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POHICK POST Pohick Episcopal Church 9301 Richmond Highway • Lorton, VA 22079 Telephone: 703-339-6572 • Fax: 703-339-9884 Let your light so shine (Matt. 5:16) From The Rector The Reverend Donald D. Binder, PhD A s I write these words, our time in Jerusalem is winding down. For Chris, Mary, and me, it has been an extraordinary experience filled with many blessings - from our visits to the many holy sites, to our rich interactions with the wonderful people we’ve met, to the writing and editing I’ve done in concert with some of the world’s leading biblical archaeologists. For making this all possible, there’s a long list of people to thank: the Rev. Dr. Ruth Correll for her faithful oversight of the parish; the Rev. Kenn Katona for his preaching and for house-sitting the rectory; Mike Elston and Neal Sunderland for their shared leadership over the congregation; the members of the staff and Vestry, who have worked extra hard to pick up any slack; and lastly, all of you for your prayers, your support, and all your good wishes over these months we’ve been away. We are eternally grateful to you for all your love and care! As you might imagine, we will be sharing our experiences in Israel and Palestine in the months to come through sermon stories, Pohick Post articles, personal reflections, and so on. In fact, I hope you don’t too soon tire of listening to such accounts! In addition to these, there are two more programmatic ways I would like to offer you the fruits of our time here. First, my Fall Adult Education offering SEPTEMBER 2013 this year will be entitled, “Holy Land Lessons.” The class sessions will cover a wide swath of our experiences here, from reflections upon our pilgrimages to holy sites, to cutting edge discoveries in biblical archaeology, to the dynamics of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. As in the past, this class will be held during the Sunday school hour beginning in early October (the Sunday after the Fair) and continue up to the end of the Pentecost season in late November. Secondly, over the past several years, many members of the congregation have expressed to me an interest in making a pilgrimage to the Holy Land. Now that I’ve been able to spend a significant amount of time here again after many years - and to explore several avenues for responding to these requests - I will be looking at offering such an opportunity next Easter season, likely at St. George’s Anglican College for two weeks. I will offer more information on this pilgrimage in the aforementioned Adult Ed class, if not sooner - so stay tuned! I conclude by again thanking you all for keeping up the good Christian ministries of Pohick Church during our absence. We look forward to rejoining you very soon and once again laboring beside you in God’s holy fields. Page 2 • Aug/Sept 2013 From The Assistant Rector The Reverend Dr. Ruth E. Correll, Ed.D. The Alpha Course Millions of people around the world and dozens of denominations have benefitted from The Alpha Course. Have you? If not, now is the time. So what makes this course something we want everyone to experience? The Alpha Course gives you, and others you may invite, a chance to consider the meaning of life from a Christian perspective in a non-threatening, inviting setting. For several years, Pohick Church has offered The Alpha Course and other Alpha based courses. One of the many reasons Fr. Don brought The Rev. Lyn Youll Marshall here as Assistant to the Rector was her years of experience in leading Alpha. Under her guidance and with support of lay leaders, a good number of people have taken The Alpha Course, The Parenting Course, and The Marriage Course. Everyone has found these sessions enjoyable, practical, informative, and spiritually stimulating. Plus, it can be a great way to make new friendships and deepen relationships with others in the class - like even your spouse. Curious? Read on. What is The Alpha Course? The Alpha Course is a ten week course plus a weekend retreat in which topics such as the following sampling are explored through lectures on DVD and round table discussion: • Who is Jesus? • Why and how do I pray? • How can I be sure of my faith? • How does God guide us? • How can I resist evil? • What about the church? Pohick Episcopal Church • How can I make the most of the rest of my life? And, by the way, there’s food on the table, too! Who developed The Alpha Course? The Rev. Nicky Gumbel studied law at Cambridge and theology at Oxford, practiced as a barrister, and is now ordained and on the staff of Holy Trinity Brompton Church in London. His lectures are expertly communicated, engaging, and laced with humor. The new Archbishop of Canterbury comes from this large church. For what audience is Alpha intended? Nicky Gumbel designed the course for an audience of those who are curious about the big questions of life but not necessarily church goers. When you take it or after taking it, invite a friend to come along with you. Frequently, it is offered in a home where people may raise questions they might otherwise hesitate to ask in church. So far, it has worked best here, where people are not shy about speaking up, to hold Alpha at the Church in the Annex. Although I have friends who have hosted Alpha, I had never had the opportunity to experience the entire series until last year. It exceeded my expectations! Watch the bulletin for details. Pohick Gift Shop As of mid-July, contributions to the Gift Shop from the congregation and Brotherhood now total $2,000, which is almost half of the total goal of $5,000. People may donate as a Colonist for $100, a Revolutionary for $150, or a Founding Father/ Mother for $250. Any