February 27, 2012 Council Agenda Package Revised
February 27, 2012 Council Agenda Package Revised
THE CITY OF CAMROSE REVISED A G E N D A REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING #4 MONDAY, FEBRUARY 27, 2012 Opening Prayer 5:00 P.M., Council Chambers. Page A. ADOPTION OF AGENDA/MINUTES: 1 2 3 Adoption of Agenda. ● Amended Report: Item C-11 ● Additions: Item D3 and D4 Regular Council Meeting #3 held February 13, 2012. Committee of the Whole Meeting #C3 held February 21, 2012. 3-10 11-13 B. PUBLIC COMMENTARY C. NEW BUSINESS: 1 2 3 Public Hearing - Bylaw 2696/12 - 2012 City Center Camrose Business Revitalization Zone Tax, Tax Rate, Supplementary Assessment and Supplementary Tax. City Center Camrose 2012 Budget. By-Law 2696/12 - 2012 City Center Camrose Business Revitalization Zone Tax, Tax Rate, Supplementary Assessment and Supplementary Tax. 4 5 6 7 8 City Center Camrose - 2011 Annual Report and Financial Statements. City Center Camrose - Funding Disbursement. City Center Camrose - Board of Directors Appointment - Cody McCarroll. Camrose and District Senior Centre Society Update. Camrose Performing Arts Centre (CPAC) - Borrowing By-Law 2639/12 Update. 9 10 11 Budget Adjustment - 2012 Local Improvement Projects. 2012 Equipment and Truck Purchases. Member at Large Appointments - Social Planning Advisory Committee and Camrose Public Library Board. - Resignation - Krista Laroque from Camrose Public Library Board and Page 1 of 94 15 17-18 19-27 29-38 39-40 41-49 51-54 55 57-58 59-63 65-66 Page C. NEW BUSINESS: Social Planning Advisory Committee D. COMMITTEE/DEPARTMENTAL REPORTS: 1 Camrose Affordable Housing Committee Meeting Minutes - January 18, 2012. 2 3 4 City Center Camrose Board Meeting Minutes - January 11, 2012. Camrose Police Commission Meeting Minutes - December 20, 2011. Camrose Police Commission Meeting Minutes - January 17, 2012. 67-70 71-74 75-77 79-80 E. CORRESPONDENCE: 1 Ruth Muzika - Concerns Camrose Performing Arts Centre (CPAC) February 23, 2012. 2 3 Battle River Watershed Alliance Newsletter - The Current - Winter 2012. Camrose Sport Development Society - Sponsorship - American Swiss Hockey Game - January 25, 2012. 4 Camrose Railway Station - 100th Birthday Celebration - Thank You For Your Support - February 8, 2012. 5 Camrose Open Door Association - 2012 Toque Campaign - Thank You For Your Support. 6 Mike Edwards - The Cost of Gravel in Alberta - February 14, 2012. F. ADJOURNMENT Page 2 of 94 81 83-86 87 89 91 93-94 Agenda Item # A2 ... REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING #3 COUNCIL CHAMBERS, CITY HALL FEBRUARY 13, 2012 The Regular Meeting of Council of the City of Camrose was held in Council Chambers, City Hall on Monday, February 13, 2012, with the following persons in attendance: Council: Mayor M. Chalmers; Councillors G. Galenza; D. Shillington; R. McIsaac; M. Lindstrand; J. Howard; E. Berry; B. Blatz and G. Wood. Absent: Administration: City Manager - D. Herle; General Manager Corporate and Protective Services, K. Isaak; General Manager Community Services - P. Nielsen; Acting General Manager, Engineering Services - J. Enarson; General Manager, Financial Services - D. Urkow; Inspector; L. Foreman, and Administrative Assistant to the City Manager - C. Johnson Mayor Chalmers called the meeting to order at 5:00 pm and Pastor Kirby Schmidt-Teigen offered a prayer. A ADOPTION OF AGENDA/MINUTES: A-1 Adoption of Agenda. - Amendment to Agenda – Addition to Item C-7, attachment 2. MOTION# 61/12 Moved by Wood - seconded by Howard that the agenda of the Regular Council Meeting #3, dated February 13, 2012, be adopted as amended. MOTION CARRIED A-2 Regular Council Meeting #2 held January 23, 2012. MOTION# 62/12 Moved by Shillington - seconded by Blatz that the minutes of the Regular Council Meeting #2 held January 23, 2012, be approved as circulated. MOTION CARRIED A-3 Committee of the Whole Meeting #C2 held February 6, 2012. MOTION#63/12 Moved by Blatz - seconded by Berry that the minutes of the Committee of the Whole Council meeting #C2 be amended to include a missed motion to revert to an open meeting between Motion #58/12 and #59/12. MOTION CARRIED 21 Regular Council Meeting #3 held February 13, 2012. Page 3 of 94 Agenda Item # A2 ... Regular Council February 13, 2012 B PUBLIC COMMENTARY C. Johnson, Administrative Assistant to the City Manager reported that there is one registered person to speak at public commentary, David Kotyk. Mr. Kotyk provided his personal opinion in opposition to the Camrose Performing Arts Centre Debenture Borrowing By-Law 2693-12. C NEW BUSINESS: C-1 Alberta Health and Safety Association (AMHSA) – Certificate of Recognition. K. Isaak, General Manager, Corporate and Protective Services provided an overview of the report. M. Chalmers, Mayor and D. Herle, City Manager and K. Isaak, General Manager, Corporate and Protective Services presented a Certificate of Recognition to each department and work area who participated as part of the Joint Health and Safety Committee. MOTION#64/12 Moved by Galenza - seconded by Blatz that Council extend congratulations to the Joint Health and Safety Committee and all City staff for a job well done in achievement of the Certificate of Recognition from the Alberta Municipal Health and Safety Association. MOTION CARRIED C-2 Camrose and District Support Services – Report on the Cost of Poverty K. Isaak, General Manager, Corporate and Protective Services introduced Margaret Holliston, Director, Camrose and District Support Services. Ms. Holliston provided Council with an overview of the Report on the Cost of Poverty. MOTION#65/12 Moved by Lindstrand - seconded by McIsaac that the report and presentation be received for information. MOTION CARRIED C-3 Security Alarm Systems Report and By-Law 2695/12 L. Foreman, Inspector Camrose Police Service and L. Knutson, Chairman, Police Commission provided an overview of the Security Alarm Systems report and By-Law 2695/12. MOTION#66/12 Moved by Galenza - seconded by Wood that the Security Alarms Systems Report and By-Law 2695/12 be received as information. MOTION CARRIED 22 Regular Council Meeting #3 held February 13, 2012. Page 4 of 94 Agenda Item # A2 ... Regular Council February 13, 2012 MOTION#67/12 Moved by Blatz - seconded by Shillington that the Security Alarm Systems By-Law 2695/12 be amended to add section: 5.2 The Chief will render his decision on an appeal made pursuant to this By-Law and thereafter send a notice of his decision to the appellant within 30 (thirty) days of the receipt of the written appeal. MOTION CARRIED MOTION#68/12 Moved by Blatz - seconded by Howard that first reading be given to the Security Alarm Systems By-Law 2695/12, as amended. MOTION CARRIED MOTION#69/12 Moved by Lindstrand - seconded by Berry that second reading be given to the Security Alarm Systems By-Law 2695/12, as amended. MOTION CARRIED MOTION#70/12 Moved by Galenza - seconded by McIsaac that By-Law 2695/12 as amended, be presented for third reading. