The Weathervane - Old First Presbyterian Church


The Weathervane - Old First Presbyterian Church
Return service requested
125 Main St,
Huntington, NY 11743-6960
Rev. Anne Stewart Miller, Interim Pastor
Old First Presbyterian Church
The Weathervane
September 2016
Worship Services: Sundays at 10:00 a.m.
Non Profit Org.
Permit No. 146
The vital force of labor added materially to the highest standard of living and the greatest
production the world has ever known and has brought us closer to the realization of our
traditional ideals of economic and political democracy. It is appropriate, therefore, that
the nation pay tribute on Labor Day to the creator of so much of the nation's strength,
freedom, and leadership — the American worker.
Labor Day, the first Monday in September, is a creation of the labor movement
and is dedicated to the social and economic achievements of American workers. It constitutes a yearly national tribute to the contributions workers have made to the strength,
prosperity, and well-being of our country.
The First Labor Day
The first Labor Day holiday was celebrated on Tuesday, September 5, 1882, in
New York City, in accordance with the plans of the Central Labor Union. The Central Labor Union held its second Labor Day holiday just a year later, on September 5, 1883. In
1884 the first Monday in September was selected as the holiday, as originally proposed,
and the Central Labor Union urged similar organizations in other cities to follow the example of New York and celebrate a "workingmen's holiday" on that date. The idea spread
with the growth of labor organizations, and in 1885 Labor Day was celebrated in many
industrial centers of the country.
Founder of Labor Day
More than 100 years after the first Labor Day observance, there is still some doubt
as to who first proposed the holiday for workers. Some records show that Peter J.
McGuire, general secretary of the Brotherhood of Carpenters and Joiners and a cofounder
of the American Federation of Labor, was first in suggesting a day to honor those "who
from rude nature have delved and carved all the grandeur we behold."
But Peter McGuire's place in Labor Day history has not gone unchallenged. Many believe
that Matthew Maguire, a machinist, not Peter McGuire, founded the holiday. Recent research seems to support the contention that Matthew Maguire, later the secretary of Local
344 of the International Association of Machinists in Paterson, N.J., proposed the holiday
in 1882 while serving as secretary of the Central Labor Union in New York. What is clear
is that the Central Labor Union adopted a Labor Day proposal and appointed a committee
to plan a demonstration and picnic.
The character of the Labor Day celebration has undergone a change in recent
years, especially in large industrial centers where mass displays and huge parades have
proved a problem. This change, however, is more a shift in emphasis and medium of expression. Labor Day addresses by leading union officials, industrialists, educators, clerics
and government officials are given wide coverage in newspapers, radio, and television.
What a glorious summer we have had! Yes, at times a bit on the hot side, not to mention the humidity, but all in all, simply glorious! And that’s not even starting with all
of the good work that has been accomplished this summer by the Trustees on our
Restoration and Preservation projects: Prep work for the kitchen, steeple and Parish
Hall restorations are well underway, and we have two beautiful “like new” meeting/
classrooms plus a very nice, refurbished choir rehearsal room with new chairs, all
now efficiently cooled.
Your PNC meets regularly to read and vet resumes and conduct Skype interviews. And your Christian
Education Leadership Team and Sunday School Superintendents have been working hard preparing for
the start up of Sunday School, TUXIS, and Food 4 The Soul. (Sunday School begins on September 11
followed by ice cream and a Parents’ Meeting for after worship. TUXIS starts up September 18 and
Food 4 The Soul on October 2.)
What’s more, I sense, I hear from others that the congregation has been diligently doing its prep work
preparing for your next pastor. What do I mean by that? In a sermon several weeks ago, I said that “ …
interim pastors get the privilege of arriving in a congregation in the middle of a lot of things going on –
from trying to figure out why the last pastor left for another church – to trying to make sense of things
now that he or she has gone. Things may seem very different, but even so, the possibility of change for
the good can be terrifying.” It’s just easier to hold on to former ways of “being church” than consider
other, perhaps better ways of “being church,” in the future.
