wednesday 23rd february 2011 02:00 pm @ auditorium, wisma mca
wednesday 23rd february 2011 02:00 pm @ auditorium, wisma mca
WEDNESDAY 23RD FEBRUARY 2011 02:00 PM @ AUDITORIUM, WISMA MCA JALAN AMPANG, KUALA LUMPUR KUALA LUMPUR BAR COMMITTEE 2010/11 L to R (Front): Pushpa Ratnam, Khaizan Sharizad Ab. Razak, Dipendra Harshad Rai (Honorary Secretary) Anand Ponnudurai (Chairman), Mary Tan (Executive Secretary), Nurul Muhaniza Hanafi (Back): Richard Wee Thiam Seng, Muhendaran Suppiah, Brendan Navin Siva (Rep. to Bar Council) Ravinder Singh Dhalliwal, Jeremiah R. Gurusamy, Datuk Baljit Singh Sidhu Roger Chan Weng Keng, Lai Chee Hoe Not in picture: Choo Dee Wei CONTENT 1Agenda 2 – 8 Minutes of the 18th Annual General Meeting of the Kuala Lumpur Bar held on 23rd February 2010 9 – 14 Chairman’s Report 15 – 67 Reports of Sub-Committees 15 – 17 Civil Court Liaison 18 – 20 Conveyancing Practice 21 – 22 Criminal Practice 23 – 24 Environmental & Humanities 25 – 26 Information Technology 27 – 31 Professional Development 32Publications 33 – 34 Pupils Welfare 35 – 36 Social, Arts & Culture 37 – 38 Sports 39 – 43 Young Lawyers 44 – 67 Legal Aid 68 – 73 Laporan Pengerusi 74 – 125 Laporan-laporan Jawatankuasa Kecil 74 – 76 Perhubungan Mahkamah Sivil 77 – 79 Amalan Konveyansing 80 – 81 Amalan Jenayah 82 – 83 Alam Sekitar & Kemanusiaan 84 – 85 Teknologi Maklumat 86 – 89 Pembangunan Profesional 90Penerbitan 91 – 92 Hal Ehwal Pelatih-Dalam-Kamar 93 – 94 Sosial, Kesenian & Kebudayaan 95 – 96 Sukan 97 – 100 Peguam Muda 101 – 125 Bantuan Guaman 126 – 137 Audited Accounts for the year ending 31st December 2010 KUALA LUMPUR BAR COMMITTEE 19th Annual General Meeting of the Kuala Lumpur Bar to be held on Wednesday 23rd February 2011 at 2.00 p.m. in the Auditorium, Wisma MCA, Kuala Lumpur AGENDA 1 To confirm and adopt the minutes of the 18th Annual General Meeting held on 23rd February 2010. 2 Matters arising. 3 To consider, and if thought fit, to adopt the Annual Report 2010/11. 4 To consider, and if thought fit, to pass the Audited Accounts for the year ending 31st December 2010. 5 To fix subscription for the year 2011. 6 To elect the Chairman of the Kuala Lumpur Bar Committee for 2011/12. 7 To elect ten (10) members of the Kuala Lumpur Bar Committee for 2011/12. 8 To elect one (1) member to represent the Kuala Lumpur Bar on the Bar Council for 2011/12. 9General. Dipendra Harshad Rai Honorary Secretary Agenda � A NN U A L R E P O R T 2 0 1 0 / 1 1 1 18TH ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING KUALA LUMPUR BAR MINUTES OF THE ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING OF THE KUALA LUMPUR BAR HELD ON 23RD FEBRUARY 2010 AT 2.00 P.M. AT THE AUDITORIUM, LEVEL 3, WISMA MCA, NO. 163 JALAN AMPANG, KUALA LUMPUR. I. Anand Ponnudurai, as Chairman of the Kuala Lumpur Bar Committee, chaired this meeting and called the meeting to order at 3.10 p.m. when the quorum of 328 was reached at 3.00 p.m. He then requested all members to rise and observe one-minute silence in memory of the following members who passed away during the year under review: 1. Tan Sri Dato’ Seri Haji Mohamed Yusoff Bin Haji Mohamed 2. Au Yeong Khuen 3.Noeline Lei Lin Cheah 4. Govin Sreedharan 5. Mohd Rezal bin Haron 6. M. Thiruchelvasegaram 7. Ganesan Govindasamy I.1 The Chairman informed the house that the Reference Proceedings for the abovementioned departed members will be held the following morning (24.02.2010) at 10.30 a.m. before Y.A. Dato’ Haji Mohamed Apandi Bin Haji Ali. II. The Chairman said that before proceeding with the meeting, he would like to inform members who were used to attending the AGM at the Legend Hotel for the past ten years or so, that a move was made by the Committee this year to change the venue to this Auditorium at Wisma MCA and by making this move, the Committee had saved no less than RM15,000 for the KL Bar. (The house applauded the move.) ITEM 1 OF AGENDA: To confirm and adopt the minutes of the 17th Annual General Meeting held on 26th February 2009 The minutes were confirmed and adopted as proposed by Felix Raj Arokiasamy and seconded by Ravi Nekoo. ITEM 2 OF AGENDA: Matters arising 2.1 The Chairman referred to page 6 of the Minutes and pointed out that GK Ganesan had at the last AGM requested the Committee to stop using the term “Long Call” when referring to Admissions to the Bar. He would like to report that the Committee had duly taken note of that request and no longer uses the said term. It is now officially referred to as “Admission to the Bar”. ITEM 3 OF AGENDA: To consider, and if thought fit, to adopt the Annual Report 2009/10 3.1 The Chairman took the Meeting through the Annual Report 2009/10 (pages 8 to 69). 3.2 The Chairman said that to paraphrase his Chairman’s Report, the Committee had a busy term. A considerable amount of the Committee’s time was taken up in dialogues with the Courts pertaining to the implementation of the tracking system at both the High Court and Lower Court. He thanked members for the regular feedback that they had given which the Committee had raised with the Judiciary. He was certain that there were still existing problems and assured members that they would be looked into regularly. He asserted that all complaints would be looked into and raised with the relevant authorities with the hope of achieving the desired result of making practice a lot smoother for members. 3.3 The Annual Report 2009/10 was approved and adopted as proposed by Koh Yew Chong and seconded by Peter Skelchy. 2 A NN U A L R E P O R T 2 0 1 0 / 1 1 � MINUTES ITEM 4 OF AGENDA: To consider, and if thought fit, to pass the Audited Accounts for the year ending 31st December 2009 4.1 The Chairman took the Meeting through the Accounts. He was pleased to report that the Committee was still healthy financially and had managed to have a surplus of RM83,782 at the closing of the financial year on 31.12.2009 with approximately RM1 million in Fixed Deposits and Investment in Amanah Raya Berhad. He pointed out that however, it must be noted that the subscriptions of RM636,250 received for the year just barely covered salaries, bonuses, rental of premises and basic expenses for the day to day running of the secretariat. He said that the Committee had certainly endeavoured to generate non-subscription income by looking at sponsorships and had also derived a fair amount of income from a number of its activities. Another source of income was from the BC Box rental where approximately RM140,000 was collected last year. 4.2 The Audited Accounts were approved and passed as proposed by Shaikh Abdul Saleem and seconded by Srividhya Ganapathy. ITEM 5 OF AGENDA: To fix subscription for the year 2010 5.1 The Chairman said that having taken into account the remarks that he had made under Item 4 of the Agenda, the Committee proposed that the subscription for the year 2010 remained at RM100 per member. There was no intention yet to increase the subscription which, he had been informed, had been the same since 1980 but an increase would be inevitable in the future. 5.2 As there were no comments from the floor, the Chairman announced that the subscription for the year 2010 will remain at RM100 per member. ITEM 6 OF AGENDA: To elect the Chairman of the Kuala Lumpur Bar Committee for 2010/11 6.1 Anand Ponnudurai was proposed by Christopher Leong and seconded by Felix Raj Arokiasamy. 6.2 There being no other nominations, Anand Ponnudurai was declared elected as the Chairman of the Kuala Lumpur Bar Committee for the year 2010/11. ITEM 7 OF AGENDA: To elect ten (10) members of the Kuala Lumpur Bar Committee for 2010/11 7.1 The following names were proposed and seconded:1. Ravinder Singh Dhalliwal Proposer : S.S. Muker Seconder : Ragunath Kesavan 2. Dipendra Harshad Rai Proposer : Seconder : Christopher Leong Felix Raj Arokiasamy 3. Roger Chan Weng Keng Proposer : Siti Zabedah Kasim Seconder : Fadiah Nadwa Fikri 4. Richard Wee Thiam Seng Proposer : Lee Shih Seconder : Siti Zabedah Kasim 5. Muhendaran Suppiah Proposer : Seconder : 6. Felix Raj Arokiasamy Koh Yew Chong Datuk Baljit Singh Sidhu Proposer : Chong Wai Kuan Seconder : Amy Too MINUTES � A NN U A L R E P O R T 2 0 1 0 / 1 1 3 7. Jeremiah Gurusamy Proposer : Seconder : Lim Chee Wee Sanjeev Kumar Rasiah 8. Khaizan Sharizad Ab. Razak Proposer : Syahredzan Johan Seconder : Siti Zabedah Kasim 9. Lai Chee Hoe Proposer Seconder : : Siti Zabedah Kasim Tharminder Singh Pushpa Ratnam Proposer Seconder : : R. Ravindra Kumar Hendon Haji Mohamed 10. 11.Nurul Muhaniza Hanafi Proposer : Seconder : Sri Rahayu Mohamad Chong Wai Kuan 7.2 The Chairman said that he had been requested by one of the Committee members to enquire from the eleven candidates whether any one of them had the intention of declining his/her nomination to save the Meeting the process of going through an election. The member who declined the nomination can then be co-opted to the Committee. However, he was not going to agree to that and would proceed with the election process. 7.3 Chris Leong suggested that perhaps all the eleven candidates be accepted to serve on the Committee. 7.3.1 The Chairman pointed out that under the Legal Profession Act, the Meeting cannot elect more than ten members to form the State Bar Committee. The State Bar Committee however has the power to co-opt not more than two members of the State Bar to serve as members of the Committee. 7.4 The Chairman asked that it be placed on record that he was not compelling any of the candidates to decline his/her nomination. It was merely a suggestion put forward by a member of the outgoing Committee. 7.5 Jeremiah Gurusamy voluntarily declined his nomination reducing the number of nominations to ten. There were no further nominations and the remaining ten members were declared elected to serve on the Kuala Lumpur Bar Committee for the year 2010/11. ITEM 8 OF AGENDA: To elect one (1) member to represent the Kuala Lumpur Bar on the Bar Council for 2010/11 8.1 Brendan Navin Siva was proposed by Felix Raj Arokiasamy and seconded by Shaikh Abdul Saleem. 8.2 There being no other nominations, Brendan Navin Siva was declared elected as the KL Bar Representative to the Bar Council for the year 2010/11. ITEM 9 OF AGENDA: General 9.1 4 64th AGM of the Malaysian Bar The Chairman announced that the 64th AGM of the Malaysian Bar will be held on 13.03.2010 at 10.00 a.m. at the Legend Hotel Kuala Lumpur. He said that following the difficulty in obtaining a quorum for this afternoon’s AGM, he would like to urge every member present at this meeting to make every effort to attend the said AGM of the Malaysian Bar and to also get as many other members (those who were not present at this AGM) as possible to attend to ensure that the quorum is achieved. A NN U A L R E P O R T 2 0 1 0 / 1 1 � MINUTES 9.2 Bank Negara Malaysia’s Proposed Revamp of the Third Party Bodily Injury and Death Scheme I G. Naidu said that he had been hearing quite a lot about the so called new proposal in respect of the insurance industry in relation to personal injury but everyone that he had asked had been giving him a different version. No one seemed to know what it was exactly yet but everyone was so sure that come 1st July 2010, that system would be in place. He just wanted to know whether the Chairman could enlighten him on that particular aspect. II The Chairman told G. Naidu that just like him, he too had heard many different versions. He had also heard the said date been bandied around. However, learning from the compendium issue that he (G. Naidu) had raised at the last AGM of the Malaysian Bar, he (Chairman) had decided that matters such as this ought to be undertaken by the Bar Council and had in fact spoken to the President of the Malaysian Bar, Ragunath Kesavan, about it. He felt that perhaps it would be best to invite the President who is present at this meeting to address the house on the issue and clear the air. III Ragunath Kesavan said that as much as everybody else is in the dark, the Bar Council too is in the dark. The proposed scheme was first raised by the Prime Minister in his budget speech; a one-liner that there would be a revamp of the insurance scheme for third party motor insurance coverage. Subsequently the Governor of Bank Negara had at an Annual Dinner of one of the insurance companies mentioned that it was work in progress; everything had been finalised and they were scheduled to reform the motor insurance scheme in respect of third parties by June. That was the second time the Council had heard about the scheme. The third time the Bar Council had heard of the scheme was sometime last month. There was an interview conducted on BFM of the CEO of Chartis (formerly AIG) and he had mentioned that representations had been made to Bank Negara and Bank Negara had agreed to revamp the scheme. III.1 Ragunath Kesavan pointed out that a team of about 20 lawyers had since been set up to look into the matter. A meeting had been scheduled for the following day at 5.30 p.m. at the Bar Council Secretariat and any member who is interested can attend the meeting. He said the concerns were manifold: (i) There is going to be a limit on the claim for personal injury. Going back to history on the amendments to the Civil Law Act; anyone above 55 years of age could no longer make a claim for loss of income at that age; (ii) Limitation of claims for personal injuries to RM100,000. Every citizen in the country therefore may have to resort to obtaining personal insurance to claim for any excess; (iii) There would no longer be Court proceedings vis-à-vis personal injury claims. It would probably go to a mediation bureau or a tribunal; (iv) They were in the final stages of formulating the laws with the relevant stakeholders excluding the Bar, consumer groups and every other interest bodies representing everybody else except insurers. The group that had been set up by Bank Negara driving the change comprised insurance companies. The Bar Council had written to Bank Negara raising all the concerns but the response from Bank Negara was non committal. There was no denial whatsoever of any of the issues that the Bar Council had raised implying that the change was going to take place. Bank Negara had told the Bar Council that they would be notified when the scheme is finalised and that was an indication that Bank Negara would not be seeking any input from the Bar Council but rather would merely inform the Bar Council what was going to happen. The term used by Bank Negara was, “when it is finalised we shall consult you”. It was not even a situation where before it was finalised, they would seek input from the Bar Council. III.2 Ragunath Kesavan said that despite the fact that many of the members of the Bar do practise in this area, the Bar Council’s biggest concern was that there is going to be a huge impact on the public. Firstly, everybody would be compelled to take up private insurance. Secondly, the abrogation of duties by those insurance companies. Insurance licence is a controlled commodity and very expensive. When one gets an insurance licence, one has a public duty as well. There are ten sectors within the insurance industry and they seemed to suggest that they were losing money in one sector and that is third party motor insurance. However, in the other nine sectors, they were making huge amount of profit and thus why should this responsibility be taken away from the insurance companies. The Bar Council therefore is calling a press conference on 6th March 2010 and hoped to receive support from members. He said that the press conference is opened for all members to attend. He stressed that the matter is of serious concern as it would mean changing completely the way lawyers practise. Today, they are taking away the runners sector. Tomorrow, they would take away another sector as well. Lawyers are already being excluded from so many of the tribunals for instance the Customs Tribunal.The Bar thus must show force and attend the press conference on 6th March and the meeting that he had mentioned earlier that is scheduled for the following day. He commented that the saddest part was that there was no consultation whatsoever with the important stakeholders such as lawyers, consumer bodies and the public at large. MINUTES � A NN U A L R E P O R T 2 0 1 0 / 1 1 5 IV 9.3 9.4 6 The Chairman thanked the President of the Malaysian Bar for giving some insight into the issue. He said that, as indicated by the President, the Bar Council had written to Bank Negara asking for the Bar to be consulted and the concern was that the Bar might not be consulted and just be “thrown” with the scheme. He assured members that if that happens, the Bar will fight it all the way. Whether it would be a successful fight or not is another issue but, he reiterated and stressed, the Bar will fight it all the way. MyConstitution Campaign I Edmund Bon said that he had noted for the past few years in the Annual Reports that the KL Bar was “flushed” with money (the Chairman commented that he would not use the word “flushed”) and to him that was a good thing. He believed that the KL Bar is the richest Bar amongst all the State Bars and from murmurings that he had heard, the KLBC was not sure how to use the money. He thus would like to raise it at this meeting that the MyConstitution Campaign needed funds. He hoped the incoming KLBC would give its commitment to support the Campaign. He pointed out that a number of other State Bars had in fact assisted in financing the Campaign in their States. He hoped the KLBC and the MyConstitution Team could work together on the Campaign this entire year. II The Chairman believed that Edmund would know for a fact that the KLBC is committed to programmes run by the Bar Council. He gave his commitment to Edmund that the incoming KLBC would support the MyConstitution Campaign though he would not commit any particular amount. He reiterated that the incoming KLBC would fully support the Campaign which is a highly commendable Campaign. III Richard Wee clarified that it was not true that the KLBC did not know what to do with its money. The KLBC had actually planned to utilise the money to buy a building as the KL Bar was one of the few States left without a building of its own. With the Courts now relocated from Jalan Raja to Jalan Duta, the KLBC had wanted to move closer to the Courts to better serve its members and was making an effort to look for a building in that area. However, the Bar Council had wanted the KLBC to move with them and discussions were underway to jointly buy a building. That money therefore would eventually be used for the purpose of buying a building. It thus was a misconception that the KLBC was not sure how to use the money. In any event he was certain that the KLBC would do what it could for the MyConstitution Campaign. IV The Chairman echoed Richard’s remark that the KL Bar was one of the few State Bars that did not have a building of its own. He said that whatever that had been mentioned about the reserves, the KLBC would certainly have to earmark it towards the purchase of a building, whether on its own or with the Bar Council. Attendance at Annual General Meetings, Appreciating good Judges and Compendium of Personal Injury Awards I G. Naidu said that he would like to raise three issues. The first issue was with regard to attendance at Annual General Meetings. He wanted to know to what extent was the KLBC willing to accept responsibility for the poor attendance. He felt that it was time that the issue must be looked at seriously and proactive steps be taken to get members to attend the Annual General Meetings of the Bar. The poor attendance was certainly disappointing as the State Bar Committee had taken up many issues, even issue of the runners’ practice and the effect it would have on lawyers and the public at large. When he looked around the hall, he was saddened by the fact that the very few lawyers whom he normally saw at Sessions Court 3 and 4 were not present at this meeting. Perhaps members were just insensitive to the fact that they have to attend Annual General Meetings. I.1 His second issue was that he would like to register his appreciation to certain Judges in the Sessions Court. He believed that most of the lawyers are either too afraid or reluctant to criticise and even more afraid and reluctant to praise a Judge. He had very often appeared before Sessions Court 4 and must say that, in his view, the said Sessions Court Judge, Puan Unaizah, has such admirable capacity and ability to handle her work exceptionally well. He could not speak about the Judge of Sessions Court 3 as he does not appear often in that Court. What he wanted to say was that if someone really does a good job, whether that person is a Judge or a lawyer, the Bar must give due recognition to the person for the good job done. He would want that concern of his to be recorded. I.2 His third issue was pertaining to the Compendium of Personal Injury Awards. He recalled raising the issue at last year’s Annual General Meeting and saying that it was an insidious way to rob away the independence of the Judiciary. His observations had been, when it comes to a political case, the outcome is predictable. He was sure that the latest sea of cases would give that particular feeling. Same would go for runner matters A NN U A L R E P O R T 2 0 1 0 / 1 1 � MINUTES where he could tell what would in fact happen. He would say that in the last one or one and a half years, the Judges had become very conservative in respect of liability and quantum. When one goes back to as far as 2002 or 2003, one would notice there were sufficient High Court decisions clearly stating how flexible quantum should be. Things had now changed and he could only point his finger at the compendium which certainly had a tremendous impact on the manner in which awards had been made. He added that it could also be said that the result would be predictable in matters where big corporations in particular Banks are involved. Eventually, one would find that the entire independence of the Judiciary would be lost before our very eyes. He would not know whether the Bar sees the trend but he just wanted to share his apprehension. II The Chairman said that he would take the issues raised by G. Naidu one by one. In respect of G. Naidu’s point on the Bar having to recognise good Judges, he (Chairman) was totally in agreement; we must not just complain about Judges who are not performing but should also compliment Judges who do a good job. He pointed out that the KLBC does do that and had in fact given input that certain Judges were good when its views were sought as to the quality of Judges. Perhaps the manner in which it was done might not be how G. Naidu thought it should be but it had been communicated that certain Judges were good and the Bar was happy with them. II.1 On the issue of difficulty in getting a quorum, the Chairman pointed out that over the last two weeks, the Committee members had been making numerous telephone calls to get members to attend this meeting. Sufficient e-mail blasts had also been sent out. He felt that one of the causes for the poor turnout perhaps was the amendment to the Legal Profession Act reducing the quorum to 5% of the membership. Many members had the perception that since only about 300 odd people were needed to make the quorum, there should be no problem achieving it. They thus felt that there was no necessity for them to make an effort to turn up for the meeting. It would appear that it had come to a stage where some issues had to be created to stir up attendance but he believed that was not the way to go about in trying to achieve the quorum. However, he had no idea as to what should be done to encourage members to be committed to such an important matter as attending Annual General Meetings and would welcome ideas from members. II.2 Pertaining to the issue of the compendium, the Chairman clarified that it was raised at the last Annual General Meeting of the Malaysian Bar and not the Kuala Lumpur Bar. He pointed out that the KL Bar was involved in the drawing up of the compendium as it was thought that the compendium was only going to be limited to the KL Bar and the KL Courts. It only came to light that the compendium was circulated to all the Courts throughout the country when the issue was raised (by G. Naidu) at the last Annual General Meeting of the Malaysian Bar that there was unhappiness among some State Bars over the compendium. He had to agree with G. Naidu that while the compendium was meant to be a guide, some Judges were taking it not as a guide but as cast in stone. He informed G. Naidu that pursuant to his comments made at the last Annual General Meeting of the Malaysian Bar, the Bar Council had appointed R.Ravindra Kumar to head an ad hoc committee to re-look into the compendium. He then invited R.Ravindra Kumar to brief on the status of the review of the compendium by the ad hoc committee. III R.Ravindra Kumar said that the ad hoc committee had met five times thus far and had invited representatives from all the State Bars including G. Naidu for the meetings to provide input and feedback. The review of the compendium is still work in progress. He pointed out that by and large, the position of the Bar Council was to keep the guidelines but there may be a need to review the amount of the awards. At the moment, the ad hoc committee had identified certain aspects of the guidelines that needed to be reviewed. The ad hoc committee had also taken the position that perhaps it was only fair to inform the Chief Justice that the compendium was merely a guide and not something cast in stone and not meant to fetter the discretion of the Judges. He commented that even in the United Kingdom, which position was somewhat similar to what that had been done here, there is a certain amount of discretion for the Judges to depart from the guidelines. He believed that the fear of most running down lawyers was that there might be difficulty in applying to appeal on the quantum seeing that the Judges would possibly be bound by the guidelines. The biggest fear that the lawyers have was that when one goes up on appeal, the Appellate Judges might not want to interfere because the figure was within the framework of the guidelines. The figures therefore were being re-looked at by the ad hoc committee which also felt that the guidelines must be subjected to review from time to time and cannot be static. As far as G. Naidu’s concern that Judges were religiously following the guidelines which was affecting this area of practice, he would like to say that as pointed out by the Chairman, when the KL Bar was tasked to compile the compendium, it was meant to confine only to the KL Bar. There was thus no input from any other State Bars when the compendium was originally compiled. However, after having completed the task, the Chief Justice MINUTES � A NN U A L R E P O R T 2 0 1 0 / 1 1 7 had found it fit to distribute the compendium to all the other States. He assured members that adjustments would certainly be made to the compendium after gathering the input and feedback from all the State Bars. Ragunath Kesavan moved a vote of thanks to the outgoing Chair and his Committee for a job well done in the last term. The Chairman thanked Ragunath Kesavan for his vote of thanks and all the members who had made an effort to attend this meeting. There being no other matters, he declared the 18th Annual General Meeting of the Kuala Lumpur Bar closed at 3.50 p.m. Dipendra Harshad Rai Honorary Secretary Kuala Lumpur Bar Committee 8 A NN U A L R E P O R T 2 0 1 0 / 1 1 � MINUTES Chairman’s Report Anand Ponnudurai Chairman A.INTRODUCTION I am pleased and honoured to have been given the opportunity to serve the KL Bar for a second term and it has indeed been another busy and productive term. I must say that the work that had been carried out would not have been possible without the untiring commitment and support I got from each individual Committee member and their team of members working in the various sub-committees and the many other volunteers who had sacrificed their time for the KL Bar. I am pleased to report that having the last Annual General Meeting at the Auditorium in Wisma MCA had saved the KLBC approximately RM13,000. The KLBC has therefore decided to hold the 19th Annual General Meeting at the same venue. As reported in my last Report, producing the Annual Report on CD Rom and providing limited hardcopies for the AGM had also saved the KLBC a considerable amount of money and this practice would continue. B. HONORARY SECRETARY AND CO-OPTED MEMBERS At its first meeting in March 2010, the KLBC appointed Dipendra Harshad Rai as its Honorary Secretary for the term 2010/11. Jeremiah R. Gurusamy and Choo Dee Wei were co-opted as members of the KLBC under Section 73(vii) of the Legal Profession Act 1976. C. COMMITTEE ACTIVITIES i) Annual Meet between the KLBC and Selangor Bar Committee (“SBC”) The Annual Meet between the KLBC and SBC was held on 09.04.2010 and this term, it was hosted by the KLBC. The Meet was for the office bearers of the KLBC and SBC for the new term to get to know each other and to discuss how to work more closely to cater to the mutual needs of members of both the KL Bar and Selangor Bar. ii)Meetings • The KLBC was involved in many meetings with the Judiciary to iron out problems encountered by members at the KL Courts. iii) • The KLBC had also joined the Bar Council Specialist Committee in the meeting with the Heads of the respective Divisions of the KL High Court. • Arranged by the Civil Court Liaison Committee, the Honorary Secretary and I met up with DSP Ng Fook Long of the Kuala Lumpur Traffic Police on 04.10.2010 at the KL Bar Secretariat to discuss parking problems and traffic congestion around the KL Court Complex especially during high profile cases. Other Events Besides participating in the many events organised by the Bar Council, the KLBC also participated in the following events at the invitation of the respective Bodies: • Bahagian Cukai Dalam Negeri Wilayah Persekutuan Kuala Lumpur Briefing on Custom Appeal Tribunal on 26.07.2010. • Judiciary Official Launch of the New Civil Courts (NCvC) at the Kuala Lumpur Court Complex on 24.09.2010. Chairman’s Report � A NN U A L R E P O R T 2 0 1 0 / 1 1 9 iv) • Wilayah Land Office Official Opening of the Land Management Seminar 2010 on 20.10.2010. • SUHAKAM Forum on Abandonment of Babies on 15.12.2010. MyConstitution Campaign The KLBC together with the Bar Council Constitutional Law Committee and in collaboration with HELP University College will be launching the MyConstitution Campaign for the Federal Territory of Kuala Lumpur in early 2011. v) Updates from KLBC The KLBC continued with the practice of sending a general statement after each KLBC meeting to update members on the activities of and work that was being carried out by the KLBC and its Sub-committees. vi) Bar Room When the KL Courts moved to the Kuala Lumpur Court Complex in 2007, two Bar Rooms were allocated to the KL Bar, one on the right wing of level 5 and another on the left wing of the same level. However, in the last one year, one had to be vacated and the other relocated to make way for additional Courts to be set up to handle the increasing number of cases. The Bar Room is now located at the end of the corridor of the left wing of level 5. vii)New Court Building The KLBC, on learning that there was a plan to build an additional Court building at Jalan Duta, had written to the Legal Affairs Department at the Prime Minister’s Department asking for the KLBC to be included in their planning/designing of the new Court building to provide input so that the new Court building would be built with specifications and facilities that meet the requirements of the Judiciary, the Bar and the public. The Legal Affairs Department had replied indicating that the proposed project is awaiting approval by the Unit Perancang Ekonomi and once approved the KLBC would be invited to provide views and comments for the proper planning and designing of the new Court building. viii) Bank Negara Malaysia’s Proposed Revamp of the Third Party Bodily Injury and Death Scheme Representatives from the Bar Council Motor Insurance Review Ad Hoc Committee met the KLBC on 17.06.2010 to explain the proposed BNM scheme and the Bar Council’s concern. There were plans to hold roadshows throughout the country to educate members of the Bar and the public on BNM’s proposal and the KLBC was requested to assist in organising one in Kuala Lumpur. This however had been put on hold as it was learnt that the proposed scheme had been shelved. ix) Press Statements The KLBC issued a press statement on 31.03.2010 condemning the action of the Royal Malaysian Police in restraining Amer Hamzah Arshad, a member of the Kuala Lumpur Bar, against his will whilst discharging his duties as an Advocate & Solicitor at the Kuala Lumpur Court Complex at Jalan Duta. The KLBC further supported the Memorandum of Protest issued by fellow lawyers, N Surendran and Latheefa Koya and joined them in the handing over of the Memorandum to the Inspector General of Police on 31.03.2010. x) Sponsorship to attend the 15th Malaysian Law Conference The KLBC sponsored 7 young practitioners and 9 pupils-in-chambers to attend the 5th Malaysian Law Conference held from 29 to 31.07.2010 at the Kuala Lumpur Convention Centre. xi)Collaborations • CrimsonLogic The collaboration with CrimsonLogic, initiated by the 2008/09 KLBC (through the Professional Development Committee), to introduce and promote Legal Workbench to members of the KL Bar had entered into its 3rd year. Besides monetary sponsorship, CrimsonLogic had also provided 2 complimentary user IDs of Legal Workbench which are installed in the computers at the KL Court Bar Room for members’ use. 10 A NN U A L R E P O R T 2 0 1 0 / 1 1 � Chairman’s Report • DiGi The KLBC, as part of its continuing efforts to improve non-professional services to KL Bar members, had through the Information Technology Committee entered into a collaboration with DiGi to bring to members Exclusive Mobile and Internet (Blackberry and iPhone) Packages. In trying to reach more members, DiGi held several promotions of the exclusive packages at the Cafeteria of the KL Courts. DiGi had also through this collaboration accepted the KLBC’s invitation to advertise on the KL Bar Website. • xii) LexisNexis Malaysia The KLBC once again collaborated with LexisNexis to organise the LexisNexis-KL Bar Treasure Hunt 2010 and the project was undertaken by the Social, Arts & Culture Committee. Held on 24.10.2010, it managed to raise RM10,000 (KL Bar’s share of the proceeds) for the KLBC to utilise to fund a community development project of its choice. Committee Meetings As at 31.12.2010, the KLBC met 10 times and the attendance of each member was as follows: Anand Ponnudurai Dipendra Harshad Rai Richard Wee Thiam Seng Lai Chee Hoe Muhendaran Suppiah Pushpa Ratnam Ravinder Singh Dhalliwal Nurul Muhaniza Hanafi Datuk Baljit Singh Sidhu Roger Chan Weng Keng Khaizan Sharizad Ab Razak Jeremiah R. Gurusamy Choo Dee Wei - 10 - 10 - 9 - 9 - 8 - 9 - 9 - 4 - 9 - 9 - 9 - 7 - 5 Brendan Navin Siva, KL Bar’s representative to the Bar Council, was invited to attend the KLBC meetings as observer and also to report to the Bar Council on relevant matters as and when pertinent and necessary. He attended all the meetings and worked closely with the KLBC. xiii) Finance, Subscriptions and Non-subscription Income The financial position of the KLBC remains stable with a sum of RM784,170 in Fixed Deposit and RM324,632 in Trust Account with Amanah Raya Berhad. Details of the financial position are set out in the Audited Accounts ending 31.12.2010. The subscription for the year 2010 was fixed at RM100 at the last AGM on 23.02.2010. At the closing of the KLBC’s financial year on 31.12.2010, 124 members were in arrears of the 2010 subscription. For the year 2010, the KLBC managed to raise a total of RM117,572 from sponsorships, website and newsletter advertisements, seminars, workshops and the Legal Career Fair. D.SUB-COMMITTEES 12 Sub-committees were established to facilitate the organisation of the KLBC’s various activities and to cater to the needs of members. The Sub-committees were ably led by the following members: i) Civil Court Liaison Committee Pushpa Ratnam ii) Conveyancing Practice Committee Nurul Muhaniza Hanafi Chairman’s Report � A NN U A L R E P O R T 2 0 1 0 / 1 1 11 iii) Criminal Practice Committee Datuk Baljit Singh Sidhu iv)Environmental & Humanities Committee Roger Chan Weng Keng v)Information Technology Committee Richard Wee Thiam Seng vi) Legal Aid Ravinder Singh Dhalliwal vii) Professional Development Committee Jeremiah R. Gurusamy viii) Publications Committee Dipendra Harshad Rai ix) Pupils Welfare Committee Choo Dee Wei x) Social, Arts & Culture Committee Khaizan Sharizad Ab. Razak xi) Sports Committee Muhendaran Suppiah xii) Young Lawyers Committee Lai Chee Hoe The accompanying reports of the various Sub-committees are a reflection of the activities undertaken by the Subcommittees and these include: 12 • YLC Charity Nite 2010 Our Young Lawyers Committee must once again be commended for their efforts in making this year’s YLC Charity Nite yet another huge success and raising a record sum of RM63,486.95 for charity. • KL Bar Annual Dinner & Dance I must also congratulate our Social, Arts & Culture Committee for bringing an enjoyable and “glamorous” evening to all who attended this year’s Annual Dinner & Dance. Themed, “Legally Glamorous”, the event was held on 13.11.2010 at Prince Hotel Kuala Lumpur and graced by many Judges and former Chairmen of the Kuala Lumpur Bar besides other distinguished guests. • Legal Career Fair 2011 Now into its 4th year and scheduled to be held on 12.02.2011 at the Corus Hotel Kuala Lumpur, the Legal Career Fair, a project of our Pupils Welfare Committee, continues to be a platform for legal firms to meet potential pupils as well as to recruit lawyers. • IT Law Forum Having organised a few “mini” Forums in the last one or two years, our IT Committee this term embarked on a full-day Forum with the primary purpose of creating a platform for exchange of views and expansion of knowledge on areas of law related to IT. This one-day Forum was successfully held on 12.11.2010 at the KDU Law School and the success must be attributed to the efforts of the IT Committee. • Dialogue on “State of our Practice” held on 26.10.2010 Credit must go to our Civil Court Liaison Committee for organising the Dialogue on “State of our Practice” which provided members the opportunity to discuss relevant issues pertaining to the current Court system. It was well attended with a turnout of approximately 120 members. The two Managing Judges of the Civil and A NN U A L R E P O R T 2 0 1 0 / 1 1 � Chairman’s Report Commercial Courts, YA Tan Sri James Foong and YA Dato’ Seri Md Raus Sharif were also present to hear first-hand the problems faced by members. It was indeed a productive dialogue. • Seminar on the Criminal Procedure Code (Amendments 2010) held on 30.11.2010 Credit must also go to our Criminal Practice Committee for organising a highly informative Seminar on the Amendments to the Criminal Procedure Code. • Forum on Climate Change Doing our part for the environment, our Environmental & Humanities Committee is organising a Forum on Climate Change led by Chew Swee Yoke who had undergone training by Al Gore and his team on Climate Change. The Forum is targeted to be held on 22.02.2011 E.OBITUARIES We record with deep sorrow the passing of the following members of the Kuala Lumpur Bar during the year under review: Sng Kim Kuay on 01.01.2010 Ngae Koh Hieng on 15.05.2010 Rajasingam A/L V Ratnasingam on 19.06.2010 Satish P.S. Nair on 24.10.2010 The Reference Proceedings in memory of the abovenamed members and Mohamed bin Dato’ Mahbob who departed on 31.10.2008, Tan Sri Dato’ Seri Haji Mohamed Yusoff on 04.03.2009 and Leong See Ming on 12.06.2009 is scheduled to be held on 10.02.2011 at 2.30 p.m. The Proceedings will be presided by Y.A. Dato’ Aziah bt Ali. F.SECRETARIAT The Secretariat