v"'i" m"-*-*, :i'ff -fi"#iJtril'ili'rv'"*.'Gordstein baH/.tff i,sLtff ff Suite830 FL-l70 BeverlyHills,CA 90211 fttepcone no 310.273.7 7 77 "orn"r""-' 323.65l17BF at'oarra ronrrv*l ShaunaSand-Lamas FILEI) SUPERIOR COI'R]OFCAIIFORNIA, COUIiITY OF i r)lI sLlPlill1o! LosANGEI,ES slnEETAoDREss 111North Hill Street rarLltJc AoMFssSAME ? 1?nnA l,{0v cmaoz,FcooE Los Angeles,CA 90012 6Nd Mr,ECENTML DISTRICT PEnnoNEBi ROfiain Chavent JOHN CLl:tII( ff'A'cIjFKE c.c)rtub3tFul RESPONDENT Shauna Sand-LamaS OECLARATION FORDEFAULTORUNCO TESTED I\ DISSoLUTIoN , . LEGALSEPARATIoN {ttlOTE:fternsI throughteapptytototnffi incpurt andvere Ewom, ,*.ro 8D464569 n,,[ t,r," il ,n,"o*n-,,"". I. rasree I ::lltrl::l i:lyrsd 2rhd mvGse wil b6proven bvlhbdecr€rarjon "*,,,v ",1i.1"""" aodlh6r I wil notappe". t"".;i;;il ffi.::ffi ordersd bythec6urtto 3, Alflh€ inlormalion in tho i.f_l eanion lx lnegonse i6 trueandcor.ect_ 4 Difauft or uncontested(Checka or b.) a. l_-.J Thedet€utt of thorespondent v/a€entoredof i5 be'ngrequested'and I am not seeki.,g anv reliefnot requesledin the petition, oR b- l x i The pdrrisEhav6asreedth6rth€ ma(er may prpceed as an unc4nt*ted metterwithoq notc6, end lhe agre€menr a5 stlach€dor is ilcorporatedtn the6ltach€dselliementagrcem€nt or stiFrlslediuclgment, 5. sottened agreamsr*(check a ot b.) a i JT}€pa teshave€nteredinto I J a atrprlrared iudgme resa.djnsthehproperty lhehmsfiiageor dofiesri"larldBrship rights,including s.ppon,rheorigi..roi*i-; |s or hasIrssnBubmilled "l^:::"::ll rd the couft_| rEque thalthecounspprovefte agreement ,. oR b. | )( I Thete is no agreenent or stiputrtod iudgnent, a4dfte followingslatementsdre fu€ tcrect Bf/e€sldre inctudns_jlen(Z)if a c@rnunw sstetedxists): (1) lX-.j Th6reareno community or quaGi,communiry ss€ekor com|nunity dsbt6to b6 disposedofbythe cou,t. (2) | I Th6 community6nd quasl_communiry assetganddeblsare listedon ihe stacned comptoted curr€nlproperty oecJ&aton(formFL_160),whlchjncludesan estimaieof tt * uatu* oitiul"""t" dobt€lhet lpropoeeto ba divrsion-,n "nu ri€p,oposed Juds;;-rr;;;i"*),,"_FL-180) iBa{eirdnd equdl fi:l:f;1;""1Tli#;:" *bls ot ifiherois € negalive estare the debt3ars ossisn€drairlvandequLabry: 6, Decrr.atiorotdEcroe;lc;;;k;:;,';;;i a. t-x..'.l Boththe p€tilionorand reEpondenthayefled, or€le fling mncofienfly, e Decta/?ltion Kegading SeNiceot Llectarstioo (tormFL-141)andan tncln,a enarrp*"i , otDr:sc.losrrrE . or"t*"rai'ttor^rlltliii.' b. I Thismrtsr€ proc€edinq bvdeibutr. - " t i;6ifr"xf".'liliff1'ff#3,"i111""[1i,'ffiIfi."F#i;l:I, Pr?ir,+.ff#t#3;3dffiFf g"]ion orhennarDe! lenhon orDi.sctosure . serv,c€ ;:',iJiffli1flTffi:'fl Afl:iliqlf:!"9.s:*f;:,:t-1ff.1*:" ismutuarry trontr.r.r40) orp€riury iic6rii;'i;i:" oip'bftfti;i#ffi!