Of course, there are still many ways of “being church” that continue to work very well at Old First. But
change is also in the air--and some casual observations offered by several members lead me to believe
that there’s a fresh, invigorating spirit in the air—and it’s catching.
For example, someone observed that things here seem “more positive”, or just plain “positive.” I sense
that, as well. During a time of transition—with so many things happening--uncertainty about the future
coupled with residing angst, are often part of the mix of a church’s culture in transition. And thus--the
mood of a congregation can be less than positive.
But coming together for the good of Old First and our community, a positive spin on “being church” has
resulted. I see different groups that previously may have worked independently of other groups, but are
now reaching out to build bridges to those other groups, not fences. That’s good because that way of
“being church” builds positive momentum. And positive momentum leads to the fostering of two other
attributes -- hope and love. And I see both of those qualities in great abundance at Old First. I tell people quite often, “Do you know what is the greatest attribute of Old First? The love this congregation
(and its Interim Pastor) have for one another,” and I add, “no matter what.”
That brings me to the second random observation someone offered this summer. And that is, during this
time of transition, as you and your PNC search for your next pastor, you are “being truthful.” Why? Out
of your great love for this congregation and membership that does not waiver—warts and all. This
time around, then, you feel more openness in sharing a bigger picture of Old First with minister candidates. I congratulate all of you for the courage it has taken during this time of transition to look
yourself squarely in the mirror and see all that is here to God’s glory.
Finally, a personal observation. Now serving my third congregation on Long Island, I’ve come to
realize that during the summer, attendance is less than during the “school year” as families, couples
and individuals are on vacation. Ministers “count” attendance at services; I do. And I have observed
this summer that our attendance is higher than last summer, perhaps even dramatically so--I’m not
alone in my thinking; others have made the same observation.
Why? I sense deep spiritual longing here, perhaps some of it, fresh--longing that fills our pews on
Sunday mornings. I had the privilege of attending our denomination’s annual “Worship and Music
Conference” this summer in Montreat, North Carolina. What a mountaintop experience it was for
this pastor to worship everyday with 500 other Presbyterians in that beautiful mountain setting!
What’s more, as a worshipper in Montreat, I realized all over again the importance—the primacy—of
worship as Christians. Worship at Montreat challenged and provoked me, soothed me, equipped me,
renewed me and most of all, filled my wells so I could return to strive to faithfully serve you.
I’d like to think that worship has that same primacy in the laity’s journey of faith—hence my (very
unscientific) conclusion as to why our pews were fuller this summer. I’d also like to think that the
congregation’s spiritual longing—a.k.a., faith-- will continue to grow and deepen as we begin our
program year this month. I invite and encourage you then, to worship regularly this year to fill your
own well in anticipation of the arrival of your new pastor. There will be no greater way to welcome
that very fortunate (and blessed) individual!
See you in church!
Rev. Anne
Special Days to Celebrate
In September
Sing a song of Birthdays
Full of fun and cheer
And may you keep on having them
For many a happy year.
Love begins in a moment,
grows over time, and lasts for eternity.
Love never ends...
(1 Corinthians 13:8)
4 Roberta Williams
6 Ed Williams
8 Rachel Deegan
Lucy Fetterolf
20 Tessa Battistin
23 Brett Raynor
14 Amy & Doug Buffone
26 Heather & Douglas Adams
Chris & Laura Dragon
27 Jane Carter & Gil Batttistin
May you be showered with all God’s best blessings today and always
Interim Pastor
If you haven’t already submitted the dates for your birthday and anniversary, please let the
church office know as soon as possible so we can list them in the Weathervane for the appropriate months. Please note that since there is no Weathervane for the months of January, July, and August, these special days will be listed in the previous months’ issues.
You are invited to contribute to the news and newsworthiness of our congregation! The Weathervane is published by Old First Church and distributed to members and friends of Old First Church.
The Weathervane is not published in January, July and August. Please submit
news to the church office for inclusion in the Thursday Updates.