staff continues to play an active role in the carrying out of the policies and activities of the KLBC and its sub-committees and be the moving force in support of the KLBC and its sub-committees. With a strength of just 10 persons, the Secretariat staff had worked tirelessly to ensure that all projects and activities were successfully carried out besides performing other regular functions such as keeping records of meeting proceedings, processing Petitions for Admission to the Bar, collection of annual subscriptions, BC Box rental, maintaining the accounts, register of members and BC Box system, attending to day-to-day enquiries from members of the Bar, pupils-in-chambers and members of the public, just to name a few. I must say that the KLBC is fortunate to have a group of loyal and dedicated staff, majority of whom have served the Committee for many years. G. ACKNOWLEDGEMENT AND CONCLUSION I wish to record and acknowledge the co-operation and assistance received from the Judiciary at all levels and other stakeholders who had always met us, sometimes at short notice, to discuss the various issues that have arisen this term. I enjoyed my second term of service to the KL Bar and like my first term, my task as Chairman was made easier by the dedication, commitment and sacrifice demonstrated by each and everyone of my Committee members and it has indeed been my privilege to have worked and served the KL Bar with them. My thanks also goes to the Honorary Secretary, Dipendra Harshad Rai and Mary Tan the Executive Secretary who have both worked tirelessly to ensure smooth administration of the Secretariat. Thank you too to the staff of the KL Bar Secretariat for their continued commitment to the Secretariat. Chairman’s Report � A NN U A L R E P O R T 2 0 1 0 / 1 1 13 Finally, I offer my sincere apologies if there has been any shortcomings during this term and any criticism of the KLBC must be borne by me alone. I wish the incoming committee all the best and I am confident that they will strive to serve members in the best possible way and that members will continue to encourage and support them as you have supported and encouraged us this term. Anand Ponnudurai Chairman Kuala Lumpur Bar Committee 2010/11 Secretariat Staff L. to R. Masni, Kartini, Norhafizah, Rajan, Indira, Melissa, Mary, Yazid, Siti, Rosilawati, Norhayati, Salmah 14 A NN U A L R E P O R T 2 0 1 0 / 1 1 � Chairman’s Report Civil Court Liaison Committee Pushpa Ratnam Chairperson and Head, Family Courts Unit For this term, the KL Bar Civil Court Liaison Committee (CCLC) had decided to retain the sub-units to better cover the specific Divisions of the Courts namely Federal/ Appellate, Civil, Commercial, the New Commercial Courts, Appellate & Special Powers, Family, Bankruptcy, Subordinate Courts and Selangor Bar Liaison. However a new unit overseeing the car park issues was created to effectively cover problems faced by KL Bar members in regard to the car park at the KL Court Complex. Beginning this term, 2 survey forms were distributed i.e. one on the general practice of the Civil Courts and the other specifically targeted on the problems at the Subordinate Courts. There were minimal responses on the general survey. The survey done on the Subordinate Courts was highlighted during a meeting with YA Dato’ Seri Md Raus Bin Sharif, the Managing Judge for the Subordinate Courts. Head, NCC and Car Park Unit Sanjeev Kumar Rasiah Head, Subordinate Courts Unit Jennifer J Chandran Head, Federal and Appeal Courts Unit Colin Andrew Pereira Head, Selangor Bar Liaison Dato’ Kerry Sin Yoong Ming The CCLC has also had meetings and discussions with the various Divisions of the Kuala Lumpur Courts and amongst the issues raised with the various Divisions were the Case Management procedures, cause lists, uniformity of practices amongst the Courts, uniformity in procedures, filing system, draft orders and extraction. Meetings were also held with representatives from the Traffic Police and the Insolvency Office. Head, Commercial Courts Unit Himahlini Ramalingam The CCLC has had the following meetings/discussions:• Discussion with Puan Rodziyah Bt Ab. Halim, Administration Officer of the Kuala Lumpur Courts on 22.03.2010 on matters of car parking at the KL Court. Head, Civil Courts Unit Wilson Heng • Meeting with Puan Ong Wee Ching, Senior Registrar of the KL Subordinate Courts on 06.04.2010 on the operations and administrations of the Subordinate Courts. • Meeting with YA Datin Yeoh Wee Siam and Puan Rumaizah Bt Baharom, Judge and Deputy Registrar of the KL Family Court on 24.05.2010. As a result of this meeting, lawyers need to only submit 3 copies of the Decree Nisi and 4 copies of the Decree of Absolute and no longer need to file CTCs later as they would receive back two sets of sealed copies of the Decrees from the Court. • Meeting with the Director of Insolvency Malaysia and the various Insolvency department heads on 11.05.2010. Members attending were mostly informed of the latest updates in the Malaysian Department of Insolvency (MDI) administration. The Meeting generally agreed that there was a need for a separate meeting to discuss in detail the problem of private liquidators. • Meeting with YA Dato’ Seri Md Raus Bin Sharif, Managing Judge for the KL Subordinate Courts on 07.07.2010. Issues raised during the meeting were feedback from members derived from the survey done earlier. Meeting also discussed the arising issues on the documentations/filing problems, Civil Court Liaison Committee Head, Bankruptcy Unit Annou A. Xavier Committee Members Balbir Singh Chan Yat Hee Kunasekaran A/L Sevanthi Michelle Rossana Usman � A NN U A L R E P O R T 2 0 1 0 / 1 1 15 compliance of the Subordinate Courts Rules, car park problems, online cause lists and other related matters. • Meeting with the Traffic Police on 04.10.2010 on parking problems and traffic congestion around the KL Court Complex. Discussions centered on the problems of parking when high profile cases were heard in the KL Courts and to ease the traffic congestion, we had requested that a traffic police officer be stationed at the junction of the access road leading to the Court Complex during peak hours. • Meeting with the Managing Judges of the Civil and Commercial Courts on 22.10.2010 at the KL Court Complex. Various issues were raised during the meeting which included filing of draft/fair copies of Orders, filing of documents, fixing of hearing dates, Injunctions, Court administrations, Audio Conferencing, Court facilities, to name a few. At the end of the meeting, the Managing Judges suggested a follow-up meeting to be scheduled to ensure actions were taken on the issues raised during the meeting. • The follow-up meeting with the Managing Judges of the Civil and Commercial Courts was held on 26.11.2010. The Meeting discussed actions taken on issues raised at the previous meeting including several additional issues amongst which were differing Court commencement time, postponements, parking problems and submissions. A briefing/ discussion was also held after the meeting on the audio conferencing system to clarify to members how the system works. The notes of the various meetings had been circulated to members by email and posted on the notice board at the Bar Room as well as at the KL Bar website. Apart from the meetings initiated by the CCLC, representatives from the CCLC also attended meetings initiated by the Bar Council Court Liaison Committee where most of the issues raised at the State level were also discussed at the national level. CCLC Dialogue on ‘State of our Practice’ on 26.10.2010 In addition to the meetings, CCLC had successfully organised a dialogue on ‘State of Our Practice’ where members were invited to share and discuss their experiences on the changes implemented by the Judiciary i.e. the Tracking System. The Dialogue was well received with the participation of members of the Bar and also the attendance of YA Tan Sri James Foong Cheng Yuen and YA Dato’ Seri Md Raus Bin Sharif, Managing Judges who were personally in charge of the implementation of the Tracking System. The Dialogue was moderated by Dato’ Ambiga Sreenevasan with three prominent Bar members as the invited speakers; Mr Tommy Thomas, Mr Fahri Azzat and Mr Lim Chee Wee speaking on topics of Speed over Justice, Efficiency and Quality of the Judiciary and Is Council meeting its responsibility to the Bar, respectively. Members of the Bar gladly shared their experiences on the implemented Tracking System and freely criticised the new system as well as approved the overall changes initiated by the Judiciary. Conclusion and Acknowledgement This term has been marked with its continued challenges with the implementation of the new tracking system. The issue of the car park remains unresolved, despite several brainstorming sessions with various parties concerned. The CCLC did organise for a shuttle service from Matrade to the Court Complex in order to facilitate parking at the Matrade car park itself. Sadly this facility was not favourable to our members. The Managing Judges have, through the CCLC, advised members of the KL Bar to be patient until the extension to the existing Court Complex, which would include additional car park spaces, is done. We believe that continuous discussions and meetings with the Court Administrators, the Managing Judges have helped both ways in improving the present tracking system. The latest enhancement to the Judicial administration is the introduction of the Audio Conferencing System. As much as it is in its infant stages, members are urged to cooperate in giving this new system its intended purpose i.e. amongst others, to assist members from having to attend Court and to save them ancillary issues such as costs and car park. 16 A NN U A L R E P O R T 2 0 1 0 / 1 1 � Civil Court Liaison Committee I wish to record my appreciation and gratitude to the staff of the KL Bar Secretariat especially Mary and Yati, to the members of the KL Bar Committee especially the Chairman, Anand Ponnudurai for his continued support and most importantly the members of CCLC. I especially thank Jennifer, Himah, Wilson Heng, Dato’ Kerry Sin and Annou for their special efforts and support in the activities of this committee. Pushpa Ratnam Chairperson Civil Court Liaison Committee Civil Court Liaison Committee � A NN U A L R E P O R T 2 0 1 0 / 1 1 17 Conveyancing Practice Committee Nurul Muhaniza Binti Hanafi Chairperson The Conveyancing Practice Committee (CyPC)’s main objective was to resolve issues and problems faced by the members of the Kuala Lumpur Bar with other related agencies that are involved in the conveyancing practice. CyPC to date had met 6 times since taking office and had attended/been invited to attend briefings, meetings and events by various related agencies which were as follows: • Forum at the Lembaga Hasil Dalam Negeri (LHDN) on the Real Property Gain Tax Act (RPGT) on 26.03.2010. Issues discussed related to the Cukai Keuntungan Harta Tanah (CKHT) forms and procedure. • Courtesy Call/Meeting with the Director General of Malaysian Department of Insolvency (MdI) on 11.05.2010 jointly held with the Bankruptcy Unit of the Civil Court Liaison Committee. • Follow-up meeting with MdI Legal Department on 03.06.2010 - The main issue discussed was regarding the Private Liquidators on whether they are entitled to charge administrative fee of 2%-3% of the prevailing purchase price. • Briefing and Presentation of Documents Ceremony at the Wilayah Land Office on 11.06.2010. CyPC was briefed on the new operational procedures at the Wilayah Land Office. • On 17.06.2010, discussion was held with Wilayah Land Office regarding consent to transfer on appeal cases - whether it would be mandatory to attach photographs of the property. CyPC had requested WLO not to impose such regulation pending decision by of the Exco meeting. • Briefing by LHDN on RPGT on 02.07.2010. All conveyancing practitioners of the State Bars were invited to provide feedback, which was raised at the briefing by the Bar Council. • Members of CyPC attended a briefing by the Jabatan Penilaian dan Pentaksir Harta (JPPH) Wilayah Persekutuan Kuala Lumpur on e-stamping and JPPH’s procedures which was held on 14.07.2010. • Follow-up meeting on 14.07.2010 with the Wilayah Land Office with regard to the consent to transfer for appeal cases. • Meeting between LHDN and Association of Bankers held on 19.07.2010 at the LHDN office at Jalan Duta. 18 A NN U A L R E P O R T 2 0 1 0 / 1 1 � Conveyancing Practice Committee Deputy Chairperson Margaret KH Koh Committee Members Ahmad Khusyri Bin Abdul Majid Agnes Chan Cecilia Thong Shean Tyng Chong Wai Kuan Dennis Teoh Grace Chin Hanna Binti Ambaras Khan Jerome Peter Pagadala Kong Kai Jye Lee Choi Wan Rita Sabrina Wong Kee Ling Sia Yeak Koon Sri Rahayu Binti Mohamad Syahizan Amir Bin Abdul Wahab • Members of the CyPC attended a briefing between the Bar Council and LHDN on 20.08.2010. This was a follow-up meeting by both parties on issues raised in 2009. • On 24.08.2010 the CyPC had a discussion with the Registrar of the Selangor Land Registry in which it was announced that the Selangor Land Registry will process the registration of transfer for landed property within 3 working days. • On 08.10.2010 the Wilayah Land Office called for a meeting requesting CyPC’s help to promote their annual Land Management Seminar. CyPC also took the opportunity in raising issues concerning consent and appeal. • Chair and some members of CyPC attended the Land Management Seminar organised by the Wilayah Land Office which was held on 20.10.2010 at Legend Hotel Kuala Lumpur. • CyPC was invited by the Bar Council to attend PEMUDAH (Pasukan Petugas Khas Pemudahcara Perniagaan) monthly meeting on 19.11.2010 which was held at the National Productivity Centre, Petaling Jaya. CyPC clarified various issues arising at the Wilayah Land Office to the Meeting. • CyPC Chair had met with the Selangor Land Registry’s Registrar on 23.11.2010 to clarify problems concerning the 3-day process of registration of transfer as complaints were received by lawyers that the registration process took more than the announced 3-day period. Matters were then successfully resolved. • Wilayah Land Office organised a dialogue with lawyers on 29.11.2010 in which CyPC was invited. Lawyers were briefed on the recently updated procedures at the Wilayah Land Office. A document presentation ceremony was also held for the second time. Specific law firms with uncollected documents were invited and were presented with their bundles of documents which were collected by their respective representatives. • The Selangor Bar Committee invited the CyPC to attend a meeting at the Petaling Land Office at Subang Jaya on 03.12.2010. The Petaling Land Office had announced that lawyers/despatch that came to collect Title Document must provide their thumb print. • The Selangor Land Registry invited the Chair for a meeting on 09.12.2010 to discuss and resolve problems arising on matters pertaining to issuance of AA Titles. • The Wilayah Land Office called for a meeting on 16.12.2010 to discuss the Final Acceptance Test for the implementation of myForms (applications via internet which include Memorandum of Transfers, Forms 16S, 16M, 19G and 14A). Discussions also included MAMPU - the government agency responsible for creating the system. CyPC made a few suggestions which had been accepted and will be incorporated into the system before the implementation of the trial run. • The Wilayah Land Office invited the CyPC for the launching ceremony of ‘Jom Bayar dan Menang 2011’ on 21.12.2010 which was officiated by Y.B. Dato’ Raja Nong Chik Bin Dato’ Raja Zainal Abidin, Minister of the Federal Territories and Urban Well Being. Upcoming activity Conveyancing Hi-tea and Get-together 2011 CyPC is organising a hi-tea and get-together for the conveyancing practitioners in Kuala Lumpur. This event is proposed to be held on 25.01.2011. Main objective of the get-together was to create an event where the conveyancing practitioners can mingle around and exchange ideas. All the relevant heads of related agencies involved in conveyancing matters will also be invited for the event. Conveyancing Practice Committee � A NN U A L R E P O R T 2 0 1 0 / 1 1 19 Conclusion CyPC had managed to resolve most of the arising issues and had build a good relationship with various related agencies within the conveyancing practice. It is hoped that CyPC will continue to strengthen these relationships by working together to resolve issues through open discussions and mutual cooperation. Unfortunately, some of these meetings with the related agencies coincided with some of the monthly meetings of the KLBC and as these meetings were vital and required immediate attention in order to resolve arising issues, I had to give the KLBC meetings a miss. Lastly but not least, I would like to record my sincerest thanks and appreciation to the CyPC members for their continuous support and cooperation to enable CyPC to accomplish much of its objectives this term. Nurul Muhaniza Binti Hanafi Chairperson Conveyancing Practice Committee 20 A NN U A L R E P O R T 2 0 1 0 / 1 1 � Conveyancing Practice Committee Criminal Practice Committee Datuk Baljit Singh Sidhu Chairperson The Criminal Practice Committee (CPC)’s main purpose was to focus on issues or problems faced by members of Kuala Lumpur Bar with other bodies that involved in the practice of criminal law. CPC had met 3 times since taking office and had carried out the yearly routine of paying courtesy calls and had meetings with the agencies involved in the administration of Criminal Justice in Kuala Lumpur which amongst others included the following:• Courtesy Call/Meeting with Head of Prosecution Unit, Attorney General’s Chambers Wilayah Persekutuan Kuala Lumpur on 05.05.2010. Matters discussed included matters regarding documents under Section 51A of the Criminal Procedure Code, fresh charges and touting problems at the KL Courts. • Courtesy Call/Meeting with the Managing Judge of the Criminal Courts, Y.A. Tan Sri Zulkefli Bin Ahmad Makinudin in his chambers at Putrajaya on 14.05.2010. Main issue discussed was the new Kuala Lumpur Remand Centre at the Ibu Pejabat Polis Daerah (IPD) Bukit Jalil. • Visit to the Kuala Lumpur Remand Centre at IPD Bukit Jalil was done on 17.05.2010. The visit was to ensure proper facilities were allocated for lawyers. • Courtesy Call/Meeting with the Sungai Buloh Prison Administration was held on 09.06.2010. CPC was informed of the facilities and schedules of the prison. CPC requested a larger appointment area and extension of visiting hours for lawyers to see their clients which later was granted by the Prison Authority. • Meeting to discuss the Launching of Tracking System for the Kuala Lumpur and Shah Alam Criminal High Courts on 06.12.2010. The meeting was chaired by the Managing Judge of the Criminal Courts, Y.A. Tan Sri Zulkefli Bin Ahmad Makinudin. Committee Members Abdullah bin Ahmad Azreen Zainal Anuar Boo Yang Huay Datin Daljit Kaur Fadzila Haji Said Farah Nadiah Binti Zainudin Fong Fook Chuen Khairul Anwar Rahmat Lee Teong Hooi Lim Suek Woo Md. Radzi Mustafa Moghan Ramachandran Natarajan A/L Chinnaswami Ravindran Selvaraj Shamsul Sulaiman Siti Nor Rahayu Binti Baharin Notes of the above meetings had been circulated to members by email and posted at the KL Bar website. Criminal Procedure Code (Amendments 2010) - An Overview CPC had also successfully organised an Overview of the Criminal Procedure Code (Amendments 2010) on 30.11.2010. Speakers were Datuk Baljit Singh Sidhu and Datuk V. Sithambaram. Criminal Practice Committee � A NN U A L R E P O R T 2 0 1 0 / 1 1 21 The programme was very well received with 97 participants comprising 46 members of the Bar, 46 students and 5 from the academic/private sectors. Most of the participants commented that the programme had clarified what to be expected with the amended Act and were very grateful with the practical tips and information given by the speakers. Appreciation I would like to record my deepest thanks and appreciation to the members of the Criminal Practice Committee 2010/11 for their support and cooperation in ensuring all activities were successfully carried out. Datuk Baljit Singh Sidhu Chairperson Criminal Practice Committee 22 A NN U A L R E P O R T 2 0 1 0 / 1 1 � Criminal Practice Committee Environmental and Humanities Committee Roger Chan Weng Keng Chairperson Environmental and Humanities Committee (EHC) started the term by continuing the ‘old/used paper collection day’ in conjunction with the Earth Day on 22.04.2010. This year, 270 kg of old/used paper was collected with the support of EHC members, several legal firms and the KL Bar Secretariat. Proceeds from the sale of the used/old paper will be utilised for the Children’s Nature Camp project. EHC has also undertaken a major initiative in promoting the Climate Change Programme which is led by Ms Chew Swee Yoke. The programme started with the training of Climate Change Connectors from amongst members of EHC who after training, will be registered as Connectors at the Australian Conservation Foundation (ACF) regional headquarter in Australia, under The Climate Change Programme. This inaugural training has been successfully carried out on 06.08.2010. EHC hopes to organise subsequent trainings of a similar nature in future. The upgrading of as many Connectors to Presenters of the Climate Change agenda will be another level that EHC plans to achieve. All this would be meaningful in terms of effectively raising the level of cognitive awareness on climate change issues, from a long- term perspective. To date EHC had met 5 times. Several other activities which were diligently planned and successfully implemented by the EHC include: • UiTM Law Week 01-05 March 2010 which was organised by the Environmental Law and Awareness Club (EnLac) of the Law Faculty. EHC had been invited to open a booth during the week and several EHC members had voluntarily manned the booth. • A 2-day trip to Cherating Turtles Sanctuary was organised on 17 and 18.07.2010 to enable members and their families to gather hands-on knowledge of the importance of saving and protecting the turtles. 35 members of the Bar and family members had an informative trip and the highlight of the trip was releasing turtle hatchlings to the sea. Deputy Chairperson Saha Deva Arunasalam Deputy Chairperson Richard Wee Thiam Seng Head of Climate Change Campaign Chew Swee Yoke Committee Members Abdullah Khubayb Bin Awaluddin Amanda Man Aw Ee Va Cahan Khoon Moh Chen Sue Ann Dennis Teoh Fadzila Binti Haji Said Fida Izrina Izhar Haryati Yusoff Hoi Jack S’ng Kartina Mohd Sobri Kenneth Seet Wen Zheng Kahizan Sharizad Binti Ab Razak Lilian Siew Pul Mai Mohd Izzi Bin Talha Noortasha Dewi Paramaswaran Ong Shih Wei Shanti Abraham Mathew Thirunavakarasu Vijayan@Ganesan Yohendra Nadarajan Upcoming events • Children’s Nature Camp EHC is currently working together with the Malaysian Nature Society (MNS) to organise a 3D 2N Children’s Nature Camp. Arrangements are being finalised and dates are being fixed. • Climate Change Forum EHC is planning to organise a 1-day forum in February 2011 on Climate Change. The main objective of the forum is to increase participation and heighten the level of awareness amongst members of the Bar and public on the effect of climate change to the Earth and our daily life. The forum is also meant to be an eye-opener to the challenges ahead in reducing carbon emission to the atmosphere. Environmental and Humanities Committee Observing Member / Climate Change spokesperson Maya Karin Roelcke � A NN U A L R E P O R T 2 0 1 0 / 1 1 23 Conclusion EHC had planned many activities and some of them are still pending implementation. Lastly, I would like to record my thanks and appreciation to all members of EHC for their continuous support and cooperation, without which, the abovementioned projects would not have been possible. Roger Chan Weng Keng Chairperson Environmental and Humanities Committee 24 A NN U A L R E P O R T 2 0 1 0 / 1 1 � Environmental and Humanities Committee Information Technology Committee Richard Wee Chairperson The Information Technology Committee (ITC) continues to push for reforms and changes within the KL Bar’s IT framework. The KL Bar Website was successfully revamped at a reasonable cost in 2009. Further, a KL Bar Blog, Facebook page, Twitter account and a Flickr page were all set up at no charge. This has placed KL Bar at the corridors of internet windows, giving members better access to the KL Bar Committee and vice versa. Using these Internet Tools, ITC continues to explore advertising incomes on our website and blog in order to bring more income to the KL Bar. Additional nonsubscription income would only mean non increment of the current KL Bar Subscription of RM100. In addition, ITC continues to promote freedom of speech on the Net. With that in mind, we organised a few public forums since 2008. Forums on Blogging & Defamation Laws; and Identity Theft on the Net, were held. Deputy Chairperson Foong Cheng Leong Committee Members Anita Kaur Gerewal Aw Ee Va Chong Jia Ling Edwin Lee Yong Cieh Gary Lim Judy Lim Chu Dee Justine Chew Bee Ling Krishna Roy Sreenivasan Lee Shih Marlyn Perone Roland Kual Steven Wong This year, ITC organised a 1-day IT Law Forum on 3 major topics. Speakers invited included drafters of the Personal Data Protection Act; prominent bloggers and Editors of major News Portal. The 1-day forum was hosted with our partner, KDU Law School and was graced by the Deputy Minister of Information Communications and Culture, YB Dato’ Maglin Dennis D’Cruz. The Forum was well received and the delegates indicated that another Forum of similar nature would be welcomed. It is hoped that future ITC members will continue to organise this 1-day Forum as an annual IT Law event. Over and above that, ITC maintains positive relations with other IT related authorities and bodies. Dialogues with organisations including Malaysian Communications And Multimedia Commission (MCMC), Cyber Security and many others, were held every now and then, where issues of IT Laws affecting the public were usually addressed. Another project which was initiated last term, was finally launched in the middle of 2010. KLBC and DiGi entered into a collaboration wherein members signing up with DiGi, would join a DiGi/KL Bar Community. Calls amongst these members are free and SMS is at better rates. Smartphones and even free phones were offered to our members, in deals especially for members only. It is hoped, if this DiGi/KL Bar Community continues to grow, KLBC would be able to bargain better and more beneficial deals for our members in future. We encourage members to consider DiGi and join that community if members wish to switch telecommunication providers. The collaboration with DiGi also bore some sponsorship fruits. DiGi has offered special internet package to the KL Bar secretariat and the Bar Room at very low rates. DiGi has also sponsored some of KL Bar’s events by offering free Smartphone or free usage of DiGi broadband. Over and above that, DiGi continues to pay advertisement fees to KL Bar Committee to advertise on the KL Bar Website. Information Technology Committee � A NN U A L R E P O R T 2 0 1 0 / 1 1 25 These projects cannot be carried out without the strong and genuine interest of our committee members. Our Deputy Chair, Foong Cheng Leong, continues to assist and work behind the scenes to get projects running and going. The ITC members have continued to be supportive and helpful. Many thanks to you all! As always, the KL Bar Secretariat, led by Mary Tan and the EO in charge of ITC, Melissa Dass; have been the strong people of our projects. They continue to be the glue which brings all the parts of the projects together. ITC is grateful to our Secretariat, whom on many occasion, put their heart into their work, showing great desire to ensure all projects succeed. On a personal note, this is likely to be my final report as a KL Bar Committee Member. Serving the KL Bar since 2005, it has been an enjoyable experience. I apologise for any error on my part, and hope members would continue to serve and support projects of the KL Bar in the future. Richard Wee Chairperson Information Technology Committee 26 A NN U A L R E P O R T 2 0 1 0 / 1 1 � Information Technology Committee Professional Development Committee Jeremiah R. Gurusamy Chairperson The Professional Development Committee (PDC)’s main objective was to continue to offer members and pupils, through its legal education programmes, the opportunity to fortify their basic legal skills and to keep themselves abreast of developments in various areas of practice. Continuing from last term, the PDC embarked on various legal education programmes for both members of the Bar and pupils-in-chambers. This term, the PDC organised 31 events between March 2010 to February 2011, covering a wide area of Litigation, Conveyancing and Corporate Law topics such as Drafting Commercial and International Contracts, Shipping Finance, Privileged Communications, Tax, Medicine and the Law, Islamic Banking and Trade Marks, to name a few. Committee Members Annie Yin Aufa Radzi Balbir Singh G. Nanda Goban Jayaram Sankaran Justin Johari S.Saravana Kumar Sunita Sankey Wong Tat Chung To date, the response for the PDC events has been rather encouraging and it is our hope that members will continue to benefit from the programmes lined-up for the remainder of the term. We hope to see a continued support and increased participation from members and pupils alike. The PDC is also working with the KL Bar Secretariat in improving the facilities in the KL Bar Auditorium. In line with this, the PDC has from August 2010 revised its fees for the Seminars and Workshops conducted. The Seminars have now been categorised in 3 main target groups namely, Fundamentals, Specialist and Master Class Series. Some of the reasons discussed when considering the increase include: • It would be reflective of the value of the seminars. • The increase is only minimal and will not tax our members. • Private corporations are charging between RM1,000 to RM4,000 for a 1-day seminar. • Help to generate more income for the KL Bar in order to better serve the members. • Funds are also needed to refurbish the KL Bar Auditorium which badly needs an uplift as some invited speakers have complained about the conditions of the Auditorium. • There has been no increase in the rates for the last 6 years. For a change, the PDC is also looking at organising a 2-day conference specifically targeting the corporate sector. Jeremiah R. Gurusamy Chairperson Professional Development Committee Professional Development Committee � A NN U A L R E P O R T 2 0 1 0 / 1 1 27 The Programme for the 2010/11 term is as follows: Date Seminar/Workshop Speaker 10.03.2010 (Wednesday) 3.00pm SEMINAR: Drafting International Contracts - Dealing with Cross Border Transactions Jeremiah R. Gurusamy 26.03.2010 (Friday) 3.00pm SEMINAR: Privileged Communications - Current Trends Sudhar Thillainathan Jeremy Lee Pheng Yau 16.04.2010 (Friday) 3.00pm SEMINAR: Highlights of Recent Tax Cases S. Saravana Kumar 08.05.2010 (Saturday) 9.00am WORKSHOP : Modern Legal Writing (Basic) Jackie Yeoh 26.05.2010 (Wednesday) 4.30pm SEMINAR: Medicine and the Law P S Ranjan Manmohan S. Dhillon 26.06.2010 (Saturday) 9.00am WORKSHOP : Modern Legal Writing (Advanced) Jackie Yeoh 06.08.2010 (Friday) 3.00pm SEMINAR: Islamic Banking in Malaysia: Syariah Concept in Islamic Banking Mohamed Ridza Annie Yin 13.08.2010 (Friday) 3.00pm SEMINAR: Laws on Gated and Guarded Communities Andrew Wong Jeremiah R. Gurusamy 28 A NN U A L R E P O R T 2 0 1 0 / 1 1 � Professional Development Committee Moderator Ravinder Singh Dhalliwal Date Seminar/Workshop Speaker Moderator 20.08.2010 (Friday) 4.00pm TALK: Humour and the Law P S Ranjan Lee Choi Wan 24.09.2010 (Friday) 3.00pm SEMINAR: Tax Issues in Land and Property Transactions - Strategies to Minimise Tax S. Saravana Kumar 21.10.2010 (Thursday) 3.00pm SEMINAR: The Rights of Unwed Mothers Vicky Alahakone 27.10.2010 (Friday) 3.00pm SEMINAR: Joint Ventures & Strategic Alliances Jeremiah R. Gurusamy 19.11.2010 (Friday) 3.00pm SEMINAR: Understanding Trade Marks Camilla Anastasia Alim Janet Toh 26.11.2010 (Friday) 3.00pm SEMINAR: Winding-Up: The Voluntary and Court Liquidation Process Lee Shih 01.12.2010 (Friday) 3.00pm SEMINAR: Syariah Wills Mohd Amir Shahril Bahari 16.12.2010 (Thursday) 3.00pm SEMINAR: Understanding Shipping Laws in Relation to Acquisition and Finance of Ships Joanne Long Professional Development Committee Aufa Radzi S. Saravana Kumar � A NN U A L R E P O R T 2 0 1 0 / 1 1 29 Date Seminar/Workshop Speaker 17.12.2010 (Friday) 2.30pm SEMINAR: Restrictive Covenants and Confidential Information in Employment Relationships Edward Saw 18.01.2011 (Tuesday) 3.00pm SEMINAR: Enforcement of Foreign Judgments and Foreign Arbitral Awards: Recent Developments Sudhar Thillainathan Shara Ann Isaacs 19.01.2011 (Wednesday) 3.00pm SEMINAR: Drafting International Contracts - Dealing with Cross Border Transactions Jeremiah R. Gurusamy 17.02.2011 (Thursday) 3.00pm SEMINAR: Preparation and Conducting Trials Sanjeev Kumar Rasiah Colin Andrew Pereira 18.02.2011 (Friday) 3.00pm SEMINAR: Recent Tax Cases S. Saravana Kumar Siti Fatimah Mohd Shahrom 30 A NN U A L R E P O R T 2 0 1 0 / 1 1 � Professional Development Committee Moderator Jayaram Sankaran The PDC has also continued with its pupils programme covering the following: Date Seminar/Workshop Speaker 18.06.2010 (Friday) 3.00pm SEMINAR: Fundamentals of Civil Litigation Mohd. Izral Khairy Tharminder Singh 22.06.2010 (Tuesday) 1.30pm SEMINAR: Human Rights Law, Advocacy and Activism Edmund Bon 29.06.2010 (Tuesday) 2.00pm SEMINAR: An Introduction to S.218 Winding Up Petitions Alex Chang 21.07.2010 (Wednesday) 3.00pm SEMINAR: Fundamentals of Conveyancing Jeremiah R. Gurusamy 23.07.2010 (Tuesday) 3.00pm SEMINAR: Fundamentals of Bankruptcy Proceedings GK Ganesan 25.08.2010 (Wednesday) 3.00pm SEMINAR: Drafting Commercial Contracts Jeremiah R. Gurusamy 07.10.2010 (Thursday) 3.00pm SEMINAR: The Fundamentals of Criminal Litigation – Arrest, Remand and Bail Amer Hamzah Arshad 12.10.2010 (Tuesday) 2.00pm SEMINAR: Human Rights Law, Advocacy and Activism Edmund Bon 15.10.2010 (Friday) 3.00pm SEMINAR: The Fundamentals of Bankruptcy Proceedings Sanjeev Kumar Rasiah 28.01.2011 (Friday) 3.00pm SEMINAR: Fundamentals of Bankruptcy Proceedings Sanjeev Kumar Rasiah Professional Development Committee � A NN U A L R E P O R T 2 0 1 0 / 1 1 31 Publications Committee H R Dipendra Chairperson The Publications Committee continued to experience a decline in the number of contributions from members of the Kuala Lumpur Bar in the form of articles, commentaries or opinions. This trend had been highlighted in the reports by the Chairpersons of the Publications Committee in the last 3 terms. For the term 2010/11, the Publications Committee decided to publish articles and materials online on the KL Bar Blog at as and when they were made available. There were several reasons for this change of approach. The first was a commercial one. The costs of publication of Relevan for the previous years were off-set largely by advertisement revenue, thereby making the publication, printing and posting of Relevan justifiable from a commercial point of view. The last 2 years made it increasingly difficult to sustain advertisement revenue. The costs of publishing Relevan would therefore have been greater than previous years. Secondly, the proliferation of many recent online websites dedicated to legal issues has made it difficult to source for contributions from lawyers who preferred real-time publication of articles. The increased workload from the reforms initiated by the Judiciary also made it difficult for usual writers to contribute in terms of articles. Be that as it may, members were encouraged to submit their articles and contributions even if the same had been published somewhere else originally. Plans are afoot to publish a 20-year commemorative issue of Relevan in light of the 20-year anniversary of the founding of the Kuala Lumpur Bar in 1992. This project will be spearheaded by the incoming committee and is slated for publication at the end of 2011 or early 2012. Publication online at the KL Bar Blog also allowed us to publish material in a timely manner and it enabled us to archive all articles and contributions from members in a more organised and user friendly manner. Members were informed by e-mail when such articles are posted on the blog. Relevan online would not have been possible without the time and effort of its committee members and I thank them for their efforts. H R Dipendra Chairperson Publications Committee 32 A NN U A L R E P O R T 2 0 1 0 / 1 1 � Publications Committee Committee Members Mahendran Gnasamoothy Justine Chew Bee Ling Pupils Welfare Committee Choo Dee Wei Chairperson Civil and Criminal Litigation Workshops The Pupils Welfare Committee (PWC) continues to organise monthly civil litigation and criminal litigation workshops for pupils, the aim of which was to introduce pupils to basic legal practice. This was very much a hands-on workshop in which pupils were confronted with various practical tasks and legal issues. The areas covered in the criminal workshop were client interview, mitigation, bail application and trial process. As for the civil litigation workshop, pupils were trained in the drafting of opinions and pleadings and how to present a case in Court. The response to these workshops had been extremely encouraging. I am most grateful to practitioners such as Datuk Sivananthan, Sreekant Pillai, Colin Andrew Pereira, Richard Wee Thiam Seng, Mohd Izral, Tharminder Singh and Sanjeev Kumar Rasiah for having made these sessions enjoyable and beneficial to pupils. Committee Members Darshendev Singh Lee Li Hoong Tan Yat Ngi Teoh Choon Hui Alex Anton Netto Farah Adlin Binti Embong @ Ahmad Dialogue on the Ethics and Professional Standards (EPS) Examinations The PWC also organised monthly dialogues on the Ethics and Professional Standards (EPS) Examination where pupils were briefed on the purpose for the EPS course and the usual problems relating to the exam failure. Valuable tips were also offered to pupils sitting for the exam. I take great pleasure in thanking Puan Hendon Haji Mohamed and Sheila De Costa who had rotated among themselves in assisting the PWC during the Ethics dialogue sessions. Pupillage Handbook and Directory The PWC is in the midst of launching the Pupillage Handbook & Directory which will serve to guide pupils during their pupillage. The Pupillage Handbook & Directory was conceptualised as many pupils were unaware of what was required of them as pupils. Legal Career Fair The Legal Career Fair, organised annually by the PWC, is scheduled to be held on 12.02.2011 at the Corus Hotel, Jalan Ampang, Kuala Lumpur E-mail Group The PWC is also considering setting up an e-mail group for pupils to raise their provenances or any problems that they may have. Acknowledgement I wish to take this opportunity to thank the members of the PWC who have worked diligently and assisted namely Darshendev Singh, Jason Teoh, Lee Li Hoong, Alex Netto, Farah Adlin and Tan Yat Ngi as well as the secretariat of the Kuala Lumpur Bar Committee. Choo Dee Wei Chairperson Pupils Welfare Committee Pupils Welfare Committee � A NN U A L R E P O R T 2 0 1 0 / 1 1 33 34 A NN U A L R E P O R T 2 0 1 0 / 1 1 � Pupils Welfare Committee Social, Arts & Culture Committee Khaizan Sharizad Binti Ab. Razak Chairperson To-date, the Social Arts and Culture Committee (SAC) had organised the following events for members of the KL Bar and their friends and families: Blood Donation Drive The SAC organised a Blood Donation Drive on 28.06.2010 at the Kuala Lumpur Court Complex, Jalan Duta. There were 50 donors registered, 13 of whom were rejected because they were either under 45 kg in weight, having high blood pressure or low blood pressure or/and have lived in the United Kingdom from 1980 till 1996 and in Europe from 1980 till to date. A total of 37 units of blood were collected from generous donors. Charity Go Kart Race Committee Members Farah Intan Burhanudin Azrin Razman Bin Suleiman Imran Ismail Janet Chai Seira Sacha Noor Arianti Binti Osman Thirunavakarasu Tengku Nur Azura binti Tengku Safiyuddeen Nurul Shuhada Ahmad Zaki Ahmad Aizat bin Ab Rahman The SAC held its inaugural Charity Go Kart Race on 07.08.2010 at the Sepang Go Kart Circuit. About 40 people participated in the race, which included members of the public, pupils-in-chambers and practising lawyers. The nett proceeds of the collection from the event will be donated to the Orang Asli Settlement in Kg. Bertang, Raub, Pahang. LexisNexis-KL Bar Treasure Hunt The Annual LexisNexis-KL Bar Treasure Hunt, co-organised by LexisNexis and the KL Bar and participated by members of the public and practising lawyers from Klang Valley, was held on 24.10.2010. 