#iiit id;'#'id";Hi' _.sgreemenr -*'Penartv unrs custodyshoutd -/. i be orderedas sst torthin theproposed &dgn ent (FenjtyLaw)(totm?..1AOl. g. i- I Chro vistteti"nshouldbe orcte.ect as s illn" p-po"to 'iuogt"t tamtv Law)lltttmFL 18o) s. sporreAr,panner,andr"-rry e,ppe14" ",'l-l.rllh Checkat lsast oneolthe hllowlng.) 3. I x .' I tnowingty giw up toreveranyrightlo rcceivespooselor partner o. ._ | I ss'( mecourtto res€rvojurisctictjonio awardspousat partner iuppod. or supp;d In the f tur€ to { - e*p"n". ri""r","'onJl#;iffii;;;;k"""::H:,T#;'If["i,:;:;frp;:"i#i#,T,:,.,#ffi,!,i",X& 5 "1 Fa'rf I i*1i""i,1,'ff:iif,':'i^"^.'3:':'--"1,T.1r$l':n"w'p*"aniiiiniiti*,iiiJ"rao*'.-,"0r. ilysupporr shoutu u"*a",.a* ;"#'piopJi?"rffi:;:;:,';;;;;;i:;ii;:fr!:;;i; ""i'iorr, PFT|T|ONERi ROflain Chavent RESPoNDENT: ShaunaSand-Lamas 8D464569 10. 11- b. Tothebertofmyknowtedgs,lhe othero_edy r r! , isnot recs;ving pubc Es6r6r€nce12. ) Th€petttioner I jresponrtentrst inspublic assi3tance' and alr support tocalchirdsuppod benadepayabre ase;cy il;;;;;;";ff::llv,r€ce roft6 I onh inlheProposed judgment A 'iould fepres€nio ;6 ot Irtu "l ro""r*irJ n6i $rgnad judgmanl rneproposBd "-r-Jpi'n-li-"n".v'" 13 lflhele are rninorchrtdren,chdck€nd conTlst€ dema End ilem b ot cl a. My gross(beror6taxes)monthty|ncomeis fspec,t . g 0.00 D. l,.l Theeslimated 9ro$5monfityincomeofth€orhQrpartyjs rspeciryl$0.00 c. I I I haveno knowtedgeof lh6 estifiated honlhty incqme of the oth;r psrty for the followlngreasonE(spdcrit )l d. l J I r8questthatlhisorderbe ba6edon the J ipetitionorg I JresponOents earnrng r- --_ab'litvThel'dctsifl supportof myestim€l€ ofeamingebilityarafspec,itj l ..j Cantinued onAttadlhent13d 14. I I Parenrsse ot thEchibrenot thepotitioner endrespond€nt bompriorlo th6irmanraqeo partnersilp shoutdbe ordolgdas €6t foitr in rrrepropoieJ JuosmE l-.amy ._ Lsw) lft)rnFL 1eor.n a"",.;",J_1.1-":lic pa,enteee banached * in ,r,e proposeo.i,ognun;ri;;t;;ili;:il?i1#l t 13. -1 ilfilfijiil T*i.::#1;fj ?j""rr equestsresloradonof hi6 or her lormer names! sst (tanV Lew)(f..;tm fonh in ihe prop I L.18rl), $ed Judgment 17. Th€reare lfisconcitebl€difierencesthdt h3E tedto ihe irrcmediabte b.Eakdowrof the manisgBor ctomestjcpadnerchip, and rr wur r:ErI lc or olnea m€an6. ," f,::",,:j:jff:,31yfl":::l::1"J1T1"_:.j 1"'*ti"r**"r,ip ',,oiJi*;:il;;;"i;_,."""". who lE, This declsre on msy bs rovje\,led by a eo;n r€questar '"qui'e;y;pp;;;;;;; e;;;;'jil3ffi:"J:[*:i3$1*-t,tdse