WUKF Bulletin 14
WUKF Bulletin 14
3rd WUKF WORLD KARATE CHAMPIONSHIPS SENIORS and VETERANS 18th to 21th JUNE, 2009 ODESSA - UKRAINE A Message from the President I would like to congratulate all the Federations that were present in Odessa – Ukraine. We had 54 Federations and more than 600 competitors, a good report for a World Championship. Mr. Valeriy Kusiy made tremendous efforts for the organization of this event, congratulations for him and his team; all of us could realize the difficulties of organizing such a big event, the World Championships, but all the participants were very happy. The Reception of the presidents, referees and officials, before the championship was magnificent, food and drinks, dancing and warm hospitality, Mr.Valeriy demonstrated us that he was decided to impress all with a wonderful organization. Unfortunately there were some technical difficulties that we couldn't pass and it was impossible to use the New WUKF sytem of Competition; it will be used in Constanta - Romania during the European Championships for Children, Cadets and Juniors in September 2009. 3rd WUKF WORLD KARATE CHAMPIONSHIPS SENIORS and VETERANS 18th to 21th JUNE, 2009 ODESSA - UKRAINE The best of our events was the friendship between the competitors, the officials, the Executive Committee members and all of the participants. Even if there were some referee errors we can say for sure that we had a correct judgment and “the best had win”. The increasing of the referee level could be made in time and if all the federations will bring at least 2 referees at WUKF events. The training of the referees is an important point on WUKF agenda and in Constanta 40 referees will be invited free of any cost for participating at the Special Seminar. Like all our events there were difficulties for some countries to get VISA to Ukraine, some countries from Asia and Africa were not able to join the championship. The special guests Master Teruo Chinen (Goju Ryu), Master Kando Shibamori (Wado Ryu) and the World Champion Christophe Pinna were present all the days of the championship and presented nice demonstrations in the opening ceremony. They evaluated the organization of the event and suggest some very good possible changes that could increase the level of organization. 3rd WUKF WORLD KARATE CHAMPIONSHIPS SENIORS and VETERANS 18th to 21th JUNE, 2009 ODESSA - UKRAINE Mr. Spartaco Bertoletti Director from Samurai Magazine was our special guest too, his presence always bring shine to any Karate event. His presence was not only into the journalistic area but using his experience to help the Executive Committee to improve the organization for the next events. During the WUKF Congress in Hotel Odessa, the Administrative Report and the Financial Report were presented to all members. The Elections for Executive Committee, programmed for this Congress were organized as the new WUKF statute imposes with secret vote for all the