68 teams participated in the Treasure Hunt of which 7 teams were from the closed category (staff of LexisNexis and members of KL Bar). RM25000 was raised. Altogether there were 25 prizes for the winners of the open category and 7 prizes for the closed category. Participants also took back prizes from the lucky draw. The grand prize was an iPod Touch. 9 other prizes were 3 iPod Shuffles, 5 digital photo frames and an Olympus camera. Annual Dinner and Dance The SAC organised the KL Bar Annual Dinner & Dance, which was held at Prince Hotel, Kuala Lumpur on 13.11.2010. It was attended by 350 guests which included Judges and practising lawyers from the Klang Valley. This year, there was a fashion show performance by local and upcoming designers, singing performance by Nadhira and a comedy act by Comedy Court. Movie Night The SAC organised a Movie Nite - a private screening of Harry Potter And The Deathly Hollows : Part 1 on 18.11.2010 at Golden Screen Cinemas, Pavillion. The event was well received by members of the Bar and their families and friends. Social, Arts & Culture Committee � A NN U A L R E P O R T 2 0 1 0 / 1 1 35 Miscellaneous The SAC is organising a visit to the Orang Asli Settlement in Kg. Bertang, Raub, Pahang in January 2011. Khaizan Sharizad Binti Ab. Razak Chairperson Social, Arts & Culture Committee 36 A NN U A L R E P O R T 2 0 1 0 / 1 1 � Social, Arts & Culture Committee Sports Committee Muhendaran Suppiah Chairperson Malaysian Bar Inter-State Bar Games The Malaysian Bar Inter-State Bar Games was hosted by the Pahang Bar over two days on 26.02.2010 and 27.02.2010 in Kuantan. KL Bar took part in this Inter-State Bar Games and won in netball (champion), volleyball (1st runner-up) and golf (2nd runner-up). Convenors / Committee Members Anand Ponnudurai Snooker / Pool A I Nathan Badminton Selangor Bar Ruby Cup - Netball The Ruby Cup, a Netball Tournament, hosted by the Selangor Bar was held on 26.06.2010 at Kompleks Sukan Negara Matsushita, Shah Alam. The KL Bar Netball Team participated in the Tournament and emerged as champions winning the challenge trophy. 20th “Sports Carnival” - KL Bar v Royal Selangor Club (RSC) This “Sports Carnival” Series was inaugurated in 1985 wherein several sports are played for the overall challenge trophy donated by the late Tan Sri Dato’ Harun Hashim. There is also a challenge trophy for each sport donated by senior members of the Bar / RSC members. The Series this year was held on 08 and 10.07.2010 and once again, KL Bar and RSC were declared joint Champions with both sides winning 3 games each and drew at 1 game. KL Bar won at badminton, cricket and netball whilst RSC emerged victorious in soccer, hockey and billiards/pool. We drew at tennis. The End-of-Games Dinner and Prize-Giving was well attended. The Boat race was held during the dinner. Though a non-competitive event, it was closely fought and won by RSC. Alex Nandaseri De Silva Cricket Khairul Idham Hockey Robert Low Soccer & Futsal Yeoh Cho Kheong Tennis Wan Syarihah Binti Razman Netball Chin Yeow Chong Volleyball Kuala Lumpur/Selangor Bar Games - 10th Series This Series was inaugurated after the split between the Selangor and Federal Territory Bar and both teams played various sports for the Lall Singh Muker Trophy, which is donated by Mrs Lall Singh Muker, mother of a senior member of the Bar, Mr S.S. Muker who is a member of both the Selangor Bar and KL Bar. This year’s Series was hosted by the Selangor Bar. 5 games were played in this year’s series which was held on 11.12.2010. The 5 games were hockey, football, volleyball, netball and golf. KL Bar won at netball and golf whilst Selangor Bar won at hockey, soccer and volleyball. Selangor Bar beat KL Bar 3-2 to become the overall champion regaining the trophy that it lost in the last series. Sivaruben A/L R Balasekaran Darts Shanmugam A/L Ganesan General The KLBC continues to maintain a badminton court at the SBA hall in Kampung Attap every Thursday from 6.00pm to 8.30pm to enable members and pupils to play the sport on a regular basis and to interact with other members. Muhendaran Suppiah Chairperson Sports Committee Sports Committee � A NN U A L R E P O R T 2 0 1 0 / 1 1 37 38 A NN U A L R E P O R T 2 0 1 0 / 1 1 � Sports Committee Young Lawyers Committee Lai Chee Hoe Chairperson The Kuala Lumpur Bar Young Lawyers Committee (“YLC”) for the term 2010/2011 continues to strive to create a platform for young lawyers to contribute to the Bar. The YLC continues to grow this term but we are still on a lookout for more young lawyers to join us. The YLC has 4 sub units which are headed by the Deputy Chairs respectively and this year, we have 2 YLC representatives who sit in the National Young Lawyers Committee; and they are: (a) Community Projects Unit - Kenneth Wong Poh Lim and Siti Fatimah Mohd Shahrom Deputy Chairpersons Chan Kit Kheong Professional Networking Unit Fam Yu Min External Liaison Unit Sandesh Kabir Singh External Liaison Unit Kenneth Wong Poh Lim Community Projects Unit (b) Practice Management Unit - Ruth Maran (c) Professionals Networking Unit - Chan Kit Kheong (d) External Liaison Unit - Fam Yu Min and Sandesh Kabir Singh (e) YLC Representatives to NYLC - Aston Philip Paiva and Syahredzan Johan We called our 1st meeting on 07.04.2010 at Wisma Kraftangan followed by the 2nd on 24.04.2010 at The Ascott, 3rd on 20.07.2010 at Wisma Kraftangan and 4th on 25.09.2010 at the Old Town White Coffee at Bangsar South. The Activities carried out for this term were: YLC Futsal at Padang OU on 21.05.2010 The tournament attracted participation of 8 teams. There were also special appearances from the junior members of the Bar Council football team. It was a joyful event be it on or off the turf. The goal of such tournament was to encourage the participants to congregate and be acquainted with one another. Trip to SPCA on 05.06.2010 YLC, in wanting to provide more avenues for legal eagles to give back to society, formed an Ad Hoc Animal Welfare Committee earlier this year and paid a visit to the Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals (SPCA) on 05.06.2010. The SPCA is an animal welfare organisation that aims to protect animals and to alleviate their suffering. The objective was to raise awareness amongst lawyers in respect of animal welfare. It was a touching sight as plenty of excitement was soon generated amongst the animals as the lawyers helped to clean the animal enclosures by changing newspapers and removing wastes, replacing bowls with fresh food and water, feeding, bathing and spending time with the animals. Many of those who could not make it for the visit donated items to the SPCA through calls for donations by the YLC. Items included necessities such as food and disinfectants, as well as clothes, household items, books, toys etc for the SPCA Jumble Sale and Charity Shoppe. The visit was reported in the Chinese Presses of Sin Chew Jit Poh and Guangming Daily, as well as The Star and New Straits Times. The YLC hopes to continue its Young Lawyers Committee Siti Fatimah Mohd Shahrom Community Projects Unit Ruth Garnet Maran Practice Management Unit Representatives to National Young Lawyers Committee (NYLC) Syahredzan Johan Aston Philip Paiva Committee Members Alvin Khoo Nee Jian Aric Wong Azrin Razman Bin Suleiman Benjamin Sathyanandam Cara Yasmin Kamaruddin Casey Cheng Khang Chween Chan Khoon Moh Chang Lih Yik Choo Dee Wei Choo Mun Wei Chrissie Lim Wen Hsin Christine Ooi Wai Ching Clarice Ngan Daniel Albert Daphne Chia Daron Wong Horng Yang Darren Malis Dipendra Harshad Rai Edmund Bon Tai Soon � A NN U A L R E P O R T 2 0 1 0 / 1 1 39 efforts to raise awareness on animal welfare and to encourage more lawyers to be part of its animal welfare programme. Jamuan Buka Puasa at Ali Baba’s Kebab on 18.08.2010 This event is aimed at fostering ties between lawyers in the Holy Month of Ramadhan. This year, the YLC decided to add a twist to the annual regime and changed the venue from last year’s Restaurant Kampung Baru Ikan Bakar to Ali Baba’s Kebab Restaurant along Jalan Ampang and from the normal buffet to a Set menu. The sets were reasonably priced at RM28 per person. The event was a success as several attendees were newcomers who had never attended a YLC event. The event lasted through the night with most attendees using the event to catch up with fellow Learned Friends. Visit to Parliament on 11.10.2010 8 YLC members attended the third session of the 12th Parliament. Member of Parliment (“MP”) for Rembau, YB Khairy Jamuluddin, was one of the earliest to arrive and very kindly took the time to greet each and every YLC member personally, where he subsequently ran through the agenda for the day with us. YLC also paid a courtesy call to MPs of DAP. The meeting, which was held at the Opposition’s Office located at the 13th floor was attended by YB Kulasegaran, YB Teo Nie Ching, YB Tony Pua, YB Ngeh Koo Ham, YB Anthony Loke, YB Liew Chin Tong, YB Wong Ho Leng and YB Chong Chieng Jen. We were given a surprise visit by YB Lim Kit Siang during the meeting. YLC Sports Carnival on 31.10.2010 In an effort to promote sports and foster closer ties amongst lawyers, the YLC had organised a Sports Carnival consisting of Badminton and Futsal. The Challenger Sports Centre Petaling Jaya was the venue fixed to hold the event. The carnival managed to draw in an encouraging number of participation for both badminton and futsal. All in all, badminton managed to attract a pool of 45 individuals for the singles and doubles events and for futsal, 16 teams roughed it out on the turf for the oneday event. Amongst others, the sports carnival saw participation from the Attorney General’s Chamber whom had accepted our invitation to join this event. The games began at 10.00am and went on until 4.00pm with plenty of action in between. With this effort, the YLC had managed to set-up an environment for individuals within the industry to mix around and share their passion for sports and it is hoped that in the future this carnival could incorporate more sports to cater to a wider interest and be utilised as a platform to further its objectives. YLC Candidate Watch of the Bar Council Elections 2011/2012 The Bar Council Elections takes place every year during the month of November. The purpose of the Elections is to elect members who will sit in Council and tasked under the Legal Profession Act to manage the affairs of the Malaysian Bar and to carry out various functions as specified under the Act. Candidates for the Elections are nominated by at least 3 members. The YLC embarked on a first-of-its-kind initiative to create awareness amongst the members of the Bar on the Bar Council Elections called the ‘Candidate Watch’. It is hoped that with this initiative, more members will vote in the Elections, instead of throwing their ballot papers away. Community Projects Unit Charity Night Auditions on 19.06.2010 The KL Bar Auditorium was abuzz with talent on 19.06.2010 when auditions were held for the upcoming Charity Night 2010. The ‘presiding judges’ were Seira Sacha, Siti Shahrom, Melissa Sasidaran and Christine Ooi. In total, 6 acts turned up for the auditions and 4 acts submitted their videos audition for consideration. 40 A NN U A L R E P O R T 2 0 1 0 / 1 1 � Young Lawyers Committee Committee Members Elyne Choo Yee Leng Esther Chow Ruen Xin Farah Nadiah Zainudin Fatin Nabilah Abu Samah Foo Siew June Foong Cheng Leong Giri Raj Haraesh Singh Kelly James Ding Tse Wen James Ong Janet Chai Janet Olivia Tang Mou Lung Joachim Leong Ming Yoong Joanne Leong Pooi Yaen Joe Teoh Zhuo Wei Johana Rosli Johnson Lim Fung Tat Josephine Chin Fong Leng Karthigaibalan Kelly Khoo Seo Ju Kenneth Seet Wan Zheng Khairul Anwar Rahmat Khaizan Sharizad Abd Razak Kok Wen Ying Kong Teng Mun @ Jason Kong Linda Lee Ching Ching Mak Kah Keong Malini Madiyazhagan Melissa Sasidaran Mohd Khairil Izzi bin Talha Muhamad Anwar B. Zamree Muthuveeramani Nadesan Ng Su-San Noraliana Zainal Abidin Nurul Hidayah Abdull Rahim Ong Hwee Koon Regina Chin Ming Ling Richard Wee Thiam Seng Seira Sacha Binti Abu Bakar Sharolyn Jeyanthi A/P Selvaraj Siti Munirah Maarof Sujintana Mongkolthanit Tan Aimee Tracy Hah Yan Shan Vince Chong Khin Young Wan Farhanim bt Wan Muhd Shukeri Wan Norizzati binti Wan Idris Yau Khai Ling Yeoh Tung Seng Yohendra Nadarajan Charity Night at GOSH on 02.07.2010 The most anticipated annual event returned with the theme “Still Legally Talented – Too Legit to Quit” held on 02.07.2010 at Gosh! Asian Heritage Row, Kuala Lumpur. The event witnessed talented lawyers (and non-lawyers) in showcasing their skills in singing, acting, and dancing in 10 performances throughout the night. Guests started to fill in the venue from 7.00pm and the event officially started at 8.15pm, when our emcees, Cara and Joseph, called for the guests’ attention to the stage and welcomed our performers on stage to kick off the night. DiGi, the official sponsor of the event, auctioned off a BlackBerry Bold 9000 and a Nokia E52 which managed to fetch a healthy sum for charity. More than 900 tickets were sold and a total amount of RM48,070.60 was received from the donations collected on the night alone! Charity Night Appreciation Dinner at Malaya’s Bistro on 13.08.2010 A dinner was organised to thank all the young lawyers in organising and the performers in making the Charity Night 2010 a successful one. Cheque Presentation to Marginal Youth Centre on 28.08.2010 After having a promising Charity Night 2010 on 02.07.2010 held at Gosh, the YLC honoured its promises by presenting the donations to the respective homes. The Marginal Youth Centre was presented with a cheque for RM20,000.00. The Centre shelters 31 children of whom are either homeless or come from a single parent family. Cheque Presentation to Selangor Handicapped and Mentally Retarded Children Centre on 04.09.2010 The Selangor Handicapped and Mentally Retarded Children Centre was presented with a cheque for RM20,000.00. This Home takes care of children and adults who have special needs and require special attention. The Home comprises of persons with various disabilities such as down syndrome, autism, physical disabilities and blindness. Professional Networking Unit Professionals Connect - Public Forum & Exhibition on 15 to 16.05.2010 A public forum and exhibition entitled “Professionals Connect” was organised by Balai Ikhtisas Malaysia (“BIM”), also known as the Malaysian Professional Centre, with the assistance of the Young Professionals Alliance (YPA) of which the YLC is a part of. Launched by BIM President, Dr. Tan Yoke Sing, this event was the first of its kind by BIM aimed at raising awareness on the issues and challenges facing Malaysia in its path to nationhood and maturation as a developing country. BIM was established on 21.01.1973 with the functioning purpose of encouraging good relationships and understanding between members of the different professional bodies and the public. Held at the Dewan Auditorium Tunku Abdul Rahman of the Malaysian Tourism Centre, the forum saw many professional organisations coming together to discuss and gain insight on current issues and challenges we face as Malaysians in trying to cope with the uncertainties and the ever changing environment. Traffic Light Party on 24.09.2010 at Changkat Bukit Bintang The YLC had its first Young Lawyers Drinks themed, “Traffic Light Party” on 24.09.2010 at Finnegan’s @ Changkat Bukit Bintang as an avenue for members of the Bar to mingle in an informal setting and to meet with members of other professional bodies. A few curious guests peeked in at 7:30pm but the pace started to pick up from 9:00pm onwards with crowds spilling down to the ground floor. The event saw many new faces with the traffic light dress code setting up interesting conversation pieces and introductions. The success of the format promises a second Young Lawyers Drinks. External Liaison Unit A Day with the Young Lawyers at KDU on 26.06.2010 The session started off with a short welcoming speech delivered by Fam Yu Min to the students explaining the objectives of the visit. A brief introduction of the volunteers from the YLC soon ensued. Students were then segregated into different tutorial halls and the volunteer lawyers were despatched into the respective halls to proceed with the workshop. The students were apprehensive at first but went along with the session. During the workshop, students were welcomed to ask any questions related to chambering, practice, in-house practice, areas of laws, contentious legislation and legal issues pertaining to the industry. Volunteers likewise shared their insights and experiences maneuvering the often-rough seas of the trade. All keen, enthusiastic and eager, the students were full of queries. A Day with the Young Lawyers at INTI, Nilai on 02.10.2010 The event started off with a welcoming speech by the representative from INTI and a brief introduction of the YLC volunteer lawyers. Thereafter students were divided into 4 groups, each comprising 6-7 students. 2 volunteer lawyers were assigned to each group to share their experience with the students. Along the 1.5 hours discussion, students were actively participating and asking questions. It was a rather rewarding experience to the students who were eager to know what it is like working as a lawyer, working hours, remuneration, experience, etc. More importantly, the volunteer lawyers got to see the students’ passion, enthusiasm and sense of justice. Towards the end of the session, each group appointed a representative to provide Young Lawyers Committee � A NN U A L R E P O R T 2 0 1 0 / 1 1 41 feedback. The students showed their gratitude and expressed their will of having us back again in the near future. Similar workshops were also conducted at KDU University College on 09.10.2010, International Islamic University Malaysia on 16.10.2010 and Taylor’s University College on 30.10.2010. Upcoming Projects: • • • • Donation to Orang Asli Settlement Dialogue with Youth Wing of Political Parties Speedtrack Course YLC Retreat Lai Chee Hoe Chairperson Young Lawyers Committee 42 A NN U A L R E P O R T 2 0 1 0 / 1 1 � Young Lawyers Committee Young Lawyers Committee � A NN U A L R E P O R T 2 0 1 0 / 1 1 43 Bar Council Legal Aid Centre (Kuala Lumpur) Ravinder Singh Dhalliwal (Ravin Singh) Chairperson INTRODUCTION THE PANEL 2010 for the Bar Council Legal Aid Centre (Kuala Lumpur) “BC LAC (KL)” has been an eventful and unprecedented year. There was once a time when the BC LAC (KL) was a re-active body that looked only into representing people who came to the BC LAC (KL) for assistance. This mind-set has evolved with time and today I can safely claim that the BC LAC (KL) is a pro-active Centre which looks more into the rights of Malaysians than ever before. Today Legal Aid is not confined to those who reach out to us, but also to those who we are able to reach out to. With the exception of the number of clients from Tenaganita programme, all our Committees continue to serve roughly the same number of clients if not more. The drop in the number of clients in the LAC/Tenaganita clinic is mainly due to a shift in Tenaganita’s programme and also to the emergence of other organisations dealing with migrant issues. The following is a more in-depth look at some of the more prominent projects during the past year. SUHAKAM REPORT - 23rd April, 2010 The year began with pleasant news when SUHAKAM found that the Arrest of five lawyers on 7th May, 2009 was a violation of human rights. The commission found that the arrest under Section 27 of the Police Act 1967 was not justified or necessary. SUHAKAM further found that the lawyers were not present at the scene to participate in the cause of their clients, but were simply performing their duties as legal practitioners in defense of the 14 people arrested. This was explained in detail in SUHAKAM’s 42 page report. While BC LAC (KL) would have preferred recommendations to be made by the SUHAKAM panel on the necessary action that should be taken against the wrongdoers, the BC LAC (KL) still welcomed the finding by SUHAKAM. URGENT ARREST TEAM With its experience from the HINDRAF Gathering, BERSIH Gathering, GMI Gathering as well as the May 7th Arrest, the Urgent Arrest Team has progressed into a proactive group aimed at assisting the rakyat in the event of mass arrests. The Urgent Arrest Team’s assistance in the 1st August, 2010 GMI (Anti ISA Protest) arrests in Petaling Jaya as well as the recent arrests during the “Water Protest” on 5th of December 2010 has proved the Urgent Arrest Team to be reliable when dealing with such situations. 44 A NN U A L R E P O R T 2 0 1 0 / 1 1 � Bar Council Legal Aid Centre (Kuala Lumpur) Honorary Secretary Fadiah Nadwa Fikri Asst. Honorary Secretary Harleen Kaur Treasurer Khor Xiou Shan, Valen Committee Members Ravi Nekoo Renuka T Balasubramaniam Latheefa Koya Ramesh Lachmanan Sa’adiah Din Preetam Kaur Abd Shukor Tokachil Rajesweri Paramasevam Murnie Hidayah Anuar Jason Kong Teng Mun Adlan Hadi Mohd Yusof OCTOBER 10TH ARREST OF 4 LEGAL AID VOLUNTEERS While most of us would have thought that the Polis Diraja Malaysia would have realised that arresting of Lawyers is frowned upon, we were proven wrong on 10th October, 2010. Four legal aid volunteers, who were trying to educate the public on their basic rights by distributing the Bar Council’s RED BOOK, were faced with the police when they themselves were briefly detained by the police for distributing the book to the public. Two lawyers and two chambering students had been handing out the Bar Council’s “Red Book: Police and Your Basic Rights” to members of the public in Bukit Jalil when they were arrested. The four were taken to Sungai Besi district police headquarters at around 3.00pm for disseminating the supposed “anti-police” publication. Although they were released some three hours later without being charged, the BC LAC (KL) condemns the said arrest and will continue to insist on an explanation from the Polis Diraja Malaysia. REMAND TASK FORCE The BC LAC (KL) conducted a 1 week observation run of the new Remand Centre in Bukit Jalil from 7th to 11th June 2010. The observation was very insightful and enlightening for the centre. Volunteers from the BC LAC (KL) held discussions with the authorities and recommended procedures that could be introduced or amended. The one week observation at the Bukit Jalil Remand Center has also made it apparent that legal assistance is much needed by clients at the remand stage. Hence the BC LAC (KL) is considering introducing a new programme for chambering pupils to attend to remand hearings as part of its activities and programmes. This consideration is aided by the fact that the centre is seeing an increase in the number of pupils signing up for legal aid duties. Remand Research Team – The BC LAC (KL) is also pleased to acknowledge the work of a group of young lawyers who have volunteered their services in carrying out research on remand in order to develop an updated and comprehensive training manual for the BC LAC (KL) OUTREACH GROUP As mentioned earlier, the BC LAC (KL) is now also about reaching out to the masses. On 23rd October, 2010 at the Brickfield Asia College (in Brickfields) the BC LAC (KL) launched the 1st Project Outreach Outpost. The said Outpost is located at 1st Floor, Brickfields Asia College (above CIMB Bank), 68, Jln Tun Sambanthan, Brickfields, 50470 Kuala Lumpur. It is open to the public every Sunday from 10am to 3pm and they have been in service for 13 Sundays. This is an unprecedented move by the LAC and I congratulate the Project Outreach Team who have pushed relentlessly and made the Outreach Project a success. NEW PROGRAMME - RESEARCH AND LAW REFORM PROGRAMME Due to the increase in the number of pupils signing up for legal aid duty and the need in the BC LAC (KL) for certain areas of research and law reform, the management panel decided to introduce a new pilot programme - the Research and Law Reform Programme. The pilot programme has commenced with a batch of 10 pupils collectively working on a given topic. The pupils are briefed on the topic, provided guidelines and given timelines for research, presentation and write ups. It is hoped that, where it is needed, some of this research would be used to lobby for law reform. BULLET COMMITTEE (Animal Rights Committee) The first of its kinds Bullet Committee was launched on the 3rd Quarter of 2010 with 3 simple goals. Namely to promote Law Awareness on Animal Rights, Push for Law Reform as well as to push for Enforcement of Animal Rights. The Committee consists of many non-lawyers who have been active in the area of Animal Rights whom are equally as enthusiastic on the goals of the LAC. The Committee has also recruited Chambering Pupils who currently are comparing Pro Animal Rights Laws from around the Bar Council Legal Aid Centre (Kuala Lumpur) � A NN U A L R E P O R T 2 0 1 0 / 1 1 45 world and working towards in-cooperating these laws with existing Malaysian Laws. NATIONAL LEGAL AID FOUNDATION (NLAF) The setting up of the NLAF is slowly becoming a reality. This project has been an on-going effort of the Bar Council and the BC LAC (KL) for the last 2 years and it is finally showing signs of success. The NLAF which will be launched with the aim of representing all Malaysian who are detained by the Police at the point of arrest to the point of Trial in Criminal matters, is due to be premiered in early 2011. We look forward to the launch of this Foundation. NGO PARTNERS We continue to maintain close working relationship with our NGO Partners, AWAM, WAO, SIS, Pink Triangle Foundation, Malaysian Aids Council, Tenaganita and UNHCR. The close cooperation between the Centre and all these parties have in fact increased our awareness and developed our skills and also enhanced the services we provide to various marginalised communities. THANK YOU We would like to emphasise that what we have achieved to date would not have been possible, if not for the tremendous support from our many dedicated volunteer lawyers. We would like to take this opportunity to thank every one of them. We also acknowledge that the mainstay of the BC LAC (KL) is the pupils undergoing their compulsory 14 day legal aid duties. We are planning to create more programmes for them to be involved in, even after they have finished their compulsory legal aid duties. My special thanks goes out to all the Project Heads, members of the Management Panel, to the dedicated staff of the BC LAC (KL), my Office Bearers, our Ex-Officios and to the Executive Director of the BC LAC (KL). Each and every one of you has contributed your time and energy selflessly, and for that I am exceedingly grateful. Ravin Singh Chairperson 46 A NN U A L R E P O R T 2 0 1 0 / 1 1 � Bar Council Legal Aid Centre (Kuala Lumpur) BAR COUNCIL LEGAL AID CENTRE (KUALA LUMPUR) STATISTICS (JANUARY - DECEMBER 2010) A. CLIENT STATISTICS: SUMMARY 2010 1 Sungai Buloh Prison: • Malaysian clients • Migrant clients Clients 2008 (Jan - Dec) 1407 (1008) (399) 2 Kajang Women Prison 168 81 23 3 Kajang Women Migrant Prison 132 74 22 4 Kajang Men Prison (Appeal) 470 6 22 5 Kajang Men Migrant Prison (Appeal) 3 4 17 6 Kajang Men (Juvenile) Prison - 393 408 7 Kajang Men (Juvenile) Migrant Prison - - - 8 Juvenile Remand Home 20 30 26 9 Dock Brief 4823 4706 3210 10 LAC Clinic 1585 2155 2628 11 Syariah Clinic 130 141 225 12 SIS 665 755 484 13 AWAM 411 348 318 14 PTF 80 20 41 15 WAO 115 90 83 16 Tenaganita 2284 5315 202 17 UNHCR 3931 3958 5916 18 Public Interest Cases 348 100 72 19 Project Outreach - - 68 16572 19328 14895 NO. Clinic/Programme Total Bar Council Legal Aid Centre (Kuala Lumpur) Clients 2009 (Jan - Dec) 1152 (855) (297) Clients 2010 (Jan - Dec) 1130 (810) (320) � A NN U A L R E P O R T 2 0 1 0 / 1 1 47 B. FILES: OPENED, ASSIGNED and UNASSIGNED – 2010 2009 NO. Category Opened Assigned 2010 Unassigned Opened Assigned Unassigned (carry forward) 1 Criminal • LAC Clinic • Prisons Programme 140 130 140 113 48 55 111 97 157 131 2 21 2 Employment / SOCSO 15 16 4 22 24 2 3 Family 65 70 10 83 89 4 4 Syariah 30 35 8 45 49 4 5 Others • Public Interest Litigation • Misc 8 8 6 8 4 - 4 3 4 1 - 396 388 129 362 457 34 Total NEW VOLUNTEER LAWYERS (VL) 2010 TOTAL 87 1. BC LAC (KL) Report on LAC Clinic Programme Report prepared by: Secretariat Committee Members Abd Shukor Tokachil (Co Project Head) Rajesweri Paramasevam (Co Project Head) Lim Chi Chau Farida Mohd Ainaa Shahirah Mohd Nori Meor Amir b Meor Omar Baki Noor Zurawati Ishak Ahmad Shahrizal b Abdul Aziz Shairatul Adora Yusof Choo Jun Li Ilham Umar Joanne Chua Kasthuri Krishnan Jeevanathan Angappan (Secretariat) “Without equal access to the law, the system not only robs the poor of their only protection, but it places it in the hands of their oppressors, the most powerful and ruthless weapon ever created.” Reginald Heber Smith, Justice and the Poor, 1919 LAC Clinic is one of the programmes set up by BC LAC (KL) to provide free legal representation and advice to public at large. It operates at the BC LAC (KL) which is accessible to the public from Monday to Friday, 10.00 am to 4.00 pm. The legal advice provided by LAC clinic covers a wide range of laws including Employment, Family and Criminal law. LAC Clinic is manned by pupils in chambers who are required to do Legal Aid Duty which is part of the Bar Council Ruling. The pupils may whenever necessary seek advice from experienced lawyers via telephone or in person. Each pupil will be on duty once a week over a period of 3 months. 48 A NN U A L R E P O R T 2 0 1 0 / 1 1 � Bar Council Legal Aid Centre (Kuala Lumpur) The details of the LAC Clinic pupils programme are as follows: No. Batch Duration No. of pupils 1. Batch 61 22nd February - 21st May-2010 15 2. Batch 62 17th May - 13th August 2010 16 3. Batch 63 5th August - 5th November 2010- 17 4. Batch 64 5th November - 28th January 2010 15 The LAC Clinic pupils have in total assisted 2625 walk-in clients between January and December 2010 and also 562 follow-up walk in clients in the areas of family law, employment law, criminal law, small claim procedure, consumer, domestic violence and etc. They have also done several Legal Interventions for clients, such as, obtaining interim protection orders (IPO) and police station negotiations, welfare assistance, labour departments’ negotiations, etc. In handling one case, a pupil was very affected when she interviewed a client who needed help in obtaining SOCSO payment. The client suffered injury during the course of employment in an accident but was not able to obtain his SOCSO payment as he was above the age of 55. Further more, the client’s wife had heart problems and was constantly in need of medical assistance from Institut Jantung Negara. His first son had passed away in an accident and another son was mentally retarded and lived with the client. The client’s family was very poor and suffered to keep afloat. The pupil in chambers who attended to this matter felt very emotional and eventually cried as there was nothing much that could be done legally. In order to help the client, the Legal Aid Clinic did follow up with the Jabatan Kebajikan Masyarakat and assisted the client to obtain financial support. The primary agenda at meetings was basically to plan the training for pupils, to source out trainers and revise the training manual. We also discussed plans to visit government departments and establish a network with other State Legal Aid Centers. Also as part of the agenda, it was decided that committee members undertake to facilitate the training so that practical feedback for improvement could be obtained. However due to the tight schedules of the committee members, only five committee members were able to participate in the trainings. The various sections of the training manual have also been distributed to lawyers’ expert in the respective laws to review and rewrite the sections, if necessary. The revision of the manual is hoped to be completed by January 2011. Generally most of the LAC pupils found that they had gained and improved in both their knowledge and skills including their legal intervention skills. They also said that their knowledge on procedure and in various areas of law had been enhanced. The committee members are looking forward to making more improvements in the programme so as to bring greater benefits to both the pupils and the public at large. The LAC Clinic was also instrumental in encouraging many of its ex pupils to set up a programme called “Project Outreach” in order to reach out to the people and inform them of their rights under the law. In the year 2010, LAC Clinic also made a friendly visit to a Welfare Department for the purpose of having discussions on how to deal with daily problems faced by our clients and to enhance cooperation between both parties. The meeting was attended by the Director of Welfare Department and the Project head of LAC Clinic with some committee members. The Clinic is also in the midst of arranging for another meeting with Welfare Department to discuss further on several issues such as domestic violence, senior citizen benefits and the rights of the handicapped people. Last but not least, for the year 2010 the LAC Clinic successfully organised an Outreach programme at Jinjang. The programme was done jointly with the Rukun Tetangga in Jinjang. The event was to organise a carnival at Jinjang. The carnival was also jointly supported by the Welfare Department, Jabatan Pendaftaran Negara, and Suruhanjaya Pilihanraya. The carnival created awareness and educated the public on many legal matters. During the carnival, our committee members, conducted role plays based on various situations and experiences in dealing with problems. More than 400 people attended the event. We distributed a lot of brochures and pamphlets on the Legal Aid Centre. Bar Council Legal Aid Centre (Kuala Lumpur) � A NN U A L R E P O R T 2 0 1 0 / 1 1 49 We would like to take this great opportunity to thank the management panel, all staff of BC LAC (KL), LAC Clinic committee members, volunteer lawyers, participating pupils and volunteer pupils for their interests and commitments in making the Clinic to run smoothly. “This is our special duty, that if anyone specially needs our help, we should give him such help to the utmost of our power.” -Cicero- 2. BC LAC (KL) Report on LAC/Syariah Clinic Report prepared by: Sa’adiah Din (Project Head) Committee Members Sa’adiah Din (Project Head) Nik Nurul Atiqah Nik Yusof (Alternate Head) Norhusniah Husin Yusmawati binti Ab.llah Nur Azlin @ Azliana binti Arifin Hamirah binti Ab Hamid Shaharizat binti Hashim Jeevanathan Angappan (Secretariat) The Syariah Clinic operates from the BC LAC (KL) The Syariah Clinic provides assistance to litigants in Syariah cases. This clinic runs alongside the LAC clinic whereby the volunteer lawyers give half day training for the pupils in chambers on the basic tenets of Syariah Law and the civil and criminal Syariah Procedures. For Awareness Week this year the Syariah Clinic participated in a joint project with Baitulmal. They organised a talk in Taman Mutiara Fadason, Kepong on 15 October 2010 (Friday). The talk at this event was given by Sa’adiah binti Din and two representatives from Majlis Agama Islam Wilayah Persekutuan namely Umi and Azizah. Sa’adiah delivered information regarding syariah law and the rights of Muslim women as provided in Syariah Law to the participants. Besides that, Sa’adiah also gave some information concerning the Centre. Further, Umi delivered a speech about Baitulmal. At the end of the talk the participants interacted with the speakers and shared their problem and issues. The figures below reflect the clients that BC LAC (KL) handled in Syariah matters:Syariah clients total no. of applicants 211 Files opened 41 Sought advice only 40 Advice - referred to Biro Bantuan Guaman 17 Advice - referred to other LACs 23 Disqualified (clients) 17 No Jurisdiction (clients) 7 There were projects planned at the beginning of the year which unfortunately could not be carried out such as: (i) Programme with the Syariah Court officers (a day seminar) (ii) Application to exempt Legal Aid clients from costs. We would like to take this opportunity to thank the Management Panel, Staff of BC LAC (KL), Syariah Committee members, the participating pupils and also volunteers for their interest and commitment in the running of the Syariah Clinic. 50 A NN U A L R E P O R T 2 0 1 0 / 1 1 � Bar Council Legal Aid Centre (Kuala Lumpur) 3. BC LAC (KL) Report on Dock Brief Programme Report prepared by: Jason Kong Teng Mun (Project Head) Committee Members Kong Teng Mun @ Jason (Project Head) Adlan Hadi Mohd Yusof (Alternate Project Head) Quek Kia Ping Rabiatul Adawiah Abd Rahman Khairil Anuar Azmi Erma Syafinaz Samain Giri Raj N.Krishna Raj Chong Khin Young@ Vince Geraldine Oh Kah Yan Norashikin Amiruddin Kong Suet Mei Hernani Jaapar (Secretariat) Introduction The Dock Brief Programme (“the DB”) under the BC LAC (KL) is the largest, if not most successful chambering students’ legal aid programme in Malaysia. The programme is the first stepping stone for a chambering student to test his/her advocacy skills amidst the legalistic environment of the Criminal Courts, the Police and the Docks. This has been an interesting year for the DB as the Committee has expanded with new members joining the ranks of the old guard. The Committee Meetings The Committee has had 6 official meetings, all of which were held at the BC LAC (KL) itself and numerous unofficial discussions conducted through emails etc. Below is a brief summary of the agenda of these meetings:1) 9th April 2010 - introduction of committee members, the programmes projects for the year and planning for Batch 61’s Mid Term Review. 2) 28th April 2010 - evaluation on Batch 61’s Mid Term Review and the solutions. 3) 15th July 2010 - discussion on Batch 63’s Training and evaluation on Batch 62’s Mid Term Review. 4) 27th April 2010 - recruitment of new committee members and planning on Law Awareness Week 2010 5) 21st October 2010 - post mortem on Law Awareness Week and planning for Batch 64’s Training. 