california theatre center
california theatre center
Presenting the CALIFORNIA THEATRE CENTER NEWSLETTER CAL ADD RES RNI S: A P . O T H E AT . R Sun B nyva ox 20 E CENT 07 le, C ER TEL A9 408 (408 EPHON 6 ) 24 E 5-29 FAC 79 (408 SIMIL E ) 94 0-82 52 IFO Summer Edition #1 Join us this summer at the California Theatre Center! Buy your tickets now for the exciting Summer Repertory shows. Seats are filling up quickly! (408) 245-2978 INSIDE THIS ISSUE: KNOW THE SHOWS The Summer Repertory season of plays begins on June 1. Look inside for some fun facts about our first two shows! Continued on Page 2 ARTIST SPOTLIGHT Rick Haffner is a notable member of CTC’s staff. Get to know him a bit better in this issue! The Canterville Ghost Continued on Page 3 COSTUMES Jane Lambert has been designing and building costumes for CTC since 1986. Learn more about her, inside! Continued on Page 3 Spotlight on Rick Haffner Costume Creations OTHER HAPPENINGS News about our Summer Conservatory, a word from Gayle, and more! Continued on Page 4 California Theatre Center, P.O. Box 2007 Sunnyvale, CA 94086 | 408-245-2979 | CALIFORNIA THEATRE CENTER! PAGE 2 Know the Shows! A Thousand Clowns by Herb Gardner Directed by Gayle Cornelison A Thousand Clowns A Thousand Clowns premiered in the famous Eugene O’Neill Theatre in New York City. The April 5, 1962 opening night featured Jason Robards in the role of the “slacker hero” Murray Burns. The show was nominated for a prestigious Tony Award, quite the honor for playwright Herb Gardner. A Thousand Clowns was his first full-length play! The show was so successful that Mr. Gardner was named “the most promising playwright of 1961-1962”. He also wrote the screenplay for the film adaptation. A coming-of-middle-age story revolving around eccentric bachelor Murray Burns, an unemployed children’s television writer who has found himself raising his sister’s son after she went out for a pack of cigarettes and never returned. When social workers from the Bureau of Child Welfare come to investigate whether his nephew is receiving a proper upbringing, finding an actual paying job becomes high priority so Murray can keep the precocious 12-year-old. A return to his former work involves writing for “Chuckles the Chipmunk,” an inane character if ever there was one! Full of quotable dialogue and quirky charm, A Thousand Clowns speaks to us of commitment and the power of love. The Canterville Ghost by Oscar Wilde Adapted by Gayle Cornelison Directed by Benjamin Brotzman Oscar Wilde’s much-loved short story “The Canterville Ghost” was published in 1887, just five years after Wilde returned home from a speaking tour across the United States. One of the final stops on his tour was San Francisco! Oscar Wilde toured around the Bay Area as well, even stopping in San Jose. At the time, his ideas and very presence caused quite a stir. He was lambasted in the press by local journalists and mobbed in the streets. It’s no surprise that he wrote a story outlining the differences between American and British cultures not long after visiting! A Thousand Clowns opens June 1 @7:30 pm The Canterville Ghost opens June 2 @3:00 pm and The Contrast opens June 15 @7:30 pm Dial M for Murder opens June 29 @7:30 pm In the next installment of the Summer Edition we will give you a sneak peek into CTC’s final two Summer Rep shows: The Contrast, and Dial M for Murder! To buy tickets for these great shows, call our box office at 408-245-2978 or visit us at The Canterville Ghost American minister Hiram Otis and his family have recently moved to Canterville Chase, a grand estate just outside of London, even though the previous owners made it quite clear to the family that the home was haunted. While the Otises are a practical lot and don’t believe in anything of a supernatural sort, a reappearing blood stain and the perpetual nocturnal visits of a rather noisy ghost with a taste for the theatrical convince them otherwise. Clearly the ghost is going to be driven mad by the very people he is desperately trying to haunt! The mixture of elements from traditional English ghost stories like clanking chains, creaking floorboards and ancient prophecies combine with American pluck and ingenuity and result in an entertainingly funny romp for the whole family. California Theatre Center, P.O. Box 2007 Sunnyvale, CA 94086 | 408-245-2979 | CALIFORNIA THEATRE CENTER! Costume Designer Jane Lambert works diligently at preparing costumes for the Summer Repertory Season MEET JANE LAMBERT Jane began with CTC in 1986 as a costume designer and builder. She studied English and Theatre at the University of Minnesota, and she received an MA in Theatre