THE CITY OF CAMROSE A G E N D A REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING #18 Monday, September 26, 2011 Opening Prayer 3:15 P.M. Dr. Roger Epp Conference Room - Forum Building Augustana Campus Page A. ADOPTION OF AGENDA/MINUTES: 1 2 3 Adoption of Agenda. Regular Council Meeting #17 held September 12, 2011 Committee of the Whole Meeting held September 19, 2011. 3-7 9-10 B. PUBLIC COMMENTARY C. NEW BUSINESS: 1 2 3 4 5 Camrose Performing Arts Centre Update. 2012 Franchise Fees. eCouncil Action Plan. Excessive Exhaust Noise - Public Commentary September 12, 2011. AUMA Resolutions - 2011 Convention. 11-14 15-19 21-25 27-28 29-32 D. COMMITTEE/DEPARTMENTAL REPORTS: 1 Camrose Police Commission Meeting Minutes - March 15, April 19, May 17, June 21 and July 19, 2011. 2 3 Social Planning Advisory Committee Meeting Minutes - June 13, 2011. Camrose Green Action Committee Meeting Minutes - June 14 & August 9, 2011. 4 5 City Center Camrose Meeting Minutes - August 17, 2011. Fire Monthly Report of August, 2011. 33-47 49-51 53-59 61-63 65-66 E. CORRESPONDENCE: 1 67-68 Correspondence as Information: ● Letter dated September 1, 2011 from Red Arrow re: motorcoach service. Page 1 of 68 Page 2 of 68 Agenda Item # A2 ... REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING #17 September 12, 2011 The Regular Meeting of Council of the City of Camrose was held in Council Chambers, City Hall on Monday, September 12, 2011 with the following persons in attendance: Council: Mayor M. Chalmers; Councillors G. Galenza; D. Shillington; R. McIsaac; J. Howard; E. Berry; B. Blatz and G. Wood. Absent: Councillor M. Lindstrand. Administration: City Manager – D. Herle; Legislative Services Coordinator – M. Kanarek; and General Manager, Financial Services – D. Urkow. Mayor Chalmers called the meeting to order at 5:00 pm and Pastor Krushel offered a prayer. A. ADOPTION OF AGENDA/MINUTES: A-1 Adoption of Agenda MOTION #570/11 Moved by Shillington - seconded by Wood that the agenda of Regular Council Meeting #17, dated September 12, 2011, be approved, as modified: - Addition of Item C-4: Ad Hoc Community Transportation Advisory Committee Appointments; and Addition of Item F-2: Personal Matter (Sec 17(1) FOIP). MOTION CARRIED A-2 Regular Council meeting #16 held August 22, 2011. MOTION #571/11 Moved by McIsaac - seconded by Blatz that the minutes of Regular Council Meeting #16 held August 22, 2011 be approved, as circulated. MOTION CARRIED A-3 Committee of the Whole Meeting held September 6, 2011. MOTION #572/11 Moved by Wood - seconded by Shillington that the minutes of Committee of the Whole Council Meeting held September 6, 2011 be approved, as circulated. MOTION CARRIED B. PUBLIC COMMENTARY Gary Keetch was present to discuss noisy vehicles within the City of Camrose. Mr. Keetch would like Council to consider a by-law to reduce the noisy vehicles. C. NEW BUSINESS: C-1 Camrose Open Door Association Presentation – Gardner College Plans. D. Herle, City Manager, introduced the Camrose Open Door Association representative. - 151 - Regular Council Meeting #17 held September 12, 2011 Page 3 of 68 Agenda Item # A2 ... Regular Council Meeting September 12, 2011 Randal Nickel, Executive Director was present to provide Council with information on the Association’s plans for the Gardner College site. Mr. Nickel noted that the Open Door has utilized the Gardner College residence complex to provide crisis/emergency housing since 2009. Mr. Nickel stated that the College is closing and the Open Door Association has submitted an offer to purchase the property to expand the housing services provided by the Association. MOTION #573/11 Moved by Galenza - seconded by McIsaac to receive the Camrose Open Door Association presentation as information. MOTION CARRIED C-2 Street Closure Request – Camrose Cycle Charity Hockey Tournament. M. Kanarek, Legislative Services Coordinator, reviewed the