6) 14th December 2010 - discussion on Batch 64’s Review and various issues on Dock Brief. Bar Council Legal Aid Centre (Kuala Lumpur) � A NN U A L R E P O R T 2 0 1 0 / 1 1 51 The Statistics As at 30th December 2010 the DB had represented 3210 clients in the Kuala Lumpur Criminal Magistrate Courts at Jalan Duta. The table below indicates the allocation of the cases mitigated by pupils:OFFENCES Drugs Possession Self Administration Theft/Poss. of stolen properties Film Censorship Offences I/C Offences Immigration Offences Others Jan Feb Mar Apr May June Jul Aug Sept Oct Nov Dec TOTAL 122 104 178 180 145 164 149 123 124 109 135 121 1654 69 74 106 99 90 97 98 80 88 69 92 78 1040 32 17 29 28 13 10 20 11 15 6 14 12 207 3 3 6 1 5 0 2 4 1 0 0 0 25 38 23 62 46 41 50 39 34 33 21 33 42 462 3 5 8 3 3 4 2 1 4 2 3 2 40 28 14 40 17 21 15 18 18 7 11 25 15 229 The above schedule clearly shows that the highest and most common offence in 2010 was drug possession. This is followed by self administration offences. It is noted that these two offences are inevitably linked where there are many cases where those convicted for drug possession would also plead guilty to a self administration offence. The graph below shows that the month with the most cases for mitigation was in March 2010 with 254 clients In addition, the month with the most walk in clients was June 2010 with 51 clients. In summary, as at 30th December 2010, the total number of clients that were represented by the DB were 3210 clients with 2149 clients represented via mitigation and 435 clients falling under the category of “walk-in” clients. The DB Room The Dock Brief room which was originally located on the 5th Floor of the Duta Court Complex has shifted to the 1st Floor (Ground Floor) on 2nd March 2010. The secretariat had successfully requested for the replacement room to be equipped with some basic facilities such as fans, air-conditioners and a built-in counter. Aspirations The main aim for this year is to revise and bring the programme in line with the changing face of Criminal Practice. If need be, an overhaul of the whole programme may be mooted. The Committee was therefore divided into 4 sub-committees namely Law Reform, Public Education, Liaison Building and Office Administration. The objective of having these sub-committees is to ensure that every aspect of the DB is improved. Projects Besides conducting training sessions for the pupils, the Committee was also involved in the National Law Awareness Week 2010. The Committee had obtained 5000 copies of the pamphlet entitled “Police and Your Basic Rights” (“the Red Book”) from the Bar Council. The idea was to distribute these pamphlets in line with the Week to further create awareness among the populace on their rights upon arrest. 52 A NN U A L R E P O R T 2 0 1 0 / 1 1 � Bar Council Legal Aid Centre (Kuala Lumpur) The event took place on 10th October 2010. The event eventually became the talk of the legal fraternity when four members of the Committee and volunteers including the Project Head, Jason Kong were arrested by the Police on dubious grounds. Although they were released a couple of hours later, the incident has been severely criticised by the Bar and by the de facto law minister, Yang Berhormat Dato’ Seri Mohamed Nazri. Training the Pupils For previous batches; namely, Batch 61 to 63, the Committee had invited senior criminal practitioners to conduct certain parts of the training in the form of lectures. For Batch 64 the Committee had extended the invitation to the Learned Magistrate sitting in Criminal Magistrate Court 6, Tuan Mohd Azali bin Ibrahim. The lecture that Tuan Mohd Azali bin Ibrahim gave allowed a Qand A session where the pupils and even the Committee had the opportunity to ask the Learned Magistrate for his views on procedures and feedback on the DB. The Committee would like to take this opportunity to convey their greatest appreciation to all the members, volunteers, speakers, secretariat and all individuals who had participated in the DB for 2010. 4. BC LAC (KL) Report on LAC/Prison Programme (Sg Buloh, Kajang Women, Kajang Juvenile, Migrant Prison and Juvenile Remand Home) Report prepared by: Ramesh Lachmanan (Project Head) Committee Members Ramesh Lachmanan (Project Head) Sharon Palani Ammal (Alternate Head) Sivanesan Nadarajah (Advisor) Letchiemanan Sithamparam Mohd Radzlan Bin Jalaludin S.Thavaraj Shahir Bin Ab Razak Rajendran Palany Arunan Selvaraj Manimaran Sinnakanoo (Secretariat) Introduction The Clinic was first started in December 1997 at Sungai Buloh Prison and slowly it initiated other related programmes such as the Kajang Women Prison (“KWP”) in year the 2000, the Kajang Women Migrant Prison (“KWMP”) in September 2003 and the Sungai Buloh Migrant Prison (“SBMP”) in May 2004. Meanwhile the Juvenile Remand Home (“JRH”) Programme commenced in 2001 and it ventured into the Kajang Juvenile Prison (“KJP”) in 2007. In March 2005, all the five Prisons Clinic i.e. SBP, SBMP, KWP, KWMP, KJP, JRH operated under one programme. The Legal Aid Centre also collaborates with the Selangor Legal Aid Centre (“Selangor LAC”) by having their pupils to participate in the Sungai Buloh Prison Clinic since June 2005. During the year 2010, the committee had: 1. 2 Committee meetings to discuss the various matters pertaining to the programme and Action Plans for the year 2010. 2. The Committee also conducted 4 Prisons Training Programmes for pupils from Batches 61, 62, 63 and 64. A total of 100 pupils attended the said trainings. 3. The Committee also conducted 4 Mid Term Reviews for the pupils involved in the Prisons Programme. Other Activities: Meeting with Sungai Buloh Authorities • On 9th August 2010, the Committee also had a meeting with Narender Singh (Deputy Director) of Sungai Buloh Prison and his officers to discuss the various matters pertaining to the Prisons’ programme for the year. The Prisons committee requested the Prisons Authorities to bring in more remand prisoners for interviews as currently there are not many remand prisoners who are coming forward for interviews. Bar Council Legal Aid Centre (Kuala Lumpur) � A NN U A L R E P O R T 2 0 1 0 / 1 1 53 • The Prisons Authorities explained that there are many reasons why the prisoners do not want to come out for interviews which are as follows: i) LAC unable to represent them in court; ii) Detainees have appointments to go hospital etc. cannot come out for the interviews; and iii) The detainees are not provided with feedback of their cases. • The Prisons Committee informed that due to lack of resources, currently the LAC only gives representation for KL Court cases. • Arrangement for LAC pupils to visit Prison Cell during their last visit for each batch. • Mani enquired if it is possible for the Prisons Authorities to allow LAC pupils to visit the Prison Cell during their last visit for each batch in order for the pupils to have more knowledge about the prison area and how the punishment is being carried out etc. • Narander Singh informed that LAC write a request letter and he will refer the matter to HQ for their approval. He suggested having the visit during the pupils’ first Prison visit. Prison Programme Pupils’ 1st Visit to Sungai Buloh Prison Cell On 7th September 2010 pupils visited the Sungai Buloh Prison Cell (lockup) together with the Committee Members for the first time and it will be a regular visit for every batch of Pupils once in a 3 months cycle. Prisons Get-Together Session and Dinner • On 26th November 2010, the Prison Committee organised a very successful get–together Session and Dinner for all the Prisons Authorities and the various Government Department Authorities which the Prison Committee had networked. A total of 50 guests attended the said session, namely, Prisons Authorities from Sungai Buloh and Kajang Prisons, Courts, P/Supt, OCCI of IPK Kuala Lumpur, Officers from the Court’s OC’s Department, Council Members, Management Panel Members, staff of BC LAC (KL) and others. Remand Population, Clients, Files Status A. CLIENT STATISTICS: Summary – 2010 NO. Clinic/Programme 2010 1 Sungai Buloh Prison: • Malaysian clients* 725 • Migrant clients *286 1011 2 Kajang Women Prison * 19 3 Kajang Women Migrant Prison * 22 4 Kajang Men Prison ( Appeal) 22 5 Kajang Men Migrant Prison ( Appeal) 1 6 Kajang Juvenile Prison 7 Kajang Juvenile Migrant Prison* 8 Juvenile Remand Home (Sek. Tunas Bakti Sungai Besai) and (Asrama Sentosa Sentul) 54 A NN U A L R E P O R T 2 0 1 0 / 1 1 � 371 22 Bar Council Legal Aid Centre (Kuala Lumpur) B. STATISTICS FOR FILES: OPENED, ASSIGNED and UNASSIGNED - 2009-2010 2009 NO. Category 1 Opened Criminal Prisons Programme** 146 2010 Assigned Unassigned 107 Opened 59 Assigned Unassigned 83 70 13 In the year 2010, a total of 83 files were opened and a total of 70 cases were assigned to volunteers lawyers. Please refer to the above statistics. The committee’s main objective for the year was to get as many lawyers to volunteer to take up cases from the Centre as well as to reduce the no. of unassigned cases. As part of its objective, the committee itself made a point that each committee members to take up at least 1 file to reduce the no. of unassigned cases and this is clearly reflected in the no. of assigned cases. Weaknesses • For the other state LACs we can only provide advice and the matter is referred to the respective state LAC’s. • Lack of feedback on the cases referred to the other state Legal Aid Centres. • The Clinic does, however face some challenges in achieving its objectives. The key challenges are the Centre’s lack of capacity to secure sufficient volunteer lawyers to cope with the number of cases to be assigned for court representation. Recommendation To improve the success of the Prisons Clinic, the following steps are recommended: • to reduce the number of remand prisoners among the lower income segment of society; • to ensure that remand prisoners do not remain in remand for more that three months; • to ensure that remand prisoners obtain proper advice to enable them to make an informed decision as to their next course of action; • to increase liaisons and cooperation with the authorities; • to have more exposure and training to be given to the pupils; • to recruit more volunteer lawyer to assist in handling of the cases and supervision; • to have BC LAC (KL) posters in Prison and Juvenile Home for Public and family members to contact us; Overall the Prisons Committee had been very busy year through out 2010. 5. BC LAC (KL) Report on LAC/AWAM/WAO/SIS Clinic Report prepared by: Ms Harleen Kaur (Project Head) Project Head Harleen Kaur Hernani Jaapar (Secretariat) NGO Representative Betty Yeoh - AWAM Nazlina Abd Ghani - WAO Sufiah Mansurdin - SIS Bar Council Legal Aid Centre (Kuala Lumpur) � A NN U A L R E P O R T 2 0 1 0 / 1 1 55 This Clinic does not have any committee members to date, despite best efforts such as:(i) emailing volunteer lawyers; (ii) encouraging and inviting Pupils to join as volunteer lawyers; (iii) requesting the NGO partners to invite the Pupils to join as volunteer lawyers. Despite the lack of volunteer lawyers on the Committee, the Clinic, together with its NGO Partners and the assistance of volunteer lawyers on an ad-hoc basis, has successfully carried out trainings and reviews and an outreach programme. Pupils There were 4 batches of Pupils i.e. Batch 61, 62, 63, and 64. The allocation was as follows: Programme Batch 61 Batch 62 Batch 63 Batch 64 KL SEL KL SEL KL SEL KL SEL AWAM 8 5 5 6 6 6 5 5 WAO 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 SIS 1 4 2 4 1 5 - 6 TOTAL 10 10 8 11 8 12 6 12 The chart below is a representation of the number of clients attended to by the Pupils:- The graph shows that SIS always had the highest number of clients compared to the other 2 NGOs wherein the highest rate was in May with 56 clients. The highest clients for AWAM were in February and October with 38 clients and the highest rate for WAO was 14 clients which were in November. There was no client recorded at WAO in March and April. Overall as at 30th December 2010, the total clients for AWAM, WAO and SIS were 318, 83 and 484 respectively. The Project Head has implemented an additional reporting system whereby Pupils are to journal their experience and the writings will be compiled and forwarded monthly to the LAC by the NGO Partners. This is to allow the LAC to assess for itself whether the Pupils allocation is meeting the needs of the NGO Partners or whether the Pupils do not have work to do. Mobile Legal Clinic (MLC) at PPR Laksamana The objective of the MLC was to educate the participants of their rights. The participants were mostly female home-makers from low income communities who have a limited understanding of laws, rights and the justice system. The MLC is a tool to reach people whom we would otherwise not come into contact with. The topics covered were the Domestic Violence Act, Family Law, Employment and Labour Law and Syariah Law. 56 A NN U A L R E P O R T 2 0 1 0 / 1 1 � Bar Council Legal Aid Centre (Kuala Lumpur) Recruitment of Volunteer Lawyers The Executive Director of the LAC organised a get-together of Pupils who had indicated an interest in joining the LAC as volunteer lawyers. An option presented to the Pupils was to join this Committee. The 1st meeting with the Pupils was scheduled for 24th September 2010. Following continuous efforts, it appears that an ad-hoc group consisting of young and fresh volunteer lawyers may be set up soon. 6. BC LAC (KL) Report on LAC Migrant and Refugee Clinic Report prepared by: Renuka Balasubramaniam and Latheefa Koya (Co-Project Heads) The year began with the committee attending a training organised by SUARAM and the Bar Council National Legal Aid Center on Refugee Status Determination from 19th 21st February 2010. The following week, the project heads conducted a session each and several committee members attending a training organised by the Law Reform Sub Committee on Migrants Refugees and Immigration Affairs 26th - 28th February 2010. This knowledge gained on local and international practice was then shared during the sessions on immigration law and employment law affecting non-citizens with pupils in the LAC clinic. Project heads volunteered on a total of 2 occasions during the year for this purpose. It was anticipated that in the event migrants or refugees walk in to the clinic, the pupils would need some basic awareness. The pupils at Tenaganita and UNHCR were already receiving specific training on these issues through the partner organisations. The committee regretted the small grant it was allocated in spite of its request in the previous year. Notwithstanding the same, the commitment, passion, dynamism and great network connections of its members enabled many obstacles to be overcome and last year’s objectives of gathering knowledge of regional and international advances in the area of refugee and migrant advocacy were achieved. The committee met on 21st May 2010 and 22nd June 2010. All committee members were able to participate in regional / international trainings, workshops and / or discussions during the year. Reports are enclosed below Report on ARLAN Workshop held in Hong Kong (9th 11th June 2010) By Fadiah Nadwa Binti Fikri Upon the invitation of ARLAN (Asian Refugee Legal Aid Network), two members of the committee, Fadiah Nadwa Binti Fikri and Murnie Hidayah Binti Anuar attended its first workshop which was held in Hong Kong on 9th to 11th June 2010. ARLAN is a project that is established to enhance the provision of legal aid to refugees in Asia. Participants who attended ARLAN’s first workshop were from Malaysia, Indonesia, Thailand, Japan, South Korea and Hong Kong. In the workshop, participants were given the tasks to present issues as follows:1) Challenges and problems faced by legal aid providers; 2) Solutions to the challenges and problems faced by legal aid providers; 3) The types of legal aid work delivered to refugees. Participants presented their experiences based on the given tasks. This exercise provided vast information as the various methods used in other jurisdictions in delivering legal aid to refugees. Participants were able to exchange ideas and experiences which can be adopted in enhancing their respective scope of legal aid work back in their own countries. This workshop also gave the participants the opportunity to stay connected to the network as to obtain assistance and support in term of legal materials and legal advice in dealing with refugee issues. Report on International Summer School in Forced Migration (5th to 23rd July 2010) By Renuka T Balasubramaniam The three week school covered lectures and tutorials on the general themes of Conceptualising Forced Migration, Asylum policy and International Refugee Law, Internally Displaced Persons, Negotiating Institutional Responses, Development Induced Displacement and the Globalisation of Forced Migration. As the summer school’s main objective is to facilitate dialogue between researchers, practitioners, policy-makers and government officials- all those who are working to improve the situation Bar Council Legal Aid Centre (Kuala Lumpur) � A NN U A L R E P O R T 2 0 1 0 / 1 1 57 of refugees and other forced migrants, films, role play exercises and presentations were included to enable participants to learn by assuming the roles of the institutions they often have to contend with in the course of their work. Through the school, participants were given the opportunity to reflect on their experience and to think critically about the aims and assumptions which underlie their work. Attendance was sponsored partially by the Refugee Studies center. Report on 3rd Asia Pacific Consultation on Refugee Rights (25th 27th November 2010) By Farida Mohamad The 3rd Asia Pacific Consultation on Refugee Rights was held on 25th 27th November 2010, 9.00 a.m. at Rama Hotel, Suan Luang, Bangkok. The programme was well attended by 117 participants from 22 countries. Attendance was sponsored partially by Persatuan Kebajikan Good Shepherd and the funds allocated for the purpose by the clinic. The programme started with an introductory session by Alice Nah wherein she had given the overview on the historical background, structure, core principles and objectives of APRRN. The participants were also introduced with the steering committee of APRRN. The sessions conducted during this programme are, among others, working with UNHCR for Urban Refugees, Refugees from Burma in the Asia Pacific Region, Regional Approaches to Refugee Protection, Legal Aid and Advocacy and Immigration Detention. The discussions and debates were lively and productive. Among issues raised by the participants are the effectiveness of UNHCR in dealing with protection of refugees, condition of detention centres and refugee’s access to justice. A thematic session on Legal Aid and Advocacy was conducted by Martin Jones on the second day of this programme wherein the discussion was centered on legal education in relation to refugee law in universities and continuing legal education around Asia Pacific region. In this session, the representative of Kuala Lumpur Bar Council Legal Aid Centre had shared with the participants about the scope of work of LAC’s UNHCR and Tenaganita Clinic and the task assign to pupil who attached with the clinic during the compulsory 14 days legal aid duty. The session concluded on 27 November 2010 with the last session of APRRN Strategic Plan for 2011-2013. Overall, the programme was successful and the participants had benefitted from this programme. Report on South East Asia Legal Aid Workshop (29th November - 2nd December 2010) by Latheefa Koya This workshop which was by invitation held in Jakarta by Lembaga Badan Hukum (Indonesia) and Pyoepin (Myanmar) discussed the concept of legal aid in the region and opportunities for cooperation between legal aid service providers. 7. BC LAC (KL) Report on LAC/PT/MAC Legal Clinic Report submitted by: Preetam Kaur and Secretariat Committee Members BC LAC (KL) representatives: Preetam Kaur Andrew Heng Zuraifah Abd Rahman Lim Kar Mern Jag Ramachandran Lee Kuang Wei (Mathews) Thirunavakarasu Genevieve Tan Natalie Chew (Suhakam) Chitrah Rajandran (Secretariat) PT Foundation representative: Hisham Hussein (Chair) Malaysian AIDS Council (MAC) Datuk Zaman Khan (President) Malaysian HIV Bill The year ahead started with announcements of the inaugural Malaysian HIV Bill as part of the major activities by the LAC/ PT/MAC Legal Clinic Committee. The Committees were allocated with tasks to conduct research on the various countries which formulating or enacting HIV Act. The meeting was held on 6th March 2010 (Saturday) from 3.30 pm until 6.30 pm. The members are still looking into research. 58 A NN U A L R E P O R T 2 0 1 0 / 1 1 � Bar Council Legal Aid Centre (Kuala Lumpur) Activities for 2010 1. The members conducted an interview with Monash Students on publication of short video on TG (Transgender) plights and the legal implications. The video documentation was conducted at BC LAC (KL) on 15 May 2010 (Saturday) at 4pm. 2. The Outdo outreach clinic was conducted with a woman NGO on 19th June 2010 (Saturday) at 6.45 pm. This confidential sharing was attended by 19 women. Preetam and Gen conducted the session and the Outdo members would like to hold more sessions pertaining to law awareness. 3. PT Foundation’s Sex Workers programme had their inaugural Carnival Jom Ke Chow Kit on 31 July 2010 from 4.00 pm onwards. The main objectives of the carnival is to bring the communities with the service providers such as MAC, National Cancer Society, DUREX, Bar Council Constitutional Law Committee with their Rakyat Skit, food prepared by single mothers and face painting. When the committee reached at the scene, we were received with news of a few of our sex workers being arrested near the carnival. Despite the downpour, we started to conduct our legal intervention by calling the police stations and visiting the Chow Kit Police Station. After the tussle with the authorities finally the women were released at about 7.15pm and we celebrated the final part of the party with joining hands and singing songs with the communities. 4. The committee organised jointly with Malaysian AIDS Council (MAC) and Majlis Agama Islam Selangor (MAIS) a closed door dialogue on Mak Nyah, HIV and Islam on 28th September 2010 at KL Bar Auditorium from 10am until 4pm. The main objectives of the dialogue are to make the various religious bodies aware of the legal definition of Section 28 of the Syariah Criminal Enactment. Upon understanding the definition and explanation by Dato’ Zaidi Zain, the representatives agreed that under the Syariah Criminal Procedures in Wilayah Persekutuan, cross dressing is not an offence. We hope that more religious bodies would be open and stop the prosecution of Transgender communities for cross dressings. 5.National Legal Aid Committee (NLAC) yearly conducted their Law Awareness Week Campaign from 9th October 2010 until 17th October 2010 to create legal awareness. The committee decided to conduct 4 sessions for the communities. • 9th October 2010, 12pm at Positive Living with HIV/AIDS (PLHIV) and MSMPOZ (Men Having Sex with Men PLHIV). 14 PLHIV participated in the briefing. Pramo V Nair, Matthews Lee and Chitrah assisted in the brief whereas Elena Shim (writer) attended on behalf of the BC LAC (KL) Publications committee • 10th October 2010, 10am at Sex Workers (SW). 38 women participated in this thought provoking briefing. Natalie Chew and Chitrah assisted in the brief with Joachim Leong and Janice Tay (writers) attended on behalf of the BC LAC (KL) Publications committee • 10th October 2010, 3pm at Transgender (TG) Centre. There were 20 TGs participated vocally in the brief. Natalie Chew and Chitrah assisted • 16th October 2010, 10am at SAFE Clinic at Brickfields. The SAFE Clinic is a confidential non-profit making setup offering screening, treatment and counseling for sexually transmitted infections and HIV for everyone. We conducted an outreach clinic and conducted a simple research on people understanding on Legal Aid Centre. Our findings - 57 participated in the research, 10% Youth; 70 % Middle Age and 20 % migrants are not aware of legal aid or their rights. We feel that such stats in 2010 in alarming considering the way our country seeking for developments and people are not aware of their legal rights. • 18th December 2010 and 19th December 2010 (10am - 3.30pm). The committee conducted Workshop on Laws for the marginalised. The participants are from PT, WAKE and other NGO which work closely with the marginalised. Bar Council Legal Aid Centre (Kuala Lumpur) � A NN U A L R E P O R T 2 0 1 0 / 1 1 59 The Pupils Programme The pupil’s programme has been regularly conducted by Preetam. Recently, the pupils programme had been conducted by Kar Mern and Genevieve. Below is the statistics for the cases pupils handled:NO MONTH NUMBERS 1 JANUARY - 2 FEBRUARY 1 3 MARCH 2 4 APRIL 9 5 MAY 4 6 JUNE 1 7 JULY - 8 AUGUST 4 9 SEPTEMBER 5 10 OCTOBER 5 11 NOVEMBER 9 12 DECEMBER 1 TOTAL 41 The type of cases which the pupils handled are cross dressings, employment, unlawful arrest, identity card, expulsion from school, breach of contract and financial aid matters. We take this opportunity to highlight to members of Bar that the committee in need of lawyers who are keen in helping the marginalised communities. Sign up as volunteers even if you are a pupil. The LAC/PT/MAC Legal Clinic is placing our sincere request for special consideration to All State Bar representatives which is to attempt in formulating a special legal clinic for the marginalised in order to assist them legally and campaigns for decriminalisation of the marginalised communities in Malaysia. Our findings, more and more communities are facing harassment and human rights violation towards the marginalised hence we urge other state lawyers to help to stop harsh enforcement towards the marginalised. They are faced with constant beatings, harassments, bullying, usage of vulgar languages and ill treatments during arrest or detention. 60 A NN U A L R E P O R T 2 0 1 0 / 1 1 � Bar Council Legal Aid Centre (Kuala Lumpur) Finally, I extend my gratitude and appreciation to all of my committee members, my staff and lawyers from the BC LAC (KL) who assisted in the running of the LAC/PT/MAC Legal Clinic thus far. 8. BC LAC (KL) Report on Legal Awareness Programme (Orientation) Report prepared by Ravin Singh and Secretariat Committee Members Vernon Jude SamuelNik Waheeda Nik Kamarulzama Farida Mohammad Premjit Singh Abd Shukor Tokachil Puspawati Rosman Dipendra Harshad Rai Raina Kiren Kaur Fadiah Nadwa Fikri Rajen Devaraj Farhana Abdul Halim Rajesweri Paramasevam Genevieve Tan Ravi Nekoo Harleen Kaur Ravinder Singh Dhalliwal Intan Farida Adnan Sasha Lyna Abdul Latif Juvita Jumpil Surendran K. Sreetharan Khor Xiou Shan, Valen Syuhaini Safwan Komathi Arunaslam Stephanie Bastian Latheefa Koya Yohendra Nadarajan Mohd Radzlan Jalaludin Sheena Manicam (Secretariat) and Murnie Hidayah Anuar Legal AIDERS Introduction The Legal Awareness Programme (“Programme”) is one of the most important programmes of the Bar Council Legal Aid Centre (KL) (“BC LAC (KL)”). Through this programme, pupils, who are the backbone of the Centre, will experience the “real dimension” as to what is required and expected from them during their 14 days of Compulsory Legal Aid Duty. Further, the programme will introduce the various programmes/clinics conducted by the BC LAC (KL) to the pupils. Objectives • to help the pupils to discover and understand their roles and responsibilities as lawyers in the society; • to inculcate a sense of social responsibility and a concern for human rights, the rule of law and justice among the pupils; • to expose the pupils to legal aid as well as to instill and develop a long term commitment towards legal aid and equal access to justice, which extends beyond their Compulsory Legal Aid Duties and various BC LAC (KL) programmes/ clinics; and • to educate the pupils to utilise their legal knowledge and skills in helping those who are in need of legal aid and to contribute back to the society. Activities As of 30th December 2010, the Legal Awareness Programme Committee (“Committee”) has conducted the following programmes/sessions: 1. Committee Meetings 4 committee meetings were held throughout the year. 2. Orientation Sessions 11 orientation sessions were held and the Committee had trained approximately 740 pupils from Batch 61, 62, 63, 64 and 65. The orientation sessions utilise a participative methodology, incorporating group dynamics, open discussion, human rights input as well as introduction to the various BC LAC (KL) programmes/clinics. The Committee has also opened up the orientation sessions to pupils from other states. To date, approximately 100 pupils from Selangor Legal Aid Centre have been trained. Bar Council Legal Aid Centre (Kuala Lumpur) � A NN U A L R E P O R T 2 0 1 0 / 1 1 61 The sessions were facilitated by Vernon Jude Samuel, Hor Shirley, N. Yohendra, Harleen Leena, Mohd Radzlan Jalaludin, Murnie Hidayah, Premjit Singh, Rajen Devaraj, Surendran Sreetharan, Stephanie Bastian and Sheena Manicam. 3.Exit Evaluation Sessions 4 Exit Evaluation sessions were held for all pupils from Batch 60, 61, 62 and 63 who were involved in the various BC LAC (KL) Programmes/Clinics. This session is designed to appreciate the pupils contributions toward the public and LAC. A total of 510 pupils have participated in the sessions and shared their experience in the various programmes/ clinics which they have served as part of their legal aid duty. During these sessions, the Committee had invited Brendan Navin Siva, Ravin Singh, Edmund Bon, and Roger Chan Weng Keng as guest speakers to show appreciation to the pupils for their contribution and further encourage them to be involved in the BC LAC (KL)’s future activities. 4. Advance Training “Legal Awareness and Leadership for Lawyers” The Committee conducted its 7thAdvanced Training called “Legal Awareness and Leadership for Lawyers’ on 10th and 11th July 2010 at De Palma Hotel, Sepang. This training is designed to encourage pupils/lawyers to continue their involvement in the BC LAC (KL). This programme emphasised on the importance of the role played by pupils/young lawyers in the society and their duties towards the society. The Committee also used this opportunity to recruit young volunteers/leaders for legal aid work and to obtain more detailed feedback and recommendation to improve BC LAC (KL) programmes and the Malaysian Bar as a whole. A total of 29 participants took part in this training. The training was facilitated by six Committee Members, namely, Vernon Jude Samuel, Rajen Devaraj, Harleen Kaur, Farida Mohammad, Premjit Singh and Stephanie Bastian. 5. Legal AIDERS The Legal AIDERS, a group comprising of approximately 40 young lawyers headed by Murnie Hidayah Anuar, were actively involved in the various programmes/activities organised by the BC LAC (KL). 6. Kopi O Nights Kopi O Nights are one of the pet projects of the Legal AIDERS. It is a lively, informal night session with open discussion over coffee. This year, three Kopi O Nights were held on 9th April 2010, 14th May 2010 and 18th June 2010 respectively with the following topics: i)Capitalism 7. ii) Drugs and Harm Reduction iii) “The End of the Supply Chain – Women Garment Workers in Asia” – “The Clean Clothes Campaign” Other Programmes As a follow-up session, the Committee organised a Get-together Session for the 7th Advance Training participants and volunteers who have volunteered during the Exit Evaluation Sessions on 20th August 2010. The aim of this session was to bring back pupils/volunteers who have indicated interest to assist the BC LAC (KL) and brief them on the tasks involved in the various programmes/activities for their better understanding and to give them a better perspective of what is expected from them. A total of 27 volunteers turned up for the session and signed up for the various programmes/activities of the BC LAC (KL) as a volunteer. 62 A NN U A L R E P O R T 2 0 1 0 / 1 1 � Bar Council Legal Aid Centre (Kuala Lumpur) Strengths Committee members’ commitment and their ability to come up with ideas to implement and further improve the training sessions. • Motivation of pupils on the need to serve the needy and marginalised • Education of pupils on human rights which instill a sense of justice in them • Retention of many young lawyers to serve voluntarily in LAC through its Advance Training Programme Weaknesses • Time-consuming and lack of human resource support • Follow-up actions/sessions • Communication Recommendations • To be able to organise more awareness and human rights sessions for lawyers and/or the public • To be able to discover ways to retain and maintain the involvement of pupils and young lawyers. The year 2010 has been a hectic year for this Committee as well as the Legal AIDERS. The Committee hopes its members and the Legal AIDERS will continue to show their commitment and dedication during the years to come. 9. BC LAC (KL) Report on BULLET (Animal Rights) Committee Report prepared by Ravin Singh and secretariat Project Head Ravin Singh Committee Members Arumugam @ Arul Cheah May Lee Christopher Teoh Davina Goh Harmeet Kaur Irnie Fukzannie Jorg Bandlow Kelly Khoo Melissa Linda Dass Mohala Nik Waheeda Pamela Lim Sheena Manicam (Secretariat) Quek Kia Ping Ramesh Lachmanan Roselin Mazlan Shahrul Anum Sheenaz Khan Serene Kam Soraya Putra Siah Mei Hui Stephanie Bastian Steven Khaw Taffany Reid Yeap Poay Nee Introduction The BC LAC (KL)’s BULLET (Animal Rights) Committee (“Committee”) was initiated in 2010. The main objective of this Committee is to promote animal rights in Malaysia. The Committee aims to promptly raise awareness on the responsibilities in dealing with animals in human manner. The Committee will predominantly focus on the existing laws on Animal Rights and recommend reforms on these laws, as well as taking a stand against Animal cruelty by lobbying / demanding for stronger Animal protection laws and strict application of these laws in Malaysia with harsher and more deterring sentences. The Committee will also focus on educating members of the public on Animal rights. Due to the amount of tasks involved, the Committee decided to start a programme for the pupils as part of their 14 Days Compulsory Legal Aid Duties. The programme was named as the “Research and Reform Programme - Animal Welfare” Bar Council Legal Aid Centre (Kuala Lumpur) � A NN U A L R E P O R T 2 0 1 0 / 1 1 63 (“Programme”). The Pupils involved in this Programme will be assisting the Committee by doing research and recommending law reform. The Programme commenced on 22nd November 2010 with a total of ten pupils and it is still on going. Activities as of 15th December 2010 The Committee is still in its preliminary stage and thus far had 4 meetings. Currently the Committee is working on the following: to look at the current laws available concerning Animals in Malaysia; to compare with other countries and list down the best practices; to discuss the findings and come up with a draft proposal on law reform; and to come up with an education plan to create awareness among members of the public on animal rights. Strengths Committee members’ commitment and their ability to come up with ideas to implement and further improve Animal welfare in Malaysia. Weaknesses Time-consuming and lack of human resource support Follow-up actions/sessions The Committee hopes to continue with its struggle to improve Animal Welfare in years to come. 10. BC LAC (KL) Report on Law Reform and Research Committee Report prepared by Secretariat Committee Members Ravi Nekoo (Supervisor) Ravin Singh Lee Sit Ching, Joey Elaine Gan Peay Er Joanne Chua Tsu Fae Jayashree Vengadachalam Jasmine Goh Amirul Haziq Bin Noordin Zainab Binti Mohd Ali Stephanie Bastian Sheena Manicam (Secretariat) Introduction The BC LAC (KL)’s Law Reform and Research Committee was initiated in 2010 comprising a group of enthusiastic young lawyers and pupils who are passionate about legal aid. The Committee is only 4 months old and it is the product of Exit Evaluation Get-together Session organised by the Legal Awareness Programme on 20th August 2010 for volunteers who have indicated interest to join Legal Aid as volunteers. The main aim of this Committee is to delve into research and extensively to recommend law reform as well as organising educational trainings, talks and seminars. Though the Committee is still in its infant stage but it has been very active ever since their first Committee Meeting held on 3rd September 2010. Currently the Committee is working on a Remand Training Manual. The manual is intended to be used as a Standard Operating Procedure which enables anyone to follow the guidelines provided and have better understanding of the Remand Procedures. In its process of preparing the said manual, 5 Committee Members, namely, Joey Lee, Boo Min Lee, Elaine Gan, Jasmine Goh, Joanne Chua together with the Jason Kong, Project of the BC LAC (KL)’s Dock Brief Programme have visited the Bukit Jalil Remand Centre to observe how remand is being conducted by the Magistrate. 64 A NN U A L R E P O R T 2 0 1 0 / 1 1 � Bar Council Legal Aid Centre (Kuala Lumpur) Besides that, the Committee is also planning to conduct the following Talk and Training: (a) Anti-Human Trafficking Training to be organised together with Tenaganita and (b) Talk on Child Act and Convention on the rights of the child The date, time and venue for the said talk and training are yet to be finalised. Strengths Committee members’ commitment, their ability to research and come up with ideas on certain topics. Weaknesses Time-consuming and lack of human resource support. The Committee hopes to continue with its plans for the years to come. 11. BC LAC (KL) Report on Project Outreach Report prepared by Secretariat Committee Members Kenneth Seet Wan Zheng (Project Head) Ahmad Shahrizal Shairatul Adora Yusof Shaleni Sangaran Cheryl Denise Thean Choo Jun Lin M. Gandhi Mohan Khor Wei Min Joel Lim Phan Hong Aw Kam Mei Ong Doen Xian Ravin Singh Stephanie Bastian Harleen Kaur Jeevanathan Angappan (Secretariat) “True, we build no bridges. We raise no towers. We construct no engines. We paint no pictures - unless as amateurs for our own principal amusement. There is little of all that we do which the eye of man can see. But we smooth out difficulties; we relieve stress; we correct mistakes; we take up other men’s burdens and by our efforts we make possible the peaceful life of men in a peaceful state.” ~ John W. Davis (April 13, 1873 – March 24, 1955) a well-known American politician, diplomat and solicitor Project Outreach started out as a mission by a group of passionate and ambitious young lawyers who felt there is a need to let the public know that free legal aid was available to everyone, regardless of their race, age, religion or social status. This plan was mooted by a group of friends during their Legal Aid Programme when they realised that many people were unaware of the existence of Legal Aid Centre (LAC) as well as its functions and that people felt lost and helpless when they were faced with legal issues. As a result, Project Outreach was born with the primary mission to provide free legal assistance to the public and at the same time to create legal awareness about legal rights. Project Outreach was the brain child of Kenneth Seet and Ahmad Shahrizal and presently, there are about 40 active members consisting of lawyers and pupils. The objectives of the programme are:1. to reach out to people who are in need of legal aid, regardless of their race, age, religion or social status; 2. to educate the people regarding their legal rights and the position of law on various issues; 3. to assist and direct people to the proper avenues in addressing their problems; and 4. to create awareness among the public on the existence of Legal Aid Centers and their functions. The project involved the setting up of a legal outpost in Brickfields every Sunday from 10.00am until 3.00pm. The public can visit this outpost for legal advice and assistance. This outpost is located at 1st Floor, Wisma Koponas, Jalan Tun Sambantahan, 50470 Brickfields, Kuala Lumpur (above CIMB Bank.) The first open clinic was on 19th September 2010. Bar Council Legal Aid Centre (Kuala Lumpur) � A NN U A L R E P O R T 2 0 1 0 / 1 1 65 In order to equip the volunteer lawyers and pupils with the necessary legal knowledge and skills, several in-house trainings were provided by the Bar Council Legal Aid Centre KL. These trainings were mainly conducted by senior lawyers specialising in the relevant area of law such as Family Law, Employment Law, Criminal Law, Law on Immigration, procedural law etc. Project Outreach was officially launched on 23rd October 2010 by Ragunath Kesavan, the President of Malaysian Bar and attended by senior Legal practitioners, members of Project Outreach, BC LAC (KL), NGOs, government agencies as well as students from Brickfields Asia College. It was indeed a proud and historical moment for Project Outreach to have received such a huge support. As part of a bigger plan for Project Outreach, there will be more legal outposts set up in other locations in the future. As of now, Project Outreach consists of a 40-member team, which has been in service for 13 weeks and has provided assistance to 68 clients. As Project Outreach grows, more lawyers and pupils will be recruited and further trainings will be provided as well. 12. BC LAC (KL) Report on Urgent Arrest Report prepared by Secretariat Committee Members Ravi Nekoo Ravin Singh Fadiah Nadwa Rajen Devaraj Puspawati Rosman Valen Khor Stephanie Bastian Murnie Hidayah Harleen Kaur Sasha Lyna Farida Mohammad Farhana Abdul Halim Rajesweri Paramasevam Jeevanathan Angappan “I may not agree with what you have to say, but I’ll defend to my death your right to say it.” -VoltaireOver the past few years, we have witnessed a number of situations where members of the public, have been arrested and detained for taking part in peaceful mass gatherings and assemblies. Those arrested are very vulnerable and often do not have access to legal counsel. In such situations, they are not fully aware of their rights and their various options. In view of all these incidents of arrests in the country where members of the public have been arrested and detained, the Bar Council Legal Aid Centre (Kuala Lumpur) has mobilised, trained and set up the Urgent Arrest Team to provide legal assistance and representation to those arrested. The Urgent Arrest Team is formed by a group of passionate volunteer lawyers from the Centre who have received training in law and skills to assist during mass arrests. In order to be more effective and efficient the BC LAC (KL) this year developed an Urgent Arrest Training Manual. The manual was tested by way of a training attended by about 25 participants. The skills and knowledge of the Urgent Arrest Team was put to good use this year during the recent Water Protest in which 52 people were arrested and released the same day. 13. BC LAC (KL) Report on Attachment Programme Report prepared by Secretariat The Attachment Programme at the BC LAC (KL) is open to students especially law students from public and private Colleges and Universities. This programme is run by the Secretariat. Students are invited to request for an attachment at the Centre. The duration of the attachment could be for a week to 3 months. Students under the attachment programme are exposed to the Center’s activities and programmes such as the LAC Clinic, Dock Brief Programme as well as tour to the Prisons during the Prisons visits. Further to this, they are also exposed to the activities of the various partner NGOs that the Centre works with such as AWAM, WAO, SIS, Tenaganita, UNHCR and Pink Triangle Foundation. 