from Arizona State University. She also holds an MFA in costume design from the University of Wisconsin-Madison. Q and A: What was the first show on which you worked with costumes? -King Lear by William Shakespeare If you could design any show, which would you choose? -The School for Scandal by Richard Brinsley Sheridan Jane says that she discovered her knack for sewing when her grandmother began teaching her how to sew when she was a child. What is your favorite time period for costuming? Her favorite part of the costume building process is creating patterns, and she gets to create and build nearly 50% of the costumes from scratch for each show! If you could have one thing more in your shop, what would that be? - Late 19th-early 20th century; pre-World War I. -A new dressmaker dummy Did You Know? Jane is available through CTC’s “Adopt-a-Theatre-Artist” Program for costume creation! Also, CTC’s Costume Shop rents costumes to schools and other organizations. Call 408-245-2979 for more information! PAGE 3 Spotlight on...Rick Haffner! Rick Haffner has been with California Theatre Center since 1995. He was born in Fort Wayne, Indiana, and studied at Wabash College where he received a BA, and The University of North Carolina-Greensboro where he received an MFA in Acting/Directing. He received a Certificate of Professional Achievement from The Directors Colloquium at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. In his own words: “Sir Simon (the ghost) is a wonderful role I’ve wanted to play ever since I first saw the show. CTC has given me the opportunity to act, direct, stage manage, and administrate, as well as tour the western US and the South Pacific. I have also loved my role as teacher/mentor to scores of young actors, some of whom are professionals with the Company today!” You can see Rick this summer in The Canterville Ghost. California Theatre Center, P.O. Box 2007 Sunnyvale, CA 94086 | 408-245-2979 | CALIFORNIA THEATRE CENTER! PAGE 4 A Message from Gayle Cornelison CALIFORNIA THEATRE CENTER’S FOUNDER AND GENERAL DIRECTOR In choosing four plays to offer our loyal audiences in Summer Rep 2012 and, at the same time, attempting to reach out to attract new patrons, I have included several of my all-time favorites. We open with A Thousand Clowns, an enduring and beautifully crafted play with an iconoclastic, curmudgeonly main character we will all recognize! We follow that with The Canterville Ghost which is a treat for everyone - a story that manages to be both an amusing twist on the traditional gothic tale but also a lampoon of traditional "old world" values. I selected Dial M for Murder because we have enthusiastic audiences for a good mystery - and what better than one which the venerable Hitchcock made famous! Our fourth offering, The Contrast, is quite amazing! Imagine that this first American play ever performed in public by a company of professional actors can be relevant, smart and sparkling even today! I hope that this season will not only entertain but also will draw you deeply into these stories of the human condition and open up new and interesting ways of looking at the world. We also hope that you will support live theatre in our community by attending all of these plays in CTC's repertory this summer. Theatre cannot survive without an audience! Did You know? California Theatre Center is a notfor-profit organization. Ticket sales pay for only part of what it takes us to: *produce 13 plays in CTC's School and Family Season each school year *produce 4 plays in CTC's Summer Rep Season each summer *educate nearly a thousand students in CTC's Education Program each year See all the ways you can contribute here! 2012 Summer Theatre Conservatory Junior Conservatory CTC’s Junior Conservatory is a morning program designed to introduce the concept of making plays. In this active but nonthreatening environment, the students engage in theatre exercises and present a short play for family and friends on the final day. Core Conservatory CTC’s Core Conservatory is a full-day theatre intensive for students with or without prior theatre experience. Students work hands-on with CTC’s professional actor-teachers in acting, movement and voice classes. All students are cast in a play that is performed for the public on the last two days. In addition, they design and build all props, sets, costumes, tickets, and programs. Includes 4 tickets to Summer Rep, CTC’s professional repertory season of plays. For more information about our Conservatory, including times, dates, cost, and locations, E-mail us at, or visit us at California Theatre Center, P.O. Box 2007 Sunnyvale, CA 94086 | 408-245-2979 |