Garland Quilt Guild March 2016 Newsletter


Garland Quilt Guild March 2016 Newsletter
Garland Quilt Guild
March 2016
Words from the President
Do you find that trying to catch up on your quilting projects is an impossible task? It seems
projects multiply. Today I had to make a decision - sew or scrub the kitchen door, there wasn't
time for both. Decisions, decisions.
Don't forget to bring your finished Jacob's Ladder quilts to the March meeting. I can't wait to see
The zippered hooded sweatshirts are in, also new tote bags. We'll have them at the meeting.
We’ve had some mention of phone distractions during meetings – please silence your
Your comments and suggestions are important to me – please let me know if there’s something
on your mind.
Thank you for another great month. Happy Quilting!
Suzy Boyle, President
Sweat Shirt Weather?
Get your Garland Quilt Guild shirts now!
Short Sleeved Tees - $10.00
Long Sleeved Tees - $15.00
Hoodies - $20.00
Zip Front Sweat Shirts Coming Soon - $25.00
Available at meetings or by calling Suzy Boyle, 469222-8343 or
Programs News
We all enjoyed “Quilts with A View” presented by Faye Labanaris. It was a wonderful
presentation and we were fortunate that she shared her time with the Garland Guild and KDAA.
On March 1, the Guild celebrates the annual Founder’s Spool Award, the President’s Quilt
Challenge and the presentation of Volunteer Awards. Don’t forget your completed Jacob’s
Also at the March 1 Guild meeting, the Guild will work on the completion of our TAQG project
so keep those five inch blocks coming in!
April 5th bring us Winnie Fleming and her “Borders Bonanza”. How many borders can you put
on a quilt? Her philosophy is the more, the merrier! Five is a minimum for her! She is an award
winning quilter and author. She will share her various border types to frame you center quilt in
a fabulous trunk show. She keeps on-going border after border.
April 5th bring us Winnie Fleming and her “Borders Bonanza”. How many
borders can you put on a quilt? Her philosophy is the more, the merrier! Five is
a minimum for her! She is an award winning quilter and author. She will share
her various border types to frame you center quilt in a fabulous trunk show. She
keeps on-going border after border.
April 9th is our Member work shop. We will begin to start off with “Skill Builders” demos. The
demo is border mitering, how to measure for the border, watch part of a Craftsy class by Winnie
Fleming and conclude our workshop with a fast and furious JELLY ROLL RACE! All you
need is one jelly roll, scissors, machine and lots of bobbins. They say a quilt top in less than one
hour???? Get set, start your machine and GO! A prize for the winner! There is no charge for
this workshop.
May 3rd, bring us Deborah Burkett. Educator and author, she wraps us
up into quilting history. She started the famous quilt show, “Aunt
Lillie’s Annual Fourth of July Show” in Troup, TX. Her lecture,
“Quilts and Their Story”, will show how quilts bind generations
together. Her collection of quilts will speak out to you and can’t wait
to hear about “Turkey Red”!
Carla Byrom, Vice-President
At the March meeting, we will assemble our donation for the July 9th Rally Day goody bags 500 charm packs of 10-5" squares! (If you still have squares to donate, bring them to the March
meeting.) Also at the meeting, tickets will be available for the Pre-Rally Day raffle (a fabulous
assortment of quilt-related gifts including new sewing machines!), Rally Day pins for $5, box
lunches for $10, tee shirts (bejeweled and plain), and workshops with our Rally Day speaker
Kim Einmo. We will also be collecting mini quilts and similar items for the Rally Day silent
March 11-13 Dallas Quilt Show - Quilters Guild of Dallas
Dallas Market Hall
March 18-19 35th Annual Tyler Quilt Show - Quilters Guild of East Texas
Harvey Convention Center
2000 West Front St. (Highway 31 W), Tyler,
March 18-19 Shades of Texas Quilt Show - Crossroad to Texas Quilt Guild
Killeen Civic and Conference Center
3601 South W. S. Young Drive, Killeen or
April 1-2
DFW Fiber Fest
Grapevine, TX
April 1-2
Georgetown Quilt and Stitchery Show
San Gabriel Park Community Center
445 East Morrow Street, Georgetown,
Meeks Marsha, TAQG President, GQG TAG Rep.
Rally Day?? TAQG??
What, you ask, is Rally Day? And what exactly is TAQG? The Texas Association of Quilt
Guilds (TAQG) is a confederation of over 30 guilds in the North and East/Central Texas area.