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY MOTION#71/12 Moved by Shillington - seconded by Blatz that third and final reading be given to By-Law 2695/12, as amended. MOTION CARRIED C-4 Tax Recovery Reserve Bids D. Urkow, General Manager, Financial Services provided a review of the Tax Recovery Reserve Bids report and the Tax Recovery process. MOTION#72/12 Moved by Lindstrand - seconded by Howard that Council approve the reserve bids for the following parcels of land offered for sale at public auction on April 12, 2012. ROLL # 8900 98700 124100 145100 235900 244200 638100 664500 783800 858300 897500 CERTIFICATE of TITLE NUMBER 012067183 972083814 902067710 082214227 215-E-201 072130518 022242144 0028603900 072734319 082457359 092316503012 PLAN RN28 9075S 7018AA 2100AN 824MC 3880MC 9824438 0024248 0625510 0825064 0921847 BLOCK 3 9 PTA 22 14 13 B 1 1 LOT 1-3 5,6 1&2 8 3 7 35 30 UNIT 8 UNIT 13 RESERVE BID $50,380 $119,000 $83,120 $162,400 $127,330 $219,720 $518,970 $477,660 $191,270 $86,740 $3,000 23 Regular Council Meeting #3 held February 13, 2012. Page 5 of 94 Agenda Item # A2 ... Regular Council February 13, 2012 897600 897700 897800 897900 898000 898100 898200 898300 898400 898500 898600 898700 898800 898900 899000 899100 092316503013 092316503014 092316503015 092316503016 092316503017 092316503018 092316503019 092316503020 092316503021 092316503022 092316503023 092316503024 092316503025 092316503026 092316503027 092316503028 0921847 0921847 0921847 0921847 0921847 0921847 0921847 0921847 0921847 0921847 0921847 0921847 0921847 0921847 0921847 0921847 UNIT 14 UNIT 15 UNIT 16 UNIT 17 UNIT 18 UNIT 19 UNIT 20 UNIT 21 UNIT 22 UNIT 23 UNIT 24 UNIT 25 UNIT 26 UNIT 27 UNIT 28 UNIT 29 $3,000 $3,000 $3,000 $3,000 $3,000 $3,000 $3,000 $3,000 $3,000 $3,000 $3,000 $3,000 $3,000 $3,000 $3,000 $3,000 MOTION CARRIED C-5 City Center Camrose – Business Revitalization Zone Tax. K. Isaak, General Manager, Corporate and Protective Services provided a review of the City Center Camrose – Business Revitalization Zone Tax report. MOTION#73/12 Moved by Blatz - seconded by Berry that the 2012 estimates for City Center Camrose (CCC) of which $65,000.00 is to be raised by the 2012 CCC Business Revitalization Zone Tax, be received and that the necessary notice be given to every person assessed for business purposes in the area pursuant to Section 381 of the Municipal Government Act, RSA 2000, and Regulations thereto. MOTION CARRIED C-6 Statistics Canada Information. R. Telford, Economic Development Officer provided and overview of the Statistics Canada Information report. D. Herle, City Manager undertook to answer a question raised by Council in regards to the Federal Census. MOTION#74/12 Moved by Galenza - seconded by McIsaac that the Economic Development report on the Statistics Canada Information report be received as information. MOTION CARRIED C-7 Safety Codes Inspections and Activity Summary – 2007 to 2011 and Building Inspection Monthly Report – January 2012. 24 Regular Council Meeting #3 held February 13, 2012. Page 6 of 94 Agenda Item # A2 ... Regular Council February 13, 2012 J. Enarson, Acting City Engineer provided a detailed overview of the Safety Codes Inspections and Activity Summary – 2007 to 2011 and Building Inspection Monthly Report – January 2012 to all those present. MOTION#75/12 Moved by McIsaac - seconded by Blatz that the Safety Codes Inspections and Activity Summary – 2007 to 2011 and that the Building Inspection Monthly Report – January 2012 report be received as information. MOTION CARRIED Councillor Howard left Council Chambers at 6:38 pm and did not return. C-8 Traffic By-Law 2691/12 (2nd and 3rd Reading) J. Enarson, Acting City Engineer provided an overview of Traffic By-Law 2691/12 report. MOTION#76/12 Moved by Lindstrand - seconded by McIsaac that Administration amend Section 806 to modernize the language to the gender pronouns, “he” and “him”, to the noun “owner”. Discussion ensued on the need to modernize all by-laws with a blanket term to cover gender pronouns. 806 OWNER RESPONSIBLE The owner of a motor vehicle or trailer which is involved in any contravention of this By-Law, is guilty of an offence unless the owner proves to the satisfaction of the judge that at the time of the offence, the motor vehicle or trailer was not being driven or was not parked or left by the owner or by any other person with the owners content, expressed or implied. MOTION CARRIED MOTION#77/12 Moved by Shillington – seconded by Wood that the Traffic By-Law 2691/12 report be received for information. MOTION CARRIED MOTION#78/12 Moved by Berry - seconded by Blatz that second reading be given to Traffic By-Law 2691/12. MOTION CARRIED MOTION#79/12 Moved by Lindstrand - seconded by McIsaac that third and final reading be given to By-Law 2691/12. MOTION CARRIED C-9 Dangerous Goods By-Law 2692/12. MOTION#80/12 Moved by Lindstrand - seconded by Blatz that Section (2)(H)(ii) of By25 Regular Council Meeting #3 held February 13, 2012. Page 7 of 94 Agenda Item # A2 ... Regular Council February 13, 2012 Law 2692/12 be amended to become more general neutral to read as follows: (2)(H)(ii) Particulars obtained by a Peace Officer, under this Section and submitted by the Peace Officer as evidence in Court shall be prima facie proof of the particulars thereon submitted in evidence without proof of the signature or official capacity of the person signing the document. MOTION CARRIED MOTION#81/12 Moved by McIsaac – seconded by Shillington that Section (4)(A) of ByLaw 2692/12 be amended to read as follows: (4)(A) that By-Law 2489/06 is repealed on the date approved by the Minister or his designate under 4(B). MOTION CARRIED Mayor Chalmers called a recess at 6:57 pm and reconvened at 7:02 pm with all those previously record in attendance. J. Enarson, Acting City Engineer advised that there is an error in Section (4)(A) of the Dangerous Bylaw 2692/12 that By-Law 2489/06 should be By-Law 2498/06. MOTION#82/12 Moved by Shillington – seconded by McIsaac that Section (4)(A) of ByLaw 2692/12 be amended to read as follows: (4)(A) that By-Law 2498/06 is repealed on the date approved by the Minister or his designate under 4(B). MOTION CARRIED MOTION#83/12 Moved by Wood - seconded by McIsaac that the Dangerous Goods ByLaw 2692/12 be received as information. MOTION CARRIED MOTION#84/12 Moved by Galenza - seconded by Wood that first reading be given to the Dangerous Goods By-Law 2692/12. MOTION CARRIED MOTION#85/12 Moved by Shillington - seconded by Berry that second reading be given to By-Law 2692/12. MOTION CARRIED MOTION#86/12 Moved by Blatz - seconded by McIsaac that By-Law 2692/12 be presented for third reading. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY MOTION#87/12 Moved by Lindstrand - seconded by Berry that third and final reading be given to By-Law 2692/12. 26 Regular Council Meeting #3 held February 13, 2012. Page 8 of 94 Agenda Item # A2 ... Regular Council February 13, 2012 MOTION CARRIED C-10 Road Closure By-Law 2694/12 Road Plan 9021582 to the Owner of Lot 69A, Block 15, Plan 1995TR. Galenza declared a pecuniary interest and left Council Chambers at 7:40 pm. On behalf of Brenda Hisey, Director, Planning and Development, J. Enarson presented the report and Road Closure By-Law 2694/12 to Council. Mr. Enarson mentioned that there is an error in the report under the heading Background, in the first paragraph, “City Council” should read “Committee of the Whole”. MOTION#88/12 Moved by Shillington - seconded by Lindstrand that the Road Closure By-Law 2694/12 be received as information. MOTION CARRIED MOTION#89/12 Moved by Wood - seconded by Berry that first reading be given to Road Closure By-Law 2694/12. MOTION CARRIED Councillor Galenza returned to Council Chambers at 7:07 pm. D COMMITTEE/DEPARTMENTAL REPORTS: D-1 Camrose Green Action Committee Meeting Minutes – November 15, 2011. MOTION#90/12 Moved by Berry - seconded by McIsaac that minutes of the Camrose Green Action Committee meeting held November 15, 2011, be received as information. MOTION CARRIED D-2 Community Transportation Advisory Committee Meeting Minutes – December 14, 2011. MOTION#91/12 Moved by Galenza - seconded by Blatz that the minutes of the Camrose Transportation Advisory Committee meeting held December 14, 2011, be received as information. MOTION CARRIED D-3 Camrose Affordable Housing Committee Minutes – November 16, 2011. MOTION#92/12 Moved by Shillington - seconded by Berry that the minutes of the Camrose Affordable Housing Committee meeting held November 16, 2011, be received as information. MOTION CARRIED 27 Regular Council Meeting #3 held February 13, 2012. Page 9 of 94 Agenda Item # A2 ... Regular Council February 13, 2012 D-4 By-Law Enforcement Statistical Report for the 4th Quarter Year of 2011. MOTION#93/12 Moved by Berry - seconded by Galenza that the By-Law Enforcement Statistical report for the 4th quarter year of 2011, be received as information. MOTION CARRIED D-5 Fire Department Monthly Report – January 2012. Council asked Administration for further information in regards to false alarm responses by the Camrose Fire Department. MOTION#94/12 Moved by McIsaac - seconded by Shillington that the Fire Department monthly report of January 12, 2011, be received as information. MOTION CARRIED MOTION#95/12 Moved by Wood - seconded by Galenza that the Regular Council Meeting #3 of February 13, 2012 be adjourned at 7:11 pm. MOTION CARRIED MAYOR GENERAL MANAGER, CORPORATE AND PROTECTIVE SERVICES 28 Regular Council Meeting #3 held February 13, 2012. Page 10 of 94 Agenda Item # A3 ... COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE COUNCIL MEETING C-3 FEBRUARY 21, 2012 The Committee of the Whole Council Meeting of the City of Camrose was held in Council Chambers, City Hall on Tuesday, February 21, 2012, with the following persons in attendance: Council: Mayor M. Chalmers; R. McIsaac; Councillors; D. Shillington; M. Lindstrand; J. Howard; E. Berry; B. Blatz and G. Wood. Absent: Councillor G. Galenza Administration: City Manager – D. Herle; General Manager, Community Services - P. Nielsen; Acting City Engineer – J. Enarson; General Manager, Financial Services – D. Urkow; Economic Development Officer – R. Telford; Director, Infrastructure Services – M. Barrett; and Administrative Assistant to the City Manager – C. Johnson. Mayor Chalmers called the meeting to order at 5:04 pm. A ADOPTION OF AGENDA MOTION#96/12 Amendments to Agenda - Supplementary Information Item B-1, and Item B-2. Moved by Lindstrand - seconded by Howard that the agenda of the Committee of the Whole Meeting #3 held February 13, 2012, be approved, as amended. MOTION CARRIED B AGENDA ITEMS B-1 Industrial Land in Camrose. R. Telford, Economic Development Officer distributed supplementary information for Item B-1 and then proceeded to provide an overview of the report to all those present. D. Herle, City Manager clarified that lots 15 through 19 are designated for the new Public Works Facility. MOTION#97/12 Moved by Shillington - seconded by Blatz that the Industrial Land in Camrose report be received as information. MOTION CARRIED B-2 Mohler Industrial Subdivision. J. Enarson, Acting City Engineer distributed supplementary information for Item B2 and then proceeded with an overview of the Mohler Industrial Subdivision report to all those present. 