Street Closure Request – Camrose Cycle Charity Hockey Tournament report. MOTION #574/11 Moved by Howard - seconded by Berry that for the purposes of a Hockey Event sponsored by Camrose Cycle to be held on Saturday, October 1, 2011, approval is hereby given, subject to the following regulations respecting movement and control of traffic, parking and display of merchandise in connection with the Hockey Event: 1. That the north half of 44 Street, between 47 Avenue and 48 Avenue in the City of Camrose BE CLOSED to all traffic, from 7:00 am to 8:00 pm on Saturday, October 1, 2011; and 2. That permission be granted to Camrose Cycle representatives to advise any incoming traffic of the said closures; and 3. That Camrose Cycle will ensure sufficient volunteers will be stationed to provide traffic direction and parking control for the event. MOTION CARRIED C-3 Credco Roof Replacement. D. Herle, City Manager, reviewed the Credco Roof Replacement report for all those present. MOTION #575/11 Moved by Wood - seconded by Berry that Council accept the quote for roof replacement on the CREDCO building from Cooper Roofing Ltd. in the amount of $109,775 plus $3.70 / sq. ft. for replacement of wet insulation. MOTION CARRIED C-4 Ad Hoc Community Transportation Advisory Committee Appointments. M. Kanarek, Legislative Services Coordinator, provided an overview of the Ad Hoc Community Transportation Committee Appointments report. - 152 - Regular Council Meeting #17 held September 12, 2011 Page 4 of 68 Agenda Item # A2 ... Regular Council Meeting September 12, 2011 MOTION #576/11 Moved by Blatz - seconded by McIsaac that the ad hoc Community Transportation Advisory Committee terms of reference be amended by replacing Section 4. Membership, with the following: “4.1 The ad hoc Community Transportation Advisory Committee consists of nine to eleven (9-11) members, appointed by City Council, in accordance with the following structure: 4.1.1 Two (2) appointed members of Council. 4.1.2 Up to three (3) members representing or acting on behalf of local social or special interests groups. 4.1.3 Up to six (6) members of the public-at-large.” And further, that Council appoint the following individuals to the Ad Hoc Community Transportation Advisory Committee, effective immediately and for the duration of the Committee: 1. 2. 3. Mark Chytracek, Representing Augustana; Leevi Hafso, Representing Camrose Association for Community Living; Donna Coombs, Representing Service Options for Seniors; 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Richard (Rick) Hopwood, Member of the public-at-large; Roy Virtue, Member of the public-at-large; Garth Horton, Member of the public-at-large; Bernie Boser, Member of the public-at-large; Sarah Ross, Member of the public-at-large; and Mary Pattie-Fellner, Member of the public-at-large. MOTION CARRIED D. COMMITTEE/DEPARTMENTAL REPORTS: D-1 Airport Commission Meeting Minutes – June 15, 22, 29 and July 20, 2011. MOTION #577/11 Moved by Blatz - seconded by Howard that the minutes of the Airport Commission meetings held June 15th, 22nd, 29th, and July 20th, 2011 be received as information. MOTION CARRIED D-2 Camrose Affordable Housing Committee Meeting Minutes – July 20, 2011. MOTION #578/11 Moved by McIsaac - seconded by Berry that the minutes of the Camrose Affordable Housing Committee held July 20, 2011 be received as information. MOTION CARRIED - 153 - Regular Council Meeting #17 held September 12, 2011 Page 5 of 68 Agenda Item # A2 ... Regular Council Meeting September 12, 2011 D-3 Camrose Fire Department Monthly Report – July, 2011. MOTION #579/11 Moved by Berry - seconded by Wood that the Camrose Fire Department Monthly Report – July 2011 be received for information purposes. MOTION CARRIED D-4 Building Inspections Monthly Report – August, 2011. MOTION #580/11 Moved by Galenza - seconded by Blatz that the Building Inspection monthly report of August, 