Geotechnical Investigation Mill of Kintail Bridge
Geotechnical Investigation Mill of Kintail Bridge
Geotechnical Investigation Mill of Kintail Bridge Reconstruction Town of Mississippi Mills, Ontario Reference No. 60158.005 Prepared for: Town of Mississippi Mills 3131 Old Perth Road Almonte, ON K0A 1A0 Attention: Mr. Cory Smith By: AME Materials Engineering 104 - 215 Stafford Road West Ottawa, ON K2H 9C1 Distribution: 3 copies – Town of Mississippi Mills 1 copy – AME Materials Engineering July 2012 104 - 215 Stafford Rd. West Ottawa (Nepean), Ontario, K2H 9C1 Canada Tel: (613) 726-3039 Fax: (613) 726-3004 E-mail: Report No. 60158.005 July 25, 2012 Town of Mississippi Mills 3131 Old Perth Road Almonte, ON K0A 1A0 Attn: Mr. Cory Smith Re: GEOTECHNICAL INVESTIGATION MILL OF KINTAIL BRIDGE REPLACEMENT TOWNSHIP OF MISSISSIPPI MILLS, ONTARIO Dear Mr. Smith: Please find attached our geotechnical report for the above mentioned project. We trust that this report provides sufficient information for your purposes. If you have any questions concerning this report, please do not hesitate to contact us. Sincerely, AME MATERIALS ENGINEERING Steve Goodman, Ph.D., P.Eng. Branch Manager Specialists in Geotechnical, Environmental and Materials Engineering and Testing TABLE OF CONTENTS 1.0 INTRODUCTION ....................................................................................................................... 1 2.0 PROJECT DESCRIPTION ........................................................................................................ 1 3.0 SITE DESCRIPTION ................................................................................................................. 1 4.0 METHODOLOGY ...................................................................................................................... 2 4.1. FIELD WORK ............................................................................................................................ 2 4.2. LABORATORY TESTING ......................................................................................................... 3 5.0 SUBSURFACE CONDITIONS .................................................................................................. 4 5.1. SUMMARY ................................................................................................................................ 4 5.2. ASPHALT .................................................................................................................................. 4 5.3. GRANULAR FILL ...................................................................................................................... 4 5.4. SILTY CLAY FILL...................................................................................................................... 5 5.5. SILTY SAND TILL ..................................................................................................................... 5 5.6. BEDROCK ................................................................................................................................ 6 5.7. GROUNDWATER CONDITIONS .............................................................................................. 6 5.8. DEGRADATION OF CONCRETE ............................................................................................. 7 6.0 DISCUSSION AND RECOMMENDATIONS ............................................................................. 8 6.1. GENERAL ................................................................................................................................. 8 6.2. SITE PREPARATION ............................................................................................................... 8 6.3. EXCAVATION AND DEWATERING ......................................................................................... 8 6.4. FOUNDATIONS ...................................................................................................................... 10 Geotechnical Investigation – Report No. 60158.005 Mill of Kintail Bridge Reconstruction, Township of Mississippi Mills, Ontario 6.5. SITE COEFFICIENT ............................................................................................................... 12 6.6. LATERAL EARTH PRESSURES FOR DESIGN..................................................................... 13 6.7. APPROACH RECONSTRUCTION ......................................................................................... 17 7.0 GENERAL RECOMMENDATIONS ......................................................................................... 19 7.1. SITE INSPECTIONS ............................................................................................................... 19 7.2. WINTER CONDITIONS .......................................................................................................... 19 8.0 LIMITATION OF THE INVESTIGATION ................................................................................. 20 APPENDIX 1 Site Location Plan Borehole Location Plan Drawing No. 60158.005.1 Drawing No. 60158.005.2 APPENDIX 2 Symbols and Terms Borehole Reports (BH12-01 to BH12–02) APPENDIX 3 Laboratory Testing Grain Size Analysis Report Rock Core Uniaxial Compressive Strength Moisture Content Test Results Paracel Chemical Results Certificate of Analysis Geotechnical Investigation – Report No. 60158.005 Mill of Kintail Bridge Reconstruction, Township of Mississippi Mills, Ontario 1 1.0 INTRODUCTION This report discusses the findings of a geotechnical investigation carried out for the proposed reconstruction of the Mill of Kintail Bridge. The existing bridge crosses over the Indian River and is located on Ramsay Concession Road 8 approximately 800m south of Bennies Corners Road in the Township of Mississippi Mills, Ontario. A Site Location Plan is provided as Drawing 60158.005.1, Appendix 1. The purpose of the investigation was to advance a limited number of boreholes adjacent to the existing structure to assess the soil, bedrock and groundwater conditions, and based on an interpretation of the factual information obtained; provide recommendations with respect to the geotechnical design aspects of the project, including construction considerations which could influence design decisions. This report has been prepared based on our Proposal No. P12056 dated May 9, 2012 and authorized by Mr. Cory Smith. 2.0 PROJECT DESCRIPTION The project consists of the replacement of the existing deck truss type structure located on Ramsay Concession Road 8 approximately 800m south of Bennies Corners Road. The existing structure spans a length 20.4 metres with an overall width of 5.5 metres that includes abutments, steel girders and wing-walls (refer to Drawing No. 60158.005.1, Appendix 1 for general layout details). It is expected that the bridge will be reconstructed in the same location, elevation and will consist of a structure of similar size and opening. The bridge footing foundations will be located within the same vicinity as the existing footings. The existing approach embankments will likely remain at similar elevations to the present. 3.0 SITE DESCRIPTION The site is located in a rural setting on the two lane Ramsay Concession Road 8. It consists of an open / rigid concrete frame spanning 20.4 metres and 5.5 metres wide. This structure was found to be in extremely poor condition. Areas of concrete scaling, spalling and exposed reinforcing steel on the bridge superstructure and substructure were identified. It is assumed that the existing bridge footings are founded directly on bedrock. Geotechnical Investigation – Report No. 60158.005 Mill of Kintail Bridge Reconstruction, Township of Mississippi Mills, Ontario 2 The topography surrounding the existing structure slopes downward from both the north and south towards the watercourse. The surrounding area consists of cultivated farmland to the west and a forested conservation area to the east. Undulating hills were noted to the west of the site. The roadway on either side of the bridge is asphalt covered and its surface elevation is approximately 2.0 – 2.5 m above the existing ground level at the approaches. The elevation of the stream water level at the time of the field investigation was 3.5 m (Elev. 95.8 m relative to local datum) below the top of asphalt at the centerline of the bridge. The stream bed was observed to be comprised of cobbles, boulders and exposed bedrock. 