positions. Mr. Osvaldo Messias de Oliveira was reelected in secret vote by unanimous of the votes of the participants at the Congress for a new mandate 2009 – 2013. We started WUKO in 2005 with only 5 members and now WUKF has 164 Federations in all of the world, it is the result of our efforts during this 4 years. The President Osvaldo Messias de Oliveira presented the Document of the Trade Mark Office where the Name and Logo WUKF is registered in the name of the organization and not in the name of a private person. Mr. Liviu Crisan was elected as 1st Vice President and General Secretary, Mr. Henrique Silva as 2nd Vice President; together we will do our best for growing WUKF. " LETS CONTINUE DOING WUKF THE BEST INTERNATIONAL ORGANIZATION IN WORLD " Osvaldo Messias de Oliveira WUKF President 3rd WUKF WORLD KARATE CHAMPIONSHIPS SENIORS and VETERANS 18th to 21th JUNE, 2009 ODESSA - UKRAINE FEDERATIONS PRESENTS IN ODESSA - UKRAINE COUNTRY FEDERATION PRESIDENT ALGERIE CHABAD RHIYADI MADINET BIRTOUTA CRMB MELOUK HAMID ARGENTINA FEDERACION NACIONAL DE KARATE-DO DE ARGENTINA FNKA DAMIAN BIDABEHERE AUSTRIA WUKO AUSTRIA WA ALEXANDER HEVESI AZERBAIJAN AKC-AZ NURADDIN GULIEV BASHKORTOSTAN AZERBAIJAN KARATE CONFEDERATION FEDERATION OF KARATE DO OF REPUBLIC OF BASHKORTOSTAN FKRB MAGSUMOV R. SHARHIEVICH BELARUS BELARUSSIAN FEDERATION OF SHOTOKAN KARATE DO BFSK ANDREY VIL´KIN BELARUS SHITO-KAI BELARUS SKB TARASENKO VLADIMIR BELGIUM LIGUE FRANCOPHONE DE KARATÉ DE BELGIQUE LFK MICHEL LELIEVRE BRAZIL CONFEDERAÇÃO BRASILEIRA DE KARATE INTERESTILOS CBKI OSVALDO M. DE OLIVEIRA DENMARK DSKC KIM BRIX UNDERSEN ENGLAND DANISH SPORTSKARATE FEDERATION FEDERATION OF ENGLISH KARATE ORGANISATIONS INTERNATIONAL FEKOI DENIS ALAN CARRUTHERS ENGLAND SHI KON MARTIAL ARTS CENTRE SK STEVE ROWE ENGLAND SHUKOKAI KARATE UNION SKU STANLEY KNIGHTON ENGLAND WADO RYU SPORTS KARATE ORGANIZATION EWSKA CLAYTON MURRAIN FRANCE ASSOCIATION FRANÇAISE DE KARATÉ AMATEUR JACKY DETAILLE GEORGIA SPORT HOLDING ALLIGATOR GERMANY AJKA - GERMANY AFKA SHAGEORGIA AJKAGERMANY HUNGARY AJKA.I KARATE DO SZÖVETSÈG SKSH LESLIE B. SAFAR HUNGARY HUNGARIAN WADO-RYU KARATE ORGANIZATION HWKO TIBOR ROSTÁS IRAN KYOKUSHIN THAI - KICKBOXING ACADEMY KTKA JAHANBAKHSH MORADI IRAN IRAN KYOKUSHIN KAMAKURA ASSOCIATION IKKA MOHAMMAD M.FARD IRELAND KELLS WADO-KAI KARATE ASSOCIATION KWKA EAMONN YORE IRELAND NATIONAL KARATE FEDERATION OF IRELAND NKFI JOE SMITH ITALY ACCADEMIA KARATE STUDIO AKS GIANCARLO DI FILIPPO ITALY FEDERAZIONE EUROPEA DE KARATE E ARTI MARZIALE FEKAM FLAMINIO CABRINI ITALY FEDERAZIONE ITALIANA KARATE E DISCIPLINE AFFINI FEDIKA MORREALE ROBI ITALY UNIONE KARATE SANKUKAI UKS ROSSINI GUIDO KYRGYZSTAN NATIONAL ASSOCIATION OF KARATE OF KYRGYZ REPUBLIC NAKK BAIGARAEV I.S. MONTENEGRO SEISHINKAI ASSOCIATION OF MONTENEGRO SAM DRAGOSLAV VUJICIC NIGERIA NORTHERN IRELAND NORTHERN IRELAND MUSHIN KARATE CLUB MKC PAUL OWOSENI CARNALEA WADO KAI CWK DAVID BRASHAW ULSTER KARATE-DO