NEWSLETTER - Parnall Public School
NEWSLETTER - Parnall Public School
A TREASURE TROVE OF LEARNING!! Volume 4 Issue 5 January 4, 2016 PA R N A L L P U B L I C S C H O O L 507 Geneva St., St. Catharines, ON L2N 2H7 NEWSLETTER IMPORTANT DATES TO REMEMBER: First day back - Jan. 4th Super Star Assembly & Colour House Jan. 8th - 1:40 p.m. Gambling presentations Gr.’s 3-8 Jan. 12th Rocks & Rings Gr.’s 3 -8 - Jan. 13th Gr. 7/8 Wake-A-Thon Jan. 14h PD Day - Jan. 15th Gr. 4-6 Curling - Jan. 22nd - afternoon Gr. 8 & Kinder grad photos - Jan. 26th - Kindergarten Open House - Jan. 28th Gr. 7/8 Curling - Jan. 29th - afternoon Contact us at: Phone: 905-934-3348 Fax: 905-934-3349 E-mail: PARNALL’S “ADOPT-ASCHOOL” PROGRAM A MESSAGE FROM THE PRINCIPAL I sincerely hope that everyone had an enjoyable and relaxing holiday over the Winter Break. I know that our staff enjoyed the opportunity to be with family and friends and have come back well rested and eager to work with our students. THANK YOU Parnall! Our Adopt-ASchool drive was a great success. The 6 families that we supported had a Christmas to remember. We had enough gift card donations to allow for $160 for each family as well as numerous toys, clothes and books. Each family also received three large boxes of food. Well done!!! Your input is very important to the success your child achieves throughout his/her educational experience. The Parnall School staff encourage you to take an active role in your child’s education. If you have an issue, idea or concern that you would like to discuss with a staff member or me, please do not hesitate to contact the school and we will book an appointment with you. PAC MEETING Our next scheduled Parnall Advisory Council meeting is set for Tuesday January 26th at 6:00 p.m. If you would like to take a more active role in your child’s school, please consider coming out. Twitter @parnall_ps C. Scott - Principal Check out our Website at: or follow us on Twitter @parnall_ps PARNALL PUBLIC SCHOOL — January Newsletter Page 2 DECEMBER’S SUPER STARS Michael J. Grace M. Elliot C. James M. Lily R. Gurtug V. Faith B. Abby T. Kacey-Lynn S. Emma B. Bryn K. Jaden P. Austin P. Tyler G. Kennedy R. Isaiah T. Samantha C. Michael M. Carley S. DECEMBER’S CHARACTER EDUCATION WINNERS Lockie M. Bella S. Rachel M. Ireland M. Zachary M. Kayla A. Kyrian R. Marissa B. Marissa C. Ruvim T. Cameron P. Bernd F. Tommy M. Arianna D. Thomas D. Victor F. Danny L. Skylar S. Brooklyn C. Skylar T. PARNALL PUBLIC SCHOOL — January Newsletter Page 3 AN IMPORTANT MESSAGE ABOUT INCLEMENT WEATHER PROCEDURES There may be times during the school year where inclement weather or other situations could cause transportation cancellations or school closures. At times when student transportation has been cancelled and schools remain open, the decision of whether or not to have children in school on that day rests with the parent or guardian. Should you decide not to send your child to school in the event that transportation is cancelled but schools remain open, or if your child is ill or late, please ensure that you call your child’s school to inform them of your child’s absence. A key resource in any emergency is the DSBN Emergency Information form that you filled out at the beginning of the school year. Please let the school know of any changes in contact information or procedures you wish to be followed throughout the school year. For secondary schools it may become necessary to cancel late buses. Notice will be provided via school announcements and on the websites and subscription features by 11:30 a.m. Information about transportation cancellations and school closures will be available as soon as it is available through the following channels: Websites: Subscription Features: DSBN Facebook or Twitter NSTS Transportation Delay or Cancellation Alerts Phone: Niagara Student Transportation Services 905-346-0290 Voice Auto Attendant Radio Stations: CKTB (610 AM) St. Catharines CHRE (105.7 FM) St. Catharines WAVE (94.7 FM) Hamilton CHTZ-FM (97.7 FM) St. Catharines CKOC (1150 AM) Hamilton CKEY (105.1 FM) Niagara Falls/Fort Erie CHML (900 AM) Hamilton K-LITE-FM (102.9 FM) Hamilton CHAM (820 AM) Hamilton GIANT FM (91.7 FM) Welland Y-108(107.9) Hamilton Television Stations: CH - Hamilton CTV Toronto CityTV Breakfast Television Cogeco Channel 10 PARNALL PUBLIC SCHOOL — January Newsletter Page 4 FROM YOUR SCHOOL NURSE HEAD LICE: Anyone can get head lice. Check for head lice weekly as part of your regular routine. The best way to avoid the spread of lice is by avoiding head-to-head contact. Remind your children not to share combs, brushes, hats, scarves or anything used on the head. Checking for lice Use a bright light (a magnifying glass may help) Part hair in small sections and look near the scalp Head lice are tiny grey/brown insects that live only on the scalp of humans. They crawl quickly but cannot fly or jump. Adult female lice glue eggs on the hair shaft close to the scalp. If you find lice Check all the people that live in your house Treat all cases at the same