4.0 METHODOLOGY 4.1. FIELD WORK The site work consisted of drilling two (2) boreholes and completing a level survey. The field investigations proceeded once all utility clearances were received, and a tool box safety meeting was performed. Ramsay Concession Road 8 was closed between Bennies Corners Road and Clayton Road before any borehole drilling was conducted. The boreholes were advanced to depths of between approximately 5.7 m and 7.0 m below present site grades. The boreholes were terminated within the underlying bedrock formation, which were advanced by diamond core sampling techniques 3.1 to 3.8 m into the bedrock. The locations of the boreholes are shown on the enclosed Drawing No. 60158.005.2 in Appendix 1, while a complete description of the stratigraphy encountered at each test location, is presented in Appendix 2. The boreholes were advanced by means of a truck mounted drilling rig (CME-75) equipped with continuous flight augers and diamond core sampling equipment. Soil samples were secured at regular intervals in the overburden with a 51 mm diameter Standard Penetration Test split-spoon sampler. Sampling procedures were performed in accordance with ASTM Standard D-1586, which provides the penetration resistance ("N-value") of the soils. Diamond core sampling of the bedrock was carried out using an NQ wireline retrieval system. Geotechnical Investigation – Report No. 60158.005 Mill of Kintail Bridge Reconstruction, Township of Mississippi Mills, Ontario 3 Groundwater observations were made in each of the boreholes as they were drilled through the overburden prior to rock coring. Ground surface elevations were measured at various points, including the borehole locations. The elevations were referenced to a temporary local benchmark established as a nail on a guard rail (“TBM”) located to the north west of the bridge as shown on Drawing No. 60158.005.2. The local elevation of this temporary benchmark was assumed as 100.00 m. Additional information regarding the procedures of in-situ testing, as well as information concerning the borehole logs, may be found in the Appendix 2 of this report. All retained soil and bedrock core samples were taken to our laboratory, where they were given detailed visual examination to confirm descriptions and classification for reporting purposes. These samples will be stored for a six-month period, after which they will be discarded unless we are advised otherwise. 4.2. LABORATORY TESTING Moisture contents tests were completed on retained soil samples in our laboratory and individual soil samples were selected for grain size analysis. The results of these tests are presented in Appendix 3, and the moisture contents are profiled on the individual borehole logs in Appendix 2. Analytical chemistry testing was carried out on a sample of surface water from the watercourse and two (2) soil samples (BH12-01 SS-4 and BH12-02 SS-5) to determine the potential for sulphate attack and degradation on below grade concrete in contact with existing soil. Results are discussed in Section No. 5.8, with laboratory results presented in Appendix 3. Geotechnical Investigation – Report No. 60158.005 Mill of Kintail Bridge Reconstruction, Township of Mississippi Mills, Ontario 4 5.0 SUBSURFACE CONDITIONS 5.1. SUMMARY The detailed results of the individual boreholes are recorded on the Boreholes Logs in Appendix 2. The soils at the site typically consist of an asphalt pavement surface overlying granular fill overlying a silty gravelly sand fill or a silty clay fill overlying native silty sand till with trace gravel. Boreholes BH1201 and BH12-02 were extended to approximately 3.0 m and 3.8m, respectively, into bedrock by diamond core sampling for confirmation purposes. It should be noted that the borehole locations are offset from the existing footing locations by approximately 9.4 m (refer to Dwg. No. 60158.005.2 in Appendix 1). Subsurface conditions are confirmed at the borehole locations only and may vary at other locations, particularly with respect to the thickness and condition of fill and bedrock condition, and possible buried topsoil and organic soils. The following sections are intended to comment on and amplify the subsurface conditions encountered. 5.2. ASPHALT A layer of asphaltic concrete pavement with a thickness ranging from 45 mm to 50 mm was encountered in both Boreholes BH12-01 and BH12-02. 5.3. GRANULAR FILL Following the surface layer of asphaltic concrete, a layer of crushed gravel and sand fill was encountered in BH12-01 with a thickness of 320 mm. In BH12-02, a silty gravelly sand fill was encountered directly below the asphaltic concrete layer and extended to a depth of 1.77 m. The granular fill materials were brown to grey in color and moist. Geotechnical Investigation – Report No. 60158.005 Mill of Kintail Bridge Reconstruction, Township of Mississippi Mills, Ontario 5 Standard Penetration Resistance in the crushed gravel and sand fill had "N”-values of 4 to 11 blows per 305 mm, indicating a loose to compact relative density. The moisture content of the samples taken within this silty gravelly sand fill ranged from 6.5 to 9.3% by weight. A gradation analysis carried out for a representative sample of the silty gravelly sand fill designated as Sample No. SS2 obtained in Borehole BH12-02 revealed a particle size distribution comprised of 21.3% Gravel, 53.2% Sand and 25.5% Silt and Clay. The maximum particle size was 19 mm. 5.4. SILTY CLAY FILL Beneath the pavement structure, Borehole BH12-01 penetrated a layer of fill consisting of silty clay, trace sand and gravel with occasional cobbles and boulders that extended to a depth of approximately 1.9 m below the existing grade. The earth fill was generally brown in color and moist becoming reddish brown and wet below 1.7 m. Standard Penetration Resistance in the silty clay earth fill yielded "N”-values that ranged from 6 to 50 blows per 305 mm. The higher blow count of 50 likely represents striking a cobble or boulder embedded in the silty clay fill. The lower “N”-value of 6 is considered to be representative and indicates a firm consistency for the material. The moisture content of the samples of the earth fill ranged from 19.3 to 25.4% by weight. The re-use of this fill material is described in section 6.5. 5.5. SILTY SAND TILL A deposit of native silty sand till with trace gravel was encountered beneath the fill materials in both Boreholes BH12-01 and BH12-02 at depths of 1.8 m and 1.9 m (EL. 97.59 m and 97.46 m), respectively. The thickness of this layer ranged from approximately 0.8 m to 1.4 m. The silty sand till was generally light brown in colour and moist. Standard Penetration Resistance in the silty sand till had "N-values" ranging from 17 to more than 100 blows per 305 mm, indicating a compact to very dense relative density. The moisture content of the samples of the silty sand till ranged from 3.1 to 13.3% by weight. The re-use of this native deposit is described in Sections 6.5 and 6.6. Geotechnical Investigation – Report No. 60158.005 Mill of Kintail Bridge Reconstruction, Township of Mississippi Mills, Ontario 6 5.6. BEDROCK Boreholes BH12-01 and BH12-02 contacted bedrock at respective depths of 2.69 m (Elev. 96.65 m) and 3.20 m (Elev. 96.16 m), and were extended by NQ diamond core sampling techniques 3.1 m and 3.8 m into the bedrock. The bedrock consisted of a white to grey granite with pink bands. The bedrock encountered in BH12-01 on the southern approach was fresh with only a slightly weathered zone in the upper 200mm. The Rock Quality Designation (RQD) ranged between 70% and 74%, which corresponds to a fair rock mass quality. Core run recoveries in BH12-01 were 77% and 100%. The bedrock encountered in BH12-02 on the northern approach was highly fractured throughout the upper 2.7 m with Rock Quality Designation (RQD) ranging between 0% and 13%, indicating a very poor rock mass quality and moderate weathering. Core run recoveries in BH12-02 ranged between 13% and 88%. Fractures were generally of the bedding plane variety; however, diagonal fractures were noted below depths of 4.5 m in Borehole BH12-02. Below the upper zone of highly fractured bedrock, good rock mass quality was found from Elev. 93.49 m down to the vertical limit of investigation at Elev. 92.40 m. Boreholes BH12-01 and BH12-02 were terminated within the granite bedrock at depths of 5.74 m and 6.96 m below grade corresponding to Elev. 93.60 m and Elev. 92.40 m, respectively. 