farm stand guide - Oregon Farm Bureau
farm stand guide - Oregon Farm Bureau
Oregon’s Bounty 2014 I S S U E FA R M STAND GUIDE FRESH FOOD FROM THE FIELD TO YOU Learn where to buy food directly from family farmers & ranchers! Guide is listed: • By region • By opening date • Alphabetically Searchable guide at Locally grown & growing strong Searchable guide at 2014 i 2014 ISSUE Volume 27 Enjoying Oregon’s Bounty Contents A farmer on a mission Facts about Farm Bureau Saluting Summer Ag Institute Century Farm recipe Farm Bureau member discounts What’s in season? Call for calendar photos Farm Bureau photo album 2 8 10 12 16 20 43 44 Photo by Anne Marie Moss ON THE COVER: Marion County Farm Bureau’s Molly McCargar and Ernie Pearmine are the fourth generation to run Pearmine Farms in Gervais. Editor: Anne Marie Moss Graphic Designer: Cheryl McLean • ImPrint Services Copyright ©2014. Oregon Farm Bureau Federation. All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or otherwise, without the prior written permission of the publisher. Advertising carried in the publication does not constitute an endorsement of the products by Oregon Farm Bureau. Exceptions to this rule are products and services sold by Farm Bureau affiliate companies carrying the full backing and endorsement of the federation. For advertising information, contact Anne Marie Moss, (503) 399-1701, ext. 313 ISSN 1040-5909 Published annually by Oregon Farm Bureau Federation, 3415 Commercial St. SE, Salem, OR 97302, (503) 399-1701, Controlled circulation. Subscription included in annual dues. Searchable guide at The bulk of Oregon’s Bounty magazine is dedicated to connecting consumers with family farmers and ranchers who grow and sell an immense variety of agriculture products: veggies, fruit, meat, cheese, wine, Christmas trees, CSAs, flowers, and hundreds more. Also listed here are farms that offer activities or events open to the public, including u-pick fields and on-farm festivals. Searching for something specific? Visit Oregon’s Bounty at and do a search for “blueberries” or “pumpkins” within a mile radius of your starting point. Not sure when your favorite fruits and vegetables are at their peak? Check out our What’s in season? calendar on p. 20 to know when local produce is at its freshest. Besides raising the food we eat every day, many farmers and ranchers also are active in their communities. Molly McCargar of Marion County Farm Bureau is a great example. Her farm donates crops and raises money to help support hungry Oregonians. She’s also passionate about agriculture education and works with local schools to help kids learn about the people and processes behind their food. Farm Bureau is really proud of the Summer Ag Institute. This year SAI celebrates 25 years of educating teachers about agriculture and how they can incorporate ag into their classrooms. This spring, the Oregon Dept. of Agriculture presented SAI with an Excellence in Education award. This is the second time SAI has earned this prestigious honor. Learn more about SAI on p. 10. No organization is a more respected, effective advocate for Oregon’s family farmers and ranchers than Farm Bureau. OFB believes that all types of agriculture production — organic, conventional, biotech, and no-tech — are needed to meet consumer demand and keep farms in business. Do your part to keep Oregon agriculture thriving by supporting local farmers and ranchers. This guide is a great place to get you started. Enjoy! 1 A farmer on a mission M O L LY M C C A R G A R ’ S PA S S I O N S A R E FA R M I N G , F E E D I N G P E O P L E , AND SHARING AG’S STORY By Anne Marie Moss W hile Molly McCargar may not look like what you’d imagine the “typical” farmer to be — a lively, under-40 mom with four daughters — her grandfather, Lester Pearmine Jr., always knew where her destiny lay. “When I was 16 and driving a tractor around, discing the field or something, grandpa waved me down. And I thought, ‘Oh no, what did I do?’” says McCargar, a member of Marion County Farm Bureau. “He said, ‘You know, I’ve been watching you. Out of all the grandkids, I think you will be the one to come back and run the farm.’ And I said, ‘Whatever, Grandpa. I’m a 16-year-old girl, and I’m going out on a date tonight.’ But he was right.” McCargar and her brother Ernie Pearmine are the fourth generation to run Pearmine Farms in Gervais. Her involvement started 9 years ago, when her dad, Ron Pearmine, asked her to help with the books part time. “Now my 20 hours a month on the farm has turned into 24 hours a day,” laughs McCargar. While her dad is still involved as 2 Examples of Pearmine Farms’ environmental stewardship include converting a 35-acre field into a wetland, conservation tillage to reduce soil erosion and runoff, reducing fuel use with GPS technology on equipment, modifying its irrigation systems for greater energy efficiency, providing wildlife habitat, and achieving Food Alliance and Global GAP certifications. a “high-paid consultant,” the major decisions, management, and farming responsibilities fall to her and Ernie. Their core crops are green beans, cauliflower, broccoli, and sweet corn, which the farm has raised for NORPAC, an Oregon-based food processor, since 1974. “Almost everything we grow ends up in a finished product in some shape or form,” says McCargar. If you see canned Santiam or frozen Flav-R-Pac vegetables at the grocery store, chances are the produce came from Pearmine Farms. The 1,200-acre farm also has cherry orchards and fields of grass seed, wheat, and clover. And making its debut last year, for the first time in the farm’s 79-year history, were strawberries. OREGON FARM BUREAU “My dad said he’d never grow strawberries, but I’ve learned since having children, never say never. Ever,” says McCargar. “We’re always looking at our crop rotation and crop plan, and considering what would work. It depends on the acres we need for NORPAC, our own crop history and data, and watching market trends.” While the farm primarily uses conventional production methods, meaning crop-protection tools are used, the Pearmine portfolio includes 20 acres of certified organic vegetables. And the tentative plan is to expand this by 30 to 35 acres. “It helps people realize that conventional and organic crops can coexist and be done side by side,” says McCargar. “What I say is that there’s no right or wrong way to raise crops, it’s just that everyone should have access to food. The only thing wrong with our food system is that people don’t.” and distributes it to emergency food networks in Oregon and southwest Washington. The amount donated depends on the farm’s average yield per acre for the year. Typically, one acre of corn equals 114,000 cans. For any remaining cruciferous vegetables, Pearmine Farms partners with Salem Harvest. “After we meet our contract for cauliflower or broccoli, we call Salem Harvest and a huge army of volunteers will come out to pick,” says McCargar. Half of the group’s harvest goes to Marion-Polk Food Share, and volunteers get to keep the other half. “In 2012, we donated over 26,000 pounds of food just through Salem Harvest,” she says. “There’s still value in those crops if we found a market for them. But there’s also a need. After we meet our goals for the farm, we help feed hungry Oregonians.” A farmer’s mission: feeding people As a farmer, McCargar makes her living raising a product essential to all of us — food — which in and of itself is a major contribution to society. But the fact that there are hungry families living in the middle of the agriculturally abundant Willamette Valley doesn’t sit well with her. And McCargar is the type of person who, after finding a cause she’s passionate about, takes action. Every year, Pearmine Farms dedicates one acre of green beans and one acre of corn to Farmers Ending Hunger, an organization that collects food donations from farmers and ranchers, processes it, Searchable guide at Molly McCargar is the fourth generation to run Pearmine Farms in Gervais. 3 The farm’s “Another Pumpkin Patch” (see listing on p. 33) also dedicates all of its proceeds to Farmers Ending Hunger and Marion-Polk Food Share. The patch has raised more than $5,000 and collected hundreds of cans of food for these organizations. Siblings Molly McCargar and Ernie Pearmine in the office of Pearmine Farms. They share all decision-making, management, and farming responsibilities. “People also ask, ‘What’s your sustainability program?’ Well, our sustainability program is making sure the fifth generation can farm and keep it going. Farmers are sustainable in terms of their soil management, water quality, everything that we’re doing — because if we weren’t, the ground wouldn’t give back. So every farmer is sustainable in one way or another.” And at the end of the day, farmers and ranchers have to eat, too. The true face of “Big Ag” Despite the fact that 97 percent of all American farms and ranches are family owned and operated, there’s a misconception that most farms are run by huge, heartless, even dangerous mega-conglomerates. At 1,200 acres, an incorporated business, and with conventional and organic production, Pearmine Farms fits squarely within the definition of “Big Ag.” “All the time” is how frequently McCargar says she shares her story as an Oregon farmer when she hears blanket anti-agriculture comments or sees posts on social media. 4 “People are quick to start off with their definition of ‘Big Ag’ and ‘corporate farmers.’ And then I say, ‘Well, you’re looking at one,’” she says. “I explain that we’re a corporation because the IRS requires us to be something. And we’re also a multi-generational family farm with a brother and sister making day-today decisions. Farming is what I do for a living. You can trust that we are feeding you in the best, most efficient, healthiest way we possibly can. Once you start giving people a perspective of what ‘Big Ag’ really is — I think most people have an ‘Ah-ha’ moment. “I have to feed our kids. We live in what we do. We’re not going to do anything that we think is going to harm us in any way. So why would I do that to you, the consumer? When you kind of take away whatever that barrier is and make ‘Big Ag’ a little more real, a lot of people get a better idea,” says McCargar. “It’s Farmer Molly!” A former middle school teacher and coach, and a proud Oregon farmer, the fact that agriculture education is one of McCargar’s many passions is no surprise. Soon after it premiered OREGON’S BOUNTY FARM STAND GUIDE Photo by Pearmine Farms a few years ago, “Another Pumpkin Patch” became a favorite field trip destination for teachers and students. “The kids come out, do the corn maze, and then we’ll do a little educational activity, maybe talk about the farm, or the difference between squash and pumpkin, or what’s in a pumpkin pie. One fall we had over 1,000 kids,” she says. McCargar also is a regular visitor to Gervais schools, participating in “Farm Days” to teach students about the people and processes behind the food they eat every day. “At this point, when I walk into the school, it’s either ‘Hey, it’s Farmer Molly — or it’s Gracey/Lily/Addy’s mom,’“ she says. Photo by Molly McCargar McCargar has four siblings, and now she’s the mother of four daughters: Gracey, age 10; Lily, age 8; Addy, age 6; and Kalley, age 19 months. Searchable guide at After Pearmine Farms finishes harvesting the broccoli it needs for NORPAC (pictured), McCargar contacts Salem Harvest to have volunteers pick remaining crops. Half of this second harvest is donated to Marion-Polk Food Share. McCargar’s next goal: Getting Gervais FFA involved with Pearmine Farms’ pumpkin patch. The plan is to have students help transplant young pumpkin plants from the greenhouse into the field, along with other responsibilities. They’ll earn community service credit, as well as gain some valuable on-farm agriculture and business experience. Girl power While McCargar is the fourth generation to run her family’s farm, she’s the first woman officially in that role. And, as the mother of four girls, the next generation will most likely involve at least one female farmer. “I had someone ask me one day, ‘Oh you have four girls. Are you going to try for a boy? No? Well, who’s going to take over the farm?,’“ she says. “I kind of looked at him and went, ‘Well who do you think is running the farm now?’“ 5 But there’s no denying that McCargar defies the stereotype of a typical farmer — and in fact, she defies data from the recently released 2012 Ag Census. It revealed that the average age of an Oregon farmer is 60 and the number of female farm owner/ operators in Oregon dropped a whopping 15 percent from 2007. However, McCargar sees both trends slowly changing in the north Willamette Valley. “I think in this area, the number of female farmers is on the upswing,” she says. And in the past 8 years, she’s seen more and more young faces at NORPAC grower meetings. But just how does McCargar manage running a farm, being a mother of four, and serving her community in myriad ways? “Well, I have a good support network,” she says. “Having my husband Linsday, my mom, and now my dad, because he’s a little more retired, really helps out. Basically, it takes a farm village!” Why Farm Bureau is important “Farm Bureau is the eyes and ears for its members at the state and national legislature,” says Molly McCargar of Marion County Farm Bureau. “If we didn’t have an organization like Farm Bureau, farmers and ranchers would have to spend all of their time at the Capitol, instead of farming and feeding people.” This spring, McCargar did take time away from the farm to testify at a state legislative committee hearing. She spoke in favor of an OFB-supported bill, SB 1541, the Crop Donation Tax Credit. “Being there for the crop donation tax credit was important to me and my family and my farm,” she says. “I spoke as a mom, a farmer, and a school board member in a district that has such a high free-and-reducedlunch population right in the heart of Oregon agriculture.” The bill was designed to offset some of the costs farmers and ranchers accrue when they donate crops to a charitable organization, costs like harvest labor, crop cleaning, and 6 From left, Marion County Farm Bureau President John Zielinski, Molly McCargar of Marion County Farm Bureau, OFB’s Ian Tolleson, and Phillip Kennedy-Wong of Oregon Food Bank testified in support of the Crop Donation Tax Credit bill this session. storage. Many ag producers already donate at a loss to their business. The bill passed, and the hope is that even more ag operations will contribute vegetables, fruit, and meat to help feed hungry Oregonians. As a grassroots organization, Farm Bureau relies on its volunteer leaders at the county and state level to guide its public policy positions and share their personal stories. Nothing impacts legislators more than to hear from a family farmer or rancher about why an issue or bill is important. Learn more at OREGON’S BOUNTY FARM STAND GUIDE On top of most current offers, here’s a private offer 1 for Farm Bureau members. Member benefits keep growing. To help members out and to show our appreciation, we’re extending a $500 private offer 1 toward the purchase or lease of nearly any new 2013 or 2014 Chevrolet vehicle. From Silverado to Cruze and more — a new vehicle can be exactly what a growing family needs to thrive. 