Most Recent Council Agenda
Most Recent Council Agenda
CITY OF MARTENSVILLE REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING 16-2016 TUESDAY – OCTOBER 18, 2016 AGENDA 1. 2. CALL TO ORDER: Meeting called to order at 5:00 P.M. ADOPT AGENDA: Adopt agenda dated October 18, 2016 MINUTES: A) REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING NO. 15-2016 October 4, 2016 3. PUBLIC HEARINGS DELEGATIONS: 4. CORRESPONDENCE: Acknowledge List of Correspondence to Council. 5. COMMITTEE REPORTS: Accept Committee Reports and Recommendations A) COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE: October 11, 2016 B) RCMP REPORT TO COUNCIL: none C) CITY MANAGERS REPORT: October 18, 2016 6. FINANCE: A) EXPENDITURE APPROPRIATION: Approve Expenditure Appropriation No. 16-2016 B) BANK RECONCILIATION: September 2016 7. MOTIONS: A) Landscaping of MR 62 council will be asked to: authorize entering into an agreement to complete MR 62 8. BYLAWS: A) Bylaw 14-2016 – Zoning Bylaw Amendment (first reading) 9. DISCUSSION ITEMS: A) Signage for Centennial & Main 10. IN-CAMERA ITEMS: A) Strategic Plan Update 11. ADJOURNMENT: A) NOTICES & MOTIONS: Council members raise notice of issues or bring motions to the floor. B) ADJOURN: CITY OF MARTENSVILLE REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING 15-2016 TUESDAY OCTOBER 4th, 2016 MINUTES PRESENT: Mayor Kent Muench, Councillors: Darren MacDonald, Jamie Martens, Bob Blackwell, Travis Wiebe(5:02 PM), Terry Kostyna, City Manager Scott Blevins, Director of Infrastructure & Planning Joe Doxey, Community Economic Development Manager Dillon Shewchuk, Director of Recreation & Community Service Dave Bosch, Director of Corporate Services Leah Sullivan REGRETS: Deputy Mayor Tyson Chillog LOCATION: Council Chambers, City Hall RECORDING SECRETARY: City Clerk Carla Budnick, CALL TO ORDER: Mayor Kent Muench called the meeting to order at 5:00 P.M. RES: #213/10042016 (Kostyna/MacDonald) AGENDA “That we adopt the agenda dated October 4th, 2016” CARRIED RES: #214/10042016 (Wiebe/Blackwell) MINUTES – SEPTEMBER 20, 2016 “That we accept the minutes of the Regular Council Meeting No. 14-2016 dated September 20th, 2016.” CARRIED RES: #215/10042016 (Blackwell/MacDonald) EXPENDITURE APPROPRIATION “That we authorize Expenditure Appropriation No. 15-2016, in the amount of $397,320.19 as attached hereto and forming part of the minutes.” CARRIED RES: #216/10042016 (Blackwell/Martens) BANK RECONCILIATION “That we accept the Bank Reconciliation for the month of August, 2016.” CARRIED CITY OF MARTENSVILLE REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING 15-2016 TUESDAY OCTOBER 4th, 2016 MINUTES RES: #217/10042016 (Blackwell/Wiebe) BYLAW NO. 13-2016 (FIRST READING): “That Bylaw 13-2016, being a Consumer Utility Rate Amendment Bylaw, be read for the first time” CARRIED RES: #218/10042016 (Wiebe/Martens) BYLAW NO. 13-2016 (SECOND READING): “That Bylaw 13-2016, be read for the second time” CARRIED RES: #219/10042016 (Kostyna/MacDonald) BYLAW NO. 13-2016 (THREE READINGS): “That we give Bylaw 13-2016, three readings at this meeting.” CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY RES: #220/10042016 (Wiebe/Blackwell) BYLAW NO. 13-2016 (THIRD & FINAL READING): “That Bylaw13-2016, being a Consumer Utility Rate Amendment Bylaw be read for a third and final time.” CARRIED DISCUSSION ITEMS: A) RFD – Front Entry Sign Change Community Economic Development Manager Shewchuk reviewed with City Council the proposal to update the front entry sign on the corner of Centennial and Main. During the 2016 Budget deliberations, $2500 was allocated for updates to the current sign based upon a quote for a simpler/single sign which would likely be obstructed by landscaping. Shewchuk requested an additional quote on a different sign, the design utilizes two sign cans, raises the signage above the landscaping, will be illuminated and also requires additional work to ensure stability of the sign. With the new quote, the amount is approximately $3000 over budget. Shewchuk is requesting Council to authorize an increase to the current budget to get the proposed work done. City Council had some discussion regarding LED Signage vs pot lights, and it was noted that the pot lights can sometimes require additional attention, regardless electrical work will be required. City Council also requested that the sign be modified to show less white in the sign. Shewchuk will make adjustments and send out to council. Council was in favor of the budget increase of $3,000.00. CITY OF MARTENSVILLE REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING 15-2016 TUESDAY OCTOBER 4th, 2016 MINUTES RES: #221/10042016 (Wiebe/Martens) FRONT ENTRY SIGN UPGRADE – BUDGET INCREASE “That we authorize an increase of $3,000 to the budget for an upgrade and update to the Martensville Entry Sign at the corner of Centennial Drive and Main Street.” CARRIED B) RFD – Martensville Website Re-Design Community Economic Development Manager, Shewchuk reviewed with City Council a proposal regarding the city website being redesigned. It was noted that the last Communications Plan Survey indicated residents are not utilizing the website, as much as we would like, to find their information. It is one of the main goals of the City of Martensville to make the website one of the main communication tools when reaching out to residents. The current website is four years old and has already begun to be outdated and difficult to find information. In August a detailed RFP for a new website design was posted on the city website as well as Sask Tenders, 32 proposals were received ranging in price from $8,000 to $127,000. Upon review and evaluation of the proposals it was determined that 2webdesign had a clear understanding and idea of what the city was looking for with a quote of $22,750 with annual costs of $950 for the first year and $1900 per year in subsequent years. It was noted that our current website was produced for $18,000 and has annual maintenance, security and hosting costs of $3600. Shewchuk also indicated that in addition to the new website, further investigation has begun to include electronic payment features as well as program registry and payment opportunities, once feasibility is determined, any associated costs would be budgeted for in the upcoming budget. Shewchuk requested that council endorse 2webdesign for the project and allocated $14,000 of new funds for the remainder of 2016 in order to commence work on the project which would be completed in early 2017. After some discussion regarding time lines and transferring of information from the existing website to the new website the general consensus was to move forward with the project. RES: #222/10042016 (Wiebe/Martens) MARTENSVILLE WEBSITE RE-DESIGN “That we approve 2webdesign to redesign the City of Martensville website; And further that we allocate $14,000 of new funds for the remainder of 2016 to allow for the work to begin and be completed in early 2017, And further that we authorize the City Manager and Economic Development Manger to sign the agreement.” CARRIED C) Sign Relocation Shewchuk reviewed with City Council the status of relocating the current Martensville Entry Sign. At a previous meeting it was noted that 2 locations were checked into for relocation of the current entry sign, the intention is for the sign to face southbound traffic on Highway 12. After further investigation of the proposed sites and determining if all site requirements can be met, it was determined these locations are no longer viable. Two new locations have been chosen and will be presented to the Ministry for conditional approval. Once more information is available another update will be brought forward. CITY OF MARTENSVILLE REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING 15-2016 TUESDAY OCTOBER 4th, 2016 MINUTES D) Martensville Skatepark Detailed Conceptual Design Mayor Muench gave a brief overview of the proposed conceptual design for the Martensville Skatepark. It was noted they are looking at also trying to proceed with pump track at the same time. Now that the conceptual design has been released, Riel Syrenne plans to reach out to businesses for additional funding or sponsorship. The work is expected to begin in early spring of 2017 upon signing of the agreement. E) Discretionary Use Signage Mayor Muench was looking for feedback on the current discretionary use signage that has been used. Some felt the signage was too small and didn’t provide specific information on the sign itself. It was noted by Director of Infrastructure and Planning Doxey that information packages had been picked up. Council would like to see a larger sign with a picture highlighting the project. It was also recommended that the applicant requesting the discretionary use be required to provide the signage based on criteria set out by council. Administration is to look further into this and bring back information. RES: #223/10042016 (MacDonald/Martens) ADJOURN “That we adjourn this meeting at 5:45 P.M.” CARRIED ______________________ MAYOR _______________________ CITY CLERK CITY OF MARTENSVILLE REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING 1-2016 TUESDAY OCTOBER 18, 2016 INCOMING - CORRESPONDENCE DATE COMPANY ITEM October 11, 2016 Greater Saskatoon Catholic Schools & Prairie Spirit School Division Playground Structures OUTGOING - CORRESPONDENCE REPORT 10-2016 CITY OF MARTENSVILLE COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE MEETING TUESDAY – OCTOBER 11, 2016 MINUTES PRESENT: Mayor Kent Muench, Deputy Mayor Tyson Chillog, Councillors: Terry Kostyna,Bob Blackwell, Travis Wiebe, Darren MacDonald, Jamie Martens, City Manager Scott Blevins, Corporate Services Director Leah Sullivan, Director of Infrastructure & Planning Joe Doxey, Community Economic Development Manager Dillon Shewchuk, Director of Recreation & Community Services Dave Bosch REGRETS: LOCATION: Council Chambers, City Hall RECORDING SECRETARY: City Clerk Carla Budnick CALL TO ORDER: Councillor Kostyna called the meeting to order at 5:00 pm 3. DELEGATIONS A) RCMP Staff Sergeant Rob Eyre, Sergeant Christopher Cisecki (Martensville) and Sergeant Greg Todd (Warman) spoke with City Council about recent activity in Martensville. A review of Martensville Stats from January 1st – October 1st as well as Quarter 2 (July 1-Sept 30) 2015 & 2016 Incident reviews were discussed. Sergeant Todd indicated they are wanting to have a wider spread of comparisons to assist with determining where changes need to be made. The question was asked if there is reason to be concerned at this time. Sergeant Todd hopes that with the increased police presence and report comparisons there will be a noticeable change. At this time the RCMP have no concerns. City Council requested to see stats from previous years included in the comparisons as they felt going back only one year did not provide enough information to assist with implementing changes. It was also noted that the City uses the information as a benchmark when comparing themselves to similar municipalities. The RCMP agreed to speak with their analyst to get a report that will work for both parties. Mayor Muench publicly thanked Sergeant Christopher Cisecki for the great work he is doing and how great it is working with him. Councillor Kostyna thanked the RCMP for attending. 4. REPORTS 4.1 City Manager 4.2 Corporate Services REPORT 10-2016 CITY OF MARTENSVILLE COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE MEETING TUESDAY – OCTOBER 11, 2016 MINUTES 4.3 City Clerk 4.4 Director of Recreation and Community Services 4.5 Director of Infrastructure and Planning 4.5.1 North Industrial Update Director of Infrastructure and Planning Doxey reviewed the Northern Growth Area Servicing Study which was prepared by Catterall & Wright Consulting Engineers. This report is purely for information purposes at this time and will assist in the future sector plan west of the highway. After a quick review Doxey explained that Option 1 and Option 5 are the options that stick at as possibilities in the future. Work still need to be done and discussions still need to happen with land owners. 4.6 Community/Economic Development Manager (CEDM) 4.6.1 CEDM Report Community Economic Development Manager, Shewchuk gave a review of things he has been working on over the past month. Shewchuk along with the local clinic had the opportunity to meet with Family Medicine Residents and profile the community for purposes of doctor recruitment. The interest in Martensville has recently increased with recent changes to the Provincial Policy. Work has begun on planning the 2017 Business Expo. Another sponsor has shown interest in Mocon Fields and discussions have begun, as well work continues to move forward on the signage for Mocon Fields. City Council had no questions. 6. In-Camera 6.1 MR 62 ADJOURNMENT: Meeting adjourned at 6:29 pm. _______________________ Mayor Kent Muench REPORT 10-2016 CITY OF MARTENSVILLE COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE MEETING TUESDAY – OCTOBER 11, 2016 MINUTES PRESENT: Mayor Kent Muench, Deputy Mayor Tyson Chillog, Councillors: Terry Kostyna,Bob Blackwell, Travis Wiebe, Darren MacDonald, Jamie Martens, City Manager Scott Blevins, Corporate Services Director Leah Sullivan, Director of Infrastructure & Planning Joe Doxey, Community Economic Development Manager Dillon Shewchuk, Director of Recreation & Community Services Dave Bosch REGRETS: LOCATION: Council Chambers, City Hall RECORDING SECRETARY: City Clerk Carla Budnick CALL TO