The Cardi Clip per - Chesapeake Cardigan Welsh Corgi Club.


The Cardi Clip per - Chesapeake Cardigan Welsh Corgi Club.
The Cardi Clipper
The Chesapeake Cardigan Welsh Corgi Club
March 22, 2015
CTA Training Center-Davidsonville, MD
After a February cancellation due to a
serious winter storm, our match finally
took place on March 23. Special thanks
go to Karen and Jim Lively who came
early and struggled with the March winds
to set up the outdoor ring. Angela Tirdil
took care of registration and Karen
circulated with raffle tickets.
Our obedience team of judge Richard
Streett and ring steward Deb Brady provided encouragement to the five
handlers and their dogs. The winner was
Tara handled by Marsha Stepowany.
A scrumptious lunch provided by Shirley
Hobbs preceded the general meeting at
which two new members, Lisa Stewart
and Janey Pugsley were voted into the
club. Our raffle after the meeting netted
the club $85. Thank you to the members
who donated items. Phil Pessagno’s
donation of a striking Cardigan print was
a definite highlight.
After lunch it was time for Shawn Michael to “get her hands on puppies”.
Ably assisted by ring steward, Claire
Ward, Shawn gave all the dogs a chance
to shine. In the end the Best Puppy as
well as Best in Match was Taylor shown
by Cathy Ochs-Cline. The Best Adult was
Marsha Stepowany’s Tara, and the Best
Veteran award went to Judy Proia’s
Our exhibitors included some guests who
will hopefully join us as full-fledged
members. James Kubal took lots of
pictures which will be featured on our
website and Facebook pages. After all of
the fun it was time for cleanup. Thank
you to everyone who pitched in to break
down and store the ring and the tables.
Because of the danger of inclement
weather in February we will definitely
hold future matches after the first day of
spring. In the past the matches were
sometimes held in the summer, so that
could be an option as well. We would like
to add to the club treasury by offering
raffles at several of the events during
the year. Art work and handmade items
seem popular, so please keep that in
mind and consider donating an item or
two. In the meantime, HUG THOSE
By Jan Lehman
Best Puppy as
well as Best in
Match was
“Taylor” shown
by Cathy OchsCline.
Inside this issue:
Upcoming Events/ Meeting Info
Members” Corner
Meeting Minutes/ Fun Day
Birthday Wishes
Therapy Dog Titles (Article)
Judy Proia with Best Veteran “Jacob”
joins judge, Shawn Michael and the
other winners.
Mark Your Calendars for These Upcoming Events
Jun 27-28 Superpup Events CPE Agility Trial
Jul 11-12 Northeastern Maryland Kennel
Club AKC All Breed Obed and Rally Trial.
Entries close Jun 24.
Jul 18-19 Mid-Atlantic Australian Shepherd ASCA Agility Trial
(Club Event) May 9th, Corgi Picnic/PWCCP Fun Fair
Lure Coursing will be available, CAT and Fun Runs
(Club Event) July 4th, Herding Instinct Test, Keepstone
Farm, Berryville, VA We’re piggy backing on the Shetland
Sheepdog Club of Greater Baltimore’s trial
May 23, 2015 to May 31, 2015
7th Annual Washington, DC Week for the Animals
George Washington University Law School
716 20th St. NW
Washington, DC, US 901-791-2455
Humane organizations, shelters, rescue groups, educational
agencies and non-profit organizations across the metro area
will be hosting animal-related special events in various
Our next meeting will be held at our Fun Fair on May 9th in Union Bridge, Maryland. We will gather around 12:00 PM. We
hope to have a good turnout for this event. More info is on page 5 and directions are on the back page of this newsletter.
Judy Proia, her Cardis, and her border
collie enjoyed the Cherry Blossom
Festival in Washington, D.C.
Please help me welcome the new addition to the Winkler family. Her name is
Glasshouse Up On A Stage, and her call name is Topaz. She is currently 10
weeks old. She will be shown in both conformation and herding. In addition,
Topaz will probably follow in Jack’s footsteps to become a therapy dog as well
as compete in Rally. Her breeder is my good friend Lori Frost from Ventura,
CA. We are all very excited to be getting this wonderful and beautiful little
girl.—Rebecca Winkler
Page 2
T he Car d i C l ip p er
Members’ Corner
On Friday, February 20, fearing what the weatherman threatened, my friend Nancy
and I with our Corgis, Pembroke Rosy and Cardigan Cymry, left for La Plata to try for
our Nose Work 1 titles on Saturday. This was Rosy's first try and Cymry's
third. Nine inches of snow had already accumulated and more was predicted along
with freezing rain and sleet. We were thankful that contrary to NACSW policy, we
were allowed to crate in the registration building instead of working from our
cars. To make a long story short, both Cymry and Rosy got their NW1 titles that day
in spite of the weather and to make it even better both Nancy and I were awarded
"Pronounced: " Nancy in two elements and I in all four. "The judges may
'Pronounce' handler/dog teams demonstrating exceptional technique and/or teamwork.... on that particular trial day." ( NACSW rule book). We were both so proud of
our Corgis who did so well under such adverse conditions.