navderormine wherher tos.anr rtris STATEMENTS rNTHrsBoxApplyoNLyro DrssolmoN;:G;;r;;us;; lf lhir js I dilsolulonof mafitageorof a dom*rjc nasDeena resrddffor thls t* *-f1i.e3tl f::F ""-ftltns anormmodnrery preceding -,"r lh€dateoI- he peu6n il flqhgr !!ate the petitioner6nd/orti€ r has been aresiddnro*his -u-nrvroi"ir"aliir'iJJfr,"ir,i'.t{i:i?.,ifJsl8:i,ff,Jf,t?ll8lru,flfi"in""ii" orthe ,ordtscotution of ma.""g..", ii;!i," p"rm.ol,,p. drssorurion ormariase oroorn"n,"*i"ltsn,o 0".* |nX":,1;lTi""r?H*T,J:':;J:fl,"ffi'Jo;""1i*rJffTg rneordersset fonh in lne ptoposedJudgnent (formFl-lgo) wlrfi suonlrco Fe;ity Lar) "*n rhrBdecferation. L JThb delaralton js for the rerminstionof madt , or,domeG.'llc partne, status only. I ssk the courtlo r€s€rve ovetaI iGsues who6edeterminatlon iu rdiciion is nol rBquesrea n mrsg€ctaration_ THIS$TATEMENT APPLIES oI.ILYTo LEGAL sepnmrrol,Is | €sk lhat ule courtgranl the reque{ lor 6 fudam€ cour coull4,axerheorc,€r63erforihinrAA".-.^"J,,:jg_!91::?,"r:,,o1!"sed-uponirEconclabt€dnerencesendthalhe , ftaxe rheorcf€r' 3er rorrh inrhepropmed Jud,s,ft r;i ti;i ifiirr.,ici .-*i;iiffi.,ff#lH,ilf;Jf "" "i 0""" not ter'inate r mardssa o,oo,n"rr" p..rn","r'ip i"'#f"TF,.T#l[?ilf$H""j,'f;flff!1ff13" andrhstram3t l t'edury underthe r€w€ orrhe sr"re orcarirornia thar ;d,ffiI,;il SHAUNASANDDECLAMTIONFORDEF OISSOLUTION or ancFNryo'rAF wrq ol- Ar 0 ESq_ . . CaryW. Goldstein, W Goldstein of Cary LawOffices Elvd 8383Wilshire Suite830 u,!?li', '"""'ll.!"i11';.ll "" rq"o,o,"".rr323.6511785 ""*' Los^*HI'L""F"P couNTYoF Supeaoacounr or cALtroRNla' |10!? 1?nnA 111 North Hlll $treel AhEE'^loFEgs CA 90012 LosAnEeles. JOHNLcUlBKe CENTRALDISTR * floNER:RomeinChavent PET| cL'nx " 'ku\4EF-' ShauneSend'Lamas REspoNDENT NOTICEOF ENTRYOF JUDGMEI'IT juclgment onfdpl4r wasent€red lhalthefollowing Youarsnotified NoV 2l ?008 1. X l Oilsolulion Dl$olulion-6letusonry 2. statu$or domeslicPartherthiP jurisdlction of rnatital ovsrterminaljon 3. i .- ' Oisgolution-reserulng +. - Legaleoparetion s, *..-l Hutlitv 6. 7. 8 --_ Psrent-child relationship - -l Judgrno on eseruedissues -- Other fsp€c/t)i NoVs 12008 Date: f". OeputY Clerk,by c c"lto gR *,t"o,' ot'o"""' - NorrcETq ArroRttEYoF REcoRD PARTY or if.noapp6alio fil€dth6counhav oder theexhiblbdeslroyed sec1ion.1952, ot cod6o{ civitprocedure underthe provisiong ci"po""t ot atel 60 daygf|om fie explratlonof the appealtime ott'.