Commonwealth Of Massachusetts Employees Charitable Campaign


Commonwealth Of Massachusetts Employees Charitable Campaign
Commonwealth Of Massachusetts
Employees Charitable Campaign
C O M E C C 2015 Commonwealth
Commonwealth of
of Massachusetts
Massachusetts Employees
Employees Charitable
Charitable Campaign
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Employee IID
D Number:
N u m b e r:
Dept IID:
ECC Region
Region (I
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email address:
a d d re s s :
rk phone:
Recurring Do
n a t io n
One-time Donation
One-time donation
donation vvia
ia p
a y r o ll d
Payroll deduction
deduction January
January to
to December
December 2015
Donation Amount
A m ount
Deduction A
mount Per
Per Pay
Pay Period
Period (2
ay checks)
$15 (($390/yr
0/yyr )
$10 (($260/yr)
$5 ($130/yr)
$2 (($52/yr)
$1 (($26/yr)
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Please m
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MasterCard o
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Attach sseparate
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Charity Na
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The charity
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Donations ffrom
rom Co
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ssachusetts employees”.
wish your nam
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If you
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complete iinformation
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Payroll Office
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Authorization tto
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am e, a
m o u n t, m
Apt #
re e t
S ta te
Yellow copy:
copy: Local
Local Campaign
Campaign Manager
M anager
Z ip
Pink copy:
copy Employee
Employee Receipt
This is a reduced copy of what the COMECC 2015 pledge card will look like.
It will be a 3 part carbonless form.
You only need to press down and enter it legibly once, for all 3 copies to have the same information.
Commonwealth of Massachusetts
Employees Charitable Campaign
Essex, Middlesex,
Berkshire County
Hampshire Counties
Worcester County
COMECC Federation
Action for Boston Community Development (ABCD)
America’s Charities
Community Health Charities of New England
Community Works
EarthShare New England
Global Impact
Independent Charities of America
Neighbor To Nation
North Shore United Way
Northern Berkshire United Way
Partners for a Better World
Salvation Army
Unaffiliated Individual Organizations
United Way of Central Massachusetts
United Way of Franklin County
United Way of Greater Attleboro/Taunton, Inc.
United Way of Greater Fall River, Inc.
United Way of Greater New Bedford
United Way of Hampshire County
United Way of Massachusetts Bay and Merrimack Valley
United Way of North Central Massachusetts
United Way of Pioneer Valley, Inc.
Williamstown Community Chest
Search the Charity List online at
Region 1
Barnstable, Bristol,
Dukes, Nantucket,
Plymouth Counties
Region 2
Region 3
Region 4
Region 5
What is COMECC?
COMECC, the only authorized payroll deduction workplace solicitation, is conducted under the authority of the Secretary of Administration & Finance.
organizations. Each year, the Secretary selects a Statewide Campaign Manager for overall management of the campaign and a Local Campaign Manager
to conduct and manage COMECC in each of the regions.
COMECC is the one opportunity state employees have to share in the spirit of giving, in order to assist those who might be experiencing hardship or
families and communities across the state, the country and the world.
Are COMECC donations tax deductible?
What is the easiest way to give?
Giving through payroll deduction is easy and convenient. You are provided with a paper pledge form where you can select payroll deduction for 26 weeks,
one time deduction, or one time check. You can also give online through, either payroll deduction for 26 weeks, one time payroll
deduction or by one time credit card. You can also print out a pledge form from You determine the amount you would like to
contribute, as well as which agency(ies) or federation(s) will receive your contribution, and we do the rest.
Can I write a check?
Yes. See the Direct Payment section on the pledge card. Please make check payable to COMECC.
How do I pledge at
Pledging online at is secure, quick and simple. You can either look for a charity and then enter the e-pledge site, or go to the log-in
when logging in with your employee number. If your name is not pre-entered or you are a new employee, there is a screen that allows you to put in your
work information so you can proceed. You choose the method of giving, and then can browse the charities and pick the one or ones you wish to support
through COMECC.
How do I give by credit card or one time payroll deduction donation?
Giving by credit card can be done online at Employees can log-in and follow the prompts to select payment options for credit card
giving (Mastercard or Visa) and for choosing a recipient charity or charities. If you wish to give through one time payroll deduction, employees can also
do that online or via their paper pledge card by checking One Time in the Easy Payroll Deduction section.
Can I change or cancel my pledge amount?
How is my gift distributed?
You, the employee, determine who will receive your gift. When you give to COMECC, you have the choice of designating all or part of your gift to one or
more agencies listed in this brochure.
How much of my gift is used towards fund raising and administrative costs?
cost is so low compared with other fund-raising campaigns, every dollar you pledge goes a very long way toward helping others.
the campaign.
What about the percentage number listed in the brochure at the end of the charity’s name?
annual basis.
Can I be acknowledged for my gift from the charity I designate?
Yes. A request for acknowledgement of your gift by the agency(ies) or federation(s) you designated can be made by simply completing the Release
Authorization section on the pledge card with your name, address and signature. If contributing online at, you also will be able
responsible for responding.
What if the charity I wish to give to is not listed?
Email us at and let us know the organization and their contact information. We will email them when the application for next
year’s campaign becomes available to download from our website,
Contact Amefika Desir, Campaign Assistant, at or call at 617-348-6229. COMECC, 178 Tremont St.,
Boston, MA 02111.
Commonwealth of Massachusetts Employees Charitable Campaign 2015
2015 Commonwealth of Massachusetts Employees
Charitable Campaign Agency Listing
855988 A Place To Turn, Inc. 508-655-8868 — — A food pantry that
provides emergency assistance to individuals and
families in great economic and social need as
referred by a network of community agencies.
18.6% Region(s): 1
700079 Abby Kelly Foster House, Inc. 508-756-5486 — — Abby’s House provides
service-enriched, affordable housing; emergency
shelter; professional advocacy; homelessness
prevention programs and supportive services for
low-income, homeless and battered women and
children. 9.5% Region(s): 3
384088 Advocates, Inc. 508-628-6300 — — Providing personcentered, community-based support services to
individuals and families with mental illness,
addictions, developmental disabilities, brain injury
and other challenges in living. 9.1% Region(s):
700712 African Community Education Program Inc. 508799-3653 — — Provide African
refugees and immigrants living in Worcester, MA,
with academic, cultural and social programming for
youth, family outreach and adult ESOL. 13.7%
Region(s): 1,2,3,4,5
309088 AIDS Action Committee of Massachusetts, Inc 617437-6200 — — AIDS Action
Committee works to stop the HIV/AIDS epidemic
and related health inequities by eliminating new
infections, maximizing healthier outcomes, and
attacking root causes. 35.7% Region(s): 1
700495 Alpha Kappa Alpha Educational Advancement
Foundation, Inc. 773-947-0026 —
Provides scholarships to students to assist with
books, tuition, room/board and other related
expenses. Gives community assistance awards
supporting urgent community needs, promotes
lifelong learning. 9.9% Region(s): 1
685603 Alternatives Unlimited, Inc. 508-234-6232 — — Helps people with
psychiatric or developmental disabilities build
successful lives in the community - lives that
include real homes, real jobs and real relationships.
9.9% Region(s): 4
507088 American Heart Association, Inc 508-620-1700 — — Dedicated to building healthier
lives, free of heart disease and stroke through
research, advocacy, and community programs to
help people live longer, healthier lives. 20.3%
Region(s): 1,2,3,4,5
Search the Charity List online at
700083 American Institute for Cancer Research 800-8438114 — — Replacing cancer myths
with cancer facts. We’re funding innovative
research and education to expand understanding of
nutrition and cancer. COMECC contributions used
100% for research. 35.9% Region(s): 1
359588 American Red Cross of Massachusetts 617-2745200 — —
We prevent and alleviate human suffering in the face
of emergencies by mobilizing the power of
volunteers and the generosity of donors. 9.6%
Region(s): 1,2,3,4,6
700551 Animal Advocates, Inc. 508-991-7727 — www. — All programs are no-kill,
serving 20 communities; providing spay/neuter
subsidies; Pet Help Hotline; homeless animals
rescue, fostercare, adoption for low-income, elderly,
disabled. 4.0% Region(s): 1,2,3,4,5
557988 Arc Massachusetts, Inc. 781-891-6270 — — The Arc of Massachusetts enhances
the lives of individuals with intellectual and
developmental disabilities and their families through
advocacy of community based supports and
services. 15.3% Region(s): 1,2,3,4,5
359688 Arlington Boys & Girls Club 781-648-1617 — — To provide a fun, safe,
supportive environment where youth can go during
the nonschool hours. 10.9% Region(s): 3,4,5
700468 Asperger’s Association of New England Inc. 617393-3824 — — Living with Asperger
Syndrome and related disorders can be a lonely
struggle. We help with parenting, school,
friendships, relationships and employment. 20.5%
Region(s): 1,2
700411 Bay Cove Human Services, Inc. 617-371-3000 — — Improving the quality of the
lives of people facing the challenges associated with
developmental disabilities, mental illness,
addictions, and aging. 10.2% Region(s): 1,2,3,4,5
700253 Beaverbrook Step, Inc. 617-926-1113 — www. — Provide community
residential, vocational and support services to adults
with intellectual and developmental disabilities in
Metro Boston area, focusing on advocacy,
community membership, skills training. 7.4%
Region(s): 2
499688 Berkshire County Arc, Inc. 413-499-4241 — www. — Provides services and supports to
individuals with disabilities. Proudly offers
residential supports, day and vocational supports
and advocacy and family supports. 8.7% Region(s): 1
685500 Berkshire County Kids’ Place and Violence
Prevention Center Inc. 413-499-2800 — — Berkshire County Kids’
Place & Violence Prevention Center, Inc. offers free
clinical services to child victims of abuse and their
non-offending family members. 31.0% Region(s): 1
499888 Berkshire United Way 413-442-6948 — — Improving the
quality of life in Berkshire County by mobilizing
resources to address community priorities and
create sustainable change. 16.9% Region(s):
700697 Best Friends Animal Society 435-644-2001 — — Working with you - and
with humane groups all across the country - to bring
about a time when there are No More Homeless
Pets®. 19.7% Region(s): 1
354088 Big Sister Association of Greater Boston 617-2368060 — — Our mission is to
help girls reach their full potential by providing them
with positive mentoring relationships with trained
women volunteers. 28.1% Region(s): 1
700635 Birthday Wishes, Inc. 866-388-9474 — — We provide birthday
parties for homeless children. This year, more than
19,000 children will experience the joy of a Birthday
Wishes party. 21.0% Region(s): 1
354388 Boston Center For Independent Living 617-3386665 — — Empowers people
with disabilities to advocate for themselves, to live
independently, and to become active members of
the community. 7.0% Region(s): 1
111222 Boston Chinatown Neighborhood Center, Inc. 617635-5129 — — BCNC is the vital link
for the Asian-immigrant and Asian-American
community, providing essential services that ease
their integration into American society and preserve
their rich culture. 20.0% Region(s): 1,2,3,4
316188 Boston Rescue Mission, Inc. 617-338-9000 — — Since 1899, serving homeless men
and women in Greater Boston with meals, shelter,
intensive case management, residential recovery
programs, a food pantry, and more. 8.9%
Region(s): 2
384188 Boy Scouts of America - Knox Trail Council 508872-6551 — — Comprehensive
training and development for youth in grades 1 to
12; leadership and camping skills; community
service; camping and facilities available as
community assets. 23.2% Region(s): 1
681002 Boy Scouts of America Yankee Clipper Council,
Inc., 978-372-0591 — —
Scouting teaches youth to make ethical and moral
decisions throughout their lives. Scouting also
teaches appreciation for the environment, values,
leadership, self confidence, character and
citizenship. 9.9% Region(s): 1,2
411288 Boys and Girls Club of Brockton Inc 508-584-5209 — The Club provides
children ages 6-18 afterschool homework help,
career development, art activities, community
service opportunities, leadership development, and
fitness and recreation. 35.3% Region(s): 5
359188 Boys and Girls Club of Dorchester 617-288-7120 — Leading the youth
development organization providing a safe haven
and life-enhancing programs to 4,000 youth each
year in its mission to help children reach their
potential. 24.5% Region(s): 3
102478 Boy’s and Girl’s Club of Metro west Inc. 508-4854912 — — We provide
social, educational, physical and cultural
programming for children in the metrowest area in
order to enhance the development of children and
young adults 20.0% Region(s): 1,2,3,4,5
499988 Boy’s and Girl’s Club of Pittsfield 413-448-8258 — — The
primary mission is to assure and enhance the
quality of life for youth as participating members of
a diverse urban society. 17.4% Region(s): 3
111130 Brien Center for Mental Health & Substance Abuse
Services, Inc. 413-499-0412 — — The Brien Center is the
primary provider of mental health and substance
abuse services to the residents of berkshire County.
12.3% Region(s): 1
411988 Brockton Day Nursery, Inc. 508-588-2700 — — The organization provides
quality child care for infants, toddlers, pre-school
and school-age children. Services include
developmentally appropriate activities,
transportation, meals and family support services.
14.5% Region(s): 1,2,3,4,5
412088 Brockton Visiting Nurse Association 508-587-2121 — Home health care services
for all ages: nursing, physical therapy, occupational
therapy, speech language pathology, medical social
work, dietician, nutrition and home health aide.
10.2% Region(s): 1,2,3,4,5
111225 Brookview House, Inc. 617-265-2965 — — Brookview House
assists families in the development of the skills
necessary to break the cycle of poverty and
homelessness through housing, training and youth
programs. 16.3% Region(s): 1
991589 Care Dimensions 978-774-7566 — — To enrich quality of life
by providing expert care, support, education and
consultation for those affected by life-limiting
illness, death and loss. 16.4% Region(s): 1,2,3,4,5
700096 Career Collaborative, Inc. 617-424-6616 — — We help low income
adults become self-sufficient by teaching jobreadiness skills, helping with job search, and
mentoring them for two years. 15.4% Region(s): 2
700322 Cat Connection, The 781-899-4610 — — The Cat Connection is
an all-volunteer nonprofit organization seeking to
control the local feral cat population and facilitate
adoption of stray and abandoned cats. 7.9%
Region(s): 5
Commonwealth of Massachusetts Employees Charitable Campaign 2015
700097 Center for Living & Working, Inc. 508-798-0350 — — Non-Profit independent living
center, which takes its direction from persons with
disabilities to take active role in their lives and in the
community. “Empowering Independence” 15.0%
Region(s): 3
439088 Central Massachusetts Agency on Aging, Inc. 508852-5539 — — To
provide support services to the elderly of Central
Massachusetts and their caregivers enabling elders
to remain in their homes and communities. 13.6%
Region(s): 1,2
991590 Chelsea Collaborative, Inc. 617-889-6080 — — Empowers Chelsea
residents and Chelsea organizations to enhance the
social, environmental, and economic health of the
community and its people. 15.1% Region(s): 1,2,3
104761 Chelsea Community Center Corp. 617-884-8776 — — Supporting
youth and citizens of the community and
surrounding communities with residential and youth
activities. 0.0% Region(s): 1,3
991592 Children Study Home, The 413-739-5626 — — Children’s Study Home
serves the community as it has since 1865, with a
changing array of services to better meet the needs
of our clients. 14.1% Region(s): 3
700703 Children’s Advocacy Center of Bristol County 508674-6111 — — Services to child
victims of abuse and their families (sexual, physical,
witness to violence). Services include forensic,
health, medical, case management tracking. 21.3%
Region(s): 1
111229 Children’s Advocacy Center of Suffolk County, Inc
617-779-2149 — — Unites
public, private and community partners to promote
safety, healing and justice for child abuse victims
and their families. 9.0% Region(s): 1
991593 Children’s Fund 877-654-5437 — — Supporting orphans and
vulnerable children globally, providing for their care
and education by working with grassroots
community leaders to rescue children from abuse,
and exploitation. 3.9% Region(s): 1
111799 Christian Center of Pittsfield, Inc. 413-443-2828 — — Using HUD
guidelines we provide; intake, referral, advocacy
services, free weekday lunches, food pantry,
clothing, necessities, children’s activities, monthly
health screening, community outreach transitional
housing. 48.6% Region(s): 3
793505 City Year 617-927-2500 — — City Year AmeriCorps
members provide academic support, mentoring,
positive school climate activities, and extended day
programming to students in Boston’s lowest
performing public schools. 19.8% Region(s):
Search the Charity List online at
111230 Clarke School for the Deaf 413-584-3450 — — Clarke provides children
who are deaf and hard of hearing with the listening,
learning, and spoken language skills they need to
succeed. 23.8% Region(s): 1
313288 Commonwealth Children’s Center 617-727-4802 — NAEYC Accredited
daycare center with enrollment preference to state
employees serving infants to age 5. 1.0%
Region(s): 1,3
700472 Community Action, Inc. 978-373-19711 — — CAI provides basic
human needs such as food, shelter, health services,
education, training, and advocacy to individuals,
children, and families in 21 Essex County
communities. 6.7% Region(s): 1
700646 Community Farms Outreach, Inc. 781-899-2403 — — We promote local
sustainable agriculture with our organic farm and
programs, including fresh food donations, lowincome markets, education programs, farmer
training, volunteering, and CSA. 17.9% Region(s):
685610 Community Involved in Sustaining Agriculture
(CISA) 414-665-7100 — —
Community Involved in Sustaining Agriculture
(CISA) strengthens local agriculture by building
connections between farmers and the community.
0.1% Region(s): 4
457988 Community Legal Aid, Inc. 855-252-5342 — — Provides free civil legal
services for low-income and elderly residents of
western and central Massachusetts, including
housing, government benefits, and family law
services. 12.3% Region(s): 2,5
793548 Community Legal Services And Counseling Center
617-661-1010 — — Provides free
legal aid (domestic violence; homelessness
prevention; immigrant rights) and affordable mental
health counseling to low-income residents of
Greater Boston (immigration services statewide).
6.0% Region(s): 1,2,3,4,5
106760 Community Teamwork, Inc. 978-459-0551 — — Affordable Housing,
Homelessness Prevention, Family Shelter, Fuel
Assistance, Head Start, WIC Nutrition, Youth
Programs, Workforce & Small Business
Development, Financial Literacy, Asset
Development, Senior Volunteerism. 11.5%
Region(s): 1,3
111154 Cooley Dickinson Health Care 413-582-2255 — — Cooley Dickinson
Hospital provides the best health care in the most
appropriate setting through best practices and
compassionate, personalized care for our patients
and communities. 17.7% Region(s): 1,2,3,4,5
477788 Cooley Dickinson VNA & Hospice 413-582-1060 — — Provide home health
services and hospice care. Help keep patients
independent while achieving the highest quality of
living possible with professional caregivers in the
home. 16.7% Region(s): 1
700417 Cooperative for Human Services, Inc. 781-5384626 — — Provide
community residential, independent living and
guardianship services to 350 adults with intellectual
disabilities in eastern MA, promoting quality of life
through community inclusion. 9.5% Region(s):
700555 Cradles to Crayons 617-779-4700 — www.cradle — Cradles to Crayons supplies
homeless and low-income Massachusetts children
with the basic essentials they need to feel safe,
warm, ready to learn, and valued. 9.0% Region(s): 1
361388 Crispus Attucks Children’s Center 617-445-1420 —
www.crispus-attucks,org — Crispus Attucks
Children’s Center (CACC) provides early childhood
education services for low income, at risk children
(one month to six years) and family support
services. 19.0% Region(s): 1,2,3,4,5
109865 Dakin Pioneer Valley Humane Society, Inc. 413781-4000 — — Dakin Pioneer
Valley Humane Society provides shelter, education,
advocacy, and assistance for animals and people in
need. 19.4% Region(s): 1,3
111267 Dalton Community Recreation Center 413-6840260 — — Located in Dalton,
the CRA is committed to providing resources and
programs that enhance the physical, educational and
social life for pre-schoolers through senior citizens.
25.5% Region(s): 1
991594 Dan Foundation 919-684-2948 — —
DAN helps divers in need of medical emergency
assistance and promotes dive safety through
research, education, products and services. 6.1%
Region(s): 1,2
685612 DCF Kids Fund, Inc. 617-748-2368 — www.dcfkids — The DCF Kids Fund provides abused and
neglected children in DCF’s care with: clothing,
toiletries, holiday gifts, chance to attend summer
camp & music/sports activities. 0.0% Region(s):
700546 Diabetes Alternative Research and Healthcare
Foundation 301-760-7143 — — Options are needed for diabetes
prevention and cure! Funding alternative and
complementary scientific research to treat, prevent,
and cure diabetes for children and adults. 2.5%
Region(s): 1
700637 Domestic Violence Services Network, Inc. 978318-3421 — — Through close
collaboration with twelve local police jurisdictions
and the district court, DVSN provides victims of
domestic violence with support, resources, safety
planning and guidance. 11.1% Region(s): 1
361988 DOVE, Inc. 617-770-4065 — —
DOVE partners with diverse communities, families,
and individuals impacted by domestic violence. We
promote hope, healing, safety, and social change by
providing a range of services. 0.2% Region(s): 1
700549 East Quabbin Land Trust, Inc. 413-477-8229 — — Fosters the sustainable use of
natural and historic resources for the benefit of all
generations through the conservation and
stewardship of farms, woodlands and waterways.
10.9% Region(s): 3,4
502788 Elder Services of Berkshire County, Inc. 413-4990524 — — Services assist Berkshire
seniors, caregivers and individuals with disabilities
to live with dignity, independence and selfdetermination, and to achieve the highest possible
quality of life. 8.4% Region(s): 1,2,3,4,5
502188 Elizabeth Freeman Center, Incorporated 413-4992425 — —
Working to end domestic and sexual violence.
Services include 24 hour hotline, emergency shelter,
counseling, advocacy, support groups, visitation,
training, outreach, prevention education for youth.
16.0% Region(s): 4,5
700632 FA Project, Inc, The 508-335-5175 — www.thefa — The FA Project is committed towards
creating awareness of Friedreich’s Ataxia, a life
altering disease. 23.0% Region(s): 4
700111 Family Service Association of Greater Boston, Inc.
617-523-6400 — — A high value
human service provider offering comprehensive
programs/services committed to improving the lives
of 5,800 highly vulnerable children, youth and
families annually. 23.0% Region(s): 2
373988 FamilyAid Boston, Inc. 617-542-7286 — www. — This agency provides for
homeless and at-risk families: emergency shelter,
prevention services, transitional shelter, follow-up
stabilization, rapid re-housing, permanent affordable
housing, and employment services. 10.1%
Region(s): 4
111233 Federation for Children with Special Needs, Inc.
617-236-7210 — — The Federation
for Children with Special Needs provides
information, support, and assistance to parents of
children with disabilities, their professional partners,
and their communities. 21.8% Region(s): 1
700418 Fitchburg State University Foundation, Inc. 978665-4555 — — Enables
Fitchburg State to support its students through
scholarships, programming and faculty initiatives
and to meet the lifelong educational needs of North
Central Massachusetts Communities. 7.5%
Region(s): 1,2,3,4,5
560888 Food Bank of Western Massachusetts, Inc. The
413-247-9738 — — We
work with our community to reduce hunger and
increase food security by providing food assistance,
nutrition education, and increasing access to
affordable nutritious foods. 9.0% Region(s): 1,3
111157 Food For the Poor 800-427-9104 — — Collects and distributes
food, clothing, money, supplies, and housing to
indigent persons throughout the world to improve
their health, economic, and social conditions. 4.0%
Region(s): 1,2
Commonwealth of Massachusetts Employees Charitable Campaign 2015
106771 Friends of the Soldiers’ Home in Holyoke, Inc.
413-532-9475 — www.friendsofthesoldiershome.
org — We secure funds for services, programs, and
equipment, not state funded, for the veterans at the
Soldiers’ Home in Holyoke through our 501 (c)(3).
8.1% Region(s): 1,2,3,4,5
111160 Garden of Peace 617-523-0402 — www.gardenof — The Garden of Peace
memorial commemorates victims of homicide and
symbolizes hope for peace and renewal in our lives,
our community, and the world. 14.1% Region(s): 1
700451 Genesis Club House, Inc. 508-831-0100 — www. — Our Mission is to improve the
lives of individuals with mental illness by helping
them attain employment, education, housing,
friendships and improved physical wellness. 0.1%
Region(s): 1
364088 Girl Scouts of Eastern Massachusetts 617-4821078 — — As the premier
leadership development organization, Girl Scouting
builds girls of courage, confidence, and character,
who make the world a better place. 20.5%
Region(s): 4
700474 GOSNOLD, INC. 800-444-1554 —
The mission is to excel in the treatment of addiction
and mental illness, serve men, women, and families,
and promote lasting recovery. 17.9% Region(s): 1
316288 Government Center Child Care Corporation 617565-4065 — Provides high quality care and
education to infants, toddlers, and preschoolers in
two childcare centers in Boston. 2.0% Region(s): 1
991595 Granite United Way 603-224-2595 — www. — Volunteer-driven organization that
raises and invests significant resources in and for
social service programs throughout Greater
Manchester, Merrimack County, Upper Valley and
North Country NH. 20.8% Region(s): 3
793510 Gray House, Inc., The 413-734-6696 — www.gray — Provides food, clothing and other
essentials. Offers educational services for adult
learners, including individualized tutoring. Hosts an
after school and summer program for neighborhood
children. 25.8% Region(s): 1
700105 Greater Marlboro Programs, Inc. 508-485-4227 — — Dedicated to promoting the
personal growth, dignity and acceptance of people
with developmental disabilities in the Metro West,
Worcester area. 13.3% Region(s): 1,2
111237 Greater Springfield Senior Services, Inc. 413-7818800 — — Dedicated to maintaining
quality of life for older adults and caregivers through
the provision of services that foster independence,
dignity, safety and peace of mind. 4.7% Region(s): 1
793511 Greyhound Rescue of N.E., Inc. 508-478-1617 — — Dedicated to
saving, caring for, and finding loving homes for
Greyhounds retiring from racetracks across the
country. 14.2% Region(s): 1
Search the Charity List online at
700558 Groundwork Lawrence, Inc. 978-974-0770 — — GWL revitalizes
our community through open space improvements,
empowering youth experiences, natural resource
stewardship and reclamation, healthy living
workshops and by increasing fresh food access.
12.5% Region(s): 1,2,3,4,5
991596 Growing Places Garden Project, Inc. 978-598-3723 — We help low-income
people realize the many benefits of growing their
own produce by building food gardens and teaching
the skills to maintain them. 24.0% Region(s):
793503 Hallmark Health Visiting Nurse Association and
Hospice, Inc. 781-338-7800 — www.hallmark — Non-profit agency providing
nursing, home health aide, social services and
rehabilitation throughout Boston’s northern
suburbs. Specialty programs include Hospice,
Palliative, Telemonitory, Wound Care and MCH.
12.1% Region(s): 1,2,3,4,5
871288 Health Imperatives, Inc. 508-583-3005 — — We seek to improve
the health and well-being of low-income or
vulnerable families. Programs include reproductive
health services and support for survivors of
interpersonal violence. 13.6% Region(s): 1
700263 Holyoke Community College Foundation, Inc. 413552-2182 — — Assists Holyoke
Community College in providing affordable and
accessible postsecondary education to a diverse
student population and awards merit and need
based scholarships to students. 8.7% Region(s):
700112 Home For Little Wanderers Inc., The 617-267-3700 — We help over 3,000 at-risk
children and their families each year across the
greater Boston area through therapeutic programs
that measurably change lives. 19.5% Region(s): 1
111161 House of Hope, Inc. 978-458-2870 — www.hope — Provide 26 Homeless Families,
approximately 80 per year, with basics of Shelter,
Food, Clothing and Comprehensive Case
Management. Serving Greater Lowell area since
1985. 9.8% Region(s): 4,5
420388 Independence House, Inc. 508-771-6507 — — A community
based organization providing domestic and
sexualized violence services, which include crisis
intervention, prevention, advocacy, counseling and
educational outreach. 8.7% Region(s): 1
901188 Irish International Immigrant Center, Inc. 617-5427654 — — IIIC assists
immigrants as they integrate into American society,
providing legal and citizenship services, wellness
counseling, ESOL and job readiness classes and
learning exchange programs. 18.3% Region(s): 1,3
700006 Italian Home for Children, Inc. 617-524-3116 — — We serve children and
families in crisis in Massachusetts through special
education, counseling, community-based and
residential treatment with a goal of family
reintegration. 0.1% Region(s): 1
735188 Jeremiah’s Hospice, Inc 508-755-6403 — www. — We’re a mens residential
recovery home; emergency food resource to the
community; and source of awareness info on issues
of hunger, homelessness, addiction, and recovery.
14.6% Region(s): 1,3,4,5
793554 Jewish Family & Children’s Service 781-647-5327 — We serve vulnerable
populations including children/adults with
disabilities/mental illness, new mothers and infants,
seniors, and people experiencing financial crisis,
hunger, or domestic abuse. 19.7% Region(s):
314388 Jimmy Fund/DANA FARBER 617-632-3146 — — Consistently ranked the #1
cancer hospital in New England by U.S. News &
World Report for its innovative research and
compassionate patient care. 14.7% Region(s): 2,4,5
700416 KeySteps, Inc 617-436-4681 — www.keysteps — A school-based nonprofit providing
year-round counseling & support services to
prevent dropout & promote high school completion,
responsible behavior & healthy decision-making for
at-risk youth. 18.0% Region(s): 5
102203 Lazarus House, Inc. 978-689-8575 — www.lazarus — We provide shelter, food, clothing,
advocacy, work preparation, health services, a
listening ear, a welcoming heart, the restoration of
dignity to people in dire need. 19.0% Region(s): 3
495188 Literacy Project, The 413-774-3934 — — The Literacy Project
educates adults in literacy and life skills. We offer
comprehensive academic services to undereducated
adults to help them succeed personally and
financially. 14.7% Region(s): 1
106358 Literacy Volunteers of Berkshire County, Inc. 413499-9487 — — Provides free,
confidential and individualized tutoring to adults in
basic reading and writing, and conversational
English for speakers of other languages. 5.3%
Region(s): 1,2,3,4,5
700552 Lutheran Social Services of New England, Inc.
774-243-3915 — — Serving
children, youth and families; refugees and
immigrants; adults with developmental disabilities;
elders; and economically disadvantaged families
with case management, employment services,
shelter and education. 11.6% Region(s): 1,2,3,4,5
700215 Massachusetts Adoption Resource Exchange, Inc.
617-542-3678 — — Finding
adoptive families for children in Massachusetts
foster care since 1957. We coordinate Wednesday’s
Child and Sunday’s Child. Every child deserves a
loving forever family. 17.3% Region(s): 1,2,3,4,5
700475 Massachusetts College of Liberal Arts Foundation,
Inc. 413-662-5224 — — MCLA
Foundation is dedicated to the growth, development
and support of the MCLA community with emphasis
on academic quality and assuring access to higher
education. 19.3% Region(s): 1,2,3,4,5
700544 Massachusetts Down Syndrome Congress 781221-0024 — — Parents’ First Call,
Advocates in Motion, Annual Conference, Educators
Forum, Legislative Advocacy, Buddy Walk Program,
Grand Rounds trainings for medical professionals.
15.0% Region(s): 1
700754 Massachusetts General Hospital Home Base
Program Clinic 617-724-5202 — — Home Base
Program serves New England Iraq and Afghanistan
veterans and families affected by PTSD and
traumatic brain injury through clinical care,
education and research. 15.0% Region(s): 3
770429 Massachusetts Maritime Academy Foundation
508-830-5000 — — Created to
provide assistance to the Massachusetts Maritime
Academy, the Foundation’s primary focus is
providing scholarships to MMA students. 0.4%
Region(s): 1,2,3,4,5
700307 Massachusetts/New Hampshire Chapter,
Myasthenia Gravis Foundation of America 508435-3808 — — We are a
volunteer organization providing patient services,
public and professional awareness, support group
meetings, and other services to those affected by
myasthenia gravis. 0.0% Region(s): 3,4
441088 McAuley Nazareth Home for Boys, Inc. 508-8924886 — — Nazareth Home
for Boys is an integrated special education,
residential and day program which provides
comprehensive therapeutic services to challenged
boys age 6 through 18. 0.7% Region(s): 1,3
700431 Metropolitan Boston Housing Partnership, Inc.
617-859-0400 — — Provides vital
housing services throughout Greater Boston.
Stabilizes homeless and at-risk families and
individuals and connects them to resources to
improve their longterm outcomes. 0.7% Region(s): 2
402492 MetroWest Legal Services, Inc. 508-620-1830 — — Provides free civil legal
services to low-income, elderly and disabled
persons in 36 communities in areas of domestic
violence, housing, benefits, education and elder law.
18.6% Region(s): 3,4,5
700108 MetroWest YMCA 508-879-4420 — — Providing health,
educational and recreational programs for children,
families, adults and seniors with financial assistance
available enabling all to participate regardless of
income. 10.7% Region(s): 1
991597 Middlesex County 4-H Fair, Inc. 781-844-7951 — — Middlesex County 4-H
Fair encourages, educates and improves the youth
of Middlesex County through 4-H Club work and an
agricultural, non commercial, annual youth fair.
0.0% Region(s): 3,4,5
700433 Mount Wachusett Community College Foundation,
Inc. 978-630-9276 —
Provide services for a good cause to help people.
14.1% Region(s): 1,2,3,4,5
Commonwealth of Massachusetts Employees Charitable Campaign 2015
700434 My Brother’s Keeper, Inc. 508-238-7512 — www. — A volunteer Christian
charity delivering furniture, food, and hope to our
neighbors in need. We serve people of all faiths free
of charge without judgment. 5.7% Region(s): 1,3
322188 My Brother’s Table, Inc. 781-595-3224 — — Soup kitchen that
receives no government funding. Serves meals 365
days a year. Average 280 meals per day, 2500+
volunteers a year. 9.9% Region(s): 1,2,3,4,5
700720 Mystic Valley Elder Services, Inc. 781-324-7705 — — Keeping older adults and adults
living with disabilities in their own homes and
communities in Everett, Malden, Medford, Melrose,
North Reading, Reading Stoneham and Wakefield.
5.3% Region(s): 4
111330 National Right to Life Educational Foundation Inc.
202-626-8812 — — Promotes
respect for human life through educational
programs opposing abortion, infanticide and
euthanasia, and supports referral and adoption
services for women with crisis pregnancies. 24.1%
Region(s): 1
751288 Nazzaro Recreation Center 617-635-5166 — — Provides afterschool, out of
school and summer programming of an educational,
recreational and enriching nature to the North End/
Waterfront youth and families. 9.7% Region(s): 1
104752 Neighborhood Legal Services, Inc. 781-599-7730 — Provides free legal
assistance to northeastern Massachusetts’ elder and
low-income population. Advocacy prevents
homelessness, secures economic assistance,
protects families from domestic abuse, advises
community initiatives. 14.3% Region(s): 1,2,3,4,5
111169 Neponset River Watershed Association 781-5750354 — — Protecting the
Neponset River, its tributaries and surrounding
watershed lands for public enjoyment, through
education, advocacy, pollution clean up, wetland
restoration and open space preservation. 0.3%
Region(s): 5
991598 New England Business Associates, Inc. 413-8219200 — — Enable people
with disabilities whose rights and freedoms are
most likely denied them to be fully included in
community life, primarily through employment.
12.1% Region(s): 3
793513 New England C.O.P.S. 617-861-1327 — — New England COPS
provides peer support to law enforcement survivors
through bereavement & growth groups where
survivors can offer and receive emotional support.
0.2% Region(s): ,1,2,3,4
793517 New England Center for Homeless Veterans 617371-1800 — — NECHV equips
Veterans who are facing or at-risk of homelessness
with the tools for economic self-sufficiency and a
path to independent living. 21.6% Region(s):
Search the Charity List online at
111228 Norfolk Advocates for Children 508-543-0500 — — Norfolk
Advocates for Children provides a coordinated,
supportive and sensitive response to child abuse
victims and their non-offending parents. 31.7%
Region(s): 1
791288 Northeast Independent Living Program, Inc. 978687-4288 — — The Northeast
Independent Living Program, Inc. provides
Information and Referral, Advocacy, Skills Training
and Peer Counseling to individuals with disabilities
who reside in Northeastern Massachusetts. 19.0%
Region(s): 3
139088 NRA Foundation, Inc. 888-467-2363 — — Supports programs within the
NRA, law enforcement and other community-based
agencies that foster firearms safety and education.