29 Committee of the Whole Meeting #C3 held February 21, 2012. Page 11 of 94 Agenda Item # A3 ... Committee of the Whole February 21, 2012 MOTION#98/12 Moved by Lindstrand - seconded by Wood that the Mohler Industrial Subdivision report be deferred to a future Committee of the Whole meeting. MOTION CARRIED B-3 Core Services Review Update. M. Chalmers, Chairman of the Core Services Committee provided an overview of the Core Services Review Update report to all those present. MOTION#99/12 Moved by Howard - seconded by McIsaac that Administration be authorized to utilize up to $10,000, of the $40,000 Core Services Review budget allocation to complete a current services inventory, and that the inventory be presented to the Core Services Review Subcommittee and Committee of the Whole Council by no later than June 18, 2012, and further, that following the presentation of the current services inventory, a draft Request For Proposal be presented to the same Committees. MOTION CARRIED B-4 Statistics Canada - Census Information. D. Herle, City Manager provided a review of the details of the report to all those present. MOTION#100/12 Moved by Lindstrand - seconded by Berry that the Statistics Canada – Census Information report be received for information purposes. MOTION CARRIED Mayor Chalmers called a recess at 5:55 pm and reconvened at 5:59 pm with all those previously listed in attendance. MOTION#101/12 Moved by Shillington - seconded by Berry that the Committee of the Whole go In-Camera. MOTION CARRIED C IN-CAMERA AGENDA ITEMS C-1 Legal Matter - Sec. 27(1)(a) FOIP. C-2 Contract Negotiation - Sec. 25(1) and 24(1) FOIP. 30 Committee of the Whole Meeting #C3 held February 21, 2012. Page 12 of 94 Agenda Item # A3 ... Committee of the Whole February 21, 2012 C-3 Land Matter - Sec. 25(1) and Sec. 24(1) FOIP. MOTION#102/12 Moved by Wood - seconded by McIsaac that the Committee of the Whole revert to the open meeting. MOTION CARRIED MOTION#103/12 Moved by Blatz - seconded by Berry that the Committee of the Whole meeting C-3 of February 21, 2012, be adjourned at 8:03 pm. MOTION CARRIED MAYOR GENERAL MANAGER, CORPORATE AND PROTECTIVE SERVICES 31 Committee of the Whole Meeting #C3 held February 21, 2012. Page 13 of 94 Page 14 of 94 Agenda Item # C1 ... Public Hearing - Bylaw 2696/12 - 2012 City Center Camrose Business Revitalization Zone Tax, Tax Rate, Page 15 of 94 Page 16 of 94 Agenda Item # C2 ... City Center Camrose 2012 Budget. Page 17 of 94 Agenda Item # C2 ... City Center Camrose 2012 Budget. Page 18 of 94 Agenda Item # C3 ... ;_;%, City of Camrose Administrative Report ,s_2 sE= To: Mayor and Council From: City Assessor Re: 2012 Business Revitalization Zone Tax, Business Revitalization Zone Tax Rate, Supplementary Business Revitalization Zone Assessment and Supplementary Business Revitalization Zone Tax By-Law Date: February 27, 2012 RECOMMENDATION: That this report be received for information. BACKGROUND: This By-Law 2696/12 is ready for three readings upon Council's approval of the CCCBRZ proposed budget. The purpose of the assessments and assessment rolls is to levy a 2012 Business Revitalization Zone Tax and Supplementary Tax in accordance with section 18 of the Business Revitalization Zone Regulation AR 377/94 (BRZ Reg.) and section 379 of the Municipal Government Act, R.S.A. 2000, and Chapter M-26 (MGA). The CCCBRZ was established in 1988 under By-Law #1514/88 and continues today under ByLaw #2673/11. At tonight's meeting, City Council received the proposed 2012 CCCBRZ budget. The amount of revenue to be raised by the CCCBRZ levy was estimated at $65,000. On February 14, 2012, the Administration mailed a notice indicating the date (February 27, 2012) and place of the council meeting when the proposed budget would be presented for Council's approval. The notice was mailed to all businesses operating in the CCCBRZ in accordance with section 11(1) of the BRZ Reg. Section 18 of the BRZ Reg. directs Council to pass a BRZ Tax by-law before May 1, 2012 and set a BRZ tax rate sufficient to raise the amount the CCCBRZ board will receive from the City as set out in the board's approved budget. The BRZ Tax by-law specifies the method to be used to prepare the assessments. The assessments are based on the floor space occupied for the purposes of the business and the dollar rate per unit of floor space are described in Schedule “B" of the by-law. The BRZ Tax by-law also establishes a procedure for prorating and rebating BRZ taxes for businesses that may close or move out of the CCCBRZ during 2012. The liability to pay the tax for sub-leases is also addressed in the by-law. To ensure businesses that; operate for a temporary period, move or open new branches of existing premises, begin operating, or expand existing premises, during 2012 are subject to a levy for the period of the year they are operating in these new premises, Council needs to pass a 2012 BRZ Supplementary Tax by-law. As well, Council needs to authorize the City Assessor By-Law 2696/12 - 2012 City Center Camrose Business Revitalization Zone Tax, Tax Rate, Supplementary Page 19 of 94 Agenda Item # C3 ... to prepare supplementary BRZ assessments in accordance with Section 379 of the MGA. A portion of the month is considered to be a full month. The following outlines the breakdown of the 2012 business assessment and CCCBRZ tax rolls by tax levy and minimum tax: # Of Businesses Asmt. Min. Tax 102 189,770 $11,220.00 $0.00 $11,220.00 170 2,111,350 $0.00 $53,269.36 $53,269.36 $512.97 $512.97 $49,681.09 $65,002.33 2 (Pro-rated) 21,680 Calculated Tax Total Total 266 2,322,800 $11,220.00 MUNICIPAL DIRECTIVES: Municipal Government Act Business Revitalization Zone Regulation 377/94 City of Camrose By-Law #2673/11 IMPLICATIONS OF RECOMMENDATION: Approval of the By-law allows administration to continue with existing procedures to meet the approved revenue tax requirements of the CCCBRZ. ATTACHMENTS: Proposed City of Camrose By-Law #2696/12 SUBMITTED BY:_______ Travis Lantz, AMAA City Assessor By-Law 2696/12 - 2012 City Center Camrose Business Revitalization Zone Tax, Tax Rate, Supplementary Page 20 of 94 Agenda Item # C3 ... BY-LAW# 2696/12 OF THE CITY OF CAMROSE PROVINCE OF ALBERTA A BY-LAW OF THE CITY OF CAMROSE IN THE PROVINCE OF ALBERTA TO AUTHORIZE THE 2012 BUSINESS REVITALIZATION ZONE TAX , BUSINESS REVITALIZATION ZONE BUSINESS TAX RATE, SUPPLEMENTARY BUSINESS REVITALIZATION ZONE ASSESSMENT AND SUPPLEMENTARY BUSINESS REVITALIZATION ZONE TAX. Whereas, pursuant to the Municipal Government Act, and AR 377/94, the Business Revitalization Zone Regulation, Council has established the City Center Camrose Business Revitalization Zone; And Whereas, pursuant to section 18(2) of AR 377/94, Council must pass a business revitalization zone tax by-law prior to May 01, 2012; And Whereas, pursuant to section 18(6) of AR 377/94, a business revitalization zone tax may establish maximum and minimum amounts to be paid under it; And Whereas, pursuant to section 19(1) of AR 377/94, Council that has passed a business revitalization zone tax by-law must pass a business revitalization zone tax rate by-law