Agenda - PDF - Peoria County
Agenda - PDF - Peoria County
Sharon K. Williams, District 1 Junior Watkins, District 2 Lynn Scott Pearson, District 3 Chairperson-Andrew A. Rand, District 4 Rachael Parker District 5 G. Allen Mayer, District 6 James C. Dillon, District 7 Phillip Salzer, District 8 Michael Phelan, District 9 Andrew A. Rand - Chairperson R. Steve Sonnemaker, County Clerk Vice-Chairperson -Stephen M. Morris, District 10 Mary Ardapple, District 11 Robert Baietto, District 12 James T. Fennell, District 13 Brian Elsasser, District 14 Carol Trumpe, District 15 Brad Harding, District 16 Thomas H. O’Neill, III, District 17 Paul Rosenbohm, District 18 PEORIA COUNTY BOARD MEETING AGENDA Thursday, May 12, 2016 6:00 PM * REVISED County Courthouse • 324 Main Street • County Board Room 403 • Peoria, Illinois 61602 Voice: (309) 672-6056 • Fax: (309) 672-6054 • TDD: (309) 672-6073 CALL TO ORDER MOMENT OF SILENCE PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE ROLL CALL BY THE COUNTY CLERK I. APPROVAL OF MINUTES • Approval of April 14, 2016 County Board Minutes II. PROCLAMATIONS & PRESENTATIONS • A presentation of the Illinois Sheriff's Association Scholarship Award. III. CITIZENS’ REMARKS (To address the County Board, fill out a card and submit it to the Chairman before the Board Meeting.) IV. CONSENT AGENDA C1. The Treasurer report consisting of the Bank and CD's Portfolio for the month of March 2016 and Revenue & Expenditures for the month of February 2016. C2. A resolution (items 1-2 conveyances) from the Ways and Means Committee recommending that the County Board Chairman be authorized and directed to execute deed of said property to the highest bidder, and be authorized to cancel the appropriate Certificates of Purchase. This resolution shall be effective ninety days from May 12, 2016 and any transaction between the parties involved not occurring within this period shall be null and void. (Poll Vote per Rules of Order, Article V, Section 18C) Peoria County Board Agenda, Thursday, May 12, 2016 C3. A resolution from your Executive Committee recommending approval of an Addendum Agreement to the original Loan Agreement between Peoria County and Huebldg, LLC, amending the term of the Agreement, its exhibits and its amortization schedule to reflect a June 1, 2016 state date for repayment of the loan. C4. A resolution from your Budget Subcommittee recommending approval of FY 2016 Encumbrance Rollover Appropriation #2. C5. A resolution from your Health, Public Safety and Justice Committee recommending approval of a 2016 Rural Residential Recycling Grant award in the amount of $3,024.95 to the Village of Peoria Heights in order to fund a marketing campaign for an ongoing curbside recycling program. C6. A resolution from your Health, Public Safety and Justice Committee recommending approval of Amendments to the Intergovernmental Agreement for the Peoria City/County Landfill. C7. A resolution from your Health, Public Safety and Justice Committee recommending approval of a quote from Thompson Electronics, Peoria, IL, in the amount of $61,415.00, to upgrade technology in Courtroom 221 during renovations of the Courtroom. C8. A resolution from your Health, Public Safety and Justice Committee recommending approval of a Public Defender Agreement for the period of January 1, 2016 through December 31, 2016. C9. A recommendation from your Land Use and Infrastructure Committee to approve an Ordinance for prevailing rate of wages for laborers, mechanics and other workers contracted in performing construction of public works in Peoria County as determined by the Illinois Department of Labor. C10. A resolution from your Land Use and Infrastructure Committee recommending approval of the lowest responsible bid of Schaefer & Son Excavating, Chillicothe, IL, in the amount of $9,500.00 for the demolition of an unsafe, dilapidated house located at 6652 W. Wheeler Road, Mapleton, IL. C11. A resolution from your Land Use and Infrastructure Committee recommending approval of the creation of a Multi-Hazard Mitigation Planning Committee and the creation of a Multi-Hazard Mitigation Plan. C12. A resolution from your Land Use and Infrastructure Committee recommending approval of an appropriation of Property Sales Revenues in the amount of $100,635.00 for the purpose of undertaking courtordered demolition of unsafe structures. Peoria County Board Agenda, Thursday, May 12, 2016 C13. A resolution from your County Operations Committee recommending approval to withdraw a pending Worker's Compensation lien in return for a payment not to exceed $27,060.00 to settle Worker's Compensation Case 010015-005063-WC-01. C14. A resolution from your County Operations Committee recommending Approval of the lowest responsible base bid of Bishop Brothers, Inc., Peoria, IL, in the amount of $461,400.00, for the renovation of Courtrooms 121 and 221. C15. Chairman Appointments V. * * ZONING ORDINANCE AND RESOLUTIONS 1. Executive Session • Personnel Matters • Labor Relations 2. A resolution from your Executive Committee recommending approval of a contract for Peoria County Administrator Scott Sorrel. 3. A resolution from the Chairman of County Operations Committee and the County Administrator recommending approval of the Collective Bargaining Agreement (CBA) between Peoria County and LIUNA Local 165, IUOE Local 649, and Teamsters Local 627. (Poll vote per Rules of Order, Article V, Section 18C) 4. A resolution from your County Operations Committee recommending approval of setting salaries of Peoria County Elected Officials (Auditor, Circuit Clerk, Coroner), County Board Members and County Board Committee Chairs. VI. MISCELLANEOUS AND ANNOUNCEMENTS VII. ADJOURNMENT Sharon K. Williams, District 1 Junior Watkins, District 2 Lynn Scott Pearson, District 3 Chairperson-Andrew A. Rand, District 4 Rachael Parker District 5 G. Allen Mayer, District 6 James C. Dillon, District 7 Phillip Salzer, District 8 Michael Phelan, District 9 Vice-Chairperson -Stephen M. Morris, District 10 Mary Ardapple, District 11 Robert Baietto, District 12 James T. Fennell, District 13 Brian Elsasser, District 14 Carol Trumpe, District 15 Brad Harding, District 16 Thomas H. O’Neill, III, District 17 Paul Rosenbohm, District 18 Andrew A. Rand - Chairperson R. Steve Sonnemaker, County Clerk PEORIA COUNTY BOARD MEETING MINUTES Thursday, April 14, 2016 6:00 PM County Courthouse • 324 Main Street • County Board Room 403 • Peoria, Illinois 61602 Voice: (309) 672-6056 • Fax: (309) 672-6054 • TDD: (309) 672-6073 CALL TO ORDER MOMENT OF SILENCE PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE ROLL CALL BY THE COUNTY CLERK Attendance was taken with the Roll Call-Pro voting system, and the following members of the Board were present: Ardapple, Baietto, Dillon, Fennell, Mayer, Morris, O'Neill, Pearson, Phelan, Rand, Rosenbohm, Salzer, Trumpe, Watkins and Williams, with Elsasser, Harding, and Parker absent. I. APPROVAL OF MINUTES • Approval of March 10, 2016 County Board Executive Session Minutes • Approval of March 10, 2016 County Board Minutes Baietto moved for approval of the minutes, O’Neill seconded. The minutes were approved by a unanimous roll call vote of 15 ayes. II. PROCLAMATIONS & PRESENTATIONS • A proclamation recognizing April 2016 as Child Abuse Prevention Month and promoting the effort of the 9th Annual Hand-Around-the-Courtyard Event • A proclamation recognizing April and May 2016 as "Gerald M. Brookhart Arts in Education Spring Celebration" months • A proclamation recognizing May 8-14, 2016 as "National Correctional Officers Recognition Week" • A proclamation recognizing May 15-21, 2016 as "National Police Week" Chairman Rand presented Phelan with the Chairman’s 2016 Community Leadership Award for his work on the Governmental Efficiency Oversight Committee. Phelan thanked Chairman Rand for the award, and gave the credit for the work on the efficiency study to Ardapple. 1 3 Peoria County Board Minutes, Thursday, April 14, 2016 III. CITIZENS’ REMARKS There were no citizens’ remarks. IV. CONSENT AGENDA C1. The Treasurer report consisting of the Bank and CD's Portfolio for the month of February 2016 and Revenue & Expenditures for the month of January 2016. C2. A resolution (items 2-5, 7 conveyances; item 6 reconveyance; item 8 defaulted reconveyance) from the Ways and Means Committee recommending that the County Board Chairman be authorized and directed to execute deed of said property to the highest bidder, and be authorized to cancel the appropriate Certificates of Purchase. This resolution shall be effective ninety days from April 14, 2016 and any transaction between the parties involved not occurring within this period shall be null and void. C3. A resolution from your Executive Committee recommending approval to enter into a five (5) year repayment extension of the original GAP Loan Agreement with AFHS Peoria, LLC. C4. A resolution from your Executive Committee recommending approval of an Amendment to the Charter for Intergovernmental Cooperation, allowing the addition of a citizen participant from each body of government. C5. A resolution from your Executive Committee recommending approval of proposed settlement of Peoria County Case 15-L-51 for a lump sum payment of $97,500.00. C6. A resolution from your Budget Subcommittee recommending approval of FY2016 Encumbrance Rollover Appropriation #1. C7. A resolution from your Health, Public Safety and Justice Committee recommending approval of the adoption of the Local Emergency Planning Committee (LEPC) merging with Tazewell and Woodford Counties to form a Tri-County LEPC. C8. A resolution from your Health, Public Safety and Justice Committee recommending approval of the creation of a new Special Revenue Fund for the Mandatory Residential Mortgage Foreclosure Mediation Program for FY 2016 retroactive to January 1, 2016. C9. A resolution from your Land Use and Infrastructure Committee recommending approval of a Cooperative Research Agreement between 2 4 Peoria County Board Minutes, Thursday, April 14, 2016 the County of Peoria and Bradley University, for the purpose of maintaining the Pavement Management Program. C10. A resolution from your Land Use and Infrastructure Committee recommending approval of the lowest responsible bid of Kimco USA, Inc., Marshall, IL, in the amount of $43,880.72 for one (1) Stainless Steel Salt Conveyor and One (1) Stainless Steel Hopper. C11. A resolution from your Land Use and Infrastructure Committee recommending approval of an Engineering Services Agreement with Hermann & Associates, LLC, at a cost not to exceed $24,615.75, to perform the construction engineering for the Airport Road pavement patching. C12. A resolution from your Land Use and Infrastructure Committee recommending approval to participate in the Illinois Department of Transportation's 2016 County Engineer's Salary Program. C13. A resolution from your Land Use and Infrastructure Committee recommending approval for Peoria County to negotiate and enter into service agreements with social services agencies that utilize Peoria County's rural transportation program. C14. A resolution from your Land Use and Infrastructure Committee recommending approval of the Special Warranty, Illinois Department of Transportation State Fiscal Year 2017, Combined Application, Section 5311 Non-Metro Public Transportation Capital/Operating Assistance and Intercity Bus Grant and Downstate Urban Area Operating Assistance Grant. C15. A resolution from your Land Use and Infrastructure Committee recommending authorization to apply for Public Transportation Financial Assistance under Section 5311 of the Federal Transit Act of 1991, as amended. C16. A recommendation from your Land Use and Infrastructure Committee to approve an Ordinance to facilitate public transportation within Peoria County in Fiscal Year 2017. C17. A resolution from your County Operations Committee recommending approval of the lowest qualified bid of Ray Dennison Chevrolet, Pekin, IL, in the amount of $24,200.00 for the purchase of a 2016 Prisoner Transport Van. C18. A resolution from your County Operations Committee recommending approval of the lowest responsible bid of The Office Pal, Lakewood, NJ, for the purchase of toner and inkjet cartridges on an as needed basis. 3 5 Peoria County Board Minutes, Thursday, April 14, 2016 C19. Chairman Appointments. Mayer moved to approve the Consent Agenda and Ardapple seconded. The Consent Agenda was approved by a unanimous roll call vote of 15 ayes. V. ZONING ORDINANCE AND RESOLUTIONS 1. Case 014-16-U, Bret and Kody Verardo, Petition of Bret and Kody Verardo (Michael and Sherlyn Verardo, owners). A Special use as required in Section of the Unified Development Ordinance. This section allows for a special use when a proposed land split does not meet the 25 acre minimum lot size nor the 1 dwelling unit per 25 contiguous acres density requirement in the A-2 Agricultural District. The petitioner proposes to divide 16.12 acres in the "A-2" Agricultural District into two (2) lots of 10.164 acres and 5.956 acres. The parcel is located in Timber Township. The Zoning Board of Appeals recommends approval. The Land Use and Infrastructure Committee concurs. Dillon moved to approve the ordinance and O’Neill seconded. The ordinance passed by a unanimous roll call vote of 15 ayes. (Ardapple noted for the record that she meant to vote aye). 2. Case W01-16, Bret and Kody Verardo, Petition of Bret and Kody Verardo (Michael and Sherlyn Verardo, owners). A resolution from your Land Use and Infrastructure Committee recommending approval of a waiver of compliance from Section 20- of the Unified Development Ordinance. This section requires a minimum of 30 feet of contiguous road frontage for parcels created via subdivision plat which are less than ten (10) acres. Also, a waiver of compliance from Section 20- of the Unified Development Ordinance, which requires a minimum of sixty (60) feet of contiguous road frontage for parcels created via subdivision plat which are ten (10) acres or greater. The property is located in Timber Township. Dillon moved to approve the ordinance and O’Neill seconded. The ordinance passed by a unanimous roll call vote of 15 ayes. 3. A resolution from your Land Use and Infrastructure Committee recommending approval of a oneyear extension of the Transportation Services Agreement with MV Transportation, Inc., beginning July 1, 2016 and ending June 30, 2017, for the purposes of providing transportation services in Peoria County. Dillon moved to approve the resolution and Trumpe seconded. Mr. Rothert explained that MV Transportation has been contracted to provide rural transportation services since 2012, and during that time the County has also entered into an intergovernmental agreement with the Greater Peoria Mass Transit District. He said that this is the second and final one year extension of the agreement, and MV has been a great partner with the County and Greater Peoria Mass Transit District. He noted that there has been work done to combine dispatch and combined service levels with GPMTD. He stated that he looks forward to more opportunities for combined services with GPMTD and IDOT. Morris asked Mr. Rothert if general fund dollars are being used to subsidize the operations as they 4 6 Peoria County Board Minutes, Thursday, April 14, 2016 were a few years ago. Mr. Rothert reported that grant funds from the State and Federal governments, local match, fares, service contracts with EPIC and CWTC, and donations from township are used to operate the system. Baietto asked for information on how the level of service will be maintained beyond next year. Mr. Rothert said that he believes the service levels will remain the same through greater efficiency with Greater Peoria Mass Transit District because they are the local experts on public transportation. He explained that in the future Greater Peoria Mass Transit could become the grantee with IDOT’s blessing, stretching the dollars further. Chairman Rand thanked Mr. Rothert for his work on the project, and his ability to balance the Board’s expectation. The resolution passed by a unanimous roll call vote of 15 ayes. 4. A resolution from your Executive Committee recommending approval of a one year Funding Agreement between Peoria County and the Greater Peoria Economic Council in an amount not to exceed $100,000.00 for Fiscal Year 2016. Mayer moved to approve the resolution and Fennel seconded. Ardapple stated that she did not vote in favor of this in committee, but she would be supporting it based on her advocacy of economic development. She suggested that after the discussion in committee, the Board does not have a real clear sight on expectations of economic development investments. She noted that there has been a range of economic development dollars from very high to now down to $100,000 with no real policy or theory. She asked for future consideration of some other work product. Chairman Rand mentioned that he is a member of the Economic Development Council, and he insists that the EDC find the private sector investment dollars to drive up its annual operating business plan. He identified three large governments, Tazewell County, Peoria County, and the City of Peoria, that spend $100,000 each annually. He noted that the annual contribution is lower, but it is no longer connected to the parent company, Heartland Partnership, and the possible infirmities of allocated costs are gone. He identified that it is a best practice for governments to not have a position of more than 30%, and the EDC has done very well under its current leadership. He invited the Board to attend the meetings to see the value received for the dollars exchanged. Phelan said that he was in favor of Dillon’s amendment because he had questions about the additional spending and how it would be spent. He stated that he agrees with Ardapple because the Board really takes things piecemeal when it comes to economic development. He explained that when the Board created the Economic Development Department there was no policy in how the County would invest in projects. He suggested that while at the strategic planning session this summer there should be time to talk about economic development. He asserted that it is the Board’s job to foster economic growth in the region and in Peoria County, which creates jobs. 5 7 Peoria County Board Minutes, Thursday, April 14, 2016 The resolution passed by a unanimous roll call vote of 15 ayes. 5. A resolution from your Health, Public Safety and Justice Committee recommending approval of the most responsive and responsible bid of McDaniels Marketing, Pekin, IL, for Advertising Consulting Services for Heddington Oaks. Baietto moved to approve the resolution and Salzer seconded. Morris stated that Mayer’s argument has been that Heddington Oaks serves as a safety net, but when money on this order is being spent to advertise, it invalidates that argument. He asserted that it forces Heddington Oaks to compete for services against the private sector and no longer serves as a safety net. He believed that it is far outside what the voters approved as a tax increase. Mayer contended that there is a fine line walked with Heddington Oaks as a safety net, but the Board must also be fiscally responsible. He said that it is important for people to be aware of it as an asset. He identified that there is a payer mix in the business plan and it is not 100% Medicaid funded. He expressed that private sector nursing homes did not oppose the continuing of a subsidized public nursing home because it has a much higher percentage of Medicaid beds than any private facilities in town. Baietto urged the Board to support Heddington Oaks and having the discussion of the value of the institution. He described that the staff needs support from leadership and having a discussion on the value places doubt in the minds of the staff. He said that the staff has a tough job because there are people there that do not want to be there and they do a good job caring for them. He stated that no matter the conversation on privatizing it, there should be a strong leader to alleviate any problems. He believed that this plan may not be the answer, but he does not want to be judged because the Board did something that did not get it to the place it wanted to be. Mr. Sorrel identified that there is $95,000 in the budget for this purpose. He explained that a small amount is to be used for the marketing strategy and a large chunk used for the ad buy. He noted that there is a position open for an admissions coordinator that would work closely with discharge planners in hospitals because 95% of admissions come through the medical community. He said that position would use the marketing material created as part of the campaign, but the campaign would not begin until there is input from the new employee. Ardapple thanked Administration and specifically Jenny Fulton for bringing the strategy forward. She said that this is laser focused advertising and it is a good thing to do. The resolution passed by a roll call vote of 14 ayes and 1 nay with Morris voting nay. (Salzer noted for the record that he meant to vote aye). 6. A resolution from the Chairman of the County Operations Committee and the County Administrator recommending approval of a lease agreement between the County of Peoria and Ziad A. Musaitif for the purposes of relocating the Peoria County Election Commission to 4422 N. Brandywine Drive, Peoria. (Poll Vote per Rules of Order, Article V, Section 18C) Phelan moved to approve the resolution and Mayer seconded. 6 8 Peoria County Board Minutes, Thursday, April 14, 2016 Mayer thanked Administration, and explained that even those on the Board that may have been against the referendum for consolidation are pleased with the outcome in the search for a new location for the Election Commission. He said that it is a very reasonable price, and less than warehouse space at other locations. He expressed that it will be much more convenient, being directly off of I-74, and has good parking. He urged an aye vote. Chairman Rand thanked Phelan, Salzer, Mayer, Tom Bride, and Scott Sorrel. He said that this is a fabulous deal, and better than anyone expected. The resolution passed by a unanimous roll call vote of 15 ayes. VI. MISCELLANEOUS AND ANNOUNCEMENTS Chairman Rand recognized Barry Robinson and Steven Rieker for joining the meeting and becoming Board Members in the Fall. Williams requested attendance for Worker’s Memorial Day Thursday, April 28th at 5:30pm meeting at the Peoria Labor Temple and walking to City Hall for a service. She announced that on Tuesday, May 10th she will hold a public meeting at 6pm at the Itoo Hall about TIF districts and Enterprise Zones with Mark Rothert. Fennel thanked grounds crew for their work in the courtyard. Trumpe congratulated Salzer on his inclusion in a Peoria Journal Star story. Scott Sorrel informed the Board about Tri-County Regional Planning Commission hosting a transportation funding meeting on May 2nd at 1:30pm at the Festival of Lights building in East Peoria. He invited the Board to attend the annual meeting of the Greater Peoria EDC on May 5th from 3pm to 5pm. Ardapple noted that the open house for the Minority Business Development Center is next week. VII. ADJOURNMENT There being no further business before the Board, the Chairman announced the meeting was adjourned. 7 9 Gounty of Peoria, lllinois Bank Account Portfolio As of March 31 , 2016 Account Balance Current Month Prior Month Account Name Variance Amount lnterest Percent _ Amount Notes Checkinq Accounts at lllinois National Bank Payroll 1 Juror's Payroll Peoria County Employee Benefit Plan Peoria County Flex Spending Acct County Collector Operating Peoria County Forfeiture - State Peoria County Forfeiture - Federal Emergency Telephone System-E91 Trust & Condemnation County Motor Fuel Township Bridge Township Motor Fuel 1 ,1 10,831 572,236 306,755 17,948 1,281,205 40,383 40,383 6,377,960 267,484 CDAP VSP. HRA 1,444,946 Checkinq Accounts 1,060,185 189,636 1,943,845 9,036,577 497,863 1,880,727 850,1 85 Rural Transportation Total Accounts at lllinois National Bank 50,646 43,081 38,675 878,991 160,082 1,697,153 6,256,588 501,230 17,948 1,388,432 273,181 23,184,797 -4,406 2093.33% -10.23% 53.61% -29,554 -15.58% -246,691 -12.69Yo -2,779,989 -30.76% 3,367 0 0.68% 0.00% 107,228 8.37o/o 0 0.00% 6,412,870 267,482 -34,910 -o.54% 2 0.00% 1,828,698 843,591 1,465,567 52,029 6,595 -20,621 2.85% 0.78% -1.41% 121 563 80.18% 151 ,618 24,643,245 -1,458,448 -5.92% 92 0.04% 0.04% 2 s,c OC 0c OC 16s OS 4S OC 12s OD 55s 2S 16 s 7S 0c 18 c 132 at Heritage Bank Capital lmprovement Total Accounts at Heritage Bank 242192 242,192 242,099 242,099 92 93M 93 Notes C = Clearing Account Only S = Sweep Account D = Disbursed via Court Orders N/A = Current month information not yet rec'd M = Money Market Account Printed 5/6/2016 @ '1:15 PM File: \\FPCH'l\Treasurer$\Finance\Board Reportsuol6 Board Reportuol6 BANK ANALysls\03.31.2016 Bank Analysis.xls Bank Accounts 10 Pagel of2 County of Peoria, lllinois Certificate of Deposit Portfolio As of ltlarch 31,2016 lnvestment Amount Purchased Date Maturity Date Term (Months) 09t25t15 04125117 19 I .50% 01112t15 04t12t16 tc 0.70% 04t04t15 04t13t15 04to1t15 04t01t15 04t05t15 04t05t15 04t11t15 04t11t15 04t04t16 04t13t16 04t01t16 04t01t16 04t05t16 04t05t16 04t11t16 04t11t16 12 0.50% lnterest Rate Farmers State Bank Employee Health Employee Health Total for Bank 1,000,000 2,000,000 3,000,000 SouthSide Bank County Health County Health-TB Employee Health Employee Health Employee Health Employee Health Employee Health Employee Health Total for Bank 500,000 188,760 1,000,000 1,000,000 1,000,000 1,000,000 500,000 500,000 0.50% 12 0 50% 12 0 50% 12 0.50% 12 0.50% 12 0.50% 12 0 50% 5,688,760 Recap by Fund: 030 County Health-TB 081 Employee Health 688,760 8,000,000 Total Certificate of Deposits 8,688,760 Prjnted 5/6/2016 @ 1:15 PM File: \\FPCH 1\Treasurer$\Finance\Board Page 2 ol 2 Reportsuol6 Board Report\2016 BANK ANALySIS\03.31.201G Bank Anatysis.xls 11 PAGE NUMBER: DATE:05/05/2015 PEORIA COUNTY, IL TIME: 1f:01:24 1 REVSTAl 1 REVENUE STATUS REPORT SELECTION CRITER]A: ALL ACCOUNTING PERIOD: 2/f6 SORTED BY: FLIND TYPE,2ND SUBTOTAL TOTALED ON: FUND TYPE PAGE BREAKS ON: FUND TYPE FI]ND TYPE-I GENERAL 2ND SUBT31001 31401 32209 32279 32221 3 3110 33350 33509 33529 33540 33900 34050 3 4110 341s0 34L7 L 34]-90 34:-94 34240 34550 3 5110 35120 35910 36001 37500 42000 TITLE _ PROPERTY TAXES BUDGET 7 PERIOD RECEI PTS .00 ,528,515.00 725, 000 . 