contribution is welcome. Vicki Albert, Terri Hayes, and Charlotte Knipling attended a gift show in Philadelphia to purchase inventory. This show was recommended by Christ Church, Alexandria, and several other similar gift shops. In addition, secondhand stores and thrift shops have been scoured for interesting and reasonably priced offerings. The winner of the Gift Shop Naming Contest was Jackie Wells. The Gift Shop will be called The Golden Dove. Pohick Episcopal Church Music Notes Linda Egan, Minister of Music Each year during August we learn a hymn new to us by singing it every Sunday. After it has become familiar through repetition, we then sing it during the year. This year the hymn comes from Wonder, Love and Praise, an Episcopal supplement to The Hymnal 1982 compiled in 1997 which gathers beautiful newer written texts and music together, giving us access to music worthy of use for worship and meditation. Sr. Delores Dufner, a Benedictine nun, wrote “O wheat whose crushing is for bread,” the hymn we will learn, which focuses on the concept of sacrifice in the Eucharist. In it, wheat is crushed for bread, bread is broken for life, life at its end becomes seed for wheat. The tune, New Life, was written by Shirley W. McRae, a professor of music at the University of Memphis. She wrote about its composing that inspiration “dropped in unexpectedly and briefly.” The meaning of the text is furthered by this memorable tune, which, like the text of each stanza begins and ends at the same place, going through a transformation along the way. As we sing this hymn each week during communion, our reflection on it can be as varied as the content of the stanzas of the hymn, and the rich sound of the harmony can be spiritually enriching. This year on the Sundays in August from 8:50 am to 9:40 am in the music room, I will teach sightsinging. Sightsinging is the ability to sing a piece of printed music with no prior rehearsal of it when provided only the starting pitch. It is musical literacy and is hugely helpful to church people who sing hymns each Sunday, as well as to choir members and instrumentalists who prepare the music each Sunday. Whatever your current level of musical literacy, come to see if you can move to the next level. You can do it, if you practice it as a skill. Music dates to save: Thursday, September 5, 6:15 pm - 7:15 pm Pohick Bell Choir Rehearsal. Contact Linda Egan Aug/Sept 2013 • Page 3 or any bell ringer if you would like to ring. Thursday, September 5, 7:30 pm - 9:00 pm Choir of Pohick resumes rehearsals. Contact Linda Egan or Nancy Sage, the choir librarian, or any singer so we may prepare a folder and chair for you. Sunday, September 8 after 9:00 am service registration for St. Francis and St. Cecelia St. Alban Choirs. Wednesday, September 11, 6:00 pm - 6:30 pm - St. Francis Choir, K - 3rd graders rehearse every Wednesday, and sing the second Sunday of the month at the 9:00 am service, as well as at the Sounds of Pohick concert in June. Your child will learn how to sing beautifully and will enjoy the strong group spirit – great music lessons and great fun for this age group. Contact Barb Lynn or any parent for more information. Sunday, September 15, 12:30 pm - 1:30 pm St. Cecelia St. Alban Choir - students in grades 4-12 rehearse every Sunday and sing two Sundays a month, and at the Sounds of Pohick concert. Here’s a chance for your son or daughter to develop musicianship, knowledge of the liturgy, and use of his or her talents while serving God and the parish and having fun in the process. Contact any parent or Linda Egan for more information. The Pohick Pickers play throughout the year. Contact John Sessums if you are interested in playing for communion, and Chris Brown if you are interested in playing for events. Hope your summer was filled with rest and good music! Page 4 • Aug/Sept 2013 Christian Education Frances Sessums, Director of Christian Education Church School registration and the Ice Cream Social will be on Sunday, September 8 following the 9:00 am service in the Common Room. Parents will have the opportunity to meet the Church School teachers and review the curriculum used for all of the classes. Please be sure to register each child individually, as this is very important for record keeping. For those unable to attend church on registration Sunday, please register children in Frances Sessums’ office on the first Sunday they attend church school. The ice cream will be provided for the Ice Cream Social. Donations of toppings such as syrup, sprinkles, cherries, nuts, and whipped cream are needed. There is a signup sheet posted on the Common Room downstairs bulletin board. The first day of classes will be Sunday, September 15. As in the past, Sunday School students will leave the church during the Recessional Hymn and go directly to their classes. Classes will end at 11:05 am - a bell will be rung at that time. Parents of preschoolers through fourth grade are asked to pick up their children at the door of their classrooms. Pohick is very blessed to have so many wonderful people who have volunteered to teach and help with the church school. A roster of the staff is posted on the bulletin boards upstairs and downstairs. Thanks to all staff members for participating in this very important ministry. All questions should be directed to Frances Sessums at 703-425-2857. Pohick’s Vacation Bible School was a great success. There were 51 students in this year’s program with 32 outstanding volunteers on the staff. Students and staff had a tremendous time. A big thanks to everyone who worked so hard to make the week so fun and meaningful! Pohick Episcopal Church EYC News Rusty Booth, Youth Minister It is the start of another school