October 2013 - Metro South Chamber of Commerce


October 2013 - Metro South Chamber of Commerce
Abington • Avon • Bridgewater
Brockton • Canton • East Bridgewater • Easton • Halifax • Hanover • Hanson • Holbrook • Norwell • Randolph • Rockland • Sharon • Stoughton • West Bridgewater • Whitman
Leading Businesses
Leading Communities
s av
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NOVEMBER 20, 2013
Jeanne & Vic Babel, page 6
conference center at massasoit
770 crescent street, brockton
To serve the interests of
member businesses while
providing community
leadership to ensure the
economic advancement
of the Metro South region.
at e
100th Annual Meeting Luncheon
We invite you to join over
500 business people and
community leaders to celebrate businesses working
together for the future of
the Metro South Region.
This entertaining and informative meeting will
New York
feature keynote speaker Dr.
Edward Hallowell. There will also be
award presentations, fun and exciting
raffles, and valuable networking opportunities.
Tickets are $100 for members and $135 for
Continued on page 2
Business-2-Business EXPO
Explore products and services of value to your business
and make profitable contacts.
Over 70 exhibitors are expected. Be sure to make time
before or after the Annual
Meeting to visit the Expo.
Reserve Your Booth Space:
Expand your business and
reach over 500 people at the Business-2-Business
Connection Expo. The Expo was designed as a personal table top Expo for local businesses.
Tables are $499 for members and $599 for futuremembers.
Continued on page 2
Premier Sponsors:
24th Annual Legislative Reception
Maria Gooch-Smith, page 7
Wednesday, October 9, 5:30 pm - 7:30 pm, Donahue Hall, Stonehill College
Robert Brady
Town of Avon
Brian Joyce
State Senator
Kathryn Shields, page 10
Calendar of Events
Good News
Ribbon Cuttings
Renewing Members 10
New Members
Member Profiles
Designed by
Melanie McGrath
Christine Canavan
State Representative
David Colton
Town of Easton
Clair Cronin
State Representative
Scott Lambiase
Town of Whitman
Robert Creedon
Clerk of Courts
Carl Kowalski
Town of Whitman
Linda Balzotti
Brockton Mayor
Allen Krajcik
Town of Easton
John Buckley
Plymouth County
Register of Deeds
Robert McCarthy
Plymouth County
Register of Probate
Sponsored by:
Daniel Salvucci
Town of Whitman
Francis Lynam
Town of Whitman
How Will Health Care
Reforms Impact You?
October 23, 2013
The Shaw’s Center,
1 Feinberg Way, Brockton
The October
Good Morning
Metro South
will feature an
Affordable Care
Act (ACA) panel
discussion with Kevin Beagan,
Massachusetts Division of
Insurance, Audrey Gasteier,
Deputy Director of Policy and
Research, Massachusetts Health
Connector, and David Shore,
President of the Massachusetts
Underwriters. The panel will talk
about the effect of the Affordable
Care Act (ACA) implementation
Massachusetts, including the transition to phase out Massachusetts
rating factors to use ACA rating
factors. They will also discuss the
benefits of shopping around in the
changing health insurance landscape to get the most benefit from
market option, as well as the
“empowering healthcare consumers” campaign.
The cost to attend is $25 for members and $35 for future-members.
Register at www.metrosouthchamber.com/calendar, or by contacting
Kimberly Prosper, 508.586.0500 x
231, kprosper@metrosouthchamber.com. Sponsored by School on
Wheels and Mutual Bank.
See page 11 to learn myth vs. facts
of the Health Care Reform Act.
Sponsored by:
Gregory Enos
Town of Whitman
The Metro South Chamber of Commerce cordially invites members of the business community, candidates for public office, and state, federal and local elected officials to gather on Wednesday, October
9 for the 24th Annual Legislative and Candidates Reception. The reception will be held at Donahue Hall,
on the campus of Stonehill College in Easton from 5:30-7:30 p.m.
The reception is a casual event at which business leaders and elected officials can renew face-to-face
contacts and discuss issues of importance while enjoying complimentary refreshments and hors d’oeuvres. The cost to attend is $5 for members and $15 for future-members. Register by calling 508.586.0500
x 231, email kprosper@metrosouthchamber.com or visit www.metrosouthchamber.com/calendar.
City of Brockton Preliminary:
Chamber Hosts Mayoral Forum
to Address Business Issues
See Page 8
ACTION Report October 2013
Celebrating Advocating
for Economic Advancement
Wednesday, November 20, 2013
Conference Center at Massasoit, 770 Crescent Street, Brockton
NY Times Bestselling Author, 100th Annual Meeting
Wednesday, November 20, 12:00 pm - 1:45 pm
We invite you to join over 500 business people and community leaders to celebrate businesses working together for the future of the Metro South region.
The keynote speaker is Dr. Edward Hallowell, a New York
Times Bestselling Author, respected child and adult psychiatrist, and world-renowned speaker. Dr. Edward Hallowell
has appeared on Oprah, Dr. Oz, 20/20, Dr. Phil, 60 Minutes,
CNN, The Today Show, Good Morning America, and the View. He
has been interviewed in The New York Times, USA Today,
Newsweek, Time Magazine, U.S. News, World Report, and The
Los Angeles Times, among other leading publications.
During the luncheon program, Dr. Hallowell will discuss
points from his best-selling book SHINE, drawing on brain science, performance
research, and his own experience in helping people to maximize their potential
and to help employers get the most from their employees.
Business-to-Business Expo
10:30 am - 12:00 pm & 1:45 pm - 3:00 pm
As part of the 100th Annual
Meeting, the Metro South
Chamber of Commerce will
host a Business-2-Business
Expo on Wednesday, November
20, from 10:30 am - 3:00 pm, at
the Massasoit Conference
Center in Brockton. The Business-2Business Expo is a great opportunity to
reach over five hundred business people throughout the Metro South
region. Designed to be a personal table
top expo, presenters will be provided
with meaningful opportunities to pro-
mote their company to
prospect after prospect. It is
the right place, the right time,
and the right audience.
The cost of a booth is $499
for members ($599 for futuremembers). Expo space is selling out. Since space is limited, registrations are on a first come, first served
basis. The expo is free to walk the
floor, but please RSVP in advance. To
reserve your booth space, contact Kim
Prosper at 508.586.0500 ext. 231, or
Promote Your Product, Service at Annual Meeting
Donate a prize for the Metro South Chamber 100th Annual Meeting Raffle and
you will receive valuable exposure and direct promotion. Examples of prizes to
donate: Gift certificates, savings bonds, bottles of wine, passes to cultural or educational events, free ads, or clothing. Feel free to be traditional or creative. Proceeds
go to the Metro South Chamber of Commerce Education Foundation. Contact
Kim Prosper at 508.586.0500 x 231 for more information.
Premier Sponsors:
Supporting Sponsors:
All attendees
will receive:
Dr. Edward Hallowell
At the luncheon, there will also be
awards, exciting raffles, valuable networking opportunities, and a gift bag
valued at over $100 for each attendee.
Expect great entertainment and musical acts, including the “Moxie Man”
and a photo booth courtesy of FUN
Enterprises, Inc. that will put you back
in time to 1913. Join us as we reflect on
the past 100 years, look forward to the
future, and celebrate the vitality of the
region and the businesses that have
made Metro South great!
Centennial Pin
Brockton Postcards
Book by Jim Benson
Tickets are $100 for members and
$135 for future-members. Proceeds will
benefit the Chamber’s Education
Foundation as well as the Capital
Campaign Fund, which will be used to
renovate the Chamber Headquarters
in the historic Thomas Edison power
plant in Brockton. To register, please
contact Kim Prosper at 508.586.0500
x231 or kprosper@metrosouthchamber.com, or register online at www.metrosouthchamber.com/calendar.
Corporate Sponsors & Exhibiting Companies This Year (Space still available!)
ABC Specialtiees
Murphy, Hesse, Toomey, &
*Crescent Credit Union
Allegra Print & Imaging
B.C. Tent & Awning Company
Bath Fitter
Bill’s Taxi/ A & A Metro
Boston Business Journal
Bridgewater Credit Union
*Bridgewater Savings Bank
Bridgewater State University
Brockton Area Arc, Inc.