00 645.71 50, 000 . 00 10, 107 . 20 2, 610 .00 STATE REVENUE 1_,396,358.00 s, 818 . 88 6L,735.31 INCOME TAX 7 OTHER TAXES 375.000.00 BUTLDING/ZONING PERMITS MARRIAGE LICENSES LI CENSES / PERMITS FEDERAL GRANT STATE REIMBURSEMENT_SALA INTERGOVERNMENTAL REVENU SALES TAXES POLICE PROTECTION CTRCT FEES AND CHARGES REVENUE STAMPS WARRANTS SERVICE 73,200.00 75,055.00 ,304,710.00 1,29s,200.00 155. 915 . 00 13, 039, 055 . 00 1,282,680.00 3,9A6,800.00 1, 000, 000 . 00 150, 000. 00 582, s00. 00 DETENTION C}IARGE FEDERAL RENT-BUILDING COURT SECIIRITY FEES CIIARGES F'OR SERVICES COURT FINES FINES FOR COURT USAGE INTEREST MlSCELLANEOUS REVENUES ASSET DISPOSAL PROCEEDS TRANSFER IN TOTAL GENERAL 627,r2s.OO 380, 000 . 00 3,372,450.00 555, 500. 00 153, 845. 00 21,400. 00 1,348,690.00 30,000.00 l-32, 605 . 00 45 ,852,623 . OO 2,t77.O0 23L,457 .83 23 ,348 .'77 .00 829 , O27 .85 100, 854.79 352 , 30]- .23 l'7 , 632 .7 5 7, 900. 83 41, 340. 00 .00 35, 684 . s8 25O,576.3L s2 , 91L .39 1_5 ,72L .49 3, 335.08 rot , a23 .52 332.00 3,706.25 2,lsL,001.78 12 YEAR TO DATE RECEIVABLES KELEl P1 - 00 00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 975 96 )) Le) AVAILABLE YTD/ BAI,ANCE 5 BUD 7,52A,515.00 724,O24.O4 352, s17. 55 45 5,400 00 5,359 00 54, 500 . 00 57,841.00 .00 .13 5.00 9.00 I 1a ,364 .47 15.38 t,o47,550.70 5,25'7,159.30 74.34 .00 155, 915 . 00 11, 700 53 97,712 74 L50,t59 .72 a29 , O27 20O , 943 60t , 864 45, 141 54 L, 1, 135, 040.28 t2.37 .00 L2,21_0,037.t4 5.36 .7 6 1, 08 1, 736 .24 L5 .57 15 10 4 51 10 49 !2 80 1 91 l4 92 .7 I . 50 3, 99, 088 . 08 26 , 609 .1_2 6 ,1_89 .51_ 271 ,205 .97 332.00 .50 4,005,'749.46 954, 858.50 .48 595, 140 .00 515, 125.00 56,'tLt.47 454,787 .79 384 , 935 .22 1,34 , 266 00 000 . 00 7 , 412 7.00 .86 87,350. 12, 298 , 645 .26 323,248.13 2 , 917 , 552 .21 556 ,4LL .92 127,235.AA L5 , 2!O .39 1,137,484.03 29 , 568 .00 L25 , L92 .50 41,846 ,873 .54 13 49 15 1,2 L7 30 28 o, L5 66 1 11 5 59 8 74 PAGE NUMBER: PEORIA COI]NTY, IL EXPENDITURE STAIIUS REPORT DATET 05/06/2016 TIME:13:03:08 1 EXPSTAll SELECTION CR]TERIA: ALL ACCOUNTING PERIOD: 2/L6 SORTED BY: FUND TYPE,2ND SUBTOTAI TOTALED ON: FUND TYPE PAGE BREAKS ON: FUND TYPE FUND TYPE-1 GENERAL 2ND SUBTOTA 51030 51032 51.240 51500 52040 52090 52100 52130 52200 53018 53020 53050 53068 53070 53080 53724 53289 53350 53360 53599 53790 53999 54001 55080 55100 51OOO - TITLE FULL-TIME EMPLOYEES PERSONAL SERVICES MEDICAL/HEALTH BENEFITS IMRF\FICA BIJDGET 21,767,057.00 3 ,394,895.00 3 ,2]-3 ,515 . 00 18, 000 . 00 PERIOD EXPENDITURES 1,530, O92.04 t97,O93.84 255 , LO9 .77 659.71, 357,550.00 90,000.00 REVENUE STA}IPS PURC}ASED COMMODITIES 665,675.OO 785,878.00 34, 910.50 AUDITING ACCTG COSTS 108, 275 . 00 .00 POSTAGE MEDICAL SERVICES FLEET MAINTENANCE EXPENS CONSULTANT SERVICES ELECTION RELATED COSTS PUBLIC DEFENDER SERVICES 1,430.00 L,549,155.00 708, 900 . 00 729,580.00 36, 785 . 00 UTILITIES GAS/ELECTRIC COMPUTER EQUIP MAINT CONFERENCES & SEMINARS CONTRACTUAL SERV]CES VEHICLES CAPITAL OUTLAY TRANSFERS OUT TOTAL GENERAL 123.99 2,740.70 5,000.00 9, 000 . 00 75, 200 . 00 53, 355.91 73 75, 015. 00 7,327,652.O0 70, 000 . 00 205, 000 . 00 3 2,L50,845.00 45,99L,612.00 00 00 00 00 00 L2,399 90 101, 500 00 00 00 00 345,470 20 84 20 42,O40.OO 59, 075 . 00 34, 300.00 115,030.00 52,350.00 74,7L0,851.47 9AL ,203 51 1,955 ,404 74 75,203.95 L),5,234.95 .00 EXP _oo 1,,440,69s.00 EMPLOYMENT AGENCY SAI,ARY CONTRIBI]:|IONS & GRANTS MICROFILMING/FILM DEVELO YEAR TO DATE OT]:fSTANDING 2L,972.20 10,384.51 FooD MAINTENANCE SUPPLIES GAS AND OIL PRODUCTS 1, 100 . 00 ENCUMBRANCES 00 .00 .00 ,665 .64 ,44L .49 s24 ,795 .43 .00 .00 2 5 r79,237.04 3,249,435.73 13 39 ,634 34t,955 37,r42 LA ,445 ,645 00 00 00 00 00 00 80 00 00 00 82 2 , 55O , 902 .29 350,758.23 509 ,249 .28 AVAILABLE BALANCE .24 2 , t42 , 933 .25 4 , 495 , 303 748,860.94 17,340.29 339,595.05 78,440.44 659.77 l7 ,964.94 11, 559. 55 .00 1, 100 . 00 34,910.50 477,179.98 20, 000. 00 123.99 42,O90.OO 118, 150. 00 53L ,7 64 -13 ,225 .00 1,306.01 t ,507 ,075 . 0 0 590, 750 . 00 341,049.80 43,050.00 2,890.!5 230, 053 .43 2 , 1_9)_ .84 81, 027 - 00 .00 52,503.71 2,913 .64 8 , 204 .48 990 ,8s8 .97 .00 .00 358 ,474 .16 5,9L5,736.26 .50 295 ,298 . a2 1, 33, 810.65 2t0 , 631 .57 -2 , L9t .84 35,003.00 52,350.00 686 ,495 .29 73,286.36 66,41O.72 6,297,164-23 28, 045.00 167, 858 .00 r,792,370.44 2L , 630 , 229 .92 Y"tD/ BUD 79.35 35.88 75.70 5 02 L2 84 00 5 24 52 30 2a 11"2 I 2 '72 16 57 53 25 8 09 15 97 00 59.83 7 3 00 10 e) 10 94 l4 05 92 42 l8 t2 L6 67 52 9'7 DATF,, 05/05/201,6 PEORIA COUNTY, TIME: 13:0!:24 PAGE NTI!4BER REVSTAl 1 IL 2 REVENUE STATUS REPORT SELECTION CRITERIA: ACCOUNTING PERIoD: ALL 2/16 SORTED BY: FUND TYPE,2ND SUBTOTAL TOTALED ON: FUND TYPE PAGE BREAKS ON: FUND TYPE FI'ND TYPE-2 SPECIAL REVENUE 2ND SUBT31001 321_29 3222L 3110 333s0 33509 33525 33529 33540 34050 3 4110 34220 34230 34260 34400 3 3440L 34620 34530 34550 3 5110 35140 35910 35001 37500 42000 TOTAL TITLE PROPERTY TAXES FOOD LICENSES LI CENSES / PERMITS FEDERAL GRANT STATE REVENUE INCOME TAX MOTOR FUEL TAX AILOTMENT STATE REIMBURSEMENT_SALA INTERGOVERNMENTAL REVENU ANIMAL PROTECT CONTRACT FEES AND CI{ARGES FLEET MAINTENANCE FEES BIRTH AND DEATH FEES WASTE DISPOSAL SURCi{ARGE IMPOUND ADOPTTON PATIENT INCOME-PUBLIC AI PATIENT INCOME-PRIVATE CIARGES FOR SERVICES COURT FINES REDEMPTION INTEREST MTSCELI,ANEOUS REVENUES ASSET DISPOSAL PROCEEDS TRANSFER IN SPECIAL REVENUE L6 YEAR TO DATE RECEIPTS BUDGET PERIOD RECEI PTS ,290 .044 . 00 446, 000.00 8, 170 00 00 00 410, 760 00 77 , O]-8 00 00 L37 ,67 _ L,0L4,950.00 1, 003, 000. 00 2,'754,225.OO L ,419 ,220 . O0 2,200,000.00 1,450 ,450. 00 413, 930. 00 300,000.00 462, 000. 00 801,000.00 275, 250, 12, 70, 455, 000. 000. 000. 000. 500. 00 00 00 00 00 225,)OO.OO 3 ,49A ,870 . 0 0 00 37,56s 92 26 ,545 41 00 365 ,2L4 JO 00 00 294 00 20 ,939 00 58,9'75 00 24 , OO3 00 18, 388 91 530 00 tt 4, O40 00 ,r? 17,722 00 7s, 000. 00 148 ,422 10 a )ae 30 159, 832 . 00 14, 359 35 40,000.00 306.750.00 7, 500. 00 L,22s,750.00 35,t75,331.00 2 ,300 00 22,721 t6 00 102, L45 83 988, 915 6'7 14 RECEIVABLES 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 6 730 00 38, 117 136, 750 00 49 ,7 50 21, 00 00 54 00 00 00 00 00 34,632 65 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 65 00 97 1, 350 00 I )4q 11,240 35. t32 166 ,497 00 7,771 52 5,200 00 40, 095 93 33,435 204,291 2,336,713 00 66 91 YTD/ BALANCE BUD ,290 ,044 .00 .00 35,240.00 92.tO 2,776,876.7L 5.91 1.35 877,2'74.00 943, 715.00 00 ,285 00 37,348 )a t93 ,239 '76 575 ,826 !2 59 128, 338 L6 AVAILABLE L, 225 , 980 .24 13.56 L3.52 1,623,1"73.88 25 .22 413,930.00 .00 1,332,L21.79 299,2'lO.OO 423 ,882 .46 564,25O .OO 225 ,250 .00 2L5 , 367 .35 10, 6s0 . 00 61, 755 .00 424 ,259 .35 190, 168 . 00 3,332,3'72.03 67,228.48 34, 800.00 8.79 .24 I .25 .07 18.09 13.85 L',l lt.25 11.78 6.46 15.59 4.76 10.36 13.00 L29,736.O7 2'73 ,3!4 .37 23 .5L 1,02L,458.34 t6 .57 7. 500 . 00 32 ,839 ,6!'t . O7 10.90 .00 5 .64 DATEt 05/06/2076 TIME: 13 : 03 :08 PAGE NUMBER: EXPSTAl 1 PEORIA COI]NTY, IL 2 EXPENDITURE STATUS REPORT SELECTION CRTTERIA: ALL ACCOUNT]NG PERIOD: 2/75 SORTED BY: FLIND TYPE,2ND SUBTOTAL TOTALED ON: FI]ND TYPE PAGE BREAKS ON: FUND TYPE FUND TYPE-2 SPECIAL REVENUE 2ND SUBTOTA 51030 51032 57240 51500 52040 52090 52100 52120 522OO 53018 53020 53040 53050 53058 53070 53085 53279 53289 53300 53320 53340 53350 53599 53790 53999 54001 55080 55100 57001 51OOO _ TITLE FULL-TIME EMPLOYEES BUDGET 9,739,175.00 812,300.00 PERSONAL SERVICES MEDICA],/HEALTH BENEFITS IMRF\FICA L,737,440.OO 8,755,305.00 129 .200 . o0 FOOD MAINTENANCE SUPPLIES GAS AND OIL PRODUCTS EMERGENCY RELIEF COMMODITIES AUDITING ACCTG COSTS 410,000.00 923 47,100.00 POSTAGE 450, 000. 00 297 ,5OO.OO 95,300.00 FLEET MAINTENANCE EXPENS L95 ,260 CONSULTANT SERVICES RECYCLING TAUL/PROCESS PROGRAM DEVELOP/COORDINA EMPLOYI,IENT AGENCY SALARY 600, 000. 00 2,500.00 231,000.00 100, 000 . 00 420.500.00 125, 850.00 HIGHWAY REPAIR CONTRIBUTIONS & GRANTS I.]TILITIES GAS/ELECTRIC COMPUTER EQUIP MAINT 26L,700.OO 7,200-oo 145, 0s0 . 00 '7,648,005.00 250, 000 . 00 VEHICLES CAPITAL OUTLAY TRANSFERS OUT TOTAL SPECIAL REVENUE . O0 47,000.00 AUTO REPAIR/MAINTENANCE BRIDGE REPAIR DEBT SERVICE PAYMENTS . O0 7, 010 . 00 DEPENDENT CHILD CARE MEDICAL SERVICES CONFERENCES & SEMINARS CONTRACTUAL SERVICES ,200 45,000.00 3,291,930.00 3 ,456,500.00 189,930.00 713, 935 . 00 4L,157,890.00 PERIOD EXPENDlTURES 685 , s9"t .6'7 49 ,21_t .52 126 , 498 .26 632 ,664 .66 12, 115 . 55 37 ,545 .40 51,041.18 1,358.35 s3,849.08 2,826.00 245.14 28 , L60 .09 2L ,7 92 .33 9 ,725 . O0 L9 , L44 .29 2 , 002 .32 .00 .00 8,801.33 238.75 .00 .00 1_6 ,356 .56 .00 5 ,857 .40 30L,777.66 .00 .00 .00 3,706.25 2,069 ,334 .79 15 ENCUMBRANCES YEAR TO DATE OUTSTANDING EXP 5 , :I5O ,220 .25 174.618.80 913 ,2Ar . 60 r,967,316.50 .00 .00 .00 .00 11, 500 . 00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 '00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 77,200.O0 .00 .00 .00 9,294,137.15 1,O74,485.08 AVAILABLE BALANCE ,5L4 ,469 .67 539 ,4L7 .7I 558, 140. 00 5 ,495 , Os1 . 02 37.31 354,750.62 L1_.23 13 .48 98,263 .42 14, 51,4.01 55,249.38 53, 158.50 .97 719 ,599 .45 2 ,826 . O0 6 .448 .'t 8 28, 150. 09 2r ,792 .33 17, 050. 00 42 ,952 .29 2 , OO2 .32 6 , O58 .2s .00 4 , O45 L0 , 921 .23 238.'75 1. 000. 00 .00 18,576.75 .00 ,323 . 07 614,'153 .82 .00 .00 .00 7 , 4L2 .50 78 3,786,892.88 BUD 2 256 , O]-g .40 L,302,931.48 YTD/ 74.18 33.59 ta4 , 685 .99 6'7.30 850,041-.50 40, 953 . 03 6.84 .00 40.31 3,L50,730.55 4 , L84 40,65L.22 427,839.9L I .99 3 .99 13.59 6 .26 275,707.6'7 79,250.O0 753,307 .77 44 , 997 .68 593 , 93t .'1 5 7.33 t7 .'7 L 220,O78.77 4.73 2, 500 . 00 99,761.25 27.89 4 419, 500. 00 125, 850.00 243 , L23 .24 7 ,200.oo L26,726.93 7,O33,251.18 182,800.00 3,455,500.00 L2 8 29 189, 930. 00 705,522.50 2A,O76,A59.97 .26 1-01 .00 1 31 24 24 00 10 00 63 04 69 00 00 04 78 PAGE NUMBER DATE:05/06/2oL6 TIME: 13 :0L:24 PEORIA COT]NTY, IL 3 REVSTAll REVENUE STATUS REPORT SELECTION CRITERIA: ACCoITNTING PERIOD: ALL 2/16 SORTED BY: FUND TYPE,2ND SUBTOTAL TOTALED ON: FUND TYPE PAGE BREAKS ON: FUND TYPE FUND TYPE-3 DEBT SERVICE PERIOD 2ND SUBT_ 35910 35OOO 42OOO TITLE INTEREST MISCELLANEOUS REVENUES TRANSFER IN TOTAL DEBT SERVICE BUDGET .00 477,450.OO 4,947,100.00 5,424,550.00 ] PTS RECEIVABLES 380 74 00 00 RECE .00 77 , 09\.25 77,47L.39 16 YEAR TO DATE RECEIPTS AVAILABLE YTD/ BALANCE BUD -578.58 00 00 578 68 00 .00 154, 182.50 00 1,54,761,.18 47'7 ,450 .00 4,792,917.50 5,269,788.82 3 t2 2 85 DATE. 05/O5/20].6 TIME: PAGE NI]IV'IBER: EXPSTAl ]. PEORIA COIINTY, IL 13 : 03 : 08 3 EXPENDITURE STATUS REPORT SELECTION CRITERIA: ACCOUNTING PERIOD: ALL 2/L6 SORTED BY: FUND TYPE,2ND SUBTOTAL TOTALED ON: FUND TYPE PAGE BREAKS ON: FUND TYPE FT'ND TYPE-3 DEBT SERVICE 2ND SUBTOTA 54001 57001 - TITLE CONTRACTUAL SERVICES DEBT SERVICE PA!'MENTS TOTAL DEBT SERVICE 5 PERIOD EXPENDITURES ENCUMBRANCES YEAR TO DATE AVAILABLE BUDGET OUTSTANDING EXP BALANCE 10, 000 . 00 1,250.00 .00 .00 .00 1, 2s0. 00 8, 750 .00 5 ,424 ,54 5 . 00 ,424 ,545 . 00 5,434,545.00 .00 1, 250 . 00 17 .00 1, 250. 00 5,433,295.00 Y1ID/ BUD L2 .50 .00 .02 DATE:0s/05/2OL6 TIME: PAGE NUMBER; REVSTA1l PEORIA COIINTY, IL 13 :01-:24 4 REVENUE STATUS REPORT SELECTION CRITERIA: ALL ACCoUNTING PERIOD: 2/15 SORTED BY: FLIND TYPE,2ND SUBTOTAL TOTALED ON: FUND TYPE PAGE BREAKS ON: FUND TYPE FI.'ND TYPE-4 CAPITAL PRO.fECTS 2ND SUBT- 33900 35910 35001 TITLE SALES TAXES INTEREST MISCELLANEOUS REVENUES TOTAL CAPITAL PROJECTS YEAR TO DATE PERIOD BI'DGET 4,700,000. 00 13,700.00 10, 000 . 00 4,723,700.00 RECE I PTS 324, A39 .36 4 , O48 .67 .00 328, 888 .03 18 RECEIVABLES 00 00 00 00 RECEIPTS 324 , 839 .36 ,05L .04 .00 331, 890 .40 7 AVAILABLE BALANCE 4,375,L60.54 6,544 .95 10, 000 . 00 4,39]_,809.60 YTD/ BUD 6. 97 51. 47 00 03 DA"rE. PAGE NUMBER: EXPSTAl 1 PEORIA COI]NTY, IL / 06 / 2016 TIME: 13:03 :08 05 4 EXPENDITURE STATUS REPORT SELECTION CRTTERIA: ALL ACCOUNTING PERIOD: 2/16 SORTED BY: FUND TYPE,2ND SUBTOTAL TOTALED ON: FUND TYPE PAGE BREAKS ON: FUND TYPE FUND TYPE-4 CAPITAL PRO.fECTS _ TITLE SUBTOTA 522OO COMMODITIES 53070 CONSULTANT SERVICES 54001 CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 55100 CAP]TAL OUTLAY 51OOO TRANSFERS OTIT 2ND TOTAL CAPITAI PROJECTS BT'DGET 50, 000. 00 45,000.00 5, 000. 00 1, 831, 595 . 00 3,440,575.00 5,372,270.OO PERIOD EXPENDITURES .00 .00 .00 66 ,359 .00 .00 66, 369. 00 19 ENCIIMBRANCES YEAR TO DATE AVAlLABLE OUTSTANDING 14, 450. 00 EXP BALANCE .00 .00 .00 3s, 540. 00 11, 800.00 .00 I,721,795.90 122,287.00 L,748,055.90 1,22,287 .00 .00 .00 33, 200.00 YTD/ BUD 28.92 s, 000 . 00 .00 -L2,487.90 3,440,575.00 100.58 3,501,927.LO .00 34.81 DA"IE, TIME : PAGE NUMBER: REVSTAl 1 PEORIA COUNTY, IL / 06 / 2oL6 13 : O'L :24 05 5 REVENUE STATUS REPORT SELECTION CRITERIA: ALL ACCOUNTING PERIoD: 2/15 SORTED BY: FUND TYPE,2ND SUBTOTAL TOTALED ON: FIIND TYPE PAGE BREAKS ON: FUND TYPE FUND TYPE-S INTERNAL SERVICE 2ND STIBT- 31001 341].0 34300 34310 34550 359].0 36001 _ BUDGET PERIOD RECEI PTS PROPERTY TAXES 1,285,480.00 3,994,145.00 333 , 945 .42 TITLE FEES AND CHARGES HEAITH FEES-EMPLOYEE IIEALTH FEES-EMPLOYER CIARGES FOR SERVICES INTEREST MISCELLANEOUS REVENUES TOTAL INTERNAL SERVICE .00 2,t56,720.OO t7 0 ,527 .09 468, 303 .63 5, 800, 19s . 00 404, 500 . 00 L26 ,955 .00 4r,274 L , 532 17 6 ,423 L,728,995.00 1s. s07, 000 . 00 1, ,392, O45 . OO .32 .48 .94 20 RECEIVABLES 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 YEAR TO DATE RECEIPTS AVAILABLE 00 L,285,480.00 3,32'7,454.t6 t,824,488.3? 4,860,573.1s ,690 a4 342,23L 53 666 939 ,62r 85 78,465 00 2, 553 91 483, 889 73 2,51,3 ,453 95 YTD/ BALANCE 326,434.OO 124 ,4tt .09 I , 245 , 1A5 t2 ,993 ,546 .2'1 . O4 BUD .00 16 .69 15 .79 15 .20 .40 .01 27 .99 15 .21 2 PAGE NUMBER: EXPSTAl 1 PEORIA COI'NTY, IL DATET 05/O5/20L6 TIME: 13 :03 :08 5 EXPENDITURE STATUS REPORT SELECTION CRITERIA: ALL ACCOUNTING PERIOD I 2/1,5 BY: FUND TYPE,2ND SUBTOTAL TOTALED ON: FIJND TYPE PAGE BREAKS ON: FUND TYPE SORTED FLIND TYPE-5 INTERNAL SERVICE BUDGET PERIOD EXPENDITURES PERSONAL SERVTCES 523,850.00 LL2, LL5 .5'7 111, 955 .47 MEDICAI/HEALTH BENEFITS MEDICAL CI,AIMS 175 ,215 2ND SUBTOTA - TITLE 51030 FULL_TIME EMPIJOYEES 5].032 5L240 51750 51760 51800 51810 5204A 52200 53020 53046 53050 53054 53068 53070 53999 54001 55100 PRESCRIPTION DRUGS I'NEMPLOYMENT CLAIMS WORKER'S COMP CI,AIMS FOOD COMMODITIES POSTAGE LIABILITY CI,AIMS MEDICAL SERVICES EXCESS INSURANCE FLEET MAINTENANCE EXPENS CONSULTANT SERVICES CONFERENCES & SEMINARS CONTRACTUAL SERVICES CAPITAL OUTI,AY TOTAL INTERNAL SERVICE 1,484,950.00 . OO 7,000,000.00 1,6L4,780.00 75,000.00 325,000.00 2, 500 . 00 701, 940 . 00 303, 000 . 00 27s, 000.00 35, 000.00 1,340,000.00 1, 500.00 155, 800. 00 20, 000. 00 2,497 ,985 . 00 255, 000. 00 75,795,540.00 14,951.80 491, 143 .50 t6't,199.55 .00 -1, 041 . 09 .00 29 , 51_8 .2\ -s, 804 . 85 LL,475.02 .00 L75.'t8 125.00 150.00 .00 L24 , L55 .22 '00 1, 055, 120. 18 21 ENCWBRANCES OUTSTANDING 1,026,676.05 .00 119, 541 .38 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 21 , 094 .80 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 YEAR TO DATE BALANCE 773,779.10 209,A40.L4 284, 504 .85 314, 019.85 29 ,903 .60 t,o97,354.7L 250,318.31 .00 25,809 .63 .00 42 ,97 5 .9L 5,908,545.29 1 ,364 ,46L .69 75,000.00 299,190-37 2,500.00 ,864 .29 BUD 80.84 40.05 85.35 15 59 15 50 00 94 00 o l-3 -3 53 537 343 241 826 , 229 .7 513, 770.30 61 66 1, 2s0 . 00 153, 150.00 L6 67 31,547 .36 .00 0 250.00 150.00 384.285.3s 779.O0 454 , tot .43 a,577,503.81 3,138,O54.42 23,306.23 25,6'tO-02 vrD/ -70,985.4'7 2, 500.00 .00 AVAILABLE EXP .00 , 985 .4'7 , 452 .54 35, 000. 00 1_9 ,221 .00 t , 649 , s98 .22 24L,693.77 12,0AO ,98a.77 t2 20 00 1 3 70 8 79 90 33 96 o7 DATE:05/A5/2015 TIME:13:00:50 SELECTION CRITERIA: BY: 1 REVENUE STATUS REPORT ACCOLINTING PERIOD: SORTED PAGE NUMBER: REVSTA1l PEORIA COUNTY, IL orgn. fund=' 075' 2/L6 FUND,2ND SUBTOTAL TOTALED ON: FUND PAGE BREAKS ON; FUND FI'ND_075 PEORIA COIINTY PARKING 2ND SUBT_ 34195 35910 TITLE - FAC BTIDGET PERIOD RECEI PTS AVAITABLE RECEIPTS BATANCE BUD .64 L4.'78 20.98 45 , O8t .32 259 , 918 23 , 829 .16 46 ,550 .02 265 ,449 .98 L4 .92 ,829 .75 00 46 ,550 . 02 265 , 449 .94 L4 .92 22 , 995 TOTAL PEORIA COUNTY PARKTNG F 3L2,000.00 TOTAL REPORT 312,000.00 23 7, 000. 00 Y'rD/ YEAR TO DATE 00 00 00 305,000.00 RENT-PARKING INTEREST RECEIVABLES .65 833. s1 22 r,468.70 5,531.30 PAGE NUMBER: DATE.05/06/20:-6 TIME: 13:02:34 EXPENDITURE STATUS REPORT orgn. fund-' 076' 2/76 SELECTION CRITERIA ACCOI'NTING PERIOD: SORTED 1 EXPSTAll PEORIA COUNTY, IL BY: FUND,2ND SUBTOTAL TOTALED ON: PAGE BREAKS FLIND ON: FUND FIJND-075 PEORIA COUNTY PARKING FAC 2ND SUBTOTA 52090 53070 53599 54001 55001 - TITLE MAINTENANCE SUPPLIES CONSULTANT SERVICES UTILITIES GAS/ELECTRIC CONTRACTUAL SERVICES BUTLDING DEPRECIATION TOTAL PEORIA COUNTY PARKING F TOTAL REPORT PERIOD EXPENDITURES ENCI.IqBRANCES YEAR TO DATE AVAILABLE vrD/ BIIDGET OUTSTANDlNG EXP BUD 1, 000 - 00 .00 '00 .00 BALANCE 1, 000 . 00 95 , O73 .25 103, 000.00 17, 000 . 00 95, 500 . 00 '7,986.75 2 , t99 .80 236.35 ,948 .00 .00 .00 .00 7,986.'75 15, 895 . 00 26 ,3rA .90 26 ,378 .90 215, 500 . 00 18,370. 90 .00 .00 216, 500 . 00 18, 370.90 00 .00 7 23 2, L99 .80 236.35 14, 800.20 95 ,263 .65 .00 L2 .94 .25 -15, 896 . 00 190, 181 . 10 .00 L2.46 190, 181 . 10 L2 .16 Heddington Oaks Balance Sheet February 29,2016 CURRENT ASSETS 3,221,642.81 0.00 s,102,757.23 Cash Bond Proceeds CD'slPooled lnvestments Accounts Receivable Patient Revenue Due From Federal Gov't Due From State of lllinois A,/R Property Tax Levy AJR Allowance for Doubtful Accounts Accounts Receivable, Net 2,910,490.70 0.00 478,359.21 336,966.66 (1,330,027.60) 2,395,798.97 0.00 68,29't.85 0.00 2,430.84 10,790,921.70 Note Receivable Supply lnventory @ Cost Accrued lnterest Receivable Prepaid Expenses Total Current Assets NONCURRENT ASSETS Capital Assets Land Buildings Equipment CapitaULand lmprovements lntangible Assets Less Accumulated Depreciation 821,267.00 M,353,246.40 1,748,984.93 't,001,'t3't.34 59 595.47 47,984,225.14 (3,370,546.03) 44,613,679.1'l Net CapitalAssets 55,404,600.81 TOTAL ASSETS LIABILITIES Accounts Payable Due to State of lllinois Accrued wages 373,223.39 65,000.00 277,304.02 267,293.69 412,724.95 2,880,800.55 190,950.00 41,700,000.00 Accrued Compensated Absences/VsP Accrued lnterest Payable lnterfund LT Advance Deferred Revenue Bonds Payable Premium on Bonds 563,495.01 TOTAL LIABILITIES 46,730,795.51 NET ASSETS (DEFICIT) lnvested in Capital Assets, net of related debt Restricted Unrestricted Total Net Assets (Deficit) 2,913,679.11 2't,893.50 5,732,232.59 8,667,805.20 TOTAL LIABILITIES AND NET ASSETS 55,398,500.81 24 Heddington Oaks Revenue / Expense Statement ForThe Two Months Ended February 29,2016 Annual Budget Vadance YTD AcUEst* YTO Budget Dollars Percent Revenue Property Tax Patient lncome Public Aid Private Pay Medicare Other Patient lncome Other Total Revenue 2,021,800 336,967 336,966.66 (0.34) 5,847,100 1,512,110 3,998,550 222,500 9?1,517 752,023 666,426 37,084 12,849 2,779,886 1,118,813.77 587,112.10 59 r,671.82 36,798.10 28,495.79 2,699,888.54 144,326.77 {'164,910.90) 1,050,408 823,309.44 0.00 105,814.02 112,248.78 7,s00.00 25,835.62 0.00 2,000.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 144,450.57 1,221,198.43 (227,098.56) (2,167.00) 67,227.61 100,860.08 60,000.00 (6,3s5.39) 2,527.08 (1s,000,00) (10,439.16) 752.61 77,100 16,679,'t90 0.00% 14.810/o 51.'t8l -21.93./" -11.221" (28s.60) 645.79 121.77yo l'71,7 (79,977.46) -0,770/o -2.88"/. Expense Pelsonnel Expense Full-Time Employees Part.Time Employees Temporary Employees Ovedime Premium Longevity Bonus Holiday Pay Employee Benelits Sick Tlme Bonus Contract Sign/Stlmt Bonus Accd Compensated Abs Pertormance lncentive Compensation AdjlVSP Medical Heaith Benefits Total Pergonnel Expense 6,302,445 13,000 605,000 s80,000 57,910 167,600 0 6,550 2,',l67 100,833 96,667 9,652 27,933 0 0 1,092 0 0 0 0 1,282,185 9,014,990 2',13,748 '1,502,s00 441,500 590,000 450,000 191,500 16,000 1,689,000 73,583 98,333 75,000 31,917 2,665 281,498 3,117.61 252,983.17 600,000 800,000 447,200 57,500 75,000 100,000 '151,548.93 '133,333 113,782.56 74,533 9,583 12,500 21,258 70,92'1.16 0 0 0 .21.62% N/A 4,98'1.02 4.94% 1s,621.78 16.16% -22.30% -7.51% N/A 12,152.001 (2,097.38) 0.00 908.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 (69 ,297.43) (281,301.s7) 83.r5% N/A N/A N/A -32.42% -18.72% Commodities Expenae Food Medical Supplles Drug6 Operational Supplies Other Total Commodities Expense 2'l,477 ,84 {28,s14.83) -a.64./o 2.s7./. -20.00% -32.7',t% 28.210h -10.13% ContractualExpense Empioyment Agency Salary Therapy utilities Professional Fees MedicalServices Equip/8ldg Maint, Software Lease Contribution to Public Aid Refund of Collected Fees County lJser Fees Loss on Sale of Fixed Assets Bad Debt Exp. Net of Rec. Penalties & Judgments Charge for Late Payment Advertising Expense 51,548.93 10,449.56 (3,6,l1.54) 15,571.96 (7,574.66) 51.55% 7.Urh 4.85% 162.50% -60.60% 0 0 105,000 17,500 0 0 1d8,200 3,839,770 24,700 639,960 25,154.96 4,925.34 23,604.16 0.00 8 t,999.00 1,r5,720.00 0.00 109,960.00 0.00 0.00 3,010.72 0.00 18,180.66 778,837.79 1,977,100 0 1,977,100 329,517 0 329,971.30 0.00 329,5',17 329,97t.30 't6,520,860 2,753,175 2,582,990.69 (170,484.3,l) Capitalltems 158,330 26,391 116,897.85 90,506.85 Capital lmprovements Depreciation Expense 323,350 Demolition Clearance Costs Misc. Contractual Total Contractual Expense '127,550 0 500,000 871,320 0 83,333 145,720 0 0 100,000 5,000 16,667 833 2,3,16.16 'tl.01% 0.00 (1,334.00) 0.00 0.00 93,293.00 (833.00) 0.00 (14,4s9.28) 0.00 (6,519.31) N/A -1.60% 0.00% NTA N/A N/A N/A -a2.62yo .26.39% 138,877.79 21,70% Debt Service Expense lnterest Debt lssuance Costs Total Debt Service Expense Total Expense before Capitalltems 454.30 0.00 454.30 Net Revenue/Expense before Net Revenue/Expense N/A 28.938 227,760.00 ( t39,800.15) 25 . 0.11% N/A -6.19% 312.550h 26 AGENDA BRIEFING COMMITTEE: Executive Committee MEETING DATE: April 26, 2016 ISSUE: LINE ITEM: AMOUNT: Loan Addendum to Loan Agreement with Huebldg, LLC BACKGROUND Due to a delay in processing paperwork by the SBA, Huebldg LLC, owner of the Trefzger's Bakery expansion project, had not received "official" authorization of funding from all sources until recently. Use of County loan funds was contingent up securing all sources of funding. Work completed to date on the project has been paid for by equity investments into the projects, with commitments by the SBA for funding. Now that SBA approval and paperwork have successfully been provided, Huebldg LLC would like to commence using County loan funds for the project. However, loan documentation with the County stipulates a repayment date starting March 1, 2016. Due to the SBA delay, staff is recommending that the attached loan addendum be approved to adjust the start of the repayment period to June 1, 2016. This will provide Huebldg, LLC a fair and equitable time period between the start date of using county funds and the beginning of loan repayment period. COUNTY BOARD GOALS: Growing County STAFF RECOMMENDATION: APPROVAL COMMITTEE ACTION: Approved 4/26/16 (12-0 votes; Mr. Rosenbohm voted yes via teleconference) PREPARED BY: Mark Rothert, Assistant County Administrator DEPARTMENT: County Administration DATE: April 20, 2016 27 ADDENDUM 1 TO THE LOAN AGREEMENT BETWEEN PEORIA COUNTY AND HUEBLDG, LLC WHEREAS, the County of Peoria and Huebldg, LLC (the "Parties") recently entered into a loan agreement ("Agreement") date February 11, 2016 for the business expansion of Trefzger's Bakery for an amount of $590,000 at a term of 10 years; and WHEREAS, the Parties desire to amend the term of the Agreement to move the repayment start date of the loan from March 1, 2016 to June 1, 2016; and WHEREAS, the parties desire to amend the amortization schedule and other exhibits of the Loan Agreement to reflect this change of the repayment start date. NOW THEREFORE IT IS AGREED AS FOLLOWS: 1. Section 1.02 of the Agreement shall be amended to: The loan shall be for a term of 120 months, with payments amortized over 240 months at a fixed interest rate of 3% for the first 72 months (Years 1 through 6) and then for months 73 through 120 (Years 7 through 10) the interest rate shall be fixed at 100 basis points over the Wall Street Journal Prime Rate, as determined at the end of the month 72 of the loan term. All payments will be made according to the attached amortization schedule (Exhibit A). The loan shall be made on or around March 1, 2016, and the first payment shall be due June 1, 2016 and continuing on the first day of each and every month thereafter until May 1, 2026, when the entire remaining principal balance plus interest shall be due and payable on May 1, 2026, according to the attached amortization schedule. The Note shall be repayable through: A) Monthly interest-only installments of One-Thousand Four Hundred Seventy Five ($1,475) beginning June 1, 2016 and continuing until the date which is sixty (60) days after the end of construction, as evidenced by an occupancy permit signed by the Village of Peoria Heights, but no later than January 31, 2017 (hereafter called "Construction Completion"). B) Monthly repayment installments of Three Thousand Three Hundred Fifty Four and Fifty-Nine cents ($3,354.59) beginning on the 61st day after Construction Completion but not later than February 1, 2017, up until and including the seventy-second (72nd) month of the term. C) Monthly repayment installments equal to an amount calculated by the County in the seventysecond (72nd) month of the term that has an interest rate fixed at 100 basis points over the Wall Street Journal Prime Rate. This rate shall be in effect from the seventy-third (73rd) month to the one-hundred and nineteenth (119th) month of the term. D) A balloon payment of an amount calculated by the County in the seventy-second (72nd) month of the term shall be due on May 1, 2026 as the 120th payment. 