2011 be received as information. MOTION CARRIED E. CORRESPONDENCE / INFORMATIONAL ITEMS: MOTION #581/11 Moved by Howard - seconded by Berry that the correspondence, as distributed in the September 12, 2011 Regular Council Meeting agenda be received as information: Letter dated August 25, 2011 from Alberta Transportation re: AUMA Convention; Letter dated August 29, 2011 from Camrose Neighbor Aid Center re: MSI Grant; Letter dated August 29, 2011 from City Center Camrose re: November 3 presentation by Roger Brooks of Destination Development International; Letter dated August 29, 2011 from City Center Camrose re: By-Law #2673/11 section 6, Board Membership; Letter dated August 30, 2011 from Canadian Hot Air Balloon Championship 2011 re: Invitation to Minister Ady; and Letter dated September 1, 2011 from Alberta Sustainable Resource Development re: Public Lands Administration Regulation. MOTION CARRIED Mayor Chalmers recess the meeting at 6:09 pm, and reconvened the meeting at 6:18 pm, with all those Council Members previously listed in attendance. F. IN-CAMERA AGENDA ITEMS MOTION #582/11 Moved by McIsaac - seconded by Berry that Council go In-Camera at 6:18 pm. MOTION CARRIED F-1 Camrose Sport Development Society. F-2 Personal Matter. - 154 - Regular Council Meeting #17 held September 12, 2011 Page 6 of 68 Agenda Item # A2 ... Regular Council Meeting September 12, 2011 MOTION #583/11 Moved by Berry - seconded by Blatz that Council revert to the open meeting at 6:59 pm. MOTION CARRIED MOTION #584/11 Moved by Howard - seconded by Wood that the September 12, 2011 Regular Council meeting be adjourned at 6:59 pm. MOTION CARRIED _____________________________________ MAYOR _____________________________________ LEGISLATIVE SERVICES COORDINATOR - 155 - Regular Council Meeting #17 held September 12, 2011 Page 7 of 68 Page 8 of 68 Agenda Item # A3 ... COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE COUNCIL MEETING September 19, 2011 The Committee of the Whole Council Meeting of the City of Camrose was held in Council Chambers, City Hall on Monday, September 19, 2011 with the following persons in attendance: Council: Mayor M. Chalmers; Councillors G. Galenza; D. Shillington; R. McIsaac; J. Howard; E. Berry; B. Blatz and G. Wood. Absent: Councillor M. Lindstrand. Administration: City Manager – D. Herle; Legislative Services Coordinator – M. Kanarek; General Manager, Financial Services – D. Urkow; General Manager, Engineering Services – E. Riou; General Manager, Community Services – P. Nielsen; Economic Development Officer – R. Telford; Police Chief – D. Kambeitz and Assistant Municipal Engineer – J. Enarson. Mayor Chalmers called the meeting to order at 5:00 pm. A. ADOPTION OF AGENDA MOTION #585/11 Moved by Shillington - seconded by McIsaac that the agenda of the Committee of the Whole Council Meeting dated September 19, 2011 be approved, as presented. MOTION CARRIED D. Herle, City Manager, introduced the City’s new Economic Development Officer, Ray Telford, to all those present. B. AGENDA ITEMS B-1 Dean Allen Berger – Introductions and Campus Plans. D. Herle, City Manager, introduced Dr. Allen Berger, Dean of Augustana Campus to Members of Council and the Administration. Dean Berger provided all those present with an overview of his previous academic endeavors while the Dean at the University of Maine at Farmington and his thoughts on maintaining the strong foundation of academics at the Augustana Campus. Dean Berger noted that the relationship between the University and the Camrose community is mutually beneficial, and that he looks forward to partnering on the performing arts centre project. Mayor Chalmers thanked Dean Berger for his presentation. B-2 Public Works Facility – Designation of Site. J. Enarson, Assistant Municipal Engineer, provided an overview of the Public Works Facility – Designation of Site report for all those present. - 156 - Committee