Brockton Housing Authority
*Comcast Business
Costco Wholesale, Avon
*= Centennial Celebrators
Cushman Insurance Group
Dave and Busters
Eastern Bank
Elements Therapeutic Massage
The Enterprise
Fisher College
*Fun Enterprises, Inc.
*Good Samaritan Medical Center
HarborOne Bank
*Hub Technical Services
Massasoit Community College
McLaughlin Chevrolet, Inc.
*Metro South Chamber of
Lehane, LLP
North Easton Savings Bank
*Old Colony Elder Services, Inc.
Partners Benefit Group, Inc.
R.F. D’Agostino Insurance
Rich Morgan Photography
Rob Peters Entertainment
Rockland Trust
*Sharkansky LLP, CPA’s
Signature Healthcare
St. Joseph Manor Health Care,
EXPO Sponsorship Opportunities
Sponsoring the Annual Meeting and EXPO offers your company exposure
to the local business community and creates awareness for your products
and services. It allows you to target your marketing efforts to business professionals and potential customers in the Metro South Region.
Sponsorships Still Available
Grand Sponsor ($5,000)
Tote Bag Sponsor ($3,000)
Exhibit Hall Sponsor ($3,000)
Contributing Sponsor ($2,500)
Supporting Sponsor ($1,500)
Coffee Station Sponsor ($850)
Sponsorship categories can be tailored to fit your company needs. Call Kim
Prosper at 508.586.0500 x 231 or email kprosper@metrosouthchamber.com
for more information on what each sponsorship package includes.
Special thanks to:
Conference Center at Massasoit
Rich Morgan Photography
Rob Peters Entertainment
ACTION Report October 2013
Networking at Events
Jane Callahan - On Deck Sports/Promounds
Chair of the Board
William Morse
Mutual Bank
Joe Cardinal -National Grid
President and CEO
Christopher Cooney
Metro South Chamber of Commerce
Susan Joss
Brockton Neighborhood Health Center
John McGovern
Rodman & Rodman, PC, CPA’s
Vice Chair Community Affairs
Loretta DeGrazia
East Coast Petroleum
Vice Chair Economic Development
Steve Hall
Prism Energy Services
Vice Chair Government Affairs
Susan Joss
Brockton Neighborhood Health Center
Vice Chair Membership Development
Patricia Williams
HarborOne Bank
Immediate Past Chair
Peter Neville
Concord Foods
Peter Dello Russo - Bridgewater Savings Bank
Francis Dillon - Stonehill College
is one of the most effective ways
to grow your business!
OCTOBER Calendar
Ambassador Meeting
8:00 am
Kim Hollon - Signature Healthcare
Connecting Your Business to the Commonwealth
9:30 am
Richard Hynes- Barbour Corporation
Executive Board Meeting
3:00 pm
Legislative Reception
5:30 pm
Gregory Hart - Ercolini & Company, LLP
Robert Kenworthy - Bank of America
Ray Ledoux - Brockton Area Transit
Jeffrey Liebman Good Samaritan Medical Center/Steward
Dr. Dana Mohler Faria Bridgewater State University
Jim Murphy LSP- GeoInsight
Gerard Nadeau- Rockland Trust Company
Jonathan “Jay” Pike - Sharkansky LLP
Andrew Raczka -Abington Bank
Andrew Schwartz
Law Office of Andrew H. Schwartz, LLC
Larry Siskind Siskind and Siskind Attorneys at Law
Art Sullivan -Consultant
Peter Vlaco - Brophy & Philips Company, Inc.
Dr. Charles Wall Massasoit Community College
Front Desk x 221
Donahue Hall, Stonehill College, Easton
Columbus Day - Chamber Closed
Business After Hours at DeSantis Chevrolet
Geek Girl Workshop
Good Morning Metro South
Board of Directors
MSBDC Free Legal Clinic
1555 Main Street, Brockton
Crescent Credit Union, 115 Commercial Street, Brockton
Two Washington Place, 31 Roche Bros Way, Easton
Geek Girl Workshop
Doris Flecchia
Administrative Assistant x 221
Lisa Pearce
Finance x 230
100th Annual Meeting & Expo
Kathleen Lynch
Membership Director x 229
Donz Soares
Office Assistant/Graduate Intern x 227
Melanie McGrath
Communications Coordinator x 222
Alison van Dam, IOM
VP of Marketing & Communications x 225
CHAMBER MISSION: To serve the interests
of member businesses while providing community
leadership to ensure the economic advancement of
the Metro South region.
Metro South Chamber of Commerce
Sixty School Street, Brockton, MA 02301-4087
tel: 508 586-0500/fax: 508 587-1340
Volume 13 - Issue 9
(USPS-410630) is published monthly except for combined
July/August for $5.00 per year by the Metro South Chamber of
Commerce, Sixty School Street, Brockton, MA 02301-4087.
Periodical Postage Paid at Brockton, MA.
POSTMASTER: Send address changes to Action Report,
Sixty School Street, Brockton, MA 02301-4087
The Metro South Chamber of Commerce is solely responsible
for the editorial content of this publication.
The Chamber wishes to assure our members of our intention
to provide physically challenged participants equal access to
all programs. If you or your employees have special needs
in this area, please let us know by calling the Chamber at
508-586-0500 at least 48 hours in advance.
Photography by Rich Morgan * www.richmorganphotography.com
Crescent Credit Union, 115 Commercial Street, Brockton
8:00 am
5:30 pm
Conference Center at Massasoit, 770 Crescent St, Brockton
Expo Begins
Annual Meeting Luncheon
Expo Ends
10:30 am
12:00 pm
3:00 pm
Thanksgiving Day - Chamber Closed
Chamber Closed
Save the Date
Ambassador Meeting
Executive Board Meeting
Good Morning Metro South
Location TBD
12:00 pm
11:30 am
7:30 am
12:00 pm
Kimberly Prosper, IOM
VP of Programs & Events x 231
Newsletter Written & Designed by Melanie McGrath
Printing Donated by The Enterprise
11:30 am
Government Affairs
Christopher Cooney, CCE
President and CEO x 223
5:30 pm
The Shaw’s Center, 1 Feinberg Way, Brockton
Coming Up
City of Brockton Election Day
Ambassador Meeting
Business After Hours at Signature Healthcare
1:00 pm
8:00 am
3:00 pm
7:30 am
Government Affairs
12:00 pm
Board of Directors
12:00 pm
Note: All meetings are held at the Metro South Chamber Office or
Metro South Business Assistance Center (BAC),
60 School Street, Brockton unless otherwise indicated.
Downtown Fest Brockton 2013
Hogie's Hobbies is planning and organizing Downtown Fest Brockton, a downtown-wide festival October 3-6, promoted
by the National Public Safety Athletic
League. This festival will enhance and
promote what is good about Downtown
Brockton. All events are designed to pull
attention to stores, businesses, and other
venues existing downtown. Events
include a farmer's market, historic tours of
Downtown Brockton, Boxing History and
Coffee, Brockton Arts Show, and more.
The success of the festival depends on the
efforts of the individuals, so be sure to participate in this fun celebration! Stop in at
Hogie's Hobbies, 138 Main Street in
Brockton, call 508-580-0500, or visit “The
Downtown Fest Brockton” Facebook page
for more information.
ACTION Report October 2013
Members - Send Good News to
ices. He holds a Bachelor’s Degree in
Business Administration from the
University of New Hampshire and a
Master’s Degree in Business Administration
from Babson College.
OCES Celebrates Cape Verde Independence Day
Old Colony Elder Services (OCES), a private,
non-profit agency designated as an Aging
Services Access Point (ASAP) serving seniors
and individuals with disabilities throughout
the greater Brockton and Plymouth county
areas, recently held a luncheon celebrating
Independence Day for both the United States
and Cape Verde. The Independence Day celebration luncheon was part of OCES'
Supportive Housing Program, which provides supportive services to senior and disabled residents at Campello High Rise. For
the third consecutive year, the residents celebrated the Independence Day of two nations
Diggin’ It at the Easton Children’s Museum
with a luncheon featuring Cape Verdean and
Dig into the fundamentals of gardening For more information, visit www.oldwith Karen Cacciapuoti at the Children’s colonyelderservices.org.