66 A NN U A L R E P O R T 2 0 1 0 / 1 1 � Bar Council Legal Aid Centre (Kuala Lumpur) Also as part of the attachment programme the students get to visit government departments such as the Welfare Department, Syariah Courts, Probate Department and other bureaus and offices in the course of the Center’s activities. At the Centre the students are invited to take part in the various trainings conducted, research, office management and other work. Students are awarded a certificate from the Centre upon their completion of the attachment. Listed below are the various colleges and universities that participated in the attachment programme for the year 2010: (i) University Malaya (ii) International Islamic University Malaysia (iii) Taylor’s University College (iv) Zaid Ibrahim and Co (Visit) (v) Universiti Teknologi Mara,Shah Alam (Visit) (vi) Universiti Teknologi Mara, Shah Alam Bar Council Legal Aid Centre (Kuala Lumpur) � A NN U A L R E P O R T 2 0 1 0 / 1 1 67 LAPORAN PENGERUSI A.PENDAHULUAN Saya berasa sukacita dan ianya satu penghormatan diberi peluang untuk terus berkhidmat untuk Badan Peguam Kuala Lumpur untuk penggal kedua, dan ia sememangnya satu lagi penggal yang sibuk dan produktif. Saya mesti akui bahawa kerjakerja tidak mungkin dilaksanakan tanpa komitmen dan sokongan berterusan yang diberikan oleh setiap ahli jawatankuasa kecil dan ahli-ahli pasukan mereka dalam pelbagai jawatankuasa kecil, dan para sukarelawan yang mengorbankan masa mereka untuk Badan Peguam Kuala Lumpur. Dengan sukacitanya saya memaklumkan bahawa dengan mengadakan Mesyuarat Agung Tahunan (“AGM”) yang lepas di Auditorium Wisma MCA, Jawatankuasa Peguam Kuala Lumpur (“KLBC”) telah menjimatkan kos perbelanjaan sebanyak lebih kurang RM13,000. Oleh demikian, KLBC telah membuat keputusan untuk mengadakan Mesyuarat Agung Tahunan ke-19 di tempat yang sama. Seperti yang dimaklumkan dalam Laporan Pengerusi saya yang lepas, penghasilan Laporan Tahunan dalam bentuk cakera padat (CD Rom) dan menyediakan salinan terhad laporan yang bercetak untuk AGM juga telah menjimatkan banyak kos perbelanjaan. Justeru, amalan ini akan diteruskan. B. SETIAUSAHA KEHORMAT DAN AHLI-AHLI DILANTIK Dalam mesyuarat yang pertama pada bulan Mac 2010, KLBC telah melantik Dipendra Harshad Rai sebagai Setiausaha Kehormat untuk penggal 2010/11. Jeremy R.Gurusamy dan Choo Dee Wei telah dilantik menjadi ahli KLBC di bawah Seksyen 73(vii) Akta Profesion Undang-undang 1976. C. AKTIVITI-AKTIVITI JAWATANKUASA i) Pertemuan Tahunan antara KLBC dan Jawatankuasa Peguam Selangor (“SBC”) Pertemuan Tahunan antara KLBC dan SBC telah diadakan pada 09.04.2010 dan penggal ini, dianjurkan oleh KLBC. Pertemuan tersebut bertujuan untuk membolehkan ahli-ahli penggal baru untuk saling mengenali dan untuk membincangkan cara untuk bekerja dengan lebih rapat agar keperluan ahli kedua-dua Badan Peguam Kuala Lumpur dan Badan Peguam Selangor dapat dipenuhi. ii)Mesyuarat-mesyuarat • KLBC terlibat dalam banyak mesyuarat dengan Badan Kehakiman untuk menyelesaikan pelbagai masalah yang dialami oleh ahli-ahli di Mahkamah Kuala Lumpur. iii) • KLBC juga menyertai mesyuarat yang diadakan antara Jawatankuasa Khas Majlis Peguam dengan Ketua-ketua dari pelbagai Bahagian dalam Mahkamah Tinggi Kuala Lumpur. • Hasil anjuran Jawatankuasa Perhubungan Mahkamah Sivil, Setiausaha Kehormat dan saya telah bertemu dengan DSP Ng Fook Long dari Polis Trafik Kuala Lumpur pada 04.10.2010 di Sekretariat Kuala Lumpur untuk membincangkan masalah tempat letak kereta dan kesesakan lalulintas sekitar Kompleks Mahkamah Kuala Lumpur, terutama bila adanya kes berprofil tinggi. Acara-acara lain Selain dari turut menyertakan acara-acara anjuran Majlis Peguam Malaysia, KLBC juga turut menyertai acaraacara berikut atas jemputan dari Badan-badan berkenaan: • Bahagian Cukai Dalam Negeri Wilayah Persekutuan Kuala Lumpur Taklimat berkenaan Tribunal Rayuan Kastam pada 26.07.2010. • 68 Badan Kehakiman Majlis Perasmian Pelancaran Mahkamah Sivil Baru (NCvC) di Kompleks Mahkamah Kuala Lumpur pada 24.09.2010. L A P O R A N TA H U N A N 2 0 1 0 / 1 1 � LAPORAN PENGERUSI • Pejabat Tanah Wilayah Persekutuan Majlis Perasmian Seminar Pengurusan Tanah 2010 pada 20.10.2010. • SUHAKAM Forum tentang Pembuangan Bayi pada 15.12.2010. iv) Kempen PerlembagaanKu KLBC dan Jawatankuasa Undang-undang Perlembagaan Majlis Peguam, dengan kerjasama HELP University College akan melancarkan Kempen PerlembagaanKu untuk kawasan Wilayah Persekutuan Kuala Lumpur pada awal tahun 2011. v) Laporan Terkini KLBC KLBC meneruskan amalan menghantar penyata umum selepas setiap mesyuarat KLBC untuk memaklumkan ahli-ahli mengenai aktiviti-aktiviti dan kerja-kerja yang diusahakan oleh KLBC dan jawatankuasa-jawatankuasa kecilnya. vi) Bilik Peguam Apabila Mahkamah Kuala Lumpur dipindah ke Kompleks Mahkamah Kuala Lumpur pada tahun 2007, dua Bilik Peguam telah diperuntukkan kepada Badam Peguam Kuala Lumpur, satu di sayap kanan, aras 5 dan yang kedua di sayap kiri di aras yang sama. Namun demikian, tahun lepas, satu bilik terpaksa dikosongkan dan satu lagi ditempatkan semula untuk memberi ruang bagi pembinaan beberapa mahkamah baru untuk menampung jumlah bilangan kes yang bertambah. Bilik Peguam kini ditempatkan di hujung koridor, sayap kiri, aras 5. vii) Bangunan Mahkamah Baru Apabila KLBC mendapat tahu pelan membina bangunan mahkamah baru di Jalan Duta, ia telah menghubungi Bahagian Hal Ehwal Undang-Undang dalam Jabatan Perdana Menteri agar KLBC boleh mengambil bahagian dalam perancangan dan rekabentuk bangunan Mahkamah baru. Ini adalah supaya bangunan Mahkamah baru dibina dengan spesifikasi dan kemudahan yang memenuhi keperluan Badan Kehakiman, Majlis Peguam dan juga keperluan rakyat. Bahagian Hal Ehwal Undang-undang telah menjawab bahawa projek yang diusulkan itu sedang menunggu kelulusan daripada Unit Perancang Ekonomi, dan sebaik ia diluluskan, KLBC akan dijemput untuk memberi pandangan dan komen untuk perancangan dan rekabentuk bangunan-bangunan tersebut. viii) Usulan Bank Negara Malaysia untuk menyusun semula Skim Kecederaan Anggota dan Kematian Pihak Ketiga Wakil-wakil dari Jawatankuasa Ad Hoc Kajian Semula Insurans Motor Majlis Peguam telah bertemu dengan KLBC pada 17.06.2010 bagi menjelaskan usulan skim BNM dan membincangkan isu-isu yang dikhuatiri Majlis Peguam. “Roadshow” di seluruh negara telah dirancang bagi mendidik ahli-ahli Badan Peguam dan orang ramai tentang usulan BNM tersebut, dan KLBC telah diundang untuk membantu mengadakan satu “roadshow” di Kuala Lumpur. Namun, ini ditangguhkan sementara kerana didapati bahawa usulan tersebut telah diketepikan. ix) Penyataan Akhbar Pada 31.03.2010, KLBC telah mengeluarkan satu penyataan akhbar yang mengkritik tindakan Polis Diraja Malaysia menahan Amer Hamzah Arshad, seorang ahli Badan Peguam Kuala Lumpur, dari melaksanakan tugasnya sebagai seorang Peguambela dan Peguamcara di Kompleks Mahkamah Kuala Lumpur di Jalan Duta. Selanjutnya, KLBC juga menyokong Memorandum Protes yang diisu oleh rakan peguam, N Surendran dan Latheefa Koya, dan turut serta menyerahkan memorandum tersebut kepada Ketua Polis Negara pada 31.03.2010. x) Penajaan untuk menghadiri Persidangan Undang-undang Malaysia ke-15 KLBC telah menaja 7 orang pengamal undang-undang muda dan 9 orang pelatih dalam kamar untuk menghadiri Persidangan Undang-undang Malaysia ke-15 yang diadakan dari 29 sehingga 31.07.2010 di Pusat Konvensyen Kuala Lumpur. LAPORAN PENGERUSI � L A P O R A N TA H U N A N 2 0 1 0 / 1 1 69 xi)Usahasama • CrimsonLogic Usahasama dengan CrimsonLogic hasil inisiatif KLBC 2008/09 (melalui Jawatankuasa Pembangunan Profesional) untuk memperkenalkan dan mempromosikan Legal Workbench kepada ahli-ahli Badan Peguam Kuala Lumpur telah memasuki tahun ketiga. Selain dari penajaan kewangan, CrimsonLogic juga telah membekalkan secara percuma 2 identiti pengguna Legal Workbench yang diprogramkan di komputer-komputer di Bilik Peguam di Mahkamah Kuala Lumpur untuk kegunaan ahli-ahli. • DiGi KLBC, sebagai sebahagian usaha berterusan untuk meningkatkan servis bukan profesional kepada ahliahli Badan Peguam Kuala Lumpur, telah menerusi Jawatankuasa Teknologi Maklumat, mengadakan kerjasama dengan DiGi untuk menawarkan Pakej Mobil dan Internet Eksklusif (Blackberry dan iPhone). Demi mencapai lebih ramai ahli, DiGi telah mengadakan beberapa promosi untuk pakej-pakej eksklusif tersebut di Kafeteria Mahkamah Kuala Lumpur. Selain itu, melalui usahasama ini, DiGi juga telah menerima jemputan KLBC untuk mengiklan di laman web Badan Peguam Kuala Lumpur. • xii) LexisNexis Malaysia Sekali lagi, KLBC telah bekerjasama dengan LexisNexis untuk menganjurkan Pertandingan Mencari Harta Karun LexisNexis-Badan Peguam Kuala Lumpur 2010, dan projek tersebut dilaksanakan oleh Jawatankuasa Sosial, Kesenian dan Kebudayaan. Berlangsung pada 24.10.2010, ia telah berjaya mengumpul wang sebanyak RM10,000, (bahagian kutipan yang diperuntukkan kepada Badan Peguam Kuala Lumpur) untuk KLBC bagi menggunakannya sebagai pembiayaian projek pembangunan masyarakat pilihannya. Mesyuarat Jawatankuasa Sehingga 31.12.2010, KLBC telah bermesyuarat sebanyak 10 kali dan kehadiran setiap ahli jawatankuasa adalah seperti berikut: Anand Ponnudurai Dipendra Harshad Rai Richard Wee Thiam Seng Lai Chee Hoe Muhendran Suppiah Pushpa Ratnam Ravinder Singh Dhalliwal Nurul Muhaniza Hanafi Datuk Baljit Singh Sidhu Roger Chan Weng Keng Khaizan Sharizad Ab Razak Jeremiah R. Gurusamy Choo Dee Wei - 10 - 10 - 9 - 9 - 8 - 9 - 9 - 4 - 9 - 9 - 9 - 7 - 5 Brendan Navin Siva, wakil Badan Peguam Kuala Lumpur di Majlis Peguam dijemput menghadiri mesyuaratmesyuarat KLBC sebagai pemerhati dan juga untuk melapor kepada Majlis Peguam tentang perkara-perkara berkaitan dan diperlukan. Beliau telah menghadiri semua mesyuarat dan telah bekerja rapat dengan KLBC. xiii) Kewangan, Yuran dan Pendapatan Bukan Yuran Kedudukan kewangan KLBC kekal stabil dengan jumlah RM784,170 dalam Simpanan Tetap dan RM324,632 dalam Akaun Amanah bersama Amanah Raya Berhad. Kedudukan kewangan terperinci dinyatakan di dalam Akaun Teraudit berakhir 31.12.2010. Yuran bagi tahun 2010 ditetapkan pada RM100 di Mesyuarat Agung Tahunan yang lepas pada 23.02.2010. Pada akhir tahun kewangan bagi KLBC pada 31.12.2010, terdapat 124 orang ahli yang masih belum menjelaskan yuran mereka bagi tahun 2010. 70 L A P O R A N TA H U N A N 2 0 1 0 / 1 1 � LAPORAN PENGERUSI Pada penggal ini, KLBC telah memungut sebanyak RM117,572 dari tajaan-tajaan, pengiklanan di laman web dan surat berita, seminar-seminar, bengkel-bengkel dan Pesta Kerjaya Perundangan. D. AKTIVITI-AKTIVITI JAWATANKUASA KECIL 12 jawatankuasa kecil telah ditubuhkan untuk memudahkan penganjuran pelbagai aktiviti KLBC dan untuk memenuhi keperluan para ahli. Jawatankuasa-jawatankuasa kecil ini telah diketuai oleh ahli KLBC seperti berikut: i) Jawatankuasa Perhubungan Mahkamah Sivil Pushpa Ratnam ii) Jawatankuasa Amalan Konveyansing Nurul Muhaniza Hanafi iii) Jawatankuasa Amalan Jenayah Datuk Baljit Singh Sidhu iv) Jawatankuasa Alam Sekitar dan Kemanusiaan Roger Chan Weng Keng v) Jawatankuasa Teknologi Maklumat Richard Wee Thiam Seng vi) Jawatankuasa Bantuan Guaman Ravinder Singh Dhalliwal vii) Jawatankuasa Pembangunan Profesional Jeremiah R. Gurusamy viii) Jawatankuasa Penerbitan Dipendra Harshad Rai ix) Jawatankuasa Hal Ehwal Pelatih Dalam Kamar Choo Dee Wei x) Jawatankuasa Sosial, Kesenian dan Kebudayaan Khaizan Sharizad Ab. Razak xi) Jawatankuasa Sukan Muhendaran Suppiah xii) Jawatankuasa Peguam Muda Lai Chee Hoe Laporan-laporan sampingan daripada jawatankuasa-jawatankuasa kecil ini menggambarkan aktiviti-aktiviti yang telah dilaksanakan oleh mereka, dan ini termasuklah: • Malam Amal YLC 2010 Sekali lagi, Jawatankuasa Peguam Muda kami mesti dipuji untuk usaha mereka dalam menjayakan Malam Amal YLC tahun ini menjadi satu lagi kejayaan dan berjaya memecahkan rekod dengan mengutip wang sebanyak RM 63,486.95 untuk kebajikan. • Makan Malam dan Tari-Menari Tahunan Badan Penguam Kuala Lumpur Saya harus mengucapkan tahniah kepada Jawatankuasa Sosial, Kesenian dan Kebudayaan kami kerana membawakan semua yang menghadiri Makan Malam dan Tari-Menari Tahunan tahun ini, suatu acara yang menyeronokkan dan yang penuh glamor. Bertema “Legally Glamorous”, acara tersebut diadakan pada 13.11.2010 di Hotel Prince Kuala Lumpur dan diserikan dengan kehadiran Hakim-hakim, mantan Pengerusipengerusi Jawatankuasa Peguam Kuala Lumpur, juga tetamu-tetamu unggul yang lain. LAPORAN PENGERUSI � L A P O R A N TA H U N A N 2 0 1 0 / 1 1 71 • Pesta Kerjaya Perundangan 2011 Kini memasuki tahun yang ke-4, dan dijadualkan berlangsung pada 12.02.2011 di Hotel Corus Kuala Lumpur, Pesta Kerjaya Perundangan, satu projek dari Jawatankuasa Hal Ehwal Pelatih dalam Kamar, terus menjadi wadah bagi firma-firmaguaman untuk menemui orang yang berpotensi menjadi pelatih dalam kamar dan juga untuk merekrut peguam. • Forum Undang-undang Teknologi Maklumat Setelah menganjurkan beberapa forum “mini” dalam satu atau dua tahun yang lepas, Jawatankuasa Teknologi Maklumat kami telah mengadakan Forum sepanjang satu hari dengan tujuan utama untuk mewujudkan satu pentas bagi pertukaran pandangan dan untuk memperkembangkan pengetahuan mengenai bahagianbahagian undang-undang yang berkaitan dengan teknologi maklumat. Forum sehari tersebut telah berjaya dilaksanakan pada 12.11.2010 di Fakulti Undang-undang KDU dan kejayaannya adalah hasil usaha ahli-ahli Jawatankuasa Teknologi Maklumat. • Dialog bertema “State of Our Practice” pada 26.10.2010 Pujian mesti diberi kepada Jawatankuasa Perhubungan Mahkamah Sivil kerana menganjurkan Dialog bertema “State of Our Practice” yang memberi peluang kepada ahli-ahli untuk membincangkan isu-isu berkenaan dengan sistem Mahkamah pada masa ini. Kehadiran adalah tinggi dengan seramai 120 orang ahli. Kedua-dua Hakim Pengurus Bahagian Sivil dan Dagang, YA Tan Sri James Foong dan YA Dato’ Seri Md Raus Sharif juga hadir untuk mendengar, secara langsung, masalah-masalah yang dihadapi oleh ahli-ahli. Ia sememangnya satu sesi dialog yang produktif. • Seminar berkenaan Kanun Prosedur Jenayah (Pindaan 2010) pada 30.11.2010 Pujian juga mesti diberikan kepada Jawatankuasa Amalan Jenayah kami yang menganjurkan Seminar berkenaan pindaan ke atas Kanun Prosedur Jenayah yang sangat informatif. • Forum mengenai Perubahan Cuaca Dalam melaksanakan tugas kami terhadap alam sekitar, Jawatankuasa Alam Sekitar dan Kemanusiaan kami akan mengadakan satu Forum mengenai Perubahan Cuaca, diketuai oleh Chew Swee Yoke yang pernah dilatih oleh Al Gore dan pasukannya. Forum tersebut disasar untuk diadakan pada 22.02.2011. E.OBITUARI Dengan rasa dukacita kami merakamkan peninggalan ahli-ahli Badan Peguam Kuala Lumpur sewaktu tahun kajian semula: Sng Kim Kuay pada 01.01.2010 Ngae Koh Hieng pada 15.05.2010 Rajasingam A/L V Ratnasingam pada 19.06.2010 Satish P.S. Nair pada 24.10.2010 Istiadat “Reference” bagi menghormati dan mengingati ahli-ahli tersebut dan Mohamed bin Dato’ Mahbob yang meninggal dunia pada 31.10.2008, Tan Sri Dato’ Seri Haji Mohamed Yusoff pada 04.03.2009 dan Leong See Ming pada 12.06.2009 dijadualkan untuk dilangsungkan pada 10.02.2011 pada 2.30 petang. Prosiding ini akan dipersidangkan oleh Y.A. Dato’ Aziah bt Ali. F. SEKRETARIAT Kakitangan Sekretariat terus memainkan peranan yang aktif dalam menjalankan polisi-polisi dan aktiviti-aktiviti KLBC dan jawatankuasa-jawatankuasa kecil, dan menjadi daya penggerak dalam menyokong KLBC dan jawatankuasajawatankuasa kecilnya. Dengan daya kekuatan hanya seramai 10 orang, kakitangan Sekretariat telah bekerja keras tanpa mengenal penat lelah untuk memastikan bahawa semua projek dan aktiviti berjaya dijalankan, selain daripada menjalankan tugas-tugas biasa lain seperti menyimpan rekod prosiding mesyuarat, memproses Petisyen untuk Penerimaan Masuk Peguambela dan Peguamcara, mengutip yuran tahunan dan sewa “BC Box”, menyelenggarakan akaun, pendaftaran ahli dan sistem “BC Box” dan mengendalikan pertanyaan-pertanyaan daripada ahli-ahli Badan Peguam, pelatih-pelatih dalam kamar dan juga orang ramai. 72 L A P O R A N TA H U N A N 2 0 1 0 / 1 1 � LAPORAN PENGERUSI Saya mesti akui bahawa KLBC amatlah bertuah kerana mempunyai kumpulan kakitangan yang begitu setia dan berdedikasi, di mana kebanyakan mereka telahpun bertahun-tahun berkhidmat di Jawatankuasa. G. PENGIKTIRAFAN DAN KESIMPULAN Saya ingin merekod dan mengiktiraf kerjasama dan bantuan yang diterima daripada Badan Kehakiman pada semua tahap dan pemegang-pemegang amanah lain yang selalu berjumpa dengan kami meskipun pada masa yang singkat, untuk membincangkan isu-isu yang timbul dalam penggal ini. Saya gembira menjalankan khidmat saya di dalam penggal kedua ini dan sepertimana dalam penggal pertama saya, tugas saya sebagai Pengerusi telah diringankan disebabkan dedikasi, komitmen dan pengorbanan yang ditunjukkan oleh setiap ahli jawatankuasa saya, dan ia sememengnya suatu penghormatan bagi saya kerana berpeluang bekerja dan berkhidmat bersama bagi Badan Peguam Kuala Lumpur bersama mereka. Saya juga ingin mengucapkan terima kasih kepada Setiausaha Kehormat, Dipendra Harshad Rai dan Mary Tan, Setiausaha Eksekutif yang telah bertungkus-lumus untuk memastikan pentadbiran Sekretariat berjalan dengan lancar. Ribuan terima kasih juga kepada kakitangan Sekretariat Jawatankuasa Peguam Kuala Lumpur atas komitmen berterusan terhadap Sekretariat. Akhirnya, saya memohon maaf sekiranya terdapat apa-apa kesilapan sepanjang penggal ini dan apa-apa kritikan terhadap KLBC harus ditanggung oleh saya sendiri. Saya mengucapkan yang terbaik bagi jawatankuasa yang baru dan saya yakin bahawa mereka akan berkhidmat untuk ahli-ahli seberapa baik mungkin dan bahawa ahli-ahli akan terus menggalak dan menyokong mereka sepertimana anda telah menggalak dan menyokong kami dalam penggal ini. Anand Ponnudurai Pengerusi Jawatankuasa Peguam Kuala Lumpur 2010/2011 LAPORAN PENGERUSI � L A P O R A N TA H U N A N 2 0 1 0 / 1 1 73 Jawatankuasa Perhubungan Mahkamah Sivil Untuk penggal ini, Jawatankuasa Perhubungan Mahkamah Sivil (CCLC) telah membuat keputusan untuk mengekalkan operasi sub-unit untuk memastikan perhatian dapat diberi kepada setiap Bahagian Mahkamah iaitu Persekutuan/Rayuan, Sivil, Dagang, Rayuan dan Kuasa-kuasa Khas, Keluarga, Kebankrapan, Mahkamah Rendah dan Perhubungan Jawatankuasa Peguam Selangor. Bagaimanapun satu unit baru (Parkir) telah diwujudkan untuk merangkumi dengan lebih efektif masalahmasalah yang di hadapi oleh ahli Badan Peguam KL berkenaan parkir di Kompleks Mahkamah Kuala Lumpur. Di permulaan penggal, 2 borang soal selidik telah diedarkan iaitu satu berkenaan praktis di Mahkamah Sivil secara umum dan satu lagi khas untuk masalah-masalah yang terdapat di Mahkamah Rendah. Hanya sedikit maklum balas yang diterima terhadap soal selidik umum. Soal selidik yang dibuat ke atas Mahkamah Rendah telahpun di bentangkan semasa mesyuarat bersama YA Dato’ Seri Md Raus Bin Sharif, Hakim Pengurus untuk Mahkamah Rendah. CCLC juga turut mengadakan mesyuarat-mesyuarat dan perbincanganperbincangan dengan Bahagian-bahagian di Mahkamah Kuala Lumpur, dan antara isu-isu yang dibangkitkan adalah Prosedur-prosedur Pengurusan Kes, senaraisenarai kausa, keseragaman amalan-amalan Mahkamah-mahkamah, keseragaman dalam prosedur-prosedur, sistem pemfailan, deraf-deraf perintah dan pengeluaran. Mesyuarat-mesyuarat juga telah diadakan bersama wakil-wakil dari Polis Trafik dan Pejabat Insolvensi. Pengerusi dan Ketua, Unit Mahkamah Keluarga Pushpa Ratnam Ketua, Unit NCC dan Parkir Sanjeev Kumar Rasiah Ketua, Unit Mahkamah Rendah Jennifer J Chandran Ketua, Unit Mahkamah Pesekutuan dan Rayuan Colin Andrew Pereira Ketua, Unit Perhubungan Jawatankuasa Peguam Selangor Dato’ Kerry Sin Yoong Ming Ketua, Unit Mahkamah Dagang Himahlini Ramalingam CCLC telahpun mengadakan mesyuarat/perbincangan seperti berikut: • Perbincangan dengan Puan Rodziyah Bt Abd. Halim, Pegawai Tadbir Kompleks Mahkamah Kuala Lumpur pada 22.03.2010 berkenaan masalah parkir di Mahkamah Kuala Lumpur. • Mesyuarat bersama Puan Ong Wee Ching, Pendaftar Kanan Mahkamah Rendah pada 06.04.2010 berkenaan operasi dan pengurusan Mahkamah Rendah. • Mesyuarat bersama YA Datin Yeoh Wee Siam dan Puan Rumizah Bt Baharom, Hakim dan Timbalan Pendaftar Mahkamah Keluarga Kuala Lumpur pada 24.05.2010 di mana suatu keputusan telah dicapai iaitu peguam hanya perlu menyerahkan 3 salinan ‘Decree of Nisi’ dan 4 salinan ‘Decree of Absolute’ dan tidak lagi perlu memfailkan CTC selepasnya kerana mereka akan mendapat semula dua set salinan yang dimeterai (sealed) dari Mahkamah tersebut. • Mesyuarat dengan Pengarah Jabatan Insolvensi Malaysia (MDI) dan ketua-ketua jabatan pada 11.05.2010. Ahli yang hadir telah dimaklumkan berkenaan perkembangan terbaru berkenaan pengurusan MDI. Mesyuarat juga turut bersetuju unguk mengadakan satu mesyuarat berasingan untuk membincangkan masalah-masalah yang berkaitan dengan Likuidatorlikuidator persendirian. 74 L A P O R A N TA H U N A N 2 0 1 0 / 1 1 � Jawatankuasa Perhubungan Mahkamah Sivil Ketua, Unit Kebankrapan Annou A. Xavier Ketua, Unit Mahkamah Sivil Wilson Heng Ahli-ahli Jawatankuasa Balbir Singh Chan Yat Hee Kunasekaran A/L Sevanthi Michelle Rossana Usman • Mesyuarat bersama YA Dato’ Seri Md Raus Bin Sharif, Hakim Pengurus Mahkamah Rendah Kuala Lumpur pada 07.07.2010. Isu-isu yang dibangkitkan adalah maklumbalas yang diperolehi dari soal selidik yang diadakan di awal penggal. Mesyuarat juga membincangkan isu berbangkit berkenaan masalah dokumentasi/pemfailan, kepatuhan terhadap Kaedah-Kaedah Mahkamah Rendah, masalah-masalah parkir, senarai kausa secara on-line dan perkaraperkara lain yang berkaitan. • Mesyuarat bersama Polis Trafik pada 04.10.2010 berkenaan masalah parkir dan kesesakan lalu lintas di kawasan Kompleks Mahkamah Kuala Lumpur. Perkara utama yang dibincangkan adalah masalah parkir semasa berlangsungnya kes-kes berprofil tinggi di Mahkamah Jalan Duta dan untuk mengurangkan masalah kesesakan, kami telah meminta disediakan seorang pegawai polis trafik ditempatkan di persimpangan Jalan masuk ke Kompleks Mahkamah semasa waktu puncak. • Mesyuarat bersama Hakim-hakim Pengurus Bahagian Sivil dan Komersil pada 22.10.2010 di Kompleks Mahkamah Kuala Lumpur. Berbagai isu-isu telah dibangkitkan semasa mesyuarat tersebut termasuk Salinan-salinan Deraf, pemfailan dokumen-dokumen, penetapan tarikh-tarikh pendengaran, Injunksi, pengurusan Mahkamah, ‘Audio Conferencing’, kemudahan-kemudahan Mahkamah, adalah sebahagiannya. Di penghujung mesyuarat, Hakim-hakim Pengurus telah mencadangkan satu mesyuarat susulan diadakan untuk memastikan tindakan-tindakan telah dibuat ke atas isu-isu yang dibangkitkan dalam mesyuarat. • Mesyuarat susulan bersama Hakim Pengurus Bahagian Sivil pada 26.11.2010. Mesyuarat membincangkan tindakan yang telah diambil ke atas isu-isu yang dibangkitkan semasa mesyuarat sebelumnya dan isu-isu tambahan yang dibincangkan termasuk masa perbicaraan yang berlainan, penangguhan-penangguhan, masalah-masalah parkir dan penghujahan-penghujahan. Suatu taklimat/perbincangan berkenaan perlaksanaan sistem ‘audio conferencing’ juga diadakan selepas mesyuarat untuk menerangkan bagaimana sistem tersebut berfungsi. Nota mesyuarat-mesyuarat tersebut telahpun diedarkan kepada ahli-ahli melalui e-mel dan ditampal di papan kenyataan di Bilik Peguam dan juga di laman web Badam Peguam Kuala Lumpur. Selain dari mesyuarat-mesyuarat yang diinisiatifkan oleh CCLC, wakil-wakil CCLC juga turut menghadiri mesyuarat-mesyuarat anjuran Jawatankuasa Perhubungan Mahkamah Majlis Peguam di mana isu-isu yang dibangkitkan di peringkat negeri juga dibincangkan di peringkat kebangsaan. Dialog CCLC “State of our Practice” pada 26.10.2010 Selain dari mesyuarat-mesyuarat, CCLC telah berjaya mengadakan satu dialog bertajuk “State of Our Practice” di mana ahli-ahli telah dijemput untuk berkongsi dan berbincang berkenaan pengalaman mereka terhadap perubahan yang telah dilaksanakan oleh Badan Kehakiman iaitu Sistem Tracking. Dialog tersebut telah mendapat sambutan baik dengan kehadiran ahli-ahli Badan Peguam dan juga kehadiran YA Tan Sri James Foong Cheng Yuen dan YA Dato’ Seri Md Raus Bin Sharif, Hakim-hakim Pengurus yang bertanggung jawab dalam melaksanakan sistem Tracking ini. Dialog tersebut dimoderasikan oleh Dato’ Ambiga Sreenevasan dengan tiga orang ahli Badan Peguam yang terkenal sebagai penceramah jemputan; Encik Tommy Thomas, Encik Fahri Azzat dan Encik Lim Chee Wee, yang membincangkan tajuk-tajuk berikut – “Speed over Justice”, “Efficiency and Quality of the Judiciary” dan “Is Council meeting its responsibility to the Bar”. Ahli-ahli Badan Peguam gembira dengan peluang untuk berkongsi pengalaman masing-masing berkenaan perlaksanaan Sistem Tracking dan mengkritik secara terbuka sistem baru tersebut pada masa yang sama bersetuju dengan perubahanperubahan yang diinisiatifkan oleh Badan Kehakiman. Kesimpulan dan pengiktirafan Penggal ini telah meninggalkan kesan dari dari berbagai cabaran dengan perlaksanaan sistem tracking yang baru ini. Isu parkir masih belum dapat diselesaikan, walaupun beberapa sesi perbincangan telah diadakan dengan berbagai pihak yang berkaitan. CCLC juga telah menganjurkan servis shuttle dari MATRADE ke Kompleks Mahkamah untuk menggalakkan kereta di parkir di kawasan MATRADE sendiri. Sedihnya kemudahan ini tidak mendapat sambutan dari ahli-ahli. Hakim-hakim Pengurus telah, melalui CCLC, meminta ahli-ahli Badan Peguam Kuala Lumpur untuk bersabar sehingga kerja-kerja penambahan kepada Kompleks Mahkamah yang sedia ada, termasuk juga penambahan ruang-ruang letak kereta, siap sepenuhnya. Kami percaya bahawa perbincangan-perbincangan dan mesyuarat-mesyuarat yang berterusan bersama pihak Pentadbiran Mahkamah, Hakim-hakim Pengurus telah membantu kedua belah pihak dalam membaiki sistem tracking yang sedia ada. Peningkatan terbaru pentadbiran Kehakiman adalah pengenalan Sistem Audio Conferencing. Walaupun ianya masih dalam Jawatankuasa Perhubungan Mahkamah Sivil � L A P O R A N TA H U N A N 2 0 1 0 / 1 1 75 peringkat permulaan, ahli-ahli disarankan untuk berkerjasama dalam menjayakan sistem baru ini yang bertujuan antaranya; untuk membantu ahli-ahli dari perlu menghadirkan diri ke Mahkamah dan menjimatkan mereka dari segi isu-isu berkaitan seperti kos-kos dan parkir. Saya ingin mengucapkan penghargaan dan terima kasih kepada kakitangan sekretatiat Badan Peguam Kuala Lumpur terutamanya Mary dan Yati, kepada ahli-ahli Jawatankuasa Peguam Kuala Lumpur terutamanya Pengerusi, Anand Ponnudurai kerana sokongan berterusan beliau dan terutama sekali kepada ahli-ahli CCLC. Saya amat berterima kasih kepada Jennifer, Himah, Wilson Heng, Dato’ Kerry Sin dan Annou kerana usaha-usaha khas dan sokongan mereka dalam aktiviti-aktiviti jawatankuasa ini. Pushpa Ratnam Pengerusi Jawatankuasa Perhubungan Mahkamah Sivil 76 L A P O R A N TA H U N A N 2 0 1 0 / 1 1 � Jawatankuasa Perhubungan Mahkamah Sivil Jawatankuasa Amalan Konveyansing Objektif utama Jawatankuasa Amalan Konveyansing (CyPC) adalah untuk menyelesaikan isu-isu dan masalah-masalah yang dihadapi oleh ahli-ahli Badan Peguam Kuala Lumpur dengan agensi-agensi yang berkaitan dengan amalan konveyansing. CyPC setakat ini telah mengadakan mesyuarat sebanyak 6 kali dan semenjak mula bertugas telah menghadiri/dijemput untuk hadir ke taklimat-taklimat, mesyuaratmesyuarat dan berbagai acara anjuran berbagai agensi-agensi yang berkaitan seperti berikut: • Forum di Lembaga Hasil Dalam Negeri (LHDN) berkenaan Akta Cukai Keuntungan Harta Tanah pada 26.03.2010. Isu-isu yang dibincangkan adalah berkaitan tentang borang-borang Cukai Keuntungan Harta Tanah (CKHT) dan prosedur-prosedur. • Kunjungan Hormat/Mesyuarat bersama Ketua Pengarah Jabatan Insolvensi Malaysia (MdI) pada 11.05.2010 bersama-sama Unit Kebankrapan, Jawatankuasa Perhubungan Mahkamah Sivil. • Mesyuarat lanjutan dengan Bahagian Undang-undang MdI pada 03.06.2010 - isu utama yang dibincangkan adalah berkenaan Likuidator persendirian. Sama ada mereka berhak mengenakan caj pengurusan dari 2% hingga 3% dari harga belian. • Taklimat dan Majlis Penyerahan Dokumen di Pejabat Tanah Wilayah pada 11.06.2010. CyPC telah diberi taklimat berkenaan prosedur-prosedur operasi yang baru di Pejabat Tanah Wilayah. • Pada 17.06.2010, satu perbincangan telah diadakan di Pejabat Tanah Wilayah (PTGWP) berkenaan kes-kes rayuan dalam hal pemindahan hakmilik, sama ada ianya perlu untuk melampirkan bersama gambar hartanah berkenaan. CyPC telah meminta PTGWP agar tidak menetapkan peraturan sedemikian - ianya kini menunggu keputusan dari mesyuarat di peringkat Exco. • Taklimat oleh LHDN berkenaan CKHT pada 02.07.2010. Wakil-wakil dari pengamal konveyansing dari semua Badan-badan Peguam Negeri telah dijemput untuk memberi maklumbalas yang kemudiannya telah dibangkitkan oleh Majlis Peguam di taklimat tersebut. • Ahli-ahli CyPC telah menghadiri taklimat oleh Jabatan Penilaian dan Pentaksir Harta (JPPH) Wilayah Persekutuan Kuala Lumpur berkenaan e-stamping dan prosedur-prosedur JPPH yang diadakan pada 14.07.2010. • Mesyuarat Lanjutan dengan PTGWP berkenaan kes-kes rayuan berkenaan pemindahan hakmilik pada 14.07.2010 • Mesyuarat antara LHDN dan Persatuan Bank-bank pada 09.07.2010 yang telah diadakan di pejabat LHDN di Jalan Duta. Jawatankuasa Amalan Konveyansing Pengerusi Nurul Muhaniza Binti Hanafi Naib Pengerusi Margaret KH Koh Ahli-ahli Jawatankuasa Ahmad Khusyri Bin Abdul Majid Agnes Chan Cecilia Thong Shean Tyng Chong Wai Kuan Dennis Teoh Grace Chin Hanna Binti Ambaras Khan Jerome Peter Pagadala Kong Kai Jye Lee Choi Wan Rita Sabrina Wong Kee Ling Sia Yeak Koon Sri Rahayu Binti Mohamad Syahizan Amir Bin Abdul Wahab � L A P O R A N TA H U N A N 2 0 1 0 / 1 1 77 • Ahli-ahli CyPC telah menghadiri taklimat antara Majlis Peguam dan LHDN pada 20.08.2010. Ini merupakan mesyuarat susulan antara kedua belah pihak berkaitan dengan isu-isu yang dibangkitkan pada 2009. • Pada 24.08.2010 CyPC telah mengadakan satu perbincangan dengan Pendaftar dari Pejabat Tanah dan Galian (PTG) Selangor di mana satu pengumuman telah dibuat oleh PTG Selangor bahawa mereka akan memproses pendaftaran pindahmilik harta tanah dalam masa 3 hari bekerja. • Pada 08.10.2010 PTGWP telah memanggil satu mesyuarat dan memohon kerjasama dari CyPC untuk membantu mereka mempromosikan seminar Pengurusan Tanah Tahunan mereka. CyPC mengambil peluang tersebut untuk membankitkan isu berkaitan perkara-perkara kebenaran dan rayuan. • Pengerusi dan beberapa ahli CyPC telah menghadiri seminar Pengurusan Tanah anjuran PTGWP yang telah diadakan pada 21.10.2010 di Hotel Legend Kuala Lumpur. • CyPC telah dijemput oleh Majlis Peguam untuk menghadiri mesyuarat bulanan PEMUDAH (Pasukan Petugas Khas Pemudahcara Perniagaan) pada 19.11.2010 yang diadakan di Pusat Produktiviti Kebangsaan, Petaling Jaya. CyPC telah menjelaskan beberapa perkara yang berbangkit di Pejabat Tanah Wilayah di mesyuarat tersebut • Pengerusi CyPC telah bertemu dengan pendaftar PTG Selangor pada 23.11.2010 untuk mendapat penjelasan tentang proses pendaftaran pindahmilik 3-hari kerana menerima aduan-aduan dari peguam-peguam yang menyatakan proses tersebut mengambil masa lebih dari 3-hari. Perkara tersebut berjaya diselesaikan. • PTGWP telah menganjurkan satu dialog dengan peguam-peguam pada 29.11.2010 dan CyPC turut sama dijemput. Peguam-peguam telah diberitahu berkenaan prosedur-prosedur baru di PTGWP. Satu majlis penyerahan dokumen juga dibuat untuk kali keduanya. Firma-firma guaman yang telah tidak mengambil dokumen mereka telah dijemput hadir dan dokumen-dokumen mereka telah diserahkan kepada wakil-wakil firma-firma tersebut. • Jawatankuasa Peguam Selangor telah menjemput CyPC untuk hadir ke mesyuarat di Pejabat Tanah Petaling di Subang Jaya pada 03.12.2010. Pejabat Tanah Petaling telah memaklumkan bahawa peguam/wakil peguam yang datang untuk mengambil dokumen hakmilik perlu memberi cap jari mereka. • PTG Selangor telah menjemput Pengerusi untuk satu mesyuarat pada 09.12.2010 untuk membincangkan dan mencari penyelesaian berkaitan masalah-masalah berkaitan dengan pengeluaran Hakmilik AA. • PTGWP telah mengadakan satu mesyuarat pada 16.12.2010 untuk membincangkan berkenaan Ujian Penerimaan Akhir untuk implementasi MyForms (permohonan melalui internet yang merangkumi MOTs, Borang-borang 16S, 16M, 19G dan 14A). Perbincangan juga melibatkan MAMPU, agensi kerajaan yang bertanggung jawab dalam menyediakan sistem ini. CyPC telah membuat beberapa cadangan yang telah diterima dan akan dimasukkan ke sistem tersebut sebelum ujian percubaan dilaksanakan. • PTGWP telah menjemput CyPC untuk majlis pelancaran insentif ”Jom Bayar dan Menang 2011” pada 21.12.2010 yang dirasmikan oleh Y.B. Dato’ Raja Nong Chik Bin Dato’ Raja Zainal Abidin, Menteri Wilayah Persekutuan dan Kesejahteraan Bandar. Aktiviti akan datang “Conveyancing Hi-tea and Get-together 2011” CyPC sedang menganjurkan suatu acara “hi-tea and get-together” untuk Pengamal-pengamal Konveyansing di Kuala Lumpur. Acara ini dicadangkan untuk diadakan pada 25.01.2011. Objektif utama acara ini adalah untuk mengadakan satu acara di mana peguam-peguam konveyansing boleh beramah mesra dan bertukar-tukar idea. Semua ketua-ketua jabatan/ agensi yang berkaitan dengan amalan konveyansing juga akan dijemput untuk menghadiri acara ini. Penutup CyPC telah berjaya untuk mencari jalan penyelesaian terhadap kebanyakan isu-isu berbangkit dan telah membina hubungan baik dengan berbagai agensi yang berkaitan dengan amalan konveyansing. Adalah diharapkan CyPC akan terus mengukuhkan hubungan-hubungan ini dengan bersama-sama mencari jalan penyelesaian untuk isu-isu berbangkit dengan cara perbincangan terbuka dan bekerjasama. Malangnya, terdapat beberapa mesyuarat dengan agensi-agensi yang berkaitan diadakan pada hari yang sama dengan beberapa mesyuarat bulanan KLBC dan memandangkan mesyuarat-mesyuarat dengan agensiagensi tersebut adalah amat penting, saya terpaksa melepaskan mesyuarat-mesyuarat KLBC. 78 L A P O R A N TA H U N A N 2 0 1 0 / 1 1 � Jawatankuasa Amalan Konveyansing Akhir sekali, saya ingin merekodkan ucapan terima kasih dan penghargaan yang tidak terhingga kepada ahli-ahli CyPC atas sokongan dan kerjasama mereka yang berterusan sehingga CyPC dapat mencapai kebanyakan objektif-objektifnya pada penggal ini. Terima kasih. Nurul Muhaniza Binti Hanafi Pengerusi Jawatankuasa Amalan Konveyansing Jawatankuasa Amalan Konveyansing � L A P O R A N TA H U N A N 2 0 1 0 / 1 1 79 Jawatankuasa Amalan Jenayah Tujuan utama Jawatankuasa Amalan Jenayah (CPC) adalah untuk memfokus ke atas isu-isu atau masalah-masalah yang dihadapi oleh ahli Badan Peguam Kuala Lumpur dengan badan-badan yang terlibat dengan amalan perundangan jenayah. CPC telah mengadakan mesyuarat sebanyak 3 kali semenjak penggal bermula dan telahpun tugasan tahunannya dalam membuat kunjungan hormat dan mengadakan mesyuarat-mesyuarat dengan agensi yang bertanggung jawab dalam pengurusan Keadilan Jenayah di Kuala Lumpur antaranya adalah seperti berikut: • Kunjungan hormat/Mesyuarat dengan Ketua Unit Pendakwaan, Jabatan Peguam Negara Malaysia, Cawangan Wilayah Persekutuan Kuala Lumpur pada 05.05.2010. Perkara-perkara yang dibincangkan termasuk berkenaan dokumen-dokumen di bawah peruntukan Seksyen 51A, Kanun Prosedur Jenayah, pertuduhan baru dan masalah ‘tout’ di Mahkamah Kuala Lumpur. • Kunjungan Hormat/Mesyuarat bersama Hakim Pengurus Mahkamah Jenayah Kuala Lumpur, YA Tan Sri Zulkefli Bin Ahmad Makinudin di kamar beliau di Putrajaya pada 14.05.2010. Perkara utama yang dibincangkan adalah Pusat Reman Kuala Lumpur yang baru di Ibu Pejabat Polis Daerah (IPD) Bukit Jalil. • Lawatan ke Pusat Reman Kuala Lumpur di IPD Bukit Jalil pada 17.05.2010. Lawatan tersebut bertujuan untuk memastikan pusat tersebut mempunyai kemudahan-kemudahan untuk para peguam telah disediakan. • Kunjungan Hormat/Mesyuarat bersama pihak Pengurusan Penjara Sungai Buloh pada 09.06.2010. CPC telah diberi taklimat berkenaan kemudahan dan jadual penjara. CPC juga telah meminta supaya ruang temujanji dibesarkan dan waktu temujanji dilanjutkan untuk peguam bertemu dengan pelanggan mereka. Permintaan ini kemudiannya telahpun di persetujui oleh pihak berkuasa Penjara. • Mesyuarat untuk membincangkan pelancaran Sistem Tracking untuk Mahkamah Jenayah Tinggi Kuala Lumpur dan Shah Alam pada 06.12.2010. Mesyuarat di pengerusikan oleh Hakim Pengurus Mahkamah Jenayah, YA Tan Sri Zulkefli Bin Ahmad Makinudin. Nota mesyuarat-mesyuarat tersebut di atas telahpun diedarkan kepada ahli-ahli melalui e-mel dan juga dimuatnaikkan ke lama web Badan Peguam Kuala Lumpur. Kanun Prosedur Jenayah (Pindaan 2010) - An Overview CPC telah dengan jayanya menganjurkan suatu “Overview” untuk Kanun Prosedur Jenayah (Pindaan 2010) pada 30.11.2010. Penceramah adalah Datuk Baljit Singh Sidhu dan Datuk V. Sithambaram. Program tersebut mendapat sambutan yang amat baik dengan kehadiran 97 orang peserta yang terdiri dari 46 Peguam, 46 pelajar/pelatih dan 5 dari akademik/sektor swasta. Kebanyakan peserta memberikan komen bahawa program tersebut telah 80 L A P O R A N TA H U N A N 2 0 1 0 / 1 1 � Jawatankuasa Amalan Jenayah Pengerusi Datuk Baljit Singh Sidhu Ahli-ahli Jawatankuasa Abdullah bin Ahmad Azreen Zainal Anuar Boo Yang Huay Datin Daljit Kaur Fadzila Haji Said Farah Nadiah Binti Zainudin Fong Fook Chuen Khairul Anwar Rahmat Lee Teong Hooi Lim Suek Woo Md. Radzi Mustafa Moghan Ramachandran Natarajan A/L Chinnaswami Ravindran Selvaraj Shamsul Sulaiman Siti Nor Rahayu Binti Baharin banyak memberi penjelasan berkenaan perkara-perkara yang mungkin dihadapi kelak dengan pindaan Akta tersebut and amat berpuas hati dengan tip-tip praktikal dan informasi yang diberikan oleh penceramah-penceramah. Penghargaan Saya ingin merekodkan ucapan ribuan terima kasih dan penghargaan kepada semua ahli Jawatankuasa Amalan Jenayah 2010/11 kerana sokongan dan kerjasama mereka dalam memastikan semua aktiviti dapat dilaksanakan dengan jayanya. Datuk Baljit Singh Sidhu Pengerusi Jawatankuasa Amalan Jenayah Jawatankuasa Amalan Jenayah � L A P O R A N TA H U N A N 2 0 1 0 / 1 1 81 Jawatankuasa Alam Sekitar dan Kemanusiaan Jawatankuasa Alam Sekitar dan Kemanusiaan (EHC) telah memulakan penggal ini dengan mengadakan semula aktiviti pengutipan kertas terpakai/suratkhabar lama sempena Hari Bumi (Earth Day) pada 22.04.2010. Tahun ini sebanyak 270 kg kertas terpakai/suratkhabar lama dapat di kumpulkan dengan sokongan ahli-ahli EHC, beberapa firma-firma guaman dan Sekretariat Jawatankuasa Peguam Kuala Lumpur. Hasil jualan dari kertas terpakai/suratkhabar lama akan dimasukkan ke projek Children’s Nature Camp. EHC juga telah mengambil suatu inisiatif yang khusus dalam mempromosikan Program Perubahan Cuaca (Climate Change) yang di ketuai oleh Puan Chew Swee Yoke. Program ini bermula dengan melatih memberi latihan “Climate Change Connectors” kepada ahli-ahli EHC yang mana selepas menerima latihan tersebut, akan berdaftar sebagai seorang “Connector” di Australian Conservation Foundation (ACF) di bawah The Climate Change Programme. Latihan pertama ini telahpun dilaksanakan dengan jayanya pada 06.08.2010. EHC berharap untuk menganjurkan latihan-latihan seperti ini di masa hadapan. Peningkatan taraf seramai mungkin “Connectors” kepada “Presenters” dalam program Climate Change adalah suatu lagi tahap dalam perancangan EHC. Kesemua ini merupakan terma-terma yang bermaksud peningkatan tahap kesedaran pemikiran terhadap isu-isu perubahan cuaca dari sudut perspektif jangka panjang. Sehingga kini EHC telah bermesyuarat sebanyak 5 kali. Beberapa aktiviti-aktiviti lain telah dirancang dengan teliti dan telah berjaya di laksanakan oleh EHC termasuk: • Minggu undang-undang UiTM pada 01 hingga 05.03.2010 telah dianjurkan oleh Environmental Law and Awareness Club (EnLac) di bawah Fakulti Undang-Undang. EHC telah dijemput untuk membuka suatu gerai (booth) sepanjang minggu tersebut dan beberapa ahli EHC telah mengendali gerai tersebut secara sukarela. • Satu lawatan 2-hari ke Pusat Santuari Penyu, Cherating telah dianjurkan pada 17 dan 18.07.2010 untuk membolehkan ahli-ahli dan keluarga mereka untuk mendapatkan pengetahuan secara hands-on tentang pentingnya penyelamatan dan perlindungan terhadap penyu. Seramai 35 ahli Badan Peguam serta ahli keluarga telah menyertai lawatan berinformasi dan kemuncak lawatan adalah aktiviti melepaskan anak-anak penyu ke laut. Aktiviti dalam perancangan: Pengerusi Roger Chan Weng Keng Naib Pengerusi Saha Deva Arunasalam Naib Pengerusi Richard Wee Thiam Seng Ketua, Kempen Perubahan Cuaca (Climate Change) Chew Swee Yoke Ahli-ahli Jawatankuasa Abdullah Khubayb Bin Awaluddin Amanda Man Aw Ee Va Cahan Khoon Moh Chen Sue Ann Dennis Teoh Fadzila Binti Haji Said Fida Izrina Izhar Haryati Yusoff Hoi Jack S’ng Kartina Mohd Sobri Kenneth Seet Wen Zheng Kahizan Sharizad Binti Ab Razak Lilian Siew Pul Mai Mohd Izzi Bin Talha Noortasha Dewi Paramaswaran Ong Shih Wei Shanti Abraham Mathew Thirunavakarasu Vijayan@Ganesan Yohendra Nadarajan Pemerhati/Jurucakap Perubahan Cuaca Maya Karin Roelcke Kem Pencinta Alam untuk Kanak-kanak (Children’s Nature Camp) EHC sedang bekerjasama dengan Persatuan Pencinta Alam Malaysia (MSN) untuk mengadakan suatu Kem Pencinta Alam untuk kanak-kanak selama 3 hari 2 malam. Perancangan/persiapan sedang diputuskan dan tarikhnya akan ditetapkan. Forum Perubahan Cuaca (Climate Change Forum) EHC sedang merancang untuk menganjurkan forum sehari di bulan Februari 2011 berkenaan Perubahan Cuaca. Objektif utama forum ini adalah untuk meningkatkan penyertaan dan meningkatkan tahap kesedaran ahli-ahli Badan Peguam dan orang awam berkenaan kesan perubahan cuaca terhadap bumi dan kehidupan seharian. 