October - - November Final, 2012.pub


October - - November Final, 2012.pub
90 Years Of Service
90 YEARS! That’s a long time…just ask some of our residents if you want to
know how long that is. Many can answer from personal experience. In this case,
though, I’m talking about Moosehaven. Just think…90 years of continuous service to the senior men and women of the Moose.
At 90 years of age, I am sure that Moosehaven is one of the oldest continuously operated CCRC’s in the nation. While there are a number of existing retirement communities with earlier histories than Moosehaven, only a few offered the
full range of services and continue today as modern CCRC’s. I know of and have
visited two that are older. Simpson House, operated by the Methodist Church and
located near Philadelphia, opened in 1865. It is generally recognized as the oldest
CCRC in the US. The International Order of Odd Fellows and Rebekah opened
Saratoga Retirement Community in Saratoga, California in 1912.
So much has changed throughout Moosehaven’s history and, yet, so much remains the same.
In the early years the campus grew from the original hotel and 26 acres to encompass a significant portion of Orange Park. It’s true that today we no longer
have the dairy farm and the chicken house is gone. Residents are no longer assigned duties commensurate with their physical abilities and necessary for the operations of the campus. Sponsoring lodges and chapters are no longer required to
send $100 along with each new resident to cover the cost of sending any “slacker”
home, or barring that, for funeral expenses. While Moosehaven probably won’t
buy Orange Park’s next fire engine as they did so many years ago, the partnership
between the two communities continues as strong as ever with our "Heart of the
Community" programs.
There are other things that have not changed also. The commitment to quality
of care and quality of life continues today. It is demonstrated by the acknowledgement received this spring when Moosehaven received a 5-star rating from the Center for Medicare Services and was named “one of the best” nursing facilities in the
country by US News and World Report. It is further reflected in the tide of mail
and emails I received commending the Leadership Team’s compassion and commitment from members who visited the campus during the recent 90th Anniversary
Celebration. It is evident in the appearance of the grounds, the cleanliness of the
facilities and the quality of the meals. Sure, every meal doesn’t please everyone
but most please all but the most critical.
Finally, the fraternity’s commitment to Moosehaven remains as strong as ever.
The new Katherine Smith Special Needs Hall, the NY/NJ (or is it the NJ/NY Fitness Center), the NY Exercise Center, magnificent LifeCare Center along with the
substantial financial operating support demonstrate an an ongoing commitment to
maintain this fraternal mission.
Truly, much has changed, yet much remains the same. From the City of Endeavor to the City of Opportunity to the City of Contentment, Moosehaven has
served the senior members of the Loyal Order of Moose with compassion and
commitment throughout its 90-year history. I think Rodney Brandon and James J.
Davis, along with the other visionaries of their time, would be very impressed with
and proud of today’s Moosehaven. Happy birthday Moosehaven and thanks to the
Loyal Order of Moose and the Women of The Moose for all that you do.
Just John
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Volume 6, Issue 10
October/November 2012
Editor: Marina Mathews
What’s Happening?
Daylight Savings!
Higher Degree @ 2020
Middleburg Steak Night
College Meeting @ Palatka
Oakleaf Elementary Chorus
College Night @ Lakeshore
Community Breakfast
Chili Cookoff/Car Show
District Sports and Meeting
at Mandarin
Thanksgiving Dinner @
Macclenny Lodge
Orange Park Kennel Club
Welcome New Residents &
August Birthday Party
Jacksonville Tour
Ft. Caroline National
Mandarin Breakfast
Alhambra White Christmas
1701 Park Avenue
Orange Park, FL 32073
(904) 278-1210
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Simply Helen
“Praise God from Whom all Blessings Flow”
Wouldn’t it be great if we could all be more grateful? If we could just appreciate all that we have already have, we might get past one bad habit, that I dare say we all have – “taking things for granted.”
To be thankful sounds easy, doesn’t it? But all too often you and I take the “everyday” things
(blessings) as a “given” instead of it being a promise given to us in Philippians 4:19 that says, “But my
God shall supply all your need according to his riches in glory by Christ Jesus.”
Having an awareness of God’s gracious acts and blessings in our lives certainly should cause us to respond by giving thanks. We can have that awareness when we put God first in our day by a prayer
of praise and thanksgiving.
Psalm 50:23 says, "He who offers a sacrifice of thanksgiving honors Me."
The Apostle Paul wrote these words of wisdom concerning giving thanks unto God to the Christians
in Thessalonian, Philipi, and Ephesus.