Museum in Easton, Wednesdays from
11:00 am -11:45 am. Explore plants, nature, Whitman Public Library Celebrates Toll House Cookie Day
and green living through hands-on activi- The Toll House cookie will be celebrated on
ties, stories, and games designed to intro- October 19 from 2:00 -3:30 pm at the library
duce children and caregivers to the beau- in the town where it all began, with a chocoty and wonder of the natural world. late chip cookie contest, book signing, and a
Diggin’ it is free with admission to the panel discussion. The discussion will feature
Museum. For more information, please former employees of its Toll House restaucall The Children's Museum in Easton at rant birthplace and will be moderated by
(508) 230-3789 or visit: www.childrensmu- Carolyn Wyman, author of the new book
about this cookie, The Great American
Chocolate Chip Cooke Book.The library will also
Good Sam. Medical Center Awarded Prestigious Baby- be holding a chocolate chip cookie contest
Friendly®Hospital Designation
following the panel discussion. Amateur
Good Samaritan Medical Center has bakers should bring a minimum of 8 of their
achieved the prestigious Baby-Friendly best chocolate chip cookies to the library
Hospital designation by Baby-Friendly between 10 am and 1:15 pm that day.
USA. This award has been granted to 167 Official entry forms available at the library.
hospitals in the United States and only six Toll House Cookie Day at the library is free
in the Commonwealth of Massachusetts. and open to the public. For more informaThe Baby-Friendly Hospital Initiative is a tion visit www.whitmanpubliclibrary.org.
global initiative of the World Health
Organization (WHO) and the United Brockton Public Library’s Liberty Tree
Nations Children's Fund (UNICEF). This Brockton was once a stop on the
status is granted to hospitals that demon- Underground Railroad, that system of
strate a high commitment to breastfeeding support for runaway slaves on their joursupport and education for its patients. ney to freedom in Canada. One stop was
Hospitals have to undergo a rigorous located on Frederick Douglass Avenue,
application process to demonstrate evi- formerly known as High Street, in the stadence-based maternity care, dedication of bles of Edward E. Bennett. A huge
staff and physicians, resources and out- sycamore tree, planted outside his stables
comes in breastfeeding to receive the circa 1763, was a symbol of liberty for the
award. For more information on Good slaves who hid in his building. The Liberty
Samaritan Medical Center’s Maternity Tree was also a staging point for orators
Services, visit www.steward.org/Good- who spoke of injustices against African
Americans and about women’s rights. In
2004, the tree was cut down. Even though
HarborOne Bank Welcomes Dave Tryder
the Liberty Tree is no more, cross slices of it
James W. Blake, President and CEO is were preserved for history. Brockton
pleased to announce the addition of Dave Public Library was fortunate enough to
Tryder as the new Senior Vice President, retain a slice of this historic tree. You can
Chief Marketing Officer at HarborOne view it on the top floor of our main library
Bank. Tryder has an extensive marketing building. For more information, visit
background, beginning his career at www.brocktonpubliclibrary.org.
BayBank as a branch manager and ultimately as a Product Manager for ATM and UWGPC’s 92nd Annual Campaign Kick-off & Day of Caring
online banking. He then spent 5 years in a On Friday, September 13, 2013, Ocean Spray
consultant role at marketing agencies, and Cranberries graciously hosted United Way
most recently worked for Dunkin Donuts’ of Greater Plymouth County’s 92nd Annual
in relationship marketing ultimately lead- Campaign Kick-off & Day of Caring at their
ing their digital strategy group. At corporate headquarters. Over 140 United
HarborOne, Tryder is responsible for plan- Way volunteers, friends, board members,
ning, directing and coordinating the mar- partner agencies, and staff gathered in the
keting of HarborOne’s products and serv- Ocean Spray atrium, dressed in “Live
United” shirts, to show their support of
and to get ready for the official start of
the United Way campaign season. After
the Kick-Off, 133 volunteers headed out
into the community for the Day of
Caring to perform service projects at 14
of United Way’s partner agencies.
Volunteer projects ranged from creating
raised garden beds, to painting, to helping organize food pantries. Volunteers
from 10 organizations offered a helping
hand and participated in the Day of
Caring: Enterprise Rent-A-Car, the Arc of
Supermarkets, Traveler ’s Insurance,
HarborOne Bank, ITW-TACC, Signature
Healthcare, Rockland Trust, Entergy
Pilgrim Station and GE Oil & Gas. Visit
www.uwgpc.org for more information.
Mutual Bank Seeks to Expand with Michael E. Nickley
Mutual Bank, a community bank with
Massachusetts, has named Michael E.
Nickley to the new position of Senior Vice
President for Residential Lending. Mr.
Nickley, who had been Senior Vice
President of Rockland Trust, will develop
and oversee production, operations, secondary markets, servicing, and the expansion and growth of the Bank's residential
and consumer lending program. Mutual
Bank, previously focused exclusively on
southeastern Massachusetts, will expand
its efforts regionally. Mr. Nickley will
spearhead this drive, bringing with him
over 25 years’ experience in residential
lending, with a strong emphasis on loan
production and operations.
added two new professionals to its staff:
Sean McNeil joined the firm as an entrylevel staff accountant on September 3.
McNeil is a 2013 graduate of Stonehill
College with a Bachelor of Science in
Business Administration, and lives in
Canton. Ryan Young alo joined the firm
as an entry-level staff accountant on
September 3. Young is a 2013 graduate of
Bridgewater State University with a
Bachelor of Science in Accounting and
Finance, and lives in Brockton.
Good Sam. Employees Donate Backpacks for Children
September is often synonymous with
preparing children for the transition
from summer fun to the rigors of a
school-day routine. At Good Samaritan
Medical Center, employees have made
this time of year a priority for their own
families as well as other children in the
community. Staff from the SurgiCenter
challenge other hospital departments to
donate backpacks and basic school supplies that a child needs to feel confident
and well prepared. Donation drops in
the main hospital lobby and in Human
Resources gathered 153 backpacks representing a 40% increase over last year.
The backpacks were picked up by the
Brockton Public Schools on September
3rd and will be distributed to children
based on need.
Brockton Public Library Wins Federal Grant
Brockton Public Library is pleased to
announce that we are recipient of a federal Preservation Assessment grant.
This project is being funded through
the Massachusetts Board of Library
Commissioners with funds from LSTA
(Library Services and Technology Act), a
Federal source of Library funding provided by the Institute of Museum and
Library Services. The purpose of the
grant is to provide consulting services
for preservation recommendations on
the library’s materials with a focus on historic preservation. The end result of the
grant will be a long term strategic plan for
improvement of the library’s preservation environment. For more information,
contact Elizabeth Marcus, Library
Director at 508-580-7890 x101 or emarcus@cobma.us, Or visit www.brocktonpubliclibrary.org.
Join the Mardi Gras Madness 2014 Fundraiser Committee
Brockton Day Nursery is now looking for
new members to join the Mardi Gras
Madness 2014 fundraiser committee. The
authentic New Orleans style event will take
place March 8, 2014 at the Shaw’s Center in
Brockton. Proceeds from this event will help
support programs and enrichment at
Brockton Day Nursery for all students’ ages
0-13 years old. People from various backgrounds are encouraged to join as we are
looking for new ideas to help heighten
Mardi Gras Madness 2014. If you are interested in joining the committee please contact
bhansbury@brocktondaynursery.org or
(508) 588-2700. Visit www.brocktondaynursery.org.
Lincoln Technical Institute To Host Career Fair & Expo
Tuesday, October 22nd, 2013 from 11SEED Corp Welcomes Diana Fleming to the Team
1pm (10:30 employer set-up), Lincoln
SEED Corporation is pleased to announce Technical Institute will be hosting a
that Diana Fleming has joined SEED Career Fair and Volunteer Expo at 365
Corporation as a Business Development Westgate Drive, Brockton. You will have
Officer for the SBA 504 Program. Diana will a chance to meet with our students and
be responsible for covering Western, Central alumni, and a great opportunity to marand the Greater Boston areas in ket your business services, job opportuniMassachusetts. Diana currently runs a free- ties, internships, and volunteer spots!
lance consulting practice, offering a diverse Please reserve your company table by
portfolio of business services to entrepre- emailing Lisa Forth, Director of Career
neurs. She has over 35 years of experience in Services, at lforth@lincolntech.com.
the financial and business management sec- Lunch will be provided. Event is free to
tors, including commercial bank lending, area employers looking to hire or obtain
SBA 504 and 7A financing, public/private volunteer students/alumni. For more inforeconomic development financing, corporate mation, call 508-941-0730, or visit www.linmanagement, and entrepreneurship. Diana colnedu.com/campus/brockton-ma.
holds a BS degree in Economics and
Mathematics from Hunter College (NYC).
