St. Elizabeth Ann Seton Catholic Church August 7th, 2016


St. Elizabeth Ann Seton Catholic Church August 7th, 2016
St. Elizabeth Ann Seton Catholic Church
280 E. Square Lake Road, Troy, Michigan 48085
August 7th, 2016
19th Sunday in Ordinary Time
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St. Elizabeth Ann Seton Church -
Weekly Calendar
Calendar Events
(©Liturgical Publications Inc.)
Aug. 7th
9:00 AM Mass
10:00 AM St. Vincent de Paul—Conference Room
11:00 AM Mass
5:00 PM Middle School Religious Education Program
Wis 18:6-9
Heb 11:1-2, 8-19 or 11:1-2, 8-12
Lk 12:32-48 or 12:35-40
Aug. 8th
10:30 AM Tai Chi
5:00 PM Middle School Religious Education Program
6:30 PM Rosary
7:00 PM Mass
Ez 1:2-5, 24-28c
Mt 17:22-27
Aug. 9th
8:00 AM Rosary
8:30 AM Mass
5:00 PM Middle School Religious Education Program
5:30 PM Christian Meditation
Ez 2:8--3:4
Mt 18:1-5, 10, 12-14
Aug. 10th
8:00 AM Rosary
8:30 AM Mass
5:00 PM Middle School Religious Education Program
6:30 PM Rosary for Peace
2 Cor 9:6-10
Jn 12:24-26
Aug. 11th
8:00 AM Rosary
8:30 AM Mass
5:00 PM Middle School Religious Education Program
Ez 12:1-12
Mt 18:21--19:1
Aug. 12th
Aug. 13th
Next Sunday
Aug. 14th
Ez 16:1-15, 60, 63 or 16:59-63
Mt 19:3-12
8:00 AM Men’s Fellowship Monthly Meeting
9:00 AM Men’s Fellowship Faith Sharing
4:30 PM Reconciliation
5:00 PM Mass
Ez 18:1-10, 13b, 30-32
Mt 19:13-15
9:00 AM Mass
11:00 AM Mass
5:00 PM Middle School Religious Education Program
CSA 2016
As of June 16th, we have
collected $123,022.00 out
of $130,136, or 94.5%, of
our 2016 CSA total.
Jer 38:4-6, 8-10
Heb 12:1-4
Lk 12:49-53
$2,293.00 Weekly Average
(EFT Totals reflect previous month)
New Members Are Always Welcome!
Our parish family extends a warm welcome to all who join us for
worship. If you are new to the area or coming home, we invite you to
register and make St. Elizabeth Ann Seton your parish. All
applicants may contact the Parish Office at (248) 879-1310 to set up
an appointment to meet with Father Norm Nawrocki.
St. Elizabeth Ann Seton Church -
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What a Pain in the…!
For the last four weeks I have had a minor but somewhat irritating back least, it was minor until several days before the end of my
vacation in Toronto. It was a pleasant, if not somewhat hot day, that
during breakfast the power failed in the hotel. This lasted for about 20
minutes before it went back on again. By then it was time to go back to
the room before leaving for that day’s activity. I was assured that
everything had returned to normal and it was safe to use any elevator. As
I was whisked up to the 12th floor when the electricity went out
the 11th and a half floor. I was on the elevator by myself. There was total
darkness for about 30 seconds and then the lights went on again, but the
elevator did not move. I pushed buttons; none lit up and the car did not
move. I picked up the emergency phone and got the polite attendant from the front desk, who
assured me (in a quasi-panicky voice) that everything was okay. He was followed by the
manager who was far more under control and assured me that there was nothing to worry
about. For the next 45 minutes there was nothing to worry about. I assured them that there
was something to worry about, and it was me stuck in this little car trapped between the 11 th
and 12th floor; I wanted out.
Relief finally came when the 12th floor door was forced open and secured. I was then asked to
please lift myself out of the elevator. Now if I had been 20 years old this would have been
simple task, but at seventy there was no possibility. So I turned my back to the open doors,
had two strong men put their hands under my arms and dragged me out until I could apply
some help to get me the rest of the way. However, it took a toll on my back and I still haven’t
sufficiently recovered. My back is improving slowly, and if I take it slow I believe I can return
to an almost normal schedule in the near future. But at times the pain is significant.