28 The Borrower may pre-pay without penalty. All payments shall be applied first to interest that has accrued to date and then to principal. All payments will be made to the Lender at its address specified at the beginning of the Agreement, or at such other address as it may designate in writing. The County may at any time amend the amortization repayment schedule to account for changes in interest rates in month 73 of the term and for the balloon repayment. 2. The Amortization Schedule, Exhibit A of the Loan Agreement, shall be amended to reflect a ten year repayment term with a start date of May 1, 2016 and final payment on May 1, 2026. Attached is a revised Amortization Schedule. 3. Dates in the Promissory Note, Exhibit B of the Loan Agreement, shall be amended to reflect the amended dates in Section 1 of this Addendum and congruent with the amended Amortization Schedule and Loan Agreement. COUNTY OF PEORIA HUEBLDG, LLC Andrew A. Rand Chairman Jeffrey S. Huebner Manager Martha E. Huebner Manager 29 ATTACHMENT A (Revised) AMENDED AMORTIZATION SCHEDULE Month Repayment # Opening Principal Balance Loan Repayment Jun 1 -2016 1 590,000.00 3,263.97 1,475.00 - 590,000.00 % Capital Outstanding 100.0% Jul 1 -2016 2 590,000.00 3,282.12 1,475.00 - 590,000.00 100.0% 3.00% Aug 1 -2016 3 590,000.00 3,292.21 1,475.00 - 590,000.00 100.0% 3.00% Sep 1 -2016 4 590,000.00 3,302.38 1,475.00 - 590,000.00 100.0% 3.00% Oct 1 -2016 5 590,000.00 3,312.64 1,475.00 - 590,000.00 100.0% 3.00% Nov 1 -2016 6 590,000.00 3,322.99 1,475.00 - 590,000.00 100.0% 3.00% Dec 1 -2016 7 590,000.00 3,333.43 1,475.00 - 590,000.00 100.0% 3.00% Jan 1 -2017 8 590,000.00 3,343.96 1,475.00 - 590,000.00 100.0% 3.00% Feb 1 -2017 9 590,000.00 3,354.59 1,475.00 1,879.59 588,120.41 99.7% 3.00% Mar 1 -2017 10 588,120.41 3,354.59 1,470.30 1,884.29 586,236.12 99.4% 3.00% Apr 1 -2017 11 586,236.12 3,354.59 1,465.59 1,889.00 584,347.13 99.0% 3.00% May 1 -2017 12 584,347.13 3,354.59 1,460.87 1,893.72 582,453.40 98.7% 3.00% Jun 1 -2017 13 582,453.40 3,354.59 1,456.13 1,898.46 580,554.95 98.4% 3.00% Jul 1 -2017 14 580,554.95 3,354.59 1,451.39 1,903.20 578,651.75 98.1% 3.00% Aug 1 -2017 15 578,651.75 3,354.59 1,446.63 1,907.96 576,743.79 97.8% 3.00% Sep 1 -2017 16 576,743.79 3,354.59 1,441.86 1,912.73 574,831.06 97.4% 3.00% Oct 1 -2017 17 574,831.06 3,354.59 1,437.08 1,917.51 572,913.55 97.1% 3.00% Nov 1 -2017 18 572,913.55 3,354.59 1,432.28 1,922.30 570,991.24 96.8% 3.00% Dec 1 -2017 19 570,991.24 3,354.59 1,427.48 1,927.11 569,064.13 96.5% 3.00% Jan 1 -2018 20 569,064.13 3,354.59 1,422.66 1,931.93 567,132.21 96.1% 3.00% Feb 1 -2018 21 567,132.21 3,354.59 1,417.83 1,936.76 565,195.45 95.8% 3.00% Mar 1 -2018 22 565,195.45 3,354.59 1,412.99 1,941.60 563,253.85 95.5% 3.00% Apr 1 -2018 23 563,253.85 3,354.59 1,408.13 1,946.45 561,307.39 95.1% 3.00% May 1 -2018 24 561,307.39 3,354.59 1,403.27 1,951.32 559,356.07 94.8% 3.00% Jun 1 -2018 25 559,356.07 3,354.59 1,398.39 1,956.20 557,399.87 94.5% 3.00% Jul 1 -2018 26 557,399.87 3,354.59 1,393.50 1,961.09 555,438.79 94.1% 3.00% Aug 1 -2018 27 555,438.79 3,354.59 1,388.60 1,965.99 553,472.79 93.8% 3.00% Sep 1 -2018 28 553,472.79 3,354.59 1,383.68 1,970.91 551,501.89 93.5% 3.00% Oct 1 -2018 29 551,501.89 3,354.59 1,378.75 1,975.83 549,526.05 93.1% 3.00% Nov 1 -2018 30 549,526.05 3,354.59 1,373.82 1,980.77 547,545.28 92.8% 3.00% Dec 1 -2018 31 547,545.28 3,354.59 1,368.86 1,985.73 545,559.55 92.5% 3.00% Jan 1 -2019 32 545,559.55 3,354.59 1,363.90 1,990.69 543,568.86 92.1% 3.00% Feb 1 -2019 33 543,568.86 3,354.59 1,358.92 1,995.67 541,573.20 91.8% 3.00% Mar 1 -2019 34 541,573.20 3,354.59 1,353.93 2,000.66 539,572.54 91.5% 3.00% Apr 1 -2019 35 539,572.54 3,354.59 1,348.93 2,005.66 537,566.88 91.1% 3.00% May 1 -2019 36 537,566.88 3,354.59 1,343.92 2,010.67 535,556.21 90.8% 3.00% Jun 1 -2019 37 535,556.21 3,354.59 1,338.89 2,015.70 533,540.52 90.4% 3.00% Jul 1 -2019 38 533,540.52 3,354.59 1,333.85 2,020.74 531,519.78 90.1% 3.00% Interest Charged Principal Repaid 30 Closing Principal Balance Interest Rate 3.00% % Capital Outstanding Interest Rate 529,493.99 89.7% 3.00% 2,030.85 527,463.14 89.4% 3.00% 1,318.66 2,035.93 525,427.20 89.1% 3.00% 3,354.59 1,313.57 2,041.02 523,386.18 88.7% 3.00% 523,386.18 3,354.59 1,308.47 2,046.12 521,340.06 88.4% 3.00% 44 521,340.06 3,354.59 1,303.35 2,051.24 519,288.82 88.0% 3.00% Feb 1 -2020 45 519,288.82 3,354.59 1,298.22 2,056.37 517,232.46 87.7% 3.00% Mar 1 -2020 46 517,232.46 3,354.59 1,293.08 2,061.51 515,170.95 87.3% 3.00% Apr 1 -2020 47 515,170.95 3,354.59 1,287.93 2,066.66 513,104.29 87.0% 3.00% May 1 -2020 48 513,104.29 3,354.59 1,282.76 2,071.83 511,032.46 86.6% 3.00% Jun 1 -2020 49 511,032.46 3,354.59 1,277.58 2,077.01 508,955.45 86.3% 3.00% Jul 1 -2020 50 508,955.45 3,354.59 1,272.39 2,082.20 506,873.25 85.9% 3.00% Aug 1 -2020 51 506,873.25 3,354.59 1,267.18 2,087.41 504,785.85 85.6% 3.00% Sep 1 -2020 52 504,785.85 3,354.59 1,261.96 2,092.62 502,693.22 85.2% 3.00% Oct 1 -2020 53 502,693.22 3,354.59 1,256.73 2,097.86 500,595.37 84.8% 3.00% Nov 1 -2020 54 500,595.37 3,354.59 1,251.49 2,103.10 498,492.27 84.5% 3.00% Dec 1 -2020 55 498,492.27 3,354.59 1,246.23 2,108.36 496,383.91 84.1% 3.00% Jan 1 -2021 56 496,383.91 3,354.59 1,240.96 2,113.63 494,270.28 83.8% 3.00% Feb 1 -2021 57 494,270.28 3,354.59 1,235.68 2,118.91 492,151.37 83.4% 3.00% Mar 1 -2021 58 492,151.37 3,354.59 1,230.38 2,124.21 490,027.16 83.1% 3.00% Apr 1 -2021 59 490,027.16 3,354.59 1,225.07 2,129.52 487,897.63 82.7% 3.00% May 1 -2021 60 487,897.63 3,354.59 1,219.74 2,134.84 485,762.79 82.3% 3.00% Jun 1 -2021 61 485,762.79 3,354.59 1,214.41 2,140.18 483,622.61 82.0% 3.00% Jul 1 -2021 62 483,622.61 3,354.59 1,209.06 2,145.53 481,477.08 81.6% 3.00% Aug 1 -2021 63 481,477.08 3,354.59 1,203.69 2,150.90 479,326.18 81.2% 3.00% Sep 1 -2021 64 479,326.18 3,354.59 1,198.32 2,156.27 477,169.91 80.9% 3.00% Oct 1 -2021 65 477,169.91 3,354.59 1,192.92 2,161.66 475,008.24 80.5% 3.00% Nov 1 -2021 66 475,008.24 3,354.59 1,187.52 2,167.07 472,841.18 80.1% 3.00% Dec 1 -2021 67 472,841.18 3,354.59 1,182.10 2,172.49 470,668.69 79.8% 3.00% Jan 1 -2022 68 470,668.69 3,354.59 1,176.67 2,177.92 468,490.77 79.4% 3.00% Feb 1 -2022 69 468,490.77 3,354.59 1,171.23 2,183.36 466,307.41 79.0% 3.00% Mar 1 -2022 70 466,307.41 3,354.59 1,165.77 2,188.82 464,118.59 78.7% 3.00% Apr 1 -2022 71 464,118.59 3,354.59 1,160.30 2,194.29 461,924.30 78.3% 3.00% May 1 -2022 72 461,924.30 3,354.59 1,154.81 2,199.78 459,724.52 77.9% 3.00% Jun 1 -2022 73 459,724.52 3,693.32 1,723.97 1,969.35 457,755.17 77.6% 4.50%* Jul 1 -2022 74 457,755.17 3,693.32 1,716.58 1,976.73 455,778.44 77.3% 4.50% Aug 1 -2022 75 455,778.44 3,693.32 1,709.17 1,984.15 453,794.29 76.9% 4.50% Sep 1 -2022 76 453,794.29 3,693.32 1,701.73 1,991.59 451,802.70 76.6% 4.50% Oct 1 -2022 77 451,802.70 3,693.32 1,694.26 1,999.06 449,803.65 76.2% 4.50% Nov 1 -2022 78 449,803.65 3,693.32 1,686.76 2,006.55 447,797.10 75.9% 4.50% Month Repayment # Opening Principal Balance Loan Repayment Aug 1 -2019 39 531,519.78 3,354.59 1,328.80 2,025.79 Sep 1 -2019 40 529,493.99 3,354.59 1,323.73 Oct 1 -2019 41 527,463.14 3,354.59 Nov 1 -2019 42 525,427.20 Dec 1 -2019 43 Jan 1 -2020 Interest Charged Principal Repaid 31 Closing Principal Balance % Capital Outstanding Interest Rate 445,783.02 75.6% 4.50% 2,021.63 443,761.39 75.2% 4.50% 1,664.11 2,029.21 441,732.18 74.9% 4.50% 3,693.32 1,656.50 2,036.82 439,695.36 74.5% 4.50% 439,695.36 3,693.32 1,648.86 2,044.46 437,650.90 74.2% 4.50% 84 437,650.90 3,693.32 1,641.19 2,052.12 435,598.78 73.8% 4.50% Jun 1 -2023 85 435,598.78 3,693.32 1,633.50 2,059.82 433,538.96 73.5% 4.50% Jul 1 -2023 86 433,538.96 3,693.32 1,625.77 2,067.54 431,471.41 73.1% 4.50% Aug 1 -2023 87 431,471.41 3,693.32 1,618.02 2,075.30 429,396.11 72.8% 4.50% Sep 1 -2023 88 429,396.11 3,693.32 1,610.24 2,083.08 427,313.03 72.4% 4.50% Oct 1 -2023 89 427,313.03 3,693.32 1,602.42 2,090.89 425,222.14 72.1% 4.50% Nov 1 -2023 90 425,222.14 3,693.32 1,594.58 2,098.73 423,123.41 71.7% 4.50% Dec 1 -2023 91 423,123.41 3,693.32 1,586.71 2,106.60 421,016.81 71.4% 4.50% Jan 1 -2024 92 421,016.81 3,693.32 1,578.81 2,114.50 418,902.30 71.0% 4.50% Feb 1 -2024 93 418,902.30 3,693.32 1,570.88 2,122.43 416,779.87 70.6% 4.50% Mar 1 -2024 94 416,779.87 3,693.32 1,562.92 2,130.39 414,649.48 70.3% 4.50% Apr 1 -2024 95 414,649.48 3,693.32 1,554.94 2,138.38 412,511.10 69.9% 4.50% May 1 -2024 96 412,511.10 3,693.32 1,546.92 2,146.40 410,364.70 69.6% 4.50% Jun 1 -2024 97 410,364.70 3,693.32 1,538.87 2,154.45 408,210.25 69.2% 4.50% Jul 1 -2024 98 408,210.25 3,693.32 1,530.79 2,162.53 406,047.72 68.8% 4.50% Aug 1 -2024 99 406,047.72 3,693.32 1,522.68 2,170.64 403,877.09 68.5% 4.50% Sep 1 -2024 100 403,877.09 3,693.32 1,514.54 2,178.78 401,698.31 68.1% 4.50% Oct 1 -2024 101 401,698.31 3,693.32 1,506.37 2,186.95 399,511.36 67.7% 4.50% Nov 1 -2024 102 399,511.36 3,693.32 1,498.17 2,195.15 397,316.22 67.3% 4.50% Dec 1 -2024 103 397,316.22 3,693.32 1,489.94 2,203.38 395,112.84 67.0% 4.50% Jan 1 -2025 104 395,112.84 3,693.32 1,481.67 2,211.64 392,901.19 66.6% 4.50% Feb 1 -2025 105 392,901.19 3,693.32 1,473.38 2,219.94 390,681.26 66.2% 4.50% Mar 1 -2025 106 390,681.26 3,693.32 1,465.05 2,228.26 388,453.00 65.8% 4.50% Apr 1 -2025 107 388,453.00 3,693.32 1,456.70 2,236.62 386,216.38 65.5% 4.50% May 1 -2025 108 386,216.38 3,693.32 1,448.31 2,245.00 383,971.37 65.1% 4.50% Jun 1 -2025 109 383,971.37 3,693.32 1,439.89 2,253.42 381,717.95 64.7% 4.50% Jul 1 -2025 110 381,717.95 3,693.32 1,431.44 2,261.87 379,456.08 64.3% 4.50% Aug 1 -2025 111 379,456.08 3,693.32 1,422.96 2,270.36 377,185.72 63.9% 4.50% Sep 1 -2025 112 377,185.72 3,693.32 1,414.45 2,278.87 374,906.85 63.5% 4.50% Oct 1 -2025 113 374,906.85 3,693.32 1,405.90 2,287.42 372,619.44 63.2% 4.50% Nov 1 -2025 114 372,619.44 3,693.32 1,397.32 2,295.99 370,323.44 62.8% 4.50% Dec 1 -2025 115 370,323.44 3,693.32 1,388.71 2,304.60 368,018.84 62.4% 4.50% Jan 1 -2026 116 368,018.84 3,693.32 1,380.07 2,313.25 365,705.60 62.0% 4.50% Feb 1 -2026 117 365,705.60 3,693.32 1,371.40 2,321.92 363,383.68 61.6% 4.50% Mar 1 -2026 118 363,383.68 3,693.32 1,362.69 2,330.63 361,053.05 61.2% 4.50% Month Repayment # Opening Principal Balance Loan Repayment Dec 1 -2022 79 447,797.10 3,693.32 1,679.24 2,014.08 Jan 1 -2023 80 445,783.02 3,693.32 1,671.69 Feb 1 -2023 81 443,761.39 3,693.32 Mar 1 -2023 82 441,732.18 Apr 1 -2023 83 May 1 -2023 Interest Charged Principal Repaid 32 Closing Principal Balance Month Repayment # Opening Principal Balance Loan Repayment Apr 1 -2026 119 361,053.05 3,693.32 1,353.95 2,339.37 May 1 -2026** 120 358,713.68 446,891.21 88,177.53 358,713.68 256,970.73 590,000.00 861,624.42 Interest Charged Principal Repaid % Capital Outstanding Interest Rate 358,713.68 60.8% 4.50% - 0.0% Closing Principal Balance * Interest rates rise to 1% above WSJ Prime Rate for months 73-119. Rate is determined by the WSJ Prime Rate as of month #72. The 4.5% rate used in the amortization schedule is for illustrative purposes only and is not the actual rate to be used in this loan. **Balloon payment due for remaining balance of principal and interest on the loan. 33 TO THE HONORABLE COUNTY BOARD COUNTY OF PEORIA, ILLINOIS ) ) ) Your Executive Committee does hereby recommend passage of the following Resolution: RE: Addendum to Loan Agreement with Huebldg, LLC RESOLUTION WHEREAS, the County of Peoria recently entered into a loan agreement ("Agreement") with Huebldg, LLC for the business expansion of Trefzger's Bakery for an amount of $590,000 at a term of 10 years; and WHEREAS, delays in processing paperwork from other funding sources has delayed the use of County funds for the project; and WHEREAS, the amortization schedule for repayment on the loan shows a repayment start date of March 1, 2016; and WHEREAS, the County believes that amending the loan repayment start date to June 1, 2016 shall provide Huebldg, LLC a more fair and equitable time period between the usage of funds and the start of loan repayment. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT HEREBY RESOLVED, by the County Board of Peoria County, that the County Board Chairman or County Administrator, with the review and approval of the State's Attorney's Office, is authorized to negotiate and enter into addendum agreement to the original loan agreement between Peoria County and Huebldg, LLC that effectively amends the term of the Agreement, its exhibits and its amortization schedule to reflect an June 1, 2016 start date for repayment of the loan. RESPECTFULLY SUBMITTED, EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE 34 AGENDA BRIEFING COMMITTEE: Budget Subcommittee MEETING DATE: April 25, 2016 LINE ITEM: See Exhibit B AMOUNT: $519,160 ISSUE: For RESOLUTION: FY 2016 Encumbrance Rollover Appropriation #2 BACKGROUND/DISCUSSION: The following attachment (Exhibit B) itemizes the amounts and corresponding accounts in various funds and departments for goods and services that the County is obligated to pay. These are goods and services were ordered in FY 2015, but not received before December 31, 2015. Also included are capital projects previously approved in 2015 but not started in 2015. The County Board's Financial Policies require a resolution to appropriate the FY 2015 funds that were budgeted to pay for the goods and services into the FY 2016 budget so that payments can be made. The total amount of the appropriation across all funds is $519,160 and the General Fund portion of the appropriation is $0. Exhibit B has been revised so that it is grouped by expenditure category and sorted by department. A description of the expense and a purchase order number (if applicable) is also listed. COUNTY BOARD GOALS: HIGH PERFORMING PUBLIC ORGANIZATION STAFF RECOMMENDATION: APPROVAL COMMITTEE ACTION: Approved 4/26/16 (12-0 votes; Mr. Rosenbohm voted yes via teleconference) PREPARED BY: DEPARTMENT: Randy Brunner / Eric J. Dubrowski, ACFO / CFO Finance DATE: 35 April 19, 2016 Exhibit B GENERAL FUND REVENUES AS AMENDED FUND CATEGORY DEPARTMENT ACCOUNT TITLE ACCOUNT # Exhibit A DESCRIPTION PO# AMOUNT ‐ GENERAL FUND REVENUES GENERAL FUND ‐ EXPENDITURES FUND CATEGORY DEPARTMENT ACCOUNT TITLE ACCOUNT # DESCRIPTION PO# AMOUNT General Fund Total Personnel Costs ‐ General Fund Total Commodities ‐ General Fund Total Contractual ‐ General Fund Total Capital ‐ TOTAL GENERAL FUND EXPENDITURES ‐ 36 Exhibit B NON GENERAL FUND ‐ EXPENDITURES FUND Various Funds CATEGORY DEPARTMENT ACCOUNT TITLE ACCOUNT # DESCRIPTION PO# Total Personnel Costs AMOUNT ‐ Various Funds Total Commodities ‐ Various Funds Total Contractuals ‐ Capital Projects Capital Projects Capital Projects Capital Projects Capital Projects C.O.P.S. Capital Projects Capital Projects Capital Projects Capital Projects Capital Projects Capital Various Funds Total Capital Capital Projects Capital Projects Capital Projects Capital Projects Capital Projects C.O.P.S. Building Improvements Building Improvements Building Improvements Building Improvements Building Improvements Other Equipment 062‐4‐062‐3‐301‐55107 062‐4‐062‐7‐738‐55107 062‐4‐062‐7‐738‐55107 062 4 062 7 738 55107 062‐4‐062‐7‐738‐55107 062‐4‐062‐7‐738‐55107 091‐2‐091‐3‐346‐55112 replace 148.0 each jail locks lighting for courtroom renovations new receptacle court room 222 AV connection for clerk desk court room 222 new receptacle court room 222 replace 148.0 each jail locks P160064 P160083 P160092 P160093 P160094 P160064 417,312 56,526 645 1,987 645 42,045 519,160 NON GENERAL FUND EXPENSES 519,160 TOTAL EXPENDITURE APPROPRIATIONS 519,160 37 38 39 40 41 42 THE HONORABLE COUNTY BOARD COUNTY OF PEORIA, ILLINOIS ) ) ) Your Budget Subcommittee does hereby recommend passage of the following resolution: RE: Appropriation in 2016 budget of 2015 encumbrance rollovers and rollover appropriations (Rollover #2). RESOLUTION WHEREAS, in 2015 departments issued purchase orders and contracts for goods and services to be paid from the 2015 Peoria County budget, and construction projects were started in 2015 or prior years; and WHEREAS, in some cases, delivery or completion of those goods and services was not made, or construction projects completed, by December 31, 2015; and WHEREAS, the Peoria County Board Financial Policies require the County Board to approve requests to adjust the budget for outstanding balances; and WHEREAS, Exhibit B itemizes the amounts and accounts requested to be appropriated to the FY 2016 departmental budgets expenditures that total $519,160 (Five Hundred Nineteen Thousand One Hundred Sixty dollars). NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, the County Administrator is authorized to appropriate budget expenditures that total $519,160 (Five Hundred Nineteen Thousand One Hundred Sixty dollars) into the various departmental and fund budgets identified in Exhibit B for FY 2016. RESPECTFULLY SUBMITTED, BUDGET SUBCOMMITTEE 43 AGENDA BRIEFING Health, Environmental, & Welfare Issues COMMITTEE: MEETING DATE: April 25, 2016 LINE ITEM: AMOUNT: 041-2-041-4-415-53086 up to $3,024.95 ISSUE: For RESOLUTION: Rural Residential Recycling Grant Awards BACKGROUND/DISCUSSION: In 2012, the Peoria County Board approved a one-time grant to the City of Peoria for the purchase of additional carts to encourage participation in the City's no-cost curbside recycling program. In fairness to the rural communities, the Board also appropriated $25,000 to commence or enhance rural programs. Staff prepared and distributed a rural residential recycling grant application to assist communities with environmental initiatives. Communities receiving funds have improved a community drop-off center and also held recycling events for their community. The remaining fund balance for this program is $10,720. Grant funds are allocated on a first come, first-served basis until funds are depleted. The application is available on our website. Peoria Heights is requesting funds to promote its curbside recycling program by creating a marketing campaign to inform residents through direct mail, posters, and posts on social media presence - Facebook and The total amount requested is $3,024.95. (see triple asterisk items on proposal). Postcards $650.00 Postage $589.95 Posters (100) Facebook design of 3 posts Happeningintheheights sponsorship $100/month $85.00 $1,200.00 Total $3,024.95 $500.00 After evaluating the application against the criteria, it meets the minimum requirements and in line with the program's objective. COUNTY BOARD GOALS: SAFE & HEALTHY COMMUNITY STAFF RECOMMENDATION: RESOLUTION COMMITTEE ACTION: Approved 4/25/16 (9-0 votes; Mr. Elsasser voted yes via teleconference) PREPARED BY: Karen Raithel DEPARTMENT: Recycling & Resource Conservation DATE: 44 April 19, 2016 Proposal 1302 Pioneer Parkway I Peoria, IL 61615 Phone 309.692.7880 I I Fax 309.692.9925 DATE 4.18.2016 Village of Peoria Heights Every Door Direct Mail Postcard 11” x 6.25” 14pt C2S Cover Quantity Price 2,500 $395 5,000 $650***in between these numbers for the amount of 3,352 10,000 $1,230 *Mail prep/delivery: $300/$50 per carrier route Postage cost for EDDM Routes for Peoria Heights (61616) are as follows Business and Residential C017 468 $82.37 C052 523 $92.05 C063 421 $74.10 C075 947 $166.67 C077 497 $87.47 C087 496 $87.30 3352 $589.95*** Posters 11” x 17” 100# Digital Gloss Text Quantity Price 50 $65 100 $85*** © 2016 AdCo Advertising Agency, Inc. Advertiser acknowledges that any and all ideas, concepts, strategies, trademarks and materials that Agency presents or provides to Advertiser (the “Presentation Concepts and Materials”) are being presented or provided for the sole purpose of allowing Advertiser to determine whether Advertiser wishes to use the Presentation Concepts and Materials and to engage Agency’s ongoing services. Advertiser acknowledges and agrees that the Presentation Concepts and Materials are, and will, remain Agency’s property regardless of any payment made by Advertiser to Agency in connection with Agency’s participation in the review. Agency shall retain all right, title and interest in connection with the Presentation Concepts and Materials regardless of whether the physical embodiment of the creative work is in Advertiser’s possession in the form of copy, artwork, etc. 45 Proposal 1302 Pioneer Parkway I Peoria, IL 61615 Phone 309.692.7880 I I Fax 309.692.9925 DATE 4.18.2016 Village of Peoria Heights Facebook Presence allows us to be very selective with our target audience; therefore, making our marketing/awareness push more effective. Custom design of 3 posts $500*** Copy $256 Demographic Targeting $500 Sponsorship the sponsored advertisement would be prominently placed on the homepage and people with active lifestyles looking for events that are taking place in The Heights are also likely to care about community initiatives. $100 dollar monthly commitment*** Total: $3,024.95 © 2016 AdCo Advertising Agency, Inc. Advertiser acknowledges that any and all ideas, concepts, strategies, trademarks and materials that Agency presents or provides to Advertiser (the “Presentation Concepts and Materials”) are being presented or provided for the sole purpose of allowing Advertiser to determine whether Advertiser wishes to use the Presentation Concepts and Materials and to engage Agency’s ongoing services. Advertiser acknowledges and agrees that the Presentation Concepts and Materials are, and will, remain Agency’s property regardless of any payment made by Advertiser to Agency in connection with Agency’s participation in the review. Agency shall retain all right, title and interest in connection with the Presentation Concepts and Materials regardless of whether the physical embodiment of the creative work is in Advertiser’s possession in the form of copy, artwork, etc. 46 47 Project Details 1. Need The request for funds would enhance and expand our existing recycling program with Eagle Enterprises Recycling. Peoria Heights has an existing program, however participation is extremely low. The Village would like to request marketing funds through this grant that would allow us to send a catchy and exciting postcard to every residence within Peoria Heights, as well as posters to distribute to the businesses. The Village is one of the only municipalities that still offers free recycling to its residents and would like them to take advantage of that. 2. Project Budget and Match Commitment The expenditures are attached. 3. Location/Service Area The Village of Peoria Heights is currently under contract with Eagle Enterprises until August of 2018. Our contract is based on 2,422 households and our recycling participation is roughly ONLY thirty‐five percent. Totes are free to residents, however they must call to request them. The Village has a population of 6,635 residents. 48 4. Diversion Rate The estimated materials collected from the recycling bins would be 1,500,000 pounds in the first twelve months. Our goal is to double the current household participation rate. 5. Sustainability The Village has a current recycling contract in place. By distributing marketing materials, this will create more awareness of our free recycling program. Many residents may not be educated about our program, and it is the goal of the Village to reach out to every resident so that they have the opportunity to participate. 6. Performance The goal of this project is to increase recycling participation in the Village of Peoria Heights. Although a recycling program is already in place, the distribution of marketing materials by mail and throughout the community would create awareness of recycling that may increase participation in residential recycling. 7. Material Classification & Sources The targeted materials would be anything that could be recycled in a residential household; paper, glass, aluminum, and plastic. 8. Collection & Processing Capabilities The materials would be collected by Eagle Enterprises. 49 9. Operation Efficiencies Peoria Heights is comprised of nearly 60% rental houses compared to those that are owner occupied. Because many residents enter and leave the Heights, many people are unaware of the free recycling program offered. This program has been in place since 2008, so this would be a great time to remind everyone of the program. 10. Facility/Site Details (Drop‐off or Special Event Projects) Village of Peoria Heights Attn: Matt Fick, Administrator 4901 N. Prospect Road Peoria Heights, IL 61616 (309) 686‐2385 11. Markets Eagle Recycling Enterprises will collect all said materials and is currently under contract with the Village of Peoria Heights. 12. Acknowledgement of Funding Source Peoria Heights will give acknowledgement to Peoria County on the Village website and Facebook page for financial participation. 50 2016 Rural Residential Recycling Grant Executive Summary The Village of Peoria Heights is currently under a residential contract with Eagle Enterprises Recycling until August of 2018. At this time Eagle’s contract will either be extended or awarded to another service provider. Totes are available to the residents free of charge through Eagle Enterprises. Residents must call Eagle to request a tote that is delivered directly to the resident’s house, also free of charge. The contract between Eagle Enterprises and the Village of Peoria Heights is based off of 2,422 households and 6,635 residents. Peoria Heights is one of the only surrounding communities to offer free recycling to its residents. The Village feels that if recycling marketing materials are redistributed, residents are likely to participate in the residential recycling program that they most likely were not aware of. Attached to this application is a quote for marketing materials. Upon grant approval, the Village would be able purchase the materials and send out the postcards to every resident and distribute posters throughout the community. No permits would be needed for this project. 