BAWIB’s Successful YouthWorks Summer Jobs Program
The Brockton Area Workforce Investment
Accounting Firm G.T. Reilly & Company Adds to Staff
Board’s (BAWIB) YouthWorks Summer
G.T. Reilly & Company, a full-service Jobs Program had another successful seaaccounting and consulting firm, has son that drew to a close at the end of
ACTION Report October 2013
August. This year, 52 employers trained,
mentored, and in some cases, hired
youth permanently as a result of their
pre-summer work readiness training and
in-summer productivity. The program
served a total of 204 youth who were
employed in private, public, and nonprofit jobs for 110 hours plus 10 hours of
work readiness training. On August 29,
2013, BAWIB/YouthWorks held a recognition and awards ceremony for standout
employers who acknowledged the
importance of developing a skilled future
workforce as well as youth who participated in the summer program. For more
information on BAWIB, please visit our
website at www. BAWIB.org.
Brockton Symphony 2013-2014 Season Begins
The Brockton Symphony 2013- 2014 season, "A Symphonic Voyage" begins with
"From Russia With Love" on Sunday
October 27, 3 P.M. at Oliver Ames High
School , North Easton. The concert features brilliant 16 year old pianist Seho
Young playing the second piano concerto by Sergei Rachmaninoff. The exciting
overture will be "Procession of The
Nobles" also Night on Bald Mountain"
and the show-stopper "Capriccio
Italien." For information, visit the
orchestra on facebook, or on the web at
www. brocktonsymphony.org or call
508-588-3841. Children 12 and under
with an adult admitted free.
Press Reception for New Exhibit at Fuller Craft Museum
Fuller Craft Museum invites you to a
special press reception to preview our
Massachusetts: Studio Furniture of the
Bay State on Thursday, October 10, 2013
at 11:00 am - 1:00 pm. Several of the
artists featured in the exhibition will be
there to discuss their work. The reception is hosted by our curator Jeffrey
Brown who will lead us on a gallery talk
through the exhibition, followed by
refreshments. Visit www.fullercraft.org
for more information
Business Assistance Center: A Valuable Resource
The Metro South
Business Assistance
Center serves the
interests of existing
and start-up businesses by providing low cost and
efficient business
information and work in conjunction
with other local and regional economic
development organizations to carry out
their mission of creating new jobs and
investment in the Metro South region.
(See ad below)
This year, 10 workshops were held
through the Metro South Business
Assistance Center and its partners. Such
Workshop, LEAN Manufacturing,
QuickBooks, Vertical Construction,
Workforce Training Fund, Non-Profit
Financial Optimization, STEP Trade
Export Grant Info Session, Simpson
Springs Workshops, People Skills
Workshop, and SCORE Foodservice
workshop. Attendance for each of these
workshops saw upwards of 20 people.
The Business Assistance Center also
houses the staff of SCORE, a counseling
service for businesses, start-ups, and
As part of the Business Assistance
Center, the Chamber also houses the
Edison Business Incubator space. The
incubator provides below-market
rental space for start-up and expanding micro-enterprises needing assistance. Studies show that 90% of businesses that start in an incubator will
remain in business.
The Metro South Business Assistance
Center and Edison Business incubator
are located in the Chamber building at
60 School Street, Brockton. For more
information, contact Chris at
508.586.0500 x 223 or visit www.metrosouthchamber.com/resources/business-assistance.
Need Help Starting Your Business?
Searching for Money to Start Your Business?
Rocky Marciano Statue Site Update
It’s been sixty years since Rocky Marciano made history by being named
world heavyweight championship, and one year since the monumental 20foot Rocky statue was raised in his honor.
This record-size statue serves as the centerpiece for Champions Park,
which will include a 27 foot-long walkway lined with day lilies and flowering trees and a majestic wrought iron arch welcoming visitors. The statue
will be surrounded by a 32 foot-wide circle of brick pavers and a brick wall
with plaques highlighting Rocky’s accomplishments.
You can help make history by contributing to the Rocky Marciano Statue
project and Champions Park. The Rocky Statue Committee is looking to
raise $250,000 to make this a worldwide destination. Make a tax-deductible
donation or, for a limited time, the Rocky Marciano Statue Committee is
offering his friends and fans the once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to stand tall
with Rocky forever by purchasing a Brick. You can purchase a Brick individually, as a family or organization, or as a gift for someone special.
Choose either a 4”x 8” for $150 or 8”x 8” for 275 with up to six lines of sixteen characters. For more information, visit www.rockystatue.org, email
info@rockystatue.org, or call 508-588-5015.
Take Home a Piece of the Rock
You can also “take home a piece of the Rock”
with an Official Commemorative Rocky
Marciano 7” statue. Only 1,000 produced, hundreds sold, and only a few remain. Statues are
$25, proceeds benefit Champions Park at Rocky
Marciano stadium.
Order at pettilaw.com or pick-up at Petti’s
Market, 216 Belmont Street in Brockton. For
more information, email mark@pettilaw.com or
call 508-586-4466. Visit Petti Law’s Facebook
page to view images of the Rocky Statue with
owners around the world. Rocky statues have been sold in 38 states and 7 countries.
Steve Damish Recognized for Rocky Statue
The Metro South Business Assistance Center (BAC), a partnership of
over twenty organizations, is a high-tech, one-stop business resource center that
offers counseling, technical assistance, and financing to potential, existing and
expanding businesses.
FREE services offered
Premier Sponsor:
• Business Related Software
• Access to Computers & Online Resource
• Comprehensive Reference Library • Informational & Instructional Videos
• Professional Counseling (by appt.) • Workshops & Seminars (fees may apply)
Located at 60 School Street, Brockton, in the Chamber Building. Call 508.586.0500
Photograph by: Mark Vasconcellos, The Enterprise
Christopher Cooney, left, President
and CEO of the Metro South Chamber
of Commerce, recently presented
Enterprise Managing Editor Steve
Damish with a framed photograph of
the Rocky Marciano statue (taken by
Chamber member and photographer
Matt Gleason. The Chamber honored
Damish for his work in helping to
bring the Rocky statue to Brockton in
2012. Cooney and Damish, who
helped lead a committee of volunteers
in bringing the $300,000 statue to the
city, are shown in front of a Rocky
poster, courtesy of Sign Design, in the
Enterprise’s newsroom in Brockton.
ACTION Report October 2013
Babel’s Paint & Decorating Ribbon Cutting
Bob Kimball of Babel’s, Jeanne Babel, and owner Vic Babel, along with Mayor Linda Balzotti, William Conlon, Executive
Director, Boys and Girls Club, and Chamber President & CEO Christopher Cooney were on hand to celebrate the occasion.
On Tuesday, September 17, Babel’s Paint & Decorating Stores celebrated
the opening of their newest store location at 47 Oak Street Extension,
Brockton with a Ribbon Cutting Ceremony. Babels’s Paint and Decorating
Stores has built their business on the core values that Vic Babel Sr incorporated when he opened the first Babel’s in Norwood Center in 1950. They are
all about offering quality paint and decorating products in addition to all the
help and advice that you need to get your residential or commercial project
done right and beautiful the first time.
Stop by and see their new Brockton Store at their upcoming Grand
Opening on Saturday October 5th. They will be offering great product specials, free refreshments, and a chance to win a $500 Babel’s Gift Certificate.
For more information, visit www.babels.com, or call 508-584-2327.
Fisher College Celebrates New Brockton Location
Pictured from left: Dr. Neil Trotta of Fisher College, Mayor Linda Balzotti, Jennifer Courtney of Fisher College, Dr.
Thomas McGovern of Fisher College, Chris Cooney, President and CEO of Metro South Chamber of Commerce, Richard
Potter of Fisher College, and Robert Melaragni of Fisher College, joined by other Fisher College employees.