Constitutional education and wildlife conservation
management. 11.5% Region(s): 1,3,4
991599 Nuestras Raices, INC 413-535-1789 — www. — To create healthy
environments, celebrate “agri-culture,” and harness
our collective energy to advance our vision of a just
and sustainable future. 20.9% Region(s): 1
911088 Open Pantry Community Services, Inc. 413-7375354 — — Open Pantry
provides food, shelter and care to empower people
who are hungry, homeless or disadvantaged to
improve the quality of their lives. 0.1% Region(s): 3
111236 Opportunity Works, Inc. (Name legally changed
this year) 978-462-6144 — www.opportutnity — We provide exceptional services,
including innovative employment, specialized day
habilitation, community activities and recreation
services for people with developmental disabilities
throughout the Merrimack Valley. 10.7% Region(s):
973988 People Making a Difference through Community
Service, Inc. 855-763-5656 — —
Making a difference by promoting informed and
responsible volunteerism, engaging 700+ volunteers
in 60+ organized, hands-on projects that help 30+
charities in Greater Boston annually. 24.2%
Region(s): 4,5
111248 Pine Street Inn, Inc. 617-892-9170 — www.pine — Pine Street Inn is a leader in the
fight to end homelessness. We serve 1600
individuals daily, providing shelter, food, street
outreach, job training and affordable housing. 0.2%
Region(s): 1,3
859388 Project Bread - The Walk for Hunger 617-723-5000 — Project Bread is the only
statewide organization committed to ending hunger
in Massachusetts. We believe hunger is a complex
problem that demands a range of solutions. 21.7%
Region(s): 3
683046 Project Hope 617-442-1880 —
Multi-service agency in Dorchester/Roxbury
providing poor families with access to education,
jobs, and housing; fostering personal
transformation; working for systems change to end
family homelessness. 20.1% Region(s): 2
111250 Project R.I.G.H.T, Inc. 617-541-5451-x102 — — PRI promotes
leadership and development and neighborhood
stabilization through organizing, action, advocacy,
education, and coalition building, believing
neighborhood stabilization is most effective anticrime activity. 18.9% Region(s): 5
700724 Project Sweet Peas 401-212-0210 — www. — Providing care packages
and services to families with a child in the intensive
care unit and to those who have experienced
pregnancy and infant loss. 6.1% Region(s):
700715 Protestant Episcopal Diocese of Massachusetts
(617) 482-4826 — — Provide
educational after-school and summer services to
empower underserved children; support collegeaged fellows in social justice internships; promote
environmental stewardship through improvement
grants. 24.8% Region(s): 1,2
730888 Providence Ministries for the Needy, Inc. 413-5369109 — — Provides food,
clothing and shelter to the needy of the greater
Holyoke area. 20.9% Region(s): 3
700463 Public Higher Education Network of Massachusetts
413-627-5268 — — Unites
students, staff, faculty, alumni, and community
organizations to do grassroots organizing, policy
analysis and advocacy for affordable, well-funded
public higher education in Massachusetts. 8.6%
Region(s): 1,3
991600 Quinsigamond Community College Foundation,
Inc. 508-854-4520 — —
Develops and promotes resources that advance the
mission of Quinsigamond Community College; to
provide accessible, affordable, and high quality
educational and training programs and services.
11.4% Region(s): 4,5
111251 R.O.S.E Fund, Inc. 617-482-5400 — www.rose — Increase community awareness of
domestic violence and teen dating violence and
recognize, assist and empower women having
broken the DV cycle, with reconstructive
surgeries/awards. 32.3% Region(s): 5
104770 Rachel’s Table 508-799-7699 — www.rachels — Provide donated food to 35 social
service agencies. The Children’s Milk Fund
purchases milk for thousands of needy children.
Produce for free childrens summer meals. 13.0%
Region(s): 1,2,3,4,5
700386 Regional Environmental Council, Inc. 508-7999139 — — Build healthy,
sustainable, just communities in Worcester by
cultivating local leaders to address root causes of
environmental health issues and inequitable access
to healthy food. 15.8% Region(s): 1,2,3,4,5
700269 Release Chimpanzees 617-523-6020 — — A campaign of the New
England Anti-Vivisection Society to end the use of
chimpanzees in U.S. research laboratories and
release them into sanctuary. 21.0% Region(s): 1
111174 Ronald McDonald House Charities of Connecticut
and Western Mass. - Springfield House 413-7945683 — — Providing housing
and other support to over 10,272 families since
1991. Serving 26 cities and towns from Mass. and
12 US states in 2013. 20.0% Region(s): 4,5
326788 Rosie’s Place, Inc. 617-442-9322 — — A sanctuary providing for
the survival of poor and homeless women through
meals, shelter, clothing, health care, outreach,
advocacy, and educational and employment
opportunities. 15.7% Region(s): 5
700553 SADD, Inc. 508-481-3568 — —
SADD provides students with the best prevention
tools possible to deal with underage drinking, other
drug use, risky and impaired driving and other
destructive decisions. 36.0% Region(s): 1
793522 Salem Sound Coastwatch 978-741-7900 — — We are a North Shore
environmental organization working for clean water
and to protect marine natural resources including
beaches, salt marshes and marine habitats. 13.1%
Region(s): 1
685627 Sara’s Wish Foundation 413-256-0914 — www. — Sara’s Wish Foundation’s goal
improves travel safety, especially in student study
abroad programs. It provides financial awards for
those pursuing socially beneficial international travel
experiences. 41.0% Region(s): 3
991602 Second Chance Animal Shelter, Inc. 508-867-5525 — No kill animal
shelter that helps over 10,000 pets a year through
adoption, spay/neuter, veterinary care, training,
education, and a pet food pantry. 14.1% Region(s): 1
700725 Seeding Labs 617-500-3014 — www.seedinglabs.
org — Seeding Labs is a catalyst for global
innovation, providing tools for talented scientists in
developing countries that give them the opportunity
to conduct life-changing research. 11.2%
Region(s): 1,3
991603 SeniorCare Inc. 978-281-1750 — www.seniorcare — Assists North Shore and Cape Ann
seniors and adults with disabilities to live
independently, safely, with dignity. Home care,
Meals on Wheels, transportation, caregiver support.
9.2% Region(s): 3
991604 Seven Hill Foundation Inc & Affiliates 508-7552340 — — Seven Hills
Foundation promotes and encourage the
empowerment of people with significant challenges
so each may pursue their highest degree of personal
well-being and independence. 6.4% Region(s): 4
111176 Shakespeare & Company, Inc. 413-637-1199 — — One of NE’s largest
Shakespeare theatres providing year-round
education programs to kids 7-18 through
residencies, performances, workshops, training,
plus after-school programs for at-risk teenagers.
11.5% Region(s): 1,2,3,4,5
Commonwealth of Massachusetts Employees Charitable Campaign 2015
327688 Shattuck Child Care Center, Inc. 617-971-3473 —
Child care services provided to a diverse population
of families with children ranging in age from
15months through 2 years and 9 months. 3.2%
Region(s): 1
700442 Shattuck Partners, Inc. 617-971-3931 — www. — Improves the quality of life
for patients receiving treatment at Lemuel Shattuck
Hospital, a publicly-funded safety-net hospital, by
funding supplemental therapeutic, rehabilitative, and
recreational services. 74.3% Region(s): 1
734488 Shrewsbury Youth & Family Services, Inc. 508845-6932 — — Multi-service
agency providing individual & family counseling;
support groups; case management; after-school
program, domestic violence intervention;
information & referral; fuel assistance site;
community education. 24.1% Region(s): 1,2,3,4,5
111269 Soldier On, Inc. 413-582-3059 — www.wesoldier — Soldier On is a nonprofit organization
taking veterans from homelessness to
homeownership with support services, Soldier On
provides transitional housing services to 300
veterans daily. 11.9% Region(s): 1
700727 South Shore Community Action Council 508-7477575 — — Works to eliminate
poverty by providing services to low-income people,
including: job training, fuel/energy assistance, Head
Start, Disabled/Elderly Transportation, Emergency
Food, and Housing Assistance. 6.0% Region(s):
700560 Sportsmen’s Tennis Club, Inc, The 617-288-9092 — Sportsmen’s Tennis
Club provides low cost, high quality academic,
tennis and youth leadership programs including
summer and school vacation camps to Boston
youth. 34.7% Region(s): 4
991605 Springfield Technical Community College
Foundation, Inc. 413-755-4475 — —
Provides funds for state-of-the-art education,
innovative learning opportunities, and ensures that
all potential students have access to higher
education. 8.5% Region(s): 1
328588 St. Francis House 617-542-4211 — www.stfrancis — Comprehensive, non-sectarian day
shelter for poor and homeless adults. Basic
services: food, clothing, medical, counseling,
employment training and housing. 27.2%
Region(s): 1,2,3,4,5
700444 St. Vincent’s Home Corporation 508-679-8511 — — Provides behavioral
health, group living, special education, in-home and
community-based services for children and families
coping with abuse, neglect, trauma, behavioral
problems and learning difficulties. 18.6% Region(s): 1
991606 Sudbury Valley Trustees, Inc. 978-443-5588 — — SVT is a regional land trust
dedicated to conserving land and protecting wildlife
habitat in 36 towns in the Concord, Assabet and
Sudbury River basin. 19.1% Region(s): 1
Search the Charity List online at
700301 Sunshine Village, Inc. 413-592-6142 — www. — Provides day habilitation and
employment support for over 340 individuals with
developmental disabilities in the greater western
Massachusetts area. 10.7% Region(s): 1,3
494288 Tapestry Health Systems, Inc. 413-586-2016 — — Providing lifesaving, life
changing, confidential services regardless of
income: family planning, needle exchange, LGBT,
HIV/hep C testing, women and infant food/nutrition,
and cancer screening. 10.5% Region(s): 1,2,3,4,5
793543 Trustees of Boston University/WBUR 617-353-0909 — Produces and distributes NPR,
local news and information, including Morning
Edition, All Things Considered, Car Talk, On Point,
Here & Now and Radio Boston, OAG. 10.0%
Region(s): 1,2,3
111254 UMass Memorial Foundation, Inc., The 508-8565520 — —
Accepts donations on behalf of the University of
Massachusetts Medical School and UMass
Memorial Healthcare, Inc. to support medical
research, patient care and education of medical
professionals. 0.0% Region(s): 1,3
700445 United South End Settlements 617-536-8610 — — Building strong community by
improving the education, health, safety, and
economic security of low-income individuals and
families in Boston’s historic South End/Lower
Roxbury. 24.7% Region(s): 1,3
414788 United Way of Greater Plymouth County 508-5836306 — — Generates financial and
volunteer resources to improve lives by mobilizing
the caring power of the 22 communities it serves in
Greater Plymouth County. 24.9% Region(s):
793524 United Way of Southbridge, Sturbridge & Charlton,
Inc. 508-765-5491 — —
Volunteer governed organization that offers a voice
to the disenfranchised; funds supportive and
preventive programming addressing the most
critical local need. Promotes volunteerism. 6.0%
Region(s): 1,2,3,4,5
700640 University of Massachusetts Foundation, Inc. 617287-5590 —
foundation/html — Raises private funds and
manages endowed funds in supportof educational,
research and community service missions of
UMASS and its five campuses. 12.4% Region(s): 1
111256 USO Council of Pioneer Valley, Inc. 413-557-3290 — Our mission is to
improve the quality of life for our military and their
families. “Always by Their Side.” 1.5% Region(s): 2
685634 Veteran Homestead, Inc. 978-353-0234 — — We provide housing,
case management, medical care, and support for
wounded, elderly and disabled homeless veterans.
13.8% Region(s): 1,2,3,4,5
792488 VNA of Greater Lowell 978-459-9343 — www. — We enable patients to live safely at
home by bringing our home health care and hospice
services to people where they live. Community
wellness programs. 29.1% Region(s): 1
900082 Warren J.Plaut charitable Trust 413-827-0303 —
Supports the Union Community Fund of Western
Massachusetts, making grants to strengthen
working families in areas such as jobs, housing,
education, and hardship and disaster. 1.2%
Region(s): 2
111179 Women’s Lunch Place, Inc. 617-267-1722 — — Provides a safe,
comfortable daytime shelter, nutritious food, and
services for women experiencing homelessness or
poverty. 21.1% Region(s): 1
111258 Worcester County Food Bank, Inc. 508-842-3663 — Distributes over 5.3 million
pounds of donated food to 145 partner agencies that
help feed over 100,000 low-income people in
Worcester County. 5.0% Region(s): 1
700276 Worcester State Foundation Inc. 508-929-8141 — — WSF promotes and
increases awareness of the University’s excellence
through private gifts which support its mission of
changing the way the world works. 0.0% Region(s):
793537 YMCA of Greater Springfield, Inc. 413-739-6951 — — We are committed to
providing opportunities for youth development,
healthy living and social responsibility to youth,
teens, families and seniors throughout greater
Springfield. 11.3% Region(s): 3
354988 Young Women’s Christian Association of Boston,
Inc. 617-585-5400 — —
Increasing social, racial, and gender equity by
working to increase access to better health, make
neighborhoods safer for everyone, and close the
educational achievement gap. 24.1% Region(s): 1
378988 YWCA of Greater Lawrence, Incorporated 978-6870331 — — Offer child care,
after-school care, recreation and fitness, summer
camp, domestic violence and sexual assault
services, transitional, permanent and emergency
housing/shelter. 14.9% Region(s): 1,2,3,4,5
518288 Williamstown Community Chest 413-458-2443 — — Unite
into one association all charitable activities working
for the welfare of the community; raise and disburse
the funds necessary to accomplish this work. 19.7%
Region(s): 5
999921 Equus Therapeutic, Inc. 413-841-2709 — — Provides safe,
encouraging environment where children/adults with
special needs maximize their physical, emotional,
intellectual potential through development of their
relationship with the horse. 10.5% Region(s): 5
518388 Williamstown Community Preschool, Inc. 413-4584476 — —
Provides a safe, caring and developmentally
appropriate environment. Support independence,
nurture development, and focus on child-directed
activities for children 15 months to 12 years. 16.6%
Region(s): 5
518488 Williamstown Youth Center 413-458-5925 — — Recreational
programs for youths ages 6 - 18. Encourages the
development of health and character through social,
recreational, cultural and educational programs.
7.5% Region(s): 5
700315 Partners for a Better World 978-607-0001 — — From schools
to hospitals to human rights organizations, we
support charities working on the ground for
stronger communities and a better world. 2.6%
Region(s): 3
700684 All Dog Rescue 617-507-9193 — — All-volunteer group
dedicated to rehoming Massachusetts homeless
dogs through the transition from shelter or animal
control care to foster homes to forever homes. 0.0%
Region(s): 1,2,3,4,5
700316 American Antiquarian Society 508-755-5221 — — Help us collect
and preserve examples of all materials printed in
America through 1876. This research library’s
unmatched collections serve professionals and the
general public. 13.5% Region(s): 1,2,3,4,5
700317 American Committee for the Weizmann Institute of
Science 212-895-7900 —
Supports science and technology research in Israel
for the benefit of humanity, including advancements
in medicine and health, agriculture, education, the
environment, and new technologies. 24.7%
Region(s): 1,2,3,4,5
Commonwealth of Massachusetts Employees Charitable Campaign 2015
700318 American Friends of Neve Shalom/Wahat al-Salam
818-325-8884 — —
Supports an Israel community where Jewish and
Arab families have lived, worked and raised their
children together with mutual respect and equality
for 34 years. 17.7% Region(s): 1,2,3,4,5
991637 Americans for the Arts 202-371-2830 — www. — National organization
dedicated to building broad support, strong
leadership, and increased resources for arts and arts
education through research, advocacy, visibility, and
professional development services. 38.4%
Region(s): 1,2,3,4,5
999967 Animal Shelter 978-422-8585 — www.sterling — We train and provide clinical
experience to 60 veterinary students annually. Every
year we rescue over 3,000 animals from hunger,
homelessness and abandonment. 13.6% Region(s):
700197 Animal Welfare Fund 866-582-9599 — www. — Animals cannot protect
themselves from abuse, neglect and lost habitat. We
support the overburdened people who rescue them,
providing operational support and access to
funding. 1.5% Region(s): 1,2,3,4,5
700686 Anti-Defamation League 212-885-7700 — www. — Anti-semitism, bigotry and hatred
threaten the well-being of all of us. We provide
education, advocacy and intervention to secure
justice and fair treatment for everyone. 18.6%
Region(s): 1,2,3,4,5
111209 Asian American Justice Center 202-296-2300 — — Works to advance
the human and civil rights for Asian Americans, and
to build and promote a fair and equitable society for
all. 12.4% Region(s): 5
991633 Bay State Trail Riders Association 508-476-3960 — Bringing people together by
improving and creating trails that serve an incredibly
diverse, broad group of people including horseback
riders while promoting healthy outdoor lifestyles.
16.7% Region(s): 1,2,3,4,5
743988 Berkshire Humane Society 413-447-7878 — www. — Insure compassionate
care, treatment and placement of homeless animals
through shelter operations; promote and improve
the welfare of all animals through community
education and outreach. 12.7% Region(s): 1
103202 Bikes Not Bombs 617-522-0222 — www.bikesnot — We use donated bicycles as a tool for
empowerment in our youth leadership programs,
international development projects, and vocational
training center and retail shop. 19.3% Region(s): 2
700687 Black Feather Rescue 508-951-4685 — — Horse rescue
and rehabilitation assisted by scouts, troubled
youths, and handicapped children learning
responsibility and affectionate interaction with
animals. Visit nursing homes, share the love. 4.7%
Region(s): 1,2,3,4,5
Search the Charity List online at
991634 Buddy Dog Humane Society 978-443-6990 — — Non-Profit animal welfare
organization providing dog and cat adoptions,
guaranteed placement, quality veterinary care, inshelter spay/neuter, humane education, volunteer
opportunities, and community programs. 18.9%
Region(s): 1
700323 Center for Victims of Torture 612-436-4800 — — We provide comprehensive care to
torture survivors; train health/human service
professionals to provide proper care to torture
survivors; advocate for prevention of torture. 15.2%
Region(s): 1,2,3,4,5
700212 Child Aid International 978-338-4240 — www.aid — Help support organizations
working to address the various needs of children
worldwide. We are fighting for the hope, future and
legacy of the world’s children. 2.3% Region(s):
700688 Concerned Citizens For Animals 413-565-5383 — — Our program prevents the
tragedy of pet overpopulation by minimizing the cost
of spaying and neutering for dog and cat guardians
with a financial need. 0.0% Region(s): 1,2,3,4,5
700145 Electronic Frontier Foundation 415-436-9333 — — Civil liberties membership
organization protecting online rights to free speech,
fair use, innovation, and privacy through litigation,
activism and educating the public, press, and
policymakers. 18.9% Region(s): 1,2,3,4,5
991682 Freedom House 202-296-2101 — www.freedom — We empower frontline activists and
civil society organizations to uphold fundamental
human rights and to advance democratic change.
0.5% Region(s): 1,2,3,4,5
700705 Friends of Peabody Animal Rescue DBA Animal
Rescue of the North Shore 978-531-7478 — — We are a no-kill,
all volunteer animal shelter dedicated to finding
appropriate homes for lost, stray, abandoned,
abused or surrendered cats. 6.1% Region(s):
700700 Friends of Yad Sarah 212-223-7758 — www. — Providing home care
support services at 100+ branches, Yad Sarah’s
6,000 volunteers enable people of all ages to remain
at home and in the community. 14.0% Region(s):
111213 Gay & Lesbian Alliance Against Defamation 323933-2240 — — Dedicated to
ensuring fair, accurate and inclusive representations
in the media to eliminate homophobia and
discrimination based on gender identity and sexual
orientation. 0.3% Region(s): 1,2,3,4,5
700327 GLSEN (Gay, Lesbian and Straight Education
Network) 212-727-0135 — —
Nearly nine of ten LGBT students are bullied or
harassed in school. GLSEN makes America’s
schools safer for all, regardless of sexual
orientation/gender expression. 25.3% Region(s):
700630 Good Sports 617-471-1213 —
Strives to improve the health and participation of
disadvantaged youth in sports and fitness programs
by donating equipment, footwear, and apparel they
need to play. 12.1% Region(s): 1,2,3,4,5
991642 Hope & Friendship Breast Cancer Foundation for
Men and Women 978-352-0204 — www.hopeand — We are one of the only support
groups for late-stage cancer patients. Help provide
hope to families by supporting research to find a
cure. 15.1% Region(s): 1
111205 Human & Civil Rights Organizations of America
978-774-2608 — — Help stop racial
discrimination, fight religious bigotry, prosecute
hate crimes, end unfair sex bias, defend democratic
principles, and promote equality, freedom, and
justice for all. 4.7% Region(s): 1
991639 Human Rights Education Associates 617-301-4379 — We train thousands of human
rights defenders, humanitarian workers, educators,
police officers, lawyers, judges, journalists, and
other professionals around the globe to advance
human rights. 14.0% Region(s): 1
991640 Interfaith Worker Justice 773-728-8400 — — Unemployment is high; workers’
rights are under attack! IWJ engages people of faith
into action in support of workers and a fair
economy. Join us! 31.2% Region(s): 1,3
991635 Marthas Vineyard Helping Homeless Animals 508560-6046 —
Cage-free, no-kill shelter. We rescue homeless
animals and provide medical, physical, and
emotional needs while finding a loving, caring and
permanent home. 8.8% Region(s): 2
700691 Massachusetts Humane Society 781-335-1300 — — No-kill shelter rescues,
heals, adopts out homeless animals; feral TNR
program; subsidizes pet expenses for low-income
owners; part of South Shore’s Pet Emergency
Response. 0.0% Region(s): 1,2,3,4,5
111218 Mental Health and Addiction Network 617-9490030 — — Coalition of
charities providing mental health services, education
and family support, addressing ADHD, autism,
bipolar, grief, mental disabilities, schizophrenia,
substance abuse, trauma and other ailments. 3.0%
Region(s): 1,2,3
700200 Merrimack River Feline Rescue Society 978-4620760 — — Helps domestic and feral
cats by promoting compassionate, no-kill programs
including rescues, adoptions, trap/neuter/return,
transitional emergency feline care and reduced rate
veterinary services. 7.3% Region(s): 1,2,3,4,5
700329 National Center for Lesbian Rights 415-392-6257 — Through impact litigation,
public policy advocacy, public education and direct
legal services, NCLR advances the legal and human
rights of LGBT people and their families. 16.7%
Region(s): 1,2,3,4,5
991638 National Federation of the Blind 410-659-9314 — — We teach the sight impaired selfreliance through new technology, Braille, and
recorded publications. BFA also provides
scholarship, employment assistance, and civil rights
protection. 14.2% Region(s): 1,2,3,4,5
700060 New England Center for Children 508-481-1015 — — Autism, the fastest-growing
developmental disability, occurs in 1 out of every 88
births. We educate children with autism helping
them live to their potential. 9.4% Region(s): 1
700612 New England Conservatory of Music 617-585-1100 — We educate and train musicians of
all ages, promoting artistic excellence and individual
creative growth, while advocating for music’s vital
role in society. 28.4% Region(s): 1,2,3,4,5
700467 Operation Outreach-USA 508-306-4655 — — Reading is the gateway to
success. Operation Outreach provides the first
books for many children to own; leveling the
learning field for at-risk children. 11.8% Region(s):
111216 Parents, Families and Friends of Lesbians and
Gays (PFLAG National) 202-467-8180 — — We support the health, well-being
and equality of lesbian, gay, bisexual and
transgender people, their family members and
friends through support, education and advocacy.
17.8% Region(s): 1
999950 Peace Development Fund 413-256-8306 — — We provide
grants, training and other vital resources necessary
to grassroots communities working on peaceful
conflict resolution, human rights and environmental
sustainability in the U.S. 10.1% Region(s): 1,2,3,4,5
700331 Perkins School for the Blind 617-924-3434 — — Provides education and
services promoting advancement and independence
for children and adults worldwide who are blind,
deafblind or visually impaired with or without other
disabilities. 10.5% Region(s): 1
700217 Plummer Home for Boys 978-744-1099 — — Help us give hope to
troubled teenage boys who have been abused and
neglected, kids who have been removed from their
homes by the courts. 19.3% Region(s): 1
700203 Protection of Animals in Wakefield Society
(PAWS) 781-246-6111 —
Providing adoption services, fostering, medical care
and microchips for homeless pets; feral colony
management; animal-related education for schools
and residents in thirty-plus local communities. 4.9%
Region(s): 1,2,3,4,5
991641 Reconciling Ministries Network 773-736-5526 — — Saving lives and preventing
bullies, we equip United Methodists to create safe
spaces and just policies to advance gay, lesbian,
bisexual, and transgender equality. 30.9%
Region(s): 1,2,3,4,5
Commonwealth of Massachusetts Employees Charitable Campaign 2015
700695 RHF (Retirement Housing Foundation), Inc., DBA
Affordable Housing for All 562-257-5100 — — Many economically disadvantaged
families make desperate choices between paying
rent and purchasing food or medications. We
provide safe, decent, secure, affordable housing for
those in-need. 0.3% Region(s): 1
700332 Scituate Corse Foundation 781-545-7736 — — Providing educational
and recreational community experiences for children
with special needs; after-school academic and social
skills programs, sports, camps, arts therapies,
parents and staff training. 4.0% Region(s): 1
700333 Screening for Mental Health 781-239-0071 — — Provides mental
health education and screening programs for youth,
adults and seniors; helping raise awareness, reduce
stigma and connect those in need with appropriate
resources. 0.2% Region(s): 1,2,3,4,5
700614 Seeds of Peace 212-573-8040 — — Young leaders from
conflict regions meet their historic enemies in
Maine, then continue building relationships and
skills to advance lasting peace when they return
home. 26.9% Region(s): 1,2,3,4,5
700702 Share and Care Foundation for India 201-262-7599 — A social entrepreneur, we
fight poverty through visionary-solutions and
sustainability in Healthcare & Education,
empowering Indian youth and women to take charge
of their lives. 7.9% Region(s): 1,2,3,4,5
700205 Yankee Golden Retriever Rescue 978-568-9700 — — We provide comprehensive care
and adoptive placement for Golden Retrievers in
need with special programs for the older and/or
medically challenged dog. 8.5% Region(s): 1,2,3,4
516288 Northern Berkshire United Way 413-663-9062 — — Community fundraising,
grant writing and fund allocations for Northern
Berkshire County. 21.1% Region(s): 5
700313 Berkshire Family And Individual Resources 413664-9382 — — Provides quality
services, advocacy and education for people with
disabilities which affirm the rights of full inclusion,
diversity and well being. 10.2% Region(s): 5
700254 Berkshire Food Project 413-664-7378 — — Providing individuals and
young families, in need, nutritious meals,
cooking/nutrition classes, information and referrals
to improve their quality of life. 16.0% Region(s): 5
681022 Berkshire Nursing Families, Inc. 413-743-5338 — — Provides a
comprehensive lactation support program offering
breastfeeding education as well as hospital, home
and telephone consultations to all breastfeeding
families in our community. 0.0% Region(s): 5
Search the Charity List online at
515688 Child Care of the Berkshires 413-663-6593 — — Comprehensive family
support services including: parent education, child
care, parent/child activities, home visits, support
groups, information and referral services. 10.0%
Region(s): 5
743688 Family Life Support Center, Inc. 413-743-7957 — — Provides
preventive counseling and residential services for
homeless and at risk families and individuals. 17.0%
Region(s): 5
681023 Northern Berkshire Community Coalition, Inc. 413663-7588 — — The mission
is organizing people and resources dedicated to
improving the quality of life in Northern Berkshire.
15.0% Region(s): 5
515288 Youth Center, Inc. 413-743-3550 — www.youth — The mission is to provide
community based educational, recreational and
social activities & programs in a safe, substance free
and supportive environment. 15.5% Region(s): 5
302588 Community Works 617-423-9555 — — A partnership of
grassroots, community-based organizations
committed to social and economic justice. 20.6%
Region(s): 1,2
700198 Alliance for Animals 617-268-7800 — www.afa — Is Boston’s only full service low-cost
veterinary clinic serving inner-city, poor, elderly, and
disabled pet owners in support of the human animal
bond. 8.4% Region(s): 1
111925 Alternatives for Community and Environment, Inc
617-442-3343 — — Builds the
power of communities of color and low-income
communities in Massachusetts to eradicate
environmental racism and classism, create healthy
communities, and achieve environmental justice.
21.4% Region(s): 1
700344 American Civil Liberties Union Foundation of
Massachusetts 617-482-3170 —
Mobilizes activists and students for advocacy,
education and organizing campaigns to uphold the
rights and protections that are hallmarks of our
constitutional system. 20.5% Region(s): 1,2
746388 Asian American Resource Workshop 617-942-8178 — Utilizes arts, anti-racist education,
leadership development, and community activism to
support and develop Asian Pacific Islander American
community and identity. 27.8% Region(s): 1,2
303788 Benevolent Fraternity of Unitarian Churches DBA
Renewal House 617-277-4194 — — Provides safety and
hope for victims of domestic violence by providing
shelter, counseling and advocacy that fully address
their physical, emotional and spiritual needs. 25.6%
Region(s): 1
793562 Boston Women’s Fund 617-725-0035 — www. — Supports communities
by providing grants and developing programs that
strengthen grassroots initiatives spearheading
community organizing and the leadership of women
and girls. 34.0% Region(s): 1,2
302688 Concerned United Birthparents 617-328-3005 — — Works with birthparents, adoptees, and adoptive parents to educate,
advocate, and promote reform of adoption policy
and practice in the best interest of the child. 27.8%
Region(s): 1
950288 Cooperative Artists Institute (Music & Art
Development, Inc.) 617-524-6378 — — Applies arts as a catalyst,
empowering people to overcome challenges created
by family and community fragmentation through
communication, caring, and understanding across
cultures and generations. 17.7% Region(s): 1,2
302788 EMERGE, Inc. 617-547-9879 — www.emergedv.
com — Pioneers innovative collaborations,
trainings, and abuser education programs to end
intimate partner violence, promote healthy,
respectful relationships, and improve institutional
responses to domestic violence. 14.9% Region(s):
111265 GLAD - Gay & Lesbian Advocates & Defenders
(Park Square Advocates) 617-426-1350 — — Uses proven, strategic leadership
to end discrimination based on sexual orientation,
HIV status, gender identity, and expression through
legal and legislative advocacy and education. 28.5%
Region(s): 1,2
700648 Greater Four Corners Action Coalition 617-4360289 — — Spearheads efforts with
low-income residents and people of color in this
Dorchester neighborhood to increase job
opportunities, improve transportation services, and
address crime and safety. 15.7% Region(s): 1
991630 Haley House 617-236-8132 — www.haleyhouse.
org — Provides: food and permanent housing to
poor and homeless individuals ,culinary education to
at risk youth, job training and employment in a
social enterprise café. 2.7% Region(s): 1
991632 Hawthorne Youth and Community Center 617-4270613 — Prepares youth for academic, career, and
personal success through diverse educational,
cultural, recreational, and vocational programming
and empowers Highland Park residents to address
community issues. 3.5% Region(s): 1
111147 Health Care For All, Inc. 617-350-7279 — www. — Seeks to create a consumer-centered
health care system that provides comprehensive,
affordable, accessible, culturally competent, quality
care and consumer education especially for the
most vulnerable. 19.9% Region(s): 1,2
303188 Jane Doe, Inc. The MA Coalition Against Sexual
Assault and Domestic Violence 617-248-0922 — — Mobilizes a state-wide
membership to improve understanding, change
social norms, influence policy and practice, and
promote safety, liberty, and dignity of survivors and
their children. 20.9% Region(s): 1
111148 Massachusetts Coalition for Occupational Safety
and Health 617-825-7233 —
Engages youth and adults to change policy, build
alliances to end dangerous working conditions, and
create safe, healthy jobs and promote environmental
and economic justice. 10.8% Region(s): 1
111263 Massachusetts Senior Action Council 617-2841234 — — Empowering
low- and moderate- income seniors to use their own
voices to address key public policy and community
issues that affect their health and well-being. 10.0%
Region(s): 1,2,4
700175 Mental Patients Liberation Front 617-625-9933 — — Provides peer-run alternatives to
traditional mental health services through projects at
the Ruby Rogers Advocacy and Drop-In Center and
the Homeless Empowerment Advisory Project
14.8% Region(s): 1,2
700176 Our Bodies Ourselves (Boston Women’s Health
Book Collective, Inc.) 617-245-0200 — www.our — Shares unique, evidencebased information and expert advocacy to promote
the improved health and well-being of women and
their families, locally and around the world. 19.5%
Region(s): 1
111264 Paige Academy 617-442-5419 — www.paige — Fosters academic excellence,
individual worth and collective responsibility
through an African-centered, culturally affirming and
developmentally based Arts, Sciences, Humanities,
Technology program for children under twelve.
16.0% Region(s): 1
303688 Poor People’s United Fund 617-262-5922 — — Offers vital support to poor,
homeless, hungry, and elderly people and
emphasizes the moral and ethical dimensions of
poverty. 11.1% Region(s): 1
991629 The Women’s’ Center 617-354-8807 — www.
cambridgewomencenter — Advances women’s
voices by providing space and support for activism,
Skill development, and healing from domestic
violence , child sexual abuse, and other trauma.
20.5% Region(s): 1
991631 Waltham Alliance To Create Housing (WATCH)
781-891-6689 — — Advocates
for affordable housing, provides adult education and
leadership development and mobilizes diverse, lowincome families around issues that will strengthen
the Waltham area community. 28.0% Region(s): 1
700177 Welcome Project, The 617-623-6333 — — Partners with
Somerville’s immigrant community at the Mystic
Public Housing Development and surrounding
neighborhoods to access services and engage in
civic and community life. 22.4% Region(s): 1,2
111266 Women’s Institute for Leadership Development
617-426-0520 — — Empowers
women of all races to become effective leaders in
the labor movement through education and training
for women in unions, workplaces, and community
organizations. 12.0% Region(s): 2
Commonwealth of Massachusetts Employees Charitable Campaign 2015
496188 United Way of Franklin County 413-772-2168 — — Meets the needs of the
community by nurturing children and youth,
strengthening families and individuals, enhancing
health and wellness, and caring for those in crisis.
9.1% Region(s): 3,4
991665 Rural Development, Inc. 413-863-9781 —
Addresses the needs of families who are homeless
or at risk of becoming homeless by develping
individualized housing stabilization, household
spending plans and basic needs. 17.0% Region(s): 4
493988 Big Brothers Big Sisters of Franklin County, Inc.
413-772-0915 — —
Matches caring adults/teens with adolescents in
need of one-one mentoring relationships. These
well-screened and supervised community volunteers
act as mentors, role models and friends. 17.4%
Region(s): 4
111200 Camp Kee-wanee (Greenfield Health Camp Inc.)
413-773-8819 — —
Provides an outdoor educational experience
emphasizing the integration of special needs
children with typical children, focusing on fostering
positive self-image and a sense of community.
12.8% Region(s): 4
999959 Community Action of the Franklin, Hampshire and
North Quabbin Region DBA Franklin Community
Action Corporation 413-774-2318 — — Champions
community-wide efforts to assist poor families
achieve economic independence through child care,
fuel assistance, prevention, housing, mediation and
other services 5.4% Region(s): 4
999902 Franklin County Community Meals Program, Inc.
413-772-6994 — — Working in
partnership with the community to alleviate hunger
in Franklin County by providing free meals and
pantry supplies to people in need. 2.2% Region(s): 4
700615 Franklin County Home Care Corp. 413-775-5555 — — Develops, provides, and
coordinates a range of services to support the
independent living, with improved quality of life, of
elders, people with disabilities, and caregivers. 6.7%
Region(s): 4
494788 Girls Club of Greenfield Inc. 413-774-7407 — — Provides quality
early care and education for children of diverse
socio-economic backgrounds, with special
sensitivity to at-risk children and their families. 3.3%
Region(s): 4
700465 Montague Catholic Ministries, Inc. 413-863-4804 — Montague
Catholic Social Ministries nurtures connections,
resilience and self sufficiency in Franklin County
families through preventative strength based
support, education, leadership development and
empowerment. 16.2% Region(s): 4
Search the Charity List online at
495588 New England Learning Center for Women in
Transition Inc. 413-772-0871 —
NELCWIT serves battered women and rape
survivors in Franklin County and the North Quabbin
region, also provides crisis hotline and advocacy.
23.7% Region(s): 4
999903 North Quabbin Citizen Advocacy Inc. 978-544-7794 — Develops and supports voluntary,
mutually beneficial relationships for people with
mental health disorders or mental disabilities who
benefit from guidance, companionship, and/or
advocacy. 9.2% Region(s): 3,4
912588 ServiceNet Inc. 413-584-7329 — www.service — Community mental health services.
Shelter/residential services for individuals with
mental illness, retardation, and the homeless. Early
intervention for infants and toddlers. Homebased
nursing. 9.7% Region(s): 4
495988 STAVROS Center for Independent Living Inc. 413256-0473 — — Assists persons
with disabilities to take control of their own lives and
decisions. Advocate within the communities to
create a barrier-free society. 3.2% Region(s): 4
494488 United ARC of Franklin & Hampshire Counties Inc.
413-774-5558 — — Provides
support services and advocacy for individuals with
developmental disabilities and their families. 14.7%
Region(s): 3,4
496788 YMCA of Greenfield 413-773-3646 — www.ymca — Provides programs and
opportunities to develop character and leadership, to
grow mind, body and spirit, and to improve the
quality of life for residents. 16.0% Region(s): 4
300088 Action for Boston Community Development 617348-6000 — — Provides
neighborhood services including an employment
center, childcare, food pantry, fuel assistance and
social services. 3.5% Region(s): 1
852788 ABCD Low Cost Housing, Inc. 617-348-6410 — — Committed to developing
housing for persons of low and moderate incomes
and encourages expansion of housing stock in the
City of Boston and other areas. 0.0% Region(s): 1
700497 Black Ministerial Alliance of Greater Boston 617445-2737 — — Increasing
numbers of at-risk youth obtaining career-oriented
jobs and completing college by strengthening
community-based and faith-based organizations to
serve effectively. 4.1% Region(s): 1
300788 East Boston Area Planning Action Council (APAC)
617-567-8857 — — Provides services in fuel
assistance, Head Start, senior health care, summer
and winter youth employment, food stamp and
affordable housing applications. 0.0% Region(s): 1
991683 Edward L. Cooper Community Gardening and
Education Center, Inc. 617-708-0741 — — An innovative
intergenerational gardening and education center
that brings senior citizens and school-aged youth
together for new and exciting learning experiences.
0.5% Region(s): 1
852988 Four Corners Development Corporation/Langham
Court 617-437-0789 — —
Assists in the development of secure, adequate and
affordable housing and the general welfare of the
community. Best known for Langham Court in the
South End. 30.3% Region(s): 1
300888 Jamaica Plain Area Planning Action Council
(APAC) 617-522-4250 — —
Provides supportive services in the areas of fuel
assistance, youth programs, emergency food
distribution, employment and training, information
and referral and advocacy. 0.0% Region(s): 1
366788 John F. Kennedy Family Service Center, Inc. 617241-8866 — — One of the first local anti-poverty
agencies. Assists individuals and families to work
toward economic independence. Provides childcare,
counseling, vocational training and elder services.