82 L A P O R A N TA H U N A N 2 0 1 0 / 1 1 � Jawatankuasa Alam Sekitar dan Kemanusiaan Forum tersebut juga merupakan pembuka mata terhadap cabaran-cabaran yang akan kita hadapi dalam mengurangkan pengeluaran karbon ke atmosfera. Penutup EHC telah merancang banyak aktiviti dan sebahagiannya masih belum terlaksana. Akhir sekali, saya ingin merekodkan ucapan terima kasih dan penghargaan saya kepada semua ahli-ahli EHC atas sokongan dan kerjasama mereka yang berterusan, di mana tanpanya, projek-projek yang dinyatakan di atas tidak mungkin dapat dilaksanakan. Roger Chan Weng Keng Pengerusi Jawatankuasa Alam Sekitar dan Kemanusiaan Jawatankuasa Alam Sekitar dan Kemanusiaan � L A P O R A N TA H U N A N 2 0 1 0 / 1 1 83 Jawatankuasa Teknologi Maklumat Jawatankuasa Teknologi Maklumat (ITC) meneruskan usaha untuk reformasi dan perubahan untuk rangkaian Teknologi Maklumat (IT) Badan Peguam Kuala Lumpur. Laman web Badan Peguam Kuala Lumpur telah berjaya dikemaskini dengan kos yang menasabah pada tahun 2009. Selanjutnya, Blog Badan Peguam Kuala Lumpur, laman Facebook, akaun Twitter dan laman Flickr juga telah diwujudkan tanpa kos. Ini meletakan Badan Peguam Kuala Lumpur di koridor rangkaian internet yang menambahkan kemudahan perhubungan antara ahli-ahli dengan Jawatankuasa Peguam Kuala Lumpur dan sebaliknya. Dengan menggunakan Peralatan Internet, ITC meneruskan penjelajahan untuk menjana pendapatan melalui laman web dan blog bagi menambahan pendapatan untuk Badan Peguam Kuala Lumpur. Penambahan pendapatan selain daripada yuran langganan bermakna tiada menambahan kepada yuran langganan Jawatankuasa Peguam Kuala Lumpur yang masih berjumlah RM100.00. Pada masa yang sama, ITC terus mempromosikan kebebasan bersuara di alam maya. Dengan tujuan tersebut, kami telah menganjurkan beberapa forum awam semenjak 2008. Forum-forum berkenaan ‘Blogging and Defamation Laws’ dan Pencurian Indentiti di alam maya telah dilaksanakan. Pada tahun ini, ITC telah menganjurkan Forum Perundangan IT sehari dengan 3 topik utama. Penceramah-penceramah jemputan termasuk penggubal Akta Data Persendirian; para blogger yang terkenal dan penyunting-penyunting portal beritaberita utama. Forum sehari ini telah dihoskan oleh rakan kongsi kami, Fakulti UndangUndang KDU dan telah dihadiri oleh Timbalan Menteri Perhubungan Komunikasi dan Kebudayaan, Dato’ Maglin Dennis D’cruz. Forum tersebut telah mendapat sambutan yang menggalakkan dan perwakilan yang hadir menyatakan suatu Forum lanjutan daripadanya akan mendapat sambutan. Di harap ahli-ahli ITC yang akan datang akan terus menganjurkan Forum sehari sepertinya dan menjadikannya sebagai suatu acara tahunan Undang-undang IT. Selain daripada itu, ITC mempunyai hubungan positif dengan pihak-pihak berkuasa dan Badan-badan yang berkaitan dengan IT. Dialog-dialog dengan organisasiorganisasi seperti Suruhanjaya Komunikasi dan Multimedia Malaysia (MCMC), Cyber Security dan banyak lagi, telah diadakan dari masa ke semasa, ketika mana isu-isu Undang-undang IT berkaitan dengan kepentingan orang awam telah dibincangkan. Satu lagi projek yang telah dimulakan pada penggal yang lalu telahpun dilancarkan pada pertengahan tahun 2010. Jawatankuasa Peguam Kuala Lumpur dan DiGi telah bersetuju untuk bekerjasama di mana ahli-ahli yang menjadi pelanggan DiGi, akan menyertai Komuniti DiGi/Badan Peguam Kuala Lumpur. Panggilan antara ahli-ahli komuniti ini adalah percuma dan SMS dalam kadar yang lebih rendah. Smartphones dan juga telefon-telefon telah diberikan secara percuma kepada ahli-ahli Badan Peguam Kuala Lumpur, ianya merupakan promosi khas untuk ahli-ahli sahaja. Diharapkan jika komuniti DiGi/Badan Peguam Kuala Lumpur ini terus berkembang, Jawatankuasa Peguam Kuala Lumpur boleh berbincang dengan lebih baik untuk mendapatkan lebih banyak kemudahan dan faedah untuk ahli-ahli di masa hadapan. 84 L A P O R A N TA H U N A N 2 0 1 0 / 1 1 � Jawatankuasa Teknologi Maklumat Pengerusi Richard Wee Naib Pengerusi Foong Cheng Leong Ahli-ahli Jawatankuasa Anita Kaur Gerewal Aw Ee Va Chong Jia Ling Edwin Lee Yong Cieh Gary Lim Judy Lim Chu Dee Justine Chew Bee Ling Krishna Roy Sreenivasan Lee Shih Marlyn Perone Roland Kual Steven Wong Kami menggalakkan ahi-ahli untuk menyertai komuniti tersebut jika mereka ingin bertukar pembekal telekomunikasi. Kerjasama bersama DiGi juga membuahkan hasil dengan tajaan. DiGi telah menawarkan pakej internet istimewa untuk Sekretariat Jawatankuasa Peguam Kuala Lumpur dan Bilik Peguam dengan kadar yang amat rendah. DiGi turut menaja beberapa aktiviti Badan Peguam Kuala Lumpur dengan memberikan beberapa unit Smartphones atau penggunaan jalur lebar DiGi secara percuma. Selain daripada itu, DiGi juga membayar yuran iklan untuk beriklan di laman web Badan Peguam Kuala Lumpur. Projek-projek ini tidak mungkin dapat dilaksanakan tanpa minat yang kuat dan mendalam oleh ahli-ahli jawatankuasa. Timbalan kami, Foong Cheng Leong, terus menerus membantu dan bekerja di belakang tabir untuk memastikan projek-projek berjalan dan terlaksana. Ahli-ahli ITC telah banyak menyokong dan membantu. Berbanyak terima kasih kepada anda semua! Seperti biasa, Sekretariat Jawatankuasa Peguam Kuala Lumpur, diketuai oleh Mary Tan dan Pegawai Eksekutif bertanggung jawab ke atas ITC, Melissa Dass; merupakan orang-orang kuat dalam projek-projek kami. Mereka terus menjadi penghubung yang menyambungkan semua bahagian projek-projek. ITC amat menghargai Sektretariat, yang dalam berbagai situasi telah bekerja sepenuh hati, menunjukkan keinginan yang amat tinggi dalam memastikan semua projek-projek dilaksanakan dengan jayanya. Sebagai satu nota peribadi, ini merupakan laporan terakhir saya sebagai Ahli Jawatankuasa Peguam Kuala Lumpur. Saya telah berkhidmat sebagai ahli Jawatankuasa Peguam Kuala Lumpur sejak 2005, ianya merupakan suatu pengalaman yang amat menggembirakan. Saya memohon maaf atas sebarang kesilapan, dan berharap ahli-ahli akan terus berkhidmat dan menyokong projek-projek Jawatankuasa Peguam Kuala Lumpur di masa-masa akan datang. Richard Wee Pengerusi Jawatankuasa Teknologi Maklumat Jawatankuasa Teknologi Maklumat � L A P O R A N TA H U N A N 2 0 1 0 / 1 1 85 Jawatankuasa Pembangunan Profesional Objektif utama Jawatankuasa Pembangunan Profesional (PDC) adalah untuk terus menawarkan ahli-ahli dan juga pelatih-pelatih dalam kamar, melalui programprogram pembelajaran undang-undang, peluang untuk membentuk kemahiran asas perundangan mereka dan memastikan mereka mengetahui perkembanganperkembangan terbaru dalam semua amalan-amalan perundangan. Sepertimana penggal yang lalu, PDC telah meneruskan program-program pembelajaran berbagai amalan perundangan untuk kedua-dua ahli-ahli Badan Peguam dan pelatih-pelatih dalam kamar. Dalam penggal ini, PDC menganjurkan 31 acara antara bulan Mac 2010 sehingga Februari 2011, yang merangkumi bidang Litigasi, topik-topik Konveyansing dan Perundangan Korporat seperti Deraf Kontrak-kontak untuk Komersil, Kewangan Perkapalan, Komunikasi Istimewa, Cukai, Perubatan dan Perundangan, Perbankan Islam dan Mercu Perdagangan, adalah antaranya. Setakat ini, sambutan terhadap acara-acara anjuran PDC adalah menggalakkan dan adalah menjadi harapan kami agar ahli-ahli akan terus mendapat faedah dari program-program yang telah disusun ke penghujung penggal. Kami berharap dapat terus melihat sokongan dan penambahan penyertaan dari ahli-ahli dan pelatihpelatih. PDC dengan kerjasama Sekretariat Jawatankuasa Peguam Kuala Lumpur sedang berusaha untuk menambahkan kemudahan-kemudahan Auditorium Jawatankuasa Peguam Kuala Lumpur. Atas sebab inilah PDC telah menyemak semula pada Ogos 2010 semua yuran penyertaan untuk Seminar-seminar dan Bengkel-bengkel yang dianjurkan. Seminar-seminar kini telah disasarkan kepada 3 kelompok utama iaitu Siri-siri kelas Asas, Pakar dan Master. Antara sebab-sebab yang dibincangkan apabila keputusan untuk menyemak semula yuran adalah seperti berikut: • Ianya akan menggambarkan nilai terhadap seminar yang dianjurkan. • Ianya hanya akan disasarkan kepada sesiapa yang benar-benar serius terhadap sesuatu topik. • Sebagai satu badan professional yang melaksanakan program PDC, yuran yang dikenakan tidak harus terlalu rendah kerana ianya turut menggambarkan kerendahan kualiti seminar-seminar kami. • Peningkatan yuran amat minima dan tidak akan membebankan ahi-ahli. • Firma-firma korporat mengenakan yuran antara RM1,000 hingga RM4,000 untuk seminar 1-hari. • Membantu menambahkan pendapatan kepada Jawatankuasa Peguam KL dalam menambah kemudahan kepada ahli-ahli. • Dana juga diperlukan untuk membaik pulih Auditorium Jawatankuasa Peguam Kuala Lumpur yang perlu diberi muka baru kerana terdapat aduan oleh penceramah-penceramah jemputan berkenaan keadaan Auditorium. 86 L A P O R A N TA H U N A N 2 0 1 0 / 1 1 � Jawatankuasa Pembangunan Profesional Pengerusi Jeremiah R. Gurusamy Ahli-ahli Jawatankuasa Annie Yin Aufa Radzi Balbir Singh G. Nanda Goban Jayaram Sankaran Justin Johari S.Saravana Kumar Sunita Sankey Wong Tat Chung • Tiada sebarang kenaikan yuran dalam tempoh 6 tahun Untuk satu perubahan, PDC juga sedang merancang untuk mengadakan seminar 2-hari yang disasarkan kepada sektor korporat. Jeremiah R. Gurusamy Pengerusi Jawatankuasa Pembangunan Profesional Program-program untuk penggal 2010/11 adalah seperti berikut: Tarikh Tajuk Seminar Penceramah 10.03.2010 (Rabu) 3.00petang SEMINAR: Drafting International Contracts - Dealing with Cross Border Transactions Jeremiah R. Gurusamy 26.03.2010 (Jumaat) 3.00petang SEMINAR: Privileged Communications - Current Trends Sudhar Thillainathan Jeremy Lee Pheng Yau 16.04.2010 (Jumaat) 3.00 Petang SEMINAR: Highlights of Recent Tax Cases S. Saravana Kumar 08.05.2010 (Sabtu) 9.00 Pagi WORKSHOP : Modern Legal Writing (Basic) Jackie Yeoh 26.05.2010 (Rabu) 4.30 Petang SEMINAR: Medicine and the Law P S Ranjan Manmohan S. Dhillon 26.06.2010 (Sabtu) 9.00 Pagi WORKSHOP : Modern Legal Writing (Advanced) Jackie Yeoh 06.08.2010 (Jumaat) 3.00 Petang SEMINAR: Islamic Banking in Malaysia: Syariah Concept in Islamic Banking Mohamed Ridza Annie Yin 13.03.2010 (Jumaat) 3.00 Petang SEMINAR: Laws on Gated and Guarded Communities Andrew Wong Jeremiah R. Gurusamy 20.08.2010 (Jumaat) 4.00 Petang TALK: Humour and the Law P S Ranjan Lee Choi Wan 24.09.2010 (Jumaat) 3.00 Petang SEMINAR: Tax Issues in Land and Property Transactions - Strategies to Minimise Tax S. Saravana Kumar 21.10.2010 (Khamis) 3.00 Petang SEMINAR: The Rights of Unwed Mothers Vicky Alahakone Jawatankuasa Pembangunan Profesional Penyelaras Ravinder Singh Dhalliwal Aufa Radzi � L A P O R A N TA H U N A N 2 0 1 0 / 1 1 87 Tarikh Tajuk Seminar Penceramah 27.10.2010 (Jumaat) 3.00 Petang SEMINAR: Joint Ventures & Strategic Alliances Jeremiah R. Gurusamy 19.11.2010 (Jumaat) 3.00 Petang SEMINAR: Understanding Trade Marks Camilla Anastasia Alim Janet Toh 26.11.2010 (Jumaat) 3.00 Petang SEMINAR: Winding-Up: The Voluntary and Court Liquidation Process Lee Shih 01.12.2010 (Jumaat) 3.00 Petang SEMINAR: Syariah Wills Mohd Amir Shahril Bahari 16.12.2010 (Khamis) 3.00 Petang SEMINAR: Understanding Shipping Laws in Relation to Acquisition and Finance of Ships Joanne Long 17.12.2010 (Jumaat) 2.30 Petang SEMINAR: Restrictive Covenants and Confidential Information in Employment Relationships Edward Saw 18.01.2011 (Selasa) 3.00 Petang SEMINAR: Enforcement of Foreign Judgments and Foreign Arbitral Awards: Recent Developments Sudhar Thillainathan Shara Ann Isaacs 19.01.2011 (Rabu) 3.00 Petang SEMINAR: Drafting International Contracts - Dealing with Cross Border Transactions Jeremiah R. Gurusamy 17.02.2011 (Khamis) 3.00 Petang SEMINAR: Preparation and Conducting Trials Sanjeev Kumar Rasiah Colin Andrew Pereira 18.02.2011 (Jumaat) 3.00 Petang SEMINAR: Recent Tax Cases S. Saravana Kumar Siti Fatimah Mohd Shahrom 88 L A P O R A N TA H U N A N 2 0 1 0 / 1 1 � Jawatankuasa Pembangunan Profesional Penyelaras S. Saravana Kumar Jayaram Sankaran PDC juga telah berterusan dengan Program Pelatih seperti berikut: Tarikh Tajuk Seminar Penceramah 18.06.2010 (Jumaat) 3.00 Petang SEMINAR: Fundamentals of Civil Litigation Mohd. Izral Khairy Tharminder Singh 22.06.2010 (Selasa) 1.30 Petang SEMINAR: Human Rights Law, Advocacy and Activism Edmund Bon 29.06.2010 (Selasa) 2.00 Petang SEMINAR: An Introduction to S.218 Winding Up Petitions Alex Chang 21.07.2010 (Rabu) 3.00 Petang SEMINAR: Fundamentals of Conveyancing Jeremiah R. Gurusamy 23.07.2010 (Selasa) 3.00 Petang SEMINAR: Fundamentals of Bankruptcy Proceedings GK Ganesan 25.08.2010 (Rabu) 3.00 Petang SEMINAR: Drafting Commercial Contracts Jeremiah R. Gurusamy 07.10.2010 (Khamis) 3.00 Petang SEMINAR: The Fundamentals of Criminal Litigation – Arrest, Remand and Bail Amer Hamzah Arshad 12.10.2010 (Selasa) 2.00 Petang SEMINAR: Human Rights Law, Advocacy and Activism Edmund Bon 15.10.2010 (Jumaat) 3.00 Petang SEMINAR: The Fundamentals of Bankruptcy Proceedings Sanjeev Kumar Rasiah 28.01.2011 (Jumaat) 3.00 Petang SEMINAR: Fundamentals of Bankruptcy Proceedings Sanjeev Kumar Rasiah Jawatankuasa Pembangunan Profesional � L A P O R A N TA H U N A N 2 0 1 0 / 1 1 89 Jawatankuasa Penerbitan Jawatankuasa Penerbitan terus mengalami pengurangan sumbangan artikel, komentari dan pandangan dari ahli-ahli Badan Peguam Kuala Lumpur. Hakikat ini telah dimaklumkan dalam laporan-laporan Pengerusi Jawatankuasa Penerbitan di dalam 3 penggal yang lepas. Untuk penggal 2010/11, Jawatankuasa Penerbitan telah membuat keputusan untuk menerbitkan artikel-artikel dan bahan-bahan secara online melalui Blog Badan Peguam Kuala Lumpur di pada masa dan ketika ianya diperolehi. Terdapat beberapa sebab mengapa perubahan ini telah dibuat. Pertamanya adalah sebab-sebab kewangan. Sebahagian besar kos penerbitan Relevan pada tahuntahun yang sebelumnya telah dibiayai oleh hasil pengiklanan yang menjadikan proses penerbitan, percetakan dan pengiriman Relevan boleh dijustifikasikan dari segi komersil. 2 tahun kebelakangan ini hasil pengiklanan bertambah sukar untuk memperolehi. Oleh sebab itu, kos penerbitan Relevan akan turut meningkat berbanding dengan tahun-tahun sebelumnya. Keduanya, perkembangan pesat laman-laman web semasa yang mendedikasikan isu-isu perundangan menjadikan ianya sukar untuk mendapatkan sumbangan dari peguam-peguam yang lebih suka kepada penerbitan artikel-artikel masa sebenar (real-time). Penambahan tugasan akibat dari perubahan pentadbiran yang dilaksanakan oleh Badan Kehakiman juga menyukarkan penulis-penulis yang biasa menyumbangkan artikel-artikel. Walau bagaimanapun, ahli-ahli digalakkan untuk menghantarkan artikel-artikel dan sumbangan-sumbangan walaupun karya-karya tersebut telahpun diterbitkan di media lain. Perancangan sedang dibuat untuk menerbitkan isu Relevan ke-20 tahun sempena ulang tahun yang ke-20 penubuhan Badan Peguam Kuala Lumpur pada 1992. Projek ini akan dilaksanakan oleh jawatankuasa yang akan datang dan dirancang akan diterbitkan pada penghujung 2011 atau awal 2012. Penerbitan online di Blog Badan Peguam Kuala Lumpur juga telah membolehkan kami menerbitkan bahan-bahan dalam masa yang singkat dan membolehkan kami menyimpan semua artikel-artikel dan sumbangan-sumbangan dengan cara yang lebih teratur dan mudah untuk dirujuk semula. Ahli-ahli dimaklumkan melalui e-mel apabila sesuatu artikel itu diterbitkan di dalam blog. Relevan online tidak akan menjadi kenyataan tanpa masa dan usaha ahli-ahli jawatankuasa dan saya mengucapkan terima kasih atas usaha-usaha mereka. H R Dipendra Pengerusi Jawatankuasa Penerbitan 90 L A P O R A N TA H U N A N 2 0 1 0 / 1 1 � Jawatankuasa Penerbitan Pengerusi H R Dipendra Ahli-ahli Jawatankuasa Mahendran Gnasamoothy Justine Chew Bee Ling Jawatankuasa Hal Ehwal Pelatih-Dalam-Kamar Bengkel-bengkel Litigasi Sivil dan Jenayah Jawatankuasa Hal Ehwal Pelatih-Dalam-Kamar (PWC) terus menguruskan bengkelbengkel litigasi sivil dan litigasi jenayah bulanan untuk pelatih-pelatih, di mana tujuannya adalah untuk memperkenalkan para pelatih kepada amalan undangundang asas. Ini merupakan satu bengkel praktikal di mana para pelatih dihadapkan dengan tugas-tugas praktikal dan isu-isu undang-undang. Bahagian-bahagian yang dilingkupi oleh bengkel litigasi jenayah adalah temuduga klien, mitigasi, aplikasi jaminan dan proses perbicaraan. Bagi bengkel litigasi sivil, para pelatih dilatih dalam mendraf pendapatan dan pliding dan cara menyampaikan kes di dalam Mahkamah. Respons kepada bengkel-bengkel ini adalah sangat menggalakkan. Saya amat terhutang budi kepada para pengamal seperti Datuk Sivananthan, Sreekant Pillai, Colin Andrew Pereira, Richard Wee Thiam Seng, Mohd Izral, Tharminder Singh dan Sanjeev Kumar Rasiah kerana telah membuat sesi-sesi ini menyeronokkan dan bermanfaat kepada para pelatih. Pengerusi Choo Dee Wei Ahli-ahli Jawatankuasa Darshendev Singh Lee Li Hoong Tan Yat Ngi Teoh Choon Hui Alex Anton Netto Farah Adlin Binti Embong @ Ahmad Dialog-dialog Peperiksaan Etika dan Standard Profesional (ESP) PWC juga menguruskan dialog-dialog bulanan untuk Peperiksaan Etika dan Standard Profesional (ESP) di mana para pelatih diberi taklimat tentang tujuan kursus ESP dan masalah yang biasa berkaitan dengan kegagalan ujian. Maklumat yang bernilai juga ditawarkan kepada para pelatih yang bakal menduduki peperiksaan tersebut. Saya dengan berbesar hatinya berterima kasih kepada Puan Hendon Haji Mohamed dan Sheila De Costa yang telah sesama sendiri mengikut giliran membantu PWC dalam sesi-sesi dialog Etika. Panduan dan Direktori Pelatihan PWC adalah dalam melancarkan Panduan dan Direktori Pelatihan yang akan digunakan untuk membimbing para pelatih semasa pelatihan mereka. Panduan dan Direktori Pelatihan telah dikonsepkan kerana ramai pelatih tidak menyedari apa yang dikehendaki daripada mereka sebagai seorang pelatih. Pesta Kerjaya Perundangan Pesta Kerjaya Perundangan yang diuruskan setiap tahun oleh PWC adalah dijadualkan untuk diadakan pada 12.02.2011 di Hotel Corus, Jalan Ampang, Kuala Lumpur. Kumpulan e-mel PWC juga sedang mempertimbangkan menubuhkan sebuah kumpulan e-mel untuk para pelatih membangkitkan provenan-provenan atau apa masalah-masalah yang mereka mungkin ada. Jawatankuasa Hal Ehwal Pelatih-Dalam-Kamar � L A P O R A N TA H U N A N 2 0 1 0 / 1 1 91 Penghargaan Saya juga ingin mengambil kesempatan ini untuk mengucapkan terima kasih kepada ahli-ahli PWC yang telah bekerja keras dan banyak membantu iaitu Darshendev Singh, Jason Teoh, Lee Li Hoong, Alex Netto, Farah Adlin dan Tan Yat Ngi serta sekretariat Jawatankuasa Peguam Kuala Lumpur. Choo Dee Wei Pengerusi Jawatankuasa Hal Ehwal Pelatih-Dalam-Kamar 92 L A P O R A N TA H U N A N 2 0 1 0 / 1 1 � Jawatankuasa Hal Ehwal Pelatih-Dalam-Kamar Jawatankuasa Sosial, Kesenian dan Kebudayaan Sehingga ke hari ini, Jawatankuasa Sosial, Kesenian dan Kebudayaan (SAC), telah menganjurkan acara-acara berikut untuk ahli-ahli Badan Peguam Kuala Lumpur dan rakan-rakan serta ahli keluarga mereka: Program Derma Darah SAC telah menganjurkan Program Derma Darah pada 28.06.2010 di Kompleks Mahkamah Jalan Duta, Kuala Lumpur. Seramai 50 penderma yang berdaftar dimana 13 orang telah ditolak antara sebab kerana sama ada berat badan mereka di bawah 45kg, mengalami tekanan darah tinggi atau tekanan darah rendah dan/atau telah menetap di United Kingdom dari 1980 sehingga 1996 dan di Eropah dari 1980 sehingga ke hari ini. Sebanyak 37 unit darah telah dikumpul dari penderma darah yang pemurah. Pertandingan Lumba Go Kart Kebajikan SAC telah menganjurkan Pertandingan Lumba Go Kart Kebajikan pertamanya pada 07.08.2010 di litar lumba Go Kart Sepang. Seramai lebih kurang 40 orang telah menyertai pertandingan tersebut yang terdiri dari orang awam, pelatih dalam kamar dan juga peguam dari Lembah Klang. Jumlah keuntungan bersih yang telah berjaya dikumpul melalui pertandingan tersebut akan didermakan kepada Orang Asli di Kg. Bertang, Raub, Pahang. Pengerusi Khaizan Sharizad Binti Ab. Razak Ahli-ahli Jawatankuasa Farah Intan Burhanudin Azrin Razman Bin Suleiman Imran Ismail Janet Chai Seira Sacha Noor Arianti Binti Osman Thirunavakarasu Tengku Nur Azura binti Tengku Safiyuddeen Nurul Shuhada Ahmad Zaki Ahmad Aizat bin Ab Rahman Pencarian Harta Karun LexisNexis-KL Bar Acara tahunan Pencarian Harta Karun LexisNexis-KL Bar telah diadakan pada 24.10.2010 anjuran bersama oleh LexisNexis dan Badan Peguam Kuala Lumpur dan disertai oleh orang awam dan peguam-peguam dari Lembah Klang. Sebanyak 68 pasukan telah mengambil bahagian dalam acara ini di mana 7 pasukan terdiri daripada kategori tertutup (kakitangan LexisNexis dan ahli-ahli Badan Peguam). Sebanyak RM25000 dikumpul. Keseluruhannya terdapat 25 hadiah untuk kategori terbuka dan 7 hadiah untuk kategori tertutup. Peserta juga turut membawa pulang hadiah-hadiah dari cabutan bertuah. Hadiah utama adalah iPod Touch. 9 hadiah yang lain merupakan 3 iPod Shuffle, 5 bingkai gambar digital dan sebuah kamera Olympus. Makan Malam Dan Tari-Menari Tahunan SAC juga telah menganjurkan Makan Malam Dan Tari-Menari Tahunan Badan Peguam Kuala Lumpur yang diadakan di Prince Hotel, Kuala Lumpur pada 13.11.2010. Ianya telah dihadiri oleh seramai 350 tetamu termasuk Hakim-hakim dan juga peguampeguam dari Lembah Klang. Tahun ini, satu pertunjukan fesyen oleh pereka fesyen baru dari tanah air, nyanyian dari Nadhira dan juga pertunjukan dari Comedy Court telah dipersembahkan. Malam Cereka SAC juga telah menganjurkan Malam Tayangan peribadi filem Harry Potter And The Deathly Hollows: Part 1 pada 18.11.2010 di GSC, Pavillion Kuala Lumpur. Acara tersebut telah mendapat sambutan yang baik oleh ahli-ahli Badan Peguam bersamasama keluarga dan rakan-rakan mereka. Jawatankuasa Sosial, Kesenian dan Kebudayaan � L A P O R A N TA H U N A N 2 0 1 0 / 1 1 93 Lain-lain SAC juga akan menganjurkan lawatan ke perkampungan Orang Asli di Kg. Bertang, Raub, Pahang pada bulan Januari 2011. Khaizan Sharizad Binti Ab. Razak Pengerusi Jawatankuasa Sosial, Kesenian dan Kebudayaan 94 L A P O R A N TA H U N A N 2 0 1 0 / 1 1 � Jawatankuasa Sosial, Kesenian dan Kebudayaan Jawatankuasa Sukan Pertandingan Antara Negeri Badan Peguam Malaysia Badan Peguam Pahang menjadi tuan rumah Pertandingan antara Negeri Badan Peguam Malaysia yang dilangsungkan selama 2 hari di Kuantan pada 26.02.2010 hingga 27.02.2010. Badan Peguam Kuala Lumpur menyertai Pertandingan ini dan telah menang dalam bola jaring (johan), bola tampar (naib johan) dan golf (tempat ketiga). Pengerusi Muhendaran Suppiah Konvenor-Konvenor/ Ahli-ahli Jawatankuasa Anand Ponnudurai Snuker/Pool Piala Ruby Badan Peguam Selangor - Bola Jaring Piala Ruby, satu Pertandingan Bola Jaring, dianjurkan oleh Badan Peguam Selangor telah diadakan pada 26.06.2010 di Kompleks Sukan Matsushita, Shah Alam. Pasukan Bola Jaring Badan Peguam Kuala Lumpur mengambil bahagian dalam Pertandingan ini dan telah memenangi Piala tersebut. Karnival Sukan Ke-20 Badan Peguam Kuala Lumpur lawan Kelab DiRaja Selangor Siri ini dimulakan pada 1985 oleh Allahyarham Tan Sri Dato’ Harun Hashim di mana beberapa sukan dimainkan untuk piala keseluruhan yang didermakan oleh Allahyarham Tan Sri. Untuk setiap permainan ada piala didermakan oleh peguam dari Badan Peguam Malaysia / ahli Kelab DiRaja Selangor. Siri tahun ini diadakan pada 08 hingga 10.07.2010 dan sekali lagi Badan Peguam Kuala Lumpur dan Kelab DiRaja Selangor diisytiharkan sebagai Johan bersama. Kedua-dua pihak seri memenangi 3 permainan dan seri dalam 1 permainan (tenis). Badan Peguam Kuala Lumpur memenangi permainan badminton, kriket dan bola jaring manakala Kelab DiRaja Selangor muncul sebagai pemenang dalam sukan bola sepak, hoki dan billiard/pool. Jamuan Makan Malam Akhir Sukan dan Upacara Pemberian Hadiah mendapat sambutan yang baik. Pertandingan “boat race” diadakan ketika jamuan makan malam. Walaupun ia bukan satu acara persaingan, namun mereka berlawan dengan sengit dan dimenangi oleh Kelab DiRaja Selangor. Sukan Badan Peguam Kuala Lumpur/Selangor - Siri Ke-10 Siri ini dimulakan setelah pemisahan diantara Badan Peguam Selangor dan Badan Peguam Kuala Lumpur dan kedua-dua pasukan bertanding dalam pelbagai sukan untuk Piala Lall Singh Muker, yang didermakan oleh Puan Lall Singh Muker, ibu kepada seorang peguambela kanan Badan Peguam, Encik S.S. Muker yang merupakan ahli kedua-dua Badan Peguam Selangor dan Badan Peguam Kuala Lumpur. Badan Peguam Selangor menjadi tuan rumah siri tahun ini yang diadakan pada 11.12.2010. 5 acara dimainkan dalam siri ini - hoki, bola sepak, bola tampar, bola jaring dan golf. Badan Peguam Kuala Lumpur memenangi permainan bola jaring dan golf manakala Badan Peguam Selangor memenangi permainan hoki, bola sepak dan bola tampar. Badan Peguam Selangor mengalahkan Badan Peguam Kuala Lumpur 3-2 untuk menjadi johan keseluruhan dan dapat merampas semula Piala Pusingan yang telah gagal dipertahankan dalam siri tahun lepas. Jawatankuasa Sukan A I Nathan Badminton Alex Nandaseri De Silva Kriket Khairul Idham Hoki Robert Low Bola Sepak & Futsal Yeoh Cho Kheong Tenis Wan Syarihah Binti Razman Bola Jaring Chin Yeow Chong Bola Tampar Sivaruben A/L R Balasekaran Damak Shanmugam A/L Ganesan � L A P O R A N TA H U N A N 2 0 1 0 / 1 1 95 AM Jawatankuasa Peguam Kuala Lumpur masih mengekalkan gelanggang badminton di dewan SBA di Kampung Attap setiap Khamis dari 6.00 malam ke 8.30 malam untuk membolehkan ahli dan pelatih dalam kamar untuk bermain sukan secara kerap dan untuk berinteraksi dengan ahli lain. Muhendaran Suppiah Pengerusi Jawatankuasa Sukan 96 L A P O R A N TA H U N A N 2 0 1 0 / 1 1 � Jawatankuasa Sukan Jawatankuasa Peguam Muda Jawatankuasa Peguam Muda Kuala Lumpur (YLC) pada penggal 2010/2011 meneruskan usaha untuk mewujudkan satu platform untuk peguam muda menyumbang kepada Badan Peguam. YLC terus membesar tetapi kami tetap mencari peguam-peguam muda untuk menyertai kami. YLC mempunyai 4 unit-unit kecil yang di ketuai oleh Timbalan-Timbalan Pengerusi masing-masing dan pada tahun ini terdapat 2 wakil YLC yang menduduki di Jawatankuasa Peguam Muda Kebangsaan, dan mereka adalah: (a) Unit Projek-projek Komuniti - Kenneth Wong Poh Lim dan Siti Fatimah Mohd Shahrom (b) Unit Pengurusan Praktis - Ruth Maran (c) Unit Rangkaian Professional - Chan Kit Kheong (d) Unit Perhubungan Luar - Fam Yu Min dan Sandesh Kabir Singh (e) Wakil-wakil YLC - Aston Philip Paiva dan Syahrezan Johan Naib-naib Pengerusi Chan Kit Kheong Unit Rangkaian Profesional Fam Yu Min Unit Hubungan Luar Sandesh Kabir Singh Unit Hubungan Luar Kenneth Wong Poh Lim Unit Projek Kemasyarakatan Siti Fatimah Mohd Shahrom Unit Projek Kemasyarakatan YLC telah mengadakan mesyuarat yang pertama pada 07.04.2010 di Wisma Kraftangan dan di ikuti oleh yang ke-2 pada 24.04.2010 di The Ascott, ke-3 pada 20.07.2010 di Wisma Kraftangan dan ke-4 pada 25.09.2010 di Old Town White Coffee di Bangsar Selatan. Aktiviti-aktiviti yang dilaksanakan pada penggal ini adalah: Futsal YLC di Padang OU pada 21.05.2010 Pertandingan ini telah menarik penyertaan dari 8 kumpulan. Pemain muda dari Majlis Peguam juga telah membuat kemunculan khas. Acara ini amat menyeronokan sama ada di dalam mahupun di luar gelanggang. Pertandingan ini bertujuan untuk menggalakkan peserta-peserta untuk bertemu muka dan berkenal-kenalan di antara satu sama lain. Lawatan ke SPCA pada 05.06.2010 YLC dalam memastikan lebih banyak cara untuk para pengamal undang-undang untuk menyumbang kepada masyarakat, telah membentuk Jawatankuasa Kebajikan Haiwan Ad Hoc pada awal tahun ini dan telah melawat Persatuan Penghalang Kezaliman terhadap Haiwan (SPCA) pada 05.06.2010. SPCA merupakan persatuan yang mengambil berat berkenaan hal ehwal haiwan bertujuan untuk melindungi haiwan dan mengurangkan penderitaan yang di hadapi oleh haiwan-haiwan tersebut. Objektif utama adalah untuk meningkatkan kesedaran di kalangan peguam terhadap kebajikan haiwan. Ianya merupakan pemandangan yang mengharukan apabila haiwan-haiwan tersebut menjadi teruja bila mana peguam-peguam mula membantu untuk membersihkan kurungan mereka dengan menukar kertas-kertas surakhabar dan membuang najis, menggantikan bekas-bekas makanan dengan makanan dan minuman bersih, memberi makanan, memandikan dan meluangkan masa bersama haiwan-haiwan tersebut. Kebanyakan mereka yang tidak dapat turut serta dalam lawatan itu telah menyumbang berbagai barangan kepada SPCA melalui panggilan Jawatankuasa Peguam Muda Pengerusi Lai Chee Hoe Ruth Garnet Maran Unit Pengurusan Amalan Wakil-wakil ke NYLC Syahredzan Johan Aston Philip Paiva Ahli-ahli Jawatankuasa Alvin Khoo Nee Jian Aric Wong Azrin Razman Bin Suleiman Benjamin Sathyanandam Cara Yasmin Kamaruddin Casey Cheng Khang Chween Chan Khoon Moh Chang Lih Yik Choo Dee Wei Choo Mun Wei Chrissie Lim Wen Hsin Christine Ooi Wai Ching Clarice Ngan Daniel Albert Daphne Chia Daron Wong Horng Yang Darren Malis Dipendra Harshad Rai Edmund Bon Tai Soon Elyne Choo Yee Leng Esther Chow Ruen Xin � L A P O R A N TA H U N A N 2 0 1 0 / 1 1 97 untuk sumbangan oleh YLC. Barangan-barangan tersebut termasuk barangan keperluan seperti makanan dan barangan pembasmi kuman, termasuk juga pakaian, barangan dapur, buku, mainan dan sebagainya untuk Jualan Lambak dan Amal SPCA. Lawatan tersebut telah disiarkan di suratkhabar-suratkhabar Cina iaitu Sin Chew Jit Poh dan Guangming Daily selain daripada The Star dan New Straits Times. YLC berharap untuk meneruskan usaha-usaha meningkatkan kesedaran tentang kebajikan haiwan ini dan untuk menggalakkan lebih ramai peguam untuk turut serta dalam program kebajikan haiwan ini. Jamuan Buka Puasa di Ali Baba’s Kebab pada 18.08.2010 Aktiviti ini bertujuan untuk mengeratkan hubungan antara peguam semasa bulan suci Ramadhan. Pada tahun ini, YLC telah mengubah sedikit acara tahunan dan mengubah lokasi dari Restoran Kampung Baru Ikan Bakar di tahun lepas ke Restoran Kebab Ali Baba di Jalan Ampang dan dari menu kebiasaan buffet kepada menu set. Menu-menu set tersebut dengan harga yang berpatutan iaitu RM28 untuk seorang. Aktiviti ini berlangsung dengan jayanya memandangkan terdapat beberapa kehadiran peguam-peguam baru yang belum pernah menyertai mana-mana aktiviti YLC sebelum itu. Jamuan tersebut berlarutan ke malam dengan kebanyakan peguam menggunakannya untuk bertukar-tukar berita dengan teman seperjuangan. Lawatan ke Parlimen pada 11.10.2010 8 orang ahli YLC telah menghadiri sessi ketiga persidangan Parlimen ke-12. Ahli Parlimen Rembau, YB Khairy Jamuluddin adalah antara YB yang pertama hadir dan dengan baik hati meluangkan masa untuk menyambut setiap ahli YLC dan seterusnya beliau telah berbincang tentang agenda hari tersebut bersama kami. YLC juga turut membuat kunjungan hormat kepada Ahli-ahli Parlimen dari DAP. Perjumpaan tersebut yang diadakan di Pejabat Pembangkang terletak di tingkat 13 telah dihadiri oleh YB Kulasegaran, YB Teo Nie Ching, YB Tony Pua, YB Ngeh Koo Ham, YB Anthony Loke, YB Liew Chin Tong, YB Wong Ho Leng and YB Chong Chieng Jen. Kami juga menerima kunjungan mengejut oleh YB Lim Kit Siang semasa perjumpaan tersebut. Karnival Sukan YLC pada 31.10.2010 Dalam usaha mempromosikan sukan dan mengeratkan hubungan antara peguampeguam, YLC telah menganjurkan Karnival Sukan yang merangkumi acara Badminton dan Futsal. The Challenger Sport Centre Petaling Jaya telah dipilih sebagai lokasi acara tersebut. Karnival tersebut berjaya mengumpulkan bilangan penyertaan yang menggalakkan untuk kedua acara badminton dan futsal. Keseluruhannya, acara badminton berjaya menarik penyertaan 45 individu untuk acara perseorangan dan beregu dan untuk futsal, 16 kumpulan telah berentap di gelanggang untuk acara sehari tersebut. Antara penyertaan yang menggalakkan YLC adalah dari Jabatan Peguam Negara yang menerima jemputan untuk turut serta dalam acara ini. Pertandingan bermula jam 10.00 pagi sehingga jam 4.00 petang dengan berbagai aksi menarik sepanjang hari. Dengan aktiviti ini YLC telah berjaya menubuhkan satu persekitaran untuk individu-individu dalam industri yang sama untuk bergaul dan berkongsi minat dalam sukan dan berharap karnival di masa akan datang akan merangkumi lebih banyak acara-acara sukan yang lain dan ianya akan digunakan sebagai platform untuk mencapai objektif yang luas. Pemerhatian Calon Pilihanraya Majlis Peguam 2011/2012 Pilihanraya Majlis Peguam diadakan pada setiap tahun di bulan November. Tujuan pilihanraya tersebut adalah untuk memilih ahli-ahli yang akan memenuhi kerusi Majlis Peguam dan akan memikul tanggungjawab seperti dinyatakan di bawah Akta Profesion Undang-Undang. YLC telah memulakan satu inisiatif yang pertama untuk membentuk kesedaran di kalangan ahli-ahli Badan Peguam Malaysia berkenaan Pilihanraya Majlis Peguam iaitu ‘Pemerhatian Calon’. Ianya diharapkan dengan inisiatif ini, lebih ramai ahli akan mengundi di Pilihanraya, dan bukan hanya membuang kertas undian sahaja. 98 L A P O R A N TA H U N A N 2 0 1 0 / 1 1 � Jawatankuasa Peguam Muda Ahli-ahli Jawatankuasa Farah Nadiah Zainudin Fatin Nabilah Abu Samah Foo Siew June Foong Cheng Leong Giri Raj Haraesh Singh Kelly James Ding Tse Wen James Ong Janet Chai Janet Olivia Tang Mou Lung Joachim Leong Ming Yoong Joanne Leong Pooi Yaen Joe Teoh Zhuo Wei Johana Rosli Johnson Lim Fung Tat Josephine Chin Fong Leng Karthigaibalan Kelly Khoo Seo Ju Kenneth Seet Wan Zheng Khairul Anwar Rahmat Khaizan Sharizad Abd Razak Kok Wen Ying Kong Teng Mun @ Jason Kong Linda Lee Ching Ching Mak Kah Keong Malini Madiyazhagan Melissa Sasidaran Mohd Khairil Izzi bin Talha Muhamad Anwar B. Zamree Muthuveeramani Nadesan Ng Su-San Noraliana Zainal Abidin Nurul Hidayah Abdull Rahim Ong Hwee Koon Regina Chin Ming Ling Richard Wee Thiam Seng Seira Sacha Binti Abu Bakar Sharolyn Jeyanthi A/P Selvaraj Siti Munirah Maarof Sujintana Mongkolthanit Tan Aimee Tracy Hah Yan Shan Vince Chong Khin Young Wan Farhanim bt Wan Muhd Shukeri Wan Norizzati binti Wan Idris Yau Khai Ling Yeoh Tung Seng Yohendra Nadarajan Unit Projek-projek Komuniti Ujibakat untuk Malam Amal pada 19.06.2010 Auditorium Badan Peguam KL berdenggung dengan bakat-bakat pada 19.06.2010 apabila ujibakat dilangsungkan sebagai persiapan untuk aktiviti Malam Amal 2010. Barisan ‘para hakim’ terdiri dari Seira Sacha, Siti Shahrom, Melissa Sasidaran dan Christine Ooi. Sejumlah 6 persembahan hadir untuk ujibakat dan 4 persembahan menghantar video-video ujibakat mereka untuk dipertimbangkan. Malam Amal di GOSH pada 02.07.2010 Aktiviti tahunan yang paling dinanti-nantikan telah kembali dengan tema ”Still Legally Talented - Too Legit To Quit” dan telah diadakan pada 02.07.2010 di Gosh! Asian Heritage Row, Kuala Lumpur. Majlis menyaksikan peguam-peguam (dan peserta bukan peguam) menonjolkan bakat masing-masing dalam nyanyian, lakonan dan tarian yang merangkumi sepuluh persembahan sepanjang malam tersebut. Para tetamu mula hadir mulai jam 7.00 malam dan majlis bermula dengan rasminya pada 8.15 malam, apabila pengacara majlis, Cara dan Joseph, memanggil perhatian para tetamu ke arah pentas dan menjemput persembahan untuk bermula. DiGi, penaja rasmi majlis ini telah melelong satu Blackberry 9000 Bold dan satu Nokia E52 yang mana keduanya telah berjaya mengumpulkan jumlah sumbangan amal yang amat baik. Lebih 900 tiket terjual dan sejumlah RM48,070.60 telah berjaya dikumpul dari sumbangan yang diterima pada malam itu sendiri. Makan Malam Penghargaan untuk Malam Amal di Malaya’s Bistro pada 13.08.2010 Satu majlis makan malam penghargaan telah dianjurkan sebagai ucapan terima kasih kepada semua peguam muda yang terlibat dalam pengurusan dan persembahan yang telah menjayakan Malam Amal. Penyerahan Cek kepada Marginal Youth Centre pada 28.08.2010 Selepas majlis Malam Amal 2010 pada 02.07.2010 di Gosh, YLC telah mengotakan janji-janjinya dengan menyerahkan sumbangan kepada pusat-pusat kebajikan. Marginal Youth Centre telah menerima cek berjumlah RM20,000.00. Pusat ini melindungi 31 kanak-kanak yang tidak mempunyai tempat tinggal ataupun dari keluarga ibu/bapa tunggal. Penyerahan Cek kepada Pusat Kanak-kanak Cacat dan Terencat Akal Selangor pada 04.09.2010 Pusat Kanak-Kanak Cacat dan Terencat Akal Selangor telah menerima cek berjumlah RM20,000.00. Pusat ini menguruskan kanak-kanak dan dewasa yang memerlukan kemudahan dan perhatian khas. Pusat ini terdiri dari mereka-mereka yang kurang upaya seperti down syndrome, autism, kecacatan dan buta. Unit Rangkaian Profesional Professional Connect - Forum dan Pameran Umum pada 15 ke 16.05.2010 Satu Forum dan pameran umum bertajuk “Professionals Connect” telah diadakan di Balai Ikhtisas Malaysia (BIM), yang juga di kenali sebagai Pusat Profesional Malaysia, dengan kerjasana Young Professional Alliance (YPA) yang mana YLC adalah sebahagiannya. Dilancarkan oleh Presiden BIM, Dr. Tan Yoke Sing, majlis ini julung kali dilaksanakan oleh BIM disasarkan untuk meningkatkan kesedaran berkenaan isu-isu dan cabaran-cabaran yang dihadapi Malaysia dalam perjalanannya menjadi Negara maju. BIM telah ditubuhkan pada 21.01.1973 dengan fungsi utamanya untuk menggalakkan hubungan baik dan kesefahaman antara ahli-ahli dari badan-badan professional yang berlainan dan orang awam. Diadakan di Dewan Auditorium Tunku Abdul Rahman, Pusat Pelancongan Malaysia, Forum tersebut memaparkan berbagai organisasi profesional bertemu untuk berbincang dan mendapatkan pengetahuan berkenaan isu-isu semasa dan cabaran-cabaran yang kita hadapi sebagai rakyat Malaysia dalam menghadapi ketidaktentuan dan persekitaran yang sentiasa berubah. Parti ‘Traffic Light’ pada 24.09.2010 di Changkat Bukit Bintang YLC telah mengadakan Jamuan Minuman Peguam Muda yang pertama bertema ”Parti Lampu Trafik” pada 24.09.2010 di Finnegan’s @ Changkat Bukit Bintang yang dipilih sebagai tempat untuk ahli-ahli Badan Peguam bersemuka di suasana yang tidak fomal dan untuk bertemu dengan ahli-ahli dari badan-badan profesional yang lain. Beberapa tetamu yang ingin tahu telah muncul pada jam 7.30 malam tetapi ianya bertambak rancak selepas jam 9.00 malam dengan kehadiran sehingga melimpah ke aras bawah. Majlis ini menyaksikan ramai muka-muka baru dengan kod pakaian lampu trafik memulakan perbualan hangat dan perkenalan baru. Kejayaan format ini menjanjikan majlis minuman yang kedua. Unit Hubungan Luar Sehari bersama Peguam Muda di KDU pada 26.06.2010 Sesi bermula dengan ucapan ringkas oleh Fam Yu Min kepada para pelajar yang menerangkan objektif-objektif lawatan. Sukarelawan dari YLC kemudiannya di perkernalkan. Para pelajar selepas itu dibahagikan ke beberapa dewan-dewan tutorial dan peguam-peguam sukarela dihantar ke dewan masing-masing untuk memulakan bengkel. Pada mulanya pelajar khuatir tetapi meneruskan sesi tersebut. Sepanjang bengkel, pelajar-pelajar dibenarkan untuk bertanya soalan-soalan berkaitan pelatihan dalam kamar, praktis, in-house praktis, bidang-bidang perundangan, litigasi perbalahan dan isu-isu undang-undang Jawatankuasa Peguam Muda � L A P O R A N TA H U N A N 2 0 1 0 / 1 1 99 dalam industri. Sukarelawan turut berkongsi pendapat dan pengalaman dalam lautan perundangan yang berombak. Kesemua pelajar telah menunjukkan minat, teruja dan suka, dengan berbagai pertanyaan. Sehari bersama Peguam Muda di INTI, Nilai pada 02.10.2010 Acara bermula dengan ucapan alu-aluan oleh wakil dari INTI dan pengenalan secara ringkas peguam-peguam sukarela YLC. Pejajar-pelajar kemudiannya dibahagikan kepada 4 kumpulan, setiap satu kumpulan mengandungi 6-7 pelajar. 