time to stop the spread of lice Inform the school and/or daycare so classmates can be checked Tell anyone in close contact with your child (family members, friends, baby-sitters) Getting rid of lice Treatment products are to be used only on those who have head lice, as they do not prevent lice. Talk to a health professional about products and methods available. Follow instructions carefully. The Wet Combing Method helps find and remove head lice by combing through hair soaked with conditioner, using a fine-toothed comb. For more information on Wet Combing Method or on lice visit: search lice or call the Parent Talk Line at 905-688-8248 or 1-888-5056074 ext. 7555 FREE DENTAL SCREENING COMING TO PARNALL A Public Health registered dental hygienist is scheduled to visit your school January 13th to provide dental screening to students in grades JK, SK, 2, 4, 6 and 8 and other children as required under the Health Protection and Promotion Act. During this time the registered dental hygienist will perform a visual inspection of each child to determine his/ her dental needs. Parents will be contacted if their child requires immediate dental care. Public Health dental programs may financially assist children who do not have access to required dental care. Please contact the Public Health dental program for any of the following: If you do NOT wish your child to participate in the dental screening. If your child is not in one of the targeted grades and you would like him/her to participate. Call the Dental Health Information at 905-688-8248 or 1-888-505-6074 ext. 7399 or email PARNALL PUBLIC SCHOOL — January Newsletter Page 5 FRENCH IMMERSION AT DALEWOOD The French Immersion program (offered at French Immersion sites) is open to all students in Senior Kindergarten. If you want your child to develop a high proficiency and fluency in Canada’s two official languages, French Immersion has a great deal to offer. Features of the French Immersion program: Development of French language skills in speaking, listening, reading and writing from grades one to twelve; Designed to be a second language program for children whose first language is NOT French; Current enrolment of over 2,000 elementary students; Certificate of French Immersion Studies awarded upon successful completion of the elementary and secondary Immersion program; Promoting understanding of different cultures; Providing additional opportunities for employment using French as the working language; An increased ability to communicate and interact with confidence in French. Registration will open January 4th, 2016 at 12:00 p.m. and will close February 16th, 2016 at 9:00 a.m. For more information about French Immersion in the District School Board of Niagara visit or speak to your school principal. Parent Information evening sessions will be held in January. Information regarding dates is below. Parent Visitations to the Grade 1 French Immersion classrooms will occur during designated daytime hours if desired. St. Catharines (North) & Niagara-on-the-Lake Dalewood Public School (Grade 1 entry) Dalewood Parent Information Night: Wednesday, January 6, 2016 6:00 p.m. – 7:00 p.m. Grade 1 French Immersion Classroom Visits (if desired): Friday, January 8, 2016 9:00 a.m. – 10:00 a.m. & 11:00 a.m. – 12:00 p.m. Thursday, January 14, 2016 9:00 a.m. – 10:00 a.m. & 11:00 a.m. – 12:00 p.m. Tuesday, January 19, 2016 9:00 a.m. – 10:00 a.m. & 11:00 a.m. – 12:00 p.m. PARNALL PUBLIC SCHOOL — January Newsletter Page 6 PARNALL GRADE 8’S GIVE BACK The Grade 8 students at Parnall found out the true meaning of the Christmas season! They participated in three events to help support our community, both in the school and beyond. The class started by researching the need in the area for food and support and then created Public Service Announcements to ask for food donations for the Salvation Army. With the amazing support of Mr Reid's Grade 5/6 class, Parnall raised over 1000 items for us to bring! On Monday, December 7th the class, took the trip to the Dunnville Food Bank to volunteer for the day. They sorted over 120 boxes of food and helped move them to skids. A huge thank you to Dannel bus company for donating half the cost of our bus. On Wednesday, December 9th, the Grade 8's (with the help of parent volunteers who transported them to the Fairview Mall) manned the Salvation Army kettles near the Food Court and Zehrs from 10:00 a.m. - 2:30 p.m. On Thursday, December 10th the Grade 8’s helped provide a bit of relief to the parents of our JK- Grade 3 students in our Parnall community by offering free babysitting from the hours of 4:30p.m. - 7:30 p.m. This allowed parents to get some shopping, cleaning, cooking, wrapping, or resting, child free! In lieu of payment, parents were asked to send in a non-perishable food item for the Grade 8's to bring with them to the Food Bank. The JK - Grade 3 students were treated to dinner and a number of "Frozen" themed activities during the evening. A big thank you to Miss Watson and her Gr. 8 students for their efforts. Well done!