year, and that means the beginning of the EYC youth program at Pohick! There are three EYC groups available to teens. The 5-6 grade EYC meets twice a month on Sunday and the Junior High and Senior High EYC groups meet every Sunday. Pick up an EYC calendar from either the Pohick website or the EYC bulletin board in the Common Room and make plans to join the fun! The EYC Kick-off Picnic is September 8 from 5:00 pm - 7:00 pm. All teens in grades 5-12 and their families are invited for great food and fun. Families are asked to bring the following according to last name: A-K vegetable dish or salad and L-Z chips or dessert. Hamburgers, hot dogs and drinks will be provided. Around 6:00 pm, the teens will go to their respective groups and there will be a short parents’ meeting to outline the program, discuss the Senior High Mission Trip, and answer questions. The 2014 Senior High Mission Trip is to Guilderland Center, NY from July 5 - 12. An information packet with an application and additional information is available on the Pohick website and the EYC bulletin board in the Common Room. All teens in grades 8-12 are eligible for the trip. For a life changing experience, plan to go on the Mission Trip to New York! Any questions about the youth programs should be directed to Rusty Booth at 703-339-6572 or rusty@ pohick.org. Hope to see everyone at the kick-off ! Activities Fair The Fall Activities Fair will be held Sunday, September 15 in the Common Room between all services. This is an opportunity to prayerfully consider ways to let individual lights so shine in the service of the Lord, Pohick Church, and the community. Take this opportunity to consider a contribution of time and talent. Questions should be directed to Jud Bireley, judandnance@gmail. com, or Tony Marsico, anthonymarsico07@comcast.net. Pohick Episcopal Church Aug/Sept 2013 • Page 5 Community of Hope “A School for God’s Service” (Prologue...The Rule of Benedict) In 2005, Pohick’s Community of Hope, a trained group of lay chaplains who take Christ’s love to those in need of comfort and care with the parish as well as the wider community, began its pastoral care ministry. Since that time, the ministry has reached out to individuals and families. The needs are many and varied…loss, grief, illness, life changes, loneliness and isolation…just to mention a few. Community of Hope members carry forth the message that no one is alone on life’s journey. “We who are many are one body because we all share one bread, one cup…” Worship of God, Father, Son and Holy Spirit lies at the core of the Christian church. Pastoral care offers an essential response to worship both within and beyond the membership. Ministering to one another takes many forms. In a large and growing church, pastoral care guards against becoming impersonal. With the Community of Hope, the focus is on the ministry of presence and prayer, engaging in the simple, profound, healing act of listening. The Community of Hope is shaped by Benedictine spirituality. The spiritual disciplines found in The Rule of St. Benedict inspire community members to work toward balance and harmony in prayer, worship, silence, holy reading and serving others through pastoral care ministry. The Community of Hope is a “School for God’s Service” wherein lay persons are trained and equipped to minister to others, serving Christ while nurturing their on-going spiritual growth. Once the initial training is completed, Community of Hope members make pastoral visits as assigned by the Rector or Assistant Rector, attend monthly Circle of Care meetings and participate in continuing education opportunities. The next proposed Community of Hope training will begin in January 2014 with commissioning of lay pastoral chaplains taking place in spring. The curriculum is Christ-centered, based on Holy Scripture and modeled after the spiritual principles found in The Rule of St. Benedict. Training modules include “Theology of Pastoral Care,” “Benedictine Spirituality,” “Listening Skills,” “Confidentiality and Debriefing,” “Grief - Coping with Loss” and “Care for the Caregiver.” Experience in Education for Ministry (EFM), Alpha and Lay Eucharistic Ministry (LEM) are each ideal preparation for becoming Community of Hope Lay Chaplains but are not required. For additional information on the Community of Hope or interest in the next training session, please contact the Rev. Ruth Correll at rcorrell@pohick.org or Nancy Bireley at judandnance@gmail.com or 703-491-2471. EYC Kick-Off Picnic Sunday, September 8 • 5:00 pm - 7:00 pm 5th - 12th grade teens and their families are invited to attend A-K: bring vegetable dish, salad or fruit • L-Z: bring dessert or chips Hamburgers, hot dogs and drinks provided Parents’ meeting 6:00 pm - 6:45 pm • 2014 Senior High Mission Trip will be discussed Contact Rusty Booth for more information: 703-339-6572 / rusty@pohick.org Page 6 • Aug/Sept 2013 Pohick Episcopal Church Update on Issues in the Anglican Communion Don Brownlee This monthly report is part of the Vestry’s ongoing effort to inform and update the Parish about the ongoing controversies within The Episcopal Church (TEC) and the Anglican Communion. These controversies largely involve the blessing of same-sex unions, ordination of non-celibate homosexuals, interpretation of Scripture, and breakdown of traditional boundary lines between Provinces. Two issues involving the Church of England [COE] that were addressed in last month’s Update both took their expected next steps in July. The Church’s General Synod voted to restart the process of allowing women to be consecrated as bishops, while the British parliament approved legislation allowing same-sex marriages in England and Wales. The newly-enthroned