of the Whole Meeting held September 19, 2011. Page 9 of 68 Agenda Item # A3 ... MOTION #586/11 Moved by Wood – seconded by Shillington that Committee of the Whole Council instruct the Administration to bring forward a financial analysis report, including estimated costs and road construction, based on the two (2) scenarios of: 1) Constructing the Public Works Facility on “Option 2” (Lots 15-18, Block 2, Plan 074 0056) while developing “Option 3(b)” (Lot 15, Block 1, Plan 074 0056) as industrial salable lands; and 2) Constructing the Public Works Facility on “Option 3(b)” (Lot 15, Block 1, Plan 074 0056) while developing “Option 2” (Lots 15-18, Block 2, Plan 074 0056) as industrial salable lands And further, that this report be presented at the October 17, 2011 Committee of the Whole Council meeting. MOTION CARRIED B-3 Sub-Committee Recommendations to Committee of the Whole Council. D. Herle, City Manager, provided an overview of the Sub-Committee Recommendations to Committee of the Whole Council report for all those present. A discussion ensued regarding the following amendments to the draft by-law: - Amend clause 3.1 to include “which are initiated by Council and/or the Administration” following “land use planning”; Amend clause 3.1.4 by deleting “which are initiated by Council and/or the Administration”; Delete clause 3.2; Amend clause 7.2 by deleting “pass a resolution to”; and Add clause 7.4, to state that approved Municipal Planning Advisory Committee meeting minutes will be circulated to City Council. MOTION #587/11 Moved by Blatz - seconded by Wood that Committee of the Whole Council review the draft Municipal Planning Committee By-Law and that the Administration bring the said by-law forward, as amended, for the Regular Meeting of City Council on September 26, 2011 for Council’s consideration. MOTION CARRIED MOTION #588/11 Moved by McIsaac - seconded by Shillington that the September 19, 2011 Committee of the Whole Council meeting be adjourned at 7:06 pm. MOTION CARRIED ____________________________________ MAYOR ____________________________________ LEGISLATIVE SERVICES COORDINATOR - 157 - Committee of the Whole Meeting held September 19, 2011. Page 10 of 68 Agenda Item # C1 ... Camrose Performing Arts Centre Update. Page 11 of 68 Agenda Item # C1 ... Camrose Performing Arts Centre Update. Page 12 of 68 Agenda Item # C1 ... Agenda Camrose Performing Arts Centre Governance & Operating Agreements City of Camrose, Camrose County University of Alberta Augustana Campus October 3, 2011 TBD, City of Camrose Meeting Co-Chairs Paul Nielsen & Michael Madsen 1. Introductions 2. Primary a. CPAC Governance: (Structure, Membership etc.) i. Establishment ii. Mandate iii. Appointments iv. Constraints b. Financial: (Contributions, Risks) i. Development Costs ii. Operating Costs iii. Contract Allocation 3. Secondary a. Right of Use b. Ownership c. Operating Model i. Responsibilities ii. Participants iii. Constraints 4. Tertiary (time permitting) a. Project Schedule i. Current Status ii. Project Delivery Models 5. Next Steps 6. Other Camrose Performing Arts Centre Update. Page 13 of 68 Agenda Item # C1 ... Camrose Performing Arts Centre Update. Page 14 of 68 Agenda Item # C2 ... 2012 Franchise Fees. Page 15 of 68 Agenda Item # C2 ... 2012 Franchise Fees. Page 16 of 68 Agenda Item # C2 ... 