"Give thanks in all circumstances; for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus for you.” I Thess. 5:18
"Do not worry about anything, but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your
requests be made known to God." Phil. 4:6
"Be filled with the spirit, as you sing psalms and hymns and spiritual songs among yourselves, singing
and making melody to the Lord in your hearts, giving thanks to God the Father at all times and for
everything in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ."(Ephesians 5:19-20)
Giving thanks should be an integral part of our lives. In other words, thanksgiving should flow from
our hearts on a regular basis through our mouth and our actions.
Psalm 68:19 says, “Blessed be the Lord, Who daily loads us with benefits”
James 1:17 says, “Every good gift and every perfect gift is from above, and comes down from the Father of lights, with Whom is no variableness, neither shadow of turning.”
Make it your daily habit to put God first in your day by lifting your heart to Him in a prayer of thanksgiving. It’s a great way to start your day and to get on the pathway of thanks living!
“There is magic in gratitude. It frees us from worry and competition in life.. . . . Gratitude helps ward
off negativity. Being grateful for the good things in life invites their continued influence.”
Gratitude creates a powerful state of happiness because it returns us to the natural place where we notice what's right instead of what's wrong. Wishing you all a “Happy Thanksgiving.”
Simply Helen
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The Senior Games Bowling
included residents from left: Karen
Dixon, Adeline Bade, Ruth Wingard, Gloria Peterson, Lillian Lussier, Bob Burlingham, Margaret Vandemark, Glenna
McClain, Joey Venuto, Elsie Frisk, Sharon
Bailey, Norm Vertigan, Dorothy Goeke,
Buddy Dunkle and Ellen Arsenault.
Our residents did extremely well and all
received medals of participation.
Resident Birthdays In October & November!
Adeline Bade, 1st
Mary Ellithorpe, 2nd
Marjorie Scott, 4th
Evelyn Walker, 8th
Dixie Banks, 9th
Donald McAlpine, 9th
Phyllis Pugh, 10th
Evelyn Howe, 1st
Norma Hawkinson, 3rd
Emil Kotik, 3rd
Glenn Thurow, 4th
Fran Elliott, 7th
Violet Hare, 7th
Helen Wittmer, 8th
Robert Dussinger, 10th
Betty Coletti, 11th
Inga Delagrange, 11th
Ida Orcutt, 11th
James Cagle, 13th
Donald Henning, 13th
Rosa Venning, 16th
Judy Kennedy, 19th
Lillian Henning, 21st
Pauline Denton, 23rd
Romeo Lataille, 23rd
Richard Harman, 30th
Desmond Mohan, 31st
Dolores Skelt, 31st
Beatrice Harman, 11th
Carole Mehrtens, 11th
Herbert Lewis, 12th
Robert Seng, 14th
Donald Shepard, 15th
Nancy Borem, 17th
Ruth Clevenger, 17th
Barbara Shea, 19th
Russell Coletti, 20th
Audrey Wilson, 20th
Willie Pauley, 21st
Warren Denstedt, 22nd
Rose White, 22nd
Ellen Arsenault, 28th
Mary Doll, 28th
Aage Madsen, 30th
Carole McCoy, 30th
Dorothy Moore, 30th
Are you on facebook? If so, be sure and LIKE Moosehaven!
You can find all the latest news on our Heart Of The Community Events
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UP Close and Personal
with Terry Bailey
Ardith Marie was born August
10, 1930 in Freeman, MO to J.T.
and Amy Terry. She had two
brothers, Ezra and Neal and a sister named Eula. She became an
Aunt at a very young age and has
twenty-two kids that claim her as
their Auntie and gave her a
Mother’s ring a few years ago.
Terry has one son named Gordon
that lives in Iowa. There is one
great granddaughter that lives
near Boston and two great grandbabies, age two and eleven
months. She was raised in the
small town of Freeman, Missouri.
The day after graduating high
school she left for California and
was a hairdresser there for fortytwo years. It was there she
started using the name Terry. Her
boss told her she needed a name
that people would remember so it
has been Terry ever since.
Terry was married to her 1st husband, Emory Crossland for
twenty years. While living in
California they survived an earthquake. Their house withstood the
earthquake but they lost everything and all of their belongings
inside. Because of that experience Terry can appreciate everything she has. They moved to
Moosehaven in September 2006
with their sixteen-year-old cat
named Spooky. Unfortunately
they were not at Moosehaven too
long before Jim passed away.