1 Offer available through 4/1/14. Available on all 2012, 2013 and 2014 Chevrolet vehicles Searchable guide at (excluding Volt). This offer is not available with some other offers, including private offers. Only customers who have been active members of an eligible Farm Bureau for a minimum of 60 days will be eligible to receive a certificate. Customers can obtain certificates at Farm Bureau and the FB logo are registered service marks of the American Farm Bureau Federation and are used herein under license by General Motors. 7 Oregon Farm Bureau: Locally grown & growing strong W hether you are a Farm Bureau member through COUNTRY Financial or are a family farmer or rancher wanting to protect and strengthen Oregon agriculture now and for the future, OFB greatly appreciates your membership. Here are 15 facts about Farm Bureau: 1.Farm Bureau was first established in Oregon in 1919 in Umatilla County. 2.The first official Farm Bureau mission in 1919: Educate farmers in the region who were using inefficient wheat-growing practices. 3.OFB as a statewide organization was founded in 1932; the first state president was Mac Hoke. 4.Farm Bureau is a grassroots organization. OFB’s public policy objectives are presented, discussed, and voted upon by family farmer and rancher members of county Farm Bureaus from all parts of the state. 5.The largest general ag organization in Oregon, Farm Bureau has 7,500 members professionally engaged in agriculture. 6.Family farmers and ranchers comprise OFB’s Board of Directors and advisory committees, and represent the diversity of Oregon agriculture. 7.Farm Bureau believes there is room for, and a need for, all types of agriculture production: organic, conventional, biotech, and no-tech. Farmers are the best people to decide how and what to raise on their own farms. 8.Farm Bureau is essential because agriculture needs a voice at the local, state, and federal legislature — otherwise farmers and ranchers would be regulated out of business. 9.Farming is impacted by almost every type of public policy, including laws involving land use, water, labor, taxes, wildlife, transportation, energy, and the environment. 10.With OFB’s many discount programs, it’s easy to recoup the cost of annual membership dues. See p. 16. 11.OFB programs include the Young Farmers & Ranchers (YF&R), Century Farm & Ranch, and Summer Ag Institute for teachers. 8 OREGON FARM BUREAU Meet the 2014 OFB Board of Directors, all family farmers and ranchers representing the diversity of Oregon agriculture. Front row from left: Mickey Killingsworth, OFB 4th VP & Women’s Advisory Council chair; OFB 3rd VP Barb Iverson; OFB 1st VP Tracey Liskey; OFB 2nd VP Peggy Browne. Back row from left, Bill Browne, Region 2; Barry Bushue, OFB President; Lyndon Kerns, Region 4; Kathy Hadley, Young Farmers & Ranchers Comm. chair; Sharon Waterman, Region 12; Pete Postlewait, Region 7; Wade Flegel, Region 5; Peter Kenagy, Region 10; KC VanNatta, Region 14; Dale Buck, Region 8; OFB EVP Dave Dillon; Bruce Chapin, Region 15; Dalton Straus, Region 11; Dean Freeborn, Region 9; and Shane Otley, Region 3. (Not shown: Larry Lear, Region 1; Dean McAllister, Region 6; Dan Andersen, Region 13; Rick Epp, Region 16) 12.Voting and supporting (farmer) members can get involved at the county Farm Bureau level. Visit for your county contact or call OFB at 503.399.1701. 13.Every year, at the state and county level, Farm Bureau gives about $80,000 worth of scholarships to students across Oregon. 14.In the past 25, Farm Bureau has donated more than $40,000 to Oregon’s three Ronald McDonald House Charities. 15.OFB President Barry Bushue also serves as vice president for American Farm Bureau. Learn more about Farm Bureau at Did you know? Oregon Farm Bureau is a grassroots organization. Farmers and ranchers can get involved in their county Farm Bureau to make a difference for agriculture! Find county contact information at Searchable guide at 9 Summer Ag Institute wins award for excellence SAI HONORED BY OREGON D E P T. O F A G ON ITS 25TH ANNIVERSARY O FB congratulates the Summer Agriculture Institute for receiving the 2014 Excellence in Education award by the Oregon Department of Agriculture (ODA). Celebrating its 25th anniversary this year, the Summer Ag Institute (SAI) educates Oregon K-12 teachers about agriculture and its application in the classroom. The honor is part of ODA’s Agricultural Progress Awards, which celebrate progress in agriculture made through partnerships between business, higher education, and state government. SAI was one of five innovators saluted at the 22nd annual Agricultural Progress Awards Dinner on March 12. Impressively, this is the second time ODA has presented SAI with the Excellence in Education award. “It’s an honor to be recognized by the Oregon Dept. of Agriculture, particularly since SAI is celebrating its 25th anniversary this year,” said Jana 10 SAI is a three-credit, week-long, graduate-level course offered through Oregon State University for K-12 educators with little or no agricultural background. Dick, coordinator of the SAI in La Grande. “We get such great feedback from teachers who participate. Not only do they gain a lot of great lesson plan ideas, but they often start to question popular misconceptions about agriculture after they learn about it first-hand and interact with family farmers and ranchers.” A project of the Oregon Agricultural Education Foundation and supported by Farm Bureau, SAI is a three-credit, week-long, graduate-level class through Oregon State University that educates K-12 teachers with little or no background in agriculture. The goal of SAI is to help educators use agriculture as a context for teaching standard subjects like science, math, social studies, and English. Current, factual, and scientific information about agriculture is presented, OREGON FARM BUREAU “All the tours were so eye-opening. Everything dispelled myths I had held as true for a lifetime.” Middle school teacher & 2013 SAI participant and participants are provided with educational materials to help them incorporate what they’ve learned into their classrooms. Since its first summer in 1989, SAI has enrolled hundreds of Oregon teachers with the goal of helping to promote the importance of agriculture to society. Through SAI, teachers are given first-hand experiences in the agriculture industry. The action-packed week includes field trips to farms and ranches, tours of processing plants, and lectures and hands-on labs taught by university professors. The highlight of the week is an overnight stay on a working farm where the teacher has an opportunity to meet a real farm or ranch family. There are two sessions of SAI each summer: one held in Corvallis, June 22-27, and a second held in La Grande, July 13-18. Enrollment cost for a graduate-level, three-credit session is a great deal at $600. SAI provides a working environment for participants to experience current, factual, scientific information about agriculture, and to learn what it takes for farmers to be successful in today’s global economy. Matt Wood, president of Umatilla-Morrow County Farm Bureau, gave a tour of his wheat farm to teachers attending SAI last summer. To learn more about SAI, visit, or call Debbie Crocker about SAI Corvallis at 541.740.5073 or Jana Lee Dick about SAI La Grande/Union at 541.562.5129. The goal of SAI is to help educators learn to use agriculture as a context or theme for teaching science, math, social studies, and English. Searchable guide at 11 ow, here’s a great idea for a delightful summer activity: Find a family farm listed in this issue of Oregon’s Bounty that offers u-pick blueberries (or search online at Make the scenic trip to the farm and venture into the field to harvest the perfect batch of berries. Once back home, try this delicious cookie recipe, proudly presented by a family whose farm was established in Clackamas County in 1847, 167 years ago. N ceremony at the Oregon State Fair. The Farm Bureau-supported Century Farm & Ranch Program honors ag operations that have remained in the same family for at least 100 years — or 150 years for Sesquicentennial status. To date, 1,156 Oregon operations are recognized as being in business for at least a century, while 26 farms have reached the sesquicentennial mark. Oregon has one of the oldest agricultural heritage programs of this type in the nation. Blueberry Oatmeal Cookies The 2014 program deadline is May 1. Successful applicants receive a personalized certificate with acknowledgment by the Governor and director of the Oregon Dept. of Agriculture. A durable metal roadside sign to identify the family farm or ranch as having historic Century or Sesquicentennial status also is available. Each family will be honored during a special 12 Photo courtesy of Oregon Century Farm & Ranch Program Try a Century Farm’s cookie recipe For more information about the Century Farm & Ranch Program, visit or contact Andréa Kuenzi, program coordinator, at 503.400.7884. Recipe shared by Dr. William H. MacFarlane. Century Farm established by Mark A. Hattan of Clackamas County in 1847. 1/2 cup butter or margarine 1 cup dark brown sugar, packed 3/4 cup granulated sugar 2 eggs 2 1/4 cups all-purpose flour 2 tsp. baking powder 1/2 tsp. baking soda 1/2 tsp. salt 1/2 tsp. cinnamon 1/2 tsp. nutmeg 1 cup quick-cooking rolled oats 1 cup chopped nuts 1 cup blueberries Cream butter until fluffy. Stir in sugars. Beat in eggs. Sift together flour, baking powder, soda, salt, cinnamon, and nutmeg, and add to creamed mixture with oats and nuts. Fold in blueberries. Push dough from heaping teaspoon onto greased cookie sheet. Bake in preheated oven at 400 degrees for 10 to 12 minutes or until cookies are light brown. Makes about 36 cookies. OREGON FARM BUREAU Portland Metro Willamette Valley Columbia Gorge Oregon Coast Central Oregon Southern Oregon Eastern Oregon What’s in season? 13 24 34 36 37 38 41 20 Listings are organized: 1. By region 2. By opening date 3. Alphabetically Access a searchable online version of the guide at To locate a farmers market near you, contact the Oregon Farmers Market Association at 971.400.0581 or visit FARM FAVORITES: n n n n U-pick fields n CSAs Pumpkins n Wine Christmas trees On-farm festivals & activities Searchable guide at PORTLAND METRO Regional Index OFB FARM STAND GUIDE PORTLAND METRO Open all year Alpaca Forest Ranch: Alpaca products, males for fiber & breeding stock Ranch at 19025 SW Hillsboro Hwy. in Newberg All year, 7 days, 11:00-7:00 Contact: 503.476.5041 Website: Big Meadow Farm: Game birds, eggs & boarding kennel for dogs Farm at 34201 Big Meadow Lane in Deer Island All year, Sat.-Mon., 10:00-4:00 (call for appt.) Contact: 503.366.3565, Website: Brian Trout Ranch: Live rainbow trout for pond and lake stocking Farm at 26230 SE Brian Ranch Rd. in Sandy All year, call for appt. Contact: 503.668.7861, Website: EasyGo Farm: Alpacas, suris and huacayas, breeding stock, pet & fiber alpacas, wool, yarn & other alpaca products Ranch at 16430 SW Holly Hill Rd. in Hillsboro All year, 7 days, (email or call first) Contact: 503.628.2023, Website: Forest Edge Vineyard: Winery, vineyard, tasting room on farm; Chardonnay, Pinot Noir, Leon Millot, sparkling wines, red blends, white blends & dessert wines Vineyard at 15640 S Spangler Rd. in Oregon City All year: May-Dec., Sat.-Sun., 12:00-5:00; Dec.-May, Sun., 12:00-5:00 Contact: 503.632.9463, Website: n 13 PORTLAND METRO L Bar T Bison Ranch: Buffalo ranch, meat & more Ranch at 43465 SW Hiatt Rd. in Forest Grove All year, Mon.-Sat., 9:00-4:00 Contact: 503.357.5141, Lamon Bee Acres: Honey, bulk bees wax & bees wax candles Gresham Saturday Market Farm at 31833 SE Kelso Rd. in Boring All year, Mon.-Sat., 11:00-5:00 Contact: 503.348.2119, Opening in February Monagon Blueberry Farm: U-pick, we-pick blueberries, frozen, organic vegetables, fruits, eggs & raw honey Stand at 12000 SE Lafayette Hwy. in Dayton All year, 7 days, 8:00-8:00 Contact: 503.864.4909, Website: Facebook n Evans Farms: Broadleafed ornamentals, conifers, landscape design, installation & farm tours Farm at 22289 S Hwy. 213 in Oregon City Feb. 15-Dec. 15, Mon.-Sat., 8:00-6:00; Dec.15-Feb. 15, 7 days Contact: 503.632.3475, Website: n Oregon Brooks Prunes: Oregon Brooks dried prunes & misc. bulk dry food Farm at 21070 SW Tile Flat Rd. in Beaverton All year, Mon.-Sat., 9:00-4:00 Contact: 503.628.0703 VanderZanden Farms: Cut & potted tulips, hyacinths & peonies Stand at 6000 NW Jackson School Rd. in Hillsboro Feb.