The deadline for the October 2016 issue of the Weathervane is
September 14 2016 @ noon.
Please mail, hand deliver, or e-mail submissions to the Church office at or
Weathervane assembly will be the last Wednesday of each month. Anyone who
is available and would like to help out, please let the church office know.
Thank you. If you do not want to receive a paper copy of the Weathervane so we
can reduce postage cost, please let the office know. Thanks.
September 2016
Worship Schedule
Sunday, September 4 - 23th Sunday in Ordinary Time
10:00 am: Worship
Sunday, September 11 - 24th Sunday in Ordinary Time
10:00 am: Communion Worship
Sunday, September 18 - 25th Sunday in Ordinary Time
10:00 am: Worship
Sunday, September 25 - 26th Sunday in Ordinary Time
10:00 am: Worship
Keeping Up To Date
Please let the church office know your new address if you have moved or
have changed your phone number and/or e-mail address so we may continue
to keep you informed.
Keep in Touch …
...When going to Huntington Hospital, be sure you list “Old First Presbyterian
Church” as your church. Hospital workers provide lists of Protestants and
Presbyterians, but often do not know what “Old First’s” affiliation may be.
...If you are aware of a member in the hospital, please let us know. Many
people are admitted through emergency and will not appear on any church
lists. Your minister is there often and wants to call on you.
In Our Prayers
Caitlin Colbert (granddaughter of Jim and Kris Colbert), the Family of Rizz Dean (member),
Dave and Else Haddock (members), Glenn Jahier (member),
the Family of Lynn Fuchs Petrick (member & daughter of Asenath Fuchs),
the Weir family for the loss of Janet Klein (former member), Ed Williams (member),
and Grace Youngquist (member).
Names on our prayer list will remain for a month.
If you wish to have a name remain on the list, kindly contact the Church Office.
Please help by informing the church. We care.
This month’s devotion is from “Turning Point” with Dr. David Jeremiah
Devotional for Tuesday, August 16
That I may know Him and the power of His resurrection.
Philippians 3:10
In The King and I, Rodgers and Hammerstein wrote a toe-tapping
little song for Anna to sing about striking up a friendship with the King of
Siam and his family. “Haven’t you noticed,” sang Anna, “suddenly I’m
bright and breezy? Because of all the beautiful and new things I’m learning
about you.” The chorus keeps repeating the thought: “Getting to know you,
getting to know all about you.”
Thank You
Dear OFC Family,
I would like to thank all of you for all the love and support you have sent me over
these past two years. All the prayers, cards, cookies and flowers too! The flowers
were really pretty, the cookies were delicious and the cards + prayers were all so
meaningful and inspirational. I remember when I was in Utah for my birthday and I
received a "bucket" load of cards. I was overjoyed to see that so many people
thought of me, remembered me and cared for me! When I had my surgery, it was
also so amazingly kind and thoughtful that people emailed my mom and were there
for both of us. It really means a lot to me and my family. Thank you so much! You
will all always be in my prayers too and I hope to see you all soon.
With All My Love,
Grace Youngquist
If that’s true about the King of Siam, it’s much truer about the King
of Kings!
As we mature in our walk with the Lord, we’ll learn more about His
goodness with every step we take. Our Christian faith isn’t a religion but a
relationship. Prayer and Bible study aren’t simply rituals, but conversations.
Our God isn’t just a distant force; He’s an ever-present friend. The focus of
our faith is getting to know Him better.
The Amplified Bible Classic Edition renders Philippians 3:10 like
this: “[For my determined purpose is] that I may know Him [that I may
progressively become more deeply and intimately acquainted with Him, perceiving and recognizing and understanding the wonders of His Person more
strongly and more clearly].”
Looking for a daily devotional?
Capital Campaign
Thank you to everyone that has pledged to our Restoration and Preservation Capital Campaign. It is wonderful to know that so many of our parishioners are committed to Old
First’s future. As of the last week of August we have over $500,000 pledged to our campaign with 41% of our active families so far participating. If you haven’t already done so,
now is the time to pledge. It is so important that 100% of our congregation is involved.