Made up of representatives from each guild, TAQG offers assistance of all kinds to the local
guilds, and their big annual event is RALLY DAY, which is held the second Saturday of July.
In 2016, Rally Day will be July 9 from 9:00AM to around 3:00PM at Mimosa Lane Baptist
Church in north Mesquite. Admission is free to all guild members (just bring your guild
membership card) and features a nationally known speaker (Kimberly Einmo in 2016) plus a
mini-quilt auction, guild raffle quilts, door prizes galore, two fabulous raffle baskets( fabulous as
in: includes a new sewing machine!) and a great time to get together with quilt buddies. The first
500 people in the door get a Goodie Bag with something from each of the participating guilds kind of like a Christmas stocking for quilters, only in July!
Meeks Marsha, TAQG President, GQG TAG Rep.
Garland Quilt Guild Meeting Minutes
February 2, 2016
The meeting was called to order at 7:00 pm by President Suzy Boyle. Suzy welcomed everyone
to our January meeting.
Carla Byrom introduced our program speaker, Faye Labanaris.
Minutes: Debbie Simms presented the minutes from the January meeting and they were
approved as presented.
Treasurer’s Report: Roxanne Garrett presented the 2016 budget. Barbara Cissne made a
motion that we accept the budget as presented and Vicki Isenhour seconded. The motion
passed. She also reported that the 2015 audit was complete. January beginning balance was
$17437.62 with income of $1562.00 and expense of $2160.23. The ending balance is
Newsletter: Mary Battaglia said that the newsletter will now include Classified Ads from
members only.
BOM: Barbara showed the block for March. She is accepting mini quilts for the silent auction
in September. In July we will have a table runner/wall exchange.
Retreat: Cynthia Bennett will accept registration next month for the retreat in May. The final
payment is due in April.
Raffle Quilt: Virginia Hauer reported that the raffle quilt for 2016 will be in the Dallas Show.
Sunshine & Shadow: Carolyn Kerr gave the sunshine & shadow report.
Community Services Special Programs: Jeanne Blalock reported that there will be a mini trunk
show on February 25 from 2:30 to 3:30 at Garland Nursing and Rehabilitation.
TAGQ: Marsha Meeks reminded us that Rally Day is July 9. She will have tickets for sale for
the luncheon, pins, and raffle next month. We will be putting together the charm pack at the
March meeting.
Community Service: Vicki Isenhour is looking for members that want to bind or quilt.
Programs: Paula Washler reminded us of the upcoming programs and workshops.
Announcements: Let’s do lunch, February 13 at Copper Kettle at 11:30. President’s Challenge
will be at the March meeting.
Show and Tell:
Membership: Suzan Crocker reported that we had 90 members, 3 new members and 4 visitors.
BOM. There were 18 blocks this month and $95.00 in tickets were sold.
Door Prizes were donated by various friends of the guild.
The winner for the Support our Sponsors drawing was Carol Murray.
The meeting was adjourned at 9 pm.
Respectfully submitted,
Debbie Simms, Secretary
Money Matters
The financial statement for the month of February is attached. It was approved by the Executive
Board at the February Board meeting, and is presented to the membership for approval at the
March Guild meeting.
Roxanne Garrett, Treasurer
Audit report for 2015
The audit of the GQG accounting books was completed January 30, 2016. The books were found
to be accurate and in good order. Kudos to Roxanne Garrett for doing an awesome job as
treasurer for our guild! A BIG congrats to all Board Members and Committee Chairs—you have
ALL shown great fiscal responsibility in your expenditures. Thank you.
Respectfully submitted,
Denise Bartosh, Auditor, GQG
2016 Officers
Elected Officers:
President - Suzy Boyle
Vice President - Carla Byrom
Secretary - Debbie Simms
Treasurer - Roxanne Garrett
Membership - Suzan Crocker
By Laws - Jan Miller
Community Service -Vicki Isenhour
Appointed Chairs:
Advertising/Publicity - Reta Day
Auditor - Denise Bartosh
Database - Robbin Peck
Door Prize/Shop Hop - Sally Ashbacher
BOM/Fundraising - Barbara Brooks /
Barbara Cissne
Community Service Special Programs Jean Blaylock
Facebook – Ronnie Huff
Facilities - <vacant>
Historian - Linda Alexander
Hospitality - Diana Fisher
Librarian - Crystal Chapman
Newsletter - Mary Battaglia
Raffle Quilt - Virginia Hauer
Retreat - Cynthia Bennett/Sharon
Secret Pals - Carole Harp
Sunshine/Shadow - Carolyn Kerr
TAQG Rep - Marsha Meeks
Website - Pat Aldrich
The 2016 raffle quilt is with Carolyn Cortez. I can hardly
wait to see the fruit of her labors. The quilt is titled “Life in
Texas” and is an adaptation of “Life in the Midwest” by
Missie Carpenter.