-June 15, 7 days, 7:00-6:00 Contact: 503.681.8410 Patchwork Farm & Nursery: Horse boarding & blueberry plant nursery Farm at 5750 SW River Rd. in Hillsboro Call for appt. Contact: 503.642.9297 Opening in March Skipper & Jordan Nursery: Retail/wholesale nursery; evergreen, shade & flowering trees; shrubs, ornamentals, flowers, hanging flower baskets, flowering wall bags, Christmas trees, wreaths, swags & garland Nursery at 29690 SE Orient Dr. in Gresham All year, 7 days, 8:30-4:00 Contact: 503.663.1125, n Soggy Feet Enterprises: Natural grass-fed & finished beef, grass hay Ranch at 13831 NW Charlton Rd. in Portland All year, 7 days, by appt. The Pumpkin Patch: 16511 NW Gillihan Rd. in Portland, June-Oct., 9:00-6:00 Contact: 503.522.7168, Website: n SunGold Farm: CSA deliveries to Intel, Nike, Columbia Sportswear, and other drops in Portland Metro; vegetables, tree fruit, cane fruit, melons, blueberries Beaverton, Hillsdale, Hollywood, Portland, Woodstock Farmers Markets Farm at 6995 NW Evers Rd. in Forest Grove All year Contact: 503.357.3851, Website: n 14 Verna Jean Nursery: Small ornamental trees: Japanese maple, dogwood, magnolia, beech, monkey puzzle; small to large landscape-ready trees Nursery at 8325 SE Altman Rd. in Gresham All year, call for appt. Contact: 503.663.4486, Website: New Leaf Greenhouse: Perennial & annual flowers, organic vegetables & herbs, planters & hanging baskets Greenhouse at 3285 NW Susbauer Rd. in Cornelius Mar. 15-Aug., Mon.-Sat., 9:00-6:00; Sun., 10:00-5:00 Contact: 503.844.6400, Website: Opening in April Bernards Farm: U-pick, we-pick strawberries, corn, summer & winter squash, green beans, tomatoes, peppers, greens, cucumbers, fruit, cut flowers, bedding plants, hanging baskets & more McMinnville Farmers Market Farm at 18755 SW Hwy. 18 in McMinnville April-Oct., 7 days, 8:00-6:00 Contact: 503.472.4933, Website: n Oregon Walnuts: Walnuts shelled, half- & full-pound bags Portland/PSU Farmers Market April-Dec., Sat. Contact: 503.628.2798 n n n n U-pick fields n CSAs Pumpkins n Wine Christmas trees On-farm festivals & activities OREGON’S BOUNTY FARM STAND GUIDE Thank you for making 40 years of dreams possible. Thanks, Oregon! For four decades, your generous support of The Oregon Community Foundation has benefited thousands of people in your own communities. Thank you also to the 1,622 volunteers whose hard work and dedication made it happen. We look forward to the next 40 years of helping you create charitable funds that directly support your region. For more information, call us at 503.227.6846 or visit 4O Y E A R S Member Benefits Easily recoup your annual Farm Bureau dues with these great discounts How to get the discounts: Find special discount codes, phone numbers, and instructions on the members-only website at Sign up for the site with your nine-digit Farm Bureau membership number, listed above your address on this magazine’s mailing label. Or contact OFB at 800.334.OFBF (6323), COUNTRY Financial offers insurance for auto, farm, home, life, crop, identity theft coverage, and more. COUNTRY’s insurance and other services are available exclusively to Farm Bureau members. Call 888.211.2555 or visit Eligible Farm Bureau members can receive a $500 discount on the 2013 or 2014 Chevrolet, GMC, or Buick vehicle they purchase or lease. This Farm Bureau Bonus Cash is available at participating GM dealerships. While on a trip in the United States or abroad, Farm Bureau members can save 20% at 5,000 Choice Hotels, including Sleep, Comfort, Clarion, Cambria, Suburban, EconoLodge, Mainstay, Quality, and Rodeway hotels. The Wyndham Hotels program offers a 20% discount off the best available rate at 6,400 hotels worldwide, including AmeriHost Inn, Baymont, Days Inn, Hawthorn, Howard Johnson, Knights Inn, Microtel, Ramada, Super 8, Travelodge, Wingate, and Wyndham hotels. At Grainger, Farm Bureau members are eligible for a 10% to 50% discount on many purchases, from power tools to hardware to material-handling supplies. Delivery is free for orders made online at Farm Bureau members receive up to 20% off of Avis car rentals. Benefits are subject to change without notice. 16 OREGON FARM BUREAU Geared toward those without existing prescription coverage, the OFB Prescription Discount Program gives an average savings of 30% (up to 75%) on brand and generic prescription drugs at 551 pharmacies in Oregon. There is no red tape and everyone is eligible. Farm Bureau members can receive a Case-IH discount of $300-$500 depending on the tractor or implement acquired. BizPlan (for small business owners) and AgriPlan (for farmers) allow businesses to deduct 100% of their family health insurance premiums and out-of-pocket medical, vision, and dental expenses not covered by insurance. Farm Bureau Bank offers all manner of excellent banking services for Farm Bureau members, including a credit card that earns points for use, which can be converted into money put back into the account., 800.492.3276 Life Line Screening allows Farm Bureau members to take advantage of mobile health screenings in their own community at a reduced price. ClearValue Hearing saves members up to 60% off MSRP on all Starkey Hearing Instruments, and significant savings on other hearing needs, including ear protection and ear molds from Westone EarMold Laboratories. Joe Hobson, Attorney at Law: Get a 15% discount from this firm, which specializes in agriculture, natural resource, and business law. 503.585.6708, Get advertising and promotional products and accessories from with or without the Farm Bureau logo. Quality items at excellent prices are placed in easy-to-use categories for convenient shopping. AmeriGas gives Farm Bureau members a 5-cents-per-gallon discount on propane. Customers are eligible for an automatic delivery option, 24/7 emergency service, and a variety of payment programs. Programs for farmers and ranchers only (Voting and Supporting Farm Bureau members): Verizon, Farm Employer Education & Legal Defense Service (FEELDS), and OFB Theft Recovery Program.,, 800.334.6323 For more information contact OFB at 800.334.6323 or e-mail 17 PORTLAND METRO Winters Farm: Corn, berries, beans, produce, honey & jams Beaverton, Portland, Woodstock Farmers Markets Contact: 503.970.4719, Opening in May Alpen CJD Gardens: Annuals, perennials, hanging baskets, vegetable starts, nursery stock, dahlias & produce Hillsboro Farmers Market Farm at 12010 NE Flett Rd. in Gaston May-June, Mon.-Fri., 3:00-6:00; Sat.-Sun., 10:006:00; Sept.-Oct., 7 days, 10:00-6:00 Contact: 503.662.3951, Website: Baggenstos Farms: U-pick strawberries, blueberries, marionberries, raspberries, pumpkin patch & Christmas trees Farm at 15801 SW Roy Rogers Rd. in Sherwood May-Dec., 7 days, 9:00-6:00 Contact: 503.590.4301 Website: n n n Burns Farm: U-pick, we-pick strawberries, raspberries & marionberries; farm stand with seasonal fruits & vegetables, fall decor & pumpkins Farm at 2318 SE 302nd Ave. in Troutdale May-Nov., 7 days, 9:00-6:00 (call for avail.) Contact: 503.667.4380, n n Bushue’s Family Farm Market: U-cut flowers, floral event arrangements, flowering baskets & patios, premium annuals, bedding plants, vegetable & herb starts, u-pick strawberries, peas, beans, tomatoes, corn, peppers, basil, raspberries, pumpkins, Fall Harvest Festival in Oct. Gresham Farmers Market Farm at 9880 SE Revenue Rd. in Boring May-June & Oct., Wed.-Sat., 10:00-5:00; Sun., 11:00-4:00 Contact: 503.663.6709, Website:, Facebook n n n Duyck Family Farm: Sweet corn, strawberries, raspberries, blueberries, walnuts, tree fruits & vegetables Stand at SW Tualatin Valley Hwy. & SW 331 St. in Hillsboro May-June, Aug.-Oct., Mon.-Sat., 10:00-6:00 n n n n 18 U-pick fields n CSAs Pumpkins n Wine Christmas trees On-farm festivals & activities Jockey Hill Nursery: Perennials, grasses & shrubs Scappoose Farmers Market Stand at Hwy. 30 & Columbia Ave. in Scappoose May-Sept., Sat., 9:00-2:00 Contact: 503.543.4757, Website: Kruger’s Farm: U-pick berries, farm stand & events Stand at 17100 NW Sauvie Island Rd. in Portland May-Nov., 7 days, 9:00-8:00 Contact: 503.621.3489 Website: n n Mountainside Herbal Nursery: Herb & vegetable starts, fresh & dried lavender, cherries, in-shell hazelnuts & walnuts Hillsboro, OHSU, Orenco, Sherwood, Tigard Farmers Markets May-Oct., Mon.-Fri., 9:00-4:00 Contact: 503.709.6947, Website: Sauvie Island Lavender Farm: U-cut lavender, dried lavender bundles, dried lavender buds, culinary lavender, lavender plants, lavender products; u-pick yellow plums, grapes & mulberries Farm at 20230 NW Sauvie Island Rd. in Portland May-Oct., Tues.-Sun., 10:00-5:00 Contact: 503.577.6565, admin@ Website: n Swan Estate: U-pick, we-pick juice grapes, apples, pears, plums & wine Stand & u-pick at 33443 S Sawtell Rd. in Molalla May or June - Oct. or Nov., 7 days, call for times Contact: 503.829.9019, n n Farmers market shopping tips 1. Know your produce seasons (see p. 20-21). 2. Go early for the biggest selection, late for the best deals. 3. Bring your own bag. 4. Have cash (small bills). 5. Ask the farmer for tips on preparing new-to-you foods. OREGON’S BOUNTY FARM STAND GUIDE The Barn: Berries, orchard fruits, vegetables, corn, pickling cucumbers, kraut cabbage, squash, pumpkins, fall decor & more Stand at 5211 NE 148th Ave. in Portland June-Nov., Mon.-Sat., 9:00-6:00 Contact: 503.253.5103 Website: n Bella Organic Pumpkin Patch & Winery: U-pick strawberries, blueberries & blackberries; organic produce: heirloom tomatoes, green beans, garlic, carrots, corn, asparagus, zucchini, cucumbers, onions, leeks, cauliflower, peppers, lettuce, Swiss chard, squash & berry wine. Farm tours, pumpkin patch, hay rides, corn maze, haunted corn maze, Dogathon 5K Run, food, beer, wine tasting events with live music & CSA June-Nov., 7 days, 9:00-6:00 Farm at 16205 NW Gillihan Rd. in Portland Contact: 503.621.9545, Website: n n n n n Columbia Farms: U-pick strawberries, raspberries, blueberries, marionberries, boysenberries, red & black currants, black caps, blackberries, u-cut flowers, tomatoes, pumpkins & fall decor Farm at 21024 NW Gillihan Rd. in Sauvie Island June-July, Tues.-Sun., 9:00-5:00; Sept.-Oct., Fri.-Sun., 9:00-5:00 Contact: 503.621.3909 Website: n n Dairy Creek Farm & Produce: CSA memberships, beans, broccoli, cabbage, cantaloupe, corn, cucumbers, peppers, tomatoes, pumpkins, spinach, lettuce & more Stand at 23295 NW Hwy. 47 in Buxton June-Oct., 7 days, 10:00-6:00 Contact: 503.324.7819, Website: n n Dinihanian’s Farm Market: CSA memberships, strawberries, blueberries, blackberries, cherries, apricots, peaches, pears, apples, asparagus, cabbage, broccoli, rhubarb, onions, squash, peas, lettuce, beans, potatoes, tomatoes, carrots, kale, beets, herbs, spinach, garlic, free-range chicken eggs & more Stand at 15005 NW Cornell Rd. in Beaverton June-Oct., Wed.-Sun., 10:00-6:00; Nov.-Dec., 7 days, 10:00-6:00 Contact: Website: n Searchable guide at Joe Casale & Sons: U-pick strawberries & tomatoes, corn, eggplant, flowers, pickling cucumbers, onions & garlic Farm at 13116 NE Denbrook Rd. in Aurora June for strawberries; July 9-Nov. 3, Mon.-Sat., 9:006:00 Contact: 503.678.0291 n PORTLAND METRO Opening in June Holly Blue Acres: U-pick, we-pick blueberries, cut holly in fall Farm at 23556 SW Gage Rd. in Wilsonville June-Aug. & by appt., 7 days, 8:00-5:00 Contact: 503.638.8175, Website: n Liepold Farms: Strawberries, raspberries, blackcaps, marionberries, evergreens, boysenberries & blueberries Beaverton, Gresham, Hollywood, Lake Oswego, Milwaukie, Portland, Tigard Farmers Markets Stand at 14480 SE Richey Rd. in Boring June-Aug., 7 days, 9:00-6:00 Contact: 503.663.3442 Website: Mike & Debbie’s Produce: Strawberries, raspberries, blueberries, blackberries, sweet corn, carrots, onions, beets, potatoes, peppers, zucchini, crooknecks, cucumbers, lemons, pickles, salad fixings, melons, tomatoes, pumpkins, winter squash, fall decor & more Stand at 2330 NW Cornelius-Schefflin Rd. in Cornelius June-Oct., 7 days, 10:00-6:00 Contact: 503.359.4739, n Pumpkin Patch: U-pick fields, CSAs, pumpkins, produce market, u-pick fields, cafe, gift shop; corn maize & activities in Sept. & Oct. Farm located at 16511 NW Gillihan Rd. on Sauvie Island June-Oct., 7 days, 9:00-6:00 Contact: 503.621.3874, Website: n n n n R.K. Farms: U-pick peaches Farm at 23513 Boones Ferry Rd. in Aurora June-Aug., Mon.-Sat., 8:00-6:00 Contact: 503.678.5227, n Sturm’s Berry Farm: Fresh & frozen red raspberries, marionberries, blackberries, blueberries & boysenberries; jams and syrups Farms at 1307 SE Evans Rd. in Corbett; 31300 Miami-Foley Rd. in Nehalem June to mid Oct., 7 days, 8:00-4:00 Contact: 503.695.2743 Website: 19 March April May June apples July asparagus broccoli What’s in season? L E A R N W H AT M O N T H S Y O U R F AV O R I T E O R E G O N - G R O W N F R U I T S A N D V E G E TA B L E S A R E AT T H E I R P E A K spinach pickling cucumbers bedding plants strawberries 20 squash tomatoes watermelon OREGON FARM BUREAU August September cherries pears October November December berries cauliflower sweet corn green beans sweet onions peaches peppers salad greens flowering baskets Search for specific ag products in your region with Oregon’s Bounty online at Searchable guide at 21 PORTLAND METRO Thompson Farms: Strawberries, raspberries, blueberries, marionberries, boysenberries, blackberries, vegetables, pumpkins, Christmas trees & flowers Stand at 12405 SE 242nd Ave. in Damascus Stand at corner of Hoffman & Pioneer Blvd. in Sandy June-Dec., Tues.-Sun., 9:00-6:00 Contact: 503.658.4640 n n Giusto Farms: Basil, kraut, cabbage, corn, pickling cucumbers, fennel, kohlrabi, potatoes, squash, tomatoes, fruits, figs, persimmons & more Stand at 3518 NE 162nd Ave. in Portland Mid July-mid Feb., Mon.-Sat., summer: 10:00-6:00, winter: 10:00-5:00 Contact: 503.253.0271 Tofte Farms: Strawberries Oregon City, Milwaukie Farmers Markets June, Sat.-Sun., 5:00-2:00 Contact: 503.956.3606, Grossen Nursery: U-pick, we-pick peaches Farm at 23678 NW Grossen Dr. in Hillsboro Late July-Aug., 7 days, Mon.-Sat., 9:00-5:00; Sun. 12:00-5:00 Contact: 503.647.2640 n West Union Gardens: Raspberries, blackberries, loganberries, gooseberries, tayberries, marionberries, boysenberries, currants & more; u-pick also available. Stand at 7775 NW Cornelius Pass Rd. in Hillsboro June-Sept., Mon.