Please keep me in your prayers and know that you are in mine every day in the morning, at
noon and the evening. Pray my back “back” to normal, and help the doctors to work their art
of healing
Words from
Father Norm
The Year of Mercy: Look to Jesus!
“Disciples” are people who follow and emulate a master teacher. As disciples of
Jesus Christ, our Teacher and Lord, God’s love, mercy and compassion are to be our way
of life.
This Week:
Be especially attentive to the ways in which Jesus showed mercy to those whom he
encountered. The Gospels are filled with examples.
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St. Elizabeth Ann Seton Church -
Parish Faith Formation
Calendar Information
Online Registration for our Elementary
Students is now open
August 7th - 18th
Middle School Summer Program
5:30 - 8:30 PM
September 20th
7:00 PM
Bible Study Begins:
The Books of Joshua and Ruth
October 2nd
12:10 PM
Rite of Christian Initiation for Adults
Question of the Week for Youth
In today’s Gospel we hear that Jesus is
the fulfillment of the promises that
God made to Israel; that Jesus will be
glorified by God; that Jesus is the Son
of God. That was a lot of information
for Peter, James, and John to
understand and then explain to others.
We grew up knowing ALL of this
How does knowing this
information change what you
October 5th
Elementary Religious Education Begins
What’s Happening in Religious Education
As we move into August, we are finalizing the plan’s for the Summer Middle School Program
and getting excited to see our ideas come alive. Calendaring and planning for the 2016 2017 school year have been taking place all summer. Our Fall Tuesday night Bible Study
with Rob Pelliccia will be a 9 week study on the book of Judges and Ruth starting
September 20th and ending November 15th. Sign up will begin in early August. Our
R.C.I.A. (the Rite of Christian Initiation for Adults) Team will begin it’s programming Sunday, September 18th
following the 11:00 AM Mass. We are quite enthusiastic to welcome a nice group of candidates into our church. If
you are interesting in learning more about our faith (or know someone who has questions) and have not contacted
us yet, you’re not too late! Simply call the Religious Education Office, (248) 879-1314, and leave a message for Terri
Konwinski. She would love to hear from you. ;-)
Our Elementary Religious Ed. begins Wednesday, October 5th with our regular class times, 5:00 - 6:15 PM
for the first session and 6:30 - 7:45 PM for the second session. Registration for the Elementary Grades is now
available online at As always, if you have any questions don’t hesitate to ask, we are happy to help
Explaining the Importance of Today’s Gospel to Children
Every family has special moments that they remember and share. In
sharing these stories, the meaning and importance of these events develop
and deepen over time. This is how it was with the disciples' remembrance
of Jesus' Transfiguration. The full significance of what they had seen and
experienced could only be understood after Jesus' death and Resurrection.
As they told other believers about this event and recorded the story for us
in the Bible, our understanding of what it means to call Jesus God's own
Son has also deepened.
Gather as a family and think about some special family memories that
your family tells over and over again. Talk about why these memories are
important to you. Recall that in the Bible we find many important
memories about Jesus that have been recorded for us so that we can
believe that Jesus is God's Son. What do we learn about Jesus from
today’s Gospel? (He fulfills the promises God made to Israel through the
Law and the Prophets; God glorified Jesus in his Resurrection; Jesus is
God's Son.) This past weekend was the World Youth Day Mass with Pope
Francis and 6 MILLION young adults and teens. That was a transforming
moment for all those involved and hopefully for those who witnessed it as well.
St. Elizabeth Ann Seton Church -
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Our Parish
Prayer Chain at St. Elizabeth Ann Seton
Are you looking to become
involved in a ministry here at
St. Elizabeth Ann Seton that
does not require any special
talent and/or a lot of time?
Then this may be the answer to
your prayers! It is quite a
simple process and requires
very little time on the members
When someone calls a member of the chain with a
prayer need, that member prays and calls the next
member on his/her list. The second member then
prays and notifies the next member and so on until the
entire chain has been activated.
Each member
continues to pray until the need has been met.
If you think you can do this, or are feeling the tug to
become involved, please call me at the office at (248)
879-1310 or email me at
Parishioners who volunteer for this ministry should be
receiving an e-mail soon explaining the process in
greater detail.