For your daily devotional reading there are “Our Daily Bread” devotional booklets
available in the rack in the main hallway next to the bulletin board across from the
Church School Office. There are still some left for June-July-August and newly
available are devotionals for September-October-November 2016.
Project Updates
Steeple Update – As of this writing we are awaiting for governmental
approval for our scaffolding plans so that the building of scaffolding can
begin. In the mean time, the louver panels have been removed and are
currently being restored at our contractors facility upstate. Please see left
the care taken to remove these original panels. Once the scaffolding is
in place we anticipate the restoration of the steeple to move quickly.
Kitchen Update - If you’ve peeked into the kitchen at OFC
lately, you will have seen that quite a bit of work has been
going on there as well. All of the old kitchen equipment
has been removed (see left) and new equipment and new
cabinets for the southern wall have been ordered. The old
kitchen floor will be removed during the last week of August and in September we have scheduled the installation
of a new epoxy floor, the installation of the new cabinets
and equipment and the re-glazing of the green tiles. We
will keep you updated on the progress of this long overdue project.
The Capital Campaign Committee
The Trustees
From the Organist /Senior Choir Director
“Let us come into his presence with thanksgiving;
let us make a joyful noise to him with songs of praise!”
(Psalm 95:2)
Choir rehearsals resume again beginning the Thursday after Labor Day,
September 8th at 8:00pm in the Choir Room.
All are welcome to join—members, non-members, and teens.
If you like to sing, please come and let us praise God together in song.
Youth Ministry Update
Children's & Youth Programs are Starting Up in the Fall:
Youth Club & Kids' and Youth Choir Rehearsals for Grades1-8 (more about
the Kids’ & Youth Choirs on page10)
Beginning Wednesday, September 14 -- 5-7 pm. Come join us for another
fabulous year of Music-Activities-Fellowship-Prayer Time-Dinner-Fun!
Don't miss out on the fun!! It all starts at 5 pm!!! Pick up is at 7 pm. Come
for the entire time!!! Friends are welcome!!
Tina Cody, leader and Diane Starost, Kids’ & Youth Choir Director
Welcome back!! Join us for our September meeting on Sunday, September
18th from 6:30 to 8 pm in the Youth Room upstairs. Looking forward to a
great year!!! Regular TUXIS meetings and activities are open to youth in
grades 9-12. Tina Cody, leader
Food-4-the-Soul for Grades 7-12 will be moving to Sunday night and will be
joining TUXIS once a month. First meeting will be Sunday, October 2nd
from 6-8pm for Fellowship-Activities-Bible Study (6-sessions)-CookingFun! Come feed your soul! (See flyer on page 11)
Gretchen Hargis & Tina Cody, leaders
***Parents’ Meeting for all parents of youth participating in the Youth
Club, TUXIS, and Food 4 the Soul activities on September 11 -- After Worship in the Youth Room -- Planning for 2016-2017!
Leslie Schult and Sue Degnan were among 275 pastor and congregation
leaders at a Stephen Series Leader’s Training Course held from June 12 - June 18
2016 in Orlando, Florida. They attended the one-week training event hosted by the
St. Louis-based Stephen Ministries organization. Participants came from across
the U.S. and Canada to learn how to implement and direct Stephen Ministry, a system of Christian caregiving, in their congregations.
Sue and Leslie were trained as Stephen Leaders at this event. One of their
next steps will be to recruit, select, and train members of Old First Church to be
Stephen Ministers. They will then match each Stephen Minister with an individual
in need of care and provide the Stephen Ministers with ongoing supervision and
continuing education.
Stephen Ministry will give Old First Church an effective way to train and
organize members to provide one-to-one Christian care to individuals struggling
with a crisis like grief, divorce, loneliness, relocation, hospitalization, a terminal
illness, or unemployment. By equipping laypeople, we can expand our caring ministry and support the pastoral responsibilities of our minister.