51 TO THE HONORABLE COUNTY BOARD COUNTY OF PEORIA, ILLINOIS ) ) ) Your Health, Public Safety, and Justice Committee do hereby recommend passage of the following Resolution: Re: 2016 Rural Residential Recycling Grant Award RESOLUTION WHEREAS, recycling has several benefits, such as conserving natural resources, energy savings, creation of jobs, and sustaining the environment for future generations; and WHEREAS, Peoria County's vision and goals include building sustainable communities; and WHEREAS, Peoria County's rural communities can implement or support residential recycling programs that are unique to its community; and WHEREAS, the Peoria County Board has made funds available for environmental conservation purposes, and WHEREAS, your Health, Public Safety, and Justice Committee hereby recommends that the 2016 Rural Residential Recycling Grant be awarded to the following recipients in the amounts noted. 2016 Rural Residential Recycling Grant Program Applicant Village of Peoria Heights Funds Requested Project Marketing campaign for ongoing curbside recycling program Total HPSF Committee Approved $3,024.95 $ $ $ NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED AS FOLLOWS: The Peoria County Board hereby awards Rural Residential Recycling Grants to the recipient as noted in the table above. RESPECTFULLY SUBMITTED, HEALTH, PUBLIC SAFETY and JUSTICE COMMITTEE Bob Baietto (chairman) Tom O'Neill III (vice-chairman) Brian Elsasser Rachael Parker Michael Phelan Phil Salzer Carol Trumpe Sharon Williams Reviewed: Dated: 52 AGENDA BRIEFING COMMITTEE: Health, Public Safety, and Justice MEETING DATE: April 25, 2016 LINE ITEM: n/a AMOUNT: n/a ISSUE: Amendment to Intergovernmental Agreement for the Peoria City/County Landfill BACKGROUND/DISCUSSION: The Landfill Committee operates under the guidelines as detailed in the Peoria City/County Landfill Intergovernmental Agreement (IGA). In addition to the Duties of each entity, there is a section for member selection. The Current IGA references the solid waste committee which has been morphed into different committees since the agreement's signing date in 1997. With this language change, the IGA will more accurately reflect current practices of appointing representatives. County Board member and current Landfill Committee representative Stephen Morris proposed revisions to the language for the process of appointing the seven member panel. I. TERM AND TERMINATION This Agreement, as amended, shall be effective January 15, 1997 and shall continue until it is terminated as provided herein. The parties agree that regardless of any other provision contained in this Agreement to the contrary, this Agreement may be terminated by mutual agreement, by either party giving ninety (90) days written notice to the other party. II. JOINT CITY-COUNTY SOLID WASTE COMMITTEE The CITY and the COUNTY establish a Joint City/ County A. Solid Waste Committee (hereinafter referred to as the "COMMITTEE"), comprised of seven members to be selected as follows: 1. (1) Three members of the COMMITTEE shall be appointed by the Mayor with the approval of the City Council, with at least one appointment being a citizen not serving on the City Council. Each appointment is for a two year term.Two members of the COMMITTEE shall be members of the CITY Council, appointed by the Mayor with the approval of the CITY Council. 2. Three members of the COMMITTEE shall be appointed by the County Board Chairman, with the approval of the County Board, with 53 at least one appointment being a citizen not serving on the County Board. Each appointment is for a two year term.Two members of the COMMITTEE shall be members of the COUNTY's Solid Waste Committee (or other COUNTY Board standing committee appointed to review the COMMITTEE's activities), and shall be appointed by the COUNTY Board Chairman, with the approval of the COUNTY Board. 3. One member of the COMMTITEE shall be a citizen to be appointed jointly by the Mayor with the approval of the CITY Council and by the COUNTY Board Chairman with the approval of the COUNTY Board, which member shall serve as COMMITTEE Chairman;One member of the COMMITTEE to be appointed jointly by the Mayor, with the approval of the City Council, and by the County Board Chairman, with the approval of the County Board, which member shall serve as Committee Chairman. This appointment is for a two year term. 3.4. In the absence of the Committee Chairman, the Committee Chairman may appoint, in advance of his absence, a Committee member to be Committee Chairman Pro Tem; or if not appointed by the Committee Chairman in advance of his absence, a majority of the Committee members present shall elect a Committee Chairman Pro Tem for that meeting by a simple majority. 4. One member of the COMMITTEE shall be appointed by the Mayor with the approval of the CITY Council for a two year term and such member shall not be a member of the CITY Council. The member holding this position on the date that this Agreement becomes effective shall serve out the remainder of his term; and 5. One member of the COMMITTEE shall be appointed by the COUNTY Board Chairman with the approval of the COUNTY Board for a two year term and such member shall not be a member of the COUNTY Board. A member holding this position on the date that this Agreement becomes effective shall serve out the remainder of his/ her term. 54 III. COMPENSATION The CITY and the COUNTY shall receive reimbursement from the A. COMMITTEE's budget for staff time dedicated to the CITY/ COUNTY Landfill or matters concerning other property shown on Exhibit A, in December of each year. Said reimbursement shall be a part of the COMMITTEE's annual budgeting process, subject to approval, denial or modification by the CITY Council and COUNTY Board. The COMMITTEE shall, in December of each year, pay the CITY B. a rebate of any tipping fees assessed on the CITY's guaranteed waste stream which exceed the posted gate fee at the Tazewell Recycling and Disposal Facility in East Peoria, Illinois (owned by Waste Management of Illinois, Inc.) up to $1.50 per ton. B.C. Members of the COMMITTEE shall not be compensated for their service. This proposal will be forwarded to the City of Peoria for consideration by the City Council. COUNTY BOARD GOALS: Safe and Healthy Community STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Resolution COMMITTEE ACTION: APPROVED 4/25/16 (9-0 votes; Mr. Elsasser voted yes via teleconference) PREPARED BY: DATE: Karen Raithel April 20, 2016 DEPARTMENT: Sustainability & Resource Conservation 55 LANDFILL INTERGOVERNMENTAL AGREEMENT WHEREAS, the City of Peoria, Illinois, a Municipal Corporation (hereinafter referred to as the "CITY") and the County of Peoria, a Body Politic and Corporate (hereinafter referred to as the "COUNTY"), jointly own certain real property; and WHEREAS, part of said property is utilized as a landfill which requires certain oversight; and WHEREAS, other parts of the property are leased to third parties; and WHEREAS, the CITY and the COUNTY previously entered into an intergovernmental agreement concerning said property and wish to enter into a new agreement; and WHEREAS, the CITY and the COUNTY have reached an agreement pursuant to authority granted by Article VII, Section I 0, of the Constitution of Illinois of 1970 and the "Intergovernmental Cooperation Act" (5 ILCS 220/1 et. seq.). IT IS HEREBY AGREED AS FOLLOWS: I. PROPERTY The property which is the subject of this Agreement is shown on Exhibit "A" which is attached hereto and incorporated by reference herein. II. TERM AND TERMINATION This Agreement, as amended, shall be effective January 15, 1997 and shall continue until it is terminated as provided herein. The parties agree that regardless of any other provision contained in this Agreement to the contrary, this Agreement may be terminated by mutual agreement, by either party giving ninety (90) days written notice to the other party. III. NOTICE All notices required under the terms of this Agreement shall be delivered in person or by certified mail with return receipt to: CITY OF PEORIA, City Manager, 419 Fulton, Peoria, IL 61602. COUNTY OF PEORIA, County Administrator, Room 401, 324 Main Street, Peoria, IL 61602. IV. JOINT CITY-COUNTY SOLID WASTE COMMITTEE 56 The CITY and the COUNTY establish a Joint City/ County A. Solid Waste Committee (hereinafter referred to as the "COMMITTEE"), comprised of seven members to be selected as follows: 1. (1) Three members of the COMMITTEE shall be appointed by the Mayor with the approval of the City Council, with at least one appointment being a citizen not serving on the City Council. Each appointment is for a two year term.Two members of the COMMITTEE shall be members of the CITY Council, appointed by the Mayor with the approval of the CITY Council. 2. Three members of the COMMITTEE shall be appointed by the County Board Chairman, with the approval of the County Board, with at least one appointment being a citizen not serving on the County Board. Each appointment is for a two year term.Two members of the COMMITTEE shall be members of the COUNTY's Solid Waste Committee (or other COUNTY Board standing committee appointed to review the COMMITTEE's activities), and shall be appointed by the COUNTY Board Chairman, with the approval of the COUNTY Board. 3. One member of the COMMTITEE shall be a citizen to be appointed jointly by the Mayor with the approval of the CITY Council and by the COUNTY Board Chairman with the approval of the COUNTY Board, which member shall serve as COMMITTEE Chairman;One member of the COMMITTEE to be appointed jointly by the Mayor, with the approval of the City Council, and by the County Board Chairman, with the approval of the County Board, which member shall serve as Committee Chairman. This appointment is for a two year term. 3.4. In the absence of the Committee Chairman, the Committee Chairman may appoint, in advance of his absence, a Committee member to be Committee Chairman Pro Tem; or if not appointed by the Committee Chairman in advance of his absence, a majority of the Committee members present shall elect a Committee Chairman Pro Tem for that meeting by a simple majority. 57 4. One member of the COMMITTEE shall be appointed by the Mayor with the approval of the CITY Council for a two year term and such member shall not be a member of the CITY Council. The member holding this position on the date that this Agreement becomes effective shall serve out the remainder of his term; and 5. One member of the COMMITTEE shall be appointed by the COUNTY Board Chairman with the approval of the COUNTY Board for a two year term and such member shall not be a member of the COUNTY Board. A member holding this position on the date that this Agreement becomes effective shall serve out the remainder of his/ her term. B. The COMMITTEE shall be empowered to oversee the management and operation of the CITY/ COUNTY landfill, to establish policy and develop regulations for the disposal of waste at the CITY/ COUNTY Landfill and to approve or deny the disposal of special waste pursuant to said policies and regulations. C. The COMMITTEE shall also oversee the management and operation of all other property shown on Exhibit A. D. The COMMITTEE shall submit an annual budget to the CITY and COUNTY, which shall be subject to approval, denial or modification by the CITY Council and COUNTY Board. E. The CITY and · the COUNTY hereby specifically authorize the COMMITTEE to enter into contracts and/ or leases for the expenditure or receipt of funds for any item or service which has been approved by the CITY Council and the COUNTY Board as part of the COMMITTEE's annual budget. Further, the CITY and the COUNTY specifically authorize the COMMITTEE to enter into contracts and/ or leases outside the approved budget for the expenditure or receipt of funds relative to this Agreement, the cost of which does not exceed $50,000.00. All other expenditures and receipt of funds are subject to the approval or denial of the COUNTY Board and the CITY Council. All purchasing procedures shall be governed by the CITY's 58 Purchasing Ordinance, Chapter 10, Finance Purchasing and Contracts, Section 4, Purchasing and Contracts, except as provided above and except that Chapter 6.5, Section 6.5-9 of The Peoria County Code, and 55 ILCS 5/5-1022, "Competitive Bids" shall control and take precedence over any CITY purchasing procedure or ordinance. F. Any matter requiring action by the CITY Council and the COUNTY Board shall be referred to the COUNTY through its Solid Waste Committee (or other COUNTY Board standing committee appointed to review the COMMITTEE's activities). V. DUTIES OF CITY A. The CITY Manager, or his designee, shall be the overall administrator for day-to-day operations of the CITY/ COUNTY Landfill and matters concerning the property in Exhibit A, shall provide administrative support to the COMMITTEE, and in these functions shall be responsible to the COMMITTEE. The CITY Manager or his designee is authorized to sign any necessary documents relative to IEPA permits or grants in aid subject to COMMITTEE direction. B. The CITY Finance Director/ Comptroller shall be the custodian of all funds received relative to the property in Exhibit A. The CITY Finance Director/ Comptroller shall also be responsible for disbursements made pursuant to this Agreement. VI. DUTIES OF COUNTY The COUNTY shall provide legal counsel and representation under this Agreement through the Peoria County State's Attorney's Office. VII. COMPENSATION A. The CITY and the COUNTY shall receive reimbursement from the COMMITTEE's budget for staff time dedicated to the CITY/ COUNTY Landfill or matters concerning other property shown on Exhibit A, in December of each year. Said reimbursement shall be a part of the COMMITTEE's annual budgeting process, subject to approval, denial or modification by the CITY Council and 59 COUNTY Board. B. The COMMITTEE shall, in December of each year, pay the CITY a rebate of any tipping fees assessed on the CITY's guaranteed waste stream which exceed the posted gate fee at the Tazewell Recycling and Disposal Facility in East Peoria, Illinois (owned by Waste Management of Illinois, Inc.) up to $1.50 per ton. B.C. Members of the COMMITTEE shall not be compensated for their service. VIII. GENERAL CONDITIONS A. The CITY and the COUNTY hereby subscribe to and both they and the COMMITTEE shall comply with all applicable Equal Opportunity Guidelines of the CITY and the COUNTY. B. This Agreement contains the entire agreement between the parties with respect to the subject matter hereof. No change or modification of this Agreement shall be valid unless the same be in writing and signed by the parties. This Agreement supersedes and takes precedence over any previous agreements between the CITY and the COUNTY concerning the subject matter hereof. COUNTY OF PEORIA A Body Politic and Corporate CITY OF PEORIA A Municipal Corporation By: By: DATE: DATE: ATTTEST: ATTEST: County Clerk City Clerk 60 TO THE HONORABLE COUNTY BOARD COUNTY OF PEORIA, ILLINOIS ) ) ) Your Health, Public Safety and Justice Committee does hereby recommend passage of the following Resolution: RE: Amendment to the Intergovernmental Agreement for the Peoria City/County Landfill RESOLUTION WHEREAS, the City of Peoria and County of Peoria entered into an Intergovernmental Agreement for the operation of the Peoria City/County Landfill; and WHEREAS, this Intergovernmental Agreement allows for amendments from time-to-time as may be needed and if the Peoria City Council and the Peoria County Board each approve such amendments; and WHEREAS, the current Intergovernmental Agreement references the County’s “Solid Waste Committee;” and WHEREAS, the current manner in which members are appointed to the Landfill Committee is inconsistent with the language of the Intergovernmental Agreement; and WHEREAS, the Landfill Committee seeks additional flexibility in the appointment process moving forward; NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, that the Landfill Intergovernmental Agreement shall be amended as noted in the attached document. RESPECTFULLY SUBMITTED, Health, Public Safety, and Justice Committee 61 AGENDA BRIEFING COMMITTEE: Health, Public Safety and Justice Committee MEETING DATE: April 25, 2016 ISSUE: Approval of Thompson Electronic quote to upgrade the technology in Courtroom 221 during the renovation project. BACKGROUND/DISCUSSION: The Chief Judge of the Tenth Judicial Circuit is seeking approval of the Thompson Electronic quote to upgrade the technology in Courtroom 221 during the renovation project. This project was determined to be a sole source procurement pursuant to Sec. 6.5-21(1)(c) of the County Purchasing Ordinance. The scope of the project is vendor specific because it is an integrated system with the State of Illinois courtroom electronic recordation system. Thompson Electronics is contracted by the Administrative Office of Illinois Courts to install and service the electronic recordation system within each courtroom. They previously installed the current evidence presentation and video arraignment systems which are integrated with the State of Illinois equipment and, therefore, are the preferred vendor for the proposed upgrade. Attached is a copy of the quote from Thompson Electronics. We are requesting approval of the attached quote from Thompson Electronics for a total cost of Sixty-One Thousand Four Hundred Fifteen Dollars ($61,415.00). There are sufficient funds available in the Court’s FY16 Shared Savings Fund to award this contract. COUNTY BOARD GOALS: HIGH PERFORMANCE PUBLIC ORGANIZATION STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Approve the proposal submitted by Thompson Electronics to upgrade the technology in Courtroom 221 during the renovation project. COMMITTEE ACTION: APPROVED 4/25/16 (9-0 VOTES; MR. ELSASSER VOTED YES VIA TELECONFERENCE) PREPARED BY: Rena' K. Parker, Court Administrator DEPARTMENT: Court Administration DATE: April 20, 2016 62 Peoria County Courthouse Re: Courtroom Video Arraignment/Evidence Presentation Room 221 rev.1 Thank you for the opportunity to provide another quality A/V system solution for Peoria County Courthouse. This proposal outlines and addresses the items we discussed in our meeting and includes a main Courtroom A/V Systems proposal. Following a contract/purchase order, we will begin to assemble power/data requirements and installation detail drawings. AV needs for room 221 as discussed in our correspondence (revised 4-20-16): The need to have a wired Elmo document camera (same unit that is now in 222), Crestron AV Matrix systems (same as 222), Reuse existing HD video arraignment system with PTZ camera, 80” commercial grade non-touch LED as main display, wired annotation abilities over evidence from witness stand or County furnished evidence laptop, AV control system with two touchscreen units, audio reinforcement systems, witness touchscreen monitor, reuse judge’s monitor (with A/B switcher), provide integration with the State of Illinois digital recordation systems, and certified installation/programming. The system specified within is truly a great solution for you. The system was designed with reliability, maintenance, security, and cost in mind. The equipment selected is of high quality and reflects current technology. If you have any questions concerning any item in this proposal, need any additional information or would like to discuss terms, overall costs, or system alternatives, please contact me at your earliest convenience. I am confident you will be more than satisfied with this A/V system solution and I look forward to working with you on this project. Sincerely, Carl Howell, CTS-D | CTS-I | DMC-D-4k Audiovisual Systems Engineer Thompson Electronics Company 63 Thompson Engineered Courtroom Audiovisual System Description: This goal of this system is to allow the user(s) to display a variety of evidence media and video arraignment over three high definition video displays (judge, witness, and 80” display). We will be using Creston’s Digital Media system for all signal transmission, control, and AV switching. This DM system takes all signals and converts them to high bandwidth shielded twisted pair cabling for exceptional audio and video over long distances. This is the industry standard on running high definition content from device to device in professional environments. There will be a large 80” LED nontouch display for use as the main display in the courtroom, a ~20” desktop touch monitor for the witness location, and a ~20” non-touch monitor for the judge’s bench (reused). There will be table top plates at both Counsel Tables to plug in County laptops (HDMI and VGA) as well as a connection for the Evidence Presentation Cart at the Prosecution table as well as the Clerk’s desk. The system will have a high definition document camera (for presenting physical evidence or paper documentation) and a new PC (County provided) to display electronic media evidence. We will also reuse the Tandberg HD Video Arraignment system to continue video arraignment capability to this courtroom. The AV system will be controlled via a table top touchpanel located at the judge’s bench as well as at the clerk’s desk. These touch panels will control the function of the AV system. The user can turn the entire system on and off, choose the evidence source that they want to display on the screens, control the dialing of the Video Arraignment (judge only), and “mute” the video with the push of a button if improper evidence sharing is being attempted (both touchpanels). Option #1 Court Audiovisual System (Expandable AV Matrix-similar to 222): There will be one Crestron Digital Media 8x8 AV Matrix with external system controller installed in the system. This will switch the video being shown on the displays. This unit is fully digital and is capable of switching analog and digital video signals. For inputs, we will have a VGA/HDMI table input for both counsel tables, an input for the document camera, and an input for the video arraignment system. For outputs, we will be sending a video feed to the 80” display, the judge’s desk monitor/switcher, and the witness monitor. The matrix we selected is a modular 8x8 card based I/O unit and offers openings for future I/O needs based on this current system design. There are three extra input slots and four extra output slots available (given the current design) for future expandability. As a control interface, we will be implementing two 7” desktop touchpanels. These control panels will interface with the video arraignment system to initiate/end calls (judge only), interface with the document camera (to select them as sources to route to the main display), turn the entire system on/off, video mute (both touchpanels), and control the system volume. The next size up is a 16x16 if the court wishes to have more future I/O expansion capability. For Evidence Presentation needs, we will provide the following equipment that will be housed in an equipment cart provided by others. This equipment includes 64 an Elmo HD Document camera, and County provided PC. This cart will need to meet the size/functionality requirements based on equipment needs. We will reuse an existing Tandberg video arraignment system in this room as requested by the County. We will include an 80” Commercial Grade non-touch LED monitor as the main display device in the courtroom. This will be used as a brilliant HD display for showing any source from the Evidence Presentation cart or from the table top PC inputs. We have also included a Crestron Scaler, proper commercial tilt mount, and power surge suppression as well. For the Witness location display we will have a touch monitor. This monitor will be able to display any of the counsel PC inputs, document camera, county PC, or video arraignment far end video. The judge’s desk will reuse the existing LED monitor with an A/B switch that we installed in another recent project with the County. This allows the judge to switch between viewing their local PC or the AV system feed. The witness monitor will be able to annotate over document camera images and will be on a swivel mount. Project includes all of the above parts, installation labor of those parts, programming of the Crestron/Tandberg Video arraignment system, and freight to integrate this system. Power, raceway, data, back boxes, floor boxes, required PCs, and evidence presentation cart are provided by others. Evidence presentation cart MUST accommodate all of our technology equipment by providing easy serviceability, proper cooling, proper cable management, and proper security of equipment. This project has been estimated with 1st shift labor. If 2nd shift (or overtime) labor is required, we will bill for the additional expense of these customer requested changes. Scope of Work: THOMPSON ELECTRONICS COMPANY IS RESPONSIBLE FOR THE FOLLOWING: Provide shop drawings as required Provide cable diagrams for facility reference Supply and install all low voltage cable as required to support the system(s) selected 65 Install and setup all of the equipment as described in this proposal. Install and terminate all plates Label all installed cable Install previously stated electronic components per our diagram and directions Install supplied mounts, per our diagram and directions (if applicable) Install any previously described control and switching equipment, per our diagram and directions Provide system programming and tuning Install all audio/video equipment as described previously in the proposal Provide in-service training for staff Supply equipment in the quantities listed in this proposal Supply factory support as needed for this installation Provide one project foreman for one on site coordination meeting prior to the start of this project if requested Provide first shift labor as requested We will provide all test equipment necessary for the proper setup and adjustment of the audio/video presentation system. It will also involve the playing of a test video patterns and colors though the system to make sure that all of the adjustments dealing video system are properly set. Much time will be spent on the proper adjustment of the projectors including the zoom and focusing of the lenses. After these tests and adjustments are completed, we will walk you through the system. We will have people that you are familiar with demonstrate the system and train those who will be operating it. At the completion of the installation and testing, we will provide you with the following: 1. All complete operating manuals 2. Technical operating instructions to your appointed system operator. 