After sitting at the dinner table
with Jim Bailey for a few years
they formed a very special friend5 of 12
ship. After a while that friendship
blossomed and they were married
September 7, 2012. They are always playing jokes on each other
and they love to laugh. Jim’s affectionate name for Terry as
many of you may already know is
“Wildcat”. They now live in
Chancellor II with her cat of two
years named Pepper. She feels
very safe at Moosehaven.
Being around people is one of the
things Terry enjoys the most. She
loves to go on outings and help
people read their menus or anything else they need help with.
She loves to knit and work in the
sewing room. As an adult, she
has taken Tae Kwon Do, Piano
and Voice lessons. She loves all
kinds of music and her favorite
dessert is glazed do-nuts. When
asked what advice she would
leave the next generation she said
“Look up respect and their life
would be easier and so would
everyone else’s.” Terry loves to
stay busy. She even worked at
McDonalds after she retired.
Admissions News
I am very pleased to report that
Traditional application requests have
increased. As of September 18th we
have sent out applications to three
couples and five singles.
Duane Hinz, sponsored from Astor,
FL lodge 2552, was admitted on
September 11th. James C. Cagle,
sponsored by Ft. Pierce FL Lodge
248, moved to Moosehaven on September 25. William and Ruby Lee
from Warner Robins, GA Lodge 1688
were also admitted on the same
John Del Monaco become a resident
on October 3rd. John is a Mooseheart
alumnus and was sponsored by
General Assembly Lodge 3000.
Please make welcome all our new
residents when you meet them.
On October 16th the Admissions
Committee met and approved the
applications of Jack C. Reavis sponsored by the Anchorage, AK Lodge
1534 and Kenneth W. Rowden for
Mandarin, FL Lodge 42.
Ross Fleet,
Director of Admissions
I really enjoyed spending time
with Terry and getting to know
her better. She is very interesting.
I’m sure she would love to sit and
talk with you about her travels
and interesting things she has
done in her life. She is still very
young at heart and has a lot more
experiences to experience. Visit
the newlyweds when you get a
chance. They are fun to be
Paula Wrye,
Medical Records
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Over our lifetime we take on
many roles. We are son/daughter,
brother/sister, student, worker, father/mother, teacher, leader, follower, and many more. We have
jobs/careers, are homemakers, have
hobbies and volunteer activities,
lodge memberships and church
groups and again the list goes on.
What all of these roles have in
common is that they give us a sense
of purpose. We are a part of something, we are providing something,
we are accomplishing something,
we are contributing to something,
we are making something better or
there is simply meaning in what we
do. We have purpose.
In speaking about Moosehaven,
James J. Davis is quoted as saying,
“Our intention is to organize the
residents so that they might help
each other and help themselves,
and provide from their own energy
the major part of the cost of their
keep”. This statement has deep
meaning and in many ways provides insight to life at Moosehaven.
It is a purpose statement that provides for multiple levels of purpose. It provides the opportunity to
be a part of and contribute to a defined group, the opportunity to help
others, the opportunity to help
yourself and and the opportunity to
contribute towards your keep. Most
importantly, you have the opportunity to accomplish these goals
through your own energy. What a
great opportunity to live a life of
purpose and to do so in you later
The new Katherine Smith Hall
will house our residents who need
Memory Support Services. The overarching goal of Memory Support Services is to provide these same opportunities to feel that life has purpose.
This begins by recognizing each resident as an individual with unique
knowledge, talents and background.
We learn what roles they have played
over their lifetime and what meaning
they drew from each role. We learn
their preferences and what kind of
daily routine they like to follow. We
learn what skills and abilities they
possess. After knowing each resident
as an individual we work to create an
atmosphere where each resident feels
they are a part of a group. We use the
information we gathered to develop
and provide activities that help each
resident feel they have accomplished
something for themselves or for the
group every day. Many of these activities will be things that people may
have done around the home such as
cooking, washing dishes, cleaning
table tops, moping, sweeping, vacuuming, laundry, folding clothes,
gardening, repairs, etc. Some activities will relate to hobbies or jobs.
Other activities will be based on enjoying interactions with others and
the memories they bring. An emphasis is placed on activates related to
meals and things you might do in
your living room at home.
The job description for every
staff member working in Katherine
Smith Hall contains a word that is
rarely, if ever, seen in a health care
setting. The word is homemaker. A
major part of each staff member’s
role revolves around helping each
resident make a home where they
feel comfortable and useful. We want
to make a home that goes beyond
quality of life to embrace purpose.
This is a concept frequently discussed but rarely implemented. In so
doing, we continue to follow a path
set by James J. Davis and Katherine
Bill Tippins,
Our #1 Priority
Is You!