*lr* oF DlssoluTlol{ oNLYToJUDGMENT tr n tttts eox aPPLrEs fltue 1 \, : 1 O Effectivedrte of remln€tionof matjlsl or domesticpartner$hipstatusfspedt)j 9. ! wARx|NG:Neitfi€'p..vmayrgln..ryolont.rinto.newdomestlcpgf're6h|p|lni|thEgfiect|vgC|at.o'th€t€'fiio5tion CLERK'SCERIIFICATEOF MAILIXG Icedry$slJ6mnotapartylolhisceugeandlhelatruecopyoflhe,l/oflcaolEnt|yaf'JudgmsnfwAsm.i|6dfirEtc|a$.postag mailed tutly p;paid. in € sealedenvelopeaddre$6d as shownbelow.andlh.-allhe nolice\taa "'@"*"Novt 1zooE , DeFuiy C.Calvo Oater Nan€ andaod'sreot peufoiei 0r teiircner. rbmav CHAVENT - ROMAIN - Name 6nd lddreE3 cl €Fndenl --- i or d'pondnnfs atbdev -I SHAUNA SAND.TAi'AS ' c/oCaryW. Goldstein, Esq. 8383WilshireBlvd.,Suite830 Hills,CA 90211 I Beverly { ;- hrd 'd sc*"rq u- s s"pp""r FllfInoi-lY9,3i?EIJ a"'ur.L9'L""n35 -rpdyc"a.,ir us. rdr6.6r fa* oficesofcau wi cJA-lte"r.r Suite830 BeverlyHills.CA 90211 310.273.7777 'aLr.rcurc, rexno rop,-q 323611,17BS ShaunaSand-Lama$ supERroR couRT oFcALroRtn,corli#or srf,EnaooRE€si 1 11 North Hill Street FILEI) LOSiN6Ft FSSUpriRl cot 6\-'/ Novr 121108 draANoaFcoff: Los Angeles,CA 90012 JOHNLCt iFKE CLE PETITIONER: RomainChavent (.'t\* c crlvo. oEPlrw REsPoNoENrr ShaUnaSand-LamaS AFPEAMNCE,STIPULATIONS, ANDWAIVERS 2. Agrsement,3 pulaiton , (cttoosaaI ttlatep y): 'indwatvarc s. x Thopsrtieeagioethatt s causemaybs decidecl asan uncont€slecl maner. b x rhe parli66wsiv€lhsir tlghts to noticeof tritl a slat€menrot decision,s moton tor new triar,aod rrghtto sppeal c, Thismartsrmeybe decidedbya commt*ionersil ng as a tempor6ryjudg6. d. Wo haves Mitteo egrc€menl,or a Stiputrtionfor judgfisnt wi be submiltgdto the court. e Noneofthes€agredmsnts or wrlvel ihe eourtapprovesfie sllPul3tlonfor judsmefltor incorporates iho writlenssilem€nt €srcem€" *j,lJiffJlta'"''"s "a f lr, : case,and bothpadi€6hevesidnedan , dyisem€rtsnd I!i: 1 fTnjas€ waivsr of r{tghts Re:Eskblshme[ ol Parenhl Retationshipgotm Ft 23S)or jis eqt't;vstenl. 3. Othar (&pecv Dalsl SHAUNASANDLAMAS Dalg: (ryFE OR oare,4l- ? - 0 k Fomap dld|fopridEr!s Ftr3d lFd Jeury 1,2006, IAME) 'RN, STIPULATIONS, ANDWAIVERS ,- APPEJRANCE, Lega.l {ramrryLaw-uniformPErontage_Cu3tody andSupporr) SoEtE)ns t4hl{us ,iin._nT;'M4Fdtr *d'; idilxrfii "djAvi.ft 345So.Cloveadate #404 LoBAngele8, CA 90036 ll(F"'llo'' "',.' ,,,,',n,F, ?nn't 310.359.3594 'FrePsoN€|/0., N0\ 1 ' supERtoR couRr_oF_ c-alrrorur{c6uNFirr sriE€raolFEs5lt1 North HillStfeet ,nu*'Fo "s|tf crriar{ozrFcoDE Los Ange'es,CA 90012 'tttt' " "Vuhttii'* €MICHN&E.CENTML DI$IRICT RESPoNoErlTr shauna Sand_Laffias ["J[?li#iiIm ","534#i'3Jf".""fi tX 5*r'.'r"'v ';::H:ff'. t amthe I I Atorncyfor Xi pedtioner i 2 . rX pe tionetsi - i R6spondentsprp//dia^ 1- 8D484569 I Re3pondontin