ORDER: Councillor Kostyna called the meeting to order at 5:00 pm 3. DELEGATIONS A) RCMP Staff Sergeant Rob Eyre, Sergeant Christopher Cisecki (Martensville) and Sergeant Greg Todd (Warman) spoke with City Council about recent activity in Martensville. A review of Martensville Stats from January 1st – October 1st as well as Quarter 2 (July 1-Sept 30) 2015 & 2016 Incident reviews were discussed. Sergeant Todd indicated they are wanting to have a wider spread of comparisons to assist with determining where changes need to be made. The question was asked if there is reason to be concerned at this time. Sergeant Todd hopes that with the increased police presence and report comparisons there will be a noticeable change. At this time the RCMP have no concerns. City Council requested to see stats from previous years included in the comparisons as they felt going back only one year did not provide enough information to assist with implementing changes. It was also noted that the City uses the information as a benchmark when comparing themselves to similar municipalities. The RCMP agreed to speak with their analyst to get a report that will work for both parties. Mayor Muench publicly thanked Sergeant Christopher Cisecki for the great work he is doing and how great it is working with him. Councillor Kostyna thanked the RCMP for attending. 4. REPORTS 4.1 City Manager 4.2 Corporate Services REPORT 10-2016 CITY OF MARTENSVILLE COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE MEETING TUESDAY – OCTOBER 11, 2016 MINUTES 4.3 City Clerk 4.4 Director of Recreation and Community Services 4.5 Director of Infrastructure and Planning 4.5.1 North Industrial Update Director of Infrastructure and Planning Doxey reviewed the Northern Growth Area Servicing Study which was prepared by Catterall & Wright Consulting Engineers. This report is purely for information purposes at this time and will assist in the future sector plan west of the highway. After a quick review Doxey explained that Option 1 and Option 5 are the options that stick at as possibilities in the future. Work still need to be done and discussions still need to happen with land owners. 4.6 Community/Economic Development Manager (CEDM) 4.6.1 CEDM Report Community Economic Development Manager, Shewchuk gave a review of things he has been working on over the past month. Shewchuk along with the local clinic had the opportunity to meet with Family Medicine Residents and profile the community for purposes of doctor recruitment. The interest in Martensville has recently increased with recent changes to the Provincial Policy. Work has begun on planning the 2017 Business Expo. Another sponsor has shown interest in Mocon Fields and discussions have begun, as well work continues to move forward on the signage for Mocon Fields. City Council had no questions. 6. In-Camera 6.1 MR 62 ADJOURNMENT: Meeting adjourned at 6:29 pm. _______________________ Mayor Kent Muench CITY MANAGER’S REPORT October 18, 2016 MANAGER - - RCMP Building - The renovation costs with the architect and the contractor has been finalized. The RCMP will be invoiced shortly for their share. Department Heads will have to the end of October to enter their 2017 operating budget. This will be followed by an administrative review prior to presenting to Council (looking at December or January to present to Council). We will need to discuss the Strategic Planning process after the election. I would like to bring Ian back to lead the process. I am thinking we should plan for January. CORPORATE SERVICES - - - On October 5 all Directors and Managers attended a workshop on understanding communication style differences. We all completed individual profile questionnaires and reviewed our individual styles in order to learn how to work together more effectively with different communication styles in the workshop. The facilitator’s background and experience enhanced the group discussions and exercises during the day and allowed for real-situation role play to come up with more effective communication methods in dealing with difficult conversations with colleagues and employees. A survey was completed post-session by all attendees for feedback. On October 7 Dillon, Carla and myself attended the Live2Lead leadership development simulcast in Saskatoon. The live event was held in Atlanta and was simulcast to over 300 sites around the world. We had the opportunity to hear world class leaders speak and were provided with new perspectives, tools and knowledge to review in our