8408kb - Carl Schreck, Journalist
8408kb - Carl Schreck, Journalist
IIIE [[ TI ilEE GAROLTA' THE HIGH TIMES INTERUIEW WITH ADAM BY cARL scHREcK I rHoros BY KATY wINN The show in February ?009, the former co-host of Lovelineand carolla. After cBS Radio dropped his LA morning phenome' The past two years have been good to Adam Internet immediate an became grrrg, rn Grendarl, cA, and launchedl free podcast that Man showpromptry moved his hase of operations to . venue for his Iengthy' extemporaget to the weather, the podcast gave carolla an unfettered producers radio non. Liberated from FCC censors and implications of drinking sanka coffee' ..griio from the war"on orugs to peanut allergies to the sociological neous and often obscene rants about everything the comedian build a nationwide grassroots netRewind Aw ards,ihe Adam caroltaihowhashelped Named the top audio podcast at the 20-0g iTunes network was set to notch $1 million in advertispodcasting some ?00,000 times daily, and his work of fans. The show, carolla,s people say, is downloadeJ managed to debut at number I on rhe claims to have read only two books in his entire life-also using his podcast as a marketing platform, carolla-who comicriffsandmusingsonhissoutherncaliforyearswe'ltAlt BeChicks,acollectionof ingfor20l0-animpressiveachievementintheembryonicbusinessofpodcasting. NewyorkTimesBest-sellerListlastNovemberwittrtrisooot<lngo jobs' manual Iaborer drifting through a series of minimum-wage nia childhood and early years as a carpenter and a nation plagued by low-grade depression and depicts America portrait of His malaise. the national carolla is one of comedy,s most unique observers of politics are hard to pigeonhole' He reserves equal diswith some hawkish views on national security, his joint insidious bureaucracy. An atheistic free-marketeer and prevent a guy from smoking a getting married gays from the moral crusaders who would ban dain for the welfare state, political correctness, and can be simply summed up as: "Do what makes sense"' after a long day at work. It'sa guiding philosophy that The America you describe in your podcast is one graduatty descending into insanity and inanity' Where did we go wrong? We didn't tett certain fotks to shut the fuck up and get out of the way. lt's essentialty hatted progress-you can't buitd that bu[[et train to Vegas because there's some indigenous grasshopper that you're going to disptace. Back in the otd days' "Fuck that grasshopper, some baron would say: we're buitding this raitroad." And it got buitt' And some grasshoppers got smashed, but we kind of forgot about it, and the good of the majority-being of abte to get from one ptace to another-lust sort outweighed the grasshopper. Now the grasshopper has a publicist, and they're going to get some Grasshopper Roots Foundation behind them, and some lndian's going to cry, and the thing's gonna get hetd up in court and it's never gonna happen' lf one kid is attergic to peanuts, just buitd a school for kids who are attergic to peanuts-and their hypochondriac parents. The solution is not to remove peanuts from school, it's to remove the one El6 lllflllllB oppothe on elryone ptatoon. Now whote the it and saves kid who's attergic to peanuts. lt's the exact site of every good wortd war ll movie, where grenaae arofs into a foxhote and one guy dives tude. But the chick over at Ataska.Airtines who's tetting me that I gotta go back to the gate to get my bag because no one totd me there was a gate check-she shoutd drop her fucking attitude' wouldargueoverwhoseturnitistodiveonit,andShe'sapeon.AndsoistheUnitedcunt.Andsois thenthey,dattgoup.themetermaid.Youguysdropyourattitude! you can get an army behind you-and When an Yourvitriotistargetyreservedfortow-l.evetpub-arsenalbehindyou,andsomemustardgas,anda beret-by atl means' tic- and private-sector functionaries-airtine wacky representatives,trafficcops,metermaids,buitd-Youknow'KimJong-ltcangooutandshoot "Uh' I got a just menac- 18 hotes of gol'f and tett his caddy: ingfiendsoutthere?lgfortheday',,Andthecaddyhasnofucking choice but to write it down' But you people are There are always going to be your dictators of baing-code inspectors. Aren't there more making $28,000 a year and have a fucking GED. nana republics and your seriat ki[[ers, but they,re you shoutd drop your fucking attitude. And inspectors ,rpporidtobe dicks. Buitding supposed to have an attitude. Guys who work bels the war on Drugs part of our national madness? hind the counter at that piece of shit catted United aren't Airtines,they,renotsupposedtohaveattitude,Yeah,lmean,it'sridicutous.ABCNewsdoessome