St. Elizabeth Ann Seton Catholic Church July 3rd, 2016 14th
St. Elizabeth Ann Seton Catholic Church July 3rd, 2016 14th
St. Elizabeth Ann Seton Catholic Church 280 E. Square Lake Road, Troy, Michigan 48085 July 3rd, 2016 14th Sunday in Ordinary Time Page 2 St. Elizabeth Ann Seton Church - Weekly Calendar Readings Calendar Events Sunday July 3rd 9:00 AM Mass 10:00 AM St. Vincent de Paul—Conference Room 11:00 AM Mass Monday July 4th FOURTH OF JULY—OFFICE CLOSED 9:00 AM Mass Tuesday July 5th 8:00 AM Rosary 8:30 AM Mass Wednesday July 6th Thursday July 7th (©Liturgical Publications Inc.) Is 66:10-14c Gal 6:14-18 Lk 10:1-12, 17-20 or 10:1-9 Hos 2:16, 17b-18, 21-22 Mt 9:18-26 Hos 8:4-7, 11-13 Mt 9:32-38 8:00 AM Rosary 8:30 AM Mass 6:30 PM Rosary for Peace Hos 10:1-3, 7-8, 12 Mt 10:1-7 8:00 AM Rosary 8:30 AM Mass Hos 11:1-4, 8c-9 Mt 10:7-15 Friday July 8th Saturday July 9th Next Sunday July 10th Hos 14:2-10 Mt 10:16-23 8:00 AM Men’s Fellowship Monthly Meeting 9:00 AM Men’s Fellowship Faith Sharing 4:30 PM Reconciliation 5:00 PM Mass Is 6:1-8 Mt 10:24-33 BLOOD PRESSURE CHECKS 9:00 AM Mass 11:00 AM Mass Dt 30:10-14 Col 1:15-20 Lk 10:25-37 CSA 2016 As of June 16th, we have collected $123,022.00 out of $130,136, or 94.5%, of our 2016 CSA total. ENVELOPE OFFERTORY FOR JUNE 26TH: $8,997.00 ELECTRONIC OFFERTORY FOR MAY: $2,252.00 Weekly Average (EFT Totals reflect previous month) The Year of Mercy: Be Attentive Each Morning! God’s mercy is always with us. In order for this to change us, we must be attentive to God’s love and mercy in our daily lives. This Week: Begin each day with a time of prayer. If only for five minutes, take time to be mindful of God’s love and mercy. Invite the Holy Spirit to give you an open mind and heart throughout the day, in order to perceive God’s grace in your life and to respond to it freely and generously. New Members Are Always Welcome! Our parish family extends a warm welcome to all who join us for worship. If you are new to the area or coming home, we invite you to register and make St. Elizabeth Ann Seton your parish. All applicants may contact the Parish Office at (248) 879-1310 to set up an appointment to meet with Father Norm Nawrocki. St. Elizabeth Ann Seton Church - Page 3 Everyday Stewardship duty of respect. The right to the exercise of freedom, especially in moral and religious matters, is an inalienable requirement of the dignity of the human person. This right must be recognized and protected by civil authority within the limits of the common good and 1731: Freedom is the public order (Catechism of the Catholic power, rooted in reason Church). and will, to act or not to act, to do this or that, and For those of us who are Americans, we must so to perform deliberate never take for granted the freedom we enjoy actions on one's own responsibility. By free to worship and to believe as we desire. God will one shapes one's own life. Human has given each human being the free will to freedom is a force for growth and maturity in shape one's life. There are many places in the truth and goodness; it attains its perfection world that seek to limit or destroy that free when directed toward God, our beatitude. will. At times, even our own country risks curtailing those freedoms because of political agenda or blindness to the truth. Words from In place of Father Norm’s article for the week, we have a reflection written by Tracy Earl Welliver, MTS. Father Norm Good stewardship demands we not only give thanks for that freedom, but we use it to grow in faith and maturity. How can we not fully live out our faith in freedom when there are others in this world that have no way of expressing their beliefs? Once we grow in our faith and become mature disciples, we need to recognize the need to fight for all of our human brothers and sisters that they may enjoy the same freedom that we do. We must not count the cost in this struggle, for the cost involved with doing nothing may be even 1738: Freedom is exercised in relationships greater. between human beings. Every human person, created in the image of God, has the natural Tracy Earl Welliver, MTS right to be recognized as a free and © Liturgical Publications Inc responsible being. All owe to each other this Page 4 St. Elizabeth Ann Seton Church - Parish Faith Formation Calendar Information Question of the Week for Youth Online Registration for the 2016 - 2017 School Year is Now Open In today’s world, when we travel, we take a lot of stuff with us. Our cars even have monitors