2012 Franchise Fees. Page 17 of 68 2012 Franchise Fees. Franchise Fee Rates Electrical Edmonton Region Strathcona County Edmonton Morinville Leduc Spruce Grove Devon Wetaskiwin Lacombe Stony Plain Beaumont Camrose St. Albert Ft. Saskatchewan Electrical Franchise Fee Rates Not Listed Not Listed 20.00% 16.00% 14.25% 12.00% 10.00% 6.20% 5.00% 5.00% 5.00% 0.00% 0.00% 25.00% 20.00% 15.00% 10.00% 5.00% 0.00% 19 Comparison Communities Population (9,202 - 20,529) Not Listed 20.00% 16.00% 15.00% 14.25% 12.63% 10.00% 10.00% 8.00% 7.00% 6.20% 5.70% 5.00% 5.00% 5.00% 5.00% 2.50% 0.00% 0.00% Electrical Franchise Fee Rates 25.00% 20.00% 15.00% 10.00% 5.00% 0.00% Agenda Item # C2 ... Page 18 of 68 Cold Lake High River Leduc Cochrane Spruce Grove Brooks Wetaskiwin Sylvan Lake Canmore Okotoks Lacombe Hinton Stony Plain Strathmore Beaumont Camrose Whitecourt Ft. Saskatchewan Chestermere 2012 Franchise Fees. Franchise Fee Rates Natural Gas Edmonton Region Beaumont Devon Leduc Morinville Strathcona County Wetaskiwin Edmonton Lacombe St. Albert Stony Plain Camrose Spruce Grove Ft. Saskatchewan Not Listed Not Listed Not Listed Not Listed Not Listed 35.00% 32.90% 22.00% 18.80% 17.00% 16.00% 8.26% 0.00% Natural Gas Franchise Fee Rates 40.00% 35.00% 30.00% 25.00% 20.00% 15.00% 10.00% 5.00% 0.00% 19 Comparison Communities Population (9,202 - 20,529) Not Listed Not Listed Not Listed Not Listed 35.00% 24.50% 23.00% 22.10% 22.00% 19.00% 18.00% 16.00% 13.00% 13.00% 11.18% 9.60% 8.26% 5.25% 0.00% Natural Gas Franchise Fees 40.00% 35.00% 30.00% 25.00% 20.00% 15.00% 10.00% 5.00% 0.00% Agenda Item # C2 ... Page 19 of 68 Leduc Chestermere Stony Plain Beaumont Wetaskiwin Sylvan Lake Cochrane Canmore Lacombe Whitecourt Brooks Camrose Cold Lake High River Strathmore Hinton Spruce Grove Okotoks Ft. Saskatchewan Page 20 of 68 Agenda Item # C3 ... eCouncil Action Plan. Page 21 of 68 Agenda Item # C3 ... eCouncil Action Plan. Page 22 of 68 Agenda Item # C3 ... eCouncil Action Plan. Page 23 of 68 Agenda Item # C3 ... eCouncil Action Plan. Page 24 of 68 Agenda Item # C3 ... eCouncil Action Plan. Page 25 of 68 Page 26 of 68 Agenda Item # C4 ... Excessive Exhaust Noise - Public Commentary September 12, 2011. Page 27 of 68 Agenda Item # C4 ... Excessive Exhaust Noise - Public Commentary September 12, 2011. Page 28 of 68 Agenda Item # C5 ... AUMA Resolutions - 2011 Convention. Page 29 of 68 Agenda Item # C5 ... AUMA Resolutions - 2011 Convention. Page 30 of 68 Agenda Item # C5 ... AUMA Resolutions - 2011 Convention. Page 31 of 68 Agenda Item # C5 ... AUMA Resolutions - 2011 Convention. Page 32 of 68 Agenda Item # D1 ... Camrose Police Commission Meeting Minutes - March 15, April 19, May 17, June 21 and July 19, 2011. Page 33 of 68 Agenda Item # D1 ... Camrose Police Commission Meeting Minutes - March 15, April 19, May 17, June 21 and July 19, 2011. Page 34 of 68 Agenda Item # D1 ... Camrose Police Commission Meeting Minutes - March 15, April 19, May 17, June 21 and July 19, 2011. Page 35 of 68 Agenda Item # D1 ... Camrose Police Commission Meeting Minutes - March 15, April 19, May 17, June 21 and July 19, 2011. Page 36 of 68 Agenda Item # D1 ... Camrose Police Commission Meeting Minutes - March 15, April 19, May 17, June 21 and July 19, 2011. Page 37 of 68 Agenda Item # D1 ... Camrose Police Commission Meeting Minutes - March 15, April 19, May 17, June 21 and July 19, 2011. Page 38 of 68 Agenda Item # D1 ... Camrose Police Commission Meeting Minutes - March 15, April 19, May 17, June 21 and July 19, 2011. Page 39 of 68 Agenda Item # D1 ... Camrose Police Commission Meeting Minutes - March 15, April 19, May 17, June 21 and July 19, 2011. Page 40 of 68 Agenda Item # D1 ... Camrose Police Commission Meeting Minutes - March 15, April 19, May 17, June 21 and July 19, 2011. Page 41 of 68 Agenda Item # D1 ... Camrose Police Commission Meeting Minutes - March 15, April 19, May 17, June 21 and July 19, 2011. Page 42 of 68 Agenda Item # D1 ... Camrose Police Commission Meeting Minutes - March 15, April 19, May 17, June 21 and July 19, 2011. Page 43 of 68 Agenda Item # D1 ... Camrose Police Commission Meeting Minutes - March 15, April 19, May 17, June 21 and July 19, 2011. Page 44 of 68 Agenda Item # D1 ... Camrose Police Commission Meeting Minutes - March 15, April 19, May 17, June 21 and July 19, 2011. Page 45 of 68 Agenda Item # D1 ... Camrose Police Commission Meeting Minutes - March 15, April 19, May 17, June 21 and July 19, 2011. Page 46 of 68 Agenda Item # D1 ... Camrose Police