annually; And Whereas, pursuant to section 379(1) of the Municipal Government Act, RSA 2000, c. M-26, as amended Council may pass a supplementary business revitalization zone assessment by-law authorizing supplementary assessments be prepared for business; And Whereas pursuant to section 379(1) of the Municipal Government Act RSA 2000, c. M-26, as amended, Council must pass a supplementary business revitalization zone tax by-law imposing a supplementary tax in respect to those businesses for which supplementary assessments are prepared. And Whereas pursuant to Section 12 of AR 377/94, the estimates for revenue in the amount of $72,500.00 ($65,000 – 2012 levy) and expenditures in the amount of $72,500.00 for the City Center Camrose Business Revitalization Zone for 2012 have been approved by Council. And Whereas in order to meet such expenditures, it will be necessary to levy a business revitalization zone levy on all business assessments as shown on the City Center Camrose Business Revitalization Zone assessment and tax rolls for 2012, in the total amount of $65,000.00. And Whereas the total City Center Camrose Business Revitalization Zone business assessment for the City of Camrose for the year 2012 is $2,322,800. Page 1 of 7 By-Law 2696/12 - 2012 City Center Camrose Business Revitalization Zone Tax, Tax Rate, Supplementary Page 21 of 94 Agenda Item # C3 ... By-Law 2696/12 And Whereas pursuant to section 20 of AR 377/94, the business tax provisions of the Municipal Government Act apply with necessary modifications to the business revitalization zone tax; Now Therefore the municipal council of the City of Camrose, duly assembled, and by virtue of the powers vested in it pursuant to Section 381 and 379 of the Municipal Government Act, being Chapter 26, R.S.A. 2000, enacts as follows: 1. TITLE This by-law may be cited as the 2012 City Center Camrose Business Revitalization Zone Tax, Tax Rate, Supplementary Assessment and Supplementary Tax By-Law. 2. DEFINITIONS (a) “Business” means any activity or undertaking of a commercial, merchandising or industrial nature and includes a trade, profession, occupation, employment or calling and the providing of goods or services. (b) “City” means the City of Camrose. (c) “City Assessor” means the person appointed by the City of Camrose to the position of designated officer to carry out the duties and responsibilities of an assessor. (e) “Floor space” means the superficial area of every floor in the building in which business is carried on. (f) “Person” includes a partnership or corporations as well as a natural person. (g) “Premises” means (i) land and buildings on the land; (h) (ii) a building or part of a building, or (iii) a store, office, warehouse, factory, building, enclosure, yard or any space occupied or used for the purpose of a Business within the boundaries of the City Center Camrose Business Revitalization Zone. “Storage capacity” means the volume of tanks used for the distribution of oil and gasoline. Page 2 of 7 By-Law 2696/12 - 2012 City Center Camrose Business Revitalization Zone Tax, Tax Rate, Supplementary Page 22 of 94 Agenda Item # C3 ... By-Law 2696/12 3. 4. 5. 6. (a) Every taxable business operating in premises will be assessed by the City Assessor for the purpose of imposing a business revitalization zone tax. (b) Business premises will be classed in accordance with Schedule “B” which is attached to and forms part of this by-law. (c) Assessments will be prepared based on the following methods: i. Floor space occupied for the purpose of that business. ii. Gasoline distributors shall be calculated on the tank storage capacity in addition to any amount calculated under clause 3(c) i of this by-law. In determining the business assessment referred to in Section 3, the city assessor shall: (a) determine which area each business is within as shown in Schedule “A” attached hereto; (b) determine the appropriate combined rate from Schedule “B”, attached hereto, that is within the applicable size range for the area of the business as determined under clause 4 (a) hereto; (c) calculate the storage capacity and the floor space occupied for the purpose of the business, and (d) apply the appropriate combined rate as determined under clause 4 (b) hereto to the amount calculated under clause 4 (c) hereto. (a) The city assessor will each year prepare a business assessment roll for the purpose of generating a business revitalization zone tax roll for the current year; and, (b) In each year, the city assessor will enter on the business assessment roll the name of every person operating a business in a premise, together with the name of the assessed business and business assessment prepared for the business. When the business assessment roll has been prepared, the City will mail to every Person whose name appears on the roll an assessment notice containing the information shown on the roll which pertains to that person. Page 3 of 7 By-Law 2696/12 - 2012 City Center Camrose Business Revitalization Zone Tax, Tax Rate, Supplementary Page 23 of 94 Agenda Item # C3 ... By-Law 2696/12 7. (a) (b) 8. Where a person carried on a business within the City in any year in respect of which a business tax is imposed by the by-law: (i) if he carries on the business therein during every month of that year he is liable for the payment of the full annual business revitalization zone tax in respect of that business, but (ii) if he does not carry on the business therein during every month of that year, he is only liable for the payment of that part of the full annual business revitalization zone tax in respect of that business which is in proportion to the number of months of that year during which he carried on that business therein, a portion of a month being taken as a full month. Notwithstanding subsection 7 (a) hereto, where the person carried on the business during the whole or any part of one or more days in that year but not exceeding any aggregate of thirty (30) days in that year, he is not liable for the payment of the business revitalization zone tax in respect of the business for that year. A supplementary business assessment will be prepared: (a) for each business that operates for a temporary period and whose name is not entered on the business revitalization zone tax roll (b) for each business that moves into new premises or opens new premises or branches of an exiting business, although the business’s name is entered on the business revitalization zone tax roll; (c) for each business that begins operating and whose name is not entered on the business revitalization zone tax roll; and (d) for each business that increases the storage capacity or floor space of the premises occupied for the purpose of a business after the business revitalization zone tax roll has been prepared. 