3. A one-year warranty on the new equipment and installation of the new equipment against all defects except those caused by misuse or acts of God. This does not cover any existing equipment we are reusing from the existing system. Our warranty starts after the first beneficial usage of the system. CUSTOMER IS RESPONSIBLE FOR THE FOLLOWING: Provide final review of this proposal prior to acceptance and start of construction to be certain that the operation of the system meets the needs of the end users. Provide coordination with other trades and users of the facility as needed to facilitate the installation of all devices included with this project. Provide additional fees for restoration of operation (or) equipment as required for loss of-or equipment damage caused by actions of others whether or not related to work governed by this agreement that prevent the final operation of these systems prior to owner acceptance. Supply and install all 120v conduit, 120V cable, hardware, all back/floor boxes/conduit as required to support this installation. Provide assistance with system check-out. 66 Provide all required 120v. grounded power as needed to support this installation (outlined by TEC). Provide timely return of reviewed shop drawings (if applicable). Provide notification and scheduling information in a timely fashion. Provide one site contact for facility and system coordination and meetings prior to the start and over the span of this project as requested. Provide additional compensation (if necessary) for additional material required to complete this project based on changes made by the owner or end users of the systems. Provide required network access, network infrastructure, network setup, and network connectivity/speed to support the system’s functionality. Any issues related to the network are not the responsibility of TEC. Provide any required PCs that meet the performance requirements outlined by TEC General System Maintenance Provide uninterrupted access to the workspace from 7am-5pm on days we are scheduled to perform our work. Provide proper wall blocking to support our equipment Provide proper equipment room climate control for our equipment rack location (if applicable) Provide an evidence presentation cart that holds our equipment in a secure/safe manner. The cart must have proper ventilation based on the thermal output of the equipment and allow easy access to the back side of the equipment for wiring and future serviceability. NOTE: TEC is not responsible for issues arising from structure borne vibrations, customer’s lighting, or customer’s network. DEPOSIT & PAYMENT TERMS Thompson Electronics Company requires a 50% deposit upon acceptance, 25% due upon start with the remaining 25% due 30 days from substantial completion. Our published warranty statement applies to this project. Our full one-year warranty applies to this project. Our terms and warranty statement is incorporated into any agreement made concerning this project and will govern our work. Our standard terms and conditions are included at the end of this proposal or it may be viewed at any time from our web site: Our warranty covers only the labor and materials that our company supplies and/or installs. Our warranty specifically excludes existing field devices and wiring. System and item price quotes including cable are made for this specific project and are valid for 60 days from the date of this document. Following the stated 60-day time period we reserve the right to re-quote or adjust our prices as necessary. NOTE: The price and material Information contained in this proposal does not include any applicable taxes and may not be considered as binding in any way to Thompson Electronics Company after 60 days from the date of issuance of this proposal. Any programming source code is property of Thompson Electronics and is not included in the cost of this proposal. This proposal, system design, and recommendations within this proposal are the property of Thompson Electronics Company and cannot be used in any way without direct written consent from a representative of Thompson Electronics Company. Pictures shown may not represent actual model number of part described. All equipment specification sheets are available upon request. 67 The TEC Difference Expertise. Experience. Quality. Quality Once assembled all electronics are tested and “burned-in.” This “burn-in” process allows us to catch any defective equipment before the on-site installation and assure successful system operation. All material furnished will be new and will conform to the applicable requirements of the Underwriters Laboratories and the National Standards Institute. Care will be taken in wiring as to avoid damage to the cables and the equipment. All joints and connections will be made with rosin core solder and/or with mechanical connectors. Wiring shall be executed in strict adherence to standard broadcast practices. All switches, outlets, connectors, etc. shall be clearly, logically, and permanently marked during the installation. We will take all precautions as are necessary to guard against electromagnetic hum, provide adequate ventilation, and install the equipment so as to provide maximum safety to the operator. All cable shall be run in the open without the use of conduit and shall be run so that it is as unobtrusive as possible. Raceway shall be utilized for aesthetic purposes where necessary to conceal wiring. Project Preparation Your system starts before we begin the on-site installation. A great deal of work is started in our shop. Equipment racks are loaded and terminated, speaker clusters are assembled and painted and digital processing equipment is programmed. Performing this work in a controlled environment assures the system is assembled correctly and according to factory standards. Assembly in the shop also helps to reduce the amount of onsite work required and makes the change-over period much shorter, along with reduced travel and possible overnight expenses. Experience & Expertise Thompson Electronics Company A/V representatives are Certified Technology Specialist, CTS, CTS-D, CTS-I and will assist you to provide a comprehensive A/V system that meets your communication needs. They will also work closely with the AV technicians to ensure a quality installation. Our technicians are highly trained and experienced in sound and video installations. Technician certifications include: NICET – technician training to test, troubleshoot and certify all systems for the highest quality performance. C-CEST – Certified Electronics System Technician, this training ensures extensive electronics knowledge and hands on skills. All technicians are employees of Thompson Electronics Company and are members of the IBEW. Our technicians have successfully installed simple to complex systems and have many years of experience. Thompson Electronics Company is also dedicated to continuing education. Our knowledgeable team has the skills to provide cutting edge technology solutions. Training examples: product specific factory training, loudspeaker rigging standards and advanced sound system installation practices. We are confident that you will be more than pleased with the quality of our work, service and support that we offer. Electronics Systems - Design - Project Management - Installation - Service - 68 Acceptance: Peoria County Court Technology Systems – Room 221 Project # 307072 Option #1 (Court Technology System Rm.221): & Installation per listed Terms, Conditions and Scope of Work $ 61,415.00 Proposal total accepted: (Please total the items selected and indicate here) ____________________ $ I am authorized to accept this proposal from your company. I have read this proposal # 307072 and understand the function of the system, scope of work, terms. I agree with and accept all aspects of this proposal being offered by Thompson Electronics Company. I have indicated the base proposal being accepted above as well as those options that we desire added to the base proposal. I understand that materials and options offered in this proposal are offered as part of a total proposal and may or may not be purchased for the prices listed outside of this proposal. I understand that all price quotes made in this proposal are limited to this proposal and may expire 60 days from the date this proposal is made. I understand that this installation will in no way correct any existing defects of the existing systems and that further or additional labor and materials may be required to correct pre-existing system problems (at an additional cost). On signed receipt of this page Thompson Electronics Company will begin drawings, order material if/when directed and contact the indicated representative for project scheduling. I accept this proposal and the terms and conditions expressed therein: ___________________________________________ Date:______________ By: __________________________________ Purchase Order (if required): __________________________________ (To accept this proposal please sign and fax all pages to 309-697-3337, attention: Carl Howell) 69 TERMS AND CONDITIONS OF SALE Thompson Electronics Company 905 South Bosch Road Peoria Illinois 61607 voice 309.697.2277 fax 309.697.3337 License # 127-000536 1. CONTRACT PRICE Buyer shall pay Thompson Electronics Company for the performance of the work, subject to the additions and deductions by Change Order, the agreed upon Contract Price. Prices are valid only up to the validity date of the quotation or 30 days unless stated otherwise. 2. PROGRESS PAYMENTS Based upon requests for payment submitted by Thompson Electronics Company, buyer shall make monthly progress payments on account of the Contract Price to the contractor based upon the value of stored materials and the work completed each month. If necessary, request for progress payment submitted to buyer by Thompson Electronics Company shall be accompanied by a Contractor’s Sworn Affidavit and fully executed lien waivers from all subcontractors for whom payment is being requested by Thompson Electronics Company. 3. PAYMENT TERMS Payment terms to buyers of satisfactory credit are: NET 30 Days from Date of Invoice. Payment should be sent to “remit to” address on invoice. Delinquent invoices or portions thereof are subject to a service charge of 1.5% per month until paid (or the legal maximum allowable in the Buyer’s state.) Overdue and delinquent account balances are subject to being placed for collection. Buyer shall pay all expenses incurred including collection fees, court costs, and reasonable attorney fees. If Buyer’s account is overdue, Buyer agrees that Thompson Electronics Company may offset the account balance or any portion thereof against any funds due Buyer by Thompson Electronics Company. Orders from corporations to be shipped on open account must be confirmed with written purchase orders. All shipments are FOB Peoria, Illinois. Prepay Terms: New customers without previous history with Thompson Electronics Company, must pay by wire transfer, certified check, credit card or cash for product needed to be shipped immediately. New Buyers may pay by a personal or buyers check, but the order may be held for a period of up two weeks for check clearance. Established buyers will have orders processed immediately. A credit application on file will be very helpful in expediting orders whether on account or COD, and we request that all buyers fill one out for us as soon as possible even it they intend to deal on a COD basis. VISA/MC Buyers: Customer may choose to pay account balances or for orders placed by using visa or MasterCard. Please contact our office in advance of order for details. COD Terms: COD’s for up to $300.00 can be paid by company check. For invoicing exceeding $300.00. Thompson Electronics Company requires payment by cash or certified check, until a Buyer has established a good payment history with Thompson Electronics Company. Orders for custom fabricated materials are accepted as prepaid orders only and not subject to cancellation. 4. TAXES Thompson Electronics Company’s prices are exclusive of brokerage fees, duty or taxes of any type unless specified and noted otherwise. Any taxes of any type applicable to any purchases from Thompson Electronics shall be borne by the Buyer. Buyer shall provide Thompson Electronics Company with a current tax exemption certificate acceptable to the taxing authorities in the state, province or nation in which the merchandise is to be delivered, if said purchase is tax exempt. It is the buyer’s responsibility to report the tax status to Thompson Electronics Company of any purchase made here in. All tax liability and the duty to pay such taxes shall be the Buyer’s responsibility. 5. TITLE passes from Thompson Electronics Company to the Buyer and risk of loss is borne by the Buyer when product is delivered to the carrier at the FOB point stated herein. All reports of, and claims for damage resulting from or incurred in transportation must be filed with carrier by Buyer. 6. LIMITED WARRANTY UNLESS WRITTEN OR SPECIFIED OTHERWISE, OUR WARRANTY IS AS FOLLOWS: Material only Purchases (Includes projects where Thompson Electronics Company provides final termination labor only.) The warranty period is one year from date of final invoice, unless stated differently by the manufacturer. This warranty does not cover after hour emergency service calls. The buyer is responsible for removing and reinstalling material suspected to be defective and incurs all expenses thereof. Prior to returning material, the buyer must obtain a return authorization from Thompson Electronics Company. Shipping must be prepaid. There will be no equipment repair charge, other than shipping charges, and service labor (if on-site labor is required) for material determined by the manufacturer to be defective from the factory. Thompson Electronics Company will go to the buyer’s location for diagnosis or problem inspection of material suspected to be defective if requested. Service labor rates will apply. Thompson Electronics Company’s obligation under this warranty is limited to the repair or replacement of defective material. Thompson Electronics Company will not be responsible for subsequent damages resulting from the defect in the material. This warranty does not cover material, which has been damaged by acts of nature, accident, abuse, misuse, or has been improperly stored, installed, or serviced. 7. Material and Installation Purchases (Does not include projects where Thompson Electronics Company makes only final connections at panels or final checkout of system. See warranty for material only purchases.) The warranty period is one year from date of final invoice, unless stated differently by the manufacturer. This warranty does not cover after hour’s emergency calls. Installations made by Thompson Electronics Company are warranted for one year from date of final invoice. It is the buyer’s responsibility to notify Thompson Electronics Company of problems relating to the proper installation of the material within one year. Should the buyer elect to remove suspected defective material himself, a return authorization is required prior to returning equipment to Thompson Electronics Company. There will be no repair charge, other than shipping charges, for material determined by the manufacturer to be defective from the factory. Thompson Electronics Company’s obligation under this warranty is limited to the repair or replacement of defective material. Thompson Electronics Company will not be responsible for subsequent damages resulting from the defect in the material. This warranty does not cover material, which has been damaged by acts of nature, accident, abuse, misuse, or has been improperly stored or serviced. 8. BUYER’S PURCHASE ORDER – CONFLICT OF TERM In the event the Buyer shall submit purchase orders and the written terms of which are at variance or conflict with the terms and conditions of sale contained herein, such purchase order terms shall have no effect to the extent that they may conflict and the Thompson Electronics Company terms and conditions of sale shall prevail. 9. DELIVERY Deliveries shall be subject to and contingent upon timely receipt of order by Thompson Electronics Company, together with Buyer qualification of credit requirements, and Thompson Electronics Company shall not be liable for failure to meet required delivery due to credit clearance requirements, or causes beyond its control, including without limitation, unavailability of product from Thompson Electronics Company’s source of supply, strikes and other labor difficulty, riot, war, fire, delay or default of common carrier, or other delays beyond 70 Thompson Electronic Company’s reasonable control. Unless otherwise instructed, Thompson Electronics Company will choose the most economical means and routing consistent with the requirements and type of product involved. Goods are packed for shipment in accordance with standard commercial practice of Thompson Electronics Company 10. DISCREPANCY CLAIMS – FAILED DELIVERY CLAIMS Merchandise is shipped FOB shipping point and risk of loss due to damage or shortage or non-delivery due to carrier fault lies with the Buyer. All claims for damage or shortages should be made by Buyer upon receipt of material and filed with the carrier handling the shipment. Claims stemming from discrepancies between invoiced descriptions or quantities and actual product received by Buyer due to error by Thompson Electronics Company must be made in writing thirty within (30) days of invoice date. Any such claim not presented within the time limit specified will be waived and actual delivery of invoiced descriptions or quantities will be conclusively presumed. Any Buyer who wishes to dispute a delivery of merchandise may make written request upon Thompson Electronic Company for carrier’s proof of delivery within thirty (30) days from date of invoice. Failure by Buyer to request such proof of delivery within the 30-day time period will result in a wavier of Buyer’s right to raise the issue of delivery and thereafter delivery will be conclusively presumed. 11. RETURNED MATERIAL No product or equipment of any kind shall be returned without prior approval and specific shipping instructions from Thompson Electronics Company. No returns are permitted on custom ordered material. 12. RESTOCK CHARGE Unless otherwise agreed, a restock charge will be assessed upon the return of products because of buyer ordering error or when the product has suffered damage while in buyer’s possession, or late cancellation of order, custom ordered, or when assessed by the manufacturer. 13. ALTERATION OF TERMS AND CONDITIONS No alteration or wavier of the terms contained herein shall be effective unless such authorization or wavier is in writing signed by a duly authorized Thompson Electronics Company officer. 14. PRESUMPTION AS TO AUTHORITY OF BUYER’S PERSONNEL Thompson Electronics Company assumes and is entitled to rely upon the apparent authority of all Buyer’s employees and agents in placing orders under Buyer’s account. 15. CHANGE OF BUYER’S NAME OR ADDRESS; REORGANIZATION Buyer hereby agrees to notify Thompson Electronics Company’s Credit Department in writing of any changes of name or address, or of any corporate reorganization or change of own ership, or a change of name or location of the Buyer. All Agreements made and in force with previous owners, partners or business units shall remain intact until formally cancelled. All obligations of the previous ownership shall be borne by the new ownership. 16. ACCEPTANCE OF SALES ORDERS All sales are subject to acceptance and no sales are final until accepted by Thompson Electronics at its principal place of business: 905 South. Bosch Road. Peoria, Illinois. 17. ASBESTOS/HAZARDOUS WASTE Nothing in this Agreement shall impose liability on Thompson Electronics Company for claims, lawsuits, expenses or damages arising from or in any manner related to, the exposure to or the handling, manufacture or disposal of, asbestos, asbestos products or hazardous waste in any of its various forms, as defined by the EPA. The Buyer shall indemnify and hold harmless Thompson Electronics Company from all claims, damages, losses and expenses, including attorney’s (s’) fees arising out of or resulting there from. 18. LIABILITY LIMITATIONS AND FORCE MAJEURE a.)Apart from any other terms herein limiting Thompson Electronics Company’s liability, Thompson Electronics Company in no event shall be liable to buyer for any incidental, indirect, consequential, punitive or special damages relating in any manner of buyer’s purchases from Thompson Electronics Company, or any other aspect of the parties’ business relationship, even if advised of the possibility of same by the other party. b.)Apart from any other terms herein excusing Thompson Electronics Company’s performance, Thompson Electronics Company shall be excused from any failure or delay in performance, if caused in whole or in part by a “force majeure”, which shall include any inability to obtain materials (finished or otherwise) from usual sources of supply, transit failure or delay, labor disputes, governmental laws, orders or restrictions, fire, flood, hurricane or other acts of nature, accident, war, civil disturbance, or any other cause(s) beyond Thompson Electronics Company’s reasonable control. The time within which Thompson Electronics Company may timely perform shall be extended during the entire period of any force majeure. c.)The Buyer agrees to limit Thompson Electronics Company’s liability to the Buyer and to all construction contractors and subcontractors or other parties on the project due to Thompson Electronics Company’s professional negligent acts, errors or omissions such that the total aggregate liability to all those named shall not exceed Thompson Electronics Company’s total fee for services rendered under this Agreement. d.)Thompson Electronics Company’s liability shall further be limited to liability for its own and sole negligence, errors or omissions alone, and not for any actions by others of or in conjunction with others, including architects, individuals, buyer’s representatives, construction contractors or sub-contractors; and Thompson Electronics Company shall have no joint or several liability with any such parties, regardless of such parties’ insured status and ability to satisfy claims, and Buyer agrees to hold Thompson Electronics Company harmless against such joint or several claims. 19. REUSE OF DOCUMENTS all documents including drawings and specifications furnished by Thompson Electronics Company pursuant to this Agreement are instruments of services in respect to the project. They are not intended or represented to be suitable for reuse by the Buyer or others on extensions of this project on any other project. Any reuse without specific written verification or adaptation by Thompson Electronics Company will be at Buyer’s sole risk and without liability or legal exposure to Thompson Electronics Company and Buyer shall indemnify and hold harmless Thompson Electronics Company from all claims, damages, losses and expenses including attorney’s fees arising out of or resulting there from. Any such verification or adaptation will entitle Thompson Electronics Company to further compensation. All proposal documents and drawings represent intellectual property originated and developed by Thompson Electronics Company. Any use of these documents other than as named by Thompson Electronics Company may be considered as theft of intellectual property and may result in legal action against those converting said property. 20. CANCELLATION/TERMINATION Following acceptance by Thompson Electronics Company, the Buyer’s purchase order may only be cancelled or shipments delayed with the consent of Thompson Electronics Company. Should Thompson Electronics Company consent to a request by the Buyer to stop work or to cancel the whole or any part of an order, the Buyer shall make payments to Thompson Electronics Company as follows: a.) Any and all work that can be completed within ten (10) days from date of notification to stop work on account of cancellation shall be completed shipped and paid in full. b.) For work in process, any materials and supplies procured or for which definite commitments have been made by Thompson Electronics Company in connection with the order. c.) Buyer shall pay Thompson Electronics 71 Company fees for all services rendered to the date of termination and later dates as related to such cancellation, and further pay all expenses including engineering labor, site labor, and shop labor and reimbursable termination expenses, including freight, handling, material restocking charges and reasonable attorney’s fees and costs. 21. MISCELLANEOUS This document shall be governed by the laws of the State of Illinois. In the event that any part of this document is held invalid by any court of competent jurisdiction, the remainder of the Agreement shall remain in full force and effect. 