5.7. GROUNDWATER CONDITIONS Groundwater observations were made in each of the boreholes as they were drilled and prior to the start of rock coring. No standing water was observed within the boreholes through the overburden soils. No standpipes were installed for long future monitoring as part of this mandate. Based on the highly fractured nature of the upper zone of the bedrock, it is expected that groundwater levels will be similar to the stream level. The stream elevation at the time of our field investigations on June 25, 2012 was found to be at Elev. 95.79 m. Geotechnical Investigation – Report No. 60158.005 Mill of Kintail Bridge Reconstruction, Township of Mississippi Mills, Ontario 7 Groundwater and stream levels can be expected to fluctuate both seasonally and in response to precipitation events. 5.8. DEGRADATION OF CONCRETE Two (2) soil samples (BH12-01 SS-4 and BH12-02 SS-5) and one (1) sample of surface water taken from the river were analysed for Chlorides (Cal -), Sulphates (SO42-), pH and resistivity in order to evaluate the potential of the existing soil and water to degrade concrete in the future. Table 1 below presents results for the samples tested. Table No. 1 Chlorides, Sulphates and pH Sample No. Depth Interval (m) BH12-01 / SS-4 BH12-02 / SS-5 Surface Water Parameters Analysed - Chlorides (Cl ) (ppm) Sulphates (SO42-) (ppm) pH Resistivity (Ohm m) 2.28 – 2.69 76 39 7.78 42.2 3.05 – 3.20 729 205 7.70 11.9 - 12 7 7.70 32.1 According to CSA Standard A23.1-04, Sulphate concentrations in soil should not exceed 1,000 ppm (less than 0.1 % water soluble sulphate), while it is generally recognised that Chloride concentrations should be below 250 ppm. Sulphate concentrations in surface water should not exceed 150 ppm. The analytical chemistry test results indicate that the soil and water samples tested yielded sulphate concentrations less than the criteria considered damaging to concrete and, therefore, there should be negligible sulphate attack on concrete at this site. The chloride concentration for the sample of silty sand till (Borehole 12-02 / SS-5), however, exceeded the generally recognised limit. Therefore, there is a potential for the chlorides contained in the silty sand till at this site to produce corrosion of embedded reinforcing steel in concrete. Geotechnical Investigation – Report No. 60158.005 Mill of Kintail Bridge Reconstruction, Township of Mississippi Mills, Ontario 8 The results of the analytical chemistry are presented in Appendix 3. 6.0 DISCUSSION AND RECOMMENDATIONS 6.1. GENERAL Recommendations are given based on the project description as provided in Section 2.0. Based upon these borehole results and assuming them to be representative of subsoil conditions across the entire area, the following comments and recommendations are offered for the foundations of the proposed structure at the test locations only: 6.2. SITE PREPARATION Prior to reconstruction of the bridge structure the existing bridge will be demolished. Measures must be taken to ensure minimal disturbance to the creek, bearing surface for the proposed footings and surrounding area. This will include but is not limited to silt fences to trap eroded sediment run-off, temporary caissons and water diversion measures. Further details are presented in the following sections. 6.3. EXCAVATION AND DEWATERING Based on the existing bridge details, stream channel characteristics and the subsurface information, we expect the new bridge structure will be supported by spread footings bearing on bedrock. Bedrock was encountered in Borehole BH12-01 (Southern Approach) at a depth of 2.7 m (EL. 96.65 m) and in Borehole BH12-02 (Northern Approach) at a depth of 3.2 m (EL. 96.16 m). Due to the weathered and highly fractured condition of the bedrock in the upper 2.7 m of bedrock encountered in Borehole BH1202, spread foundations will be required to extend to the underlying sound bedrock. The level of sound bedrock in Borehole BH12-02 was found to occur below the prevailing stream level (Northern approach). Geotechnical Investigation – Report No. 60158.005 Mill of Kintail Bridge Reconstruction, Township of Mississippi Mills, Ontario 9 In order to remove the existing foundations and place the new foundations at the required level, measures will have to be taken to temporarily divert the water flow in the stream or construct a cofferdam upstream of the works area to reduce the dewatering requirements at the bridge abutment locations. All excavations must be carried out in accordance with Occupational Health and Safety Act (OHSA). With respect to OHSA, the existing fill materials and compact silty sand till are classified as Type 3 Soils. The dense silty sand till is classified as Type 2 Soil and the weathered bedrock should be considered as Type 1 within the context of planning excavations. Locally, where the soil is very soft to soft or very loose at shallow depths or within zones of persistent seepage, it may be necessary to flatten the side slopes. Excavation side slopes should not be unduly left exposed to inclement weather. Excavations should not extend below an imaginary line drawn downward at 10 horizontal to 7 vertical from the leading edges of foundations, services or other settlement sensitive structures without underpinning the structure and / or providing temporary bracing / support of the structure and founding soil. Excavations in sound bedrock can be carried out using near vertical side walls, provided all loosened rock has been scaled prior to entering the excavation. An examination of the slopes should be carried out by qualified geotechnical personnel for excavations with a height greater than 3 m before any worker enters the excavation. A minimum 1 m horizontal ledge should be left at the interface between the overburden / weathered rock excavation and the top of the sound bedrock surface to provide an area to allow for potential sloughing or to provide a stable base for the overburden shoring system. Where bedrock excavation is required for small scale excavations, it is expected that line drilling in conjunction with hoe ramming may be used to excavate the highly fractured and weathered bedrock. It is not anticipated that blasting operations would be required for this site. If the underlying fresh bedrock with fair to good rock quality does need to be removed, however, this may require the use of controlled blasting. Prior to considering blasting operations, the blasting effects on the any existing services, buildings or other structures located in close proximity to the work area should be addressed. A pre-blast or pre-construction condition survey of the existing structures should be carried out prior to commencing Geotechnical Investigation – Report No. 60158.005 Mill of Kintail Bridge Reconstruction, Township of Mississippi Mills, Ontario 10 site activities. The extent of the survey should be determined by the blasting consultant and should be sufficient to respond to any in inquiries / claims related to the blasting operations. During the blasting, vibration monitoring should be performed and include monitoring of existing structural defects where identified. As a general guideline, the peak particle velocities (measured at the structures) should not exceed 25 mm per second during the blasting program to reduce the risks of damage to the existing structures. The blasting operations should be planned and conducted under the supervision of a licensed professional engineer who is also an experienced blasting consultant. It is expected that the bridge foundations will be based below the water level in the adjacent river which was measured at Elev. 95.79 m on June 25, 2012. This will require use of temporary shoring and proper dewatering techniques to allow excavation to the required elevation. The rate of groundwater flow into open excavations through the overburden should be low. The hydraulic conductivity of the sound granite bedrock is in the order of 1 x 10-7 cm / sec, or lower, and therefore the flow of groundwater into open