-Sat., 8:00-8:00 Contact: 503.645.1592, Website: n Opening in July Bays Farms: Peaches, nectarines, apples, pears, plums & Christmas trees Farm at 14550 NW Bays Dr. in Banks July-Dec., 7 days, summer, 9:00-7:00; fall, 9:00-5:00; winter, 9:00-4:00 (call for avail.) Contact: 503.324.0261 Website: n Klock Farm: U-pick blueberries & blueberry plants Farm at 931 NE Salzman Rd. in Corbett July-Sept., Fri.-Sun., 9:00-6:00 Contact: 503.695.5882, Website: n Orient Nursery: U-pick, we-pick blueberries Farm at 30425 SE Haley Rd. in Boring July-Sept., Sun-Fri., 8:00-7:00 Contact: 503.663.6123 n Bells Orchard: U-pick peaches, apples, pears & honey Farm at 24350 SW Farmington Rd. in Beaverton July-Oct., check website for days & times Contact: 503.313.1346, Website:, Facebook n Parson Berry Farm: U-pick marionberries, blueberries (organic), evergreen blackberries Farm at 23000 NW Gillihan Rd. in Sauvie Island July-Sept., 7 days, 9:00-7:00 Contact: 503.621.3088 n Douglas Farms: U-pick fruit, vegetables & honey Farm at 15330 NW Sauvie Island Rd. in Portland July 15-Oct. 31, Mon.-Sat., 9:00-6:00; Sun. 10:00-5:00 Contact: 503.621.3177 n Powder Blue Berry Farm: U-pick, we-pick blueberries Farm at 17632 SE McKinley Rd. in Gresham July-Aug., Tues.-Sun., 9:00-5:00 Contact: 503.912.1010 Website: n G.M. Farm: Peaches, apples, pears, prunes, grapes, corn, tomatoes, beans, peppers, melons & leeks Farm at 12954 NW Howell Park Rd. in Portland Mid July-Oct., Sun.-Fri., 9:00-6:00 (10-5 after Labor Day) Contact: 503.505.2002, Website: Facebook Roshak’s Berry Shak: U-pick blueberries, raspberries & marionberries Farm at 11300 SW River Rd. in Hillsboro July-mid Aug, call first Contact: 503.590.3201 n n n n n 22 Jossy Farms: U-pick peaches, apples & pears Farm at 31965 NW Beach Rd. in Hillsboro July-Aug., Mon.-Sat., 9:00-6:00 (call for avail.) Contact: 503.647.5234 Website: n U-pick fields n CSAs Pumpkins n Wine Christmas trees On-farm festivals & activities Sherwood Orchards: U-pick apples, cherries, peaches, prunes, plums, pears, quince & honey Farm at 23995 SW Pacific Hwy. in Sherwood July-Oct., 7 days, 9:00-5:00 (call first) Contact: 503.625.7705, Website: n OREGON’S BOUNTY FARM STAND GUIDE Opening in August A Maze In Grace Gardens: Corn, tomatoes, apples, peppers, pumpkins, corn maze & hay rides in Oct. Farm at 2985 SW Golf Course Rd. in Cornelius Mid Aug.-Oct., Tues.-Sun., 10:00-6:00 Contact: 503.939.7050 Website: n n Marquam Meadows Fruit Co.: U-pick, we-pick apples, apple sauce Silverton Farmers Market Farm at 9924 Marquam Circle in Molalla Aug. 15-Oct. 31, 7 days, 8:00-6:00 Contact: 503.829.5047, Website: n Old House Dahlias: Dahlia tubers, fresh cut flowers, potted plants Hollywood, Milwaukie Farmers Markets Nursery at 8005 SE Mill St. in Portland Aug.-Oct., 7 days, 10:00-6:00 Contact: 503.771.1199 Website: Oregon Heritage Farms: Apples, cider, produce, pumpkins & more, Applefest 2nd Sun. in Oct. Stand at 22801 SW Scholls Ferry Rd. in Hillsboro Late Aug.-mid Nov., 7 days, 10:00-5:00 Contact: 503.628.2775 Website: n n Spiesschaert Farms: Corn, tomatoes, gourds, carrots, peppers, beans, pumpkins, squash & flowers Stand at 42440 NW Purdin Rd. in Forest Grove Aug.-Oct., Mon.-Sat., 12:00-dusk Contact: (971) 235.2845, Website: n Opening in September Lakeview Farms: Pumpkins, corn stalks, hay bales, gifts, corn maze, sternwheeler & train rides Farm at 32055 NW North Ave. in North Plains Last weekend of Sept.-Oct. 30, Mon.-Sat., 9:00-5:00; Sunday 10:00-5:00 Contact: 503.647.2336 Website: n n Searchable guide at Plumper Pumpkin Patch & Tree Farm: Pumpkins, winter squash, corn, apple cider, hayrides, animals, mazes, Christmas trees & wreaths Stand at 11435 NW Old Cornelius Pass Rd. in Portland Pumpkins: Sept. 22-Oct. 31, 7 days, 9:00-5:30 Christmas trees: Nov. 23-Dec. 16, Fri.-Sun., 9:00-5:00 Contact: 503.645.9561, Website: n n n PORTLAND METRO Starr U-Pick Farm: U-pick pie cherries, blueberries, marion blackberries, plums, apples, pears, grapes, lettuce, red beets, zucchini, cucumbers, blue lake beans, sweet corn, acorn squash, butternut squash Farm at 8330 SW River Rd. in Hillsboro July 5- Oct 10, 7 days, daylight to dark Contact: 503.887.7986, Website: n Opening in October Heiser Farms: Pumpkin patch, petting zoo, corn & hay mazes & hay rides Farm at 20900 Grand Island Loop in Dayton Oct., 7 days, 9:00-5:00 Contact: 503.868.7512, n n R. K. Farms: U-pick walnuts Farm at 20707 Hwy. 99 E in Aurora Oct.-Nov., Mon.-Sat., 8:00-6:00 Contact: 503.678.5641 n Opening in November Furrow Farm: U-cut, we-cut Christmas trees (Nobles, Douglas fir, Nordmann fir, Gand fir), wreaths, garland, mistletoe, boughs & hayrides Farm at 25877 NW West Union Rd. in Hillsboro Nov. 24-Dec.25, Mon.-Fri., 10:00-dark; Sat.-Sun., 9:00-dark Contact: 503.647.5288, Website: n n Gerst Tree Farm: U-cut Christmas trees: Noble Firs & Grands Farm at 11678 NW Dick Rd. in Hillsboro Nov. 28-Dec. 25, 7 days, 9:00-dark Contact: 503.647.2782, n Kasey’s Tree Farm: U-cut Nordman & Noble Christmas trees, wreaths, centerpieces & gifts Farm at 16993 S Gerber Rd. in Oregon City Nov. 29-Dec. 24, Sat.-Sun., 9:00-4:00 Contact: 503.631.2994, Website: Facebook n Nobles Only: U-cut Christmas trees & wreaths Farm at 18240 NW Dixie Mt. Rd. in North Plains Nov. 26-Dec. 24, 7 days, 8:00-4:00 Contact: 503.647.7625 Website: n Pressly’s Hill Top Farm: U-cut Christmas trees Farm at 2800 NW Dorland Rd. in North Plains Nov.-Dec., 7 days, 9:00-5:00 Contact: 503.381.5462, n 23 PORTLAND METRO WILLAMETTE VALLEY Quail Creek Ranch Christmas Trees: U-cut Christmas trees, Noble fir, Douglas fir, Fraser fir, Nordman & more, wreaths, mistletoe, hayrides, cocoa & cider Farm at 9949 NW Kaiser Rd. in Portland Nov.-Dec, Fri.-Sun., 8:30-4:30 Contact: 503.629.5464, Website: n n Rainy Mountain Farms: U-cut, we-cut tall Noble, Blue Spruce Christmas trees Farm at 49400 SE Marmot Rd. in Sandy Nov. 28-Dec. 25, Fri.-Sun., 9:00-5:00 Contact: 503.351.0965, Website: n Schmidlin Farms: Christmas trees Farm at 44101 NW Woollen Rd. in Banks Nov. 26-Dec. 23, 7 days, 9:00-dusk Website: n WILLAMETTE VALLEY Open all year Across My Heart Miniature Horses: AMHA/AMHR miniature Appaloosa horses; lessons for horses & handler Ranch at 9760 S Alder Creek Ln. in Canby All year, Mon.-Sat., 9:00-9:00 (call for appt.) Contact: 503.266.3955, Website: n Anderson Family Farms: Shade trees, conifers, evergreen shrubs, flowering shrubs, ground covers, SOD Nursery at 26946 S Hwy. 170 in Canby All year, Tues.-Sat., 9:00-5:00 Contact: 503.266.2699, Website: Aragon Alpacas: Alpacas for breeding & fiber production, alpaca fleece, roving, yarn, clothing & accessories Ranch at 33005 Dillard Rd. in Eugene All year, call first Contact: 541.912.0782, Website: Bad Rooster Farm: Beef, chicken, goat, rabbit, eggs, vegetables, salad greens, herbs, flowers, winter squash & pumpkins Stand at 15520 Ballston Rd. in Sheridan All year, 7 days, 9:00-5:00 (call first) Contact: 503.843.2777, Website: n 24 Bauman’s Farm & Garden: Bedding plants, hanging baskets, Spring Art Show, Mother’s Day, Easter Egg Hunt, berries, vegetables, sweet corn, apples, apple cider, Autumn Harvest Festival (Oct.), Giant Pumpkin Weigh-Off (1st weekend in Oct.), holiday baked goods, gift packs, u-cut Christmas trees, holiday decor, wreaths & greens Farm at 12989 Howell Prairie Rd. NE in Gervais All year, Mon.-Sat., 9:00-5:00 Contact: 503.792.3524, Website: n n n Block Brothers Cattle Co.: Natural (no antibiotics or hormones) grass-fed, grain-finished locker beef Ranch at 18755 Zielinski Rd. in Sheridan All year, 7 days, 9:00-7:00 Contact: 503.871.3247, Blue Raeven Farms: Berries, vegetables, baked goods, jams, syrups & more Stand at 20650 S Hwy. 99 W in Amity All year, Tues.-Sun., 6:00-6:00 Contact: 503.835.0740 Buona Terra Farm: Eggs, rabbit & occasional produce Stand at 10307 Whiteaker Rd. in Dallas All year, 7 days, 7:00-7:00 Contact: 503.606.9756 Buzzing Canyon Apiary: Honey, pollination services, bee’s wax, honey bee hives/nucs. Call before visiting! Farm at 25514 S Laura Ln. in Estacada All year, 7 days, call first Contact: 503.539.6507, Cascade Buffalo Ranch: Buffalo meat by the pound or package Ranch at 11320 Waldo Hills Dr. SE in Salem All year, Mon.-Sat., call for appt. Contact: (800) 381.4779, Website: Daiker & Sons Angus: Black Angus bulls & heifers, beef Ranch at 19305 S Unger Rd. in Beavercreek All year, 7 days, 8:00-8:00 (call for appt.) Contact: 503.632.6873, Damascus Fancy Plants Garden Center: Ornamental maples, grafted fancy plants, broadleafs, conifers, perennials & grasses Stand at 11750 SE 242nd Ave. in Damascus All year, 7 days, 10:00-6:00 Contact: 503.558.8820 OREGON’S BOUNTY FARM STAND GUIDE Del’s Japanese Maples: Japanese maples Nursery at 30050 Heather Oak Dr. in Junction City All year, 7 days, 9:00-5:00 Contact: 541.998.6753 E.Z. Orchards: Berries, flowers, peaches, pears, melons, tomatoes, tomato plants, herb plants, squash, cherries, nuts, vegetables, hard cider, and Fall Harvest Festival with pumpkins, corn maze, school tours, petting zoo. Shortcake stand May-Sept. with ice cream, seasonal fruit shortcakes & more. Stand & nursery at 5504 Hazel Green Rd. NE in Salem All year, Mon.-Fri., 9:00-6:00; Sat., 9:00-5:00; last 3 Suns. in Oct. Contact: 503.393.1506 Website: n n Farrier Farms: Honey Stand at 4284 Jefferson-Marion Rd. in Jefferson All year, 7 days, daylight hours Contact: 541.327.2673 Fawn Meadow: Containerized shade, flowering & ornamental trees, shrubs, emerald green arborvitae & boxwood in all sizes. Landscape design & delivery Nursery at 40780 24th St. in Lyons All year, Mon.-Sat., 8:00-5:00 Contact: 503.580.5852 Website: Fresh To You Produce & Garden Center: Vegetables, berries, fruits, eggs, honey, jams, syrups, cheese, nuts, gifts, hanging baskets, berry plants, vegetable starts & seeds Jan-March, Nov.-Dec., Mon.-Sat., 9:00-5:00; AprilOct., Mon.-Sat., 9:00-6:00 Contact: 503.769.9682; Website:, Facebook, Pinterest n n n n U-pick fields n CSAs Pumpkins n Wine Christmas trees On-farm festivals & activities Searchable guide at Hammelmans Dried Floral: Year-round dried & preserved florals; fresh spring peonies, fresh late summer hydrangeas Farm at 14477 Dominic Rd. NE in Mt. Angel All year, Mon.-Fri., by appt. or order online Contact: 800.884.4730, Website: WILLAMETTE VALLEY Evergreen Terrace Farms: Alpacas, pets & breeding stock; alpaca fleece, roving, yarn, felt & quilt batting Polk County Bounty Ranch at 7630 Westview Ln. in Monmouth All year, call for appt. Contact: 503.606.9070, Website: Fruithill: Fresh apples, apricots & juice stock, fresh & frozen Italian purple plums & juice stock, fresh pears, fresh & frozen red tart cherries & juice stock, fresh sweet cherries & juice stock Beaverton, Hillsboro, McMinnville, Orenco, Tanasbourne Farmers Markets Stand at 6501 NE Hwy. 240 in Yamhill All year for frozen; fresh fruit, July-Aug., Mon.-Sat., 10:00-8:00 Contact: 503.662.3926 Website: Hari Nursery: Conifers, maples & ornamentals Nursery at 7793 Silverton Rd. NE in Salem All year, Mon.-Sat., 7:30-4:30 Contact: 503.580.3935, Website: Harmony Jack Farms: Organic, grass-fed beef, goat, turkey & chicken for direct sale (retail & restaurants); aerated compost & compost tea All year, Mon.-Sat., 8:00-6:00 Contact: 503.910.5690, Website: Heavenly Hogs & Holy Cows: Beef, pork & pumpkins Ranch at 7864 Olney St. SE in Salem All year, 7 days, 8:00-10:00 Contact: 503.559.2022, n Hunt’s Hazelnuts: Flavored & candy-coated hazelnuts, diced nuts, flour, pancake mix, butters, syrup, other nuts, flowers & vegetables Salem Public Market Stand at 1240 Rural Ave. SE in Salem All year, Sat., 8:00-2:00 Contact: 503.393.4232, Website: Johnson Brothers Greenhouse: Fruit & vegetable starts, shrubs, trees, vines, annual bedding plants, perennials & herbs, hanging baskets, poinsettias, indoor plants, citrus & tropical edibles, gifts & seasonal events Greenhouse at 91444 Coburg Rd. in Eugene All year, Mon.-Sat, 9:00-5:00; Sun., 11:00-5:00 Contact: 541.484.1649, Website: 25 WILLAMETTE VALLEY McKenzie Alpaca Breeders: Suri & huacaya alpacas, fleece, yarn & knitwear Ranch at 37730 Worth Rd. in Springfield All year, 7 days (call for appt.) Contact: 541.988.0885, Website: listed on Midway Farms: Biodiverse organic eggs, seasonal produce, herbs, jams, jellies, gluten-free products, lotions, soaps, duck, goose, turkey, cards, flowers & more. Hosts “Farm Experience Day Camp.” Stand at 6980 NW Hwy. 20 in Albany All year, Mon.-Sat., 10:00-6:00; Sun., 10:00-4:00 Contact: Website: n Morning Glory Farm: Organic vegetables, berries, fruits, honey, jams, eggs, herbs & more Stand at 19540 Hwy. 126 in Walton All year, 7 days, call first Contact: 541.935.4093 Website: Facebook Muddy Mountain Farms: Natural, grain-fed pork Farm at 18995 NE Williamson Rd. in Newberg All year, Sat.-Mon., 9:00-5:00 Contact: 503.538.7380 North Valley Farm: Grass-fed lamb, Lincoln sheep breeding stock, raw wool & washed wool Ranch at 12775 NW Oak Ridge Rd. in Yamhill All year, Mon.-Fri., 8:00-4:00 Contact: 503.662.4249, Website: Rancho Tres Potrillos & Munoz Trees: Andalusian, Friesian & Azteca horses & Christmas trees Farm at 33280 S Sawtell Rd. in Molalla All year, 7 days, 9:00-8:00 (call first) Contact: 503.829.2139 n Red Prairie Ranch: Natural beef by the whole, half, or quarter; grass hay & highland brood stock Ranch at Red Prairie Rd. off Hwy. 18 in Sheridan All year, call first Contact: 503.843.7175, Website: Saginaw Vineyard: Tasting room, Pinot Noir, Pinot Gris, Rosé of Pinot Noir, Marechal Foch, Chardonnay, blackberry wine, gifts; live music Fri., 6:00-9:00; u-pick blueberries July-Aug. Winery at 80247 Delight Valley School Rd. in Cottage Grove All year, 7 days, 11:00-5:00 Contacts: 541.942.1364, Website: n n n 26 Santiam River Ranch: USDA-inspected, lean beef Ranch at 13813 Westside Lane S in Jefferson All year, call for appt. Contact: 541.730.5107 Santiam Valley Ranch: Warm-water fish for pond stocking: largemouth bass, bluegill, black crappie, pumpkinseed, bullhead catfish, channel catfish & mosquito fish, delivery avail. Aquaculture facility at 6516 Hunsaker Rd. SE in Turner All year, call for appt. Contact: 503.743.2931, Website: n Select Seed: Grain for feed or planting Ranch at 14870 SW Bellevue Hwy. in McMinnville All year, Mon.