Archbishop of Canterbury was in the thick of both debates, and both have the potential to further exacerbate tensions within the Anglican Communion. Last November, the COE’s General Synod rejected a long-debated plan to allow women to serve as bishops. The move was widely criticized in the press, public debate, and Parliament. Abp. Justin Welby, then the incoming Archbishop of Canterbury, called the vote “a pretty grim day for the whole church,” and Prime Minister David Cameron in effect told the church to resolve this issue before Parliament forced its hand. Abp. Justin and other leaders of the House of Bishops quickly organized a series of “facilitated conversations” to discuss a way forward. The result was a new plan from the House of Bishops, presented to the Synod in early July. By an overwhelming vote, the Synod approved a resolution to “reaffirm its commitment to admitting women to the episcopate as a matter of urgency,” by drafting new legislation that removes all legal and canonical barriers to women being consecrated as bishops. Rather than include specific “conscience provisions” for those who believe only men can be bishops, the plan says, those should be dealt with separately. In a report to the Synod, the House of Bishops said that once the legislation passes, “the Church of England will be fully and unequivocally committed to all orders of ministry being open equally to all, without reference to gender, and… [female bishops]… are the true and lawful holders of the office which they occupy and thus deserve due respect and canonical obedience…Anyone who ministers within the Church of England must then be prepared to acknowledge that the Church of England has reached a clear decision on the matter.” Noting that the COE continues to share the “historic episcopate” with the Roman Catholic Church, Orthodox Church and some provinces of the Anglican Communion which ordain only men as priests or bishops, the Report said the COE needs to acknowledge as part of the process that its decision “is set within a broader process of discernment within the Anglican Communion and the whole Church of God…Since those within the Church of England who, on grounds of theological conviction, are unable to receive the ministry of women bishops or priests will continue to be within the spectrum of teaching and tradition of the Anglican Communion, the Church of England will remain committed to enabling them to flourish within its life and structures…Pastoral and sacramental provision for [this] minority within the Church of England will be made without specifying a limit of time and in a way that maintains the highest possible degree of communion and contributes to mutual flourishing across the whole Church of England.” Abp. Justin said after the vote, “We aren’t [any longer] at the stage of saying should we ordain women as bishops, we are at the stage of saying we are going to ordain women as bishops, how do we go about that?” “It is going to take a little while, we are going to have to go on working at it, [but] there has been Continued on page 7 Pohick Episcopal Church Update on Issues in the Anglican Communion, continued from page 6 such a shift in mood over the last six months. I remain extremely optimistic.” Groups supporting consecration of women generally welcomed the vote. Those opposing it generally were disappointed but would continue to work details of the plan. “Forward in Faith,” a leading traditionalist organization, said, “We feel bound to reiterate that, while we are not trying to prevent women from becoming bishops in the Church of England, we cannot support any legislation which removes the existing rights of the laity to a ministry that they can receive in good conscience and which fails to offer the minority what the working group termed ‘a greater sense of security’ than the previous draft Measure.” The revised plan will be considered by the Synod in November, but final action will probably not be taken until the summer or fall of 2015. *** With final approval from Parliament and “royal assent” from Queen Elizabeth, a bill allowing samesex marriages in England and Wales has become law. Gay couples can be married in both civil and religious ceremonies, and those who had entered into the “civil partnerships” previously allowed by British law can change their relationship to a marriage. Churches and other religious organizations can “opt-in,” or make an affirmative decision to conduct same-sex marriages, but the state Church of England and Church of Wales are specifically forbidden from doing so. [The legislation does not apply in Scotland; the Scottish Parliament is considering similar legislation.] Abp. Justin said during debate in the House of Lords he and other faith leaders were “extremely hesitant” about the bill. He began by acknowledging that it was “absolutely true” that the Church of England has often not served gays and lesbians as it should, and expressed his “sadness and sorrow for that considerable failure.” He added, “is also necessary to express, as has been done already, total Aug/Sept 2013 • Page 7 rejection of homophobic language, which is wrong – and more than that, sickening.” But he said the bill “confuses marriage and weddings. It assumes that the rightful desire for equality…must mean uniformity…The result is confusion. Marriage is abolished, redefined and recreated, being different and unequal for different categories… The concept of marriage as a normative place for procreation is lost. The idea of marriage as covenant is diminished. The family in its normal sense, predating the state and as our base community of society … is weakened.” Theological conservatives in the Anglican Communion attacked that