excavations within the bedrock will be governed by the number and spacing of joints and fractures within the rock mass. The in-situ hydraulic conductivity of the rock mass will be higher at locations where a significant degree of jointing or fractured rock exists, especially within the upper weathered zone. However, it is expected that the amount of groundwater inflow during bulk excavation will be controllable by pumping from suitably located collector sumps. It is not expected a temporary MOE permit to take water (PTTW) will be required for this project as the groundwater pumping rate should not exceed 50,000 litres / day during the construction period. This is contingent on effective diversion of water flow in the stream or cutoff of flow via a cofferdam constructed upstream of the works area. 6.4. FOUNDATIONS Based on the existing bridge details, river channel characteristics and the subsurface information determined, the bridge structure may be supported by spread footing foundations bearing on bedrock. Bedrock was encountered in Borehole BH12-01 (Southern approach) at a depth of 2.7 m (EL. 96.65 m) Geotechnical Investigation – Report No. 60158.005 Mill of Kintail Bridge Reconstruction, Township of Mississippi Mills, Ontario 11 and in Borehole BH12-02 (Northern approach) at a depth of 3.2 m (EL. 96.16 m). Due to the weathered and highly fractured condition of the bedrock in the upper portion of the bedrock, spread foundations will be required to extend to the underlying sound bedrock at local elevation of approximately between 96.4 m (Borehole BH12-01) for the South Abutment and 93.5 m (Borehole 1202) for the North Abutment. Variations in this thickness should be expected and, in this regard, a unit price allowance for bedrock removal or exclusion should be included in the construction contract. For protection against frost heave, the foundations must be provided with sufficient earth cover equivalent to the frost penetration depth. Foundation frost depth for the Site area is 1.8 m according to OPSD – 3090.101. The requirement for frost protection may be reduced to 50% of the foundation frost depth where the footings are founded on sound bedrock that is free of soil infill in fractures and joints at the footing level. The sound bedrock at this site is considered to have fair to good rock quality with an RQD > 50% (i.e., moderately spaced bedding plane fractures). One core sample of sound granite obtained in Borehole BH12-01 from a depth of 2.9 to 4.2 m was tested for uniaxial compressive strength with a resulting value of 82.2 MPa, indicative of strong rock strength. Based on the prescribed founding elevation and the corresponding competency of the sound granite bedrock, it is considered that the foundations of the bridge structure will have adequate scour protection. Any voids between the new abutment walls / foundations should be infilled with 25 MPa concrete to minimize future weathering. Spread footing foundations bearing on the sound granite bedrock may be sized according to the parameters recommended in Table 3 below. Table No. 2 Geotechnical Resistance at SLS and ULS Geotechnical Resistance Note Vertical and centric – Factored ULS 2000 KPa Factor = 0.5 Vertical - SLS n/a - Provided the bedrock surface is properly cleaned of soil at the time of construction, the settlement of footings sized using the factored Ultimate Limit States (ULS) bearing resistance should be negligible, and therefore Serviceability Limit States (SLS) need not be considered. Geotechnical Investigation – Report No. 60158.005 Mill of Kintail Bridge Reconstruction, Township of Mississippi Mills, Ontario 12 The geotechnical bearing resistance provided herein is given under the assumption that the loads will be applied perpendicular to the surface of the footings. Where the load is not applied perpendicular to the surface of the footing, inclination of the load should be taken into account in accordance with Section 6.7.4 of the CHBDC. The above recommended bearing resistance for foundation design is subject to verification by the Geotechnical Engineer by field inspection of the excavated foundation bases at the time of construction. This is to ensure that the founding soils or bedrock exposed at the excavation base are consistent with the design bearing resistance values intended by the Geotechnical Engineer. Prior to pouring concrete for the foundations, all footing areas must be cleaned to remove all loose, fractured rock to expose sound, intact bedrock prior to placement of formwork and concrete. If construction proceeds during freezing weather conditions, adequate temporary frost protection for the footing base and concrete must be provided. The rock bearing surface should be inspected by qualified geotechnical personnel. It is critical that the bearing surface is clear of any debris and the method of concrete placement is pre-approved in order to ensure good contact between concrete and bedrock. Resistance to lateral forces / sliding resistance between the concrete footings and bedrock should be calculated in accordance with Section 6.7.5 of the CHBDC. The coefficient of friction, tan δ, may be taken as 0.7 for cast-in-place concrete footings constructed on bedrock. This represents an unfactored value; in accordance with the CHBDC, a resistance factor of 0.8 is to be applied in calculating the horizontal resistance. The resistance to lateral loading could be increased by keying or dowelling the footings into bedrock. Given the weathered nature of the upper bedrock and the potential for disturbance due to excavating and blasting, the weathered bedrock should not be considered for lateral resistance. Rock anchors should be considered for uplift and overturning resistance. 6.5. SITE COEFFICIENT For seismic design purposes, the Site Coefficient, S, for this site in accordance with Section 4.4.6 of the CHBDC may be taken as 1.0, consistent with Soil Profile Type I. Geotechnical Investigation – Report No. 60158.005 Mill of Kintail Bridge Reconstruction, Township of Mississippi Mills, Ontario 13 6.6. LATERAL EARTH PRESSURES FOR DESIGN The lateral earth pressures acting on the bridge abutments will depend on the type and method of placement of the backfill materials, the nature of the soils behind the backfill, and the magnitude of surcharge including construction loadings, the freedom of lateral movement of the structure, and the drainage conditions behind the walls. Seismic (earthquake) loading must also be taken into account in the design. The following recommendations are made concerning the design of the abutment stems and retaining walls in accordance with the CHBDC: Select free-draining granular fill meeting the specifications of OPSS Granular ‘A’ or Granular ‘B’ Type II but with less than 5 percent passing the No. 200 sieve should be used as backfill behind the wall. This fill should be compacted in accordance with OPSS 501. Longitudinal drains and weep holes should be installed to provide positive drainage of the granular backfill. Other aspects of the granular backfill requirements with respect to subdrains and frost tapers should be in accordance with OPSD 3101.150, 3190.100, and 3121.150. The outlets for these subdrains should not be subject to freezing or flooding. A minimum compaction surcharge of 12 kPa should be included in the lateral earth pressures for the structure design of the walls, in accordance with CHBDC Section 6.9.3 and Figure 6.6. Care must be taken during the compaction operation not to overstress the wall. Heavy construction equipment should be maintained at a distance of at least 1 meter away from walls where the backfill soils are being placed. Hand-operated compaction equipment should be used to compact the backfill soils within a 1.0 metre wide zone adjacent to the walls. Other surcharge loadings should be accounted for in the design, as required. The granular fill may be placed in a zone with width equal to at least 1.8 metres behind the back of the abutment stem (Case (a) on Figure C6.20 of the Commentary to the CHBDC) or within the wedge-shaped zone define by a line drawn at 1.5H:1.0V extending up and back from the rear face of the footing (Case(b) on Figure C6.20 of the Commentary to the CHBDC). Geotechnical Investigation – Report No. 60158.005 Mill of Kintail Bridge Reconstruction, Township