22. FORUM FOR DISPUTES Any litigation which buyer may desire to institute against Thompson Electronics Company relating directly to any business dealings between the parties must be filed before a court of competent jurisdiction in Peoria, Illinois. Buyer consents irrevocably to the jurisdiction of the Peoria County or Federal Courts over its person in the event that Thompson Electronics Company elects to institute litigation against buyer in Illinois relating to any such matters. In such event, service of process may be made by certified mail, air courier, or any other method permitted under Illinois Law. 23. EXECUTION This agreement is considered in force when agreement to purchase has been made by the Buyer and accepted by Thompson Electronics Company. 72 TO THE HONORABLE COUNTY BOARD COUNTY OF PEORIA, ILLINOIS ) ) ) Your Health, Public Safety, and Justice Committee does hereby recommend passage of the following Resolution: RE: Approval of Courtroom 221 Technology Upgrade RESOLUTION WHEREAS, the Circuit Court of Peoria County has received a proposal from Thompson Electronics to upgrade the technology in Courtroom 221 during the renovations of this courtroom pursuant to Section 6.5-21(1)(c) of the Peoria County Purchasing Ordinance; and WHEREAS, the Chief Judge of the Tenth Circuit has provided written clarification, pursuant to the aforesaid ordinance, that it is in the best interests of the county to approve Thompson Electronics as the sole source vendor for this project; and WHEREAS, the quote from Thompson Electronics in the amount of Sixty-One Thousand, Four Hundred Fifteen Dollars ($61,415.00) to upgrade the technology in Courtroom 221 during the renovation project is determined to be a reasonable cost; and WHEREAS, there are sufficient funds in the Court’s FY16 Shared Savings Fund to approve the proposed upgrade to Courtroom 221 technology during the renovation project; and WHEREAS, your Committee recommends that the County Board of Peoria County approve the quote from Thompson Electronics in the amount of Sixty-One Thousand, Four Hundred Fifteen Dollars ($61,415.00) to upgrade the technology in Courtroom 221 during the renovation project, a copy of which is attached hereto and incorporated by reference in this Resolution. NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, by the Peoria County Board, that the quote from Thompson Electronics in the amount of Sixty-One Thousand, Four Hundred Fifteen Dollars ($61,415.00), to upgrade the technology in Courtroom 221 during the renovation project, is hereby approved. A copy of which is attached hereto and incorporated by reference into this Resolution. RESPECTFULLY SUBMITTED, HEALTH, PUBLIC SAFETY AND JUSTICE COMMITTEE Reviewed: Date: 73 AGENDA BRIEFING COMMITTEE: Health, Public Safety and Justice Committee MEETING DATE: April 25, 2016 ISSUE: Approval of Public Defender Agreement for the period of January 1, 2016 December 31, 2016. BACKGROUND/DISCUSSION: On July 1, 2014, the County of Peoria, Chief Judge of the Tenth Judicial Circuit and Mr. Joel E. Brown, entered into an Agreement for Public Defender services for the period of July 1, 2014 through December 31, 2015. It is the desire of the Tenth Judicial Circuit to extend the contract with Joel E. Brown for another year commencing January 1, 2016 through December 31, 2016. Therefore, the Chief Judge Stephen A. Kouri, County Administrator Scott Sorrel and Mr. Brown have agreed to the terms set forth in the attached Agreement and submit this Agreement to the Committee for approval. The Agreement provides for a 3% increase in the cost for services and the FY2016 Budget provides funding for this increase. COUNTY BOARD GOALS: HIGH PERFORMANCE PUBLIC ORGANIZATION STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Approve the Public Defender Agreement for the period of January 1, 2016 through December 31, 2016. COMMITTEE ACTION: APPROVED 4/25/16 (9-0 VOTES; MR. ELSASSER VOTED YES VIA TELECONFERENCE) PREPARED BY: Rena' K. Parker, Court Administrator DEPARTMENT: Court Administration DATE: April 18, 2016 74 PEORIA COUNTY PUBLIC DEFENDER AGREEMENT This Agreement made and entered this _______ day of ___________, 2016, at Peoria, Illinois and effective January 1, 2016, by and among the County of Peoria (hereinafter the “County”), the Chief Judge of the Tenth Judicial Circuit (hereinafter the “Court”), and JOEL E. BROWN (hereinafter the “Public Defender"). 1. WHEREAS, the County is a unit of local government created by the Constitution of Illinois and the laws of this State; and 2. WHEREAS, the Public Defender is an attorney licensed to practice law and has been appointed by the Court to the Office of Public Defender of Peoria County, pursuant to 55 ILCS 5/3-4004; and 3. WHEREAS, the County is obligated by statute to provide compensation and necessary office expenses to the Public Defender and the Assistant Public Defenders; and 4. WHEREAS, the parties hereto desire to provide for the administration of the Office of the Public Defender through this Agreement for a period of twelve (12) months. NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of the foregoing and other good and valuable consideration, and the mutual covenants of the parties hereinafter set forth, IT IS AGREED AS FOLLOWS: A. The County agrees to pay the Public Defender the sum of Eight Thousand Three Hundred Thirty Dollars and Thirty Four Cents ($8,333.34) per month for the period of January 1, 2016 through December 31, 2016, unless and until terminated earlier pursuant to the terms of this Agreement. Additional payments shall be made for necessary office expense, travel expense, and other expenses incurred in the defense of cases. Such payment shall be made after the Circuit Court of the County approves such expenses as being necessary and proper pursuant to 55 ILCS 5/3-4009, and said approval shall not be withheld unreasonably. B. The County also agrees to pay compensation to the Assistant Public Defenders, appointed by the Public Defender, as required by 55 ILCS 5/3-4008. The Public Defender shall maintain a list of any and all Assistant Public Defenders properly appointed by him. Compensation owed each 1 75 Assistant Public Defender shall be made directly from the Peoria County department responsible for paying vendors and contractors. Total compensation shall be paid for all Assistant Public Defenders, in amounts approved and fixed by Public Defender and not to exceed the budget allocation for such expenditures as set by the County Board pursuant to 55 ILCS 5/3-4008. Such payments shall be made directly to each Assistant Public Defender, on a regular basis for the duration of this Agreement. (1) The compensation for the Public Defender and Assistant Public Defenders, for the period of January 1, 2016 through December 31, 2016 shall not exceed the amount set by Peoria County as the budget for the Office of the Public Defender. (2) The parties anticipate the Public Defender may identify the need for reassignment and/or reorganization from the existing personnel profile and pay structure. Accordingly, the Public Defender shall have sole and exclusive authority to increase or decrease the compensation for the positions held by the individual Assistant Public Defenders,. However, no such adjustments shall result in an aggregate cost that exceeds the annual amount set by Peoria County as the budget for the Office of the Public Defender. For informational purposes only, an example of the current and projected pay and expense structure is set forth in the attached Exhibit A. (3) All compensation for the Public Defender and Assistant Public Defenders, shall be payable semi-monthly on the 15th and last day of a calendar month, for services rendered. The Public Defender shall have exclusive authority and control to reduce the pay of any Assistant Public Defender, who does not appear for scheduled court appearances or other obligations, unless such absence is excused by the Public Defender or any designee of his choosing. C. The Public Defender agrees to administer the Office of the Public Defender of Peoria County, and consistent therewith agrees to: (1) Appoint in such manner as the Circuit Judges of the Tenth Judicial Circuit shall direct, such number of licensed practitioners of law as such Judges shall deem necessary for the proper discharge of the duties of said office; (2) Oversee the professionalism and work performance of each Assistant Public Defender to be ethical, reasonable, and acceptable; 2 76 (3) Provide or delegate through Assistant Public Defenders the legal defense representation necessary to effectuate the legal rights of the indigents of Peoria County as directed by the Judges of the Tenth Judicial Circuit of Peoria County, Illinois; (4) As required by 55 ILCS 5/3-4010, the Public Defender "shall keep a record of the services rendered by him and prepare and file monthly with the County Board a written report of such services transmitting a copy of such report to the clerk of the Circuit Court for the judges thereof." D. The Parties agree and hereby acknowledge that the Public Defender is an independent contractor and as such has complete control of the method of his work and the manner of its performance. The Public Defender is not obligated hereunder to devote full time professional efforts to this position, and he remains free to pursue his private law practice activities, in addition to setting his own schedule, personal time and vacation days. E. The Parties further agree and hereby acknowledge that all Assistant Public Defenders are likewise independent contractors and as such have complete control of the methods of their work and the manners of performing same subject only to the final result of said work being acceptable to the Public Defender, as well as compliance with record keeping, reporting, communicating and review procedures as may be established by the Public Defender. All Assistant Public Defenders shall execute a written acknowledgement to this effect prior to the commencement of this Agreement, F. The Parties further agree that the Assistant Public Defenders acting in the capacity as Guardian ad Litem and in other capacities for juvenile abuse, neglect, and termination of parental rights cases will not be compensated additionally for appellate work prepared by them under the terms of this Agreement, but may be free to contract separately with Peoria County for such services. G. The Parties further agree that the Public Defender will provide services surrounding the Sexually Violent Persons Commitment Act (725 ILCS 207/1 et al); the Sexually Dangerous Persons Act (725 ILCS 205/ et al); and Post Conviction matters at the trial court level only. H. The Parties further agree that the above stated compensation of the Public Defender will not be modified during the term of this contract although the amounts paid for Assistant Public Defenders, may be modified in the following circumstances: (1) In the event the number of Assistant Public Defenders, increases or decreases 3 77 per the order of the Circuit Judges of the Tenth Judicial Circuit, in which event and at which time, the necessary compensation will be determined in the manner stated in Paragraph B above; (2) In the event the Parties otherwise agree to modify said compensation; (3) As set forth in herein; and (4) The Parties further agree that the term of this Contractual Agreement is one (1) year, specifically January 1, 2016 through December 31, 2016. The Parties further agree, however, that in the event the Judges of the Tenth Judicial Circuit choose to terminate the Public Defender as Public Defender of Peoria County per Chapter 55, ILCS 5/3-4004, the terms of this Contractual Agreement shall terminate at that time as well. I. The Parties further agree that the Public Defender and his Assistants will provide services including appearances at all stages of the trial court proceeding, and all other responsibilities of counsel appointed, pursuant to 705 ILCS 405/1-5, to parents, guardians, legal custodians, or other responsible relatives who are respondents entitled by law to have court appointed in juvenile abuse, neglect or dependency proceedings. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have hereunto set their hands and seals on the day and year hereinabove first written. THE COUNTY OF PEORIA, A Body Politic and Corporate By: ________________________________ SCOTT SORREL Peoria County Administrator __________________________________ JOEL E. BROWN Peoria County Public Defender Dated: _____________________________ Dated: _____________________________ ATTEST: __________________________________ R. STEVE SONNEMAKER Peoria County Clerk __________________________________ CHIEF JUDGE OF THE TENTH JUDICIAL CIRCUIT, on behalf of the Judges of the Tenth Judicial Circuit Dated: _____________________________ Dated: _____________________________ 4 78 2016PeoriaCountyPublicDefenderContractExhibitA ProjectedCompensationExpenses MisdemeanorAPD GuardianadLitem PublicDefender GuardianadLitem TrafficAPD JuvenileDelinquencyAPD TrafficAPD JuvenileAbuse/NeglectAPD TrafficAPD MisdemeanorPlusProblemSolvingCt.APD FelonyPlusJuvenileCourtAPD MisdemeanorPlusJuvenileCt.APD MisdemeanorAPD FelonyPlusTeamLeadAPD FelonyPetitionstoRevokePlusPSCAPD FelonyAPD JuvenileAbuse/NeglectAPD JuvenileAbuse/NeglectPlusTeamLeadAPD GuardianadLitem JuvenileAbuse/NeglectAPD JuvenileAbuse/NeglectAPD FelonyAPD FelonyAPD FelonyAPD MisdemeanorPlusTeamLeadAPD FelonyAPD PostConvictionReliefAPD FelonyAPD JuvenileDelinquencyAPD TrafficPlusTeamLeadPlusPSCAPD MonthlyTotals AnnualTotals 2015Check $1,487.67 $1,071.00 $4,166.66 $722.67 $1,530.00 $1,360.43 $1,560.45 $1,989.00 $1,530.00 $1,938.00 $2,779.50 $2,941.17 $1,710.54 $2,371.54 $993.75 $2,271.54 $1,989.00 $2,089.00 $1,071.00 $1,989.00 $1,989.00 $2,271.54 $2,271.54 $2,271.54 $2,191.00 $2,271.54 $955.00 $2,271.54 $1,530.00 $1,830.00 ~ ~ 2015Monthly $2,975.34 $2,142.00 $8,333.32 $1,445.34 $3,060.00 $2,720.85 $3,120.89 $3,978.00 $3,060.00 $3,876.00 $5,559.00 $5,882.34 $3,421.08 $4,743.08 $1,987.50 $4,543.08 $3,978.00 $4,178.00 $2,142.00 $3,978.00 $3,978.00 $4,543.08 $4,543.08 $4,543.08 $4,382.00 $4,543.08 $1,910.00 $4,543.08 $3,060.00 $3,660.00 $114,829.22 $1,377,950.64 2016Monthly $3,034.55 $2,184.63 $8,333.32 $1,474.10 $3,120.89 $2,774.99 $3,183.00 $4,057.16 $3,120.89 $3,953.13 $5,669.62 $5,999.40 $3,489.16 $4,837.47 $2,027.05 $4,633.49 $4,057.16 $4,261.14 $2,184.63 $4,057.16 $4,057.16 $4,633.49 $4,633.49 $4,633.49 $4,469.20 $4,633.49 $1,948.01 $4,633.49 $3,120.89 $3,732.83 $116,948.49 $1,403,381.86 2016Annual $36,414.59 $26,215.51 $99,999.84 $17,689.23 $37,450.73 $33,299.94 $38,195.95 $48,685.95 $37,450.73 $47,437.59 $68,035.49 $71,992.78 $41,869.91 $58,049.61 $24,324.62 $55,601.85 $48,685.95 $51,133.71 $26,215.51 $48,685.95 $48,685.95 $55,601.85 $55,601.85 $55,601.85 $53,630.42 $55,601.85 $23,376.11 $55,601.85 $37,450.73 $44,794.01 ~ $1,403,381.86 ProjectedCategoryExpensesandSummary AllocatedFundsperApprovedBudgetforPublicDefenderFY2016 ExistingPublicDefenderPayandAssistantPublicDefenderPay(+1.99%IncreaseforAssistantsonly) AnticipatedNeedforDefenseCounselinNHTSAApprovedDUITreatmentCourt($800/mo) ReserveforConflictsCounsel,Back-upCounsel&AdministrativeExpenses(ExcludesExpertWitnessFees) $1,440,695.00 $(1,403,381.86) $(8,800.00) $(10,000.00) TotalProjectedExpendituresFY2016 TotalProjectedSurplus TotalProjectedUseofAllocatedFundsperApprovedBudgetforFY2016 $(1,422,181.86) $18,513.14 98.71% 79 TO THE HONORABLE COUNTY BOARD COUNTY OF PEORIA, ILLINOIS ) ) ) Your Health, Public Safety, and Justice Committee does hereby recommend passage of the following Resolution: RE: Public Defender Agreement RESOLUTION WHEREAS, the Circuit Court of Peoria County has appointed Joel E. Brown as the Public Defender pursuant to the Counties Code, 55 IL ILCS 5/3-4000 et seq., to represent indigent accused in the Criminal and Juvenile Courts in Peoria County; and WHEREAS, the aforesaid statute provides that the County is obligated to provide compensation and necessary office expenses for the Public Defender and his Assistants; and WHEREAS, the County Board of Peoria County approved an eighteen month (18) month agreement with Joel E. Brown to provide the services of the Public Defender on July 1, 2014; and WHEREAS, the foresaid agreement expired on December 31, 2015; and WHEREAS, your Committee recommends that the County Board of Peoria County enter into an agreement for the provision of the aforesaid compensation and expenses for Joel E. Brown as the Public Defender for the period beginning January 1, 2016 until December 31, 2016, a copy of which is attached hereto and incorporated by reference in this Resolution. NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, by the Peoria County Board, that the County Administrator is hereby authorized and directed to enter into an agreement on behalf of the County for the provision of compensation and necessary office expenses to the Office of Public Defender and his Assistants as required by law. A copy of the Agreement is attached hereto and incorporated by reference into this Resolution. RESPECTFULLY SUBMITTED, HEALTH, PUBLIC SAFETY AND JUSTICE COMMITTEE Reviewed: Date: 80 AGENDA BRIEFING COMMITTEE: Land Use and Infrastructure MEETING DATE: April 25, 2016 LINE ITEM: N/A AMOUNT: N/A ISSUE: Prevailing Wage Resolution BACKGROUND/DISCUSSION: The Prevailing Wage Act, 820 ILCS 130/1 et.seq. requires Peoria County to ascertain the prevailing wage for work contracted in performing construction of public works for Peoria County on an annual basis. This resolution allows Peoria County to comply with the Prevailing Wage Act. The Illinois Department of Labor has not published current Prevailing Wage Rates since July, 2015. The prevailing wage rates in the packet for this resolution are the most current published rates. COUNTY BOARD GOALS: GROWING COUNTY HIGH PERFORMING PUBLIC ORGANIZATION SAFE AND HEALTHY COMMUNITY HIGH QUALITY PUBLIC FACILITIES STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Approve the Resolution COMMITTEE ACTION: Approval (6-0) (Mr. Elsasser voted via teleconference & Mr. Rosenbohm absent for vote.) PREPARED BY: Jeffrey D. Gilles DEPARTMENT: Highway DATE: April 7, 2016 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 TO THE HONORABLE COUNTY BOARD COUNTY OF PEORIA, ILLINOIS ) ) ) Your Land Use and Infrastructure Committee does hereby recommend the passage of the following Resolution: RE: PREVAILING WAGES ORDINANCE WHEREAS, the Prevailing Wage Act, 820 ILCS 130/1 et seq., requires that the County Board of Peoria County ascertain the prevailing rate of wages as defined in said Act for laborers, mechanics and other workers in the locality of said County contracted in performing construction of public works for said County; and WHEREAS, said Act allows the Illinois Department of Labor to ascertain the prevailing rate of wages for the County and mandates that any and all revisions of the prevailing rate of wages determined by the Department shall supersede the Department's original determination and apply to any and all public works construction undertaken by the County thereafter. NOW, THEREFORE BE IT ORDAINED, that to the extent and as required by the Prevailing Wage Act, 820 ILCS 130/1 et seq., the general prevailing rate of wages in this locality for laborers, mechanics and other workers contracted in construction of public works coming under the jurisdiction of the County is hereby ascertained to be the same as the prevailing rate of wages for construction in the Peoria County areas as determined by the Department of Labor of the State of Illinois as of June of the current year or the current revised determination, a copy of that determination being attached hereto and incorporated herein by reference. As required by said Act, any and all revisions of the prevailing rate of wages by the department of Labor of the State of Illinois shall supersede the Department's June determination and apply to any and all public works construction undertaken by the County. The County interprets the prevailing rates for the various fringe benefits paid in addition to wages to be satisfied by payment in wages or benefits of an amount equal to or greater than the aggregate sum of the individual categories promulgated by the Department of Labor. The definition of any terms appearing in this Ordinance which are also used in aforesaid Act shall be the same as in said Act. BE IT FURTHER ORDAINED, that nothing herein contained shall be construed to apply said general prevailing rate of wages as herein ascertained to any work or employment except public works construction of the County to the extent required by the aforesaid Act. BE IT FURTHER ORDAINED, that the County Clerk shall publicly post or keep available for inspection by an interested party in the main office of the County this determination or any revisions of such prevailing rate of wage. A copy of this determination or of the current revised determination of prevailing rate of wages then in effect shall be attached to all contract specifications. BE IT FURTHER ORDAINED, that the County Clerk shall mail a copy of this determination to any association of employers and to any person or association of employees who have filed their names and addresses, requesting copies of any determination stating the particular rates and the particular class of workers whose wages will be affected by such rates. BE IT FURTHER ORDAINED, that the County Clerk shall cause to be published in a newspaper of general circulation within the area a copy of this Ordinance, and such publication shall constitute notice that the determination is effective and that this is the determination of this public body. Respectfully submitted, Land Use and Infrastructure Committee 88 AGENDA BRIEFING COMMITTEE: Land Use & Infrastructure MEETING DATE: May 12, 2016 LINE ITEM: Revenue: Expenditure: 001-1-001-3-301-54428 ISSUE: Bid #18-03-16. Bid award for demolition of unsafe, dilapidated house in Peoria County. BACKGROUND/DISCUSSION: The County of Peoria is enforcing the Unsafe Structures Program. The County issued bid invitations to demolish the house located at 6652 W. Wheeler Road, Mapleton, Illinois 61547. As shown in the attached bid report, four bids were received for 6652 W. Wheeler Road. The most responsible low bid is from Schaefer & Son Excavating of Chillicothe, Illinois. Staff would recommend the bid be awarded to Schaefer & Son Excavating, at a bid price of $9,500.00. COUNTY BOARD GOALS: STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Award Bid #18-03-16 to Schaefer & Son Excavating for the amount of $9,500.00. COMMITTEE ACTION: Approval (6-0) (Mr. Elsasser voted via teleconference & Mr. Rosenbohm absent for vote.) PREPARED BY: Kerilyn Gallagher, Planner I & Jim Smith, Purchasing Agent DEPARTMENT: County Administration DATE: 4/14/2016 ATTACHMENTS: Description Type Bid #18-03-16 Bid Report Cover Memo Bid #18-03-16 Resolution Cover Memo 89 COUNTY OF PEORIA PURCHASING DIVISION PEORIA COUNTY COURTHOUSE 324 MAIN STREET - ROOM 501 PEORIA IL 61602 BID REPORT TO: HONORABLE MEMBERS OF THE PEORIA COUNTY BOARD SCOTT SORREL, PEORIA COUNTY ADMINISTRATOR FROM: JIM SMITH, CPPO, CPPB PURCHASING AGENT SUBJECT: BID # 18-03-16: DEMOLITION OF UNSAFE STRUCTURE DATE: APRIL 1, 2016 CC: KERILYN GALLAGHER, PLANNING AND ZONING This office, on behalf of the Planning and Zoning Office, solicited bids for the demolition of an unsafe structure. Fourteen (14) notices of the bid letting were mailed, One (1) vendors registered with the County and Four (4) vendor responses were received. The attached tabulation represents all bids received and may only reflect a portion of the fee section of the bid document. Additional bid document information may be required in selecting a bidder. This report does not evaluate specification compliance. Demolition Bid 18 03 16 CDO Trucking Peoria IL Demolition Excavating Group Mapleton IL IRON HUSTLER PEORIA IL Schafer & Sons Excavating Chillicothe IL Signature Sheet x x x x Pricing Form x x x x Non-collusion Affidavit x x x x Certificate of Compliance x x x x References x x x x 02117 160930 Applied for 01412 170331 Applied for $11,800.00 $13,500.00 $15,500.00 $9,500.00 Vendor: EEO Certificate # or Copy of Application Base price for demo All requried forms submitted by all vendors 90 91 Business_name Contact_Name Address_1 ACCURATE SITE ADVANC DEMO ALEXANDER BROTHERS CONSTRUCTION CDO TRUCKING INC IRONHUSTLER EXCAVATING INC NE FINCH NJW CONSTRUCTION III CORP OMEGA DEMOLITION CORP OTTO MAX TRUCKING PRICE DEMOLITION INC R LOVE DEMOLITION RIVER CITY DEMOLITION SCHAEFER & SON TERRYS BERRIES EXCAVATING ATTN: JEREMY HAFLEY JAMIE CASSIDY ATTN: ALLESTER ATTN: CHRIS OHL ATTN: ANDREW L WEEKS JACOB DYE ATTN: KIM DOWNS ATTN: JENNIFER ZYCHOWSKI KEVIN WINDISH 1600 S BUNN ST Address_2 City BLOOMINGTON IL State Zip 61701 Email ALLESTER PO BOX 1508 2618 W MOSS AVE 1604 W DETWEILER DR 1925 DARST ST 800 WASHINGTON ST STE 110 31W566 SPAULDING PEORIA PEORIA PEORIA PEORIA ST LOUIS ELGIN IL IL IL IL MO IL 61655 61604 61615 63101 60120 5721 N TERRACE CT 4 441 SANFORD ST PO BOX 726 PEORIA EAST PEORIA PEORIA IL IL IL 61616 61611 61652 GARY SCHAEFER ATTN: MARK BEDWELL 6900 N DOG TOWN LN ELMWOOD IL 61529 KIM DOWNS 800 WASHINGTON STE 110 ST LOUIS MO 63101 61602 PLAN HOLDER LIST NJW CONSTRUCTION III COPR 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 101 TO THE HONORABLE COUNTY BOARD COUNTY OF PEORIA, ILLINOIS ) ) ) Your Land Use & Infrastructure Committee does hereby recommend passage of the following Resolution: RE: Bid Award for Demolition of Unsafe Structure; Bid #18-03-16 RESOLUTION WHEREAS, bids were solicited and received with regard to providing demolition services to the house located at 6652 W. Wheeler Road, Mapleton, IL 61547; and WHEREAS, four bids were received; and WHEREAS, your Committee met on April 25, 2016 to consider staff's recommendation for Bid #18-03-16, and voted to approve Schaefer & Son Excavating as the most responsible low bidder. NOW THEREFORE BE IT ORDAINED, by the County Board of Peoria County, that Schaefer & Son Excavating is hereby approved as contractor for Bid #18-03-16. RESPECTFULLY SUBMITTED, LAND USE & INFRASTRUCTURE COMMITTEE 102 AGENDA BRIEFING COMMITTEE: Land Use & Infrastructure Committee MEETING DATE: May 12, 2016 LINE ITEM: Revenue: Expenditure: ISSUE: Creation of a Multi-Hazard Mitigation Planning Committee BACKGROUND/DISCUSSION: In accordance with the Disaster Mitigation Act of 2000, Peoria County Planning & Zoning is currently updating its Hazard Mitigation Plan. As a component of the Plan, a Hazard Mitigation Planning Committee (HMPC) will be involved in the development of the plan. This includes: assessment of flooding and natural hazards impacting the County, development of goals that address the identified natural hazard, and creation of various mitigation strategies that will be implemented to reduce damage to insurable structures and help protect lives. Members of the HMPC have been identified and invited to participate based on their involvement with natural hazards and the disruption to services that these hazards may cause. The HMPC shall include representatives from the following local organizations: Home Builders Association of Greater Peoria, Friends of River Beach Drive, Heart of Illinois Chapter of the Sierra Club, the Central Illinois Chapter of the American Red Cross, the Peoria County Farm Bureau, and the Peoria County Regional Office of Education. Additional committee membership will include County staff from Planning & Zoning, Highway Department, Emergency Management, Communications, Peoria City/County Health Department, GIS Services, and local Fire Departments. The membership will consist of volunteer representation and will require participation in committee and public meetings throughout the development of the plan, as well as periodic reporting throughout the 5 year life cycle of the Hazard Mitigation Plan. It is anticipated that the initial membership commitment will require attendance and contribution at three (3) committee meetings which will be held during regular business hours, as well as an annual meeting after completion of the plan to monitor progress, and implement, plan, and revise goals and actions. Time will be monitored and reported as part of the County's local match requirement for the Hazard Mitigation Grant Program funding the County received in 2015. COUNTY BOARD GOALS: STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Approval COMMITTEE ACTION: Approval (6-0) (Mr. Elsasser voted via teleconference & Mr. Rosenbohm absent for vote.) PREPARED BY: Andrew Braun, Planner III DEPARTMENT: County Administration DATE: 4/15/2016 ATTACHMENTS: Description Type 103 HMPC Resolution Cover Memo 104 TO THE HONORABLE COUNTY BOARD COUNTY OF PEORIA, ILLINOIS ) ) ) Your Land Use and Infrastructure Committee does hereby recommend passage of the following Resolution: RE: Supporting the Creation of a Multi-Hazard Mitigation Planning Committee and Multi-Hazard Mitigation Plan WHEREAS, Peoria County recognizes the threat that flooding and natural hazards pose to people and property within our community; and WHEREAS, Peoria County participates in the National Flood Insurance Program’s (NFIP) Community Rating System (CRS) Program to reduce the cost of flood insurance to County residents; and WHEREAS, Peoria County entered into the Community Rating System Program on October 1, 1992; and WHEREAS, Peoria County is currently a CRS Classification 5 saving residents within the 1-percent annual chance floodplain twenty-five percent (25 %) of the cost of flood insurance and those outside the mapped floodplain of ten-percent (10%) cost of flood insurance; and WHEREAS, the CRS Program requires the County to adopt a Multi-Hazard Mitigation Plan addressing the flood hazard based upon the number of repetitively flooded properties in the County; and WHEREAS, FEMA and the CRS Program encourage public participation and involvement from citizens and other stakeholders throughout the planning process; and WHEREAS, the Hazard Mitigation Planning Committee (HMPC) will be involved in the development of the multi-hazard mitigation plan through assessment of flooding and natural hazards impacting the County, development of goals that address the identified natural hazards and creation of various mitigation strategies that will be implemented to reduce damage to insurable structures and help protect lives: and WHEREAS, members of the HMPC shall include public representatives from the following local organizations: Homebuilders Association, Friends of River Beach Drive, Sierra Group, American Red Cross, Regional Office of Education, and neighboring communities. Additional committee membership will include County staff from planning and zoning, highway department, emergency management, communications, health department, fire department, and GIS. The members shall be elected at its initial meeting; and 105 WHEREAS, the HMPC has the responsibility to meet and fulfill the obligations of the CRS Program and its floodplain management planning process shall commence on March 16, 2016 with completion by March 16, 2017; and, WHEREAS, your Committee met on April 25, 2016 to consider the creation of the Peoria County Hazard Mitigation Planning Committee and the creation of a MultiHazard Mitigation Plan, and voted to approve. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, by the County Board of Peoria County, that Peoria County hereby approves the creation of the Peoria County Hazard Mitigation Planning Committee and the creation of a Multi-Hazard Mitigation Plan. RESPECTFULLY SUBMITTED, LAND USE & INFRASTRUCTURE COMMITTEE 106 AGENDA BRIEFING COMMITTEE: Land Use and Infrastructure MEETING DATE: 4/26/16 LINE ITEM(s): Revenue- 001-1-004-7-727-37501 Expense- 001-1-001-3-301-54428 $100,635 (revenues) $100,635 (expenses) Appropriation of Property Sale Revenues for Court-Ordered Demolition AMOUNT: ISSUE: Peoria County and the Limestone Township Fire Protection District (LTFPD) recently sold surplus real estate at the address commonly known as 6105 W . Plank Rd. Peoria, Illinois 61607. The sale proceeds from this sale were proportionally split between Peoria County and LTFPD, based on t he appraisal of the property. Peoria County received a total of $100,635 from this sale and LTFP received $179,465. Staff is recommending that these revenues be used to undertake the court-ordered demolition of un-safe structures in the county. Planning & Zoning records indicate seven unsafe structure cases involving houses, garages, a shed, and a commercial structure. Three of these cases have received demolition orders but have not been awarded to a demolition contractor. The remaining four cases could receive demolition orders in the near future. Cost estimates associated with these demolitions are included in the graph below. # 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Complaint # 2011-145 2013-464 2013-496 2008-127 2014-125 2013-053 2013-399 Demo Order (Y/N) Yes Yes, bid approval pending Yes No No No No Cost Estimate $68,766.00 $9,500.00 $14,556.00 $9,888.00 $6,720.00 $3,828.00 $6,240.00 Property Address 8921 W. Farmington Rd., Hanna City 6652 W. Wheeler Rd, Mapleton 1506 S. Sarah Dr., Peoria 13625 W. Southport Rd, Brimfield 14538 N. River Beach Dr., Chillicothe 2708 W. Third St., Peoria 2526 S. Cameron Ln., Peoria In addition to these cases, Planning & Zoning records indicate fifteen other properties with unsafe residential principal and/or accessory structures at varying stages of disrepair. If not corrected through the hearing officer review process, any of these cases may also require court-ordered demolition in the future. If approved, Planning and Zoning will start the demolition process for the cases listed above. As more cases receive demolition orders (#4-7), appropriated funds will be used to complete the orders. Should the aforementioned funds not be fully utilized or if project timing by the end of the year leaves funds available, staff recommends that any such funds be rolled over to the next fiscal year for the purposes of continuing courtordered demolitions. COUNTY BOARD GOALS: HIGH PERFORMING ORGANIZATION STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Approval COMMITTEE ACTION: Approval (7-0) (Mr. Elsasser voted via teleconference.) PREPARED BY: Mark Rothert, Assistant County Administrator DEPARTMENT: County Administration DATE: April 20, 2016 107 TO THE HONORABLE COUNTY BOARD COUNTY OF PEORIA, ILLINOIS ) ) ) Your Land Use and Infrastructure Committee does hereby recommend the passage of the following Resolution: RE: Appropriation of Property Sale Revenues for Court-Ordered Demolition RESOLUTION WHEREAS, Peoria County has received $100,635 from the sale of surplus real estate; and WHEREAS, Peoria County has a number of unsafe structures that have been court-ordered to be demolished. NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, by the County Board of Peoria County, that 1. The sum of $100,635 in revenues is appropriated and $100,635 in expenditures is appropriated for the purposes of undertaking court-ordered demolitions. 2. Any funds that remain at the end of the fiscal year shall be rolled over to the next fiscal year for the purposes of court-ordered demolition. Respectfully submitted, Land Use and Infrastructure Committee 108 AGENDA BRIEFING COMMITTEE: County Operations Committee MEETING DATE: April 25, 2016 LINE ITEM: 082-5-082-7-736-51811 AMOUNT: not to exceed $27,060 ISSUE: Proposed worker's compensation settlement. BACKGROUND/DISCUSSION: Case number 010015-005063-wc-01 is a worker's compensation case involving an employee injured on October 1, 2014. The County's attorney is requesting settlement authority not to exceed $27,060. COUNTY BOARD GOALS: HIGH PERFORMING PUBLIC ORGANIZATION STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Approve the settlement authority requested. COMMITTEE ACTION: Approved 4/25/16 (7-0 votes; Mr. Harding absent) PREPARED BY: Shauna Musselman, Asst. County Admin. DEPARTMENT: County Administration DATE: April 20, 2016 109 TO THE HONORABLE COUNTY BOARD COUNTY OF PEORIA, ILLINOIS ) ) ) Your County Operations Committee does hereby recommend passage of the following Resolution: RE: Worker’s Compensation Case No. 010015-005063-WC-01 RESOLUTION WHEREAS, the County of Peoria has been asked to consider settling Worker’s Compensation Case No. 010015-005063-WC-01; and WHEREAS, your County Administrator and legal counsel would recommend approval of withdrawing a lien in a pending Worker’s Compensation case in return for a payment not to exceed $27,060. NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, by the County Board of Peoria County that the County Administrator has authority to withdraw the pending Worker’s Compensation lien in return for a payment not to exceed $27,060 in an attempt to settle the Worker’s Compensation case designated as 010015-005063-WC-01. RESPECTFULLY SUBMITTED, COUNTY OPERATIONS COMMITTEE 110 AGENDA BRIEFING COMMITTEE: LINE ITEM: Operations Committee 001-1-009-1-194-52998 -- $202,958 061-4-061-1-738-55107 -- $330,000 MEETING DATE: May 5, 2016 AMOUNT: $461,400 ________________________________________________________________ ISSUE: Resolution to award bid to Bishop Brothers, Inc., for Courtroom 121 and 221 Renovation Project BACKGROUND/DISCUSSION: This project proposes to completely renovate Courtrooms 121 and 221 based upon the new design from Dewberry Architects, Inc., that was developed for the three flooded courtrooms in 2015. On March 21st, the Finance Department published a legal notice in the Peoria Journal Star and also distributed invitations to 84 general and subcontractors. On April 11th, they received bids from 3 qualified contractors. A copy of the bid report is attached. The low bid was received from Bishop Brothers, Inc. of Peoria, Illinois in the amount of $461,400.00. Bishop Brothers, Inc., is currently EEO certified. In FY16 the Board approved $330,000 in the Capital Improvement Project Fund and on April 14, 2016, approved a rollover appropriation in the amount of $202,958 to the Court’s Shared Savings Fund for a total allocation of available funds $532,958. There are adequate funds available in the FY16 Capital Improve Project Fund along with the Court’s Shared Savings Fund to award the contract. Based on the information above, staff recommends the base bid be awarded to Bishop Brother’s, Inc. in the amount of $461,400.00. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Approval ______________________________________________________________________ COUNTY BOARD GOALS: High Performance Public Organization COMMITTEE ACTION: Approved 5/5/16 (7-0 votes; Mr. Rosenbohm voted yes via teleconference; Ms. Parker absent) PREPARED BY: Rena’ K. Parker, Court Administrator and Daniel O’Connell, Director of Facilities DEPARTMENT: Court Administration DATE: April 15, 2016 111 COUNTY OF PEORIA PURCHASING DIVISION PEORIA COUNTY COURTHOUSE 324 MAIN STREET - ROOM 501 PEORIA IL 61602 BID REPORT TO: HONORABLE MEMBERS OF THE PEORIA COUNTY BOARD SCOTT SORREL, PEORIA COUNTY ADMINISTRATOR FROM: JIM SMITH, CPPO, CPPB PURCHASING AGENT SUBJECT: BID # 09-01-16: COURTROOM RENOVATIONS DATE: APRIL 11, 2016 CC: RENA' PARKER, COURT ADMINISTRATOR This office, on behalf of the Court Administration, solicited bids for Courtroom Renovations. Eighty-Five (85) notices of the bid letting were mailed, Seven (7) vendors registered with the County and Three (3) vendor responses were received. The attached tabulation represents all bids received and may only reflect a portion of the fee section of the bid document. Additional bid document information may be required in selecting a bidder. This report does not evaluate specification compliance. Bid tab Bid #09-01-16 Courtroom Renovations Please see attached bid tab sheet. 112 BID TAB PEORIA COUNTY BID # 09-01-16 COURTROOM RENOVATIONS OFFICIAL RESULTS 04/11/2016, 10:00 AM, Peoria County Courthouse Bishop Brothers* Peoria IL Phase 1 Base Bid CR 221 Phase 2 Base Bid Support Spaces 2nd FL Phase 3 Base Bid CR 121 Phase 4 Base Bid Support Spaces 1st FL Hein Construction Peoria IL Morton IL $167,500.00 $78,000.00 $168,000.00 $78,000.00 $163,000.00 $107,000.00 $165,000.00 $106,000.00 $461,400.00 $491,500.00 $541,000.00 Unit Prices: Phase 1 pricing - CR 221 Mechanical Electrical Fire Protection $5,541.00 $17,425.00 $3,350.00 $5,500.00 $17,425.00 $3,350.00 $5,777.00 $5,800.00 $3,300.00 Phase 2 pricing - Support Spaces 2nd FL Mechanical Electrical Fire Protection $3,590.00 $5,210.00 $4,300.00 $3,600.00 $5,210.00 $4,300.00 $3,000.00 $6,500.00 $4,300.00 Phase 3 pricing - CR 121 Mechanical Electrical Fire Protection $5,220.00 $18,205.00 $3,350.00 $5,500.00 $18,205.00 $3,350.00 $6,500.00 $13,600.00 $3,300.00 $4,083.00 $4,875.00 $4,300.00 $4,100.00 $4,875.00 $4,300.00 $2,700.00 $5,800.00 $4,300.00 Additional costs not included in base bid Total Base Bid Phase 4 pricing - Support Spaces 1st FL Mechanical Electrical Fire Protection Cost sheet Signature sheet EEO Certification Certificate of Compliance Non Collusion Affidavit References Bid bond *Non Collusion Affidavit not notarized $169,200.00 $64,100.00 $165,100.00 $63,000.00 Midwest Construction Professionals LLC $85.00 per hour if scheduled work is stopped Addendum # 3 states not required Bid results.xlsx 113 114 Business_name Contact_Name Address_1 AC GENTROL INC ALEXANDER BROTHERS CONSTRUCTION CORP AMBRI INC AUPPERLE & SONS BAILEY CONSTRUCTION BB CONSTRUCTION ENTERPRISES INC BECKER CONSTRUCTION BISHOP BROTHERS INC BLUE RIDGE CONSTRUCTION CO BRADY'S LUMBER & CONSTRUCTION BUILT BY RJ CAD CONSTRUCTION INC CARRUTHERS CONSTRUCTION & SAFETY CO ATTN: ANGELITO CAPATI ATTN: ALLESTER ALEXANDER ATTN: ROBERT J HUNT JR CELLXION CENTRAL ILLINOIS OFFICE CLARK CORPORATION CORE CONSTRUCTION D JOSEPH CONSTRUCTION CO DICK GAUNT TRUCKING & EXCAV DILLON PLUMBING INC EAGLE COMPANIES FIRST BUILD ASSOCIATES G8T MAINTENANCE GEO J ROTHAN CO GEORGE H RUMP CONSTRUCTION CO GHELARDINI INC GREATER PEORIA CONTRACTORS HEIN CONSTRUCTION CO INC HITCHCOCK COMPANY HOERR CONSTRUCTION INC HORAN CONSTRUCTION ILLINOIS CIVIL CONTRACTORS INC. J & J CONSTRUCTION J & K CONSTRUCTION J P CULEN & SONS INC JA FRITCH & SONS INC JM INDUSTRIAL SUPPLY INC K MARTIN CONSTRUCTION LATTICE COMMUNICATIONS INC LNR CONSTRUCTION M.A. MORTENSON CO MENOLD CONSTRUCTION & RESTORATION MID-ILLINOIS COMPANIES CORP dbe MIDWEST CONSTRUCTION SERVICES OF PEORIA INC MIKE ABEL BUILDERS INC MILLENNIA PROFESSIONAL SERVICES OF ILLINOIS LTD MILLENNIA PROFESSIONAL SERVICES OF ILLINOIS LTD MSI MECHANICAL SERVICE INC NEW BEGINNINGS CONTRACTORS INC NOASH CONSTRUCTION INC NORWALK CONCRETE INDUSTRIES OTTO BAUM CO INC P & P CONSTRUCTION CO PEORIA CONSTRUCTION CO PEORIA METRO CONSTRUCTION PEORIA WILBERT VAULT CO INC PHIL SCHINDLER & SONS INC PHOENIX PROPERTIES INC PJ HOERR INC PKP REMODEL AND CONSTRUCTION RB VET CO RG CONSTRUCTION SERVICES INC RH GREEN CONSTRUCTION CO RIDGE PAINTING INC RIVER CITY CONSTRUCTION LLC RJS CONSTRUCTION STARK EXCAVATING INC STEGMAIER BUILDONG SYSTEMS T HAEFLI & SONS INC THE PIPCO COMPANIES THERMO BOND BUILDINGS LLC THOMAS STEEN AND ASSOCIATES LTD TRADE MARK CONST SERVICES UNION CONSTRUCTION INC VANGUARD CONTRACTORS VENABLE CONSTRUCTION VENOVICH CONSTRUCTION WAGENBACH BUILDERS, INC. WALKER EXCAVATING CO WALSH CONSTRUCTION WILLIAMS BROS CONSTRUCTION WINKLER CONSTRUCTION CO WM AUPPERLE & SONS INC ZOBRIST N & SONS INC ZOR RESTORATION ATTN: DON SELKE ATTN: DAN IRVING 100 S FOURTH ST ALLESTER ALEXANDER 9101 S NASHVILLE 190 EAST WASHINGTON ST 712 E 25TH ST 1821 W 51 ST 401 MAIN ST STE 110 PO BOX 3854 4004 N BECKER DR 22 CAPE CT 5801 S PATRICK LN 508 E PEARL A-1 15 SOUTH RAYNOR AVE 3488 CR 39 10708 N ALEX DR 141 CATHERINE ST 866 N MAIN 5001 N UNIVERSITY 2354 WASHINGTON RD 1515 LUTHY DR 4214 ROME WEST ROAD 410 JUBILEE LN 7217 N UNIVERSITY 1200 W JOHNSON ST PO BOX 9815 219 INDAIN CREEK DR 1811 W ALTROFER DR 9130 N INDUSTRIAL RD 2010 NE PERRY AVE SUITE B PO BOX 10195 1720 W CHANUTE RD 420 PINECREST DR 1710 W GARDEN ST 4003 N ROCHELLE 330 EAST DELAVAN DR 1016 NE ADAMS ST 2323 LAKESHORE 508 E PEARL ST UNIT A-1 98 CEMETERY RD 2200 LINSLEY 25 NORTHWEST POINT BLVD 880 W JEFFERSON ST 905 NE ADAMS City State Zip Email CHILLICOTHE PEORIA OAK LAWN MORTON EAST MOLINE CHICAGO PEORIA PEORIA BARTONVILLE PEKIN PEORIA TREMONT JOILET WATERLOO PEORIA EAST PEORIA MORTON PEORIA WASHINGTON PEORIA CHILLICOTHE METAMORA PEORIA PEORIA PEORIA PEKIN PEORIA PEORIA PEORIA PEORIA PEORIA EAST PEORIA PEORIA PEORIA JANESVILLE PEORIA PEKIN TREMONT FAIRFAX PEORIA ELK GROVE MORTON PEORIA IL IL IL IL IL IL IL IL IL IL IL IL IL IL IL IL IL IL IL IL IL IL IL IL IL IL IL IL IL IL IL IL IL IL WI IL IL IL IA IL IL IL IL PO BOX 4185 BARTONVILLE IL 61607 325 NORTH FIRST AVE FARMINTON IL 61531 ATTN: PAUL J MORENO 850 N MAIN ST MORTON IL 61550 ATTN: PAUL J MORENO 850 N MAIN ST MORTON IL 61550 ATTN: LARRY SHEARBURN ATTN: DARRELL REYNOLDS ATTN: JEFF PETTIT ATTN: BETH FRITZ ATTN: TERRI TESDALL ATTN: KIM A PRESSLER ATTN: BILL AUPPERLE ATTN: PHIL ZOBRIST ATTN: MARC PORCH 7800 N PIONEER CT 1330 E WELLINGTON WAY PO BOX 249 80 COMMERCE DRIVE 866 N MAIN ST 1132 E LINCOLN ST 4450 N PROSPECT RD PO BOX 5187 510 EAST TOWNHALL RD 601 MCKINLEY 1921 W WILLOW KNOLLS RD 107 W COMMERCE PL 212 N MASON 1282 WEST NORTHWEST 148 THUNDERBIRD LN 1707 W CHAUTE RD 3318 N ISABELL AVE 101 HOFFER LANE 8919 N PIONEER RD 1805 W WASHINGTON ST 11510 W COTTONWOOD RD 121 E LAKE ST 1409 W ALTORFER PO BOX 445 331 FULTON PLAZA 1553 W BIRCHWOOD 61 SW WASHINGTON 15 S CAPITOL 1000 E WILCOX PO BOX 410 29237 STATE RT 9 3222 W FARMINGTON 929 W ADAMS PO BOX 1366 108 OBLIQUE 190 E WASHINGTON 95 COMMERCE DR 14701 KOLMAR AVE PEORIA DECATUR SEBREE NORWALK MORTON RIVERTON PEORIA HEIGHTS PEORIA METAMORA BARTONVILLE PEORIA PEORIA CHICAGO PALATINE EAST PEORIA PEORIA PEORIA EAST PEORIA PEORIA BLOOMINGTON BRIMFIELD PEORIA PEORIA ELK POINT PEOIRA MORTON PEORIA PEKIN PEORIA TREMONT PEKIN PEORIA CHICAGO PEORIA WASHBURN MORTON MORTON MIDLOTHIAN IL IL KY OH IL IL IL IL IL IL IL IL IL IL IL IL IL IL IL IL IL IL IL SD IL IL IL IL IL IL IL IL IL IL IL IL IL IL 61615 62526 42455 44857 61550 62561 61615 61601 61548 61607 61614 61604 60644 60067 61611 61615 61604 61611 61615 61701 61571 61614 61615 57025 61602 61550 61602 61555 61603 61568 61554 61604 60607 61654 61570 61550 61550 60445 KOTA DAVE MASSEY DENNIS BISHOP JJ ROTHAN DARRELL REYNOLDS NICOLE OWENS BETH HUFFMAN 9130 N INDUSTRIAL CO INC 866 N MAIN ST PO BOX 3854 1200 WE JOHNSON ST 1330 E WELLINGTON W#2B 1409 W ALTORFER DR 520 E MIGHLAND PEORIA MORTON PEORIA PEORIA DECATUR PEORIA MORTON IL IL IL IL IL IL IL ATTN: JULIAN RAMIREZ ATTN: DENNIS BISHOP ATTN: THOMAS BRADY ATTN: RJ WHITEHURST ATTN: TOM WALLENFANG ATTN: DAVID JOSEPH ATTN: TIM DILLION ATTN: TIM TOBIN ATTN: GODWIN TECHIE ATTN: CHRIS ROTHAN ATTN: DAN MUNO ATTN: NANCY CRAIN BROWN ATTN: CHRISTY MCQUEARY ATTN: ROBERT KILBRIDE ATTN: KATIE KIM ATTN: MICHAEL L FEHR ATTN: HERMAN JOHNSON ATTN: JAMES TILMAN ATTN: TIM JORDAN ATTN: DAVID H DONAHUE ATTN: RON GIVEN ATTN: MISSY FROST ATTN: DENNIS MCGREAL ATTN: STEVE DRISCOLL ATTN: DEBRA YOUNG ATTN: SHEILA SHEPARD SHOVER ATTN: MIKE ABEL ATTN: GREG CAMPEN ATTN: JOE STAMM ATTN: SUSAN WIEBLER ATTN: PARRISH CLAY ATTN: SONNY DEBRITO ATTN: BRIAN GARCEA ATTN: VICKIE RIDGE ATTN: JOHN HOELSCHER ATTN: DANA OLSON ATTN: KEN HARRIS ATTN: JANET FISHEL ATTN: JONATHAN JANSEN ATTN: TOM STEEN ATTN: KATHY PERFETTI ATTN: WILLIE VENABLE ATTN: SI WAGENBACH, JR ATTN: PAT WALKER Address_2 PO BOX 1508 PO BOX 4151 PO BOX 160 STE D30 PO BOX 1957 STE 100 APT 2B 7119 ST RT 56 PO BOX 563 STE B1 STE F 109 E PLEASANT PO BOX 995 PO BOX 460 STE 2 61523 61655 60453 61550 61244 60609 61602 6161261607 61554 61607 61568 60436 46793 61615 61611 61550 61614 61571 61615 61523 61548 61614 61605 61612 61554 61615 61615 6060361612 61615 61611 61605 61615 5354761603 61554 6156852228 61604 60007 61550 61603 JUMPME4307@SBCGLOBAL.NET JOEGEORGE@DJOSEPH.CO INFO@GPCSA.ORG JAFRITCH@SBCGLOBAL.NET JP@NOASHCONSTRUCTION.COM PLAN HOLDERS LIST HEIN CONSTRUCTION CO INC OTTO BAUM CO INC BISHOP BROTHERS INC GEO J ROTHAN CO NEW BEGINNING CONTRACTORS THE PIPCO COMPANIES MIDWEST CONSTRUCTION PROFESSIONALS 115 61615 61550 61612 61605 62526 61615 61550 116 117 118 119 120 121 122 123 124 125 126 127 128 129 130 131 132 133 134 135 136 137 138 139 140 141 142 143 144 145 146 147 148 149 150 151 152 153 154 155 156 157 158 159 160 161 162 163 164 165 166 167 168 169 170 TO THE HONORABLE COUNTY BOARD ) COUNTY OF PEORIA, ILLINOIS ) Your Operations Committee does hereby recommend passage of the following Resolution: RE: Award bid to Bishop Brothers, Inc., for Courtroom 121 and 221 Renovation Project RESOLUTION WHEREAS, bids were solicited and received for the renovation of Courtroom 121 and 221; WHEREAS, the bids that were received are as follows: VENDOR EEO STATUS COST Bishop Brothers, Inc. 481-020930 $461,400.00 Hein Construction Co., Inc. 724-161231 $491,500.00 Midwest Construction Professionals LLC Applied For $541,000.00 WHEREAS, your Committee would recommend acceptance of the lowest responsible base bid submitted by Bishop Brothers, Inc., in the amount of Four Hundred Sixty-One Thousand Four Hundred Dollars ($461,400.00), and does not recommend acceptance of Hein Construction Co., Inc. or Midwest Construction Professionals LLC. NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, by the Peoria County Board, that the base bid submitted by Bishop Brothers, Inc., in the total amount of Four Hundred Sixty-One Thousand Four Hundred Dollars ($461,400.00), is hereby accepted as the lowest responsible bid; and BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the Chairman of the Peoria County Board and/or Peoria County Administrator are hereby authorized and directed to execute the necessary documents to obtain the services in the base bid; BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the alternate bids submitted by Hein Construction Co., Inc. and Midwest Construction Professionals LLC, are not accepted due to budgetary constraints. RESPECTFULLY SUBMITTED, OPERATIONS COMMITTEE Reviewed: Date: 171 PEORIA COUNTY BOARD APPOINTMENTS May 12, 2016 *Subject to Change* Board of Review and Assessments Rick Salisbury 6018 N. Hamilton Rd. Peoria, IL 61614 Expiring: 5/31/2018 (Length of Term: 2 years) Brimfield Community Fire Protection District Merle Turner 12901 Jubilee Hills Drive Brimfield, IL 61517 Expiring: 4/30/2019 (Length of Term: 3 years) Greater Peoria Sanitary & Sewage District (Length of Term: 3 years) Mike Menke 2105 W Sherman Ave West Peoria IL 61604 Expiring: 4/30/2019 LaSalle Cemetery Association of Medina Township Verne Schaffner 14721 N. Old Galena Rd. Chillicothe, IL 61523 Expiring: 4/30/2022 Metro Peoria Committee Terry Ruhland 422 N. First Street Chillicothe, IL 61523 Peoria County Farmland Assessment Review Board Ben Vonk 17418 N. Old Galena Road Chillicothe, IL 61523 Expiring: 11/1/2016 Replaces: Don Chenevert, Jr. 172 (Length of Term: 6 years) Timber-Logan Rural Water District Duane Goetze 9326 S Kingston Mines Mapleton IL 61547-9779 Expiring: 4/30/2021 (Length of Term: 5 years) Workforce Investment Board (LWIA #15) William Bontemps 2319 E. War Memorial Dr. Peoria, IL 61614 Expiring: 5/31/2017 (Length of Term: 1 year) McFarland Bragg 711 W. McBean St. Peoria, IL 61605 Expiring: 5/31/2017 Steven Petersen P.O. Box 9071 Peoria, IL 61612 Expiring: 5/31/2017 Jason Phelps 100 N.E. Adams St. Peoria, IL 61629 Expiring: 5/31/2017 Zoning Board of Appeals - Chairman Bill O'Brian 3321 N. Chestnut Lane Peoria, IL 61604 Expiring: 2/1/2018 173 PEORIA COUNTY BOARD APPOINTMENTS June 9, 2016 *Subject to Change* Board of Health (Length of Term: 3 years) Jennifer Allison 5137 S. Alaska Road Peoria IL 61607 Expiring: 6/30/2016 Rahmat Na'Allah, MD,MPH 17033 N. Trail View Drive Dunlap IL 61525 Expiring: 6/30/2016 Francesca Armmer, PhD 808 E. Corrington Ave. Peoria, IL 61603 Replaces: Maxine Wortham Care and Treatment Board (Length of Term: 3 years) Joyce Harant 3914 N Donna Lane Peoria IL 61615 Expiring: 6/30/2016 Todd Baker 1015 N. Edgehill Court Peoria IL 61604 Expiring: 6/30/2016 Jubilee Churchyard Cemetery Association Dan Bowers 11921 W Brimfield Jubilee Rd