13.5% Region(s): 1
111163 Mass Mentoring Partnership 617-695-2439 — — Provides training,
networking and advocacy for organizations,
mentors, mentees in an effort to connect young
people with caring mentors. 20.0% Region(s): 1
111111 Massachusetts Association for Community Action,
Inc. 617-357-6086 — —
Statewide coalition of Community Action Programs
providing advocacy and support to build selfsufficiency for low-income individuals and families
through an efficient, neighborhood-based network.
26.0% Region(s): 1
111164 Massachusetts Association of Older Americans,
Inc. 617-426-0070 — —
Statewide elder advocacy organization, insuring the
dignity, quality of life, economic security and health
of elders, their families and future generations in
Massachusetts. 0.0% Region(s): 1
700641 Massachusetts Center for Native American
Awareness, Inc. 617-642-1683 —
Provides scholarships to Native American students,
assists Native families with heat, food and other
basic needs, and promotes awareness about Native
Americans in the region. 10.9% Region(s): 1
111113 North American Indian Center of Boston 617-2320343 — — Promotes greater selfdetermination, socio-economic self-sufficiency,
spiritual enhancement, intercultural understanding
and other forms of empowerment for the North
American Indian community. 33.8% Region(s): 1
853088 Planned Lifetime Assistance Network (PLAN) of
Massachusetts and Rhode Island 617-244-5552 — — Advocates for individuals
with disabilities (mental retardation, mental illness,
etc.) through use of trust while protecting the
eligibility of a beneficiary to government entitlement
programs. 8.2% Region(s): 1
301388 South Boston Action Council, Inc. 617-269-5160 — — Operates programs in
consumer advocacy, substance abuse, computer
skills, Head Start, and fuel assistance. 3.8%
Region(s): 1
700627 Triangle, Inc. 781-322-0400 — — Multiple activities
include employment & training, safety skills
instruction & violence prevention, and residential
services for 3,300 mostly low-income individuals
with disabilities yearly from 120+ communities.
19.4% Region(s): 1
111114 Urban College of Boston 617-357-6000 — — Associate of Arts degrees
and certificate programs for non-traditional, lowincome, inner-city residents, leading to career
opportunities that offer upward mobility and
enhanced quality of life. 28.3% Region(s): 1
030088 Global Impact 800-836-4620 —
Supports leading U.S.-based international charities
to address critical needs throughout the world. We
help ensure sustainable solutions by meeting real
needs with real results. 5.7% Region(s): 1,2,3,4,5
999933 ACCION International 800-931-9951 — www. — A nonprofit organization with the
mission of giving people financial tools, including
“micro” loans and business training, needed to work
their way out of poverty. 50.4% Region(s): 1,2,3,4,5
302888 African Medical & Research Foundation (AMREF)
212-768-2440 — — Since
1957, has improved health for Africans through
training, capacity building and advocacy in
HIV/AIDS, malaria, family health, water and
sanitation and clinical outreach. 11.2% Region(s):
030388 Africare 202-462-3614 — —
Develops self-help programs in Africa to increase
food production, develop clean water resources,
manage the environment, strengthen health care and
deliver emergency assistance. 5.0% Region(s):
753988 American Jewish World Service 800-889-7146 — — Inspired by Judaism’s
commitment to justice, AJWS works to realize
human rights and end poverty in the developing
world. 13.7% Region(s): 1,2,3,4,5
030788 American Near East Refugee Aid (ANERA) 202266-9700 — — American Near East
Refugee Aid (ANERA) advances the well-being of
people in the West Bank, Gaza, Lebanon and Jordan.
6.4% Region(s): 1,2,3,4,5
Commonwealth of Massachusetts Employees Charitable Campaign 2015
031388 American Refugee Committee International 800875-7060 — — International
relief and development agency empowering people
impacted by conflict and disaster to recover and
rebuild their lives with dignity. 10.5% Region(s):
657688 AmeriCares Foundation, Inc. 800-486-4357 — — Restores health and saves
lives by delivering donated medicines, medical
supplies and humanitarian aid to people in need
around the world and here at home. 2.2%
Region(s): 1,2,3,4,5
111202 CARE (Cooperative for Assistance and Relief
Everywhere) 800-521-2273 — —
Fights root causes of poverty in 84 countries;
special focus on empowering poor women to lift
themselves, their families and communities out of
poverty. 10.3% Region(s): 1,2,3,4,5
657788 ChildFund International 800-776-6767 — www. — Helping deprived, excluded and
vulnerable children have the capacity to become
young adults and leaders who bring lasting and
positive change in their communities. 19.2%
Region(s): 1,2,3,4,5
700181 Children International 800-888-3089 — www. — Our Mission is to bring lasting
change to impoverished children by reducing their
daily struggles and providing opportunities for
better health, education and success. 17.2%
Region(s): 1,2,3,4,5
111203 Church World Service 800-297-1516 — www. — Church World Service
works with partners to eradicate hunger and poverty
and promote peace and justice among the world’s
most vulnerable people. 14.2% Region(s): 1,2,3,4,5
700756 Counterpart International 703-236-4324 — www. — Working in partnership to
empower people, communities and institutions to
drive and sustain their own development. 0.3%
Region(s): 1,2,3,4,5
754188 Doctors Without Borders/Médecins Sans
Frontières USA 888-392-0392 — www.doctors — An independent international
medical humanitarian organization that delivers
emergency aid to people affected by armed conflict,
epidemics and natural disasters in more than 70
countries. 13.1% Region(s): 1,2,3,4,5
803988 ECHO 239-543-3246 — — ECHO
fights world hunger by using science and
technology to develop agricultural solutions to aid
farmers in developing countries. 15.2% Region(s):
700388 EngenderHealth 800-564-2872 — www.engender — EngenderHealth is the leading
international reproductive health organization
working to improve the quality of health care in the
world’s poorest countries. 18.8% Region(s):
Search the Charity List online at
700389 Episcopal Relief & Development 855-312-4325 — — A compassionate response of the
Episcopal Church to human suffering. With
partners, the organization empowers communities
to create solutions to poverty and recover from
disasters. 13.2% Region(s): 1,2,3,4,5
700182 FINCA International 202-682-1510 — www.finca.
org — Mission: To provide financial services to the
world’s lowest-income entrepreneurs so they can
create jobs, build assets and improve their standard
of living. 15.7% Region(s): 1,2,3,4,5
700183 Freedom From Hunger 800-708-2555 — www. — Combines microfinance,
education and health protection services to help
poor families in the developing world improve their
incomes, safeguard their health and achieve food
security. 16.1% Region(s): 1,2,3,4,5
031588 Heifer International DBA Heifer Project
International 800-422-0474 — —
Helps poor families worldwide become selfsufficient by providing food- and income-producing
animals and training in animal management,
environmentally-sound farming and community
development. 24.7% Region(s): 1,2,3,4,5
031688 Helen Keller International 877-535-5374 — — Saves the sight and lives of the
most vulnerable and disadvantaged; combats the
causes and consequences of blindness and
malnutrition. 16.2% Region(s): 1,2,3,4,5
031888 International Eye Foundation 240-290-0263 — — Saves sight worldwide. Fighting
cataract, “river blindness,” childhood blindness.
Expands available eye care services building
management and financial capacity of eye hospitals
serving the poor. 15.3% Region(s): 1,2,3,4,5
700390 International Medical Corps 800-481-4462 — — Global humanitarian
organization saving lives and building self-reliance
by providing vital medical care; training healthcare
providers; rebuilding clinics; and improving water &
sanitation. 9.6% Region(s): 1,2,3,4,5
700309 International Orthodox Christian Charities 877803-4622 — — Provides
humanitarian/development assistance to people in
U.S., Africa, Asia, Europe and the Middle East who
have been devastated by man-made and natural
disasters. 7.5% Region(s): 1,2,3,4,5
700025 International Relief Teams 619-284-7979 — — Sends volunteer medical and
construction teams to assist disaster victims
worldwide. Conducts medical, surgical, and training
programs to promote self-sufficiency in developing
nations. 2.1% Region(s): 1,2,3,4,5
999934 International Rescue Committee 877-733-8433 —
www.rescue.orgg — Our commitment to freedom,
human dignity, and self-reliance is reflected in wellplanned global emergency relief, rehabilitation
assistance, resettlement services, and advocacy for
refugees. 7.4% Region(s): 1,2,3,4,5
999935 International Youth Foundation 800-770-8710 — — IYF programs are catalysts of
change that help young people obtain a quality
education, gain employability skills, make healthy
choices and improve their communities. 14.9%
Region(s): 1,2,3,4,5
033588 Lutheran World Relief 800-597-5972 — www.lwr.
org — Affirming God’s love for all people, we work
with Lutherans and partners around the world to
end poverty, injustice and human suffering. 9.7%
Region(s): 1,2,3,4,5
111930 Mercy Corps 800-292-3355 — www.mercycorps.
org — Providing lifesaving aid worldwide following
a disaster or conflict, and helping local populations
design and implement sustainable programs to
promote health and economic development. 13.2%
Region(s): 1,2,3,4,5
700596 Millennium Promise Alliance 212-584-5710 — — We are redefining
the approach to ending extreme poverty and
enabling rural communities in sub-Saharan Africa to
move from hunger to self-sufficiency by 2015.
16.8% Region(s): 1,2,3,4,5
700310 Opportunity International 800-793-9455 — www. — We collaborate with local
partners worldwide to provide microfinance services
allowing poor entrepreneurs to develop steady
income, provide for families and create jobs for
neighbors. 11.2% Region(s): 1,2,3,4,5
700311 Oxfam America 800-776-9326 — www.oxfam — Oxfam America is an international
relief and development organization that creates
lasting solutions to poverty, hunger and injustice.
20.1% Region(s): 1,2,3,4,5
700437 Partners In Health, A Nonprofit Corporation 617998-8922 — — At its root, our
mission is both medical and moral. It is based on
solidarity rather than charity alone. Whatever it
takes. 7.7% Region(s): 1,2,3,4,5
681005 PCI-Media Impact 877-724-7627 — — Media Impact’s unique approach to
communications combines the principles of
Entertainment-Education with the reach of mass
media to mobilize individual, community creating
positive change. 32.9% Region(s): 1,2,3,4,5
031288 Plan USA (Plan International USA) 800-556-7918 — Plan International USA is part
of a global organization that works with
communities in 50 developing countries to end the
cycle of poverty for children. 16.6% Region(s):
700312 Program for Appropriate Technology in Health
(PATH) 206-285-3500 — — Poor
communities have the right to safer childbirth, lifesaving vaccines, and lives free from AIDS,
tuberculosis, and malaria. We create solutions for
better health worldwide. 15.7% Region(s): 1,2,3,4,5
032588 Project HOPE - the People-to-People Health
Foundation, Inc. 800-544-4673 — www.project — Project HOPE provides sustainable
improvements in health around the globe through
education and humanitarian assistance with more
than 92 percent of revenues dedicated to programs.
5.2% Region(s): 1,2,3,4,5
999936 Rotary Foundation of Rotary International 866976-8279 — — Our mission is to
advance world understanding, goodwill and peace
through the improvement of health, the support of
education and the alleviation of poverty. 10.6%
Region(s): 1,2,3,4,5
033888 Salvation Army World Service Office (SAWSO)
800-725-2769 — — Work in
developing countries assisting the poor in
programs: health care, HIV/AIDS, capacity building,
income generation, education, anti-human
trafficking, relief efforts and reconstruction. 2.2%
Region(s): 1,2,3,4,5
032688 Save the Children Federation, Inc. 800-728-3843 — Our Mission is to
inspire breakthroughs in the way the world treats
children, and to achieve immediate and lasting
change in their lives. 8.0% Region(s): 1,2,3,4,5
700757 SOS Children’s Villages- USA 888-767-4543 — — World’s largest organization
for orphaned and abandoned children. Since 1949,
we have grown to over 540 Villages in 133
countries, including the United States. 32.8%
Region(s): 1,2,3,4,5
700026 TechnoServe 800-999-6757 — www.technoserve.
org — We work with enterprising people in the
developing world to build competitive farms,
businesses and industries. 17.7% Region(s):
032988 UNICEF, U.S. Fund for 800-486-4233 — www. — Works for the survival, protection
and development of children worldwide through
fundraising, education and advocacy. 22.2%
Region(s): 1,2,3,4,5
700027 Unitarian Universalist Service Committee 800766-5236 — — We defend human
rights and civil liberties, promoting environmental
and economic justice with grassroots partners
worldwide, while engaging our members to serve as
citizen-activists. 11.2% Region(s): 1,2,3,4,5
700184 United Methodist Committee on Relief 800-5548583 — — To alleviate human
suffering. We provide practical, proactive support to
the most vulnerable survivors of chronic or
temporary emergencies due to natural or civil
causes. 7.6% Region(s): 1,2,3,4,5
681007 United Seamen’s Service 718-369-3818 — www. — Provides overseas
health and welfare services to the American
Merchant Marine and seafarers of allied nations and
a 24-hour hotline for emergency family assistance.
20.6% Region(s): 1,2,3,4,5
Commonwealth of Massachusetts Employees Charitable Campaign 2015
700078 Water For People 720-488-4590 — www.waterfor — An international organization that
supports the development of sustainable drinking
water resources, sanitation facilities, and hygiene
education programs in developing countries. 18.3%
Region(s): 1,2,3,4,5
999937 William J. Clinton Foundation 501-370-8000 — — Strengthening
people’s capacity to meet global interdependence
challenges through health security; economic
empowerment; leadership development/citizen
service; climate change; and racial, ethnic and
religious reconciliation. 10.6% Region(s): 1,2,3,4,5
999938 Women for Women International 202-737-7705 — — We provide direct
aid, rights awareness and leadership education,
vocational skills training and income generation
support to women survivors of war, conflict and civil
strife. 30.1% Region(s): 1,2,3,4,5
111204 World Relief (World Relief Corporation of the
National Association of Evangelicals) 800-5355433 — — Provides emergency relief
and community-based solutions to alleviate poverty
in 18 countries and provides assistance to refugees
in the United States. 16.3% Region(s): 1,2,3,4,5
100040 World Renew formerly Christian Reformed World
Relief Committee (CRWRC) 800-552-7972 — — Fighting poverty, hunger
and injustice through partnerships and locally
originated community development programs;
responding to disasters with emergency supplies
and reconstruction of homes and livelihoods. 11.5%
Region(s): 1
472588 United Way of Pioneer Valley, Inc. 413-737-2691 — UWPV mobilizes people and
resources to strengthen our communities. Help
maintain a safety net of services and programs that
positively impact the quality of lives. 23.7%
Region(s): 5
417688 Big Brothers Big Sisters of Hampden County, Inc.
413-781-4730 — —
The program provides children facing adversity with
strong and enduring professional supported one to
one mentoring relationships with measurable
positive impact. 14.9% Region(s): 5
497388 Boys & Girls Club of Greater Holyoke 413-5347366 — — Provides a variety of
youth development programs promoting personal
and social capabilities. Programs serve youth
primarily from Hampden and Hampshire counties.
12.3% Region(s): 5
471888 Boy’s & Girls Club of Greater Westfield, Inc. 413562-2301 — — A youth
development agency providing programs in social,
cultural, education, physical and guidance areas in
the greater Westfield area. 14.9% Region(s): 5
Search the Charity List online at
473688 Boys & Girls Club of Ludlow 413-583-2072 — — A human service
organization providing pre-school and school-aged
childcare, youth athletics, aquatics, middle-school
teen, family adult and senior programs to members
ages 2.9 to 65+. 23.5% Region(s): 5
793532 Care Center, The 413-532-2900 — — An alternative school
for pregnant and parenting teen mothers. Services
include GED classes, student support, arts and
humanities, transportation and daycare. 22.4%
Region(s): 5
472088 Chicopee Child Development Center 413-593-3942 —
Provides early childhood education and care for
young children in a safe and caring environment.
19.6% Region(s): 5
793534 Friends of the Homeless, Inc 413-732-3069 — — We assist homeless
individuals 365 days a year. We provide separate
shelters for men and women, housing, and case
management. We serve 150,000 meals annually.
18.6% Region(s): 5
991650 Gardening the Community 413-693-5340 — www. — Gardening the
Community is a food justice organization engaged in
youth development, urban agriculture, and
sustainable living to build healthy and equitable
communities. 11.0% Region(s): 4
497588 Girls Inc. of Holyoke 413-532-6247 — www.girls — Inspiring over 2,099 girls
annually to be strong, smart and bold through
cutting edge research driven, after-school summer
leadership , youth development and mentoring
programs. 27.1% Region(s): 5
700407 Jewish Family Service of Western Massachusetts,
Inc. 413-737-2601 — — Offering
professional services to assist all individuals and
families with life’s challenges and transitions based
on Jewish principle of performing acts of loving
kindness, Chasadim. 11.7% Region(s): 5
700287 South End Community Center, Inc. 413-788-6173 — A nonprofit organization serving families in the Springfield
community. We are dedicated to developing
conscientious citizens through community
programming. 36.4% Region(s): 5
474888 Springfield Boys & Girls Club, Inc. 413-732-7201 — A youth development agency for
primarily urban youth with recreational, health,
leadership, goof citizenship and educational
programming which is accessible available and
affordable. 11.5% Region(s): 5
474988 Springfield Day Nursery, Inc. DBA Square One 413732-5183 — —
Committed to improving the lives of children
through educational programs, family support,
health and fitness services and advocacy. 17.4%
Region(s): 5
991648 Springfield Rescue Mission 413-732-7201 — — A youth development agency for
primarily urban youth with recreational, health,
leadership, goof citizenship and educational
programming which is accessible available and
affordable. 17.0% Region(s): 4
111145 Urban League of Springfield, Inc. 413-739-7211 — — Provides services and
advocacy toward the development of children and
support of families. 20.7% Region(s): 5
991649 West Springfield Boys and Girls Club 413-7361831 — — Provides before
and after school child care program that offers,
math, science, music, literacy, character
development, arts and crafts, nutrition in a safe and
supportive environment. 47.0% Region(s): 4,5
353788 North Shore United Way 978-922-3966 — — Meeting current and emerging
needs by reviewing and allocating community
resources and funds in assisting human service
organizations based on efficiency, effectiveness and
accountability. 21.5% Region(s): 1
700455 Beverly Bootstraps Community Services 978-9271561 — — Offers
emergency and long-term assistance including:
access to food, housing stability, adult and youth
education, counseling and advocacy so individuals
and families may achieve self-sufficiency. 16.6%
Region(s): 1
700657 Beverly Children’s Learning Center 978-927-1269 — Providing an affordable quality
education for children four weeks through thirteen
years and support for their families. Celebrating 40
years of service. 12.5% Region(s): 1
687100 Catholic Charities North 781-593-2312 — www. — Servicing those in need on the NS,
including programs for young parents, basic needs,
homeless prevention, counseling child care,
education and training for youth/adults. 15.3%
Region(s): 1
349888 Children’s Friend and Family Services Inc. 978744-7905 — — Nonprofit
organization that provides various mental health and
counseling programs for children and families
throughout Essex County. 4.0% Region(s): 1
700658 Harborlight Community Partners 978-922-1305 — — Provides affordable
housing with services primarily for people in
Southern Essex County. 10.0% Region(s): 1
111223 HAWC (Healing Abuse Working for Change Inc.)
978-744-8552 — — Provides
services to victims of domestic violence in 23 cities
and towns on Massachusetts’ North Shore in order
that they find healing and be empowered. 20.9%
Region(s): 1
793525 North Shore Community Development Coalition
Inc. 978-745-8071 — —
Provides quality affordable housing and fosters
economic empowerment and community
development on the North Shore. 32.0% Region(s): 1
111197 North Shore Health Project 978-283-0101 — — Providing services to
those living with HIV, AIDS, Hepatitis C, chemical
addictions; including holistic therapies,
meals/groceries, support groups, educational
programs, free clothing, emergency funds. 9.0%
Region(s): 1
370588 Northeast Arc 978-624-2321 — —
A disability service organization that is dedicated to
providing lifelong individualized supports to people
with, or at risk of developing disabilities, and their
families in over 100 communities. 2.8% Region(s): 1
349788 Northeast Behavioral Health Corporation 978-9681701 — — Provides mental
health, addiction treatment, community education,
prevention services to adults, teens, families and
children in greater Boston, the North Shore and the
Merrimack Valley. 10.9% Region(s): 1
351888 Open Door/Cape Ann Food Pantry Inc., The 978283-6776 — — Alleviating the
impact of hunger in our community. Connecting
people to good food, advocating for those in need;
engaging others in building food security. 8.0%
Region(s): 1
100022 Pathways for Children Inc. 978-281-2400 — — Forty year history of providing
high quality early education and care to children
annually, ages birth thru thirteen and their families.
14.0% Region(s): 1,3
793527 VNA Care Network & Hospice Inc. 800-728-1862
— — Provides home
health care, hospice in-home services, and hospice
residences and community wellness programs for
more than 200 communities in Eastern and Central
Massachusetts. 17.0% Region(s): 1
102134 Wellspring House 978-281-3221 — — Helps vulnerable
families and individuals live more secure and
fulfilling lives by assisting with basic needs and
providing life changing education, job training and
advocacy. 31.6% Region(s): 1
349388 YMCA of the North Shore 978-922-0990 — — Builds strong kids,
strong families and strong communities for people
of all ages, race and income through quality
membership and programs. 6.3% Region(s):
Commonwealth of Massachusetts Employees Charitable Campaign 2015
429088 United Way of Greater New Bedford 508-994-9625 — Provides funding to 60
health and human service programs in Greater New
Bedford. Supplies food pantries and soup kitchens
through the Hunger Commission program. 16.0%
Region(s): 2
999911 Boy Scouts of America - Narragansett Council, Inc.
(Narraganset Council Boy Scouts of America) 401351-8700 — —
Comprehensive programs for youth in grades 1 to
12. Camping, total family, at-risk youth programs,
adult mentoring and scholarships available. 7.2%
Region(s): 2
999912 Boys & Girls Club of Greater New Bedford 508992-8011 — — Dedicated
to providing New Bedford/Wareham area youth a
safe, supervised environment which promotes
educational, physical and character development.
Focus on youth from disadvantaged circumstances.
37.3% Region(s): 2
111291 Bristol Community College Foundation 508-6782811 — — Enhance
the ability of the College to serve its students and
the lifelong educational needs of its communities in
Southeastern Massachusetts. 24.0% Region(s): 2
700336 Catholic Social Services of Fall River, Inc. 508674-4681 — — To develop,
provide and promote programs and services for
those who are poor, marginalized or are victims of
social injustice in Southeastern Massachusetts.
23.5% Region(s): 2
913188 Coastline Elderly Services, Inc. 508-999-6400 — — The agency provides
social services to elders to enable them to live
independently in their homes and deter the need for
costly institutionalization. 7.1% Region(s): 2
111292 Community Boating Center 508-992-6219 — — Providing
instruction and access to recreational boating
regardless of means to the Greater New Bedford
community, with a focus on youth outreach,
mentoring and education. 18.7% Region(s): 2
106745 Community Building Mini-Grants Program 508994-9625 — — Provides
small grants to all-volunteer community groups for
projects that improve the community by addressing
locally identified issues and offers skill-building and
technical assistance. 16.0% Region(s): 2
999914 Community Nurse & Hospice Care, Inc. 508-9926278 — — Home Care
services include: skilled nursing, home health aide,
rehabilitative services, skilled home psychiatric
nursing and hospice services to the Greater New
Bedford area. 15.5% Region(s): 2
709688 Family Pantry-Damien’s Place Corporation 508993-1010 — To distribute free food and food
products to the poor and needy in the Wareham and
Greater New Bedford area. 0.3% Region(s): 2
Search the Charity List online at
999955 High Point Treatment Center, Inc. 508-997-0475 — — Provides substance abuse and
mental health services along a comprehensive
continuum of care from inpatient to outpatient
treatment and residential substance abuse
programs. 9.9% Region(s): 2
991664 Hunger Commission of SEMA 508-994-9625 — — The Hunger
Commission is a safety net for emergency feeding
programs in S.E.MA. We find food donations and
deliver them to agencies that feed nearby families.
16.0% Region(s): 2
427288 Immigrants Assistance Center, Inc. 508-996-8113 —
Immigrants’ Assistance Center provides social
services to the non-English speakers including
translation, advocacy, information referrals, support,
outreach, citizenship assistance, elder services, HIV,
substance abuse prevention. 0.1% Region(s): 2
106684 M.O., L.I.F.E., Inc. (M.O.L.I.F.E.) 508-992-5978 — — Vocational and community
support, interdependent living, licensed
rehabilitation counseling, and food pantry services
to provide food to the hungry in Greater New
Bedford area. 14.4% Region(s): 2
861888 Nemasket Group, Inc., The 508-999-4436 — — The Nemasket
Group Inc. offers personalized, flexible support to
families and individuals with disabilities to live,
work, and develop relationships within our
communities. 12.7% Region(s): 2
700408 New Bedford Community Connections Coalition
508-994-9625 — www.nbcommunityconnections.
org — NBCCC Foster Children & Teen Enrichment
Fund provides scholarships for recreational and
enrichment activities for children & teens in foster
care. 12.0% Region(s): 2
700220 New Bedford Women’s Center, Inc. 508-996-3343 — The Women’s
Center provides comprehensive support and
advocacy to victims, survivors, and families affected
by domestic violence, sexual assault and child
trauma. 17.3% Region(s): 2
862088 NorthStar Learning Centers, Inc. 508-984-3384 — — Helping Greater New
Bedford’s disadvantaged children succeed in school
and in life by providing early childhood education
and after school youth development, parent
education and support. 13.6% Region(s): 2
700409 Our Sisters School 508-994-1255 — www.our — OSS educates and inspires
middle-school girls from the Greater New Bedford
area to reach their full potential in a safe, supportive
and challenging environment. 13.0% Region(s): 2
700221 Positive Action Against Chemical Addiction
(PAACA) 508-997-9051 — — A
community-based drop-in center providing quality
substance abuse prevention and treatment services.
Offers a range of programs to substance abusers
and their families. 9.3% Region(s): 2
995188 Schwartz Center for Children 508-996-3391 — — Also known as the
Schwartz Center for Children; children who have
disabilities are provided quality care through
evaluations, therapeutic treatment, education and/or
early intervention services. 16.7% Region(s): 2
401688 Society for Human Advancement through
Rehabilitation Engineering Foundation, Inc.
(SHARE) 508-999-8482 —
The SHARE Foundation provides severely disabled
children and adults, primarily those unable to
communicate independently, with specially adapted
equipment to maximize their quality of life. 13.5%
Region(s): 2
427088 Southeast Massachusetts Council on Addiction
(SEMCOA) 774-628-1001 — —
NeBCOA, Inc. is dedicated to providing residential
treatment and continuing care programs for people
suffering from alcohol and/or drug dependencies.
7.5% Region(s): 2
104763 Wareham Early Childhood Education Development
Corporation 508-295-1734 — — Revenues contribute
toward the purpose of providing quality childcare for
low/moderate income families, children in crisis, or
with special physical, emotional or educational
needs. 24.0% Region(s): 2
429688 YMCA Southcoast 508-996-9622 — www.ymca — Serves the health, social,
educational and recreational needs of the
Southcoast community by providing services and
programs open to all ages, abilities and income
levels. 14.6% Region(s): 2
999917 YWCA Southeastern MA 508-999-3255 — www. — Dedicated to eliminating racism,
empowering women, leadership development and
providing programs, services and activities for
women and children and their families. 30.8%
Region(s): 1
040088 America’s Charities 800-458-9505 — — Working to build strong
communities. Addressing needs of children,
families, communities through member programs,
by helping employers and employees to support our
member charities’ programs. 6.4% Region(s):
111183 Alzheimer’s and Aging Research Center 800-8770019 — — Stop the
suffering caused by aging- related medical
conditions. Your support makes exciting new
research possible. Please help our aging population
and their families. 9.2% Region(s): 1,2,3,4,5
991684 Alzheimer’s Disease Research 800-437-2423 — — Funds cutting-edge
research to stop Alzheimer’s disease and provides
public information about risk factors, preventive
lifestyles, treatments, and coping strategies. Let’s
discover a cure! 31.0% Region(s): 1,2,3,4,5
111273 Amnesty International USA 800-AMNESTY — — Global grassroots
organization, impartial and non-political, whose
membership takes collective action to stop grave
abuses of human rights. 2.8 million members. Nobel
Peace Prize winner. 19.8% Region(s): 1,2,3,4,5
111300 Arthritis & Chronic Pain Research Institute 800877-4166 — — Chronic
pain caused by arthritis, cancer, and other medical
conditions cripple 86 million Americans. Help us
continue our search for new medications to relieve
pain. 16.7% Region(s): 1,2,3,4,5
700192 Cancer Research and Prevention Foundation DBA
Prevent Cancer Foundation 800-227-2732 — — Your donation funds
cancer prevention research; educates people about
how they can prevent cancer; and supports
community cancer prevention programs. 20.4%
Region(s): 1,2,3,4,5
104739 Cancer Research for Children - CureSearch for
Children’s Cancer 800-458-6223 — — Money raised by
CureSearch for Children’s Cancer supports novel
research, clinical trials, and educational resources
so every child can have the future they deserve.
16.1% Region(s): 1,2,3,4,5
700645 Children’s Miracle Network Hospitals 801-2147400 —
Raises funds for 170 children’s hospitals across
North America. Donations support research and
training, purchase equipment and pay for
uncompensated care. 24.5% Region(s): 1,2,3,4,5
105044 Diabetes Research and Wellness Foundation 866293-3155 — — Our goal
is to fund scientific research into treatments and
cure of diabetes. Conducts screenings, education
programs to save lives from blindness, kidney
failure, amputations. 4.1% Region(s): 1,2,3,4,5
111116 Diabetes Research Institute Foundation, Inc. 800321-3437 — —
Committed to curing children and adults now living
with diabetes and leads the world in bringing
promising treatments to patients as fast as possible.
27.6% Region(s): 1,2,3,4,5
806988 Father Flanagan’s Boys’ Home 800-448-3000 — — Provides food, clothing,
shelter, education, spiritual, and medical care to
homeless, neglected, abused, and communicatively
handicapped boys and girls. 15.7% Region(s):
111276 Feed The Children 800-627-4556 — www.feedthe — Founded in 1979, our mission is
providing hope and resources for those without
life’s essentials. 8.7% Region(s): 1,2,3,4,5
111303 Fellowship of Christian Athletes 800-289-0909 — — Empowering and equipping coaches
and athletes with encouragement, resources and
training to influence and impact the world for Jesus
Christ for more than 55 years. 16.6% Region(s):
Commonwealth of Massachusetts Employees Charitable Campaign 2015
111117 Fund for Animals, The 888-405-FUND — — Founded by Cleveland
Amory. Operates animal sanctuaries and wildlife
centers, and is a leading provider of direct care for
animals. 12.8% Region(s): 1,2,3,4,5
873288 Give Kids The World 800-995-5437 — — A 70-acre, nonprofit in Central
Florida that provides a week-long, cost-free
vacations to children with life-threatening illnesses
and their families. 8.5% Region(s): 1,2,3,4,5
822688 Hole In The Wall Gang Fund, The 203-772-0522 — — Founded by Paul
Newman, is a non-profit camp and year-round
center providing free services to children with
cancer and other life-threatening illnesses. 20.2%
Region(s): 1,2,3,4,5
111119 Humane Society of the United States, The 202452-1100 — — Celebrates
animals and confronts cruelty. The organization is
backed by more than 11 million Americans. 23.8%
Region(s): 1,2,3,4,5
111277 LiveStrong Foundation 877-236-8820 — — The LIVESTRONG
Foundation fights to improve the lives of people
affected by cancer now. 16.5% Region(s): 1,2,3,4,5
655788 Make-A-Wish Foundation® of America 800-7229474 — — We grant the wishes of
children with life-threatening medical conditions to
enrich the human experience with hope, strength
and joy. 22.6% Region(s): 1,2,3,4,5
106708 Mothers Against Drunk Driving 800-438-6233 — — MADD works to protect families
from drunk driving and underage drinking, while
also supporting victims of drunk driving crashes.
25.2% Region(s): 1,2,3,4,5
043088 NAACP Legal Defense and Educational Fund 800221-7822 — — Fights for
equality, access to education, employment, health
care, housing, environmental justice, voting rights,
criminal justice. Provides scholarships to promising
African-American undergraduates and law students.
21.9% Region(s): 1,2,3,4,5
043188 NAACP Special Contribution Fund 877-622-2798 — Protecting and advancing civil
rights by eliminating disparities in: education,
criminal justice, economic opportunity, health care,
housing, environmental justice, legal redress and
emergency relief. 6.7% Region(s): 1,2,3,4,5
054088 National Down Syndrome Society 800-221-4602 — — Strives to be the national advocate
for the value, acceptance and inclusion of people
with Down syndrome, focusing on public policy and
public awareness. 24.7% Region(s): 1,2,3,4,5
723088 Native American Rights Fund 800-447-0784 — — Provides legal representation
nationwide to Native American tribes, organizations,
and individuals in cases of national significance
involving tribal sovereignty, natural resources and
human rights. 10.8% Region(s): 1,2,3,4,5
Search the Charity List online at
991669 Ovarian Cancer Research Fund 800-873-9569 — — Your gift funds public education
and cutting-edge research on more effective
identification and new treatments as we strive to
find a cure for ovarian cancer. 14.3% Region(s):
655888 Population Connection 800-767-1956 — — The national
grassroots organization working to stabilize global
population so that we can protect our environment,
empower women and improve everyone’s quality of
life. 18.4% Region(s): 1,2,3,4,5
104743 Reading Is Fundamental, Inc. (RIF) 877-743-7323 — Provides free books for children
nationwide and engages children, parents, and
communities in reading and motivational activities
to encourage a lifelong love of reading. 18.4%
Region(s): 1,2,3,4,5
111280 Ronald McDonald House Charities® 630-623-7048 — A global network of local
Chapters and programs like the Ronald McDonald
House® provide resources to families that improve
the health and well-being of children. 8.0%
Region(s): 1,2,3,4,5
683015 Southern Poverty Law Center 888-414-7752 — — Using litigation, education,
and other forms of advocacy, the SPLC works
toward making the ideals of equal justice and equal
opportunity a reality. 32.9% Region(s): 1,2,3,4,5
111282 Tuberous Sclerosis Alliance 800-225-6872 — — The TS Alliance supports
tuberous sclerosis research, maintains a national
family support network, and promotes public
awareness and the education of medical and allied
professionals. 26.5% Region(s): 1,2,3,4,5
425788 United Way of Greater Fall River, Inc. 508-6788361 — — Conducts an annual
fundraising drive which generates critical funding
for important programs and services for 31 local
health and human service agencies. 19.2%
Region(s): 2
851688 A Wish Come True 401-781-9199 — www. — Oldest wish granting organization in
Rhode Island, founded in 1982. Granting wishes to
local children ages 3-18 with life-threatening
illnesses in Rhode Island and Southeastern
Massachusetts. 8.1% Region(s): 2
103207 Boys & Girls Club of Fall River (Thomas Chew
Memorial) 508-672-6340 —
Provides services to inspire and enable all young
people to realize their full potential as productive,
responsible and caring citizens. 15.2% Region(s): 2
709788 Diabetes Association, Inc. 508-837-6902 — — Provides information and
referral, educational, recreational and camp
programs for adults, children, and their families with
or at risk for diabetes in Southeastern
Massachusetts. 19.3% Region(s): 2
100001 Fall River Deaconess Home 508-674-4847 — — Comprehensive
clinical, educational, residential, independent living
and family supportive services to strengthen and
nurture young women ages 11-22 and their families.
8.4% Region(s): 2
422888 Family Service Association (Big Friends Little
Friends) 508-730-1138 — — A
private, non-profit social service agency dedicated to
providing high quality programs and services that
strengthen and support individuals and families.
8.4% Region(s): 2
700342 Girl Scouts of Rhode Island, Inc. 401-331-4500 — — Girl Scouts is the premier
leadership development organization where, in an
accepting and nurturing environment, girls build
character and skills for real world success. 33.5%
Region(s): 2
700251 Greater Fall River Community Food Pantry 508672-5381 — Provides emergency food assistance
to those in need. Supports area residents in need of
food without creating dependency. 2.0% Region(s): 2
106689 HealthFirst Family Care Center, Inc. 508-679-9376 — Provider of medical,
dental, case management, insurance and food
stamps eligibility assistance to culturally diver adult
and pediatric population who are under-insured or
uninsured. 30.3% Region(s): 2
700343 Katie Brown Educational Program 508-678-4466 — Katie Brown Educational Program
helps prevent students from becoming victims or
perpetrators of violence, and empowers youth to
become responsibly responsive witnesses of
relationship violence. 19.5% Region(s): 2
700456 Ninth Street Day Nursery 508-672-7723 — — Provides early
childhood education and daycare services to
families in Fall River and the surrounding
communities. Open 52 weeks per year, Monday
through Friday, 6:45 AM to 5:00 PM. 6.1%
Region(s): 2
424488 People, Inc. 508-679-5233 —
Provides residential, day habilitation, vocational,
recreational, early intervention/healthy families,
adult foster care and day services to adults and
children in Greater Fall River area. 8.9% Region(s): 2
424988 Samaritans of Fall River/New Bedford 508-6799777 — Suicide prevention crisis hotline for lonely,
depressed and suicidal. All calls kept confidential
and anonymous. Volunteers listen with compassion
and without judging or prejudice. 0.3% Region(s): 2
425088 SER-Jobs for Progress, Inc. 508-676-1916 — — Non-profit community based.
Provides employment training, educational services
including Adult Basic Education, English as a second
language, GED preparation, translations,
transportation, child care services available. 7.5%
Region(s): 2
425988 Southcoast Visiting Nurse Association 508-9733200 — — Provide highquality comprehensive health and hospice services
in the home setting, which foster health
improvement, disease prevention, and
compassionate end-of-life care. 15.0% Region(s): 2
700457 Southeast Regional Network 774-628-1007 — — Provides emergency
shelter and supportive services to homeless
families, including case management, parenting
classes, stabilization services, and permanent
housing search and placement. 6.0% Region(s): 2
999996 Stanley Street Treatment and Resources, Inc. 508324-3500 — — A large multi service
and health care agency that provides a wide range of
mental health, substance abuse treatment and
primary health care services. 13.3% Region(s): 2
104294 Steppingstone, Inc. 508-674-2788 — — Private, non-profit
agency providing comprehensive residential,
outpatient, supportive and scattered site housing
services to homeless mean and women recovering
from chemical dependency. 11.3% Region(s): 2
426088 WORD Inc. Child Development Center 508-6734421 — — Offers highquality infant, toddler and preschool childcare
services that include developmentally appropriate
curriculum, nutritious meals, transportation and
opportunities for families to participate through talk,
read play. 14.3% Region(s): 2
740688 United Way of North Central Massachusetts 978345-1577 — — Funds 37 health
and human service programs that respond to
identified community needs and offers
comprehensive donor services. 14.7% Region(s):
991656 Boys & Girls Club of Fitchburg & Leominster 978534-8358 — — Enriching programs
for the youth and community focusing on science,
technology, engineering, arts and math, (STEAM)
health & nutrition, community service,
entrepreneurship, recreation and sports. 23.0%
Region(s): 3
700290 Catholic Charities of the Diocese of Worcester
508-798-0191 — — Strengthens
families and children, supports frail elders, educates
children and adults challenged by developmental
disabilities, encourages independence through
parish and community outreach. 10.8% Region(s): 3
Commonwealth of Massachusetts Employees Charitable Campaign 2015
465788 Children’s Aid and Family Service Incorporated
978-345-7409 — — Childcare
services provided include center and family
(primarily for low income and at risk families.)