Backpacks and School Supplies
It’s back to school time! We are once
again collecting backpacks and school
supplies through the Jail and
Outreach Ministry located in Pontiac
for the children of parents who are
We are requesting the usual school
supply items: Pencils, pens, erasers, file folders, loose
leaf paper, rulers, glue sticks, pencil sharpeners,
colored pencils, markers, and crayons.
There is a large plastic bin in the Social Hall for any
donations. These backpacks and supplies are needed to
be here no later than the middle of August for
You may drop your items off in the bin or in the office
during regular office hours.
It’s Time to Celebrate!
Who: All SEAS Parishioners
When: Sunday, August 21, 2016
12:00 - 5:00 PM
Where: St. Elizabeth Ann Seton Parish Grounds
You are invited to the St. Elizabeth Ann Seton 40th
Anniversary/Picnic Celebration. Parishioners should
RSVP and will receive a wristband at the door that
enables them to free food and soft drinks. A cash bar
will be available for beer and wine. You may bring
family and/or friends who are not parishioners, but
they must pay for their food.
Please RSVP to (248) 879-1310,, or
by sign-up sheet in the Parish Hall.
Hope to see you there!
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St. Elizabeth Ann Seton Church -
Catholic Life
CSA: Sacred Heart Seminary
Many students are registering for classes at Sacred
Heart Major Seminary this month, thanks to Parish
Empowerment Fund scholarships funded by gifts to the
Catholic Services Appeal.
Our major seminary not only prepares men for
ordination to the priesthood and the permanent
diaconate, it offers degree and certificate programs for
lay women and men seeking to be “new evangelists for
the new millennium” at the Institute for Ministry.
Through discernment and theological reflection, the
institute guides and challenges commuter students to
deepen their commitment to spiritual growth, attend to
their call, and identify their gifts for service in the
For more information about Sacred Heart Major
Seminary or the Institute for Ministry, please go to
For more information about CSA-funded ministries,
programs, and services, go to
Catholic Charities Food Assistance
Know someone with limited
resources who is choosing between
fo od purchase s and o the r
necessities? The Supplemental
Nutrition Assistance Program
(SNAP) helps eligible individuals
and families including seniors to save money on
groceries to pay bills, for medications, clothes, and
other necessities. Thanks in part to generous support
from the Walmart Foundation, Catholic Charities of
Southeast Michigan (CCSEM) is helping residents of
Oakland, Macomb, and Wayne counties to quickly
learn if they are eligible and enroll. Make a
confidential call to CCSEM today at (248) 338-4250
ext. 3700!
Capuchin Retreat: Personal Peace
The Journey to Find Personal Peace in a World
of Tension
Tuesday, August 16th, 9:00 AM to 3:00 PM
In a world of terror and tension how do we discover a
sense of personal peace? Reserve this day for a day of
reflection and renewal and come to Capuchin Retreat,
62460 Mt. Vernon, Washington, MI 48094. Learn how
to discover a personal sense of peace regardless of what
is happening around us. Presented by Fred Cavaiani,
LLP, LMFT. Suggested offering is $45, includes
breakfast and lunch. Call (248) 651-4826 or visit
Stephens Ministry
St. Anastasia now has a
group of men and women
who have been trained
extensively to listen to,
pray with, and walk
alongside others who are
grieving or hurting. They
Ministers and will provide a listening ear and a caring
heart to people experiencing an especially difficult time
in their lives. This is a Christ-centered, care-giving
As Stephen Ministers, we understand how important it
is to find someone to confide in and talk to during a
crisis or difficult time.
Sometimes we aren’t
comfortable sharing our inner most thoughts with
people close to us.
It is often helpful to talk
confidentially with someone who can be nonjudgmental outside of our close circle of family and
If you or someone you know could benefit from talking
to a Stephen Minister, please call Kim Houseman at
(248) 689.8380 or
St. Elizabeth Ann Seton Church -
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Bulletin Board
AUGUST 14TH, 2016
Jeanne Richart (9:00): (248) 680-2976,
Linda Gifford (11:00): (313) 790-7401,
Volunteers are assigned for a specific weekend, and
Jeanne will give reminders beforehand. Please call or
send an e-mail for any other questions.