Since taking the reins of the Security Department in July of last year,
I’ve gotten quite an education on
the day-to-day operations of the
campus. From the maintenance
team, contractors and housekeepers
who maintain this beautiful campus
and it’s facilities, the three shifts of
“Care Givers” who see to all of our
residents’ needs, to all of the support staff, believe me, it’s been an
education!! There is an incredible
amount of work being done at
During my first year, we have put
together a Security Team of dedicated men and women you can
count on, to be there when called
upon. In the first eight months of
2012 we have responded to over
158 Nurse Call Alarms, 53 Fire
Alarms, 10 Burglar Alarms and 37
Emergency 911 Calls. On the gates
we average 5200 visitors per month
to the campus.
We currently have 4 major construction projects underway, Brandon Place on Astor Circle, the
HVAC project in the Life Care
Center, the construction of the
Katherine Smith Building and the
renovation of Buckeye Hall. With
all of these things going on simultaneously, the one thing I want you
all to remember is, our number one
priority is “The Safety and Security
of our Residents, Staff and Visitors”. Keeping you all safe and secure is what we do!!
Bob Fell, Security Chief
Life Care Administrator
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The 6th Annual Somer Thompson Memorial Trick or Treat
At Moosehaven
Wednesday, October 31st
(904) 278-1210 or mmathews@moosehaven.org
Advanced Directives
I was sitting in my doctor’s office recently and an older gentleman was sitting across from me. The nurse gave him some
paperwork to fill out. He was filling out the paperwork and he stopped and said very loudly “I have a question. They
want to know if I have a will. That’s none of their business!” I looked at him and said, “I believe they want to know if
you have a Living Will.” He looked at me and said again “that’s none of their business!” What followed was a discussion
of why it is important to let everyone know your wishes before you have a health crisis.
The law recognizes the right of a person to instruct physicians to provide, withhold or withdraw life-prolonging procedures. Almost everyone in Florida remembers the Terri Shivo case. This case was in the court system for years. At the
center of the case was a disagreement between Terri Shivo’s husband and her parents as to what her wishes were since she
did not have Advance Directives in place. We often think Advance Directives are for senior adults. Terri Shivo was 26
years old when she had a medical crisis and could no longer speak for herself. It is now common for a young adult to be
involved in an accident and be placed in a long-term care facility. Advance Directives are for all adults.
When you move to Moosehaven, you are asked about Advance Directives. Advance Directives allow you to plan ahead
and state exactly how you wish to be treated if you become seriously ill. The best time to make decisions on Advance Directives is when you are healthy. Periodically you will notice that we talk to you about reviewing your advance directives
to make sure we stay current on your wishes. A good practice is to review your advance directives at your annual checkup when you meet with your physician. If you have questions about your Advance Directives you can also make an appointment with the Clinic or Social Services and we will be happy to answer your questions.
Susanne Hopkins,
Social Services Director
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We “Heard” that Jim Carson, Maintenance, went over and above in helping residents with their
work orders.
We “Heard” that Theresa Clark, LCC Activities, is amazing with our residents in our Dimentia Unit
and can often be seen and heard singing with them and taking them on walks around campus.
We “Heard” that Julie Ryan, LCC Receptionists, goes out of her way to make residents feel special.
She thanks the Veterans for their service and treats all residents with respect and care they deserve.
We “Heard” that John’s Leadership Team has been seen putting in countless service hours in helping to achieve success for all of our Heart Of The Community events on campus. Moosehaven is becoming the Heart Of This Community.
We “Heard” that the entire Moosehaven campus has been really supportive and encouraging to
Molly Staples, Dietary, during her pregnancy and made her feel like family, while her own family
was away. (Congratulations Molly, Sam and new baby Adelaide Elizabeth Staples!)
We “Heard” that Doris Johnson, resident, has been known to take time and visit with residents in our Life
Care Center. These visits help to make their day!
 We “Heard” that the staff in Maintenance, IMS, Dietary and Housekeeping were AWESOME!!!
 We “Heard” that Rick Duley, Director of Facilities, was able to help with the evacuated pre-school children
from Grace Episcopal during a gas leak. Rick brought the kids water, basketballs and other games to keep
them occupied on our lawn during the evacuation.
Remember, if you want to recognize a resident, staff member or contract vendor for a job well done,
Please notify Marina Mathews, Nancy Coffman or Doreen Vance.
Thank You To All Who Attended
The Moosehaven 90th Anniversary Celebration!
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