-Sat., 8:00-5:00 (call first) Contact: 503.835.3548, SuDan Farm: USDA lamb (wholesale & retail), duck & chicken eggs, pastured turkeys & geese, pastured broilers & wool products Portland/PSU, Milwaukie Farmers Markets Ranch at 32285 S Kropf Rd. in Canby All year, 7 days, call first Contact: 503.651.5262, Website:, Sunbow Farm: Organic weekly/seasonal greens, tomatoes, peppers, eggplant, onions, boysenberry, potatoes, carrots, turnips, apples, plums, fava beans, 80+ certified organic crops. Orders, pickups & deliveries available Corvallis Farmers Market Farm at 6910 SW Plymouth Dr. in Corvallis All year, Mon.-Fri., 9:00-5:00 Contact: 541.929.5782, Website: Sunset Valley Organics: U-pick blueberries; we-pick strawberries, raspberries, blackberries & blueberries (fresh, frozen, freeze-dried powders & spreads); dried blueberries Stand at 31567 Hwy. 99 W in Corvallis All year; winter, Mon.-Fri., 10:00-4:00; summer, 7 days, 9:00-6:00 Contact: 541.752.0460, Website: n n n n n U-pick fields n CSAs Pumpkins n Wine Christmas trees On-farm festivals & activities OREGON’S BOUNTY FARM STAND GUIDE Tanglewood Timber Tree Farm: Sawmilling, custom cutting, wood products: burls, table slabs, all types of woods & kiln drying Farm at 2171 Pioneer Rd. in Dallas All year, 7 days, 7:00-7:00 Contact: 503.623.2015, Website: Turpen Family Farm: Eggs, onions, garlic, squash, shallots, peas, beans, cabbage, broccoli & cauliflower Stand at 25354 Alsea-Deadwood Hwy. in Alsea All year, 7 days, 8:00-8:00 Contact: 541.487.4418, Willamette Valley Fruit Co.: Pie, fresh & frozen fruit, baked goods, harvest festival, pumpkins & corn maze Farm at 2994 82nd Ave. NE in Salem All year, Mon.-Fri., 7:00-6:00; Sat., 9:00-5:00 Contact: 503.362.8857, Website: n n Willamette Valley Vineyards: Pinot Noir, Pinot Gris, Riesling & seasonal events Vineyard at 8800 Enchanted Way SE in Turner All year, 7 days, 8:00-5:00 Contact: 503.588.9463, Website: n n Winn’s Livestock & Hatchery: Goat meat, pork, lamb, eggs, duck, baby chicks, roosters, ducklings; chick hatching Feb.-Sept.; ducklings, June-Sept. Corvallis Farmers Market Stand at 3039 NE Garden Ave. in Corvallis All year, Mon.-Fri., 3:30-7:00 Contact: 541.207.4541, Website: Searchable guide at Wood Family Farm: Grass-fed beef, pork, lambs, by the cut or animal Albany, Corvallis Farmers Markets All year, Mon.-Sat., call for appt. Contact: 503.769.5000, Woodland Meadows: Alpacas for sale, breeding & fleece sales Ranch at 31542 Camas Swale Rd. in Creswell All year, 7 days, 10:00-5:00 Contact: 541.895.0964, Website: Opening in February Green Gate Farm: Eggs, apples, Italian plums, pears, raspberries & produce Stand at 3085 NE Garden Ave. in Corvallis Feb.-Dec., 7 days, 9:00-9:00 Contact: 541.757.8347, WILLAMETTE VALLEY Sweet Leaf Farm/OG Corner Market: Organic apples, asparagus, basil, beans, beets, blackberries, blueberries, bok choy, broccoli, Brussels sprouts, cabbage, carrots, cauliflower, chard, cherries, collards, corn, cucumbers, eggplant, figs, garlic, herbs, kale, leeks, melons, mushrooms, onions, peas, pears, peppers, plums, potatoes, strawberries, eggs, and more Stand at 295 River Rd. in Eugene All year, check website for days; Oct., 12:00-6:00 Contact: 541.513.4527, Website: Scenic Hill Farm: Japanese maples, trees, shrubs, grasses, peonies & plants Nursery at 2820 Scenic Dr. NW in Albany Feb.-Dec. 15, Tues.-Sun., 10:00-5:00 Contact: 541.990.6099 Vanderpool Farms: Honeybee hives for crop pollination Farm at 7128 Skyline Rd. S in Salem Feb.-Sept., 7 days Contact: 503.399.3675, Opening in March Storybook Hill Farm & Nursery: Perennial plants, dwarf conifers, flowering shrubs & ground covers Nursery at 21043 Hwy. 47 in Yamhill Mar.-Sept., Mon.-Sat., 10:00-5:00 Contact: 503.662.3517 Valley Flower Garden: Bedding plants, herbs, vegetable plants, shaped shrubs, produce, Tillamook ice cream, pumpkins & Christmas trees. Pony rides on Sat. 2:00-4:00 weather permitting Stand at 6755 35th Ave NE in Keizer Mar.-Oct., Dec., Mon.-Sat., 10:00-6:00 Contact: 503.463.5197, nnn Follow Farm Bureau Follow OFB on Twitter at @OreFarmBureau or become an OFB Facebook fan at ofbinfo. Learn about Farm Bureau events, see photos, get updates, and join the conversation! 27 WILLAMETTE VALLEY Wooden Shoe Tulip Farm: Tulip Fest: tulip, flowers, bulb orders, u-pick tulips; PumpkinFest: pumpkins, corn stalks, tulip bulbs; Wine Tasting: serving Alvarinho, Pinot Noir & Marechal Foch Tulip Fest, March 28-May 4, 9:00-6:00; PumpkinFest, Sept. 27-Nov. 2, 10:00-6:00 & Corn Hauntings, 6:00-10:00; Wine Tastings, May 10-Nov. 30, Sat.Sun., 12:00-5:00 Farm at 33814 S Meridian Rd. in Woodburn Contact: 503.634.2243, Website:, Facebook n n n n Opening in April Coleman Vineyard: Wine, wine picnics, wine luncheons & local cheese Vineyard at 22734 SW Latham Rd. in McMinnville April-Sept., Wed.-Sat., 12:00-5:00 Contact: 503.843.2707, Website:, Facebook n n Crossroads Farm: Peppers (roasted, fresh, dried, smoked chile powders, plant starts), hop plants & rhizomes Corvallis, Lane Co. Farmers Markets Stand at 31035 W Crossroads Ln. in Eugene April-Dec., Sat., 9:00-3:00 Contact: 541.579.6799, French Prairie Gardens: Flowering plants, produce, fall & spring festivals Stand at 17673 French Prairie Rd. in St. Paul April-Nov., Tues.-Sun., 9:00-5:00 Contact: 503.633.8445, Website: n Granny’s Gardens: Bedding plants, vegetable starts, strawberries, tomatoes, squash, onions, raspberries, lemon cucumber, zucchini & cantaloupe Stand at 13160 S Pacific Hwy. in Monmouth April-Oct., 7 days, daylight Oregon Country Farm: Vegetables, salad greens, apple cider, hazelnuts, walnuts, hazelnut butter, grapes, cherries & apples Brownsville, Lebanon Farmers Markets Farm at 36176 Hwy. 228 in Brownsville April-Oct., Mon.-Sat., 10:00-6:00 Contact: 650.703.8563, Website: Organic Redneck: CSAs for McKenzie Valley & Eugene/Springfield; u-pick blueberries, pumpkins, heirloom winter squash; also asparagus, beets, broccoli, Brussels sprouts, bok choi, cilantro, chard, cabbage, cauliflower, carrots, eggplant, fennel, garlic, kolrabi, kale, leeks, melons, onions, peas, peaches, squash, cucumbers, strawberries, raspberries, radishes, rhubarb, turnips, salad mix Mellon Ball in early Sept. (check Facebook for details) Lane County Farmers Market Farm at 44382 McKenzie Hwy. in Leaburg April-Nov., 7 days, 9:00-6:00 Contact: 541.896.3928, Website: & Facebook n n n Piluso Vineyard & Winery: Pinot Noir, Tempranillo, Dolcetto, Gamay Noir, Müller-Thurgau & Grüner Veltliner; food parings on Memorial weekend, May 24-26, and Thanksgiving weekend, Nov. 28-30 Winery at 6654 Shaw Hwy. SE in Aumsville April-Dec., weekends, 11:00-5:00 Contact: 503.749.4125, Website: n n Postlewait Farms: CSA baskets, annuals, perennials, hanging baskets, herbs & vegetables Greenhouse at 23675 S Knightsbridge Road in Canby April-Jul., 7 days, 9:00-6:00 Contact: 503.651.2393, n Spring Hill Organic Farm: Organic produce Albany, Beaverton, Corvallis, Portland Farmers Markets April-Nov., Sat., 8:00-1:30 Contact: 541.990.6596 Thistledown Farm: Hanging baskets, bedding plants, strawberries, caneberries, peaches, vegetables, farm animals, pumpkin patch, rides & hay maze in Oct. Stand at 91455 River Rd. in Junction City April 15-Nov. 2, 7 days, 9:00-6:00 Contact: 541.689.2019 Website: n n Yew Wood Nursery: Fuchsias & vegetable starts Corvallis Farmers Market Nursery at 20782 Yew Wood Ln. in Alsea April-July., Fri.-Sun., 12:00-5:00 Contact: 541.487.7180, Find a farmers market. Many of the Farm Bureau members listed in this guide also have booths in farmers markets. Find out where the closest market is to you from the Oregon Farmers Market Assn.,, 971.400-0581. 28 O R E G O N ’ S B O U N T Y Farm Stand Guide Opening in May Adelman Peony Gardens: Peonies, cut flowers & plants Stand at 5690 Brooklake Rd. NE in Salem May 15 - June, 7 days, 9:00-6:00 Contact: 503.393.6185, Website: Brooks Gardens: Peony plants, cut peony flowers & bouquets, bare-root peonies & irises Nursery at 6219 Topaz St. NE in Brooks May-June, 7 days, 10:00-6:00 Contact: 503.393.7999, Website: Cottonwood Runn: Seasonal vegetables & fruit, CSAs Stand at 82340 River Dr. in Crewsell Creswell Farmers Market May-Nov. 1, 8:00-7:00, call first Contact: 541.514.0846, Farmer John’s Produce & Nursery: U-pick blueberries & strawberries. Beans, corn, beets, berries, cabbage, cantaloupe, cucumbers, dill, flowers, eggplant, lettuce, peppers, peas, summer squash, winter squash, tomatoes, watermelon, sunflowers. Pumpkins, corn maze & hayrides in Oct. Farm at 15000 SW Oldsville Rd. in McMinnville May-Oct., 7 days, summer, 9:00-7:00; fall, 9:00-6:00 Contact: 503.474.3514 Website: n n n Gramma’s Farm Market: U-pick strawberries, raspberries, tomatoes, cucumbers, hanging flower baskets, garden starts, birdseed, pumpkins & corn Stand at 17795 SW Scholls-Sherwood Rd. in Sherwood May-Oct., 9:00-6:00 Contact: 503.625.3312 Website: n n Grandpa’s Fresh Market: U-pick avail., strawberries, blueberries, apples, peaches, nectarines, tomatoes, green beans, blackberries, raspberries, loganberries, boysenberries, corn, broccoli, cauliflower, onions, potatoes, carrots, beets, squash, chard, bell peppers, cucumbers & more; Pumpkin patch. Oct. 1-15; Oct. 16-31 open daily, hay rides, sunflower maze, pumpkins & more. Farm at 36483 Hwy. 226 SE in Albany May-Nov., Mon.-Sat., 8:30-7:00; Sun., 10:00-4:00 Contact: 541.928.8778 Website: n n n Searchable guide at Greens Bridge Gardens: Beets, broccoli, Brussels sprouts, cabbage, carrots, cauliflower, celery, chiles, corn, cranberries, eggplant, garlic, gourds, green beans, greens, herbs, Indian corn, kohlrabi, lettuce, onions, peas, peppers, potatoes, pumpkins, radishes, spinach, summer squash, winter squash, tomatillos, tomatoes, wheat, apples, apricots, pears, cherries, grapes & more Farm at 3730 Jefferson-Scio Dr. in Jefferson May-Dec., 7 days, 9:00-6:00 Contact: 541.327.2995, Website: n WILLAMETTE VALLEY Blackberry Hill: Bedding plants, herbs & lavender Lane Co. Farmers Market Farm at 43259 McKenzie Hwy. in Leaburg May-July, Wed.-Sat., 10:00-5:00 Contact: 541.896.3971, Green Villa Farms: Strawberries, raspberries, marionberries, loganberries, boysenberries, blueberries, cut flowers, peonies & jams Stand at 3215 Independence Hwy. in Independence May-Jul., Mon.-Sat. 9:00-6:00 Contact: 503.838.3475, Website: Herrick Farms: Fruits, vegetables & pumpkin patch Stand at 88088 Millican Rd. in Springfield May-Dec., 7 days, 9:00-6:00 Contact: 541.741.1046 n Jones Farm Produce: Apples, apricots, flowers, berries, cherries, grapes, watermelon, cantaloupe, nectarines, peaches, plums, prunes, pears, asparagus, beans, beets, celery, broccoli, cabbage, cauliflower, lettuce, carrots, corn, cucumbers, mushrooms, onions, peppers, potatoes, peas, summer squash, fall squash, tomatoes, nuts, jam, honey pies, cookies, ice cream, herbs & gourmet foods Stand at 10325 River Rd. NE in Salem May-Oct., Mon.-Fri., 9:00-7:00; Sat.-Sun., 9:00-5:00 Contact: 503.393.9451, Website: Lone Pine Farms: Fruits, vegetables, playground, goat barn, goat walk, cow-train rides, hay rides & corn maze Stand at 91909 River Rd. in Junction City May-Oct., 7 days, 9:00-7:00 Contact: 541.688.4389, Website: n Olson Peaches: U-pick, we-pick peaches Stand at 6925 Joseph St. SE in Salem May-Sept., Mon.-Sat., 9:00-6:00; Sun., 11:00-6:00 Contact: 503.362.5942, Website: n n n n n U-pick fields n CSAs Pumpkins n Wine Christmas trees On-farm festivals & activities 29 WILLAMETTE VALLEY Peoria Road Farm Market: Flowers, strawberries, raspberries, blackberries, blueberries, cherries, peaches, apples, corn, beans, tomatoes, squash, cucumbers, peppers, melons, pumpkin, fall decor, seasonal produce & pumpkin patch rides Stand at 33269 Peoria Rd. in Corvallis May-Nov., 7 days, 8:30-6:30 Contact: 541.207.3327 n n Rosse Posse Acres: Elk ranch featuring elk meat sales, tours & gift shop Ranch at 32690 S Mathias Rd. in Molalla May-Oct., Sat., 10:00-5:00; Sun. 12:00-5:00; call for appt. Contact: 503.829.7107, Website: n Fariji Farm: Organic blueberries, apples, brown eggs, garden vegetables, hay & horse boarding Farm at 7601 Howell Prairie Rd. NE in Silverton June-Oct., 7 days, 8:00-7:00 Contact: 503.874.1135, Website: Opening in June Fordyce Farm: U-pick, we-pick fruits, vegetables, flowers & pumpkins Farm at 7023 Sunnyview Rd. NE in Salem June-Oct., Mon.-Sat., 9:00-6:00 Contact: 503.362.5105 n n Adair’s Orchards: Apples, pears, peaches, nectarines, Asian pears, garlic, vegetables, berries, honey, flowers, nuts & more Farm at 36452 Hwy. 226 SE in Albany June-Dec., 7 days, 8:00-6:00 Contact: 541.928.6606, Gillingham Farms: U-pick blueberries, blackberries & raspberries Farm at 39880 Crawfordsville Dr. in Sweet Home June-Aug., Wed.-Sun., 8:00-2:00 Contact: 541.367.5080, n B&P Hitz Fruit Farm: Berries, vegetables, apples, pears, peaches, prunes, cherries, hazelnuts, chestnuts, walnuts & apple cider Stand located 2 mi. east of Woodburn on Hwy. 214 June-April, Tues.-Sun., 1:30-5:30 Contact: 503.982.9307 Goddik Family Farm: U-pick strawberries in June, raspberries in July Farm at 18265 SE Neck Rd. in Dayton June-July, 7 days, daylight hours Contact: 503.560.9275 n Bear Fruit: Strawberries & blueberries Farm at 30595 Wyatt Dr. in Harrisburg June-July, Mon.-Sat., 8:00-5:00 Contact: 541.521.7721, Website: Bush’s Fern View Farms: Strawberries, hanging flower baskets, peaches, corn, melons, apples, vegetables, tomatoes, hazelnuts, pumpkins, apple cider, winter squash & gourds Stand at 90536 Territorial Rd. in Junction City June-Oct., 7 days, 9:00-6:00 (fall 11:00-6:00) Contact: 541.935.6362 n Online ag games for kids. Visit OFB online at to find a series of fun, interactive games that teach kids about agriculture. Also find ideas for family activities and resources for educators at 30 Eggers Acres: U-pick cherries late June-July; walnuts & hazelnuts in Nov. Stand at 20040 NE Trunk Rd. in Dundee June-July, Nov., 7 days, daylight hours Contact: 503.538.5496 n Hansen’s Coast Fork Farms: Peaches, apples, corn, pumpkins, organic strawberries, raspberries & tomatoes Farm at 82735 Sears Rd. in Creswell June-Sept., Mon.