in them so we can watch movies as we move along so we don’t get bored. Jesus asks his dispels to carry nothing with them, not money or even their sandals, so they stay focused on what it is they've been asked to do. What distracts you from doing what God is asking of you? August 7th - 18th Middle School Summer Program 5:30 - 8:30 PM What’s Happening in Religious Education Registration for the Middle School Summer Program is up and running at our new website, Our former website is no longer being updated and should be taken down soon. If you have a bookmark to our former site,, you may want to delete it and start fresh. Our new website,, is where all new information will be placed. Our sixth, seventh, and eighth grade students will now meet in the summer for two consecutive weeks. This year our session will be Sunday, August 7th Thursday, August 18th. Each week of the two week session will run Sunday through Thursday, 5:30-8:30 PM. Picture in your mind a Vacation Bible School setting for Middle School students. The students will rotate between Catechesis, Craft, Recreation, Snack, and Worship. This format allows more formational time as well as more engagement for the student. During the school year (September - May) our Middle School students will stay active within our community by attending bimonthly service and social events hosted at the parish by Club Serve. Several of our young adults will be heading up Club Serve and working with the Middle School Students. Our registration for Religious Education will be offered online this year both registration as well as payment. Please check the Parish Website,, for additional information. If you have any questions or concerns please feel free to contact Terri Konwinski, (248) 879-1314 or by email at Gospel Reflection for Parents Today's Gospel begins immediately after the final verse in last Sunday's Gospel. After strong language about the difficulties of discipleship, Jesus immediately appoints 72 people to go ahead of him to every town and place he plans to visit, proclaiming that the Kingdom of God is at hand. He sends them in pairs. In the Law of Moses, two witnesses were needed for a testimony to be credible. It was probably also a safer way to travel. Jesus admits it will be difficult, that he is sending them out like lambs among wolves. Yet they are to bring nothing with them, not even a money bag or sandals. They are to greet no one on the way so as not to be distracted from their mission. When they enter a house, their message is simply “peace.” The response they will receive may be positive or negative. Either way, they are to know that the Kingdom of God is at hand. They are not to demand special treatment but eat and drink whatever is given them. They are to stay in one house and are not to look around for one that provides better accommodations. They are to heal the sick as a sign that the Kingdom of God is at hand for them. If the town will not receive them, they are to shake the dust from their feet and move on. Even in the case of such rejection they should know that the Kingdom of God is at hand. A key theme of today's Gospel and last Sunday's Gospel is discipleship — its challenges, its difficulties, and its rewards. Sharing in the mission of Jesus is difficult, but everyone is called to do it, not just some professionals trained for ministry. “The harvest is abundant but the laborers are few.” We are all called to be laborers. St. Elizabeth Ann Seton Church - Page 5 Our Parish Abigayle Ministries Seasonal Needs The following is a list of seasonal needs sent from Abigayle Ministries. Please help out this wonderful organization for young mothers and babies if you can. Gift Cards From: Home Depot Office Depot Kroger Seasonal Needs: Baby safe sunscreen 50 SPF Adult sunscreen Swim diapers (Sizes 1-3) Mother/Baby: New or used baby monitors Body Wash Adult Coloring Books Fine Line Markers Kitchen: Canisters for dry goods Steak Knives Silverware – Spoons (not serving size) Kitchen scrub/scouring pads Washcloths Household: Bleach Tablecloths for Dining Room table (54”x96” in red, blue or green) Recycling containers Office: Stamps God Bless, Karen Webb Christian Service Coordinator SEAS Scramble Golf Outing Sponsored by the Men’s Fellowship Saturday, August 6th Rammler Golf Course 38180 Utica Road Sterling Heights, MI 18 Holes per Cart/ $45 per person Shotgun start at 1:00 PM Dinner after golf after golf at the course: Hamburger or Chicken Sandwich Meal or Chicken Salad Please