Fisher College recently celebrated their new location at 371 Oak
Street in Brockton with a ribbon cutting ceremony, followed by a
Chamber Business After Hours. The new Brockton site location will
provide students with an expanded offering of traditional, blended,
and online degree programs through Fisher’s Division of Accelerated
and Professional Studies including Communications and Media
Studies, Criminal Justice, Human Services, Management, Psychology,
and certificates in Medical Assistant and Medical Coding. For more
information, please visit www.fisher.edu. For information on renting
classroons, please contact Rich Potter, rpotter@fisher.edu
Photos by richmorganphotography.com.
New Ballroom at The Mockingbird Restaurant
From left to right: Brian Connors, Chair, East Bridgewater Selectman,
Manager Tom Davis, Kelly Cannizzaro, Chef Frank Cannizzaro, President,
Mockingbird Restaurant & Martini Lounge, David Sheedy, East Bridgewater
Selectman, State Representative Geoff Diehl, 7th Plymouth
Mark Linde, Brockton Community Access, Catered by
Peppercorns Cafe & Catering
Anne Beauregard, Brockton Library Foundation; Larry
Cameron, MassDevelopment
Masha Khanbabai, Law Office of Masha Khanbabai;
Rob Sheldon, ABC Specialtiees
Jean Brillant, Brilliant Move; Laurie Blair-Lamb,
Laurie B Design
The New Miraval Ballroom,
Book for weddings, holiday parties, baby
and bridal showers, and more!
New Chamber member, The Mockingbird Restaurant & Martini Bar, recently celebrated the grand opening of their
new event facility, The Miraval Ballroom, with a Ribbon Cutting Ceremony.
The Mockingbird Restaurant & Martini Lounge, located at 838 North Bedford Street in East Bridgewater, is best
known for serving outstanding food and dazzling martinis. Their contemporary Italian cuisine gives you fabulous
menu choices that use a combination of flavors and styles that are fresh, creative, and satisfying. Their martini menu
is the largest in the South Shore! For more information, visit www.mockingbirdrestaurant.com.
More Good News, Good Space in Brockton
Class A Office Space now available for lease at Office 24, 1324 Belmont Street, Brockton.
Contact Chris, 508-588-5946, or email Chris@SulmonteAndFrenier.com for more information.
ACTION Report October 2013
Breakfast Features Digital Revolution & Patriots Book Loans Available to Brockton Businesses
Photos by RichMorganPhotography.com. Sound by RobPetersEntertainment.com.
Mayor Linda Balzotti announced on
September 23 that the City of Brockton,
the Metro South Chamber of Commerce
and the Brockton 21st Century
Corporation are working with the South
Eastern Economic Development (SEED)
Corporation to deliver a Micro Loan
Program to the city’s small businesses.
Bob Hydlburg, author of Total Patriots,
“We recognize that small businesses in
Chris McIntosh, Boston Business Journal & Mass High Tech
is interviewed by Dan Trout, Mutual Bank
our downtown and our neighborhoods
often cannot access the small amounts of
Sponsored by:
capital they need to grow and create jobs
in our city, and this Micro Loan Program
addresses that need,” stated Mayor
SEED Corporation has obtained $1.25
million for new micro loans and had previously established two loan funds which
can provide loans up to $200,000 to
Brockton’s small businesses.
Jeffrey Liebman, Good
Maria Gooch-Smith,
September 18th’s Breakfast, with emcee Jane Callahan, Eastern
“Micro loans are particularly important
Samaritan Medical Center
SEED Corporation
Bank, and sponsored by Good Samaritan Medical Center
because they can provide anywhere from
$1,000 to $50,000 to meet working capital
needs and start-up costs,” explained
Maria Gooch-Smith, SEED’s executive
director. “These loans are the most difficult for small businesses in their start-up
phase to obtain,” added Gooch-Smith.
“Micro loans can also be made to established businesses which might not be
able to obtain all the financing they need
from a bank. They can be used for purMaxine Richardson, Alison Santoro, and Suzanne Martin of Brockton
chasing equipment and furniture, paying
Community Schools
Attendees enjoy delicious food catered by the Shaw’s Center
off high interest credit cards used for the
business, and for working capital” stated Gooch-Smith.
The payment period on a micro loan
can be from one to six years, and the current interest rate is 6 percent fixed. SEED
will take business collateral and a position
on personal real estate when needed to
cover the loan. SEED requires that small
business owners have credit scores of 600
or more, but will accept an outside guarantor when credit scores are lower or
there is a limited credit history.
When an established small business
needs more than $50,000, SEED can combine a micro loan with a bank loan or
with other SEED loan funds. These loans
are usually made for a period of five
years, but can be repaid over 10 years
depending on the use of the funds. The
interest rate ranges from 5 to 6 percent,
and is fixed.
According to Gooch-Smith, the process
for obtaining a loan consists of filling out
a fairly simple two page application form
which can be obtained through SEED’s
web site: www.seedcorp.com or by calling the Metro South Chamber of
Commerce at 508-586-0500. There is a
$50 application fee.
Loan applicants will also have to income
tax returns and personal financial statements. For start-up businesses, GoochSmith suggests attending one of SEED’s
free monthly Business Workshops, and
Continued on page 8
ACTION Report October 2013
Continued from page 7
and preparing a business plan. A
Business Plan Booklet is available on
SEED’s web site.
Small businesses can also obtain technical assistance from the Metro South
Business Assistance Center (BAC), located inside the Metro South Chamber
office at 60 School Street in Brockton. The
BAC is a one-stop shop business resource
center including SCORE Counselors, the
Brockton 21st Century Corporation,
Massachusetts Supplier Diversity Office
(SDO), MassDevelopment and the Small
Business Administration (SBA).
SEED Corporation is a non-profit economic development organization established in 1982. Under various programs,
SEED makes loans from $1,000 up to $5.5
million to assist small businesses to grow
and create jobs throughout the region.
For more information about the Micro
Loan Program and SEED, please call 508822-1020 or visit SEED’s website at
DeSantis Chevy Features New Space
Thursday, October 17, 5:30 pm - 7:30 pm
Win a State Contract
Friday, October 4, 9:30 am - 12:30 pm
Join us on Friday, October 4, from
9:30 am - 12:30 pm at the Metro South
Chamber of Commerce, 60 School
Street, Brockton, to learn how to connect
Commonwealth and win state contracts.
The Operational Services Division
offers this FREE workshop designed
for businesses who are interested in
learning how to do business with the
State. This workshop includes: An
Overview of OSD programs and services including State and Federal
Certification, Supplier Diversity
Program (SDP), Small Business
Purchasing Program (SBPP), and a live
demonstration of where to find bidding opportunities in Comm-PASS,
System). Attendees will also learn
about Statewide & Departmental
Contracting procurement process, and
marketing to public entities.
Additional details are available at
www.mass.gov/osd. Register online at
www.somwba.state.ma.us ->Sessions
>Connecting Your Business to the
Free Legal Clinics for Small Business
Thursday, October 11, 1:00 pm - 4:30 pm by Appointment
Please join us on Thursday, October
17 from 5:30 pm – 7:30pm for a
Chamber Business After Hours networking event at DeSantis Chevrolet
located at 1555 Main Street in
DeSantis Chevrolet, a family owned
business in operation since 1981,
offers the premier Chevy dealership
experience you deserve. Whether
you’re looking for a new or used car,
or if you need service and repairs, our
friendly and courteous staff will take
care of all your automotive needs. New
showroom is now open. Visit desantischevrolet.com for more information.
Register online at metrosouthchamber.com/calendar, or contact Kimberly
Prosper, kprosper@metrosouthchamber.com, 508.586.0500 x 231. This event
is complimentary, but pre-registration
is required.
Simple Strategies for Better Event Marketing
Series Continues: Friday, October 18, 11:30 am - 1:30 pm
technology/social media workshops
continues this month on October 18
with a workshop entitled Simple
Strategies for Better Event Marketing
with Constant Contact. The workshop takes place at Crescent Credit
Union, 115 Commercial Street,
Brockton. Registration, networking
and lunch will take place 11:30 am 12:00 pm, with the workshop running
from 12:00pm - 1:30pm.
Small businesses and nonprofits
need solutions that make them more
productive and professional looking.