speech, saying it was a “half-hearted” defense of traditional marriage. Archbishop Eliud Wabukala, Primate of Kenya and Chairman of the GAFCON [Global Anglican Future Conference] Primates’ Council said in a pastoral message, “We are painfully aware that the Episcopal Church of the United States and the Anglican Church of Canada continue to promote a false gospel and yet both are still received as in good standing by the Archbishop of Canterbury.” “Furthermore, the Church of England itself, the historic mother church of the Communion, seems to be advancing along the same path. While defending marriage, both the Archbishops of York and Canterbury appeared at the same time to approve of same-sex Civil Partnerships” during parliamentary debates on the UK’s ‘gay marriage’ legislation, in contradiction to the historic biblical teaching on human sexuality reaffirmed by the 1998 Lambeth Conference.” His statement marked the first time Apb. Justin has been publicly criticized by a leader of the “Global South.” The Roman Catholic Bishops Conference of England and Wales complained about the speed with which the law was “rushed through” Parliament, “deficiencies” in the legislative process by which it was considered, and the “lack of effective protection” for churches that do not opt-in to same-sex marriages. Continued on page 8 Page 8 • Aug/Sept 2013 Pohick Episcopal Church Martha Guild Update on Issues in the Anglican Communion, continued from page 7 “The new Act breaks the existing legal links between the institution of marriage and sexual complementarity. With this new legislation, marriage has now become an institution in which openness to children, and with it the responsibility on fathers and mothers to remain together to care for children born into their family unit, are no longer central. That is why we were opposed to this legislation on principle.” The bill was introduced by Prime Minister Cameron in January, and he worked hard to pass it. It was supported by the leaders of the two other leading political parties, but opposed by many in the Prime Minister’s Conservative party. The first weddings under the law are expected to take place next summer. Elsewhere: • A federal judge in South Carolina has ruled that the property dispute there will be litigated in state, not federal courts. The national church and reorganizing diocese of the “Episcopal Church in South Carolina” wanted the suit heard in federal courts, saying the dispute was basically a First Amendment issue. The “Protestant Episcopal Church in the Diocese of South Carolina,” which voted to disaffiliate from The Episcopal Church, sees the dispute as a property case and wants it adjudicated in state courts. The judge agreed that the case does not “require the resolution of an essential federal issue.” A separate lawsuit over who should control the name and trademarks of the diocese is still pending in federal courts. It is important to remember that despite all these controversies, the work of the Church - globally, nationally, and locally - goes on. Bp. Ted told us in his sermon on Confirmation Sunday, “ You are the only Bible some people will ever read.” We at Pohick continue to be that Bible, “serving the least of these, teaching and forming new generations as partners in God’s mission, responding to injustice, and caring for God’s creation” through our donations of food and clothing to LCAC, our adult and youth mission trips, LCAC Backpacks drive and Community of Hope. Your ongoing support to these and similar ministries helps us continue to “leak the love of God” to those in need. The next meeting for the Martha Guild will be on Wednesday, September 4 at 7:30 pm in Classroom A. All Women of the Church are invited to attend. Any questions, please contact Connie Myers at 703-455-4652 or at jetskiing@hotmail.com. Christmas Mart It is never too early to be thinking about the Christmas Mart! This year the Christmas Mart will be on Thursday, November 21 from 10:00 am - 2:00 pm, so mark the calendar now! The Mart has a lot to offer: Attic Treasures, Baked Goods, Christmas Shoppe with crafts, Pohickery items, Pantry Shelf, Consignment Shop, Frozen Casseroles, Jewelry, Luncheon, which is served by waitresses dressed in colonial costume, and Crafters from the area with their various items for sale. There are many ways to volunteer to help with this event, so keep alert for future announcements and requests for assistance. For more information, contact Connie Myers, 703-455-4652, or jetskiing@hotmail.com. 2013 Christmas Mart November 21 10:00 am - 2:00 pm Pohick Episcopal Church Aug/Sept 2013 • Page 9 TTFF - Apple Butter Time! Country Fair time has arrived! Now is the opportunity to recapture the nostalgia of visiting the farm in the fall. The atmosphere of smoke wafting up from cooking fires; the pleasant aroma of spices tickling the nose; and the beautiful colors of the changing leaves can be relived at Pohick Church on September 28 and 29 as the apple butter is made for the Country Fair. Apple Butter is also used as part of the Newcomers’ Welcome Package, and this year the Docent Guild will be giving away small jars as favors during their events. So, what does “TTFF” mean? It is short for Time - Talents - Fellowship and Fun .Time and Talents are needed as volunteers will be hard at work both days processing 80 bushels of apples into the infamous Apple Butter, a best seller every year. Bring a paring knife and cutting board Saturday morning, and come by for an hour or two, all day, or all weekend! Any and all help is welcome! Start time is 7:00 am on Saturday and very early on Sunday. A complete schedule is included in this issue of the Pohick Post and will be in the Church bulletin as the event gets closer. There will be plenty of work to keep everyone gainfully employed both days; and there will be a great opportunity for Fellwship with the parishioners of this great Church, and a very good chance of having just plain old Fun. Every volunteer available is needed! All help is indispensable. Without volunteers, this event cannot be a success. Please try and find the Time to donate any special Talents, enjoy the Fellowship and have some good old fashioned Fun. Apple Butter time is a fabulous endeavor and a wonderful experience. 