The first showing of the quilt will be at the Dallas Quilt Show
on March11-12.
If you are new to quilting, the Dallas Quilt Show is a must
see. If you love antique quilts or are a fan of Gerald Roy’s contribution to Fons & Porter’s Love
of Quilting, This Old Quilt, they will have 35 quilts from his antique quilt collection.
The guild is placing a call for a machine quilter to quilt the 2017 raffle quilt. Per our by-laws
and the 501c3 rules, we cannot pay a member to quilt the quilt. For years Carolyn Cortez has
quilted our raffle quilts, but she wants to open up the opportunity for someone else who may be
interested. If you are interested in quilting the 2017 raffle quilt, please e-mail me: or phone 214-304-6249.
The 2017 raffle quilt has been selected by the Executive Board. We were looking for a patriotic
theme. A member generously donated a completed top of Fons & Porter’s “Stars and Stripes
Sampler” and it was accepted.
Thank you so much.
Virginia Hauer, Raffle Quilt
Sunshine and Shadows
Several Guild members have recently had surgery or have surgeries scheduled. Please keep
these members in your thoughts: Valerie Hubbard, Mary Jane Brooks, Susan deLarios and
Janile Heldenbrand. There are other members we miss seeing due to illnesses. Get well
wishes to all!
We need more ‘Sunshine’s’ to share!!
Carolyn Kerr, Sunshine and Shadows
In February we had 18 Heart Star Blocks. We made $95 on these blocks. The BOM pattern for
March is presented by Mary Jane Burton and is on the website. Thanks to everyone who
participates by making a block or by purchasing tickets for the drawing.
We will have a Patriotic Exchange in July of either a Wall Hanging or a Table Runner. A flyer
on this exchange can be found elsewhere in the Newsletter or at the BOM Table at meetings.
Ribbons for 1st, 2nd and 3rd will be given out voted on by the membership. Each participant will
take home a wall hanging or table runner made by another Guild member.
We will be having a Mini Silent Auction and Salad Supper in September 2016. We are now
collecting minis for this auction, so be busy sewing up minis for the auction. Forms will be
available to complete when you turn these in each month (March-August 2016). We have
received 14 to date. This is a separate event to raise money for the Guild’s programs.
If any of you wish to prepare a block for the monthly Block of the Month Raffle, please contact
Barbara Brooks ( ) or Barbara Cissne
This is the BOM pattern for the March meeting. Block was provided by: Mary Jane Burton
Use any fabric!
Dark Fabric
Light Fabric
Block = 11 ½” square
Cutting Instructions:
Dark: Cut:
1 – 7 ½” x 7 ½” Square
4 – 2 ½” x 2 ½” Squares
Light: Cut:
4 – 2 ½” x 7 ½” Rectangles
If any of you wish to prepare a block for the monthly Block of the Month Raffle, please contact
Barbara Brooks ( or Barbara Cissne
Barbara Brooks and Barbara Cissne
Block of the Month/Fundraising Co-Chairs
New Banners for Our Host Church
In appreciation for the generosity and cordiality the First Presbyterian Church has shown our
Guild, a committee has been formed to make new banners, following the liturgical year seasons,
as suggested by the church pastor. Marsha Meeks has organized the committee, and volunteer
banner-makers include Jean Blalock, Suzy Boyle, Evelyn Brown, Carla Byrom and Mary Jo
Ferril. Dana Dunlap will serve the committee as church liaison and advisor. If you are
interested in participating, contact Marsha Meeks.
Right now, the committee members are deciding their season and designing their banners. All
banners will be completed in 2016, and we will show the finished products to the Guild in Show
and Tell!
Meeks Marsha, TAQG President, GQG TAG Rep.