of Mississippi Mills, Ontario 14 It is not recommended to re-use the silty clay fill with cobbles and boulders described in Section 5.4 since it is often subject to excessive frost action and swelling when used as wall backfill. The silty gravelly sand fill and native silty sand till as described in sections 5.3 and 5.5 are generally not recommended for wall backfill. Earth pressures acting on the abutment walls should be computed in accordance with Clause 6.9 of the CHBDC but generally is given by the expression: where, P = K [ γ (h-hw) + γ’hw + q ] + γwhw P = lateral pressure in kPa acting a depth h (m) below ground surface K = applicable lateral earth pressure coefficient h = depth below top of fill where pressure is computed in metres hw = depth below the groundwater level at point of interest (m) γ = bulk unit weight of backfill (kN / m3) γ’ = the submerged unit weight (kN / m3) of exterior soil ( γ’ = γ - γw ) γw = unit weight of water, assume a value of 9.8 kN/m3 q = the complete surcharge loading (kPa) Where the abutment walls can be drained effectively to eliminate hydrostatic pressure on the wall, this equation can be simplified to: P = K [ γh + q ] where, K= = h= q= coefficient of lateral earth pressure unit weight of soil height at any point along the wall in metres any surcharge load in kPa Geotechnical Investigation – Report No. 60158.005 Mill of Kintail Bridge Reconstruction, Township of Mississippi Mills, Ontario 15 Static Lateral Earth Pressures for Design: The following guidelines and recommendations are provided regarding the lateral earth pressures for static (i.e., not earthquake) loading conditions: For the existing materials (Case (a)), the following unfactored lateral earth pressure parameters may be used based on the retaining of the existing silty clay fill, silty gravelly sand fill and native silty sand till deposit for this site: Material Silty Clay Fill Silty Gravelly Sand Fill Silty Sand Till Soil Unit Weight 22.6 kN / m3 23.4 kN / m3 22.6 kN / m3 Coefficients of static lateral earth pressure: Active, Ka At rest, Ko Passive, Kp 0.36 0.53 2.77 0.35 0.52 2.88 0.31 0.47 3.26 For Case (b), the pressures are based on granular fill materials as placed and the following unfactored parameters may be assumed: Material Granular ‘A’ Granular ‘B’ Type II Soil Unit Weight 22.8 kN / m3 22.8 kN / m3 Coefficients of static lateral earth pressure: Active, Ka At rest, Ko Passive, Kp 0.27 0.43 3.70 0.27 0.43 3.70 Seismic Lateral Earth Pressure for Design: Seismic (earthquake) loading must be taken into account in the design in accordance with Section 4.6 of the CHBDC. In this regard, the following should be included in the assessment of lateral earth pressures: Geotechnical Investigation – Report No. 60158.005 Mill of Kintail Bridge Reconstruction, Township of Mississippi Mills, Ontario 16 Seismic loading will result in increased lateral pressures acting on the abutment stem. The walls should be designed to withstand the combined lateral loading for the appropriate static pressure conditions given above, plus the earthquake-induce dynamic earth pressure. The site-specific zonal acceleration for the Ottawa area is 0.2. Based on experience, for the subsurface conditions at this site, no significant amplification of the ground motion is expected. The seismic lateral earth pressure coefficients given below have been derived based on a design zonal acceleration ratio of A = 0.2. In accordance with Sections 4.6.4 and C.4.6.4 of the CHBDC and its Commentary, for structures which do not allow lateral yielding, the horizontal seismic coefficient, kh, used in the calculation of the seismic active pressure coefficient is take as 1.5 times the zonal acceleration ration (i.e., kh = 0.3). For structures which allow lateral yielding, kh is taken as 0.5 times the zonal acceleration ratio (i.e., kh = 0.1). The following seismic active pressure coefficients (KAE) for the two backfill cases (Case (a) and Case (b)) may be used in design. It should be noted that these seismic earth pressure coefficients assume that the back of the wall is vertical and the ground surface behind the wall is horizontal. Where sloping ground is present above the top of the wall, the lateral earth pressure under seismic loading conditions should be calculated by treating the weight of the backfill located above the top of the wall as a surcharge. Seismic Active Pressure Coefficients, KAE: Material Case (a) Case (b) Silty Clay Fill Silty Gravelly Sand Fill Silty Sand Till Granular ‘A’ Granular ‘B’ Yielding wall 0.39 0.38 0.34 0.30 0.30 Non-yielding wall 0.60 0.59 0.54 0.50 0.50 The above KAE values for yielding wall are applicable provided the wall can move up to 250A (millimetres), where A is the design zonal acceleration ratio of 0.2. This corresponds to displacements of up to approximately 50 millimetres at this site. Geotechnical Investigation – Report No. 60158.005 Mill of Kintail Bridge Reconstruction, Township of Mississippi Mills, Ontario 17 The earthquake-induced dynamic pressure distribution, which is to be added to the static earth pressure distribution, is a linear distribution with maximum pressure at the top of the wall and minimum pressure at the toe (i.e., an inverted triangular pressure distribution). The total pressure distribution (static plus seismic) may be determined as follows: σh(d) = Kγd + (KAE – K) γ (H – d) where, σh(d) Is the (static plus seismic) lateral earth pressure at depth, d, (kPa); K Is the static active earth pressure coefficient, Ka (to be used for yielding walls); K Is the static at-rest earth pressure coefficient, Ko (to be used for non-yielding walls); KAE Is the seismic active earth pressure coefficient; γ Is the unit weight of the backfill soil (kN / m3), as given previously. d Is the depth below the top of the wall (m); and H Is the total height of the wall (m). The abutment backfill should be benched into the cut slopes in accordance with OPSD 208.010. 6.7. APPROACH RECONSTRUCTION Backfill to the abutments and wing walls should be completed as recommended previously in Section 6.5 “Lateral Earth Pressure for Design”. Additional fill placed to re-establish the approaches to the bridge up to the subgrade level of the pavement structure may utilize the existing gravel and sand fill, silty gravelly sand fill and native silty sand till described in Sections 5.3 and 5.5 provided that these materials are consistently dry of optimum moisture content during compaction activities and any oversize cobbles and boulders are removed. If rock fill is used as backfill, a geotextile fabric should be used to separate the rock from any granular material placed above it to minimize material loss into the open voids of the rock. The upper surface of the rock fill should also be chinked. Reconstruction of the bridge approaches should be carried out as follows: Geotechnical Investigation – Report No. 60158.005 Mill of Kintail Bridge Reconstruction, Township of Mississippi Mills, Ontario 18 Remove the native soils and existing fill materials behind the abutment walls within a wedgeshaped zone extending from 1.2 m behind the base of the abutments and rising upward at an inclination of 1.0 vertical to 1.5 horizontal, according to OPSD 3101.150. Further excavate beyond the foundation backfill zone for a frost taper as prescribed by OPSD 3101.150. Inspect the exposed subsoil checking for any areas of soft material. Remove all areas of soft and weak material and replace with suitable granular fill compacted to 98% of SPMDD. Replacement granular fill should consist of OPSS Granular ‘B’Type II. Place OPSS Granular ‘B’ Type II in thin loose lifts (not exceeding 200 mm thickness) and compact to 98% of SPMDD within the foundation backfill zone and frost taper. Place and compact additional fill as required to re-establish the approaches to the bridge up to the subgrade level of the pavement structure. The existing sand and gravel fill and native silty sand described in sections 5.3 and 5.5 excavated from the site may be used for this purpose, provided any oversize cobbles and boulders are excluded from the fill and the material is consistently dry of optimum moisture content. The fill should be placed in thin loose lifts not exceeding 200 mm in thickness and compacted to 98% of SPMDD. The fill placement