FEDERATION UKF DR. COLUMBA MCLAUGHLIN POLAND BUSHIKAN KARATE ASSOCIATION BKA PAWEL BOMBOLEWSKI POLAND OKINAWA KARATE KOBUDO FEDERATION OKKF MAREK KIELBASA POLAND POLAND KARATE SPORT'S FEDERATION PFKS MAURYCY WAWRZYNIAK PORTUGAL AMICALE KARATE PORTUGAL MARTIAL ARTS AKPMA CARLOS RODRIGUES DIAS PORTUGAL LIGA PORTUGUESA DE KARATE DO LPK VICTOR M. S. V. BARREIRO MANANA VADATCHKORIA JORGE KHOL 3rd WUKF WORLD KARATE CHAMPIONSHIPS SENIORS and VETERANS 18th to 21th JUNE, 2009 ODESSA - UKRAINE FEDERATIONS PRESENTS IN ODESSA - UKRAINE COUNTRY FEDERATION PRESIDENT PORTUGAL MABUNI SHITO RYU KARATE DO MSK CARLOS JORGE P. PEREIRA PORTUGAL UNIAO NACIONAL KARATE-DO UNK HENRIQUE M. LARANJO SILVA ROMANIA FEDERATIA ROMANA DE KARATE FRK LIVIU CRISAN RUSSIA INTERNATIONAL MARTIAL ARTS LEAGUE IMAL MIKHAIL KUZMIN RUSSIA INTERREGIONAL FEDERATION OF SPORT KARATE IFSK MARTIROS CHAKHALYAN RUSSIA JYOSHIMMON SHORINRYU JS-RUSSIA STAROSEISKIY ANTON RUSSIA KARATE-DO SIN-SYOBU FEDERATION KSF GRIGORI KORZINKIN RUSSIA RUSSIAN KARATE CONFEDERATION RKC SERGEY ROSTOVTSEV RUSSIA TATSUJIN KARATE SCHOOL TKS GARMAEV VENIAMIN SERBIA VOJVODINIAN KARATE UNION VKU DUSAN DACIC SLOVENIA KARATE UNIJA SLOVENIJE KUS FRANJO HORN SOUTH AFRICA SOUTH AFRICA KARATE ACADEMY SASKA KOOS BURGER SPAIN FEDERACION ESPAÑOLA UNIFICADA DE ARTES MARCIALES FEUAM ANGEL MARTINEZ DUATO UKRAINE JUNDOKAN FEDERATION OF UKRAINE JFU KUSIY VALERIY UKRAINE NATIONAL UKRAINIAN SHOTOKAN KARATE-DO ASSOCIATION NUSKA SHAPRAN M. SERGIY UKRAINE UKRANIAN KARATE-DO ASSOCIATION UKA DENYSENKO SERGIY USA AMERICAN AJKA KARATE ASSOCIATION AJKA RANDALL HASSELL First Karate European Championship Children - Cadets and Juniors 03rd - 06 September, 2009 CONSTANTZA - ROMANIA 3rd WUKF European Karate Championships SENIORS and VETERANS 07th - 10th APRIL, 2010 SANTARÉM - PORTUGAL World Karate Championship Children - Cadets and Juniors 08th -11 July, 2010 SÃO PAULO - BRAZIL WUKF - WORLD UNION OF KARATE-DO FEDERATIONS EVENTS 2009/ 2010 1st EUROPEAN KARATE CHAMPIONSHIPS FOR CHILDREN, CADETS AND JUNIORS WUKF 2.009 03 to 06 September 2009 Constanta City - România Hosting: FRK - Federatia Romana de Karatê President: Dr.Liviu Crisan Web page - www.karate-wkc-ro.org E-mail - liviucrisan@yahoo.com RL D WO KARATE- DO A DER T I ON S UNI O OF N FE 3rd EUROPEAN KARATE CHAMPIONSHIPS FOR SENIORS AND VETERANS WUKF 2.010 07 to 10 April 2010 Santarém City Portugal Hosting: AKPMA - Amicale Karate Portugal Martial ArtsPresident: President: Dr.Carlos Rodrigues Dias E-mail - amicalekarate@gmail.com 3rd WORLD KARATE CHAMPIONSHIPS FOR CHILDREN, CADETS AND JUNIORS 2.010 08 to 11 July 2010 São Paulo City Brazil Hosting: CBKI - Confederação Brasileira de Karate Interestilos President: Osvaldo Messias de Oliveira Web page - www.cbki.com.br Visit our site - www.wukf-karate.org E-mail - wukf@wukf-karate.org WUKF - WORLD UNION OF KARATE-DO FEDERATIONS EVENTS 2009/ 2010
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