Copsaren,tsupposedtohaveattitude_notwhenfuckingexperimenteverytwoyearswherethey they,redeatingwithnoncriminals.0fcourseMus-takesomespenturaniumandputitinaUPSbox Los and then send it from Tikrit through the port of dictator! atti- sotini had an attitude-the guy was a And saddam Hussein is supposed to have an going Angetes. And it ends up on an 1 8-wheeler itl found out about fiue years ago that we spend rnore money on fiipot eradication than uue do on methamphetamine eradication, iiii: 'iri: {i,' and I fucking alrnost threuu up in my mouth" ,.,: through downtown LA, because we don't have the bitmoney for detection equipment-yet we spend bi[[ions of dottars eradicating pot everyyear. issue. Maybe my liver has an issue, maybe my issuewife nas has an lssueissue, maybe my wlle doctor has an rssue, but me and society, we don't have an issue. obviousty,potisnotanissue.Methampheta- mine is an issue, but potiticians never want to make a disiinction between ihe two drugs-or any drugs.Just: "Att drugs are drugs, they're att ;;,i*i;;;ii',,"n.i ""1*r,Ji"...ii.",u0, of and our kids shoutdn't be exposed to any that there are many more drugs-inctuding atcohol.-that cause much more damage than pot. I found out about five years ago that we spend more money on pot eradication than we do on most threw up in my mouth. I just heard of this news anchor in Washington, DC, who got fucked with because he had a pot ptant in his backyard. lt's totat insanity-what kind of country are we tiving in? You wanna grow a pot ptant, grow a fucking pot ptant. The government has much bigger fish to fry than some news who ',.,:!r::;:;ili::,;angn1r andnlSIUCKlngpotptanI.Everyoooywno his f ucking pot ptant. Everybody |?* anchor and shoutd have a pot ptant, and *.",. ,"to smoke t."t" pot rnorta ;illj)i# wants i;i:ffi i rhc #i:r.t'|fi 6ovprnment not be invotved with it in government shou[d t" iitli,: ' -*"y, shape or form unless the person something when they're intoxicated. Pot shou[dn't be treated differeni .ny iL!:I$ ,i#W, does Atcohol. seems to be your drug of choice. Do unwind with marijuana, too? I tike pot, [butl pot got too good; it got too you sion-l started reatizing that to drink the red. "l#i tiiiiii (r r> ru Imb I ru I ru ur of Inu is weird wcr I u kind rt ur offI rrr into Le th nd od Irift wine wlne a no 'iiit:.:n, ^r stumber and not think about the next show, ::': wrru> t:!ii'.i:i appearance, the next obtigation, or who's nextappearance,rnenexroDtlgdtrurr,ur next gonna pay for the goddamn private school for my i# twins, and just drift off and watch some 5t' Etmo's Fire on cabte-l started enjoying_that .. ,' buzzmore. ltwassortof a"who cares?"bu.zz I I the ii# . power- fut.ait*resturi*raim"t "iitto*'"centerfoldof versus an "l'm gonna get high and realty your pubtication, the stuff with the purpte hair; too goddamn good now. And something happened to me where I needed a different kind of buzz. Because when I had nothing and I just drove a beat-up pickup atty didn't have a penny to my name, lwanted and Christ, you? What areyou When did you first reatize you had a talent for -^..temporaneous monotogues? ----r^-..^-r l'd been doing it for a long time, but +L^..^L+ ^+ i+ -- - r-r^^+ doing?" Did you do tong schoot? ex- t::# .. 1ll :n|:i!i I .-- never .:' tilir-l| to get stoned just to, tike, escape ... you know, jusi get baked and crank up a Boston album. And at a certain point, I had kids and a wife and a house and multipte mortgages-you know, a pretty goddamn big nut to cover every month. I knew l'd be on Jimmy Kimmel Live in a week, and the (rrdL,dttuudtttttt9ruL'tLttc and Dancing With the after that, show drLcr Ionlght tuIttgltL>ttew I wou[d get stoned ar Siars, and I realized that Iwoutd "Jesus Christ, just iust kind of think about it. Like, you're going on Dancing With the Stars? Who are think riffs in front of friends in high .,. ..,. iiii; .-.: counse[ors, [ong, riffs. Someone woutd tetl * "Who My friends, or famity, or teachers, whoever-they woutdn't permit me to go on rambting, even funny me to shut up or get back to work, or cares?" or "0uiet down!" or "So what?" lt's weird now, because ljust got the House of B[ues in Vegas, and there's 900 pte sitting there who want to hear 90 minutes i i^..,^ sit down anyone who'd -:r my shit. I coutdn't find --..^-^.,,L^ ,ii;'i..:ii]: oi.llt:. peoof for I^- ,, jil?] ,]::i i: !:iil:i .1a::1):1:ia:11:l on an den iiiliilfl iii!;;:fi 't!l# night. And I like an Ambien and a cocktail, too, ra." o.."sion. But if I get in my car, now we got issue. As tong as l'm sitting at home in my :.itl:#lLr::r.,.,^+-hi^^.