The Stephen Ministries organization annually hosts six Leader’s Training
Courses across the U.S. At these courses, more than 70,000 pastors and church
leaders have been trained as Stephen Leaders. They in turn have trained more than
600,000 church members as Stephen Ministers. It is estimated that more than oneand-a-half million people have received the formal care of a Stephen Minister,.
To learn more about our new Stephen’s Ministry, join us on Sunday, September 25th following Service in Parish Hall as we present the program with information handouts and videos from people who have experienced the Stephen’s
Ministry Program. Sue and Leslie will be available to answer any questions at the
end of the presentation. Come and support this new opportunity for Old First!".
Church School News
Old First Church Mission Thrift Store
Please Come One, Come All...
11:00 - 4:00.
ALL SUMMER ITEMS 50% OFF....spread the word…
Calling all Children!
Church School begins on September 11th.
Come for Church School
and stay for the ice cream Treats
provided by CE during coffee hour
immediately following the service.
Come join us for a year full of fun and fellowship.
We're looking forward to seeing you.
Bob, Katie, Kerry & Pat
Come help at any time during these 2 days...
Any time you can spare is much appreciated...
Community Food Council
Thrift Store Hours:
The Community Food Council is in need of donations of non-perishable food items,
canned goods and items such as toilet paper (always needed) which are not covered by
food stamps.
We are open Tues., Thurs., & Fri.
from 11am to 4pm
Items needed for the month of September are:
pasta sauce, canned beans, canned vegetables, and cereal.
We accept clothing donations during hours of operation.
Thank you for your generous donations.
Youth Music Program
Bible Study
"Make a joyful noise unto the Lord" Psalm 100
Do you like to sing or play an instrument? Come join us!
Rehearsals for the Kids’ Choir and the Youth Choir are on Wednesdays in the choir
room beginning Wednesday, September 14th, 2016.
The program is as follows:
Kids’ Choir (grades 1-3) 5:00-5:30 pm
Youth Choir (grades 4-8) 5:30-6:00 pm
Choirs perform 1-2 times per month, at special functions and hold a concert in May.
A calendar is issued in September and in January with a list of performance dates,
special events and non-rehearsal days. This calendar is also coordinated with the
surrounding school district concerts, and vacation days.
Instrumentalists are welcome to participate in the service by performing a solo or
duet, with the choir, or use your music skills to play a handbell! Rehearsal time
would be on an as needed basis. If interested, please send an email to Mrs. Starost
indicating student interest, grade level and instrument name. Grades 9-12 welcome
Singers come join us on Wednesday, September 14th!
Any questions? See Mrs. Starost on Sundays
The Bible is a living text still telling us stories to be interpreted today by each one of
us! Our Bible Study this year is "Who is Jesus?". We will be meeting on a new day, at
two different times for each lesson. We want to reach out to anyone, male or female,
who is interested in opening up to how Jesus has impacted our lives through his teachings in the Bible, and who he was then and is now! Who is Jesus and who, through Jesus, is God calling you to be?
Join us for our first Lesson: “Who is Jesus”-According to the Gospel, Mark on September 14th at 12:30 pm. The same lesson will be repeated at 7:30 pm. Coffee and refreshments will be served.
Bible Study leaders are Gloria Burgess and Priscilla Jahier who attended a three day
seminar on this topic of study. We encourage you to join us for this inspiring and uplifting journey.
Thank you
There were 50 people who participated in the backpacks this year. Whether you
bought, packed, or made a financial donation, all of you made it possible to pack
85 backpacks.
Thank you again. (There are 800 needed in the Huntington area this year!)
Food 4 the Soul for TEENS
Moderator: Susan Oehrig (718-499-6138)
Next PW Board meeting in September
will be Tuesday, Sept. 13 in the Fiske Room
Refreshments at 9:30am, Meeting begins at 10:00am
Please note that all subsequent meetings will take place
on the first Tuesday of the month. Welcome back!