NOTE: Young children may not be in the kitchen
due to the danger of Hot Coffee and equipment.
Also check for schedules.
Even though winter has come and gone, the needs for
the homeless and hungry have not changed at the food
depot. Our donation has gone down a bit the last
couple of months. So, here is a challenge.
When you are out shopping for your everyday
groceries, or for a party, or a vacation, pick up a little
something to put in our bin for those less fortunate.
Those that come to the depot do not often have the
good fortune to have a party and/or go on a vacation.
Thank you for your continued support.
The following items are in great need of
donations to the depot:
Paper Towels
Toilet Tissue
Laundry Detergent
Bath Soap
Baptism classes will be offered on the
second Sunday of each month at
10:00 AM. Parents and Sponsors are
requested to attend. An appointment
will be required to participate.
Please contact the Parish Office at
(248) 879-1310 to make your
We are in need of a few volunteers to help in the
church office during all Masses on the weekend.
The Saturday Mass office hours would be 4:006:30 PM. Depending on the number of volunteers
who sign up, you may only be required to work
every 4 to 6 weeks. Presently, we have only three
volunteers for this Mass.
The Sunday Mass office hours would be either
8:30-10:30 AM or 10:30 AM-12:30 PM. As of
today, we only have two volunteers for the 10:30
AM-12:30 PM timeframe.
If you cannot commit to these times, perhaps you
could be a sub for one of them. Please call the
office if you are interested in volunteering
for this ministry.
✢ Feed the Hungry
✢ Give Drink to the Thirsty
✢ Clothe the Naked
✢ Shelter the Homeless
✢ Visit the Sick
✢ Visit the Imprisoned
✢ Bury the Dead
Katlynn Nicole Wiles
Baptized July 31st
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St. Elizabeth Ann Seton Church -
Please see the “Service” section on to see the latest weekly schedule.
August 13th—August 14th -- 20th Sunday in Ordinary Time
5:00 PM
9:00 AM
11:00 AM
Linda Busk
Barb Kubasinski
Linda Gifford
Roger Panella
Ann Celine Wydeven
Paul Rizza
Lector 1
Marcy Gargulinski
Val Wydeven
Arun DeSouza
Lector 2
Seth Paul
Dave Springer
Daron Gifford
Altar Server 1
Lillian Aldinger
Adam Good
Dominik McPhail
Altar Server 2
Fred Aldinger
Sophia Miller
Mark Lee
Mimi Doherty
Ron Ruckdeschel
Ruth Hoppe
Linda Koehler
Virginia Hopkins
Katie Crawford-McKinney
Janice Aldinger
Chuck Stenback
Wendy Scyphers
Linda Busk
Shirley Ruckdeschel
Linda Gifford
Dave Aldinger
Stefanie Deller
Jennifer Ostrowski
Sarah Kruk
Dom Ianuzzi
Zenaida Fernandez
Ginny Farrug
Alex Souiller
Jim Moseley
Jean Plante
Karen Fabian
Diana Lee Moseley
Team 2
Team 4
Team 6
Please pray for those serving in our Armed Services:
Sgt. Robert McGlynn
82nd Airborne Division
Specialist Amy L. McKinney
10th Mountain Division
David Ruckdeschel, Chief Petty Officer
United States Navy
Diana Ruckdeschel, Petty Officer, First Class
United States Navy
Master Sgt. Christen Reinhart
82nd Airborne Division
Lieutenant Colonel John M. Barnett
United States Marine Corps
SPC Kellen Przywara
United States Army
Sgt. Austin Janutol
United States Marine Corps
LCpl Matthew Falardeau
United States Marine Corps
William Garbe, Senior Chief Petty Officer
United States Navy
Erin Freedom Hawtin, Spec.
United States Army
Sgt. Edward Alsip
United States Marine Corps
Cpl Sarah Alsip
United States Marine Corps
Christopher Mitchell, Chief Petty Officer
United States Navy
Alexander Mitchell, Petty Officer 3rd Class
United States Navy
Sgt. David Miller, Jr.