daily roles. We are starting our preliminary budget work for 2017 operations. I have attached a separate report as required by the Local Improvement Act detailing the results of the Notice of Intentions send to property owners in September. CITY CLERK - 2016 Election Advanced Polls are scheduled for Saturday October 15th and Saturday October 22nd from 2:00 pm – 6:00 pm at the Civic Centre. Election Day is Wednesday October 26th at the North Ridge Centennial Community from 9:00 am – 8:00 pm. Unofficial Results to be released upon completion of counting of polls. Official Results to be released Thursday October 27th at 10:00 am from City Hall. New Council Members will be sworn in on Tuesday November 1, 2016. First meeting will be a Committee of the Whole meeting held on Tuesday November 8th. RECREATION AND COMMUNITY SERVICES - Investigating contracting out of bylaw services. Met with members of Riversdale Track Club – looking at a satellite club at the MAP. Soccer Pitch Upgrade has been completed – total cost $102,000.00. Parks staff removing fountains and completing irrigation blow-outs. Received approval from the Rink Affordability Program for $5,000. Air Cadets have started their program at the NRCCC. Attending SPRA Conference in Regina Oct. 27-29. INFRASTUCTURE AND PLANNING - - Water and Sewer Utility Inflow Control Valve at WPS #1 failed on October 8th. Temporary repairs have been made with replacement parts forthcoming. Preventative sewer main cleaning was done in trouble areas, near car washes, restaurants, and facilities. Wet wells have been cleaned in SLS’s. A private service line the new school was broken by construction equipment. Crews provided assistance with super chlorinating and testing of the line. Summer meters have been pulled from facilities, pool irrigation, etc. Roadways Reviewing service levels around snow clearing for budget and policy discussion in November COW. Further ditch clean-up is being tabled until side slopes firm up enough to withstand the work without tearing up the landscaping. Transportation Master Plan, Open House was held October 8th. To date approximately 90 people have filled out the online survey. Traffic lights at 3rd and Centennial is scheduled to start in November. Sask Power supply plan has been approved. Pavement condition assessment and management plan is scheduled to start collecting data this week. All paved roads and lanes will be driven, with the exception of some of the brand new roadways such as within Lake Vista where maybe the second lift of asphalt may not even be completed. Those roads will be assess as new. Planning - New businesses applications include: Home Based Businesses HBB - Saskatoon Truck Brite 2011 Inc. HBB - Cake Frenzi Store Front SF - Canwest Propane SF - 7-Eleven SF - Martensville Co-op Food Store - Total Development Permits Issued to Date– 227 Total Construction Value: over $27.1 Million 34 Single Family Housing Starts 101 Multiple Units started 10 Commercial/Industrial 2 Institutional Subdivisions: 1) 105 Anna Crescent Applicant: Jordan Goodlad Zoning: R1A – Residential District Status: Application before Council on September 20th, 2016 with conditions subject to the signing of a development and servicing agreement. Zoning Amendment Requests: 1) Bylaw 14-2016 - Request to Council to consider amending the parking requirements for certain uses within the MB Business Industrial District. 2) Bylaw 11-2016 – Addition to the bylaw to include additional criteria for Accessible Dwelling Units in the R1A Residential District. - - - - Ongoing Studies/Projects Regional Planning - The last ROC meeting was held on September 1, 2016. The next ROC is slated for November 16th, 2016, after the municipal elections. Pac and SuperPAC meetings will continue to be held during the election period. The project is now actively progressing through the land use plan stage and has begun to move into the servicing and governance strategies. The regional website is Future Land Use Planning - Administration has received a Proposed Content and Process proposal for a sector plan and concept plan. The package is under review. Administration informally met with Corman Park to discuss RM annexation and sector planning requirements. The RM Council was advised of Martensville’s intent to initiate a boundary alteration proposal to the province by their administration. Letters were sent to neighbouring RM property owners who may have an interest in the future land use planning process being undertaken at this