Childcare resource referral, voucher management,
parent education and family events. 6.4%
Region(s): 3
462288 Gardner Community Action Committee Inc. 978632-8700 — — Serves the
low-income community in Greater Gardner with
food, clothing, medical transportation, rental/utility
assistance, advocacy, information and referral.
17.5% Region(s): 3
991655 GVNA HealthCare 978-632-1230 — www.gvna — Provides Nursing, therapies,
home health aides, social work, hospice; private
duty, adult day health centers; corporate wellness,
Healthy Families, serving 26 communities. 2.1%
Region(s): 3
103168 House of Peace and Education, Inc. 978-630-4752 — Counteract violence
through academic behavioral programs for at risk
children afterschool and during the summer. Job
training and esteem building for at risk women.
12.7% Region(s): 3,4
700650 L.U.K. Crisis Center, Inc. 978-345-0685 — www. — Provides a wide range of services for
youth, families, and adults, including mental health
and substance abuse treatment, foster care, care
coordination, and prevention programming. 14.3%
Region(s): 1,3
466588 Literacy Volunteers of the Montachusett Area 978343-8184 — www.literacyvolunteersmontachusett.
org — Literacy Volunteers promotes and fosters
literacy by teaching adults to read, write and speak
English through the use of professionally trained
tutors. 10.0% Region(s): 3
700278 Loaves and Fishes Food Pantry, Inc. 978-772-4627 — provides food,
emergency shelter, resource referral, other
temporary services, and by advocating for changes
by its clients that will promote independence and
self reliance. 14.5% Region(s): 3
700279 Montachusett Interfaith Hospitality Network 978342-9501 — — A
community response to family homelessness.
Thirteen local churches (over 300 volunteers) feed,
house, educate and successfully return families to
financial stability and permanent housing. 7.6%
Region(s): 3
700643 Montachusett Opportunity Council, Inc. 978-3457040 — — The designated
Community Action Agency serving North Central,
MOC provides childcare, education, training,
nutrition, health, energy, youth, financial education,
asset development and housing services. 8.5%
Region(s): 3
459388 Pathways for Change, Inc. 508-852-7600 — — Services to survivors of
sexual assault and their friends and family and
education to prevent violence. 14.7% Region(s): 3
Search the Charity List online at
700281 RCAP Solutions, Inc. 800-488-1969 — www.rcap — RCAP Solutions provides direct and
emergency assistance to individuals and
communities including rental assistance, domestic
violence shelter, safe drinking water, family selfsufficiency and more. 6.3% Region(s): 3
467688 Spanish American Center 978-534-3145 — www. — Provides social
services to Latinos and others in need in the towns
and cities in North Worcester County. Helps victims
of DV, elders and youth. 22.0% Region(s): 3
700651 Townsend Ecumenical Outreach 978-597-2209 — — Help those in
need by providing food, clothing, and monetary
assistance while treating them with dignity, respect,
and giving them hope for a better tomorrow. 16.7%
Region(s): 3
700282 United Neighbors of Fitchburg, Inc. 978-342-2069 — Empowerment Services
including youth programming, adult education,
information and referral, advocacy, translations,
food pantry, clothes closet, cultural and recreational
events, leadership development, and capacity
building. 26.5% Region(s): 1,3,4
700448 Why Me, Inc. 508-757-7734 — —
Providing emotional and financial support to
families of children with cancer, including no-cost
housing during a child’s treatment. 36.5%
Region(s): 2
433488 United Way of Greater Attleboro/Taunton, Inc. 508222-2337 — — Mobilizing
communities to Live United through giving,
advocating and volunteering to advance the
common good in the areas of education, income and
health. 19.0% Region(s): 1,2,3,4,5
700459 American Credit Counseling Services. Inc. 508643-4445 — — Twenty-five years
experience providing free financial counseling and
education to people in need. Certified counselors
are available to help you through financial
difficulties. 9.1% Region(s): 2
999904 Arc of Bristol County, Inc. 508-226-1445 — — We provide services to people
with intellectual and developmental disabilities and
their families to help them grow, learn, achieve and
fully participate in their communities. 11.3%
Region(s): 2
700649 Associates for Human Services 508-880-0202 — — Servicing children, adults/
seniors experiencing developmental disabilities/
delays; families struggling economically including
Parent-Child Home Program, Early Intervention/
Head Start and Wise Adult Day Health . 10.3%
Region(s): 2
106777 Beta Community Partnerships, Inc. 508-222-7011 — Serves approximately 270
disabled individuals, 204 in the Rep Payee Program
and 70 through the Massachusetts Department of
Developmental Services in the Greater
Attleboro/Taunton. 14.6% Region(s): 2
700755 Boy Scouts of America - Annawon Council 508286-9202 — —
Comprehensive youth development services
emphasizing values and character development.
Provides outdoor program and educational activities
to instill self-reliance, leadership, and patriotism.
27.6% Region(s): 2
700335 Boys & Girls Club of Taunton 508-824-4341 — — Helps the youth of our
community to realize their full potential as
productive, caring, responsible citizens. 28.2%
Region(s): 2
999907 Community Counseling of Bristol County 508-8289116 — — Seeks to
deliver compassionate, responsive and quality
behavioral health services to meet the treatment and
rehabilitation needs in our community. 8.6%
Region(s): 2
432388 Community Visiting Nurse Agency, Inc. 508-2220118 — — In home
professional healthcare by nurses, rehabilitation
therapists, aides and supportive staff for those
recuperating and skilled hospice services for
compassionate, end of life care. 21.8% Region(s):
104784 DEAF, Inc. (Development Evaluation & Adjustment
Facilities, Inc.) 617-254-4041 — — Run by and for deaf,
deaf-blind, hard of hearing, and late-deafened
people, and is dedicated to empowering deaf people
to live independent lives. 22.7% Region(s): 2
700337 Girls Incorporated of Taunton 508-824-9511 — — Nationally affiliated
youth enrichment organization providing research
based programs and activities to girls ages 5-18.
Inspiring all girls to be strong, smart and bold.
14.2% Region(s): 2
700617 HealthCare Options, Inc. 508-222-0118 — — In home health care
and supportive assistance by nurses, aides and
housekeepers, plus adult day health centers helping
frail elders continue to live in the community. 16.7%
Region(s): 1,2,3
991654 Justice Resource Institute. Inc. 781-559-4900 — — Comprehensive, compassionate care
in areas of mental health, sexual abuse, substance
abuse, homelessness, counseling treatment,
education for children, adolescents and families in
homes, schools, offices. 7.4% Region(s): 1,2
700178 Kennedy-Donovan Center, Inc. 508-543-2542 — — Community-based educational,
therapeutic, supportive, vocational and residential
services meeting the individualized needs of infants,
children and adults with developmental disabilities
and similar needs. 10.8% Region(s): 2
999956 Literacy Center, The 508-226-3603 — — Adult basic education
including English for speakers of other languages,
literacy, pre-GED, GED, computers, citizenship
instruction in group classes or individually with
volunteer tutors. 23.4% Region(s): 2
432588 Markman Children’s Programs, Inc. 508-226-0282 — Child care
agency provides services from infancy through
school age in two facilities and ten family home
settings. Sliding fees, transportation and meal
programs provided. 11.9% Region(s): 1,2,3
396088 New Hope, Inc. 508-226-4015 — — Community-based organization that
works to strengthen families and end domestic
violence and sexual assault by providing mentoring,
intervention, prevention and treatment services.
19.6% Region(s): 2
430588 PRIDE, Inc. (Preparatory Rehabilitation for
Individual Development & Employment, Inc.) 508823-7134 — — A nonprofit
organization providing high quality services to
individuals with disabilities in Southeast
Massachusetts. PRIDE’s mission is “Improving the
quality of people’s lives.” 12.1% Region(s): 2
700618 Pro Home, Inc. 508-821-2514 — — Founded in 1990 to
advocate for the production, and protection of
affordable housing for low to moderate income
persons. Education and counseling services also
offered. 3.7% Region(s): 2
111290 Triumph, Inc. 508-822-5388 — — Offers high quality,
comprehensive early childhood programs for
children birth to 5 in the Taunton/Raynham
community for families of all income levels. 6.2%
Region(s): 2
433588 YMCA of Attleboro 508-222-7422 — — Dedicated to the
physical, mental, and spiritual development of all.
Fostering personal growth through quality
programs/services in a positive environment by
committed staff/volunteers. 16.0% Region(s): 2
700339 YMCA of Greater Providence 401-521-9622 — — Sites in
Barrington, Cranston, North Kingstown, Wakefield,
Warwick and Seekonk nurture healthy lifestyles in
youth, families and seniors providing financial
assistance to eligible participants. 16.0% Region(s):
999958 YMCA of Hockomock Area 508-695-7001 — — Our cause is our community.
Responding to changing community needs, we are
for youth development, healthy living, and social
responsibility. 12.8% Region(s): 1,2,3,4,5
Commonwealth of Massachusetts Employees Charitable Campaign 2015
050088 Community Health Charities of New England 860951-5933 —
Partnering with America’s most trusted health
charities to deliver credible health information,
community-focused volunteer activities and efficient
charitable giving to employees in the workplace.
12.3% Region(s): 1,2,3,4,5
700652 Alliance for a Healthier Generation 888-KID-HLTH
— — To reduce the
nationwide prevalence of childhood obesity by 2015
and to empower kids nationwide to make healthy
lifestyle choices. 21.0% Region(s): 1,2,3,4,5
050188 ALS Association, Massachusetts Chapter 781-2558884 — — To lead the fight to
cure and treat ALS through cutting edge research
and compassionate care and support for patients
families and caregivers with ALS. 27.5% Region(s):
109857 Alzheimer’s Association, Massachusetts Chapter
617-868-6718 — — Support and
education for people with Alzheimer’s Disease and
their families in Massachusetts and New Hampshire.
21.5% Region(s): 1,2,3,4,5
103992 American Cancer Society, New England Division
203-379-4700 — — A nationwide
community based voluntary health organization
dedicated to eliminating cancer by preventing
cancer, saving lives and diminishing suffering
through research, education, advocacy and service.
19.1% Region(s): 1,2,3,4,5
050588 American Diabetes Association, New England
Chapter 617-482-4582 — — The
association’s mission is to prevent and cure
diabetes and to improve the lives of all people
affected by diabetes through research, information
and advocacy. 16.1% Region(s): 1,2,3,4,5
700302 American Kidney Fund 516-336-8530 — — Provides direct financial
assistance to kidney patients in need and education
to those with, and at risk for, kidney disease. 2.5%
Region(s): 1,2,3,4,5
679888 American Liver Foundation, New England Chapter
617-527-5600 —
Our mission is to facilitate, advocate and promote
education support and research for the prevention
treatment and cure of liver disease. 6.1% Region(s):
051088 American Lung Association of New England 781890-4262 — — The focus is on
healthy air, tobacco control and all lung diseases,
including asthma through programs, services,
research, education and advocacy. 19.0%
Region(s): 1,2,3,4,5
Search the Charity List online at
700340 American Parkinson Disease Association,
Massachusetts Chapter 617-638-8466 — www. — Provides education resources and
referral to patients, families, health care
professionals and Parkinson disease support groups
in Massachusetts. Raises funds for national
research in PD. 15.6% Region(s): 1,2,3,4,5
103249 amfAR (AIDS Research Foundation) 212-806-1600 — Supports innovated Aids
research, educates patients, doctors and the public
about HIV treatment/prevention; works to protect
the rights of all people affected by HIV/AIDS. 23.4%
Region(s): 1,2,3,4,5
051588 Arthritis Foundation, New England Region 617244-1800 — — Supports critical
research to find cure and prevention of arthritis and
provides valued programs to improve the quality of
life for those affected by arthritis. 24.8% Region(s):
878688 Asthma and Allergy Foundation of America, New
England Chapter 781-444-7778 — — Dedicated to
controlling and curing asthma and allergic diseases
(including life-threatening anaphylaxis) through
patient and professional education, public
awareness programs and support for research.
22.4% Region(s): 1,2,3,4,5
700303 Autism Speaks 609-228-7335 —
We fund biomedical research into the causes for
autism spectrum disorders, increase awareness and
advocate for the needs of affected families. 14.6%
Region(s): 1,2,3,4,5
109876 Brain Injury Association of Massachusetts 508475-0032 — — Educates the public
on the risks of brain injury, promotes programs to
prevent those injures and offers support services to
survivors and their families. 24.5% Region(s):
051788 Cancer Research Institute 212-688-7515 — — To support and
coordinate scientific and clinical efforts that will lead
to the immunological treatment control and
prevention of cancer. 15.9% Region(s): 1,2,3,4,5
700653 CaringBridge 651-452-7940 — — Provides free personal
websites that connect people experiencing a
significant health challenge to family and friends,
making each health journey easier. 19.5%
Region(s): 1,2,3,4,5
055088 Children’s Tumor Foundation 617-633-5711 — — Funds Research, patient support
and public awareness of the neurofibromatosis NF
1, NF 2 and schwannomatosis genetic disorders that
cause random tumor growth throughout the body.
18.9% Region(s): 1,2,3,4,5
103431 Community Research Initiative of New England
617-502-1700 — — An independent
non-profit community-based organization dedicated
to HIV/AIDS clinical research, treatment education
and financial assistance for approved drug
treatments and health insurance. 2.6% Region(s):
054188 Crohn’s & Colitis Foundation of America, New
England Chapter 781-449-0324 —
The Foundation provides patient support for children
and adults with Crohn’s and ulcerative colitis,
expands public awareness of these diseases and
funds vital research. 9.8% Region(s): 1,2,3,4,5
683988 Cystic Fibrosis Foundation, MA/RI Chapter 508655-6000 — — Supports innovative
research to control and cure cystic fibrosis.
Provides specialized medical care through a
nationwide network of centers; offers pharmacy and
other patient services. 3.8% Region(s): 1,2,3,4,5
700304 Easter Seals Massachusetts 508-244-2756 — — Easter Seals
Massachusetts EIN 04-2103867 Provides services
to ensure that children and adults with disabilities
have equal opportunities to live, learn, work and
play. 9.7% Region(s): 1,2,3,4,5
109858 Epilepsy Foundation of MA & RI 617-506-6041 — — To insure that individuals with
seizures are able to participate in all life experiences
and to work toward prevention control and a cure
for epilepsy. 2.8% Region(s): 1,2,3,4,5
558088 Hospice & Palliative Care Federation of
Massachusetts 781-255-7077 — — Advances and promotes
excellence in end of life care through advocacy for
patients families and the caregiving community
providing education and fostering innovation in
services. 19.7% Region(s): 1,2,3,4,5
052688 Huntington’s Disease Society of America,
Massachusetts Chapter 978-454-8102 —
www.hdsa-neorg — Huntingtons Disease Society of
America is a health organization dedicated to
funding a cure for Huntington’s Disease while
providing support for individuals affected by HD.
10.3% Region(s): 1,2,3,4,5
052988 Juvenile Diabetes Research Foundation
International, Bay State Chapter 781-431-0700 — — Help us find a cure for
diabetes. Through research we can save lives of
children and adults who suffer from diabetes and its
devastating complications. 4.2% Region(s):
053088 Leukemia & Lymphoma Society 508-810-1300 — — To cure Leukemia, Lymphoma,
Hodgkin’s Disease and Myeloma and improve the
quality of life of patients and their families. 16.0%
Region(s): 1,2,3,4,5
700599 Make-A-Wish Foundation of Massachusetts and
Rhode Island 617-367-9474 — — Grants wishes for children
with life-threatening medical conditions to enrich the
human experience with hope, strength and joy.
18.1% Region(s): 1,2,3,4,5
700305 March of Dimes Foundation of Massachusetts 508329-2848 — — Our
Mission is to improve the health of babies by
preventing birth defects, premature birth and infant
mortality through research community services
education and advocacy. 11.6% Region(s):
700306 Muscular Dystrophy Association 518-489-3264 — — Fighting Neuromuscular Diseases
through worldwide research. A nationwide network
of clinics offering comprehensive medical services
and far reaching professional public health
education. 11.1% Region(s): 1,2,3,4,5
852888 National Alliance for the Mentally Ill of
Massachusetts 781-938-4048 — — A vital resource for families
and individuals facing the challenges of mental
illness. Provides free grassroots, family-based
education, peer support, and advocacy. 15.0%
Region(s): 1,2,3,4,5
054588 National Kidney Foundation of MA, RI, NH & VT
781-278-0222 — —
Improving the health of our communities by
preventing kidney and urinary tract disease through
education support services, organ donor awareness,
disease prevention and medical research. 17.1%
Region(s): 1,2,3,4,5
054988 National Multiple Sclerosis Society, Central New
England Chapter 800-344-4867 — — NMSS is comprised of
people who want to do something about MS now.
We assist people with MS, their family members,
concerned friends and healthcare professionals.
15.4% Region(s): 1,2,3,4,5
700191 National Psoriasis Foundation 800-723-9166 — — Our mission is to find a cure
for psoriasis and psoriatric arthritis and to eliminate
their devastating effects through research, advocacy
and education. 16.8% Region(s): 1,2,3,4,5
700064 Pancreatic Cancer Action Network Inc. 877-2726226 — — A nationwide network
of people dedicated to working together to advance
research, support patients and create hope for those
affected by pancreatic cancer. 15.6% Region(s):
056088 St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital 800-8775833 — — Researches and treats
pediatric catastrophic diseases-primarily childhood
cancers. St. Jude covers all costs not paid by
insurance. Research findings are shared worldwide.
20.1% Region(s): 1,2,3,4,5
056188 Sudden Infant Death Syndrome (SIDS) Outreach
Foundation, Inc. 617-414-4737 — — Our
mission is to enhance and expand support services,
information and training for those affected by the
tragedy of sudden infant death. 7.9% Region(s):
700133 Susan G. Komen For the Cure, Massachusetts
Chapter 617-737-5111 — —
Imagine life without breast cancer. We can make it a
reality by racing for the cures and funding lifesaving research and community health programs.
14.0% Region(s):
Commonwealth of Massachusetts Employees Charitable Campaign 2015
999922 Salvation Army: Athol Corps 978-249-8111 — — A religious and
charitable human service agency that provides
services to the hungry, homeless, lonely, elderly,
youth, disaster victims and others in need without
discrimination. 25.7% Region(s): 3
700628 Salvation Army: Attleboro Corps 508-226-8624 — — A religious and
charitable human service agency that provides
services to the hungry, homeless, lonely, elderly,
youth, disaster victims and others in need without
discrimination. 25.7% Region(s): 2
103279 Salvation Army: Boston Central Corps 617-5367469 — — A religious
and charitable human service agency that provides
services to the hungry, homeless, lonely, elderly,
youth, disaster victims and others in need without
discrimination. 25.7% Region(s): 1
103278 Salvation Army: Boston South End 617-536-5260
— — A religious and
charitable human service agency that provides
services to the hungry, homeless, lonely, elderly,
youth, disaster victims and others in need without
discrimination. 25.7% Region(s): 1
700163 Salvation Army: Brockton Corps 508-583-1896 — — A religious and
charitable human service agency that provides
services to the hungry, homeless, lonely, elderly,
youth, disaster victims and others in need without
discrimination. 25.7% Region(s): 2
103281 Salvation Army: Cambridge Corps 617-547-3400 — A religious and
charitable human service agency that provides
services to the hungry, homeless, lonely, elderly,
youth, disaster victims and others in need without
discrimination. 25.7% Region(s): 1
103282 Salvation Army: Chelsea Corps 617-884-0260 — — A religious and
charitable human service agency that provides
services to the hungry, homeless, lonely, elderly,
youth, disaster victims and others in need without
discrimination. 25.7% Region(s): 1
103275 Salvation Army: Children’s Learning Center 617436-2480 — — A
religious and charitable human service agency that
provides services to the hungry, homeless, lonely,
elderly, youth, disaster victims and others in need
without discrimination. 25.7% Region(s): 1
103276 Salvation Army: Dorchester Jubilee House 617282-8433 — — A
religious and charitable human service agency that
provides services to the hungry, homeless, lonely,
elderly, youth, disaster victims and others in need
without discrimination. 25.7% Region(s): 1
Search the Charity List online at
700164 Salvation Army: Fall River Corps 508-679-7900 — — A religious and
charitable human service agency that provides
services to the hungry, homeless, lonely, elderly,
youth, disaster victims and others in need without
discrimination. 25.7% Region(s): 2
700165 Salvation Army: Framingham Corps 508-875-3341 — A religious and
charitable human service agency that provides
services to the hungry, homeless, lonely, elderly,
youth, disaster victims and others in need without
discrimination. 25.7% Region(s): 1
104790 Salvation Army: Greenfield Corps 413-773-3154 — — A religious and
charitable human service agency that provides
services to the hungry, homeless, lonely, elderly,
youth, disaster victims and others in need without
discrimination. 25.7% Region(s): 4
700166 Salvation Army: Haverhill Corps 978-374-7571 — — A religious and
charitable human service agency that provides
services to the hungry, homeless, lonely, elderly,
youth, disaster victims and others in need without
discrimination. 25.7% Region(s): 1
169288 Salvation Army: Holyoke Corps 413-532-6312 — — A religious and
charitable human service agency that provides
services to the hungry, homeless, lonely, elderly,
youth, disaster victims and others in need without
discrimination. 25.7% Region(s): 4
700167 Salvation Army: Hyannis Corps 508-775-0364 — — A religious and
charitable human service agency that provides
services to the hungry, homeless, lonely, elderly,
youth, disaster victims and others in need without
discrimination. 25.7% Region(s): 2
103277 Salvation Army: Kroc Corps Community Center
617-318-6911 — — A
religious and charitable human service agency that
provides services to the hungry, homeless, lonely,
elderly, youth, disaster victims and others in need
without discrimination. 25.7% Region(s): 1
700168 Salvation Army: Lawrence Corps 978-975-7447 — — A religious and
charitable human service agency that provides
services to the hungry, homeless, lonely, elderly,
youth, disaster victims and others in need without
discrimination. 25.7% Region(s): 1
700169 Salvation Army: Lowell Corps 978-458-3396 — — A religious and
charitable human service agency that provides
services to the hungry, homeless, lonely, elderly,
youth, disaster victims and others in need without
discrimination. 25.7% Region(s): 1
103283 Salvation Army: Lynn Corps 781-598-0673 — — A religious and
charitable human service agency that provides
services to the hungry, homeless, lonely, elderly,
youth, disaster victims and others in need without
discrimination. 25.7% Region(s): 1
999923 Salvation Army: Milford Corps 508-473-0786 — — A religious and
charitable human service agency that provides
services to the hungry, homeless, lonely, elderly,
youth, disaster victims and others in need without
discrimination. 25.7% Region(s): 3
999924 Salvation Army: Montachusett Corps 978-342-3300 — A religious and
charitable human service agency that provides
services to the hungry, homeless, lonely, elderly,
youth, disaster victims and others in need without
discrimination. 25.7% Region(s): 3
700170 Salvation Army: Mystic Valley Corps 781-324-1970 — A religious and
charitable human service agency that provides
services to the hungry, homeless, lonely, elderly,
youth, disaster victims and others in need without
discrimination. 25.7% Region(s): 1
103290 Salvation Army: New Bedford Corps 508-997-6564 — A religious and
charitable human service agency that provides
services to the hungry, homeless, lonely, elderly,
youth, disaster victims and others in need without
discrimination. 25.7% Region(s): 2
700171 Salvation Army: Newburyport Corps 978-465-0883 — A religious and
charitable human service agency that provides
services to the hungry, homeless, lonely, elderly,
youth, disaster victims and others in need without
discrimination. 25.7% Region(s): 1
516488 Salvation Army: North Adams Corps 413-663-7987 — A religious and
charitable human service agency that provides
services to the hungry, homeless, lonely, elderly,
youth, disaster victims and others in need without
discrimination. 25.7% Region(s): 5
700172 Salvation Army: North Shore Corps 978-744-5181 — A religious and
charitable human service agency that provides
services to the hungry, homeless, lonely, elderly,
youth, disaster victims and others in need without
discrimination. 25.7% Region(s): 1
501688 Salvation Army: Pittsfield 413-442-0624 — — A religious and
charitable human service agency that provides
services to the hungry, homeless, lonely, elderly,
youth, disaster victims and others in need without
discrimination. 25.7% Region(s): 5
700173 Salvation Army: Plymouth Corps 508-746-1559 — — A religious and
charitable human service agency that provides
services to the hungry, homeless, lonely, elderly,
youth, disaster victims and others in need without
discrimination. 25.7% Region(s): 2
103294 Salvation Army: Quincy Corps 617-472-2345 — — A religious and
charitable human service agency that provides
services to the hungry, homeless, lonely, elderly,
youth, disaster victims and others in need without
discrimination. 25.7% Region(s): 1
103295 Salvation Army: Springfield Corps 413-733-1518 — A religious and
charitable human service agency that provides
services to the hungry, homeless, lonely, elderly,
youth, disaster victims and others in need without
discrimination. 25.7% Region(s): 5
103297 Salvation Army: Waltham Corps 781-894-0413 — — A religious and
charitable human service agency that provides
services to the hungry, homeless, lonely, elderly,
youth, disaster victims and others in need without
discrimination. 25.7% Region(s): 1
700174 Salvation Army: Westfield Service Unit 413-5681256 — — A religious
and charitable human service agency that provides
services to the hungry, homeless, lonely, elderly,
youth, disaster victims and others in need without
discrimination. 25.7% Region(s): 4
999925 Salvation Army: Worcester Corps 508-756-7191 — — A religious and
charitable human service agency that provides
services to the hungry, homeless, lonely, elderly,
youth, disaster victims and others in need without
discrimination. 25.7% Region(s): 3
999926 Salvation Army: Worcester Hispanic Corps 508757-2389 — — A
religious and charitable human service agency that
provides services to the hungry, homeless, lonely,
elderly, youth, disaster victims and others in need
without discrimination. 25.7% Region(s): 3
477488 United Way of Hampshire County 413-584-3962 — — Rallying
resources to sustain and strengthen a network of
local agencies prepared to respond to people in
need in Hampshire County. 23.5% Region(s): 4
476988 Amherst Committee For a Better Chance, Inc. 413549-5513 — —
Provides a boarding home for young men of color
who have demonstrated leadership potential,
referred by ABC National. 0.0% Region(s): 4
867988 Amherst Survival Center 413-549-3968 — — Provides food, health
care, clothing and community for low-income and
homeless residents of Hampshire & Franklin
counties through volunteer efforts. 10.8%
Region(s): 4
991652 Carson Center for Human Services 413-967-6241 — We provide
programs and support services for children
adolescents adults and families who have cognitive
and emotional disabilities through various mental
health and rehabilitation services. 8.7% Region(s): 5
700464 Center For New Americans, Inc. 413-587-0084 — — A community based education center
providing immigrant, refugee and migrant
communities with education and resources to learn
English ,maintain economic stability and become
involved community members. 22.5% Region(s): 4
Commonwealth of Massachusetts Employees Charitable Campaign 2015
700004 Cutchins Programs for Children and Families 413584-1310 — — Provides
clinically sophisticated, radically respectful care to
families, children and adolescents experiencing
emotions and behavioral difficulties. 10.4%
Region(s): 4
477088 Easthampton Community Center, Inc. 413-5275240 — — Provides
food, clothing, educational and recreational activities
and programs to enrich the lives of area citizens in
need. 13.7% Region(s): 4
999960 Friends of Children 413-584-0011 — www.friends — Child advocacy for abused,
neglected and other vulnerable, special needs
children; mentoring foster teens; information and
referral services; volunteer advocacy training. 20.0%
Region(s): 4
479488 Girl Scouts of Central & Western Massachusetts
413-224-4030 — — Through
informal educational activities, Girl Scouting helps
girls ages 5-17 develop resilience to risky behaviors,
a positive attitude, and an optimistic view about their
futures. 25.5% Region(s): 3,4,5
477688 Hampshire Regional YMCA 413-584-7086 — — Provides recreational and
social services including aquatics, youth sports and
fitness, child care, and adult fitness to people in
Hampshire County. 13.4% Region(s): 4
700659 Highland Valley Elder Services, Inc. 413-586-2000 — Offers services to
provide support, protection and security for elders,
their families and caregivers in the settings of their
choice. 7.3% Region(s): 4
106791 Hilltown Community Development Corporation
413-296-4536 — —
Administers state and federally funded programs to
low- and moderate-income residents: housing
rehabilitation; affordable housing; social services;
business programs; and community planning.
16.9% Region(s): 4
106352 Hilltown Community Health Center, Inc. 413-2385511 — — Provides comprehensive
medical, dental and behavioral health services,
laboratory, pharmacy and outreach family support
services to the residents of the Hilltowns of Western
Massachusetts. 10.5% Region(s): 4
477885 Hitchcock Center for the Environment 413-2566006 — — Develops
environmentally literate citizens through
interdisciplinary approaches that use the study of
science and nature as a means to solve human
problems. 42.3% Region(s): 4
991651 Mother Woman Inc. 413-387-0703 — www.mother — MotherWoman supports and
empowers mothers by building community safety
nets, impacting family policy and promoting the
leadership and resilience of mothers and thereby
families. 45.0% Region(s): 5
Search the Charity List online at
478388 Northampton Survival Center, Inc. 413-586-6564 — An emergency food provider
and referral service for Hampshire County, with food
pantries in Northampton & Goshen. 7.8%
Region(s): 4
478788 People’s Institute of Northampton, Inc. 413-5848313 — — Serves people of
all ages in Hampshire County by providing planned
programs, including childcare, and space for the
purpose of educational, recreational and cultural
growth. 21.2% Region(s): 4
478288 Safe Passage, Inc. 413-586-1125 — — Services for battered women including
a 24-hour hotline; emergency shelter; counseling
and support groups ; legal assistance; economic
literacy; advocacy for housing and other benefits.
23.2% Region(s): 4
683021 Valley Community Development Corporation 413586-5855 — — Provides firsttime homebuyers assistance including pre- and
post-purchase/foreclosure prevention counseling
services; start-up and small business technical
assistance; develops and manages affordable rental
housing. 7.8% Region(s): 4
374388 United Way of Massachusetts Bay and Merrimack
Valley 617-624-8000 — www.supportunited — We are committed to improving the lives
of children and families by engaging volunteers,
leveraging public and private resources and
advocating for change. 15.6% Region(s): 1,3
793545 Allston Brighton Community Development
Corporation 617-787-3874 — www.allston — Builds a strong, stable
community by supporting affordable housing and
positive engagement and leadership of Allston
Brighton’s diverse residents and businesses. 17.6%
Region(s): 1
358988 Asian American Civic Association, Inc. 617-4269492 — — AACA provides
limited English speaking and economically
disadvantaged people with education, occupational
training, and social services enabling them to realize
lasting economic self-sufficiency. 18.6% Region(s): 1
700660 Asian Community Development Corporation 617482-2380 — — ACDC serves Greater
Boston’s Asian American community with real estate
development, leadership development, and cultural
enrichment in order to preserve and revitalize
Boston’s Chinatown. 3.8% Region(s): 1
359888 Associated Early Care and Education, Inc. 617695-0700 — — Gives Greater
Boston’s youngest children in need the opportunity
to reach their full potential by investing in school
readiness, promoting healthy development, and
strengthening families. 13.8% Region(s): 1
700294 Boys & Girls Clubs of Middlesex County 617-7645958 — — Serves 1,500 youth
annually in Cambridge, Everett, Medford and
Somerville in Clubhouses which provide after-school
programs and camps led by youth development
professionals. 34.9% Region(s): 1
356188 Brookline Community Mental Health Center,, Inc.
617-277-8107 — —
BCMHC promotes violence prevention and builds
resiliency among low income families in Brookline
and Boston through offering a range of mediation
and mental health services. 19.5% Region(s):
700733 Cambridge Community Services 617-876-5214 — — Our direct
service initiatives currently focus on youth
development and feature higher education access,
career exploration, one-to-one mentoring and
tutoring, community service and civic leadership.
14.6% Region(s): 1,2
700392 Cambridge Family and Children’s Service 617876-4210 — — Mission
includes strengthening family and individual selfsufficiency and promoting conditions that provide all
children and youth with stable homes and positive
community environments. 18.8% Region(s): 1,2
357588 Casa Myrna Vazquez, Inc. 617-521-0125 — — Casa Myrna delivers
solutions to end domestic and dating violence
through the provision of shelter, comprehensive
services, our statewide hotline, education,
awareness and prevention. 20.9% Region(s):
100078 Catholic Charitable Bureau of the Archdiocese of
Boston, Inc. 617-482-5440 — —
Building a just and compassionate society rooted in
the dignity of all people. 6.7% Region(s): 1
353588 Cerebral Palsy Association of Eastern
Massachusetts, Inc. 781-593-2727 — — Early Intervention services for
children with disabilities or delays under 3 years old;
Maternal health services for high risk pregnancies;
Vocational support for disabled adults. 9.8%
Region(s): 1,3,4
690688 Codman Square Neighborhood Development
Corporation 617-825-4224 — —
The mission of the CSNDC is to enhance the quality
of life for all residents of Codman Square and to
foster the stabilization of the community. 8.0%
Region(s): 1
360588 Combined Jewish Philanthropies 617-458-8500 — — CJP is the central fundraising and
planning arm of Boston’s Jewish community that
supports human services, resettlement and
education locally and around the world. 8.0%
Region(s): 1
376688 Council of Social Concern (Woburn Council of
Social Concern, Inc.) 781-935-6495 — — Provides early childhood
education & care (center-based and family childcare
system), parenting education, supervised visitation,
emergency & supplemental food assistance, and
information & referral. 18.1% Region(s): 1
362988 Ellis Memorial & Eldredge House, Inc. 617-6959307 — — Supports
working families with high quality, affordable early
education, after school and summer programs for
youth, and day programs for elderly, frail or disabled
adults. 21.0% Region(s): 1
793550 Emmaus Inc. 978-241-3400 — www.emmausinc.
org — Helps over 3,000 homeless adults and
children rebuild their lives annually by providing
affordable housing, shelter, job training, adult
education, and compassionate support services.
8.0% Region(s): 1
363188 Family & Children’s Service of Greater Lynn Inc
781-598-5517 — — Programs
focus on healthy child development, parent
education and support, increasing opportunities for
high-risk youth, individual and family counseling
and elder care services. 19.1% Region(s): 1
700622 Family Nurturing Center of Massachusetts, Inc
617-474-1143 — — FNC
prevents child abuse and neglect by developing and
providing innovative family support programs that
improve parenting skills and connect underserved
families to vital resources. 12.3% Region(s): 1
176788 Family Service, Inc. 978-327-6600 — — Provides youth,
adults, families and elders with 20 programs in the
areas of Parent Education & Support, Emotional
Health and Youth Development. 22.7% Region(s):
411888 Father Bill’s & MainSpring Inc 617-376-2255 — — We are committed to ending
and preventing homelessness with programs that
shelter and connect people to housing jobs, jobs
and services to gain self sufficiency. 13.0%
Region(s): 1,2
700759 Friends of Youth Opportunity Boston, Inc 617-5415600 — — YOU Boston provides
access and opportunity to reentry youth and courtand gang-involved youth to progress and gain
educational, employment, and job training skills.
31.7% Region(s): 1
790588 Girls Incorporated of Greater Lowell 978-458-6529 — Provides programs that
empower today’s girls: build self esteem through
career and life planning, health/ sexuality education,
leadership and community service, sports and the
arts. 15.2% Region(s): 1,2,3,4,5
793551 Greater Boston Legal Services 617-371-1234 — — Provides free legal assistance to
help poor people secure the basic necessities of life
such as protection from abuse and affordable
housing. 10.8% Region(s): 1
700297 HomeStart, Inc. 617-542-0338 — www.homestart.
org — Our mission is to end and prevent
homelessness among residents of the Greater
Boston area by providing housing search,
stabilization, and homelessness prevention services.