Commission Meeting Minutes - March 15, April 19, May 17, June 21 and July 19, 2011. Page 47 of 68 Page 48 of 68 Agenda Item # D2 ... Social Planning Advisory Committee Meeting Minutes June 13, 2011. Page 49 of 68 Agenda Item # D2 ... SPAC Meeting Minutes Room 231 Camrose Community Centre June 13, 2011 Present: Brandon Blatz, City Council; Elizabeth Ruge, Member at Large; John Howard, City Council; Audrey Morello, Gardner College; Margaret Holliston, CDSS; and Margaret Falk, Recording Secretary, CDSS Regrets: Krista Larocque, Member at Large Absent: Rees James, Boys and Girls Club Margaret Holliston in the Chair 1. Welcome & Introductions – Meeting called to order at 9:01 a.m. by Chair Margaret Holliston. 2. Agenda Brandon Blatz/John Howard: That the agenda be approved as circulated. Carried. 3. Minutes of the May 2, 2011 meeting Brandon Blatz/Elizabeth Ruge: That the minutes of the May 9, 2011 meeting be approved as circulated. Carried. 4. Ad Hoc Community Transportation Committee a. Terms of Reference (Review/Revise Draft) drafted by Brandon Blatz. The draft document Brandon prepared included a terms of reference as well as reference to a by-law which establishes an Ad Hoc Community Transportation Committee. SPAC will make council aware that a sample by-law can be available for council’s consideration. John Howard/Audrey Morello: Based on discussion SPAC entertained and in order for SPAC to present the terms of reference to be included in the City Council package for the June 27, 2011 City Council meeting, the Community Transportation Advisory Committee Terms of Reference of reference be approved in principle, and that a revised copy be emailed to SPAC members to be ratified by evote no later than Tuesday, June 21st. Carried. Social Planning Advisory Committee Meeting Minutes June 13, 2011. Page 50 of 68 Agenda Item # D2 ... Brandon Blatz will do the rewording of the Terms of Reference and forward to SPAC members; which will be forwarded to the City Council by the SPAC Chair on Wednesday June 22, 2011. b. Membership Recruitment Suggestions – specified in the terms of reference. 5. Mayor’s Luncheon (Business Arising) September 20, 2011 a. Confirm Location – The Edgeworth Centre has been confirmed as the location for the Mayor’s luncheon, because accessibility is better at the Edgeworth Centre than the Golf Course. b. Review/Revise/Reduce Invite list – letters will be sent to the identified agencies by June 18th, and informally followed up with phone calls as to which Agency representative will be attending. (SPAC members to call agencies they are familiar with.) c. Review/Revise Invitation Letters – minor changes were made to the letters, including a name change from the Mayor’s luncheon to, “A Dialogue with the Mayor and Council.” 6. Member Reports Audrey Morello – no member report. Elizabeth Ruge – Elizabeth expressed concerns about the lack of available transportation options to attend medical appointments outside of the City of Camrose. Margaret Holliston – no member report. John Howard – no member report. Brandon Blatz – no member report. 7. Next Meeting: Monday, September 12, 2011 Camrose Community Centre. If a summer meeting is necessary it will be called by the chair. John Howard/Elizabeth Ruge: That the meeting be adjourned at 11:45 a.m. Social Planning Advisory Committee Meeting Minutes June 13, 2011. Page 51 of 68 Page 52 of 68 Agenda Item # D3 ... Camrose Green Action Committee Meeting Minutes June 14 & August 9, 2011. Page 53 of 68 Agenda Item # D3 ... Camrose Green Action Committee Meeting Minutes June 14 & August 9, 2011. Page 54 of 68 Agenda Item # D3 ... Camrose Green Action Committee Meeting Minutes June 14 & August 9, 2011. Page 55 of 68 Agenda Item # D3 ... Camrose Green Action Committee Meeting Minutes June 14 & August 9, 2011. Page 56 of 68 Agenda Item # D3 ... Camrose Green Action Committee Meeting Minutes June 14 & August 9, 