Princeville IL 61559-9061 Expiring: 6/30/2016 (Length of Term: 6 years) 174 Lisa Sandall 12801 W Legion Hall Rd Princeville IL 61559-9177 Expiring: 6/30/2016 Margo Chase Ockerman 4915 N Park Place Peoria Heights IL 61616-5338 Expiring: 6/30/2016 Peoria County Plat Officers (Length of Term: 2 years) Kathi Lowder 324 Main Street, Room 301 Peoria IL 61602-2332 Expiring: 6/1/2016 Springdale Cemetery Committee Garth Madison 3216 N. Avalon Pl. Peoria IL 61604 Expiring: 6/30/2016 (Length of Term: 4 years) Zoning Board of Appeals (Length of Term: 5 years) Greg Fletcher 715 E. Lake Street Peoria Heights IL 61616 Expiring: 6/1/2016 Robert German 12510 N State Route #78 Elmwood IL 61529 Expiring: 6/1/2016 175 AGENDA BRIEFING COMMITTEE: Executive LINE ITEM: MEETING DATE: May 9, 2016 AMOUNT: ISSUE: Peoria County Administrator Agreement BACKGROUND DISCUSSION: The Executive Committee approved the appointment of Scott Sorrel as Peoria County Administrator effective upon ratification by the Peoria County Board. Terms, compensation and benefits are per the attached Agreement. COUNTY BOARD GOALS: HIGH PERFORMING PUBLIC ORGANIZATION ______________________________________________________________________________ COMMITTEE ACTION: Approved 5/9/2016 (9-0 votes) Mr. Dillon, Mr. Phelan and Mr. Salzer absent PREPARED BY: Steven Giebelhausen DATE: 05/09/2016 DEPARTMENT: State's Attorney 1 176 EMPLOYMENT AGREEMENT This Agreement, made and entered into this 12th day of May, 2016, by and between the COUNTY OF PEORIA, ILLINOIS, a Body Politic and Corporate (hereinafter referred to as "Employer") and SCOTT SORREL (hereinafter referred to as "Employee") an individual who has the education, training, and experience in local government management and who is a member of ICMA, and shall henceforth be subject to the ICMA Code of Ethics, both of whom agree as follows: Section 1: Term A. The term of this Agreement shall be for the period from June 1, 2016 to May 31, 2019. Section 2: Duties and Authority Employer agrees to employ Employee as the County Administrator to perform the functions and duties specified in an Ordinance entitled "County Administrator" (specifically Code of Peoria County, Chapter 2, Article IV) as it now exists, or as amended and to perform all other legally permissible and proper duties and functions. Section 3: Compensation A. Base Salary: Employer agrees to pay Employee an annual base salary of One Hundred Thirty-Five Thousand Dollars ($135,000), payable in installments at the same time that the other management employees of the Employer are paid. B. Upon the Employee being conferred his master’s degree, Employee’s annual base salary shall be increased to One Hundred Forty Thousand Dollars ($140,000). C. On January 1, 2017, the Employer agrees to adjust the Employee's annual base salary to reflect any change in the All Items Consumer Price Index for All Urban Consumers (CPI-U) unadjusted percent change to December 2016 from December 2015. Employer agrees to adjust the Employee’s annual base salary again on January 1, 2018 to reflect any change in the CPI-U unadjusted percent change to December 2017 from December 2016. The CPI-U used shall be the number published in Table 1 of the Detailed CPI Report by the U.S. Department of Labor-Bureau of Labor Statistics in December prior to the January of adjustment. Employer and Employee agree that if they mutually agree in writing to an adjustment to Employee’s annual base salary in either January 2017 or January 2018 that is higher or lower than otherwise provided by this paragraph, they may do so without additional consideration. Page 1 of 8 177 D. The Employer also agrees to pay the future cost of tuition and related school expenses for the master's degree program in which Employee is already enrolled. The maximum amount to be paid by Employer toward tuition shall be Four Thousand Five Hundred Dollars ($4,500). Section 4: Health and Disability Insurance Benefits Employer agrees to provide for health, hospitalization, surgical, vision, dental, prescription, and comprehensive medical insurance for Employee, spouse, and dependents equal to that provided all other full-time exempt, management employees of Employer or, in the event no such plan exists, to provide equivalent coverage for Employee, spouse, and dependents. Employer warrants that coverage hereunder shall be in full force and effect as of Employee's first date of employment as County Administrator. Section 5: Vacation, Sick, Personal and Military Leave A. Upon commencing employment as County Administrator, Employee's accumulated hours of vacation leave, sick time and personal time from his employment as Assistant County Administrator shall continue in effect for his time as County Administrator. B. Employee shall accrue vacation time at the rate normally provided to a full-time, exempt managerial employee with his years of service. Sick leave and personal leave shall accrue at the same rate as any other fulltime, exempt managerial employee with his years of service according to established County policy. As of the date of this Contract, the Parties agree that Employee has 22 years of service. C. Upon commencing employment, Employee shall be eligible for short-term disability and accident coverage that may be available as a County employee. Payment for any such coverage shall solely be that of the Employee. Details of these employee paid benefits can be found in the Peoria County Employee Benefits Book. D. Employee shall be entitled to military reserve leave time pursuant to state law and Employer policy. Section 6: Automobile A. Employee's duties require exclusive and unrestricted use of an automobile. Employer agrees to pay to Employee, during the term of this Agreement and in addition to other salary and benefits herein provided, the sum of Six Thousand Dollars ($6,000) per year, payable in monthly installments, as a vehicle allowance to be used to purchase, lease or own, operate and maintain a vehicle. Page 2 of 8 178 B. Regarding insurance on said vehicle(s), Employee shall at all times continuously maintain and pay for primary liability coverage ("BI"), property damage coverage ("PD"), medical payment coverage ("MP"), uninsured/underinsured motorist coverage ("UM/UIM"), and comprehensive insurance ("COLL") coverage. Coverages shall be in amounts not less than $500,000 per person, $500,000 per accident, $100,000 for property damage, $25,000 for medpay, and $500,000 for UM/UIM. Comprehensive coverage limits are generally controlled per policy terms and conditions, but Employee shall purchase amounts consistent with policy allowances customary to the coverage limits described herein. C. Employee shall be responsible for all expenses attendant to the purchase, operation, maintenance, repair, and regular replacement of said vehicle. Employee's operation of any vehicle while engaging in an employment purpose shall be performed in a safe and responsible manner and shall not be performed contrary to law. Section 7: Retirement Employer agrees to enroll Employee into the applicable state or local retirement system (currently referred to as "IMRF") and to make all the appropriate, plan required, Employer contributions on Employee's behalf. Section 8: General Business Expenses 1. Employer agrees to budget for and to pay for professional dues and subscriptions of the Employee necessary for continuation and full participation in national, regions, state, and local associations, and organizations (e.g. ICMA and ILCMA) necessary and desirable for the Employee's continued professional participation, growth, and advancement, and for the good of the Employer. Said dues shall not exceed $1,500 per year. 2. Employer agrees to budget for and pay reasonable travel and subsistence expenses of Employee for professional and official travel, meetings, lodging, and occasions to adequately continue the professional development of Employee and to pursue necessary officially functions for Employer, including but not limited to the ICMA Annual Conference, the NACo Annual Conference and pertinent other national, regional, state and local governmental groups and committees in which Employee serves as a member. Said expenses hereunder shall not exceed $4,000 per year. 3. Employer acknowledges the value of having Employee participate and be directly involved in local civic clubs or organizations. Accordingly, Employer shall pay for the reasonable membership fees and/or dues to enable Employee to become an active member in local civic clubs or organizations. Said amount hereunder shall not exceed $500 annually. Page 3 of 8 179 4. Employer shall provide Employee with an iPad, cell phone/PDA, and customary cellular service, required for Employee to perform the job and to maintain communications as required to carry out essential duties. Section 9: Termination For the purpose of this Agreement, termination shall occur: 1. When a majority of the Peoria County Board in attendance at a duly authorized public meeting votes to terminate Employee. 2. If Employee resigns following a suggestion and / or request for formal resignation, made by the Employer as represented by a majority of the County Board, then the Employee may resign and declare a termination as of the date of the request. 3. In the event that Employee is terminated “for cause” then the pay and benefits in Section 10 infra shall not be afforded from Employer to Employee. For purposes of this subsection, “for cause” shall be defined as gross misconduct (e.g. the refusal to carry out an otherwise lawful directive of a majority of the Board), conduct involving a felony or crimes of dishonesty and deceit, conduct which brings the position into disrepute, or for violations of the ICMA Code of Ethics. Nothing herein shall be used to construe “for cause” as being the result of a poor performance evaluation. Section 10: Severance At the time of any termination, the Employer agrees to pay the Employee six (6) months of the monthly salary that the Employer would have otherwise paid to the Employee if the Employee had continued his employment with the Employer. In the event the Employee is terminated by the Employer, all benefits to the Employee including, but not limited to, life insurance, health insurance, dental and disability insurance shall continue in full force and effect for a period of six (6) months. Said continuation of group health insurance shall be in addition to any protection afforded Employee by COBRA (Consolidated Omnibus Budget Reconciliation Act of 1985). Coverage under COBRA shall begin on the date all coverage under the severance provision expires. Section 11: Resignation In the event that Employee voluntarily resigns his position with Employer, Employee shall provide a minimum of thirty (30) days notice unless the parties agree otherwise. If Employee voluntarily resigns, then the severance pay and benefits afforded Employee in Section 10 supra shall not be afforded to Employee. Section 12: Performance Evaluation Page 4 of 8 180 Employer shall regularly review the performance of the Employee during the period of this agreement. The evaluation process, at a minimum, shall include the opportunity for both parties to: (1) prepare a written evaluation, (2) meet and discuss the evaluation, and (3) present a written summary of the evaluation results. The final written evaluation should be completed and delivered to Employee within thirty (30) days of the evaluation meeting and, unless otherwise guided by statue, the written evaluation shall be considered privileged and not made available as a public document. Section 13: Hours of Work It is recognized that Employee must devote considerable time addressing Employer business outside strict and conventional office hours and, to that end, Employee shall be allowed to establish an appropriate work schedule. The schedule should be consistent with, and respectful of, conventional government business hours. Section 14: Outside Activities Employment provided for by this Agreement shall be Employee's sole employment. Recognizing that consulting or teaching opportunities may provide indirect benefits to Employer and the community, the Employee may, with prior notice to the Employer, seek to accept limited teaching, consulting, or similar engagements that are not inconsistent with, nor contrary to, Peoria County government or the position of County Administrator. Section 15: Residence Employee shall maintain permanent residence within the boundaries of Peoria County at all times during the term of this Agreement. Failure to live within Peoria County shall constitute a material breach of the Agreement. Section 16: Indemnification Beyond that required under Federal, State or Local Law, Employer shall defend, save harmless, and indemnify Employee against any tort, professional liability claim or demand or other legal action, whether groundless or otherwise, arising out of an alleged act or omission occurring in the performance of Employee's duties as County Administrator or resulting from the exercise of judgment or discretion in connection with the performance of program duties or responsibilities, unless the act or omission involved willful, wanton, or intentional conduct. Employee may request independent legal representation at reasonable cost and at Employer's expense and Employer may not unreasonably withhold approval. Legal representation, provided by Employer for Employee, shall extend until a final determination of the legal action is made, including any appeals brought by either party. Employer shall indemnify employee against any and all losses, damages, judgments, interest, settlements, fines, court costs, and other reasonable costs and expenses of legal proceedings including attorney fees, and any other liabilities incurred by, imposed upon, or suffered by such Employee in connection with or resulting from any claim, action, suit, or proceeding, actual or threatened, arising out of or in connection with the performance of her duties, provided such claim or claims does not arise out of a claim for intentional conduct and shall not include punitive damages. Page 5 of 8 181 Any settlement of any claim must be made with prior approval of Employer in order for indemnification, as proved in this Section, to be available. Employee recognizes that Employer shall have the right to compromise or settle any claim or suit; unless, said compromise or settlement is of a personal nature to Employee. Further, Employer agrees to pay all reasonable litigation expenses of Employee throughout the pendency of any litigation to which the Employee is a party, witness or advisor to the Employer. Such expense payments shall continue beyond Employee's service to the Employer as long as litigation is pending. Further, Employer agrees to pay Employee reasonable travel expenses when Employee serves as a party or witness of Employer regarding pending litigation. Failure of Employee to immediately notify Employer of any claim, or legitimate threat, of legal consequence known to Employee, where the potential claim is against either Employee or Employer, may preclude Employee or the claimant from any future monetary payment by the Employer due to the claim. Employee may not bind Employer for settlement of any such claims where notice to Employer was concealed. Section 17: Bonding Employer shall bear the full cost of fidelity or other bonds, if any, as may be required of the Employee under any law or ordinance. Section 18: Other Terms and Conditions of Employment A. Employer, only upon agreement with Employee, shall fix any such other terms and conditions of employment, as it may determine from time to time, relating to the performance of Employee, provided such terms and conditions are not inconsistent with or in conflict with the provisions of this Agreement, the local ordinance or any other applicable law. B. Except as otherwise provided in this Agreement, Employee shall also be entitled to the highest level of all benefits as that enjoyed by all other fulltime exempt, management employees of Employer. Section 19: Notices Notice pursuant to this Agreement shall be given by depositing in the custody of the United States Postal Service, potage prepaid, addressed as follows: (1) EMPLOYER: Andrew Rand (or his successor) Peoria County Board Chairman Peoria County Courthouse, Room 401 Peoria, IL 61602 (2) EMPLOYEE: Scott Sorrel 1204 N Glenwood Ave Peoria, IL 61606 Page 6 of 8 182 Alternatively, notice required pursuant to this Agreement may be personally served in the same manner as is applicable to civil judicial practice. Notice shall be deemed given as of the date of personal service or as the date postmarked of such written notice with the United States Postal Service. Section 20: General Provisions A. Integration. This Agreement sets forth and establishes the entire understanding between Employer and Employee relating to the employment of Employee by Employer. Any prior discussions or representations by or between the parties are merged into and rendered null and void by this Agreement. The parties by mutual written agreement may amend any provision of this Agreement during the life of the Agreement. Such amendments shall be incorporated and made a part of this Agreement. B. Binding Effect. This Agreement shall be binding on Employer and Employee as well as their heirs, assigns, executors, personal representatives and successors in interest. C. Effective Date. This Agreement shall become effective on the date of execution, but under no circumstances shall it precede approval of this Agreement and its terms by a majority vote of the Peoria County Board at a formal meeting and Board vote. D. Severability. The invalidity or partial invalidity of any portion of this Agreement will not affect the validity of any other provision. In the event that any provision of this Agreement is held to be invalid, the remaining provisions shall be deemed to be in full force and effect as if they have been executed by both parties subsequent to the expungement or judicial modification of the invalid provision. E. Choice of Law. This Agreement shall be construed according to the laws of the State of Illinois. Page 7 of 8 183 ENTERED INTO THIS 12TH DAY OF MAY, 2016. ______________________________________ Employee By: Scott Sorrel ______________________________________ Employer By: Andrew Rand, Peoria County Board Chairman ATTEST: ______________________________________ R. Steve Sonnemaker, Peoria County Clerk Page 8 of 8 184 TO THE HONORABLE COUNTY BOARD ) ) ) COUNTY OF PEORIA, ILLINOIS Your Executive Committee does hereby recommend passage of the following Resolution. Re: Approval of a Contract for Peoria County Administrator Scott Sorrel RESOLUTION WHEREAS, the County Board has evaluated the performance of County Administrator Scott Sorrel; and WHEREAS, the current contract between the County and Scott Sorrel terminates on May 31, 2016; and WHEREAS, Scott Sorrel has ably performed the duties of County Administrator. NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, that Scott Sorrel be appointed the Peoria County Administrator for another term. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the Peoria County Board Chairman is authorized and directed to execute the attached contract between Peoria County and Scott Sorrel. RESPECTFULLY SUBMITTED, EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE 1 185 AGENDA BRIEFING COMMITTEE: County Operations Committee MEETING DATE: POLL VOTE LINE ITEM: AMOUNT: ISSUE: Approval of the Collective Bargaining Agreement (CBA) between Peoria County and LIUNA Local 165, IUOE Local 649, and Teamsters Local 627 . BACKGROUND/DISCUSSION: The CBA with the Laborers, Operators, and Engineers expires on May 31, 2016. A tentative agreement has been reached between the parties for a four year contract with 0% in year one, 1.5% in year two, 1.5% in year three, and 1.5% in year four and includes a signing bonus of $1,000.00 for all currently active employees at the time of the agreement. This bonus is effective upon ratification by both parties. The union ratified the agreement on May 9, 2016. There are additional language changes included in the new contract. COUNTY BOARD GOALS: HIGH PERFORMING PUBLIC ORGANIZATION STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Approve the tentative agreement reached with LIUNA Local 165, IUOE Local 649, and Teamsters Local 627 which was ratified by the union on May 9, 2016. COMMITTEE ACTION: PREPARED BY: Shauna Musselman DEPARTMENT: County Administration DATE: May 10, 2016 186 TO THE HONORABLE COUNTY BOARD COUNTY OF PEORIA, ILLINOIS ) ) ) Your County Operations Committee does hereby recommend passage of the following Resolution: RE: Approval of the Collective Bargaining Agreement (CBA) between Peoria County and LIUNA Local 165, IUOE Local 649, and Teamsters Local 627 RESOLUTION WHEREAS, representatives of Peoria County and LIUNA Local 165, IUOE Local 649, and Teamsters Local 627 ) have reached a tentative agreement on a labor agreement for four years, and WHEREAS, a tentative agreement was reached that includes a signing bonus of one thousand dollars ($1,000) to all currently active employees at the time of the agreement, and WHEREAS, the Union ratified the tentative agreement on May 9, 2016, and NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, by the County Board of Peoria County, that the tentative agreement ratified by the Union that includes a four year agreement, signing bonuses as noted above and additional language changes be hereby approved and that the Peoria County Board Chairman/or the County Administrator are hereby authorized and directed to execute the collective bargaining agreement on behalf of Peoria County to be effective upon ratification by both parties. RESPECTFULLY SUBMITTED, COUNTY OPERATIONS COMMITTEE 187 AGENDA BRIEFING COMMITTEE: County Operations MEETING DATE: May 5, 2016 LINE ITEM: AMOUNT: ISSUE: For RESOLUTION: Setting of Elected Officials Salaries BACKGROUND/DISCUSSION: The County Board is required by Statute to set the salaries of elected officials 180 days prior to the newly elected official or board member takes the oath of office on the first Monday in December. Absent a special meeting of the County Board to adopt a resolution, this action has typically occurred at the May County Board meeting during election years. For this cycle, the Board is required to set the salaries of the upcoming 4-year term of the County Auditor, Circuit Court Clerk, and County Coroner. Additionally, the Board is required to set the salaries of the upcoming 4-year term of the nine (9) County Board Districts up for election this November. A key reminder is that the Board's action sets the salary for the position, not the office holder. The Committee has been previously provided multiple tables that show the internal comparisons between all of Peoria County's elected officials, a table showing external comparisons to counties that have responded to our request for information, and a table comparing the various options originally considered by the Committee. Most County Boards are undertaking the same exercise, and thus some have no information to provide. As is past history, the County Administrator does NOT make a recommendation for the setting of salaries for any elected official. The recommendation is borne completely by the discussion and direction of the Committee. To start the discussion, Chairman Phelan and Vice Chairman Salzer have asked that 2 resolutions be presented for your consideration. Both resolutions freeze the compensation of County Board Members and Committee Chairpersons at their current levels. COUNTY BOARD GOALS: SAFE & HEALTHY COMMUNITY GROWING COUNTY HIGH PERFORMING PUBLIC ORGANIZATION WORLD CLASS PUBLIC FACILITIES STAFF RECOMMENDATION: NONE COMMITTEE ACTION: APPROVED a Resolution with no change in salary for County Board Members or Committee Chairpersons. For the County Auditor, County Coroner, and Circuit Court Clerk a salary increase of 0.0%, 0.0%, 1.5%, and 1.5% per year, respectively, as noted in the Resolution. Approved 5/5/16 (5-2 votes; Mr. Rosenbohm voted yes via teleconference; Mr. Harding and Mr. Salzer voted no, Ms. Parker was absent) PREPARED BY: DEPARTMENT: Scott Sorrel, County Administrator County Administration DATE: 188 May 4, 2016 TO THE HONORABLE COUNTY BOARD COUNTY OF PEORIA, ILLINOIS ) ) ) Your County Operations Committee does hereby recommend passage of the following Resolution: RE: Setting of Salaries of the County Auditor, Circuit Court Clerk, County Coroner, and County Board Members RESOLUTION WHEREAS, State Statute requires a County Board to set the salaries for countywide Elected Officials and the County Board seats up for election every two years a minimum of 180 days prior to the date each member is sworn into office; and WHEREAS, this election cycle mandates the County Board set salaries for the County Auditor, Circuit Court Clerk, County Coroner, and County Board Members that will serve a term from December 1, 2016 through November 30, 2020; and WHEREAS, your County Operations Committee hereby recommends said annual base salaries be as follows: Effective Date ELECTED OFFICE County Board Member 12/1/2016 12/1/2017 12/1/2018 12/1/2019 $ $ $ $ Increase over prior year Committee Chair $ Increase over prior year Auditor $ Increase over prior year Circuit Clerk * $ Increase over prior year Coroner * Increase over prior year $ 9,242 0.00% 10,242 0.00% 94,210 0.00% 94,210 0.00% 94,210 0.00% $ $ $ $ 9,242 0.00% 10,242 0.00% 94,210 0.00% 94,210 0.00% 94,210 0.00% $ $ $ $ 9,242 0.00% 10,242 0.00% 95,623 1.50% 95,623 1.50% 95,623 1.50% $ $ $ $ 9,242 0.00% 10,242 0.00% 97,057 1.50% 97,057 1.50% 97,057 1.50% NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, by the County Board of Peoria County, that the salaries for the upcoming four year terms of the County Auditor, Circuit Court Clerk, County Coroner, and County Board Members are hereby set as noted above. RESPECTFULLY SUBMITTED, COUNTY OPERATIONS COMMITTEE 189