5.3% Region(s): 1
Commonwealth of Massachusetts Employees Charitable Campaign 2015
700623 Housing Families Inc. 781-322-9119 — www. — Provides emergency shelter,
affordable housing, case management, and support
services for homeless and formerly homeless
families. Services include individualized tutoring and
counseling for children. 24.7% Region(s): 1
111715 Hyde Square Task Force 617-524-8303 — — Develops the skills of youth and
families so they are empowered to enhance their
own lives and build a strong and vibrant urban
community. 14.1% Region(s): 1
793552 Inquilinos Boricuas en Accion 617-927-1707 — — IBA - Inquilinos Boricuas en
Acción empowers individuals through education,
workforce development and arts programs and
creates vibrant affordable housing communities.
22.0% Region(s): 1
365888 International Institute of Boston, Inc. DBA
International Institute of New England 617-6959990 — — Helping refugees and
immigrants become economically independent in
the U.S. through case management, employment
services and job training, ESOL classes, cultural
orientation, and business development. 13.8%
Region(s): 1
691388 Jamaica Plain Neighborhood Development
Corporation 617-522-2424 — —
Promoting equitable development and equal
opportunity through housing organizing and
economic opportunity initiatives and to improve the
lives of low and moderate income people. 13.0%
Region(s): 1
366888 La Alianza Hispana, Inc. 617-427-7175 — — Serving all Latino community
and residents of the surrounding neighborhoods.
Services targeted to support individuals and
families, elder care, education and workforce
development. 26.2% Region(s): 1,2,3
683044 Massachusetts Advocates for Children 617-3578431 — — Dedicated to
being an independent and effective voice for children
who face significant barriers to equal education and
life opportunities. 25.0% Region(s): 1,2,3,4,5
372888 Massachusetts Alliance of Portuguese Speakers
(MAPS) 617-864-7600 — —
MAPS has provided culturally and linguistically
competent health and social services, advocacy,
leadership and community development to
Portuguese speakers in Massachusetts since 1970.
25.4% Region(s): 1,2,3,4,5
793559 Massachusetts Alliance on Teen Pregnancy, Inc.
617-482-9122 — —
To prevent teen pregnancy, increase opportunities
for youth and young parents and empower young
people to make healthy decisions about
relationships, sex, parenting and life. 5.3%
Region(s): 1,2,3,4,5
Search the Charity List online at
367988 Massachusetts Association for Mental Health, Inc.
617-742-7452 — — MAMH
provides education, advocacy, and information to
individuals and families on state and local mental
health issues. Youth programs include tutoring,
mentoring and summer program. 17.5% Region(s):
103243 Massachusetts Coalition for the Homeless, Inc.
781-595-7570 — —
Dedicated to stabilizing families, children, and
individuals through direct service and policy
initiatives that prevent homelessness, improve
housing stability and create solutions to end
homelessness. 6.1% Region(s): 1
368388 Massachusetts Society for the Prevention of
Cruelty to Children 617-587-1523 — — Providing an array of direct
services, including child abuse and neglect
prevention programs, clinical mental health
counseling, after-school programs, and adoptive
and foster parent support. 17.1% Region(s): 1
359088 Mujeres Unidas Avanzando 617-282-3500 — — Provides low-income
Latinas in Boston the stability and self-sufficiency
through educational, social, and advocacy services
to effect liberating changes in their families and the
community. 26.9% Region(s): 1,3
793556 Neighborhood of Affordable Housing, Inc. 617-4188246 — — Serving
low/moderate-income families, creating and
maintaining affordable housing, preventing
foreclosures, making senior/disabled home-safety
repairs, holding children’s schoolyard and soccer
programming, restoring the environment, and more.
16.7% Region(s): 1,2
700436 Newton Community Service Center 617-969-5906 — A multi-service agency that
strengthens young children and their families
through educational programs and a network of
support services. 28.7% Region(s): 1
793519 Operation A.B.L.E. of Greater Boston, Inc. 617-5424180 — — In the business
of getting people back to work. Focusing on the
mature worker, the agency provides the
employment, skills training and support services
needed to attain self-sufficiency. 20.4% Region(s):
700299 Quincy Community Action Programs, Inc. 617-4798181 — — Dynamic, multi-service
agency dedicated to strengthening low-income
families in Quincy and surrounding towns, providing
food, fuel, housing, child care, education, and
opportunities for self-sufficiency. 1.3% Region(s): 1
392588 Riverside Community Care, Inc. 781-329-0909 — — Provides mental healthcare,
developmental and cognitive disability services,
addition treatment, trauma response services, and
early childhood services to individuals and families
in their own communities. 11.3% Region(s): 1
371988 Roxbury Youthworks Inc. 617-427-8095 — — We provide
intensive community based support to help system
involved youth caught in the cycles of poverty,
victimization and violence to transition successfully
into adulthood. 19.9% Region(s): 1
372388 Samaritans, Inc. 617-536-2460 — — Samaritans’ mission is
to reduce suicide; to educate the public about
suicide prevention; and to reduce the stigma
associated with suicide. 23.0% Region(s): 1,3
700270 Somerville Homeless Coalition, Incorporated 617623-6111 — — Operates shelters
for homeless families and adults, food pantries and
community meals, affordable and permanent
supportive housing, case management, and
homeless prevention assistance. 15.4% Region(s):
373188 South Boston Neighborhood House, Inc. 617-2681619 — — Provides support,
opportunity, hope and inspiration for individuals and
families through various child-care, education,
volunteer, senior, adolescent and family programs.
26.4% Region(s): 1
700481 Transition House Inc 617-868-1650 — www. — An innovative organization
providing the tools people need to build safe and
healthy lives following domestic violence. Domestic
violence intervention and prevention programs
including shelter. 19.0% Region(s): 1
650788 Upham’s Corner Community Center 617-282-6110 — Offers inner-city, high-risk
youth academic, athletic, social/emotional, and
arts/humanities programs that support their success
at school, college, career and future. 13.3%
Region(s): 1,2
700397 Urban Edge Housing Corporation 617-989-9300 — — Urban Edge develops and
sustains stable, healthy and diverse communities
through the production and preservation of
affordable housing, homeownership services and
community building and organizing. 6.6%
Region(s): 1
374688 Victory Programs 617-541-0222 — —
We provide housing and treatment services for
homeless individuals and families living with
substance use disorders, mental illness or other
chronic conditions such as HIV/AIDS. 18.1%
Region(s): 1
793555 YMCA of Malden 781-324-7680 — — We ensure everyone has access
to the essentials needed to learn, grow and thrive by
nurturing youth development, promoting healthy
living and fostering social responsibility. 8.4%
Region(s): 1
792888 YMCA of Merrimack Valley 978-725-6681 — — Our programs include
leadership development for youth; childcare; health
and wellness; recreational sports; camping;
academic support; music/arts; and housing for
homeless men. 13.0% Region(s): 1
643888 EarthShare New England 877-207-5756 — — One gift helps
protect your environment, health, wildlife, and
natural resources — locally, nationally, and
internationally. One environment, one simple way to
care for it. 11.3% Region(s): 1,2,3,4,5
700015 African Wildlife Foundation 888-494-5354 — — Protects imperiled species— lions,
mountain gorillas, rhinos, elephants, zebras—
through habitat conservation, science, leadership
training and wildlife-friendly community-beneficial
business development for 50 years. 15.5%
Region(s): 1,2,3,4,5
757488 American Farmland Trust 800-431-1499 — — Only national conservation
organization dedicated to protecting farmland,
promoting sound farming practices, and keeping
farmers on the land. 24.5% Region(s): 1,2,3,4,5
732688 American Forests 800-368-5748 — — Only national
conservation nonprofit focused exclusively on
protection and restoration of America’s forests. We
plant trees, educate the public and advocate for
sound public policy. 32.2% Region(s): 1,2,3,4,5
700180 Appalachian Mountain Club 800-372-1758 — — Promotes the protection,
enjoyment, and understanding of the mountains,
forests, waters, and trails of the Appalachian region
through programs in conservation, outdoor
education, and recreation. 11.1% Region(s):
958388 Beyond Pesticides/National Coalition Against the
Misuse of Pesticides 202-543-5450 — — Prevents pesticide
poisoning of our environment, homes, workplaces,
schools, food and water through a practical
information clearinghouse on toxic hazards and
non-chemical pest control. 4.9% Region(s):
700187 Boston Building Materials Coop Charitable and
Education Fund 617-442-2262 — — We
redistribute used building materials and provide
home improvement education to low-income
homeowners in Massachusetts, which improves
communities while diverting usable materials from
landfills. 8.9% Region(s): 1,2,3,4,5
755888 Center for EcoTechnology 413-445-4556 — — We help people save energy
and reduce waste at home and work through
practical solutions that save money, improve
comfort and enhance business performance. 14.7%
Region(s): 1,2,3,4,5
Commonwealth of Massachusetts Employees Charitable Campaign 2015
103247 Center for Health, Environment, and Justice 703237-2249 — — Protects the health of
communities and children through grassroots
organizing, coalition-building, and consumer
campaigns to eliminate dangerous chemicals in
water, air, homes and schools. 19.5% Region(s):
991670 Charles River Conservancy 617-608-1410 — — Dedicated to the
stewardship renewal enhancement and active use of
the urban parklands along the Charles River for the
enjoyment of all. 14.9% Region(s): 1,2,3,4,5
999945 Charles River Watershed Association 781-7880007 — — Uses science,
advocacy, and the law to protect, preserve, and
enhance the Charles River and its watershed. 14.9%
Region(s): 1,2,3,4,5
757888 Clean Water Fund 202-895-0432 — — Neighborhood-based
action and education programs bringing people,
businesses and government together for sensible
solutions that protect water and health, prevent
pollution, and conserve natural resources. 16.9%
Region(s): 1,2,3,4,5
104777 Connecticut River Watershed Council 413-7722020 — — The principal citizen
champion for the Connecticut River, challenging
threats, solving problems, and helping others enjoy
the natural wonders of New England’s largest river
ecosystem. 39.4% Region(s): 1,2,3,4,5
853488 Conservation Fund, The 703-525-6300 — — Nation’s most
effective and efficient conservation organization protecting working landscapes, wildlife habitat,
historic and recreation sites - with 97% of funds
going directly to mission. 21.0% Region(s):
700017 Conservation Law Foundation 617-350-0990 — — The nation’s most effective and
efficient conservation organization - protecting
working landscapes, wildlife habitat, historic and
recreation sites - with 97% of funds going directly to
mission. 23.5% Region(s): 1,2,3,4,5
853588 Defenders of Wildlife 800-385-9712 — — Working since 1947 to save
America’s endangered animals and their threatened
habitat for future generations through public
education, citizen advocacy, legal action and
scientific research. 16.1% Region(s): 1,2,3,4,5
700654 EARTH University Foundation 404-995-1230 — — Provides financial assistance
for students attending EARTH University in Costa
Rica, which is working to solve the planet’s
environmental and social challenges. 9.1%
Region(s): 1,2,3,4,5
684010 EcoLogic Development Fund, The 617-441-6300 — — Empowers rural people to
restore and protect tropical ecosystems. We
envision rural people leading in the creation of a
sustainable world for people and nature. 37.3%
Region(s): 1,2,3,4,5
Search the Charity List online at
700018 Environmental and Energy Study Institute 202-6281400 — — Renewable energy.
Energy efficiency. Green jobs. Green buildings.
Sustainable transportation and communities.
Solving global warming. Bringing constituencies
together to find innovative policy solutions. Join us!
15.1% Region(s): 1,2,3,4,5
757988 Environmental Defense Fund 800-684-3322 — — Dedicated to
protecting the environmental rights of all. Among
these rights are access to clean air and water,
healthy food, and flourishing ecosystems. 18.5%
Region(s): 1,2,3,4,5
853688 Environmental Law Institute 202-939-3800 — — Environmental law that works for
you: community-based education + research on
national problems = solutions to protect people and
nature. Independent and non-partisan. 23.7%
Region(s): 1,2,3,4,5
700383 Environmental League of Massachusetts 617-7422553 — —
Advocating with legislative and executive branches
of state government, acting as a watchdog on public
and private sectors, and educating the public on
environmental issues. 25.1% Region(s): 1,2,3,4,5
991671 Galapagos Conservancy 703-383-0077 — — Through innovative science,
local partnerships, and social science and policy
research, Galapagos Conservancy works to
conserve and protect the unique Galapagos marine
and terrestrial ecosystems. 25.0% Region(s): 1
745188 Housatonic Valley Association, The 860-672-6678
— — HVA continues 64 years of
protection and education throughout the Housatonic
River Watershed focusing on clean water, education,
its 50-mile riverway, and land protection. 11.7%
Region(s): 1,2,3,4,5
700729 Institute for Transportation and Development
Policy 212-629-8001 — — ITDP
promotes environmentally sustainable and socially
equitable transportation solutions that reduce
carbon emissions and improve livability in cities
worldwide. 10.3% Region(s): 1,2,3,4,5
813388 Izaak Walton League of America 800-453-5463 — — From hunters to hikers, our
members protect America’s outdoors through
community-based conservation, education,
commonsense public policy, and a commitment to
strong outdoor ethics. 24.0% Region(s): 1,2,3,4,5
700384 Jane Goodall Institute for Wildlife Research,
Education, and Conservation, The 703-682-9220 — — Works to create healthy
ecosystems, promote sustainable livelihoods and
nurture new generations of committed, active
citizens around the world. 19.3% Region(s):
700719 Lowell Parks & Conservation Trust, Inc. 978-9340030 — — Mission: to
improve the quality of life for the people of Lowell
through the creation, conservation, and preservation
of parks, open spaces, and special places. 33.7%
Region(s): 1
644588 Massachusetts Association of Conservation
Commissions 617-489-3930 —
Protects wetlands, biodiversity and open space
through education and advocacy, and offers over 70
workshops/training sessions annually, a newsletter,
handbook, Website, and telephone helpline. 29.8%
Region(s): 1,2,3,4,5
104779 Massachusetts Audubon Society 781-259-9500 — — We protect over 34,000
acres of conservation land, conduct nature
education programs for over 200,000 children and
adults annually and advocate for sound
environmental policies. 18.5% Region(s): 1,2,3,4,5
700385 Merrimack River WaterShed Council 978-6554742 — Protects, improves, and preserves a healthy
ecosystem for the people and wildlife of the
Merrimack River Watershed Community through
education, advocacy, and science. 26.0% Region(s):
700432 Mount Grace Land Conservation Trust 978-2482043 — — Moving
Massachusetts conservation and stewardship
forward with AmeriCorps MassLIFT. Protecting
farms, forests, and water resources including
Connecticut River watershed and Quabbin
Reservoir, Boston’s water supply. 13.1% Region(s):
091088 National Parks Conservation Association 800-6287275 — — Preserves national parks
from the Grand Canyon to Gettysburg; protects
endangered wildlife and cultural sites; promotes new
parks; defends against pollution, inappropriate
development and overcrowding. 30.5% Region(s):
758188 National Wildlife Federation 800-822-9919 — — America’s conservation
organization dedicated to protecting endangered
species and habitats for our children’s future and
connecting people with nature through education
and action opportunities. 21.7% Region(s):
758288 Natural Resources Defense Council 212-727-2700 — Defends embattled wilderness,
rivers, clean air, coasts and wildlife across America
and around the globe. Saved Baja’s whales,
Canada’s Spirit bears, and California’s sequoias.
13.9% Region(s): 1,2,3,4,5
971588 Nature Conservancy, Massachusetts Chapter, The
617-227-7017 —
Preserves plants, animals and natural communities
that represent the diversity of life on earth by
focusing on the protection of lands and waters in
Massachusetts. 20.8% Region(s): 1,2,3,4,5
104780 New England Aquarium Corporation 617-973-5200 — Combining education,
entertainment, and action to address the most
challenging problems facing the oceans. 12.1%
Region(s): 1,2,3,4,5
700730 Northeast Resource Recovery Association 603736-4401 — — Provides recycling
education/technical assistance to communities and
schools, as well as innovative grassroots recyclables
marketing cooperatives to help communities
manage their own recycling programs. 1.8%
Region(s): 1,2,3,4,5
111294 Ocean Conservancy 800-519-1541 — www.ocean — Through research, education,
and science-based advocacy, Ocean Conservancy
informs, inspires, and empowers people to speak
and act on behalf of the oceans. 21.0% Region(s):
700731 Oceana, Inc. 877-762-3262 — —
Works internationally to protect marine wildlife and
human health through programs to end pollution
and destructive fishing practices, and to ensure
vibrant, healthy oceans. 21.1% Region(s): 1,2,3,4,5
111295 Peregrine Fund, The 800-377-3716 — www. — Saves eagles, condors,
falcons, and other endangered birds through
research, breeding, and conservation programs.
Helps preserve rainforests. Educates children and
adults about nature and science. 18.1% Region(s):
814188 Pesticide Action Network North America 510-7889020 — — Working to eliminate
poisonous pesticides. Links consumer, labor, health,
environment and agriculture groups internationally
to advance safer, ecologically sound pest control
alternatives. 14.7% Region(s): 1,2,3,4,5
758488 Rails-to-Trails Conservancy 866-202-9788 — — Converts thousands of
miles of unused railroad corridors into public trails
for walking, bicycling, hiking, skating, horseback
riding, cross-country skiing, wildlife habitats and
nature appreciation. 25.3% Region(s): 1,2,3,4,5
814388 Rainforest Alliance 888-693-2784 — — Works to conserve
biodiversity and ensure sustainable livelihoods by
transforming land-use practices, business practices
and consumer behavior. 6.3% Region(s): 1,2,3,4,5
700021 Save the Bay 401-272-3540 —
The Rhode Island based organization protects
Narragansett Bay and its watershed, restoring its
vital habitats, and educating individuals to be good
stewards of the Bay. 25.8% Region(s): 2
700022 Scenic America 202-588-6387 —
Safeguards America’s natural beauty and
community character by fighting billboard blight,
reducing visual intrusions, protecting open space,
and preserving the scenic character of public lands.
14.0% Region(s): 1,2,3,4,5
700188 School for Field Studies, The 978-741-3567 — — Accredited college level
study abroad programs focused on environmental
field research. Located In Costa Rica, Bhutan,
Kenya, Tanzania, Panama, Australia, and the
Caribbean. 19.7% Region(s): 1,2,3,4,5
Commonwealth of Massachusetts Employees Charitable Campaign 2015
111296 Sierra Club Foundation, The 800-216-2110 — — Fights to preserve wilderness and
protect environmental quality worldwide through a
powerful combination of education, scientific
research, publishing and litigation. 11.4%
Region(s): 1,2,3,4,5
111297 Surfrider Foundation 800-743-7873 — — Protects and preserves the
world’s oceans, waves and beaches through
conservation, activism, research and education.
Activities include: water quality monitoring,
environmental education and grassroots activism.
13.9% Region(s): 1,2,3,4,5
758888 Union of Concerned Scientists 800-666-8276 — — Scientists and citizens working
on solutions to reduce air pollution and global
warming, protect biodiversity, prevent nuclear
proliferation, and ensure a sustainable, safe food
system. 16.4% Region(s): 1,2,3,4,5
700023 Wilderness Society, The 800-843-9453 — — Works to protect special
wild places from development so that future
generations will have the opportunity to enjoy
America’s natural heritage. 25.6% Region(s):
759088 World Wildlife Fund 800-960-0993 — — Multinational conservation
organization working worldwide to combat climate
change, save endangered animals, protect wild
habitats, and transform market forces to act in
harmony with nature. 18.6% Region(s): 1,2,3,4,5
700206 Zoo New England 617-379-5189 — — Manages
Massachusetts’ Franklin Park and Stone Zoos;
creates engaging experiences that integrate wildlife,
conservation programs, research and education,
inspiring people to protect the environment. 19.7%
Region(s): 1,2
459588 United Way of Central Massachusetts, Inc. 508757-5631 — — Invest in
quality programs that solve community problems
and improve the lives of young children, youth,
families, and people in crisis. 20.5% Region(s): 3
455288 Aids Project Worcester, Inc. 508-755-3773 —
www.aidsprojectworcester,org — Combating AIDS
in Worcester County, providing education,
advocacy, outreach, and testing., serving people of
all cultures affected by HIV/AIDS. 11.2% Region(s): 3
455788 Big Brothers Big Sisters of Central
Mass/Metrowest 508-752-7868 — — Provides children at risk with
volunteer mentors in professionally supported
match relationships. These children develop the
lifestyle skills to become positive contributors to the
community. 24.0% Region(s): 3
Search the Charity List online at
793530 Boy Scouts of America - Mohegan Council, Inc.
508-752-3769 — —
The Boy Scouts of America provides a program for
young people that builds character, trains them in
the responsibilities of participating citizenship, and
develops personal fitness. 9.0% Region(s): 3
455988 Boys and Girls Club of Worcester 508-754-2686 — — Develops qualities
needed to become responsible citizens and
community leaders, through caring professional
staff who forge relationships with members and
influence their ability to succeed. 8.9% Region(s): 3
111270 CASA Project, The 508-757-9877 — — CASA supplies
190 trained volunteer Guardians ad litem for abused
children in the Worcester Juvenile Court. For each
child, we seek a safe permanent home. 22.2%
Region(s): 3
100016 Central Massachusetts Housing Alliance 508-7917265 — — Our Housing
Counseling Program provides homelessness
prevention services, counseling, and mediation
based on landlord/tenant rights/responsibilities and
provides emergency rental and utility arrearage
assistance. 2.4% Region(s): 3
459988 Children’s Friend 508-753-5425 — — We provide an
outpatient child and family mental health clinic, a
program for pregnant/parenting teens, adoption
services and a children’s grief support center.
18.3% Region(s): 3
459888 Community Healthlink, Inc. 508-860-1121 — — Provides mental
health and substance abuse recovery services to
adults, families and children. Services include
outpatient mental health, emergency mental health,
and child early intervention. 11.3% Region(s): 3,45
999931 Edward M. Kennedy Community Health Center
508-854-2122 — — Kennedy
CHC provides comprehensive medical, dental, social
& behavioral health services for low-income
individuals and families and others who struggle to
access quality health care. 15.0% Region(s): 3
793528 Edward Street Child Services 508-792-0220 — — Providing advocacy,
educational services and technical resources to
Worcester area child care providers assisting young
children to enter school ready to learn. 16.5%
Region(s): 3
104295 Family Health Center of Worcester 508-860-7700 — Provides high quality,
comprehensive, and continuous primary health care,
dental, and social services respectfully and
compassionately in the context of patients’ family,
culture and community. 12.0% Region(s): 3
457088 Family Services of Central Massachusetts 508756-4646 — — Helping families
since 1889 through Child Care Resources,
Counseling Services, Employee Assistance Program,
Home Care and Elder Services, and Senior
Companion Program. 9.5% Region(s): 3
457188 Friendly House 508-755-4362 — www.friendly — Founded in 1920 to
provide social, recreational, and educational
programs including the sheltering of homeless
families, elder/child meals, and basic needs service.
11.8% Region(s): 3
793529 Girl Scouts Of Central and Western Massachusetts,
Inc. 800-62-9100-x4037 — —
Provides programs to girls ages 5-17 through
activities that build character, skill for success,
strong values, social conscience conviction and self
worth. 22.0% Region(s): 3
457388 Girls Incorporated of Worcester (Girls Inc.) 508755-6455 — — Over 4000 youth,
largely from low-income families benefit from our
comprehensive and prevention programs offered
after school, on Saturdays, and during school and
summer vacations. 9.0% Region(s): 3
999932 Guild of Saint Agnes of Worcester, Inc., The 508755-2238 — — Provides
affordable, quality early childhood education
programs in a safe and nurturing environment for
children 4 weeks to 12 years old. 7.0% Region(s): 3
457888 Jewish Family Services of Worcester 508-7553101 — — Providing child
and family counseling, guardianship to elders,
adoption, geriatric care management, family
mediation, parent education programs, consultation
to schools and professionals. 3.8% Region(s): 3
651588 Pernet Family Health Services 508-755-1228 — — Has served the
maternal-child health needs of low-income families
in Worcester since 1955 through home bases
nursing and comprehensive social services. 18.2%
Region(s): 3
459288 Rainbow Child Development Center 508-791-6849 — Providing comprehensive
childcare services for children, in a safe, nurturing
environment, and through community
collaborations, and advocacy programs, encourage
growth and stability for the children’s families.
16.0% Region(s): 1,3,4
459688 VNA Care Network Foundation 508-756-7176 — — Free and reduced-fee
services provided by VNA Care Network, supported
by COMECC, increase health care access in
vulnerable populations and prevent future health
complications. 15.0% Region(s): 3
459788 Webster Square Day Care Center, Inc. 508-7563567 — A comprehensive early education programs
that provides a high-quality learning environment for
children 4 weeks to 7 years. 8.6% Region(s): 3
460288 Worcester Community Action Council 508-7541176 — — Operates 24 programs
for Education, Employment and Training, Family
Support, and Energy Assistance that promote selfsufficiency and strengthen families in
Worcester/Southern Worcester County. 3.5%
Region(s): 3
460388 Worcester Comprehensive Child Care Services
508-852-3792 — — For more than
30 years, WCCCS has provided childcare for
thousands of infants and children in safe, nurturing
learning environments, while supporting the entire
family. 14.0% Region(s): 3
999928 Worcester Youth Center 508-791-4702 — — “Not just a place
to go; A place to go farther”, is the home of out of
school activities for an urban teen population since
1994. 16.0% Region(s): 3
460788 YMCA of Central Massachusetts 508-755-6101 — — Improves the health and
wellness of children, teens, families, and seniors in
41 towns throughout Central Massachusetts. 22.5%
Region(s): 3,5
460888 Youth Opportunities Upheld (Y.O.U. Inc.) 508-8495600 — — This agency provides a
wide range of social, psychological, educational,
vocational, and other preventive and rehabilitative
programs for troubled youth and their families.
13.0% Region(s): 3
460988 YWCA of Central Massachusetts 508-791-3181 — — Focused on advocating
for social/racial justice and supporting women and
their families seeking economic independence:
Child Care; Transitional Housing; Youth
Development; Fitness; Domestic Violence Services.
12.8% Region(s): 1,2,3,4,5
111311 Neighbor To Nation 877-841-6839 — — People in deed
serving people in need, in our local communities,
throughout America and the world. Providing lifesustaining assistance and hope for the future. 2.8%
Region(s): 1,2,3,4,5
111299 Alpha-1 Foundation 888-825-7421 — — Supports research towards a
cure for Alpha-1, a deadly genetic disorder causing
liver and lung disease, affecting over 25 million
Americans who are unknown carriers. 11.5%
Region(s): 1,2,3,4,5
700194 Biblica US, Inc. 719-867-2626 —
We strive to transform lives through God’s Word.
We translate the Bible and globally distribute it to
those seeking its hope. 23.7% Region(s): 1,2,3,4,5
020788 Blessings International 918-250-8101 — — Giving Hope to destitute
children and adults by providing life-saving
pharmaceuticals, vitamins and medical supplies for
treating needy patients in developing nations and
U.S. clinics. 9.9% Region(s): 1,2,3,4,5
689001 Breast Cancer Research Foundation 646-497-2604 — Help find a cure. Breast cancer
claims over 40,000 lives annually. Your support
funds lifesaving research worldwide: Prevention and
A Cure In Our Lifetime. 7.5% Region(s): 1,2,3,4,5
Commonwealth of Massachusetts Employees Charitable Campaign 2015
111301 Child Aid 503-223-3008 — —
Helps Latin America’s poorest communities alleviate
poverty through childhood literacy and education
programs. Provides training, books and
scholarships. No fancy offices. Just hope for kids!
9.3% Region(s): 1,2,3,4,5
202688 Children’s Food Fund (World Emergency Relief)
951-225-6700 — —
You’ll “give children a living chance” through
emergency relief, food, medical care, schools,
orphanages, and micro-economic assistance in 33
countries, and U.S. including American Indians.
3.2% Region(s): 1,2,3,4,5
111316 Children’s Hunger Relief Fund 707-528-8000 — — Saving children’s lives! Sharing
God’s love by providing hot meals, disease-free
water, healthcare, medicines, food growing
technology, and Christian education to suffering
children worldwide. 2.6% Region(s): 1,2,3,4,5
111302 Christian Foundation for Children and Aging 913384-6500 — — Bringing
hope to families in developing countries through
scholarships that help youth achieve educational
goals, serve their communities and build a path out
of poverty. 6.3% Region(s): 1,2,3,4,5
111187 Diabetes National Research Group 800-877-3457 — Nicknamed “The
Silent Killer,” diabetes affects 16,000,000
Americans. We support medical research to find
treatments, and possibly cures, for Type 1 and Type
2 diabetes. 8.5% Region(s): 1,2,3,4,5
111320 Focus on the Family 800-232-6459 — www.focus — We offer help for hurting
families: single parents, newlyweds, troubled teens,
grandparents, and many more receive assistance
from our organization dedicated to preserving the
family. 16.9% Region(s): 1,2,3,4,5
055988 Foundation Fighting Blindness 410-423-0600 — — Funds research to
discover treatments and cures for retinal diseases
that cause blindness such as retinitis pigmentosa,
macular degeneration, and other related retinal
diseases. 25.1% Region(s): 1,2,3,4,5
104773 Gateway for Cancer Research 888-221-2873 — — 99 percent of
workplace contributions support our mission to
expedite innovative, scientifically based, human
research into beneficial treatment options for cancer
patients today. 0.1% Region(s): 1,2,3,4,5
111323 Guide Dog Foundation for the Blind, Inc. 631-9309000 — — Trains guide and
service dogs that transform the lives of people with
disabilities. Restores independence and mobility
using cutting-edge technology and innovative
training methods. 9.4% Region(s): 1,2,3,4,5
700195 Leukemia Research Foundation 847-424-0600 — — Funds research to
find a cure for leukemia, lymphoma, and
myelodysplastic syndromes and provides emotional,
educational and financial support to patients and
their families. 22.5% Region(s): 1,2,3,4,5
Search the Charity List online at
686002 MAZON: A Jewish Response to Hunger 310-4220020 — — Provides grants to
national and international anti-hunger organizations
to help prevent and alleviate hunger. 12.0%
Region(s): 1,2,3,4,5
686003 Mercy Ships 800-772-7447 — www.mercyships.
org — Leader in using hospital ships to deliver free
world-class specialized healthcare and community
development services to the poor. 16.5% Region(s):
111188 Mission Aviation Fellowship 208-498-0800 — — MAF is a Christian organization
that uses aviation, communications, and learning
technologies to bring the Gospel and life-sustaining
services to isolated areas of the world. 18.4%
Region(s): 1,2,3,4,5
111189 Multiple Sclerosis National Research Institute
(Torrey Pines Institute for Molecular Studies) 866676-7400 — — Conducts
research towards understanding, treating and
halting the progression of multiple sclerosis and
related diseases. Current research progress is
promising. Please help us find cures! 7.8%
Region(s): 1,2,3,4,5
111314 National Brain Tumor Society 617-393-2935 — — 190,000 individuals per
year are diagnosed with a brain tumor. NBTS offers
hope to those affected, funding brain tumor
research and providing supportive patient services.
21.7% Region(s): 1,2,3,4,5
111931 National Children’s Cancer Society, Inc.,
(Children’s Cancer Assistance Fund) 314-241-1600 — Give children with cancer a
chance for a brighter future! Your support will
provide vital financial assistance and educational
resources for children battling cancer. 20.8%
Region(s): 1,2,3,4,5
111192 Osteogenesis Imperfecta Foundation 800-9812663 — — OI causes brittle bones that
break easily. Coughing can break ribs; falling can
break a leg. Help provide support for families,
research for a cure. 22.2% Region(s): 1,2,3,4,5
111194 Samaritan’s Purse 800-528-1980 — — Christian relief agency
led by Franklin Graham, providing food, medicine,
clothing, shelter, and other emergency assistance to
victims of war, poverty, disease, and natural
disasters. 11.0% Region(s): 1,2,3,4,5
991624 United Breast Cancer Foundation 877-822-4287 — — Providing direct financial aid,
emotional relief, preventative care and education to
women and families through seven life supporting
programs while funding research to eradicate breast
cancer. 44.5% Region(s): 1,2,3,4,5
999954 United Leukodystrophy Foundation 800-728-5483 — Provides patients and families
specific information, networking opportunities,
assists identifying sources of medical care, funds
direct and indirect research leading to clinical trials
and therapies. 13.4% Region(s): 1,2,3,4,5
700403 V Foundation, The 800-454-6699 — www.jimmyv.
org — Dedicated to saving lives by raising money to
fund cancer research and awareness projects. 9.5%
Region(s): 1,2,3,4,5
111308 Voice of the Martyrs, Inc 918-337-8015 — www. — Delivers humanitarian aid
including Bibles, literature, shelter, clothing, job
training, blankets, medicine, counseling and
encouragement to persecuted Christians in 63
countries whose courageous stories transform
Americans. 17.4% Region(s): 1,2,3,4,5
111332 World Concern - A Division of CRISTA Ministries
800-755-5022 — — We
provide microloans to women, care to AIDS
orphans, and education, agricultural training and
disaster response services to hurting people around
the world. 3.9% Region(s): 1,2,3,4,5
402088 World Vision, Inc. 253-815-3269 — — Relief and development
organization helping children worldwide by tackling
causes of poverty and developing access to clean
water, food, health care, education, and economic
opportunity. 14.4% Region(s): 1,2,3,4,5
020088 Independent Charities of America 800-477-0733 — Feeding the
hungry. Sheltering the homeless. Protecting the
children. And healing the sick. America’s finest
independent charities. Working with you to sharethe American way. 1.7% Region(s): 1,2,3,4,5
104738 4-H: National 4-H Council 301-961-2800 — — A youth development organization
focused on building a world in which youth and
adults learn, grow and work together as catalysts for
positive change. 16.8% Region(s): 1,2,3,4,5
700028 A Helping Paw 508-759-2887 — — Imagine loving animals
neglected, abused and left for death. Your support
changes their future, ends their suffering and
provides them loving families. The no-kill solution.
0.3% Region(s): 1,2,3,4,5
700080 Abortion Access Project 617-661-1161 — — To ensure that women
nationwide have access to safe, humane abortion
care by seeking to create and support innovative
responses to gaps in abortion access. 11.6%
Region(s): 1,2,3,4,5
700670 Abused Children’s Fund, Inc. 707-483-2939 — — Thousands of
innocent children, tragically hurt every day by
emotional, physical and sexual abuse. Help protect
and restore through prevention, rehabilitation and
God’s love. 1.4% Region(s): 1,2,3,4,5
700222 Access Fund 888-863-6237 — — Climbing areas are under
threat of closure. Education, Stewardship, Advocacy
and Land Acquisition preserve them for future
generations. Help us protect the places you climb.
15.6% Region(s): 1,2,3,4,5
700508 Action Against Hunger/ACF International 877-7771420 — — Working
to end world hunger with our innovative programs
in nutrition, water and sanitation, food security, and
health. 11.9% Region(s): 1,2,3,4,5
656688 Adoptable Children (North American Council) 651644-3036 — — More than 107,000
foster children need adoptive families. Your
donation helps find loving parents for these
children, support adoptive families, and raise
adoption awareness. 16.2% Region(s): 1,2,3,4,5
106748 Adventist Development & Relief Agency
International 800-424-ADRA — —
Imagine living without clean water or food. Global
humanitarian organization assists communities
under development and during disasters: providing
water, food security, health, education, economic
opportunities. 10.3% Region(s): 1,2,3,4,5
111181 African American Self-Help Foundation (Aid for
Starving Children) 800-514-3499 — — Providing emergency financial
assistance to single, African-American working
mothers. Expressing God’s love through hot meals,
immunization, healthcare, education and vocational
training for African children. 1.8% Region(s):
700354 After A Child Dies (The Compassionate Friends)
877-969-0010 —
A child’s death is devastating. Parents are
inconsolable. Siblings experience a rollercoaster of
emotions. Devastated grandparents are in shocked
disbelief. We help families to cope. 13.9%
Region(s): 1,2,3,4,5
700681 Aid for Trash Dump Children - An Unforgotten Fund
(The Unforgotten, Inc.) 443-668-2648 — — Save hungry children and
their mothers from eating trash and living in
garbage dumps. Give them clean food and water,
shelter, schooling and a future. 0.0% Region(s):
950788 AIDS and Sexually Transmitted Disease
Information Services (American Social Health
Association) 919-361-8400 — —
Working to stop the spread of HIV/AIDS, herpes,
HPV and other sexually transmitted diseases
through research, public education, and patient
support programs. 14.4% Region(s): 1,2,3,4,5
123988 AIDS Programs of the National Minority AIDS
Council 202-483-6622 — — Only
national minority AIDS organization with programs
dedicated to saving the lives in communities of color
to address the challenges of HIV/AIDS. 32.2%
Region(s): 1,2,3,4,5
700348 Alex’s Lemonade Stand Foundation 866-333-1213 — A four-year-old cancer
patient’s frontyard lemonade stand evolved to a
nationwide movement to find a cure for pediatric
cancer. Every person can make a difference. 12.5%
Region(s): 1,2,3,4,5
Commonwealth of Massachusetts Employees Charitable Campaign 2015
700125 Alley Cat Allies 240-482-1980 —
Alley Cat Allies is the only national organization
dedicated to protecting and improving cats’ lives.
Help us transform the way our society cares for
cats! 19.3% Region(s): 1,2,3,4,5
700223 Alley Cat Rescue 301-277-5595 — www.saveacat.
org — Stray, abandoned and feral cats are
neglected. Healthy cats in shelters are killed. Your
contribution helps us end feline overpopulation and
suffering. 24.1% Region(s): 1,2,3,4,5
700473 Alzheimer’s Disease Research Foundation DBA
Cure Alzheimer’s Fund 781-237-3800 — www. — We are a group with a clear plan
to cure Alzheimer’s Disease. Funding breakthrough,
aggressive research to end this disease as quickly
as possible. 12.7% Region(s): 1,2,3,4,5
700030 Alzheimer’s Foundation of America 866-AFA-8484 — Hands-on care, support services
nationwide for individuals with Alzheimer’s disease
and related dementias, and their families. “Caring for
the Nation... One Person at a Time.” 19.6%
Region(s): 1,2,3,4,5
700510 Alzheimer’s Research and Prevention Foundation
520-749-8374 —
Help fight Alzheimer’s disease and find a cure
through research and prevention! Committed to
ensuring peak mental performance and optimum
brain function throughout our lives. 4.0%
Region(s): 1,2,3,4,5
700224 America SCORES New England 617-265-0066x153 — —
Provides out-of-school programming combining
creative writing and soccer for low-income Boston
students. After-school programs, full-day summer
camp, and vacation programs. 15.1% Region(s):
700126 American Association for Cancer Research 866423-3965 — — We fund groundbreaking scientific cancer research that saves lives.