thismafter. ,xrmornnyro, r: il;;;;;{iH:,#il:#"ri:i.i;::##,:"",,*ir,7i,"i:fi::,,;g;;;","" on(dalel: 3. i l Petltione/El.. lRsspondenr,€ I _JAttomeyfor 1 J peritioner I 4. p,t,Ql lcb - (J 'ii::;*"#ll' T;i"'T'f,fliJ,ffi"T iT:",i tMffi;u *naon Serice ofth€ Frhst Dectaftianof Disctosufhas b€€nwaivedunderFarnity Codesectionzros.subdivision {d, I feclare,underpenalty ot po.Jury und€rrbetawsorf lhe skte of california lhat lhe foregolngis true qnd corect. tlt{4usr , Dste':JrJly 1, 2008 Note Filethis docum€ntwith thEcourt Do not fifs a copy ot einer tne eretiniiiry ir Fliiat DeetarationoI O/bctosrrs with thi$ docuhent F6f, Adopbdtori&nd'to.r rr4 *"be8fl 'flit1"6F""lt8'.".'mFn? t." qew .-*_.dd.., " fl;oeNrfroF,4fr iT:1{EqMGE FL-t4t *. cordstein b3l,.ovfllffiil!?# $uite830 Beverly Hills,CA90211 l tc*onew, 310 2t3.7777 rsm 323.051.1785 FILEI) supERtoR couRToF car_rronnm, ioui.Et srREErADDnEsi. COIJ SUPFRIOR LO$ANGELES 111 Norih Hill Slreet ? 170n8 NOv c,wANozpcobELoe Angeles, CA 9001? MIOTUT+ GENIMLOISTRICI CLERK JoHN4rCLAlll(E " "\ruFk', RESPONOEifr: shaunaSand-Lamas ffi?fl?*fi "liF ",'53$S.ti:ii!f l. . .j Patitrone',g BD,t8456S t. I amthe lj i Aromeyfor j 2. I I l Patltlone. I X I &espondent in ihir matt€r. I Fetiijone/s I f, l Reipond€nr,' PrcfininaryDeclaa on of Disclosurcanc!tncon lAttom e yfor lX lpottroner i .nro'ra;€/y/9{ I Rospondent ry,i ar;";;;;;i" i":::l*1""3:itrE;:,**.o*, 3. I I Petittone,.Bf:I Respondenrs 1- lAtlorneyfdr i J peritioner I ''ffi :ffffif T,T*ff ff"',',XTJf i,,ff#ito::,g,#;;i:""", 4. LX l Servtc! onhB Frhdt Docjamtionol Djsctosuft has beenwaivedunderFamilyCodeiection I dffi5r€ K pen€ltyof eetjuryunderthe lsw5of tha st€te of Zt 0E,subdivision(d) catafomierhetthe foregoingrs tn e Enqcor€cr, ""f,,*f,,r0, Note: Fil€-thisdocumentwrththecourt uo nor flle a copy of eilher the prctiminaryor iiia! Dectarationof Drsclosur€ with thiadocument. R r4r |R'.r Jru^/ r 2!ort OE%TEIIH|IMFB',TEMIFNF (F.milyLsw) ^foaN* oi F^ir w,Hovf AnoFiE ;E; CaryW Gotdstoin, Esa. Law3ofllcesif C€ryW Gotdste/n Sl]iie830 Beverly Hills,CA 90211 res"r'at6do 310273.7777 Fd io .0,@) 323 651.1795 ,noFNEYFoR/'rdshauna sand-Lama5 ^..nHlp#.,^t iloY?1?nfln supEnroR counroFcalrroaru, courrryo-F-Ii-s-TigEGE 11.1 NorlhHiflStreet LosAngeles,CA gOOll ENTRAL DISTRICT cLElll( J0HN oBFK€ "-A . FETTI|ONER: RomainChevent JUDGMENT --x. D,seolultoN . LEGAL SEFaaaT|olt ,- stalutonly - Rerodingiunsrticlion overterminabon or mrrlator domesuc psnnershlp itituc . -,,o ;i;ll _ gata ma.itgtordornestlc p€qleBhipst tussn&. Thisjudgmont . .-.