The Garland Quilt Guild will have a Patriotic Wall Hanging or Table runner Exchange at the
July 5th Meeting. Make any kind of patriotic item that you would like to receive yourself and
bring it to the July 5th meeting to exchange. We will have 1st, 2nd, and 3rd place ribbons for the
exchange to be voted on by the membership. If you bring a Wall Hanging or Table Runner,
you will be taking another one home made by a member of the Guild. It will be great fun to see
what everyone comes up with and you will have something new to grace your home with for the
Below are listed several sites with free patterns. Visit you favorite quilt shop for patterns, books
and magazines. (Don’t forget our library, too!) For those creative souls among us, design your
Here are some websites:
Barbara Brooks and Barbara Cissne
Block of the Month/Fundraising Co-Chairs
2016 Meetings & Workshops & Shows
GQG Meeting 7:00 pm First Presbyterian Church – 930 W Ave B
 2016 Presidents Challenge "Jacob's Ladder"
 Founder’s pool Award
 Volunteer Awards
 TAQG charm pack building event
GQG Board Meeting 7:00 pm First Presbyterian Church – 930 W Ave B
Newsletter Deadline for April, for board members articles and classified ads
11-12 Dallas Quilt Show – Quilters Guild of Dallas presents
“Words and Letterforms”, Dallas Market Hall
2200 Stemmons Fwy, Dallas, TX 75207
Note: Go and see the first public appearance of the GQG 2016 Raffle Quilt!
18-19 35th Annual Tyler Quilt Show - Quilters Guild of East Texas Presents "SCRAPS!"
18-19 Crossroad to Texas Quilt Guild presents “Shades of Texas Quilt Show”
DFW Fiber Fest, Grapevine
Georgetown Quilt and Stitchery Show
GQG Meeting 7:00 pm First Presbyterian Church – 930 W Ave B
Winnie Flemming -- "Borders Bonanza"
Member’s workshop
Skill builder Demos - Jelly Roll Race
GQG Board Meeting 7:00 pm First Presbyterian Church – 930 W Ave B
Newsletter Deadline for May, for board members articles and classified ads
Terrell Heritage Jubilee Quilt Show – Terrell, TX – see attached Terrellqs.pdf
22-23 Quilters Guild of Arlington Quilt Show
29-30 SUNSHINE DAZE Annual Quilt Show, Athens, TX
Let’s Do Lunch - 11:30, TBD
Classified Advertisement
The Board approved a new classified advertisement section for the GQG Newsletter.
Classified ad rules and guidelines:
 The ads are for GQG members only not for business purposes.
 All GQG members can place two ads per month.
 Members cannot submit ads for non GQG members.
 The ads shall be submitted to the GQG newsletter editor at ""
no later than the second Friday of each month.
 The ads will run for one month.
The ads will cost $2 per line. A line will be approximately 75 characters with a maximum of 3
lines per ad. Your information: name, email, phone number counts as letters in the line.
Payment is due by the day following newsletter publication.
Please pay promptly.
Thank you for placing your advertisement in the GQG Newsletter!
Reta Day, Advertising/Publicity and Mary Battaglia, Editor
GQG Classified Ads for March
“Built-in” wall ironing board. 16”wx48”t. Nice, Solid wood door. Reta: 972-271-0461
Editor Notes
If you have been to a Garland Quilt Guild event and have photos or would like to write an article,
we will gladly publish it in our Newsletter.
The Newsletter Chair description states, that the deadline for articles are the Friday after the
guild board meeting (2nd Tuesday of the month). The Deadline for the April Newsletter is Friday,
March 11.
Mary Battaglia, Editor
I want to take a moment and "Thank" every one for the great snacks the month of February. It
was a slim month for Birthdays and I yelled "HELP" and you all came thru for the group.
I also appreciate that so many of you have stepped into the kitchen to help out in the serving of
these delightful refreshments.
Don't forget that March birthday members will bring refreshments this month. Happy Birthday to
you all.
If you liked the idea of me including a recipe for Refreshments shared please let me know and
keep those recipe's coming.
At the end of the evening we need everyone to help us clean up and please leave your cups with
liquids and ice on the counter or pour these in the sink as the trash bags are very heavy to lift into
the dumpster. It is important that we do everything we can to leave this wonderful facility in
great condition so we are asked to stay and use this room.
Friendships grow one stitch at a time!
Diana Fisher, Hospitality
March Birthdays
Sally Ashbacher
Terry Kause
Martha A. Jones
Cheryl Olsen
Sharon Heironimus
Sydna Gordon
Robbin Peck, Database
Kim Riley
Lesa Allred
Dana Dunlap
Wanda Carter
Sandy Welch
Martha Lindberg
11th Annual Garland Quilt Guild Retreat
When: May 19 to May 22, 2016
Compass Center
1030 FM 339
Mt. Calm, Texas
Two nights: $174.40
Three nights: $261.60
Payment in full by the April Meeting
(Make checks out to GQG)
Check-in: no earlier than 12:00 noon,
Check-out: no later than 2:00 pm.