-Sat., 9:00-6:00 Contact: 541.895.3082 n J&M Farms: U-pick strawberry field Farm at 34435 Seavey Loop Rd. in Eugene June, Mon.-Sat., 8:00-5:00 Contact: 541.747.0065 n Joe Casale & Sons: U-pick strawberries & tomatoes, corn, eggplant, flowers, pickling cucumbers, onions & garlic Farm at 13116 NE Denbrook Rd. in Aurora June for strawberries; July 9-Nov. 3, Mon.-Sat., 9:00- 6:00 Contact: 503.678.0291 n n n n n U-pick fields n CSAs Pumpkins n Wine Christmas trees On-farm festivals & activities OREGON’S BOUNTY FARM STAND GUIDE Pleasant Hill Orchard: Apples, peaches, cherries, filberts, pears, corn & strawberries Lane Co., Eugene Farmers Markets Stand at 35031 Fremont Ave. in Eugene June-Dec., Mon.-Sat., 9:00-5:00 Purdy Enterprise: U-pick, we-pick strawberries, special orders, jams & syrups Farm at 14433 E Marquam Rd. in Mt. Angel June, 7 days, 9:00-6:00 Contact: 503.845.6822, n Red Barn Farm: Marionberries, boysenberries, sylvan blackberries, raspberries, frozen berries, waffle cones & jams; Berry Time, July 5-Aug. 5, Veterans BBQ in Aug. Farm at 30129 Camp Adair Rd. in Monmouth June-Aug. (frozen berries & jam all year), 7 days, 9:00-6:00 Contact: 541.928.8887, Website: n Rick Johnson Farm: U-pick cherries & blueberries Farm at 3310 Perkins St. NE in Keizer June-Sept., Mon.-Sat., 9:00-6:00 Contact: 503.393.0859, n Rick Sonnen Farm: Apples, beets, Brussels sprouts, cabbage, cauliflower, garlic, gherkin pickling cucumbers, gourds, green beans, katata blackberries, nectarines, ornamental corn, onions, peaches, pickling cucumbers, potatoes, pumpkins, strawberries, sweet corn & winter squash Salem Wed. Farmers Market Stand at 8644 Broadacres Rd. NE in Aurora June-Oct., Mon.-Sat., 9:00-6:00 Contact: 503.982.9570, n Searchable guide at River Bend Farm: Strawberries, cherries, raspberries, marionberries, boysenberries, blueberries, peaches, apples, Asian pears, European pears, hazelnuts, vegetables, plums, pumpkins, corn. U-pick strawberries & Asian pears. Baked goods, jams, jellies, gifts, Fern’s Edge goat cheese Stand at 35027 Fremont Ave. in Eugene Farm store: June-Oct., visit website for days & hours Contact: 541.520.2561, Website: n n South Barlow Berries: U-pick, we-pick strawberries, raspberries, marionberries, boysenberries, silvanberries, triple cow blackberries & blueberries Canby OC, Pioneer Courthouse Square, Salem, Tualatin, Wilsonville Farmers Markets Farm at 29190 S Barlow Rd. in Canby June-Sept., Mon.-Sat., 8:00-6:00 Contact: 503.266.3193, Website: n WILLAMETTE VALLEY Johnson Farms: Apples, pears, peaches, grapes, melons, blueberries, blackberries, raspberries, boysenberries, marionberries, strawberries (berries fresh & frozen), walnuts, hazelnuts, beans, beets, carrots, cabbage, leeks, onions, garlic, cucumbers, dill, squashes, cauliflower, broccoli, lettuce, parsnips, horseradish, shell peas, sweet potatoes, corn, pumpkins, gourds, kale, mustard, celery & spinach; Wild Walt’s Wagon Rides, Oct. 1-31 Stand at 89733 Armitage Rd. in Eugene June-Nov. 10, 7 days, Mon.-Sat. 10:00-6:00; Sun. 11:00-4:00 Contact: 541.343.9594 n n Thank You Berry Much Farms: U-pick blueberries Farm at 5975 Culver Dr. SE in Salem June-Aug., Tues.-Sun., 9:00-6:00 Contact: 503.393.2758, berries@ Website: n Thistledown Organic/Egor’s Acres: Most vegetables including organic sweet corn, strawberries, tomato plants, grass-fed beef & free-range eggs Stand at 37369 Robinson Dr. in Scio June-Sept., 7 days, 9:00-6:00 (call for avail.) Contact: 503.932.7218, Vaughan’s Cherry Farm: U-pick cherries & pie cherries Farm at 6875 Hazelgreen Rd. NE in Salem Late June-mid July, Mon.-Sat., 8:00-5:00 Contact: 503.304.2015, n Wildman Farm: Cherries, blueberries, raspberries, strawberries, blackberries, peaches, flowers, vegetables, melons, honey, dried cherry wood for BBQ smoking, Scottish terriers & miniature schnauzers Stand at 2452 E Ellendale Ave. in Dallas June-Sept., Mon.-Sat., 10:00-6:00 Contact: 503.580.3716, Website: Willakenzie Lavender Farm & Gift Shop: U-pick lavender, wreath-making, lavender products; alpacas, alpaca yarn & garments Farm at 19700 NW Adcock Rd. in Yamhill June 14-July 6, Sat.-Sun, 10:00- 5:00 & by appt. Contact: 503.662.4297, Websites:, n 31 WILLAMETTE VALLEY Opening in July Berkey’s Blueberries: U-pick, we-pick organic blueberries, blueberry syrup (regular & sugar free), blueberry dog treats Albany, Bend, Corvallis, Lebanon, Milwaukie Farmers Markets Farm at 32589 Berlin Rd. in Lebanon July-Aug., Mon.-Fri., 9:00-5:00; Sat., 9:00-4:00 (call for u-pick) Contact: 541.409.4558, Website: n Blueberry Meadows: U-pick, we-pick blueberries & frozen blueberries Farm at 3860 NE Hwy. 20 in Corvallis July-Aug., 7 days, 8:00-7:00 Contact: 541.753.2614 n Brammeier Farms: Blueberries Stand at 6014 Hazelgreen Rd. NE in Salem July-Sept., Mon.-Sat., 8:00-5:00 Contact: 503.390.5535, Breyman Farms: Blueberries in 5-pound bags Stand at 6985 Riverside Dr. in Salem July, Mon.-Sat., 9:00-6:00 Contact: 503.838.3696, Cora’s Crop U-pick Blueberries: U-pick blueberries Farm at 21897 Case Rd. NE in Aurora July-Aug., Mon.-Sat., 8:00-7:00 Contact: 503.678.6021 n Cox Creek Nursery & Produce: Corn, tomatoes, peppers, cucumbers, pumpkins, gourds, berries, occasional baked goods, misc. fruit & vegetables Stand at 35500 Kennel Rd. SE in Albany Mid July-Oct., Mon.-Sat., 10:00-dusk Contact: 541.926.7500 Website: Facebook n Horseshoe Lake Orchard: Elberta & Suncrest peaches, Gravenstein apples Farm at 3118 Horseshoe Lake Rd.NE in St. Paul July-Sept., 7 days, 9:00-6:00 Contact: 503.633.4355, Losli Berry Farm: U-pick, we-pick marionberries Farm at 34347 S Ellis Rd. in Molalla July, Mon.-Sat. 8:00-8:00 Contact: 503.829.3055 n n n n n 32 U-pick fields n CSAs Pumpkins n Wine Christmas trees On-farm festivals & activities Luckiamute Land & Livestock: Tomatoes, cabbage, corn, squash, summer squash, winter squash, melons, cantaloupe, watermelons, carrots, beans, beets, cauliflower, broccoli, onions, Christmas trees: Doug, Noble, Grand & Nordman Monmouth Farmers Market Stand at 17940 Falls City Rd. in Dallas July-Dec. 23, 7 days, 10:00-6:00 Contact: 503.787.3561, n The Melon Shack: Watermelon, cantaloupe, vegetables & pumpkins Stand at corner of Hwy. 20 & Garden Ave. in Corvallis July-Dec., 7 days, 11:00-7:00 Contact: 541.760.7265, n Patton’s Country Gardens: Florist shop, nursery, u-pick or we-pick produce Farm at 80432 Delight Valley School Rd. in Cottage Grove July-Oct., Tues.-Sat., 10:00-5:00; Sun., 12:00-5:00 Contact: 541.942.7672 n Peters Farms: Tomatoes, sweet corn, pumpkins, squash, whole wheat flour, culinary herbs & salad fixings Stand at 1584 SW Levens St. in Dallas July-Oct., 7 days, daylight Website: n Queener Fruit Farm: Apples, peaches, blackcurrants, red currants, white currants, gooseberries, blackcurrant jam, cider, cider vinegar & apple cider syrup Stand at 40385 Queener Dr. in Scio July-Nov., Mon.-Sat., 10:00-5:30 Contact: 503.769.8965, Website: Radke’s Blueberries: U-pick, we-pick blueberries Farm at 490 SE Three Mile Ave. in Corvallis July-Aug., 7 days, 8:00-8:00 Contact: 541.753.5680, n Salt Creek Cherries: Sweet cherries Stand at 15555 Hwy. 22 in Dallas July-Aug., Mon.-Sat., 9:00-7:00; Sun., 1:00-7:00 Contact: 503.623.5985 Thomas Sinn Farms: Blueberries, marionberries, raspberries & cherries Stand at 9510 Saratoga Dr. in Silverton July-Aug., Mon.-Sat., 9:00-6:00 Contact: 503.873.2018 OREGON’S BOUNTY FARM STAND GUIDE Kenagy Family Farm: Pumpkin patch, gourds, squash, Indian corn & broom corn Farm at 1640 NE Nebergall Loop Rd. in Albany Oct., 7 days, 8:00-7:00 Contact: 541.926.8038, n Opening in August Mustard Seed Farms: Pumpkins, gourds & winter squash Stand at 7300 McKay Rd. in St. Paul Oct., Sat., 10:00-6:00; Sun., 12:00-6:00 Contact: 503.633.7333, Website: n Beilke Family Farm: U-pick apples, 14 varieties Farm at 4925 Rockdale St. NE in Brooks Mid Aug.-Thanksgiving, 7 days, 8:00-8:00 Contact: 503.393.1077, Website: n Cloudrun Farm: Produce Corvallis Farmers Market Aug.-fall, Wed. & Sat., 9:00-12:00 Oakley Farm: Tiny tomatoes, melons, vegetables & flowers Stand at 35401 Santiam Hwy. SE in Albany Aug.-frost, Mon.-Fri., 9:00-6:00 Contact: 541.451.2196 Schlechter Farms: Sweet corn, squash, pumpkins, bell peppers, cucumbers, mild chiles, hot chiles, tomatoes, zucchini, melons & onions Stand at 10143 86th Ave. NE in Salem Aug.-Oct., Mon.-Sat., 8:00-7:00; Sun., 9:00-7:00 Contact: 503.792.3328, Website:, Facebook n Opening in September Wooden Shoe PumpkinFest: Pumkins, corn hauntings & festival Farm at 33814 S Meridian Rd. in Woodburn Sept. 27-Nov. 2, 10:00-6:00; Corn Hauntings, 6:00-10:00 Contact: 503.634.2243, Website:, Facebook n n Opening in October Apple Haven Farm: U-pick Braeburn apples & cider Farm at 6260 Oak Grove in Rickreall Oct.-Nov., call first Contact: 503.835.5045 n C.W. Baggenstos Tree Farm: U-cut, we-cut Christmas trees, wagon rides; pumpkin patch, corn maze & haunted house at 23707 NW Dairy Crk. Rd. in North Plains Farm at 20200 NW Murphy Rd. in North Plains Oct.-Dec., Fri.-Sun., 9:00-dusk Contact: 503.648.8011, Website: n n n Searchable guide at Northern Lights Christmas Tree Farm: U-cut Christmas trees, pumpkin patch, farm animals, hayrides, group tours & more Farm at 36777 Wheeler Rd. in Pleasant Hill Oct.-Dec., 7 days, 10:00-5:00 Contact: 541.746.5161, Website: n n n WILLAMETTE VALLEY Willamette Edge Nursery: Blueberries, Gravenstein & Golden Delicious apples & pumpkins Stand at 6460 Corvallis Rd. in Independence July-Oct., Mon.-Fri., 8:00-5:00 Contact: 503.843.3415 n Pearmine Farms Another Pumpkin Patch: Pumpkins, ornamental & edible gourds & ornamental corn. Pumpkin patch & corn maze with proceeds going to Farmers Ending Hunger and Marion Polk Food Share. Farm at 12223 River Rd. NE in Gervais Oct., 7 days, 10:30-6:00 Contact: 503.409.8954, Website:, Facebook n n Renew Farm Bureau membership online Farm Bureau members can renew their existing Farm Bureau memberships online with a credit card at Dues notices are sent to members a few weeks before the renewal deadline. New Farm Bureau memberships still require a signed form. The downloadable form is available at, or by calling OFB at 800.334-6323. 33 Vincent Woods Farm: Pumpkins, gourds, ornamental corn & items for fall decoration Farm at 6435 62nd Ave. NE in Salem Oct. 10-31, Mon.-Fri., 9:00-6:00; Sat.-Sun. 10:00-6:00 Contact: 503.393.0120 n COLUMBIA GORGE WILLAMETTE VALLEY Opening in November BTN of Oregon: Christmas trees Farm at 7544 Jordan St. SE in Salem Nov. 26-Dec. 23, 8:00-5:00 (daylight) n Drakes Crossing Nursery: U-cut Christmas trees Farm at 1700 Silver Falls Dr. NE in Silverton Nov. 26-Dec. 24 Sat.-Sun. or by appt., 9:00-dusk Contact: 503.873.4932 Website: n Fort Noel Christmas Trees: Christmas trees Stand at Circle Blvd. Safeway in Corvallis Nov.-Dec., 7 days, 9:00-8:00 Contact: 541.602.6526, n Hladky’s Tree Farm: U-cut Christmas trees, wreaths, tree stands. Varieties: Noble, Nordmann, Doug Fir, Grand Fir, Fraser Fir & Scotch Pine Farm at 84229 N Enterprise Rd. in Pleasant Hill Mid Nov.-Dec. 25, 7 days, 9:00-5:00 Contact: 541.746.0135 Website: n Janzen Farms: Christmas trees & wreaths Farm at 11460 SE Eola Hills Rd. in Amity Nov.-Dec., 7 days, 10:00-7:00 or dark Contact: 503.835.3008 Website: n Little St. Nick’s Tree Farm: U-cut Christmas trees, Grand fir, cultured, more Noble firs coming Farm at 591 Hylo Road SE in Salem Late Nov.-Dec., Fri.-Sun. 10:00-5:00 Contact: 503.588.9484, Website:, Facebook n 34 U-pick fields n CSAs Pumpkins n Wine Christmas trees On-farm festivals & activities Sunrise Tree Farm: Christmas trees, wreaths, garland, tree maze, snow castle, store, food, Santa, petting zoo (1st 3 weekends), group ecology tools, education center Farm at 38825 Kings Valley Hwy. in Philomath Nov. 28-Dec. 23, Fri.-Sun., 9:00-5:00 Contact: 541.929.2289, Website: n n Usher’s Tree Farm: U-cut, we-cut Christmas trees in December, apples in October (call for avail.) Farm at 27252 S Pelican Ct. in Canby Nov. 28-Dec. 23, 7 days, 9:00-4:00 Contact: 503.266.2485, Website: n COLUMBIA GORGE Open all year Draper Girls Country Farm: Cherries, pears, apples, peaches, berries; non-pasteurized apple, pear & cherry ciders; all natural lamb, goat, pork & beef; u-pick starts in July Farm at 6200 Hwy. 35 in Mt. Hood All year, 7 days, 8:00-5:00 Contact: 541.490.8113, Website: n Opening in April Landgren Tree Farm: U-cut Christmas trees: Noble & Nordmann; wreaths Farm at 32600 Church Rd. in Warren Nov.-Dec., weekends, 10:00-4:00 Contact: 503.439.8340, Website: n n n n n Spring Creek Holly Farm: Christmas trees, holly, wreaths & Christmas greens Stand at 43117 McKenzie Hwy. in Leaburg Nov. 27 -Dec. 25, 7 days, 9:00-6:00 Contact: 541.896.3483 Website: n Rasmussen Farms: Seasonal fruit & vegetables, u-cut sunflowers, bedding plants, hanging baskets, u-pick tomatoes & pumpkins. Free corn maze starting mid Aug. Van Gogh Days, Aug. 2-3; Salsa Sizzle, Sept. 6-7; Pumpkin Funland, Oct. 1-Nov. 11; Winter Squash Weekend, Nov. 1-2 Stand at 3020 Thomsen Rd. in Hood River Mid April-mid Dec., 7 days, 9:00-5:00 Contact: 541.386.4622, Website: n n n Renken Farms: Group tours, pumpkin patch, harvest festival & seasonal produce The Dalles Farmers Market Farm at 3050 Three Mile Rd. in The Dalles Tours by appt., April-Oct. Oct. pumpkin patch, Sat.10:00-6:00, Sun. 1:005:00; Harvest Fest in Oct. Contact: 541.296.3024, n n OREGON’S BOUNTY FARM STAND GUIDE Opening in May Opening in July Kerslake Farms: U-pick, we-pick strawberries & pumpkin patch Farm at 2028 SE Christensen Rd. in Corbett May-Oct.; strawberry season: 7 days, 8:00-6:00; after season: Tues.-Sun., 11:00-6:00 Contact: 503.695.5473 n n A & J Orchards: Cherries, pears & apples Farm at 4600 Kenwood Dr. in Hood River July 5-Oct. 15, Tues.-Sun., 10:00-4:00, call first Contact: 541.386.1974, Sandoz Farm: Natural beef, pork, vegetables, cherries, pears, apples, fall decor, pumpkins, jams, jellies, pickles, relish, sauerkraut, canned fruits, dried vegetables & fruits The Dalles, Mosier Farmers Markets Stand at 5755 Mill Creek Rd. in The Dalles May-Nov., Wed.