- coniain€personetcorducr re*dn,n^ nda* ThereskE;ninr o'de;;rec""'#; '""'-'''3? ,iioili*n,*i "; ;;s"(;;"' "\dubtEi,t' 8D484569 :_ ' orderc. ,n$oj;le; :;Ef[Ere;6s'snrns 3. The cou,i ecquredjlrisdicliondf the .e6oond Qa ; rhj,..d;;;i;;;#;;;i;";,1J1::lr,"tu) Mav?e.2008 The b /osponde,ttadosared .l/ THECOURTORDERA, 6OODCAUSEAPPEARIiIG " - c, t s. h. t-' jsentered. Madlel ordorneslic pennershjp sreru! isierminared andthepartes i:ttfX#;liJtffi.lon a€ restored rothe -x" (.t) on(sFac'ry datu), \t. LO Ot {r, on r dateto be det6rininec not'""dtot'on ofeifier party or on sripurorion. Jedgme.tof regalseprrerjon ," "n,.j"? Judgme ot nu ity is entefed. fhe paniss are decl€r€dto b5 singtepeEons oo U1 e grcundot (specity): --- Thisjudgh€ntwi be ent€rednunc pro lunc as ot /dat4. Judgme on reieru,€diseues _, Ine _ p€titioneis .-. respondert.s formernaTe is resto.edto rsoec/fut, _,.. Jurisdjction is re$erved overa[ otherissues€ndulror"""n, oro"" i"ni# ti,"nect e""eptaspovroeoretow, judgrnent This provisions _ contein$ forchitd$rJpport !r famity suppod. Eachpa,iy,""i"irp,*,. *o ," withthecauna ff'f ;""fif"'i:Tffy,"fi#j','"'J"5iJl"l"*ll'g^.1'.""';;j;;i;1;;;,il;irheparenrsilu *ti'l 1t o hoch€nse'bvfirinsanupdared oraigrrrs ananeso"onJdiirieslill; ;;':l:.: cni6 suppott oier ltoii iit,iii-o'1,[J,'"ll"t" FdD rd.rlod fd Mar*d' @ rdb! cqrdr d cJird . FLn& (Eer re$ry J, dt rorn.rne /v;ce .davs anaianarion st'.r oncnaniis a ""0 ""'tbu'sementF ocEdu'Es JUDGII,IENT 1" casE|!AMFr.€sr,rd. ,T, ** d7;; ,ar)/--eFIVE 8D484569 (2) . ._ parentage is establirhed forcf ' fl]'":"i;irb1;i"{;f"H,#"Tj:'::'iH:i"j:HJ":'mpro"o'hema'iaee Iii-::#:i*"",;i"-,,,,,"'",J;iif!:Fii*r:::,#i"l'';: m. Childlupport is order€dss ser roth ,n lhe altsch€o ;::#:i",ffi ,":;" i:;,,i#l'#:::{!!:i:,#T#FIIffi l;ii::;;fu,l#:il,.{Jl',,l;ij*tli:r,li,i[j::;.gas:;,NOTICE:ll i€ th€ goalof thi6stale lhet eact mrtrrtr?ltrilffiH,;;r#li*l;{jt:f;f rry.p*ru: " X Prolody dlvisionrs ordoreda6 set lodh rn the anached i;j:H;'#Hffi ;""}.;x#,i"i::;H"i'.;#!ir;T*w*,enesr.emenr Fl x olh6t _-. . req,4.u, ts ru@ncnt \to.m There-grg 69 aoamun,ty cirv ane s otne, yng)qaffiH i; il"cfiii'ff _ Judediction i6 rc3erved to mekeothgrod.rc necegsaryto c6rryou; Osle: 5 o'lu1ts too" "oi " "'_ "* *,,I, *" io co+ptyw h each6nachn16nr,6 "roered Numb6rofpag€iatec,hed: I'CMruR€ FOLTOWS USr INrcHMEffI Em"*$'*u'fr 'g*ir*rq*,#1u*#"'"*' m€oels,aEwetlas anycrEOtr csrds,othlr crJ yous :1"-:,"1.Y:1.::1.1:"*nsedorwherher burirlhsrpedydoestroipeythe *'t"":*f'Il1tiffi"1?gixl':r1:ffy*:if,Tt{Jn""".*";g,^Xi"""*"*dnddebt$, An eamingsassignmsntmdybe issuedwithoulal Wfi ';';:'-T;',:'ii#;:,tt"J* lljl;Sil;tffi