send payment (payable to SEAS) by July 31st to: Ron Ruckdeschel 3773 Lake Forest Sterling Heights, MI 48314 Phone: (248) 854-5997 or leave payment at the Parish Office. Soft Spikes are required. No alcoholic beverages or coolers allowed on the course. No partner needed; you will be matched with a group. Sign-up sheet in the Parish Hall. Camp Sancta Maria Looking to spark the faith of your children and grandchildren while they have a blast at the same time? Check out Camp Sancta Maria located in Gaylord. It is a Catholic camp that provides fun experiences while immersed in a faith -filled environment. It offers experiences for boys and girls, daily Mass, and many varied activities. For more information, visit or call (248) 822-8199. Camp Ozanam Registration The SEAS St. Vincent de Paul Conference is blessed to share an opportunity with families struggling financially or suffering some other hardship, with children between the age of 8 and 14. If this applies to you or someone you know, we can offer children the opportunity to attend Camp Ozanam this summer for free. Camp Ozanam provides children a free week of summer residential camping, while enjoying the great outdoors as we "Grow Stronger, Together" - the Camp's 2016 theme. Please contact Greg Alonso at (248) 202-2854 for more information. Parish Picnic Please make note that our St. Elizabeth Ann Seton Church Picnic has been changed to a 40th Anniversary celebration of our parish. The date is still the same (Sunday, August 21st) and will take place here on the church grounds. There will be a bounce house, a couple of pinatas and games in the classrooms and/or the social hall for the kids (including cornroll, ring toss and ladder golf for the teens and adults). Feel free to bring any other games you can think of to add to our selection. We are looking for volunteers to help with the games. This would be a great opportunity for the youth here at St. Elizabeth Ann Seton! As far as food, our new plan is to rent food vendor trucks. We are looking into one for hamburgers and hot dogs, possibly a Mexican food one, and others. If you have a suggestion or recommendation for one, please call me at the office. Karen Webb Christian Service Coordinator Page 6 St. Elizabeth Ann Seton Church - Catholic Life Summer Music Camp Do you want to learn to make music and play with other musicians like you? At Rock the Stage Music Camp, students will learn to play and perform music from their favorite artists across the decades such as Bon Jovi, Journey, Casting Crowns, Adele, and more! Students will also have the opportunity to choose electives such as dancing, acting, singing, or rock band and spend additional time each day focusing on these skills. On the final day, students will put on a concert for parents and family! Ages: 10-17 (5th-12th grade) Dates/Times: Monday-Friday, July 11th-15th, 1:00-4:00 PM Location: St. Anastasia Church, Troy, MI Instructor: Josh Ross, Professional Music Teacher & Youth Music Minister at St. Anastasia Tuition: $125 We are looking for: Singers, Guitarists, Bass Players, Violinists, Drummers, Pianists, Dancers, and Actors. Email Josh at to sign up. Mercy in Action Service Day In this Year of Mercy, Pope Francis encourages us to serve those who need help. Catholic Charities of Southeast Michigan (CCSEM) is collaborating with parishes, schools, and others to coordinate a regional Day of Service on Saturday, October 1st to organize a multitude of local service projects like helping those in need with chores and tidying up around the house, stocking food pantries, cleaning up neighborhood parks, and other efforts. Learn more about service projects in your area and register to help! We are the hands, feet, and heart needed to lift burdens from another! Get involved by calling Joyce Hyttinen at (248) 537-3304 or email at Stephens Ministry St. Anastasia now has a group of men and women who have been trained extensively to listen to, pray with, and walk alongside others who are grieving or hurting. They are called Stephen Ministers and will provide a listening ear and a caring heart to people experiencing an especially difficult time in their lives. This is a Christ-centered, care-giving ministry. As Stephen Ministers, we understand how important it is to find someone to confide in and talk to during a crisis or difficult time. Sometimes we aren’t comfortable sharing our inner most thoughts with people close to us. It is often helpful to talk confidentially with someone who can be