2011. Page 57 of 68 Agenda Item # D3 ... Camrose Green Action Committee Meeting Minutes June 14 & August 9, 2011. Page 58 of 68 Agenda Item # D3 ... Camrose Green Action Committee Meeting Minutes June 14 & August 9, 2011. Page 59 of 68 Page 60 of 68 Agenda Item # D4 ... City Center Camrose Meeting Minutes - August 17, 2011. Page 61 of 68 Agenda Item # D4 ... City Center Camrose Minutes Board Meeting August 17, 2011 In attendance: Paul Pedersen, Michael Wetsch, John Howard, Audrey Pfannmuller, Alana Hogstead, Kimberley Clennett, Dan Olofson, and Manager, Carole-May Coty. Regrets: Pamela Reber, Greg Chrabaszcz, Meredith Ambler Meeting called to order at 8:00 a.m. by Dan Olofson th 1. Adoption of July 20 Minutes: Audrey moved, seconded by Alana. Passed. Business Arising From Minutes 2.1 Dan will send a letter to Lorne Smeland to let him know that CCC prefers that he not give permission to people allowing them to hang signs on the mural wall. This because CCC feels that it would set a precedent for others to put up flyers which would create a messy downtown environment. The City has a bylaw regarding signs and flyers already and CCC feels that hanging flyers on the wall is in direct conflict to the bylaw. Cc of the letter will be sent to Cathie Johnson. rd 2.2 Roger Brooks has been booked to come to Camrose November 3 . He has been engaged to do an evaluation of the Downtown Action Plan created in 2007. The view is that CCC will be given one hour with him so that he can give a presentation to business and property owners as well as City Councillors. A question and answer period will follow the presentation that will contain his renowned ’20 Ingredients’ of an outstanding destination and his evaluation of where we are right now. A letter will be sent to all City Councillors stating that CCC highly recommends that they attend this important gathering and to mark their calendars well in advance. Before the letter is sent, Carole May will ask Brenda for the exact time of the presentation, which is anticipated to be held at the Bailey Theatre. 2.3 Winter Lights: so far 3 businesses have ordered for a total of 12 strands. Carole May will purchase enough to cover these orders and will run an account with Hauser Home Hardware so that lights can be purchased as required. New Business 3.1 A draft of the proposed parking stall layout created by City of Camrose, Engineering Services department was presented for the board’s perusal. Audrey and Paul will review the layout, which includes barrier free parking changes in the City Center. Financial 4.1 The list of bills for July was presented by Treasurer Paul Pedersen. Paul moved that the list of bills be approved for payment, seconded by Kimberly. Passed. A Business Consent form to will be sent to Canada Revenue Agency to list the names of authorized CCC representatives who have permission to access our account information or make changes such as an address change by phone, fax, or mail. The board members with signing authority at the bank will be listed on the form. Bills to be Paid Music On Main Camrose Booster Amount August 17 / 2011 Balance forward Rent - Sept $ $ 479.26 130.12 Chq # Music on Main $ 2,664.11 4305 4298 Telus August bill Carole-May Coty Salary $ 1,481.68 4283 Receiver General Payroll deductions $ 295.54 4284 Camrose Morning News Newsletter $ 63.00 4300 Waste Management August $ 494.57 4303 VITAL effect Web Jul & Aug $ 174.72 4304 Peter Pirquet M.O.M. musician $ 250.00 4296 $ 250.00 Curtis Bissett M.O.M. musician $ 150.00 4299 $ 150.00 C M Coty Petty cash $ 200.00 4307 $ 400.00 August totals $ 3,718.89 1 City Center Camrose Meeting Minutes - August 17, 2011. Page 62 of 68 Agenda Item # D4 ... Bal in Chequing Acct July 31/11 $ 12,851.92 BMO Mutual Funds June 30/11 $ 2,515.86 Total M O M for August $ 400.00 Music On Main Balance $ 2,264.11 Correspondence 5.1 A letter from the City of Camrose Manager regarding the board changes and Meredith’s appointment was presented. Discussion took place regarding City Councils’ discussion about possibly changing the bylaw about City Council having to approve CCC board appointments. Communication with City Council is vital for CCC. A letter will be sent to Council stating that CCC will continue to advise of any board changes. 