2013 Apple Butter Schedule Friday, September 27 - Apple Butter Setup Noon - 5:00 pm Setup (kettles, firewood, etc.) Saturday, September 28 - Apple Sauce Day 7:00 am - 10:00 am Wash, cut apples, and start cooking 8:00 am - 3:00 pm Cook apples into applesauce with many stirrers needed! 3:00 pm - 7:00 pm Cleanup and setup for next day Sunday, September 29 - Apple Butter Day 3:00 am - 3:00 pm Cook applesauce into Apple Butter with many stirrers needed! 10:45 am Apple Butter Eucharist 2:00 pm - 4:00 pm Canning of the Apple Butter - All Hands Needed! 4:00 pm - 6:00 pm Tear down and cleanup 6:00 pm - ? Apple Butter Social Friday, October 4 - Fair Setup 4:00 pm - 7:00 pm Setup Saturday, October 5 - Fair Day 5:00 am - 12 noon Cook two kettles of Apple Butter 12 noon - 1:00 pm Canning of the Apple Butter Sunday, October 6 - Fair Tear-Down Day 8:00 am - 11:00 am Tear down and store items 11:00 am - 1:00 pm Bratwurst Cookout Come for an hour, a day, or a weekend! 68th Annual Pohick Count r y Fair Saturday, October 5 • 10:00 am - 4:00 pm • Pohick Church Fairgrounds Join us for a special day of fun & fellowship! The Fair offers activities for everyone! Turkey Shoot • Hodge Podge Yard Sale • Children’s Games • Moon Bounce • Face Painting • Music Garden Shop • Country Store • Apple Butter Booth • BBQ • Hamburgers • Hot Dogs • Drinks • And Much More! Volunteers Still Needed! Please call the Church office, 703-339-6572, for more information. Page 10 • Aug/Sept 2012 Health News Carol Heddleston, Parish Nurse Prostate Cancer Prostate cancer is an uncontrolled growth of abnormal cells in the prostate, which is a walnut-shaped sex gland found in men at the base of the penis. Prostate cancer is the most common non-skin cancer in men, and the second leading cause of cancer death in men. In 2009, approximately 200,000 men were diagnosed with prostate cancer with more than 20,000 deaths. Early testing and treatment for prostate cancer has helped more than 2.5 million men in the US survive the disease. Risk Factors for Prostate Cancer: • Age: the older a man, the greater the risk. • Family history: the chance for a man to develop prostate cancer increases if a close family members have had it. • Race: African American men are more likely than other races to develop prostate cancer, and they are more than twice as likely to die from it. • Other risk factors: many studies suggest that dietary fat, smoking, and lack of exercise may contribute to the development of prostate cancer. Symptoms vary: • Difficulty starting to urinate • Weak or interrupted flow of urine • Frequent urination • Difficulty emptying bladder completely • Pain or burning during urination • Blood in urine or semen • Constant pain in back, hips, or pelvis • Painful ejaculation Screening • The American Cancer Society recommends a prostate-specific antigen (PSA) blood test and a digital rectal exam (DRE) annually beginning at age 50. • African American men or men with a family history of prostate cancer should begin testing at age 45. PSA is a test that measures the level of antigen, which is a substance that causes the immune system to fight it with antibodies, made by the prostate in the blood. Levels of PSA can be higher in men who have prostate cancer but may also be elevated in other conditions that affect the prostate. Certain medical Pohick Episcopal Church procedures, certain medications, an enlarged prostate or a prostate infection can also make PSA levels high. Test results are interpreted by the doctor. Diagnosis and Treatment Abnormal results from PSA and DRE tests will result in additional tests. • Transrectal ultrasound: An ultrasound used to create a picture of the prostate. This ultrasound may be used during a biopsy. • Biopsy: A doctor removes a small piece of tissue from the prostate and examines it under a microscope for cancer cells. • Active surveillance/watchful waiting: The doctor closely monitors the patient by doing PSA and DRE tests regularly. Treatment proceeds only if cancer is growing. • Surgery: radical prostatectomy, which is a complete removal of prostate of surrounding tissue. • Radiation therapy: destroys cancer cells or prevents them from growing by direct high-energy Xrays at the prostate. • Hormone therapy: use of drugs, surgery, or other hormones to remove male sex hormones or block them from working, which prevents cancer cells from growing. Other treatments under investigation: • Cryotherapy: uses a small device that freezes and kills cancer cells. • Biological therapy: a treatment that works with the immune system to help it fight cancer or control side effects • High-intensity focused ultrasound: this therapy directs high-energy sound waves (ultrasound) to kill cancer cells. Blessing of the Animals Sunday, October 6 • 4:00 pm Parishioners and members of the community are invited to gather at Pohick’s Dogwood Chapel for a service celebrating all of God’s creation. Aug/Sept 2013 • Page 11 Pohick Episcopal Church Pohick Church Activities • August 2013 Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday JULY 28 29 30 31 AUG 1 2 4 5 6 7 8 9 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 Proper 12c 8a HE I 10a HE II Proper 13c 