United States Army
Jeffry Schuele, Captain
United States Marine Corps
LCpl Justin Schade
United States Marine Corps
Private 1st Class Justin Stroupe
United States Marine Corps
Call or e-mail us with your loved one’s name, rank, and
branch of the service. You can call the office at
(248) 879-1310 or e-mail to
St. Elizabeth Ann Seton Church -
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Dolores Audretsch
Jason Bouvrette
Frank Chronowski
Ian Delaney
Dorothy Dettloff
Antonetta Fidei
James Frenchi
Matthew Gelement
Mary Lowe
Luisa Malatesta
Bill Martin
Jim May
Jim and Anna Maria McCaslin
Paula Mecca
Raid Nassri
Jim Norris
Tillie Porolniczak
Danny Richart
Karen Rybak
Ed Sadler
Dolly Smalley
Frank Taube
Paula and John Thomas
Patti Vincent
Jerry and Kathy Wojas
Gene Zembrzuski
Please note…
Mass intentions should be arranged two
weeks in advance to appear in the bulletin.
 Requests for names to be mentioned during
the Prayers of the Faithful or for the bulletin
prayer list should be provided by a member
of the family.
 The Prayer List is updated monthly. If we do
not hear from you to keep your person on, we
will take him/her off the list. You can always
call to put him/her back on.
Monday, August 8th
7:00 PM
Michael McGregor (Family)
Tuesday, August 9th
8:30 AM
Jim and Eleanor Bellon (Dorothy Lawson)
Wednesday, August 10th
8:30 AM
Rick Hurst—4th Anniversary (Nina Hurst)
Thursday, August 11th
8:30 AM
People of SEAS
Friday, August 12th
Saturday, August 13th
5:00 PM
Catherine Ziarno (Family)
Sophie Tadajewski (Family)
Irene Beltramini
(Leonette & Robert Ciepielowski)
Sunday, August 7th
9:00 AM
Therese Smith (Joan Draveski & Family)
Rita Pesta (Jakinovich Family)
Patros, Mary Ann and Charlene Hannish
(Hana Kassa)
11:00 AM
Joe Smalley (Mary Eavenson)
Raymond DeLuca (Belevender Family)
George Hollahoa (Christian Wnek)
Respect Life will be holding an on-going Baby Shower to benefit Abigayle
Ministries, a local crisis pregnancy center. It is not enough that we pray to end
abortion, and ask our legislators to pass laws to end abortion. We must help
women who are pregnant and scared and believe that they have no other option.
Donations of new or gently used baby clothing can be placed in the crib in the
parish hall. Baby food, formula, diapers and other baby necessities are also welcome. Unfortunately, we cannot
accept stuffed animal toys. Thank you in advance for your generous support.
Respect Life Committee
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St. Elizabeth Ann Seton Church -
St. Elizabeth Ann Seton Catholic Church Mission Statement
In the spirit of Saint Elizabeth Ann Seton, we are a welcoming Catholic community, helping each
other connect faith with everyday life through our worship, education and service.
Fr. Norman D. Nawrocki
St. Elizabeth Ann Seton Church
280 East Square Lake Road
Troy, MI 48085
Office: (248) 879-1310
Fax: (248) 879-2886
Religious Education Office:
(248) 879-1314
Web Site:
Mass Schedule
Saturday: 5:00 PM
Sunday: 9:00 AM, 11:00 AM
Deacon Gregory Formanczyk
R.E. Secretary
Director of R. E.
Edwina Abbate
Terri Konwinski
Business Manager
Deb Peltier
Parish Secretary
Lynn Kramer
Music Director Christian Service
Tim Palmer
Karen Webb
Parish Office Hours:
Monday - Thursday
9:00 AM to 12:00 PM
1:00 PM to 4:00 PM
9:00 AM to 12:00 PM
4:00 PM to 6:30 PM
8:30 AM to 12:30 PM
Deadline for Bulletin Articles:
Monday 12:00 PM
E-mail to:
Webmaster / Bulletin
Seth Paul
Please make arrangements at least 6 months in advance. Contact the
Parish Office for more information.
Call Parish Office to register for class.
(It is advisable to schedule and take the class before the baby is born.)
Official Greeter
Sacrament of Reconciliation
Saturdays from 4:15-4:45 PM.