Today’s affordable and easy-to-use
event marketing tools provide small
businesses and nonprofits the ability
to engage and capture meaningful
data about their audience which can
result in stronger relationships,
increased sales, and smarter event
At this workshop, you’ll learn best
practices on how-to maximize the
attendance at your events including:
• Promoting your event using
sponsored by:
RSVP and social media
• Online Registration
• Pre and Post Event Activities
Don’t miss out on this informative
and relevant learning experience. Can’t
make this one? There’s still one more
workshop in the series:
November 15: Leveraging Facebook with
Email Marketing - Social Media Made
Workshops are free to attend. To
register or for more information, contact
Donz, donz@metrosouthchamber.com,
508.586.0500 x 227, email donz@metrosouthchamber.com or register online
at www.metrosouthchamber.com/calendar-registration.
The Massachusetts Small Business
(MSBDC) is pleased to announce that
the prestigious law firm of Partridge
Snow & Hahn LLP has generously
offered to hold free legal clinics for
small businesses in our office and outreach sites.
A clinic will be held on Friday,
October 11 at the Metro South
Chamber of Commerce, 60 School
Street, Brockton. You will be able to
schedule a confidential 30 minute
meeting with Chris Cassara, a partner
at Partridge Snow
& Hahn, between
1:00 and 4:30 pm.
to discuss general
such as corporate structure, leases, contracts, insurance, employment, franchising, etc.
Please contact Alison Moriarty at
the MSBDC office at 508-673-9783 x10 to
reserve your time slot. Any business
participating in the clinic will be expected to sign a general waiver regarding
conflicts, etc.
The MSBDC (www.msbdc.org/semass) provides free and confidential
business advice to existing or prospective small business people. We
also offer training seminars on a variety of topics, including starting a
business, financial planning, government procurement, marketing,
social media, and international trade assistance.
Partridge Snow & Hahn LLP (www.psh.com) is a full service business law and litigation
firm with offices in Providence, RI New Bedford, MA and Westborough, MA.
Care for Your Business - Signature Healthcare
Thursday, November 7, 5:30 pm - 7:30 pm
Join us on Thursday, November 7
from 5:30 pm - 7:30 pm for a Business
After Hours. This event will take place
at Signature Healthcare’s new location, Two Washington Place, 31 Roche
Brothers Way in Easton.
The new office is
Signature Healthcare’s
first medical space in
Easton and is part of a
larger medical office
expansion and renovation plan intended to better serve the
patient population.
The two-story space encompasses 50
Signature Healthcare physicians and
employees in the disciplines of
Internal Medicine, Laboratory,
OB/GYN, Imaging, Pediatrics and
Plastic Surgery. Conveniently located
with plenty of parking, the aesthetically
pleasing space was built with patient
comfort in mind including warm color
palates and exam rooms positioned to
improve patient flow.
Physicians from Signature
Healthcare’s 110 Liberty
Street location in Brockton
will be moving to the new
space. Visit www.signaturehealthcare.org for more information.
Register online at metrosouthchamber.com/calendar, or contact Kimberly
Prosper, kprosper@metrosouthchamber.com or call 508.586.0500 x231. This
event is complimentary to attend.
New SiteFinder Up And Running!
ACTION Report October 2013
Mayoral Candidates On Business Issues
The new Metro South Site Finder is now live
at www.metrosouthsitefinder.com! The portal,
developed by AVIDA Designs, can also be
found on the Chamber’s website at www.metrosouthchamber.com, by clicking on the
“SiteFinder” tab on the navigation bar.
The Site Finder website lists available commercial sites available for purchase or lease,
with searchable criteria that includes squarefootage, town, and cost criteria, among many
others. Developers also have the ability to submit properties to be listed on the site.
Brockton Holiday Parade - Call for Floats
The Annual Holiday Parade in Brockton will take place in
Downtown Brockton on Saturday, November 30, 2013, at 1:00
pm. The theme is “International Holiday”. Any float, musical
organization or marching procession is welcome to participate. Awards will be given out for the best floats and marchers.
Registration is free and open to all. The cut off date is
November 15th. Sponsors are invited for Parade Groups and
Annual Holiday Program Book. Wear your Santa Hat, but
please remember, no Santa’s. Call 508-587-4322 for more information.
Wayfinding System Sought For Brockton
In the interest of business signage, The
Metro South Chamber of Commerce will
be working with the City of Brockton as
to develop a Wayfinding Signage System
for easier navigation throughout the city.
This system will contain directional signs
from the Route 24 highway, to sites
throughout the city. This system will
work in conjunction with the Brockton/
Metro South branding project currently
underway with Connelly Partners.
(see below).
Regional Metro South Branding Project
Project Start
Connelly Partners works with Metro South Chamber
to identify list of key proprietors of key lodgings,
restaurants, and attractions with whom to set up
industry interviews.
June 2013
Connelly Partners meets with
Chamber President & CEO
Chris Cooney and other key
stakeholders to gather background and perspective on the
Metro South/Brockton area.
Connelly Partners Account
Planning team spends
time in the Metro
South/Brockton to conduct
research and familiarize
with the area.
Mayor Linda Balzotti
Mayoral Candidate Bill Carpenter
The September 17th priBrockton’s future.. we do
Make your
mary election results are
have to make the streets of
in and the race for Mayor
this city safer in order to
will be between incumencourage business to
bent Linda Balzotti and
invest here.”
Ward 6 School Committee
On the same topic, Linda
member Bill Carpenter.
Balzotti commented, “I feel
The Metro South Chamber of
in the four years that I’ve been here,
Commerce recently raised awareness
[I] worked very well with the business
of business issues by hosting a
community, been very open to the
Mayoral Candidates Forum on
business community, listened to the
September 6th as part of the monthly
business community, and done as
Government Affairs meeting, spon- much as I can in terms of helping
sored by UMass Boston.
businesses not only stay here, but
Business topics addressed include: come here.. I will absolutely continue
Rate, to do that; I think the more businesses
Promotion/Marketing of Brockton, that come here, the more business
Wastewater Facility, Water Rates, City that we have located here, obviously
Leadership, is going to help the tax situation of
Technology, Power Plant, Education, everyone, both business and residenand more.
tial homeowners. So I will continue
When asked about the commercial to.. work towards the economic
tax rate in Brockton, Bill Carpeneter development that we need to help
stated “The commercial tax rate here everybody.”
in the city of Brockton is too high, it’s
To watch the whole forum, recordthe highest one in the region, it’s ed by Brockton Community Access
regressive. It discourages businesses Channel, visit www.metrosouthchamfrom locating in the city of Brockton, it ber.com/news-media/chamber-videos.
encourages businesses to leave..it’s
City of Brockton Election Day is
not going to happen overnight, that’s November 5, so be sure to make your
why I’ve put forth a blueprint for vote count!
Conduct approximately (15)
30-minute one-on-one industry
interviews over the phone.
Analyze data from interviews and prepare
key findings & actionable recommendations for Metro South Chamber brand
October 2013
Project Complete!
Conduct approximately (20)
30-minute one-on-one phone
interviews with interested consumers to better understand
audience segments, trip
dynamics, and highlights, etc.
Create brand book that incorporates findings and recommendations for Metro South Chamber and
marketers to use with development
of Metro South/Brockton branding
and marketing materials.
Metro South Regional Branding: The Metro South Chamber of Commerce is collaborating with Connelly Partners, an advertising and media company, contracted by
the Massachusetts Office of Travel and Tourism (MOTT), on a major Regional Branding of the Metro South region. The rebranding includes an extensive assessment of
visitor and stakeholder demand for tourism promotion, and how to better market these opportunities. This information will in turn be used to create a brand identity
to better develop the Metro South region as a recognized regional entity and attract more visitors and businesses to the area. The research phase and brand suggestions
are expected to be completed by early October.
Thank You to
Participating Partners:
ACTION Report October 2013
WELCOME New Members
Amity Insurance Agency, Inc.
Mr. Michael Peltier
500 Victory Road
Quincy, MA 02171
(617) 435-0445
Daddy’s Dairy
Ms. Traci Segal
1280 Belmont Street
Brockton, MA 02301
(508) 587-7770
Ice Cream
JD Engineering Inc.
Mr. Greg Driscoll
1145 West Chestnut Street, Suite 201
Brockton, MA 02302
(508) 928-4400
Civil Engineering
Stoneforge Grill
Mr. Allen Lemere
10 Roosevelt Circle
South Easton, MA 02375
(508) 238-0550
The Mockingbird Restaurant &
Martini Lounge
Mr. Frank Cannizzaro
838 North Bedford Street
East Bridgewater, MA 02333
(508) 378-4911
Restaurants & Function Facilities
The Toolbox Inc.