8a HE I 10a HE II Proper 14c 8a HE I 10a HE II Proper 15c 8a HE I 10a HE II Proper 16c 8a HE I 10a HE II 9:30a Staff Mtg. 2:30p HE/FX 9:30a Staff Mtg. 2:30p HE/FX 9:30a Staff Mtg 2:30p HE/FX 7p Docent Board 9:30a Staff Mtg. 2:30p HE/FX 2:30p HE/FX 6p COH 7:30p Healing Service 7:30p Healing Service 7p G.S. Board Mtg 7:30p Healing Service 7:30p Healing Service 6p COH 7:30p Healing Service 8:30p AA 7p Docent Training 8:30p AA 8:30p AA 6:15p Bell Workshop 7p Renovation Committee Mtg 8:30p AA 6:15p Bell Workshop 8:30p AA 3 Saturday 8a Brotherhood of St. Andrew 9a Vestry House Cleanup 9:15a Docent Guild Research 10 8a Brotherhood of St. Andrew 8a Brotherhood of St. Andrew 11a New Hope Housing Picnic 8a Brotherhood of St. Andrew 8a Brotherhood of St. Andrew 9:15a Renovation Committee Contact the Parish Secretary, Vonne Troknya, troknya@pohick.org, to list group meetings or events on the calendar. Game Volunteers Needed!! Lots of enthusiastic “Carnival Game Volunteers” are needed for the Pohick Country Fair! The Fair is October 5 from 10:00 am - 4:00 pm. Sign up sheets are located in the Common Room. Thanks for your help! Page 12 • Aug/Sept 2013 Pohick Episcopal Church Pohick Church Activities • September 2013 Sunday SEPT 1 Proper 17c 8a HE I 10a HE II 11:15a Teachers Mtg 8 Proper 18c 7:45a HE I 9a HE II 10:15a Sunday School 11:15a HE II 5p EYC Kick-off 15 Activities Fair Proper 19c 7:45a HE I 9a HE II 10:15a Christian Ed 11:15a HE I 12:30p Youth Choir 5p Youth Confirmation 6:30p EYC (All) 22 Deadline for Pohick Post 2 Monday Labor Day Office Closed 9 6:30p Alpha Course 9:30a Staff Mtg 2:30p HE/FX 10 9:30a Ann Mason Guild Mtg 9:30a Staff Mtg 2:30p HE/FX 4 Wednesday 7:30p HE II & Healing 7:30p Martha Guild 11 5 Thursday 6:15p Bell Choir 7:30p Choir of Pohick 8:30p AA 12 6p St. Francis Choir 6:15p Bell 7:30p HE II & Choir Healing 6 Friday 7 Saturday 8a Brotherhood of St. Andrew 9:15a Docent Research 3:30p Crab Feast 13 14 7p EFM 7:30p Choir of Pohick 8:30p AA 7:30p Vestry Mtg 8a Brotherhood of St. Andrew 9:15a HPCF 16 17 18 19 20 21 23 24 25 26 27 28 30 OCT 1 2 3 4 5 6:30p Alpha Course 7p Docent General Meeting Proper 20c 6:30p Alpha 7:45a HE I Course 9a HE II 10:15a Christian Ed 11:15a HE II 12:30p Youth Choir 5p Youth Confirmation 6:30p EYC (All) 29 3 Tuesday Proper 21c 6:30p Alpha 7:45a HE I Course 9a HE II 9a Apple Butter Weekend 10:15a Christian Ed 11:15a HE I 12:30p Youth Choir 5p Youth Confirmation 9:30a Staff Mtg 2:30p HE/FX 9:30a Staff Mtg 2:30p HE/FX 9:30a Staff Mtg 2:30p HE/FX 6p St. Francis Choir 7:30p HE II & Healing 6p COH 6p St. Francis Choir 7:30p Healing Service 6p St. Francis Choir 7:30p Healing Service 7:30p Martha Guild 6:15p Bell Choir 7p EFM 7:30p Choir of Pohick 8:30p AA 6:15p Bell Choir 7p EFM 7:30p Choir of Pohick 8:30p AA 6:15p Bell Choir 7p EFM 7:30p Choir of Pohick 8:30p AA 9a Apple Butter Weekend 8a Brotherhood of St. Andrew 9:15a Fair Construction 8a Brotherhood of St. Andrew 9a Apple Butter Weekend 9:15a Renovation Committee Mtg. 8a Brotherhood of St. Andrew 9:15a Docent Research 10a Pohick Country Fair Contact the Parish Secretary, Vonne Troknya, troknya@pohick.org, to list group meetings or events on the calendar. Aug/Sept 2013 • Page 13 Pohick Episcopal Church SUNDAY SERVICE VOLUNTEERS 4 AUGUST 8:00 Mike Vaughn Becky Wagner 10:00 Jim Bartholomew 11 AUGUST USHERS Ken Evans Mike Zane Angela Edgemon Steve Edgemon Susan Homar Rick Nelson Beth Altman Dave Billingsley Fuzzy Thurston 7:00 S. Remaly R. Stankwitz 12:00 R. Heddleston T. Rivenbark AM BJ McPherson A. Powell J. Schmid E. Pitcock A. Marsico M. Yezek BJ/K McPherson M/M Pasour 8:00 Becky Wagner 10:00 M/M W. Biggs M/M Ken Evans 8:00 Sunderland (R) Hayes (P) Thorson (R) Springer (P) 10:00 Ayorinde (R) Elston (P) C. Herbert R. Stankwitz T. Buckner K. Myers M. Elston Faber/Buckius M/M Thurston Pasour/Remaly BJ McPherson A. Powell J. Schmid E. Pitcock A. Marsico M. Yezek J. Sunderland N. Bireley A. Cannon C. Heddleston J. MacDonald M. Hartig R. Teale, B. Wagner J. Sunderland N. Bireley A. Cannon C. Heddleston J. MacDonald M. Hartig R. Teale, B. Wagner J. Brimmer A. Stribling M/M Jacobus M/M Pasour Doug Smith Marlene McCabe Thorson (P) Sunderland (R) Springer (R) Sunderland (P) John Pasour Randy Cudworth Pehr Pehrsson Edwardene Pitcock OPEN - UP TELLERS ALTAR GUILD S. Homar 8:00 E. Bartlett 10:00 TBD COFFEE HOUR M/M Speer M/M Clint Herbert R. Booth (P) M. Booth (R) 1 SEPTEMBER Mike Vaughn Becky Wagner FLOWER GUILD J. Wells 25 AUGUST Tony Marsico Alan Mayberry LOCK - UP Heintze/Jacobus AM Rodger Jones Stew Remaly R. Wyllie 11:15 M/M Myers J. Wells N. Sage J. Buckley C. Foster H. Parker R. Stankwitz 18 AUGUST M/M Birely M/M Vaughn GREETERS Edie Bartlett Roberta Fede LEM Thorson (P) Springer (R) Pasour (P) Hayes (R) John Godley Santos Garcia Grant Hodges Rita Smith M/M Wainwright M/M John Godley Faber (R) Nelson (P) Bill Bland Don Cooke Camela Speer Wes Speer M/M Pehrsson M/M Fuzzy Thurston Cockroft (P) Sage (R) The Sunday Service Volunteers Schedule is also available at Pohick Church’s website, www.pohick.org, under “Ministries.” Send News! Articles for the October 2013 Pohick Post are due no later than September 15! Forward input by email in Word compatible format to Lori Buckius, raebuck@aol.com. Design concerns & items for the Sunday Service Volunteers page should be addressed to Carmel Hodge, cchodge@aol.com. Page 14 • Aug/Sept 2013 Pohick Episcopal Church SUNDAY SERVICE VOLUNTEERS 1 SEPTEMBER 7:45 9:00 11:15 8a Mike Vaughn Becky Wagner 10a Bill Bland Don Cooke Camela Speer Wes Speer 8 SEPTEMBER Ken Evans Mike Zane Tom Bland Dan Derbes Bill Patton Tom Rivenbark R. Stankwitz J. Pasour 1:00 M. Elston J. Bireley Tony Marsico Alan Mayberry Mike Vaughn Becky Wagner Paul Walden