2 peguam sukarela ditentukan untuk setiap kumpulan untuk berkongsi pengalaman mereka bersama para pelajar. Dalam sesi berbincangan selama 1.5 jam penyertaan para pelajar amat aktif dan berbagai soalan ditanya. Ianya merupakan pengalaman yang berharga kepada para pelajar. Para pelajar ingin tahu bagaimana keadaan bekerja sebagai seorang peguam, waktu bekerja, pampasan, pengalaman dan sebagainya. Apa yang lebih penting, peguam-peguam sukarela dapat melihat keghairahan, semangat dan kefahaman keadilan para pelajar. Pada penghujung sesi, setiap kumpulan melantik seorang wakil untuk memberi maklumbalas. Para pelajar menunjukkan rasa terima kasih mereka dan memaklumkan bahawa mereka ingin kami datang semula di masa yang terdekat. Bengkel-bengkel yang sama telah diadakan di Kolej Universiti KDU pada 09.10.2010, Universiti Islam Antarabangsa Malaysia pada 16.10.2010 dan Kolej Universiti Taylor pada 30.10.2010. Projek-projek akan datang: • Sumbangan kepada Penempatan Orang Asli • Dialog bersama Sayap Pemuda Parti-parti Politik • Kursus Speedtrack • YLC Retreat Lai Chee Hoe Pengerusi Jawatankuasa Peguam Muda 100 L A P O R A N TA H U N A N 2 0 1 0 / 1 1 � Jawatankuasa Peguam Muda Pusat Bantuan Guaman Majlis Peguam (Kuala Lumpur) PENGENALAN PANEL PENGURUSAN Tahun 2010 merupakan tahun yang bersejarah dan tidak pernah dialami oleh Pusat Bantuan Guaman Majlis Peguam (“BC LAC (KL)”). Pada satu ketika, BC LAC (KL) hanyalah sebuah badan yang tidak aktif yang hanya memberi perhatian kepada individu yang diwakili dimana mereka datang ke BC LAC (KL) untuk meminta bantuan. Pengerusi Ravinder Singh Dhalliwal (Ravin Singh) Setiausaha Kehormat Fadiah Nadwa Fikri Pemikiran seumpama itu telah berubah dan kini boleh dikatakan bahawa BC LAC (KL) bergerak lebih proaktif dan banyak memberi fokus kepada hak-hak rakyat Malaysia berbanding sebelum ini. Kini, pusat ini bukan hanya tertumpu kepada mereka yang datang untuk meminta bantuan tetapi juga kepada mereka yang mana kami boleh menghulurkan bantuan. Penolong Setiausaha Kehormat Harleen Kaur Selain daripada bilangan klien daripada program Tenaganita, kesemua ahli jawatankuasa dilihat terus berusaha kearah membantu bilangan klien yang lebih kurang sama antara satu sama lain. Sebab utama terdapat pengurangan dari segi bilangan klien di klinik LAC/Tenaganita adalah kerana terdapat penukaran di dalam program Tenaganita serta kemunculan organisasi-organisasi lain yang juga menangani masalah migran. Ahli-ahli Jawatankuasa Ravi Nekoo Renuka T Balasubramaniam Latheefa Koya Ramesh Lachmanan Sa’adiah Din Preetam Kaur Abd Shukor Tokachil Rajesweri Paramasevam Murnie Hidayah Anuar Jason Kong Teng Mun Adlan Hadi Mohd Yusof Berikutnya adalah ringkasan lebih mendalam mengenai beberapa projek yang berjaya dilaksanakan tahun lepas. LAPORAN SUHAKAM PADA 23 APRIL 2010. Tahun lepas telah dimulakan dengan berita yang menggembirakan apabila SUHAKAM mengumumkan bahawa penangkapan lima peguam pada 7 Mei 2009 adalah merupakan pelanggaran hak asasi manusia. Bendahari Khor Xiou Shan, Valen Suruhanjaya ini mendapati bahawa penangkapan mereka di bawah Seksyen 27 Akta Polis 1967 adalah tidak berasas sama sekali. Tambahan lagi, SUHAKAM mendapati bahawa para peguam tersebut bukannya hadir untuk mewakili mana-mana anak guam mereka akan tetapi hanya untuk menjalankan tugas mereka sebagai pengamal undang-undang yang ingin membela nasib 14 orang yang telah ditahan sebelum ini. Ini telahpun dinyatakan secara terperinci dalam Laporan SUHAKAM di mukasurat 42. Walaupun BC LAC (KL) lebih mengalu-alukan cadangan-cadangan untuk dibuat oleh panel SUHAKAM mengenai tindakan yang perlu diambil terhadap pesalah undangundang, akan tetapi BC LAC (KL) masih mengalu-alukan penemuan oleh SUHAKAM. “URGENT ARREST TEAM” Berdasarkan pengalaman lalu dalam peristiwa perhimpunan HINDRAF, BERSIH, GMI dan juga penangkapan pada 7 Mei, “Urgent Arrest Team” telah mencatat kemajuan dalam menjadi satu kumpulan yang pro-aktif yang mana objektif mereka adalah membantu rakyat dalam hal penangkapan secara beramai-ramai. Kumpulan ini telah memberikan sokongan mereka dalam penangkapan GMI pada 1 Ogos 2010 di Petaling Jaya dan juga dalam peristiwa baru-baru ini iaitu “Water Pusat Bantuan Guaman Majlis Peguam (Kuala Lumpur) � L A P O R A N TA H U N A N 2 0 1 0 / 1 1 101 Protest” pada 5 Disember 2010 yang membuktikan bahawa “Urgent Arrest Team” adalah satu kumpulan yang boleh dipertanggungjawabkan dalam menangani situasi-situasi tersebut. PENANGKAPAN 4 SUKARELAWAN BC LAC (KL) PADA 10 OKTOBER 2010 Sebilangan daripada kita mungkin berpendapat bahawa penangkapan para peguam adalah satu keterujaan bagi Polis Diraja Malaysia. Akan tetapi, ini terbukti salah pada 10 Oktober 2010. Empat sukarelawan BC LAC (KL) telah didatangi oleh polis apabila mereka cuba mendidik orang awam berkenaan hak asasi mereka melalui pengedaran “Red Book” terbitan Majlis Peguam. Mereka ditahan oleh polis apabila mereka cuba mengedarkan bahan-bahan berkenaan hak-hak asasi manusia itu kepada orang awam. Dua orang peguam dan dua Pelatih dalam kamar yang cuba mengedarkan “Red Book” Majlis Peguam bertajuk “Police and Your Basic Rights” kepada orang awam di Bukit Jalil telah ditahan oleh polis. Mereka telah dibawa ke Balai Polis daerah Sungai Besi pada pukul 3 petang atas sebab menyebarkan penerbitan tersebut yang berunsurkan anti-polis. Walaupun mereka telah dilepaskan tiga jam kemudian tanpa apa-apa tuduhan, BC LAC (KL) telah mengutuk penangkapan tersebut dan bertegas dalam mendapatkan penjelasan selanjutnya daripada Polis DiRaja Malaysia. “REMAND TASK FORCE” BC LAC (KL) telah membuat satu pemerhatian di sebuah Pusat Reman yang baru dibuka di Bukit Jalil pada 7 hingga 11 Jun 2010. Pemerhatian tersebut adalah sangat berwawasan dan bersifat menyedarkan bagi BC LAC (KL). Para sukarelawan daripada BC LAC (KL) telah mengadakan perbincangan bersama pihak berkuasa dan telah mencadangkan supaya prosedur tertentu diperkenalkan atau dipinda. Pemerhatian selama seminggu di Pusat Reman Bukit Jalil ketara menunjukkan bahawa bantuan guaman adalah sangat diperlukan oleh klien pada peringkat reman. Justeru itu, BC LAC (KL) sedang mempertimbangkan untuk memperkenalkan satu program baru bagi pelatih-pelatih dalam kamar untuk menghadiri “Remand Hearings” sebagai sebahagian daripada aktiviti dan program mereka. Pertimbangan ini diperkukuhkan oleh sebab peningkatan dalam bilangan Pelatih dalam kamar yang mendaftarkan diri untuk tugas bantuan guaman. “Remand Research Team” - BC LAC (KL) juga gembira dalam mengakui bahawa kerja sekumpulan peguam-peguam muda yang sukarela dalam memberikan perkhidmatan mereka dalam melaksanakan penyelidikan mengenai reman bagi mengemaskinikan manual latihan BC LAC (KL) supaya menjadi lebih komprehensif. “OUTREACH GROUP” Seperti yang dimaklumkan sebelum ini, di dalam usaha BC LAC (KL) membantu orang-orang awam, BC LAC (KL) telah merasmikan “Project Outreach” buat pertama kalinya pada 23 Oktober 2010 di Brickfields Asia College yang bertempat di Brickfields. Stesen bantuan tersebut bertempat di Tingkat 1, Brickfields Asia College (di tingkat atas CIMB Bank), 68, Jln Tun Sambanthan, Brickfields, 50470 Kuala Lumpur dan akan dibuka pada setiap hari Ahad dari pukul 10.00 pagi hingga 3.00 petang dan telah beroperasi selama 13 minggu. Ini merupakan projek yang julung-julung kalinya dirasmikan oleh BC LAC (KL) dan saya ingin mengucapkan tahniah kepada kumpulan “Project Outreach” yang bertungkus lumus dalam menjayakan projek ini. PROGRAM BARU - PROGRAM PENYELIDIKAN DAN PEMBAHARUAN UNDANG-UNDANG Disebabkan terdapat peningkatan dalam bilangan pelatih dalam kamar yang mendaftarkan diri untuk tugas bantuan guaman dan disebabkan keperluan BC LAC (KL) dalam bidang penyelidikan dan pembaharuan yang tertentu, pihak pengurusan telah memutuskan untuk memperkenalkan satu program perintis - Program Penyelidikan dan Pembaharuan Undang-Undang. Program perintis ini telah bermula dengan sekumpulan 10 pelatih dalam kamar yang akan bekerja bersama-sama pada satu topik tertentu. Mereka akan diberi taklimat pada topik tersebut, garis panduan dan had masa bagi penyelidikan, penyampaian dan penulisan. Adalah diharapkan bahawa sebahagian daripada penyelidikan tersebut akan digunakan untuk melobi bagi pembaharuan undang-undang. 102 L A P O R A N TA H U N A N 2 0 1 0 / 1 1 � Pusat Bantuan Guaman Majlis Peguam (Kuala Lumpur) “BULLET COMMITTEE” (Jawatankuasa Hak Haiwan) Projek “Bullet Committee” yang julung-julung kalinya diadakan ini telah dirasmikan pada suku ke-3 tahun 2010 dengan tiga tujuan yang ringkas iaitu untuk memberikan kesedaran berkenaan hak-hak haiwan, desakan untuk mengubah undangundang yang sedia ada dan juga desakan agar hak haiwan dikuatkuasakan. Jawatankuasa ini terdiri daripada mereka yang bukan pengamal undang-undang yang selama ini bergiat aktif dalam bidang hak haiwan yang juga terdorong untuk mencapai objektif Pusat Bantuan Guaman. Jawantankuasa ini juga menyerap masuk pelatih dalam kamar yang pada waktu ini giat membuat perbandingan undangundang hak pro haiwan seluruh dunia dan juga berusaha dalam menyerap undang-undang tersebut dalam undang-undang di Malaysia yang sedia ada. NATIONAL LEGAL AID FOUNDATION (NLAF) Penubuhan NLAF dengan perlahan-lahannya sedang menjadi satu realiti. Projek ini merupakan usahasama antara Majlis Peguam dan juga BC LAC (KL) semenjak 2 tahun yang lepas dan ia menunjukkan satu peningkatan yang baik. NLAF yang akan dirasmikan tidak lama lagi bertujuan membantu dan mewakili rakyat Malaysia yang ditahan polis dari peringkat penahanan sehingga peringkat perbicaraan kes jenayah itu. NLAF akan dirasmikan pada awal tahun 2011 dan kami amat menantikan perasmian yayasan ini. RAKAN NGO Kami terus menjalinkan hubungan yang rapat dengan rakan NGO yang lain seperti AWAM, WAO, SIS, Pink Triangle Foundation, Malaysian Aids Council, Tenaganita dan UNHCR. Kerjasama yang erat di antara pusat ini dengan pihak-pihak berkenaan telah meningkatkan kesedaran dan mengembangkan serta menambahbaik kemahiran dan perkhidmatan yang kami berikan kepada pelbagai peringkat masyarakat. TERIMA KASIH Di sini kami ingin menekankan bahawa tanpa sokongan oleh pengamal undang-undang yang menjadi sukarelawan di pusat ini, kejayaan-kejayaan yang dicapai setakat ini tidak akan menjadi realiti. Kami ingin menggunakan peluang ini untuk mengucapkan ribuan terima kasih kepada mereka. Kami juga mengakui bahawa para pelatih di BC LAC (KL)Majlis Peguam Kuala Lumpur adalah bagi memenuhi keperluan menjalani tugasan mereka di pusat tersebut selama 14 hari. Kami dalam proses untuk merangka lebih banyak program bagi mereka melibatkan diri mereka walaupun setelah selesai menjalani tugasan tersebut. Ucapan terima kasih saya ditujukan khasnya kepada Ketua-ketua Projek, ahli panel bahagian Pengurusan, kepada staf BC LAC (KL), ex-officio kami dan juga kepada Pengarah Eksekutif BC LAC (KL). Kesemua dan setiap seorang dari mereka telah menyumbangkan masa dan tenaga dan oleh itu kami merasa amat berterima kasih. Ravin Singh Pengerusi Pusat Bantuan Guaman Majlis Peguam (Kuala Lumpur) � L A P O R A N TA H U N A N 2 0 1 0 / 1 1 103 BC LAC (KL) STATISTIK (JANUARI - DISEMBER 2010) A. STATISTIK KLIEN: RUMUSAN 2010 BIL. Klinik/Program Klien 2008 (Jan -Dis) 1407 (1008) (399) Klien 2009 (Jan -Dis) 1152 (855) (297) Klien 2010 (Jan -Dis) 1130 (810) (320) 1 Penjara Sungai Buloh: • Klien Malaysia • Klien Pendatang asing 2 Penjara Wanita Kajang 168 81 23 3 Penjara Pendatang Asing Wanita Kajang 132 74 22 4 Penjara Lelaki Kajang (Rayuan) 470 6 22 5 Penjara Pendatang Asing Lelaki (Rayuan) 3 4 17 6 Penjara Lelaki Juvana - 393 408 7 Penjara Pendatang Asing Lelaki Juvana - - - 8 Rumah Tahanan Juvana 20 30 26 9 Dock Brief 4823 4706 3210 10 Klinik LAC 1585 2155 2628 11 Klinik Syariah 130 141 225 12 SIS 665 755 484 13 AWAM 411 348 318 14 PTF 80 20 41 15 WAO 115 90 83 16 Tenaganita 2284 5315 202 17 UNHCR 3931 3958 5916 18 Kes Kepentingan Awam 348 100 72 19 Project Outreach - - 68 16572 19328 14895 Keseluruhan 104 L A P O R A N TA H U N A N 2 0 1 0 / 1 1 � Pusat Bantuan Guaman Majlis Peguam (Kuala Lumpur) B. FAIL-FAIL: DIBUKA, DITUGASKAN & TIDAK DITUGASKAN - 2010 2009 BIL. Kategori Buka Ditugaskan 2010 Tidak Ditugaskan Buka Ditugaskan Tidak Ditugaskan 1 Jenayah • Klinik LAC • Program Penjara 140 130 140 113 48 55 111 97 157 131 2 21 2 Pekerjaan / SOCSO 15 16 4 22 24 2 3 Kekeluargaan 65 70 10 83 89 4 4 Syariah 30 35 8 45 49 4 5 Lain-lain • Kes Kepentingan Awam • Misc 8 8 6 8 4 - 4 3 4 1 - 396 388 129 362 457 34 Jumlah C. PEGUAM SUKARELA BARU: 2010 JUMLAH 87 1. BC LAC (KL) Laporan Klinik LAC Laporan disediakan oleh: Sekretariat Ahli-ahli Jawatankuasa Abd Shukor Tokachil (Ketua Projek Bersama) Rajesweri Paramasevam (Ketua Projek Bersama) Lim Chi Chau Farida Mohd Aina Shahirah Mohd Nori Meor Amir b Meor Omar Baki Noor Zurawati Ishak Ahmad Shahrizal B Abdul Aziz Shairatul Adora Yusof Choo Jun Li Ilham Umar Joanne Chua Kasthuri Krishnan Jeevanathan Angappan (Sekretariat) “Without equal access to the law, the system not only robs the poor of their only protection, but it places it in the hands of their oppressors, the most powerful and ruthless weapon ever created.” Reginald Heber Smith, Justice and the Poor, 1919 Klinik LAC merupakan salah satu program yang ditubuhkan oleh LAC untuk menyediakan wakil guaman dan khidmat nasihat guaman secara percuma kepada komuniti. Ia dijalankan di LAC yang beroperasi dari hari Isnin hingga Jumaat, 10.00 pagi hingga 4.00 petang. Nasihat guaman yang disediakan oleh Klinik LAC merangkumi pelbagai bidang undang-undang seperti undang-undang buruh, undang-undang keluarga dan undang-undang jenayah. Klinik LAC ini dipelopori oleh pelatih-pelatih dalam kamar yang membuat tugasan Bantuan Guaman yang juga merupakan sebahagian daripada program yang dituntut di bawah undang-undang Majlis Peguam. Pelatih-pelatih dalam kamar yang memberi nasihat guaman boleh mendapatkan nasihat daripada peguam yang berpengalaman samada melalui telefon atau secara berhadapan sekiranya peguam tersebut hadir di LAC ini. Setiap pelatih akan bertugas di pusat ini sehari seminggu selama 3 bulan. Pusat Bantuan Guaman Majlis Peguam (Kuala Lumpur) � L A P O R A N TA H U N A N 2 0 1 0 / 1 1 105 Butiran program Klinik LAC sepanjang tahun ini adalah seperti berikut:Bil. Kumpulan Bilangan Pelatih Tempoh 1. Kumpulan 61 22 Februari 2010 - 21 Mei 2010 15 2. Kumpulan 62 17 Mei 2010 - 13 Ogos 2010 16 3. Kumpulan 63 5 Ogos 2010 - 5 November 2010 17 4. Kumpulan 64 5 November 2010 - 28 Januari 2010 15 Bagi tempoh Januari 2010 sehingga Disember 2010, seramai 2625 klien baru dan 562 klien susulan yang telah dibantu oleh pelatih-pelatih di Klinik LAC merangkumi masalah di dalam undang-undang keluarga, undang-undang buruh, undangundang jenayah, prosedur tuntutan kecil, pengguna, keganasan rumahtangga dan lain-lain. Pelatih-pelatih ini juga didedahkan dengan Intervensi Guaman untuk klien, sebgai contoh untuk kes Arahan Perlindungan Sementara, perbincangan dengan polis, Jabatan Kebajikan, Jabatan Buruh dan lain-lain. Salah satu kes yang menyayat hati yang dikendalikan oleh LAC adalah, seorang klien ketika di temubual oleh pelatih dalam kamar, di mana klien tersebut memerlukan bantuan untuk mendapatkan pampasan daripada Lembaga Pertubuhan Keselamatan Pekerja (PERKESO). Klien tersebut mengalami kecederaan ketika beliau bekerja pada waktu kerja tetapi tidak mendapat pampasan atau ganti rugi daripada PERKESO disebabkan umurnya yang telah melebihi 55 tahun. Tambahan pula, isteri klien mengalami masalah jantung dan sentiasa memerlukan rawatan perubatan dari Institut Jantung Negara. Anak pertamanya telah meninggal dunia di dalam satu kemalangan dan anak keduanya mengalami masalah mental dan tinggal bersama klien. Keluarga klien sangat miskin dan tidak mampu untuk menyara hidup. Pelatih dalam kamar yang mengendalikan kes tersebut menjadi sangat beremosi dan menangis kerana tidak banyak yang boleh dilakukan oleh LAC untuk menyelesaikan masalah keluarga tersebut. Untuk membantu klien tersebut, Klinik LAC telah melakukan bantuan susulan dengan Jabatan Kebajikan Masyarakat bagi mendapatkan bantuan kewangan. Agenda utama kami dalam perjumpaan adalah untuk merancang dan melatih pelatih-pelatih dalam kamar, mencari pelatih dan menyemak semula manual latihan. Kami juga telah membincangkan pelan-pelan untuk membuat lawatan ke jabatan-jabatan kerajaan dan mewujudkan rangkaian hubungan dengan semua Pusat Bantuan Guaman Negeri. Sebahagian daripada agenda utama kami adalah keputusan yang telah dibuat oleh ahli-ahli jawatankuasa untuk memudahkan latihan supaya maklumbalas praktikal untuk peningkatan boleh didapatkan. Bagaimanapun, berikutan jadual ahli-ahli jawatankuasa yang terlampau padat, hanya lima orang ahli jawatankuasa sahaja yang dapat menyertai program ini. Pelbagai bahagian di dalam manual latihan telah diedarkan kepada pakar-pakar dalam bidang undang-undang masingmasing untuk dikaji semula dan ditulis semula jika perlu. Semakan manual ini diharapkan dapat disiapkan pada Januari 2011. Secara ringkas, kebanyakan pelatih-pelatih LAC mendapati mereka telah mendapat dan menambah pengetahuan dan kemahiran dalam intervensi guaman. Mereka juga berpendapat bahawa pengetahuan dan kemahiran mereka dalam pelbagai bidang undang-undang telah meningkat. Ahli-ahli jawatankuasa sangat teruja untuk menaikkan prestasi program bukan sahaja untuk memberi dan membantu pelatih dalam kamar tetapi juga kepada komuniti. LAC memainkan peranan yang besar dalam mendorong ramai bekas pelatih untuk menyediakan program yang dinamakan Projek Outreach untuk memberi pendedahan kepada orang ramai dan memberitahu mereka tentang hak-hak mereka dalam undang-undang. Pada tahun 2010, Klinik LAC juga telah mengadakan lawatan ke Jabatan Kebajikan Mayarakat dengan bertujuan untuk membincangkan bagaimana cara atau kaedah untuk menyelesaikan masalah yang dihadapi oleh klien-klien kami dan bekerjasama antara satu sama lain. Perjumpaan itu dihadiri oleh Pengarah Jabatan Kebajikan Masyarakat dan ketua projek Klinik LAC dengan beberapa ahli jawatankuasa. Pusat ini juga sedang mengaturkan satu perjumpaan dengan Jabatan Kebajikan Masyarakat untuk membincangkan dengan selanjutnya tentang beberapa isu seperti keganasan rumahtangga, hak warga emas dan orang kurang upaya. Akhirnya, pada tahun 2010, Klinik LAC juga telah berjaya menganjurkan Projek Outreach di Jinjang. Projek ini dilakukan dengan usahasama Rukun Tetangga Jinjang untuk membuat satu karnival di Jinjang. Karnival ini telah menerima sokongan 106 L A P O R A N TA H U N A N 2 0 1 0 / 1 1 � Pusat Bantuan Guaman Majlis Peguam (Kuala Lumpur) daripada Jabatan Kebajikan Masyarakat, Jabatan Pendaftaran Negara dan Suruhanjaya Pilihanraya. Karnival ini telah sedikit sebanyak membantu orang ramai dengan meningkatkan pengetahuan undang-undang orang ramai. Semasa karnival tersebut, ahli-ahli jawatankuasa Klinik LAC telah melakukan “role-play” berdasarkan pengalaman mereka dalam menyelesaikan masalah-masalah klien. Lebih daripada 400 orang telah menghadiri karnival tersebut. ‘Brochures’ dan pamplet mengenai LAC telah diedarkan. Kami mengambil kesempatan ini untuk menyampaikan ucapan terima kasih kepada pihak pengurusan, staf-staf Klinik LAC, ahli-ahli jawatankuasa Klinik LAC, para peguam sukarela dan pelatih-pelatih dalam kamar kerana minat dan komitmen mereka dalam memastikan Klinik ini berjalan dengan lancar. “This is our special duty, that if anyone specially needs our help, we should give him such help to the utmost of our power.” -Cicero- 2. BC LAC (KL) Laporan Klinik Syariah Laporan disediakan oleh: Sa’adiah Din (Ketua Projek) Ahli-ahli Jawatankuasa Sa’adiah Din (Ketua Projek) Nik Nurul Atiqah bt Nik Yusof (Timbalan Ketua) Norhusniah Husin Nur Azlin @ Azliana bt Arifin Yusmawati bt Ab.llah Hamira bt Ab Hamid Shaharizat bt Hashim Jeevanathan Angappan (Sekretariat) Klinik Syariah beroperasi di BC LAC (KL). Klinik Syariah menyediakan bantuan kepada pihak-pihak yang bertelingkah di dalam kes-kes Syariah. Klinik ini beroperasi bersama-sama dengan Klinik LAC dimana peguam-peguam sukarela memberikan latihan kepada pelatihpelatih dalam kamar mengenai prinsip-prinsip asas dalam Undang-Undang Syariah, sivil dan prosedur Jenayah Syariah di Malaysia terutamanya Undang-Undang Syariah di Wilayah Persekutuan dan Selangor. Pada tahun ini, Klinik Syariah telah melibatkan diri dalam minggu kesedaran undang-undang bersama dengan Baitulmal. Klinik ini telah menganjurkan satu forum di Taman Mutiara Fadason, Kepong pada 15 Oktober 2010 (Jumaat). Forum tersebut diketuai oleh Sa’adiah binti Din dan disertai oleh dua wakil daripada Majlis Agama Islam Wilayah Persekutuan iaitu Umi dan Azizah. Sa’adiah telah menyampaikan maklumat kepada peserta-peserta mengenai Undang-Undang Syariah dan hak-hak wanita Muslim seperti yang diperuntukkan di bawah Undang-Undang Syariah. Selain itu, Sa’adiah turut memberikan maklumat berkenaan dengan BC LAC (KL). Selanjutnya, Umi meneruskan program tersebut dengan menyampaikan ucapan berkenaan dengan Baitulmal. Di akhir forum tersebut, para peserta berinteraksi dengan penceramah dan berkongi isu-isu dan masalah mereka dengan penceramah. Pusat Bantuan Guaman Majlis Peguam (Kuala Lumpur) � L A P O R A N TA H U N A N 2 0 1 0 / 1 1 107 Angka di bawah menunjukkan jumlah klien yang diterima oleh BC LAC (KL) dalam kes-kes Syariah:Jumlah keseluruhan pemohon - klien Syariah 211 Fail dibuka 41 Minta nasihat sahaja 40 Nasihat - rujuk kepada Biro Bantuan Guaman 17 Nasihat - rujuk kepada BC LAC (KL)yang lain 23 Tidak layak (klien) 17 Tiada bidangkuasa (klien) 7 Terdapat beberapa projek yang dirancang pada awal tahun ini yang tidak dapat dijalankan antaranya ialah:(a) Program bersama dengan pegawai Mahkamah Syariah (seminar satu hari) (b) Permohonan untuk mengecualikan Klien-Klien BC LAC (KL) daripada membayar kos. Kami ingin mengambil kesempatan ini untuk mengucapkan terima kasih kepada pihak pengurusan, kakitangan BC LAC (KL), ahli-ahli Jawatankuasa Syariah, pelatih-pelatih dalam kamar yang terlibat dan juga sukarelawan-sukarelawan di atas minat dan komitmen mereka di dalam mengendalikan klinik ini. 3. BC LAC (KL) Laporan Program Dock Brief Laporan disediakan oleh: Jason Kong Teng Mun (Ketua Projek) Ahli-ahli Jawatankuasa Kong Teng Mun @ Jason - Ketua Projek Adlan Hadi Mohd Yusof - Ketua Projek Gantian Quek Kia Ping Rabiatul Adawiah Abd Rahman Khairil Anuar Azmi Erma Syafinaz Samain Giri Raj N.Krishna Raj Chong Khin Young@ Vince Geraldine Oh Kah Yan Norashikin Amiruddin Kong Suet Mei Hernani Jaafar (Sekretariat) Pendahuluan Program Dock Brief (“DB”) di bawah BC LAC (KL) adalah paling besar, kalau tidak pun program bantuan guaman yang paling berjaya di Malaysia. Program tersebut adalah batu loncatan yang pertama bagi seorang pelatih dalam kamar untuk menguji kemahiran advokasi di dalam persekitaran perundangan Mahkamah-mahkamah Jenayah dan dok-dok. Ini telah menjadi tahun yang menarik untuk DB kerana ahli-ahli Jawatankuasa telah memperluaskan ahli-ahli baru yang mengambil bahagian dalam jajaran penjaga yang lama. Mesyuarat Ahli-ahli Jawatankuasa Ahli-ahli Jawatankuasa telah mengadakan 6 mesyuarat rasmi, di mana kesemuanya telah diadakan di LAC dan pelbagai perbincangan yang tidak rasmi telah dilakukan melalui emel-emel dan lain-lain. Ringkasan bagi agenda-agenda mesyuarat-mesyuarat ini adalah seperti berikut:1) 19 April 2010 -pengenalan ahli-ahli Jawatankuasa, program-program, perancangan Penilaian Pertengahan Sesi bagi Kumpulan 61. projek-projek tahunan dan 2) 28 April 2010 - penilaian atas Penilaian Pertengahan Sesi bagi Kumpulan 61 dan cara penyelesaian. 3) 15 Julai 2010 - perbincangan bagi latihan Kumpulan 63, dan penilaian atas Penilaian Pertengahan sesi bagi Kumpulan 62 4) 27 April 2010 - pengambilan ahli-ahli Jawatankuasa yang baru dan perancangan mengenai Minggu Kesedaran Undang-undang 2010 108 L A P O R A N TA H U N A N 2 0 1 0 / 1 1 � Pusat Bantuan Guaman Majlis Peguam (Kuala Lumpur) 5) 21 Oktober 2010 - post mortem atas Minggu Kesedaran Undang-undang dan perancangan latihan bagi Kumpulan 64. 6) 14 Disember 2010 - perbincangan mengenai Penilaian Pertengahan Sesi Kumpulan 64 dan pelbagai isu mengenai DB. Statistik Setakat 30 Disember 2010, DB telah mewakili 3210 klien di dalam Mahkamah-mahkamah Jenayah Jalan Duta. Jadual di bawah menunjukkan peruntukkan kes-kes yang dimitigasikan oleh pelatih-pelatih dalam kamar:KESALAHAN Jan Feb MaC ApR MEI Jun Jul OGS Sep OKT Nov DIS JUMLAH Memiliki dadah 122 104 178 180 145 164 149 123 124 109 135 121 1654 69 74 106 99 90 97 98 80 88 69 92 78 1040 32 17 29 28 13 10 20 11 15 6 14 12 207 3 3 6 1 5 0 2 4 1 0 0 0 25 Kesalahan K/P 38 23 62 46 41 50 39 34 33 21 33 42 462 Kesalahan Imigresen 3 5 8 3 3 4 2 1 4 2 3 2 40 Lain-lain 28 14 40 17 21 15 18 18 7 11 25 15 229 Memasukkan dadah ke dalam badan Kecurian/memiliki barang kecurian Kesalahan Filem Sensor Jadual di atas jelas menunjukkan bahawa kesalahan yang paling banyak pada tahun 2010 adalah pemilikan dadah. Ianya diikuti dengan kesalahan memasukkan dadah ke dalam badan. Ia dapat diperhatikan bahawa kesalahan-kesalahan ini adalah berkait dengan satu sama lain secara tidak dapat dielakkan di mana terdapat banyak kes yang didapati bersalah dalam kesalahan memiliki dadah juga mengaku salah atas kesalahan memasukkan dadah ke dalam badan. Graf di bawah menunjukkan bulan yang mempunyai paling banyak kes mitigasi iaitu bulan Mac 2010 dengan 254 klien. Tambahan pula, bulan yang mempunyai paling banyak klien singgah masuk adalah Jun 2010 dengan 51 klien. Secara ringkasnya, setakat 30 Disember 2010, jumlah klien yang diwakili oleh DB adalah 3210 di mana 2149 klien adalah diwaklili melalui mitigasi dan 435 klien jatuh di bawah kategori klien singgah masuk. Bilik DB Bilik DB yang mana asalnya terletak di Tingkat 5 Kompleks Mahkamah Jalan Duta telah berpindah ke Tingkat 1 pada 2 Mac 2010. Sekretariat telah berjaya meminta bagi bilik gantian untuk dilengkapkan dengan kemudahan-kemudahan asas seperti kipas-kipas, penghawa dingin dan sebuah kaunter. Aspirasi Objektif utama tahun ini adalah untuk penyemakan semula dan membawa program ini selaras dengan penukaran Amalan Jenayah. Jika ianya diperlukan, pemeriksaan keseluruhan program mungkin diperdebatkan. Ahli-ahli Jawatankuasa telah Pusat Bantuan Guaman Majlis Peguam (Kuala Lumpur) � L A P O R A N TA H U N A N 2 0 1 0 / 1 1 109 dibahagikan kepada 4 Jawatankuasa kecil yang dinamakan sebagai “Law Reform, Public Education, Liason Building dan Office Administration”. Objektif Jawatankuasa kecil ini adalah untuk memastikan bahawa setiap aspek DB dapat dinaiktarafkan. Projek-projek Selain mengadakan sesi latihan kepada pelatih-pelatih, Jawatankuasa juga terlibat dalam Minggu Kesedaran Undang-undang Kebangsaan 2010. Jawatankuasa telah memperolehi 5000 salinan pamplet bertajuk “Polis dan Hak-hak Asas Anda” (“Buku Merah”) dari Majlis Peguam. Idea ini adalah untuk mengedarkan pamplet-pamplet selaras dengan Minggu itu untuk membawa kesedaran antara populasi atas hak-hak mereka ketika ditahan. Peristiwa ini diadakan pada 10 Oktober 2010. Peristiwa ini kemudiannya menjadi bualan ”legal fraternity” apabila 4 ahli Jawatankuasa dan sukarelawan termasuk Ketua Projek, Jason Kong telah ditahan oleh Polis atas alasan yang meragukan. Walaupun mereka telah dibebaskan beberapa jam kemudian, peristiwas tersebut telah mendapat kritikan yang serius oleh Majlis Peguam dan oleh menteri perundangan defacto, Yang Berhormat Dato’ Seri Mohamed Nazri. Latihan untuk Pelatih-pelatih Bagi kumpulan-kumpulan yang lalu, iaitu kumpulan 61 ke 63, Jawatankuasa telah menjemput peguam-peguam Jenayah senior untuk mengendalikan bahagian tertentu latihan tersebut dalam bentuk kuliah. Bagi kumpulan 64 Jawatankuasa telah melanjutkan jemputan kepada Majistret Yang Bijaksana di Mahkamah Majistret 6, Tuan Mohd Azali bin Ibrahim. Kuliah yang diberikan oleh Tuan Mohd Azali bin Ibrahim membenarkan sesi Soal & Jawab di mana pelatih-pelatih dan juga Jawantankuasa memperolehi peluang untuk membuat pertanyaan kepada Majistret Yang Bijaksana terhadap pandangannya mengenai prosedur-prosedur dan tindakbalas beliau terhadap DB. Jawatankuasa ingin mengambil peluang ini untuk menyampaikan setinggi-tinggi penghargaan kepada semua ahli, sukarelawan, penceramah-penceramah, sekretariat dan individu-individu yang telah mengambil bahagian dalam DB bagi tahun 2010. 4. BC LAC (KL) Laporan Program Penjara (Sg Buloh, Wanita Kajang, Juvana Kajang, Pendatang Asing dan Rumah Tahanan Juvana) Laporan disediakan oleh: Ramesh Lachmanan (Ketua Projek) Ahli-ahli Jawatankuasa Ramesh Lachmanan (Ketua Projek) Sharon Palani Ammal (Penolong Ketua Projek) Sivanesan Nadarajah (Penasihat) Letchiemanan Sithamparam Mohd Radzlan Bin Jalaludin S. Thavaraj Shahir Bin Ab Razak Rajendran Palany Arunan Selvaraj Manimaran Sinnakanoo (Sekretariat) Pengenalan Klinik ini telah dimulakan/diwujudkan pada bulan Disember 1997 di Penjara Sungai Buloh dan secara beransur-ansur ianya telah diterapkan/diserapkan kepada program-program lain yang berkaitan seperti Penjara wanita Kajang (“KWP”) pada tahun 2000, Penjara Migrasi Wanita (“KWMP”) pada bulan September 2003 dan Penjara Migrasi Sungai Buloh (“SBMP”) pada bulan Mei 2004. Selain itu, Program Rumah Reman Juvenil (“JRH”) telah dimulakan pada tahun 2001 dan ianya telah diperkenalkan kepada Penjara Juvenil Kajang (“KJP”) dalam tahun 2007. Pada bulan Mar 2005 kelima-lima Klinik Penjara iaitu SBP, SBMP, KWP, KWMP, KJP, JRH telah beroperasi di bawah satu program yang sama. Malah, BC LAC (KL) juga telah berkolaberasi bersama-sama BC LAC (KL)Selangor (“Selangor LAC”) dengan membenarkan pelatih-pelatih dalam kamar mereka menyertai program Klinik Penjara Sungai Buloh sejak bulan Jun 2005. Sepanjang tahun 2010, ahli-ahli jawatankuasa telah: 1. Mengadakan 2 mesyuarat ahli jawatankuasa untuk membincangkan pelbagai isu yang berkaitan dengan program ini dan rancangan Pelan Tindakan untuk sepanjang tahun 2010. 2. Ahli jawatankuasa juga telah mengadakan 4 Program Latihan Penjara untuk pelatih-pelatih dalam kamar dari Kumpulan 61, 62, 63 dan 64. Sebanyak 100 orang pelatih dalam kamar telah hadir pada sesi latihan tersebut. 3. Ahli jawatankuasa juga telah mengadakan 4 Reviu Pertengahan Tahun untuk pelatih-pelatih dalam kamar yang terlibat di dalam Program Penjara. 110 L A P O R A N TA H U N A N 2 0 1 0 / 1 1 � Pusat Bantuan Guaman Majlis Peguam (Kuala Lumpur) Aktiviti-aktiviti lain: Perjumpaan bersama-sama Penguatkuasa-penguatkuasa Penjara Sungai Buloh • Pada 9 haribulan Ogos 2010, ahli Jawatankuasa telah mengadakan perjumpaan bersama Narender Singh (Timbalan Direktor) bagi Penjara Sungai Buloh dan pegawai-pegawainya untuk membincangkan pelbagai isu yang berkaitan dengan Program Penjara untuk tahun ini. Ahli-ahli Jawatankuasa Penjara juga telah memohon agar Penguatkuasa Penjara untuk membawa lebih banyak banduan-banduan reman untuk ditemuramah kerana didapati tidak banyak banduan-banduan reman yang menghadiri sesi temuramah tersebut. • Pihak Penguatkuasa Penjara telah menjelaskan bahawa terdapat banyak faktor-faktor yang menyebabkan banduanbanduan tidak mahu menghadirkan diri pada sesi temuramah tersebut. Antaranya adalah: i) BC LAC (KL) tidak dapat mewakili mereka di mahkamah ii) Tahanan mempunyai temujanji untuk pergi ke Hospital dan dengan itu tidak dapat menghadirkan diri untuk sesi temuramah tersebut iii) Pihak tahanan tidak diberikan sebarang maklum balas mengenai kes mereka. • Pihak Penguatkuasa Penjara juga memaklumkan oleh kerana kekurangan sumber, BC LAC (KL) hanya mewakili keskes yang diuruskan di Mahkamah Kuala Lumpur sahaja. • Merancang untuk pelatih-pelatih dalam kamar yang terlibat untuk BC LAC (KL) supaya melawat sel penjara pada hari akhir lawatan mereka untuk setiap Kumpulan yang terlibat. • Mani bertanya adakah mustahil untuk Penguatkuasa-penguatkuasa Penjara untuk membenarkan pelatih-pelatih dalam kamar yang terlibat dengan program BC LAC (KL) untuk melawati sel-sel penjara pada hari akhir lawatan mereka untuk setiap Kumpulan yang terlibat supaya mereka memperolehi lebih banyak maklumat mengenai kawasan penjara dan bagaimana sesuatu hukuman itu dijalankan. • Narander Singh memaklumkan agar BC LAC (KL) memohon secara formal dengan menghantar surat permohonan rasmi dan beliau akan merujuk kepada ibu pejabat untuk mendapatkan kebenaran. Beliau telah mencadangkan agar lawatan tersebut dilakukan sewaktu lawatan pertama pelatih-pelatih dalam kamar ke penjara. Lawatan Pertama ke Sel Penjara Sungai Buloh untuk pelatih-pelatih dalam kamar untuk Program Penjara Pada 7 haribulan September 2010, pelatih-pelatih dalam kamar telah melawati Sel Penjara Sungai Buloh (lokap) untuk pertama kalinya dan ianya akan dilakukan untuk setiap Kumpulan pelatih-pelatih dalam kamar yang terlibat setiap 3 bulan. Sesi Suai Kenal Penjara • Pada 26 haribulan November 2010, pihak Penguatkuasa Penjara telah berjaya mengadakan sesi suai kenal dan majlis makan malam untuk kesemua penguatkuasa Penjara dan pelbagai Pihak Berkuasa untuk Jabatan Kerajaan. Sebanyak 50 orang tetamu telah hadir pada sesi tersebut antaranya ialah, Penguatkuasa-penguatkuasa Penjara dari Penjara Sungai Buloh dan Kajang, penguatkuasa mahkamah, Superintendan Polis, OCCI dari IPK Kuala Lumpur, pegawai-pegawai dari jabatan OC Mahkamah, Ahli-ahli Kaunsel, Staf Panel Pengurusan dan lain-lain. Pusat Bantuan Guaman Majlis Peguam (Kuala Lumpur) � L A P O R A N TA H U N A N 2 0 1 0 / 1 1 111 Populasi Reman, Klien dan Status Fail A. STATISTIK KLIEN: RINGKASAN-2010 BIL. PROGRAM/KLINIK 2010 1 PENJARA SUNGAI BULOH: • KLIEN WARGANEGARA *725 • KLIEN WARGA ASING *286 2 PENJARA WANITA KAJANG * 19 3 PENJARA MIGRASI WANITA KAJANG * 22 4 PENJARA LELAKI KAJANG (RAYUAN) 22 5 PENJARA MIGRASI LELAKI KAJANG (RAYUAN) 1 6 PENJARA JUVENIL KAJANG 7 PENJARA MIGRASI JUVENIL KAJANG * 8 RUMAH REMAN JUVENIL (SEKOLAH TUNAS BAKTI SUNGAI BESI) AND (ASRAMA SENTOSA SENTUL) B. 1011 371 22 STATISTIK UNTUK FAIL-FAIL: DIBUKA, DITUGASKAN DAN TIDAK DITUGASKAN - 20092010 2009 BIL KATEGORI 1 DI BUKA DITUGASKAN JENAYAH PROGRAM PENJARA ** 146 107 2010 TIDAK TIDAK DI BUKA DITUGASKAN DITUGASKAN DITUGASKAN 59 83 70 13 Pada tahun 2010, sebanyak 83 fail baru telah dibuka dan sebanyak 70 kes telah ditugaskan kepada peguam-peguam sukarela. Sila rujuk statistik di atas. Ini jelas terlihat bahawanya, objektif utama ahli-ahli jawatankuasa untuk tahun ini adalah untuk mendapatkan sebanyak mungkin peguam-peguam sukarela untuk mengambil alih kes-kes dari pusat ini dan sambil itu mengurangkan jumlah kes-kes yang tidak ditugaskan. Dengan itu, sebagai sebahagian dari objektifnya, pihak jawatankuasa telah membuktikan yang setiap ahli jawatankuasa harus mengambil sekurang-kurangnya 1 fail untuk mengurangkan kes-kes yang tidak ditugaskan dan ini jelas terlihat terdapat pengurangan di dalam statistik untuk jumlah kes yang tidak ditugaskan pada tahun ini seperti di atas. Kelemahan-Kelemahan • Untuk pihak tertuduh yang berada di negeri lain, nasihat hanya boleh diberikan berdasarkan BC LAC (KL) negeri masing-masing. • Kekurangan maklum balas terhadap kes-kes yang dirujuk kepada Pusat Bantuan Guaman di negeri-negeri lain. • Program Klinik Penjara menghadapi kekurangan untuk mendapatkan peguam-peguam sukarela untuk mengendalikan kes-kes yang memerlukan perwakilan di mahkamah Cadangan-Cadangan Untuk mempertingkatkan kejayaan bagi Program Klinik Penjara ini, cadangan-cadangan ini adalah disyorkan: • Untuk mengurangkan banduan reman dikalangan golongan berpendapatan rendah di dalam Kumpulan masyarakat kini; • Untuk memastikan banduan reman tidak ditahan melebihi 3 bulan; 112 L A P O R A N TA H U N A N 2 0 1 0 / 1 1 � Pusat Bantuan Guaman Majlis Peguam (Kuala Lumpur) • Untuk memastikan banduan reman menerima khidmat nasihat yang sesuai dan tepat untuk memudahkan mereka membuat keputusan tindakan yang harus diambil seterusnya; • Untuk meningkatkan hubungan dan kerjasama dengan pihak berkuasa; • Untuk memberikan lebih pendedahan dan latihan kepada pelatih-pelatih dalam kamar; • Untuk merekrut lebih banyak peguam-peguam sukarela untuk memberikan bantuan dalam mengendalikan dan menyelia kes-kes; • Meletakkan poster Pusat Bantuan Guaman di Penjara dan Rumah Juvenil agar mudah untuk orang awam dan ahli keluarga mereka menghubungi pihak BC LAC (KL); Kesimpulannya, ahli-ahli jawatankuasa Penjara agak sibuk sepanjang tahun 2010. 