9. Sections 3, 4, 5(b) and 6 of this by-law apply to the imposition of a supplementary business assessment. 10. Where a person carried on more than one class of business on the same premises, the business revitalization zone tax shall be levied in accordance with the area occupied by each class of business. Page 4 of 7 By-Law 2696/12 - 2012 City Center Camrose Business Revitalization Zone Tax, Tax Rate, Supplementary Page 24 of 94 Agenda Item # C3 ... By-Law 2696/12 11. A refund of any overpayment of business revitalization zone tax shall be made only when an application therefore is received by the Manager of Financial Services or before December 31st of the year following the year of the business revitalization zone tax levy. 12. The occupant of any building is liable for business revitalization zone tax every year though he may also be owner of the premises and liable as owner to taxation on land and improvements. 13. For the purpose of meeting the 2012 expenditures of the City Center Camrose: (a) A business revitalization zone tax rate of 0.025230 is hereby imposed on all City Center Camrose business assessments for the year 2012; and (b) A minimum annual levy on any business assessed for City Center Camrose Business Revitalization Zone tax purposes for the year 2012 shall be $110.00 pursuant to section 18(6) Business Revitalization Zone Regulation AR 377/94. 14 A supplementary business revitalization zone tax shall be levied upon any Person who is subject to a supplementary business assessment prepared in accordance with section 8 of this by-law. 15 That by-law #2674/11 and all amendments thereto are hereby repealed. 16 This by-law shall come in to force and effect upon the date of final passing thereof. READ a FIRST time in COUNCIL this 27th day of February, A.D. 2012. READ a Second time in COUNCIL this 27th day of February, A.D. 2012. Read a THIRD time in COUNCIL and FINALLY PASSED this 27th day of February, A.D. 2012. ____________________________________ MAYOR ____________________________________ GENERAL MANAGER, CORPORATE & PROTECTIVE SERVICES Page 5 of 7 By-Law 2696/12 - 2012 City Center Camrose Business Revitalization Zone Tax, Tax Rate, Supplementary Page 25 of 94 Agenda Item # C3 ... By-Law 2696/12 SCHEDULE “A” Page 6 of 7 By-Law 2696/12 - 2012 City Center Camrose Business Revitalization Zone Tax, Tax Rate, Supplementary Page 26 of 94 Agenda Item # C3 ... By-Law 2696/12 SCHEDULE “B” A. Main Floor (in dollars) Size 0-46 46-93 93-186 186-279 Range m2 Area #1 K0 K 1000 K 2000 K 9000 AR 86.11 AR 64.58 AR 53.82 AR 16.14 Area #2 K0 K 800 K 1600 K 7200 AR 68.90 Ar 51.67 AR 43.05 AR 12.90 Area #3 K0 K 500 K 1000 K 4500 AR 43.06 AR 32.29 AR 26.91 AR 8.07 Area #4 K0 K 400 K 800 K 3600 AR 34.44 AR 25.83 AR 21.52 AR 6.45 Note: All Area Rates are expressed in dollars per m2. 279-465 K 11250 AR 8.07 K 9000 AR 6.45 K 5625 AR 4.09 K 4500 AR 3.22 465 & over K0 AR 32.30 K0 AR 25.83 K0 AR 16.14 K0 AR 12.91 B. Basement, 2nd floor and 3rd floor areas in buildings that are constructed with a passenger elevator shall be calculated at 75% of main floor rate. C. Basement floor areas not included in Section B shall be calculated at 20% of main floor rate. D. 2nd and 3rd floor areas not included in Section B shall be calculated at 40% of main floor rate. E. Gasoline distributors shall be calculated on the tank storage capacity at a rate of $0.10 per litre in addition to any amount calculated in accordance with Section A. F. K = Constant AR = Area Rate Page 7 of 7 By-Law 2696/12 - 2012 City Center Camrose Business Revitalization Zone Tax, Tax Rate, Supplementary Page 27 of 94 Page 28 of 94 Agenda Item # C4 ... City Center Camrose - 2011 Annual Report and Financial Statements. Page 29 of 94 Agenda Item # C4 ... City Center Camrose - 2011 Annual Report and Financial Statements. Page 30 of 94 Agenda Item # C4 ... City Center Camrose - 2011 Annual Report and Financial Statements. Page 31 of 94 Agenda Item # C4 ... City Center Camrose - 2011 Annual Report and Financial Statements. Page 32 of 94 Agenda Item # C4 ... City Center Camrose - 2011 Annual Report and Financial Statements. Page 33 of 94 Agenda Item # C4 ... City Center Camrose - 2011 Annual Report and Financial Statements. Page 34 of 94 Agenda Item # C4 ... City Center Camrose - 2011 Annual Report and Financial Statements. Page 35 of 94 Agenda Item # C4 ... City Center Camrose - 2011 Annual Report and Financial Statements. Page 36 of 94 Agenda Item # C4 ... City Center Camrose - 2011 Annual Report and Financial Statements. Page 37 of 94 Agenda Item # C4 ... City Center Camrose - 2011 Annual Report and Financial Statements. Page 38 of 94 Agenda Item # C5 ... City Center Camrose - Funding Disbursement. Page 39 of 94 Agenda Item # C5 ... City Center Camrose - Funding Disbursement. Page 40 of 94 Agenda Item # C6 ... City Center Camrose - Board of Directors Appointment Cody McCarroll. Page 41 of 94 Agenda Item # C6 ... City Center Camrose - Board of Directors Appointment Cody McCarroll. Page 42 of 94 Agenda Item # C6 ... City Center Camrose - Board of Directors Appointment Cody McCarroll. Page 43 of 94 Agenda Item # C6 ... City Center Camrose - Board of Directors Appointment Cody McCarroll. Page 44 of 94 Agenda Item # C6 ... City Center Camrose - Board of Directors Appointment Cody McCarroll. Page 45 of 94 Agenda Item # C6 ... City Center Camrose - Board of Directors Appointment Cody McCarroll. Page 46 of 94 Agenda Item # C6 ... City Center Camrose - Board of Directors Appointment Cody McCarroll. Page 47 of 94 Agenda Item # C6 ... City Center Camrose - Board of Directors Appointment Cody McCarroll. Page 48 of 94 Agenda Item # C6 ... City Center Camrose - Board of Directors Appointment Cody McCarroll. Page 49 of 94 Page 50 of 94 Agenda Item # C7 ... Camrose and District Senior Centre Society Update. Page 51 of 94 Agenda Item # C7 ... Camrose and District Senior Centre Society Update. Page 52 of 94 Agenda