Jo Powers continues to be very busy
with her dogsMy littlest Cardi has been making
big strides in agility! On February
22nd under judge Dan Faulkner at the Delaware County Kennel Club agility
trial, Kid earned her MACH! This time, we needed 9 points to finish the title
(she'd already earned all 20 double Qs), and Kid managed a (very fast for
her) 9 point Jumpers run to just squeak by! Kid was also one of the lucky
dogs to earn a "Double-Double Q" at Bayshore Companion Dog Club's agility
trial on February 14th. And just last week, on April 17th, she earned her
Master Jumpers Silver title at the Salisbury MD Kennel Club agility trial.
KID with her MACH award.
Bug has been holding her own in agility as well - making steady progress
towards her next MACH and earning her Master Agility Silver title on March
14th at Talbot Kennel Club's agility trial. She was also the #7 8" Regular Cardigan on's Breed Power 10
Rankings for 2014! Not to be outdone, Jam earned her RAT-O (Open level) Barn Hunt title on April 11th at Talbot Kennel
Club's Spring Barn Hunt trial! I think she is one of the first 3 or 4 Cardis to earn that title, and we hope to start earning legs
towards her Senior title soon. In addition to our regular (busy) agility schedule, all of the girls and I are taking a road
trip down to Chattanoga for the Cardi National Specialty to run with the other Cardis in agility, rally and obedience - we can't
wait! Jo
Grangefield Tin Pan Alley
(AKA Jazz) earned the
first leg of his Novice
Obedience title on
Monday, April 20, at the
Catoctin Kennel Club
show in Timonium. His
very nervous handler,
Jan Lehman, had not
entered a dog in Novice
Obedience since 1975.
Two more legs to go, and
then Lizzie will try her
paws in Beginning
T he Ca r d i C l ip p er
Pa g e 3
CCWCC Meeting Minutes, 22 March, 2015, Davidsonville, MD
Members Present: See Appendix A
Calls for Action:
Happy birthday to Phil! Thanks for the cake; enjoy your
Request committee to be formed to review our current bylaws.
Can be completed via an email committee.
Submitted by Karen Lively
Request for more pictures, more brags, and more birthday
announcements for the newsletter, Facebook page, and web- Appendix A: Roll Call
President’s Opening Remarks
December Minutes
Club Business
Facebook, Website, and Newsletter
New Members
New Business
President’s Opening Remarks:
Angie Tirdil **
Abbie Stepowany
Bev Jackson
Sarah Posner
Bev Knoll
Cathy Ochs-Cline
Clair Ward
Deb Brady
Elinor Hughes
Don Bland
Irv Jackson
Doug Wolfe
James Lively
James Kubal
December Minutes: Voted approved as it appeared in last
Jan Lehman
Richard Streett
Club Business
Janet Wilson
Laurie Kubal
Financials: Current $8,612.85
Awaiting roughly $100 to post from dues and calendar sales –
Projected balance: ~$8,700
Facebook, Website, and Newsletter
Request for more pictures, more brags, and more birthday
Facebook and Website (
POC: Karen Lively,
Newsletter POC: Angie Tirdil,
Karen Lively
New Members
Welcome to newly voted in members: Lisa Stewart and Jaime
Tom Lehman
Welcome to all members and guests
See Shirley to join
New Business
May 9th, Corgi Picnic/PWCCP Fun Fair
Lure Coursing will be available, CAT and Fun Runs
More information at:
July 4th, Herding Instinct Test, Keepstone Farm, Berryville, VA
We’re piggy backing on the Shetland Sheepdog Club of
Greater Baltimore’s trial
Premiums will come out next month
Page 4
Phil Pessango
Rod Knoll
Shawn Michael
Shirley Hobbs
Marsha Stepawany
Kyrie Garretson
** Departed Prior to General Membership Meeting
A special thank you to guest,
James Kubal, for the lovely photo above
and those of our Fun Match.
T he Car d i C l ip p er
Who– The Pembroke Welsh Corgi Club of the Potomac
(PWCCP) and The Chesapeake Cardigan Welsh Corgi Club
When– May 9,2015
Where-The Johnsville Ruritan Club Picnic Pavilion
11100 Clover Dr, Union Bridge, MD
(CCWCC meeting during this event.)
Thanks to Karen Lively, the club has a new Facebook
page-please check if out!