5. BC LAC (KL) Laporan Klinik LAC/AWAM/WAO/SIS Laporan disediakan oleh: Harleen Kaur (Ketua Projek) Ketua Projek Harleen Kaur Hernani Jaapar (Sekretariat) Wakil Organisasi Bukan Kerajaan (NGO) Betty Yeoh - AWAM Nazlina Abd Ghani - WAO Sufiah Mansurdin - SIS Sehingga ke hari ini, Klinik tersebut tidak mempunyai ahli jawatankuasa walaupun sebaik-baik usaha telah dilakukan seperti:(i) menghantar email kepada peguam-peguam sukarela; (ii) menggalakkan dan menjemput pelatih-pelatih untuk menyertai peguam-peguam sukarela; (iii) meminta rakan-rakan dari NGO untuk menjemput pelatih-pelatih menyertai peguam-peguam sukarela. Walaupun Jawatankuasa ini kekurangan peguam-peguam sukarela, Klinik ini bersama-sama rakan-rakan dari NGO beserta bantuan peguam-peguam sukarela telah secara ad-hoc, dengan jayanya telah menjalankan semua latihan, penilaian dan program “outreach”. Pelatih-pelatih Terdapat 4 kumplan Pelatih-pelatih iaitu Kumpulan 61, 62, 63, dan 64. Peruntukannya adalah seperti berikut:- Program Kumpulan 61 Kumpulan 62 Kumpulan 63 Kumpulan 64 KL SEL KL SEL KL SEL KL SEL AWAM 8 5 5 6 6 6 5 5 WAO 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 SIS 1 4 2 4 1 5 - 6 JUMLAH 10 10 8 11 8 12 6 12 Pusat Bantuan Guaman Majlis Peguam (Kuala Lumpur) � L A P O R A N TA H U N A N 2 0 1 0 / 1 1 113 Carta di bawah menunjukkan jumlah klien-klien yang telah diterima oleh pelatih-pelatih:- Graf tersebut telah menunjukkan bahawa SIS sentiasa mempunyai bilangan klien tertinggi berbanding dengan 2 NGO yang lain dimana bilangan tertingginya sebanyak 56 klien iaitu pada bulan Mei. Bilangan klien tertinggi bagi AWAM adalah pada bulan Februari dan Oktober iaitu seramai 38 orang dan bilangan klien tertinggi bagi WAO adalah seramai 14 orang iaitu pada bulan November. Tiada klien direkodkan di WAO pada bulan Mac dan April. Keseluruhannya, setakat 30 Disember 2010, jumlah klien bagi AWAM, WAO dan SIS masing-masing adalah sebanyak 318, 83 dan 484. Ketua Projek telah mewujudkan satu sistem laporan tambahan dimana pelatih-pelatih akan mencatat pengalaman mereka di dalam jurnal yang kemudiannya akan dikumpulkan serta dikemukakan kepada BC LAC (KL) pada setiap bulan oleh rakanrakan dari NGO. Ini adalah untuk membolehkan BC LAC (KL) untuk membuat penilaian sendiri sama ada peruntukan yang disediakan oleh pelatih mencukupi bagi rakan-rakan dari NGO ataupun tiada kerja bagi pelatih-pelatih tersebut. Klinik Undang-undang Bergerak di PPR Laksamana (MLC) Objektif-objektif MLC adalah untuk mendidik para peserta tentang hak-hak mereka. Para peserta kebanyakannya terdiri daripada komuniti suri rumah pendapatan rendah yang mempunyai pengetahuan terhad terhadap undang-undang, hak-hak dan system perundangan. MLC adalah satu radas untuk berjumpa dengan mereka yang tidak pernah kita temui. Topik-topik yang diliputi adalah seperti Akta Keganasan Rumah Tangga, Undang-undang Keluarga, Undang-undang Buruh & Pekerjaan dan Undang-undang Syariah. Pengambilan Peguam-peguam Sukarela Pengarah Eksekutif BC LAC (KL) turut menganjurkan satu perjumpaan dengan pelatih-pelatih yang telah menunjukkan minat untuk menyertai BC LAC (KL) sebagai peguam-peguam sukarela. Salah satu pilihan yang diberikan kepada para pelatih adalah dengan menyertai Jawatankuasa program ini. Perjumpaan pertama dengan para pelatih telah dijadualkan pada 24 September 2010. Berikutan usaha-usaha yang berterusan, satu kumpulan ad-hoc yang terdiri daripada peguam-peguam sukarela muda mungkin diadakan. 6. BC LAC (KL) Laporan Klinik Migran dan Pelarian LAC Laporan disediakan oleh: Renuka Balasubramaniam (Ketua Projek) dan Latheefa Koya (Ketua Projek) Pada awal tahun ini, ahli jawatankuasa telah menghadiri satu program latihan yang dianjurkan oleh SUARAM dan BC LAC (KL) berkenaan Penentuan Status Pelarian yang bermula pada 19-21 Februari 2010. Pada minggu yang berikutnya, setiap ketua projek telah mengetuai sesi masing-masing dan beberapa ahli jawatankuasa telah menyertai latihan yang dikendalikan oleh Jawatankuasa Bahagian Reformasi Undang-undang mengenai Hal Imigrasi dan Pelarian Imigrasi dari 26-28 Februari 2010. Segala maklumat dan informasi yang diperoleh berkenaan latihan di peringkat tempatan mahupun antarabangsa berkenaan undang-undang imigran dan undang-undang buruh ke atas mereka bukan warganegara telah dikongsi bersama-sama dengan pelatih dari Klinik LAC. Ini adalah perlu kerana jika ada immigran mahupun pelarian yang datang ke BC LAC (KL), para pelatih dan Pusat itu dapat menghulurkan bantuan yang asas kepada mereka. Para pelatih di Tenaganita dan UNCHR juga telah menerima latihan yang sepatutnya yang menyentuh isu-isu ini melalui badan-badan yang bekerjasama. 114 L A P O R A N TA H U N A N 2 0 1 0 / 1 1 � Pusat Bantuan Guaman Majlis Peguam (Kuala Lumpur) Jawatankuasa kesal dengan peruntukkan bajet walaupun jawatankuasa meminta lebih untuk program ini. Jawatankuasa juga telah melepasi halangan yang begitu kuat sekali dengan adanya komitmen, dinamic, keghairahan dan perhubungan antara jawatankuasa yang lebih baik dan objektif tahun 2009 adalah untuk menimba pengetahuan dari dalam dan luar negara dalam bidang perundangan pelarian dan migran dimana ia telah dicapai. Jawatankuasa telah bertemu pada 21 Mei 2010 dan 22 Jun 2010. Kesemua ahli jawatankuasa juga menghadiri latihan, seminar dan / atau perbincangan di peringkat nasional / luar negara dalam tahun 2010. Laporan disertakan dibawah: Laporan Bengkel Arlan Di Hong Kong (9-11 Jun 2010) Oleh: Fadiah Nadwa Binti Fikri BC LAC (KL) telah menerima undangan untuk menghadiri Bengkel “ARLAN” (Asian Refugee Legal Aid Network) yang pertama dan telah dihadiri oleh ahli jawatankuasa, iaitu Fadiah Nadwa binti Fikri dan Murnie Hidayah binti Anuar pada 9-11 Jun 2010 di Hong Kong. ARLAN merupakan satu projek yang telah ditubuhkan untuk menambahbaik proviso atau undang-undang berkenaan bantuan guaman kepada para pelarian yang berada di serantau Asia. Para peserta yang terlibat dalam bengkel yang julung-julung diadakan ini adalah mereka dari Malaysia, Indonesia, Thailand, Japan, Korea Selatan dan Hong Kong. Dalam bengkel tersebut, para peserta telah diberikan tugasan untuk membentangkan isu-isu seperti yang berikut: 1) Cabaran dan masalah yang dihadapi oleh pemberi khidmat Pusat Bantuan Guaman. 2) Jalan penyelesaian kepada cabaran dan masalah yang dihadapi oleh pemberi khidmat Pusat Bantuan Guaman. 3) Jenis atau bentuk bantuan guaman yang disumbangkan kepada para pelarian. Para peserta yang menghadiri bengkel berkenaan telah berkongsi pengalaman mereka berdasarkan tugasan yang diberi. Latihan seumpama ini secara tidak langsung membuka jalan kepada banyak maklumat kerana para pemberi khidmat BC LAC (KL) dari pelbagai bidangkuasa telah menggunakan cara mereka tersendiri dalam membentangkan isu bantuan guaman kepada para pelarian. Dengan cara sedemikian, para peserta berupaya bertukar-tukar pendapat dan pengalaman mereka sendiri yang boleh diambil dalam memperbaiki skop perkhidmatan BC LAC (KL) di negara masing-masing. Tambahan lagi, bengkel ini membolehkan para peserta terus berhubungan dengan rangkaian ini selagi mana mereka memerlukan bantuan dari segi undang-undang dan nasihat guaman berkenaan isu-isu pelarian. Laporan “International Summer School In Forced Migration” (5 - 23 Julai 2010) Oleh: Renuka T Subramaniam Bengkel ini telah berlangsung selama tiga minggu dan telah dijalankan dalam bentuk tutorial dan kuliah. Tema-tema dalam bengkel ini adalah “Conceptualising Forced Migration”, “Asylum Policy”, “International Refugee Law”, “Internally Displaced Persons”, “Negotiating Institutional Responses”, “Development Induced Displacement” dan “Globalisation of Forced Migration”. Antara objektif-objektif utama bengkel ini adalah untuk memudahkan dialog di antara para pengkaji, pembuat polisi dan pegawai-pegawai kerajaan yang sedang bekerja keras dalam memperbaiki kedudukan para pelarian dan immigran paksaan. Antara cara dan kaedah yang digunakan ketika bengkel tersebut adalah melalui filem, “role-play”, dan perbentangan bagi membolehkan para peserta mengetahui peranan mereka dalam institusi masing-masing ketika menjalankan tugas mereka. Melalui bengkel ini juga, para peserta diberi peluang memberikan gambaran jelas tentang pengalaman mereka dan berfikir secara kritikal mengenai andaian-andaian yang wujud dan objektif tugas-tugas mereka. Kehadiran para peserta telah ditaja sebahagiannya oleh Pusat Pengajian Pelarian. Laporan Hak Pelarian Dan Konsultasi Ke-3 Asia Pasifik (25 - 27 November 2010) Oleh: Farida Mohamad Program ini telah berlangsung dari 25 - 27 November 2010 pada 9 pagi di Hotel Rama, Suan Luang, Bangkok. Seramai 117 peserta telah menghadiri program ini dari 22 buah negara. Kehadiran mereka telah ditaja sebahagiannya oleh Persatuan Kebajikan Good Shepherd dan peruntukan yang diberikan kepada klinik tersebut bagi mengendalikan program-program mereka. Pusat Bantuan Guaman Majlis Peguam (Kuala Lumpur) � L A P O R A N TA H U N A N 2 0 1 0 / 1 1 115 Program ini telah dimulakan oleh Alice Nah yang telah mengendalikan sesi pengenalan di mana dia memberikan gambaran secara ringkas dan padat mengenai sejarah latarbelakang, struktur, prinsip-prinsip asas dan objektif program ini. Para peserta juga telah berpeluang mengenal dengan lebih dekat ahli-ahli jawatankuasa yang menjadi tulang belakang program di bawah APRRN. Antara sesi-sesi yang dijalankan di bawah program ini adalah “Working with UNCHR for Urban Refugees”, “Refugees from Burma in the Asia Pasific Region”, “Regional Approaches to Refugee Protection” “Legal Aid and Advocacy and Immigration Detention”. Perbincangan dan debat yang dijalankan sangat produktif dan memberansangkan. Antara isu-isu yang telah diketengahkan oleh para peserta adalah keberkesanan UNHCR dalam memberikan perlindungan kepada para pelarian, keadaan pusat-pusat tahanan dan capaian pelarian ke arah mendapatkan keadilan. Pada hari kedua program itu, satu sesi secara tematik mengenai Sokongan & Bantuan Guaman telah dijalankan oleh Martin Jones di mana perbincangan tertumpu kepada pengajian undang-undang yang menyentuh mengenai undang-undang pelarian di peringkat universiti dan pengajian undang-undang secara berterusan di peringkat serantau Asia Pasifik. Ketika program ini berlangsung, ahli jawatankuasa dari BC LAC (KL) telah berkongsi bersama peserta-peserta lain mengenai skop kerja yang dijalankan di bawah pusat tersebut, UNCHR dan Klinik Tenaganita dan juga mengenai pelatih-pelatih yang wajib bertempat di klinik tersebut selama 14 hari bagi menjalankan tugas bantuan guaman. Pada penghujung program tersebut, satu sesi mengenai pelan-pelan strategic APRRN untuk tahun 2011-2013 telah didedahkan pada hari terakhir program tersebut iaitu pada 27 November 2010. Laporan Bengkel Bantuan Guaman Asia Tenggara (29 November - 2 Disember 2010) Oleh: Latheefa Koya Bengkel ini merupakan satu jemputan yang telah diadakan di Jakarta oleh Lembaga Badan Hukum (Indonesia) dan Pyoepin (Myanmar) di mana mereka telah membincangkan mengenai konsep bantuan guaman di serantau ini dan peluang kerjasama di antara pemberi khidmat BC LAC (KL) yang lain. 7. BC LAC (KL) Laporan Klinik Perundangan LAC/PT/MAC Laporan disediakan oleh: Preetam Kaur & Sekretariat Ahli Jawatankuasa Wakil-wakil BC LAC (KL) Preetam Kaur Andrew Heng Zuraifah Abd Rahman Lim Kar Mern Jag Ramachandran Lee Kuang Wei (Mathews) Thirunavakarasu Genevieve Tan Natalie Chew (Suhakam) Chitrah Rajandran (Sekretariat) Wakil Pengasas PT Hisham Hussein (Pengerusi) Majlis AIDS Malaysia (MAC) Datuk Zaman Khan (Presiden) Rang Undang-Undang HIV Malaysia Tahun-tahun akan datang akan bermula dengan pengumuman pembukaan Rang Undang-Undang HIV sebagai sebahagian daripada aktiviti-aktiviti utama oleh Klinik Perundangan LAC/PT/MAC. Ahli-ahli jawatankuasa telah diagihkan dengan tugasan untuk menjalankan kaji selidik terhadap beberapa Negara yang menggubal Akta HIV. Mesyuarat tersebut telah diadakan pada 6 Mac 2010 (Sabtu) dari 3.30 petang sehingga 6.30 petang. Ahli-ahli jawatankuasa masa di dalam proses mengkaji selidik. Aktiviti-aktiviti untuk 2010 1. Ahli-ahli Klinik mengendalikan temuduga dengan Pelajar-pelajar Monash berkaitan dengan penyiaran video pendek tentang Mak Nyah (transgender) dan akibatnya. Video dokumentari tersebut telah dijalankan di PBGKL pada 15 May 2010 (Sabtu) pada pukul 4.00 petang di BC LAC (KL). 116 L A P O R A N TA H U N A N 2 0 1 0 / 1 1 � Pusat Bantuan Guaman Majlis Peguam (Kuala Lumpur) 2. Penerangan undang-undang untuk “Outdo” telah dijalankan bersama-sama badan-badan bukan kerajaan khas untuk kaum wanita pada 19 Jun 2010 (Sabtu) pada pukul 6.45 petang. Perkongsian rahsia ini telah dihadiri oleh 19 wanita. Preetam dan Gen mengendalikan sesi tersebut dan ahli-ahli Outdo berminat untuk mengendalikan lebih banyak sesi berkenaan kesedaran terhadap undang-undang di masa hadapan. 3. Program Yayasan PT Pekerja Seks telah membuat pembukaan Karnival Jom Ke Chow Kit pada 31 Julai 2010 bermula dari pukul 4.00 petang. Objektif utama karnival tersebut adalah membawa komuniti bersama-sama dengan penyedia perkhidmatan seperti MAC, Majlis Kanser Kebangsaan, DUREX, ahli-ahli Jawatankuasa Undang-Undang Perlembagaan Majlis Peguam bersama-sama dengan lakonan Rakyat, makanan disediakan oleh ibu-ibu tunggal dan juga lukisan wajah. Apabila pihak jawatankuasa tiba di tempat tersebut, kami telah didatangi dengan berita bahawa beberapa orang pekerja seks telah ditahan berdekatan dengan karnival tersebut, kami memulakan intervensi perundangan kami walaupun dengan hujan lebat dengan membuat panggilan ke balai polis dan melawat balai polis Chow Kit beberapa kali. Selepas pertelagahan dengan pihak berkuasa, wanita-wanita tersebut akhirnya dilepaskan pada pukul 7.15 malam dan kami merayakan kejayaan tersebut dengan berpegangan tangan dan menyanyikan lagulagu bersama-sama pihak jawatankuasa Yayasan PT. 4. Pihak jawatankuasa bersama-sama dengan Majlis AIDS Malaysia (MAC) dan Majlis Agama Islam Selangor (MAIS) telah mengelolakan dialog secara tertutup berkaitankan dengan isu Mak Nyah, HIV & Islam pada 28 November 2010 di Auditorium Jawatankuasa Peguam dari 10.00 pagi sehingga 4.00 petang. Objektif utama dialog tersebut menyedarkan badan-badan keagamaan tentang definisi sah Seksyen 28 Enakmen Jenayah Syariah. Setelah memahami definisi dan penerangan oleh Dato’ Zaidi Zain, wakil-wakil telah bersetuju bahawa dibawah prosedur jenayah syariah Wilayah Persekutuan berpakaian seperti wanita bukanlah satu kesalahan. Kami berharap badan-badan keagamaan akan lebih bersikap terbuka dan memberhentikan penahanan komuniti-komuniti Mak Nyah dari berpakaian seperti wanita. 5. Jawatankuasa Bantuan Guaman Nasional ataupun National Legal Aid Committee (NLAC) secara tahunan telah mengendalikan “Law Awareness Week Campaign” dari 9 Oktober 2010 sehingga 17 October 2010 untuk mewujudkan kesedaran. Jawatankuasa telah memutuskan untuk mengendalikan 4 sesi untuk komuniti-komuniti tersebut. • 9 Oktober 2010, 12 t’hari untuk Mereka Hidup Dengan HIV/AIDS (PLHIV) dan MSMPOZ (Men Having Sex with Men PLHIV). 14 peserta PLHIV turut serta pada taklimat tersebut. Pramo V Nair, Matthews Lee & Chitrah turut membantu di dalam taklimat tersebut manakala Elena Shim (penulis) hadir bagi pihak Jawatankuasa Penerbitan BC LAC (KL). • 10 Oktober 2010, 10.00 pagi untuk Pekerja Seks (SW). 38 wanita turut serta di dalam taklimat tersebut. Natalie Chew & Chitrah membantu di dalam taklimat tersebut bersama- sama Joachim Leong & Janice Tay (penulis-penulis) bagi pihak Jawatankuasa Penerbitan BC LAC (KL). • 10 Oktober 2010, 3.00 petang untuk Mak Nyah (Transgender (TG) Centre. Terdapat 20 peserta melibatkan diri secara lisan di taklimat tersebut. Dibantu oleh Natalie Chew & Chitrah. • 16 Oktober 2010, 10.00 pagi di SAFE Clinic di Brickfields. SAFE Clinic diasaskan oleh badan tidak berasaskan keuntungan yang memberi perkhidmatan pemeriksaan, rawatan dan kaunseling mengenai jangkitan melalui seks dan HIV kepada orang ramai. Kami mengendalikan klinik outreach dan mengendalikan kaji selidik yang ringkas terhadap pandangan dan pemahaman orang ramai mengenai BC LAC (KL). Kami mendapati, 57 peserta terlibat didalam kaji selidik tersebut, 10% belia, 70% pertengahan umur dan 20% pendatang asing tidak mengetahui tentang bantuan guaman dan hak-hak perundangan mereka. Kami merasakan bahawa statistik tersebut pada tahun 2010 adalah di tahap yang membimbangkan jika dibandingkan dengan cara negara kita mencari kemajuan dan masyarakat tidak prihatin tentang hak-hak perundangan mereka. • 18 Disember 2010 & 19 Disember 2010 (10.00pagi - 3.30petang). Jawatankuasa telah mengendalikan Bengkel Perundangan “Law for the Marginalised” untuk masyarakat terpinggir. Peserta-peserta adalah dari PT, WAKE dan badan-badan bukan kerajaan yang lain yang berkerja seiring dengan masyarakat yang terpinggir menghadiri bengkel tersebut. Pusat Bantuan Guaman Majlis Peguam (Kuala Lumpur) � L A P O R A N TA H U N A N 2 0 1 0 / 1 1 117 Program Pelatih dalam kamar Program tersebut telah dikendalikan oleh Preetam. Baru-baru ini program tersebut telah dikendalikan oleh Kar Mern dan Genevieve. Statistik dibawah menunjukan kes-kes yang dikendalikan oleh pelajar-pelajar:NO BULAN NOMBOR 1 JANUARI - 2 FEBRUARI 1 3 MAC 2 4 APRIL 9 5 MEI 4 6 JUN 1 7 JULAI - 8 OGOS 4 9 SEPTEMBER 5 10 OKTOBER 5 11 NOVEMBER 9 12 DISEMBER 1 JUMLAH 41 Kes-kes yang dikendalikan oleh pelatih dalam kamar adalah orang lelaki berpakaian seperti wanita, pekerjaan, tahanan tak sah, kad pengenalan, buang sekolah, tidak mematuhi perjanjian dan kes kewangan. Kami mengambil peluang ini untuk menyarankan kepada ahli-ahli Majlis Peguam bahawa Jawatankuasa kami sangat memerlukan peguam-peguam sukarela yang sudi untuk membantu pihak-pihak yang tertindas ini. Daftarlah sebagai sukarelawan walaupun anda hanyalah pelajar. Klinik Perundangan PBG/PT/MAC sejujurnya memohon pertimbangan khas dari semua wakil dari Majlis Peguam Negeri dalam usaha untuk merumuskan BC LAC (KL) khas untuk pihak-pihak yang tertindas bagi memastikan mereka diwakili secara sah dan kempen untuk penyahjenayahan kepada komuniti-komuniti tertindas di Malaysia. Hasil kaji selidik kami, kami mendapati bilangan komuniti yang menerima gangguan dan pencabulan hak asasi manusia terhadap komuniti ini dan kami menyeru peguam-peguam negeri sama-sama membantu menghentikan peguatkuasaan keras terhadap pihak-pihak yang tertindas. Mereka menghadapi gangguan, dibuli, pengunaan bahasa yang kasar dan dilayan dengan buruk sekali semasa dalam tahanan lokap atau penjara. Akhir sekali, saya ingin menyampaikan ucapan terima kasih dan penghargaan saya kepada semua ahli-ahli jawatankuasa, staf saya dan semua peguam dari BC LAC (KL) dalam membantu mengendalikan Klinik Perundangan LAC/PT/MAC sehingga hari ini. 118 L A P O R A N TA H U N A N 2 0 1 0 / 1 1 � Pusat Bantuan Guaman Majlis Peguam (Kuala Lumpur) 8. BC LAC (KL) Laporan Program Kesedaran Undang-Undang (Orientasi) Laporan disediakan oleh: Ravin Singh & Sekretariat Ahli-ahli Jawatankuasa Vernon Jude Samuel Farida Mohammad Abd Shukor Tokachil Dipendra Harshad Rai Fadiah Nadwa Fikir Farhana Abdul Halim Genevieve Tan Harleen Kaur Intan Farida Adnan Juvita Jumpil Khor Xiou Shan, Valen Komathi Arunaslam Latheefa Koya Mohd Radzlan Jalaludin Murnie Hidayah Anuar Nik Waheeda Nik Kamarulzaman Premit Singh Puspawati Rosman Raina Kiren Kaur Rajen Devaraj Rajesweri Paramasevam Ravi Nekoo Ravin Singh Sasha Lyna Abdul Latif Surendran K. Sreetharan Syuhaini Safwan Stephanie Bastian Yohendra Nadarajan Sheena Manicam (Sekretariat) dan Legal AIDERS Pengenalan Program Kesedaran Undang-Undang ini merupakan salah satu program penting bagi BC LAC (KL). Melalui program ini, pelatih dalam kamar yang merupakan tulang belakang bagi BC LAC (KL) ini akan mengalami “dimensi sebenar” mengenai apa yang diperlukan dan dijangkakan daripada mereka sepanjang 14 hari Tugasan Wajib Bantuan Guaman. Selanjutnya, program ini akan memperkenalkan kepada mereka pelbagai jenis klinik dan program yang diaturkan oleh BC LAC (KL). Objektif • Untuk membantu pelatih dalam kamar menyelami dan memahami peranan dan tanggungjawab mereka sebagai peguam di dalam masyarakat; • Untuk memupuk rasa tanggungjawab sosial dan keprihatinan terhadap hak-hak kemanusiaan, aturan undang-undang dan keadilan di kalangan pelatih dalam kamar; • Untuk mendedahkan pelatih dalam kamar terhadap khidmat bantuan guaman dan juga memupuk minat dalam diri mereka serta komitmen yang berpanjangan terhadap bantuan guaman dan hak sama rata untuk mendapatkan keadilan, dimana ianya melampaui Tugasan Wajib Bantuan Guaman mereka dan juga pelbagai program/klinik BC LAC (KL); dan • Untuk mendidik pelatih dalam kamar supaya menggunakan pengetahuan undang-undang dan kebolehan mereka dengan menghulurkan pertolongan kepada mereka yang memerlukan bantuan guaman dan untuk memberi sumbangan kepada masyarakat. Aktiviti Setakat 31 Disember 2010, ahli-ahli Jawatankuasa Program Kesedaran Undang-Undang (“Ahli Jawatankuasa”) telah menjalankan program-program/sesi-sesi yang berikut: 1. Mesyuarat Ahli Jawatankuasa 4 mesyuarat ahli jawatankuasa telah diadakan sepanjang tahun. 2. Sesi Orientasi 11 sesi orientasi telah diadakan dan Ahli Jawatankuasa telah melatih seramai lebih kurang 740 Pelatih dalam kamar daripada Kumpulan 61, 62, 63, 64 & 65. Sesi-sesi orientasi tersebut menggunakan kaedah penyertaan, pembentukan kumpulan dinamik, diskusi terbuka, pengetahuan hak-hak kemanusiaan di samping memperkenalkan pelbagai program/klinik BC LAC (KL). Ahli Jawatankuasa juga telah membuka penyertaan bagi sesi orientasi ini kepada Pelatih dalam kamar dari negerinegeri lain. Sehingga kini, seramai lebih kurang 100 pelatih dalam kamar dari Pusat Bantuan Guaman Negeri Selangor telah dilatih. Pusat Bantuan Guaman Majlis Peguam (Kuala Lumpur) � L A P O R A N TA H U N A N 2 0 1 0 / 1 1 119 Sesi-sesi ini telah dibantu oleh Vernon Jude Samuel, Hor Shirley, N. Yohendra, Harleen Leena, Mohd Radzlan Jalaludin, Murnie Hidayah, Premit Singh, Rajen Devaraj, Surendran Sreetharan, Stephanie Bastian dan Sheena Manicam. 3. Sesi Penilaian Akhir 4 sesi Penilaian Akhir telah diadakan untuk semua Pelatih dalam kamar daripada Kumpulan 60, 61, 62 dan 63 yang terlibat di dalam pelbagai program/klinik BC LAC (KL). Sesi ini telah dibentuk bagi menghargai sumbangan pelatihpelatih dalam kamar terhadap masyarakat dan BC LAC (KL). Sejumlah 510 pelatih dalam kamar telah menyertai sesi ini dan berkongsi pengalaman daripada pelbagai program/klinik yang telah mereka sertai sebagai sebahagian daripada tugasan bantuan guaman mereka. Semasa sesi-sesi tersebut, Ahli Jawatankuasa telah menjemput Brendan Navin Siva, Ravin Singh, Edmund Bon, dan Roger Chan Weng Keng sebagai tetamu untuk memberi ucapan penghargaan kepada pelatih dalam kamar terhadap sumbangan mereka dan memberi dorongan kepada mereka untuk menyertai aktiviti-aktiviti BC LAC (KL) pada masa hadapan. 4. Latihan Lanjutan “Legal Awareness and Leadership for Lawyers” Ahli Jawatankuasa telah mengadakan Latihan Lanjutan (advance training) untuk kali ketujuh pada 10 dan 11 Julai 2010 di Hotel De Palma, Sepang. Latihan ini telah dibentuk untuk menggalakkan pelatih dalam kamar/ peguam untuk meneruskan penglibatan mereka di BC LAC (KL). Program ini menekankan tentang kepentingan peranan serta tugas-tugas yang dimainkan oleh pelatih-pelatih dalam kamar / peguam-peguam muda di dalam masyarakat. Ahli Jawatankuasa juga menggunakan peluang ini untuk menarik masuk sukarelawan-sukarelawan muda/ketua untuk kerja-kerja bantuan guaman dan untuk mendapatkan maklumbalas yang lebih terperinci serta cadangan untuk memperbaiki program-program BC LAC (KL) dan Majlis Peguam secara keseluruhan. Sejumlah 29 orang peserta telah menyertai latihan ini. Latihan ini telah dibantu oleh enam orang Ahli Jawatankuasa iaitu Vernon Jude Samuel, Rajen Devaraj, Harleen Kaur, Farida Mohammad, Premjit Singh dan Stephanie Bastian. 5. Legal AIDERS “Legal AIDERS” adalah sebuah kumpulan yang dianggotai seramai lebih kurang 40 peguam-peguam muda yang diketuai oleh Murnie Hidayah Anuar yang telah menglibatkan diri dengan aktifnya didalam pelbagai program/aktiviti yang dikendalikan oleh BC LAC (KL). 6. Malam Kopi-O Malam Kopi-O adalah salah satu projek menarik “Legal AIDERS”. Ianya adalah sesi malam tidak formal yang meriah dengan perbincangan terbuka sambil menikmati kopi. Pada tahun ini, tiga Malam Kopi-O telah diadakan iaitu pada 9 April 2010, 14 Mei 2010 dan 18 Jun 2010 dengan tajuk perbincangan seperti berikut: i)Kapitalisma 7. ii) Dadah dan Pengurangan Kesakitan iii) “Berakhirnya Rantai Penyaluran - Pakaian Pekerja Wanita di Asia - “Kempen Baju Bersih” Program-program Lain Sebagai sesi susulan, Ahli Jawatankuasa telah mengendalikan satu Sesi “Get-together” kepada para peserta Latihan Lanjutan kali ketujuh (7th Advance Training) dan juga sukarelawan dari sesi Penilaian Akhir yang telah menunjukkan minat untuk menyertai BC LAC (KL) sebagai sukarelawan pada 20 Ogos 2010. Matlamat sesi ini adalah untuk membawa semula pelatih dalam kamar/sukarelawan yang telah menunjukkan minat mereka untuk membantu BC LAC (KL) dan menerangkan kepada mereka mengenai tugasan-tugasan yang terlibat didalam pelbagai program/aktiviti supaya mereka boleh memahami dengan lebih mendalam dan untuk memberi mereka perspektif yang lebih jelas mengenai apa yang diharapkan daripada mereka. Seramai 27 orang sukarelawan telah hadir untuk sesi ini dan mendaftarkan diri untuk pelbagai program/aktiviti BC LAC (KL) sebagai sukarelawan. 120 L A P O R A N TA H U N A N 2 0 1 0 / 1 1 � Pusat Bantuan Guaman Majlis Peguam (Kuala Lumpur) Kekuatan • Komitmen daripada Ahli Jawatankuasa dan kemampuan mereka untuk menyumbangkan idea bagi melaksanakan dan memperbaiki sesi-sesi latihan. • Motivasi kepada pelatih dalam kamar terhadap kepentingan untuk memberikan perkhidmatan kepada mereka yang memerlukan dan terpinggir. • Pendidikan kepada pelatih dalam kamar mengenai hak-hak asasi manusia dan memupuk kesedaran mengenai keadilan. • Mengekalkan ramai peguam muda untuk berkhidmat secara sukarela di BC LAC (KL) melalui Program Latihan Lanjutan. Kelemahan • Mengambil masa dan kekurangan sumber manusia • Tindakan/sesi lanjutan • Masalah Komunikasi Cadangan • Berusaha untuk menjalankan lebih banyak sesi kesedaran dan hak asasi manusia kepada peguam-peguam dan/atau orang awam • Berusaha untuk mencari jalan bagi mengekalkan penglibatan pelatih dalam kamar dan peguam muda. Tahun 2010 merupakan tahun yang sibuk bagi Ahli Jawatankuasa ini dan juga “Legal AIDERS”. Ahli Jawatankuasa berharap ahli-ahlinya dan “Legal AIDERS” akan berterusan menunjukkan komitmen dan dedikasi mereka untuk tahun-tahun yang akan datang. 9. BC LAC (KL) Laporan bagi Jawatankuasa BULLET (Hak-hak Haiwan) Laporan disediakan oleh: Ravin Singh dan Sekretariat Ketua Projek Ravin Singh Ahli-ahli Jawatankuasa Arumugam @ Arul Cheah May Lee Christopher Teoh Davina Goh Harmeet Kaur Irnie Fukzannie Jorg Bandlow Kelly Khoo Melissa Linda Dass Mohala Nik Waheeda Pamela Lim Sheena Manicam (Sekretariat) Quek Kia Ping Ramesh Lachmanan Roselin Mazlan Shahrul Anum Sheenaz Khan Serene Kam Soraya Putra Siah Mei Hui Stephanie Bastian Steven Khaw Taffany Reid Yeap Poay Nee Pengenalan Jawatankuasa BULLET (Hak-Hak Haiwan) (“Jawatankuasa”) BC LAC (KL) telah ditubuhkan pada tahun 2010. Objektif utama Jawatankuasa ini adalah untuk mempromosikan hak-hak haiwan di Malaysia. Jawatankuasa ini bertujuan untuk memberi kesedaran terhadap tanggungjawab serta pengurusan haiwan secara berperikemanusiaan. Pusat Bantuan Guaman Majlis Peguam (Kuala Lumpur) � L A P O R A N TA H U N A N 2 0 1 0 / 1 1 121 Jawatankuasa ini akan memfokuskan terhadap undang-undang yang sedia ada terhadap Hak-hak Haiwan dan mencadangkan pembaharuan terhadap undang-undang berkenaan. Selain itu, Jawatankuasa akan menegakkan hak-hak haiwan terhadap kekejaman dengan melobi / memohon agar undang-undang perlindungan haiwan yang lebih kukuh serta perlaksanaan yang tegas terhadap undang-undang tersebut di Malaysia dengan hukuman yang lebih berat. Jawatankuasa ini juga akan memberi fokus didalam mendidik masyarakat mengenai Hak-hak Haiwan. Oleh kerana terdapat beberapa tugasan yang terlibat, Jawatankuasa ini bercadang untuk memperkenalkan satu program kepada pelatih-pelatih dalam kamar sebagai sebahagian daripada 14 Hari Tugasan Bantuan Guaman yang telah diwajibkan ke atas mereka. Program ini dinamakan sebagai Program Refomasi dan Penyelidikan - Kebajikan Haiwan “Research & Reform Program - Animal Welfare” (“Program”). Pelatih-pelatih dalam kamar yang terlibat dalam Program ini akan membantu Jawatankuasa dengan melakukan penyelidikan dan mencadangkan pembaharuan undang-undang. Program ini telah bermula pada 22 November 2010 dengan sejumlah sepuluh orang pelatih dalam kamar dan ianya masih berjalan. Aktiviti-Aktiviti setakat 31 Disember 2010 Jawatankuasa ini masih dalam tahap permulaan and setakat ini telah menjalankan 4 mesyuarat. Pada masa ini, Jawatankuasa ini sedang melaksanakan perkara-perkara yang berikut: i) untuk melihat undang-undang yang sedia ada mengenai haiwan-haiwan di Malaysia; ii) untuk membandingkan dengan negara-negara lain dan menyenaraikan amalan-amalan yang terbaik; iii) untuk membincangkan penemuan-penemuan dan mengemukakan satu cadangan terhadap pembaharuan undangundang ; dan iv) untuk mengemukakan satu pelan pendidikan untuk memberi kesedaran kepada masyarakat terhadap hak-hak haiwan. Kekuatan • Komitmen yang diberikan oleh ahli-ahli serta kebolehan mereka untuk mengemukakan idea-idea bagi perlaksanaan dan seterusnya meningkatkan kebajikan Haiwan di Malaysia. Kelemahan • Mengambil masa dan kekurangan staf-staf sokongan • Tindakan/sesi tindak lanjut Jawatankuasa ini berharap untuk menyambungkan perjuangan mereka untuk memperbaiki Kebajikan Haiwan-Haiwan dalam tahun-tahun mendatang kelak. 10. BC LAC (KL) Laporan bagi Jawatankuasa Reformasi Undang-Undang & Penyelidikan Laporan disediakan oleh: Sekretariat Ahli-ahli Jawatankuasa Ravi Nekoo (Penyelia) Ravin Singh Lee Sit Ching, Joey Elaine Gan Peay Er Joanne Chua Tsu Fae Jayashree Vengadachalam Jasmine Goh Amirul Haziq Bin Noordin Zainab B inti Mohd Ali Stephanie Bastian Sheena Manicam (Sekretariat) Pengenalan Jawatankuasa Reformasi Undang-Undang dan Penyelidikan BC LAC (KL) telah diperkenalkan pada 2010 yang terdiri daripada sebuah kumpulan peguam-peguam muda dan pelatih-pelatih dalam kamar yang bersemangat dan mempunyai minat yang mendalam terhadap bantuan undang-undang. Jawatankuasa ini baru sahaja 4 bulan dan adalah produk daripada Sesi Penilaian Akhir yang dikendalikan oleh Program Kesedaran Undang-Undang pada 20 Ogos 2010 untuk sukarelawan yang telah menunjukkan minat untuk menyertai Bantuan Guaman sebagai sukarelawan. 122 L A P O R A N TA H U N A N 2 0 1 0 / 1 1 � Pusat Bantuan Guaman Majlis Peguam (Kuala Lumpur) Matlamat utama Jawatankuasa ini adalah untuk melibatkan diri di dalam penyelidikan dan untuk mencadangkan reformasi undang-undang secara giatnya dan juga menganjurkan latihan pendidikan, ceramah dan seminar. Walaupun Jawatankuasa baru sahaja di tahap permulaan, ianya sangat aktif sejak Mesyuarat Jawatankuasanya yang diadakan pada 3 September 2010. Pada masa ini, Jawatankuasa di dalam proses menyediakan Manual Latihan Reman. Manual ini adalah bertujuan untuk digunakan sebagai Prosedur Operasi Standard yang membolehkan sesiapa sahaja untuk mengikut garis panduan yang telah diperuntukkan dan mempunyai pemahaman yang lebih baik terhadap Prosedur Reman. Di dalam proses penyediaan manual tersebut, 5 Ahli Jawatankuasa iaitu Joey Lee, Boo Min Lee. Elaine Gan, Jasmine Goh, Joanne Chua bersama-sama dengan Jason Kong, Ketua Projek Program Dock Brief BCLAC (KL) telah melawat Pusat Reman Bukit Jalil untuk melihat cara reman dijalankan oleh Majistret. Selain itu, Jawatankuasa juga merancang untuk menganjurkan Ceramah dan Latihan seperti berikut: a) Latihan Anti-Penyeludupan Manusia untuk dikendalikan bersama-sama dengan Tenaganita dan b) Ceramah mengenai Akta Kanak-Kanak dan Konvensyen mengenai hak kanak-kanak. Tarikh, masa dan tempat untuk ceramah tersebut dan latihan masih belum ditetapkan. Kelebihan Ahli Jawatankuasa yang komited, keupayaan mereka untuk menyelidik dan memberikan idea-idea terhadap sesuatu tajuk. Kelemahan Mengambil masa dan kekurangan sokongan sumber manusia Jawatankuasa berharap untuk meneruskan dengan rancangan-rancangnya untuk tahun-tahun yang akan datang. 11. BC LAC (KL) Laporan Tahunan Projek Outreach Laporan disediakan oleh: Sekretariat Ahli-ahli Jawatankuasa Kenneth Seet Wan Zheng (Ketua Projek) Ahmad Shahrizal Shairatul Adora Yusof Shaleni Sangaran Cheryl Denise Thean Choo Jun Lin M. Gandhi Mohan Khor Wei Min Joel Lim Phan Hong Aw Kam Mei Ong Doen Xian Ravin Singh Stephanie Bastian Harleen Kaur “True, we build no bridges. We raise no towers. We construct no engines. We paint no pictures - unless as amateurs for our own principal amusement. There is little of all that we do which the eye of man can see. But we smooth out difficulties; we relieve stress; we correct mistakes; we take up other men’s burdens and by our efforts we make possible the peaceful life of men in a peaceful state.” ~ John W. Davis (April 13, 1873 – March 24, 1955) a well-known American politician, diplomat and solicitor Projek Outreach bermula sebagai satu misi oleh sekumpulan peguam yang sanggup untuk membantu masyarakat kerana ia adalah satu keperluan untuk masyarakat untuk mengetahui bahawa bantuan guaman adalah untuk semua tidak kira bangsa, umur, agama, status sosial dan juga kewarganegaraan. Pelan asal ini dihasilkan oleh sekumpulan rakan-rakan semasa mereka terlibat dalam Program Bantuan Guaman di mana mereka mendapati masyarakat masih tidak mengetahui tentang kewujudan BC LAC (KL) dan juga fungsinya. Justeru itu, masyarakat terasa kehilangan dan tidak berupaya apabila mereka berhadapan dengan masalah undang-undang, suatu bidang yang asing bagi mereka. Hasilnya, Projek Outreach lahir daripada bimbingan dan sokongan dari BC LAC (KL), dengan misi utama untuk memberi bantuan guaman secara percuma kepada orang awam dan pada masa yang sama memberi kesedaran kepada semua mengenai hak-hak mereka dalam semua aspek. Idea ini dipelopori oleh 2 orang peguam, Kenneth Seet dan Ahmad Shahrizal. Pusat Bantuan Guaman Majlis Peguam (Kuala Lumpur) � L A P O R A N TA H U N A N 2 0 1 0 / 1 1 123 Kini, kami mempunyai lebih dari 40 ahli yang terdiri daripada peguam sukarela dan juga peguam pelatih. Matlamat program ini adalah untuk:1. Memberi bantuan kepada sesiapa yang memerlukan bantuan guaman dan tidak kira bangsa, umur, agama, status sosial dan warganegara; 2. Mendidik masyarakat tentang hak mereka dan kedudukan undang-undang terhadap sesuatu isu; 3. Membantu dan membimbing masyarakat dengan cara yang betul dalam menangani masalah mereka dan; 4. Memberi kesedaran kepada orang awam tentang kewujudan BC LAC (KL) di seluruh negara dan juga fungsinya. Projek ini melibatkan persediaan sebuah BC LAC (KL) di Brickfields setiap hari Ahad dari pukul 10.00 pagi hingga pukul 3.00 petang. Orang awam berpeluang untuk singgah ke BC LAC (KL) ini untuk mendapatkan bantuan guaman. Pusat ini berada di Tingkat 1, Wisma Koponas, Jalan Tun Sambanthan, 50470 Kuala Lumpur (di atas Bank CIMB). Klinik bantuan guaman ini dibuka pertama kali pada 19 September 2010. Dalam usaha untuk mempersediakan peguam sukarela dan peguam pelatih dengan segala pengetahuan dan kemahiran, beberapa sesi latihan telah disediakan oleh BC LAC (KL). Latihan-latihan ini dikendalikan oleh peguam-peguam yang berpengalaman di dalam bidang undang-undang masing-masing seperti Undang-undang Keluarga, Undang-undang Pekerjaan, Undang-undang Jenayah, Undang-undang Imigresen dan sebagainya. Projek Outreach dilancarkan secara rasmi pada 23 Oktober 2010 oleh Ragunath Kesavan, Presiden Majlis Peguam dan dihadiri oleh peguam-peguam berpengalaman, ahli-ahli Projek Outreach, BC LAC (KL), organisasi bukan kerajaan, agensiagensi kerajaan dan juga pelajar-pelajar dari Brickfields Asia College. Ini merupakan saat yang membanggakan dan bersejarah bagi Projek Outreach dalam menerima sambutan dan sokongan pada hari pelancaran. Sebagai sebahagian daripada rancangan jangka panjang untuk Projek Outreach, pusat-pusat bantuan guaman akan ditubuhkan dengan lebih banyak lagi di lokasi yang lain pada masa akan datang. Buat masa kini, Projek Outreach terdiri daripada 40 ahli pasukan yang telah bertugas selama 13 minggu dan telah memberi bantuan guaman kepada 68 klien. Sepanjang pembangunan Projek Outreach, lebih ramai peguam sukarela dan peguam pelatih akan direkrut dan sesi-sesi latihan lanjutan akan disediakan. 12. PBG Majlis Peguam (KL) Laporan bagi Jawatankuasa Urgent Arrest Laporan disediakan oleh: Sekretariat Ahli-ahli Jawatankuasa Ravi Nekoo Ravin Singh Fadiah Nadwa Rajen Devaraj Puspawati Rosman Valen Khor Stephanie Bastian Murnie Hidayah Harleen Kaur Sasha Lyna Farida Mohammad Farhana Abdul Halim Rajesweri Paramasevam Jeevanathan Anggapan (Sekretariat) “I may not agree with what you have to say, but I’ll defend to my death your right to say it.” -VoltaireSejak beberapa tahun yang lalu, kita telah menyaksikan situasi-situasi di mana orang-orang awam telah ditahan dan ditangkap kerana mengambil bahagian dalam perhimpunan-perhimpunan keamanan. Orang-orang yang ditahan ini adalah lemah and selalunya tidak mempunyai akses kepada bantuan guaman. Dalam keadaan sedemikian, mereka tidak mengetahui tentang hak-hak mereka sepenuhnya dan pilihan-pilihan yang dimiliki. Dalam menyaksikan pelbagai insiden penangkapan di dalam negara di mana orang-orang awam telah ditahan dan ditangkap, BC LAC (KL) telah menubuhkan Pasukan ‘Urgent Arrest’ untuk memberi bantuan guaman kepada orang-orang yang ditahan. Pasukan ‘Urgent Arrest’ ini ditubuhkan oleh sekumpulan peguam-peguam sukarela yang gigih dari Majlis Peguam Malaysia yang telah menerima latihan-latihan yang sepatutnya dan mempunyai kemahiran untuk menolong ketika penangkapan 124 L A P O R A N TA H U N A N 2 0 1 0 / 1 1 � Pusat Bantuan Guaman Majlis Peguam (Kuala Lumpur) beramai-ramai. Dengan matlamat untuk menjadi lebih efektif dan efisien, BC LAC (KL) telah menyediakan Manual Latihan ‘Urgent Arrest’ pada tahun ini. Manual ini telah diuji di bengkel latihan yang telah dihadiri 25 peserta. Kemahiran-kemahiran dan pengetahuan Pasukan ‘Urgent Arrest’ ini telah dimanfaatkan dengan baik tahun ini ketika Protes Air diadakan di mana 52 orang telah ditahan dan dilepaskan pada hari yang sama. 13. BC LAC (KL) Laporan bagi Program Sangkutan 2010 Laporan disediakan oleh: Sekretariat Program Sangkutan di BC LAC (KL) dibuka kepada semua pelajar terutamanya pelajar undang-undang daripada kolej dan/ atau universiti awam dan/atau swasta. Program ini dikendalikan oleh pihak pengurusan BC LAC (KL). Para pelajar dijemput untuk memohon program sangkutan di pusat ini. Jangka masa program Sangkutan tersebut adalah antara satu minggu hingga 3 bulan. Para pelajar yang terlibat dalam program sangkutan ini diperkenalkan kepada aktiviti-aktiviti dan program-program pusat ini seperti, LAC Clinic, Program Dock Brief serta program Lawatan Penjara. Selain daripadaitu, Para pelajar juga diperkenalkan kepada pelbagai aktiviti yang dianjurkan oleh NGO-NGO, rakan sekerja pusat ini, antaranya ialah AWAM, WAO, SIS, Tenaganita, UNHCR dan Pink Triangle Foundation. Selanjutnya, salah satu bahagian program sangkutan ini juga membolehkan para pelajar program sangkutan melawat kepada pusat-pusat/agensi-agensi kerajaan seperti Pusat Kebajikan Masyarakat, Mahkamah Syariah, Pusat Probate dan biro-biro kerajaan serta pejabat-pejabat lain sepanjang menjalani program sangkutan di pusat ini. Semasa berada di pusat ini, para pelajar juga dijemput untuk melibatkan diri dalam pelbagai latihan, kajian, pengurusan pejabat dan kerja-kerja lain yang dianjurkan oleh pusat ini. Para pelajar yang telah menghabiskan program sangkutan ini akan menerima satu sijil daripada pusat ini. Senarai di bawah ini adalah kolej-kolej dan universiti-universiti yang terlibat dalam program sangkutan pada tahun 2010:(i) Universiti Malaya (ii) Universiti Islam Antarabangsa Malaysia (iii) Kolej Universiti Taylor (iv) Lawatan Zaid Ibrahim & Co (v) Lawatan Universiti Teknologi Mara, Shah Alam (vi) Universiti Teknologi Mara, Shah Alam. Pusat Bantuan Guaman Majlis Peguam (Kuala Lumpur) � L A P O R A N TA H U N A N 2 0 1 0 / 1 1 125 Audited Accounts Kuala Lumpur Bar Committee Financial Statements For The Year Ended 31 December 2010 126 ANNUAL REPORT 2010/11 � AUDITED ACCOUNTS 1 AUDITED ACCOUNTS � ANNUAL REPORT 2010/11 127 2 128 ANNUAL REPORT 2010/11 � AUDITED ACCOUNTS 3 AUDITED ACCOUNTS � ANNUAL REPORT 2010/11 129 4 130 ANNUAL REPORT 2010/11 � AUDITED ACCOUNTS 5 AUDITED ACCOUNTS � ANNUAL REPORT 2010/11 131 6 132 ANNUAL REPORT 2010/11 � AUDITED ACCOUNTS 7 AUDITED ACCOUNTS � ANNUAL REPORT 2010/11 133 8 134 ANNUAL REPORT 2010/11 � AUDITED ACCOUNTS 9 AUDITED ACCOUNTS � ANNUAL REPORT 2010/11 135 10 136 ANNUAL REPORT 2010/11 � AUDITED ACCOUNTS 11 3-2, Jalan 2/76C, Desa Pandan, 55100 Kuala Lumpur. Tel: 03-92834104 Fax: 03-92834046 AUDITED ACCOUNTS � ANNUAL REPORT 2010/11 137 JAWATANKUASA PEGUAM KUALA LUMPUR KUALA LUMPUR BAR COMMITTEE Tingkat 8, Wisma Kraftangan, No.9 Jalan Tun Perak, 50050 Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. Tel: +603 2693 3585 (Hunting Line) Fax: +603 2691 1090 Email: Website:
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