nonjudgmental outside of our close circle of family and friends. If you or someone you know could benefit from talking to a Stephen Minister, please call Kim Houseman at (248) 689.8380 or Catholic Charities Food Assistance Know someone with limited resources who is choosing between f o o d pu r ch a se s a nd o th e r necessities? The Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP) helps eligible individuals and families including seniors to save money on groceries to pay bills, for medications, clothes, and other necessities. Thanks in part to generous support from the Walmart Foundation, Catholic Charities of Southeast Michigan (CCSEM) is helping residents of Oakland, Macomb, and Wayne counties to quickly learn if they are eligible and enroll. Make a confidential call to CCSEM today at (248) 338-4250 ext. 3700! St. Elizabeth Ann Seton Church - Page 7 Bulletin Board JULY 10TH, 2016 9:00 GOODMAN 11:00 MOSELEY Coordinators: Jeanne Richart (9:00): (248) 680-2976, Linda Gifford (11:00): (313) 790-7401, Volunteers are assigned for a specific weekend, and Jeanne will give reminders beforehand. Please call or send an e-mail for any other questions. NOTE: Young children may not be in the kitchen due to the danger of Hot Coffee and equipment. Also check for schedules. FOOD DEPOT PANTRY Even though winter has come and gone, the needs for the homeless and hungry have not changed at the food pantry. Our donation has gone down a bit the last couple of months. So, here is my challenge. When you are out shopping for your everyday groceries, or for a party, or a vacation, pick up a little something to put in our bin for those less fortunate. I would be willing to bet that those that come to the pantry, do not have the good fortune to have a party and/or go on a vacation. Thank you for your continued support. God Bless, Karen Webb Christian Service Coordinator BAPTISM CLASSES Baptism classes will be offered on the second Sunday of each month at 10:00 AM. Parents and Sponsors are requested to attend. An appointment will be required to participate. Please contact the Parish Office at (248) 879-1310 to make your appointment. WALL OF HONOR We now have thirteen pictures hanging in honor of our serving members of the Armed Forces. If you would like your (or a loved one’s) picture added, please contact the Parish Office so that we may do our best to honor their service. God’s Blessing, Karen Webb Christian Service Coordinator THE CORPORAL WORKS OF MERCY ✢ Feed the Hungry ✢ Give Drink to the Thirsty ✢ Clothe the Naked ✢ Shelter the Homeless ✢ Visit the Sick ✢ Visit the Imprisoned ✢ Bury the Dead CHURCH OFFICE VOLUNTEERS NEEDED ATTENTION ROSARY MAKERS! There will not be a meeting of the Rosary Makers in July as previously scheduled. If members need supplies, please let me know and I will be happy to get them to you. We will resume our regular meetings in September. Betty Rizzo (248) 528-5126 We are in need of a few volunteers to help in the church office during all Masses on the weekend. The Saturday Mass office hours would be 4:006:30 PM. Depending on the number of volunteers who sign up, you may only be required to work every 4 to 6 weeks. Presently, we have only three volunteers for this Mass. The Sunday Mass office hours would be either 8:30-10:30 AM or 10:30 AM-12:30 PM. As of today, we only have two volunteers for the 10:30 AM-12:30 PM timeframe. If you cannot commit to these times, perhaps you could be a sub for one of them. Please call the office if you are interested in volunteering for this ministry. Thank you, Karen Webb Christian Service Coordinator Page 8 St. Elizabeth Ann Seton Church - LITURGICAL MINISTERS’ SCHEDULE July 9th—July 10th -- 15th Sunday in Ordinary Time Ministry 5:00 PM 9:00 AM 11:00 AM Sacristan Kathy Brunner Valerie James Mary Eavenson Commentator Linda Koehler Barb Mareski Katie Crawford-McKinney Lector 1 Jane Hime Val Wydeven Paul Rizza Lector 2 Greg Gargulinski Ann Celine Wydeven Ruth Hoppe Altar Server 1 Allie Hayes Evan Polosky Lillien Wiles Altar Server 2 Aiden Caswell Brianna Polosky Erin Eldridge EMHC - B1 Linda Busk Larry Berch Dan Saunders EMHC - B2 Louise Jasinski Mary Ann Cook Jim Moseley EMHC - B3 Edwina Abbate Judy Berch Diana Lee Moseley PT Doreen Valente Valerie James Mary Eavenson EMHC - C2 Kathy McMurray Carmina Polosky Zenaida Fernandez EMHC - C3 Sally Raffler Karen Webb Jennifer Ostrowski EMHC - C4 Nina Hurst Tim Webb Bridget Reaume EMHC - C5 Karen Hornyak Bob Lount Rob Pelliccia MOW Team 1 Team 3 Team 