time. Meetings are now underway and almost complete. The next step is to reaffirm those interested in annexation are still interested and the creation of the proposed annexation map. Cell Towers - Roger’s Communications has initiated a public consultation process for a proposed tower at 6 4th Street South. The City provided initial feedback as per Innovation, Science and Economic Development Canada (previously Industry Canada). Roger’s is now in the process of consolidating everyone’s comments. The City is awaiting the outcome of the public consultation. School Site - Contractor is working to complete all outdoor work, landscaping. Pouring sidewalks, curbs, and hoping to complete paving and any some remaining landscaping prior to freeze-up. REPORT REGARDING LOCAL IMPROVEMENT PETITION CITY OF MARTENSVILLE CONSTRUCT ROADWAY BASE, ASPHALT PAVING AND CURB/GUTTER/SIDEWALK PROJECT 1st Avenue North From Baycroft Drive to 8th Street North -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------A number of petitions opposing the above referenced project were received at City Hall in September and October, 2016. The deadline specified in the Notice of Intention published in the newspaper and provided to affected property owners was October 7, 2016. Clause 10(3)(a) of The Local Improvements Act, 1993 states: • Where within 21 days after the last publication of the notice mentioned in subsection (1) a majority in number of the owners, representing at lease one-half of the amount of the special assessment pursuant to section 19 with respect to the work or service, present to the council a petition against the proposed local improvement, the council shall not pass the bylaw to undertake the local improvement. Clause 14(3) of The Local Improvements Act, 1993 states: • For the purpose of determining the validity of a petition….where a person whose land would not be specially assessed petitions for or against the undertaking of a local improvement, the assessor shall exclude the name of that person and the assessed value of that person’s land. The project impacts 23 property owners and 27 properties (3 own multiple parcels) of whom all are eligible to sign a petition. The total special assessment to be raised is estimated at $432,610. A valid petition will require: • the signature of at least 12 owners. • whose assessed value (amount of special assessment to be raised) is at least $216,305. • multiple petitions are to be treated on a collective basis. After reviewing the petitions to determine the validity, the results are as follows: Owners Assessed Value Number 14 $313,709 Percentage 60.87% 72.52% Based on the above results, the petitions presented to the City of Martensville respecting the 1st Avenue North Local Improvement Project are hereby determined to be valid and the City may not undertake this project. Dated this 13th day of October, 2016. Leah Sullivan Assessor Request for Direction Topic: Background: Date: September 8th, 2016 Request to reduce parking allocations in the MB - Business Industrial District Last year the Business Industrial District (MB) was created. At that time, parking allocations were determined using the current parking allocations from the C2 Arterial Commercial District and M Industrial District. Today, there is a request to re-evaluate those numbers based on current parking requirements in Saskatoon. The argument has been made that when investors are shopping between the two locations, it is difficult to justify why they would have to install more or less parking for the same project in two adjacent cities. This is not the first time this request has been presented to Council. In 2011, Council amended the Zoning Bylaw to reduce parking requirements for some uses in the M Industrial District to 93m2 based on the same comparisons. This new request would increase the list of uses that would be reduced to require 1 parking stall per 90m2 gross floor area. Administration has conducted a review and comparison between the two city’s’ Zoning Bylaws and attached for Council is a summary of findings and application from applicant and their realtor for the south industrial area. Proposed by: Correlation to Business (Strategic) Plan: Benefits: I&P Disadvantages: Alternatives: Reducing paving reduces drainage. Reducing parking that would otherwise not be used Should the land owner decide to move from a use with low parking rates to a high parking rate, they will either have to install additional parking or look to another location. Leave the bylaw