By contributing, you can help speed up the pace of
scientific discovery, and fight cancer. 10.7%
Region(s): 1,2,3,4,5
700666 American Bible Society 212-408-1550 — www. — Mission: To make the Bible
available to every man woman and child in a
language and format each can understand and
afford. 30.9% Region(s): 1,2,3,4,5
999966 American Bird Conservancy 888-BIRD-MAG — — Protecting native birds and
their habitats throughout the Americas, through
reserve creation, habitat restoration, and threat
reduction, leading public/private conservation
partnerships to get results. 12.8% Region(s):
700132 American Brain Tumor Association (ABTA) 800886-2282 — — Exists to eliminate
brain tumors through research and to meet the
needs of brain tumor patients and their families.
22.6% Region(s): 1,2,3,4,5
Search the Charity List online at
700349 American Foundation for Children with AIDS 888683-8323 — — HIV+
children don’t have to die. Help us provide readily
available, live saving medicine, medical equipment,
emergency nutrition and supplements to children
with HIV/AIDS. 8.1% Region(s): 1,2,3,4,5
991608 American Freedom Foundation, Inc. 615-330-9394 — Creates
awareness and builds support for the service,
sacrifice and needs of our veterans, military service
members and families through partnerships with
military focused organizations. 11.0% Region(s):
721288 American Humane Association 866-242-1877 — — Animals and children
are in danger. Pets are vulnerable. The abuse won’t
stop unless we keep fighting. Protecting animals
and children since 1877. 17.9% Region(s): 1,2,3,4,5
700227 American Indian College Fund 303-426-8900 — — Help us revive some of the
most economically depressed communities in our
nation by supporting scholarships to American
Indian students at our nation’s tribal colleges.
19.4% Region(s): 1,2,3,4,5
700667 American Indian Youth Running Strong 888-4919859 — — Raising selfesteem of Native American children. Providing relief
and development assistance to Indian Reservations.
Teaching traditional life skills, healthy lifestyles and
respect for the environment. 1.6% Region(s):
700127 American Kennel Club Canine Health Foundation
888-682-9696 — — Help dogs live
longer, healthier lives by fighting canine diseases
like cancer, epilepsy, eye and heart disease. Our
work furthers human treatments and cures too.
16.1% Region(s): 1,2,3,4,5
700509 American Thyroid Association 703-998-8890 — — Support leading-edge research
in thyroid cancer and disease. Help us educate and
provide access to thyroid knowledge for patients
and physicians all over the world. 5.1% Region(s):
700602 America’s VetDogs - the Veteran’s K-9 Corps, Inc.
868-838-3647 — — Trains guide,
service, and therapy dogs. Transforms the lives of
disabled veterans and active servicemembers at
home, in VA and military hospitals, and while
deployed. 22.9% Region(s): 1,2,3,4,5
700511 Amputee Coalition of America 888-267-5669 — — Empowering
amputees to participate in decisions about their own
care, services and outcomes through education,
support and advocacy, and promoting limb loss
prevention. 22.6% Region(s): 1,2,3,4,5
700566 Angel Flight of New England, Inc. 800-549-9980 — — Volunteer pilots providing
air transportation to needy patients seeking often
lifesaving medical treatment. Your gifts ensure
“flights of healing and hope” are available. 11.4%
Region(s): 1,2,3,4,5
700668 Animal Legal Defense Fund 707-795-2533 — — Animals need love - and lawyers!
Unimaginable acts of cruelty must end. In
courtrooms across America, ALDF is winning the
case against cruelty! 15.0% Region(s): 1,2,3,4,5
700032 Anxiety Disorders Association of America 240-4851001 — — Champions research,
provides resources for treatment and self-help for
the millions affected by OCD, PTSD, panic, phobias,
social anxiety, GAD, depression, and stress. 13.1%
Region(s): 1,2,3,4,5
700512 Appalachian Trail Conservancy 304-535-6331 — — Appalachian Trail
volunteers rely on individual donations to raise
three-quarters of the funds necessary to manage
and conserve the Appalachian Trail. Support a
national legacy. 16.9% Region(s): 1,2,3,4,5
700129 Archaeological Institute of America 617-353-9361 — Help save the past for
the future! We protect threatened archaeological
sites worldwide and foster appreciation of cultural
heritage through publications, outreach,
scholarships, and lectures. 23.0% Region(s):
700513 Asian & Pacific Islander American Scholarship
Fund 877-808-7032 — — National
non-profit organization which provides access to
higher education through scholarships for deserving
underserved Asian American and Pacific Islander
students with financial need. 4.6% Region(s):
700742 ASMBA STAR Foundation, Inc. 800-251-8434 — — We provide
financial support aimed at improving the “quality-oflife” of soldiers, wounded warriors, veterans and
their families filling those needs unmet by the US
Government. 9.3% Region(s): 1,2,3,4,5
106749 ASPCA: American Society for the Prevention of
Cruelty to Animals 212-876-7700 — — Staged dog fights to the death.
Puppy factories with overcrowded and unsanitary
breeding pens. Kittens tortured for amusement. Help
stop these acts of animal cruelty. 25.8% Region(s):
158088 Autism Society of America 800-3-AUTISM — — Works to ensure every
individual with autism lives an independent and
dignified life through early diagnosis/intervention
and building strong foundations from childhood
through adolescence. 18.5% Region(s): 1,2,3,4,5
700035 Autism Society of America Foundation, Inc. 800-3AUTISM — — Raises
funds for autism research with the goal of having
every person with autism live a dignified and
independent life. 0.8% Region(s): 1,2,3,4,5
700350 Believe In Tomorrow National Children’s
Foundation 800-933-5470 — — Keeping families
together during medical crisis. We provide
exceptional hospital/respite housing to families with
critically ill children, so they may find hope and
comfort. 7.5% Region(s): 1,2,3,4,5
999968 Best Buddies International, Inc. 1-800-89-BUDDY — Children with intellectual
disabilities often experience loneliness and isolation.
Change their futures by matching them with
volunteers and creating extraordinary friendships
(“Best Buddies”) for life! 17.5% Region(s):
150788 Bethany New England (Bethany Christian Services
Inc. of New England) 800-238-4269 — — A global leader
in adoption and social services, it’s about kids in
families! Finding families for children in need;
keeping families in need together. 14.5% Region(s):
700514 Bladder Cancer Advocacy Network 888-901-BCAN — Bladder cancer patients haven’t
seen a new treatment in more than twenty years.
Help us give 500,000 patients and their families
hope. 26.0% Region(s): 1,2,3,4,5
700036 Blind Vietnamese Children Foundation (Viet Blind
Children Foundation) 888-877-0736 — — For over a decade, we have
pioneered support for homes providing healthcare,
education, and career development to onceneglected visually-impaired children in Vietnam.
4.0% Region(s): 1,2,3,4,5
700131 Boston Ronald McDonald House 617-734-3333 — — We
provide a home-away-from-home for families with
children receiving treatment for cancer and
hematological diseases at Children’s Hospital, the
Jimmy Fund and other area hospitals. 12.4%
Region(s): 1,2,3,4,5
700228 Brady Center to Prevent Gun Violence 202-2897319 — — Enough is
enough–sensible laws are needed. We’re dedicated
to creating an America free from gun violence,
where all American families and communities are
safe. 15.2% Region(s): 1,2,3,4,5
700515 Brain Injury Association of America 800-444-6443 — The voice of traumatic brain
injury. We provide help, hope and healing for
millions of Americans who live with often
misdiagnosed and misunderstood brain injury.
10.7% Region(s): 1,2,3,4,5
111178 Bread and Water for Africa, Inc. 888-371-9690 — — Strengthening African
initiatives for self-sufficiency through grassroots
health, clean water, education, orphanages,
vocational training, agriculture and micro-credit
programs focusing on women and children. 0.7%
Region(s): 1,2,3,4,5
999969 Breast Cancer Action 877-2-STOP-BC — www. — Challenging assumptions and
inspiring change to end the breast cancer epidemic.
Educating and advocating for social justice, patients
before profits, an environment with fewer toxins.
29.7% Region(s): 1,2,3,4,5
Commonwealth of Massachusetts Employees Charitable Campaign 2015
700517 Breast Cancer Crusade by Avon (Avon Foundation
for Women) 866-505-AVON — www.avon — Every three minutes someone is
diagnosed with Breast Cancer, every fourteen
minutes someone dies. Join our crusade - we’re in
it to end it. 22.9% Region(s): 1,2,3,4,5
700134 Breast Cancer Fund 866-760-TBCF — — Protects our bodies
and environment from toxic chemicals linked to
breast cancer. Together, we can stop the disease
before it starts. 17.6% Region(s): 1,2,3,4,5
700518 Can Do Multiple Sclerosis 800-367-3101 — — Lifestyle empowerment
programs for people and families living with MS that
transform and improve their quality of life. I AM, I
CAN, I WILL! 23.0% Region(s): 1,2,3,4,5
700351 Cancer Care, Inc. 800-813-HOPE — — Caring for people facing the
challenges of cancer. Supporting patients, loved
ones, caregivers. Social workers provide help and
hope through free counseling, education, financial
assistance. 18.9% Region(s): 1,2,3,4,5
171988 Cancer Research Fund of the Damon Runyon Walter Winchell Foundation 877-7CANCER — — To accelerate
breakthroughs, we provide today’s best young
scientists with funding to pursue innovative cancer
research. 14.2% Region(s): 1,2,3,4,5
700135 Canine Assistants 800-771-7221 — — Training great dogs
for special people. Invest in freedom by providing
service dogs to children and adults with disabilities.
Thank you! 4.2% Region(s): 1,2,3,4,5
950888 Canine Companions for Independence 866-2243647 — — A cold nose and a warm
heart! Our companion dogs provide independence,
assistance and friendship that transforms the lives
of children and adults with disabilities. 20.8%
Region(s): 1,2,3,4,5
700038 Canines for Disabled Kids 978-422-5299 — — A child’s laughter turns
to silence. Autism robs children of their joy. A
trained, loving Golden Retriever can help change
that. Help dogs help kids. 13.4% Region(s):
700136 Carter Center 800-550-3560 — — Waging Peace. Fighting
Disease. Building Hope. Led by former President
Jimmy Carter and Rosalynn Carter, the Center
advances human rights and alleviates unnecessary
human suffering. 17.1% Region(s): 1,2,3,4,5
030988 Catholic Relief Services 888-277-7575 — — Rushes food, clothing, shelter,
water and comfort to God’s most vulnerable children
effectively and efficiently in times of disaster and
provides the means to self-sufficiency. 5.6%
Region(s): 1,2,3,4,5
700039 Cats In Need (NEADY Cats Corp) 978-422-5116 — — Caring for kitties is what we
do. Help us find “forever” homes for hundreds of
our lost, abused or abandoned friends. 4.3%
Region(s): 1,2,3,4,5
Search the Charity List online at
700040 Center for Auto Safety 202-328-7700 — www. — Responsible for lemon laws in
every state and airbags in every car. We’re
consumer advocates reducing crashes, deaths, and
injuries through safer vehicles and recalls. 11.5%
Region(s): 1,2,3,4,5
700520 Center for Food Safety 202-547-9359 — www. — Protecting human health
and the environment by working to change harmful
methods of food production and by promoting
organic and other forms of sustainable agriculture.
10.9% Region(s): 1,2,3,4,5
700041 CHADD (Children & Adults with AttentionDeficit/Hyperactivity Disorder) 800-233-4050 — — Works to ensure that children
and adults challenged by AttentionDeficit/Hyperactivity Disorder reach their full
potential through family support, education and
AD/HD research. 19.0% Region(s): 1,2,3,4,5
700568 Challenger Center for Space Science Education
703-683-9740 — — Dedicated
to producing innovative techniques for educating
students in science, technology, engineering, and
mathematics (STEM) through the excitement of
space exploration and scientific discovery. 13.2%
Region(s): 1,2,3,4,5
700247 Charitable Children’s Fund of America 661-6339076 — — We provide
higher education, mental, and physical healthcare
assistance to children whose parents perished on
9/11 or while fighting terrorism in Iraq or
Afghanistan. 23.9% Region(s): 1,2,3,4,5
155788 Child Find of America 800-I-AM-LOST — — Child kidnapping
prevention and location specialists, helping children
and devastated parents through free investigation,
mediation and publicity. Your gift could bring a
missing child home. 8.8% Region(s): 1,2,3,4,5
700539 Child Slavery, Trafficking and Forced Labor
Rescue (Rugmark Foundation USA) 866-784-6275 — Devoted to the rescue of
trafficked and exploited child laborers from carpet
looms in Asia, and offering them rehabilitation,
counseling, education and a home. 14.4%
Region(s): 1,2,3,4,5
700137 Child Welfare League of America 703-412-2400 — — Every child will grow up in a safe,
loving and stable family. We protect children,
strengthen families and advocate children as a
national priority. 19.7% Region(s): 1,2,3,4,5
700138 Childhood Brain Tumor Foundation 877-217-4166 — Where would you
turn if your child had a life-threatening brain tumor?
We’re determined to find a cure and offer hope to
parents facing heartbreak. 6.8% Region(s):
999972 Childhood Cancer Research - St. Baldrick’s
Foundation 888-899-BALD —
In the fight against childhood cancer, research is our
greatest weapon. We fund more in grants than
anyone but the US government. Join the fight.
18.5% Region(s): 1,2,3,4,5
700139 Children Awaiting Parents 888-835-8802 — — Dedicated to
finding loving, adoptive homes for abandoned,
abused and neglected children who languish in the
foster care system. Many have
emotional/mental/physical disabilities. 22.5%
Region(s): 1,2,3,4,5
700542 Children of the Night 800-551-1300 — www. — Rescues America’s
children from the ravages of prostitution. Providing
shelter, hope and new-beginnings. With your
support, we can save more. Our children deserve a
fighting-chance! 15.3% Region(s): 1,2,3,4,5
700352 Children’s Hospital & Research Center Foundation
(Oakland, California) 800-841-4642 — www. — You can help save a child’s
life. Donations help sick kids with advanced medical
treatment and find new cures to childhood cancer
and other diseases. 13.1% Region(s): 1,2,3,4,5
700669 Children’s AIDS Fund 703-433-1560 — www. — Millions of children
orphaned, families ravaged by HIV/AIDS. Millions
more need education to stay HIV free. Help limit
suffering through prevention, care and treatment.
7.9% Region(s): 1,2,3,4,5
700523 Children’s Cancer Recovery Foundation 800-2386479 — —
Creating smiles and inspiring hope for kids with
cancer and their families by providing financial aid,
camp scholarships, toys, games and funding for
cancer research. 18.6% Region(s): 1,2,3,4,5
700569 Children’s Emergency Medical Fund 602-241-2873 — Malnutrition: a child’s gravest
threat. Weakened and hungry, children fall prey to
disease. Help save these starving children through
life-saving medical supplies and healthy foods. 2.5%
Region(s): 1,2,3,4,5
700682 Children’s HeartLink 888-928-6678 — — 1 in every 120
children is born with a heart defect. Many die from
lack of treatment. Helping our partners treat
pediatric heart disease worldwide. 18.7% Region(s):
700045 Children’s Network International DBA Help the
Children 877-264-2243 —
We alleviate hunger & suffering by providing food,
clothing, medicine, and medical care to needy
children and their families in the U.S. and abroad.
0.4% Region(s): 1,2,3,4,5
700140 Christian Freedom International 800-323-CARE — — Caring for persecuted
Christians in war-zones, brutal repression, and
emergency; delivering medicine, food, education,
tools and Bibles; reporting globally the atrocities
occurring world-wide. 11.5% Region(s): 1,2,3,4,5
700046 Christian Relief Services 800-33-RELIEF — — Millions die because they
lack most basic necessities: food, water, medicine,
shelter. Help save lives through relief, aid and
sustainable micro-development in an underdeveloped world. 18.5% Region(s): 1,2,3,4,5
106751 Chronic Fatigue and Immune Dysfunction
Syndrome (CFIDS) Association of America 704365-2343 — — National efforts in
research, policy and communications to advance
understanding, diagnosis, treatment and prevention
of CFS. 15.6% Region(s): 1,2,3,4,5
700524 Citizens United for Research in Epilepsy 800-7657118 — — Seizures: each
one can damage the brain or cut short a life.
Support cutting-edge epilepsy research. It’s time we
found a cure. 10.9% Region(s): 1,2,3,4,5
700525 Civil War Preservation Trust 800-CW-TRUST — — Manassas, Gettysburg,
Antietam, Fredericksburg: Don’t let developers pave
over our nation’s past. If we don’t save America’s
battlefields now, we risk losing them forever! 11.5%
Region(s): 1,2,3,4,5
700141 Coalition Against Trafficking in Women 212-6439895 — — Human
trafficking destroys lives, especially those of women
and children who are sexually exploited. Support our
efforts to end human trafficking in our lifetime.
15.8% Region(s): 1,2,3,4,5
700743 Compassionate Care Hospice Foundation, Inc.
302-368-8944 — —
Helping hospice patients and their family with life’s
necessities is our only focus....basic needs first,
then additional support services and comfort items
when possible. 13.5% Region(s): 1,2,3,4,5
106752 Concerns of Police Survivors, Inc. (COPS) 573346-4911 — — Grief
support and resources for surviving families and coworkers of law enforcement officers killed in the line
of duty; Law enforcement trauma training; Public
education. 16.2% Region(s): 1,2,3,4,5
155688 Cornelia de Lange Syndrome Foundation 800-7532357 — — When parents of
children with Cornelia de Lange Syndrome (CdLS)
need information, guidance or emotional support,
the CdLS Foundation is there to help. 11.3%
Region(s): 1,2,3,4,5
700143 Correctional Peace Officers Foundation 800-8002763 — — Nonprofit charity for
Correctional Officers and their families, by providing
line-of-duty death benefit, and catastrophic
assistance in cases of accident or illness. 14.6%
Region(s): 1,2,3,4,5
700144 COTA Children’s Organ Transplant Association
800-366-2682 — — Gives hope and
makes miracles for children and young adults
needing life-saving transplants. 13.4% Region(s):
700526 Covenant House 800-388-3888 — — Give homeless teens a
future! We shelter, and provide job training to at-risk
kids with nowhere else to turn. NINELINE (1-800999-9999) provides nationwide rescue/counseling.
38.2% Region(s): 1,2,3,4,5
Commonwealth of Massachusetts Employees Charitable Campaign 2015
700744 Delta Research and Educational Foundation 202347-1337 — — Promotes
research which identifies solutions to issues
affecting African American women and their
communities through funding and support of
charitable programs of Delta Sigma Theta. 9.7%
Region(s): 1,2,3,4,5
070056 Delta Society: The Human-Animal Health
Connection DBA Pet Partners 425-679-5500 — — Hospitalized children
smile. Adults’ blood pressure and pulse rates
lowered. Disabled individuals gain independence.
Help us improve human lives through the “healing
power of pets.” 30.0% Region(s): 1,2,3,4,5
173588 Diabetes Action Research and Education
Foundation 202-333-4520 — — Funding innovative,
promising research to prevent, treat and cure
diabetes. We can conquer diabetes! 2.9%
Region(s): 1,2,3,4,5
700570 Diabetes Prevention and Aid Fund 602-241-2873 — A 136% increase of people
with Diabetes! Nearly 24 million Americans have the
disease! We can prevent Diabetes! Help us stop the
epidemic! 1.3% Region(s): 1,2,3,4,5
700571 Dillion International, Inc. DBA orphanCare
International Inc. 918-749-4600 — — Abandoned. Alone.
Hungry. This describes the life of the world’s many
orphans. Every child has value. Every dollar makes a
difference: Shelter, Food, Education, Support. 14.5%
Region(s): 1,2,3,4,5
700048 Direct Relief International 800-676-1638 — — Providing direct and
targeted medical assistance to people victimized by
poverty, disaster, and civil unrest. Each dollar
provides between $21 and $37 (wholesale) in aid.
0.9% Region(s): 1,2,3,4,5
721788 Disabled American Veterans (DAV) Charitable
Service Trust 859-441-7300 — —
Building better lives for disabled veterans and their
families...Prosthetics Research and Devices for
amputees; Traumatic Brain Injury Therapy;
Guide/Assistance Dogs; Comfort for Survivors.
4.6% Region(s): 1,2,3,4,5
700355 Disabled Sports USA 301-217-0960 — — Provides year-round sports
rehabilitation programs nationally to persons with
disabilities, including a program for severely
wounded service members from the wars in Iraq
and Afghanistan. 12.5% Region(s): 1,2,3,4,5
700572 Dogs On Death Row 866-574-7726 — — We rescue dogs facing imminent
execution if they do not get interim financial
sponsors or foster parents or receive medical
treatment required to become adoptable. 7.5%
Region(s): 1,2,3,4,5
104796 Dollars for Scholars (Scholarship America) 800279-2083 — — Help
change a life! Our scholarships help students gain
access to college; our support, through financial
literacy and college readiness tools, helps them
succeed. 3.1% Region(s): 1,2,3,4,5
Search the Charity List online at
999974 Doug Flutie Jr. Foundation for Autism, Inc. 508270-8855 — — In 1999 1
in 1,000 children were diagnosed with autism.
Today, 1 in 100. Help us support families battling
this epidemic. 20.4% Region(s): 1,2,3,4,5
700671 Dystonia Medical Research Foundation 800-3773978 — —
Advancing research for more effective treatments
and ultimately a cure for dystonia, promoting
awareness and education for the well being of
affected individuals and families. 14.9% Region(s):
700049 Educate the Children 607-272-1176 — — Empower women and children to
overcome poverty, illiteracy and hunger.
Scholarships, school repair, adult literacy, and
microcredit loans. Women and children of Nepal
need you. 22.6% Region(s): 1,2,3,4,5
999977 Equine Land Conservation Resource 859-455-8383 — Every hour, 250 acres of rural land
is developed. Where will you ride, drive, race,
compete, raise foals and grow hay? 15.7%
Region(s): 1,2,3,4,5
721888 FACES: The National Craniofacial Association 8003-FACES-3 — — Children
with craniofacial disfigurements require specialized
reconstructive surgeries. We take care of these
children and their families while treatment is
received. Rebuilding faces, rebuilding futures.
14.7% Region(s): 1,2,3,4,5
999978 Family Violence Prevention Fund aka Futures
Without Violence 415-252-8900 — — Ending violence against
women and children through programs that
promote respect, educate the public, and protect
children. FWV trains judges, physicians,
policymakers, and leaders internationally. 13.5%
Region(s): 1,2,3,4,5
951488 Farm Animal Reform Movement (FARM) DBA Farm
Animal Rights Movement 888-FARM-USA — — Animals crowded, deprived,
mutilated, slaughtered for food. People dying of
disease, starvation, weather extremes, water
pollution. We solve these global tragedies by
promoting plant-based eating. 8.8% Region(s):
700148 Federation for American Immigration Reform 877627-3247 — — Stop illegal
immigration. Fight “amnesty” for illegal aliens.
Improve border security. Join the FAIR Fight for
immigration policies that make sense for America.
19.4% Region(s): 1,2,3,4,5
700573 Feed My Hungry Children 602-241-2873 — — Children go to bed hungry
while food is thrown away. Help us save food and
meet the needs of America’s most desperate
children and families. 1.6% Region(s): 1,2,3,4,5
700575 Feeding Hungry Children 602-241-2873 — — Change a
life! One in every 6 children lacks nutritious food.
Many children go to school hungry. Help us deliver
fruit/vegetables to disadvantaged children. 1.1%
Region(s): 1,2,3,4,5
993388 Fidelco Guide Dog Foundation, Inc. 860-243-5200 — Breeds, raises, and trains
German Shepherd guide dogs for in-community
placement with individuals who are visually impaired
and blind, providing increased independent mobility.
24.5% Region(s): 1,2,3,4,5
700576 Fisher House Foundation 888-294-8560 — — We build and donate Fisher
Houses at military/VA medical centers, support
existing houses, help military families in need and
award Scholarships for Military Children. 5.0%
Region(s): 1,2,3,4,5
700577 Foundation for Ichthyosis & Related Skin Types,
Inc. 215-997-9400 —
Disfiguring, painful, extremely dry, cracked, thick,
scaling skin. Patients endure
emotional/psychological harm and physical
challenges. FIRST provides emotional support,
medical and educational resources. 19.1%
Region(s): 1,2,3,4,5
103744 FRAXA Research Foundation 978-462-1866 — — We aim to cure Fragile X, the
foremost known cause of autism, by funding
medical research and helping affected families get
the best treatment. 8.1% Region(s): 1,2,3,4,5
700578 Friends Without A Border DBA Angkor Hospital
212-691-0909 — — Heal children,
heal Cambodia! Provide desperately needed
treatment and medical education through Angkor
Hospital for Children and associated programs. Your
friendship can save lives. 13.3% Region(s):
700528 Gettysburg Foundation 717-338-1243 — — Working in
partnership with Gettysburg National Military Park to
preserve and protect the battlefield while providing a
quality museum experience. 20.3% Region(s):
700745 Gluten Intolerance Group of North America 253833-6655 — — Eating gluten
causes long-term life-threatening health hazards.
Monitoring food supply is critical. Help us educate
and audit food companies. Consumers can then live
gluten-free safely. 14.1% Region(s): 1,2,3,4,5
700746 Gospel for Asia, Inc. 800-946-2742 —
First responders to disasters, educators of outcastes
and “Untouchables”, ambassadors of God’s love and
hope - partner with GFA’s national missionaries
transforming people’s lives across Asia. 9.8%
Region(s): 1,2,3,4,5
700579 Graves’ Disease and Thyroid Foundation 877-6433123 — — Help and hope to
patients with Graves’ disease and other thyroidrelated disorders. We provide phone/online
support, educational outreach, local support groups,
and national conferences. 9.8% Region(s): 1,2,3,4,5
683010 Greenpeace Fund 800-326-0959 — — An independent,
campaigning organization that uses research and
public education to expose global environmental
problems, and promote solutions essential to a
green and peaceful future. 15.8% Region(s):
180788 Guide Dogs of America (International Guiding
Eyes) 800-459-4843 — www.guidedogsofamerica.
org — With loss of vision comes loss of mobility
and independence. Improving lives of blind
individuals by matching them with professionally
trained dogs free of charge. 15.4% Region(s):
700356 Habitat for Humanity International 800-422-4828 — Sweat equity. Christian housing
ministry working to end poverty by partnering with
families in need to build affordable homes, stabilize
neighborhoods, and preserve communities. 18.2%
Region(s): 1,2,3,4,5
700357 Half the Sky Foundation 510-525-3377 — www. — Provides infant nurture, innovative
preschools, personalized learning opportunities, and
loving family care, medical care and guidance for
orphaned children in China. 16.7% Region(s):
700747 HALO Trust USA, Inc., The 877-HALOUSA — www. — Getting mines out of the ground,
now. Removing landmines, cluster bombs, weapons
and the explosive remnants of war; returning
communities to peace and safety. 6.7% Region(s):
700580 Hearts United for Animals 402-274-3679 — — No-kill shelter and sanctuary with
national rescue network for abused animals,
providing shelter for pets of domestic abuse
families, National Anti-Puppy Mill Campaign. 2.3%
Region(s): 1,2,3,4,5
700748 Helping Children Worldwide, Inc. 703-793-9521 — — Help
transform the lives of impoverished children. Stop
human trafficking, defeat infant and maternal
morality, cure malnutrition/ disease. Saving lives
through education, nutrition, prenatal care. 9.3%
Region(s): 1,2,3,4,5
700529 Helping Hands: Simian Aides for the Disabled 617787-4419 — — Providing
specially-trained Monkeys and placement support,
free of charge, to veterans and others with
disabilities. These live-in companions provide gifts
of independence, companionship, dignity, hope.
5.5% Region(s): 1,2,3,4,5
109372 Hepatitis Foundation International 800-891-0707 — HFI promotes liver
wellness, healthy lifestyles and prevention of viral
hepatitis, and substance abuse through research
and liver wellness education for educators,
professionals, and patients. 9.9% Region(s):
700054 Hispanic Scholarship Fund 877-HSF-INFO — — Leading US Hispanic scholarship
organization, providing the Hispanic community
more college scholarships and outreach programs
than any other organization. 9.3% Region(s):
Commonwealth of Massachusetts Employees Charitable Campaign 2015
999980 Homes For Our Troops 508-823-3300 — www. — We build specially
adapted, handicap-accessible homes for severely
injured veterans across the country. The homes are
provided at no cost to the veteran. 11.4%
Region(s): 1,2,3,4,5
700233 Homework House Inc. 413-265-1017 — www. — Our mission is to
ensure Latino children at risk in the poorest
neighborhoods receive after-school educational
support through free individualized tutoring. 0.0%
Region(s): 1,2,3,4,5
700581 Hope For the Hungry 254-939-0124 — www. — On average 21,000
children die daily from disease and malnutrition.
Many more never truly “live”. Help us to “Share the
Bread of Life” today. 11.0% Region(s): 1,2,3,4,5
700749 Hope For The Warriors® 877-246-7349 — — Wounded heroes
and their families need your help! We provide
hospital assistance, rehabilitative services,
emergency grants, scholarships, retreats,
professional development, dream / wish fulfillment,
athletic opportunities. 11.0% Region(s): 1,2,3,4,5
700234 HOPE worldwide, LTD 610-254-8800 — www. — Bringing hope. Changing lives.
Sustainable, nonsectarian health/education
programs to prevent poverty, care for the needy,
empower individuals/communities to rise out of
desperate situations. 23.2% Region(s): 1,2,3,4,5
025788 Hospice Foundation of America 800-854-3402 — — We help terminally
ill patients, their families, and caregivers cope with
life-limiting illness, death, and grief by providing
information, caregiver support, and bereavement
assistance. 18.1% Region(s): 1,2,3,4,5
700235 Hostelling International - USA (American Youth
Hostels, Inc.) 301-495-1240 — —
Bringing people together worldwide while promoting
an understanding of the world and its people.
Hostelling is educational travel at its best affordable, safe and interactive! 16.9% Region(s):
700358 Humane Farm Animal Care 703-435-3883 — — Dairy cows confined in
tie stalls, crated pigs can’t root or move, chickens
stuffed in cages. Fight cruelty in raising and
handling of animals. 5.0% Region(s): 1,2,3,4,5
700236 India Partners 877-87-INDIA — — Works alongside
indigenous Christian grassroots agencies in India to
alleviate poverty and injustice through economic
development, health care, disaster relief, education,
and sponsorship programs. 7.6% Region(s):
700359 Injured Marine Semper Fi Fund 760-725-3680 — — Our nation’s wounded
heroes need your help: adaptive homes and
vehicles, support for PTSD and TBI’s, transition
assistance, can all be provided by IMSFF. 5.8%
Region(s): 1,2,3,4,5
Search the Charity List online at
700360 Institute for Black Charities (Black Charities for
Children, Families, Communities) 202-722-5050 — Life is difficult now for
Black children, families and communities worldwide,
help us provide relief efforts, economic initiatives,
and international programs to bridge the divide.
19.5% Region(s): 1,2,3,4,5
700582 Institute for Financial Literacy, Inc. 866-662-4932 — Now more than ever
financial education is the key to America’s future.
Providing education, counseling, professional
training and certification programs. Understanding
finances fights poverty. 15.4% Region(s): 1,2,3,4,5
999981 Institute for International Cooperation and
Development 413-458-9466 — — Travel the world and do good at the
same time. We train volunteers for development and
community work projects in Africa, Central America
and Brazil. 11.7% Region(s): 1,2,3,4,5
991610 International Hearing Dog, Inc. dba Hearing dog
303-287-3277 — www.hearing — Giving
the gift of hearing by training rescued dogs to alert
the hearing-impaired to sounds in their
environment: providing awareness, security,
independence and companionship. 14.8%
Region(s): 1,2,3,4,5
700361 International Myeloma Foundation 818-487-7455 — IMF is dedicated to improving
the quality of life of myeloma patients while working
toward prevention and a cure. 11.9% Region(s):
700583 Internews Network 707-826-2030 — — Support independent,
innovative, local media worldwide. Ensure access to
information. Empower people to participate in the
social, political, and economic development of their
community. 9.0% Region(s): 1,2,3,4,5
700362 Ipas 800-334-8446 — — Women are
dying from unsafe abortions. Families broken,
sisters, mothers, daughters lost. Help us give these
women access to safe abortion care. 15.2%
Region(s): 1,2,3,4,5
700500 Iraq and Afghanistan Veterans of America, Inc.
212-982-9699 — — Critical issues
face Iraq and Afghanistan veterans and their
families, including mental health injuries, tragic
suicide rates and staggering unemployment. Help
IAVA help America’s heroes. 15.7% Region(s):
111464 Jobs! (ICA Group) 617-232-8765 — — Help create jobs! We fight poverty in
America by starting new businesses in poor
communities, saving struggling companies from
closure, and investing in community-based projects.
13.4% Region(s): 1,2,3,4,5
700363 Jumpstart for Young Children, Inc. 617-542-5867 — Help every child succeed. We
train and pair caring adults with low-income
preschoolers to develop language, literacy, and
social skills preparing them for success. 17.3%
Region(s): 1,2,3,4,5
700530 KaBoom 202-659-0215 — — Our
mission is to create great playspaces through the
participation and leadership of communities. 14.7%
Region(s): 1,2,3,4,5
700056 Kidney Cancer Association 800-850-9132 — www. — We strive for a world without
kidney cancer. Help us fund breakthrough research,
educate patients and health professionals and
advocate for patients. 7.4% Region(s): 1,2,3,4,5
700057 Lahey Clinic 781-744-3333 — —
Lahey medical teams do more than care - they treat
you right! Its physicians have expertise in a range of
specialties. 8.2% Region(s): 1,2,3,4,5
700238 Last Chance for Animals 310-271-6096 — — Puppy mills, vivisection/
dissection, Fur, illegal animal-fighting; Help us end
animal abuse! Doing ground breaking undercover
investigations to expose animal abusers and
promoting cruelty-free lifestyles. 17.1% Region(s):
700680 Living Waters International, Inc. DBA Aid for
African Catholic Missions 866-220-8981 — — Alleviate human suffering
among the poor and marginalized in East Africa.
Help supply basic human/spiritual needs; build
churches, schools, health clinics and youth hostels.
2.3% Region(s): 1,2,3,4,5
700531 Lung Cancer Alliance 800-298-2436 — www. — Empowering patients,
elevating awareness and changing health policy. We
provide patient support, educate on risk and early
detection, and advocate for millions in research
dollars. 8.0% Region(s): 1,2,3,4,5
111328 Lymphoma Research Foundation 800-235-6848 — — Lymphoma organization
devoted to funding innovative research, providing
patient information and services. Our mission:
eradicate lymphoma and serve those touched by this
disease. 19.9% Region(s): 1,2,3,4,5
109373 MADRE, Inc. 212-627-0444 — —
Rape, abduction, death threats and ‘honor killings’
of women. Gender-based violence is rising
internationally. Women and their children need
protection and justice. Please help. 27.2%
Region(s): 1,2,3,4,5
700585 MAP International 800-225-8550 —
The world’s poorest children and families suffer and
die needlessly without desperately needed lifesaving
medicines. $1 donation to MAP International
delivers $60 in medical supplies. 2.1% Region(s):
991612 Marine Corps — Law Enforcement Foundation
877-606-1775 — — Scholarships
awarded to children of active duty Marines and
Federal Law Enforcement. Possible assistance for
children of Marines for medical expenses not
covered by insurance. 1.6% Region(s): 1,2,3,4,5
181088 Marine Mammal Center 415-289-SEAL — — Yearly, hundreds
of orphaned, sick and injured marine mammals
would have died if not for The Marine Mammal
Center. Help us help them. 21.1% Region(s):
700196 May Institute 800-778-7601 — www.mayinstitute.
org — Autism, brain injury and mental health
services for civilian and military families. 12.3%
Region(s): 1,2,3,4,5
700364 Medicines for Humanity 781-982-0274 — www. — Each year, over 8
million children under 5 die from preventable
diseases in impoverished communities worldwide.
Help us provide life saving medicines and healthcare
services. 11.0% Region(s): 1,2,3,4,5
999997 Mexican American Legal Defense and Educational
Fund 213-629-2512 – — MALDEF
promotes and protects the civil rights of Latinos in
the ares of Education, Employment, Immigrant
Rights, Political Access and administers
scholarships for Law students. 24.2% Region(s):
700058 Michael J. Fox Foundation for Parkinson’s
Research 800-708-7644 —
Dedicated to ensuring the development of better
treatments, and ultimately a cure, for Parkinson’s
disease through an aggressively funded research
agenda. 9.0% Region(s): 1,2,3,4,5
700672 Migraine Research Foundation, Inc. 212-249-5402 — Migraine is
much more than a bad headache-it disables
millions. We fund research to help sufferers and
find the cure. 23.0% Region(s): 1,2,3,4,5
700239 Military Officers Association of America
Scholarship Fund 800-234-6622 — — Provides
educational assistance for children of military
families, based on one of our founding principles
that “education is the cornerstone of a strong
Democracy”. 4.6% Region(s): 1,2,3,4,5
111304 Miracle Flights for Kids 800-359-1711 — — Change the future
for a sick child! Your donation provides free flights
for children needing to reach medical surgeries
thousands of miles away from home. 19.2%
Region(s): 1,2,3,4,5
109366 Mission Without Borders: Child Rescue
International 800-245-9191 — —
Children abandoned, orphaned, hungry, lost and
lonely, living in bleak institutions need hope and
love. Your support helps us save and change their
lives! 9.2% Region(s): 1,2,3,4,5
700540 Mr. Holland’s Opus Foundation 818-762-4328 — — Keep music alive for
thousands of students! We donate musical
instruments to under served schools and kids, to
inspire creativity, expression and joy through music.