Don Homar Kathy Kirkland Dave Billingsley Angela Edgemon Steve Edgemon AM J. Sunderland N. Bireley, A. Cannon C. Heddleston J. MacDonald M. Hartig R. Teale, B. Wagner J. Wells N. Sage J. Buckley C. Foster H. Parker R. Stankwitz A. Stribling BJ/K McPherson 7:45 8a M/M Pasour 9:00 10a M/M Pehrsson 11:15 TBD M/M Evans 7:45 8a Marlene McCabe 9:00 10a M/M Thurston 11:15 M/M R. Jones 9:00 10a M. Clark 11:15 BJ McPherson TBD M/M D. Myers Beth Atkinson Jim Bartholomew Beth Altman Susan Homar Greg Wilson R. Heddleston T. Rivenbark K. Kirkland T. Marsico S. Remaly M/M Brown Pitcock/Schmid Bartlett/Remaly J. Wells N. Sage J. Buckley C. Foster H. Parker R. Stankwitz BJ McPherson A. Marsico E. Pitcock A. Powell J. Schmid M. Yezek BJ McPherson A. Marsico E. Pitcock A. Powell J. Schmid M. Yezek M. Bartholomew S. Homar J. Brimmer E. Bartlett M/M Evans M/M Bireley TBD TBD TBD TELLERS ALTAR GUILD FLOWER GUILD M/M T. Mayberry Dennis Myers Jim Heller Hal Yarwood Susan Yarwood N. Sunderland LOCK - UP Kirkland/Hoffheins N. Sage Rodger Jones Stew Remaly OPEN - UP 12:15 Pasour/Remaly AM USHERS Chris Brown Jim Foster Matt Gurrola Jan Hoffheins Hank Foresman Mike Wooten 7:00 15 SEPTEMBER 22 SEPTEMBER 29 SEPTEMBER COFFEE HOUR Docent Guild GREETERS Buckius Family M/M Remaly M/M P. Peterson Stew Remaly Edie Bartlett M/M Bill Poad M/M Rick Nelson M/M Don Homar M/M D. Heintz DOCENTS H. Parker J. Wells Beth Altman E. Pitcock D. McHugh M/M D. Buckius M/M Costa L. Kittle The Sunday Service Volunteers Schedule is also available at Pohick Church’s website, www.pohick.org, under “Ministries.” Sunday, September 8 Sunday School Registration and Ice Cream Social at 10:15 am Return to Regular Schedule: Worship - 7:45 am, 9:00 am, and 11:15 am Pohick Episcopal Church Aug/Sept 2013 • Page 15 Outreach New Hope Housing operates homeless shelters and supportive housing in the community - Mondloch House, the Kennedy Shelter, Alexandria Community Shelter, and other programs, housing over 300 people nightly. To help New Hope Housing, a fundraiser will be held on September 28 called The Acacia Rock & Stroll, a Help the Homeless event at Cameron Run Park. The Rock and Stroll includes a 5K timed run for the more serious runners/walkers, and a casual stroll for others, Zumba, Parkour, Corn Hole competition, kid activities, music, BBQ lunch, and more! The registration fee is $30 for adults, $20 for people ages 25 and younger. The fee is 100% tax deductible, and will go 100% to New Hope Housing. Please consider registering now and then sharing the information with friends, neighbors, coworkers - everyone! Registration must be done ONLINE. Here are the links: For those that want to officially be timed in the 5K use: http://www.hthwalks.org/goto/newhopehousing5K For those that want to come for the fun, or to register other non-runners in the family, use: http://www.hthwalks.org/goto/nhhrockandstroll For additional information on this fun family oriented event, contact Susan Homar or Kristina Myers. Christmas Mart • Consignment The Christmas Mart on November 21 is coming fast, and there is a goal to find some new crafters, and people who would like to share objects so others might enjoy them. Items can be consigned and/or donated. For those that would like to consign or donate saleable items, please contact Edie Bartlett at 703-780-6809 or redsse@aol.com. Foyers for Fall 2013 A Social Gathering New Foyer groups will be forming for the Fall 2013 rotation, and a new member list will be distributed in late September 2013. Current members that would like to be removed from the Fall rotation, and new members or former members that would like to be included in Foyers Fall 2013 should email Tom Bland at tbland6677@aol.com or call him at 703978-2286. New participants are always welcome. Foyers is an excellent way to meet new people and have a nice time with other members of the congregation. Turkey Shoot WANTED: Adult volunteers to assist with the Turkey Shoot at the annual Pohick Church Country Fair on Saturday, 5 October. Duties include site setup and breakdown, signing up shooters, posting targets, and/or assisting with the firing line. Familiarity with firearms in general and/or shotguns specifically is desired, but not required. All necessary training and equipment will be provided. Part-time help is also welcomed. For those interested and wanting to know more, please contact Mo Faber, mo66@cox.net, 703-440-9557. Wanted: Old quilts or unfinished quilts. The quilts will be finished or refurbished and used for charity. Contact Edie Bartlett: 703-780-6809 or redsse@aol.com. Non-Profit Org. U.S. Postage PAID Permit No. 2 Lorton, VA Pohick Church 9301 Richmond Highway Lorton, Virginia 22079-1519 Return Service Requested The Purpose of Pohick Church is to be a nourishing community where Christ’s love is experienced and taken beyond its walls. VESTRY • GRAM Sr. Warden: Jr. Warden: Treasurer: Register: Members: Mike Elston Neil Sunderland John Pasour Kathy Kirkland Jud Bireley, Don Brownlee, Tom Buckner, Reed Heddleston, Clint Herbert, Tony Marsico, Kristina Myers, Stew Remaly, Tom Rivenbark, Grant Smith, Rita Stankwitz, Russ Wyllie Pohick Church Vestry Date: _____________________ Subject: _____________________ To: The Vestry From: The Rev’d Donald Binder, PhD The Rev’d Dr. Ruth E. Correll, Ed.D. The Rev’d Kenneth J. Katona Linda Egan Frances Sessums Rusty Booth Vonne Troknya Mike Morgan John Sessums Pohick Church Staff Rector: Assistant: Seminarian: Minister of Music: Director of Christian Ed: Youth Minister: Parish Secretary: Finance Admin: Sexton: Telephone: 703-339-6572 • Fax: 703-339-9884 Church Office Email: Troknya@pohick.org • Web Site: www.pohick.org
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