5.2 An email from Windwood Group was discussed regarding the quote for a mesh ‘Welcome’ banner. The 4’ by 24’ was favoured for $725. This will be worked into the 2012 budget. Committee Reports 6.1 Beautification – Paul reported that planter vandalism has decreased this year. The flowers are very showy and healthy this year despite the hail storms and excessive rain. Much positive feedback about the beauty of downtown has been received. Next year, red Petunias near Bad Hair Dayz, as the Snapdragons do not show well in that planter. 6.2 Promotions – Alana reported that Music On Main is going extremely well and that attendance has increased significantly and that people are actually planning their Thursday evenings around attending Music On Main. Alana th also reported that Jane Cherry let her know that CBC will be in town August 25 for some filming and hopefully they will film the group, Panache, who play for M.O.M. that night thought CBC needs original material in order to film them. 6.3 Newsletter – July/August newsletter has been distributed and is on the Downtown Camrose website. 6.4 City Rep – John distributed a copy of Municipal World (a BRZ-type publication) for the board’s information. Carole May and Alana will set up an appointment to meet with Damian Herle to discuss delinquent account strategies. 6.5 Membership – see Manager’s Report below. th 6.6 Brainstorming – no brainstorming meeting was held in July. Next one will take place September 15 . Manager’s Report Regular liaise with CCC businesses Usual bookkeeping and letter writing performed Attended parade meetings Solicited volunteers from banks and other businesses to serve on barricade duty during the parade. Much running around to implement a smooth parade day. Delivery of July/August newsletter complete Met with Jeremy Enarson, Elvis Riou, and their student Kent Wong to discuss barrier free parking in CCC. To be discussed at next board meeting. Visited new CCC businesses Will be attending Visitor Friendly Assessment Steering committee meetings Maintaining winter lights program Music On Main Street Ongoing review of delinquent accounts th Attended brainstorming meeting Thursday noon, August 11 , Brenda Hisey in attendance to discuss Roger Brooks evaluation and downtown vacant properties. Reviewing present CCC bylaws Reviewing possible budget changes for 2012 Reviewed bills to be paid with treasurer Paul Pedersen New Members: Chasity Poirier is opening Backcountry Supplies Inc. at 4895 50 Street, south east corner of 49 Ave & 50 St. Discussion: discussion of core hours will be added to the next board meeting. City Center needs a brochure to attract more visitors. This brochure could be produced by a group of merchants. Carole May will discuss acquiring a brochure with Hazel of Tourism Camrose to see if funds are available. Brochure to be discussed at next brainstorming meeting. Meeting adjourned by Dan 8:45 am. st Next Regular Board Meeting: September 21 8:00 am at our new location 4909C – 48 Street. th Next Brainstorming Meeting: September 15 at noon, in our new location 4909C – 48 Street. attend if you can & bring a bag lunch. 2 City Center Camrose Meeting Minutes - August 17, 2011. Page 63 of 68 Page 64 of 68 Agenda Item # D5 ... Fire Monthly Report of August, 2011. Page 65 of 68 Agenda Item # D5 ... Fire Monthly Report of August, 2011. Page 66 of 68 Agenda Item # E1 ... Correspondence as Information: Page 67 of 68 Agenda Item # E1 ... Correspondence as Information: Page 68 of 68
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