7.3% Region(s): 1,2,3,4,5
Commonwealth of Massachusetts Employees Charitable Campaign 2015
854488 MSPCA/Massachusetts Society For The Prevention
Of Cruelty To Animals 617-522-7400 — — Relieve animal suffering and
prevent cruelty. Advance the well-being of animals
through programs in veterinary medicine, sheltering,
humane education, and advocacy. 13.7% Region(s):
700123 National AIDS Fund 202-408-4848 — www. — A nationwide partnership of
community based organizations fighting HIV/AIDS
through prevention, education and care. Grant
dollars and programs are funded through matching
funds nationwide. 5.3% Region(s): 1,2,3,4,5
700059 National Alopecia Areata Foundation 415-4723780 — — Provides major research
funding, patient educational materials and support
for alopecia areata a mystifying autoimmune disease
affecting all ages, causing one’s hair to fall out.
18.0% Region(s): 1,2,3,4,5
999971 National Cancer Coalition, Inc., The 919-821-2182 — Help us defeat
cancer and chronic disease worldwide. We provide
cancer medicines free to needy patients and aid
cancer research. Your support saves lives. 2.2%
Region(s): 1,2,3,4,5
700240 National Center for Missing & Exploited Children
800-THE-LOST — —
Become a hero! Join NCMEC and John Walsh find
missing children, reunite families, and end child
sexual exploitation both on our streets and the
internet. 7.6% Region(s): 1,2,3,4,5
991622 National Center for Victims of Crime, Inc. 707-7952533 — — Animals need love - and
lawyers! Unimaginable acts of cruelty must end. In
courtrooms across America, ALDF is winning the
case against cruelty! 15.0% Region(s): 1,2,3,4,5
700586 National Council of La Raza (NCLR) 202-785-1670 — Help us tackle the barriers that
prevent Latinos from being successful: lack of
quality education, disproportionately high
unemployment rates, rising foreclosures, and antiimmigrant/anti-Latino laws. 7.3% Region(s):
700587 National Court Appointed Special Advocate
Association (National CASA Association) 800-6283233 — — More than half
a million abused and neglected children need safe,
permanent, loving homes. Help us turn a life of hurt
to one of hope. 11.2% Region(s): 1,2,3,4,5
681017 National FFA Foundation, Inc. aka Future Farmers
of America 317-802-6060 — —
Positive example of what works! Dynamic youth
organization that changes lives and prepares
students for premier leadership, personal growth
and career success through agricultural education.
25.6% Region(s): 1,2,3,4,5
999970 National Foundation for Cancer Research (NFCR)
800-321-CURE — — If you agree
that research is the key to more effective cancer
treatments, prevention, and detection - join us save lives! 33.4% Region(s): 1,2,3,4,5
Search the Charity List online at
700074 National Foundation for Ectodermal Dysplasias
618-566-2020 — — Provides
dentures, support, and hope to children left
toothless from the rare disorder Ectodermal
Dysplasia. Funds research to find improved
treatment options and cures. 27.7% Region(s):
999990 National Foundation for Transplants 800-489-3863 — Lifesaving organ and tissue
transplants, medication, and medical care are
possible with our fundraising expertise, grants and
advocacy. Help us give the gift of life. 11.3%
Region(s): 1,2,3,4,5
700673 National Lung Cancer Partnership 608-233-7905 — Lung
cancer advocacy organization founded by doctors
and researchers. We fund lung cancer research,
provide patient resources, and generate awareness
of the disease. 18.1% Region(s): 1,2,3,4,5
999982 National Park Trust 301-279-7275 — www. — Works to ensure park preservation
today and create park stewards for tomorrow
through a variety of environmental education and
land conservation initiatives. 8.3% Region(s):
700588 National Partnership for Women & Families 202986-2600 — — Help
build a nation where pay is fair, workplaces flexible,
healthcare is safe and affordable, opportunity equal
and discrimination is a thing of the past. 18.0%
Region(s): 1,2,3,4,5
700533 National Research Center for Women & Families
DBA Cancer Prevention and Treatment Fund 202223-4000 — — Helps
adults and children prevent and treat all types of
cancer and assists them in choosing the safest and
most effective treatments. 1.8% Region(s):
700737 Operation First Response, Inc. 888-289-0280 — — Serves wounded
Warriors/Veterans and their families with financial
needs. Assistance varies based on individual needs
ranging from rent, utilities, vehicle payments,
groceries and travel. 5.9% Region(s): 1,2,3,4,5
700752 Operation Homefront 800-722-6098 — www. — Be a caring Patriot!
Support our military families - help us provide
emergency financial assistance and morale
programs to military families and Wounded
Warriors. 5.7% Region(s): 1,2,3,4,5
700243 ORBIS (Project ORBIS International) 800-ORBISUS — — Help give the gift of sight!
ORBIS’s country programs and Flying Eye Hospital
delivers doctors, medicine and supplies for
surgeries and local health training, worldwide. 9.1%
Region(s): 1,2,3,4,5
700034 Organization for Autism Research 866-366-9710 — Funding practical
research that addresses the daily challenges of
autism. We also provide autism information/
resources for all affected, including targeted
materials for military families. 17.4% Region(s):
991617 Pajama Program 212-716-9757 — www.pajama — Provide cozy, new pajamas and new
books to children in need; many waiting and hoping
to be adopted, often being shuffled between
temporary living facilities. 8.6% Region(s): 1,2,3,4,5
722288 Paralyzed Veterans Of America Spinal Cord
Research Foundation (SCRF) 800-424-8200-x255 — Funds research aimed at
restoring function and improving the quality of life
for veterans and all others paralyzed by spinal cord
injury or disease. 4.4% Region(s): 1,2,3,4,5
700065 Parents of Murdered Children, Inc. 888-818-7662 — Assistance in keeping murderers
in prison; assist unsolved cases; prevention and
awareness programs; emotional support,
information and advocacy for any survivor of a
homicide victim. 31.5% Region(s): 1,2,3,4,5
952488 Paws With A Cause 800-253-PAWS — www.paws — Promote independence for
people with disabilities by helping us provide them
with custom trained Assistance Dogs plus lifetime
team support. 28.2% Region(s): 1,2,3,4,5
700245 Pearl S. Buck International, Inc. 800-220-BUCK — — Child discrimination knows
no place at home with family. We match the world’s
children with families through adoption, child
sponsorship and cross cultural exchange. 10.0%
Region(s): 1,2,3,4,5
991618 Pediatric Brain Tumor Foundation of the United
States, Inc. 828-665-6891 —
Funds medical research for childhood brain tumors.
Offers free patient family support services, funds
scholarships for survivors, provides advocacy for
cause. 15.9% Region(s): 1,2,3,4,5
700674 Pediatric Low Grade Astrocytoma Foundation DBA
A Children’s Brain Tumor Cure 914-762-3494 — — Brain tumors = leading cause
of solid tumor death in children. A cure is possible,
if research is funded. More research, Less expenses,
More results. 12.7% Region(s): 1,2,3,4,5
181688 PETA: People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals
757-622-PETA — — Fight cruelty.
Save lives! Your gift makes a kinder world for
animals through undercover investigations, rescues,
humane education, spay/neuter, and high-profile
advocacy campaigns. 17.7% Region(s): 1,2,3,4,5
700369 Philippine Children’s Fund of America 800-6604009 — — Serving
underprivileged children including Amerasians left
from closure of US bases; Provide livelihood
opportunities to indigenous people; Environmental
programs and services for youth and community.
3.3% Region(s): 1,2,3,4,5
999984 PKD Foundation 800-753-2873 — www.pkdcure.
org — Devoted to programs of research, advocacy,
patient education and public awareness to discover
treatments and a cure for Polycystic Kidney Disease.
23.0% Region(s): 1,2,3,4,5
032388 Planned Parenthood Federation of America 800829-7732 — —
Ensure access to affordable reproductive health
care, protect reproductive rights, and promote
access to comprehensive medically accurate
sexuality education, domestically and internationally.
12.0% Region(s): 1,2,3,4,5
999985 Progeria Research Foundation - Premature Aging
in Children 978-535-2594 — www.progeria — Heart Attack. Stroke. Progeria
children experience these, but now have hope to
cure this fatal aging disease thanks to PRF’s
research. Help them today! 9.8% Region(s):
250388 Project Inform, Inc. 415-558-8669 — — Stop needless deaths
from AIDS due to inadequate treatment, prevention
and healthcare access; help us fight to eradicate
AIDS with knowledge and ultimately a cure. 26.3%
Region(s): 1,2,3,4,5
700158 Public Employees for Environmental
Responsibility 202-265-7337 — —
Protect whistleblowers and wildlife from
government mistreatment. Mistakes don’t get
corrected when they go undetected. PEER ensures
that your voice is heard. 8.2% Region(s): 1,2,3,4,5
999986 Rape, Abuse, & Incest National Network (RAINN)
202-544-1034 — — Runs National
Sexual Assault Hotline. Free, 24-7 services help
136,000 people/year. Programs prevent rape, help
victims, put rapists in jail. 11.1% Region(s):
999987 Reflex Sympathetic Dystrophy Syndrome
Association of America 877-662-7737 — — Promotes awareness of this
painful, debilitating neuroinflammatory syndrome
that may affect millions. Providing crucial
information to patients, families, medical
professionals, educators, pain advocates and
veterans. 16.9% Region(s): 1,2,3,4,5
700072 Restless Legs Syndrome Foundation 507-2876465 — — Increase awareness.
Improve treatment. Find a cure. The Foundation is
working tirelessly to create a better tomorrow for
those living with this debilitating condition. 23.2%
Region(s): 1,2,3,4,5
700534 Rocky Mountain Elk Foundation 406-523-4500 — — Ensures the future of elk
and other wildlife by conserving, restoring and
enhancing natural habitats through land purchases,
conservation easements, management agreements,
education and research. 9.7% Region(s): 1,2,3,4,5
700370 Save the Manatee Club, Inc. 800-432-5646 — — leaving a lasting
legacy! Help us advocate for manatee and habitat
protection, promote public awareness, sponsors
research, rescue, rehabilitation and release efforts.
14.9% Region(s): 1,2,3,4,5
Commonwealth of Massachusetts Employees Charitable Campaign 2015
999988 Seeing Eye, Inc. 973-539-4425 — www.seeingeye.
org — Enhancing lives by bringing independence,
dignity and self-confidence to blind people through
our Seeing Eye® dogs. These dogs bring mobility,
safety and self-sufficiency to thousands. 15.3%
Region(s): 1,2,3,4,5
700073 Shriners Hospitals for Children 800-241-4438 — — Children suffering from
burns, spinal cord injuries, and orthopedic problems
receive world-class medical care in a familycentered environment regardless of ability to pay.
10.2% Region(s): 1,2,3,4,5
700589 Skin Cancer Foundation 212-725-5176 — — It’s skin cancer. Millions
hear these terrible words every year. We’re
dedicated to eradicating skin cancer through
prevention, early detection, effective treatment,
education, and research. 11.7% Region(s): 1,2,3,4,5
952788 South Africa Development Fund 617-522-5511 — — Help reverse the
legacy of apartheid in South Africa. Support
community-based efforts in HIV/AIDS, TB,
grassroots advocacy, democracy-building,
environmental justice and human rights. 1.0%
Region(s): 1,2,3,4,5
159888 Special Olympics, Inc. 800-700-8585 — — Provides year-round
sports training and competition for people with
intellectual disabilities. Improves physical fitness
and motor skills. Increases self-confidence, selfimage and friendships. Empowers individuals.
19.3% Region(s): 1,2,3,4,5
700675 Special Operations Warrior Foundation 813-8059400 — — Provide
scholarship grants and counseling to children of
special operations people who die in combat or
training. Provide financial assistance to wounded
special operations people. 5.1% Region(s):
700371 Spinal Cord Injury Network International 800-5482673 — — Pain,
paralysis, spinal cord injuries, accessibility, home
modifications, wheelchairs. Lifetime challenges.
Help us link people with spinal cord injuries to the
best treatment and care. 9.7% Region(s): 1,2,3,4,5
700738 Spondylitis Association of America 800-777-8189 — A crippling form of spinal
arthritis that strikes young people. Our commitment
is to research, programs, and support of the
spondylitis community. 20.8% Region(s): 1,2,3,4,5
700053 Starkey Hearing Foundation 866-354-3254 — — Imagine
being a child separated from family/community by a
barrier of silence. Help us give needy children a
chance to learn and effectively communicate. 37.1%
Region(s): 1,2,3,4,5
700536 Stop It Now! DBA Child Sex Abuse Prevention and
Protection Center 413-587-3500 — — Sexual abuse harms
millions of girls and boys. This doesn’t have to
happen. Prevent abuse before there’s another
victim. You can help Stop It Now! 18.8% Region(s):
Search the Charity List online at
700676 Support Our Troops, Inc. 877-879-8882 — www.
SupportOurTroops.Org — Don’t let the troops feel
abandoned! They Support Us, Let’s Support Them!
Help Support Our Troops® ship tons of morale and
well-being to troops worldwide. 0.8% Region(s):
700753 Surgical Eye Expeditions International 805-9633303 — — A blind person’s life
can be changed completely and forever. Help us
restore sight and transform lives. Give the gift of
sight. 1.0% Region(s): 1,2,3,4,5
700372 TechMission Inc. 617-282-9798 — — Help us serve disadvantaged youth,
the poor and homeless by providing Christian youth
programs, ministry interns, volunteers, technology
and training to thousands of local ministries. 8.0%
Region(s): 1,2,3,4,5
700373 Thomas More Law Center 734-827-2001 — www. — Public interest law firm. Join
our battle in the courts to defend America’s
Christian heritage and National security. 19.9%
Region(s): 1,2,3,4,5
999989 TMJ Association, Ltd. 262-432-0350 — www.tmj — Jaw disorders affect a person’s
ability to speak, eat, chew, smile, kiss and even
breathe. We promote research, scientifically
validated treatments, and vital coping skills. 7.1%
Region(s): 1,2,3,4,5
837288 Toys For Tots Foundation 703-640-9433 — — Brighten a child’s face on
Christmas morning. Help the Marines provide a
treasured gift and a cherished memory for millions
of our nation’s neediest children. 2.7% Region(s):
991620 Travis Manion Foundation 415-252-8900 — — Ending violence against
women and children through programs that
promote respect, educate the public, and protect
children. FWV trains judges, physicians,
policymakers, and leaders internationally. 13.5%
Region(s): 1,2,3,4,5
700537 Trevor Project 310-271-8845 — — Crisis and suicide
prevention for LGBTQ youth. We provide life-saving,
life-affirming resources that create a safe,
supportive and positive environment for all; 24/7
lifeline. 12.5% Region(s): 1,2,3,4,5
118288 Trickle Up Program, Inc. 212-255-9980 — www. — Empowers women living on less
than $1.25/day take their first steps out of poverty,
giving them resources to build sustainable
microenterprises. 21.6% Region(s): 1,2,3,4,5
700683 Turkish Philanthropy Funds 646-530-8988 — — Help us make illiteracy and
inequality for women and girls history in Turkey!
14.5% Region(s): 1,2,3,4,5
700590 United States Soccer Federation Foundation 202872-9277 — — 1 in 3
children are overweight. 60 minutes of play, 3-times
a week makes a difference. Using soccer, we
improve the lives of underserved youth. 24.7%
Region(s): 1,2,3,4,5
700161 United States Sportsmen’s Alliance Foundation
DBA Wildlife Conservation Fund of America 888930-4868 — — To protect
and advance outdoor sports through public
education by introducing youth and their families to
an active outdoor lifestyle through the Trailblazer
Adventure Program. 16.6% Region(s): 1,2,3,4,5
700591 United Ukrainian American Relief Committee, Inc.
215-728-1630 — — Provides
humanitarian aid to Ukrainians throughout the
world, distributing medical supplies, clothing,
educational materials, and establishing educational
and immigrant programs in Ukraine and USA. 7.5%
Region(s): 1,2,3,4,5
700592 USA Cares Inc. 800-773-0387 — — We help bear the burdens of
service by providing post-9/11 military families with
financial and advocacy support in their time of need.
17.3% Region(s): 1,2,3,4,5
700739 USA Hockey Foundation, The 719-576-8724 — — Our primary
goals are to enhance USA Hockey’s mission and
activities: to provide opportunities for participation
and funding for high-performance athletes. 6.0%
Region(s): 1,2,3,4,5
111465 Vegan Outreach 520-495-0503 — www.vegan — Dedicated to exposing and ending
the suffering of farmed animals by promoting ethical
eating through widespread distribution of our
booklets ‘Compassionate Choices’ and ‘Why Vegan’.
10.4% Region(s): 1,2,3,4,5
700160 Veterans of Foreign Wars Foundation 816-9681128 — — We support
programs and services that secure, manage and
distribute resources to improve the lives of veterans,
military service personnel and their families. 6.1%
Region(s): 1,2,3,4,5
700677 World Association for Children and Parents
(WACAP) 206-575-4550 — — A
leading child welfare organization finding adoptive
families for children living in U.S. foster care and for
orphans in other countries. 15.3% Region(s):
700740 World Computer Exchange, Inc. 781-925-3078 — — Helping
schools and impoverished students in developing
countries by shipping refurbished computers and
teaching the Internet skills, opportunities and
understanding to connect with the world. 15.5%
Region(s): 1,2,3,4,5
700250 World Hunger Year DBA Why Hunger 212-6298850 — — What’s for dinner
tonight? 50 million Americans don’t know. Help us
and our grassroots partners build a movement to
end hunger and poverty. 7.4% Region(s): 1,2,3,4,5
700678 World Society for the Protection of Animals 800883-9772 — — An international
federation for animal welfare, our vision is a world
where animals matter and cruelty ends. Responding
to disasters, funding sanctuaries, ending suffering.
13.0% Region(s): 1,2,3,4,5
700595 Zero - The Project to End Prostate Cancer 202-4639455 — — Zero prostate
cancer deaths, Zero prostate cancer cases, and for
those with prostate cancer a Zero PSA. We commit
to ending the disease. Join us! 11.9% Region(s):
999992 Zero to Three: National Center for Infants,
Toddlers and Families 202-638-1144 — — National nonprofit
organization that informs, trains, and supports
professionals, policymakers, and parents in their
efforts to improve the lives of infants and toddlers.
2.1% Region(s): 1,2,3,4,5
700037 VHL Family Alliance DBA Alliance for Cancer
Research 800-767-4845 — —
Children stricken with VHL cope with a series of
tumors their whole lives. Help us cure VHL, kidney
cancer, and related tumor conditions. 13.9%
Region(s): 1,2,3,4,5
991616 Victims Right Law Center 866-917-2373 — — College scholarships to
children of U.S. service members killed in combat or
training, making the ultimate sacrifice for freedom.
We care for those left behind. 16.8% Region(s):
700538 816-877-8400 — —
Every 8 seconds a child dies from water related
disease. transforms the lives of people in
developing countries through access to safe water.
