Untitled - Soluttions
Untitled - Soluttions
zout en peper Sel et poivre Sal y pimienta Sale e pepe Sal y pimienta & PEPPER, it groups a set of garments that have been conceived to fill with SaltSALT og vitality and originality the sector of the dining industry. From caps to trousers, including peber jackets and aprons, all of them with a sober, stylized and modern design combined with a touch of colour that complements it and gives them an image of youth and rebelliousness. SALT & PEPPER, it has been designed by a group of professional young men, who have worked for months to obtain a few unique garments that were perfect to give response to the needs of the market. The products have been made applying the last innovations in technical fabrics (Texfib, Resiskle, Teflon, ...), combined with a magnificent design with the aim to obtain the unique garment, which provides a maximum comfort and versatility. SALT & PEPPER, it offers you a wide range of products that can be combined between them to be able to dress the professional, obtaining the unique and different wardrobe. It is a pleasure that you enter with us in SALT & PEPPER'S world. 椒盐 Salt og peber R And An And d dn A And d A nd pimienta n Sal y Sal ch t o l a S par pep pepe A pimienta Sal y Sale e Sa y pe pe A pimienta le e n p e r e p e lt p e o r e pep e Sal e Sal y l y Sa a nt e i m pi S p g A nd a e pimienta et p im i en t a nd a And ie n ta lt p e o r g d n A re g pim And Sal y S o Sa l po vi p e lt nd Se l And pebe r og S al t a e A en ta og t l Sa r pe e p S An d A nd Sa l A A nd S e l e t p o iv r e pfef fer pim i An d Salz und And d Sa l y pi m ie n ta pimienta Sal y pimi en ta Sal og pep t e And p Sal e And e Sale e ta l Sa y ie pim a nt Sal y l y Sa y pimienta nta mie pi pimien ta er Sal Sal og er nd And et And lt Sa Sal pep Se l et poi v r e A Sal e And pimien pe eb Salt r og Sal t og e per pep t og er And And re und y ta e pfeffer And l n pepe und Salz pfeffer Salz ivre e e pepe e And r ffe A nd Sale e pep und pfe lz Sa o och ar pepp Sa pi m ie pep pv oi And Sal y re v Sal et And Salt And pimienta And poi Sel p Se l pimienta Sal y et Sel And Sal y pimienta