-Sat., 11:00-6:00; Sun., 11:00-4:00 Contact: Website: n Sugg Orchards: Sweet cherries (Bing, Rainier, Lapins, Skeena, Sweethearts, Regina, Attika, Sunset, Bing, Vans), pie cherries & Royal Ann sour cherries Farm at 810 W 6th St. in The Dalles May-Aug., 7 days, 7:00-9:00 Contact: 541.298.6000, Opening in June Mosier Grange: Sweet cherries Stand & store in downtown Mosier June-July, 7 days, 8:30-4:30 Contact: 541.478.3598, Orchard View Farms: Cherries Farm at 4055 Skyline Rd. in The Dalles June 15-Aug. 15, Mon.-Sat., 8:00-6:00 Contact: 541.298.4496, Website: Root Orchards: U-pick, we-pick sweet cherries, Bing, Rainier, Tieton, Chelan, Royal Ann, Santina, Selah, Skeena, Benton, Lapins, Vans, Lambert, Sweetheart Farm at 1111 Root Rd. in Mosier Mid June-late July, 7 days, 9:00-6:00 Contact: 541.478.3425, Website: n Did you know? 98% of all Oregon farms are family owned and operated. Searchable guide at Cody Orchards: Many kinds of sweet cherries, Montmorency tart cherries, peaches, plums, summer & winter pears, apples, vegetables, seasonal pies on weekends. U-pick apples, pears, cherries, flowers & herbs. U-pick Cherry Celebration, July 19-20; Pear Party, Sept. 20-21, 2014 Farm at 3475 Graves Rd. in Hood River July-Nov., 6 days (not Tues.), 10:00-6:00 Contact: 541.354.1085, Website: n n Columbia View Lavender: U-pick lavender, fresh bundles, sachets, soaps, lotion & wreaths Farm at 38401 E Historic Columbia River Hwy. in Corbett July-Nov., 7 days, 9:00-8:00 Contact: 503.895.5178, n COLUMBIA GORGE Stevens Century Farms: U-pick cherries, vegetables, flowers, herbs & plants Farm at 1625 State Rd. in Mosier May-Sept., Fri.-Sun., 8:00-5:00 Contact: 541.478.3264 n Alice’s Orchard & Fruit Stand: U-pick tree fruit Farm at 1623 Orchard Rd. in Hood River July-Sept., 7 days, 10:00-6:00; Oct., Fri.-Sun., 10:00-5:00 Contact: 541.386.5478, Website: n Grandma Mary’s Fruit & Produce: Blueberries, cherries, apples, pears, vegetables & more; Blueberry & BBQ Bash in July Stand at 3017 Hwy. 35 in Hood River July-Oct., Mon.-Fri. 12:00-4:00; Sat.-Sun. 10:00-5:00 Contact: 541.490.4687, Website: n Kiyokawa Family Orchards: U-pick, we-pick apples, pears, Asian pears, cherries, blueberries, peaches, plums, prunes, pluots, tomatoes, apple cider & kiwi berries. Also have chestnuts, pumpkins, quince, vegetables, winter squash & potatoes; Desserts Galore, Sept. 20-21; Honeycrisp Harvest, Oct. 4-5; Fiesta Days, Oct. 18-19; Apple & Asian pear & hard cider tasting, Oct. 25-26 Beaverton, Old Salt, Gorge Grown, Gresham, Hillsboro, Hollywood, Hood River, Irvington, Kenton, Lake Oswego, Lloyd, Montavilla, NW 23rd, Oregon City, Pioneer Courthouse, Portland PSU, Woodstock Farmers Markets Farm at 8129 Clear Creek Rd. in Parkdale Aug. 29-Nov. 3, Mon.-Fri., 10:00-6:00; Sat.-Sun., 9:00-6:00 Contact: 541.352.7115, Website: n n n 35 Mt. View Orchards: U-pick, we-pick apples, pears, pumpkins, squash, cider, corn, beets, carrots, peaches, cherries, apricots, jams, apple sauce, dried fruit. Hayrides on wknds. in Sept. & Oct.; Swiss-German Edelweiss Day, Oct. 25, 11:00-4:00 Farm at 6670 Trout Creek Ridge Rd. in Parkdale July-Dec. 24, 7 days, 9:00-5:00 Contact: 800.529.6554, Website: n n n Nelson’s Blueberry Farm: U-pick blueberries Farm at 5175 Woodworth Dr. in Mt. Hood/Parkdale July 15-Aug., 7 days, 8:00-5:00 Contact: 541.308.5998, n OREGON COAST COLUMBIA GORGE Opening in September McCurdy Farms: Pears & apples Stand at 2080 Tucker Rd. in Hood River Sept.-Oct., 7 days, 10:00-5:00 Contact: 541.386.1628, Opening in November Green Ridge Tree Farm: Large selection of u-cut Christmas trees & fresh pre-cut trees (saws provided) Farm at 3715 Browns Creek Rd. in The Dalles Nov. 28- Dec. 24, 7 days, 9:00-4:30 Contact: 541.296.3036, Website: n OREGON COAST Open all year Brickyard Farms: Herbs, tomatoes, peppers & basil Tillamook Farmers Market Stand at 4940 Brickyard Rd. in Tillamook All year, 7 days, 12:00-6:00 Contact: 503.815.8142, DeNoble’s Farm Fresh Produce: Artichokes, broccoli, cauliflower, carrots, beets, Brussels sprouts, parsnips, kale, fennel, celery, sugar snap peas, green beans, bell peppers, hot peppers, tomatoes, lettuce, spinach, basil, cilantro, parsley, kohlrabi, cabbage, and more. Beaverton, Hillsdale, Lake Oswego, Portland Farmers Markets Stand at 735 Wilson River Loop in Tillamook All year, 7 days, 10:00-7:00 Contact: 503.801.0507, Website: Facebook 36 Foss Road Beef: Hereford, grass-feed, all natural beef Ranch at 22095 Foss Rd. in Nehalem Website: River Meadows Dairy: Grass-fed beef & lamb, handspun yarn & knit accessories; farm stay at 2-bedrom house with u-pick vegetables Hillsdale Farmers Market Farm at 19350 Barber Rd. in Nehalem All year, Sat., 12:00-4:00, or call for appt. Contact: 503.368.5078, Website: n n Zweifel Farms: Pasture-raised eggs Farm at 7300 S Prairie Rd. in Tillamook All year, 7 days (call for large orders) Contact: 503.801.1918, Contact: Opening in April Mat’z Windmill Gardens & Nursery: Fuchsia baskets, sedum, stepping stones at local markets & by order Cowlitz, Linton Farmers Markets Farm at 68642 Whitney Road in Rainier April-July, Sat., 8:00-2:00; Sun., 10:00-4:00 Contact: 503.556.6409, Opening in May Forks Farm: Blueberries, cut flowers, plants & florist; Yachats River Valley Farm Tour, Aug. 16, 10:00-4:00 Stand at: 8 N Fork River Rd. in Yachats May-Dec. Contact: 541.547.4461, Website: n Opening in June Crawford Berries ‘n Cream: U-pick, we-pick Shuksan strawberries; picked marionberries & blueberries by order Astoria Sunday, Cowlitz Farmers Markets Farm at 68660 Whitney Rd. in Rainier June-July, 7 days, 1:00-7:00 Contact: 503.556.1247, n Farmer Joe’s Daughters: Baked goods, cheeses & dairy products Tillamook Farmers Market Hwy. 6 in Tillamook June-Sept., Sat., 9:00-2:00 Contact: 503.842.6955 OREGON’S BOUNTY FARM STAND GUIDE Ojalla Creek Farm: Carrots, beans, lettuce, leeks, squash & more Siletz, Toledo Farmers Markets Farm at 929 Ojalla Rd. in Siletz Open in summer Contact: 541.444.1360, Opening in December Strawberry Ladies: Strawberries Tillamook Farmers Co-op & Farmers Market June-Sept., Mon.-Sat., 12:00-3:00 Contact: 503.842.4877 CENTRAL OREGON Sturm’s Berry Farm: U-pick marionberries, strawberries, red raspberries, black raspberries, blueberries & blackberries Farm at 31300 Miami Foley Rd. in Nehalem June-mid Sept., Thurs.-Sun., 9:00-8:00 Contact: 503.695.2743, Website: n Whiskey Creek Organics: CSA memberships, fruits, vegetables & many herbs Farm at 8530 Duncan Island Rd. in Mapleton June-Nov., Sun.-Fri. Contact: 541.902.5133, Website: n Opening in July Sleepy Hollow Christmas Trees: Nobel fir Christmas trees Farm at 243 E Lakeside Dr. in Waldport Dec., weekends, 9:00-5:00 Contact: 541.563.7778, n Open all year Chotard Farms: Alfalfa hay, weaner pigs & slaughter hogs Ranch at 9227 NW Boise Dr. in Madras All year, 7 days, 7:00-6:00 Contact: 541.475.3615, Dehler’s 44 Ranch: Orchardgrass hay, alfalfa hay, Timothy, orchard blend hay Ranch at 10744 NW Dehler Rd. in Prineville All year, Mon.-Sat., call for hours, Sun. by appt. Contact: 541.447.4586, Website: Heart 7 Hay & Livestock: Hay & livestock Ranch at 2500 SW Stagecoach Lane in Terrebonne All year, 7 days, 5:00-8:00 Contact: 541.548.7143 Pine Mountain Ranch: Grass-pasture-raised buffalo, yak, elk, beef, chicken, turkey, eggs, pork & lamb Bend, Hollywood, Hillsdale, Portland Farmers Markets Ranch at 23585 E Hwy. 20 in Bend All year, Fri., 11:00-3:00, call for appt. Contact: 541.312.0185, Website: Opening in November Prineville Lavender: Fresh & dried lavender, lavender essential oil, soaps, sachets, dryer bags & gifts; in-season pumpkins, winter squash, potatoes, onions & tomatoes Prineville Farmers Market Stand at 409 NE Short Lane in Prineville All year, call for appt. Contact: 541.447.6217, n Beal Christmas Tree Farm: Christmas trees Farm at 700 Oak Villa Rd. in Dallas Nov.-Dec., daylight hours Contact: 530.383.5223, Website: n n n n n CENTRAL OREGON Oregon Coastal Flowers: Pumpkin patch, specialty gourds & corn maze Farm at 9455 Kilchis River Rd. in Tillamook Last 3 wknds. in Sept., Fri. eve, Sat.-Sun., 12:00-5:00 Contact: 503.815.3762, Website: n n Poysky Farm: U-pick blueberries Farm at 18645 Hermo Rd. in Clatskanie Mid Jul.-mid Sept., 7 days, 6:00-dark Contact: 503.728.2310, n OREGON COAST Opening in September Leaning Pine Ranch: All natural, grass-fed angus, hereford beef & spring lambs; alfalfa, pasture & triticale hay Ranch at 53405 Pine Crest Ln. in La Pine All year, Mon.-Sat., 7:00-8:00 Contact: 541.420.6272, U-pick fields n CSAs Pumpkins n Wine Christmas trees On-farm festivals & activities Searchable guide at 37 Red Oak: Alpacas for breeding, pets & 4-H; alpaca blankets, rugs, yarn & roving Farm at 53315 Bridge Dr. in LaPine All year, 7 days, call for appt. Contact: 541.536.6190, Website: Remuda Ranch: Lean, grass-fed, grass-finished Piedmontese beef by whole, half, or quarter; calves, bulls & breeding stock Ranch at 14449 SW Hwy. 97 in Culver All year, 7 days, 8:00-8:00 Contact: 541.546.6778, T-Bone Hay & Cattle: Natural, grass-fed locker beef: whole, half, quarter, or ground beef by the pound Ranch at 3604 SW Park Ln. in Culver All year, call for appt. Contact: 541.546.9446, Website: Taylor Farm: Breed stock sheep in Lincoln, Montadale, Natural Colored & Romeldale breeds; hand-spun fleeces in 1/4-pound and 1-pound packages; dying available; locker lambs Farm at 246 NE McKay Dr. in Prineville All year, call for appt. Contact: 541.447.7556, Opening in April Bridge Creek Ranch: Bison calves & yearlings Ranch at 74963 Bridge Creek Ln. in Silver Lake April-Oct., Thurs.-Sat., 10:00-4:00 Contact: 541.576.3532, Website: SOUTHERN OREGON CENTRAL OREGON Opening in May 38 Hidden Falls Garden: Hanging baskets, bedding plants, vegetable starts, annuals & perennials Farm at 5400 NE Ochoco Hwy. in Prineville May-mid July, Wed.-Sun., 9:00-5:00 Contact: 541.480.5806 Opening in June Dancing Cow Farm: Grass-fed & finished cattle, sheep, eggs, organic vegetables & herbs Prineville Farmers Market June-Sept., Sat.-Sun., 9:00-2:00 Contact: 541.416.9019 n n n n U-pick fields n CSAs Pumpkins n Wine Christmas trees On-farm festivals & activities Kimberly Orchards: U-pick, we-pick apricots, cherries, peaches, plums, nectarines, pears & apples Farm at junction of North Fork & John Day River in Kimberly Mid June-Oct., 7 days, 8:00-6:00 Contact: 541.934.2870, Website: n Opening in July Rainshadow Organics: Organic vegetables & CSA program Farm at corner of Lower Bridge Way and Holmes Rd. in Terrebonne July-Sept., Fri.-Sun., 9:00-5:00 or by appt. Contact: 541.279.0841, Website: n SOUTHERN OREGON Open all year Adorabella Alpacas: Alpaca breeding stock & pet quality, alpaca fiber (raw & yarn), socks, hats, gloves, etc. Ranch at 4814 Laurel Ave. in Grants Pass All year, 7 days, 9:00-5:00 Contact: 541.474.9751, Website: AO Ranch: Ornamental & vegetable starts, broccoli, cauliflower, cabbage, onions, peas, carrots, beets, lettuce, corn, squash, melons, beans, sweet peppers, hot peppers, heirloom tomatoes, herbs, dried peppers; eggs, cut flowers, fall arrangements & Christmas wreaths Lookingglass Farm Market Stand at 7426 Lookingglass Rd. in Roseburg All year, Fridays, 3:00-6:00 Contact: 541.679.8110 Applegate Lama Stud: Alpaca & llama breeding stock, raw fiber, roving, yarn, alpaca clothing, stud service, black swans, eggs, u-pick vegetables, farm tours by reservation Farm at 7980 New Hope Rd. in Grants Pass All year, 7 days, 9:00-5:00 Contact: 541.862.2995, Website: n n Bridgeview Vineyards: Wine Vineyard at 4210 Holland Loop Rd. in Cave Junction All year, 7 days, 11:00-5:00 Contact: 541.592.4688, Website: n OREGON’S BOUNTY FARM STAND GUIDE Combe Bros. & Sons Farm: Beef & grass hay Ranch at 6211 New Hope Rd. in Grants Pass All year, Mon.-Sat., 9:00-6:00 Contact: 541.476.2812 Easy Valley Farm: Winter & summer CSAs, vegetables, fruit, herbs, plants, flowers, soap & local products Stand at 2557 E Evans Creek Rd. in Rogue River All year: April-Oct., 7 days, 10:00-dark; winter: call first Contact: 541.582.8089 n Forestfarm: Trees, shrubs, perennials, fruit plants, bamboo, grasses & ferns Nursery at 14643 Watergap Rd. in Williams All year, Mon.-Fri., 8:00-4:00 Contact: 541.846.7269, Website: JB-Ang: Hay & cattle Sprague River Farmers Market Ranch at 19355 Sprague River Rd. in Chiloquin All year, 7 days Liongate Farm: Navajo churro sheep, blue-faced Leicester sheep; meat & breeding stock; fiber, raw & washed; processed fiber: roving yarns, needle-felting supplies, crafts & classes Ranch at 14314 E Evans Creek Rd. in Rogue River All year, call for appt. Contact: 541.582.2431, Website: n McKay Rogue River Ranch: Orchard grass hay, heirloom tomatoes, beef, pork, u-pick fruit orchard, blackberries & raspberries Ranch at 7921 Lower River Rd. in Grants Pass All year, Mon.-Sat., 8:00-5:00 by appt. Contact: 541.476.2128, n Pennington Farms: Berries, jam & baked goods Grants Pass, Medford & Ashland Farmers Markets Stand at 11341 Williams Hwy. in Grants Pass All year, 7 days, Mon.-Fri. 9:00-5:00; Sat. 10:004:00; Sun. 11:00-3:00 Contact: 541.846.0550 Website: Searchable guide at Sherwood Family Farm: Alpine & Nubian dairy goats, herbal plants, free-range chicken & duck eggs, llama breeding stock & fleece, goat’s milk soap, arts & crafts Coquille Farmers Market All year, by appt. Contact: 541.572.2173 Snyder’s Greenhouse & Nursery: Wholesale & retail of evergreen, deciduous & conifer trees Nursery at 7160 S Myrtle Rd. in Myrtle Creek Call for hours & avail. Contact 541.863.4153 Talcott Ranch: All natural yearling beef cattle available whole or half Ranch at 3320 Little River Rd. in Glide Contact: 541.496.0209, All year Website: Facebook Opening in March Alpha Beta Hops: Organic Cascade hops wholesale & retail Farm at 700 Butler Creek Rd. in Ashland Mar.-Oct., 7 days, 8:00-7:00 & online Contact: 541.488.8844, Website: Bunyard’s Barnyard: Culinary herbs & native plants Umpqua Valley Farmers Market Nursery at 1201 Harlan St. in Roseburg Mar.-Oct., by appt. Contact: 541.672.9380, Fir Meadow: Dairy goats, herbs, essential oils, herbal de-wormer & herbal livestock products Ranch at 5595 Kane Creek Rd. in Central Point Mar.