and compaction operations should be monitored and compaction testing performed by qualified geotechnical engineering technicians to confirm compliance to project specifications, and recommendations provided herein. The backfilling and reconstruction of the bridge approaches should take place under favourable climatic conditions. If the work is carried out in months where freezing temperatures may occur, all frost affected material must be removed prior to the placement of frost-free fill. The pavement structure of the bridge approaches should match the existing, adjacent conditions, or comply with the engineering standards for the Town of Mississippi Mills. Geotechnical Investigation – Report No. 60158.005 Mill of Kintail Bridge Reconstruction, Township of Mississippi Mills, Ontario 19 7.0 GENERAL RECOMMENDATIONS 7.1. SITE INSPECTIONS It is recommended that all footing excavations be inspected and approved by qualified geotechnical engineering personnel to ensure that the founding bedrock conditions correspond to those encountered in the boreholes, that footings are placed within the correct strata and that all excavations are dry and free of loosened, fracture and any otherwise deleterious materials. All backfilling operations should also be supervised to ensure that proper material is employed and that the specified compaction is achieved. 7.2. WINTER CONDITIONS In the event of construction during freezing temperatures, the founding stratum should be protected from freezing by the use of loose straw, tarpaulins, propane heaters or other suitable means. In this regard, the base of the excavations should be insulated from sub-zero temperatures immediately upon exposure and until such time the footings are protected with sufficient soil cover to prevent freezing at the founding level. Geotechnical Investigation – Report No. 60158.005 Mill of Kintail Bridge Reconstruction, Township of Mississippi Mills, Ontario 20 APPENDIX 1 Site Location Plan Drawing No. 60158.005.1 Borehole Location Plan Drawing No. 60158.005.2 Geotechnical Investigation – Report No. 60158.005 Mill of Kintail Bridge Reconstruction, Township of Mississippi Mills, Ontario APPENDIX 2 Symbols and Terms Logs of Boreholes (BH12-01 to BH12–02) Geotechnical Investigation – Report No. 60158.005 Mill of Kintail Bridge Reconstruction, Township of Mississippi Mills, Ontario SYMBOLS AND TERMS SOIL DESCRIPTION SOIL GENISIS Topsoil Peat Till Fill : Mixture of soils and humus capable of supporting vegetative growth. : Mixture of visible and invisible fragments of decayed organic matter : Unstratified glacial deposit which may range from clay to boulders : Materials below the surface identified as placed by humans (excluding buried services) SOIL STRUCTURE Desiccated Fissured Varved Stratified Layer Seam Parting : Having visible signs of weathering by oxidization of clay minerals, shrinkage cracks, etc. : Having cracks and hence a blocky structure : Composed of regular alternating layers of silt and clay : Composed of alternating successions of different soil types, e.g. silt and sand : > 75 mm in thickness : 2 mm to 75 mm in thickness : < 2 mm in Thickness GRAIN SIZE DISTRIBUTION MC% LL PL PI Dxx : Natural moisture content or water content of sample, % : Liquid limit, % (water content above which soils behaves as a liquid) : Plastic limit, % (water content above which soil behaves plastically) : Plastic index, % (difference between LL and PL) : Grain size at which xx% of the soil, by weight, is of finer grain sizes. These grain size 0.075 mm grain size. : Grain size at which 10% of the soil is finer (effective grain size) : Grain size at which 60% of the soil is finer. : Concavity coefficient = (D30)² / (D10 X D60) : Uniformity coefficient = D60 / D10 D10 D60 Cc Cu descriptions are not used below SAMPLE TYPE SS ST DP PS BS WS HQ, NQ, BQ, etc. : Spilt spoon sample (obtained by performing the standard penetration test) : Shelby tube or thin wall tube : Direct-Push sample (small diameter tube sampler hydraulically advanced) : Piston Sample : Bulk Sample : Wash Sample : Rock core samples obtained with the use of standard size diamond coring bits N-VALUE – STANDARD PENETRATION RESISTANCE Numbers in this column are the field results of the Standard Penetration Test(SPT): the number of blows of a 140 pound(64kg) hammer falling 30 inches (760mm), required to drive a 2 inch (50.8mm) O.D. split spoon sampler one foot (305mm) into the soil. For split spoon samples where insufficient penetration was achieved and N-values cannot be presented, the number of blows are reported over sampler penetration in millimeters (e.g. 50/75). Some design methods make use of N-value corrected for various factors such as overburden pressure, energy ratio, borehole diameter, etc. No corrections have been applied to the N-value presented on the log. SOIL DESCRIPTION A) COHESIONLESS SOILS Density Index (Relative Density) Very Loose Loose Compact Dense Very Dense B) (Blows / 300mm or Blows / ft) 0 to 4 4 to 10 10 to 30 30 to 50 Over 50 COHESIVE SOILS Consistency Very Soft Soft Firm Stiff Very Stiff Hard Undrained Shear Strength Psf Kpa 0 to 12 0 to 250 12 to 25 250 to 500 25 to 50 500 to 1000 50 to 100 1000 to 2000 100 to 200 2000 to 4000 Over 200 Over 4000 RECOVERY For soil samples, the recovery is recorded as the length of the soil sample recovered divided by the total length of sampling and is recorded as a percentage on a per sample basis. SYMBOLS AND TERMS (CONT’D) DYNAMIC CONE PENETRATION TEST (DCPT) Dynamic cone penetration tests are performed using a standard 60 degree apex cone connected to A size drill rods with the same standard fall height and weight as the standard penetration test. The DCPT is used as a probe to assess soil variability. CONSOLIDATION TEST P’ο P’с Ccr Cc OC ratio Void Ratio Wo : Present effective overburden pressure at sample depth. : Preconsolidation pressure of (maximum past pressure on) sample. : Recompression index (in effect at pressures below P’c) : Compression index (in effect at pressures above P’c) : Overconsolidation retio = P’c / P’o : Initial sample void retio = Volume of Voids / Volume of solids : Initial water content (at start of consolidation test) ROCK DESCRIPTION ROCK WEATHERING Term Fresh Slightly Weathered Moderately Weathered Highly Weathered Completely Weathered Description : No Visible signs of rock weathering. Slight discoloration along major discontinuities. : Discoloration indicates weathering of rock on discontinuity surfaces. All the rock material may be discolored. : Less than half the rock is decomposed and/or disintegrated into the soil. : More than half the rock is decomposed and/or disintegrated into the soil. : All the rock material is decomposed and/or disintegrated into the soil. The original mass structure is still largely intact. ROCK MASS: Spacing (mm) > 6000 2000 – 6000 600 – 2000 200 - 600 60 – 200 20 – 60 < 20 <6 Joint Classification Extremely Wide Very Wide Wide Moderate Close Very Close Extremely Close - Bedding, Laminates, Bands Very Thick Thick Medium Thin Very Thin Laminated Thinly Laminated CORE CONDITION Total Core Recovery (TCR): The percentage of solid drill core recovered regardless of quality or length, measured relative to the length of the total core run Solid Core Recovery (SCR): The percentage of solid drill core, regardless the length, recovered at the full diameter, measure relative to the length of the total core run. Rock Quality Designation (RQD): Rock quality classification is based on a modified core recovery percentage (Rock Quality Designation) RQD in which all pieces of sound core over 100mm long are counted as recovery. The smaller pieces are considered to be due to close shearing, jointing, faulting or weathering in the mass and are not counted. RQD was originally intended to be done on NW core; however it can be used on different core sizes if the bulk of the fractures caused by drilling stresses are easily distinguishable from in situ fractures. The terminology describing rock mass quality based on RQD is subjective and is underlain by the resumption that sound strong rock is of higher engineering value than fractured weak rock. ROCK QUALITY RQD 0 to 25 25 to 50 50 to 75 75 to 90 90 to 100 Rock Mass Quality Very Poor Poor Fair Good Excellent ROCK STRENGTH Strength Classification