Also thanks to both Taryn Tipton and Karen Lively, we
have a new club website. You can find it at
Coursing Ability Test (CAT)
CAT roll call begins at 8.30am
Thank you Karen and Taryn!!
Other Activities begin around 10:30am and include corgi
games, costume contest, Fluffy contest, Microchip Clinic,
CGC Testing, & more! Lure coursing fun runs start around
Breakfast, lunch, and bottled water will be available for
purchase from the “Get Food Go” food truck.
Contact Claire Ward with any
further questions.
Do you have a story or picture to share
You can submit your stories and photos
to our editor…
Angie Tirdil
What’s “odd” about this litter?
Photo submitted by Shawn Michael.
There’s a Pembroke (3rd from the right) in a litter of Cardis!
T he Ca r d i C l ip p er
Page 5
Even though Bobby will be 8 on
May 10th, this is one of Claire
Ward’s favorite photos of him.
Happy Birthday
Mary Munro’s
Cymry Again
NW1) will be
6 on May 26.
Gordon and Diane Lundy’s
Cooper celebrates his 2nd
birthday on May 31.
Marsha Stepowany shares this photo
of Tara who turned 3 on March 16th.
Tom and Jan Lehman’s TORI
celebrated her birthday on March
18. She definitely knows the
words "orange ball".
Cammie ,(Grangefield Here's to Now) has a
birthday on May 20th. She will be 1 year
old! She is a firecracker and smart as can
be. Also very cuddly and funny as the
dickens. She will be exploring herding and
obedience this year. - Kyrie Garretson
Gwyneth Newcomb tells us that Tajar
was one year old on March 22.
Jo Powers has two
birthdays to share;
Jam turned 9 on March
Kid turned 6 on April 9th
Paisley, (Stubby Acres
Vestavia Always Almost)
was 2 years old on March
9th. - She's loved by
Karen and James Lively
P a ge 6
T he C ar d i C li p p e r
AKC Expands Therapy Dog Titling Program
Dogs who are registered and approved by recognized therapy
dog organizations may apply to earn the AKC Therapy Dog
titles as long as the dog is AKC-registered, listed with the AKC
Canine Partners or enrolled in the Purebred Alternative Listing
(PAL) program. AKC does not train or certify therapy dogs.
Applications for the new titles will be accepted beginning
June 1 with titles awarded beginning July 1, 2014.
Apply for a title or learn more at
the AKC Therapy Dog Program.
(While this article really isn’t new I thought it
might be of interest.)
In an effort to honor the thousands of therapy dog teams that
make a difference in the lives of others daily, the American
Kennel Club® (AKC®) has added four new titles to the popular
AKC Therapy Dog™ program.
In addition to the AKC Therapy Dog (ThD) title (awarded after
50 visits), the AKC now offers:
AKC Therapy Dog Novice (ThDN): Awarded after 10 visits.
AKC Therapy Dog Advanced (ThDA): Awarded after 100 visits.
AKC Therapy Dog Excellent (ThDX): Awarded after 200 visits.
AKC Distinguished Therapy Dog (ThDD): Awarded after 400
“The AKC heard from many dog owners whose dogs had
already earned the ThD title and who wanted additional formal
recognition of their ongoing commitment to volunteering to
help others. We’re pleased to expand the AKC Therapy Dog
program as a result of these requests,” said Doug Ljungren,
Vice President of AKC Sports and Events. “We’ve also added a
way to acknowledge beginning therapy dogs, hoping that this
will encourage even more dogs and owners to participate in
therapy dog work.”
Happy Birthday cont.
Karen Lively directs Paisley to “Stay” during the obedience
portion of our Fun Match.
YOGI (Grangefield Yeoman) turned 6 on
March12th. He belongs to Kate Dodge
Taryn Tipton ’s
boys both
have May
Jimmy turns 8
and Wilson
will be 12.
T he Ca r d i C l ip p er
Page 7
Directions to the meeting at the
The Johnsville Ruritan Club Picnic Pavilion
11100 Clover Dr, Union Bridge, MD
For driving directions, GPS & MAPQuest the address to use is
11100 Clover Drive, Union Bridge, MD.
From Baltimore:
Take Interstate 70 West to Liberytown/New Market Route 75 North Exit. Proceed north
on Route 75 for approximately 11 miles to Clover Drive. Look for the Ruritan
International Sign with the PWCCP/Corgi sign next to it. Turn Left onto Clover Drive.
From Other Points:
Take Interstate 70 East to Libertytown/New Market Route 75 North Exit. Proceed north
on Route 75 for approximately 11 miles to Clover Drive. Look for the Ruritan
International Sign with the PWCCP/Corgi sign next to it. Turn Left onto Clover Drive.
The Chesapeake Cardigan Welsh Corgi Club
393 Oakwood Road
New Freedom, Pa 17349