Retreat Theme: NO THEME, No Games, No Surveys, No Evaluations!!! Only
Sewing, Eating and Sleeping, in the order you want to participate in!
Thursday arrivals: First meal is Dinner (Bring Snacks/meal for lunch or you can eat out)
Friday arrivals: First meal is Dinner, ($5.00 charge if you have lunch at the center.)
Saturday: 3 meals provided
Sunday: continental Brunch – mid/late morning.
Compass Center Provides:
 All linens, bedding, twin size bed, laundry facilities, and large personal storage drawer
 “L” shaped workstation with “The Perfect Sewing Chair”.
 Group cutting mats, ironing boards, design walls.
 Wireless DSL internet connections, printer, scanner, copier – for a nominal fee.
 Electrical connections at each workstations.
What to Bring:
 Projects, sewing machine, tools, task light, small iron – if need
 Clothing – include a sweater/jacket.
 Personal toiletries, medications.
 Snacks, drinks (Coffee, tea, water provided)
 Earplugs, favorite pillow/blanket – if needed
 Favorite book/puzzle – there are recliners & rockers for the “break time”.
IRONS ARE NOT PROVIDED – Ironing tables are available throughout the room.
 A Massage Therapist is available, contact Melissa at Compass Center for prices and
 Melissa’s Store with fabric and tools.
 Small item for door prize drawing – baskets provided
Contact Cynthia Bennett, Retreat Chairperson, for Retreat Registration, 214-686-1059, 13515
Willow Bend Road, Dallas, TX 75240-3700
Small Groups
Small groups are a good way to get to know members of the Guild better, form bonds, learn new
techniques, get help with projects, sit and sew together, and support each other along life’s journey.
We currently have seven groups. If you are interested in joining a group, contact the leaders or
our Vice-President, Carla Byrom, 469-338-5749,
Meeting time: 3rd Saturday
Contact: Shirley Michie: 972-840-3308
Meeting time: the last Tuesday 9AM – 4 PM
Place: Blue Ribbon Quilt Shoppe, Wylie
Contact: Shirley Ostinelli: 972-429-0404
At this time we have a waiting list.
Meeting time: Bi-weekly Thursday evenings
at 7 PM in member homes
Contact: Marsha Meeks: 972-414-9305
We are not seeking new members at this time
due to space limitations.
Meets 2nd Wednesday, 7:00 PM
Contact: Suzy Boyle: 469-222-8343
Meeting time: 3rd Monday 10 AM – 2 PM
Contact: Diane Randolph, 469-556-4996,
Sue Lewis, 972-495-7655,
Meeting time: 3rd Wednesday, 11:30 AM,
Light Lunch provided
Contact: Carla Byrom: 469-338-5749
Meeting time: 4th Thursday, 7 PM
Contact: Barbara Cissne: 972-414-1178
Sack Lunch Ministry
The demand for the church’s sack lunches has grown tremendously, with the church now giving
away about 35 lunches a week to the homeless or the hungry. The following is the list of items
for the sack lunch ministry operated by our facility location host, First Presbyterian Church. Just
pack the lunches in a small brown paper sack with non-perishable items, such as:
canned tuna or chicken salad
peanut butter and crackers
cheese and crackers
fruit cup
You may also include a drink (although not necessary) as well as a napkin and spoon. Items should
not require a can opener. Bottled water is also much appreciated... You can find many of these
items at a Dollar Tree, Big Lots, Wal-Mart, etc.
The church also collects pancake mix and syrup. We also have a tip jar at the sign-in table, and
if everyone were to throw in their loose change we could donate a great deal to the church each
month. Thank you so much!
The Garland Quilt Guild Meets at the following location:
First Presbyterian Church
930 West Avenue B
Garland, TX 75040
Corner of 9th and Avenue B
The first Tuesday of each month at 7pm.
Find us online at:
~also visit us on Facebook~
Executive Board meetings are held on the Tuesday
following the regular Guild meeting at 7:00pm at the church
Please note that if the Garland or Dallas Independent Schools are closed for inclement weather, the Guild
will not have their scheduled meeting. Our members’ safety is very important to us.