Mr. Tom Beach
P.O. Box 5151
Norwell, MA 02061
(781) 987-1655
Consulting Services
Midas/Happy Bear Auto
Mr. Peter Lown
772 North Main Street
Brockton, MA 02301
(508) 587-1955
Auto Sales & Service
To Join the Chamber,
Contact Kathleen Lynch,
508.586.0500 x 229,
Annual rates start at just $295.
Promote Your Business!
The Metro South
Chamber of Commerce is
getting ready to publish the
2014 Book for Business
(B4B), a four-color publication that includes a complete membership directory and guide to the Metro
South region. The Book for
Business is a valuable tool
for you and your business.
The B4B is distributed to over
5,200 people including member businesses, new businesses, visitors, residents, town halls, libraries, and more.
In addition, it is posted online where
it receives over 10,000 views annually.
Each Chamber member receives
2 free listings. Members may
update their annual verification form online to ensure
accurate listings in the
Members Only Section of the
Chamber website. The information on the form will also
be used for telephone referrals
made by the Chamber.
The Members Only
Login Page can be found under the
Membership tab on the Chamber website atwww.metrosouthchamber.com.
Please contact Melanie McGrath at
508.586.0500 x 222, mmcgrath@metrosouthchamber.com if you have not
received your login information or if
you have additional questions.
Advertise in the 2014 Book for Business
Don’t miss the opportunity to place an ad in the 2014 Book For Business and
stand out against the competition for years to come. Your ad will be listed in
close proximity to your free business directory listing. In addition, your alphabetical and categorial listing will be displayed in a bold colored font. This
opportunity is sure to give you a leg up in the competition by helping you
receive added exposure. Enhanced listings are also available.
Don’t have the time to create an ad or the money to pay a designer? If you
reserve your ad space now, our in-house graphic designer will create a full
color ad for you, free of charge. The ad is yours to use for additional promotions or for other publications.
Call Melanie at 508.586.0500 x 222 or email mmcgrath@metrosouthchamber.com for more information and for ad rates.
RENEWINGMembers Thank You !
Abington Bank
Baldwin Realty Group
Bay Copy
Belmont West Associates
Brilliant Move, LLC
Brockton Area Multi-Services, Inc.
Brockton Educational Foundation, Inc.
Burgess Pest Management
Conway Insurance Agency, Inc.
Curry College
East Coast Transit Services, Inc.
Edible Arrangements
Employment 2000 Corporation
Ercolini and Company LLP, CPAs
George's Cafe
Global Gourmet Partners
Gowell's Candy Shop, Inc.
H.T. Berry Company
Heights Crossing
Heritage Homes Real Estate
Hurkett & Associates
Kelley Auctions LLC
Legal Sea Foods
Lynch Cleaning Contractors
Mansfield Bank - Easton
MSW Financial Partners
National Physical Therapy
Protection One
Roger Keith & Sons Insurance
Sign Design, Inc.
Simpson Spring Company
Stadelmann Electrical Services
The Back Nine
The Victorian House at T.J. Smith's
Timber Lanes, Inc.
Training Resources of America, Inc.
TransPro Courier
Unitel, Inc.
Walgreen's Co.
Webster Bank, N.A.
William R. Sullivan
Wynn & Wynn, P.C.
Internships Offer Real Experience & Value
An internship is a partnership between a college/university and the workplace.
Internships are a valuable
component of a student’s
educational experience and
these experiences serve as a
bridge between academics and employment opportunities.
Many colleges give students the
option to participate in a “for-credit”
internship, which can be a highly
attractive option for students AND
employers. In a “for-credit internship,”
students pay tuition, and receive academic credit toward their college
degree. There may be additional
responsibilities for employers, such as
creating a formal learning contract and
providing an evaluation of the student’s performance at the end of the
placement. But there are also advantages for employers. “For-credit” placements are overseen by a university faculty advisor. This faculty advisor can
help shape the internship and supervise the student, thereby ensuring that
both student and employer get the
most out of the experience.
The faculty advisor also
becomes the connection
between the workplace
and the academic department—giving industry an
entry into the university to
help shape curriculum to best match
industry’s needs.
An internship can be more than just
a part-time job. However, employers
who do have part- or full-time jobs, or
who want to post informal, not-forcredit internship opportunities, are
welcome to do so through
CONNECTLink, the one-stop internship portal connecting employers to
five SE MA colleges and universities:
Bridgewater State University, Bristol,
Cape Cod, and Massasoit Community
Massachusetts Dartmouth. A point of
contact has been designated for each
campus to forward your requests to
the appropriate departments at each
individual institution.
Find the CONNECTLink Internship
Portal at www.connectsemass.org.
Chamber Welcomes Intern Kathryn Shields
Kathryn Shields
The Chamber would like to welcome Kathryn Shields as
the new intern for Special Events. Kathryn is a senior at
Bridgewater State University studying Communication
Studies with a concentration in Corporate Communication
Studies and a minor in English. Kathryn hopes to use her
time at the Chamber to develop her professional and networking skills as well as to learn more about event planning in a real business setting.
To learn more about internships at the Metro South
Chamber of Commerce, contact Kimberly Prosper, kprosper@metrosouthchamber.com, 508.586.0500 x231
ACTION Report October 2013
Chamber Affiliation News & Events
Retired Business Executives Wanted
To become an affiliate organization of the Chamber, contact Christopher
Cooney at 508.586.0500 x 223 or email chris@metrosouthchamber.com.
SCORE is a nonprofit association dedicated to helping small businesses get
off the ground, grow, and achieve their
goals through education and mentorship.
The Southeastern MA chapter of
SCORE is a volunteer organization
sponsored by the U.S. Small Business
Administration, staffed
by business professionals with broad industry
Do you want to lend
a hand? SCORE is
actively looking for counselors in their
Brockton location, 60 School Street. As a
counselor/mentor, you will take part in
creating the lives of small businesses.
Join SCORE’s team of over 11,000 working and retired business professionals.
Becoming a mentor means helping
your community thrive by providing
The Bridgewater Business Association (BBA) will host their October
2013 meeting, held with BBA Members Wheel House Real Estate and
Wheel House Mortgage, at their offices at 604 Bedford Street in East
Bridgewater on Thursday, October 17 at 6:30 PM. There will be a
wine tasting that evening, so bring a friend! Visit www.bridgewaterbiz.biz for
more information.
The Stoughton Chamber of Commerce will host the Taste of
Stoughton & Stoughton Chamber Business Expo on October 18,
11:00 am - 3:00 pm at the Stoughton High School cafeteria. Includes
fire & police demonstrations, live music, and food & beverage samplings. Visit www.stoughtonma.com for more information.
The Norwell Chamber of Commerce will host the 6th
Annual Taste of Norwell on October 17, 5:30 pm - 8:00 pm at
the Cushing Center, 673 Main Street, Norwell. Risky
Business from Hanover will provide the entertainment. If you would like to sponsor or participate, email reiko@trbdesigns.com.
The East Bridgewater Business Association (EBBA) The East
Bridgewater Business Association (EBBA) was founded in 1993 “to
promote a healthy business environment in East Bridgewater and to
provide services to assist its members including education, networking and fellowship.” Visit www. eastbridgewaterbiz.com
Join The Avon Industrial Park Association for a picnic on
Wednesday, October 2nd, 11:30 am- 1:00 pm at Weiss Sheet
Metal, 105 Bodwell Street, Avon. Visit avonindustrialpark.org.
The Randolph Chamber of Commerce The mission of the
Randolph Chamber of Commerce is to promote, enhance and
strengthen the business interests of its members and to maintain and
unify a sound and healthy business district and climate while contributing to the well being of the Randolph community. Visit www.randolphchamberofcommerce.org.
Health Care Reform Act: Myth vs. Fact
There have been many questions about the Affordable Care Act (ACA), and
for a good reason. It’s important for business owners to be aware of how the
Affordable Care Act will affect their businesses. However, with all of the misconceptions about the ACA lately, this is difficult for employers to do.
The U.S. Small Business Administration (SBA) has an ongoing blog series entitled “Myth Vs. Fact: The Affordable Care Act and Small Business”, which
recently addressed the question of the new Health Insurance Marketplace, and
what business owners should be telling their employees. This information is
necessary for business owners to know.