unchanged. Finance/Budget Implications: None Operating Costs: -0- Capital Cost: -0- City of Martensville Box 970, Martensville, SK S0K 2T0 RFD Direction for MB Parking Telephone: (306) 931-2166 1 Request for Direction Budget Available: -0- Source of Funds: -0- Budget Cost: -0- Under budgeted Cost: -0- Communication Strategy: As per the Planning and Development Act, notifications within 75m, website posting and office posting. Direction Proposed: That a bylaw be drafted to amend the parking requirements for uses such as construction trades, general industrial uses, industrial complexes, etc. in the MB Industrial District. Uses such as restaurants, commercial rec facilities will remain unchanged. Bonnie Gorelitza City Manager: Planning Manager Report Writer: Position: City of Martensville Box 970, Martensville, SK S0K 2T0 RFD Direction for MB Parking Telephone: (306) 931-2166 2 Parking Requirements (m2 per stall unless otherwise denoted) M 1/50 MARTENSVILLE MB C2 1/50 1/28 SASKATOON I DISTRICTS All Other Uses* Automobile, marine, recreational vehicle and equipment, agricultural equipment, and mobile home sales and service establishments Car washes 1/90 1/90 1/bay All Other Uses* Commercial recreation facilities 1/90 1/28 1/28 1/24 Construction Trades N/A 1/28 1/28 All Other Uses* Construction Yards 1/90 N/A N/A All Other Uses* Gas bars 1/28 1/28 1/28 All Other Uses* General industrial uses 1/50 1/50 N/A All Other Uses* Industrial complexes 1/50 1/50 N/A Determined by use Recycling depots 1/90 1/90 1/50 All Other Uses* Restaurants N/A 1/ 4 seats 1/ 4 seats 1/30 Warehouses 1/90 1/90 1/50 All Other Uses* Welding and machine shops 1/90 N/A 1/50 All Other Uses* *All Other Uses in the Saskatoon Bylaw require one parking space per 93m2 gross building floor area. Both Cities have slightly different definitions for three categories: MARTENSVILLE Industrial Complex: a building or a group of buildings located on the same site that are managed as a single unit, all for their mutual benefit, including the use of off-street parking and other joint facilities; and more than two approved permitted or discretionary uses are located on that site.(think of these as a shopping mall for industrial areas) SASKATOON industrial complex means a group of two (2) or more detached principal buildings located on the same site and which are not for human habitation except those necessary for a watchman or caretaker, provided that each form of development comprising the complex is otherwise a permitted or discretionary use in the zoning district. (These are on one property and are not like a shopping mall.) MARTENSVILLE Industrial, General Use: any of the following uses: (a) the processing of raw or finished materials; (b) the manufacturing or assembly of goods, products or equipment; (c) the cleaning, servicing, repairing or testing of materials, goods and equipment normally associated with industrial or commercial businesses or cleaning, servicing and repair operations of goods and equipment associated with personal or household use, where such operations have impacts that would make them incompatible with non-industrial development; (d) the storage or transshipment of materials, goods and equipment, including warehouses. (e) The training of personnel in general industrial operations; (f) Indoor display, office, technical or administrative support areas or any sales operation accessory to the general industrial use. SASKATOON OCP Light Industrial areas shall permit a variety of industrial uses,including manufacturing, assembly and repair, warehousing, wholesale distribution, and limited retailing. These activities are normally carried on indoors, although outdoor storage is also permitted. Light industrial land uses shall not normally create land use conflicts due to excessive noise, vibration, dust, smoke, or odour. As a result, Light Industrial areas may be located adjacent to residential areas, although some form of buffering may be required. MARTENSVILLE Shopping Centre: a building, or group of buildings located on the same site that are managed as a single unit, all for their mutual benefit, including the use of off-street parking and other joint facilities; and where more than two approved permitted or discretionary uses are located on that site. SASKATOON: shopping centre means a building or group of buildings on the same site in which permitted uses are located together for their mutual benefit, including the use of off-street parking and other joint facilities. CITY OF