Item # C7 ... Camrose and District Senior Centre Society Update. Page 53 of 94 Agenda Item # C7 ... Camrose and District Senior Centre Society Update. Page 54 of 94 Agenda Item # C8 ... Camrose Performing Arts Centre (CPAC) - Borrowing ByLaw 2639/12 Update. Page 55 of 94 Page 56 of 94 Agenda Item # C9 ... Budget Adjustment - 2012 Local Improvement Projects. Page 57 of 94 Agenda Item # C9 ... Budget Adjustment - 2012 Local Improvement Projects. Page 58 of 94 Agenda Item # C10 ... City of Camrose Administrative Report To: Mayor and Council Date: February 27, 2012 From: Public Works – Director of Purchasing, Fleet Management and Safety Re: 2012 Equipment and Truck Purchases RECOMMENDATION: That the tenders submitted by the following be accepted: a.) Finning (Canada) for supply of one (1) 2012 CAT 950K wheel loader for a net cost (after trade-in) of $141,534 plus GST; b.) Finning (Canada) for supply of one (1) 2012 CAT 930K wheel loader for a total of $190,000 plus GST; c.) Camrose Chrysler for supply of one (1) 2012 DODGE 3500 Crew Cab and chassis for a total of $28,867.55 plus GST; With funding for the wheel loaders and crew cab truck as approved in the City of Camrose 2012 Capital Budget. BACKGROUND: Loaders: Tenders for the supply of two wheel loaders were posted on Alberta Purchasing Connection for equipment dealers to view. For both loaders, dealers were advised that the tenders would need to meet 65 qualification specifications in order to be considered by the City. These specifications included such items as minimum equipment horsepower, compatibility with existing City peripheral equipment, specific safety features, and proximity to Camrose for servicing purposes. Tenders were opened on February 6, 2012 at 10:00am. Eight tenders were received for the 2012 High Lift 4 Yard Wheel Loader and eleven tenders for the 2012 Parallel 2 ½ Yard Wheel Loader. There was considerable research completed on all units prior to determining the recommended units. Of the eight tenders received for the larger loader, the Cat 950K loader supplied by Finning (Edmonton) was the unit with the lowest net cost to the City that met all of the City’s additional requirements. As part of this deal, Finning has offered the City $150,000 for the existing 2007 Cat 950H loader. The net cost to the City’s equipment replacement reserve for the new loader would be $141,934 plus GST, which is lower than the budgeted amount of $160,000 (capital project #12-00049). 2012 Equipment and Truck Purchases. Page 59 of 94 Agenda Item # C10 ... Of the eleven tenders received for the mid-sized loader, the CAT 930K loader supplied by Finning (Edmonton) was the cheapest unit that met all of the City’s requirements. A trade for the City’s existing mid-sized loader (2002 John Deere TC44) is not recommended as part of this tender, but will be sold by the City through public auction once the new loader arrives in Camrose. The total cost to the City’s equipment replacement reserve for the mid-sized loader would be $190,000 plus GST, which is equivalent to the amount approved in the 2012 budget. Trade-in for the existing loader is expected to bring in more than the $50,000 that was included in the budget (capital project #12-00051). Truck: Tenders for the supply of one 2012 Dodge 3500 Crew Cab and Chassis were received by three local dealers. Tenders were opened on Friday February 10, 2012 at 10:00 am. All local dealers met the 35 tender specifications prepared by Administration. The low tender for the truck was Camrose Chrysler for the sum of $28,867.55 plus GST. MUNICIPAL DIRECTIVES: The funds were approved in the 2012 City of Camrose Capital Budget and the tender decisions were made as per the City of Camrose Purchasing Policy. IMPLICATIONS OF RECOMMENDATION: Pending Council approval of these purchases, Administration will contact all bidders to advise whether or not they were successful on these tenders. ATTACHMENTS: 1. Tender Comparison for 2012 Parallel Lift Wheel Loader 2. Tender Comparison for 2012 High Lift Wheel Loader 3. Tender Comparison for 2012 3500 Crew Cab Truck SUBMITTED BY: Doug Campbell Director of Purchasing, Fleet Management and Safety 2012 Equipment and Truck Purchases. Page 60 of 94 Agenda Item # C10 ... TENDER COMPARISON FOR 2012 PARALLEL LIFT WHEEL LOADER – 2 ½ YD. BUCKET Supplier Make Model Price Specifications Met Woodland Equipment Kamloops, BC Hyundai HL740TM9 $167,324 No Strongco Edmonton, AB Volvo L60G $173,000 No C.E.M. Taber, AB Hyundai HL740TM9 $176,500 No Finning Edmonton, AB Cat 930K $190,000 Yes Cervus Equipment Edmonton, AB JCB 2011-426HT $190,314 No C.E.M. Taber, AB Hyundai 757TM9 $190,500 No Cervus Equipment Edmonton, AB JCB 2012-426HT $195,285 No SMS Equipment Edmonton, AB Komatsu WA250P2-6 $206,762 No Hi Way Services Edmonton, AB Case 821F XR $210,136 Yes Brandt Equipment Edmonton, AB John Deere 544K $222,150 Yes Hi Way Services Edmonton, AB Kawasaki 70TMV-Z $237,324 No Reasons for selecting CAT 930K: 1.) Meets all of our required tender specifications 2.) Was low bid for all specifications required 3.) With the purchase of two cat machines, there is a huge benefit in supply of service, parts and also the ease for operation for our operators. 2012 Equipment and Truck Purchases. Page 61 of 94 Agenda Item # C10 ... TENDER COMPARISON FOR 2012 HIGH LIFT WHEEL LOADER - 4 YD. BUCKET Supplier Make Model Price Trade Net Spec. Met Woodland Equipment Kamloops, BC Hyundai HL760XTD9 $235,965 $117,000 $118,965 No C.E.M. Taber, AB Hyundai HL760XT09 $243,800 $120,000 $123,800 No Strongco Edmonton, AB Volvo L110G $258,000 $125,000 $133,000 No Finning Edmonton, AB Cat 950K $291,934 $150,000 $141,934 Yes Hi Way Service Edmonton, AB Case 821FXR $278,865 $120,000 $158,865 No SMS Equipment Edmonton, AB Komatsu WA380-T $311,860 $115,000 $196,860 No Hi Way Service Edmonton, AB Kawasaki 85ZU-2 $314,054 $120,000 $194,054 Yes Brandt Equip. Edmonton, AB John Deere 644K High Lift $319,015 $120,000 $199,015 Yes Reasons for selecting CAT 950K: 1.) 2.) 3.) 4.) 5.) Met all of our required tender specifications. Was low bid for all specifications required. Existing loader is a Cat 950H and proved to be an excellent machine for the life of the unit. Cat loader also handles our Vohl4000 Snow blower easily and safely. Shown in the above comparison, Cat has an excellent trade value over competitor models. 