-Nov., Mon.-Thurs., 1:00-4:00 Contact: 541.855.2561 Did you know? There are over 220 different types of agriculture products raised in Oregon, from cattle to Christmas trees, milk to marionberries. SOUTHERN OREGON Rogue Valley Quail & Feeder Mice: Frozen & live cortunix quail & mice for animal food, quail eggs for hatching, quail eggs for eating Ranch at 13794 Perry Rd. in Central Point All year, 7 days, 10:00-5:00 Contact: 541.826.1499, Website: Rosella’s Vineyard: Red wines from Cabernet, Merlot & Zinfandel grapes Vineyard at 184 Missouri Flat Rd. in Grants Pass All year, Thurs.-Mon., 11:00-5:00 Contact: 541.846.6372 Website: n 39 Opening in April Opening in June Bigham Farms: Bedding plants & produce Grants Pass, Rogue Valley Growers Markets April-Oct., Mon.-Thurs., 10:00-4:00 Contact: 541.621.5441 Belweather Farm: Tomatoes, beets, garlic, shallots, sweet onions, carrots & cut flowers Klamath Falls Farmers Market Farm at 12070 Overland Dr. in Klamath Falls June-Oct., email first Contact: Website: Double Bar V Ranch: St. Croix sheep, breeding stock & weed eaters, natural locker lambs in fall Ranch at 8025 Takilma Rd. in Cave Junction April-Sept., Mon.-Fri., 10:00-5:00 Contact: 541.592.3444, Website: Kruse’s Farms: Melons, corn, beans, berries, squash, alfalfa hay, cherries, peaches, apples, prunes, onions, carrots, turnips, rutabagas, parsnips, cauliflower & cabbage; baked goods, greenhouse, corn maze & pumpkin patch Stand at 532 Melrose Rd. in Roseburg April-Jan., 7 days, 8:00-7:00 Contact: 541.672.5697, Website: n n Opening in May B&K Natural Farm: Pasture-raised chickens & turkeys Farm at 158 Thomas Rd. in Sutherlin May-Dec., Fri.-Sun., 9:00-7:00 Contact: 541.459.0830, Buck Canyon Gardens: Peonies, tree peonies, intersectional or itoh peonies & bearded iris; Peony & Iris Show: May 17-18, 24-25, 31-June 1 Farm at 180 Buck Canyon Rd. in Cave Junction Contact: 541.592.6115, Website: n Fox Run Farm: Apples, cider, asparagus, organic eggs, berries, peaches, plums, nectarines, melons & preserves Stand at 3842 W Main St. in Medford May-Nov., Tues.-Sun., 10:00-6:00 Contact: 541.608.7886 SOUTHERN OREGON Hillcrest Orchard: Peaches, apples, pears & vegetables Stand at 3285 Hillcrest Rd. in Medford May-Jan., 7 days, 7:00-7:00 Contact: 541.773.1487, Website: 40 Kerbyville Farm: Sweet corn, melons, tomatoes, vegetables, u-pick flowers, flower baskets, bakery & gift shop Crescent City Saturday Market Stand at 23790 Redwood Hwy. in Kerby May-Nov., 7 days, 9:00-6:00 Contact: n Brosi’s Sugartree Farms: Cherries, peaches, nectarines, pears, prunes, apples, corn, tomatoes, peppers, cucumbers, beans, cabbage, broccoli, cauliflower, melons, strawberries, blackberries, raspberries, blueberries, apples, lettuce, gourds, summer squash, winter squash; hayrides to pumpkin patch every day in Oct. Farm at 540 Winston Section Rd. in Winston June-Nov., 7 days, 9:00-6:00 Contact: 541.679.1472, n n The Garden: Corn, beans, cucumbers, Asian eggplant, peppers, tomatoes, squash & melons Stand at 1395 Brownsboro Hwy. in Eagle Point June-Oct., Mon.-Sat., dawn-dark Hubler Orchards: Peaches, plums, apricots, nectarines, figs, apples, pears & cherries Stand at 1841 Serenity Dr. in Medford Mid June-mid Nov., Mon.-Sat., 7:00-1:30 Contact: 541.772.4809 Peerless Produce/Lee’s Farm Market: Tomatoes, peppers, squash, corn, cucumbers, broccoli, green beans, eggplant, spinach, kohlrabi, basil, berries, peaches, plums, cherries, apples, melons & more Bandon, Coos Bay Farmers Market June-Oct., 7 days, 10:00-6:00, 8641 Old Hwy 99 in Dillard; & Tues., 9:00-3:00, 2630 Hwy. 101 in Florence Contact: 541.784.1427, Valley View Orchard: U-pick, we-pick organic cherries, apricots, peaches, nectarines, pears, apples, jams & honey Farm at 1800 N Valley View Rd. in Ashland June-Sept., Tues.-Sat., 9:00-2:00 Contact: n n n n n U-pick fields n CSAs Pumpkins n Wine Christmas trees On-farm festivals & activities OREGON’S BOUNTY FARM STAND GUIDE Alta Vista Orchard: U-pick blueberries Farm at 2597 W Stewart Ave. in Medford July-Aug., 8:00-5:00, (call for avail.) Contact: 541.772.2722, Website: n Cron Produce: Vegetables, flowers & pumpkin ride in Oct. Brookings, Gold Beach Farmers Markets Stand at 22995 Redwood Hwy. in Kerby July-Oct., 7 days, 9:00-8:00 Contact: 541.660.7902 n n Fort Vannoy Farms: Sweet corn, tomatoes, green beans, eggplant, tomatillos, cucumbers, dill, cilantro cantaloupe, watermelon, bell peppers, hot peppers, onions, garlic, carrots, summer squash, winter squash, cut flowers, gourds; corn maze & pumpkin patch in Oct. Grants Pass Farmers Market Farm Stand at 5791 Lower River Rd. in Grants Pass July-Oct., 7 days, 10:00-6:00 Contact: 541.479.3765, Website: n n Santa Cruz Ranch: Natural Angus beef Ranch at 753 Choice Ln. in Sutherlin July-Aug., 7 days, 6:00-8:00 Contact: 541.459.9247 Oregon agriculture is sustainable. There are 1,156 farms and ranches recognized as being in business and within the same family for at least 100 years, and 26 for at least 150 years. Searchable guide at Opening in August Meyer Orchards: Peaches & pears Stand at 6626 Tarry Ln. in Talent Aug.-Nov., Mon.-Sat., 8:00-6:00 Contact: 541.535.2505, Website: Opening in November Ruben Ranch U-Cut Tree Farm: Christmas trees Farm at 31302 Cow Creek Rd. in Glendale Nov.-Dec., Tues.-Sun., 9:00-dusk Contact: 541.832.2813, n EASTERN OREGON Open all year Bruce & Renae Corn Farms: Wheat, dry beans, corn, bread mixers & grain mills for milling your own flour All year Farm at 650 Hwy 20-26 in Ontario Contact: 541.889.5728 Website: Crown Cattle Co.: All-natural, grass-fed & finished beef available by whole or half Ranch at 57088 Scotty Creek Ln. in Seneca All year, Mon.-Sat., 8:00-5:00 Contact: 541.542.2608, Hill’s Country Supply: Wheat grinders, bread mixers, food dryers, cherries, produce, antiques, used lumber, poles & estate sale items Stand at 61502 Union Cove Hwy. 237 in Cove All year, Mon.-Sat., call first Contact: 541.568.4772, Website: Louie’s Cattle Service: All-natural beef (whole or in cuts), water troughs for stock & Kozgro Organic fertilizer Ranch at 30886 Eben Ray Ln. in Burns All year, 7 days Contact: 541.573.7888, SOUTHERN OREGON Farmers and ranchers comprise less than 1% of the U.S. population. Each farmer produces enough food and fiber for 155 people. Seven Oaks Farm: Sweet corn, melons, watermelons, tomatoes, peppers, cucumbers, beets, flowers, summer squash, winter squash, onions, pumpkins, gourds, apples, pears, peaches, berries & u-pick flowers & herbs. Fall Harvest Days in Oct.: hayrides, pony rides, pumpkin patch, fall decor & activities Stands at 5504 and 5526 Rogue Valley Hwy. in Central Point July-Sept., Mon.-Sat., 9:00-5:30; Oct., Wed.-Sun., 9:00-5:30 Contact: 541.664.2060 Website: Facebook & Twitter n n n EASTERN OREGON Opening in July 41 EASTERN OREGON Watson’s Lost Spring Ranch: Alfalfa hay & cattle Ranch at 40637 Hwy. 20 E in Burns All year, 7 days Wilde Ranches: Purebred heifers, bulls & beef Ranch at 18048 Middle Rock Creek Ln. in Arlington All year, 7 days, 7:00-6:00 Contact: 541.454.2995 Opening in March Ebbers Red Sheep: Registered California red sheep, ewe lambs, ram lambs & butcher lambs Ranch at 2071 Cassia Rd. in Adrian Mar.-Nov., call first Contact: 541.724.2285 Stargazer Perennials Farm & Nursery: Seasonal produce, vegetable plants, perennial & annual ornamental plants, free gardening classes every Saturday during the summer, Fall Festival, Winter Festival & Tomato Fest Stand at 69611 Summerville Rd. in Summerville Mar.-Dec., 7 days, 9:00-5:00 Contact: 541.786.1791, Website: n Opening in June Harrison Ranch: Vegetables John Day Farmers Market Stand on Brent St. in John Day June-Oct., Sat., 9:00-12:00 M & D Farms: U-pick, we-pick peaches Farm at 53012 County Rd. in Milton-Freewater June 26-Aug. 10, 7 days, 8:00-6:00 Contact: 541.938.7955 n Opening in September Davis Orchards: Peaches, nectarines, apples, pears, Italian prunes & plums Stand at 53285 Appleton Rd. in Milton-Freewater Sept.-Dec., Sun.-Fri., 9:00-5:00 Contact: 541.938.7093 Website: Houck Cattle Co.: Alfalfa, hay & weaner calves Farm at 70984 Reed Rd. in Burns Sept.-Oct. Contact: 503.589.0123 Did you know? n n n n U-pick fields n CSAs Pumpkins n Wine Christmas trees On-farm festivals & activities 12% of all jobs in Oregon are related to agriculture. That’s one in eight jobs. Joseph H. Hobson, Jr. Attorney at Law Suite 700, Equitable Center 530 Center Street NE Salem, Oregon 97301 Phone: 503.585.6708 Fax: 503.585.1006 Email: 42 OREGON’S BOUNTY FARM STAND GUIDE F or the 2015 Oregon’s Bounty calendar, Farm Bureau invites the public to submit their own photos of Oregon agriculture: the commodities, the people, the production, the landscape, the retail, anything that depicts the beauty, technology, culture, or tradition of farming and ranching. Requirements & photo specs: n n n n n n n n Photos must involve farming or ranching in Oregon. Photos must be taken in a *horizontal format* to fit a calendar layout. Small, lower-resolution images can be submitted for judging, however: Selected images MUST be available in high-resolution, 300 dpi format, otherwise they will be too grainy to enlarge. Photos must be submitted in .jpg or .tif formats. Photos with people may require a signed photo release. Please don’t send photos of people you don’t know. There is no limit to the number of photos that can be submitted. You don’t have to be a Farm Bureau member to participate. Oregon’s Bounty Victoria Sherwood Photos sought for 2015 OFB calendar See an example of the Oregon’s Bounty calendar at calendar. How: Email your digital photo to, or put the image(s) on a CD and send it via postal mail to Anne Marie Moss, Oregon Farm Bureau, 3415 Commercial St. SE, Salem, OR 97302 Include with your submission: n Your name, address, phone number, and email address n Indicate if you are a Farm Bureau member or not n Your age if you are younger than 18 n When and where the photo was taken The selected image or images for month pages will appear with a photo credit in the 2015 Oregon’s Bounty calendar, which is sent to 61,000 Farm Bureau members around the state. Deadline: September 15, 2014 Contact Anne Marie Moss at 503.399.1701, ext. 313, Rules: By submitting a photograph in a contest, you agree to be bound by all terms and conditions set forth by Oregon Farm Bureau, including the grant of rights set forth below; if you do not agree with these terms and conditions, do not submit an entry. By submitting a photograph in the contest, you acknowledge and agree that OFB shall have the right (without limitation or further compensation to you) to edit, adapt, modify, reproduce, publish, promote, display, and otherwise use your entry in any way it sees fit, including the right to publish your entry online and in print with or without attribution. By submitting entries, you are declaring that you hold the copyright to the images entered or that you have secured the right to distribute the images without restriction. Entries judged inappropriate by OFB for any reason will not be eligible for prizes. Searchable guide at 43 Farm Bureau photo album JUST A FEW SCENES O F R E C E N T FA R M BUREAU ACTIVITIES 2 1 3 4 1. In January, Coos-Curry County Farm Bureau earned a County Award for Excellence from the American Farm Bureau for its work protecting prime farm-ground from being purchased and taken out of agriculture production. 2. OFB President Barry Bushue also serves as vice president of American Farm Bureau and spoke during the 2014 AFBF Convention. 3. Douglas County Farm Bureau President Mike Wetherell made a point during a meeting of the county presidents at the State Capitol this winter. 4. Farm Bureau group after a federal court hearing where the judge sided with farmers instead of USDOL due to its misuse of “hot goods” powers. OFB has led the charge to prevent this injustice from happening again. 5. In February, Farm Bureau hosted a public reception to celebrate agriculture in the Oregon State Capitol. 6. In March, young Farm Bureau leaders from Clackamas and Marion Counties took a tour of the State Capitol, with the goal of familiarizing themselves with the building, the legislative process, and how to effectively communicate with lawmakers. 7. This winter, Farm Bureau volunteers donated more than $2,600 worth of groceries to Portland's two Ronald McDonald House Charities. 8. Janice Flegel of the OFB Women’s Advisory Council helped kids make “Dirt Babies” at Farm Bureau’s booth at Oregon Ag Fest in Salem. 2014 Ag Fest is April 26-27. 9. In March, Farm Bureau leaders took time away from their farms and journeyed to Washington D.C. to discuss agriculture issues with Oregon’s national legislators. 44 OREGON FARM BUREAU 5 6 7 8 9 Searchable guide at 45 PAID NON-PROFIT ORG U.S. POSTAGE SALEM, OR PERMIT NO. 526 RETURN SERVICE REQUESTED Follow OFB on ofbinfo and Twitter at @OreFarmBureau. Oregon Farm Bureau 3415 Commercial St. SE Salem, Oregon 97302 Need to renew your Farm Bureau membership? Visit with your FB number (the nine digits starting with 3 listed above your address on this magazine). Oregon’s Bounty FA R M STAND GUIDE Store this guide in your glove compartment for easy reference! FROM OREGON FARM BUREAU With Oregon roots dating back to 1919, Oregon Farm Bureau was established as a statewide organization in Umatilla County in 1932. With 7,500 member families professionally engaged in the industry and a total membership of 61,000 Oregon families, Farm Bureau is the state’s largest general agriculture organization. Virtually every aspect of public policy touches family agriculture in some way. Farm Bureau uses a time-tested, open, democratic grassroots process to reach its public policy positions. Members in all 36 Oregon counties work to implement these objectives in the legislative arena. The ultimate aim is the survival and success of the family farm and ranch in Oregon. Thank you for supporting Oregon’s family farms and ranches with your membership in Farm Bureau. For more information, visit or call 503.399.1701. Locally grown & growing strong