5 THE SCHEDULES ARE ONLINE! Please visit for the most recent scheduling information. Please pray for those serving in our Armed Services: Sgt. Robert McGlynn 82nd Airborne Division Specialist Amy L. McKinney 10th Mountain Division David Ruckdeschel, Chief Petty Officer United States Navy Diana Ruckdeschel, Petty Officer, First Class United States Navy Master Sgt. Christen Reinhart 82nd Airborne Division Lieutenant Colonel John M. Barnett United States Marine Corps SPC Kellen Przywara United States Army Sgt. Austin Janutol United States Marine Corps LCpl Matthew Falardeau United States Marine Corps William Garbe, Senior Chief Petty Officer United States Navy Erin Freedom Hawtin, Spec. United States Army Sgt. Edward Alsip United States Marine Corps Cpl Sarah Alsip United States Marine Corps Christopher Mitchell, Chief Petty Officer United States Navy Alexander Mitchell, Petty Officer 3rd Class United States Navy Sgt. David Miller, Jr. United States Army Jeffry Schuele, Captain United States Marine Corps LCpl Justin Schade United States Marine Corps Private 1st Class Justin Stroupe United States Marine Corps Call or e-mail us with your loved one’s name, rank, and branch of the service. You can call the office at (248) 879-1310 or e-mail to St. Elizabeth Ann Seton Church - Page 9 PLEASE PRAY FOR… July Dolores Audretsch Debra Baltus Jason Bouvrette Ian Delaney Dorothy Dettloff Antonetta Fidei James Frenchi Matthew Gelement Greg Gargulinski Patricia Leitheiser Luisa Malatesta Bill Martin Jim May Jim and Anna Maria McCaslin Paula Mecca Raid Nassri Jim Norris Danny Richart Ed Sadler Frank Taube Paula and John Thomas Jerry and Kathy Wojas Gene Zembrzuski Please note… Mass intentions should be arranged two weeks in advance to appear in the bulletin. Requests for names to be mentioned during the Prayers of the Faithful or for the bulletin prayer list should be provided by a member of the family. The Prayer List is updated monthly. If we do not hear from you to keep your person on, we will take him/her off the list. You can always call to put him/her back on. Monday, July 4th 9:00 AM People of SEAS Tuesday, July 5th 8:30 AM People of SEAS Wednesday, July 6th 8:30 AM Andrew Slanec (Kathy Costa) Thursday, July 7th 8:30 AM People of SEAS Friday, July 8th Saturday, July 9th 5:00 PM Agocs Family (Justine Santoro) Sunday, July 10th 9:00 AM Gene Commire (Janet & Kim) Harrison Pearo (Joyce Pearo) Edward Bombarski (James & Barbara Kubasinski) 11:00 AM Joe Smalley (Mary Eavenson) Respect Life will be holding an on-going Baby Shower to benefit Abigayle Ministries, a local crisis pregnancy center. It is not enough that we pray to end abortion, and ask our legislators to pass laws to end abortion. We must help women who are pregnant and scared and believe that they have no other option. Donations of new or gently used baby clothing can be placed in the crib in the parish hall. Baby food, formula, diapers and other baby necessities are also welcome. Unfortunately, we cannot accept stuffed animal toys. Thank you in advance for your generous support. Respect Life Committee Page 10 St. Elizabeth Ann Seton Church - St. Elizabeth Ann Seton Catholic Church Mission Statement In the spirit of Saint Elizabeth Ann Seton, we are a welcoming Catholic community, helping each other connect faith with everyday life through our worship, education and service. Pastor Fr. Norman D. Nawrocki PICTURE TO BE COMING St. Elizabeth Ann Seton Church 280 East Square Lake Road Troy, MI 48085 Office: (248) 879-1310 Fax: (248) 879-2886 Religious Education Office: (248) 879-1314 Web Site: Mass Schedule Saturday: 5:00 PM Sunday: 9:00 AM, 11:00 AM Deacon Deacon Gregory Formanczyk Picture Coming Soon R.E. Secretary Director of R. E. Edwina Abbate Terri Konwinski Business Manager Deb Peltier Parish Secretary Kathy Costa Christian Service Music Director Coordinator Tim Palmer Karen Webb Parish Office Hours: Monday - Thursday 9:00 AM to 12:00 PM 1:00 PM to 4:00 PM Friday 9:00 AM to 12:00 PM Saturday 4:00 PM to 6:30 PM Sunday 8:30 AM to 12:30 PM Deadline for Bulletin Articles: Monday 12:00 PM E-mail to: Webmaster / Bulletin Seth Paul Weddings Please make arrangements at least 6 months in advance. Contact the Parish Office for more information. Baptisms Call Parish Office to register for class. (It is advisable to schedule and take the class before the baby is born.) Official Greeter Augie Sacrament of Reconciliation Saturdays from 4:15-4:45 PM.
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