MARTENSVILLE ZONING BYLAW AMENDMENT BYLAW NO. 14-2016 A BYLAW OF THE CITY OF MARTENSVILLE TO AMEND BYLAW 1-2015, KNOWN AS THE ZONING BYLAW. The Council of the City of Martensville, in the Province of Saskatchewan, enacts to amend Bylaw No. 1-2015 as follows: 1. To delete Table 6-12 MB – Business Industrial District Development Standards and replace with Table 6-12 MB – Business Industrial District Development Standards as attached to and forming part of this bylaw. This Bylaw shall come into force and take effect when adopted by Council. Oct A.D. 2016 18 day of ____, Read a first time this ____ ________________________ MAYOR ________________________ CITY CLERK CITY OF MARTENSVILLE ZONING BYLAW AMENDMENT BYLAW NO. 14-2016 Table 6-12: MB – Business Industrial District Development Standards for the City of Martensville Development Standards P 465 15 4.5 3(1) 3(2) 465 1100 465 550 550 550 465 465 15 30 15 15 15 15 15 15 4.5 4.5 4.5 4.5 4.5 4.5 4.5 4.5 3(1 3(1) 3(1) 3(1) 3(1) 3(1) 3(1) 3(1) 3(2) 3(2) 3(2) 3(2) 3(2) 3(2) 3(2) 3(2) 4 465 15 4.5 3(1) 3(2) P P P P P 5 4 5 5 11 465 1115 550 465 465 15 25 15 15 15 4.5 4.5 4.5 4.5 4.5 3(1) 3(1) 3(1) 3(1) 3(1) 3(2) 3(2) 3(2) 3(2) 3(2) P 4 550 15 4.5 3(1) 3(2) 465 15 4.5 3(1) 3(2) 550 465 15 15 4.5 4.5 3(1) 3(1) 3(2) 3(2) Subject to Section(s) Minimum Side Yard (m) 11 5 11 5 5 4 11 4 Minimum Rear Yard (m) D D P P D P P P Minimum Front Yard (m) 4 Minimum Site Width (m) Parking Category P Minimum Site Area (m2) Designation Principal Use Industrial / Commercial Uses (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) (11) (12) (13) (14) (15) (16) Automobile, marine, recreational vehicle, agricultural equipment, and mobile home sales and service establishments Boarding Kennels Bus terminals Car Washes Clubs Commercial recreation facilities Construction trades Indoor storage rental facilities Industrial complexes Lumber yards, home improvement centres, and building supply establishments Medical, dental and optical laboratories Nurseries, greenhouses, and garden centres Offices and office buildings Gas Bars Recycling collection depots Repair services restricted to household goods and appliances (17) Service stations and public garages P 4 (18) (19) Veterinary clinics and animal hospitals Wholesale establishments P P 4 4 4.9.9 3.10.4(1) 3.10.4(2) 4.12.12 4.12.10 4.12.11 4.12.1 CITY OF MARTENSVILLE ZONING BYLAW AMENDMENT BYLAW NO. 14-2016 (20) (21) (22) (23) (24) (25) Telecommunication towers Restaurants, with or without associated lounges General Industrial (conducted wholly within a building) Trucking operations Warehouses Welding and machine shops D P P D P D 0 8 4 4 11 11 D 1 D P D 21 0 22 P 0 3.10.4(10) 550 550 550 1100 465 550 15 15 15 30 15 15 4.5 4.5 4.5 4.5 4.5 4.5 3(1) 3(1) 3(1) 3(1) 3(1) 3(1) 3(2) 3(2) 3(2) 3(2) 3(2) 3(2) (3) (3) (3) (3) (3) 235 -550 6 -15 4.5 -4.5 3(1) -3(1) 3(2) -3(2) -- -- 0 0(1) 3(2) Residential Uses (1) Dwelling units accessory to a principal use and integrated as part of the principal building, for the use of caretakers, owners or managers 4.12.9 3.10.4(15) Community Service & Other Uses (1) (2) (3) (4) Ambulance stations Municipal facilities Public recreational facilities Public works excluding warehouses, storage yards and sewage lagoons 3.10.4(7) 3.10.4(2) Use Designations: (P) - Permitted Use means a use or form of development allowed as of right in a zoning district, subject to the regulations contained in this Bylaw. D) - Discretionary Use A use or form of development specified in this Bylaw, which may be allowed following application to, and approval of the Council; and which complies with the development standards contained in Section 6.12.5 and others as required by Council and/or contained in this Bylaw. Special limitations and standards regarding Table 6-12 and the MB district: (1) (2) (3) minimum 4.5 m where the rear line of any site abuts any Residential district without an intervening street, lane or buffer or where a water or sewer easement is registered on the title, the width of the easement, whichever is greater. except for corner sites, where the minimum side yard shall be 4.5 metres adjacent to the flanking street for dwelling units attached to and in conjunction with any other permitted use, the minimum site area, minimum site width, minimum front yard, minimum side yard, and minimum rear yard shall be the same as the standards for the relevant principal use. size 48"h x 89"w size 38"h x 89"w 3 40"h x 89"w Oct. 7/16
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