17.5% Region(s): 1,2,3,4,5
700593 WildAid, Inc. 415-834-3174 — —
Every year thousands of endangered animals are
killed for their skins, ivory, fins, and other body
parts. Help us end illegal wildlife-trade within our
lifetimes! 8.0% Region(s): 1,2,3,4,5
Commonwealth of Massachusetts Employees Charitable Campaign 2015
Alphabetical Agency Index
104738 4-H: National 4-H Council.........................................42
050188 ALS Association, Massachusetts Chapter................29
111925 Alternatives for Community and Environment, Inc ..15
700028 A Helping Paw ..........................................................42
855988 A Place To Turn, Inc. ..................................................3
851688 A Wish Come True ...................................................25
700079 Abby Kelly Foster House, Inc......................................3
852788 ABCD Low Cost Housing, Inc...................................17
700080 Abortion Access Project ...........................................42
700670 Abused Children’s Fund, Inc. ...................................42
700222 Access Fund .............................................................42
999933 ACCION International ...............................................18
700508 Action Against Hunger/ACF International .................42
300088 Action for Boston Community Development............17
656688 Adoptable Children (North American Council) .........42
106748 Adventist Development & Relief Agency
International .............................................................42
685603 Alternatives Unlimited, Inc. ........................................3
111183 Alzheimer’s and Aging Research Center ..................24
109857 Alzheimer’s Association, Massachusetts Chapter ....29
991684 Alzheimer’s Disease Research..................................24
700473 Alzheimer’s Disease Research Foundation
DBA Cure Alzheimer’s Fund .....................................43
700030 Alzheimer’s Foundation of America..........................43
700510 Alzheimer’s Research and Prevention Foundation ...43
700224 America SCORES New England ...............................43
040088 America’s Charities...................................................24
700602 America’s VetDogs - the Veteran’s K-9 Corps, Inc...43
700316 American Antiquarian Society ..................................12
700126 American Association for Cancer Research .............43
700666 American Bible Society.............................................43
384088 Advocates, Inc. ...........................................................3
999966 American Bird Conservancy .....................................43
111181 African American Self-Help Foundation (Aid for
Starving Children) ....................................................42
700132 American Brain Tumor Association (ABTA) .............43
700712 African Community Education Program Inc...............3
700344 American Civil Liberties Union Foundation of
Massachusetts .........................................................15
302888 African Medical & Research Foundation (AMREF)...18
700015 African Wildlife Foundation ......................................36
030388 Africare .....................................................................18
700354 After A Child Dies (The Compassionate Friends) .....42
700681 Aid for Trash Dump Children - An Unforgotten
Fund (The Unforgotten, Inc.)....................................42
103992 American Cancer Society, New England Division.....29
700317 American Committee for the Weizmann Institute
of Science.................................................................12
700459 American Credit Counseling Services. Inc. ..............27
050588 American Diabetes Association, New England
Chapter .....................................................................29
309088 AIDS Action Committee of Massachusetts, Inc..........3
757488 American Farmland Trust.........................................36
950788 AIDS and Sexually Transmitted Disease
Information Services (American Social
Health Association) ..................................................42
732688 American Forests .....................................................36
123988 AIDS Programs of the National Minority AIDS
Council .....................................................................42
700318 American Friends of Neve Shalom/
Wahat al-Salam ........................................................13
455288 Aids Project Worcester, Inc......................................39
507088 American Heart Association, Inc ................................3
700348 Alex’s Lemonade Stand Foundation .........................42
721288 American Humane Association ................................43
700684 All Dog Rescue .........................................................12
700125 Alley Cat Allies ..........................................................43
700223 Alley Cat Rescue.......................................................43
700652 Alliance for a Healthier Generation ...........................29
700198 Alliance for Animals..................................................15
793545 Allston Brighton Community Development
Corporation ..............................................................33
700349 American Foundation for Children with AIDS...........43
991608 American Freedom Foundation, Inc. ........................43
700227 American Indian College Fund..................................43
700667 American Indian Youth Running Strong ..................43
700083 American Institute for Cancer Research.....................3
753988 American Jewish World Service...............................18
700127 American Kennel Club Canine Health Foundation ....43
700302 American Kidney Fund .............................................29
700495 Alpha Kappa Alpha Educational Advancement
Foundation, Inc...........................................................3
679888 American Liver Foundation, New England Chapter ..29
111299 Alpha-1 Foundation ..................................................40
030788 American Near East Refugee Aid (ANERA) ..............18
Search the Charity List online at
051088 American Lung Association of New England ...........29
700340 American Parkinson Disease Association,
Massachusetts Chapter ............................................29
359588 American Red Cross of Massachusetts......................3
031388 American Refugee Committee International.............19
700509 American Thyroid Association..................................43
991637 Americans for the Arts .............................................13
657688 AmeriCares Foundation, Inc. ....................................19
700411 Bay Cove Human Services, Inc...................................3
991633 Bay State Trail Riders Association............................13
700253 Beaverbrook Step, Inc. ...............................................3
700350 Believe In Tomorrow National Children’s
103249 amfAR (AIDS Research Foundation)........................29
303788 Benevolent Fraternity of Unitarian Churches
DBA Renewal House.................................................15
476988 Amherst Committee For a Better Chance, Inc. .........32
499688 Berkshire County Arc, Inc...........................................3
867988 Amherst Survival Center...........................................32
685500 Berkshire County Kids’ Place and Violence
Prevention Center Inc.................................................3
111273 Amnesty International USA ......................................24
700511 Amputee Coalition of America..................................43
700566 Angel Flight of New England, Inc..............................43
700313 Berkshire Family And Individual Resources .............15
700254 Berkshire Food Project .............................................15
743988 Berkshire Humane Society .......................................13
700551 Animal Advocates, Inc................................................3
681022 Berkshire Nursing Families, Inc................................15
700668 Animal Legal Defense Fund......................................44
499888 Berkshire United Way.................................................4
999967 Animal Shelter ..........................................................13
999968 Best Buddies International, Inc. ...............................44
700197 Animal Welfare Fund ................................................13
700697 Best Friends Animal Society.......................................4
700686 Anti-Defamation League...........................................13
106777 Beta Community Partnerships, Inc...........................28
700032 Anxiety Disorders Association of America ...............44
700180 Appalachian Mountain Club......................................36
150788 Bethany New England (Bethany Christian Services
Inc. of New England) ................................................44
700512 Appalachian Trail Conservancy ................................44
700455 Beverly Bootstraps Community Services .................22
557988 Arc Massachusetts, Inc. .............................................3
700657 Beverly Children’s Learning Center ..........................22
999904 Arc of Bristol County, Inc. ........................................27
958388 Beyond Pesticides/National Coalition Against the
Misuse of Pesticides ................................................36
700129 Archaeological Institute of America..........................44
359688 Arlington Boys & Girls Club .......................................3
700194 Biblica US, Inc. .........................................................40
111300 Arthritis & Chronic Pain Research Institute .............24
455788 Big Brothers Big Sisters of Central Mass/
Metrowest ................................................................39
051588 Arthritis Foundation, New England Region ..............29
493988 Big Brothers Big Sisters of Franklin County, Inc. .....17
700513 Asian & Pacific Islander American Scholarship
Fund .........................................................................44
417688 Big Brothers Big Sisters of Hampden County, Inc. ..21
358988 Asian American Civic Association, Inc. ....................33
111209 Asian American Justice Center.................................13
354088 Big Sister Association of Greater Boston ...................4
103202 Bikes Not Bombs......................................................13
700635 Birthday Wishes, Inc. .................................................4
746388 Asian American Resource Workshop.......................15
700687 Black Feather Rescue ...............................................13
700660 Asian Community Development Corporation...........33
700497 Black Ministerial Alliance of Greater Boston.............17
700742 ASMBA STAR Foundation, Inc. ................................44
700514 Bladder Cancer Advocacy Network ..........................44
106749 ASPCA: American Society for the Prevention of
Cruelty to Animals ....................................................44
020788 Blessings International .............................................40
700468 Asperger’s Association of New England Inc...............3
359888 Associated Early Care and Education, Inc. ...............33
700649 Associates for Human Services................................27
700036 Blind Vietnamese Children Foundation (Viet Blind
Children Foundation)................................................44
700187 Boston Building Materials Coop Charitable and
Education Fund.........................................................36
878688 Asthma and Allergy Foundation of America, New
England Chapter .......................................................29
354388 Boston Center For Independent Living.......................4
158088 Autism Society of America .......................................44
316188 Boston Rescue Mission, Inc.......................................4
700035 Autism Society of America Foundation, Inc. ............44
700131 Boston Ronald McDonald House .............................44
700303 Autism Speaks..........................................................29
793562 Boston Women’s Fund.............................................16
111222 Boston Chinatown Neighborhood Center, Inc............4
Commonwealth of Massachusetts Employees Charitable Campaign 2015
700755 Boy Scouts of America - Annawon Council..............28
384188 Boy Scouts of America - Knox Trail Council...............4
793530 Boy Scouts of America - Mohegan Council, Inc.......39
999911 Boy Scouts of America - Narragansett Council, Inc.
(Narraganset Council Boy Scouts of America).........23
681002 Boy Scouts of America Yankee Clipper Council,
Inc. .............................................................................4
471888 Boy’s & Girls Club of Greater Westfield, Inc. ...........21
102478 Boy’s and Girl’s Club of Metro west Inc. ....................4
499988 Boy’s and Girl’s Club of Pittsfield ...............................4
103207 Boys & Girls Club of Fall River (Thomas Chew
991656 Boys & Girls Club of Fitchburg & Leominster..........26
497388 Boys & Girls Club of Greater Holyoke ......................21
999912 Boys & Girls Club of Greater New Bedford ..............23
473688 Boys & Girls Club of Ludlow ....................................21
700335 Boys & Girls Club of Taunton...................................28
700294 Boys & Girls Clubs of Middlesex County .................34
700192 Cancer Research and Prevention Foundation
DBA Prevent Cancer Foundation ..............................24
104739 Cancer Research for Children - CureSearch for
Children’s Cancer .....................................................24
171988 Cancer Research Fund of the Damon Runyon Walter Winchell Foundation .....................................45
051788 Cancer Research Institute ........................................29
700135 Canine Assistants .....................................................45
950888 Canine Companions for Independence ....................45
700038 Canines for Disabled Kids ........................................45
111202 CARE (Cooperative for Assistance and Relief
793532 Care Center, The.......................................................21
991589 Care Dimensions ........................................................4
700096 Career Collaborative, Inc. ...........................................4
700653 CaringBridge.............................................................29
991652 Carson Center for Human Services ..........................32
700136 Carter Center ............................................................45
357588 Casa Myrna Vazquez, Inc. ........................................34
411288 Boys and Girls Club of Brockton Inc ..........................4
111270 CASA Project, The ....................................................39
359188 Boys and Girls Club of Dorchester .............................4
700322 Cat Connection, The ...................................................4
455988 Boys and Girls Club of Worcester ............................39
700228 Brady Center to Prevent Gun Violence .....................44
100078 Catholic Charitable Bureau of the Archdiocese
of Boston, Inc...........................................................34
700515 Brain Injury Association of America .........................44
687100 Catholic Charities North............................................22
109876 Brain Injury Association of Massachusetts ..............29
700290 Catholic Charities of the Diocese of Worcester ........26
111178 Bread and Water for Africa, Inc. ...............................44
030988 Catholic Relief Services ............................................45
999969 Breast Cancer Action ................................................44
700336 Catholic Social Services of Fall River, Inc. ...............23
700517 Breast Cancer Crusade by Avon
(Avon Foundation for Women).................................45
700039 Cats In Need (NEADY Cats Corp) .............................45
700134 Breast Cancer Fund ..................................................45
755888 Center for EcoTechnology ........................................36
689001 Breast Cancer Research Foundation ........................40
700520 Center for Food Safety..............................................45
111130 Brien Center for Mental Health & Substance
Abuse Services, Inc. ...................................................4
103247 Center for Health, Environment, and Justice............37
111291 Bristol Community College Foundation....................23
700464 Center For New Americans, Inc................................32
411988 Brockton Day Nursery, Inc. ........................................4
700323 Center for Victims of Torture....................................13
412088 Brockton Visiting Nurse Association ..........................4
439088 Central Massachusetts Agency on Aging, Inc. ...........5
356188 Brookline Community Mental Health Center,, Inc. ...34
100016 Central Massachusetts Housing Alliance .................39
111225 Brookview House, Inc.................................................4
991634 Buddy Dog Humane Society ....................................13
353588 Cerebral Palsy Association of Eastern
Massachusetts, Inc. .................................................34
700041 CHADD (Children & Adults with AttentionDeficit/Hyperactivity Disorder) .................................45
700733 Cambridge Community Services..............................34
700568 Challenger Center for Space Science Education.......45
700392 Cambridge Family and Children’s Service................34
700247 Charitable Children’s Fund of America .....................45
111200 Camp Kee-wanee (Greenfield Health Camp Inc.) .....17
991670 Charles River Conservancy ......................................37
700518 Can Do Multiple Sclerosis ........................................45
999945 Charles River Watershed Association ......................37
700351 Cancer Care, Inc. ......................................................45
991590 Chelsea Collaborative, Inc. .........................................5
Search the Charity List online at
700040 Center for Auto Safety ..............................................45
700097 Center for Living & Working, Inc................................5
104761 Chelsea Community Center Corp. ..............................5
111230 Clarke School for the Deaf..........................................5
472088 Chicopee Child Development Center ........................21
757888 Clean Water Fund .....................................................37
111301 Child Aid ...................................................................41
700141 Coalition Against Trafficking in Women ...................46
700212 Child Aid International ..............................................13
913188 Coastline Elderly Services, Inc. ................................23
515688 Child Care of the Berkshires .....................................15
690688 Codman Square Neighborhood Development
Corporation ..............................................................34
155788 Child Find of America ...............................................45
700539 Child Slavery, Trafficking and Forced Labor
Rescue (Rugmark Foundation USA) ........................45
360588 Combined Jewish Philanthropies .............................34
313288 Commonwealth Children’s Center..............................5
657788 ChildFund International ............................................19
999959 Community Action of the Franklin, Hampshire and
North Quabbin Region DBA Franklin Community
Action Corporation ...................................................17
700138 Childhood Brain Tumor Foundation .........................45
700472 Community Action, Inc...............................................5
999972 Childhood Cancer Research - St. Baldrick’s
111292 Community Boating Center ......................................23
700137 Child Welfare League of America .............................45
700139 Children Awaiting Parents ........................................46
700181 Children International ...............................................19
700542 Children of the Night ................................................46
991592 Children Study Home, The .........................................5
700703 Children’s Advocacy Center of Bristol County............5
106745 Community Building Mini-Grants Program..............23
999907 Community Counseling of Bristol County ................28
700646 Community Farms Outreach, Inc. ..............................5
050088 Community Health Charities of New England...........29
459888 Community Healthlink, Inc. ......................................39
111229 Children’s Advocacy Center of Suffolk County, Inc....5
685610 Community Involved in Sustaining Agriculture
465788 Children’s Aid and Family Service Incorporated.......27
457988 Community Legal Aid, Inc. .........................................5
700669 Children’s AIDS Fund ...............................................46
793548 Community Legal Services And Counseling Center ...5
700523 Children’s Cancer Recovery Foundation...................46
999914 Community Nurse & Hospice Care, Inc. ..................23
700569 Children’s Emergency Medical Fund ........................46
103431 Community Research Initiative of New England ......29
202688 Children’s Food Fund (World Emergency Relief) .....41
106760 Community Teamwork, Inc. .......................................5
459988 Children’s Friend ......................................................39
432388 Community Visiting Nurse Agency, Inc....................28
349888 Children’s Friend and Family Services Inc................22
302588 Community Works ...................................................15
991593 Children’s Fund ..........................................................5
700743 Compassionate Care Hospice Foundation, Inc.........46
700682 Children’s HeartLink .................................................46
700688 Concerned Citizens For Animals...............................13
700352 Children’s Hospital & Research Center Foundation
(Oakland, California).................................................46
302688 Concerned United Birthparents ................................16
111316 Children’s Hunger Relief Fund..................................41
104777 Connecticut River Watershed Council......................37
700645 Children’s Miracle Network Hospitals ......................24
853488 Conservation Fund, The............................................37
700045 Children’s Network International DBA Help the
Children ....................................................................46
700017 Conservation Law Foundation..................................37
055088 Children’s Tumor Foundation...................................29
111799 Christian Center of Pittsfield, Inc................................5
106752 Concerns of Police Survivors, Inc. (COPS) ..............46
111154 Cooley Dickinson Health Care ....................................5
477788 Cooley Dickinson VNA & Hospice ..............................5
111302 Christian Foundation for Children and Aging ...........41
950288 Cooperative Artists Institute (Music & Art
Development, Inc.) ...................................................16
700140 Christian Freedom International ...............................46
700417 Cooperative for Human Services, Inc.........................6
700046 Christian Relief Services...........................................46
155688 Cornelia de Lange Syndrome Foundation ................46
106751 Chronic Fatigue and Immune Dysfunction
Syndrome (CFIDS) Association of America .............46
700143 Correctional Peace Officers Foundation ...................46
111203 Church World Service ..............................................19
700524 Citizens United for Research in Epilepsy..................46
376688 Council of Social Concern (Woburn Council of
Social Concern, Inc.) ................................................34
793505 City Year .....................................................................5
700756 Counterpart International .........................................19
700525 Civil War Preservation Trust.....................................46
700526 Covenant House .......................................................46
700144 COTA Children’s Organ Transplant Association .......46
Commonwealth of Massachusetts Employees Charitable Campaign 2015
700555 Cradles to Crayons .....................................................6
700304 Easter Seals Massachusetts.....................................30
361388 Crispus Attucks Children’s Center..............................6
477088 Easthampton Community Center, Inc. .....................33
054188 Crohn’s & Colitis Foundation of America, New
England Chapter .......................................................30
803988 ECHO ........................................................................19
700004 Cutchins Programs for Children and Families..........33
700049 Educate the Children ................................................47
683988 Cystic Fibrosis Foundation, MA/RI Chapter..............30
991683 Edward L. Cooper Community Gardening and
Education Center, Inc. ..............................................18
109865 Dakin Pioneer Valley Humane Society, Inc.................6
111267 Dalton Community Recreation Center........................6
991594 Dan Foundation ..........................................................6
685612 DCF Kids Fund, Inc.....................................................6
104784 DEAF, Inc. (Development Evaluation &
Adjustment Facilities, Inc.) .......................................28
853588 Defenders of Wildlife ................................................37
700744 Delta Research and Educational Foundation ............47
070056 Delta Society: The Human-Animal Health
Connection DBA Pet Partners...................................47
684010 EcoLogic Development Fund, The............................37
999931 Edward M. Kennedy Community Health Center .......39
793528 Edward Street Child Services ...................................39
502788 Elder Services of Berkshire County, Inc. ....................6
700145 Electronic Frontier Foundation .................................13
502188 Elizabeth Freeman Center, Incorporated ....................6
362988 Ellis Memorial & Eldredge House, Inc......................34
302788 EMERGE, Inc. ...........................................................16
793550 Emmaus Inc. ............................................................34
700388 EngenderHealth ........................................................19
700018 Environmental and Energy Study Institute ...............37
173588 Diabetes Action Research and Education
757988 Environmental Defense Fund....................................37
700546 Diabetes Alternative Research and Healthcare
700383 Environmental League of Massachusetts.................37
709788 Diabetes Association, Inc. ........................................26
700389 Episcopal Relief & Development ..............................19
111187 Diabetes National Research Group...........................41
999977 Equine Land Conservation Resource .......................47
700570 Diabetes Prevention and Aid Fund ...........................47
999921 Equus Therapeutic, Inc.............................................12
105044 Diabetes Research and Wellness Foundation ..........24
111116 Diabetes Research Institute Foundation, Inc............24
853688 Environmental Law Institute.....................................37
109858 Epilepsy Foundation of MA & RI ..............................30
700571 Dillion International, Inc. DBA orphanCare
International Inc. ......................................................47
700632 FA Project, Inc, The ....................................................6
700048 Direct Relief International.........................................47
100001 Fall River Deaconess Home......................................26
721788 Disabled American Veterans (DAV) Charitable
Service Trust ............................................................47
363188 Family & Children’s Service of Greater Lynn Inc......34
700355 Disabled Sports USA................................................47
743688 Family Life Support Center, Inc................................15
754188 Doctors Without Borders/Médecins Sans
Frontières USA .........................................................19
700622 Family Nurturing Center of Massachusetts, Inc .......34
700572 Dogs On Death Row.................................................47
721888 FACES: The National Craniofacial Association..........47
104295 Family Health Center of Worcester...........................39
709688 Family Pantry-Damien’s Place Corporation..............23
104796 Dollars for Scholars (Scholarship America).............47
422888 Family Service Association (Big Friends Little
Friends) ....................................................................26
700637 Domestic Violence Services Network, Inc..................6
700111 Family Service Association of Greater Boston, Inc.....6
999974 Doug Flutie Jr. Foundation for Autism, Inc. .............47
176788 Family Service, Inc. ..................................................34
361988 DOVE, Inc. ..................................................................6
457088 Family Services of Central Massachusetts ...............39
700671 Dystonia Medical Research Foundation ...................47
999978 Family Violence Prevention Fund aka Futures
Without Violence ......................................................47
700654 EARTH University Foundation ..................................37
373988 FamilyAid Boston, Inc.................................................6
643888 EarthShare New England..........................................36
951488 Farm Animal Reform Movement (FARM)
DBA Farm Animal Rights Movement........................47
300788 East Boston Area Planning Action Council (APAC) ..17
411888 Father Bill’s & MainSpring Inc..................................34
700549 East Quabbin Land Trust, Inc. ....................................6
806988 Father Flanagan’s Boys’ Home .................................24
Search the Charity List online at
700148 Federation for American Immigration Reform .........47
364088 Girl Scouts of Eastern Massachusetts........................7
111233 Federation for Children with Special Needs, Inc.........6
700342 Girl Scouts of Rhode Island, Inc. .............................26
700573 Feed My Hungry Children.........................................47
494788 Girls Club of Greenfield Inc. .....................................17
111276 Feed The Children.....................................................24
497588 Girls Inc. of Holyoke .................................................21
700575 Feeding Hungry Children..........................................47
790588 Girls Incorporated of Greater Lowell ........................34
111303 Fellowship of Christian Athletes ...............................24
700337 Girls Incorporated of Taunton ..................................28
993388 Fidelco Guide Dog Foundation, Inc. .........................48
457388 Girls Incorporated of Worcester (Girls Inc.).............40
700182 FINCA International ..................................................19
873288 Give Kids The World.................................................25
700576 Fisher House Foundation..........................................48
700418 Fitchburg State University Foundation, Inc. ...............6
111265 GLAD - Gay & Lesbian Advocates & Defenders
(Park Square Advocates)..........................................16
111320 Focus on the Family .................................................41
030088 Global Impact ...........................................................18
560888 Food Bank of Western Massachusetts, Inc. The ........6
700327 GLSEN (Gay, Lesbian and Straight Education
111157 Food For the Poor.......................................................6
055988 Foundation Fighting Blindness .................................41
700577 Foundation for Ichthyosis & Related Skin Types,
Inc. ...........................................................................48
700745 Gluten Intolerance Group of North America.............48
700630 Good Sports .............................................................14
700474 GOSNOLD, INC...........................................................7
852988 Four Corners Development Corporation/Langham
700746 Gospel for Asia, Inc. .................................................48
316288 Government Center Child Care Corporation ...............7
999902 Franklin County Community Meals Program, Inc. ...17
991595 Granite United Way ....................................................7
700615 Franklin County Home Care Corp. ............................17
700579 Graves’ Disease and Thyroid Foundation .................48
103744 FRAXA Research Foundation ...................................48
793510 Gray House, Inc., The.................................................7
700183 Freedom From Hunger .............................................19
793551 Greater Boston Legal Services .................................34
991682 Freedom House ........................................................13
700251 Greater Fall River Community Food Pantry ..............26
457188 Friendly House..........................................................40
700648 Greater Four Corners Action Coalition......................16
999960 Friends of Children ...................................................33
700105 Greater Marlboro Programs, Inc. ...............................7
700705 Friends of Peabody Animal Rescue DBA Animal
Rescue of the North Shore.......................................13
111237 Greater Springfield Senior Services, Inc. ...................7
793534 Friends of the Homeless, Inc....................................21
793511 Greyhound Rescue of N.E., Inc. .................................7
106771 Friends of the Soldiers’ Home in Holyoke, Inc. ..........7
700558 Groundwork Lawrence, Inc. .......................................7
700700 Friends of Yad Sarah ................................................13
991596 Growing Places Garden Project, Inc...........................7
700759 Friends of Youth Opportunity Boston, Inc................34
111323 Guide Dog Foundation for the Blind, Inc. .................41
700578 Friends Without A Border DBA Angkor Hospital ......48
180788 Guide Dogs of America (International Guiding
111117 Fund for Animals, The ..............................................25
991671 Galapagos Conservancy ...........................................37
683010 Greenpeace Fund......................................................48
999932 Guild of Saint Agnes of Worcester, Inc., The ...........40
991655 GVNA HealthCare .....................................................27
111160 Garden of Peace .........................................................7
991650 Gardening the Community .......................................21
700356 Habitat for Humanity International ...........................48
462288 Gardner Community Action Committee Inc. ............27
991630 Haley House .............................................................16
104773 Gateway for Cancer Research ..................................41
700357 Half the Sky Foundation ...........................................48
111213 Gay & Lesbian Alliance Against Defamation ............13
700451 Genesis Club House, Inc. ...........................................7
793503 Hallmark Health Visiting Nurse Association and
Hospice, Inc................................................................7
700528 Gettysburg Foundation.............................................48
700747 HALO Trust USA, Inc., The.......................................48
479488 Girl Scouts of Central & Western Massachusetts ....33
477688 Hampshire Regional YMCA......................................33
793529 Girl Scouts Of Central and Western
Massachusetts, Inc. .................................................40
700658 Harborlight Community Partners .............................22
111223 HAWC (Healing Abuse Working for Change Inc.) ....22
Commonwealth of Massachusetts Employees Charitable Campaign 2015
Hawthorne Youth and Community Center................16
Health Care For All, Inc.............................................16
Health Imperatives, Inc...............................................7
HealthCare Options, Inc............................................28
HealthFirst Family Care Center, Inc. .........................26
Hearts United for Animals ........................................48
Heifer International DBA Heifer Project
International .............................................................19
Helen Keller International .........................................19
Helping Children Worldwide, Inc..............................48
Helping Hands: Simian Aides for the Disabled.........48
Hepatitis Foundation International............................48
High Point Treatment Center, Inc.............................23
Highland Valley Elder Services, Inc. .........................33
Hilltown Community Development Corporation.......33
Hilltown Community Health Center, Inc. ..................33
Hispanic Scholarship Fund.......................................48
Hitchcock Center for the Environment .....................33
Hole In The Wall Gang Fund, The.............................25
Holyoke Community College Foundation, Inc. ...........7
Home For Little Wanderers Inc., The..........................7
Homes For Our Troops.............................................49
HomeStart, Inc. ........................................................34
Homework House Inc...............................................49
Hope & Friendship Breast Cancer Foundation for
Men and Women......................................................14
Hope For the Hungry ................................................49
Hope For The Warriors® ...........................................49
HOPE worldwide, LTD ..............................................49
Hospice & Palliative Care Federation of
Massachusetts .........................................................30
Hospice Foundation of America ...............................49
Hostelling International - USA (American Youth
Hostels, Inc.) ............................................................49
Housatonic Valley Association, The .........................37
House of Hope, Inc.....................................................7
House of Peace and Education, Inc..........................27
Housing Families Inc. ...............................................35
Human & Civil Rights Organizations of America......14
Human Rights Education Associates .......................14
Humane Farm Animal Care.......................................49
Humane Society of the United States, The...............25
Hunger Commission of SEMA .................................23
Huntington’s Disease Society of America,
Massachusetts Chapter ............................................30
Hyde Square Task Force...........................................35
Search the Charity List online at
427288 Immigrants Assistance Center, Inc. .........................23
420388 Independence House, Inc...........................................7
020088 Independent Charities of America ............................42
700236 India Partners ...........................................................49
700359 Injured Marine Semper Fi Fund................................49
793552 Inquilinos Boricuas en Accion..................................35
700360 Institute for Black Charities (Black Charities for
Children, Families, Communities) ............................49
700582 Institute for Financial Literacy, Inc. ..........................49
999981 Institute for International Cooperation and
Development ............................................................49
700729 Institute for Transportation and Development
991640 Interfaith Worker Justice ..........................................14
031888 International Eye Foundation....................................19
991610 International Hearing Dog, Inc. dba Hearing dog.....49
365888 International Institute of Boston, Inc. DBA
International Institute of New England .....................35
700390 International Medical Corps .....................................19
700361 International Myeloma Foundation...........................49
700309 International Orthodox Christian Charities ...............19
700025 International Relief Teams........................................19
999934 International Rescue Committee ..............................19
999935 International Youth Foundation ................................20
700583 Internews Network ...................................................49
700362 Ipas...........................................................................49
700500 Iraq and Afghanistan Veterans of America, Inc. .......49
901188 Irish International Immigrant Center, Inc. ..................7
700006 Italian Home for Children, Inc. ...................................7
813388 Izaak Walton League of America ..............................37
300888 Jamaica Plain Area Planning Action Council
691388 Jamaica Plain Neighborhood Development
Corporation ..............................................................35
303188 Jane Doe, Inc. The MA Coalition Against Sexual
Assault and Domestic Violence ................................16
700384 Jane Goodall Institute for Wildlife Research,
Education, and Conservation, The............................37
735188 Jeremiah’s Hospice, Inc .............................................8
793554 Jewish Family & Children’s Service ...........................8
700407 Jewish Family Service of Western Massachusetts,
Inc. ...........................................................................21
457888 Jewish Family Services of Worcester.......................40
314388 Jimmy Fund/DANA FARBER.......................................8
111464 Jobs! (ICA Group) ....................................................49
991635 Marthas Vineyard Helping Homeless Animals .........14
366788 John F. Kennedy Family Service Center, Inc. ...........18
111163 Mass Mentoring Partnership....................................18
700363 Jumpstart for Young Children, Inc...........................49
700215 Massachusetts Adoption Resource Exchange, Inc. ...8
991654 Justice Resource Institute. Inc.................................28
683044 Massachusetts Advocates for Children ....................35
052988 Juvenile Diabetes Research Foundation
International, Bay State Chapter...............................30
372888 Massachusetts Alliance of Portuguese Speakers
793559 Massachusetts Alliance on Teen Pregnancy, Inc. ....35
700530 KaBoom....................................................................50
111111 Massachusetts Association for Community
Action, Inc. ...............................................................18
700343 Katie Brown Educational Program............................26
700178 Kennedy-Donovan Center, Inc..................................28
700416 KeySteps, Inc..............................................................8
367988 Massachusetts Association for Mental Health,
Inc. ...........................................................................35
700056 Kidney Cancer Association.......................................50
644588 Massachusetts Association of Conservation
Commissions ...........................................................38
111164 Massachusetts Association of Older Americans,
Inc. ...........................................................................18
700650 L.U.K. Crisis Center, Inc. ..........................................27
366888 La Alianza Hispana, Inc. ...........................................35
700057 Lahey Clinic ..............................................................50
700238 Last Chance for Animals ..........................................50
104779 Massachusetts Audubon Society .............................38
700641 Massachusetts Center for Native American
Awareness, Inc. ........................................................18
102203 Lazarus House, Inc.....................................................8
111148 Massachusetts Coalition for Occupational Safety
and Health ................................................................16
053088 Leukemia & Lymphoma Society ..............................30
103243 Massachusetts Coalition for the Homeless, Inc. ......35
700195 Leukemia Research Foundation ...............................41
999956 Literacy Center, The .................................................28
700475 Massachusetts College of Liberal Arts Foundation,
Inc. .............................................................................8
495188 Literacy Project, The...................................................8
700544 Massachusetts Down Syndrome Congress ...............8
106358 Literacy Volunteers of Berkshire County, Inc. ............8
466588 Literacy Volunteers of the Montachusett Area .........27
700754 Massachusetts General Hospital Home Base
Program Clinic............................................................8
111277 LiveStrong Foundation .............................................25
700691 Massachusetts Humane Society ..............................14
700680 Living Waters International, Inc. DBA Aid for
African Catholic Missions.........................................50
770429 Massachusetts Maritime Academy Foundation..........8
700278 Loaves and Fishes Food Pantry, Inc.........................27
368388 Massachusetts Society for the Prevention of
Cruelty to Children....................................................35
700719 Lowell Parks & Conservation Trust, Inc...................37
111263 Massachusetts Senior Action Council......................16
700552 Lutheran Social Services of New England, Inc...........8
700307 Massachusetts/New Hampshire Chapter,
Myasthenia Gravis Foundation of America.................8
033588 Lutheran World Relief ..............................................20
700196 May Institute.............................................................50
111328 Lymphoma Research Foundation ............................50
686002 MAZON: A Jewish Response to Hunger...................41
700531 Lung Cancer Alliance................................................50
106684 M.O., L.I.F.E., Inc. (M.O.L.I.F.E.) ..............................23
109373 MADRE, Inc..............................................................50
700599 Make-A-Wish Foundation of Massachusetts and
Rhode Island ............................................................30
441088 McAuley Nazareth Home for Boys, Inc.......................8
700364 Medicines for Humanity ...........................................50
111218 Mental Health and Addiction Network ......................14
700175 Mental Patients Liberation Front ..............................16
111930 Mercy Corps.............................................................20
655788 Make-A-Wish Foundation® of America.....................25
686003 Mercy Ships .............................................................41
700585 MAP International.....................................................50
700200 Merrimack River Feline Rescue Society ...................14
700305 March of Dimes Foundation of Massachusetts........30
700385 Merrimack River WaterShed Council .......................38
991612 Marine Corps — Law Enforcement Foundation.......50
700431 Metropolitan Boston Housing Partnership, Inc..........8
181088 Marine Mammal Center............................................50
402492 MetroWest Legal Services, Inc...................................8
432588 Markman Children’s Programs, Inc. ........................28
700108 MetroWest YMCA.......................................................8
Commonwealth of Massachusetts Employees Charitable Campaign 2015
999997 Mexican American Legal Defense and Educational
Fund .........................................................................50
700587 National Court Appointed Special Advocate
Association (National CASA Association).................51
700058 Michael J. Fox Foundation for Parkinson’s
Research ..................................................................50
054088 National Down Syndrome Society............................25
991597 Middlesex County 4-H Fair, Inc. .................................8
681017 National FFA Foundation, Inc. aka Future Farmers
of America ................................................................51
700672 Migraine Research Foundation, Inc..........................50
991638 National Federation of the Blind ...............................14
700239 Military Officers Association of America
Scholarship Fund .....................................................50
999970 National Foundation for Cancer Research (NFCR) ...51
700596 Millennium Promise Alliance....................................20
999990 National Foundation for Transplants ........................51
111304 Miracle Flights for Kids.............................................50
054588 National Kidney Foundation of MA, RI, NH & VT .....30
111188 Mission Aviation Fellowship.....................................41
700673 National Lung Cancer Partnership............................51
109366 Mission Without Borders: Child Rescue
International .............................................................50
054988 National Multiple Sclerosis Society, Central New
England Chapter .......................................................30
700279 Montachusett Interfaith Hospitality Network............27
999982 National Park Trust...................................................51
700643 Montachusett Opportunity Council, Inc....................27
091088 National Parks Conservation Association.................38
700465 Montague Catholic Ministries, Inc............................17
700588 National Partnership for Women & Families ............51
991651 Mother Woman Inc. .................................................33
700191 National Psoriasis Foundation..................................30
106708 Mothers Against Drunk Driving................................25
700533 National Research Center for Women & Families
DBA Cancer Prevention and Treatment Fund ...........51
700432 Mount Grace Land Conservation Trust ....................38
700074 National Foundation for Ectodermal Dysplasias.......51
700433 Mount Wachusett Community College Foundation,
Inc. .............................................................................8
111330 National Right to Life Educational Foundation Inc. ....9
700540 Mr. Holland’s Opus Foundation................................50
723088 Native American Rights Fund ...................................25
854488 MSPCA/Massachusetts Society For The
Prevention Of Cruelty To Animals ............................51
758288 Natural Resources Defense Council .........................38
758188 National Wildlife Federation......................................38
359088 Mujeres Unidas Avanzando ......................................35
971588 Nature Conservancy, Massachusetts Chapter,
111189 Multiple Sclerosis National Research Institute
(Torrey Pines Institute for Molecular Studies) .........41
751288 Nazzaro Recreation Center .........................................9
700306 Muscular Dystrophy Association .............................30
104752 Neighborhood Legal Services, Inc. ............................9
700434 My Brother’s Keeper, Inc............................................9
793556 Neighborhood of Affordable Housing, Inc................35
322188 My Brother’s Table, Inc. .............................................9
861888 Nemasket Group, Inc., The.......................................23
700720 Mystic Valley Elder Services, Inc................................9
111169 Neponset River Watershed Association .....................9
700408 New Bedford Community Connections Coalition .....23
043088 NAACP Legal Defense and Educational Fund ...........25
700220 New Bedford Women’s Center, Inc. .........................23
043188 NAACP Special Contribution Fund ...........................25
104780 New England Aquarium Corporation........................38
700123 National AIDS Fund ..................................................51
991598 New England Business Associates, Inc......................9
852888 National Alliance for the Mentally Ill of
Massachusetts .........................................................30
793513 New England C.O.P.S. ................................................9
700059 National Alopecia Areata Foundation........................51
793517 New England Center for Homeless Veterans..............9
111314 National Brain Tumor Society...................................41
700612 New England Conservatory of Music .......................14
999971 National Cancer Coalition, Inc., The .........................51
700329 National Center for Lesbian Rights...........................14
495588 New England Learning Center for Women in
Transition Inc. ..........................................................17
700240 National Center for Missing & Exploited Children ....51
396088 New Hope, Inc. .........................................................28
991622 National Center for Victims of Crime, Inc.................51
700436 Newton Community Service Center .........................35
111931 National Children’s Cancer Society, Inc.,
(Children’s Cancer Assistance Fund)........................41
700456 Ninth Street Day Nursery..........................................26
700586 National Council of La Raza (NCLR).........................51
111113 North American Indian Center of Boston .................18
Search the Charity List online at
111311 Neighbor To Nation ..................................................40
700060 New England Center for Children .............................14
111228 Norfolk Advocates for Children ..................................9
999903 North Quabbin Citizen Advocacy Inc. .......................17
700437 Partners In Health, A Nonprofit Corporation ............20
793525 North Shore Community Development Coalition
Inc. ...........................................................................22
459388 Pathways for Change, Inc.........................................27
111197 North Shore Health Project ......................................22
952488 Paws With A Cause ..................................................52
353788 North Shore United Way ..........................................22
681005 PCI-Media Impact.....................................................20
478388 Northampton Survival Center, Inc............................33
999950 Peace Development Fund.........................................14
370588 Northeast Arc ...........................................................22
700245 Pearl S. Buck International, Inc. ...............................52
349788 Northeast Behavioral Health Corporation .................22
991618 Pediatric Brain Tumor Foundation of the United
States, Inc.................................................................52
791288 Northeast Independent Living Program, Inc. .............9
700730 Northeast Resource Recovery Association ..............38
681023 Northern Berkshire Community Coalition, Inc. ........15
516288 Northern Berkshire United Way................................15
862088 NorthStar Learning Centers, Inc...............................23
139088 NRA Foundation, Inc. .................................................9
991599 Nuestras Raices, INC..................................................9
100022 Pathways for Children Inc. .......................................22
700674 Pediatric Low Grade Astrocytoma Foundation
DBA A Children’s Brain Tumor Cure.........................52
973988 People Making a Difference through Community
Service, Inc.................................................................9
424488 People, Inc................................................................26
478788 People’s Institute of Northampton, Inc. ...................33
111295 Peregrine Fund, The .................................................38
700331 Perkins School for the Blind.....................................14
111294 Ocean Conservancy..................................................38
651588 Pernet Family Health Services..................................40
700731 Oceana, Inc...............................................................38
814188 Pesticide Action Network North America .................38
351888 Open Door/Cape Ann Food Pantry Inc., The ............22
911088 Open Pantry Community Services, Inc.......................9
181688 PETA: People for the Ethical Treatment of
793519 Operation A.B.L.E. of Greater Boston, Inc. ...............35
700369 Philippine Children’s Fund of America .....................52
700737 Operation First Response, Inc. .................................51
111248 Pine Street Inn, Inc.....................................................9
700752 Operation Homefront................................................51
999984 PKD Foundation .......................................................52
700467 Operation Outreach-USA..........................................14
031288 Plan USA (Plan International USA)...........................20
700310 Opportunity International .........................................20
853088 Planned Lifetime Assistance Network (PLAN) of
Massachusetts and Rhode Island ............................18
111236 Opportunity Works, Inc. (Name legally changed
this year) ....................................................................9
032388 Planned Parenthood Federation of America .............52
700243 ORBIS (Project ORBIS International) .......................51
700217 Plummer Home for Boys..........................................14
700034 Organization for Autism Research............................51
303688 Poor People’s United Fund.......................................16
111192 Osteogenesis Imperfecta Foundation.......................41
655888 Population Connection .............................................25
700176 Our Bodies Ourselves (Boston Women’s Health
Book Collective, Inc.)................................................16
700221 Positive Action Against Chemical Addiction
(PAACA) ...................................................................23
700409 Our Sisters School ...................................................23
430588 PRIDE, Inc. (Preparatory Rehabilitation for
Individual Development & Employment, Inc.)..........28
991669 Ovarian Cancer Research Fund ................................25
700311 Oxfam America.........................................................20
700618 Pro Home, Inc. .........................................................28
999985 Progeria Research Foundation - Premature Aging
in Children ................................................................52
991617 Pajama Program.......................................................52
700312 Program for Appropriate Technology in Health
700064 Pancreatic Cancer Action Network Inc. ....................30
859388 Project Bread - The Walk for Hunger .........................9
722288 Paralyzed Veterans Of America Spinal Cord
Research Foundation (SCRF) ...................................52
683046 Project Hope...............................................................9
111264 Paige Academy.........................................................16
700065 Parents of Murdered Children, Inc. ..........................52
032588 Project HOPE - the People-to-People Health
Foundation, Inc.........................................................20
111216 Parents, Families and Friends of Lesbians and
Gays (PFLAG National).............................................14
250388 Project Inform, Inc. ..................................................52
700315 Partners for a Better World ......................................12
700724 Project Sweet Peas...................................................10
111250 Project R.I.G.H.T, Inc. ..............................................10
Commonwealth of Massachusetts Employees Charitable Campaign 2015
700203 Protection of Animals in Wakefield Society
(PAWS) ....................................................................14
103279 Salvation Army: Boston Central Corps .....................31
700715 Protestant Episcopal Diocese of Massachusetts......10
700163 Salvation Army: Brockton Corps ..............................31
730888 Providence Ministries for the Needy, Inc. ................10
103281 Salvation Army: Cambridge Corps ...........................31
700158 Public Employees for Environmental
103282 Salvation Army: Chelsea Corps ................................31
700463 Public Higher Education Network of
Massachusetts .........................................................10
103276 Salvation Army: Dorchester Jubilee House ..............31
700299 Quincy Community Action Programs, Inc................35
991600 Quinsigamond Community College Foundation,
Inc. ...........................................................................10
103278 Salvation Army: Boston South End ..........................31
103275 Salvation Army: Children’s Learning Center.............31
700164 Salvation Army: Fall River Corps..............................31
700165 Salvation Army: Framingham Corps ........................31
104790 Salvation Army: Greenfield Corps ............................31
700166 Salvation Army: Haverhill Corps...............................31
169288 Salvation Army: Holyoke Corps................................31
700167 Salvation Army: Hyannis Corps................................31
111251 R.O.S.E Fund, Inc. ....................................................10
103277 Salvation Army: Kroc Corps Community Center ......31
104770 Rachel’s Table ..........................................................10
700168 Salvation Army: Lawrence Corps .............................31
758488 Rails-to-Trails Conservancy .....................................38
700169 Salvation Army: Lowell Corps ..................................31
459288 Rainbow Child Development Center.........................40
103283 Salvation Army: Lynn Corps.....................................31
814388 Rainforest Alliance....................................................38
999986 Rape, Abuse, & Incest National Network (RAINN)...52
700281 RCAP Solutions, Inc. ................................................27
104743 Reading Is Fundamental, Inc. (RIF)..........................25
991641 Reconciling Ministries Network................................14
999987 Reflex Sympathetic Dystrophy Syndrome
Association of America.............................................52
999923 Salvation Army: Milford Corps .................................32
999924 Salvation Army: Montachusett Corps.......................32
700170 Salvation Army: Mystic Valley Corps........................32
103290 Salvation Army: New Bedford Corps........................32
700171 Salvation Army: Newburyport Corps........................32
516488 Salvation Army: North Adams Corps .......................32
700386 Regional Environmental Council, Inc. ......................10
700172 Salvation Army: North Shore Corps .........................32
700269 Release Chimpanzees...............................................10
501688 Salvation Army: Pittsfield .........................................32
700072 Restless Legs Syndrome Foundation.......................52
700173 Salvation Army: Plymouth Corps .............................32
700695 RHF (Retirement Housing Foundation), Inc., DBA
Affordable Housing for All ........................................15
103294 Salvation Army: Quincy Corps..................................32
392588 Riverside Community Care, Inc................................35
103297 Salvation Army: Waltham Corps ..............................32
700534 Rocky Mountain Elk Foundation...............................52
700174 Salvation Army: Westfield Service Unit....................32
111174 Ronald McDonald House Charities of Connecticut
and Western Mass. - Springfield House...................10
999925 Salvation Army: Worcester Corps ............................32
111280 Ronald McDonald House Charities® .........................25
111194 Samaritan’s Purse ....................................................41
326788 Rosie’s Place, Inc. ....................................................10
999936 Rotary Foundation of Rotary International ...............20
371988 Roxbury Youthworks Inc..........................................36
991665 Rural Development, Inc............................................17
103295 Salvation Army: Springfield Corps ...........................32
999926 Salvation Army: Worcester Hispanic Corps .............32
424988 Samaritans of Fall River/New Bedford......................26
372388 Samaritans, Inc. .......................................................36
685627 Sara’s Wish Foundation ...........................................10
700021 Save the Bay.............................................................38
032688 Save the Children Federation, Inc.............................20
700553 SADD, Inc.................................................................10
700370 Save the Manatee Club, Inc......................................52
478288 Safe Passage, Inc. ....................................................33
700022 Scenic America.........................................................38
793522 Salem Sound Coastwatch ........................................10
700188 School for Field Studies, The....................................38
033888 Salvation Army World Service Office (SAWSO).......20
995188 Schwartz Center for Children ...................................24
999922 Salvation Army: Athol Corps ....................................31
700332 Scituate Corse Foundation .......................................15
700628 Salvation Army: Attleboro Corps..............................31
700333 Screening for Mental Health.....................................15
Search the Charity List online at
991602 Second Chance Animal Shelter, Inc. ........................10
700444 St. Vincent’s Home Corporation...............................11
700725 Seeding Labs............................................................10
999996 Stanley Street Treatment and Resources, Inc. .........26
700614 Seeds of Peace .........................................................15
700053 Starkey Hearing Foundation .....................................53
999988 Seeing Eye, Inc.........................................................53
495988 STAVROS Center for Independent Living Inc...........17
991603 SeniorCare Inc..........................................................10
104294 Steppingstone, Inc. ..................................................26
425088 SER-Jobs for Progress, Inc......................................26
912588 ServiceNet Inc. .........................................................17
700536 Stop It Now! DBA Child Sex Abuse Prevention
and Protection Center...............................................53
991604 Seven Hill Foundation Inc & Affiliates ......................10
991606 Sudbury Valley Trustees, Inc....................................11
111176 Shakespeare & Company, Inc. .................................10
056188 Sudden Infant Death Syndrome (SIDS) Outreach
Foundation, Inc.........................................................30
700702 Share and Care Foundation for India........................15
327688 Shattuck Child Care Center, Inc................................11
700442 Shattuck Partners, Inc..............................................11
734488 Shrewsbury Youth & Family Services, Inc. ..............11
700073 Shriners Hospitals for Children ................................53
111296 Sierra Club Foundation, The.....................................39
700589 Skin Cancer Foundation ...........................................53
700301 Sunshine Village, Inc................................................11
700676 Support Our Troops, Inc. .........................................53
111297 Surfrider Foundation ................................................39
700753 Surgical Eye Expeditions International .....................53
700133 Susan G. Komen For the Cure, Massachusetts
Chapter .....................................................................30
401688 Society for Human Advancement through
Rehabilitation Engineering Foundation, Inc.
(SHARE) ...................................................................24
494288 Tapestry Health Systems, Inc...................................11
111269 Soldier On, Inc..........................................................11
700026 TechnoServe.............................................................20
700270 Somerville Homeless Coalition, Incorporated ..........36
991629 The Women’s’ Center ...............................................16
700757 SOS Children’s Villages- USA...................................20
700373 Thomas More Law Center ........................................53
952788 South Africa Development Fund...............................53
999989 TMJ Association, Ltd................................................53
301388 South Boston Action Council, Inc. ...........................18
700651 Townsend Ecumenical Outreach ..............................27
373188 South Boston Neighborhood House, Inc..................36
837288 Toys For Tots Foundation.........................................53
700287 South End Community Center, Inc...........................21
700481 Transition House Inc ................................................36
700727 South Shore Community Action Council..................11
991620 Travis Manion Foundation........................................53
425988 Southcoast Visiting Nurse Association ....................26
700537 Trevor Project...........................................................53
427088 Southeast Massachusetts Council on Addiction
(SEMCOA) ................................................................24
700627 Triangle, Inc..............................................................18
700457 Southeast Regional Network ....................................26
683015 Southern Poverty Law Center...................................25
700372 TechMission Inc. ......................................................53
118288 Trickle Up Program, Inc. ..........................................53
111290 Triumph, Inc.............................................................28
793543 Trustees of Boston University/WBUR ......................11
467688 Spanish American Center.........................................27
111282 Tuberous Sclerosis Alliance .....................................25
159888 Special Olympics, Inc. ..............................................53
700683 Turkish Philanthropy Funds .....................................53
700675 Special Operations Warrior Foundation ...................53
700371 Spinal Cord Injury Network International .................53
700738 Spondylitis Association of America..........................53
111254 UMass Memorial Foundation, Inc., The ...................11
700560 Sportsmen’s Tennis Club, Inc, The ..........................11
032988 UNICEF, U.S. Fund for..............................................20
474888 Springfield Boys & Girls Club, Inc............................21
758888 Union of Concerned Scientists .................................39
474988 Springfield Day Nursery, Inc. DBA Square One........21
700027 Unitarian Universalist Service Committee ................20
991648 Springfield Rescue Mission......................................22
494488 United ARC of Franklin & Hampshire Counties Inc. .17
991605 Springfield Technical Community College
Foundation, Inc.........................................................11
991624 United Breast Cancer Foundation.............................41
328588 St. Francis House .....................................................11
700184 United Methodist Committee on Relief ....................20
056088 St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital .....................30
700282 United Neighbors of Fitchburg, Inc. .........................27
999954 United Leukodystrophy Foundation .........................41
Commonwealth of Massachusetts Employees Charitable Campaign 2015
681007 United Seamen’s Service..........................................20
700445 United South End Settlements .................................11
991631 Waltham Alliance To Create Housing (WATCH).......16
700590 United States Soccer Federation Foundation ...........53
104763 Wareham Early Childhood Education Development
Corporation ..............................................................24
700161 United States Sportsmen’s Alliance Foundation
DBA Wildlife Conservation Fund of America ............54
700591 United Ukrainian American Relief Committee, Inc. ..54
459588 United Way of Central Massachusetts, Inc...............39
496188 United Way of Franklin County.................................17
433488 United Way of Greater Attleboro/Taunton, Inc. ........27
900082 Warren J.Plaut charitable Trust................................12
700078 Water For People......................................................21
700538 .................................................................54
459788 Webster Square Day Care Center, Inc. .....................40
700177 Welcome Project, The ..............................................16
102134 Wellspring House .....................................................22
425788 United Way of Greater Fall River, Inc. ......................25
991649 West Springfield Boys and Girls Club ......................22
429088 United Way of Greater New Bedford ........................23
700448 Why Me, Inc. ............................................................27
414788 United Way of Greater Plymouth County .................11
700593 WildAid, Inc. .............................................................54
477488 United Way of Hampshire County ............................32
700023 Wilderness Society, The...........................................39
374388 United Way of Massachusetts Bay and Merrimack
999937 William J. Clinton Foundation ..................................21
740688 United Way of North Central Massachusetts............26
518388 Williamstown Community Preschool, Inc. ...............12
472588 United Way of Pioneer Valley, Inc. ...........................21
518488 Williamstown Youth Center......................................12
793524 United Way of Southbridge, Sturbridge & Charlton,
Inc. ...........................................................................11
999938 Women for Women International.............................21
700640 University of Massachusetts Foundation, Inc. .........11
111179 Women’s Lunch Place, Inc.......................................12
650788 Upham’s Corner Community Center ........................36
111114 Urban College of Boston ..........................................18
700397 Urban Edge Housing Corporation ............................36
518288 Williamstown Community Chest ..............................12
111266 Women’s Institute for Leadership Development......16
460288 Worcester Community Action Council .....................40
460388 Worcester Comprehensive Child Care Services .......40
111258 Worcester County Food Bank, Inc............................12
700276 Worcester State Foundation Inc...............................12
111145 Urban League of Springfield, Inc..............................22
999928 Worcester Youth Center ...........................................40
700592 USA Cares Inc. .........................................................54
426088 WORD Inc. Child Development Center.....................26
700739 USA Hockey Foundation, The...................................54
700677 World Association for Children and Parents
(WACAP) ..................................................................54
111256 USO Council of Pioneer Valley, Inc. .........................11
700740 World Computer Exchange, Inc. ..............................54
111332 World Concern - A Division of CRISTA Ministries ...42
700403 V Foundation, The ....................................................42
700250 World Hunger Year DBA Why Hunger......................54
683021 Valley Community Development Corporation ..........33
111204 World Relief (World Relief Corporation of the
National Association of Evangelicals).......................21
111465 Vegan Outreach........................................................54
685634 Veteran Homestead, Inc. ..........................................11
100040 World Renew formerly Christian Reformed World
Relief Committee (CRWRC) .....................................21
700160 Veterans of Foreign Wars Foundation ......................54
700678 World Society for the Protection of Animals............54
700037 VHL Family Alliance DBA Alliance for Cancer
Research ..................................................................54
402088 World Vision, Inc......................................................42
991616 Victims Right Law Center.........................................54
374688 Victory Programs .....................................................36
759088 World Wildlife Fund..................................................39
— X-Y-Z —
700205 Yankee Golden Retriever Rescue .............................15
793527 VNA Care Network & Hospice Inc. ...........................22
433588 YMCA of Attleboro....................................................28
459688 VNA Care Network Foundation.................................40
460788 YMCA of Central Massachusetts ..............................40
792488 VNA of Greater Lowell ..............................................12
700339 YMCA of Greater Providence....................................28
111308 Voice of the Martyrs, Inc ..........................................42
793537 YMCA of Greater Springfield, Inc. ............................12
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YMCA of Greenfield ..................................................17
YMCA of Hockomock Area.......................................28
YMCA of Malden ......................................................36
YMCA of Merrimack Valley.......................................36
YMCA of the North Shore.........................................22
YMCA Southcoast ....................................................24
Young Women’s Christian Association of Boston,
Inc. ...........................................................................12
Youth Center, Inc......................................................15
Youth Opportunities Upheld (Y.O.U. Inc.)................40
YWCA of Central Massachusetts..............................40
YWCA of Greater Lawrence, Incorporated ...............12
YWCA Southeastern MA ..........................................24
Zero - The Project to End Prostate Cancer ...............54
Zero to Three: National Center for Infants,
Toddlers and Families ..............................................54
Zoo New England .....................................................39
Commonwealth of Massachusetts Employees Charitable Campaign 2015
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