2012 Equipment and Truck Purchases. Page 62 of 94 Agenda Item # C10 ... TENDER COMPARISON FOR 2012 3500 CREW CAB TRUCK Supplier Make Model Price Specifications Met Camrose Chrysler Dodge 3500 $28,867.55 Yes McClellan Wheaton Chevrolet Silverado 3500 $33,704.62 Yes Lamb Ford Sales Ford 3500 $34,089.50 Yes Reasons for selecting Dodge 3500 Crew Cab: 1.) All suppliers met our specification in the tender. 2.) Camrose Chrysler was low bid. 2012 Equipment and Truck Purchases. Page 63 of 94 Page 64 of 94 Agenda Item # C11 ... Member at Large Appointments - Social Planning Advisory Committee and Camrose Public Library Board. Page 65 of 94 Agenda Item # C11 ... Member at Large Appointments - Social Planning Advisory Committee and Camrose Public Library Board. Page 66 of 94 Agenda Item # D1 ... Camrose Affordable Housing Committee Meeting Minutes - January 18, 2012. Page 67 of 94 Agenda Item # D1 ... Camrose Affordable Housing Committee Meeting Minutes - January 18, 2012. Page 68 of 94 Agenda Item # D1 ... Camrose Affordable Housing Committee Meeting Minutes - January 18, 2012. Page 69 of 94 Agenda Item # D1 ... Camrose Affordable Housing Committee Meeting Minutes - January 18, 2012. Page 70 of 94 Agenda Item # D2 ... City Center Camrose Board Meeting Minutes - January 11, 2012. Page 71 of 94 Agenda Item # D2 ... City Center Camrose Board Meeting Minutes - January 11, 2012. Page 72 of 94 Agenda Item # D2 ... City Center Camrose Board Meeting Minutes - January 11, 2012. Page 73 of 94 Agenda Item # D2 ... City Center Camrose Board Meeting Minutes - January 11, 2012. Page 74 of 94 Agenda Item # D3 ... Camrose Police Commission Meeting Minutes December 20, 2011. Page 75 of 94 Agenda Item # D3 ... Camrose Police Commission Meeting Minutes December 20, 2011. Page 76 of 94 Agenda Item # D3 ... Camrose Police Commission Meeting Minutes December 20, 2011. Page 77 of 94 Page 78 of 94 Agenda Item # D4 ... Camrose Police Commission Meeting Minutes - January 17, 2012. Page 79 of 94 Agenda Item # D4 ... Camrose Police Commission Meeting Minutes - January 17, 2012. Page 80 of 94 Agenda Item # E1 ... Ruth Muzika - Concerns Camrose Performing Arts Centre (CPAC) - February 23, 2012. Page 81 of 94 Page 82 of 94 Agenda Item # E2 ... Battle River Watershed Alliance Newsletter - The Current Winter 2012. Page 83 of 94 Agenda Item # E2 ... Battle River Watershed Alliance Newsletter - The Current Winter 2012. Page 84 of 94 Agenda Item # E2 ... Battle River Watershed Alliance Newsletter - The Current Winter 2012. Page 85 of 94 Agenda Item # E2 ... Battle River Watershed Alliance Newsletter - The Current Winter 2012. Page 86 of 94 Camrose Sport Development Society - Sponsorship American Swiss Hockey Game - January 25, 2012. Agenda Item # E3 ... Page 87 of 94 Page 88 of 94 Agenda Item # E4 ... Camrose Railway Station - 100th Birthday Celebration Thank You For Your Support - February 8, 2012. Page 89 of 94 Page 90 of 94 Agenda Item # E5 ... Camrose Open Door Association - 2012 Toque Campaign - Thank You For Your Support. Page 91 of 94 Page 92 of 94 Agenda Item # E6 ... Mike Edwards 32 Crestview Estates Calgary, Alberta T3R 1E1 11 February 2012 mike.edwards@nucleus.com Mr. Marshall Chalmers Mayor, City of Camrose 5204 - 50 Avenue Camrose, Alberta T4V 0S8 NUMBLR DATE RECEIVED ki 1 1) / V - BARGED TO /2/;13 - /(ai •IN'IllATF: TO Dear Mayor Chalmers, The purpose of this note is to apprise your government about the cost of gravel in Alberta. According to (preliminary) information from Natural Resources Canada (NRCan), we have the most costly gravel in the whole country. The attached data sheet shows an Alberta gravel cost at the pit exit about 75% higher than the overall average for the "Rest of Canada". We have forwarded this information to the provincial government and requested it to investigate further with NRCan and seek to confirm if this is so and, if it is, determine why. Although these 2010 statistics are not yet fmal, final numbers for 2009 did show that the Alberta cost was 83% higher than the Rest of Canada during that year. ($10.58/$5.78 = 183%) Possible partial explanations include a 'demand pull' component due to Alberta's somewhat higher economic growth in recent years. In addition, Alberta allows for a unique 'tax' of up to $.25/tonne on sand and gravel, but no other heavy materials such as fill to go under a roadbed, payable by the producer to the local municipality for wear and tear on roads. We call it the "Community Aggregate Payment Levy" regulation and it started out as a recommendation from a Task Force with members from the Alberta Sand and Gravel Association, the Alberta Roadbuilders and Heavy Construction Association and the AAMDC — hardly a disinterested bunch — but not AUMA. We suspect the true reason behind this program is to make permitting easier. A problem with this 'tax' is that it is not uniform across the board (most heavy haulers do not pay it) and the recipient municipality, in addition to being a financial beneficiary, is also the approving authority. Nevertheless, Municipal Affairs, in its wisdom, chose to bring this into regulation six years ago, and extend it a year ago. Not all municipalities have opted to participate. Cheers, Mike Edwards Enc NRCan Data Mike Edwards - The Cost of Gravel in Alberta - February 14, 2012. Page 93 of 94 Sou rce: Natura l Resources Canada 26-202 Ta ble 1 andNotes 76 cl- C0 oj •r1- CO N CO CO CV M to 0 ril e-I CO 0 +_, e'l N. CU 1--: Lri c.6 CD CV 1-0 .,_ +_. Q ....., +, -.., ---, ry a L.) _0 < li H co c7 F._ CD 0 00 H r4 cc\J 03 bn Al Z N 00 CO 0 -1— r-N r-. 1-- Ln - VD 0 1.r) 2 CC) CQ h 0 1— 00 CY) L.0 -.— tN L6 (0 CV CO d- CO O CO c5 LU co 0 Cr; .71- 4:D n 0) CD 0) 0 00 N U') CV r 0 S a- Y ›- < Z < 2 0) CV (.0 1— L.6 CD co Lo Z ai 'cl- 1-0 0C O c0 Ls., Li) Ca LL.1 1— CO D 6 1■ 7 Uri cr — CO N 0') CY) N. N- co 0 0) Tr co- L.6 CV OU OD N N C 0) 0 co ,— ,-- O 1.0 1— CO. 2010 1:1 'e lim inary O 5. Mineral production o f sand and gravelfor Nunavut isincluded inNorthwest Territories. Mike Edwards - The Cost of Gravel in Alberta - February 14, 2012. Prelim inary San d an d Grave l Production by Province 2010 - s_ a, _c to) LE ■ 1 in r.. *Z1 c co U ul 10 ro .— U a) 0.1 '6 a) f1:1 _C a.) 0 [12 -' ,,, Q 0) C _10 _C RI T 4--, O O 0 0 Agenda Item # E6 ... E 7)1( N ▪ 0 0 VI ra C U 4.1 0 a) 4.) tri Page 94 of 94
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