Myth: Business owners will be fined if they don’t notify their employees
about the new health insurance marketplace.
Fact: Under the ACA, if your company is covered by the Fair Labor Standards
Act, you must provide your employees with a written notice about the new
Health Insurance Marketplace by October 2013. However, despite what
rumors say, you will not be fined for failing to provide this notice.
Even though there is no fine, business owners should inform their employees that the new Health Insurance Marketplace is open for enrollment in all
states on October 2013. Employees should also know that they may be able to
purchase lower cost private insurance in the individual marketplace, but may
lose the employer contribution (if any) to their health beneits by doing so.
For more information on the Affordable Care Act, or to view sample notices
to provide employees, please visit the Department of Labor’s website,
www.dol.gov/ebsa/healthreform. To sign up for email updates from SBA, visit
Be sure to attend the Metro South Chamber of Commerce’s upcoming Good
Morning Metro South on October 23 to learn more about the how Health
Care Reforms will impact you (see cover for details).
local small business owners with valuable guidance and insights for success.
You’ve experienced the needs and challenges of managing successful businesses, so share your knowledge with those
who need it. Put your skills, strengths,
and passions to work for SCORE, for
your community, and for yourself.
Volunteering with
SCORE is sure to bring
valuable experiences,
personal satisfaction in
helping others succeed,
recognition and respect
as a business mentor, business connections, and professional and personal
If you’d like to help and join the
SCORE team, visit www.sema.score.org
to register or for more information. To
speak with a SCORE member at the
Brockton location, call 508-587-2673.
The Ambassador Team • Win-Win Opportunity!
The Ambassador Team meets on a monthly basis to serve fellow members
by providing information, resources, member-to-member support, increasing
awareness and promoting active participation in Chamber programs and
services. The next Ambassador meetings will meet on October 2 and
November 6 from 8:00 - 9:00 am at the Metro South Chamber of Commerce,
60 School Street, Brockton. For more information, call Kathleen Lynch at
508.586.0500 x 227.
The monthly Government Affairs meetings are held at the
Chamber and provide an opportunity for member businesses to
discuss issues important to them with their elected officials.
Sponsored by:
next including twelve years
Government Affairs as the mayor of Fall
meeting will take River, seven years as a
place on Friday, member
November 8, 12:00 Massachusetts House
pm - 1:15 pm at the of Representatives, and
South over twenty years on the Fall River
Chamber, 60 School School Committee. He was also the first
Brockton. executive director of the Urban Initiative
Former Mayor Ed Lambert Street,
The featured speak- at UMass Dartmouth, and most recently
er is Mr. Ed Lambert, Vice Chancellor at the Commonwealth’s commissioner of
the Department of Conservation and
UMass Boston.
Mr. Lambert will serve as an impor- Recreation.
If you would like to attend please
tant advocate for the University of
Massachusetts Boston among its many R.S.V.P. online by visiting metconstituents and provide significant rosouthchamber.com, by calling the
leadership as they work to achieve the Chamber at 508.586.0500 x227, or emailgoals of their strategic and master plans. ing donz@metrosouthchamber.com.
Mr. Lambert has an impressive The cost to attend is $5 for members and
background of experience and service $15 for future-members.
State House Weekly Roundup
The Metro South Chamber of Commerce is now sending out a
weekly e-update from the State House through Constant Contact.
If you are interested in receiving this information, please visit
www.metrosouthchamber.com/news-media/e-update. Once you
enter your email address you can choose “Government Affairs”.
ACTION Report October 2013
Jacobs Driscoll Engineering
Orange Leaf Frozen Yogurt
Courtyard by Marriott
...When You Join the Chamber.
Call Kathleen at 508.586.0500 x 229,
or email:
1145 West Chestnut Street, Suite 101, Brockton
508-928-4400 • www.JacobsDriscoll.com
Jacobs Driscoll Engineering is a land development
engineering and land surveying firm located in
the City of Champions, Brockton, Massachusetts.
We provide land development permitting, civil
engineering, and land surveying solutions for
commercial, retail and residential developers, real
estate investors, municipalities, and homeowners.
We can get your project permitted and into construction quickly and with precision.
1285 Belmont Street, Brockton
508-857-5923 • www.orangeleafyogurt.com
Orange Leaf frozen yogurt is made fresh, on-site,
everyday. We have 16 flavors in our store, over 60 flavors that we rotate, and plenty of fresh fruit and
candy toppings. Orange Leaf is a self-serve store and
we are currently charging 55 cents per oz. Stop in
and enjoy red velvet or wedding cake or No Sugar
orange/pineapple or oreo cookie or brownie batter
or...you get the picture.
37 Paramount Dr ive, Raynham
508-822-8383 • www.marriott.com
The newly renovated Courtyard by Marriott is conveniently located along Routes 44 & 24. The new state-ofthe-art lobby provides flexible spaces to work or relax
in, free high-speed Wi-Fi through the entire hotel. The
Bistro is the highlight of our new lobby experience. We
offer a fitness & cardio center, indoor pool & whirlpool,
24-hour business center & a quick print station to get
you on the go faster. Your stay is sure to be more comfortable, more productive, and more enjoyable than
ever before!
60 School Street, Brockton • 508-586-0500 x 229
Join the Chamber and network your business to
success! The Chamber hosts informative meetings,
networking events, and puts you in touch with
your legislators. We also offer marketing and advertising opportunities, referrals, publicity and exposure. In addition, we offer Health Insurance packages and access to Comcast Savings, Discounts, and
Energy Purchasing Programs. Call Kathleen to
learn more today!
Interior Plant Maintenance and Design Service
P.O. Box 1246
Middleboro, MA 02346
508.947.8433 (p)
781.767.2244 (f)
Shelley Tierney
It takes the right tools to start - or grow - a business.
And it takes customers to keep business growing.
The Metro South Chamber of Commerce builds strong
businesses and communities by connecting you to new
customers and suppliers, as well as to those who influence the local economy and quality of life. You’ll get the
tools and resources you need to grow and make a positive impact.
Call 508.586.0500 x 229 or visit metrosouthchamber.com to learn more.
October 4
October 9
October 11
Winning State Contracts
Legislative Reception
Free Legal Clinic
9:30 am - 12:30 pm
508-586-0500 x 231
5:30 pm - 7:30 pm
1:00 om - 4:30 pm
E-mail: info@metrosouthchamber.com
Donahue Hall
60 School Street, Brockton
Metro South Chamber of Commerce
Stonehill College, Easton
60 School Street, Brockton
Online: www.metrosouthchamber.com
Learn how to Connect Your Business to the Commonwealth
and finding bidding opportunities in Comm-PASS. (see
page 8)
This is your opportunity to interact with elected officials at
the state, federal and local levels in a casual setting. (see
page 1)
Schedule a confidential session with a partner at Partridge
Snow & Hahn to discuss general legal questions. (see
page 8)
Free to Attend
Tickets: $5 members, $15 future-members
Free to Attend - Reserve Your Time Slot
For more information, call 508-586-0500 ext. 227
For more information, call 508-586-0500 ext. 231
For more information, call 508-673-9783 x10
Metro South Chamber of Commerce
October 17
October 18
October 23
Business After Hours
Geek Girl Workshop
Good Morning Metro South
5:30 pm - 7:30 pm
11:30 am - 1:30 pm
DeSantis Chevrolet
Crescent Credit Union
1555 Main Street, Brockton
115 Commercial Street, Brockton
This is a great networking event in a casual setting.
Refreshments will be served. Do not forget your
business cards.
Learn how to Simple Strategies for Better Event Marketing
with Constant Contact, sponsored by Crescent Credit Union.
(see page 8)
This breakfast program provides an opportunity to
hear from informative and entertaining speakers. It is
also a great networking opportunity. (see page 1)
Tickets: Complimentary
Free to Attend
Please RSVP at 508.586.0500 ext. 231
Tickets: $35 members, $45 future-members
For more information, call 508-586-0500 ext. 231
For more information, call 508-586-0500 ext. 231
7:30 am - 9:00 am
The Shaw’s Center
1 Feinberg Way, Brockton
Send reservation and payment to:
Metro South Chamber of Commerce
Sixty School Street
Brockton, MA 02301-4087