek—June 1983. On June 11-12, 1983,
RMR will be one of the first groups, if not the first, to have the opportunity to
drive at Second Creek, the new track near Denver. Second Creek is a new
concept in high performance tracks, catering to people who want to take
private racing lessons, private clubs such as the Porsche Club, and SCCA
racing events. To help defray the costs, memberships are being sold, which
will allow individuals to use the track on an almost daily basis. All participants
in the June 11-12 event must be members of the Porsche Club region.
Registration fee is $40 for the first driver and $10 for the second driver.
June 2013
Amy Legg-Rogers, Historian
The 2014 Maserati Ghibli S Q4 is powered by an efficient 3 litre
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driving pleasure with which Maserati is synonymous.
All for right around $79,900
1480 East County Line Road, Highlands R anch, CO 80126
www.ferr ariofdenver.com 303.730.7340
*$79,900 in an estimated base MSRP. Actual base
MSRP of the 2014 Maserati Ghibli to be announced.