Leaders: Heather Adams (516-624-6840) and Nancy Gittleman (516-978-6404 )
Meets the 3rd Tuesday each month at 7:30 pm in the Fiske Room.
The first meeting this year will be September 20th at 7:30 pm.
Mark your calendars and bring some friends. All are welcome.
Watch the weekly Sunday bulletin to find out program details!!!
Co-leaders: and Gloria Burgess (424-5168) and Priscilla Jahier (351-4941)
Lucy Fetterolf (co-leader emeritus)
Meets the 2nd Wednesday each month at 12:30pm and 7:30 in the Fiske Room
This year the Study will be “Who is Jesus?”
(See page 15 for more information)
Leader: Asenath Fuchs (692-4139)
Thursday Mornings at 9:30am in Room 101
Quilting Circle will meet September 8th at 9:30am to work on this year’s quilt.
All are welcome You do not need experience in quilting.
Leader: Kris Colbert (271-4072)
Fridays, 9:45am in the Craft Room 212.
All are welcome.
Presbyterian Women Giving: If you would like to contribute to the missions that Presbyterian Women support, you may use the envelopes in the pews. Please mark “PW” on the envelope and on your
check -make check payable to the “Presbyterian Women”. With our blessings and thanks, PW of Old
First Church.
Youth Ministry invites teens in 7th -12th grades to join the fun on the first
Sunday evening of the month from 6-8 pm in the Youth Room upstairs.
Enjoy food preparation, conversation, games, scripture, and more.
How will you identify and respond to God’s call on your life?
Find out what God has cooked up for you!!
Sign up each month in the Youth Room or
Email- Gretchen Hargis - that you will be attending.
All teens are welcome! Friends are welcome!
Dates for the first half of the year are
October 2 , November 6th, December 4th, and January 8th.
Mark these Sundays on the calendar so you don’t miss out on the good
cookin’ and MORE.
August 28
August 29
9:30a Prayers
10a Worship
6:45p AA
August 30
9:15-10:15a Gentle Bends
7:30p NA
Church School/102
7:30p Trustees
Ice Cream Social
7:30p B.S. Comm.
CE Parents Meeting/YR
Church School/102
Stephen Ministries
9:15-10:15a Gentle Bends
7:30p NA
9:30a Prayers
10a Worship w/
Kids’&Youth Choirs
10:20a Church School/102
11:15a Stephen Ministries
Program Presentation
6:45p AA
9:15-10:15a Gentle Bends
7:30p NA
August 31
11a-4p Thrift Store
1:00p AA
2:30p Staff Meeting/103
9:15-10:15a Gentle Bends
PW Board
Thrift Store
Joint Sessions/Deacons/101
Then Deacons/102
7:15p AA
7:30p BS Troop 32
Weathervane Articles Due
11a-4p Thrift Store
1:00p AA
2:30p Staff Meeting/103
7:30p PW-C1/Evening
11a-4p Thrift Store
1:00p AA
Gentle Bends
PW/C3-Bible Study
Kids’ Choir
Youth Club
Youth Choir
BS Troop 32
PW/C3-Bible Study
11a-4p Thrift Store
5-9:30p Giant Steps
9:30a Al Anon
11a-4p Thrift Store
Archival Meeting
Thrift Store
Giant Steps
Sr. Choir Rehearsal
Thrift Store
Giant Steps
Sr. Choir Rehearsal
Thrift Store
Giant Steps
Sr. Choir Rehearsal
Al Anon
Thrift Store
Wed. Reh.
Thrift Store
Giant Steps
Sr. Choir Rehearsal
3:30p Koenig/
9:30a Al Anon
9:45a-12p Crafts
11a-4p Thrift Store
9:30a Al Anon
9:45a-12p Crafts
11a-4p Thrift Store
Mail Weathervane
Gentle Bends
Kids’ Choir
Youth Club
Youth Choir
BS Troop 32
Gentle Bends
Kids’ Choir
Youth Club
Youth Choir
BS Troop 32
9:30a Al Anon
9:45a-12p Crafts
11a-4p Thrift Store
October 1