^]u-"^^r^. +h6h,^d.r^^'+hr\,65n li:''|,:lllf watching 5p orts Center, then we don't have an ,lltji*i!::iiiJ eEl ffilrul and point, when I got some notoriety-and don't get me rrrrnnn lt's it'qqtittfuntopaianothrownieonoccastiLt fun to eat a pot brownie on occawrong, make $100,000 a month to cover your nut you'Lt not have a good high. 5o at a certain one-l wouldn't without * Let's lllli :fi there buddy iii get 45 seconds into it someone saying, "l don't know! Who cares? orderl" 0r my parents just sorta sitting kindanumb.cleartvnottisteninq.0rmybuddy kinda numb, clearty not listening. 0r my ] Donnyjust going "Huh?" or "You're blocking the set." Nobody ever said "Write that down" or TV "That's a good onel" or "You should do this for a tiving." It never came up. So this weird gift, in a wortd that looks at it as a tiabitity, is no fucking gift at at[. ls a podcast the ideal venue for your creativity, more so than radio or television? fast-there's no room for anfihing long-form. Radio is fine, but you have a program director who's probabty dumb. The onty thing dumb peopte know is "Hurry up, hurry up!" So my Life kind of went f rom "Shut up!" to "Hurry upl" And now, when you do this, you can do it Yeah. TV is too super [ong-form. How did your manua[-[abor days prepare you for your current career? A tot of time left atone with my thoughts .... You wanna free up your mind? Turn off the TV, turn off the Wii, turn off the computer and do repetitive manua[ labor. Literatty pick up a shovel, go out in your backyard and dig for nine hours without so much as a fucking radio or someone standing next to you. Just dig. Betieve me, you'[[ get to thinking-no ear buds, no podcasts, no iTunes, no Best of REO Speedwagon. I would have jobs where they would drop me off in a parking [ot, and there was a huge mound of dirt the size of a Winnebago on one side, and on the other side of the parking lot was a big rott-off dumpster with the doors swung open. There was a two-by-1 2foot ramp that went up it, a ftathead shovet and a wheelbarrow. I got dropped off, and they said, "Hey man, don't leave unti[ you get this mountain of dirt into that rolt-off dumpster." I started at 7 a.m., and by 5:30 p.m., I made my last scoop and went home-a[[ for $7 an hour. There are no f [atpaneI monitors, no checking your B[ackBerry. You're just alone and got nothing to do but think. It's sort of tike being imprisoned with your mind-and a fucking shove[. What we're doing now is just sitting around staring at YouTube, staring at Funny or Die, staring at ESPN, staring at Wii. And we're basically just taking a tour through someone etse's museum. And I don't know how much art you create when you're just constantty watking through someone else's mu5eum. I never wrote down a joke. But I was left alone with my thoughts-that's for goddamn sure. were a lousy student with, you say, indifferent parents. When did you become so industrious? At a certain point, after being a nonachiever for so [ong in my tife, I finatly started to accomptish some goals, and it became sort of intoxicating. And then I started kinda wanting more. I spent the first 30 years just wasting my Life. I was put on this earth to share stories, and te[[ jokes, and entertain peop[e, and try to make them think, and come up with ideas, and design architecture, and work on cars. I was reallyjust put here to do these things-l don't mean by God You 9t] lll(llTll'lll You usanna free up yeur mind? Turn off the TUn turn off the lffii, turn dF the colrtputer and $o do repetitiue manuatr lahor-. Eelieue rrre, you'll g* to thinking.' or anything, but those are my cal[ings. And I spent the first 30 years [istenlng to teachers who told me lwas dumb-and, you know, digging a ditch. l'm not Ernest Hemingway or fucking Mark Twain, but if you asked someone who knew Wi[[ Rogers what Wi[t Rogers did for 15 years, and he said, "0h, they gave him a shovet and he sat in the dirt and dug a ho[e," you'd say: "Wett, that seems [ike a waste. Shoutdn't he have just been sitting around and writing down sorta funny isms about society?" "Nah. He just sat atone, with ranchera music btaring in the background, digging a hote for $8 an hour." That'd be kind of a waste, wouldn't it? Now, l'm not saying I'm Witt Rogers, but that's mything. I tike ideas-l don't tike digging hotes. And so, eventuatty, it was [ike lwas making up for tost time. lt was [ike, "Hoty shit! I've sat around rotting in ctassrooms, rotting in shitty houses, rotting on job sites-just sitting and fucking rot- ting." And then I reatized, a[[ of a sudden: "Whoa-l got stuff to tatk aboutl" And so I started doubting down. Why do you pee in the sink? Muttitask white shaving. l'm six-foot-two-and Dr. Drew tol.d me that urine is sterite. V