Extremely Weak Very Weak Weak Medium Strong Strong Very Strong Extremely Strong Unconfined Compressive Strength (MPa) <1 1–5 5 – 25 25 – 50 50 – 100 100 – 250 > 250 WATER LEVEL MEASUREMENT __: Measured in Standpipe, _ Piezometer, or well __: Inferred _ Log of Borehole BH12-01 Project No. 60158.005 Project: Mill of Kintail Bridge Replacement Location: Mississippi Mills, ON Drawing No. Split Spoon Sample Combustible Vapour Reading Natural Moisture Content Date Drilled: 06/25/12 Auger Sample SPT (N) Value Atterberg Limits Drill Type: Hollow Stem Auger / NQ Core Dynamic Cone Test Undrained Triaxial at % Strain at Failure Local TBM - 100.00m Datum: G W L Shelby Tube S Y M B O L SOIL DESCRIPTION ASPHALTIC CONCRETE (45mm) FILL: crushed gravel and sand, trace silt, grey-brown, compact, moist FILL: silty clay, trace sand and gravel, occasional cobbles and boulders, brown, soft to firm, moist Shear Strength by Vane Test ELEV. m 99.34 99.30 Shear Strength by Penetrometer Test S Standard Penetration Test N Value D E P T H 20 50 0 98.98 40 60 Shear Strength 100 150 Combustible Vapour Reading (ppm) 250 500 750 Natural Moisture Content (%) Atterberg Limits (% Dry Weight) 80 kPa 200 20 SILTY SAND TILL: trace gravel occasional cobbles, light brown, compact to dense, moist 60 19.3 6 24.8 R becoming red-brown and wet 40 S A M Additional P Laboratory L E Testing S 3.9 35 1 2-1 97.46 2 R 3.1 BEDROCK: granite, fair rock mass quality, slightly weathered, moderately to widely spaced bedding plane fractures, white with grey and pink bands becoming fresh below 96.44 m 96.65 3 REC=77% RQD=70% LOG OF BOREHOLE 2 60158.005 BOREHOLE LOGS.GPJ AME_ON.GDT 07/24/12 4 REC=100% RQD=74% 5 End of borehole at 5.74 m 93.60 Terminated at 5.74 m in granite bedrock. Hammer Type:Automatic Full Weight Notes: Sheet No. 1 of 1 Date/Time Water Depth to Level Cave (m) (m) Log of Borehole BH12-02 Project No. 60158.005 Project: Mill of Kintail Bridge Replacement Location: Mississippi Mills, ON Drawing No. Split Spoon Sample Combustible Vapour Reading Natural Moisture Content Date Drilled: 06/25/12 Auger Sample SPT (N) Value Atterberg Limits Drill Type: Hollow Stem Auger / NQ Core Dynamic Cone Test Undrained Triaxial at % Strain at Failure Local TBM - 100.00m Datum: G W L Shelby Tube S Y M B O L SOIL DESCRIPTION ASPHALTIC CONCRETE (50mm) FILL: silty gravelly sand, brown, compact to loose, moist Shear Strength by Vane Test ELEV. m 99.36 99.31 20 50 0 40 60 Shear Strength 100 150 Combustible Vapour Reading (ppm) 250 500 750 Natural Moisture Content (%) Atterberg Limits (% Dry Weight) 80 kPa 200 20 97.59 GW 13.3 17 2 3 8.3 96.16 GW R 10.2 REC=67% RQD=13% 4 LOG OF BOREHOLE 2 60158.005 BOREHOLE LOGS.GPJ AME_ON.GDT 07/24/12 60 9.3 4 40 BEDROCK: granite, very poor rock mass quality, moderately weathered, grey with white and pink bands 40 S A M Additional P Laboratory L E Testing S 6.5 11 1 SILTY SAND TILL: trace gravel, occasional cobbles, light brown, compact to dense, moist Shear Strength by Penetrometer Test S Standard Penetration Test N Value D E P T H 2-2 25 mm clay infilled seam at 95.17 m 40 mm clay infilled seam at 94.94 m 5 REC=87% RQD=0% becoming good rock mass quality and fresh below 93.49 m 6 REC=95% RQD=88% End of borehole at 6.96 m 92.40 Terminated at 6.96 m in granite bedrock. Hammer Type:Automatic Full Weight Notes: Sheet No. 1 of 1 Date/Time Water Depth to Level Cave (m) (m) APPENDIX 3 Grain Size Analysis Report Rock Core Uniaxial Compressive Strength Report Moisture Content Test Results Paracel Chemical Results Certificate of Analysis Geotechnical Investigation – Report No. 60158.005 Mill of Kintail Bridge Reconstruction, Township of Mississippi Mills, Ontario #200 #140 #100 #60 #40 #30 #20 #10 #4 3/8 in. ½ in. ¾ in. 1 in. 1½ in. 2 in. 3 in. 100 0 90 10 80 20 70 30 60 40 50 50 40 60 30 70 20 80 10 90 0 100 10 1 0.1 0.01 0.001 PERCENT CORSER PERCENT FINER 6 in. Particle Size Distribution Report 100 GRAIN SIZE - mm. LL % +3" % Gravel % Sand 0.0 0.0 21.3 9.8 53.2 61.0 PL % Silt D85 D60 D50 D30 8.7022 3.2243 0.4552 0.7503 0.2697 0.4010 0.0969 0.0803 D15 MATERIAL DESCRIPTION Silty Gravelly Sand Silty Sand trace Gravel D10 TEST DATE Cc Cu USCS June 28,2012 June 28,2012 Project No. 60158.005 Client: Town of Mississippi Mills Project: RFQ-2012-01 Mill of Kintail Bridge Source of Sample: BH12-02 Source of Sample: BH12-02 % Clay 25.5 29.2 Depth: 2.5'-4.5' Depth: 7.5'-9.5' Remarks: Sample Number: BH1202SS2 Sample Number: BH1202SS4 Figure Tested By: A.Hawkins Checked By: A.O'Keefe NM GRAIN SIZE DISTRIBUTION TEST DATA Client: Town of Mississippi Mills Project: RFQ-2012-01 Mill of Kintail Bridge Project Number: 60158.005 Location: BH12-02 Depth: 2.5'-4.5' Material Description: Silty Gravelly Sand Test Date: June 28,2012 Tested by: A.Hawkins Dry Sample and Tare (grams) Tare (grams) 234.99 0.00 Sample Number: BH1202SS2 Checked by: A.O'Keefe Sieve Test Data Cumulative Pan Tare Weight (grams) Sieve Opening Size 0.00 06/28/2012 150.0 mm 26.5 mm 19 mm 16.0 mm 13.2 mm 9.5 mm 4.75 mm 2.36 mm 1.18 mm 0.6 mm 0.3 mm 0.15 mm 0.075 mm Cumulative Weight Retained (grams) 0.00 0.00 13.30 20.20 23.20 32.50 50.10 62.20 72.40 84.60 112.40 145.60 175.00 Percent Finer Percent Retained 100.0 100.0 94.3 91.4 90.1 86.2 78.7 73.5 69.2 64.0 52.2 38.0 25.5 0.0 0.0 5.7 8.6 9.9 13.8 21.3 26.5 30.8 36.0 47.8 62.0 74.5 Fractional Components Cobbles Gravel Sand 0.0 21.3 53.2 D10 D15 D20 Silt Clay D30 D50 D60 D80 D85 D90 D95 0.0969 0.2697 0.4552 5.5101 8.7022 12.9697 19.6619 Fineness Modulus 2.44 AME Materials Engineering GRAIN SIZE DISTRIBUTION TEST DATA Client: Town of Mississippi Mills Project: RFQ-2012-01 Mill of Kintail Bridge Project Number: 60158.005 Location: BH12-02 Depth: 7.5'-9.5' Material Description: Silty Sand trace Gravel Test Date: June 28,2012 Tested by: A.Hawkins Dry Sample and Tare (grams) Tare (grams) 366.35 0.00 Cumulative Pan Tare Weight (grams) Sample Number: BH1202SS4 Checked by: A.O'Keefe Sieve Test Data Sieve Opening Size 0.00 06/28/2012 150.0 mm 26.5 mm 19 mm 16.0 mm 13.2 mm 9.5 mm 4.75 mm 2.36 mm 1.18 mm 0.6 mm 0.3 mm 0.15 mm 0.075 mm Cumulative Weight Retained (grams) 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 7.80 35.80 73.00 119.50 159.40 199.20 230.20 259.30 Percent Finer Percent Retained 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 97.9 90.2 80.1 67.4 56.5 45.6 37.2 29.2 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 2.1 9.8 19.9 32.6 43.5 54.4 62.8 70.8 Fractional Components Cobbles Gravel Sand 0.0 9.8 61.0 D10 D15 D20 Silt Clay D30 D50 D60 D80 D85 D90 D95 0.0803 0.4010 0.7503 2.3499 3.2243 4.6650 7.1324 Fineness Modulus 2.25 AME Materials Engineering Uniaxial Compressive Strength 215 Stafford Rd. West, Unit 104 Ottawa, Ontario K2H 9C1 Phone: 613-726-3039 Fax: 613-726-3004 e-mail: Test Report Rock Core Project Number: 60158.005 Project Name: Mill of Kintail Bridge Core # BH12-01 Kilo Newtons Diameter (mm) Height (m) Mass (kg) Area (m 2) Volume (m 3 ) 128.4 44.6 0.134 0.5480 0.00160 0.00021 Age Type of Unit Mass Strength (Years) Fracture (kg/m 3 ) (Mpa) Vertical 2618 82.2 RC-5 Comments: CCIL Certified Concrete Testing Laboratory Reviewed By : L/D Ratio 3.0:1 Correction Corrected Factor Strength (MPA) 1 82.2 Moisture Content of Soils and Aggregates (ASTM D-2216) Job No.: 60158.005 Date Sampled: June 26,2012 Job Name: Mill of Kintail Bridge Date Tested: June 27,2012 Source: Kintail Bridge Tested By: A.Hawkins BH12-01 BH 12-01 BH 12-01 BH 12-01 BH 12-01 SS-1A SS-1B SS-2 SS-3A SS-3B 0.5'-2.5' 0.5'-2.5' 2.5'-4.5' 5'-7' 5'-7' 1 2 3 4 5 Weight of Tare (t ) 46.01 45.40 45.68 45.72 45.94 Weight of tare & wet sample (A ) 131.95 126.14 126.10 138.20 113.66 Weight of tare & dry sample (B ) 130.07 121.77 113.11 120.03 99.96 Weight of Water = (A-B ) 1.88 4.37 12.99 18.17 13.70 Weight of dry sample (C )=(B-t ) 84.06 76.37 67.43 74.31 54.02 Moisture Content = (A-B)/C*100 2.2 5.7 19.3 24.5 25.4 Sample Number Depth (m) Tare Number X - Conforming - Non Conforming(Attach Report) - Meets Spec - Out of Spec Comments: Sample Number BH 12-01 SS-4 Depth (m) Tare Number 7.5'-9.5' 6 Weight of Tare (t ) 45.54 Weight of tare & wet sample (A ) 139.00 Weight of tare & dry sample (B ) 136.18 Weight of Water = (A-B ) 2.82 Weight of dry sample (C )=(B-t ) 90.64 Moisture Content = (A-B)/C*100 3.1 X - Conforming - Non Conforming(Attach Report) - Meets Spec - Out of Spec Comments: Page 1 of 2 Moisture Content of Soils and Aggregates (ASTM D-2216) Job No.: Job Name: Source: 60158.005 Mill of Kintail Bridge Kintail Bridge Date Sampled: June 26,2012 Date Tested: June 27,2012 Tested By: A.Hawkins BH12-02 BH12-02 BH12-02 BH12-02 BH12-02 SS-1 SS-2 SS-3A SS-3B SS-4 0.5'-2.5 2.5'-4.5' 5'-7' 5'-7' 7.5'-9.5' 1 2 3 4 5 Weight of Tare (t ) 45.97 250.44 46.37 45.67 252.08 Weight of tare & wet sample (A ) 152.60 507.26 156.84 118.69 652.32 Weight of tare & dry sample (B ) 146.07 485.43 143.83 116.16 618.43 6.53 21.83 13.01 2.53 33.89 Weight of dry sample (C )=(B-t ) 100.10 234.99 97.46 70.49 366.35 Moisture Content = (A-B)/C*100 6.5 9.3 13.3 3.6 9.3 Sample Number Depth (m) Tare Number Weight of Water = (A-B ) X - Conforming - Non Conforming(Attach Report) - Meets Spec - Out of Spec Comments: Sample Number BH12-02 SS-5 Depth (m) Tare Number 10'-12' 6 Weight of Tare (t ) 45.73 Weight of tare & wet sample (A ) 131.18 Weight of tare & dry sample (B ) 123.25 Weight of Water = (A-B ) 7.93 Weight of dry sample (C )=(B-t ) 77.52 Moisture Content = (A-B)/C*100 10.2 X - Conforming - Non Conforming(Attach Report) - Meets Spec - Out of Spec Comments: Page 2 of 2 Certificate of Analysis AME Materials Engineering 215 Stafford Rd. West Suite 104 Ottawa, ON K2H9C1 Attn: Andrew Inouye Client PO: 60158.005 Project: 60158.005 Custody: 93511 Phone: (613) 726-3039 Fax: (613) 726-3004 Report Date: 28-Jun-2012 Order Date: 27-Jun-2012 Order #: 1226170 This Certificate of Analysis contains analytical data applicable to the following samples as submitted: Paracel ID Client ID 1226170-01 Surface Sample Approved By: Mark Foto, M.Sc. For Dale Robertson, BSc Laboratory Director Any use of these results implies your agreement that our total liabilty in connection with this work, however arising shall be limited to the amount paid by you for this work, and that our employees or agents shall not under circumstances be liable to you in connection with this work Page 1 of 7 Order #: 1226170 CerƟficate of Analysis Client: AME Materials Engineering Client PO: 60158.005 Report Date: 28‐Jun‐2012 Order Date:27‐Jun‐2012 Project Descrip on: 60158.005 Analysis Summary Table Analysis Anions pH Resistivity Method Reference/Description EPA 300.1 - IC EPA 150.1 - pH probe @25 °C EPA 120.1 - probe Extraction Date Analysis Date 28-Jun-12 28-Jun-12 28-Jun-12 28-Jun-12 28-Jun-12 28-Jun-12 Page 2 of 7 Order #: 1226170 CerƟficate of Analysis Report Date: 28‐Jun‐2012 Order Date:27‐Jun‐2012 Client: AME Materials Engineering Client PO: 60158.005 Project Descrip on: 60158.005 Client ID: Sample Date: Sample ID: MDL/Units Surface Sample 25-Jun-12 1226170-01 Water - - - General Inorganics pH 0.1 pH Units 7.7 - - - Resistivity 0.01 Ohm.m 32.1 - - - Chloride 1 mg/L 12 - - - Sulphate 1 mg/L 7 - - - Anions Page 3 of 7 Order #: 1226170 CerƟficate of Analysis Report Date: 28‐Jun‐2012 Order Date:27‐Jun‐2012 Client: AME Materials Engineering Client PO: 60158.005 Project Descrip on: 60158.005 Method Quality Control: Blank Analyte Result Reporting Limit Units ND ND 1 1 mg/L mg/L Source Result %REC %REC Limit RPD RPD Limit Notes Anions Chloride Sulphate Page 4 of 7 Order #: 1226170 CerƟficate of Analysis Report Date: 28‐Jun‐2012 Order Date:27‐Jun‐2012 Client: AME Materials Engineering Client PO: 60158.005 Project Descrip on: 60158.005 Method Quality Control: Duplicate Analyte Result Reporting Limit Units Source Result %REC %REC Limit RPD RPD Limit Notes Anions Chloride Sulphate 1680 3.55 10 1 mg/L mg/L 1710 3.43 2.3 3.4 10 10 8.3 32.2 0.1 0.01 pH Units Ohm.m 8.3 32.1 0.2 0.5 10 20 General Inorganics pH Resistivity Page 5 of 7 Order #: 1226170 CerƟficate of Analysis Report Date: 28‐Jun‐2012 Order Date:27‐Jun‐2012 Client: AME Materials Engineering Client PO: 60158.005 Project Descrip on: 60158.005 Method Quality Control: Spike Analyte Result Reporting Limit Units Source Result %REC %REC Limit mg/L mg/L ND 3.43 105 102 78-112 75-111 RPD RPD Limit Notes Anions Chloride Sulphate 10.5 13.7 Page 6 of 7 Order #: 1226170 CerƟficate of Analysis Client: AME Materials Engineering Client PO: 60158.005 Report Date: 28‐Jun‐2012 Order Date:27‐Jun‐2012 Project Descrip on: 60158.005 Qualifier Notes : None Sample Data Revisions None Work Order Revisions / Comments : None Other Report Notes : n/a: not applicable MDL: Method Detection Limit Source Result: Data used as source for matrix and duplicate samples %REC: Percent recovery. RPD: Relative percent difference. Page 7 of 7 Certificate of Analysis AME Materials Engineering (Ottawa) 215 Stafford Rd. West Suite 104 Ottawa, ON K2H9C1 Attn: Andrew Inouye Client PO: 60158.005 Project: 60158.005 Custody: 93511 Phone: (613) 726-3039 Fax: (613) 726-3004 Report Date: 4-Jul-2012 Order Date: 27-Jun-2012 Order #: 1226171 This Certificate of Analysis contains analytical data applicable to the following samples as submitted: Paracel ID Client ID 1226171-01 1226171-02 BH12-01 SS-4 BH12-02 SS-5 Approved By: Mark Foto, M.Sc. For Dale Robertson, BSc Laboratory Director Any use of these results implies your agreement that our total liabilty in connection with this work, however arising shall be limited to the amount paid by you for this work, and that our employees or agents shall not under circumstances be liable to you in connection with this work Page 1 of 7 Order #: 1226171 CerƟficate of Analysis Client: AME Materials Engineering (OƩawa) Client PO: 60158.005 Report Date: 04‐Jul‐2012 Order Date:27‐Jun‐2012 Project Descrip on: 60158.005 Analysis Summary Table Analysis Anions pH Resistivity Solids, % Method Reference/Description EPA 300.1 - IC, water extraction EPA 150.1 - pH probe @ 25 °C, CaCl buffered ext. EPA 120.1 - probe, water extraction Gravimetric, calculation Extraction Date Analysis Date 30-Jun-12 30-Jun-12 28-Jun-12 29-Jun-12 29-Jun-12 29-Jun-12 29-Jun-12 29-Jun-12 Page 2 of 7 Order #: 1226171 CerƟficate of Analysis Client: AME Materials Engineering (OƩawa) Client PO: 60158.005 Report Date: 04‐Jul‐2012 Order Date:27‐Jun‐2012 Project Descrip on: 60158.005 BH12-01 SS-4 25-Jun-12 1226171-01 Soil BH12-02 SS-5 25-Jun-12 1226171-02 Soil - - 0.1 % by Wt. 96.7 89.8 - - pH 0.05 pH Units 7.78 7.70 - - Resistivity 0.10 Ohm.m 42.2 11.9 - - Chloride 5 ug/g dry 76 729 - - Sulphate 5 ug/g dry 39 205 - - Client ID: Sample Date: Sample ID: MDL/Units Physical Characteristics % Solids General Inorganics Anions Page 3 of 7 Order #: 1226171 CerƟficate of Analysis Report Date: 04‐Jul‐2012 Order Date:27‐Jun‐2012 Client: AME Materials Engineering (OƩawa) Client PO: 60158.005 Project Descrip on: 60158.005 Method Quality Control: Blank Analyte Result Reporting Limit Units ND ND 5 5 ug/g ug/g Source Result %REC %REC Limit RPD RPD Limit Notes Anions Chloride Sulphate Page 4 of 7 Order #: 1226171 CerƟficate of Analysis Report Date: 04‐Jul‐2012 Order Date:27‐Jun‐2012 Client: AME Materials Engineering (OƩawa) Client PO: 60158.005 Project Descrip on: 60158.005 Method Quality Control: Duplicate Analyte Result Reporting Limit Units Source Result %REC %REC Limit RPD RPD Limit Notes Anions Chloride Sulphate 7.6 66.8 5 5 ug/g dry ug/g dry 7.5 67.3 1.8 0.7 20 20 7.43 29.3 0.05 0.10 pH Units Ohm.m 7.39 29.6 0.5 0.9 10 20 89.6 0.1 % by Wt. 87.6 2.3 25 General Inorganics pH Resistivity Physical Characteristics % Solids Page 5 of 7 Order #: 1226171 CerƟficate of Analysis Report Date: 04‐Jul‐2012 Order Date:27‐Jun‐2012 Client: AME Materials Engineering (OƩawa) Client PO: 60158.005 Project Descrip on: 60158.005 Method Quality Control: Spike Analyte Result Reporting Limit Units Source Result %REC %REC Limit mg/L mg/L 0.7 6.73 109 108 78-113 78-111 RPD RPD Limit Notes Anions Chloride Sulphate 11.6 17.6 Page 6 of 7 Order #: 1226171 CerƟficate of Analysis Client: AME Materials Engineering (OƩawa) Client PO: 60158.005 Report Date: 04‐Jul‐2012 Order Date:27‐Jun‐2012 Project Descrip on: 60158.005 Qualifier Notes: None Sample Data Revisions None Work Order Revisions / Comments: None Other Report Notes: n/a: not applicable MDL: Method Detection Limit Source Result: Data used as source for matrix and duplicate samples %REC: Percent recovery. RPD: Relative percent difference. Soil results are reported on a dry weight basis when the units are denoted with 'dry'. Where %Solids is reported, moisture loss includes the loss of volatile hydrocarbons. Page 7 of 7